4 /*
5  * This file contains D-Bus adaptor classes generated by qt-svc-gen.py.
6  *
7  * This file can be distributed under the same terms as the specification from
8  * which it was generated.
9  */
11 #include <TelepathyQt/AbstractAdaptor>
12 #include <TelepathyQt/Global>
13 #include <TelepathyQt/Types>
15 #include <QObject>
16 #include <QtDBus>
18 namespace Tp
19 {
20 namespace Service
21 {
23 /**
24  * \class ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor
25  * \headerfile TelepathyQt/_gen/svc-channel-proxy.h <TelepathyQt/_gen/svc-channel-proxy.h>
26  * \ingroup servicechannelproxy
27  *
28  * Adaptor class providing a 1:1 mapping of the D-Bus interface "org.kde.TelepathyProxy.ChannelProxy.Interface.OTR".
29  */
30 class TP_QT_EXPORT ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor : public Tp::AbstractAdaptor
31 {
32     Q_OBJECT
33     Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.TelepathyProxy.ChannelProxy.Interface.OTR")
34     Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Introspection", ""
35 "  <interface name=\"org.kde.TelepathyProxy.ChannelProxy.Interface.OTR\">\n"
36 "    <property access=\"read\" type=\"o\" name=\"WrappedChannel\"/>\n"
37 "    <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"Connected\"/>\n"
38 "    <property access=\"read\" type=\"aaa{sv}\" name=\"PendingMessages\">\n"
39 "      <annotation value=\"Tp::MessagePartListList\" name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName\"/>\n"
40 "    </property>\n"
41 "    <property access=\"read\" type=\"u\" name=\"TrustLevel\"/>\n"
42 "    <property access=\"read\" type=\"s\" name=\"LocalFingerprint\"/>\n"
43 "    <property access=\"read\" type=\"s\" name=\"RemoteFingerprint\"/>\n"
44 "    <method name=\"ConnectProxy\"/>\n"
45 "    <method name=\"DisconnectProxy\"/>\n"
46 "    <method name=\"SendMessage\">\n"
47 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"aa{sv}\" name=\"message\">\n"
48 "        <annotation value=\"Tp::MessagePartList\" name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0\"/>\n"
49 "      </arg>\n"
50 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"u\" name=\"flags\"/>\n"
51 "      <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"s\" name=\"token\"/>\n"
52 "    </method>\n"
53 "    <method name=\"AcknowledgePendingMessages\">\n"
54 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"au\" name=\"IDs\"/>\n"
55 "    </method>\n"
56 "    <method name=\"Initialize\"/>\n"
57 "    <method name=\"Stop\"/>\n"
58 "    <method name=\"TrustFingerprint\">\n"
59 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"fingerprint\"/>\n"
60 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"trust\"/>\n"
61 "    </method>\n"
62 "    <method name=\"StartPeerAuthentication\">\n"
63 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"question\"/>\n"
64 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"secret\"/>\n"
65 "    </method>\n"
66 "    <method name=\"RespondPeerAuthentication\">\n"
67 "      <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"secret\"/>\n"
68 "    </method>\n"
69 "    <method name=\"AbortPeerAuthentication\"/>\n"
70 "    <signal name=\"MessageSent\">\n"
71 "      <arg type=\"aa{sv}\" name=\"content\">\n"
72 "        <annotation value=\"Tp::MessagePartList\" name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0\"/>\n"
73 "      </arg>\n"
74 "      <arg type=\"u\" name=\"flags\"/>\n"
75 "      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"messageToken\"/>\n"
76 "    </signal>\n"
77 "    <signal name=\"MessageReceived\">\n"
78 "      <arg type=\"aa{sv}\" name=\"message\">\n"
79 "        <annotation value=\"Tp::MessagePartList\" name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0\"/>\n"
80 "      </arg>\n"
81 "    </signal>\n"
82 "    <signal name=\"PendingMessagesRemoved\">\n"
83 "      <arg type=\"au\" name=\"messageIDs\"/>\n"
84 "    </signal>\n"
85 "    <signal name=\"PeerAuthenticationRequested\">\n"
86 "      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"question\"/>\n"
87 "    </signal>\n"
88 "    <signal name=\"PeerAuthenticationConcluded\">\n"
89 "      <arg type=\"b\" name=\"authenticated\"/>\n"
90 "    </signal>\n"
91 "    <signal name=\"PeerAuthenticationInProgress\"/>\n"
92 "    <signal name=\"PeerAuthenticationAborted\"/>\n"
93 "    <signal name=\"PeerAuthenticationError\"/>\n"
94 "    <signal name=\"PeerAuthenticationCheated\"/>\n"
95 "    <signal name=\"SessionRefreshed\"/>\n"
96 "    <signal name=\"TrustLevelChanged\">\n"
97 "      <arg type=\"u\" name=\"trustLevel\"/>\n"
98 "    </signal>\n"
99 "  </interface>\n"
100 "")
