1 /*
2  *  cPopulation.cc
3  *  Avida
4  *
5  *  Called "population.cc" prior to 12/5/05.
6  *  Copyright 1999-2011 Michigan State University. All rights reserved.
7  *  Copyright 1993-2003 California Institute of Technology.
8  *
9  *
10  *  This file is part of Avida.
11  *
12  *  Avida is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  Avida is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Avida.
19  *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  */
23 #include "cPopulation.h"
25 #include "avida/core/Sequence.h"
27 #include "AvidaTools.h"
29 #include "cAvidaContext.h"
30 #include "cBioGroup.h"
31 #include "cBioGroupManager.h"
32 #include "cClassificationManager.h"
33 #include "cCPUTestInfo.h"
34 #include "cCodeLabel.h"
35 #include "cConstBurstSchedule.h"
36 #include "cConstSchedule.h"
37 #include "cDataFile.h"
38 #include "cDemePlaceholderUnit.h"
39 #include "cDemeProbSchedule.h"
40 #include "cEnvironment.h"
41 #include "cGenomeTestMetrics.h"
42 #include "cBGGenotype.h"
43 #include "cHardwareBase.h"
44 #include "cHardwareManager.h"
45 #include "cInitFile.h"
46 #include "cInstSet.h"
47 #include "cIntegratedSchedule.h"
48 #include "cMigrationMatrix.h"   // MIGRATION_MATRIX
49 #include "cOrganism.h"
50 #include "cParasite.h"
51 #include "cPhenotype.h"
52 #include "cPopulationCell.h"
53 #include "cProbSchedule.h"
54 #include "cProbDemeProbSchedule.h"
55 #include "cRandom.h"
56 #include "cResource.h"
57 #include "cResourceCount.h"
58 #include "cSaleItem.h"
59 #include "cStats.h"
60 #include "cTestCPU.h"
61 #include "cTopology.h"
62 #include "cWorld.h"
63 #include "tArrayUtils.h"
64 #include "tAutoRelease.h"
65 #include "tIterator.h"
66 #include "tKVPair.h"
67 #include "tHashMap.h"
68 #include "tManagedPointerArray.h"
70 #include "cHardwareCPU.h"
72 #include <fstream>
73 #include <vector>
74 #include <algorithm>
75 #include <numeric>
76 #include <set>
77 #include <cfloat>
78 #include <cmath>
79 #include <climits>
80 #include <limits>
82 using namespace std;
83 using namespace AvidaTools;
cPopulation(cWorld * world)86 cPopulation::cPopulation(cWorld* world)
87 : m_world(world)
88 , schedule(NULL)
89 //, resource_count(world->GetEnvironment().GetResourceLib().GetSize())
90 , birth_chamber(world)
91 , print_mini_trace_genomes(false)
92 , use_micro_traces(false)
93 , m_next_prey_q(0)
94 , m_next_pred_q(0)
95 , environment(world->GetEnvironment())
96 , num_organisms(0)
97 , num_prey_organisms(0)
98 , num_pred_organisms(0)
99 , pop_enforce(0)
100 , m_has_predatory_res(false)
101 , sync_events(false)
102 , m_hgt_resid(-1)
103 {
104   // Avida specific information.
105   world_x = world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
106   world_y = world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get();
107   world_z = world->GetConfig().WORLD_Z.Get();
109   int num_demes = m_world->GetConfig().NUM_DEMES.Get();
110   const int num_cells = world_x * world_y * world_z;
111   const int geometry = world->GetConfig().WORLD_GEOMETRY.Get();
113   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_CAP.Get() == -1) {
114     m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_CAP.Set(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
115   }
117   if (m_world->GetConfig().LOG_SLEEP_TIMES.Get() == 1)  {
118     sleep_log = new tVector<pair<int,int> >[world_x*world_y];
119   }
120   // Print out world details
121   if (world->GetVerbosity() > VERBOSE_NORMAL) {
122     cout << "Building world " << world_x << "x" << world_y << "x" << world_z << " = " << num_cells << " organisms." << endl;
123     switch(geometry) {
124       case nGeometry::GRID: { cout << "Geometry: Bounded grid" << endl; break; }
125       case nGeometry::TORUS: { cout << "Geometry: Torus" << endl; break; }
126       case nGeometry::CLIQUE: { cout << "Geometry: Clique" << endl; break; }
127       case nGeometry::HEX: { cout << "Geometry: Hex" << endl; break; }
128       case nGeometry::LATTICE: { cout << "Geometry: Lattice" << endl; break; }
129       case nGeometry::PARTIAL: { cout << "Geometry: Partial" << endl; break; }
130 			case nGeometry::RANDOM_CONNECTED: { cout << "Geometry: Random connected" << endl; break; }
131       case nGeometry::SCALE_FREE: { cout << "Geometry: Scale-free" << endl; break; }
133       default:
134         cout << "Unknown geometry!" << endl;
135         assert(false);
136     }
137   }
139   // Invalid settings should be changed to one deme
140   if (num_demes <= 0) {
141     num_demes = 1; // One population == one deme.
142   }
144   // Not ready for prime time yet; need to look at how resources work in this now
145   // more complex world.
146   assert(world_z == 1);
148   // The following combination of options creates an infinite rotate-loop:
149   assert(!((m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_PLACEMENT.Get()==0)
150            && (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_FACING.Get()==1)
151            && (m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_GEOMETRY.Get()==1)));
153   // Incompatible deme replication strategies:
154   assert(!(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get()
155            && (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PROB_ORG_TRANSFER.Get()>0.0)));
156   assert(!(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get()
157            && (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PROB_ORG_TRANSFER.Get()>0.0)));
158   assert(!(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get()
159            && (m_world->GetConfig().MIGRATION_RATE.Get()>0.0)));
161 #ifdef DEBUG
162   const int birth_method = m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get();
164   if (num_demes > 1) {
165     assert(birth_method != POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST);
166   }
167 #endif
169   // Allocate the cells, resources, and market.
170   cell_array.ResizeClear(num_cells);
171   empty_cell_id_array.ResizeClear(cell_array.GetSize());
172   for (int i = 0; i < empty_cell_id_array.GetSize(); i++) {
173     empty_cell_id_array[i] = i;
174   }
175   market.Resize(MARKET_SIZE);
177   // Setup the cells.  Do things that are not dependent upon topology here.
178   for(int i=0; i<num_cells; ++i) {
179     cell_array[i].Setup(world, i, environment.GetMutRates(), i%world_x, i/world_x);
180     // Setup the reaper queue.
181     if (world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST) {
182       reaper_queue.Push(&(cell_array[i]));
183     }
184   }
186   // What are the sizes of the demes that we're creating?
187   const int deme_size_x = world_x;
188   const int deme_size_y = world_y / num_demes;
189   const int deme_size = deme_size_x * deme_size_y;
190   deme_array.Resize(num_demes);
192   // Broken setting:
193   assert(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get() <= deme_size);
195   // Setup the deme structures.
196   tArray<int> deme_cells(deme_size);
197   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
198     for (int offset = 0; offset < deme_size; offset++) {
199       int cell_id = deme_id * deme_size + offset;
200       deme_cells[offset] = cell_id;
201       cell_array[cell_id].SetDemeID(deme_id);
202     }
203     deme_array[deme_id].Setup(deme_id, deme_cells, deme_size_x, m_world);
204   }
206   // Setup the topology.
207   // What we're doing here is chopping the cell_array up into num_demes pieces.
208   // Note that having 0 demes (one population) is the same as having 1 deme.  Then
209   // we send the cells that comprise each deme into the topology builder.
210   for(int i=0; i<num_cells; i+=deme_size) {
211     // We're cheating here; we're using the random access nature of an iterator
212     // to index beyond the end of the cell_array.
213     switch(geometry) {
214       case nGeometry::GRID:
215         build_grid(&cell_array.begin()[i],
216                    &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
217                    deme_size_x, deme_size_y);
218         break;
219       case nGeometry::TORUS:
220         build_torus(&cell_array.begin()[i],
221                     &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
222                     deme_size_x, deme_size_y);
223         break;
224       case nGeometry::CLIQUE:
225         build_clique(&cell_array.begin()[i],
226                      &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
227                      deme_size_x, deme_size_y);
228         break;
229       case nGeometry::HEX:
230         build_hex(&cell_array.begin()[i],
231                   &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
232                   deme_size_x, deme_size_y);
233         break;
234       case nGeometry::LATTICE:
235         build_lattice(&cell_array.begin()[i],
236                       &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
237                       deme_size_x, deme_size_y, world_z);
238         break;
239       case nGeometry::RANDOM_CONNECTED:
240         build_random_connected_network(&cell_array.begin()[i],
241                                        &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
242                                        deme_size_x, deme_size_y, m_world->GetRandom());
243         break;
244       case nGeometry::SCALE_FREE:
245         build_scale_free(&cell_array.begin()[i], &cell_array.begin()[i+deme_size],
246                          world->GetConfig().SCALE_FREE_M.Get(),
247                          world->GetConfig().SCALE_FREE_ALPHA.Get(),
248                          world->GetConfig().SCALE_FREE_ZERO_APPEAL.Get(),
249                          m_world->GetRandom());
250         break;
251       default:
252         assert(false);
253     }
254   }
256   BuildTimeSlicer();
258   // Setup the resources...
259   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
260   int global_res_index = -1;
261   int deme_res_index = -1;
262   int num_deme_res = 0;
264   //setting size of global and deme-level resources
265   for(int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
266     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
267     if (res->GetDemeResource())
268       num_deme_res++;
269   }
271   cResourceCount tmp_res_count(resource_lib.GetSize() - num_deme_res);
272   resource_count = tmp_res_count;
273   resource_count.ResizeSpatialGrids(world_x, world_y);
275   for(int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) {
276     cResourceCount tmp_deme_res_count(num_deme_res);
277     GetDeme(i).SetDemeResourceCount(tmp_deme_res_count);
278     GetDeme(i).ResizeSpatialGrids(deme_size_x, deme_size_y);
279   }
281   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
282     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
284     // check to see if this is the hgt resource:
285     if (res->GetHGTMetabolize()) {
286       if (m_hgt_resid != -1) {
287         m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(-1, "Only one HGT resource is currently supported.");
288       }
289       m_hgt_resid = i;
290     }
292     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) {
293       global_res_index++;
294       const double decay = 1.0 - res->GetOutflow();
295       resource_count.Setup(world, global_res_index, res->GetName(), res->GetInitial(),
296                            res->GetInflow(), decay,
297                            res->GetGeometry(), res->GetXDiffuse(),
298                            res->GetXGravity(), res->GetYDiffuse(),
299                            res->GetYGravity(), res->GetInflowX1(),
300                            res->GetInflowX2(), res->GetInflowY1(),
301                            res->GetInflowY2(), res->GetOutflowX1(),
302                            res->GetOutflowX2(), res->GetOutflowY1(),
303                            res->GetOutflowY2(), res->GetCellListPtr(),
304                            res->GetCellIdListPtr(), world->GetVerbosity(),
305                            res->GetDynamicResource(), res->GetPeaks(),
306                            res->GetMinHeight(), res->GetMinRadius(), res->GetRadiusRange(),
307                            res->GetAh(), res->GetAr(),
308                            res->GetAcx(), res->GetAcy(),
309                            res->GetHStepscale(), res->GetRStepscale(),
310                            res->GetCStepscaleX(), res->GetCStepscaleY(),
311                            res->GetHStep(), res->GetRStep(),
312                            res->GetCStepX(), res->GetCStepY(),
313                            res->GetUpdateDynamic(), res->GetPeakX(), res->GetPeakY(),
314                            res->GetHeight(), res->GetSpread(), res->GetPlateau(), res->GetDecay(),
315                            res->GetMaxX(), res->GetMinX(), res->GetMaxY(), res->GetMinY(), res->GetAscaler(),res->GetUpdateStep(),
316                            res->GetHalo(), res->GetHaloInnerRadius(), res->GetHaloWidth(),
317                            res->GetHaloAnchorX(), res->GetHaloAnchorY(), res->GetMoveSpeed(),
318                            res->GetPlateauInflow(), res->GetPlateauOutflow(), res->GetConeInflow(), res->GetConeOutflow(),
319                            res->GetGradientInflow(), res->GetIsPlateauCommon(), res->GetFloor(), res->GetHabitat(),
320                            res->GetMinSize(), res->GetMaxSize(), res->GetConfig(), res->GetCount(), res->GetResistance(),
321                            res->GetInitialPlatVal(), res->GetThreshold(), res->GetRefuge(), res->GetGradient()
322                            );
323       m_world->GetStats().SetResourceName(global_res_index, res->GetName());
324     } else if (res->GetDemeResource()) {
325       deme_res_index++;
326       for(int j = 0; j < GetNumDemes(); j++) {
327         GetDeme(j).SetupDemeRes(deme_res_index, res, world->GetVerbosity(), world);
328         // could add deme resources to global resource stats here
329       }
330     } else {
331       cerr<< "ERROR: Resource \"" << res->GetName() <<"\"is not a global or deme resource.  Exit";
332       exit(1);
333     }
334   }
336   // if HGT is on, make sure there's a resource for it:
337   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENABLE_HGT.Get() && (m_hgt_resid == -1)) {
338     m_world->GetDriver().NotifyWarning("HGT is enabled, but no HGT resource is defined; add hgt=1 to a single resource in the environment file.");
339   }
340   min_prey_failures.Resize(0);
341 }
InitiatePop(cUserFeedback * feedback)343 bool cPopulation::InitiatePop(cUserFeedback* feedback)
344 {
345   Genome start_org;
346   const cString& filename = m_world->GetConfig().START_ORGANISM.Get();
348   if (filename != "-" && filename != "") {
349     if (!start_org.LoadFromDetailFile(filename, m_world->GetWorkingDir(), m_world->GetHardwareManager(), *feedback)) return false;
350     if (start_org.GetSize() != 0) {
351       Inject(start_org, SRC_ORGANISM_FILE_LOAD, m_world->GetDefaultContext());
352     } else {
353       if (feedback) feedback->Warning("zero length start organism, not injecting into initial population");
354     }
355   } else {
356     if (feedback) feedback->Warning("no start organism specified");
357   }
359   return true;
360 }
~cPopulation()363 cPopulation::~cPopulation()
364 {
365   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) KillOrganism(cell_array[i], m_world->GetDefaultContext());
366   delete schedule;
367 }
AdjustSchedule(const cPopulationCell & cell,const cMerit & merit)370 inline void cPopulation::AdjustSchedule(const cPopulationCell& cell, const cMerit& merit)
371 {
372   const int deme_id = cell.GetDemeID();
373   const cDeme& deme = deme_array[deme_id];
374   schedule->Adjust(cell.GetID(), deme.HasDemeMerit() ? (merit * deme.GetDemeMerit()) : merit, cell.GetDemeID());
375 }
379 // Activate the child, given information from the parent.
380 // Return true if parent lives through this process.
ActivateOffspring(cAvidaContext & ctx,const Genome & offspring_genome,cOrganism * parent_organism)381 bool cPopulation::ActivateOffspring(cAvidaContext& ctx, const Genome& offspring_genome, cOrganism* parent_organism)
382 {
383   if (m_world->GetConfig().FASTFORWARD_NUM_ORGS.Get() > 0 && GetNumOrganisms() >= m_world->GetConfig().FASTFORWARD_NUM_ORGS.Get())
384   {
385     return true;
386   }
387   assert(parent_organism != NULL);
388   bool is_doomed = false;
389   int doomed_cell = (m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get() * m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get()) - 1; //Also at the end of cPopulation::ActivateOrganism
390   tArray<cOrganism*> offspring_array;
391   tArray<cMerit> merit_array;
393   // If divide method is split, parent will be reset to completely tolerant
394   // must remove their intolerance from the group's cached total.
395   if (m_world->GetConfig().DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == DIVIDE_METHOD_SPLIT) {
396     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) {
397       int tol_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
398       int group_id = parent_organism->GetOpinion().first;
399       int org_imm_tolerance = parent_organism->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
400       m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - org_imm_tolerance;
401       if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
402         if (parent_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) {
403           m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - org_imm_tolerance;
404         } else if (parent_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) {
405           m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - org_imm_tolerance;
406         } else if (parent_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE) {
407           m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - org_imm_tolerance;
408         }
409       }
410       m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].second -= tol_max - parent_organism->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
411     }
412   }
414   // Update the parent's phenotype.
415   // This needs to be done before the parent goes into the birth chamber
416   // or the merit doesn't get passed onto the offspring correctly
417   cPhenotype& parent_phenotype = parent_organism->GetPhenotype();
418   UpdateQs(parent_organism, true);
419   parent_phenotype.DivideReset(parent_organism->GetGenome().GetSequence());
421   birth_chamber.SubmitOffspring(ctx, offspring_genome, parent_organism, offspring_array, merit_array);
423   // First, setup the genotype of all of the offspring.
424   const int parent_id = parent_organism->GetOrgInterface().GetCellID();
425   assert(parent_id >= 0 && parent_id < cell_array.GetSize());
426   cPopulationCell& parent_cell = cell_array[parent_id];
428   // If this is multi-process Avida, test to see if we should send the offspring
429   // to a different world.  We check this here so that 1) we avoid all the extra
430   // work below in the case of a migration event and 2) so that we don't mess up
431   // and mistakenly kill the parent.
432   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENABLE_MP.Get()) {
433     tArray<cOrganism*> non_migrants;
434     tArray<cMerit> non_migrant_merits;
435     for (int i=0; i<offspring_array.GetSize(); ++i) {
436       if (m_world->TestForMigration()) {
437         // this offspring is outta here!
438         m_world->MigrateOrganism(offspring_array[i], parent_cell, merit_array[i], parent_organism->GetLineageLabel());
439         delete offspring_array[i]; // this offspring isn't hanging around.
440       } else {
441         // boring; stay here.
442         non_migrants.Push(offspring_array[i]);
443         non_migrant_merits.Push(merit_array[i]);
444       }
445     }
446     offspring_array = non_migrants;
447     merit_array = non_migrant_merits;
448   }
450   tArray<int> target_cells(offspring_array.GetSize());
452   // Loop through choosing the later placement of each offspring in the population.
453   bool parent_alive = true;  // Will the parent live through this process?
455   for (int i = 0; i < offspring_array.GetSize(); i++) {
456     /*
457      THIS code will remove zero merit orgnaisms, thus never putting them into the scheduler.
458      WARNING: uncommenting this code will break consistancy, but will generalize the solution.
459      Currently, only asexual organisms that use the energy model are removed when they have zero merit.
460      If this code gets added then remove the "if (merit_array[0].GetDouble() <= 0.0)" block from cBirthChamber::DoAsexBirth,
461      does not break consistancy for test energy_deme_level_res
463      if (merit_array[i].GetDouble() <= 0.0) {
464      // no weaklings!
465      if (offspring_array.GetSize() > 1) {
466      offspring_array.Swap(i, offspring_array.GetSize()-1);
467      offspring_array = offspring_array.Subset(0, offspring_array.GetSize()-2);
468      } else {
469      offspring_array.ResizeClear(0);
470      break;
471      }
472      --i;
473      continue;
474      }
475      */
476     target_cells[i] = PositionOffspring(parent_cell, ctx, m_world->GetConfig().ALLOW_PARENT.Get()).GetID();
477     // Catch the corner case where birth method = 3 and there are
478     // no empty cells. Here, we set the cell to -1 so that the rest of the
479     // method can proceed, but we can avoid trying to rotate it.
480     if ((target_cells[i] == parent_cell.GetID()) &&
481         m_world->GetConfig().ALLOW_PARENT.Get()==0) {
482       target_cells[i] = -1;
483       continue;
484     }
485     // If we replaced the parent, make a note of this.
486     if (target_cells[i] == parent_cell.GetID()) {
487       parent_alive = false;
488       if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get()) parent_organism->GetOrgInterface().RemoveAllAV();
489     }
490     const int mut_source = m_world->GetConfig().MUT_RATE_SOURCE.Get();
491     if (mut_source == 1) {
492       // Update the mutation rates of each offspring from the environment....
493       offspring_array[i]->MutationRates().Copy(GetCell(target_cells[i]).MutationRates());
494     }
495     else {
496       // Update the mutation rates of each offspring from its parent.
