1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /* ALBERTA:  an Adaptive multi Level finite element toolbox using           */
3 /*           Bisectioning refinement and Error control by Residual          */
4 /*           Techniques for scientific Applications                         */
5 /*                                                                          */
6 /* file:     macro.c                                                        */
7 /*                                                                          */
8 /*                                                                          */
9 /* description:  dimension dependent part of reading/writing macro          */
10 /*               triangulations for 3d                                      */
11 /*                                                                          */
12 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
13 /*                                                                          */
14 /*  authors:   Alfred Schmidt                                               */
15 /*             Zentrum fuer Technomathematik                                */
16 /*             Fachbereich 3 Mathematik/Informatik                          */
17 /*             Universitaet Bremen                                          */
18 /*             Bibliothekstr. 2                                             */
19 /*             D-28359 Bremen, Germany                                      */
20 /*                                                                          */
21 /*             Kunibert G. Siebert                                          */
22 /*             Institut fuer Mathematik                                     */
23 /*             Universitaet Augsburg                                        */
24 /*             Universitaetsstr. 14                                         */
25 /*             D-86159 Augsburg, Germany                                    */
26 /*                                                                          */
27 /*             Daniel Koester                                               */
28 /*             Institut fuer Mathematik                                     */
29 /*             Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg                         */
30 /*             Hermann-Herder-Str. 10                                       */
31 /*             D-79104 Freiburg                                             */
32 /*                                                                          */
33 /*             Claus-Justus Heine                                           */
34 /*             Abteilung fuer Angewandte Mathematik                         */
35 /*             Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg                         */
36 /*             Hermann-Herder-Str. 10                                       */
37 /*             D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany                        */
38 /*                                                                          */
39 /*  http://www.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/IAM/ALBERTA                       */
40 /*                                                                          */
41 /*  (c) by A. Schmidt and K.G. Siebert (1996-2003),                         */
42 /*         C.-J. Heine (2006-2007)                                          */
43 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
45 /* fill_bound_info_3d(): fill boundary info on faces from MACRO_DATA
46  * *data into corresponding macro elements, set boundary types of
47  * vertices (edges are handled later in fill_more_bound_info_3d). The
48  * boundary type of a vertex or edge is just a bit-field where bits
49  * are set according to the boundary types of the surrounding faces.
50  */
51 static void
fill_bound_info_3d(MESH * mesh,const int * mel_vertices,int nv,int ne)52 fill_bound_info_3d(MESH *mesh, const int *mel_vertices, int nv, int ne)
53 {
54   MACRO_EL    *mel = mesh->macro_els;
55   int         i, j, k;
56   BNDRY_FLAGS bound[nv], non_per_bound[nv];
57   BNDRY_TYPE  m_bound;
59 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
60 /* The first N_FACES_3D entries of mel[].boundary will contain pointers to  */
61 /* BOUNDARY structures corresponding to the elements' faces. These are the  */
62 /* crucial infos provided externally, the other subsimplices (here vertices)*/
63 /* are set to a boundary type depending on the face containing them.        */
64 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
66   for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
67     BNDRY_FLAGS_INIT(non_per_bound[i]);
68     BNDRY_FLAGS_INIT(bound[i]);
69   }
71   for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
72     for (j = 0; j < N_WALLS_3D; j++) {
73       if ((m_bound = mel[i].wall_bound[j]) != INTERIOR) {
74 	if (mel[i].neigh_vertices[j][0] == -1) {
75 	  for (k = 1; k < N_VERTICES_3D; k++) {
76 	    BNDRY_FLAGS_SET(bound[mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, i, (j+k)%4)]],
77 			    m_bound);
78 	  }
79 	}
80 	for (k = 1; k < N_VERTICES_3D; k++) {
81 	  BNDRY_FLAGS_SET(non_per_bound[mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, i, (j+k)%4)]],
82 			  m_bound);
