1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1994-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /**
19     \file
20     \brief Semantic analyzer data definitions.
21  */
23 /* Semantic stack entry types (SST_ID) */
24 #define S_NULL 0     /* empty/invalid */
25 #define S_CONST 1    /* scalar constant */
26 #define S_EXPR 2     /* expression */
27 #define S_LVALUE 3   /* non-whole variable */
28 #define S_LOGEXPR 4  /* (obsolete; was logical expression) */
29 #define S_STAR 5     /* * */
30 #define S_VAL 6      /* %VAL(expr) argument (VMS) */
31 #define S_IDENT 7    /* identifier, possibly a whole variable */
32 #define S_LABEL 8    /* label */
33 #define S_STFUNC 9   /* statement function reference */
34 #define S_REF 10     /* %REF(expr) argument (VMS)*/
35 #define S_TRIPLE 11  /* j:k:m */
36 #define S_KEYWORD 12 /* keyword, not an identifier */
37 #define S_ACONST 13  /* array constant */
38 #define S_SCONST 14  /* structure constant */
39 #define S_DERIVED 15 /* derived type object */
41 /* macros for checking to see if a derived type has a defined I/O
42  * routine associated with it. DT_HAS_IO_FREAD true if derived type
43  * has a formatted read associated with it. DT_HAS_IO_UREAD true
44  * if derived type has an unformatted read associated with it.
45  * DT_HAS_IO_FWRITE true if derived type has a formatted write
46  * associated with it. DT_HAS_IO_UWRITE true if derived type has an
47  * unformatted write associated with it. DT_HAS_IO true if there's any
48  * defined I/O subroutine associated with it.
49  */
50 #define DT_IO_UNKNOWN 0x0 /* Not yet known if derived type has defined I/O */
51 #define DT_IO_NONE 0x1    /* No defined I/O for derived type */
52 #define DT_IO_FREAD 0x2   /* Defined READ(FORMATTED) */
53 #define DT_IO_UREAD 0x4   /* Defined READ(UNFORMATTED) */
54 #define DT_IO_FWRITE 0x8  /* Defined WRITE(FORMATTED) */
55 #define DT_IO_UWRITE 0x10 /* Defined WRITE(UNFORMATTED) */
57 #define DT_HAS_IO_FREAD(dt) (((UFIOG(DTY(dt + 3)) & DT_IO_FREAD)))
58 #define DT_HAS_IO_UREAD(dt) (((UFIOG(DTY(dt + 3)) & DT_IO_UREAD)))
59 #define DT_HAS_IO_FWRITE(dt) (((UFIOG(DTY(dt + 3)) & DT_IO_FWRITE)))
60 #define DT_HAS_IO_UWRITE(dt) (((UFIOG(DTY(dt + 3)) & DT_IO_UWRITE)))
61 #define DT_HAS_IO(dt) ((UFIOG(DTY(dt + 3))))
63 #define NEW_INTRIN \
64   65535 /* (newer) intrinsic with no predefined entry in the symtab */
66 /*
67  * Generate lexical block debug information?  Criteria:
68  *    -debug
69  *    not -Mvect   (!flg.vect)
70  *    not -Mconcur (!XBIT(34,0x200)
71  *    lex block disabled (!XBIT(123,0x4000))
72  */
73 #define DBG_LEXBLK \
74   flg.debug && !flg.vect && !XBIT(34, 0x200) && !XBIT(123, 0x400)
76 typedef struct type_list {
77   LOGICAL is_class;
78   int dtype;
79   int label;
80   struct type_list *next;
83 typedef struct {
84   int first;
85   int last;
86 } FLITM;
88 typedef struct xyyz {
89   struct xyyz *next;
90   int ast;
91   union {
92     int sptr;
93     int ilm;
94     int cltype;
95     INT conval;
96     struct sst *stkp;
97     FLITM *flitmp;
98   } t;
99 } ITEM;
100 #define ITEM_END ((ITEM *)1)
102 typedef enum {
103   LP_PDO = 1,         /* omp do */
104   LP_PARDO,           /* parallel do */
105   LP_DISTRIBUTE,      /* distribute loop: distribute construct */
106   LP_DIST_TEAMS,      /* distribute loop: teams distribute construct */
107   LP_DIST_TARGTEAMS,  /* distribute loop: target teams distribute construct */
108   LP_DISTPARDO,       /* distribute loop: distribute parallel do ... */
109   LP_DISTPARDO_TEAMS, /* distribute loop: teams distribute parallel do ... */
110   LP_DISTPARDO_TARGTEAMS, /* distribute loop: target teams dist... */
111   LP_PARDO_OTHER,         /* parallel do: created for any distribute parallel do
112                            * construct. */
113 } distlooptype;
115 typedef struct {
116   int index_var;    /* do index variable */
117   int init_expr;
118   int limit_expr;
119   int step_expr;
120   int count;        /* loop count ast */
121   int lastval_var;
122   int collapse;     /* collapse level if applicable; 1 is innermost */
123   char prev_dovar;  /* DOVAR flag of index variable before it's entered */
124   LOGICAL nodepchk;
125   distlooptype distloop;
126 } DOINFO;
128 typedef struct reduc_sym {
129   int shared;  /* shared symbol */
130   int Private; /* private copy */
131   struct reduc_sym *next;
132 } REDUC_SYM;
134 typedef struct reduc_tag { /* reduction clause item */
135   int opr;                 /* if != 0, OP_xxx value */
136   int intrin;              /* if != 0, sptr to intrinsic */
137   REDUC_SYM *list;         /* list of shared variables & private copies */
138   struct reduc_tag *next;
139 } REDUC;
141 typedef struct noscope_sym {
142   int oldsptr;
143   int newsptr;
144   int lineno;
145   LOGICAL is_dovar;
148 typedef struct { /* DO-IF stack entries */
149   int Id;
150   int lineno;     /* beginning line# of control structure */
151   BIGUINT nest;   /* bit vector indicating the structures are present
152                    * in the stack including the current structure
153                    */
154   int name;       /* index into the symbol names area representing the
155                    * name of the construct; 0 if construct is not named.
156                    */
157   int exit_label; /* For a DO loop, the label (target) of an EXIT
158                    * stmt; 0 if the EXIT stmt is not present.
159                    * For block-if construct, the label of the
160                    * statement after the matching endif; created
161                    * if else-if is present; 0 if else-if not present.
162                    * For a case-construct, label of the statement after
163                    * the case construct
164                    */
165   /* These four fields are OpenMP fields used in non-OpenMP slots. */
166   NOSCOPE_SYM *no_scope_base; /* list of variables without scope */
167   int no_scope_avail;
168   int no_scope_size;
169   int no_scope_forall;
170   union {
171     struct {
172       int do_label;    /* label in the DO statement */
173       int cycle_label; /* target label for CYCLE statement in do body */
174       int top_label;   /* label of the top of a DO while loop */
175       int ast;         /* DO ast */
176       DOINFO *doinfo;  /* 'do' info record for a DO statement */
177                        /* The remaining fields are for DO CONCURRENT loops.
178                         * Some fields are only set on an innermost loop. */
179       SPTR symavl;     /* stb.stg_avail value at entry (sym "watermark") */
180       int count;       /* var=triplet control count -- outermost=1 */
181       int kind;        /* temp: 1) curr locality kind; 2) loop component kind */
182       bool no_default; /* loop has a DEFAULT(NONE) locality spec? */
183       int popindex;    /* do pop the index symbol */
184       int block_sym;   /* loop body block sym */
185       int syms;        /* list of index, local, local_init, and shared syms */
186       int last_sym;    /* last sym in syms list */
187       int label_syms;  /* list of label syms */
188       int error_syms;  /* list of syms that have errors */
189       int mask_std;    /* mask std (may be null) */
190       int body_std;    /* first loop body std (may be null) */
191     } u1;
192     struct {
193       int shapedim; /* number of dimensions in the WHERE construct */
194       int masked;   /* masked elsewhere */
195     } u2;
196     struct {
197       int case_expr;         /* SELECT CASE expression (an AST) */
198       int dtype;             /* data type of the SELECT CASE expression: 0 for
199                               * an illegal expression.
200                               */
201       int beg_default;       /* The pointer to the last STD generated when the
202                               * 'CASE DEFAULT' is parsed (i.e., the STD which
203                               * immediately precedes the first STD generated
204                               * for the default block.  If the CASE DEFAULT
205                               * appears before a CASE, the STDs of the default
206                               * block are 'saved' and this field locates the
207                               * first STD of the default block.  This field
208                               * is initially 0.
209                               */
210       int end_default;       /* If the default block is saved, this field is
211                               * the pointer to the last STD of the default
212                               * block.  This field is initially 0.
213                               *
214                               * To determine:
215                               * o  if a CASEDEFAULT immediately precedes a
216                               *    CASE or ENDSELECT, beg_default is non-zero
217                               *    non-zero & end_default is 0.
218                               * o  if CASE DEFAULT has been saved (and it
219                               *    appears before a CASE), beg_default and
220                               *    end_default are non-zero.
221                               * o  if the default block is empty, beg_default
222                               *    is zero.
223                               */
224       int swel_hd;           /* Relative pointer to the beginning of the SWEL
225                               * list which represents the CASE values specified
226                               * for the construct.
227                               */
228       int allo_chtmp;        /* allocated char temp for case expr if necessary*/
229       char default_seen;     /* non-zero if CASEDEFAULT is present */
230       char default_complete; /* non-zero if the end of the CASEDEFAULT has
231                               * been handled
232                               */
233       char pending;          /* non-zero if a CASE block is still open (its
234                               * end hasn't been processed).
