1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
15 #include "../config/config.hpp"
17 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
19 #include <mpi.h>
20 #include "pfespace.hpp"
21 #include "pgridfunc.hpp"
22 #include "bilinearform.hpp"
24 namespace mfem
25 {
27 /// Class for parallel bilinear form
28 class ParBilinearForm : public BilinearForm
29 {
30    friend FABilinearFormExtension;
31 protected:
32    ParFiniteElementSpace *pfes; ///< Points to the same object as #fes
34    /// Auxiliary objects used in TrueAddMult().
35    mutable ParGridFunction X, Y;
37    OperatorHandle p_mat, p_mat_e;
39    bool keep_nbr_block;
41    // Allocate mat - called when (mat == NULL && fbfi.Size() > 0)
42    void pAllocMat();
44    void AssembleSharedFaces(int skip_zeros = 1);
46 private:
47    /// Copy construction is not supported; body is undefined.
48    ParBilinearForm(const ParBilinearForm &);
50    /// Copy assignment is not supported; body is undefined.
51    ParBilinearForm &operator=(const ParBilinearForm &);
53 public:
54    /// Creates parallel bilinear form associated with the FE space @a *pf.
55    /** The pointer @a pf is not owned by the newly constructed object. */
ParBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace * pf)56    ParBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace *pf)
57       : BilinearForm(pf), pfes(pf),
58         p_mat(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR), p_mat_e(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR)
59    { keep_nbr_block = false; }
61    /** @brief Create a ParBilinearForm on the ParFiniteElementSpace @a *pf,
62        using the same integrators as the ParBilinearForm @a *bf.
64        The pointer @a pf is not owned by the newly constructed object.
66        The integrators in @a bf are copied as pointers and they are not owned by
67        the newly constructed ParBilinearForm. */
ParBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace * pf,ParBilinearForm * bf)68    ParBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace *pf, ParBilinearForm *bf)
69       : BilinearForm(pf, bf), pfes(pf),
70         p_mat(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR), p_mat_e(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR)
71    { keep_nbr_block = false; }
73    /** When set to true and the ParBilinearForm has interior face integrators,
74        the local SparseMatrix will include the rows (in addition to the columns)
75        corresponding to face-neighbor dofs. The default behavior is to disregard
76        those rows. Must be called before the first Assemble call. */
KeepNbrBlock(bool knb=true)77    void KeepNbrBlock(bool knb = true) { keep_nbr_block = knb; }
79    /** @brief Set the operator type id for the parallel matrix/operator when
80        using AssemblyLevel::LEGACY. */
81    /** If using static condensation or hybridization, call this method *after*
82        enabling it. */
SetOperatorType(Operator::Type tid)83    void SetOperatorType(Operator::Type tid)
84    {
85       p_mat.SetType(tid); p_mat_e.SetType(tid);
86       if (hybridization) { hybridization->SetOperatorType(tid); }
87       if (static_cond) { static_cond->SetOperatorType(tid); }
88    }
90    /// Assemble the local matrix
91    void Assemble(int skip_zeros = 1);
93    /** @brief Assemble the diagonal of the bilinear form into @a diag. Note that
94        @a diag is a true-dof Vector.
96        When the AssemblyLevel is not LEGACY, and the mesh is nonconforming,
97        this method returns |P^T| d_l, where d_l is the local diagonal of the
98        form before applying parallel/conforming assembly, P^T is the transpose
99        of the parallel/conforming prolongation, and |.| denotes the entry-wise
100        absolute value. In general, this is just an approximation of the exact
101        diagonal for this case. */
102    virtual void AssembleDiagonal(Vector &diag) const;
104    /// Returns the matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e. P^t A P.
105    /** The returned matrix has to be deleted by the caller. */
ParallelAssemble()106    HypreParMatrix *ParallelAssemble() { return ParallelAssemble(mat); }
108    /// Returns the eliminated matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e. P^t A_e P.
