1 /*	Public domain	*/
3 #ifndef _AGARTEST_H_
4 #define _AGARTEST_H_
6 #include <agar/core.h>
7 #include <agar/gui.h>
8 #include <agar/dev.h>
10 #include <agar/config/ag_debug.h>
11 #include <agar/config/have_64bit.h>
12 #include <agar/config/have_opengl.h>
13 #include <agar/config/enable_au.h>
14 #include <agar/config/enable_vg.h>
16 /* Test case definition */
17 typedef struct ag_test_case {
18 	const char *name;			/* Test name */
19 	const char *descr;			/* Short description */
20 	const char *minVer;			/* Minimum Agar version */
21 	Uint flags;
22 #define AG_TEST_THREADS	0x01			/* Require multithreading */
23 #define AG_TEST_OPENGL	0x02			/* Require OpenGL support */
24 #define AG_TEST_SDL	0x04			/* Require SDL 1.x support */
25 #define AG_TEST_AUDIO	0x08			/* Require the Agar-AU library */
26 	size_t size;				/* Instance structure size */
27 	int  (*init)(void *);			/* Initialize instance */
28 	void (*destroy)(void *);		/* Free instance */
29 	int  (*test)(void *);			/* Non-interactive test */
30 	int  (*testGUI)(void *, AG_Window *);	/* Interactive test */
31 	int  (*bench)(void *);			/* Run benchmark */
32 } AG_TestCase;
34 /* Test case instance */
35 typedef struct ag_test_instance {
36 	const AG_TestCase *tc;
37 	const char *name;
38 	Uint flags;
39 	float score;				/* Numerical result */
40 	AG_Console *console;			/* Output console */
41 	AG_Window *win;				/* Main (control) window */
42 	AG_Button *closeBtn;			/* "Close this test" */
43 	AG_TAILQ_ENTRY(ag_test_instance) instances;
44 } AG_TestInstance;
46 typedef struct ag_benchmark_fn {
47 	char *name;
48 	void (*run)(void *ti);
49 #if defined(AG_HAVE_64BIT)
50 	Uint64 clksMin, clksAvg, clksMax;
51 #else
52 	Uint32 clksMin, clksAvg, clksMax;
53 #endif
54 } AG_BenchmarkFn;
56 typedef struct ag_benchmark {
57 	char *name;
58 	AG_BenchmarkFn *funcs;
59 	Uint           nFuncs;
60 	Uint runs;			/* Number of loop cycles */
61 	Uint iterations;		/* Iterations in loop */
62 	Uint maximum;			/* If tests exceed value, assume
63 					   preemption and retry (0=disable) */
64 } AG_Benchmark;
66 void       TestWindowClose(AG_Event *);
67 void       TestMsg(void *, const char *, ...);
68 void       TestMsgS(void *, const char *);
69 void       TestExecBenchmark(void *, AG_Benchmark *);
71 #include "config/enable_nls.h"
72 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
73 # include <libintl.h>
74 # define _(String) gettext(String)
75 # define gettext_noop(String) (String)
76 # define N_(String) gettext_noop(String)
77 #else
78 # undef _
79 # undef N_
80 # define _(s) (s)
81 # define N_(s) (s)
82 #endif
84 #endif /* _AGARTEST_H_ */