497       offspring_array[i]->MutationRates().Copy(parent_organism->MutationRates());
498       // If there is a meta-mutation rate, do tests for it.
499       if (offspring_array[i]->MutationRates().GetMetaCopyMutProb() > 0.0) {
500         offspring_array[i]->MutationRates().DoMetaCopyMut(ctx);
501       }
502     }
504     // Update the phenotypes of each offspring....
505     const Sequence& genome = offspring_array[i]->GetGenome().GetSequence();
506     offspring_array[i]->GetPhenotype().SetupOffspring(parent_phenotype, genome);
507     offspring_array[i]->GetPhenotype().SetMerit(merit_array[i]);
508     offspring_array[i]->SetLineageLabel(parent_organism->GetLineageLabel());
510     //By default, store the parent cclade, this may get modified in ActivateOrgansim (@MRR)
511     offspring_array[i]->SetCCladeLabel(parent_organism->GetCCladeLabel());
513     // If inherited reputation is turned on, set the offspring's reputation
514     // to that of its parent.
515     if (m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_REPUTATION.Get() == 1) {
516       offspring_array[i]->SetReputation(parent_organism->GetReputation());
517     }
518     else if (m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_REPUTATION.Get() == 2) {
519       offspring_array[i]->SetTag(parent_organism->GetTag());
520     }
521     else if (m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_REPUTATION.Get() == 3) {
522       offspring_array[i]->SetTag(parent_organism->GetTag());
523       offspring_array[i]->SetReputation(parent_organism->GetReputation());
524     }
526     // If spatial groups are used, put the offspring in the
527     // parents' group, if tolerances are used check if the offspring
528     // is successfully born into the parent's group or successfully immigrates
529     // into another group.
530     if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get()) {
531       if (parent_organism->HasOpinion()) offspring_array[i]->SetParentGroup(parent_organism->GetOpinion().first);
532       // If tolerances are on ...
533       if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() != 0 && m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 0) {
534         bool joins_group = AttemptOffspringParentGroup(ctx, parent_organism, offspring_array[i]);
535         if (!joins_group) {
536           target_cells[i] = doomed_cell;
537           is_doomed = true;
538         }
539       }
540       else {
541         // If not using tolerances or using immigrant only tolerance, put the offspring in the parent's group.
542         assert(parent_organism->HasOpinion());
543         if (m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_OPINION.Get()) {
544           int group = parent_organism->GetOpinion().first;
545           offspring_array[i]->SetOpinion(group);
546           JoinGroup(offspring_array[i], group);
547         }
548       }
549     }
550     // if parent org has executed teach_offspring intruction, allow the offspring to learn parent's foraging/targeting behavior
551     if (parent_organism->IsTeacher()) offspring_array[i]->SetParentTeacher(true);
552     offspring_array[i]->SetParentFT(parent_organism->GetForageTarget());
553     // and some rebirth stuff
554     offspring_array[i]->SetParentMerit(parent_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMerit().GetDouble());
555     offspring_array[i]->SetParentMultiThreaded(parent_organism->GetPhenotype().IsMultiThread());
556   }
558   // If we're not about to kill the parent, do some extra work on it.
559   if (parent_alive == true) {
560     if (parent_phenotype.GetMerit().GetDouble() <= 0.0 || m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == 13) {
561       // no weakling parents either!
562       parent_organism->GetPhenotype().SetToDie();
563       parent_alive = false;
564     }
565     else {
566       // Reset inputs and re-calculate merit if required
567       if (m_world->GetConfig().RESET_INPUTS_ON_DIVIDE.Get() > 0){
568         environment.SetupInputs(ctx, parent_cell.m_inputs);
570         int pc_phenotype = m_world->GetConfig().PRECALC_PHENOTYPE.Get();
571         if (pc_phenotype) {
572           cCPUTestInfo test_info;
573           cTestCPU* test_cpu = m_world->GetHardwareManager().CreateTestCPU(ctx);
574           test_info.UseManualInputs(parent_cell.GetInputs()); // Test using what the environment will be
575           Genome mg(parent_organism->GetGenome());
576           mg.SetSequence(parent_organism->GetHardware().GetMemory());
577           test_cpu->TestGenome(ctx, test_info, mg); // Use the true genome
578           if (pc_phenotype & 1) {  // If we must update the merit
579             parent_phenotype.SetMerit(test_info.GetTestPhenotype().GetMerit());
580           }
581           if (pc_phenotype & 2) {  // If we must update the gestation time
582             parent_phenotype.SetGestationTime(test_info.GetTestPhenotype().GetGestationTime());
583           }
584           if (pc_phenotype & 4) {  // If we must update the last instruction counts
585             parent_phenotype.SetTestCPUInstCount(test_info.GetTestPhenotype().GetLastInstCount());
586           }
587           parent_phenotype.SetFitness(parent_phenotype.GetMerit().CalcFitness(parent_phenotype.GetGestationTime())); // Update fitness
588           delete test_cpu;
589         }
590       }
591       AdjustSchedule(parent_cell, parent_phenotype.GetMerit());
593       if (!is_doomed) {
594         // In a local run, face the offspring toward the parent.
595         const int birth_method = m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get();
596         if (birth_method < NUM_LOCAL_POSITION_OFFSPRING || birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_PARENT_FACING) {
597           for (int i = 0; i < offspring_array.GetSize(); i++) {
598             if (target_cells[i] != -1) {
599               GetCell(target_cells[i]).Rotate(parent_cell);
600             }
601           }
602         }
603       }
604       // Purge the mutations since last division
605       parent_organism->OffspringGenome().GetSequence().GetMutationSteps().Clear();
606     }
607   }
609   // Do any statistics on the parent that just gave birth...
610   parent_organism->HandleGestation();
612   // Place all of the offspring...
613   for (int i = 0; i < offspring_array.GetSize(); i++) {
614     if (target_cells[i] != -1) {
615       //@JEB - we may want to pass along some state information from parent to offspring
616       if ( (m_world->GetConfig().EPIGENETIC_METHOD.Get() == EPIGENETIC_METHOD_OFFSPRING)
617           || (m_world->GetConfig().EPIGENETIC_METHOD.Get() == EPIGENETIC_METHOD_BOTH) ) {
618         offspring_array[i]->GetHardware().InheritState(parent_organism->GetHardware());
619       }
620       bool org_survived = ActivateOrganism(ctx, offspring_array[i], GetCell(target_cells[i]));
621       // only assign an avatar cell if the org lived through birth and it isn't the parent
622       if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && org_survived) {
623         int avatar_target_cell = PlaceAvatar(parent_organism);
624         offspring_array[i]->GetPhenotype().SetAVBirthCellID(avatar_target_cell);
625         if (offspring_array[i] != parent_organism) {
626           offspring_array[i]->GetOrgInterface().AddPredPreyAV(avatar_target_cell);
627         }
628       }
629     } else {
630       delete offspring_array[i];
631     }
632   }
633   return parent_alive;
634 }
UpdateQs(cOrganism * org,bool reproduced)636 void cPopulation::UpdateQs(cOrganism* org, bool reproduced)
637 {
638   // yank the org out of any current trace queues, as appropriate (i.e. if dead (==!reproduced) or if reproduced and splitting on divide)
639   bool split = m_world->GetConfig().DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == DIVIDE_METHOD_SPLIT;
641   if (!reproduced || (reproduced && split)) {
642     org->GetHardware().PrintMicroTrace(org->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID());
643     org->GetHardware().DeleteMiniTrace(print_mini_trace_reacs);
644   }
646   if (org->GetHardware().IsReproTrace() && repro_q.GetSize()) {
647     for (int i = 0; i < repro_q.GetSize(); i++) {
648       if (repro_q[i] == org) {
649         if (reproduced) m_world->GetStats().PrintReproData(org);
650         if (!reproduced || (reproduced && split)) {
651           int last = repro_q.GetSize() - 1;
652           repro_q.Swap(i, last);
653           repro_q.Pop();
654           org->GetHardware().SetReproTrace(false);
655         }
656         break;
657       }
658     }
659   }
660   if (org->GetHardware().IsTopNavTrace() && topnav_q.GetSize()) {
661     for (int i = 0; i < topnav_q.GetSize(); i++) {
662       if (topnav_q[i] == org) {
663         if (reproduced) m_world->GetStats().UpdateTopNavTrace(org);
664         if (!reproduced || (reproduced && split)) {
665           int last = topnav_q.GetSize() - 1;
666           topnav_q.Swap(i, last);
667           topnav_q.Pop();
668           org->GetHardware().SetTopNavTrace(false);
669         }
670         break;
671       }
672     }
673   }
674 }
TestForParasiteInteraction(cOrganism * infected_host,cOrganism * target_host)676 bool cPopulation::TestForParasiteInteraction(cOrganism* infected_host, cOrganism* target_host)
677 {
678   //default to failing the interaction
679   bool interaction_fails = true;
680   int infection_mechanism = m_world->GetConfig().INFECTION_MECHANISM.Get();
682   cPhenotype& parent_phenotype = infected_host->GetPhenotype();
684   tArray<int> host_task_counts = target_host->GetPhenotype().GetLastHostTaskCount();
685   tArray<int> parasite_task_counts = parent_phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount();
688   if (infection_mechanism == 0) {
689     interaction_fails = false;
690   }
692   // 1: Parasite must match at least 1 task the host does (Overlap)
693   if (infection_mechanism == 1) {
694     //handle skipping of first task
695     int start = 0;
696     if (m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_SKIP_FIRST_TASK.Get()) {
697       start += 1;
698     }
700     //find if there is a matching task
701     for (int i = start; i < host_task_counts.GetSize(); i++) {
702       if (host_task_counts[i] > 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] > 0) {
703         //inject should succeed if there is a matching task
704         interaction_fails = false;
705       }
706     }
707   }
709   // 2: Parasite must perform at least one task the host does not (Inverse Overlap)
710   if (infection_mechanism == 2) {
711     //handle skipping of first task
712     int start = 0;
713     if (m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_SKIP_FIRST_TASK.Get()) {
714       start += 1;
715     }
717     //find if there is a parasite task that the host isn't doing
718     for (int i = start; i < host_task_counts.GetSize(); i++) {
719       if (host_task_counts[i] == 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] > 0) {
720         //inject should succeed if there is a matching task
721         interaction_fails = false;
722       }
723     }
724   }
726   // 3: Parasite tasks must match host tasks exactly. (Matching Alleles)
727   if (infection_mechanism == 3) {
728     //handle skipping of first task
729     int start = 0;
730     if (m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_SKIP_FIRST_TASK.Get()) {
731       start += 1;
732     }
734     //This time if we trigger the if statments we DO fail.
735     interaction_fails = false;
736     for (int i = start; i < host_task_counts.GetSize(); i++) {
737       if ((host_task_counts[i] == 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] > 0) ||
738           (host_task_counts[i] > 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] == 0)) {
739         //inject should fail if either the host or parasite is doing a task the other isn't.
740         interaction_fails = true;
741       }
742     }
743   }
745   // 4: Parasite tasks must overcome hosts. (GFG)
746   if (infection_mechanism == 4) {
747     //handle skipping of first task
748     int start = 0;
749     if (m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_SKIP_FIRST_TASK.Get()) {
750       start += 1;
751     }
753     //This time if we trigger the if statments we DO fail.
754     interaction_fails = false;
755     bool parasite_overcomes = false;
756     for (int i = start; i < host_task_counts.GetSize(); i++) {
757       if (host_task_counts[i] > 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] == 0 ) {
758         //inject should fail if the host overcomes the parasite.
759         interaction_fails = true;
760       }
762       //check if parasite overcomes at least one task
763       if (parasite_task_counts[i] > 0 && host_task_counts[i] == 0) {
764         parasite_overcomes = true;
765       }
766     }
768     //if host doesn't overcome, infection may still fail if the parasite doesn't overcome the host
769     if (interaction_fails == false && parasite_overcomes == false) {
770       interaction_fails = true;
771     }
772   }
774   // 5: Quantitative Matching Allele -- probability of infection based on phenotype overlap
775   if (infection_mechanism == 5) {
776     //handle skipping of first task
777     int start = 0;
778     if(m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_SKIP_FIRST_TASK.Get()) {
779       start += 1;
780     }
782     //calculate how many tasks have the same binary phenotype (i.e. how much overlap)
783     int num_overlap = 0;
784     for (int i = start; i < host_task_counts.GetSize(); i++) {
785       if ((host_task_counts[i] > 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] > 0) ||
786           (host_task_counts[i] == 0 && parasite_task_counts[i] == 0)) {
787         num_overlap += 1;
788       }
789     }
791     //turn number into proportion of available tasks that match
792     double prop_overlap = double(num_overlap) / (host_task_counts.GetSize() - start);
794     //use config exponent and calculate probability of infection
795     double infection_exponent = m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_QMA_EXPONENT.Get();
796     double prob_success = pow(prop_overlap, infection_exponent);
798     //check if infection should fail based on probability
799     double rand = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
800     interaction_fails = rand > prob_success;
801   }
803   // TODO: Add other infection mechanisms -LZ
804   // : Probabilistic infection based on overlap. (GFG)
805   // : Multiplicative GFG (special case of above?)
806   // : Randomization of tasks that match between hosts and parasites?
807   // : ??
808   if (interaction_fails) {
809     double prob_success = m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_DEFAULT_SUCCESS.Get();
810     double rand = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
812     if (rand > prob_success) {
813       return false;
814     }
815   }
817   return true;
818 }
ActivateParasite(cOrganism * host,cBioUnit * parent,const cString & label,const Sequence & injected_code)820 bool cPopulation::ActivateParasite(cOrganism* host, cBioUnit* parent, const cString& label, const Sequence& injected_code)
821 {
822   assert(parent != NULL);
824   // Quick check for empty parasites
825   if (injected_code.GetSize() == 0) return false;
828   // Pull the host cell
829   const int host_id = host->GetOrgInterface().GetCellID();
830   assert(host_id >= 0 && host_id < cell_array.GetSize());
831   cPopulationCell& host_cell = cell_array[host_id];
834   // Select a target organism
835   // @TODO - activate parasite target selection should account for hardware type
836   cOrganism* target_organism = NULL;
838    // If there's any migration turned on ... try this first
839    if(m_world->GetConfig().NUM_DEMES.Get() > 1 && m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PARASITE_MIGRATION_RATE.Get() > 0.0 && m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD.Get() == 4 && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PARASITE_MIGRATION_RATE.Get())){
840        // MIGRATION_MATRIX
841      cDeme& deme = GetDeme(m_world->GetMigrationMatrix().GetProbabilisticDemeID(host_cell.GetDemeID(), m_world->GetRandom(),true));
843      // Implementation #1 - Picks randomly of ALL cells in to-deme and then finds if the one it chose was occupied
844      // -- Not ensured to infect an individual
845      cPopulationCell& rand_cell = deme.GetCell(m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(deme.GetSize()));
846      if(rand_cell.IsOccupied()){
847        target_organism = rand_cell.GetOrganism();
848      }
849    }
850    else{
851      // Else there was no migration ... Resort to the default BIRTH_METHOD
852      if (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() ==  POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_RANDOM) {
853        target_organism = GetCell(m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(cell_array.GetSize())).GetOrganism();
854      }
855      else if(m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_DEME_RANDOM){
856        cDeme& deme = GetDeme(host_cell.GetDemeID());
857        cPopulationCell& rand_cell = deme.GetCell(m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(deme.GetSize()));
858        if(rand_cell.IsOccupied()){
859          target_organism = rand_cell.GetOrganism();
860        }
861      }
862      else {
863        target_organism =
864        host_cell.ConnectionList().GetPos(m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(host->GetNeighborhoodSize()))->GetOrganism();
865      }
866   }
868   if (target_organism == NULL) return false;
871   // Pre-check target hardware
872   const cHardwareBase& hw = target_organism->GetHardware();
873   if (hw.GetType() != parent->GetGenome().GetHardwareType() ||
874       hw.GetInstSet().GetInstSetName() != parent->GetGenome().GetInstSet() ||
875       hw.GetNumThreads() == m_world->GetConfig().MAX_CPU_THREADS.Get()) return false;
877   //Handle host specific injection
878   if(TestForParasiteInteraction(host, target_organism) == false)
879     return false;
882   // Attempt actual parasite injection
884   Genome mg(parent->GetGenome().GetHardwareType(), parent->GetGenome().GetInstSet(), injected_code);
885   cParasite* parasite = new cParasite(m_world, mg, parent->GetPhenotype().GetGeneration(), SRC_PARASITE_INJECT, label);
887   //Handle potential virulence evolution if this parasite is comming from a parasite
888   //and virulence is inhereted from the parent (source == 1)
889   if (parent->IsParasite() && m_world->GetConfig().VIRULENCE_SOURCE.Get() == 1)
890   {
891     //mutate virulence
892     // m_world->GetConfig().PARASITE_VIRULENCE.Get()
893     double oldVir = dynamic_cast<cParasite*>(parent)->GetVirulence();
895     //default to not mutating
896     double newVir = oldVir;
898     //but if we do mutate...
899     if (m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble() < m_world->GetConfig().VIRULENCE_MUT_RATE.Get())
900     {
901       //get this in a temp variable so we don't have to make the next line huge
902       double vir_sd = m_world->GetConfig().VIRULENCE_SD.Get();
904       //sd^2 = varience
905       newVir = m_world->GetRandom().GetRandNormal(oldVir, vir_sd * vir_sd);
907     }
908     parasite->SetVirulence(Max(Min(newVir, 1.0), 0.0));
909   }
910   else
911   {
912     //get default virulence
913     parasite->SetVirulence(m_world->GetConfig().PARASITE_VIRULENCE.Get());
914   }
915   if (!target_organism->ParasiteInfectHost(parasite)) {
916     delete parasite;
917     return false;
918   }
920   //If parasite was successfully injected, update the phenotype for the parasite in new organism
921   target_organism->GetPhenotype().SetLastParasiteTaskCount(host->GetPhenotype().GetLastParasiteTaskCount());
923   // Classify the parasite
924   tArray<const tArray<cBioGroup*>*> pgrps(1);
925   pgrps[0] = &parent->GetBioGroups();
926   parasite->SelfClassify(pgrps);
928   // Handle post injection actions
929   if (m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_STERILIZES_HOST.Get()) target_organism->GetPhenotype().Sterilize();
931   return true;
932 }
ActivateOrganism(cAvidaContext & ctx,cOrganism * in_organism,cPopulationCell & target_cell,bool assign_group,bool is_inject)934 bool cPopulation::ActivateOrganism(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrganism* in_organism, cPopulationCell& target_cell, bool assign_group, bool is_inject)
935 {
936   assert(in_organism != NULL);
937   assert(in_organism->GetGenome().GetSize() >= 1);
939   in_organism->SetOrgInterface(ctx, new cPopulationInterface(m_world));
941   // Update the contents of the target cell.
942   KillOrganism(target_cell, ctx);
943   target_cell.InsertOrganism(in_organism, ctx);
944   AddLiveOrg(in_organism);
946   // Setup the inputs in the target cell.
947   environment.SetupInputs(ctx, target_cell.m_inputs);
949   // Precalculate the phenotype if requested
950   int pc_phenotype = m_world->GetConfig().PRECALC_PHENOTYPE.Get();
951   if (pc_phenotype){
952     cCPUTestInfo test_info;
953     cTestCPU* test_cpu = m_world->GetHardwareManager().CreateTestCPU(ctx);
954     test_info.UseManualInputs(target_cell.GetInputs()); // Test using what the environment will be
955     Genome mg(in_organism->GetGenome());
956     mg.SetSequence(in_organism->GetHardware().GetMemory());
957     test_cpu->TestGenome(ctx, test_info, mg);  // Use the true genome
959     if (pc_phenotype & 1)
960       in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetMerit(test_info.GetTestPhenotype().GetMerit());
961     if (pc_phenotype & 2)
962       in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetGestationTime(test_info.GetTestPhenotype().GetGestationTime());
963     in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetFitness(in_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMerit().CalcFitness(in_organism->GetPhenotype().GetGestationTime()));
964     delete test_cpu;
965   }
966   // Update the archive...