235                               */
236     } u3;
237     struct {                  /* OpenMP stuff */
238       int bpar;               /* ast of the A_MP_PARALLEL ast generated
239                                * for a parallel region; filled in for the
240                                * PARALLEL and 'combo' directives.
241                                * sptr of the global semaphore variable
242                                * created for CRITICAL <ident>.
243                                */
244       int beginp;             /* beginning ast of the parallel construct.
245                                * Both the bpar and beginp fields are
246                                * filled in for the combo directives.
247                                */
248       int target;             /* OpenMP use */
249       int teams;              /* OpenMP use */
250       int distribute;         /* OpenMP use */
251       REDUC *reduc;           /* reductions for parallel constructs */
252       REDUC_SYM *lastprivate; /* lastprivate for parallel constructs */
253       ITEM *allocated;        /* list of allocated private variables */
254       ITEM *region_vars;      /* accelerator region copy/local/mirror vars */
255       union {
256         struct {
257           /* DO */
258           int sched_type;     /* one of DI_SCHxxx if a parallel do */
259           int chunk;          /* sptr representing chunk size
260                                * (0 if not present)
261                                */
262           LOGICAL is_ordered; /* loop has the ordered attribute */
264           LOGICAL is_simd; /* if this loop can be simd loop */
265           int dist_chunk;  /* sptr representing distribute chunk size
266                             * 0 is not present
267                             */
268         } v1;
269         struct {
270           /* SECTIONS */
271           int sect_cnt; /* number of SECTION blocks */
272           int sect_var; /* where to store section number */
273         } v2;
274       } v;
275     } u4;
276     struct {                   /* SELECT TYPE */
277       int selector;            /* sptr of selector */
278       LOGICAL is_whole;        /* whether selector is a whole variable */
279       int active_sptr;         /* sptr of active temp pointer */
280       int beg_std;             /* std of select type stmt */
281       int end_select_label;    /* sptr of label for end select stmt */
282       int class_default_label; /* sptr of label to class default */
283       TYPE_LIST *types;        /* list of types */
284     } u5;
285     struct { /* forall stuff */
286       int laststd;    /* last gen'd std at start of forall processing */
287       SPTR symavl;    /* stb.stg_avail value at entry (sym "watermark") */
288       DTYPE dtype;    /* explicit index data type */
289       int idxlist;    /* list of index var sptrs */
290       int forall_ast;
291     } u6;
292     struct {       /* ASSOCIATE */
293       ITEM *sptrs; /* sptrs of association names */
294     } u7;
295   } u;
296 } DOIF;
298 #define DI_IF 0
299 #define DI_IFELSE 1
300 #define DI_DO 2
301 #define DI_DOWHILE 3
302 #define DI_WHERE 4
303 #define DI_ELSEWHERE 5
304 #define DI_FORALL 6
305 #define DI_CASE 7
306 #define DI_PAR 8
307 #define DI_PARDO 9
308 #define DI_PDO 10
309 #define DI_DOACROSS 11
310 #define DI_PARSECTS 12
311 #define DI_SECTS 13
312 #define DI_SINGLE 14
313 #define DI_CRITICAL 15
314 #define DI_MASTER 16
315 #define DI_ORDERED 17
316 #define DI_WORKSHARE 18
317 #define DI_PARWORKS 19
318 #define DI_TASK 20
319 #define DI_ACCREG 21
320 #define DI_ACCKERNELS 22
321 #define DI_ACCPARALLEL 23
322 #define DI_ACCDO 24
323 #define DI_ACCLOOP 25
324 #define DI_ACCREGDO 26
325 #define DI_ACCREGLOOP 27
326 #define DI_ACCKERNELSDO 28
327 #define DI_ACCKERNELSLOOP 29
328 #define DI_ACCPARALLELDO 30
330 #define DI_ACCKERNEL 32
331 #define DI_ACCDATAREG 33
332 #define DI_CUFKERNEL 34
333 #define DI_SELECT_TYPE 35
334 #define DI_ACCHOSTDATA 36
335 #define DI_ATOMIC_CAPTURE 37
336 #define DI_DOCONCURRENT 38
337 #define DI_SIMD 39
338 #define DI_TASKGROUP 40
339 #define DI_TASKLOOP 41
340 #define DI_TARGET 42
342 #define DI_TARGETEXITDATA 44
343 #define DI_TARGETDATA 45
344 #define DI_TARGETUPDATE 46
345 #define DI_DISTRIBUTE 47
346 #define DI_TEAMS 48
347 #define DI_DECLTARGET 49
348 #define DI_ASSOC 50
349 #define DI_DISTPARDO 51
350 #define DI_TARGPARDO 52
351 #define DI_TARGETSIMD 53
352 #define DI_TARGTEAMSDIST 54
353 #define DI_TEAMSDIST 55
355 #define DI_TEAMSDISTPARDO 57
356 #define DI_ACCSERIAL 58
357 #define DI_ACCSERIALLOOP 59
358 #define DI_MAXID 60 /* always the last one */
360 /*   NOTE: the DI_ID value cannot be greater than 63 (SEE DI_NEST ...)  **/
362 #define DI_SCH_STATIC 0
363 #define DI_SCH_DYNAMIC 1
364 #define DI_SCH_GUIDED 2
365 #define DI_SCH_INTERLEAVE 3
366 #define DI_SCH_RUNTIME 4
367 #define DI_SCH_AUTO 5
368 #define DI_SCH_DIST_STATIC 6
369 #define DI_SCH_DIST_DYNAMIC 7
371 #define DI_ID(d) sem.doif_base[d].Id
372 #define DI_LINENO(d) sem.doif_base[d].lineno
373 #define DI_NEST(d) sem.doif_base[d].nest
374 #define DI_NAME(d) sem.doif_base[d].name
375 #define DI_EXIT_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].exit_label
377 #define DI_DO_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.do_label
378 #define DI_CYCLE_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.cycle_label
379 #define DI_TOP_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.top_label
380 #define DI_DO_AST(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.ast
381 #define DI_DOINFO(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.doinfo
382 #define DI_DO_POPINDEX(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.popindex
383 #define DI_CONC_SYMAVL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.symavl
384 #define DI_CONC_COUNT(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.count
385 #define DI_CONC_KIND(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.kind
386 #define DI_CONC_NO_DEFAULT(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.no_default
387 #define DI_CONC_BLOCK_SYM(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.block_sym
388 #define DI_CONC_SYMS(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.syms
389 #define DI_CONC_LAST_SYM(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.last_sym
390 #define DI_CONC_LABEL_SYMS(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.label_syms
391 #define DI_CONC_ERROR_SYMS(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.error_syms
392 #define DI_CONC_MASK_STD(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.mask_std
393 #define DI_CONC_BODY_STD(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u1.body_std
395 #define DI_SHAPEDIM(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u2.shapedim
396 #define DI_MASKED(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u2.masked
398 #define DI_CASE_EXPR(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.case_expr
399 #define DI_DTYPE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.dtype
400 #define DI_BEG_DEFAULT(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.beg_default
401 #define DI_END_DEFAULT(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.end_default
402 #define DI_SWEL_HD(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.swel_hd
403 #define DI_ALLO_CHTMP(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.allo_chtmp
404 #define DI_DEFAULT_SEEN(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.default_seen
405 #define DI_DEFAULT_COMPLETE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.default_complete
406 #define DI_PENDING(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u3.pending
408 #define DI_BPAR(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.bpar
409 #define DI_BTARGET(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.target
410 #define DI_BTEAMS(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.teams
411 #define DI_BDISTRIBUTE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.distribute
412 #define DI_CRITSYM(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.bpar
413 #define DI_BEGINP(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.beginp
414 #define DI_REDUC(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.reduc
415 #define DI_LASTPRIVATE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.lastprivate
416 #define DI_ALLOCATED(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.allocated
417 #define DI_REGIONVARS(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.region_vars
418 #define DI_SCHED_TYPE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v1.sched_type
419 #define DI_CHUNK(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v1.chunk
420 #define DI_DISTCHUNK(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v1.dist_chunk
421 #define DI_IS_ORDERED(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v1.is_ordered
422 #define DI_ISSIMD(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v1.is_simd
423 #define DI_SECT_CNT(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v2.sect_cnt
424 #define DI_SECT_VAR(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u4.v.v2.sect_var
425 #define DI_NOSCOPE_BASE(d) sem.doif_base[d].no_scope_base
426 #define DI_NOSCOPE_SIZE(d) sem.doif_base[d].no_scope_size
427 #define DI_NOSCOPE_AVL(d) sem.doif_base[d].no_scope_avail
428 #define DI_NOSCOPE_FORALL(d) sem.doif_base[d].no_scope_forall
430 #define DI_SELECTOR(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.selector
431 #define DI_IS_WHOLE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.is_whole
432 #define DI_ACTIVE_SPTR(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.active_sptr
433 #define DI_END_SELECT_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.end_select_label
434 #define DI_TYPE_BEG(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.beg_std
435 #define DI_CLASS_DEFAULT_LABEL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.class_default_label
436 #define DI_SELECT_TYPE_LIST(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u5.types
438 #define DI_FORALL_LASTSTD(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u6.laststd
439 #define DI_FORALL_SYMAVL(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u6.symavl
440 #define DI_FORALL_DTYPE(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u6.dtype
441 #define DI_IDXLIST(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u6.idxlist
442 #define DI_FORALL_AST(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u6.forall_ast
444 #define DI_ASSOCIATIONS(d) sem.doif_base[d].u.u7.sptrs
446 #define onel 1ULL
447 #define DI_B(t) (onel << (t))
448 #define DI_IN_NEST(d, t) (d && d <= sem.doif_depth && (DI_NEST(d) & DI_B(t)))
450 #define NEED_DOIF(df, typ)                                               \
451   {                                                                      \
452     df = ++sem.doif_depth;                                               \
453     NEED(df + 1, sem.doif_base, DOIF, sem.doif_size, sem.doif_size + 8); \
454     BZERO(sem.doif_base+df, DOIF, 1);                                    \
455     DI_LINENO(df) = gbl.lineno;                                          \
456     DI_ID(df) = typ;                                                     \
457     DI_NEST(df) = DI_NEST(df - 1) | DI_B(typ);                           \
458   }
460 /* Define Initializer Variable Tree */
461 typedef struct var_init { /* used for elements of dinit variable list */
462   short id;
463 #define Dostart 0
464 #define Doend 1
465 #define Varref 2
466   union {
467     struct {
468       int indvar; /* ast */
469       int lowbd;  /* ast */
470       int upbd;   /* ast */
471       int step;   /* ast */
472     } dostart;
473     struct {
474       struct var_init *dostart;
475     } doend;
476     struct {
477       /* Semantic stack info for variable reference */
478       int id;
479       int ptr; /* ast */
480       int dtype;
481       int shape;
482       struct var_init *subt; /* for derived-type: points to
483                      var list of mangled-name structure members */
484     } varref;
485   } u;
486   struct var_init *next;
487 } VAR;
489 /* typedef and macros to access array constructor lists: */
490 /* also used for structure constructors */
491 /* NOW also used for initialization list of constants which
492     formerly used the CONST structure */
494 /* NOTE: repeatc may not be needed if it can be recalculated from sptr
495          field.  sptr field may be able to be relocated to u2.
