1 //------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
3 //------------------------------------------------------------
4 namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
5 {
6     using System.Diagnostics;
7     using System.Runtime;
8     using System.ServiceModel;
9     using System.ServiceModel.Description;
10     using System.Threading;
12     class UtilityExtension : IExtension<IPeerNeighbor>
13     {
14         uint linkUtility;
15         uint updateCount;
16         IOThreadTimer ackTimer;
17         const uint linkUtilityIncrement = 128;
18         const uint maxLinkUtility = 4096;
19         int outTotal;
20         uint inTotal;
21         uint inUseful;
22         IPeerNeighbor owner;
23         object thisLock = new object();
24         object throttleLock = new object();
25         public event EventHandler UtilityInfoReceived;
26         public event EventHandler UtilityInfoSent;
27         TypedMessageConverter messageConverter;
28         public const int AcceptableMissDistance = 2;
29         int pendingSends = 0;
30         int checkPointPendingSends = 0;
31         bool isMonitoring = false;
32         int expectedClearance;
33         IOThreadTimer pruneTimer;
34         const int PruneIntervalMilliseconds = 10000;
35         TimeSpan pruneInterval;
36         const int MinimumPendingMessages = 8;
PruneNeighborCallback(IPeerNeighbor peer)37         public delegate void PruneNeighborCallback(IPeerNeighbor peer);
38         PruneNeighborCallback pruneNeighbor;
UtilityExtension()40         UtilityExtension()
41         {
42             ackTimer = new IOThreadTimer(new Action<object>(AcknowledgeLoop), null, false);
43             pendingSends = 0;
44             pruneTimer = new IOThreadTimer(new Action<object>(VerifyCheckPoint), null, false);
45             pruneInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(PruneIntervalMilliseconds + new Random(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id).Next(PruneIntervalMilliseconds));
46         }
48         public bool IsAccurate
49         {
50             get { return updateCount >= 32; }
51         }
53         public uint LinkUtility
54         {
55             get
56             {
57                 return linkUtility;
58             }
59         }
61         internal TypedMessageConverter MessageConverter
62         {
63             get
64             {
65                 if (messageConverter == null)
66                 {
67                     messageConverter = TypedMessageConverter.Create(typeof(UtilityInfo), PeerStrings.LinkUtilityAction);
68                 }
69                 return messageConverter;
70             }
71         }
Attach(IPeerNeighbor host)73         public void Attach(IPeerNeighbor host)
74         {
75             this.owner = host;
76             ackTimer.Set(PeerTransportConstants.AckTimeout);
77         }
OnNeighborConnected(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)79         static public void OnNeighborConnected(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)
80         {
81             Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value");
82             neighbor.Extensions.Add(new UtilityExtension());
83         }
OnNeighborClosed(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)85         static public void OnNeighborClosed(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)
86         {
87             Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value");
88             UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find<UtilityExtension>();
89             if (ext != null) neighbor.Extensions.Remove(ext);
90         }
Detach(IPeerNeighbor host)92         public void Detach(IPeerNeighbor host)
93         {
94             ackTimer.Cancel();
95             owner = null;
97             lock (throttleLock)
98             {
99                 pruneTimer.Cancel();
100             }
101         }
103         public object ThisLock
104         {
105             get
106             {
107                 return thisLock;
108             }
109         }
OnMessageSent(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)111         public static void OnMessageSent(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)
112         {
113             UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find<UtilityExtension>();
114             if (ext != null) ext.OnMessageSent();
115         }
OnMessageSent()117         void OnMessageSent()
118         {
119             lock (ThisLock)
120             {
121                 outTotal++;
122             }
123             Interlocked.Increment(ref pendingSends);
124         }
OnEndSend(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, FloodAsyncResult fresult)126         public static void OnEndSend(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, FloodAsyncResult fresult)
127         {
128             if (neighbor.State >= PeerNeighborState.Disconnecting)
129                 return;
130             UtilityExtension instance = neighbor.Utility;
131             if (instance == null)
132                 return;
133             instance.OnEndSend(fresult);
134         }
OnEndSend(FloodAsyncResult fresult)136         public void OnEndSend(FloodAsyncResult fresult)
137         {
138             Interlocked.Decrement(ref pendingSends);
139         }
AcknowledgeLoop(object state)141         void AcknowledgeLoop(object state)
142         {
143             IPeerNeighbor peer = owner;
144             if (peer == null || !peer.IsConnected)
145                 return;
146             FlushAcknowledge();
147             if (owner != null)
148                 ackTimer.Set(PeerTransportConstants.AckTimeout);
149         }
ProcessLinkUtility(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, UtilityInfo umessage)151         static public void ProcessLinkUtility(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, UtilityInfo umessage)
152         {
153             Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value");
154             UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find<UtilityExtension>();
155             if (ext != null)
156             {
157                 ext.ProcessLinkUtility(umessage.Useful, umessage.Total);
158             }
159         }
161         // Update link utility for the neighbor. received from the neighbor
ProcessLinkUtility(uint useful, uint total)162         void ProcessLinkUtility(uint useful, uint total)
163         {
164             uint i = 0;
165             lock (ThisLock)
166             {
167                 if (total > PeerTransportConstants.AckWindow
168                     || useful > total
169                     || (uint)outTotal < total
170                     )
171                 {
172                     throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.PeerLinkUtilityInvalidValues, useful, total)));
173                 }
175                 //VERIFY with in this range, we are hoping that the order of useful/useless messages doesnt matter much.
