1 /****************************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                                      */
3 /*                                      vinci.h                                         */
4 /*                                                                                      */
5 /****************************************************************************************/
6 /*                                                                                      */
7 /* Authors: Benno Bueeler (bueeler@ifor.math.ethz.ch)                                   */
8 /*          and                                                                         */
9 /*          Andreas Enge (enge@ifor.math.ethz.ch)                                       */
10 /*          Institute for Operations Research                                           */
11 /*	    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich                                */
12 /*	    Switzerland                                                                 */
13 /*                                                                                      */
14 /* Last Changes: May 19, 2003                                                           */
15 /*                                                                                      */
16 /****************************************************************************************/
17 /*                                                                                      */
18 /* global constants, types, variable and function declarations                          */
19 /*                                                                                      */
20 /****************************************************************************************/
22 #define COPYRIGHT1 "(C) Benno Bueeler and Andreas Enge, {bueeler,enge}@ifor.math.ethz.ch"
23 #define COPYRIGHT2 "    Developed in the ETHZ-EPFL project on Optimisation and Computational"
24 #define COPYRIGHT3 "    Geometry with Komei Fukuda"
25 #define VERSION "1.0.5"
26 #define VERSION_DATE "July 2003"
28 #define T01 "The package computes the volume of a polytope whose vertices, defining"
29 #define T02 "hyperplanes and/or incidences of vertices and facettes are stored in files"
30 #define T03 "following Avis' and Fukuda's polytope format. The vertices are supposed to"
31 #define T04 "be in a file with extension '.ine', the hyperplanes in '.ext' and the"
32 #define T05 "incidences in '.icd' (see the sample files 'square.ext', 'square.icd' and"
33 #define T06 "'square.ine').\n"
34 #define T07 "Its basic call is 'vinci file' where 'file' stands for the polyhedron file"
35 #define T08 "name without extension, e. g. 'vinci square'. In this case the existing files"
36 #define T09 "and installed additional packages are analysed and according to the problem"
37 #define T10 "type an appropriate volume computation method is chosen automatically."
38 #define T11 ""
39 #define T12 "The following additional parameters are possible:"
40 #define T13 "-m followed by the label of a specific volume computation method; to see a"
41 #define T14 "   list of the implemented methods, use 'vinci -m' without any label."
42 #define T15 "-s directly followed by a natural integer. The value determines for how many"
43 #define T16 "   recursion levels intermediate results are stored. A higher value speeds"
44 #define T17 "   up certain methods considerably while needing more storage space."
45 #define T18 "-r directly followed by an integer. The value sets the random seed used for"
46 #define T19 "   determining the objective function for Lawrence's formula."
47 #define T20 "\nFor more information please consult the manual."
49 /****************************************************************************************/
51 #include <stdio.h>
52 #include <stdlib.h>
53 #include <string.h>
54 #include <math.h>
55 #include <sys/times.h>
57 /****************************************************************************************/
58 /* The following constants may be changed by a user                                     */
59 /****************************************************************************************/
61 #define LRS_EXEC      "lrs"
62    /* location of external programme with path                                        */
64 #define PIVOTING 1
65 #define MIN_PIVOT 0.5
66 #define PIVOTING_LASS 0
67 #define MIN_PIVOT_LASS 0.1
68    /* for choosing a pivoting strategy whenever this is needed, e.g. for determinant    */
69    /* computation. The last two constants are valid for Lasserre's method, the first    */
70    /* two for any other method. PIVOTING and PIVOTING_LASS can take the following       */
71    /* values:                                                                           */
72    /*  0: The first row with entry bigger than MIN_PIVOT (in its absolute value) is     */
73    /*     chosen.                                                                       */