496  */
497 typedef struct _aexpr AEXPR;
498 typedef struct _acl {
499   char id;               /* one of AC_... */
500   unsigned is_const : 1, /* is it constant ? */
501       ci_exprt : 1,      /* 1==>component initialization has been exported */
502       no_dinitp : 1;     /* do not set DINIT flag */
503   DTYPE dtype;           /* used in init. Later if AC_ACONST or AC_SCONST */
504   DTYPE ptrdtype;        /* ptr type if pointer init */
505   int repeatc;           /* used in init. ast or ==0 for default of 1 */
506   int sptr;              /* used for DATA stmt, VMS struct inits, and F95
507                           * derived type component initializers */
508   int size;              /* set by chk_constructor() - the ast of the size
509                           * (upper bound) of the temporary (if AC_ACONST).
510                           */
511   INT conval;            /* "constant" value when evaluating F95
512                           * derived type component initializations
513                           * for non-static variable */
514   struct _acl *next;     /* next in list */
515   struct _acl *subc;     /* down in tree. Valid for AC_ACONST,
516                                AC_SCONST, AC_IDO, AC_REPEAT ,
517                                AC_VMSSTRUCT, AC_VMSUNION */
518   union {
519     struct sst *stkp; /* if AC_EXPR   */
520     AEXPR *expr;      /* if AC_AEXPR */
521     int ast;          /* if AC_AST, AC_CONST, AC_IDENT */
522     int i;            /* if AC_ICONST */
523     INT count;        /* if AC_REPEAT */
524     DOINFO *doinfo;   /* if AC_IDO    */
525   } u1;
526   union {
527     int array_i; /* if AC_EXPR, AC_AST */
528   } u2;
529 } ACL;
531 struct _aexpr {
532   int op;
533   ACL *lop;
534   ACL *rop;
535 };
537 #define AC_IDENT 1
538 #define AC_CONST 2
539 #define AC_EXPR 3  /* SST expr */
540 #define AC_IEXPR 4 /* AC expression */
541 #define AC_AST 5
542 #define AC_IDO 6
543 #define AC_REPEAT 7
544 #define AC_ACONST 8
545 #define AC_SCONST 9
546 #define AC_LIST 10 /* only used during DATA stmt processing */
547 #define AC_VMSSTRUCT 11
548 #define AC_VMSUNION 12
549 #define AC_TYPEINIT 13
550 #define AC_ICONST 14
551 /* integer constant value, currently used to keep
552  * intrinsic routine selector
553  */
554 #define AC_CONVAL 15
555 /* Type of ACL leaf item generated by calling
556  * eval_init_expr/eval_init_expr_item. The conval
557  * field contains the results of the evaluation.
558  * The type of the value is a literal constant if
559  * the type a TY_WORD. Otherwise, the value is the
560  * sptr of a constant.
561  */
562 #define AC_ADD 1
563 #define AC_SUB 2
564 #define AC_MUL 3
565 #define AC_DIV 4
566 #define AC_EXP 5
567 #define AC_NEG 6
568 #define AC_INTR_CALL 7
569 #define AC_ARRAYREF 8
570 #define AC_MEMBR_SEL 9
571 #define AC_CONV 10
572 #define AC_CAT 11
573 #define AC_EXPK 12
574 #define AC_LEQV 13
575 #define AC_LNEQV 14
576 #define AC_LOR 15
577 #define AC_LAND 16
578 #define AC_EQ 17
579 #define AC_GE 18
580 #define AC_GT 19
581 #define AC_LE 20
582 #define AC_LT 21
583 #define AC_NE 22
584 #define AC_LNOT 23
585 #define AC_EXPX 24
586 #define AC_TRIPLE 25
588 typedef enum {
589   AC_I_NONE = 0,
590   AC_I_adjustl,
591   AC_I_adjustr,
592   AC_I_char,
593   AC_I_ichar,
594   AC_I_index,
595   AC_I_int,
596   AC_I_ishft,
597   AC_I_ishftc,
598   AC_I_kind,
599   AC_I_lbound,
600   AC_I_len,
601   AC_I_len_trim,
602   AC_I_nint,
603   AC_I_null,
604   AC_I_repeat,
605   AC_I_reshape,
606   AC_I_scan,
607   AC_I_selected_int_kind,
608   AC_I_selected_real_kind,
609   AC_I_size,
610   AC_I_transfer,
611   AC_I_trim,
612   AC_I_ubound,
613   AC_I_verify,
614   AC_I_shape,
615   AC_I_min,
616   AC_I_max,
617   AC_I_fltconvert,
618   AC_I_floor,
619   AC_I_ceiling,
620   AC_I_mod,
621   AC_I_sqrt,
622   AC_I_exp,
623   AC_I_log,
624   AC_I_log10,
625   AC_I_sin,
626   AC_I_cos,
627   AC_I_tan,
628   AC_I_asin,
629   AC_I_acos,
630   AC_I_atan,
631   AC_I_atan2,
632   AC_I_selected_char_kind,
633   AC_I_abs,
634   AC_I_iand,
635   AC_I_ior,
636   AC_I_ieor,
637   AC_I_merge,
638   AC_I_lshift,
639   AC_I_rshift,
640   AC_I_maxloc,
641   AC_I_maxval,
642   AC_I_minloc,
643   AC_I_minval,
644   AC_I_scale,
647 #define BINOP(p) ((p)->op != AC_NEG && (p)->op != AC_CONV)
649 /* getitem() AREA's */
650 #define ACL_AREA 0
651 #define ACL_SAVE_AREA 3
653 #define GET_ACL(a) get_acl(a)
655 typedef struct {   /* STRUCTURE stack entries */
656   char type;       /* 's': STRUCTURE; 'u': UNION; 'm: MAP */
657   char mem_access; /* 0 - public by default, 'v'=>access private */
658   int sptr;        /* Sym ptr to field name list having this structure */
659   int dtype;       /* Pointer to structure dtype */
660   int last;        /* last member; updated by link_members */
661   ACL *ict_beg;    /* Initializer Constant Tree begin */
662   ACL *ict_end;    /* Initializer Constant Tree end */
663 } STSK;
664 /* access entries in STRUCTURE stack; 0 ==> top of stack, 1 ==> 1 back, etc. */
665 #define STSK_ENT(i) sem.stsk_base[sem.stsk_depth - (i)-1]
667 typedef struct equiv_var { /* variable references in EQUIVALENCE statements */
668   int sptr;
669   int lineno;
670   int ps;
671   int substring; /* ast of left substring index, 0=>none */
672   int subscripts;
673   ISZ_T byte_offset;
674   /* the next field can be made smaller if more fields must be added */
675   INT is_first; /* nonzero marks first in a group */
676   int next;
677 } EQVV;
679 #define EQV(i) sem.eqv_base[i]
680 #define EQV_NUMSS(i) sem.eqv_ss_base[i]         /* number of subscripts */
681 #define EQV_SS(i, j) sem.eqv_ss_base[i + j + 1] /* j from 0 to EQV_NUMSS(i) */
683 typedef struct _seql { /* variable references in [NO]SEQUENCE statements */
684   char type;           /* 's' - SEQUENCE; 'n' - NOSEQUENCE */
685   int sptr;            /*  sym ptr of object in statement */
686   struct _seql *next;  /*  next _seql item */
687 } SEQL;
689 typedef struct _accl { /* variable references in ACCESS statements */
690   char type;           /* 'u' - PUBLIC; 'v' - PRIVATE */
691   char oper;           /* 'o' - operator; ' ' - not an operator */
692   int sptr;            /*  sym ptr of object in statement */
693   struct _accl *next;  /*  next _accl item */
694 } ACCL;
696 /*
697  * For saving state when interface blocks are processed.
