1 /*
2  *  (c) 2004 Iowa State University
3  *      see the LICENSE file in the top level directory
4  */
6 /* Internals.cpp
8 	Classes to handle internal coordinates
10 	BMB 4/1998
11 */
13 #include "Globals.h"
14 #include "GlobalExceptions.h"
15 #include "Internals.h"
16 #include "MoleculeData.h"
17 #include "Frame.h"
18 #include "Math3D.h"
19 #include <iostream>
Internals(void)21 Internals::Internals(void) {
22 	MOPacStyle = NULL;
23 	GeneralStyle = NULL;
24 }
Internals(Internals * copy)25 Internals::Internals(Internals * copy) {
26 	MOPacStyle = NULL;
27 	GeneralStyle = NULL;
28 	if (copy->MOPacStyle)
29 		MOPacStyle = new MOPacInternals(copy->MOPacStyle);
30 }
~Internals(void)31 Internals::~Internals(void) {
32 	if (MOPacStyle) delete MOPacStyle;
33 	if (GeneralStyle) delete GeneralStyle;
34 }
CreateMOPacInternals(long Num)35 void Internals::CreateMOPacInternals(long Num) {
36 	if (!MOPacStyle) {
37 		MOPacStyle = new MOPacInternals(Num);
38 	}
39 }
MOPacInternals(long Num)40 MOPacInternals::MOPacInternals(long Num) {
41 	ConnectionAtoms = new long[Num];
42 	Values = new float[Num];
43 	Type = new char[Num];
44 	if (!ConnectionAtoms || !Values || !Type) throw MemoryError();
45 	Allocation = Num;
46 	Count = 0;
47 }
MOPacInternals(MOPacInternals * copy)48 MOPacInternals::MOPacInternals(MOPacInternals * copy) {
49 	ConnectionAtoms = new long[copy->Count];
50 	Values = new float[copy->Count];
51 	Type = new char[copy->Count];
52 	if (!ConnectionAtoms || !Values || !Type) throw MemoryError();
53 	Allocation = copy->Count;
54 	Count = copy->Count;
55 	for (long i=0; i<Count; i++) {
56 		ConnectionAtoms[i] = copy->ConnectionAtoms[i];
57 		Values[i] = copy->Values[i];
58 		Type[i] = copy->Type[i];
59 	}
60 }
~MOPacInternals(void)61 MOPacInternals::~MOPacInternals(void) {
62 	if (ConnectionAtoms) delete [] ConnectionAtoms;
63 	if (Values) delete [] Values;
64 	if (Type) delete [] Type;
65 }
WriteCoordinatesToFile(BufferFile * File,MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs)66 void Internals::WriteCoordinatesToFile(BufferFile * File, MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs) {
67 	if (!MOPacStyle) {
68 		CreateMOPacInternals(3*MainData->GetMaximumAtomCount());
69 		if (MOPacStyle) MOPacStyle->GuessInit(MainData);
70 	}
71 	if (MOPacStyle) MOPacStyle->WriteCoordinatesToFile(File, MainData, Prefs);
72 }
WriteMPCZMatCoordinatesToFile(BufferFile * File,MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs)73 void Internals::WriteMPCZMatCoordinatesToFile(BufferFile * File, MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs) {
74 	if (!MOPacStyle) {
75 		CreateMOPacInternals(3*MainData->GetMaximumAtomCount());
76 		if (MOPacStyle) MOPacStyle->GuessInit(MainData);
77 	}
78 	if (MOPacStyle) MOPacStyle->WriteMPCZMatCoordinatesToFile(File, MainData, Prefs);
79 }
80 //Guess the connection atom set, then setup the values
GuessInit(MoleculeData * MainData,long theAtom,bool keepOld)81 void MOPacInternals::GuessInit(MoleculeData * MainData, long theAtom, bool keepOld) {
82 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
83 	if (3*lFrame->NumAtoms > Allocation) return;
84 	if (lFrame->NumAtoms < 2) return;
85 	long StartAtom=1, EndAtom=lFrame->NumAtoms;
86 	//Nothing to do for the first atom
87 	if (theAtom == 0) return;
88 	if (theAtom>0) {
89 		StartAtom=theAtom;
90 		EndAtom=StartAtom+1;
91 	}
92 		// First pair of atoms
93 		CPoint3D BondVector, testVector;
94 		long BondedAtom, AngleAtom, DihedralAtom, i;
95 		float BondLength, SecondLength, ThirdLength, testLength;
96 	for (long iatom=StartAtom; iatom<EndAtom; iatom++) {
97 			//Find the closest atom to choose as the bonded atom
98 		BondedAtom = 0;
99 		BondVector.x = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[0].Position.x;
100 		BondVector.y = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[0].Position.y;
