1 /* This file is part of the Spring engine (GPL v2 or later), see LICENSE.html */
6 /*
7  * All this is not needed when building an AI,
8  * as it is strictly AI Interface related,
9  * and therefore only matters to the engine and AI Interfaces.
10  */
11 #if !defined BUILDING_SKIRMISH_AI
13 #ifdef	__cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif
17 /**
18  * [string]
19  * Absolute data dir containing the AIs AIInfo.lua file.
20  * This property is set by the engine, not read from any file.
21  * example: "/home/john/spring/AI/Interfaces/C/0.1"
22  */
23 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DATA_DIR               "dataDir"
25 /**
26  * [string]
27  * Absolute, version independent data dir.
28  * This property is set by the engine, not read from any file.
29  * example: "/home/john/spring/AI/Interfaces/C/common"
30  */
31 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DATA_DIR_COMMON        "dataDirCommon"
33 /**
34  * [string: [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*]
35  * example: "C"
36  */
37 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_SHORT_NAME             "shortName"
39 /**
40  * [string: [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*]
41  * example: "0.1"
42  */
43 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_VERSION                "version"
45 /**
46  * [string]
47  * example: "C/C++"
48  */
49 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_NAME                   "name"
51 /**
52  * [string]
53  * example: "supports loading native AIs written in C and/or C++"
54  */
55 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION            "description"
57 /**
58  * [string]
59  * example: "http://springrts.com/wiki/AIInterface:C"
60  */
61 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_URL                    "url"
63 /**
64  * [string]
65  * example: "C, C++"
66  */
67 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES    "supportedLanguages"
69 /**
70  * [int]
71  * The engine version number the AI Interface was compiled for,
72  * though it may work with newer or older engine versions too.
73  */
74 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_ENGINE_VERSION         "engineVersion"
76 /**
77  * [bool]
78  * Whether the AI Interface suports dynamic (at runtime) lookup of available
79  * Skirmish AIs through the list* functions, in addition to the ones defined
80  * through AIInfo.lua files.
81  * example: "0", "1", "false", "true"
82  */
83 #define AI_INTERFACE_PROPERTY_SUPPORTS_LOOKUP    "supportsLookup"
85 /*
86  * Everything following is (code wise) only interesting for the engine,
87  * not for AI Interfaces.
88  */
89 #if !defined BUILDING_AI
91 #include "System/exportdefines.h"
92 //#include "ELevelOfSupport.h"
94 //enum ELevelOfSupport;
95 struct SSkirmishAILibrary;
96 struct SStaticGlobalData;
98 /**
99  * @brief Artificial Intelligence Interface library interface
100  *
101  * This is the interface between the engine and an implementation of
102  * an AI Interface.
103  * The engine will address AI Interfaces through this interface,
104  * but AI Interfaces will not actually implement it. It is the job
105  * of the engine, to make sure it can address AI Interface
106  * implementations through instances of this struct.
107  *
108  * An example of loading the C AI Interface:
109  * The C AI Interface library exports functions fitting the
110  * function pointers in this struct. When the engine needs therefore
111  * C AI Interface, it loads the shared library, eg C-AI-Interface.dll,
112  * creates a new instance of this struct, and sets the member function
113  * pointers to the addresses of the fitting functions exported
114  * by the shared library. The functions of the AI Interface are then
115  * allways called through this struct.
116  */
117 struct SAIInterfaceLibrary {
119 	// static AI interface library functions
121 	/**
122 	 * This function is called right after the library is dynamically loaded.
123 	 * It can be used to initialize variables and to check or prepare
124 	 * the environment (os, engine, filesystem, ...).
125 	 * @see releaseStatic()
126 	 *
127 	 * [optional]
128 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
129 	 *
130 	 * @param	staticGlobalData contains global data about the engine and the
131 	 *                           environment; is guaranteed to be valid till
132 	 *                           releaseStatic() is called.
133 	 * @return     0: ok
134 	 *          != 0: error
135 	 */
136 	int (CALLING_CONV *initStatic)(int interfaceId,
137 			const struct SAIInterfaceCallback* const);
139 	/**
140 	 * This function is called right right before the library is unloaded.