698  */
699 typedef struct {
700   int currsub; /* previous subprogram */
701   RU_TYPE rutype;  /* type of previous subprogram */
702   bool module_procedure; /* instantiated with MODULE PROCEDURE <id> */
703   int pgphase;
704   int none_implicit; /* bit vector indicating presence of implicit
705                       * none.  A nonzero value indicates that all
706                       * variables need to be declared.  Bit values
707                       * indicate placement of the implicit none:
708                       *
709                       * 0x00 - not present
710                       * 0x01 - -dclchk specified on the command line
711                       * 0x02 - present in the host
712                       * 0x04 - present in a contained procedure
713                       *
714                       * NOTE: the latter two values correspond to the
715                       * possible values of semant.c:host_present.
716                       */
717   LOGICAL seen_implicit;
718   LOGICAL seen_parameter;
719   int generic;     /* if non-zero, sptr of ST_GENERIC */
720   int operator;    /* if non-zero, sptr of ST_OPERATOR */
721   char gnr_rutype; /* routine type of the generic */
722   char optype;     /* 0x00 - defined operator
723                     * 0x01 - unary intrinsic operator
724                     * 0x02 - binary intrinsic operator
725                     * 0x03 - unary and binary intrinsic operator
726                     * 0x04 - assignment
727                     */
728   char abstract;   /* if nonzero, ABSTRACT INTERFACE */
729   char opval;      /* OP_... value if intrinsic operator */
730   int hpfdcl;      /* available index for the hpf declarations whose
731                     * semantic processing is deferred.  For the interface,
732                     * the hpf declarations are saved as indices
733                     * [hpfdcl, sem.hpfdcl-1].
734                     */
735   int nml;         /* copy of sem.nml */
736 } INTERF;
738 /*
739  * support for extracting positional or keyword arguments for an
740  * intrinsic:
741  * 1.  for each intrinsic, the symbol table utility has created a string
742  *     which defines the arguments and their positions in the argument
743  *     list and keywords.
744  *
745  *     Optional arguments are indicating by prefixing their keywords with
746  *     '*'.
747  * 2.  get_kwd_args() extracts the arguments from the semantic list
748  *     and places them in the static array argpos[] in positional
749  *     order.  evl_kwd_args calls get_kwd_args() and evaluates each
750  *     argument.
751  */
753 typedef struct {
754   struct sst *stkp; /* semantic stack entry for argument, possibly NULL */
755   int ast;          /* its ast, possibly 0 */
756 } argpos_t;
758 #define ARG_STK(i) sem.argpos[i].stkp
759 #define ARG_AST(i) sem.argpos[i].ast
760 #define XFR_ARGAST(i) ARG_AST(i) = SST_ASTG(ARG_STK(i))
762 /*
763  * define stack entry for evaluating implied do's in dinits and array
764  * constructors.
765  */
766 typedef struct {
767   int sptr;
768   INT currval;
769   INT upbd;
770   INT step;
771 } DOSTACK;
772 #define MAX_DOSTACK 8
774 /*
775  * define a stack for scope entries;
776  * a "scope" is opened for:
777  *   a 'zero' level scope for global symbols
778  *   an outermost subprogram
779  *   an interface block
780  *   a subprogram interface inside an interface block
781  *   a 'used' module
782  *   a contained subprogram.
783  * a scope is identified by a symbol, typically the subprogram name,
784  * or by an integer less than zero, for 'interface' scopes.
785  * some scopes are 'open', meaning names from outer scopes are also
786  * visible (used modules, contained subprograms); other scopes are
787  * 'closed', meaning outer scopes are not visible (subprogram interface
788  * within an interface block).
789  * the scope stack is indexed by sem.scope_level;
790  */
792 /* for creating lists of symbols such as a list of symbols appearing in
793  * the SHARED clause of one of the parallel directives which defines a
794  * new scope.
795  */
796 typedef struct scope_sym_tag {
797   int sptr;  /* symbol appearing in the SHARED clause */
798   int scope; /* its outer scope value */
799   struct scope_sym_tag *next;
800 } SCOPE_SYM;
802 typedef enum SCOPEKIND {
808   SCOPE_USE,
809   SCOPE_PAR,
812 typedef struct {
813   int sptr;        /* identifier of this scope, usually a symbol */
814   SCOPEKIND kind;  /* defined below */
815   LOGICAL open;    /* is this open scope? */
816   LOGICAL Private; /* symbols here are private */
817   int symavl;      /* stb.symavl when the scope was opened */
818   int except;      /* SYMI list of names not used */
819   int only;        /* in a private scope, SYMI list of public names */
820   int import;      /* SYMI list of names explictly imported from host */
821   /*****  fields used if within a parallel scope:  *****/
822   int rgn_scope;          /* index of the scope entry of the containing
823                            * parallel region.
824                            */
825   int par_scope;          /* one of PAR_SCOPE_... - the DEFAULT scope */
826   int end_prologue;       /* end of prologue of parallel and task constructs.
827                            * Code for initial assignments of
828                            * "default(firstprivate)" variables is inserted here.
829                            */
830   int di_par;             /* index of the DOIF structure corresponding to
831                            * this scope.
832                            */
833   int sym;                /* the ST_BLOCK defining this scope */
834   int autobj;             /* list of automatic data objects for this
835                            * scope
836                            */
837   SC_KIND prev_sc;        /* previous storage class */
838   SCOPE_SYM *shared_list; /* List of symbols appearing in the SHARED
839                            * clause for this scope when par_scope is
840                            * 'shared'.
841                            */
842   int mpscope_sptr; /* scope ST_BLOCK of the next scope - it is the same as
843                      * sym of next scope.
844                      */
845   int uplevel_sptr; /* uplevel ST_BLOCK of the next scope which keeps info for
846                      * shared variables
847                      * in current region.
848                      */
851 /* default scope of new symbols within a parallel region */
852 #define PAR_SCOPE_NONE 0
853 #define PAR_SCOPE_SHARED 1
854 #define PAR_SCOPE_PRIVATE 2
858 #define BLK_SYM(i) sem.scope_stack[i].sym
859 #define BLK_AUTOBJ(i) sem.scope_stack[i].autobj
860 #define BLK_UPLEVEL_SPTR(i) sem.scope_stack[i].uplevel_sptr
861 #define BLK_SCOPE_SPTR(i) sem.scope_stack[i].mpscope_sptr
863 /* scopestack.c */
864 void scopestack_init(void);
865 SCOPESTACK *curr_scope(void);
866 SCOPESTACK *get_scope(int index);
867 int get_scope_level(SCOPESTACK *scope);
868 SCOPESTACK *next_scope(SCOPESTACK *scope);
869 SCOPESTACK *next_scope_sptr(SCOPESTACK *scope, int sptr);
870 SCOPESTACK *next_scope_kind(SCOPESTACK *scope, SCOPEKIND kind);
871 SCOPESTACK *next_scope_kind_sptr(SCOPESTACK *scope, SCOPEKIND kind, int sptr);
872 SCOPESTACK *next_scope_kind_symname(SCOPESTACK *scope, SCOPEKIND kind,
873                                     const char *symname);
874 int have_use_scope(int sptr);
875 LOGICAL is_except_in_scope(SCOPESTACK *scope, int sptr);
876 LOGICAL is_private_in_scope(SCOPESTACK *scope, int sptr);
877 void push_scope_level(int sptr, SCOPEKIND kind);
878 void push_iface_scope_level();
879 void pop_scope_level(SCOPEKIND kind);
880 void save_scope_level(void);
881 void restore_scope_level(void);
882 void par_push_scope(LOGICAL bind_to_outer);
883 void par_pop_scope(void);
884 #if DEBUG
885 void dumpscope(FILE *f);
886 void dump_one_scope(int sl, FILE *f);
887 #endif
889 /* module.c */
890 void allocate_refsymbol(int);
891 void set_modusename(int, int);
892 void use_init(void);
893 void init_use_stmts(void);
894 void add_use_stmt(void);
895 void add_submodule_use(void);
896 SPTR add_use_rename(SPTR, SPTR, LOGICAL);
897 void apply_use_stmts(void);
898 void add_isoc_intrinsics(void);
899 void open_module(SPTR);
900 void close_module(void);
901 void mod_combined_name(char *);
902 void mod_combined_index(char *);
903 SPTR begin_module(SPTR);
904 SPTR begin_submodule(SPTR, SPTR, SPTR, SPTR *);
905 LOGICAL get_seen_contains(void);
906 void mod_implicit(int, int, int);
907 void begin_contains(void);
908 void end_module(void);
909 LOGICAL has_cuda_data(void);
910 void mod_fini(void);