101     Q_PROPERTY(QDBusObjectPath WrappedChannel READ WrappedChannel )
102     Q_PROPERTY(bool Connected READ Connected )
103     Q_PROPERTY(Tp::MessagePartListList PendingMessages READ PendingMessages )
104     Q_PROPERTY(uint TrustLevel READ TrustLevel )
105     Q_PROPERTY(QString LocalFingerprint READ LocalFingerprint )
106     Q_PROPERTY(QString RemoteFingerprint READ RemoteFingerprint )
108 public:
109     ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor(const QDBusConnection& dbusConnection, QObject* adaptee, QObject* parent);
110     ~ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor() override;
112     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > ConnectProxyContextPtr;
113     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > DisconnectProxyContextPtr;
114     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr< QString > SendMessageContextPtr;
115     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > AcknowledgePendingMessagesContextPtr;
116     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > InitializeContextPtr;
117     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > StopContextPtr;
118     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > TrustFingerprintContextPtr;
119     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > StartPeerAuthenticationContextPtr;
120     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > RespondPeerAuthenticationContextPtr;
121     typedef Tp::MethodInvocationContextPtr<  > AbortPeerAuthenticationContextPtr;
123 public: // PROPERTIES
124     /**
125      * Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property \c WrappedChannel of type \c QDBusObjectPath.
126      *
127      * Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named
128      * 'wrappedChannel' with type QDBusObjectPath.
129      *
130      *
131      * \htmlonly
132      * <p>Object path of the channel this proxy is created for</p>
133      * \endhtmlonly
134      *
135      * \return The value of exported property \c WrappedChannel.
136      */
137     QDBusObjectPath WrappedChannel() const;
138     /**
139      * Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property \c Connected of type \c bool.
140      *
141      * Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named
142      * 'connected' with type bool.
143      *
144      *
145      * \htmlonly
146      * <p>%TRUE if the proxy is connected</p>
147      * \endhtmlonly
148      *
149      * \return The value of exported property \c Connected.
150      */
151     bool Connected() const;
152     /**
153      * Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property \c PendingMessages of type \c Tp::MessagePartListList.
154      *
155      * Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named
156      * 'pendingMessages' with type Tp::MessagePartListList.
157      *
158      *
159      * \htmlonly
160      * <p>
161      *   The same as:
162      *    \endhtmlonly ChannelInterfaceMessagesInterface \htmlonly
163      * </p>
164      * \endhtmlonly
165      *
166      * \return The value of exported property \c PendingMessages.
167      */
168     Tp::MessagePartListList PendingMessages() const;
169     /**
170      * Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property \c TrustLevel of type \c uint.
171      *
172      * Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named
173      * 'trustLevel' with type uint.
174      *
175      *
176      * \htmlonly
177      * <p>The current trust level of this channel:
178      *     0=Not_Private, 1=Unverified, 2=Private,
179      *     3=Finished</p>
180      * <p>Clients MUST listen to TrustLevelChanged to update UI when trust
181      * level changes.</p>
182      * \endhtmlonly
183      *
184      * \return The value of exported property \c TrustLevel.
185      */
186     uint TrustLevel() const;
187     /**
188      * Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property \c LocalFingerprint of type \c QString.
189      *
190      * Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named
191      * 'localFingerprint' with type QString.
192      *
193      *
194      * \htmlonly
195      * <p>User's current fingerprint - a human readable
196      * fingerprint that can be displayed to the user so he can communicate it
197      * to the other end by other means so he can trust it.</p>
198      * \endhtmlonly
199      *
200      * \return The value of exported property \c LocalFingerprint.
201      */
202     QString LocalFingerprint() const;
203     /**
204      * Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property \c RemoteFingerprint of type \c QString.