109    /** The returned matrix has to be deleted by the caller. */
ParallelAssembleElim()110    HypreParMatrix *ParallelAssembleElim() { return ParallelAssemble(mat_e); }
112    /// Return the matrix @a m assembled on the true dofs, i.e. P^t A P.
113    /** The returned matrix has to be deleted by the caller. */
114    HypreParMatrix *ParallelAssemble(SparseMatrix *m);
116    /** @brief Returns the matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e.
117        @a A = P^t A_local P, in the format (type id) specified by @a A. */
ParallelAssemble(OperatorHandle & A)118    void ParallelAssemble(OperatorHandle &A) { ParallelAssemble(A, mat); }
120    /** Returns the eliminated matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e.
121        @a A_elim = P^t A_elim_local P in the format (type id) specified by @a A.
122     */
ParallelAssembleElim(OperatorHandle & A_elim)123    void ParallelAssembleElim(OperatorHandle &A_elim)
124    { ParallelAssemble(A_elim, mat_e); }
126    /** Returns the matrix @a A_local assembled on the true dofs, i.e.
127        @a A = P^t A_local P in the format (type id) specified by @a A. */
128    void ParallelAssemble(OperatorHandle &A, SparseMatrix *A_local);
130    /// Eliminate essential boundary DOFs from a parallel assembled system.
131    /** The array @a bdr_attr_is_ess marks boundary attributes that constitute
132        the essential part of the boundary. */
133    void ParallelEliminateEssentialBC(const Array<int> &bdr_attr_is_ess,
134                                      HypreParMatrix &A,
135                                      const HypreParVector &X,
136                                      HypreParVector &B) const;
138    /// Eliminate essential boundary DOFs from a parallel assembled matrix @a A.
139    /** The array @a bdr_attr_is_ess marks boundary attributes that constitute
140        the essential part of the boundary. The eliminated part is stored in a
141        matrix A_elim such that A_original = A_new + A_elim. Returns a pointer to
142        the newly allocated matrix A_elim which should be deleted by the caller.
143        The matrices @a A and A_elim can be used to eliminate boundary conditions
144        in multiple right-hand sides, by calling the function EliminateBC() (from
145        hypre.hpp). */
146    HypreParMatrix *ParallelEliminateEssentialBC(const Array<int> &bdr_attr_is_ess,
147                                                 HypreParMatrix &A) const;
149    /// Eliminate essential true DOFs from a parallel assembled matrix @a A.
150    /** Given a list of essential true dofs and the parallel assembled matrix
151        @a A, eliminate the true dofs from the matrix, storing the eliminated
152        part in a matrix A_elim such that A_original = A_new + A_elim. Returns a
153        pointer to the newly allocated matrix A_elim which should be deleted by
154        the caller. The matrices @a A and A_elim can be used to eliminate
155        boundary conditions in multiple right-hand sides, by calling the function
156        EliminateBC() (from hypre.hpp). */
ParallelEliminateTDofs(const Array<int> & tdofs_list,HypreParMatrix & A) const157    HypreParMatrix *ParallelEliminateTDofs(const Array<int> &tdofs_list,
158                                           HypreParMatrix &A) const
159    { return A.EliminateRowsCols(tdofs_list); }
161    /** @brief Compute @a y += @a a (P^t A P) @a x, where @a x and @a y are
162        vectors on the true dofs. */
163    void TrueAddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double a = 1.0) const;
165    /// Return the parallel FE space associated with the ParBilinearForm.
ParFESpace() const166    ParFiniteElementSpace *ParFESpace() const { return pfes; }
168    /// Return the parallel trace FE space associated with static condensation.