911 void mod_init(void);
912 int mod_add_subprogram(int);
913 void mod_end_subprogram(void);
914 void mod_end_subprogram_two(void);
916 /* semantio.c */
917 int get_nml_array(int);
919 #define MAXDIMS 7
920 typedef struct {
921   struct _sem_bounds {
922     int lowtype;
923     int uptype;
924     ISZ_T lowb;
925     ISZ_T upb;
926     int lwast;
927     int upast;
928   } bounds[MAXDIMS];
929   struct _sem_arrdim { /* communicate info for <dim spec>s to mk_arrdsc() */
930     int ndim;          /* number of dimensions */
931     int ndefer;        /* number of deferred dimensions (:) */
932   } arrdim;
935 /* semutil2.c */
936 ISZ_T size_of_array(DTYPE);
937 DTYPE chk_constructor(ACL *, DTYPE);
938 void chk_struct_constructor(ACL *);
939 void gen_type_initialize_for_sym(SPTR, int, int, DTYPE);
940 void clean_struct_default_init(int);
941 void restore_host_state(int);
942 void restore_internal_subprograms(void);
943 void dummy_program(void);
944 int have_module_state(void);
945 void fix_type_param_members(SPTR, DTYPE);
946 void add_type_param_initialize(int);
947 void add_p_dealloc_item(int sptr);
948 int gen_finalization_for_sym(int sptr, int std, int memAst);
949 void gen_alloc_mem_initialize_for_sym(int sptr, int std);
950 int add_parent_to_bounds(int parent, int ast);
951 int fix_mem_bounds2(int, int);
952 int fix_mem_bounds(int parent, int mem);
953 int init_sdsc(int, DTYPE, int, int);
954 void save_module_state1(void);
955 void save_module_state2(void);
956 void restore_module_state(void);
957 void reset_module_state(void);
958 LOGICAL is_alloc_ast(int);
959 LOGICAL is_alloc_std(int);
960 LOGICAL is_dealloc_ast(int);
961 LOGICAL is_dealloc_std(int);
962 SPTR get_dtype_init_template(DTYPE);
963 void module_must_hide_this_symbol(int sptr);
964 void reset_internal_subprograms(void);
965 int mp_create_bscope(int reuse);
966 void save_struct_init(ACL *);
967 void chk_adjarr(void);
968 int mp_create_escope(void);
969 void dup_struct_init(int, int);
970 void gen_derived_type_alloc_init(ITEM *);
971 void save_host_state(int); /* semtutil2.c */
972 void add_auto_finalize(int);
973 int runtime_array(int);
974 DTYPE mk_arrdsc(void);
975 int gen_defer_shape(int, int, int);
976 ACL *eval_init_expr(ACL *e);
977 void gen_allocate_array(int);
978 void gen_deallocate_arrays(void);
979 void mk_defer_shape(SPTR);
980 void mk_assumed_shape(SPTR);
981 SPTR get_arr_const(DTYPE);
982 DTYPE select_kind(DTYPE, int, INT);
983 SPTR get_param_alias_var(SPTR, DTYPE);
984 void init_named_array_constant(int, int);
985 int init_sptr_w_acl(int, ACL *);
986 int init_derived_w_acl(int, ACL *);
987 ACL *mk_init_intrinsic(AC_INTRINSIC);
988 ACL *get_acl(int);
989 ACL *save_acl(ACL *);
990 ACL *construct_acl_from_ast(int, DTYPE, int);
991 ACL *rewrite_acl(ACL *, DTYPE, int);
992 ACL *all_default_init(DTYPE);
993 void dmp_acl(ACL *, int);
994 void mk_struct_constr(int, int);
995 void process_struct_components(int, void (*)(int));
996 int get_struct_leafcnt(int);
997 int get_first_mangled(int);
998 void re_struct_constr(int, int);
999 void propagate_attr(int, int);
1000 ACL *dinit_struct_vals(ACL *, DTYPE, SPTR);
1001 SPTR get_temp(DTYPE);
1002 DTYPE get_temp_dtype(DTYPE, int);
1003 SPTR get_itemp(DTYPE);
1005 SPTR get_adjlr_arr_temp(DTYPE);
1006 int get_shape_arr_temp(int);
1007 SPTR get_ch_temp(DTYPE);
1008 int need_alloc_ch_temp(DTYPE);
1009 int sem_strcmp(char *, char *);
1010 LOGICAL sem_eq_str(int, char *);
1011 void add_case_range(int, int, int);
1012 int _i4_cmp(int, int);
1013 int _i8_cmp(int, int);
1014 int _char_cmp(int, int);
1015 int _nchar_cmp(int, int);
1016 int gen_alloc_dealloc(int, int, ITEM *);
1017 void check_alloc_clauses(ITEM *, ITEM *, int *, int *);
1018 void check_dealloc_clauses(ITEM *, ITEM *);
1019 void gen_conditional_dealloc(int, int, int);
1020 int gen_conditional_alloc(int, int, int);
1021 void gen_conditional_dealloc_for_sym(int, int);
1022 int gen_dealloc_for_sym(int, int);
1023 void gen_automatic_reallocation(int, int, int);
1024 void gen_dealloc_etmps(void);
1025 void sem_set_storage_class(int);
1026 void check_and_add_auto_dealloc_from_ast(int);
1027 void check_and_add_auto_dealloc(int);
1028 void add_auto_dealloc(int);
1029 int enter_lexical_block(int);
1030 void exit_lexical_block(int);
1031 void dmp_doif(FILE *f);
1032 LOGICAL not_in_forall(char *);
1033 LOGICAL cuda_enabled(char *);
1034 LOGICAL in_device_code(int);
1035 void sem_err104(int, int, char *);
1036 void sem_err105(int);
1037 VAR *gen_varref_var(int, DTYPE);
1038 void sem_fini(void);
1039 int gen_set_type(int dest_ast, int src_ast, int std, LOGICAL insert_before,
1040                  LOGICAL intrin_type);
1041 int mk_set_type_call(int arg0, int arg1, LOGICAL intrin_type);
1043 /* semant.c */
1044 void semant_init(int noparse);
1045 int getMscall(void);
1046 int getCref(void);
1047 void build_typedef_init_tree(int sptr, int dtype);
1048 int internal_proc_has_ident(int ident, int proc);
1049 void fixup_reqgs_ident(int sptr);
1050 int queue_type_param(int sptr, int dtype, int offset, int flag);
1051 int get_kind_parm_by_name(char *np, int dtype);
1052 int get_parm_by_number(int offset, int dtype);
1053 int get_parm_by_name(char *np, int dtype);
1054 int chk_kind_parm_expr(int ast, int dtype, int flag, int strict_flag);
1055 int chk_len_parm_expr(int ast, int dtype, int flag);
1056 int get_len_set_parm_by_name(char *np, int dtype, int *val);
1057 int cmp_len_parms(int ast1, int ast2);
1058 int defer_pt_decl(int dtype, int flag);
1059 void put_default_kind_type_param(int dtype, int flag, int flag2);
1060 void put_length_type_param(DTYPE dtype, int flag);
1061 int get_len_parm_by_number(int num, int dtype, int flag);
1062 int all_len_parms_assumed(int dtype);
1063 LOGICAL put_kind_type_param(DTYPE dtype, int offset, int value, int expr,
1064                             int flag);
1065 void llvm_set_tbp_dtype(int dtype);
1066 int get_unl_poly_sym(int mem_dtype);
1067 int has_type_parameter(int dtype);
1068 int has_length_type_parameter_use(int dtype);
1069 DTYPE create_parameterized_dt(DTYPE dtype, LOGICAL force);
1070 DTYPE get_parameterized_dt(DTYPE dtype);
1071 int is_parameter_context();
1072 bool in_intrinsic_decl(void);
1073 int get_entity_access();
1075 /**
1076  * \brief Deferred procedure interface.
1077  */
1078 typedef struct {
1079   SPTR iface;       /**< sptr of interface name */
1080   DTYPE dtype;      /**< dtype of TY_PROC data type record */
1081   SPTR proc;        /**< sptr of external/dummy procedure */
1082   SPTR mem;         /**< sptr of the procedure member/component */
1083   int lineno;       /**< line number of the statement */
1084   char *iface_name; /**< iface name string */
1085   int pass_class;   /**< set if pass arg has class set */
1086   char *tag_name;   /**< name of pass arg dtype tag */
1087   int sem_pass;     /**< semantic pass that this symbol was set */
1088   int stype;        /**< STYPE of iface */
1089   SPTR scope;       /**< scope of the procedure pointer declaration */
1090   SPTR proc_var;    /**< the procedure variable */
1091   int internal;     /**< value of gbl.internal when processing proc or mem */
1092 } IFACE;
1094 typedef struct ident_proc_list {
1095   char *proc_name; /* internal procedure name */
1096   int usecnt;      /* # times ident for this proc seen in contains proc */
1097   struct ident_proc_list *next;
1100 typedef struct ident_list {
1101   char *ident;                /* ident name seen in an internal procedure */
1102   IDENT_PROC_LIST *proc_list; /* list of internal proc names that use ident */
1103   struct ident_list *next;
1104 } IDENT_LIST;
1106 #define _INF_CLEN 500
1108 /* program statement phase types:
1109  *
1110  *  INIT - nothing seen yet (initial value)
1113  *  USE - USE statements seen
1114  *  IMPORT - IMPORT statements seen
1115  *  IMPLICIT - IMPLICIT statements
1116  *      PARAMETER may intersperse
1117  *  SPEC - Specification statements or
1118  *      statement function definitions
1119  *      PARAMETER, DATA, NAMELIST may intersperse
1120  *  EXEC - Executable statements
1121  *      DATA, NAMELIST may intersperse
1122  *  CONTAIN - CONTAINS statement
1123  *  INTERNAL - Internal/module subprograms
1124  *  END - END statement
1125  *  END_MODULE - END statement for a module (actual value is negative and is
1126  *               the minimum value)
1127  *
1128  *  NOTES:
1129  *     PARAMETER does not explicitly set
1130  *     pgphase unless pgphase is < IMPLICIT in
1131  *     which case it's set to IMPLICIT.
1132  *     DATA, NAMELIST do not explicitly set
1133  *     pgphase unless pgphase is < SPEC in which
1134  *     case it's set to SPEC.