101 		BondVector.z = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[0].Position.z;
102 		BondLength = BondVector.Magnitude();
103 		SecondLength = ThirdLength = 1.0E10;
104 		AngleAtom = DihedralAtom = 0;
105 		for (i=1; i<iatom; i++) {
106 			testVector.x = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[i].Position.x;
107 			testVector.y = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[i].Position.y;
108 			testVector.z = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[i].Position.z;
109 			testLength = testVector.Magnitude();
110 			if (testLength<BondLength) {
111 				ThirdLength = SecondLength;
112 				DihedralAtom = AngleAtom;
113 				SecondLength = BondLength;
114 				AngleAtom = BondedAtom;
115 				BondedAtom = i;
116 				BondLength = testLength;
117 				BondVector = testVector;
118 			} else if (testLength<SecondLength) {
119 				ThirdLength = SecondLength;
120 				DihedralAtom = AngleAtom;
121 				SecondLength = testLength;
122 				AngleAtom = i;
123 			} else if (testLength<ThirdLength) {
124 				ThirdLength = testLength;
125 				DihedralAtom = i;
126 			}
127 		}	//the three closest atoms are now known
128 		/* Originally I simply used the closest 3 atoms as the connection atoms.
129 			However, this apparently does not work so well for large molecules that
130 			fold back on themselves, especially those with hydrogen bonds.
131 			So instead try using the connection list for the atom defining the bond.
132 		*/
133 		if (keepOld) {
134 			if ((ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom]>=0)&&(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom]<iatom)) {
135 				if (AngleAtom == ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom]) AngleAtom = BondedAtom;
136 				if (DihedralAtom == ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom]) DihedralAtom = BondedAtom;
137 				BondedAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom];
138 			}
139 		}
140 		//I ran into an issue in an Oh struture where the three defining atoms are linear.
141 		//Needless to say this doesn't result in a good definition so test for that here.
142 		//Get the angle between the three defining atoms, if its 0 or 180 they are linear.
143 		float angle = 0.0f;
144 		bool valid = lFrame->GetBondAngle(BondedAtom, AngleAtom, DihedralAtom, &angle);
145 		if (valid && ((fabs(angle)>179.9)||(fabs(angle)<0.1))) {
146 			float newLength = 1.0E10;
147 			//find the closest atom that isn't linear with the other two
148 			for (i=1; i<iatom; i++) {
149 				if ((i!=BondedAtom)&&(i!=AngleAtom)&&(i!=DihedralAtom)) {
150 					testVector.x = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[i].Position.x;
151 					testVector.y = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[i].Position.y;
152 					testVector.z = lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[i].Position.z;
153 					testLength = testVector.Magnitude();
154 					if (testLength < newLength) {
155 						lFrame->GetBondAngle(BondedAtom, AngleAtom, i, &angle);
156 						if (!((fabs(angle)>179.9)||(fabs(angle)<0.1))) {
157 							DihedralAtom = i;
158 							newLength = testLength;
159 						}
160 					}
161 				}
162 			}
163 		}
164 		ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom] = BondedAtom;
165 		Values[3*iatom] = BondLength;
166 		Type[3*iatom] = 0;
167 		if (iatom >= 2) {
168 			if (keepOld &&(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1]>=0)&&(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1]<iatom)&&
169 				(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1]!=BondedAtom)) {
170 				if (DihedralAtom == ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1]) DihedralAtom = BondedAtom;
171 				AngleAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1];
172 			} else {
173 					//Bond angle - atom -> BondedAtom -> AngleAtom
174 				if ((BondedAtom > 0)&&(ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom]!=BondedAtom)&&(lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Type>1)&&