74    /*  1: partial pivoting; the row with maximal entry (absolute value) is chosen;      */
75    /*     MIN_PIVOT is ignored.                                                         */
76    /*  2: total pivoting; the row and column with maximal entry (absolute value) are    */
77    /*     chosen, MIN_PIVOT is ignored. If total pivoting is not possible (e. g. for    */
78    /*     solving linear equations) partial pivoting is performed.                      */
80 #define DEFAULT_STORAGE 20
81    /* For so many recursion levels intermediate volumes are stored, starting from the   */
82    /* level with two planes fixed. The value is only active if no option -s is speci-   */
83    /* fied; it may be set to 0, for instance, by using the option -s0.                  */
85 #define STATISTICS
86    /* If STATISTICS is defined, during volume computation, some statistical variables   */
87    /* like the number of simplices and their volume distribution are withheld.          */
89 #define NO_RATIONAL
90    /* If RATIONAL is defined, exact computation will be used in some places. In this    */
91    /* case, some real variables will be defined as rational. This option only works if  */
92    /* the g++-compiler is used, and its exact consequences are unknown...               */
94 /****************************************************************************************/
95 /* The following constants should not be changed by a user                              */
96 /****************************************************************************************/
98 #define EPSILON 1e-10
99 #define INCIDENCE_EPSILON 1e-6
100    /* Our usual constant of 1e-10 results in wrong incidence structures for rv_10_14    */
101    /* and rv_8_30. Using the cdd constant of 1e-6 everywhere produces a wrong result    */
102    /* with hot for ccp6. Therefore, we define a separate constant for the incidence     */
103    /* computation.                                                                      */
104 #define ARRAYSIZESTEP 5
105                           /* the dynamic arrays are increased in steps of this size */
107 #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 100
108                           /* defines the number of clock ticks per second returned by   */
109                           /* times() */
111 #define FALSE 0
112 #define TRUE 1
113 #define EOLN 10           /* end of line character */
115 #define NONE       0      /* constants for data types in files */
116 #define INTEGER_T  1
117 #define REAL_T     2
118 #define RATIONAL_T 3
120 #define RCH    1          /* constants for the volume computation methods */
121 #define HOT    4
122 #define LAWD   9
123 #define LAWND 10
124 #define RLASS 11
125 #define LRS   12
127 #define KEY_VERTICES   2  /* constants for the key type actually used in the balanced   */
128 #define KEY_PLANES_VAR 3  /* tree routines                                              */
130 #ifdef STATISTICS
131 #define STAT_SMALLEST_EXP -200
132 #define STAT_BIGGEST_EXP 200
133 #endif
134    /* The simplices in the size classes from 1e(STAT_SMALLEST_EXP) to                   */
135    /* 1e(STAT_BIGGEST_EXP) are counted separately for each class. Simplices too small   */
136    /* or too big are summarized in one variable. */
138 #ifdef RATIONAL
139 #include <Rational.h>
140 #endif
142 /****************************************************************************************/
143 /*                                  type definitions                                    */
144 /****************************************************************************************/
146 typedef double        real;
147 typedef unsigned char boolean;
148 typedef unsigned char T_LassInt;
150 #ifdef RATIONAL
151    typedef Rational rational;
152 #else
153    typedef real     rational;
154 #endif
156 struct T_Vertex
157      {real *coords;
158           /* the coordinates of a vertex */
159       int no;
160      }; /* type of a vertex */
161 typedef struct T_Vertex T_Vertex;
163 /* The sets of vertices are implemented as ordered lists */
164 struct T_VertexSet
165        {int maxel;      /* The list of vertices loe may contain elements 0 to maxel   */
166         int lastel;     /* Effectively, loe contains elements from 0 to lastel;       */
167                         /* an empty set is indicated by lastel == -1.                 */
168         T_Vertex **loe; /* The elements of the set are pointers to vertices which are */
169                         /* stored in loe, in ascending order following the numbering  */
170                         /* of the vertices */
171        };
172 typedef struct T_VertexSet T_VertexSet;
175 /* The sets of VertexSets are implemented as linked chain because only simple           */
176 /* operations are needed on them. */
177 struct T_VertexSuperset
178        {struct T_VertexSuperset *next;
179         struct T_VertexSet       content;
180        };
181 typedef struct T_VertexSuperset T_VertexSuperset;