969   // Initialize the time-slice for this new organism.
970   AdjustSchedule(target_cell, in_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMerit());
972   // Special handling for certain birth methods.
973   if (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST) {
974     reaper_queue.Push(&target_cell);
975   }
977   // If neural networking, add input and output avatars.. @JJB**
978   if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && m_world->GetConfig().NEURAL_NETWORKING.Get()) {
979     // Add input avatar
980     in_organism->GetOrgInterface().AddIOAV(target_cell.GetID(), 2, true, false);
981     // Add input avatar
982     in_organism->GetOrgInterface().AddIOAV(target_cell.GetID(), 2, false, true);
983   }
985   // Keep track of statistics for organism counts...
986   num_organisms++;
987   if (m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() == -2 || m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() > -1) {
988     // ft should be nearly always -1 so long as it is not being inherited
989     if (in_organism->GetForageTarget() > -2) num_prey_organisms++;
990     else num_pred_organisms++;
991   }
992   if (deme_array.GetSize() > 0) {
993     deme_array[target_cell.GetDemeID()].IncOrgCount();
994   }
996   // Statistics...
997   m_world->GetStats().RecordBirth(in_organism->GetPhenotype().ParentTrue());
999   // @MRR Do coalescence clade setup for new organisms.
1000   CCladeSetupOrganism(in_organism );
1002   //count how many times MERIT_BONUS_INST (rewarded instruction) is in the genome
1003   //only relevant if merit is proportional to # times MERIT_BONUS_INST is in the genome
1004   int rewarded_instruction = m_world->GetConfig().MERIT_BONUS_INST.Get();
1005   int num_rewarded_instructions = 0;
1006   int genome_length = in_organism->GetGenome().GetSize();
1008   if (rewarded_instruction == -1){
1009     //no key instruction, so no bonus
1010     in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetCurBonusInstCount(0);
1011   }
1012   else{
1013     for(int i = 1; i <= genome_length; i++){
1014       if (in_organism->GetGenome().GetSequence()[i-1].GetOp() == rewarded_instruction){
1015         num_rewarded_instructions++;
1016       }
1017     }
1018     in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetCurBonusInstCount(num_rewarded_instructions);
1019   }
1020   // ok, after we've gone through all that, there's a catch.  It is possible that the
1021   // cell into which this organism has been injected is in fact a "gateway" to another
1022   // world.  if so, we then migrate this organism out of this world and empty the cell.
1023   if(m_world->IsWorldBoundary(target_cell)) {
1024     m_world->MigrateOrganism(in_organism, target_cell, in_organism->GetPhenotype().GetMerit(), in_organism->GetLineageLabel());
1025     KillOrganism(target_cell, ctx);
1026   }
1028   if (assign_group) {
1029     int op = m_world->GetConfig().DEFAULT_GROUP.Get();
1030     if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get() != 0) {
1031       if (!in_organism->HasOpinion()) {
1032         if (m_world->GetConfig().DEFAULT_GROUP.Get() != -1) {
1033           in_organism->SetOpinion(m_world->GetConfig().DEFAULT_GROUP.Get());
1034           JoinGroup(in_organism, m_world->GetConfig().DEFAULT_GROUP.Get());
1035         }
1036         else {
1037           if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get() == 1) {
1038             op = (int) abs(ctx.GetRandom().GetDouble());
1039             in_organism->SetOpinion(op);
1040             JoinGroup(in_organism, op);
1041           }
1042           else if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get() == 2) {
1043             op = ctx.GetRandom().GetInt(0, m_world->GetEnvironment().GetResourceLib().GetSize() + 1);
1044             in_organism->SetOpinion(op);
1045             JoinGroup(in_organism, op);
1046           }
1047         }
1048       }
1049       else op = in_organism->GetOpinion().first;
1050     }
1052     in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthCellID(target_cell.GetID());
1053     if (m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_OPINION.Get()) in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthGroupID(op);
1054     else in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthGroupID(in_organism->GetParentGroup());
1055     in_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthForagerType(in_organism->GetParentFT());
1057     cBGGenotype* genotype = dynamic_cast<cBGGenotype*>(in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype"));
1058     assert(genotype);
1060     genotype->SetLastBirthCell(target_cell.GetID());
1061     if (m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_OPINION.Get()) genotype->SetLastGroupID(op);
1062     else genotype->SetLastGroupID(in_organism->GetParentGroup());
1063     genotype->SetLastForagerType(in_organism->GetParentFT());
1064   }
1066   bool org_survived = true;
1067   // For tolerance_window, we cheated by dumping doomed offspring into cell (X * Y) - 1 ...now that we updated the stats, we need to
1068   // kill that org.
1069   int doomed_cell = (m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get() * m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get()) - 1;
1070   if ((m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) && (target_cell.GetID() == doomed_cell) && (m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate() > 0)) {
1071     KillOrganism(target_cell, ctx);
1072     org_survived = false;
1073   }
1074   // Kill org born on deadly world boundaries
1075   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEADLY_BOUNDARIES.Get() == 1 && m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_GEOMETRY.Get() == 1 && target_cell.GetID() >= 0) {
1076     int dest_x = target_cell.GetID() % m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
1077     int dest_y = target_cell.GetID() / m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
1078     if (dest_x == 0 || dest_y == 0 || dest_x == m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get() - 1 || dest_y == m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get() - 1) {
1079       KillOrganism(target_cell, ctx);
1080       org_survived = false;
1081     }
1082   }
1083   // don't kill our test org, just it's offspring
1084   if ((m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == 12 || m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == 13) && !is_inject) {
1085       KillOrganism(target_cell, ctx);
1086       org_survived = false;
1087   }
1088   // are there traces we need to test for?
1089   if (org_survived) {
1090     if (m_next_prey_q > 0 && in_organism->GetParentFT() > -2) {
1091       SetupMiniTrace(in_organism);
1092       m_next_prey_q--;
1093     }
1094     else if (m_next_pred_q > 0 && in_organism->GetParentFT() <= -2) {
1095       SetupMiniTrace(in_organism);
1096       m_next_pred_q--;
1097     }
1098     else if (minitrace_queue.GetSize() > 0) TestForMiniTrace(in_organism);
1099   }
1100   return org_survived;
1101 }
TestForMiniTrace(cOrganism * in_organism)1103 void cPopulation::TestForMiniTrace(cOrganism* in_organism)
1104 {
1105   // if the org's genotype is on our to do list, setup the trace and remove the instance of the genotype from the list
1106   int org_bg_id = in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID();
1107   for (int i = 0; i < minitrace_queue.GetSize(); i++) {
1108     if (org_bg_id == minitrace_queue[i]) {
1109       unsigned int last = minitrace_queue.GetSize() - 1;
1110       minitrace_queue.Swap(i, last);
1111       minitrace_queue.Pop();
1112       SetupMiniTrace(in_organism);
1113       break;
1114     }
1115   }
1116 }
SetupMiniTrace(cOrganism * in_organism)1118 void cPopulation::SetupMiniTrace(cOrganism* in_organism)
1119 {
1120   const int target = in_organism->GetParentFT();
1121   const int id = in_organism->GetID();
1122   int group_id = m_world->GetConfig().DEFAULT_GROUP.Get();
1123   if (in_organism->HasOpinion()) group_id = in_organism->GetOpinion().first;
1124   else group_id = in_organism->GetParentGroup();
1126   cString filename = cStringUtil::Stringf("minitraces/org%d-ud%d-grp%d_ft%d-gt%d.trc", id, m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), group_id, target, in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID());
1128   if (!use_micro_traces) in_organism->GetHardware().SetMiniTrace(filename, in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID(), in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetProperty("name").AsString());
1129   else in_organism->GetHardware().SetMicroTrace();
1131   if (print_mini_trace_genomes) {
1132     cString gen_file =  cStringUtil::Stringf("minitraces/trace_genomes/org%d-ud%d-grp%d_ft%d-gt%d.trcgeno", id, m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), group_id, target, in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID());
1133     PrintMiniTraceGenome(in_organism, gen_file);
1134   }
1135 }
PrintMiniTraceGenome(cOrganism * in_organism,cString & filename)1137 void cPopulation::PrintMiniTraceGenome(cOrganism* in_organism, cString& filename)
1138 {
1139   // need a random number generator to pass to testcpu that does not affect any other random number pulls (since this is just for printing the genome)
1140   cRandom rng(0);
1141   cAvidaContext ctx2(m_world, rng);
1143   cTestCPU* testcpu = m_world->GetHardwareManager().CreateTestCPU(ctx2);
1144   testcpu->PrintGenome(ctx2, Genome(in_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetProperty("genome").AsString()), filename, m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate());
1145   delete testcpu;
1146 }
SetMiniTraceQueue(tSmartArray<int> new_queue,const bool print_genomes,const bool print_reacs,const bool use_micro)1148 void cPopulation::SetMiniTraceQueue(tSmartArray<int> new_queue, const bool print_genomes, const bool print_reacs, const bool use_micro)
1149 {
1150   minitrace_queue.Resize(0);
1151   for (int i = 0; i < new_queue.GetSize(); i++) minitrace_queue.Push(new_queue[i]);
1152   print_mini_trace_genomes = print_genomes;
1153   print_mini_trace_reacs = print_reacs;
1154   use_micro_traces = use_micro;
1155 }
AppendMiniTraces(tSmartArray<int> new_queue,const bool print_genomes,const bool print_reacs,const bool use_micro)1157 void cPopulation::AppendMiniTraces(tSmartArray<int> new_queue, const bool print_genomes, const bool print_reacs, const bool use_micro)
1158 {
1159   for (int i = 0; i < new_queue.GetSize(); i++) minitrace_queue.Push(new_queue[i]);
1160   print_mini_trace_genomes = print_genomes;
1161   print_mini_trace_reacs = print_reacs;
1162   use_micro_traces = use_micro;
1163 }
LoadMiniTraceQ(cString & filename,int orgs_per,bool print_genomes,bool print_reacs)1165 void cPopulation::LoadMiniTraceQ(cString& filename, int orgs_per, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs)
1166 {
1167   cInitFile input_file(filename, m_world->GetWorkingDir());
1168   if (!input_file.WasOpened()) {
1169     const cUserFeedback& feedback = input_file.GetFeedback();
1170     for (int i = 0; i < feedback.GetNumMessages(); i++) {
1171       switch (feedback.GetMessageType(i)) {
1172         case cUserFeedback::UF_ERROR:    m_world->GetDriver().RaiseException(feedback.GetMessage(i)); break;
1173         case cUserFeedback::UF_WARNING:  m_world->GetDriver().NotifyWarning(feedback.GetMessage(i)); break;
1174         default:                      m_world->GetDriver().NotifyComment(feedback.GetMessage(i)); break;
1175       };
1176     }
1177   }
1179   tSmartArray<int> bg_id_list;
1180   tSmartArray<int> queue = m_world->GetPopulation().GetMiniTraceQueue();
1181   for (int line_id = 0; line_id < input_file.GetNumLines(); line_id++) {
1182     cString cur_line = input_file.GetLine(line_id);
1184     tDictionary<cString>* line = input_file.GetLineAsDict(line_id);
1185     int gen_id_num = line->Get("id").AsInt();
1187     // setup the genotype 'list' which will be checked in activateorg
1188     // skip if enough already in the existing trace queue (e.g if loading multiple genotype id files that overlap)
1189     int add_num = orgs_per;
1190     for (int i = 0; i < queue.GetSize(); i++) {
1191       if (gen_id_num == queue[i]) {
1192         add_num--;
1193         if (add_num <= 0) break;
1194       }
1195     }
1196     for (int j = 0; j < add_num; j++) {
1197       bg_id_list.Push(gen_id_num);
1198     }
1199   }
1201   if (queue.GetSize() > 0) {
1202     AppendMiniTraces(bg_id_list, print_genomes, print_reacs);
1203   }
1204   else {
1205     SetMiniTraceQueue(bg_id_list, print_genomes, print_reacs);
1206   }
1207 }
SetRandomTraceQ(int max_samples)1209 tSmartArray<int> cPopulation::SetRandomTraceQ(int max_samples)
1210 {
1211   // randomly sample (w/ replacement) bgs in pop
1212   tSmartArray<int> bg_id_list;
1213   const tSmartArray <cOrganism*> live_orgs = live_org_list;
1215   int max_bgs = 1;
1216   if (max_samples) max_bgs = max_samples;
1217   if (max_samples > live_orgs.GetSize()) max_bgs = live_orgs.GetSize();
1219   tArray<bool> used_orgs;
1220   used_orgs.Resize(live_orgs.GetSize());
1221   used_orgs.SetAll(false);
1223   while (bg_id_list.GetSize() < max_bgs) {
1224     int this_rand_sample = m_world->GetRandomSample().GetInt(0, live_orgs.GetSize());
1225     if (!used_orgs[this_rand_sample]) {
1226       cOrganism* rand_org = live_orgs[this_rand_sample];
1227       bg_id_list.Push(rand_org->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID());
1228       used_orgs[this_rand_sample] = true;
1229     }
1230   }
1231   return bg_id_list;
1232 }
SetRandomPreyTraceQ(int max_samples)1234 tSmartArray<int> cPopulation::SetRandomPreyTraceQ(int max_samples)
1235 {
1236   // randomly sample (w/ replacement) bgs in pop
1237   tSmartArray<int> bg_id_list;
1238   const tSmartArray <cOrganism*> live_orgs = live_org_list;
1240   int max_bgs = 1;
1241   if (max_samples) max_bgs = max_samples;
1242   if (max_samples > num_prey_organisms) max_bgs = num_prey_organisms;
1244   tArray<bool> used_orgs;
1245   used_orgs.Resize(live_orgs.GetSize());
1246   used_orgs.SetAll(false);
1248   while (bg_id_list.GetSize() < max_bgs) {
1249     int this_rand_sample = m_world->GetRandomSample().GetInt(0, live_orgs.GetSize());
1250     if (!used_orgs[this_rand_sample]) {
1251       cOrganism* rand_org = live_orgs[this_rand_sample];
1252       if (rand_org->GetForageTarget() > -2) {
1253         bg_id_list.Push(rand_org->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID());
1254         used_orgs[this_rand_sample] = true;
1255       }
1256     }
1257   }
1258   return bg_id_list;
1259 }
SetRandomPredTraceQ(int max_samples)1261 tSmartArray<int> cPopulation::SetRandomPredTraceQ(int max_samples)
1262 {
1263   // randomly sample (w/ replacement) bgs in pop
1264   tSmartArray<int> bg_id_list;
1265   const tSmartArray <cOrganism*> live_orgs = live_org_list;
1267   int max_bgs = 1;
1268   if (max_samples) max_bgs = max_samples;
1269   if (max_samples > num_pred_organisms) max_bgs = num_pred_organisms;
1271   tArray<bool> used_orgs;
1272   used_orgs.Resize(live_orgs.GetSize());
1273   used_orgs.SetAll(false);
1275   while (bg_id_list.GetSize() < max_bgs) {
1276     int this_rand_sample = m_world->GetRandomSample().GetInt(0, live_orgs.GetSize());
1277     if (!used_orgs[this_rand_sample]) {
1278       cOrganism* rand_org = live_orgs[this_rand_sample];
1279       if (rand_org->GetForageTarget() <= -2) {
1280         bg_id_list.Push(rand_org->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID());
1281         used_orgs[this_rand_sample] = true;
1282       }
1283     }
1284   }
1285   return bg_id_list;
1286 }
SetNextPreyQ(int num_prey,bool print_genomes,bool print_reacs,bool use_micro)1288 void cPopulation::SetNextPreyQ(int num_prey, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs, bool use_micro)
1289 {
1290   m_next_prey_q = num_prey;
1291   print_mini_trace_genomes = print_genomes;
1292   print_mini_trace_reacs = print_reacs;
1293   use_micro_traces = use_micro;
1294 }
SetNextPredQ(int num_pred,bool print_genomes,bool print_reacs,bool use_micro)1296 void cPopulation::SetNextPredQ(int num_pred, bool print_genomes, bool print_reacs, bool use_micro)
1297 {
1298   m_next_pred_q = num_pred;
1299   print_mini_trace_genomes = print_genomes;
1300   print_mini_trace_reacs = print_reacs;
1301   use_micro_traces = use_micro;
1302 }
SetTraceQ(int save_dominants,int save_groups,int save_foragers,int orgs_per,int max_samples)1304 tSmartArray<int> cPopulation::SetTraceQ(int save_dominants, int save_groups, int save_foragers, int orgs_per, int max_samples)
1305 {
1306   // setup the genotype 'list' which will be checked in activateorg
1307   // this should setup a 'list' of genotypes at each event update which should be followed (e.g. if orgs_per = 10, save top 10 prey genotypes + top 10 predator genotypes at this update or one org from top 10 most common genotypes over all)
1308   // items should be removed from list once an org of that type is set to be traced
1309   // number of items in list should be capped by max_samples, filling the list with the more dominant genotypes first (this is necessary in the case of saving groups because we may not know how many groups there will be at any time during a run and so cannot set orgs_per to function as an absolute cap...should not be neccessary for saving by dominants or saving by foragers)
1310   // when we go to check if an org is to be traced, all we need to then do is remove the genotype from the list if the org's genotype is there
1311   // in activateorganism we can just check the size of this array,
1312   // if it is 0, there is nothing to check, if it is > 0, there are genotypes waiting
1313   // this will allow genotypes to wait until the next event (which will overwrite the array contents)
1314   // only tracing for orgs within threshold (unless none are, then just use first bg)
1316   tSmartArray<int> bg_id_list;
1317   tAutoRelease<tIterator<cBioGroup> > it(m_world->GetClassificationManager().GetBioGroupManager("genotype")->Iterator());
1318   cBioGroup* bg = it->Next();
1319   tSmartArray<int> fts_to_use;
1320   tSmartArray<int> groups_to_use;
1321   int num_doms = 0;
1322   int fts_left = 0;
1323   int groups_left = 0;
1325   if (save_dominants) num_doms = orgs_per;
1327   // get forager types in pop
1328   tSmartArray<int> ft_check_counts;
1329   ft_check_counts.Resize(0);
1330   if (save_foragers) {
1331     if (m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() == -2 || m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() > -1) fts_to_use.Push(-2);
1332     fts_to_use.Push(-1);  // account for -1 default's
1333     std::set<int> fts_avail = m_world->GetEnvironment().GetTargetIDs();
1334     set <int>::iterator itr;
1335     for(itr = fts_avail.begin();itr!=fts_avail.end();itr++) if (*itr != -1 && *itr != -2) fts_to_use.Push(*itr);
1336     ft_check_counts.Resize(fts_to_use.GetSize());
1337     ft_check_counts.SetAll(orgs_per);
1338     fts_left = orgs_per * fts_to_use.GetSize();
1339   }
1341   // get groups in pop
1342   tSmartArray<int> group_check_counts;
1343   group_check_counts.Resize(0);
1344   if (save_groups) {
1345     map<int,int> groups_formed = m_world->GetPopulation().GetFormedGroups();
1346     map <int,int>::iterator itr;
1347     for(itr = groups_formed.begin();itr!=groups_formed.end();itr++) {
1348       double cur_size = itr->second;
1349       if (cur_size > 0) groups_to_use.Push(itr->first);
1350     }
1351     group_check_counts.Resize(groups_to_use.GetSize());
1352     group_check_counts.SetAll(orgs_per);
1353     groups_left = orgs_per * groups_to_use.GetSize();
1354   }
1356   // this will add biogroup genotypes up to max_bgs with priority on dominants, then forager types, then group ids, without repeats
1357   // priority is non-issue if you don't double up on the settings in one go
1358   int max_bgs = 1;
1359   if (max_samples) max_bgs = max_samples;
1360   else max_bgs = num_doms + (orgs_per * fts_to_use.GetSize()) + (orgs_per * groups_to_use.GetSize());
1361   int num_types = 3;
1362   bool doms_done = false;
1363   bool fts_done = false;
1364   bool grps_done = false;
1365   if (!save_dominants) doms_done = true;