175 					(lFrame->Atoms[ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom]].Type>1)) {
176 					ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1] = ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom];
177 					if (DihedralAtom == ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom]) DihedralAtom = AngleAtom;
178 					AngleAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom];
179 				} else
180 					ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1] = AngleAtom;
181 			}
182 			Type[3*iatom+1] = 1;
183 			if (iatom >= 3) {
184 				if (keepOld &&(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2]>=0)&&(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2]<iatom)&&
185 					(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2]!=BondedAtom)&&(ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2]!=AngleAtom)) {
186 					if (DihedralAtom == ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1]) DihedralAtom = BondedAtom;
187 					DihedralAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2];
188 				} else {
189 						//Dihedral Angle
190 					if ((BondedAtom > 2)&&(ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom+1]!=AngleAtom)&&(lFrame->Atoms[iatom].Type>1)&&
191 						(lFrame->Atoms[ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom+1]].Type>1))
192 						ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2] = ConnectionAtoms[3*BondedAtom+1];
193 					else {
194 						if (DihedralAtom != ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+1])
195 							ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2] = DihedralAtom;
196 						else
197 							ConnectionAtoms[3*iatom+2] = AngleAtom;
198 					}
199 				}
200 				Type[3*iatom+2] = 2;
201 			}
202 		}
203 	}
204 	if (theAtom > 0)
205 		UpdateInternalValuesAtom(MainData, theAtom);
206 	else {	//update all the atoms
207 		Count = 3*lFrame->NumAtoms;
208 		CartesiansToInternals(MainData);
209 	}
210 }
AddInternalCoordinate(long whichAtom,long connectedAtom,short type,float value)211 void MOPacInternals::AddInternalCoordinate(long whichAtom, long connectedAtom, short type, float value) {
212 	if (3*whichAtom > Allocation) return;
213 	if (connectedAtom > whichAtom) return; //forward references are not allowed
214 	if ((type < 0)||(type>2)) return; //invalid type
215 	if (3*whichAtom > Count) Count = 3*whichAtom;
216 	ConnectionAtoms[3*whichAtom+type] = connectedAtom;
217 	Values[3*whichAtom+type] = value;
218 }
219 //Take the given cartesians and connection list and recalculate
220 //the values of each internal coordinate
CartesiansToInternals(MoleculeData * MainData)221 void MOPacInternals::CartesiansToInternals(MoleculeData * MainData) {
222 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
223 	if (3*lFrame->NumAtoms > Count) return;
224 	if (lFrame->NumAtoms < 2) return;
226 	for (long i=1; i<lFrame->NumAtoms; i++) {
227 		UpdateInternalValuesAtom(MainData, i);
228 	}
229 }
UpdateInternalValuesAtom(MoleculeData * MainData,long theAtom)230 void MOPacInternals::UpdateInternalValuesAtom(MoleculeData * MainData, long theAtom) {
231 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
232 	if ((theAtom <= 0)||(theAtom*3 > Count)) return;	//sanity check
233 	long BondedAtom, AngleAtom, DihedralAtom;
234 	float BondLength, BondAngle, Dihedral=0.0;
235 	CPoint3D BondVector, offset2, offset3;
236 	//Bond Length
237 	BondedAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*theAtom];
238 	BondVector.x = lFrame->Atoms[BondedAtom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[theAtom].Position.x;
239 	BondVector.y = lFrame->Atoms[BondedAtom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[theAtom].Position.y;
240 	BondVector.z = lFrame->Atoms[BondedAtom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[theAtom].Position.z;
241 	BondLength = BondVector.Magnitude();