205      *
206      * Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named
207      * 'remoteFingerprint' with type QString.
208      *
209      *
210      * \htmlonly
211      * <p>The current fingerprint of the remote contact. Should be displayed
212      *   to the user to update its trust level. It is shown in human readable format i.e.
213      *   :e '12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678'.</p>
214      * \endhtmlonly
215      *
216      * \return The value of exported property \c RemoteFingerprint.
217      */
218     QString RemoteFingerprint() const;
220 public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS
221     /**
222      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c ConnectProxy on this object.
223      *
224      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
225      * void connectProxy(const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::ConnectProxyContextPtr &context);
226      *
227      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
228      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
229      *
230      *
231      * Connect to the OTR proxy. From now on all data, which is modified by it
232      * should be acquired from the proxy, not from the underlying channel.
233      *
234      */
235     void ConnectProxy(const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
236     /**
237      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c DisconnectProxy on this object.
238      *
239      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
240      * void disconnectProxy(const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::DisconnectProxyContextPtr &context);
241      *
242      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
243      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
244      *
245      *
246      * Turns off the proxy if currenlty connected
247      *
248      */
249     void DisconnectProxy(const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
250     /**
251      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c SendMessage on this object.
252      *
253      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
254      * void sendMessage(const Tp::MessagePartList& message, uint flags, const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::SendMessageContextPtr &context);
255      *
256      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
257      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
258      *
259      *
260      * \htmlonly
261      * <p>
262      *   The same as:
263      *    \endhtmlonly org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.Sent \htmlonly
264      * </p>
265      * \endhtmlonly
266      *
267      * \return
268      */
269     QString SendMessage(const Tp::MessagePartList& message, uint flags, const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
270     /**
271      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c AcknowledgePendingMessages on this object.
272      *
273      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
274      * void acknowledgePendingMessages(const Tp::UIntList& IDs, const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::AcknowledgePendingMessagesContextPtr &context);
275      *
276      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
277      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
278      *
279      *
280      * \htmlonly
281      * <p>
282      *   The same as:
283      *    \endhtmlonly ChannelTypeTextInterface \htmlonly
284      * </p>
285      * \endhtmlonly
286      *
287      */
288     void AcknowledgePendingMessages(const Tp::UIntList& IDs, const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
289     /**
290      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c Initialize on this object.
291      *
292      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
293      * void initialize(const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::InitializeContextPtr &context);
294      *
295      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
296      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
297      *
298      *
299      * Start an OTR session for this channel if the remote end supports it as
300      * well.
301      *
302      */
303     void Initialize(const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
304     /**
305      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c Stop on this object.
306      *
307      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
308      * void stop(const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::StopContextPtr &context);
309      *
310      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
311      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
312      *
313      *
314      * Stops the OTR session.
315      *
316      */
317     void Stop(const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
318     /**
319      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c TrustFingerprint on this object.
320      *
321      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
322      * void trustFingerprint(const QString& fingerprint, bool trust, const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::TrustFingerprintContextPtr &context);
323      *
324      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
325      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
326      *
327      *
328      * Set whether or not the user trusts the given fingerprint. It has to be
329      * the fingerprint the remote contact is currently using.
330      *
331      * \param fingerprint
332      *
333      *     The fingerprint in format: &apos;12345678 12345678 12345678
334      *     12345678 12345678&apos;
335      * \param trust
336      *
337      *     %TRUE if trusted, %FALSE otherwise.
338      */
339     void TrustFingerprint(const QString& fingerprint, bool trust, const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
340     /**
341      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c StartPeerAuthentication on this object.
342      *
343      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
344      * void startPeerAuthentication(const QString& question, const QString& secret, const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::StartPeerAuthenticationContextPtr &context);
345      *
346      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
347      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
348      *
349      *
350      * \htmlonly
351      * <p>This method starts peer authentication using the Socialist
352      *   Millionaire protocol.</p>
353      * \endhtmlonly
354      *
355      * \param question
356      *
357      *     The question to be used for peer authentication. It is used by the
358      *     remote peer as a hint for the shared secret. If an empty string is
359      *     passed only the shared secret will be used on the peer
360      *     authentication process.
361      * \param secret
362      *
363      *     The shared secret to be used for peer authentication. If the
364      *     Question parameter is not empty, this should be the answer to it.