83 	}
84       }
85     }
86   }
88   for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
89     for (j = 0; j < N_VERTICES_3D; j++) {
90       BNDRY_FLAGS_CPY(mel[i].vertex_bound[j],
91 		      bound[mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, i, j)]]);
92       BNDRY_FLAGS_CPY(mel[i].np_vertex_bound[j],
93 		      non_per_bound[mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, i, j)]]);
94     }
95   }
96 }
99 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 /* new_edge_3d(): This procedure counts the number of faces                 */
101 /* sharing the edge. Another important task is setting the boundary type of */
102 /* the edge depending on the types of these faces via new_bound_val_3d().   */
103 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
105 static inline
new_edge_3d(const int * mel_vertices,MACRO_EL * mel,int mel_edge_no,int * n_neigh,int non_periodic)106 int new_edge_3d(const int *mel_vertices,
107 		MACRO_EL *mel, int mel_edge_no, int *n_neigh,
108 		int non_periodic)
109 {
110   FUNCNAME("new_edge_3d");
111   typedef BNDRY_FLAGS *LIST_BOUND;
112   MACRO_EL   *neigh, *old_neigh = NULL;
113   int        i, j, k, opp_v = -1, mel_index, edge_no;
114   int        vertex[2] = { -1, }, face, dir;
115   BNDRY_FLAGS bound;
116   int        max_no_list_el = 20;
117   LIST_BOUND *list_bound = MEM_ALLOC(max_no_list_el, LIST_BOUND);
118   int        np_n_neigh, neigh_periodic = false;
119   static const int next_el[6][2] = {{3,2},{1,3},{1,2},{0,3},{0,2},{0,1}};
121   if (non_periodic) {
122     n_neigh = &np_n_neigh;
123   }
125   *n_neigh = 1;
127   mel_index = mel->index;
129   BNDRY_FLAGS_INIT(bound);
130   if (non_periodic) {
131     list_bound[0] = &(mel->np_edge_bound[mel_edge_no]);
132   } else {
133     list_bound[0] = &(mel->edge_bound[mel_edge_no]);
134   }
136 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
137 /*  first look for all neighbours in one direction until a boundary is      */
138 /*  reached :-( or we are back to mel :-)                                   */
139 /*  if the index of a neighbour is smaller than the element index, the edge */
140 /*  is counted by this neighbour, return 0.                                 */
141 /*  If we are back to element, return 1, to count the edge                  */
142 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
144   neigh = NULL;
145   for (dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
147     if (!neigh) {
149       for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
150 	vertex[j] = mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, mel_index,
151 					  vertex_of_edge_3d[mel_edge_no][j])];
152       }
154       edge_no = mel_edge_no;
155       face  = next_el[edge_no][dir];
156       neigh = mel->neigh[face];
157       neigh_periodic = mel->neigh_vertices[face][0] != -1;
158       if (non_periodic && neigh_periodic) {
159 	neigh = NULL; /* neighbour across periodic wall */
160       }
162       opp_v = mel->opp_vertex[face];
163       if ((non_periodic || !neigh_periodic) && mel->wall_bound[face] != INTERIOR) {
164 	BNDRY_FLAGS_SET(bound, mel->wall_bound[face]);
165       }
167       old_neigh = mel;
168     }
170     while (neigh && neigh != mel) {
171       if (neigh->index < mel_index) {
172 	MEM_FREE(list_bound, max_no_list_el, LIST_BOUND);
173 	return false;
174       }
176       if (neigh_periodic) {
177 	for (i = 0; i < N_VERTICES_2D; i++) {
178 	  j = neigh->neigh_vertices[opp_v][i];
179 	  if (mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, old_neigh->index, j)] == vertex[0])
180 	    break;
181 	}
182 	j = (opp_v + i + 1) % N_VERTICES_3D;
183 	vertex[0] = mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, neigh->index, j)];
184 	for (i = 0; i < N_VERTICES_2D; i++) {
185 	  k = neigh->neigh_vertices[opp_v][i];
186 	  if (mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, old_neigh->index, k)] == vertex[1])
187 	    break;
188 	}
189 	k = (opp_v + i + 1) % N_VERTICES_3D;
190 	vertex[1] = mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, neigh->index, k)];
191       } else {
192 	for (i = 0; i < N_VERTICES_2D; i++) {
193 	  j = (opp_v + i + 1) % N_VERTICES_3D;
194 	  if (mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, neigh->index, j)] == vertex[0])
195 	    break;
196 	}
197 	for (i = 0; i < N_VERTICES_2D; i++) {
198 	  k = (opp_v + i + 1) % N_VERTICES_3D;
199 	  if (mel_vertices[VERT_IND(3, neigh->index, k)] == vertex[1])
200 	    break;
201 	}
202       }
203       edge_no = edge_of_vertices_3d[j][k];
205       if (*n_neigh == max_no_list_el) {
206 	list_bound = MEM_REALLOC(list_bound,
207 				 max_no_list_el, max_no_list_el + 20,
208 				 LIST_BOUND);
209 	max_no_list_el += 20;
210       }
212       if (non_periodic) {
213 	list_bound[(*n_neigh)++] = &(neigh->np_edge_bound[edge_no]);
214       } else {
215 	list_bound[(*n_neigh)++] = &(neigh->edge_bound[edge_no]);
216       }
218       face = (next_el[edge_no][0] == opp_v)
219 	? next_el[edge_no][1] : next_el[edge_no][0];
221       neigh_periodic = neigh->neigh_vertices[face][0] != -1;
222       if ((non_periodic || !neigh_periodic) && neigh->wall_bound[face] != INTERIOR) {
223 	BNDRY_FLAGS_SET(bound, neigh->wall_bound[face]);
224       }
226       opp_v = neigh->opp_vertex[face];