242 	Values[3*theAtom] = BondLength;
243 	if (theAtom <= 1) return;
244 	//Bond angle
245 	AngleAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*theAtom+1];
246 	offset2.x = lFrame->Atoms[theAtom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.x;
247 	offset2.y = lFrame->Atoms[theAtom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.y;
248 	offset2.z = lFrame->Atoms[theAtom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.z;
249 	float length3 = offset2.Magnitude();
250 	offset2.x = lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[BondedAtom].Position.x;
251 	offset2.y = lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[BondedAtom].Position.y;
252 	offset2.z = lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[BondedAtom].Position.z;
253 	float length2 = offset2.Magnitude();
254 	if ((fabs(BondLength)>0.0001)&&(fabs(length3)>0.0001)&&(fabs(length2)>0.0001)) {
255 		float Radians = (BondLength*BondLength+length2*length2-length3*length3)/
256 		(2*BondLength*length2);
257 		//Make sure the angle is within the allowable values for acos (-1 to 1)
258 		if (Radians > 1.0) Radians = 1.0;
259 		else if (Radians < -1.0) Radians = -1.0;
260 		BondAngle = acos(Radians);
261 		BondAngle *= kRadToDegree;
262 	} else BondAngle = 0.0;
263 	Values[3*theAtom+1] = BondAngle;
264 	//Dihedral angle
265 	if (theAtom > 2) {
266 		DihedralAtom = ConnectionAtoms[3*theAtom+2];
267 		offset3.x = lFrame->Atoms[DihedralAtom].Position.x - lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.x;
268 		offset3.y = lFrame->Atoms[DihedralAtom].Position.y - lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.y;
269 		offset3.z = lFrame->Atoms[DihedralAtom].Position.z - lFrame->Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.z;
270 		//	float length3 = offset3.Magnitude();
271 		CPoint3D UnitIJ = BondVector;
272 		CPoint3D UnitJK = offset2;
273 		CPoint3D UnitKL = offset3;
274 		Normalize3D(&UnitIJ);
275 		Normalize3D(&UnitJK);
276 		Normalize3D(&UnitKL);
277 		CPoint3D Normal1, Normal2;
278 		CrossProduct3D(&UnitIJ, &UnitJK, &Normal1);
279 		CrossProduct3D(&UnitJK, &UnitKL, &Normal2);
280 		float DotPJ = DotProduct3D(&UnitIJ, &UnitJK);
281 		float DotPK = DotProduct3D(&UnitJK, &UnitKL);
282 		DotPJ = 1.0 - DotPJ*DotPJ;
283 		DotPK = 1.0 - DotPK*DotPK;
284 		if ((DotPJ > 0.0)||(DotPK > 0.0)) {	//3 of the atom are linear, Bad!
285 			float SinPJ = sqrt(DotPJ);
286 			float SinPK = sqrt(DotPK);
287 			float Dot = DotProduct3D(&Normal1, &Normal2)/(SinPJ*SinPK);
288 			if (fabs(Dot) <= kCosErrorTolerance) {		//Bad value for a cos
289 				if (Dot > 0.9999) Dot = 1.0;
290 				else if (Dot < -0.9999) Dot = -1.0;
291 				Dihedral = acos(Dot);
292 				float Pi = acos(-1.0);
293 				if (fabs(Dihedral) < kZeroTolerance) Dihedral = 0.0;
294 				else if (fabs(Dihedral-Pi) < kZeroTolerance) Dihedral = Pi;
295 				float Sense = DotProduct3D(&Normal2, &BondVector);
296 				if (Sense < 0.0) Dihedral = -Dihedral;
297 				Dihedral *= 180.0/Pi;
298 			}
299 			Values[3*theAtom+2] = Dihedral;
300 		}
301 	}
302 }
303 //Take the connections list and values to create a set of cartesian coordinates
InternalsToCartesians(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs,long ChangedAtom)304 void MOPacInternals::InternalsToCartesians(MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs,
305 		long ChangedAtom) {
306 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
307 	double DegToRad = acos(-1.0)/180.0;
309 	if (lFrame->NumAtoms>1) {
310 	 mpAtom * tempAtoms = new mpAtom[lFrame->NumAtoms];
311 		if (tempAtoms) {
312 				long i;
313 			for (i=0; i<lFrame->NumAtoms; i++) tempAtoms[i].Type = lFrame->Atoms[i].Type;
314 			if (ChangedAtom < 3) {
315 				tempAtoms[0].Position.x = tempAtoms[0].Position.y = tempAtoms[0].Position.z = 0;
316 				tempAtoms[1].Position.x = tempAtoms[1].Position.y = 0.0;
317 				tempAtoms[1].Position.z = Values[3];
318 			} else {