1135  */
1136 typedef enum {
1137   PHASE_END_MODULE = -1,
1138   PHASE_INIT = 0,
1139   PHASE_HEADER = 1,
1140   PHASE_USE = 2,
1141   PHASE_IMPORT = 3,
1142   PHASE_IMPLICIT = 4,
1143   PHASE_SPEC = 5,
1144   PHASE_EXEC = 6,
1145   PHASE_CONTAIN = 7,
1146   PHASE_INTERNAL = 8,
1147   PHASE_END = 9
1148 } PHASE_TYPE;
1150 /*  declare global semant variables:  */
1152 typedef struct {
1153   int end_host_labno; /* label number (not symbol table sptr) if the
1154                        * END statement of the host subprogram which
1155                        * contains internal subprogram is labeled.
1156                        * This 'label' is found when the end statement
1157                        * is processed during the first pass and is
1158                        * emitted when the host's CONTAINS statement
1159                        * is processed during the second pass.
1160                        */
1161   int doif_size;      /* size in records of DOIF stack area.  */
1162   DOIF *doif_base;    /* base pointer for DOIF stack area. */
1163   int doif_depth;     /* current DO-IF nesting level */
1164   SPTR index_sym_to_pop;    /* DO index symbol to pop off hash link at end of loop */
1165   SPTR doconcurrent_symavl; /* stb.stg_avail value at start of do concurrent */
1166   DTYPE doconcurrent_dtype; /* explicit do concurrent index data type */
1167   int eqvlist;        /* head of list of equivalences */
1168   EQVV *eqv_base;     /* list of equivalences */
1169   int eqv_size;
1170   int eqv_avail;
1171   int *eqv_ss_base; /* subscripts for equivalences */
1172   int eqv_ss_size;
1173   int eqv_ss_avail;
1174   int flabels;            /* pointer to list of ftn ref'd labels */
1175   int nml;                /* pointer to list of namelist symbols */
1176   int funcval;            /* pointer to variable for function ret val */
1177   PHASE_TYPE pgphase;     /* statement type seen so far */
1178   int gdtype;             /* global data typ, a DT_ value */
1179   int ogdtype;            /* original global data type (i.e. before *n
1180                              modification), a DT_ value */
1181   int gty;                /* global data type (i.e. before *n
1182                              modification), a TY_ value. */
1183   int gcvlen;             /* global character type size */
1184   int deferred_func_kind; /* AST of unresolved func retval KIND expr */
1185   int deferred_func_len;  /* AST of unresolved func retval LEN expr */
1186   int deferred_dertype;   /* sptr of unresolved derived type func return */
1187   int deferred_kind_len_lineno; /* linenbr of unresolved func return type
1188                                    KIND/LEN */
1189   int atemps;                   /* avail counter for array bounds temporaries */
1190   int itemps;                   /* avail counter for temporaries named 'ixxx' */
1191   int ptemps;                   /* avail counter for inliner ptr temporaries */
1192   LOGICAL savall;               /* SAVE statement w.o. symbols specified */
1193   LOGICAL savloc;               /* at least one local variable SAVE'd */
1194   LOGICAL autoloc;              /* at least one local AUTOMATIC variable */
1195   int none_implicit;            /* insure that variables are declared - set
1196                                    TRUE if IMPLICIT NONE seen */
1197   STSK *stsk_base;              /* base pointer for structure stack area */
1198   int stsk_size;                /* size in records of structure stack area */
1199   int stsk_depth;               /* current structure depth (i.e. stack top) */
1200   int stag_dtype;               /* structure tag dtype pointer */
1201   int psfunc;              /* next <var ref> may be lhs of statement func */
1202   LOGICAL dinit_error;     /* error flag during DATA stmt processing */
1203   int dinit_count;         /* # elements left in current dcl id to init */
1204   LOGICAL dinit_data;      /* TRUE if in DATA stmt, FALSE if type dcl or
1205                               structure init stmt */
1206   int dinit_nbr_inits;     /* number of ICT/IVL initialization pairs written
1207                               to the dinit file (astb.df) */
1208   LOGICAL ignore_stmt;     /* TRUE => parser is to ignore current stmt */
1209   int switch_size;         /* size of switch/CGOTO list area */
1210   int switch_avl;          /* next available word in switch list area */
1211   LOGICAL temps_reset;     /* TRUE if semant general temps can be resused */
1212   LOGICAL in_stfunc;       /* in statement function def */
1213   int in_dim;              /* in <dimension list> */
1214   int in_struct_constr;    /* 0 if false, else sptr of derived type tag */
1215   SCOPESTACK *scope_stack; /* pushed and popped as scopes are entered/left*/
1216   int scope_level;         /* starts at zero */
1217   int scope_size;          /* size of scope stack */
1218   int scope_extra;         /* count of 'extra' scopes */
1219                            /*
1220                             * the following two members (bounds, and arrdim) are filled in
1221                             * when semantically processing <dim list> specifiers and processed by
1222                             * mk_arrdsc() (semutil2.c) to create an array descriptor (TY_ARRAY data
1223                             * type record).
1224                             */
1225   struct _sem_bounds bounds[MAXDIMS];
1226   struct _sem_arrdim arrdim;
1227   int last_std;  /* last std created */
1228   int tkntyp;    /* token effecting semant reduction */
1229   SEQL seql;     /* records [NO]SEQUENCE:
1230                   *    type:
1231                   *        0   -- statement not seen
1232                   *        's' -- SEQUENCE
1233                   *        'n' -- NOSEQUENCE
1234                   *    next:  list of SEQL items, one for each variable
1235                   */
1236   int dtemps;    /* avail counter for 'd' temporaries */
1237   int interface; /* depth of interface blocks (0 => no interface) */
1238   INTERF *interf_base;
1239   int interf_size;
1240   argpos_t *argpos;             /* keyword arguments in positional order */
1241   DOSTACK dostack[MAX_DOSTACK]; /* stack for evaluating implied do's */
1242   DOSTACK *top;           /* next top of stack for evaluating implied do's */
1243   ITEM *p_dealloc;        /* pointer to list of dynamically allocated arrays,
1244                            * allocatable derived types, and derived types with
1245                            * allocatable components which must deallocated upon
1246                            * end of statement */
1247   ITEM *p_dealloc_delete; /* pointer to list of statements that
1248                            * can be deleted if the associated dynamically-
1249                            * allocated array isn't needed after all */
1250   int mod_cnt;            /* incremented if MODULE is seen */
1251   SPTR mod_sym;           /* ST_MODULE symbol for the MODULE subprogram */
1252   SPTR submod_sym;        /* original ST_MODULE symbol for SUBMODULE */
1253   int mod_public_level;   /* scope level of public USEs in module */
1254   int use_seen;           /* the current subprogram has a USE stmt */
1255   ACCL accl;              /* records PUBLIC/PRIVATE:
1256                            *    type:
1257                            *        0   -- 'default' access statement not seen
1258                            *        'u' -- 'default' is PUBLIC
1259                            *        'v' -- 'default' is PRIVATE
1260                            *    next:  list of ACCL items, one for each variable
1261                            */
1262   LOGICAL atomic[3]; /* atomic update: three element flag to record when the
1263                       * directive is seen (atomic[1]), whether or not atomic
1264                       * was the previous statement (atomic[0]), and whether
1265                       * or not endatomic needs to be generated (atomic[2])
1266                       */
1267   struct {           /* master/endmaster */
1268     int cnt;         /* counter */
1269     int lineno;      /* line number of master */
1270     int ast;         /* ast of master */
1271   } master;
1272   struct {      /* critical/endcritical */
1273     int cnt;    /* counter */
1274     int lineno; /* line number of critical */
1275     int ast;    /* ast of critical */
1276   } critical;
1277   ITEM *intent_list;       /* list of variables, not in an interface, for which
1278                             * INTENT was specfied */
1279   LOGICAL symmetric;       /* SYMMETRIC statement w.o. symbols specified */
1280   int which_pass;          /* which semantic analyzer pass - 0 or 1 */
1281   LOGICAL stfunc_error;    /* error occurred when referencing a stmt function
1282                             * while defining a statement function.
1283                             */
1284   LOGICAL mod_public_flag; /* when processing module contained routines,
1285                             * is the default public or private? */
1286   LOGICAL mod_dllexport;   /* Win64 dllexport seen, module symbols must be
1287                             * exported */
1288   SC_KIND sc;              /* SC_LOCAL or SC_PRIVATE for temporaries */
1289   int orph;                /* set wherever we see clause in orphan
1290                               and clause take private, shared
1291                                0  - not in
1292                                >0 - in
1293                            */
1294   int parallel;            /* parallel nesting level - PARALLEL, DOACROSS,
1295                             * PARALLELDO, PARALLELSECTIONS:
1296                             *  0 - not parallel
1297                             * >0 - parallel nesting level (1 => outermost)
1298                             */
1299   LOGICAL expect_do;       /* next statement after DOACROSS, PDO, or
1300                             * PARALLELDO needs to be a DO.
1301                             */
1302   int expect_acc_do;       /* next statement after ACC DO or ACC REGION DO
1303                             * needs to be a DO.
1304                             */
1305   int collapsed_acc_do;    /* value of collapse clause for acc loop */
1306   int seq_acc_do;    /* acc loop with 'seq' clause */
1307   int expect_cuf_do; /* next statement after CUF KERNELS needs to be a DO.  */
1308   LOGICAL close_pdo; /* A DO loop for a PDO, PARALLELDO, or DOACROSS
1309                       * has been processed and its removal from the
1310                       * DOIF stack is delayed until the next
1311                       * statement is processed.  For PDO and
1312                       * PARALLELDO, the next statement may be the
1313                       * optional 'end' statement for the directive.