365      */
366     void StartPeerAuthentication(const QString& question, const QString& secret, const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
367     /**
368      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c RespondPeerAuthentication on this object.
369      *
370      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
371      * void respondPeerAuthentication(const QString& secret, const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::RespondPeerAuthenticationContextPtr &context);
372      *
373      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
374      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
375      *
376      *
377      * \htmlonly
378      * <p>This method continues the peer authentication started by the remote
379      *   peer.</p>
380      * \endhtmlonly
381      *
382      * \param secret
383      *
384      *     The shared secret to be used for peer authentication.
385      */
386     void RespondPeerAuthentication(const QString& secret, const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
387     /**
388      * Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method \c AbortPeerAuthentication on this object.
389      *
390      * Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature:
391      * void abortPeerAuthentication(const Tp::Service::ChannelProxyInterfaceOTRAdaptor::AbortPeerAuthenticationContextPtr &context);
392      *
393      * Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError
394      * accordingly) on the received \a context object once the method has finished processing.
395      *
396      *
397      * \htmlonly
398      * <p>This method aborts the peer authentication process.</p>
399      * \endhtmlonly
400      *
401      */
402     void AbortPeerAuthentication(const QDBusMessage& dbusMessage);
405     /**
406      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c MessageSent on this object.
407      *
408      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
409      * void messageSent(const Tp::MessagePartList& content, uint flags, const QString& messageToken);
410      *
411      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
412      *
413      */
414     void MessageSent(const Tp::MessagePartList& content, uint flags, const QString& messageToken);
415     /**
416      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c MessageReceived on this object.
417      *
418      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
419      * void messageReceived(const Tp::MessagePartList& message);
420      *
421      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
422      *
423      */
424     void MessageReceived(const Tp::MessagePartList& message);
425     /**
426      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PendingMessagesRemoved on this object.
427      *
428      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
429      * void pendingMessagesRemoved(const Tp::UIntList& messageIDs);
430      *
431      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
432      *
433      */
434     void PendingMessagesRemoved(const Tp::UIntList& messageIDs);
435     /**
436      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PeerAuthenticationRequested on this object.
437      *
438      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
439      * void peerAuthenticationRequested(const QString& question);
440      *
441      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
442      *
443      * \param question
444      *
445      *     The question the remote peer is using for peer authentication. If
446      *     an empty string is passed only the shared secret will be used on
447      *     the peer authentication process.
448      */
449     void PeerAuthenticationRequested(const QString& question);
450     /**
451      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PeerAuthenticationConcluded on this object.
452      *
453      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
454      * void peerAuthenticationConcluded(bool authenticated);
455      *
456      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
457      *
458      * \param authenticated
459      *
460      *     True if peer identity could be authenticated, false otherwise.
461      */
462     void PeerAuthenticationConcluded(bool authenticated);
463     /**
464      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PeerAuthenticationInProgress on this object.
465      *
466      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
467      * void peerAuthenticationAborted();
468      *
469      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
470      *
471      */
472     void PeerAuthenticationInProgress();
473     /**
474      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PeerAuthenticationAborted on this object.
475      *
476      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
477      * void peerAuthenticationAborted();
478      *
479      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
480      *
481      */
482     void PeerAuthenticationAborted();
483     /**
484      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PeerAuthenticationError on this object.
485      *
486      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
487      * void peerAuthenticationError();
488      *
489      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
490      *
491      */
492     void PeerAuthenticationError();
493     /**
494      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c PeerAuthenticationCheated on this object.
495      *
496      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
497      * void peerAuthenticationCheated();
498      *
499      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
500      *
501      */
502     void PeerAuthenticationCheated();
503     /**
504      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c SessionRefreshed on this object.
505      *
506      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
507      * void sessionRefreshed();
508      *
509      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
510      *
511      */
512     void SessionRefreshed();
513     /**
514      * Represents the exported D-Bus signal \c TrustLevelChanged on this object.
515      *
516      * Adaptees should export this signal as a Qt signal with the following signature:
517      * void trustLevelChanged(uint trustLevel);
518      *
519      * The adaptee signal will be automatically relayed as a D-Bus signal once emitted.
520      *
521      */
522     void TrustLevelChanged(uint trustLevel);
523 };
525 }
526 }
528 #endif