319 				tempAtoms[0].Position.x = lFrame->Atoms[0].Position.x;
320 				tempAtoms[0].Position.y = lFrame->Atoms[0].Position.y;
321 				tempAtoms[0].Position.z = lFrame->Atoms[0].Position.z;
322 				tempAtoms[1].Position.x = lFrame->Atoms[1].Position.x;
323 				tempAtoms[1].Position.y = lFrame->Atoms[1].Position.y;
324 				tempAtoms[1].Position.z = lFrame->Atoms[1].Position.z;
325 			}
326 			if (lFrame->NumAtoms > 2) {
327 				if (ChangedAtom < 3) {
328 					tempAtoms[2].Position.x = Values[6]*sin(Values[7]*DegToRad);
329 					tempAtoms[2].Position.y = 0.0;
330 					if (ConnectionAtoms[6]==0)
331 						tempAtoms[2].Position.z = Values[6]*cos(Values[7]*DegToRad);
332 					else tempAtoms[2].Position.z = tempAtoms[1].Position.z -
333 						Values[6]*cos(Values[7]*DegToRad);
334 					i=3;	//add atoms using simple formula as long as molecule is linear
335 					while ((tempAtoms[i-1].Position.x <= 1.0e-5)&&(i<lFrame->NumAtoms)) {
336 						tempAtoms[i].Position.x = Values[3*i]*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad);
337 						tempAtoms[i].Position.y = 0.0;
338 						float test = tempAtoms[ConnectionAtoms[3*i]].Position.z -
339 							tempAtoms[ConnectionAtoms[3*i+1]].Position.z;
340 						tempAtoms[i].Position.z = tempAtoms[ConnectionAtoms[3*i]].Position.z -
341 							Values[3*i]*cos(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*((test>=0.0)?1.0:0.0);
342 						i++;
343 					}
344 				} else {
345 					for (long j=2; j<ChangedAtom; j++) {
346 						tempAtoms[j].Position.x = lFrame->Atoms[j].Position.x;
347 						tempAtoms[j].Position.y = lFrame->Atoms[j].Position.y;
348 						tempAtoms[j].Position.z = lFrame->Atoms[j].Position.z;
349 					}
350 					i = ChangedAtom;
351 				}	//Now for general 3D molecules
352 				for (; i<lFrame->NumAtoms; i++) {
353 						long j, k, l;
354 					j = ConnectionAtoms[3*i];
355 					k = ConnectionAtoms[3*i+1];
356 					l = ConnectionAtoms[3*i+2];
357 						CPoint3D Vkl, Vjk;
358 					Vkl.x = tempAtoms[k].Position.x - tempAtoms[l].Position.x;
359 					Vkl.y = tempAtoms[k].Position.y - tempAtoms[l].Position.y;
360 					Vkl.z = tempAtoms[k].Position.z - tempAtoms[l].Position.z;
361 					CPoint3D Unitkl = Vkl;
362 					Normalize3D(&Unitkl);
363 					Vjk.x = tempAtoms[j].Position.x - tempAtoms[k].Position.x;
364 					Vjk.y = tempAtoms[j].Position.y - tempAtoms[k].Position.y;
365 					Vjk.z = tempAtoms[j].Position.z - tempAtoms[k].Position.z;
366 					CPoint3D Unitjk = Vjk;
367 					Normalize3D(&Unitjk);
368 						CPoint3D KLxJK;
369 					CrossProduct3D(&Unitkl, &Unitjk, &KLxJK);
370 						CPoint3D A3;
371 					double klDotjk = DotProduct3D(&Unitkl, &Unitjk);
372 					klDotjk = 1.0 - klDotjk*klDotjk;
373 						double SinA3;
374 					if (klDotjk > 0.0001)
375 						SinA3 = sqrt(klDotjk);
376 					else
377 						SinA3 = 0.001;
378 					A3.x = KLxJK.x/SinA3;
379 					A3.y = KLxJK.y/SinA3;
380 					A3.z = KLxJK.z/SinA3;
381 						CPoint3D A4;
382 					CrossProduct3D(&A3, &Unitjk, &A4);
383      					CPoint3D AtomVector;
384      				AtomVector.x = Values[3*i]*((-Unitjk.x*cos(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)) +
385      					A4.x*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*cos(Values[3*i+2]*DegToRad) +
386      					A3.x*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*sin(Values[3*i+2]*DegToRad));
387      				AtomVector.y = Values[3*i]*((-Unitjk.y*cos(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)) +
388      					A4.y*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*cos(Values[3*i+2]*DegToRad) +
389      					A3.y*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*sin(Values[3*i+2]*DegToRad));
390      				AtomVector.z = Values[3*i]*((-Unitjk.z*cos(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)) +
391      					A4.z*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*cos(Values[3*i+2]*DegToRad) +
392      					A3.z*sin(Values[3*i+1]*DegToRad)*sin(Values[3*i+2]*DegToRad));