1366   if (!save_foragers) fts_done = true;
1367   if (!save_groups) grps_done = true;
1368   for (int i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
1369     if (bg_id_list.GetSize() < max_bgs && (!doms_done || !fts_done || !grps_done)) {
1370       if (i == 0 && save_dominants && num_doms > 0) {
1371         for (int j = 0; j < num_doms; j++) {
1372           if (bg && (bg->GetProperty("threshold").AsBool() || bg_id_list.GetSize() == 0)) {
1373             bg_id_list.Push(bg->GetID());
1374             if (save_foragers) {
1375               int ft = bg->GetProperty("last_forager_type").AsInt();
1376               if (fts_left > 0) {
1377                 for (int k = 0; k < fts_to_use.GetSize(); k++) {
1378                   if (ft == fts_to_use[k]) {
1379                     ft_check_counts[k]--;
1380                     if (ft_check_counts[k] == 0) {
1381                       unsigned int last = fts_to_use.GetSize() - 1;
1382                       fts_to_use.Swap(k, last);
1383                       fts_to_use.Pop();
1384                       ft_check_counts.Swap(k, last);
1385                       ft_check_counts.Pop();
1386                     }
1387                     fts_left--;
1388                     break;
1389                   }
1390                 }
1391               }
1392             }
1393             if (save_groups) {
1394               int grp = bg->GetProperty("last_group_id").AsInt();
1395               if (groups_left > 0) {
1396                 for (int k = 0; k < groups_to_use.GetSize(); k++) {
1397                   if (grp == groups_to_use[k]) {
1398                     group_check_counts[k]--;
1399                     if (group_check_counts[k] == 0) {
1400                       unsigned int last = groups_to_use.GetSize() - 1;
1401                       groups_to_use.Swap(k, last);
1402                       groups_to_use.Pop();
1403                       group_check_counts.Swap(k, last);
1404                       group_check_counts.Pop();
1405                     }
1406                     groups_left--;
1407                     break;
1408                   }
1409                 }
1410               }
1411             }
1412             if (bg == it->Next()) { // no more to check
1413               doms_done = true;
1414               break;
1415             }
1416             else bg = it->Next();
1417           }
1418           else if (bg && !bg->GetProperty("threshold").AsBool()) {      // no more above threshold
1419             doms_done = true;
1420             break;
1421           }
1422         }
1423         if (doms_done) continue;
1424       } // end of dominants
1426       else if (i == 1 && save_foragers && fts_left > 0) {
1427         for (int j = 0; j < fts_left; j++) {
1428           if (bg && (bg->GetProperty("threshold").AsBool() || bg_id_list.GetSize() == 0)) {
1429             int ft = bg->GetProperty("last_forager_type").AsInt();
1430             bool found_one = false;
1431             for (int k = 0; k < fts_to_use.GetSize(); k++) {
1432               if (ft == fts_to_use[k]) {
1433                 bg_id_list.Push(bg->GetID());
1434                 ft_check_counts[k]--;
1435                 if (ft_check_counts[k] == 0) {
1436                   unsigned int last = fts_to_use.GetSize() - 1;
1437                   fts_to_use.Swap(k, last);
1438                   fts_to_use.Pop();
1439                   ft_check_counts.Swap(k, last);
1440                   ft_check_counts.Pop();
1441                 }
1442                 found_one = true;
1443                 break;
1444               }
1445             }
1446             if (save_groups) {
1447               int grp = bg->GetProperty("last_group_id").AsInt();
1448               if (groups_left > 0) {
1449                 for (int k = 0; k < groups_to_use.GetSize(); k++) {
1450                   if (grp == groups_to_use[k]) {
1451                     group_check_counts[k]--;
1452                     if (group_check_counts[k] == 0) {
1453                       unsigned int last = groups_to_use.GetSize() - 1;
1454                       groups_to_use.Swap(k, last);
1455                       groups_to_use.Pop();
1456                       group_check_counts.Swap(k, last);
1457                       group_check_counts.Pop();
1458                     }
1459                     groups_left--;
1460                     break;
1461                   }
1462                 }
1463               }
1464             }
1465             if (bg == it->Next()) { // no more to check
1466               fts_done = true;
1467               break;
1468             }
1469             else bg = it->Next();
1470             if (!found_one) j--;
1471           }
1472           else if (bg && !bg->GetProperty("threshold").AsBool()) {  // no more above threshold
1473             fts_done = true;
1474             break;
1475           }
1476         }
1477         if (fts_done) continue;
1478       } // end of forage types
1480       else if (i == 2 && save_groups && groups_left > 0) {
1481         for (int j = 0; j < groups_left; j++) {
1482           if (bg && (bg->GetProperty("threshold").AsBool() || bg_id_list.GetSize() == 0)) {
1483             int grp = bg->GetProperty("last_group_id").AsInt();
1484             bool found_one = false;
1485             for (int k = 0; k < groups_to_use.GetSize(); k++) {
1486               if (grp == groups_to_use[k]) {
1487                 bg_id_list.Push(bg->GetID());
1488                 group_check_counts[k]--;
1489                 if (group_check_counts[k] == 0) {
1490                   unsigned int last = groups_to_use.GetSize() - 1;
1491                   groups_to_use.Swap(k, last);
1492                   groups_to_use.Pop();
1493                   group_check_counts.Swap(k, last);
1494                   group_check_counts.Pop();
1495                 }
1496                 found_one = true;
1497                 break;
1498               }
1499             }
1500             if (bg == it->Next()) { // no more to check
1501               grps_done = true;
1502               break;
1503             }
1504             else bg = it->Next();
1505             if (!found_one) j--;
1506           }
1507           else if (bg && !bg->GetProperty("threshold").AsBool()) {  // no more above threshold
1508             grps_done = true;
1509             break;
1510           }
1511         }
1512         if (grps_done) break;     // no more of last type we have
1513       } // end of group id types
1514     } // end of while < max_bgs
1515   }
1516   return bg_id_list;
1517 }
SetTopNavQ()1519 void cPopulation::SetTopNavQ()
1520 {
1521   topnav_q.Resize(live_org_list.GetSize());
1522   for (int i = 0; i < live_org_list.GetSize(); i++) {
1523     live_org_list[i]->GetHardware().SetTopNavTrace(true);
1524     topnav_q[i] = live_org_list[i];
1525   }
1526 }
AppendRecordReproQ(cOrganism * new_org)1528 void cPopulation::AppendRecordReproQ(cOrganism* new_org)
1529 {
1530   repro_q.Push(new_org);
1531   new_org->GetHardware().SetReproTrace(true);
1532 }
1534 // @WRE 2007/07/05 Helper function to take care of side effects of Avidian
1535 // movement that cannot be directly handled in cHardwareCPU.cc
MoveOrganisms(cAvidaContext & ctx,int src_cell_id,int dest_cell_id,int true_cell)1536 bool cPopulation::MoveOrganisms(cAvidaContext& ctx, int src_cell_id, int dest_cell_id, int true_cell)
1537 {
1538   cPopulationCell& src_cell = GetCell(src_cell_id);
1539   cPopulationCell& dest_cell = GetCell(dest_cell_id);
1541   const int dest_x = dest_cell_id % m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
1542   const int dest_y = dest_cell_id / m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
1544   // check for boundary effects on movement
1545   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEADLY_BOUNDARIES.Get() == 1 && m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_GEOMETRY.Get() == 1) {
1546     // Fail if we're running in the test CPU.
1547     if (src_cell_id < 0) return false;
1548     bool faced_is_boundary = false;
1549     if (dest_x == 0 || dest_y == 0 ||
1550         dest_x == m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get() - 1 ||
1551         dest_y == m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get() - 1) faced_is_boundary = true;
1552     if (faced_is_boundary) {
1553       if (true_cell != -1) KillOrganism(GetCell(true_cell), ctx);
1554       else if (true_cell == -1) KillOrganism(src_cell, ctx);
1555       return false;
1556     }
1557   }
1559   // get the resource library
1560   const cResourceLib& resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
1561   // get the destination cell resource levels
1562   tArray<double> dest_cell_resources = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCellResources(dest_cell_id, ctx);
1563   // get the current cell resource levels
1564   tArray<double> src_cell_resources = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCellResources(src_cell_id, ctx);
1566   // test for death by predatory resource
1567   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
1568     if (resource_lib.GetResource(i)->IsPredatory() && dest_cell_resources[i] > 0) {
1569       // if you step on a predatory resource, we're going to try to kill you regardless of whether there is a den there
1570       if (ctx.GetRandom().P(resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetPredatorResOdds())) {
1571         if (true_cell != -1) KillOrganism(GetCell(true_cell), ctx);
1572         else if (true_cell == -1) KillOrganism(src_cell, ctx);
1573         return false;
1574       }
1575     }
1576   }
1578   // movement fails if there are any barrier resources in the faced cell (unless the org is already on a barrier,
1579   // which would happen if we built a new barrier under an org and we need to let it get off)
1580   bool curr_is_barrier = false;
1581   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
1582     if (resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetHabitat() == 2 && src_cell_resources[i] > 0) {
1583       curr_is_barrier = true;
1584       break;
1585     }
1586   }
1587   if (!curr_is_barrier) {
1588     for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
1589       if (resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetHabitat() == 2 && resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetResistance() != 0) {
1590         // fail if faced cell has this wall resource
1591         if (dest_cell_resources[i] > 0) return false;
1592       }
1593     }
1594   }
1595   // if any of the resources in current cells are hills, find the id of the most resistant resource
1596   int steepest_hill = 0;
1597   double curr_resistance = 1.0;
1598   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
1599     if (resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetHabitat() == 1 && src_cell_resources[i] != 0) {
1600       if (resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetResistance() > curr_resistance) {
1601         curr_resistance = resource_lib.GetResource(i)->GetResistance();
1602         steepest_hill = i;
1603       }
1604     }
1605   }
1606   // apply the chance of move failing for the steepest hill in this cell, if there is a hill at all
1607   if (resource_lib.GetResource(steepest_hill)->GetHabitat() == 1 && src_cell_resources[steepest_hill] > 0) {
1608     // we use resistance to determine chance of movement succeeding: 'resistance == # move instructions executed, on average, to move one step/cell'
1609     int chance_move_success = int(((1/curr_resistance) * 100) + 0.5);
1610     if (ctx.GetRandom().GetInt(0,101) > chance_move_success) return false;
1611   }
1613   // effects not applied to avatars:
1614   if (true_cell == -1) {
1615     if (m_world->GetConfig().MOVEMENT_COLLISIONS_LETHAL.Get() && dest_cell.IsOccupied()) {
1616       if (m_world->GetConfig().MOVEMENT_COLLISIONS_LETHAL.Get() == 2) return false;
1617       bool kill_source = true;
1618       switch (m_world->GetConfig().MOVEMENT_COLLISIONS_SELECTION_TYPE.Get()) {
1619         case 0: // 50% chance, no modifiers
1620         default:
1621           kill_source = ctx.GetRandom().P(0.5);
1622           break;
1624         case 1: // binned vitality based on age
1625           double src_vitality = src_cell.GetOrganism()->GetVitality();
1626           double dest_vitality = dest_cell.GetOrganism()->GetVitality();
1627           kill_source = (src_vitality < ctx.GetRandom().GetDouble(src_vitality + dest_vitality));
1628           break;
1629       }
1630       if (kill_source) {
1631         KillOrganism(src_cell, ctx);
1632         // Killing the moving organism means that we shouldn't actually do the swap, so return
1633         return false;
1634       }
1635       KillOrganism(dest_cell, ctx);
1636     }
1637     SwapCells(src_cell_id, dest_cell_id, ctx);
1639     // Declarations
1640     int actualNeighborhoodSize, fromFacing, destFacing, newFacing, success;
1641 #ifdef DEBBUG
1642     int sID, dID, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2;
1643 #endif
1645     // Swap inputs between cells to fix bus error when Avidian moves into an unoccupied cell
1646     // LHZ: Moved to SwapCells function
1647     //environment.SwapInputs(ctx, src_cell.m_inputs, dest_cell.m_inputs);
1649     // Find neighborhood size for facing
1650     if (NULL != dest_cell.GetOrganism()) {
1651       actualNeighborhoodSize = dest_cell.GetOrganism()->GetNeighborhoodSize();
1652     } else {
1653       if (NULL != src_cell.GetOrganism()) {
1654         actualNeighborhoodSize = src_cell.GetOrganism()->GetNeighborhoodSize();
1655       } else {
1656         // Punt
1657         actualNeighborhoodSize = 8;
1658       }
1659     }
1661     // Swap cell facings between cells, so that if movement is directed, it continues to be associated with
1662     // the same organism
1663     // Determine absolute facing for each cell
1664     fromFacing = src_cell.GetFacing();
1665     destFacing = dest_cell.GetFacing();
1667     // Set facing in source cell
1668     success = 0;
1669     newFacing = destFacing;
1670     for(int i = 0; i < actualNeighborhoodSize; i++) {
1671       if (src_cell.GetFacing() != newFacing) {
1672         src_cell.ConnectionList().CircNext();
1673         //cout << "MO: src_cell facing not yet at " << newFacing << endl;
1674       } else {
1675         //cout << "MO: src_cell facing successfully set to " << newFacing << endl;
1676         success = 1;
1677         break;
1678       }
1679     }
1681     // Set facing in destinatiion cell
1682     success = 0;
1683     newFacing = fromFacing;
1684     for(int i = 0; i < actualNeighborhoodSize; i++) {
1685       if (dest_cell.GetFacing() != newFacing) {
1686         dest_cell.ConnectionList().CircNext();
1687         // cout << "MO: dest_cell facing not yet at " << newFacing << endl;
1688       } else {
1689         // cout << "MO: dest_cell facing successfully set to " << newFacing << endl;
1690         success = 1;
1691         break;
1692       }
1693     }
1694   }
1695   return true;
1696 }
1698 // Kill Random Organism in Group (But Not Self)!!
KillGroupMember(cAvidaContext & ctx,int group_id,cOrganism * org)1699 void cPopulation::KillGroupMember(cAvidaContext& ctx, int group_id, cOrganism *org)
1700 {
1701   //Check to make sure we are not killing self!
1702   if (group_list[group_id].GetSize() == 1 && group_list[group_id][0] == org) return;
1703   if (group_list[group_id].GetSize() == 0) return;
1704   int index;
1705   while(true) {
1706     index = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(group_list[group_id].GetSize());
1707     if (group_list[group_id][index] == org) continue;
1708     else break;
1709   }
1711   int cell_id = group_list[group_id][index]->GetCellID();
1712   KillOrganism(cell_array[cell_id], ctx);
1713 }
1715 // Attack organism faced by this one, if there is an organism in front.
AttackFacedOrg(cAvidaContext & ctx,int loser)1716 void cPopulation::AttackFacedOrg(cAvidaContext& ctx, int loser)
1717 {
1718   cPopulationCell& loser_cell = GetCell(loser);
1719   KillOrganism(loser_cell, ctx);
1720 }
KillOrganism(cPopulationCell & in_cell,cAvidaContext & ctx)1722 void cPopulation::KillOrganism(cPopulationCell& in_cell, cAvidaContext& ctx)
1723 {
1724   // do we actually have something to kill?
1725   if (in_cell.IsOccupied() == false) return;
1727   // Statistics...
1728   cOrganism* organism = in_cell.GetOrganism();
1729   m_world->GetStats().RecordDeath();
1731   // orgs killed during birth wont have avatars
1732   if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && organism->GetOrgInterface().GetAVCellID() != -1) {
1733     organism->GetOrgInterface().RemoveAllAV();
1734   }
1736   // If neural networking remove all input/output avatars @JJB**
1737   if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && m_world->GetConfig().NEURAL_NETWORKING.Get()) {
1738     organism->GetOrgInterface().RemoveAllAV();
1739   }
1741   bool is_prey = true;
1742   if (organism->GetForageTarget() <= -2) is_prey = false;
1744   RemoveLiveOrg(organism);
1745   UpdateQs(organism, false);
1747   int cellID = in_cell.GetID();
1749   organism->NotifyDeath(ctx);
1751   // @TODO @DMB - this should really move to cOrganism::NotifyDeath
1752   if (m_world->GetConfig().LOG_SLEEP_TIMES.Get() == 1) {
1753     if (sleep_log[cellID].Size() > 0) {
1754       pair<int,int> p = sleep_log[cellID][sleep_log[cellID].Size()-1];
1755       if (p.second == -1) {
1756         AddEndSleep(cellID,m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate());
1757       }
1758     }
1759   }
1761   // @TODO @DMB - this should really move to cOrganism::NotifyDeath
1762   tList<tListNode<cSaleItem> >* sold_items = organism->GetSoldItems();
1763   if (sold_items)
1764   {
1765     tListIterator<tListNode<cSaleItem> > sold_it(*sold_items);
1766     tListNode<cSaleItem> * test_node;
1768     while ( (test_node = sold_it.Next()) != NULL)
1769     {
1770       tListIterator<cSaleItem> market_it(market[test_node->data->GetLabel()]);
1771       market_it.Set(test_node);
1772       delete market_it.Remove();
1773     }
1774   }
1776   // Update count statistics...
1777   num_organisms--;
1778   if (m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() == -2 || m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() > -1) {
1779     if (is_prey) num_prey_organisms--;
1780     else num_pred_organisms--;
1781   }
1783   // Handle deme updates.
1784   if (deme_array.GetSize() > 0) {
1785     deme_array[in_cell.GetDemeID()].DecOrgCount();
1786     deme_array[in_cell.GetDemeID()].OrganismDeath(in_cell);
1787   }
1789   // If HGT is turned on and there's a possibility of natural competence,
1790 	// this organism's genome needs to be split up into fragments
1791   // and deposited in its cell.  We then also have to add the size of this genome to
1792   // the HGT resource.
1793   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENABLE_HGT.Get()
1794 		 && (m_world->GetConfig().HGT_COMPETENCE_P.Get() > 0.0)) {
1795     in_cell.AddGenomeFragments(ctx, organism->GetGenome().GetSequence());
1796   }
1798   // And clear it!
1799   in_cell.RemoveOrganism(ctx);
1800   if (!organism->IsRunning()) delete organism;
1801   else organism->GetPhenotype().SetToDelete();
1803   // Alert the scheduler that this cell has a 0 merit.
1804   AdjustSchedule(in_cell, cMerit(0));
1805 }
Kaboom(cPopulationCell & in_cell,cAvidaContext & ctx,int distance)1807 void cPopulation::Kaboom(cPopulationCell& in_cell, cAvidaContext& ctx, int distance)
1808 {
1809   m_world->GetStats().IncKaboom();
1810   m_world->GetStats().AddHamDistance(distance);
1811   cOrganism* organism = in_cell.GetOrganism();
1812   cString ref_genome = organism->GetGenome().GetSequence().AsString();
1813   int bgid = organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID();
1815   int radius = 2;
1817   for (int i = -1 * radius; i <= radius; i++) {
1818     for (int j = -1 * radius; j <= radius; j++) {
1819       cPopulationCell& death_cell = cell_array[GridNeighbor(in_cell.GetID(), world_x, world_y, i, j)];
1821       //do we actually have something to kill?