141 	 * It can be used to deinitialize variables and to cleanup the environment,
142 	 * for example the filesystem.
143 	 *
144 	 * See also initStatic().
145 	 *
146 	 * [optional]
147 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
148 	 *
149 	 * @return     0: ok
150 	 *          != 0: error
151 	 */
152 	int (CALLING_CONV *releaseStatic)();
154 //	/**
155 //	 * Level of Support for a specific engine version.
156 //	 *
157 //	 * [optional]
158 //	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
159 //	 */
160 //	enum LevelOfSupport (CALLING_CONV *getLevelOfSupportFor)(
161 //			const char* engineVersionString, int engineVersionNumber);
164 	// skirmish AI methods
166 	/**
167 	 * Loads the specified Skirmish AI.
168 	 *
169 	 * @return     0: ok
170 	 *          != 0: error
171 	 */
172 	const struct SSkirmishAILibrary* (CALLING_CONV *loadSkirmishAILibrary)(
173 			const char* const shortName,
174 			const char* const version);
176 	/**
177 	 * Unloads the specified Skirmish AI.
178 	 *
179 	 * @return     0: ok
180 	 *          != 0: error
181 	 */
182 	int (CALLING_CONV *unloadSkirmishAILibrary)(
183 			const char* const shortName,
184 			const char* const version);
186 	/**
187 	 * Unloads all Skirmish AI libraries currently loaded by this interface.
188 	 *
189 	 * @return     0: ok
190 	 *          != 0: error
191 	 */
192 	int (CALLING_CONV *unloadAllSkirmishAILibraries)();
194 	/**
195 	 * Dynamic Skirmish AI library lookup system entry method.
196 	 * This system works as an alternative/addition to AIInfo.lua and
197 	 * AIOptions.lua files.
198 	 *
199 	 * [optional]
200 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
201 	 *
203 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfos
204 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryOptions
205 	 * @return the number of Skirmish AI libraries available through this
206 	 *   interface through the dynamic lookup system
207 	 */
208 	int (CALLING_CONV *listSkirmishAILibraries)(int interfaceId);
210 	/**
211 	 * Returns the number of info key-value pairs for a certain Skirmish AI
212 	 * library.
213 	 *
214 	 * [optional]
215 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
216 	 *
217 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraries
218 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfoKey
219 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfoValue
220 	 * @return the number of info key-value pairs for a certain Skirmish AI
221 	 *   library.
222 	 */
223 	int (CALLING_CONV *listSkirmishAILibraryInfos)(int interfaceId,
224 			int aiIndex);
225 	/**
226 	 * Returns the key of an info item for a certain Skirmish AI library.
227 	 *
228 	 * [optional]
229 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
230 	 *
231 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfos
232 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfoValue
233 	 * @return the key of an info item for a certain Skirmish AI library.
234 	 */
235 	const char* (CALLING_CONV *listSkirmishAILibraryInfoKey)(int interfaceId,
236 			int aiIndex, int infoIndex);
237 	/**
238 	 * Returns the value of an info item for a certain Skirmish AI library.
239 	 *
240 	 * [optional]
241 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
242 	 *
243 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfos
244 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraryInfoKey
245 	 * @return the value of an info item for a certain Skirmish AI library.
246 	 */
247 	const char* (CALLING_CONV *listSkirmishAILibraryInfoValue)(int interfaceId,
248 			int aiIndex, int infoIndex);
250 	/**
251 	 * Returns a string consisting of Lua code, that returns an options table.
252 	 *
253 	 * [optional]
254 	 * An AI Interface not exporting this function is still valid.
255 	 *
256 	 * @see listSkirmishAILibraries
257 	 * @return NULL for no options, otherwise
258 	 *   a string consisting of Lua code that returns an options table
259 	 */
260 	const char* (CALLING_CONV *listSkirmishAILibraryOptions)(int interfaceId,
261 			int aiIndex);
262 };
264 #endif // !defined BUILDING_AI
266 #ifdef	__cplusplus
267 } // extern "C"
268 #endif
270 #endif // !defined BUILDING_SKIRMISH_AI