393      				tempAtoms[i].Position.x = tempAtoms[j].Position.x + AtomVector.x;
394      				tempAtoms[i].Position.y = tempAtoms[j].Position.y + AtomVector.y;
395      				tempAtoms[i].Position.z = tempAtoms[j].Position.z + AtomVector.z;
396 				}
397 			}	//rotate/translate the new coordinates to match the existing coords
398 				//note this only attempts to match the first four atoms, the others
399 				//will be allowed to wander
400 //			MinimizeDifferences(lFrame->Atoms, tempAtoms, lFrame->NumAtoms, Prefs,
401 //				MAX(lFrame->NumAtoms, 4));
402 			if (ChangedAtom < 4)
403 				MinimizeDifferences(lFrame->Atoms, tempAtoms, lFrame->NumAtoms, Prefs,
404 					lFrame->NumAtoms);
405 			for (i=0; i<lFrame->NumAtoms; i++)
406 				lFrame->Atoms[i].Position = tempAtoms[i].Position;
407 			delete [] tempAtoms;
408 		}
409 	}
410 }
AppendAtom(MoleculeData * MainData)412 void MOPacInternals::AppendAtom(MoleculeData * MainData) {
413 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
414 	if (3*lFrame->NumAtoms > Allocation) {
415 		long * templ = new long[3*lFrame->NumAtoms+12];
416 		if (templ) {
417 			memcpy(templ, ConnectionAtoms, Count*sizeof(long));
418 			delete [] ConnectionAtoms;
419 			ConnectionAtoms = templ;
420 		} else throw MemoryError();
421 		float * tempVal = new float[3*lFrame->NumAtoms+12];
422 		if (tempVal) {
423 			memcpy(tempVal, Values, Count*sizeof(float));
424 			delete [] Values;
425 			Values = tempVal;
426 		} else throw MemoryError();
427 		char * tempType = new char [3*lFrame->NumAtoms+12];
428 		if (tempType) {
429 			memcpy(tempType, Type, Count*sizeof(char));
430 			delete [] Type;
431 			Type = tempType;
432 		} else throw MemoryError();
433 		Allocation = 3*lFrame->NumAtoms + 12;
434 	}
435 		//Now add the new atoms connections to the end of the list - valid since
436 		//new atoms are always appended to the end of the atom list
437 	long newAtom = Count/3;
438 	Count += 3;
439 	GuessInit(MainData, newAtom, false);
440 }
DeleteAtom(MoleculeData * MainData,long WhichAtom)441 void MOPacInternals::DeleteAtom(MoleculeData * MainData, long WhichAtom) {
442 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
443 	for (long i=WhichAtom; i<lFrame->NumAtoms; i++) {	//pull down the atoms higher in the list
444 		bool update = false;
445 		for (long j=0; j<3; j++) {
446 			ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] = ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j+3];
447 			Values[3*i+j] = Values[3*i+j+3];
448 			Type[3*i+j] = Type[3*i+j+3];
449 			if (ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] == WhichAtom) {
450 				//Have to change the reference to a different atom
451 				update = true;
452 				ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] = -1;
453 			} else if (ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] > WhichAtom) ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j]--;	//reduce connection atom count
454 		}
455 		if (update)
456 			GuessInit(MainData, i, true);
457 	}
458 	if (Count > 0) Count -= 3;	//reduce the number of internal coordinates
459 }
UpdateAtoms(MoleculeData * MainData)460 void MOPacInternals::UpdateAtoms(MoleculeData * MainData) {
461 	Frame * lFrame = MainData->GetCurrentFramePtr();
462 	while (lFrame->NumAtoms*3 > Count) {	//More atoms, just append atoms to the end of the list
463 		AppendAtom(MainData);
464 	}
465 	while (lFrame->NumAtoms*3 < Count) {
466 		DeleteAtom(MainData, lFrame->NumAtoms+1);
467 	}
468 }
ChangeAtomIndex(MoleculeData * MainData,long OldPosition,long NewPosition)469 void MOPacInternals::ChangeAtomIndex(MoleculeData * MainData, long OldPosition, long NewPosition) {
470 	//rearrange an atom in the list. There are two cases, moving an atom up in the list
471 	//and pulling it down. Moving up is always safe, just need to update all indexes and possibly the atom
472 	//that is being moved.