1822       if (death_cell.IsOccupied() == false) continue;
1824         m_world->GetStats().IncKaboomKills();
1825       cOrganism* org_temp = death_cell.GetOrganism();
1827       if (distance == 0) {
1828         int temp_id = org_temp->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID();
1829         if (temp_id != bgid) KillOrganism(death_cell, ctx);
1830       } else {
1831         cString genome_temp = org_temp->GetGenome().GetSequence().AsString();
1832         int diff = 0;
1833         for (int i = 0; i < genome_temp.GetSize(); i++) if (genome_temp[i] != ref_genome[i]) diff++;
1834         if (diff > distance) KillOrganism(death_cell, ctx);
1835       }
1836     }
1837   }
1838   KillOrganism(in_cell, ctx);
1839   // @SLG my prediction = 92% and, 28 get equals
1840 }
AddSellValue(const int data,const int label,const int sell_price,const int org_id,const int cell_id)1842 void cPopulation::AddSellValue(const int data, const int label, const int sell_price, const int org_id, const int cell_id)
1843 {
1844   // find list under appropriate label, labels more than 8 nops long are simply the same
1845   // as a smaller label modded by the market size
1846   //int pos = label % market.GetSize();
1848   //// id of genotype currently residing in cell that seller live(d) in compared to
1849   //// id of genotype of actual seller, if different than seller is dead, remove item from list
1850   //while ( market[pos].GetSize() > 0 &&
1851   //	(!GetCell(market[pos].GetFirst()->GetCellID()).IsOccupied() ||
1852   //	GetCell(market[pos].GetFirst()->GetCellID()).GetOrganism()->GetID()
1853   //	!= 	market[pos].GetFirst()->GetOrgID()) )
1854   //{
1855   //	market[pos].Pop();
1856   //}
1858   // create sale item
1859   cSaleItem *new_item = new cSaleItem(data, label, sell_price, org_id, cell_id);
1861   // place into array by label, array is big enough for labels up to 8 nops long
1862   tListNode<cSaleItem>* sell_node = market[label].PushRear(new_item);
1863   tListNode<tListNode<cSaleItem> >* org_node = GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->AddSoldItem(sell_node);
1864   sell_node->data->SetNodePtr(org_node);
1866   //:7 for Kolby
1867 }
BuyValue(const int label,const int buy_price,const int cell_id)1869 int cPopulation::BuyValue(const int label, const int buy_price, const int cell_id)
1870 {
1871   // find list under appropriate label, labels more than 8 nops long are simply the same
1872   // as a smaller label modded by the market size
1873   //int pos = label % market.GetSize();
1875   //// id of genotype currently residing in cell that seller live(d) in compared to
1876   //// id of genotype of actual seller, if different than seller is dead, remove item from list
1877   //while ( market[pos].GetSize() > 0 &&
1878   //	(!GetCell(market[pos].GetFirst()->GetCellID()).IsOccupied() ||
1879   //	GetCell(market[pos].GetFirst()->GetCellID()).GetOrganism()->GetID()
1880   //	!= 	market[pos].GetFirst()->GetOrgID()) )
1881   //{
1882   //	market[pos].Pop();
1883   //}
1885   // if there's nothing in the list don't bother with rest
1886   if (market[label].GetSize() <= 0)
1887     return 0;
1889   // if the sell price is higher than we're willing to pay no purchase made
1890   if (market[label].GetFirst()->GetPrice() > buy_price)
1891     return 0;
1893   // if the buy price is higher than buying org's current merit no purchase made
1894   if (GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetMerit().GetDouble() < buy_price)
1895     return 0;
1897   // otherwise transaction should be completed!
1898   cSaleItem* chosen = market[label].Pop();
1899   tListIterator<tListNode<cSaleItem> > sold_it(*GetCell(chosen->GetCellID()).GetOrganism()->GetSoldItems());
1900   sold_it.Set(chosen->GetNodePtr());
1901   sold_it.Remove();
1903   // first update sellers merit
1904   double cur_merit = GetCell(chosen->GetCellID()).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetMerit().GetDouble();
1905   cur_merit += buy_price;
1907   GetCell(chosen->GetCellID()).GetOrganism()->UpdateMerit(cur_merit);
1909   // next remove sold item from list in market
1910   //market[pos].Remove(chosen);
1913   // finally return recieve value, buyer merit will be updated if return a valid value here
1914   int receive_value = chosen->GetData();
1915   return receive_value;
1916 }
SwapCells(int cell_id1,int cell_id2,cAvidaContext & ctx)1918 void cPopulation::SwapCells(int cell_id1, int cell_id2, cAvidaContext& ctx)
1919 {
1920   // Sanity checks: Don't process if the cells are the same
1921   if (cell_id1 == cell_id2) return;
1923   cPopulationCell& cell1 = GetCell(cell_id1);
1924   cPopulationCell& cell2 = GetCell(cell_id2);
1926   // Clear current contents of cells
1927   cOrganism* org1 = cell1.RemoveOrganism(ctx);
1928   cOrganism* org2 = cell2.RemoveOrganism(ctx);
1930   if (org2 != NULL) {
1931     cell1.InsertOrganism(org2, ctx);
1932     AdjustSchedule(cell1, org2->GetPhenotype().GetMerit());
1933   } else {
1934     AdjustSchedule(cell1, cMerit(0));
1935   }
1937   if (org1 != NULL) {
1938     cell2.InsertOrganism(org1, ctx);
1939     cell2.IncVisits();  // Increment visit count
1940     AdjustSchedule(cell2, org1->GetPhenotype().GetMerit());
1941   } else {
1942     AdjustSchedule(cell2, cMerit(0));
1943   }
1945   //LHZ: Take organism imputs from the PopulationCell along with the organisms
1946   environment.SwapInputs(ctx, cell1.m_inputs, cell2.m_inputs);
1948 }
1950 // CompeteDemes  probabilistically copies demes into the next generation
1951 // based on their fitness. How deme fitness is estimated is specified by
1952 // competition_type input argument as:
1953 /*
1954  0: deme fitness = 1 (control, random deme selection)
1955  1: deme fitness = number of births since last competition (default)
1956  2: deme fitness = average organism fitness at the current update (uses parent's fitness, so
1957  does not work with donations)
1958  3: deme fitness = average mutation rate at the current update
1959  4: deme fitness = strong rank selection on (parents) fitness (2^-deme fitness rank)
1960  5: deme fitness = average organism life (current, not parents) fitness (works with donations)
1961  6: deme fitness = strong rank selection on life (current, not parents) fitness
1962  */
1963 //  For ease of use, each organism
1964 // is setup as if it we just injected into the population.
CompeteDemes(cAvidaContext & ctx,int competition_type)1966 void cPopulation::CompeteDemes(cAvidaContext& ctx, int competition_type)
1967 {
1968   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
1970   double total_fitness = 0;
1971   tArray<double> deme_fitness(num_demes);
1973   switch(competition_type) {
1974     case 0:    // deme fitness = 1;
1975       total_fitness = (double) num_demes;
1976       deme_fitness.SetAll(1);
1977       break;
1978     case 1:     // deme fitness = number of births
1979       // Determine the scale for fitness by totaling births across demes.
1980       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
1981         double cur_fitness = (double) deme_array[deme_id].GetBirthCount();
1982         deme_fitness[deme_id] = cur_fitness;
1983         total_fitness += cur_fitness;
1984       }
1985       break;
1986     case 2:    // deme fitness = average organism fitness at the current update
1987       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
1988         cDoubleSum single_deme_fitness;
1989         const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
1990         for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
1991           int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
1992           if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
1993           cPhenotype & phenotype =
1994           GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
1995           single_deme_fitness.Add(phenotype.GetFitness());
1996         }
1997         deme_fitness[deme_id] = single_deme_fitness.Ave();
1998         total_fitness += deme_fitness[deme_id];
1999       }
2000       break;
2001     case 3: 	// deme fitness = average mutation rate at the current update
2002       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2003         cDoubleSum single_deme_div_type;
2004         const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
2005         for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2006           int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
2007           if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
2008           cPhenotype & phenotype =
2009           GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
2010           assert(phenotype.GetDivType()>0);
2011           single_deme_div_type.Add(1/phenotype.GetDivType());
2012         }
2013         deme_fitness[deme_id] = single_deme_div_type.Ave();
2014         total_fitness += deme_fitness[deme_id];
2015       }
2016       break;
2017     case 4: 	// deme fitness = 2^(-deme fitness rank)
2018       // first find all the deme fitness values ...
2019     {
2020       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2021         cDoubleSum single_deme_fitness;
2022         const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
2023         for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2024           int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
2025           if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
2026           cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
2027           single_deme_fitness.Add(phenotype.GetFitness());
2028         }
2029         deme_fitness[deme_id] = single_deme_fitness.Ave();
2030       }
2031       // ... then determine the rank of each deme based on its fitness
2032       tArray<double> deme_rank(num_demes);
2033       deme_rank.SetAll(1);
2034       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2035         for (int test_deme = 0; test_deme < num_demes; test_deme++) {
2036           if (deme_fitness[deme_id] < deme_fitness[test_deme]) {
2037             deme_rank[deme_id]++;
2038           }
2039         }
2040       }
2041       // ... finally, make deme fitness 2^(-deme rank)
2042       deme_fitness.SetAll(1);
2043       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2044         for (int i = 0; i < deme_rank[deme_id]; i++) {
2045           deme_fitness[deme_id] = deme_fitness[deme_id]/2;
2046         }
2047         total_fitness += deme_fitness[deme_id];
2048       }
2049     }
2050       break;
2051     case 5:    // deme fitness = average organism life fitness at the current update
2052       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2053         cDoubleSum single_deme_life_fitness;
2054         const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
2055         for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2056           int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
2057           if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
2058           cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
2059           single_deme_life_fitness.Add(phenotype.GetLifeFitness());
2060         }
2061         deme_fitness[deme_id] = single_deme_life_fitness.Ave();
2062         total_fitness += deme_fitness[deme_id];
2063       }
2064       break;
2065     case 6:     // deme fitness = 2^(-deme life fitness rank) (same as 4, but with life fitness)
2066       // first find all the deme fitness values ...
2067     {
2068       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2069         cDoubleSum single_deme_life_fitness;
2070         const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
2071         for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2072           int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
2073           if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
2074           cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
2075           single_deme_life_fitness.Add(phenotype.GetLifeFitness());
2076         }
2077         deme_fitness[deme_id] = single_deme_life_fitness.Ave();
2078       }
2079       // ... then determine the rank of each deme based on its fitness
2080       tArray<double> deme_rank(num_demes);
2081       deme_rank.SetAll(1);
2082       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2083         for (int test_deme = 0; test_deme < num_demes; test_deme++) {
2084           if (deme_fitness[deme_id] < deme_fitness[test_deme]) {
2085             deme_rank[deme_id]++;
2086           }
2087         }
2088       }
2089       // ... finally, make deme fitness 2^(-deme rank)
2090       deme_fitness.SetAll(1);
2091       for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2092         for (int i = 0; i < deme_rank[deme_id]; i++) {
2093           deme_fitness[deme_id] = deme_fitness[deme_id]/2;
2094         }
2095         total_fitness += deme_fitness[deme_id];
2096       }
2097     }
2098       break;
2099   }
2101   // Pick which demes should be in the next generation.
2102   tArray<int> new_demes(num_demes);
2103   for (int i = 0; i < num_demes; i++) {
2104     double birth_choice = (double) m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble(total_fitness);
2105     double test_total = 0;
2106     for (int test_deme = 0; test_deme < num_demes; test_deme++) {
2107       test_total += deme_fitness[test_deme];
2108       if (birth_choice < test_total) {
2109         new_demes[i] = test_deme;
2110         break;
2111       }
2112     }
2113   }
2115   // Track how many of each deme we should have.
2116   tArray<int> deme_count(num_demes);
2117   deme_count.SetAll(0);
2118   for (int i = 0; i < num_demes; i++) {
2119     deme_count[new_demes[i]]++;
2120   }
2122   tArray<bool> is_init(num_demes);
2123   is_init.SetAll(false);
2125   // Copy demes until all deme counts are 1.
2126   while (true) {
2127     // Find the next deme to copy...
2128     int from_deme_id, to_deme_id;
2129     for (from_deme_id = 0; from_deme_id < num_demes; from_deme_id++) {
2130       if (deme_count[from_deme_id] > 1) break;
2131     }
2133     // Stop If we didn't find another deme to copy
2134     if (from_deme_id == num_demes) break;
2136     for (to_deme_id = 0; to_deme_id < num_demes; to_deme_id++) {
2137       if (deme_count[to_deme_id] == 0) break;
2138     }
2140     // We now have both a from and a to deme....
2141     deme_count[from_deme_id]--;
2142     deme_count[to_deme_id]++;
2144     cDeme& from_deme = deme_array[from_deme_id];
2145     cDeme& to_deme   = deme_array[to_deme_id];
2147     // Ideally, the below bit of code would be replaced with a call to ReplaceDeme:
2148     // ReplaceDeme(from_deme, to_deme);
2149     //
2150     // But, use of InjectClone messes that up, breaking consistency.  So the next
2151     // time that someone comes in here looking to refactor, consider fixing this.
2153     // Do the actual copy!
2154     for (int i = 0; i < from_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2155       int from_cell_id = from_deme.GetCellID(i);
2156       int to_cell_id = to_deme.GetCellID(i);
2157       if (cell_array[from_cell_id].IsOccupied() == true) {
2158         InjectClone(to_cell_id, *(cell_array[from_cell_id].GetOrganism()), SRC_DEME_COMPETE);
2159       }
2160     }
2161     is_init[to_deme_id] = true;
2162   }
2164   // Now re-inject all remaining demes into themselves to reset them.
2165   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2166     if (is_init[deme_id] == true) continue;
2167     cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
2169     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2170       int cur_cell_id = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
2171       if (cell_array[cur_cell_id].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
2172       InjectClone(cur_cell_id, *(cell_array[cur_cell_id].GetOrganism()), cell_array[cur_cell_id].GetOrganism()->GetUnitSource());
2173     }
2174   }
2176   // Reset all deme stats to zero.
2177   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
2178     deme_array[deme_id].Reset(ctx, deme_array[deme_id].GetGeneration()); // increase deme generation by 1
2179   }
2180 }
2183 /*! Compete all demes with each other based on the given vector of fitness values.
2185  This form of compete demes supports both fitness-proportional selection and a
2186  variant of tournament selection.  It integrates with the various deme replication options
2187  used in ReplicateDemes.
2189  Note: New deme competition fitness functions are added in PopulationActions.cc by subclassing
2190  cActionAbstractCompeteDemes and overriding cActionAbstractCompeteDemes::Fitness(cDeme&).  (Don't forget
2191  to register the action and add it to the events file).
2193  Another note: To mimic the behavior of the other version of CompeteDemes (which is kept around
2194  for backwards compatibility), change the config option DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE to be the size of
2195  each deme.
2196  */
CompeteDemes(const std::vector<double> & calculated_fitness,cAvidaContext & ctx)2197 void cPopulation::CompeteDemes(const std::vector<double>& calculated_fitness, cAvidaContext& ctx) {
2198   // it's possible that we'll be changing the fitness values of some demes, so make a copy:
2199   std::vector<double> fitness(calculated_fitness);
2201   // Each deme must have a fitness:
2202   assert((int)fitness.size() == deme_array.GetSize());
2204   // To prevent sterile demes from replicating, we're going to replace the fitness
2205   // of all sterile demes with 0; this effectively makes it impossible for a sterile
2206   // deme to be selected via fitness proportional selection.
2207   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PREVENT_STERILE.Get()) {
2208     for(int i=0; i<deme_array.GetSize(); ++i) {
2209       if (deme_array[i].GetBirthCount() == 0) {
2210         fitness[i] = 0.0;
2211       }
2212     }
2213   }
2215   // Stat-tracking:
2216   m_world->GetStats().CompeteDemes(fitness);
2218   // This is to facilitate testing.  Obviously we can't do competition if there's
2219   // only one deme, but we do want the stat-tracking.
2220   if (fitness.size() == 1) {
2221     return;
2222   }
2224   // to facilitate control runs, sometimes we want to know what the fitness values
2225   // are, but we don't want competition to depend on them.
2226   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_OVERRIDE_FITNESS.Get()) {
2227     for(int i=0; i<static_cast<int>(fitness.size()); ++i) {
2228       fitness[i] = 1.0;
2229     }
2230   }
2232   // Number of demes (at index) which should wind up in the next generation.
2233   std::vector<unsigned int> deme_counts(deme_array.GetSize(), 0);
2234   // Now, compete all demes based on the competition style.
2235   switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_COMPETITION_STYLE.Get()) {
2237       // Fitness-proportional selection.
2238       // Each deme has a probability equal to its fitness / sum(deme fitnesses)
2239       // of proceeding to the next generation.
2241       const double total_fitness = std::accumulate(fitness.begin(), fitness.end(), 0.0);
2242       assert(total_fitness > 0.0); // Must have *some* positive fitnesses...
2244       // Sum up the fitnesses until we reach or exceed the target fitness.
2245       // Then we're marking that deme as being part of the next generation.
2246       for (int i=0; i<deme_array.GetSize(); ++i) {
2247         double running_sum = 0.0;
2248         double target_sum = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble(total_fitness);
2249         for (int j=0; j<deme_array.GetSize(); ++j) {
2250           running_sum += fitness[j];
2251           if (running_sum >= target_sum) {
2252             // j'th deme will be replicated.
2253             ++deme_counts[j];
2254             break;
2255           }
2256         }
2257       }
2258       break;
2259     }
2261       // Tournament selection.
2262       //
2263       // We run NUM_DEMES tournaments of size DEME_TOURNAMENT_SIZE, and select the
2264       // **single** winner of the tournament to proceed to the next generation.
2266       // construct a list of all possible deme ids that could participate in a tournament,
2267       // pruning out sterile and empty demes:
2268       std::vector<int> deme_ids;
2269       for (int i=0; i<deme_array.GetSize(); ++i) {
2270         if ((deme_array[i].GetOrgCount() > 0) &&
2271             (!m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PREVENT_STERILE.Get() ||
2272              (deme_array[i].GetBirthCount() > 0))) {
2273               deme_ids.push_back(i);
2274             }
2275       }
2277       // better have more than deme tournament size, otherwise something is *really* screwed up:
2278       if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_TOURNAMENT_SIZE.Get() > static_cast<int>(deme_ids.size())) {
2279         m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(-1,
2280                                                  "Number of demes available to participate in a tournament < the deme tournament size.");
2281       }
2283       // Run the tournaments.
2284       for (int i=0; i<m_world->GetConfig().NUM_DEMES.Get(); ++i) {
2285         // Which demes are in this tournament?
2286         std::vector<int> tournament(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_TOURNAMENT_SIZE.Get());
2287         sample_without_replacement(deme_ids.begin(), deme_ids.end(),
2288                                    tournament.begin(), tournament.end(),
2289                                    cRandomStdAdaptor(m_world->GetRandom()));
2291         // Now, iterate through the fitnesses of each of the tournament players,
2292         // capturing the winner's index and fitness.
2293         //
2294         // If no deme actually won, meaning no one had fitness greater than 0.0,
2295         // then the winner is selected at random from the tournament.
2296         std::pair<int, double> winner(tournament[m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(tournament.size())], 0.0);
2297         for(std::vector<int>::iterator j=tournament.begin(); j!=tournament.end(); ++j) {
2298           if (fitness[*j] > winner.second) {
2299             winner = std::make_pair(*j, fitness[*j]);
2300           }
2301         }
2303         // We have a winner!  Increment his replication count.
2304         ++deme_counts[winner.first];
2305       }
2306       break;
2307     }
2308     default: {
2309       // should never get here.
2310       assert(false);
2311     }
2312   }
2314   // Housekeeping: re-inject demes with count of 1 back into self (energy-related).
2315   for (int i = 0; i < (int)deme_counts.size(); i++) {
2316     if (deme_counts[i] == 1)
2317       ReplaceDeme(deme_array[i], deme_array[i], ctx);
2318   }
2320   // Ok, the below algorithm relies upon the fact that we have a strict weak ordering
2321   // of fitness values for all demes.  We're going to loop through, find demes with a
2322   // count greater than one, and insert them into demes with a count of zero.
2323   while (true) {
2324     int source_id=0;
2325     for(; source_id<(int)deme_counts.size(); ++source_id) {
2326       if (deme_counts[source_id] > 1) {
2327         --deme_counts[source_id];
2328         break;
2329       }
2330     }
2332     if (source_id == (int)deme_counts.size()) {
2333       break; // All done; we looped through the whole list of counts, and didn't find any > 1.
2334     }
2336     int target_id=0;
2337     for(; target_id<(int)deme_counts.size(); ++target_id) {
2338       if (deme_counts[target_id] == 0) {
2339         ++deme_counts[target_id];
2340         break;
2341       }
2342     }
2344     assert(source_id < deme_array.GetSize());
2345     assert(target_id < deme_array.GetSize());
2346     assert(source_id != target_id);
2348     // Replace the target with a copy of the source:
2349     ReplaceDeme(deme_array[source_id], deme_array[target_id], ctx);
2350   }
2351 }
2354 /* Check if any demes have met the critera to be replicated and do so.
2355  There are several bases this can be checked on:
2357  0: 'all'       - ...all non-empty demes in the population.
2358  1: 'full_deme' - ...demes that have been filled up.