1314                       * For PDO, the decision to emit a barrier
1315                       * is also delayed since its ENDDO may specify
1316                       * NOWAIT.  For DOACROSS and PARALLELDO, the
1317                       * the parallel region is closed when the
1318                       * DO loop is closed.
1319                       */
1320   LOGICAL expect_simd_do; /* next statement after SIMD construct
1321                            * to be a DO.
1322                            */
1323   LOGICAL expect_dist_do; /* next statement after SIMD construct
1324                            * to be a DO.
1325                            */
1326   int target;             /* use for OpenMP target */
1327   int teams;              /* use for OpenMP teams */
1329   struct { /* For atomic smp directive */
1330     int is_acc;
1331     int lineno;      /* line number of atomic */
1332     LOGICAL seen;    /* atomic directive just seen */
1333     LOGICAL pending; /* atomic directive not yet applied */
1334     LOGICAL apply;   /* to be applied */
1335     int accassignc;  /* assigment statement count*/
1336     int action_type; /* update|read|write|capture */
1337 #define ATOMIC_UNDEF -1
1338 #define ATOMIC_UPDATE 1
1339 #define ATOMIC_READ 2
1340 #define ATOMIC_WRITE 3
1341 #define ATOMIC_CAPTURE 4
1342     int ast;       /* ast of generated A_MP_CRITICAL, or
1343                       genreated A_ACC_ATOMIC */
1344     int rmw_op;    /* AOP_ADD, AOP_SUB, etc */
1345     int mem_order; /* AOP_UNDEF: if this isn't read-modify-write */
1347   } mpaccatomic;
1348   LOGICAL is_hpf;     /* is this statement in !hpf$? */
1349   int hpfdcl;         /* available index for the hpf declarations
1350                        * whose semantic processing is deferred
1351                        * until the first executable is seen. The
1352                        * the hpf declarations are saved as indices
1353                        * [0, sem.hpfdcl-1].
1354                        */
1355   int ssa_area;       /* which getitem area to use for <ssa> */
1356   LOGICAL use_etmps;  /* flag to indicate that allocated temps created
1357                        * for terms in an expression need to be saved
1358                        * in the etmp list; they need to deallocated
1359                        * after the computation of the expression.
1360                        */
1361   ITEM *etmp_list;    /* list of the temps allocated for an
1362                        * expression.
1363                        */
1364   ITEM *auto_dealloc; /* list of allocatable arrays that need to be
1365                        * automatically deallocated (F95 feature).
1366                        */
1367   int blksymnum;
1368   LOGICAL ignore_default_none; /* don't perform the OMP DEFAULT(NONE) check */
1369   int collapse;                /* collapse value for the pardo or pdo */
1370   int collapse_depth;          /* depth of collapse loop; 1 => innermost */
1371   int task;                    /* depth of task
1372                                 *  0 - not in task
1373                                 * >0 - task nesting level (1 => outermost)
1374                                 */
1375   int alloc_std;               /* std of ALLOCATE generated by
1376                                 *  semutil2.c:gen_alloc_dealloc()
1377                                 */
1378   struct {                     /* info of a call to an array function */
1379     int try
1380       ;               /* enable collection - when rhs of an assn */
1381     int sptr;         /* the function being called */
1382     int return_value; /* the ast of the temp which is the return
1383                        * value of the temp.
1384                        */
1385     int call_std;     /* the std of the call to the function */
1386     int alloc_std;    /* the std of the allocate of the temp if
1387                        * dynamic.
1388                        */
1389   } arrfn;
1390   LOGICAL in_enum;
1391   int *non_private_base; /* variables that cannot appear in a */
1392   int non_private_size;  /* private clause */
1393   int non_private_avail;
1394   int *typroc_base; /* TY_PROC dtypes created */
1395   int typroc_size;
1396   int typroc_avail;
1397   IFACE *iface_base;
1398   int iface_size;
1399   int iface_avail;
1400   LOGICAL class;            /* true if processing poly variable */
1401   int type_mode;            /* mode of type declaration:
1402                              * 0 - not within type
1403                              * 1 - within type
1404                              * 2 - within type and contains seen
1405                              */
1406   ITEM **tbp_arg;           /* saved type bound procedure argument stack */
1407   int tbp_arg_cnt;          /* tbp_arg stack depth */
1408   int tbp_access_stmt;      /* used to note private stmt after a
1409                              * contains statement within a type
1410                              * declaration (i.e., type_mode == 2)
1411                              * 0 - no stmt specified
1412                              * 1 - private specified
1413                              */
1414   int tbp_interface;        /* interface-name for deferred tbp processing*/
1415   int generic_tbp;          /* true if processing generic type bound proc */
1416   ITEM *auto_finalize;      /* list of objects that need to be finalized */
1417   int select_type_seen;     /* true if we just processed select type stmt */
1418   int param_offset;         /* counts # params for parameterized type */
1419   int kind_type_param;      /* currently processed  kind type parameter */
1420   int new_param_dt;         /* currently processed param derived type */
1421   ITEM *type_initialize;    /* list of parameterized type objects for init*/
1422   int extends;              /* type extension tag during type processing */
1423   int type_param_sptr;      /* currently processed type param sptr */
1424   int param_struct_constr;  /* true when process param struct constructor */
1425   int type_param_candidate; /* param offset for either len or kind */
1426   ITEM *len_candidate;      /* expression used for len */
1427   ITEM *kind_candidate;     /* expression used for kind */
1428   int len_type_param;       /* offset of param used for length */
1429   int param_assume_sz;      /* set when current type parameter is assume sz */
1430   int param_defer_len;      /* set when current type parameter is defer len */
1431   int defined_io_type;      /* set when we're processing defined IO stmts
1432                              * 1 = read(formatted), 2 = read(unformatted)
1433                              * 3 = write(formatted), 4 = write(unformatted)
1434                              */
1435   int defined_io_seen;      /* set when processing defined I/O item */
1436   struct {
1437     int allocs;
1438     int nodes;
1439   } stats;
1440   LOGICAL seen_import;        /* import stmt in an interface seen */
1441   void *save_aconst;          /* saves SST of array constructor */
1442   ITEM *alloc_mem_initialize; /* list of allocatable members to initialize */
1443   LOGICAL ieee_features;      /* USE ieee_features seen */
1444   LOGICAL io_stmt;            /* parsing an IO statement */
1445   LOGICAL seen_end_module;    /* seen end module statement */
1446   LOGICAL contiguous;         /* -Mcontiguous */
1447   SPTR modhost_proc;          /* ST_PROC of a module host routine containing an
1448                                * internal procedure (set on demand)
1449                                */
1450   SPTR modhost_entry;         /* ST_ENTRY of a module host routine containing an
1451                                * internal procedure (set on demand)
1452                                */
1453   bool module_procedure;      /* in instantiated MODULE PROCEDURE <id> def'n */
1454   bool in_array_const;        /* true when we are currently processing an
1455                                * array constructor.
1456                                */
1457   bool parsing_operator;      /* true when we are parsing an ST_OPERATOR */
1458 } SEM;
1460 extern SEM sem;
1462 /*
1463  * NTYPE - number of basic types; this must include the NCHARACTER
1464  * type even though it may not be an available feature.