473 	//Moving down (later) in the list may force some atom references to change since the reference
474 	//must be to an atom earlier in the list. (noop if the positions are the same)
475 	if (NewPosition < OldPosition) {
476 		long i0 = ConnectionAtoms[OldPosition*3];
477 		long i1 = ConnectionAtoms[OldPosition*3 + 1];
478 		long i2 = ConnectionAtoms[OldPosition*3 + 2];
479 		float v0 = Values[OldPosition*3];
480 		float v1 = Values[OldPosition*3 + 1];
481 		float v2 = Values[OldPosition*3 + 2];
482 		char t0 = Type[OldPosition*3];
483 		char t1 = Type[OldPosition*3 + 1];
484 		char t2 = Type[OldPosition*3 + 2];
485 		for (long i=OldPosition; i>NewPosition; i--) {
486 			ConnectionAtoms[i*3] = ConnectionAtoms[(i-1)*3];
487 				//update the index to the new index for the same atom.
488 			if (ConnectionAtoms[i*3] == OldPosition) ConnectionAtoms[3*i] = NewPosition;
489 			else if ((ConnectionAtoms[i*3] >= NewPosition)&&(ConnectionAtoms[i*3] < OldPosition)) ConnectionAtoms[i*3] ++;
490 			ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] = ConnectionAtoms[(i-1)*3+1];
491 			if (ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] == OldPosition) ConnectionAtoms[3*i+1] = NewPosition;
492 			else if ((ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] >= NewPosition)&&(ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] < OldPosition)) ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] ++;
493 			ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] = ConnectionAtoms[(i-1)*3+2];
494 			if (ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] == OldPosition) ConnectionAtoms[3*i+2] = NewPosition;
495 			else if ((ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] >= NewPosition)&&(ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] < OldPosition)) ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] ++;
496 			Values[i*3] = Values[(i-1)*3];
497 			Values[i*3+1] = Values[(i-1)*3+1];
498 			Values[i*3+2] = Values[(i-1)*3+2];
499 			Type[i*3] = Type[(i-1)*3];
500 			Type[i*3+1] = Type[(i-1)*3+1];
501 			Type[i*3+2] = Type[(i-1)*3+2];
502 			if ((i-1)<3)	//The first three atoms do not have fully validated lists yet
503 				GuessInit(MainData, i, true);
504 		}
505 		ConnectionAtoms[NewPosition*3] = i0;
506 		ConnectionAtoms[NewPosition*3+1] = i1;
507 		ConnectionAtoms[NewPosition*3+2] = i2;
508 		Values[NewPosition*3] = v0;
509 		Values[NewPosition*3+1] = v1;
510 		Values[NewPosition*3+2] = v2;
511 		Type[NewPosition*3] = t0;
512 		Type[NewPosition*3+1] = t1;
513 		Type[NewPosition*3+2] = t2;
514 		bool update=false;
515 		//make sure the moved atoms references point to atoms prior to it in the list
516 		if (ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition] >= NewPosition) {
517 			ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition] = -1;
518 			update = true;
519 		}
520 		if ((ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+1] >= NewPosition)||(ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition]==ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+1])) {
521 			ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+1] = -1;
522 			update = true;
523 		}
524 		if ((ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+2] >= NewPosition)||
525 			(ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition]==ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+2])||
526 			(ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+1]==ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+2])) {
527 			ConnectionAtoms[3*NewPosition+2] = -1;
528 			update = true;
529 		}
530 		if (update) GuessInit(MainData, NewPosition, true);
531 		//Now update references for atoms higher up in the list
532 		for (long i=(OldPosition+1); (i*3)<Count; i++) {
533 			for (long j=0; j<3; j++) {
534 				if (ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] == OldPosition)
535 					ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] = NewPosition;
536 				else if ((ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] >= NewPosition) &&
537 						 (ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] < OldPosition))
538 					ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j]++;
539 			}
540 		}
541 	} else if (NewPosition > OldPosition) {
542 		//When moving down the list the atom being moved does not change, but any atom that references it
543 		//before the NewPosition will have to be changed.
