1 /****************************************************************************
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 #include <QtGlobal>
30 namespace Autotest {
31 namespace Constants {
33 const char ACTION_SCAN_ID[]             = "AutoTest.ScanAction";
34 const char ACTION_RUN_ALL_ID[]          = "AutoTest.RunAll";
35 const char ACTION_RUN_SELECTED_ID[]     = "AutoTest.RunSelected";
36 const char ACTION_RUN_FAILED_ID[]       = "AutoTest.RunFailed";
37 const char ACTION_RUN_FILE_ID[]         = "AutoTest.RunFile";
38 const char ACTION_RUN_UCURSOR[]         = "AutoTest.RunUnderCursor";
39 const char ACTION_RUN_DBG_UCURSOR[]     = "AutoTest.RunDebugUnderCursor";
40 const char MENU_ID[]                    = "AutoTest.Menu";
41 const char AUTOTEST_ID[]                = "AutoTest.ATP";
42 const char AUTOTEST_CONTEXT[]           = "Auto Tests";
43 const char TASK_INDEX[]                 = "AutoTest.Task.Index";
44 const char TASK_PARSE[]                 = "AutoTest.Task.Parse";
45 const char AUTOTEST_SETTINGS_CATEGORY[] = "ZY.Tests";
46 const char AUTOTEST_SETTINGS_TR[]       = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("AutoTest", "Testing");
47 const char FRAMEWORK_PREFIX[]           = "AutoTest.Framework.";
48 const char SETTINGSPAGE_PREFIX[]        = "A.AutoTest.";
49 const char SETTINGSGROUP[]              = "Autotest";
50 const char TASK_MARK_ID[]               = "Autotest.TaskMark";
51 const char SK_USE_GLOBAL[]              = "AutoTest.UseGlobal";
52 } // namespace Constants
54 enum class TestRunMode
55 {
56     None,
57     Run,
58     RunWithoutDeploy,
59     Debug,
60     DebugWithoutDeploy,
61     RunAfterBuild
62 };
64 enum class OutputChannel { StdOut, StdErr };
66 } // namespace Autotest