2359  2: 'corners'   - ...demes with upper left and lower right corners filled.
2360  3: 'deme-age'  - ...demes who have reached their maximum age
2361  4: 'birth-count' ...demes that have had a certain number of births.
2362  5: 'sat-mov-pred'...demes whose movement predicate was previously satisfied
2363  6: 'events-killed' ...demes that have killed a certian number of events
2364  7: 'sat-msg-pred'...demes whose movement predicate was previously satisfied
2365  8: 'sat-deme-predicate'...demes whose predicate has been satisfied; does not include movement or message predicates as those are organisms-level
2366  9: 'perf-reactions' ...demes that have performed X number of each task are replicated
2367  10:'consume-res' ...demes that have consumed a sufficienct amount of resources
2368  */
ReplicateDemes(int rep_trigger,cAvidaContext & ctx)2369 void cPopulation::ReplicateDemes(int rep_trigger, cAvidaContext& ctx)
2370 {
2371   assert(GetNumDemes()>1); // Sanity check.
2373   // Loop through all candidate demes...
2374   const int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
2375   for (int deme_id=0; deme_id<num_demes; ++deme_id) {
2376     cDeme& source_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
2378     // Test this deme to determine if it should be replicated.  If not,
2379     // continue on to the next deme.
2380     switch (rep_trigger) {
2381       case DEME_TRIGGER_ALL: {
2382         // Replicate all non-empty demes.
2383         if (source_deme.IsEmpty()) continue;
2384         break;
2385       }
2386       case DEME_TRIGGER_FULL: {
2387         // Replicate all full demes.
2388         if (!source_deme.IsFull()) continue;
2389         break;
2390       }
2391       case DEME_TRIGGER_CORNERS: {
2392         // Replicate all demes with the corners filled in.
2393         // The first and last IDs represent the two corners.
2394         const int id1 = source_deme.GetCellID(0);
2395         const int id2 = source_deme.GetCellID(source_deme.GetSize() - 1);
2396         if (cell_array[id1].IsOccupied() == false ||
2397             cell_array[id2].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
2398         break;
2399       }
2400       case DEME_TRIGGER_AGE: {
2401         // Replicate old demes.
2402         if (source_deme.GetAge() < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MAX_AGE.Get()) continue;
2403         break;
2404       }
2405       case DEME_TRIGGER_BIRTHS: {
2406         // Replicate demes that have had a certain number of births.
2407         if (source_deme.GetBirthCount() < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MAX_BIRTHS.Get()) continue;
2408         break;
2409       }
2411         if (!(source_deme.MovPredSatisfiedPreviously())) continue;
2412         break;
2413       }
2414       case DEME_TRIGGER_GROUP_KILL: {
2415         int currentSlotSuccessful = 0;
2416         double kill_ratio = 0.0;
2418         if (source_deme.GetSlotFlowRate() == 0) {
2419           kill_ratio = 1.0;
2420         } else {
2421           kill_ratio = static_cast<double>(source_deme.GetEventsKilledThisSlot()) /
2422           static_cast<double>(source_deme.GetSlotFlowRate());
2423         }
2425         if (kill_ratio >= m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIM_EVENTS_KILLED_RATIO.Get()) {
2426           currentSlotSuccessful = 1;
2427         }
2429         // Replicate demes that have killed a certain number of event.
2430         if (source_deme.GetConsecutiveSuccessfulEventPeriods() + currentSlotSuccessful
2431             < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIM_SUCCESSFUL_EVENT_PERIODS.Get()) {
2432           continue;
2433         }
2434         break;
2435       }
2437         if (!(source_deme.MsgPredSatisfiedPreviously())) continue;
2438         break;
2439       }
2440       case DEME_TRIGGER_PREDICATE: {
2441         if (!(source_deme.DemePredSatisfiedPreviously())) continue;
2442         break;
2443       }
2445         // loop through each reaction. Make sure each has been performed X times.
2446         if (source_deme.MinNumTimesReactionPerformed() < m_world->GetConfig().REACTION_THRESH.Get()) {
2447           continue;
2448         }
2449         break;
2450       }
2452         // check how many resources have been consumed by the deme
2453         if (source_deme.GetTotalResourceAmountConsumed() <
2454             m_world->GetConfig().RES_FOR_DEME_REP.Get()) {
2455           continue;
2456         }
2457         break;
2458       }
2459       default: {
2460         cerr << "ERROR: Invalid replication trigger " << rep_trigger
2461         << " in cPopulation::ReplicateDemes()" << endl;
2462         assert(false);
2463       }
2464     }
2466     ReplicateDeme(source_deme, ctx);
2467   }
2468 }
2471 /*! ReplicateDeme is a helper method for replicating a source deme.
2472  */
ReplicateDeme(cDeme & source_deme,cAvidaContext & ctx)2473 void cPopulation::ReplicateDeme(cDeme& source_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx)
2474 {
2475   // Doesn't make sense to try and replicate a deme that *has no organisms*.
2476   if (source_deme.IsEmpty()) return;
2478 	source_deme.UpdateShannonAll();
2480   // Prevent sterile demes from replicating.
2481   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PREVENT_STERILE.Get() && (source_deme.GetBirthCount() == 0)) {
2482     // assumes that all group level tasks cannot be solved by a single organism
2483     source_deme.KillAll(ctx);
2484     return;
2485   }
2487   // Update stats calculate how many different reactions the deme performed.
2488   double deme_performed_rx=0;
2489   tArray<int> deme_reactions = source_deme.GetCurReactionCount();
2490   for(int i=0; i< deme_reactions.GetSize(); ++i) {
2491     //HJG
2492     if (deme_reactions[i] > 0){
2493       deme_performed_rx++;
2494     }
2495   }
2497   // calculate how many penalties were accrued by the orgs on average
2498   double switch_penalties = source_deme.GetNumSwitchingPenalties();
2499   double num_orgs_perf_reaction = source_deme.GetNumOrgsPerformedReaction();
2500   double shannon_div = source_deme.GetShannonMutualInformation();
2501   double per_reproductives = source_deme.GetPercentReproductives();
2503   if (switch_penalties > 0) {
2504     switch_penalties = (switch_penalties)/(source_deme.GetInjectedCount() + source_deme.GetBirthCount());
2505   }
2508   m_world->GetStats().IncDemeReactionDiversityReplicationData(deme_performed_rx, switch_penalties, shannon_div, num_orgs_perf_reaction, per_reproductives);
2510   //Option to bridge between kin and group selection.
2511   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATION_ONLY_RESETS.Get()) {
2512     //Reset deme (resources and births, among other things)
2513     bool source_deme_resource_reset = m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES.Get() == 0;
2514     source_deme.DivideReset(ctx, source_deme, source_deme_resource_reset);
2516     //Reset all organisms in deme, by re-injecting them?
2517     if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATION_ONLY_RESETS.Get() == 2) {
2518       for (int i=0; i<source_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2519         int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
2520         if (GetCell(cellid).IsOccupied()) {
2521           int lineage = GetCell(cellid).GetOrganism()->GetLineageLabel();
2522           const Genome& genome = GetCell(cellid).GetOrganism()->GetGenome();
2523           InjectGenome(cellid, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, genome, ctx, lineage);
2524         }
2525       }
2526     }
2527     return;
2528   }
2530   // Pick a target deme to replicate to, making sure that
2531   // we don't try to replicate over ourself, i.e. DEMES_REPLACE_PARENT 0
2533   int target_id = -1;
2534   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PREFER_EMPTY.Get()) {
2536     //@JEB -- use empty_cell_id_array to hold empty demes
2537     //so we don't have to allocate a list
2538     int num_empty = 0;
2539     for (int i=0; i<GetNumDemes(); i++) {
2540       if (GetDeme(i).IsEmpty()) {
2541         empty_cell_id_array[num_empty] = i;
2542         num_empty++;
2543       }
2544     }
2545     if (num_empty > 0) {
2546       target_id = empty_cell_id_array[m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(num_empty)];
2547     }
2548   }
2550   // if we haven't found one yet, choose a random one
2551   if (target_id == -1) {
2552     target_id = source_deme.GetID();
2553     const int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
2554     while(target_id == source_deme.GetID()) {
2555       target_id = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(num_demes);
2556     }
2557   }
2559   // Write some logging information if LOG_DEMES_REPLICATE is set.
2560   if ( (m_world->GetConfig().LOG_DEMES_REPLICATE.Get() == 1) &&
2561       (m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate() >= m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_LOG_START.Get()) ) {
2562     cString tmpfilename = cStringUtil::Stringf("deme_replication.dat");
2563     cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(tmpfilename);
2565     cString UpdateStr = cStringUtil::Stringf("%d,%d,%d",
2566                                              m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(),
2567                                              source_deme.GetDemeID(), target_id);
2568     df.WriteRaw(UpdateStr);
2569   }
2571   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get() == 3) {
2572     // hjg - this hack is decidedly ugly. However, the current ReplaceDemes method
2573     // does some strange things to support the energy model (such as resetting demes prior
2574     // to assessing whether the replication will work) that cause strange behavior as
2575     // part of the germ line sequestration code.
2576     ReplaceDemeFlaggedGermline(source_deme, deme_array[target_id], ctx);
2577   } else {
2578     ReplaceDeme(source_deme, deme_array[target_id], ctx);
2579   }
2581 }
2583 /*! ReplaceDeme is a helper method that handles all the different configuration
2584  options related to the replacement of a target deme by a source.  It works with
2585  both CompeteDemes and ReplicateDemes (and can be called directly via an event if
2586  so desired).
2588  @refactor Replace manual mutation with strategy pattern.
2589  */
ReplaceDeme(cDeme & source_deme,cDeme & target_deme,cAvidaContext & ctx2)2590 void cPopulation::ReplaceDeme(cDeme& source_deme, cDeme& target_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx2)
2591 {
2592   // Stats tracking; pre-replication hook.
2593   m_world->GetStats().DemePreReplication(source_deme, target_deme);
2595   // used to pass energy to offspring demes (set to zero if energy model is not enabled)
2596   double source_deme_energy(0.0), deme_energy_decay(0.0), parent_deme_energy(0.0), offspring_deme_energy(0.0);
2597   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_ENABLED.Get()) {
2598     double energyRemainingInSourceDeme = source_deme.CalculateTotalEnergy(ctx2);
2599     source_deme.SetEnergyRemainingInDemeAtReplication(energyRemainingInSourceDeme);
2600     source_deme_energy = energyRemainingInSourceDeme + source_deme.GetTotalEnergyTestament();
2602     m_world->GetStats().SumEnergyTestamentAcceptedByDeme().Add(source_deme.GetTotalEnergyTestament());
2603     deme_energy_decay = 1.0 - m_world->GetConfig().FRAC_ENERGY_DECAY_AT_DEME_BIRTH.Get();
2604     parent_deme_energy = source_deme_energy * deme_energy_decay * (1.0 - m_world->GetConfig().FRAC_PARENT_ENERGY_GIVEN_TO_DEME_AT_BIRTH.Get());
2605     offspring_deme_energy = source_deme_energy * deme_energy_decay * m_world->GetConfig().FRAC_PARENT_ENERGY_GIVEN_TO_DEME_AT_BIRTH.Get();
2606   }
2608   bool target_successfully_seeded = true;
2611   bool source_deme_resource_reset(true), target_deme_resource_reset(true);
2612   switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES.Get()) {
2613     case 0:
2614       // reset resource in both demes
2615       source_deme_resource_reset = target_deme_resource_reset = true;
2616       break;
2617     case 1:
2618       // reset resource only in target deme
2619       source_deme_resource_reset = false;
2620       target_deme_resource_reset = true;
2621       break;
2622     case 2:
2623       // do not reset either deme resource
2624       source_deme_resource_reset = target_deme_resource_reset = false;
2625       break;
2626     default:
2627       cout << "Undefined value " << m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES.Get() << " for DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES\n";
2628       exit(1);
2629   }
2631   // Reset both demes, in case they have any cleanup work to do.
2632   // Must reset target first for stats to be correctly updated!
2633   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_ENABLED.Get() == 1) {
2634     // Transfer energy from source to target if we're using the energy model.
2635     if (target_successfully_seeded) target_deme.DivideReset(ctx2, source_deme, target_deme_resource_reset, offspring_deme_energy);
2636     source_deme.DivideReset(ctx2, source_deme, source_deme_resource_reset, parent_deme_energy);
2637   } else {
2638     // Default; reset both source and target.
2639     if (target_successfully_seeded) target_deme.DivideReset(ctx2, source_deme, target_deme_resource_reset);
2640     source_deme.DivideReset(ctx2, source_deme, source_deme_resource_reset);
2641   }
2644   // Are we using germlines?  If so, we need to mutate the germline to get the
2645   // genome that we're going to seed the target with.
2646   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get() == 1) {
2647     // @JEB Original germlines
2648     Genome next_germ(source_deme.GetGermline().GetLatest());
2649     const cInstSet& instset = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(next_germ.GetInstSet());
2650     cAvidaContext ctx(m_world, m_world->GetRandom());
2652     if (m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get() > 0.0) {
2653       for(int i=0; i<next_germ.GetSize(); ++i) {
2654         if (m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get())) {
2655           next_germ.GetSequence()[i] = instset.GetRandomInst(ctx);
2656         }
2657       }
2658     }
2660     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
2661         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get())) {
2662       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(next_germ.GetSize() + 1);
2663       next_germ.GetSequence().Insert(mut_line, instset.GetRandomInst(ctx));
2664     }
2666     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
2667         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get())) {
2668       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(next_germ.GetSize());
2669       next_germ.GetSequence().Remove(mut_line);
2670     }
2672     // Replace the target deme's germline with the source deme's, and add the newly-
2673     // mutated germ to ONLY the target's germline.  The source remains unchanged.
2674     target_deme.ReplaceGermline(source_deme.GetGermline());
2675     target_deme.GetGermline().Add(next_germ);
2677     // Germline stats tracking.
2678     m_world->GetStats().GermlineReplication(source_deme.GetGermline(), target_deme.GetGermline());
2680     // All done with the germline manipulation; seed each deme.
2681     SeedDeme(source_deme, source_deme.GetGermline().GetLatest(), SRC_DEME_GERMLINE, ctx2);
2683     /* MJM - source and target deme could be the same!
2684      * Seeding the same deme twice probably shouldn't happen.
2685      */
2686     if (source_deme.GetDemeID() != target_deme.GetDemeID()) {
2687       SeedDeme(target_deme, target_deme.GetGermline().GetLatest(), SRC_DEME_GERMLINE, ctx2);
2688     }
2690   } else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get() == 2) {
2691     // @JEB -- New germlines using cGenotype
2693     // get germline genotype
2694     int germline_genotype_id = source_deme.GetGermlineGenotypeID();
2695     cBioGroup* germline_genotype = m_world->GetClassificationManager().GetBioGroupManager("genotype")->GetBioGroup(germline_genotype_id);
2696     assert(germline_genotype);
2698     // create a new genome by mutation
2699     Genome mg(germline_genotype->GetProperty("genome").AsString());
2700     cCPUMemory new_genome(mg.GetSequence());
2701     const cInstSet& instset = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(mg.GetInstSet());
2702     cAvidaContext ctx(m_world, m_world->GetRandom());
2704     if (m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get() > 0.0) {
2705       for(int i=0; i<new_genome.GetSize(); ++i) {
2706         if (m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get())) {
2707           new_genome[i] = instset.GetRandomInst(ctx);
2708         }
2709       }
2710     }
2712     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
2713         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get())) {
2714       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(new_genome.GetSize() + 1);
2715       new_genome.Insert(mut_line, instset.GetRandomInst(ctx));
2716     }
2718     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
2719         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get())) {
2720       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(new_genome.GetSize());
2721       new_genome.Remove(mut_line);
2722     }
2724     mg.SetSequence(new_genome);
2726     //Create a new genotype which is daughter to the old one.
2727     cDemePlaceholderUnit unit(SRC_DEME_GERMLINE, mg);
2728     tArray<cBioGroup*> parents;
2729     parents.Push(germline_genotype);
2730     cBioGroup* new_germline_genotype = germline_genotype->ClassifyNewBioUnit(&unit, &parents);
2731     source_deme.ReplaceGermline(new_germline_genotype);
2732     target_deme.ReplaceGermline(new_germline_genotype);
2733     SeedDeme(source_deme, new_germline_genotype, SRC_DEME_GERMLINE, ctx2);
2734     SeedDeme(target_deme, new_germline_genotype, SRC_DEME_GERMLINE, ctx2);
2735     new_germline_genotype->RemoveBioUnit(&unit);
2736   } else {
2737     // Not using germlines; things are much simpler.  Seed the target from the source.
2738     target_successfully_seeded = SeedDeme(source_deme, target_deme, ctx2);
2739   }
2742 	// split energy from parent deme evenly among orgs in child deme
2743 	if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_ENABLED.Get() == 1 && m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_PASSED_ON_DEME_REPLICATION_METHOD.Get() == 0) {
2744 		assert(source_deme.GetOrgCount() > 0 && target_deme.GetOrgCount() > 0);
2745     if (offspring_deme_energy > 0.0) {
2746       // split deme energy evenly between organisms in target deme
2747       double totalEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms(0.0);
2748       for (int i=0; i < target_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2749         int cellid = target_deme.GetCellID(i);
2750         cPopulationCell& cell = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCell(cellid);
2751         if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
2752           cOrganism* organism = cell.GetOrganism();
2753           cPhenotype& phenotype = organism->GetPhenotype();
2754           phenotype.SetEnergy(phenotype.GetStoredEnergy() + offspring_deme_energy/static_cast<double>(target_deme.GetOrgCount()));
2755           phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(phenotype.ConvertEnergyToMerit(phenotype.GetStoredEnergy() * phenotype.GetEnergyUsageRatio())));
2756           totalEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms += phenotype.GetStoredEnergy();
2757         }
2758       }
2759       target_deme.SetEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms(totalEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms);
2760     }
2761     if (parent_deme_energy > 0.0) {
2762       // split deme energy evenly between organisms in source deme
2763       double totalEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms(0.0);
2764       for (int i=0; i < source_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
2765         int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
2766         cPopulationCell& cell = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCell(cellid);
2767         if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
2768           cOrganism* organism = cell.GetOrganism();
2769           cPhenotype& phenotype = organism->GetPhenotype();
2770           phenotype.SetEnergy(phenotype.GetStoredEnergy() + parent_deme_energy/static_cast<double>(source_deme.GetOrgCount()));
2771           phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(phenotype.ConvertEnergyToMerit(phenotype.GetStoredEnergy() * phenotype.GetEnergyUsageRatio())));
2772           totalEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms += phenotype.GetStoredEnergy();
2773         }
2774       }
2775       source_deme.SetEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms(totalEnergyInjectedIntoOrganisms);
2776     }
2777   }
2781   // The source's merit must be transferred to the target, and then the source has
2782   // to rotate its heritable merit to its current merit.
2783   if (target_successfully_seeded) target_deme.UpdateDemeMerit(source_deme);
2784   source_deme.UpdateDemeMerit();
2785   source_deme.ClearShannonInformationStats();
2786   target_deme.ClearShannonInformationStats();
2788   // do our post-replication stats tracking.
2789   m_world->GetStats().DemePostReplication(source_deme, target_deme);
2790 }
2792 /*! ReplaceDemeFlaggedGermline is a helper method that handles deme replication when the organisms are flagging their own germ line. It is similar to ReplaceDeme, but some events are reordered. (Demes are reset only after we know that the replication will work. In addition, it only supports a small subset of the deme replication options.)
2793  */
ReplaceDemeFlaggedGermline(cDeme & source_deme,cDeme & target_deme,cAvidaContext & ctx2)2794 void cPopulation::ReplaceDemeFlaggedGermline(cDeme& source_deme, cDeme& target_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx2)
2795 {
2797   bool target_successfully_seeded = true;
2799   /* Seed deme part... */
2800   cRandom& random = m_world->GetRandom();
2801   //bool successfully_seeded = true;
2802   tArray<cOrganism*> target_founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
2804   // Grab a random org from the set of orgs that have
2805   // flagged themselves as part of the germline.
2806   tArray<cOrganism*> potential_founders; // List of organisms we might transfer.