544 		long i0 = ConnectionAtoms[OldPosition*3];
545 		long i1 = ConnectionAtoms[OldPosition*3 + 1];
546 		long i2 = ConnectionAtoms[OldPosition*3 + 2];
547 		float v0 = Values[OldPosition*3];
548 		float v1 = Values[OldPosition*3 + 1];
549 		float v2 = Values[OldPosition*3 + 2];
550 		char t0 = Type[OldPosition*3];
551 		char t1 = Type[OldPosition*3 + 1];
552 		char t2 = Type[OldPosition*3 + 2];
553 		for (long i=OldPosition; i<NewPosition; i++) {
554 			bool update = false;
555 			ConnectionAtoms[i*3] = ConnectionAtoms[(i+1)*3];
556 			ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] = ConnectionAtoms[(i+1)*3+1];
557 			ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] = ConnectionAtoms[(i+1)*3+2];
558 			Values[i*3] = Values[(i+1)*3];
559 			Values[i*3+1] = Values[(i+1)*3+1];
560 			Values[i*3+2] = Values[(i+1)*3+2];
561 			Type[i*3] = Type[(i+1)*3];
562 			Type[i*3+1] = Type[(i+1)*3+1];
563 			Type[i*3+2] = Type[(i+1)*3+2];
564 			//update the index to the new index for the same atom.
565 			if (ConnectionAtoms[i*3] == OldPosition) {
566 				//Since the newposition is later in the list this reference must change
567 				ConnectionAtoms[3*i] = -1;
568 				update = true;
569 			} else if ((ConnectionAtoms[i*3] > OldPosition)&&(ConnectionAtoms[i*3] <= NewPosition))
570 				ConnectionAtoms[i*3] --;
571 			if (ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] == OldPosition) {
572 				ConnectionAtoms[3*i+1] = -1;
573 				update = true;
574 			} else if ((ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] > OldPosition)&&(ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] <= NewPosition))
575 				ConnectionAtoms[i*3+1] --;
576 			if (ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] == OldPosition) {
577 				ConnectionAtoms[3*i+2] = -1;
578 				update = true;
579 			} else if ((ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] > OldPosition)&&(ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] <= NewPosition))
580 				ConnectionAtoms[i*3+2] --;
582 			if (update) {
583 				//A reference has changed. Confirm that the three index references are unique
584 				//then compute the new values for this atom.
585 				GuessInit(MainData, i, true);
586 			}
587 		}
588 		ConnectionAtoms[NewPosition*3] = i0;
589 		ConnectionAtoms[NewPosition*3+1] = i1;
590 		ConnectionAtoms[NewPosition*3+2] = i2;
591 		Values[NewPosition*3] = v0;
592 		Values[NewPosition*3+1] = v1;
593 		Values[NewPosition*3+2] = v2;
594 		Type[NewPosition*3] = t0;
595 		Type[NewPosition*3+1] = t1;
596 		Type[NewPosition*3+2] = t2;
597 		//Now update references for atoms higher up in the list
598 		for (long i=(NewPosition+1); (i*3)<Count; i++) {
599 			for (long j=0; j<3; j++) {
600 				if (ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] == OldPosition)
601 					ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] = NewPosition;
602 				else if ((ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] <= NewPosition) &&
603 						 (ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j] > OldPosition))
604 					ConnectionAtoms[3*i+j]--;
605 			}
606 		}
607 	}
608 }