184 /* Types for storing face volumes in balanced trees. For storing and retrieving a key   */
185 /* is needed for every face; all possibilities for keys are defined by the union T_Key. */
186 /* Only one of the keys is active at a time. T_Tree defines the tree itself.            */
187 union T_Key
188       {
189        struct {T_VertexSet set;
190                int         d;
191               } vertices;
192           /* The vertices contained in the face and the dimension for which the volume  */
193           /* is stored.                                                                 */
194        struct {T_LassInt *hyperplanes, *variables;} hypervar;
195           /* A list of fixed constraints and variables onto which the face has been     */
196           /* projected, used for Lasserre's formula                                     */
197       };
198 typedef union T_Key T_Key;
200 struct T_Tree
201        {struct T_Tree *tree_l, *tree_r; /* the left and right subtrees */
202         int           tree_b;
203         T_Key         key;
204         rational      vol;              /* the stored volume */
205        };
206 typedef struct T_Tree T_Tree;
208 /****************************************************************************************/
209 /*                            global variable declarations                              */
210 /****************************************************************************************/
212 extern int G_d;
213 extern int G_m;
214 extern int G_n;
215 extern real **G_Hyperplanes;
216    /* The first d components are the coordinates of a normal vector, the d+first com-   */
217    /* ponent is the right hand side. */
218 extern boolean **G_Incidence;
219    /* Incidence structure of vertices and hyperplanes. The rows are indexed with the    */
220    /* vertex numbers, the columns with the hyperplane numbers, and the value is TRUE    */
221    /* if the incidence relation is fulfilled. This allows to easily renumber the        */
222    /* vertices while keeping the incidence structure up to date by simply exchanging    */
223    /* rows.                                                                             */
224 extern T_VertexSet G_Vertices;
225    /* set of the vertices of the polytope                                               */
226 extern int G_Storage;
227    /* see the annotations for DEFAULT_STORAGE                                           */
228 extern int G_RandomSeed;
229 extern rational G_Minus1;
230    /* dummy to have a pointer, namely &G_Minus1, to the value -1 */
232 #ifdef STATISTICS
233    /* some variables for statistical purpose */
234    extern unsigned int Stat_Count;
235       /* for counting the number of partial volumes computed */
236    extern real Stat_Smallest, Stat_Biggest;
237       /* the volumes of the smallest and the biggest simplex */
238    extern unsigned int Stat_CountPos [STAT_BIGGEST_EXP - STAT_SMALLEST_EXP + 3];
239       /* Stat_CountPos [i] counts the number of positive partial volumes (usually       */
240       /* simplex volumes except for Lawrence's formula) which are contained between     */
241       /* 1e(i - 1 + STAT_SMALLEST_EXP) and 1e(i + STAT_SMALLEST_EXP). Smaller volumes   */
242       /* are counted in Stat_CountPos [0], bigger ones in the last entry of             */
243       /* Stat_CountPos. */
244    extern unsigned int Stat_CountNeg [STAT_BIGGEST_EXP - STAT_SMALLEST_EXP + 3];
245       /* the same for the absolute values of "negative volumes" in Lawrence's formula   */
246    extern unsigned int *Stat_CountStored, *Stat_CountRetrieved;
247       /* counts the number of volumes stored in and retrieved from the tree             */
248    extern unsigned int Stat_CountShifts;
249       /* counts the number of shifts performed in Lasserre's method                     */
250    extern long int Stat_ActualMem;
251       /* the memory actually used on the heap                                           */
252    extern long int Stat_MaxMem;
253       /* the maximal heap memory used during execution                                  */
254       /* Both values do not comprise the memory reserve G_MemRes.                       */
255 #endif
257 /****************************************************************************************/
258 /*                    functions and procedures from 'vinci_memory'                      */
259 /****************************************************************************************/
261 void *my_malloc (long int size);
262 void *my_realloc (void *pointer, long int new_size, long int size_diff);
263 void my_free (void *pointer, long int size);
264 T_Vertex *create_vertex ();
265 void free_vertex (T_Vertex *v);
266 void create_hyperplanes ();
267 void free_hyperplanes ();
268 void create_incidence ();
269 void free_incidence ();
270 T_VertexSet *create_faces ();
271 void free_faces (T_VertexSet *face);
272 rational ***create_basis ();
273 void free_basis (rational *** basis);