2808   // Get list of potential founders
2809   for (int i = 0; i<source_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
2810     int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
2811     if (cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
2812       cOrganism* o = cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism();
2813       if (o->IsGermline()) {
2814         potential_founders.Push(o);
2815       }
2816     }
2817   }
2820   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get() == 8) {
2821     // pick a random founder...
2822     if (potential_founders.GetSize() > 0) {
2823       int r = random.GetUInt(potential_founders.GetSize());
2824       target_founders.Push(potential_founders[r]);
2825     } else {
2826       return;
2827     }
2828   } else {
2829     target_founders = potential_founders;
2830   }
2831   // Stats tracking; pre-replication hook.
2832   m_world->GetStats().DemePreReplication(source_deme, target_deme);
2835   bool source_deme_resource_reset(true), target_deme_resource_reset(true);
2836   switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES.Get()) {
2837     case 0:
2838       // reset resource in both demes
2839       source_deme_resource_reset = target_deme_resource_reset = true;
2840       break;
2841     case 1:
2842       // reset resource only in target deme
2843       source_deme_resource_reset = false;
2844       target_deme_resource_reset = true;
2845       break;
2846     case 2:
2847       // do not reset either deme resource
2848       source_deme_resource_reset = target_deme_resource_reset = false;
2849       break;
2850     default:
2851       cout << "Undefined value " << m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES.Get() << " for DEMES_RESET_RESOURCES\n";
2852       exit(1);
2853   }
2855   if (target_successfully_seeded) target_deme.DivideReset(ctx2, source_deme, target_deme_resource_reset);
2856   source_deme.DivideReset(ctx2, source_deme, source_deme_resource_reset);
2859   target_deme.ClearFounders();
2860   target_deme.UpdateStats();
2861   target_deme.KillAll(ctx2);
2862   std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string> > track_founders;
2864   for(int i=0; i<target_founders.GetSize(); i++) {
2866     // this is the genome we need to use. However, we only need part of it...since it can include an offspring
2867     cCPUMemory in_memory_genome = target_founders[i]->GetHardware().GetMemory();
2869     // this is the genotype of the organism, which does not reflect any point mutations that have occurred.
2870     // we need to use it to get the right length for the genome
2871     cBioGroup* parent_bg = target_founders[i]->GetBioGroup("genotype");
2872     Genome mg(parent_bg->GetProperty("genome").AsString());
2873     cCPUMemory new_genome(mg.GetSequence());
2875     const cInstSet& instset = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(mg.GetInstSet());
2876     cAvidaContext ctx(m_world, m_world->GetRandom());
2878     if (m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get() > 0.0) {
2879       for(int i=0; i<new_genome.GetSize(); ++i) {
2880         if (m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get())) {
2881           new_genome[i] = instset.GetRandomInst(ctx);
2882         } else if (in_memory_genome.GetSize() > i){
2883           // this line copies the mutations accured as a result of performing tasks to the new genome
2884           new_genome[i] = in_memory_genome[i];
2886         }
2887       }
2888     }
2890     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
2891         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get())) {
2892       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(new_genome.GetSize() + 1);
2893       new_genome.Insert(mut_line, instset.GetRandomInst(ctx));
2894     }
2896     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
2897         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get())) {
2898       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(new_genome.GetSize());
2899       new_genome.Remove(mut_line);
2900     }
2901     mg.SetSequence(new_genome);
2903     int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(target_deme, i);
2904     InjectGenome(cellid, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, mg, ctx, target_founders[i]->GetLineageLabel());
2907     // At this point, the cell had better be occupied...
2908     assert(GetCell(cellid).IsOccupied());
2909     cOrganism * organism = GetCell(cellid).GetOrganism();
2911     // For now, just copy the generation...
2912     organism->GetPhenotype().SetGeneration(target_founders[i]->GetPhenotype().GetGeneration() );
2914     target_deme.AddFounder(organism->GetBioGroup("genotype"), &organism->GetPhenotype());
2916     track_founders.push_back(make_pair(organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID(), new_genome.AsString()));
2918     DemePostInjection(target_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
2919   }
2922   // For source deme...
2923   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 1) {
2925     source_deme.UpdateStats();
2926     source_deme.KillAll(ctx2);
2927     // do not clear or change founder list
2929     // use it to recreate ancestral state of genotypes
2930     tArray<int>& source_founders = source_deme.GetFounderGenotypeIDs();
2931     tArray<cPhenotype>& source_founder_phenotypes = source_deme.GetFounderPhenotypes();
2932     for(int i=0; i<source_founders.GetSize(); i++) {
2934       int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(source_deme, i);
2935       //cout << "founder: " << source_founders[i] << endl;
2936       cBioGroup* bg = m_world->GetClassificationManager().GetBioGroupManager("genotype")->GetBioGroup(source_founders[i]);
2937       SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(cellid, bg, ctx2, &source_founder_phenotypes[i], -1, true);
2938       DemePostInjection(source_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
2939     }
2941   }
2943   source_deme.ClearTotalResourceAmountConsumed();
2945   source_deme.ClearShannonInformationStats();
2946   target_deme.ClearShannonInformationStats();
2948   // do our post-replication stats tracking.
2949   m_world->GetStats().DemePostReplication(source_deme, target_deme);
2950   m_world->GetStats().TrackDemeGLSReplication(source_deme.GetID(), target_deme.GetID(), track_founders);
2953 }
2955 /*! Helper method to seed a deme from the given genome.
2956  If the passed-in deme is populated, all resident organisms are terminated.  The
2957  deme's germline is left unchanged.
2959  @todo Fix lineage label on injected genomes.
2960  @todo Different strategies for non-random placement.
2961  */
SeedDeme(cDeme & deme,Genome & genome,eBioUnitSource src,cAvidaContext & ctx)2962 void cPopulation::SeedDeme(cDeme& deme, Genome& genome, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx) {
2963   // Kill all the organisms in the deme.
2964   deme.KillAll(ctx);
2966   // Create the specified number of organisms in the deme.
2967   for(int i=0; i< m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get(); ++i) {
2968     int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(deme, i);
2969     InjectGenome(cellid, src, genome, ctx, 0);
2970     DemePostInjection(deme, cell_array[cellid]);
2971   }
2972 }
SeedDeme(cDeme & _deme,cBioGroup * bg,eBioUnitSource src,cAvidaContext & ctx)2974 void cPopulation::SeedDeme(cDeme& _deme, cBioGroup* bg, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx) {
2975   // Kill all the organisms in the deme.
2976   _deme.KillAll(ctx);
2977   _deme.ClearFounders();
2979   // Create the specified number of organisms in the deme.
2980   for(int i=0; i< m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get(); ++i) {
2981     int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(_deme, i);
2982     InjectGenome(cellid, src, Genome(bg->GetProperty("genome").AsString()), ctx);
2983     DemePostInjection(_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
2984     _deme.AddFounder(bg);
2985   }
2987 }
2989 /*! Helper method to seed a target deme from the organisms in the source deme.
2990  All organisms in the target deme are terminated, and a subset of the organisms in
2991  the source will be cloned to the target. Returns whether target deme was successfully seeded.
2992  */
SeedDeme(cDeme & source_deme,cDeme & target_deme,cAvidaContext & ctx)2993 bool cPopulation::SeedDeme(cDeme& source_deme, cDeme& target_deme, cAvidaContext& ctx) {
2994   cRandom& random = m_world->GetRandom();
2996   bool successfully_seeded = true;
2998   // Check to see if we're doing probabilistic organism replication from source
2999   // to target deme.
3000   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PROB_ORG_TRANSFER.Get() == 0.0) {
3002     //@JEB -- old method is default for consistency!
3003     if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_SEED_METHOD.Get() == 0) {
3004       // Here's the idea: store up a list of the genotypes from the source that we
3005       // need to copy to the target. Then clear both the source and target demes,
3006       // and finally inject organisms from the saved genotypes into both the source
3007       // and target.
3008       //
3009       // This is a little ugly - Note that if you're trying to get something a little
3010       // more random, there's also the "fruiting body" option (DEMES_PROB_ORG_TRANSFER),
3011       // and the even less contrived MIGRATION_RATE.
3012       //
3013       // @todo In order to get lineage tracking to work again, we need to change this
3014       //       from tracking Genomes to tracking cGenotypes.  But that's a pain,
3015       //       because the cGenotype* from cOrganism::GetGenotype may not live after
3016       //       a call to cDeme::KillAll.
3017       std::vector<std::pair<Genome,int> > xfer; // List of genomes we're going to transfer.
3019       switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get()) {
3020         case 0: { // Random w/ replacement (meaning, we don't prevent the same genotype from
3021           // being selected more than once).
3022           while((int)xfer.size() < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get()) {
3023             int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(random.GetUInt(source_deme.GetSize()));
3024             if (cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
3025               xfer.push_back(std::make_pair(cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism()->GetGenome(),
3026                                             cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism()->GetLineageLabel()));
3027             }
3028           }
3029           break;
3030         }
3031         case 1: { // Sequential selection, from the beginning.  Good with DEMES_ORGANISM_PLACEMENT=3.
3032           for(int i=0; i<m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get(); ++i) {
3033             int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
3034             if (cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
3035               xfer.push_back(std::make_pair(cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism()->GetGenome(),
3036                                             cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism()->GetLineageLabel()));
3037             }
3038           }
3039           break;
3040         }
3041         default: {
3042           cout << "Undefined value (" << m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get()
3043           << ") for DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION." << endl;
3044           exit(1);
3045         }
3046       }
3047       // We'd better have at *least* one genome.
3048       assert(xfer.size()>0);
3050       // Clear the demes.
3051       source_deme.UpdateStats();
3052       source_deme.KillAll(ctx);
3054       target_deme.UpdateStats();
3055       target_deme.KillAll(ctx);
3057       // And now populate the source and target.
3058       int j=0;
3059       for(std::vector<std::pair<Genome,int> >::iterator i=xfer.begin(); i!=xfer.end(); ++i, ++j) {
3060         int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(source_deme, j);
3061         InjectGenome(cellid, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, i->first, ctx, i->second);
3062         DemePostInjection(source_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
3064         if (source_deme.GetDemeID() != target_deme.GetDemeID()) {
3065           cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(target_deme, j);
3066           InjectGenome(cellid, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, i->first, ctx, i->second);
3067           DemePostInjection(target_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
3068         }
3070       }
3071     } else /* if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_SEED_METHOD.Get() != 0) */{
3073       // @JEB
3074       // Updated seed deme method that maintains genotype inheritance.
3076       // deconstruct founders into two lists...
3077       tArray<cOrganism*> source_founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3078       tArray<cOrganism*> target_founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3081       switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get()) {
3082         case 0: { // Random w/ replacement (meaning, we don't prevent the same genotype from
3083           // being selected more than once).
3084           tArray<cOrganism*> founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3085           while(founders.GetSize() < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get()) {
3086             int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(random.GetUInt(source_deme.GetSize()));
3087             if (cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
3088               founders.Push(cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism());
3089             }
3090           }
3091           source_founders = founders;
3092           target_founders = founders;
3093           break;
3094         }
3095         case 1: { // Sequential selection, from the beginning.  Good with DEMES_ORGANISM_PLACEMENT=3.
3096           tArray<cOrganism*> founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3097           for(int i=0; i<m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get(); ++i) {
3098             int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
3099             if (cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
3100               founders.Push(cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism());
3101             }
3102           }
3103           source_founders = founders;
3104           target_founders = founders;
3105           break;
3106         }
3107         case 6: { // Random w/o replacement.  Take as many for each deme as DEME_REPLICATE_SIZE.
3108           tList<cOrganism> prospective_founders;
3110           //Die if not >= two organisms.
3111           if (source_deme.GetOrgCount() >= 2) {
3113             //Collect prospective founder organisms into a list
3114             for (int i=0; i < source_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
3115               if ( GetCell(source_deme.GetCellID(i)).IsOccupied() ) {
3116                 prospective_founders.Push( GetCell(source_deme.GetCellID(i)).GetOrganism() );
3117               }
3118             }
3120             //add orgs alternately to source and target founders until
3121             //we run out or each reaches DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.
3122             int num_chosen_orgs = 0;
3123             while( ((target_founders.GetSize() < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get())
3124                     || (source_founders.GetSize() < m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_SIZE.Get()))
3125                   && (prospective_founders.GetSize() > 0) ) {
3127               int chosen_org = random.GetUInt(prospective_founders.GetSize());
3128               if (num_chosen_orgs % 2 == 0) {
3129                 source_founders.Push(prospective_founders.PopPos(chosen_org));
3130               } else {
3131                 target_founders.Push(prospective_founders.PopPos(chosen_org));
3132               }
3134               num_chosen_orgs++;
3135             }
3136           }
3137           break;
3138         }
3139         case 7: { // Grab the organisms that have flagged themselves as
3140           // part of the germline. Ignores replicate size...
3141           tArray<cOrganism*> founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3142           for (int i = 0; i<source_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
3143             cPopulationCell& cell = source_deme.GetCell(i);
3144             if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
3145               cOrganism* o = cell.GetOrganism();
3146               if (o->IsGermline()) {
3147                 founders.Push(o);
3148               }
3149             }
3150           }
3152           source_founders = founders;
3153           target_founders = founders;
3154           break;
3155         }
3156         case 8: { // Grab a random org from the set of orgs that have
3157           // flagged themselves as part of the germline.
3158           tArray<cOrganism*> potential_founders; // List of organisms we might transfer.
3159           tArray<cOrganism*> founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3161           // Get list of potential founders
3162           for (int i = 0; i<source_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
3163             int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
3164             if (cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
3165               cOrganism* o = cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism();
3166               if (o->IsGermline()) {
3167                 potential_founders.Push(o);
3168               }
3169             }
3170           }
3172           // pick a random founder...
3173           if (potential_founders.GetSize() > 0) {
3174             int r = random.GetUInt(potential_founders.GetSize());
3175             founders.Push(potential_founders[r]);
3176           }
3177           source_founders = founders;
3178           target_founders = founders;
3179           break;
3180         }
3181         case 2:
3182         case 3:
3183         case 4:
3184         case 5:
3185         { // Selection based on germline propensities.
3186           // 2: sum the germline propensities of all organisms
3187           // and pick TWO based on each organism getting a
3188           // weighted probability of being germline
3189           // 3: treat germline propensities as zero or nonzero for picking
3190           // 4: same as 3: but replication to target fails if only one germ.
3191           // 5: same as 3: but replication fails and source dies if fewer than two germs.
3192           tArray<cOrganism*> founders; // List of organisms we're going to transfer.
3194           if (source_deme.GetOrgCount() >= 2) {
3196             if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() != 0) {
3197               m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(1, "Germline DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION methods 2 and 3 can only be used with DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD 0.");
3198             }
3200             tArray<cOrganism*> prospective_founders;
3202             cDoubleSum gp_sum;
3203             double min = -1;
3204             for (int i=0; i < source_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
3205               if ( GetCell(source_deme.GetCellID(i)).IsOccupied() ) {
3206                 double gp = GetCell(source_deme.GetCellID(i)).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetPermanentGermlinePropensity();
3207                 if (gp > 0.0) {
3208                   gp_sum.Add( gp );
3209                   prospective_founders.Push( GetCell(source_deme.GetCellID(i)).GetOrganism() );
3210                 }
3211                 //cout << gp << " ";
3212                 if ( (min == -1) || (gp < min) ) min = gp;
3213               }
3214             }
3216             if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_ON) cout << "Germline Propensity Sum: " << gp_sum.Sum() << endl;
3217             if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_ON) cout << "Num prospective founders: " << prospective_founders.GetSize() << endl;
3219             if (prospective_founders.GetSize() < 2) {
3221               // there were not enough orgs with nonzero germlines
3222               // pick additional orgs at random without replacement,
3223               // unless our method forbids this
3225               // leave the founder list empty for method 5
3226               if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get() != 5) {
3228                 founders = prospective_founders;
3230                 //do not add additional founders randomly for method 4
3231                 if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get() != 4) {
3233                   while(founders.GetSize() < 2) {
3234                     int cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(random.GetUInt(source_deme.GetSize()));
3235                     if ( cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied() ) {
3236                       cOrganism * org = cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism();
3237                       bool found = false;
3238                       for(int i=0; i< founders.GetSize(); i++) {
3239                         if (founders[i] == org) found = true;
3240                       }
3241                       if (!found) founders.Push(cell_array[cellid].GetOrganism());
3242                     }
3243                   }
3244                 }
3245               }
3246             } else {
3248               // pick two orgs based on germline propensities from prospective founders
3250               while(founders.GetSize() < 2) {
3252                 double choice = (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get() == 2)
3253                 ? random.GetDouble( gp_sum.Sum() ) : random.GetDouble( gp_sum.Count() );
3256                 //cout <<  "Count: " << gp_sum.Count() << endl;
3258                 // find the next organism to choose
3259                 cOrganism * org = NULL;
3260                 int on = 0;
3261                 while( (choice > 0) && (on < prospective_founders.GetSize()) ) {
3262                   org = prospective_founders[on];
3264                   // did we already have this org?
3265                   bool found = false;
3266                   for(int i=0; i< founders.GetSize(); i++) {
3267                     if (founders[i] == org) found = true;
3268                   }
3270                   // if it wasn't already chosen, then we count down...
3271                   if (!found) {
3272                     choice -= (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get() == 2)
3273                     ? org->GetPhenotype().GetPermanentGermlinePropensity()
3274                     : (org->GetPhenotype().GetPermanentGermlinePropensity() > 0);
3275                   }
3276                   on++;
3277                 }
3279                 gp_sum.Subtract(org->GetPhenotype().GetPermanentGermlinePropensity());
3280                 assert(org);
3281                 founders.Push(org);
3282               }
3283             }
3285             if (founders.GetSize() > 0) source_founders.Push(founders[0]);
3286             if (founders.GetSize() > 1) target_founders.Push(founders[1]);
3288             /*
3289              // Debug Code
3290              cout << endl;
3291              cout << "sum " << gp_sum.Sum() << endl;
3292              cout << "min " << min << endl;
3293              cout << "choice " << choice << endl;
3294              */
3296             //cout << "Chose germline propensity " << chosen_org->GetPhenotype().GetLastGermlinePropensity() << endl;
3297           } else {
3298             //Failure because we didn't have at least two organisms...
3299             //m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(1, "Germline DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION method didn't find at least two organisms in deme.");
3300           }
3302           break;
3303         }
3304         default: {
3305           cout << "Undefined value (" << m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION.Get()
3306           << ") for DEMES_ORGANISM_SELECTION." << endl;
3307           exit(1);
3308         }
3309       }
3312       // We'd better have at *least* one genome.
3313       // Methods that require a germline can sometimes come up short...
3314       //assert(source_founders.GetSize()>0);
3315       //assert(target_founders.GetSize()>0);
3316       if(source_founders.GetSize() == 0) {
3317         return false;
3318       }
3320       // We clear the deme, but trick cPopulation::KillOrganism
3321       // to NOT delete the organisms, by pretending
3322       // the orgs are running. This way we can still create
3323       // clones of them that will track stats correctly.
3324       // We also need to defer adjusting the genotype
3325       // or it will be prematurely deleted before we are done!
3327       // cDoubleSum gen;
3328       tArray<cOrganism*> old_source_organisms;
3329       for(int i=0; i<source_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
3330         int cell_id = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
3332         if (cell_array[cell_id].IsOccupied()) {
3333           cOrganism * org = cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism();
3334           old_source_organisms.Push(org);
3335           org->SetRunning(true);
3336         }
3337       }
3340       tArray<cOrganism*> old_target_organisms;
3341       for(int i=0; i<target_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
3342         int cell_id = target_deme.GetCellID(i);
3344         if (cell_array[cell_id].IsOccupied()) {
3345           cOrganism * org = cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism();
3346           old_target_organisms.Push(org);
3347           org->SetRunning(true);
3348         }
3349       }
3351       // Clear the target deme (if we have successfully replaced it).