227       if (non_periodic && neigh_periodic) {
228 	neigh = NULL; /* neighbour across periodic wall */
229       } else {
230 	old_neigh = neigh;
231 	neigh = neigh->neigh[face];
232       }
233     }
234   }
236   for (j = 0; j < *n_neigh; j++) {
237     BNDRY_FLAGS_CPY(*(list_bound[j]), bound);
238   }
240   MEM_FREE(list_bound, max_no_list_el, LIST_BOUND);
242   return true;
243 }
245 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
246 /* fill_more_bound_info_3d(): This function fills boundary information using*/
247 /* the function new_edge_3d() above. It also counts faces and edges.        */
248 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
250 static void
fill_more_bound_info_3d(MESH * mesh,const int * mel_vertices,int ne,bool do_count)251 fill_more_bound_info_3d(MESH *mesh,
252 			const int *mel_vertices, int ne, bool do_count)
253 {
254   /* FUNCNAME("fill_more_bound_info_3d"); */
255   int      i, k;
256   int      n_edges = 0, n_faces = 0, max_n_neigh = 0, n_neigh = 0;
257   MACRO_EL *mel = mesh->macro_els, *neigh;
259   if (do_count) {
260     mesh->max_edge_neigh = 8;
261   }
263   for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
264     for (k = 0; k < N_EDGES_3D; k++) {
265 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
266 /*  check for not counted edges                                             */
267 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
268       if (new_edge_3d(mel_vertices, mel+i, k, &n_neigh, false)) {
269 	n_edges++;
270 	max_n_neigh = MAX(max_n_neigh, n_neigh);
271       }
272     }
274     for (k = 0; k < N_NEIGH_3D; k++) {
275       neigh = mel[i].neigh[k];
276 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
277 /*  face is counted by the element with bigger index                        */
278 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
279       if (neigh && (neigh->index > mel[i].index))
280 	continue;
282       n_faces++;
283     }
284   }
286   if (mesh->is_periodic) {
287     /* fill also mel->np_edge_bound for non-periodic mesh-traversal,
288      * and update mesh->n_edges to include edges across periodic
289      * walls. The reason is that n_edges is used to layout storage for
290      * DOF-pointers and DOFs are duplicated across periodic walls.
291      */
292     if (do_count) {
293       mesh->per_n_edges = n_edges;
294       mesh->per_n_faces = n_faces;
295     }
297     /* per_n_vertices is computed elsewhere */
299     n_edges = 0;
300     n_faces = 0;
301     for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
302       for (k = 0; k < N_EDGES_3D; k++) {
303 	if (new_edge_3d(mel_vertices, mel+i, k, &n_neigh, true)) {
304 	  n_edges++;
305 	  max_n_neigh = MAX(max_n_neigh, n_neigh);
306 	}
307       }
308       for (k = 0; k < N_NEIGH_3D; k++) {
309 	/* skip periodic neighbours this time; this way n_faces always
310 	 * corresponds to the number of face DOF-pointers.
311 	 */
312 	neigh = mel[i].neigh_vertices[k][0] == -1 ? mel[i].neigh[k] : NULL;
314 	/* face is counted by the element with bigger index */
315 	if (neigh && (neigh->index > mel[i].index))
316 	  continue;
318 	n_faces++;
319       }
320     }
321   }
323   if (do_count) {
324     mesh->max_edge_neigh = MAX(mesh->max_edge_neigh, 2*max_n_neigh);
325     mesh->n_edges = n_edges;
326     mesh->n_faces = n_faces;
327   }
329   return;
330 }
332 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
333 /* AI_get_orientation_3d(): This function calculates an elements orientation*/
334 /* and returns it as a signed integer suitable for the MACRO_EL orientation */
335 /* field. Also called from read_mesh.c                                      */
336 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AI_get_orientation_3d(MACRO_EL * mel)338 S_CHAR AI_get_orientation_3d(MACRO_EL *mel)
339 {
340   int i;
341   REAL_DD a;
343   if (DIM_OF_WORLD != 3) {
344     return 1;
345   }
347   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
348     AXPBY_DOW(1.0, *mel->coord[i+1], -1.0, *mel->coord[0], a[i]);
349   }
351   return MDET_DOW((const REAL_D *)a) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
352 }
354 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
355 /* macro_test_3d(): Check data for potential cycles during refinement       */
356 /* At the moment, a correction (and subsequent writing of a correct macro   */
357 /* data file) can only be done in 2D.                                       */
358 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
360 #if 0
361 ALBERTA_UNUSED(static int check_cycles_3d(MACRO_DATA *));
362 #endif
macro_test_3d(MACRO_DATA * data,const char * new_name)364 static void macro_test_3d(MACRO_DATA *data, const char *new_name)
365 {
366   FUNCNAME("macro_test_3d");
367 #if 1
368   WARNING("not implemented for 3d yet: no check is performed\n");
369 #else
370   U_CHAR error_found = false;
371   int i = -1;
373   i = check_cycles_3d(data);
375   if (i >= 0)
376   {
377     error_found = true;
378     WARNING("There is a cycle beginning in macro element %d.\n", i);
379     ERROR_EXIT("Correction of cycles not implemented yet in 3D\n");
380   }
382   if (error_found && new_name) {
383     MSG("Attempting to write corrected macro data to file %s...\n", new_name);
384     write_macro_data(data, new_name);
385   }
386 #endif
387   return;
388 }