274 rational *create_fact ();
275 void free_fact (rational *fact);
276 rational *create_vector ();
277 void free_vector (rational *v);
278 int *create_int_vector (int n);
279 void free_int_vector (int *v, int n);
280 rational **create_matrix (int m, int n);
281 void redim_matrix (rational ***A, int m_alt, int m_neu, int n);
282 void free_matrix (rational **A, int m, int n);
283 void create_key (T_Key *key, int key_choice);
284 void free_key (T_Key key, int key_choice);
285 #ifdef STATISTICS
286 void init_statistics ();
287 void update_statistics (rational volume);
288 void free_statistics ();
289 #endif
290 void tree_out (T_Tree **ppr , boolean *pi_balance, T_Key key, rational **volume,
291    T_Key **keyfound, int key_choice);
292 void add_hypervar (T_LassInt hyperplane, T_LassInt variable, T_Key *key);
293 void delete_hypervar (T_LassInt hyperplane, T_LassInt variable, T_Key *key);
295 /****************************************************************************************/
296 /*                      functions and procedures from 'vinci_set'                       */
297 /****************************************************************************************/
299 T_VertexSet create_empty_set (void);
300 void free_set (T_VertexSet s);
301 void free_set_and_vertices (T_VertexSet s);
302 void clear_set (T_VertexSet *s);
303 T_VertexSet duplicate_set (T_VertexSet s);
304 void copy_set (T_VertexSet s1, T_VertexSet *s2);
305 void renumber_vertices ();
306 rational normalise_vertices ();
307 void print_set (FILE *f, T_VertexSet s);
308 boolean empty (T_VertexSet s);
309 boolean is_in_hyperplane (T_Vertex *e, int j);
310 boolean are_equal_sets (T_VertexSet s1, T_VertexSet s2);
311 void add_element (T_VertexSet *s, T_Vertex *e);
312 boolean delete_element (T_VertexSet *s, T_Vertex *e);
313 void intersect_with_hyperplane (T_VertexSet s, int j, T_VertexSet *inter);
314 T_VertexSuperset *create_empty_superset (void);
315 void free_superset (T_VertexSuperset **S);
316 void print_superset (FILE *f, T_VertexSuperset *S);
317 boolean is_in_superset (T_VertexSet s, T_VertexSuperset *S);
318 void add_superelement (T_VertexSuperset **S, T_VertexSet s);
320 /****************************************************************************************/
321 /*                  functions and procedures from 'vinci_computation'                   */
322 /****************************************************************************************/
324 rational factorial (int n);
325 rational det_and_invert (rational **A, int rows, int columns, boolean verbose);
326 void simplex_volume (T_VertexSet S, rational *volume, boolean verbose);
327 rational add_orthonormal (int d, T_VertexSet face, rational **H, T_Vertex *vertex);
328 rational orthonormal (int d, T_VertexSet face, rational **H);
330 /****************************************************************************************/
331 /*                     functions and procedures from 'vinci_volume'                     */
332 /****************************************************************************************/
334 void volume_ch_file (rational *volume, char *vertexfile, char *planesfile);
335 void volume_ortho_file (rational *volume, char *vertexfile, char *planesfile);
336 void volume_lawrence_file (rational *volume, char *vertexfile, char *planesfile);
337 void volume_lawrence_lrs_file (rational *volume, char *planesfile);
338 void volume_lrs_file (rational *volume, char *rational_volume, char *vertexfile);
340 /****************************************************************************************/
341 /*                 functions and procedures from 'vinci_lass'                           */
342 /****************************************************************************************/
344 void volume_lasserre_file (rational *volume, char *planesfile);
346 /****************************************************************************************/
347 /*                   functions and procedures from 'vinci_screen'                       */
348 /****************************************************************************************/
350 void print_hyperplanes (FILE *f);
351 void print_coords (FILE *f, T_Vertex *v);
352 void print_incidence (FILE *f);
353 void print_matrix (FILE *f, rational **A, int m, int n);
354 #ifdef STATISTICS
355    void print_statistics (FILE *f, int method);
356 #endif
358 /****************************************************************************************/
359 /*                   functions and procedures from 'vinci_file'                         */
360 /****************************************************************************************/
362 FILE * open_read (char *filename);
363 int determine_data_type (char *data_type);
364 void sread_rational_value (char *s, rational *value);
365 void read_vertices (char *filename);
366 void read_hyperplanes (char *filename);
367 void compute_incidence ();
369 /****************************************************************************************/