176                 for (i = 0; i < useful; i++)
177                 {
178                     this.linkUtility = Calculate(this.linkUtility, true);
179                 }
180                 for (; i < total; i++)
181                 {
182                     this.linkUtility = Calculate(this.linkUtility, false);
183                 }
184                 outTotal -= (int)total;
185             }
186             if (UtilityInfoReceived != null)
187             {
188                 UtilityInfoReceived(this, EventArgs.Empty);
189             }
191         }
Calculate(uint current, bool increase)193         uint Calculate(uint current, bool increase)
194         {
195             uint utility = 0;
196             // Refer to graph maintenance white paper for explanation of the formula
197             // used to compute utility index.
198             utility = (uint)current * 31 / 32;
199             if (increase)
200                 utility += linkUtilityIncrement;
201             if (!(utility <= maxLinkUtility))
202             {
203                 throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Link utility should not exceed " + maxLinkUtility);
204             }
205             if (!IsAccurate)
206                 ++updateCount;
207             return utility;
208         }
UpdateLinkUtility(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, bool useful)210         public static uint UpdateLinkUtility(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, bool useful)
211         {
212             Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value");
213             uint linkUtility = 0;
214             UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find<UtilityExtension>();
215             if (ext != null)
216             {
217                 // Can happen if the neighbor has been closed for instance
218                 linkUtility = ext.UpdateLinkUtility(useful);
219             }
220             return linkUtility;
221         }
UpdateLinkUtility(bool useful)223         public uint UpdateLinkUtility(bool useful)
224         {
225             lock (ThisLock)
226             {
227                 inTotal++;
228                 if (useful)
229                     inUseful++;
230                 linkUtility = Calculate(linkUtility, useful);
231                 if (inTotal == PeerTransportConstants.AckWindow)
232                 {
233                     FlushAcknowledge();
234                 }
235             }
236             return linkUtility;
237         }
FlushAcknowledge()239         public void FlushAcknowledge()
240         {
241             if (inTotal == 0)
242                 return;
243             uint tempUseful = 0, tempTotal = 0;
244             lock (ThisLock)
245             {
246                 tempUseful = inUseful;
247                 tempTotal = inTotal;
248                 inUseful = 0;
249                 inTotal = 0;
250             }
251             SendUtilityMessage(tempUseful, tempTotal);
252         }
254         class AsyncUtilityState
255         {
256             public Message message;
257             public UtilityInfo info;
AsyncUtilityState(Message message, UtilityInfo info)258             public AsyncUtilityState(Message message, UtilityInfo info)
259             {
260                 this.message = message;
261                 this.info = info;
262             }
263         }
SendUtilityMessage(uint useful, uint total)265         void SendUtilityMessage(uint useful, uint total)
266         {
267             IPeerNeighbor host = owner;
268             if (host == null || !PeerNeighborStateHelper.IsConnected(host.State) || total == 0)
269                 return;
270             UtilityInfo umessage = new UtilityInfo(useful, total);
271             IAsyncResult result = null;
272             Message message = MessageConverter.ToMessage(umessage, MessageVersion.Soap12WSAddressing10);
273             bool fatal = false;
274             try
275             {
276                 result = host.BeginSend(message, Fx.ThunkCallback(new AsyncCallback(UtilityMessageSent)), new AsyncUtilityState(message, umessage));
277                 if (result.CompletedSynchronously)
278                 {
279                     host.EndSend(result);
280                     EventHandler handler = UtilityInfoSent;
281                     if (handler != null)
282                         handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
283                 }
284             }
285             catch (Exception e)
286             {
287                 if (Fx.IsFatal(e))
288                 {
289                     fatal = true;
290                     throw;
291                 }
292                 if (null != HandleSendException(host, e, umessage))
293                     throw;
294                 DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information);
295             }
296             finally
297             {
298                 if (!fatal && (result == null || result.CompletedSynchronously))
299                     message.Close();
300             }
301         }
UtilityMessageSent(IAsyncResult result)303         void UtilityMessageSent(IAsyncResult result)
304         {
305             if (result == null || result.AsyncState == null)
306                 return;
307             IPeerNeighbor host = this.owner;
308             if (host == null || !PeerNeighborStateHelper.IsConnected(host.State))
309                 return;
310             if (result.CompletedSynchronously)
311                 return;
313             AsyncUtilityState state = (AsyncUtilityState)result.AsyncState;