SCParFESpace() const169    ParFiniteElementSpace *SCParFESpace() const
170    { return static_cond ? static_cond->GetParTraceFESpace() : NULL; }
172    /// Get the parallel finite element space prolongation matrix
GetProlongation() const173    virtual const Operator *GetProlongation() const
174    { return pfes->GetProlongationMatrix(); }
175    /// Get the transpose of GetRestriction, useful for matrix-free RAP
GetRestrictionTranspose() const176    virtual const Operator *GetRestrictionTranspose() const
177    { return pfes->GetRestrictionTransposeOperator(); }
178    /// Get the parallel finite element space restriction matrix
GetRestriction() const179    virtual const Operator *GetRestriction() const
180    { return pfes->GetRestrictionMatrix(); }
182    using BilinearForm::FormLinearSystem;
183    using BilinearForm::FormSystemMatrix;
185    virtual void FormLinearSystem(const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list, Vector &x,
186                                  Vector &b, OperatorHandle &A, Vector &X,
187                                  Vector &B, int copy_interior = 0);
189    virtual void FormSystemMatrix(const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list,
190                                  OperatorHandle &A);
192    /** Call this method after solving a linear system constructed using the
193        FormLinearSystem method to recover the solution as a ParGridFunction-size
194        vector in x. Use the same arguments as in the FormLinearSystem call. */
195    virtual void RecoverFEMSolution(const Vector &X, const Vector &b, Vector &x);
197    virtual void Update(FiniteElementSpace *nfes = NULL);
199    void EliminateVDofsInRHS(const Array<int> &vdofs, const Vector &x, Vector &b);
~ParBilinearForm()201    virtual ~ParBilinearForm() { }
202 };
204 /// Class for parallel bilinear form using different test and trial FE spaces.
205 class ParMixedBilinearForm : public MixedBilinearForm
206 {
207 protected:
208    /// Points to the same object as #trial_fes
209    ParFiniteElementSpace *trial_pfes;
210    /// Points to the same object as #test_fes
211    ParFiniteElementSpace *test_pfes;
212    /// Auxiliary objects used in TrueAddMult().
213    mutable ParGridFunction X, Y;
215    /// Matrix and eliminated matrix
216    OperatorHandle p_mat, p_mat_e;
218 private:
219    /// Copy construction is not supported; body is undefined.
220    ParMixedBilinearForm(const ParMixedBilinearForm &);
222    /// Copy assignment is not supported; body is undefined.
223    ParMixedBilinearForm &operator=(const ParMixedBilinearForm &);
225 public:
226    /** @brief Construct a ParMixedBilinearForm on the given FiniteElementSpace%s
227        @a trial_fes and @a test_fes. */
228    /** The pointers @a trial_fes and @a test_fes are not owned by the newly
229        constructed object. */
ParMixedBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace * trial_fes,ParFiniteElementSpace * test_fes)230    ParMixedBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace *trial_fes,
231                         ParFiniteElementSpace *test_fes)
232       : MixedBilinearForm(trial_fes, test_fes),
233         p_mat(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR), p_mat_e(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR)
234    {
235       trial_pfes = trial_fes;
236       test_pfes  = test_fes;
237    }
239    /** @brief Create a ParMixedBilinearForm on the given FiniteElementSpace%s
240        @a trial_fes and @a test_fes, using the same integrators as the
241        ParMixedBilinearForm @a mbf.
243        The pointers @a trial_fes and @a test_fes are not owned by the newly
244        constructed object.
246        The integrators in @a mbf are copied as pointers and they are not owned
247        by the newly constructed ParMixedBilinearForm. */
ParMixedBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace * trial_fes,ParFiniteElementSpace * test_fes,ParMixedBilinearForm * mbf)248    ParMixedBilinearForm(ParFiniteElementSpace *trial_fes,
249                         ParFiniteElementSpace *test_fes,
250                         ParMixedBilinearForm * mbf)
251       : MixedBilinearForm(trial_fes, test_fes, mbf),
252         p_mat(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR), p_mat_e(Operator::Hypre_ParCSR)
253    {
254       trial_pfes = trial_fes;
255       test_pfes  = test_fes;
256    }
258    /// Returns the matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e. P_test^t A P_trial.