1465  */
1466 #define NTYPE 23
1468 extern INT cast_types[NTYPE][2][2];
1470 #define IS_INTRINSIC(st) (st == ST_INTRIN || st == ST_GENERIC || st == ST_PD)
1472 #define INSIDE_STRUCT (sem.stsk_depth != 0)
1474 void CheckDecl(int);
1475 #define DCLCHK(sptr)       \
1476   {                        \
1477     if (sem.none_implicit) \
1478       CheckDecl(sptr);     \
1479   }
1481 #define DOCHK(sptr) \
1482   if (DOVARG(sptr)) \
1483     if (sem.doconcurrent_symavl) \
1484       error(1053, ERR_Severe, gbl.lineno, "DO CONCURRENT", CNULL); \
1485     else \
1486       error(115, 2, gbl.lineno, SYMNAME(sptr), CNULL);
1488 #define IN_MODULE (sem.mod_cnt && gbl.internal == 0)
1489 #define IN_MODULE_SPEC (sem.mod_cnt && gbl.currsub == 0)
1491 /*  declare external functions called only from within semant: */
1493 /* main.c */
1494 void end_contained(void);
1496 /* semsmp.c */
1497 LOGICAL use_opt_atomic(int);
1498 int emit_epar(void);
1499 int emit_etarget(void);
1500 void is_dovar_sptr(int);
1501 void clear_no_scope_sptr(void);
1502 void add_no_scope_sptr(int, int, int);
1503 void pop_accel_vars(void);
1504 void handle_accdecl(int keyword);
1505 void check_no_scope_sptr(void);
1506 void parstuff_init(void);
1507 int emit_bcs_ecs(int);
1508 void end_parallel_clause(int);
1509 void end_teams();
1510 void end_target();
1511 void add_assign_firstprivate(int, int);
1512 void accel_end_dir(int, LOGICAL);
1513 void add_non_private(int);
1514 void mk_cuda_builtins(int *, int *, int);
1515 int mk_cuda_typedef(char *);
1516 int mk_mbr_ref(int, char *);
1517 void set_parref_flag(int, int, int);
1518 void set_parref_flag2(int, int, int);
1519 int is_sptr_in_shared_list(SPTR);
1520 void set_private_encl(int, int);
1521 void set_private_taskflag(int);
1522 int find_outer_sym(int);
1523 void par_add_stblk_shvar(void);
1524 int do_distbegin(DOINFO *, int, int);
1526 /* semutil.c */
1527 void check_derived_type_array_section(int);
1528 int gen_poly_element_arg(int ast, SPTR sptr, int std);
1529 int add_ptr_assign(int, int, int);
1530 void gen_contig_check(int dest, int src, SPTR sdsc, int lineno, bool cs, int std);
1531 int collapse_begin(DOINFO *);
1532 int collapse_add(DOINFO *);
1533 void link_parents(STSK *, int);
1534 void link_members(STSK *, int);
1535 int ref_object(int);
1536 int mk_component_ast(int, int, int);
1537 int chk_pointer_intent(int, int);
1538 int any_pointer_source(int);
1539 int chk_pointer_target(int, int);
1540 int mod_type(int, int, int, int, int, int);
1541 int getbase(int);
1542 int do_index_addr(int);
1543 int do_begin(DOINFO *);
1544 void do_lastval(DOINFO *);
1545 int do_parbegin(DOINFO *);
1546 void do_end(DOINFO *);
1547 int mkmember(int, int, int);
1548 LOGICAL legal_labelvar(int);
1549 void resolve_fwd_refs(void);
1550 DOINFO *get_doinfo(int);
1551 LOGICAL is_protected(int);
1552 void err_protected(int, char *);
1553 void set_assn(int);
1555 /* semfin.c */
1556 void semfin(void);
1557 void ipa_semfin(void);
1558 void semfin_free_memory(void);
1559 void fix_class_args(int sptr);
1560 void llvm_fix_args(int sptr, LOGICAL is_func);
1561 void do_equiv(void);
1562 void init_derived_type(SPTR, int, int);
1564 /* semsym.c */
1565 int sym_in_scope(int, OVCLASS, int *, int *, int);
1566 void sem_import_sym(int);
1567 int test_scope(int);
1568 int declref(int, SYMTYPE, int);
1569 void set_internref_stfunc(int);
1570 int declsym(int, SYMTYPE, LOGICAL);
1571 int refsym(int, OVCLASS);
1572 int refsym_inscope(int, OVCLASS);
1573 void enforce_denorm(void);
1574 int getocsym(int, OVCLASS, LOGICAL);
1575 int declobject(int, SYMTYPE);
1576 int newsym(int);
1577 int ref_ident(int);
1578 int ref_ident_inscope(int);
1579 int ref_storage(int);
1580 int ref_storage_inscope(int);
1581 int ref_int_scalar(int);
1582 int ref_based_object(int);
1583 int ref_based_object_sc(int, SC_KIND);
1584 int refocsym(int, OVCLASS);
1585 int sym_skip_construct(int);
1586 int declsym_newscope(int, SYMTYPE, int);
1587 int decl_private_sym(int);
1588 int sem_check_scope(int, int);
1590 /* semfunc.c */
1591 int get_static_type_descriptor(int sptr);
1592 int get_type_descr_arg(int func_sptr, int arg);
1593 int get_type_descr_arg2(int func_sptr, int arg);
1594 int sc_local_passbyvalue(int sptr, int func_sptr);
1595 LOGICAL allocatable_member(int sptr);
1596 LOGICAL in_kernel_region(void);
1597 int get_tbp_argno(int sptr, int dty2);
1598 int get_generic_member(int dtype, int sptr);
1599 int get_generic_member2(int dtype, int sptr, int argcnt, int *argno);
1600 int generic_tbp_has_pass_and_nopass(int dtype, int sptr);
1601 int get_generic_tbp_pass_or_nopass(int dtype, int sptr, int flag);
1602 int get_specific_member(int dtype, int sptr);
1603 int get_implementation(int dtype, int sptr, int flag, int *memout);
1604 int _selected_char_kind(int con);
1605 /* end semfunc.c */
1607 /* semfunc2.c */
1608 void set_pass_objects(int, int);
1609 int intrinsic_as_arg(int);
1610 int ref_entry(int);
1611 int select_gsame(int);
1612 char *make_kwd_str(int);
1613 char *make_keyword_str(int, int);
1614 LOGICAL get_kwd_args(ITEM *, int, char *);
1615 LOGICAL evl_kwd_args(ITEM *, int, char *);
1616 LOGICAL sum_scatter_args(ITEM *, int);
1617 LOGICAL check_arguments(int, int, ITEM *, char *);
1618 LOGICAL chk_arguments(int, int, ITEM *, char *, int, int, int, int *);
1619 LOGICAL ignore_tkr(int, int);
1620 LOGICAL ignore_tkr_all(int);
1621 int iface_intrinsic(int);
1622 void defer_arg_chk(SPTR formal, SPTR actual, SPTR subprog,
1623                    cmp_interface_flags, int lineno, bool performChk);
1624 /* end semfunc2.c */
1626 /* semgnr.c */
1627 void check_generic(int);
1628 void init_intrinsic_opr(void);
1629 void bind_intrinsic_opr(int, int);
1630 int get_intrinsic_oprsym(int, int);
1631 int get_intrinsic_opr(int, int);
1632 int dtype_has_defined_io(int);
1633 void check_defined_io(void);
1634 void add_overload(int, int);
1635 void copy_specifics(int fromsptr, int tosptr);
1637 /* semant2.c */
1638 int test_private_dtype(int dtype);
1640 /* semant3.c */
1641 void check_doconcurrent(int doif);
1642 int has_poly_mbr(int sptr, int flag);
1643 void push_tbp_arg(ITEM *item);
1644 ITEM *pop_tbp_arg(void);
1646 /* xref.c */
1647 void xrefinit(void);
1648 void xrefput(int symptr, int usage);
1649 void xref(void);
1650 /* end xref.c */
1652 /** \brief Constants representing tasks for type bound procedure (tbp)
1653  *  processing.
1654  *
1655  *  These are used with the task argument in the queue_tbp() function.
1656  */
1657 typedef enum tbpTasks {
1658   TBP_CLEAR_ERROR = -1,    /**< Clear all entries in queue after an error */
1659   TBP_CLEAR,               /**< Clear all entries after normal processing */
1660   TBP_CLEAR_STALE_RECORDS, /**< Clear tbp_queue entries with stale dtypes */
1661   TBP_ADD_SIMPLE,   /**< Add tbp after parsing simple tbp (e.g., procedure tbp;)
1662                      */
1663   TBP_ADD_TO_DTYPE, /**< Add tbps to derived type dtype records */
1664   TBP_COMPLETE_ENDMODULE, /**< Complete tbp ST_MEMBERs in derived type after
1665                                parsing ENDMODULE */
1666   TBP_ADD_INTERFACE,  /**< Add interface name to queue if user specified one */
1667   TBP_ADD_IMPL,       /**< Add binding name and implementation name to queue.
1668                            Occurs when we parse something like
1669                            procedure x => y (where x is the binding name and y is
1670                            the implementation name). */
1671   TBP_PASS,           /**< Specify explicit pass argument for tbp */
1672   TBP_COMPLETE_FIN,   /**< Complete tbp ST_MEMBERS after processing module
1673                            CONTAINS, etc. Called from semfin() */
1674   TBP_INHERIT,        /**< Copy inherited tbps from parent type to child type */
1675   TBP_NOPASS,         /**< Specify NOPASS attribute for tbp */
1676   TBP_NONOVERRIDABLE, /**< Specify NON_OVERRIDABLE attribute for tbp */
1677   TBP_PRIVATE,        /**< Specify PRIVATE attribute for tbp */
1678   TBP_PUBLIC,         /**< Specify PUBLIC attribute for tbp */
1679   TBP_STATUS,   /**< Check to see if we have tbps to add to a derived type */
1680   TBP_DEFERRED, /**< Specify DEFERRED attribute for tbp */
1681   TBP_IFACE,    /**< Specify an external routine via an explicit interface for
1682                      the tbp's implementation */
1683   TBP_COMPLETE_END,     /**< Complete tbp ST_MEMBERs after parsing ENDFUNCTION,
1684                              ENPROGRAM, ENSUBROUTINE outside the scope of a
1685                              module. */
1686   TBP_COMPLETE_ENDTYPE, /**< Complete tbp ST_MEMBERs after parsing ENDTYPE
1687                              outside the scope of a module. */
1688   TBP_CHECK_CHILD,      /**< Check validity of child tbp with parent tbp */
1689   TBP_CHECK_PRIVATE, /**< Check validity of private child tbp with parent tbp */
1690   TBP_CHECK_PUBLIC,  /**< Check validity of public child tbp with parent tbp */
1691   TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC, /**< Complete tbp ST_MEMBERs for generic tbps. This
1692                              task is invoked in various places of generic and
1693                              operator processing. */
1694   TBP_ADD_FINAL,        /**< Add final subroutine to queue */
1695   TBP_FORCE_RESOLVE     /**< Force resolution of tbps in tbpQueue */
1697 } tbpTask;
1699 /* semtbp.c */
1700 int queue_tbp(int sptr, int bind, int offset, int dtype, tbpTask task);
1701 void ensure_no_stale_tbp_queue_entries(void);
1703 /** \brief These are constants used by SST_DIMFLAG and A_MASK to represent
1704  *         empty subscripts (e.g., (:), (:,:), (:,:,:), etc. )
1705  */
1706 typedef enum dimMask {
1707   lboundMask = 0x1, /**< empty lower bound mask */
1708   uboundMask = 0x2, /**< empty upper bound mask */
1709   strideMask = 0x4  /**< empty stride mask */
1710 } dimMask;