314             Fx.Assert(state != null, "IAsyncResult.AsyncState does not contain AsyncUtilityState");
315             Message message = state.message;
316             UtilityInfo umessage = state.info;
317             bool fatal = false;
318             if (!(umessage != null))
319             {
320                 throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("expecting a UtilityInfo message in the AsyncState!");
321             }
323             try
324             {
325                 host.EndSend(result);
326             }
327             catch (Exception e)
328             {
329                 if (Fx.IsFatal(e))
330                 {
331                     fatal = true;
332                     throw;
333                 }
334                 if (null != HandleSendException(host, e, umessage))
335                     throw;
336                 DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information);
337             }
338             finally
339             {
340                 if (!fatal)
341                 {
342                     Fx.Assert(!result.CompletedSynchronously, "result.CompletedSynchronously");
343                     message.Close();
344                 }
345             }
346             EventHandler handler = UtilityInfoSent;
347             if (handler != null)
348                 handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
349         }
HandleSendException(IPeerNeighbor host, Exception e, UtilityInfo umessage)351         Exception HandleSendException(IPeerNeighbor host, Exception e, UtilityInfo umessage)
352         {
353             if ((e is ObjectDisposedException) ||
354                 (e is TimeoutException) ||
355                 (e is CommunicationException))
356             {
357                 if (!(!(e.InnerException is QuotaExceededException)))
358                 {
359                     throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("insufficient quota for sending messages!");
360                 }
361                 lock (ThisLock)
362                 {
363                     this.inTotal += umessage.Total;
364                     this.inUseful += umessage.Useful;
365                 }
366                 return null;
367             }
368             else
369             {
370                 return e;
371             }
373         }
ReportCacheMiss(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, int missedBy)375         static internal void ReportCacheMiss(IPeerNeighbor neighbor, int missedBy)
376         {
377             Fx.Assert(missedBy > AcceptableMissDistance, "Call this method for cache misses ONLY!");
378             Fx.Assert(neighbor != null, "Neighbor must have a value");
380             if (!neighbor.IsConnected)
381                 return;
382             UtilityExtension ext = neighbor.Extensions.Find<UtilityExtension>();
383             if (ext != null)
384             {
385                 ext.ReportCacheMiss(missedBy);
386             }
387         }
ReportCacheMiss(int missedBy)389         void ReportCacheMiss(int missedBy)
390         {
391             lock (ThisLock)
392             {
393                 for (int i = 0; i < missedBy; i++)
394                 {
395                     this.linkUtility = Calculate(this.linkUtility, false);
396                 }
397             }
398         }
400         public int PendingMessages
401         {
402             get
403             {
404                 return this.pendingSends;
405             }
406         }
BeginCheckPoint(PruneNeighborCallback pruneCallback)408         public void BeginCheckPoint(PruneNeighborCallback pruneCallback)
409         {
410             if (this.isMonitoring)
411                 return;
413             lock (throttleLock)
414             {
415                 if (this.isMonitoring)
416                     return;
417                 this.checkPointPendingSends = this.pendingSends;
418                 this.pruneNeighbor = pruneCallback;
419                 this.expectedClearance = this.pendingSends / 2;
420                 this.isMonitoring = true;
421                 if (owner == null)
422                     return;
423                 pruneTimer.Set(pruneInterval);
424             }
426         }
VerifyCheckPoint(object state)428         void VerifyCheckPoint(object state)
429         {
430             int lclPendingSends;
431             int lclCheckPointPendingSends;
432             IPeerNeighbor peer = (IPeerNeighbor)owner;
434             if (peer == null || !peer.IsConnected)
435                 return;
437             lock (throttleLock)
438             {
439                 lclPendingSends = this.pendingSends;
440                 lclCheckPointPendingSends = this.checkPointPendingSends;
441             }
442             if (lclPendingSends <= MinimumPendingMessages)
443             {
444                 lock (throttleLock)
445                 {
446                     isMonitoring = false;
447                 }
448             }
449             else if (lclPendingSends + this.expectedClearance >= lclCheckPointPendingSends)
450             {
451                 pruneNeighbor(peer);
452             }
453             else
454             {
455                 lock (throttleLock)
456                 {
457                     if (owner == null)
458                         return;
459                     this.checkPointPendingSends = this.pendingSends;
460                     this.expectedClearance = this.expectedClearance / 2;
461                     pruneTimer.Set(pruneInterval);
462                 }
464             }
465         }
466     }
467 }