259    HypreParMatrix *ParallelAssemble();
261    /** @brief Returns the matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e.
262        @a A = P_test^t A_local P_trial, in the format (type id) specified by
263        @a A. */
264    void ParallelAssemble(OperatorHandle &A);
266    using MixedBilinearForm::FormRectangularSystemMatrix;
267    using MixedBilinearForm::FormRectangularLinearSystem;
269    /** @brief Return in @a A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this operator.
271        This returns the same operator as FormRectangularLinearSystem(), but does
272        without the transformations of the right-hand side. */
273    virtual void FormRectangularSystemMatrix(const Array<int> &trial_tdof_list,
274                                             const Array<int> &test_tdof_list,
275                                             OperatorHandle &A);
277    /** @brief Form the parallel linear system A X = B, corresponding to this mixed
278        bilinear form and the linear form @a b(.).
280        Return in @a A a *reference* to the system matrix that is column-constrained.
281        The reference will be invalidated when SetOperatorType(), Update(), or the
282        destructor is called. */
283    virtual void FormRectangularLinearSystem(const Array<int> &trial_tdof_list,
284                                             const Array<int> &test_tdof_list, Vector &x,
285                                             Vector &b, OperatorHandle &A, Vector &X,
286                                             Vector &B);
288    /// Compute y += a (P^t A P) x, where x and y are vectors on the true dofs
289    void TrueAddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double a = 1.0) const;
~ParMixedBilinearForm()291    virtual ~ParMixedBilinearForm() { }
292 };
294 /** The parallel matrix representation a linear operator between parallel finite
295     element spaces */
296 class ParDiscreteLinearOperator : public DiscreteLinearOperator
297 {
298 protected:
299    /// Points to the same object as #trial_fes
300    ParFiniteElementSpace *domain_fes;
301    /// Points to the same object as #test_fes
302    ParFiniteElementSpace *range_fes;
304 private:
305    /// Copy construction is not supported; body is undefined.
306    ParDiscreteLinearOperator(const ParDiscreteLinearOperator &);
308    /// Copy assignment is not supported; body is undefined.
309    ParDiscreteLinearOperator &operator=(const ParDiscreteLinearOperator &);
311 public:
312    /** @brief Construct a ParDiscreteLinearOperator on the given
313        FiniteElementSpace%s @a dfes (domain FE space) and @a rfes (range FE
314        space). */
315    /** The pointers @a dfes and @a rfes are not owned by the newly constructed
316        object. */
ParDiscreteLinearOperator(ParFiniteElementSpace * dfes,ParFiniteElementSpace * rfes)317    ParDiscreteLinearOperator(ParFiniteElementSpace *dfes,
318                              ParFiniteElementSpace *rfes)
319       : DiscreteLinearOperator(dfes, rfes) { domain_fes=dfes; range_fes=rfes; }
321    /// Returns the matrix "assembled" on the true dofs
322    HypreParMatrix *ParallelAssemble() const;
324    /** @brief Returns the matrix assembled on the true dofs, i.e.
325        @a A = R_test A_local P_trial, in the format (type id) specified by
326        @a A. */
327    void ParallelAssemble(OperatorHandle &A);
329    /** Extract the parallel blocks corresponding to the vector dimensions of the
330        domain and range parallel finite element spaces */
331    void GetParBlocks(Array2D<HypreParMatrix *> &blocks) const;
333    using MixedBilinearForm::FormRectangularSystemMatrix;
335    /** @brief Return in @a A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this operator. */
336    virtual void FormRectangularSystemMatrix(OperatorHandle &A);
~ParDiscreteLinearOperator()338    virtual ~ParDiscreteLinearOperator() { }
339 };
341 }
343 #endif // MFEM_USE_MPI
345 #endif