3352       if (target_founders.GetSize() > 0) {
3353         target_deme.ClearFounders();
3354         target_deme.UpdateStats();
3355         target_deme.KillAll(ctx);
3356       } else {
3357         successfully_seeded = false;
3358       }
3360       //cout << founders.GetSize() << " founders." << endl;
3362       // Now populate the target (and optionally the source) using InjectGenotype.
3363       // In the future InjectClone could be used, but this would require the
3364       // deme keeping complete copies of the founder organisms when
3365       // we wanted to re-seed from the original founders.
3366       for(int i=0; i<target_founders.GetSize(); i++) {
3367         int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(target_deme, i);
3368         SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(cellid, target_founders[i]->GetBioGroup("genotype"), ctx, &target_founders[i]->GetPhenotype(),  target_founders[i]->GetLineageLabel(), false);
3369        // target_deme.AddFounder(target_founders[i]->GetBioGroup("genotype"), &target_founders[i]->GetPhenotype());
3370         DemePostInjection(target_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
3371       }
3373       for(int i=0; i<target_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
3374         cPopulationCell& cell = target_deme.GetCell(i);
3375         if(cell.IsOccupied()) {
3376           target_deme.AddFounder(cell.GetOrganism()->GetBioGroup("genotype"), &cell.GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype());
3377         }
3378       }
3380       // We either repeat this procedure in the source deme,
3381       // restart the source deme from its old founders,
3382       // or do nothing to the source deme...
3384       // source deme is replaced in the same way as the target
3385       if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 0) {
3387         source_deme.ClearFounders();
3388         source_deme.UpdateStats();
3389         source_deme.KillAll(ctx);
3391         for(int i=0; i<source_founders.GetSize(); i++) {
3392           int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(source_deme, i);
3393           SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(cellid, source_founders[i]->GetBioGroup("genotype"), ctx, &source_founders[i]->GetPhenotype(), source_founders[i]->GetLineageLabel(), false);
3394           source_deme.AddFounder(source_founders[i]->GetBioGroup("genotype"), &source_founders[i]->GetPhenotype());
3395           DemePostInjection(source_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
3396         }
3397       }
3398       // source deme is "reset" by re-injecting founder genotypes
3399       else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 1) {
3400         // Do not update the last founder generation, since the founders have not changed.
3402         source_deme.UpdateStats();
3403         source_deme.KillAll(ctx);
3404         // do not clear or change founder list
3406         // use it to recreate ancestral state of genotypes
3407         tArray<int>& source_founders = source_deme.GetFounderGenotypeIDs();
3408         tArray<cPhenotype>& source_founder_phenotypes = source_deme.GetFounderPhenotypes();
3409         for(int i=0; i<source_founders.GetSize(); i++) {
3411           int cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(source_deme, i);
3412           //cout << "founder: " << source_founders[i] << endl;
3413           cBioGroup* bg = m_world->GetClassificationManager().GetBioGroupManager("genotype")->GetBioGroup(source_founders[i]);
3414           SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(cellid, bg, ctx, &source_founder_phenotypes[i], -1, true);
3415           DemePostInjection(source_deme, cell_array[cellid]);
3416         }
3418         //cout << target_deme.GetOrgCount() << " target orgs." << endl;
3419         //cout << source_deme.GetOrgCount() << " source orgs." << endl;
3420       }
3421       // source deme is left untouched
3422       else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 2) {
3423       }
3424       else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 3) {
3425         source_deme.ClearTotalResourceAmountConsumed();
3426       }
3427       else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 4) {
3428         source_deme.ClearTotalResourceAmountConsumed();
3429         for(int i=0; i<source_founders.GetSize(); i++) {
3430           source_founders[i]->Die(ctx);
3431         }
3432       }
3433       else {
3434         m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(1, "Unknown DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD");
3435       }
3438       // remember to delete the old target organisms and adjust their genotypes
3439       for(int i=0; i<old_target_organisms.GetSize(); ++i) {
3440         old_target_organisms[i]->SetRunning(false);
3441         // ONLY delete target orgs if seeding was successful
3442         // otherwise they still exist in the population!!!
3443         if (successfully_seeded) delete old_target_organisms[i];
3444       }
3446       for(int i=0; i<old_source_organisms.GetSize(); ++i) {
3447         old_source_organisms[i]->SetRunning(false);
3449         // delete old source organisms ONLY if source was replaced
3450         if ( (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 0)
3451             || (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DIVIDE_METHOD.Get() == 1) ) {
3452           delete old_source_organisms[i];
3453         }
3454       }
3456     } //End DEMES_PROB_ORG_TRANSFER > 0 methods
3457   } else {
3458     // Probabilistic organism replication -- aka "fruiting body."
3459     //
3460     // This is a little different than the other deme replication styles.  First,
3461     // in a fruiting body we don't reset the individuals in the source deme; we
3462     // leave them unchanged.  The idea is that we're pulling random organisms
3463     // out, and letting the source continue.
3465     // Kill all the organisms in the target deme.
3466     target_deme.KillAll(ctx);
3468     // Check all the organisms in the source deme to see if they get transferred
3469     // to the target.
3470     for(int i=0,j=0; i<source_deme.GetSize(); ++i) {
3471       int source_cellid = source_deme.GetCellID(i);
3473       // Does this organism stay with the source or move to the target?
3474       if (cell_array[source_cellid].IsOccupied() && random.P(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_PROB_ORG_TRANSFER.Get())) {
3475         // Moves to the target; save the genome and lineage label of organism being transfered.
3476         cOrganism* seed = cell_array[source_cellid].GetOrganism();
3477         const Genome& genome = seed->GetGenome();
3478         int lineage = seed->GetLineageLabel();
3479         seed = 0; // We're done with the seed organism.
3481         // Remove this organism from the source.
3482         KillOrganism(cell_array[source_cellid], ctx);
3484         // And inject it into target deme.
3485         int target_cellid = DemeSelectInjectionCell(target_deme, j++);
3486         InjectGenome(target_cellid, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, genome, ctx, lineage);
3487         DemePostInjection(target_deme, cell_array[target_cellid]);
3488       }
3489       //else {
3490       // Stays with the source.  Nothing to do here yet.
3491       //}
3492     }
3493   }
3495 	return successfully_seeded;
3496 }
SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(int _cell_id,cBioGroup * bg,cAvidaContext & ctx,cPhenotype * _phenotype,int lineage_label,bool reset)3498 void cPopulation::SeedDeme_InjectDemeFounder(int _cell_id, cBioGroup* bg, cAvidaContext& ctx, cPhenotype* _phenotype, int lineage_label, bool reset)
3499 {
3500   // Mutate the genome?
3501   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MUT_ORGS_ON_REPLICATION.Get() == 1 && !reset) {
3502     // MUTATE!
3504     // create a new genome by mutation
3505     Genome mg(bg->GetProperty("genome").AsString());
3506     cCPUMemory new_genome(mg.GetSequence());
3507     const cInstSet& instset = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(mg.GetInstSet());
3508     cAvidaContext ctx(m_world, m_world->GetRandom());
3510     if (m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get() > 0.0) {
3511       for(int i=0; i<new_genome.GetSize(); ++i) {
3512         if (m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_COPY_MUT.Get())) {
3513           new_genome[i] = instset.GetRandomInst(ctx);
3514         }
3515       }
3516     }
3518     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
3519         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_INS_MUT.Get())) {
3520       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(new_genome.GetSize() + 1);
3521       new_genome.Insert(mut_line, instset.GetRandomInst(ctx));
3522     }
3524     if ((m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get() > 0.0)
3525         && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().GERMLINE_DEL_MUT.Get())) {
3526       const unsigned int mut_line = ctx.GetRandom().GetUInt(new_genome.GetSize());
3527       new_genome.Remove(mut_line);
3528     }
3529     mg.SetSequence(new_genome);
3531     /*
3533      //Create a new genotype which is daughter to the old one.
3534      cDemePlaceholderUnit unit(SRC_DEME_GERMLINE, mg);
3535      tArray<cBioGroup*> parents;
3536      parents.Push(bg);
3537      cBioGroup* new_genotype = bg->ClassifyNewBioUnit(&unit, &parents);
3538      new_genotype->RemoveBioUnit(&unit);
3539      */
3541     InjectGenome(_cell_id, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, mg, ctx, lineage_label);
3543   } else {
3545     // phenotype can be NULL
3546     InjectGenome(_cell_id, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE, Genome(bg->GetProperty("genome").AsString()), ctx, lineage_label);
3548   }
3550   // At this point, the cell had better be occupied...
3551   assert(GetCell(_cell_id).IsOccupied());
3552   cOrganism * organism = GetCell(_cell_id).GetOrganism();
3555   //Now we need to set up the phenotype of this organism...
3556   if (_phenotype) {
3557     //If we want founders to have their proper phenotypes
3558     // then we might do something like this... (untested)
3559     //organism->SetPhenotype(*_phenotype);
3560     // Re-initialize the time-slice for this new organism.
3561     //AdjustSchedule(_cell_id, organism->GetPhenotype().GetMerit());
3563     // For now, just copy the generation...
3564     organism->GetPhenotype().SetGeneration( _phenotype->GetGeneration() );
3566     // and germline propensity.
3567     organism->GetPhenotype().SetPermanentGermlinePropensity( _phenotype->GetPermanentGermlinePropensity()  );
3569     if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_FOUNDER_GERMLINE_PROPENSITY.Get() >= 0.0) {
3570       organism->GetPhenotype().SetPermanentGermlinePropensity( m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_FOUNDER_GERMLINE_PROPENSITY.Get() );
3571     }
3572   }
3574   /* It requires much more than this to correctly implement, do later if needed @JEB
3575    //Optionally, set the first organism's merit to a constant value
3576    //actually, we need to add so the first organism is seeded this way too...
3577    if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DEFAULT_MERIT.Get()) {
3578    organism->GetPhenotype().SetMerit( cMerit(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_DEFAULT_MERIT.Get()) );
3579    AdjustSchedule(GetCell(_cell_id), organism->GetPhenotype().GetMerit());
3580    }
3581    */
3582 }
3585 /*! Helper method that determines the cell into which an organism will be placed.
3586  Respects all of the different placement options that are relevant for deme replication.
3588  @param sequence The number of times DemeSelectInjectionCell has been called on this deme
3589  already.  Used for replicating multiple organisms from the source to the
3590  target deme in a sensible fashion.
3591  */
DemeSelectInjectionCell(cDeme & deme,int sequence)3592 int cPopulation::DemeSelectInjectionCell(cDeme& deme, int sequence) {
3593   int cellid = -1;
3595   assert(sequence < deme.GetSize()); // cannot inject a sequence bigger then the deme
3597   switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_PLACEMENT.Get()) {
3598     case 0: { // Array-middle.
3599       cellid = deme.GetCellID((deme.GetSize()/2 + sequence) % deme.GetSize());
3600       break;
3601     }
3602     case 1: { // Sequential placement, start in the center of the deme.
3603       assert(sequence == 0);  // not sure how to handle a sequence in this case (Ben)
3604       cellid = deme.GetCellID(deme.GetWidth()/2, deme.GetHeight()/2);
3605       break;
3606     }
3607     case 2: { // Random placement.
3608       cellid = deme.GetCellID(m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(0, deme.GetSize()));
3609       while(cell_array[cellid].IsOccupied()) {
3610         cellid = deme.GetCellID(m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(0, deme.GetSize()));
3611       }
3612       break;
3613     }
3614     case 3: { // Sequential.
3615       cellid = deme.GetCellID(sequence);
3616       break;
3617     }
3618     default: {
3619       assert(false); // Shouldn't ever reach here.
3620     }
3621   }
3623   assert(cellid >= 0 && cellid < cell_array.GetSize());
3624   assert(cellid >= deme.GetCellID(0));
3625   assert(cellid <= deme.GetCellID(deme.GetSize()-1));
3626   return cellid;
3627 }
3630 /*! Helper method to perform any post-injection fixups on the organism/cell that
3631  was injected into a deme.  Handles all the rotation / facing options. Also increments
3632  the number of organisms injected into the deme.
3633  */
DemePostInjection(cDeme & deme,cPopulationCell & cell)3634 void cPopulation::DemePostInjection(cDeme& deme, cPopulationCell& cell) {
3635   assert(cell.GetID() >= deme.GetCellID(0));
3636   assert(cell.GetID() <= deme.GetCellID(deme.GetSize()-1));
3637   deme.IncInjectedCount();
3638   switch(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_ORGANISM_FACING.Get()) {
3639     case 0: { // Unchanged.
3640       break;
3641     }
3642     case 1: { // Spin cell to face NW.
3643       cell.Rotate(cell_array[GridNeighbor(cell.GetID()-deme.GetCellID(0),
3644                                           deme.GetWidth(),
3645                                           deme.GetHeight(), -1, -1)+deme.GetCellID(0)]);
3646       break;
3647     }
3648     case 2: { // Spin cell to face randomly.
3649       const int rotate_count = m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(0, cell.ConnectionList().GetSize());
3650       for(int i=0; i<rotate_count; ++i) {
3651         cell.ConnectionList().CircNext();
3652       }
3653       break;
3654     }
3655     default: {
3656       assert(false);
3657     }
3658   }
3659 }
3662 // Loop through all demes to determine if any are ready to be divided.  All
3663 // full demes have 1/2 of their organisms (the odd ones) moved into a new deme.
DivideDemes(cAvidaContext & ctx)3665 void cPopulation::DivideDemes(cAvidaContext& ctx)
3666 {
3667   // Determine which demes should be replicated.
3668   const int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
3669   cRandom & random = m_world->GetRandom();
3671   // Loop through all candidate demes...
3672   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
3673     cDeme & source_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
3675     // Only divide full demes.
3676     if (source_deme.IsFull() == false) continue;
3678     // Choose a random target deme to replicate to...
3679     int target_id = deme_id;
3680     while (target_id == deme_id) target_id = random.GetUInt(num_demes);
3681     cDeme & target_deme = deme_array[target_id];
3682     const int deme_size = target_deme.GetSize();
3684     // Clear out existing cells in target deme.
3685     for (int i = 0; i < deme_size; i++) {
3686       KillOrganism(cell_array[ target_deme.GetCellID(i) ], ctx);
3687     }
3689     // Setup an array to collect the total number of tasks performed.
3690     const int num_tasks = cell_array[source_deme.GetCellID(0)].GetOrganism()->
3691     GetPhenotype().GetLastTaskCount().GetSize();
3692     tArray<int> tot_tasks(num_tasks);
3693     tot_tasks.SetAll(0);
3695     // Move over the odd numbered cells.
3696     for (int pos = 0; pos < deme_size; pos += 2) {
3697       const int cell1_id = source_deme.GetCellID( pos+1 );
3698       const int cell2_id = target_deme.GetCellID( pos );
3699       cOrganism * org1 = cell_array[cell1_id].GetOrganism();
3701       // Keep track of what tasks have been done.
3702       const tArray<int> & cur_tasks = org1->GetPhenotype().GetLastTaskCount();
3703       for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) {
3704         tot_tasks[i] += cur_tasks[i];
3705       }
3707       // Inject a copy of the odd organisms into the even cells.
3708       InjectClone(cell2_id, *org1, SRC_DEME_REPLICATE);
3710       // Kill the organisms in the odd cells.
3711       KillOrganism( cell_array[cell1_id], ctx);
3712     }
3714     // Figure out the merit each organism should have.
3715     int merit = 100;
3716     for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) {
3717       if (tot_tasks[i] > 0) merit *= 2;
3718     }
3720     // Setup the merit of both old and new individuals.
3721     for (int pos = 0; pos < deme_size; pos += 2) {
3722       cell_array[source_deme.GetCellID(pos)].GetOrganism()->UpdateMerit(merit);
3723       cell_array[target_deme.GetCellID(pos)].GetOrganism()->UpdateMerit(merit);
3724     }
3726   }
3727 }
3730 // Reset Demes goes through each deme and resets the individual organisms as
3731 // if they were just injected into the population.
ResetDemes()3733 void cPopulation::ResetDemes()
3734 {
3735   // re-inject all demes into themselves to reset them.
3736   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < deme_array.GetSize(); deme_id++) {
3737     for (int i = 0; i < deme_array[deme_id].GetSize(); i++) {
3738       int cur_cell_id = deme_array[deme_id].GetCellID(i);
3739       if (cell_array[cur_cell_id].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
3740       InjectClone(cur_cell_id, *(cell_array[cur_cell_id].GetOrganism()), cell_array[cur_cell_id].GetOrganism()->GetUnitSource());
3741     }
3742   }
3743 }
3746 // Copy the full contents of one deme into another.
CopyDeme(int deme1_id,int deme2_id,cAvidaContext & ctx)3748 void cPopulation::CopyDeme(int deme1_id, int deme2_id, cAvidaContext& ctx)
3749 {
3750   cDeme & deme1 = deme_array[deme1_id];
3751   cDeme & deme2 = deme_array[deme2_id];
3753   for (int i = 0; i < deme1.GetSize(); i++) {
3754     int from_cell = deme1.GetCellID(i);
3755     int to_cell = deme2.GetCellID(i);
3756     if (cell_array[from_cell].IsOccupied() == false) {
3757       KillOrganism(cell_array[to_cell], ctx);
3758       continue;
3759     }
3760     InjectClone(to_cell, *(cell_array[from_cell].GetOrganism()), SRC_DEME_COPY);
3761   }
3762 }
3765 // Print out statistics about donations
PrintDonationStats()3767 void cPopulation::PrintDonationStats()
3768 {
3769   cDoubleSum donation_makers;
3770   cDoubleSum donation_receivers;
3771   cDoubleSum donation_cheaters;
3773   cDoubleSum edit_donation_makers;
3774   cDoubleSum edit_donation_receivers;
3775   cDoubleSum edit_donation_cheaters;
3777   cDoubleSum kin_donation_makers;
3778   cDoubleSum kin_donation_receivers;
3779   cDoubleSum kin_donation_cheaters;
3781   cDoubleSum threshgb_donation_makers;
3782   cDoubleSum threshgb_donation_receivers;
3783   cDoubleSum threshgb_donation_cheaters;
3785   cDoubleSum quanta_threshgb_donation_makers;
3786   cDoubleSum quanta_threshgb_donation_receivers;
3787   cDoubleSum quanta_threshgb_donation_cheaters;
3789   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
3791   cDataFile & dn_donors = m_world->GetDataFile("donations.dat");
3792   dn_donors.WriteComment("Info about organisms giving donations in the population");
3793   dn_donors.WriteTimeStamp();
3794   dn_donors.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
3797   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++)
3798   {
3799     // Only look at cells with organisms in them.
3800     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
3801     cOrganism * organism = cell_array[i].GetOrganism();
3802     const cPhenotype & phenotype = organism->GetPhenotype();
3804     // donors & receivers in general
3805     if (phenotype.IsDonorLast()) donation_makers.Add(1);  // Found donor
3806     if (phenotype.IsReceiverLast()) {
3807       donation_receivers.Add(1);                          // Found receiver
3808       if (phenotype.IsDonorLast()==0) {
3809         donation_cheaters.Add(1);                         // Found receiver with non-donor parent
3810       }
3811     }
3812     // edit donors & receivers
3813     if (phenotype.IsDonorEditLast()) edit_donation_makers.Add(1);  // Found edit donor
3814     if (phenotype.IsReceiverEditLast()) {
3815       edit_donation_receivers.Add(1);                              // Found edit receiver
3816       if (phenotype.IsDonorEditLast()==0) {
3817         edit_donation_cheaters.Add(1);                             // Found edit receiver whose parent did not make a edit donation
3818       }
3819     }
3821     // kin donors & receivers
3822     if (phenotype.IsDonorKinLast()) kin_donation_makers.Add(1); //found a kin donor
3823     if (phenotype.IsReceiverKinLast()){
3824       kin_donation_receivers.Add(1);                            //found a kin receiver
3825       if (phenotype.IsDonorKinLast()==0){
3826         kin_donation_cheaters.Add(1);                           //found a kin receiver whose parent did not make a kin donation
3827       }
3828     }
3830     // threshgb donors & receivers
3831     if (phenotype.IsDonorThreshGbLast()) threshgb_donation_makers.Add(1); //found a threshgb donor
3832     if (phenotype.IsReceiverThreshGbLast()){
3833       threshgb_donation_receivers.Add(1);                              //found a threshgb receiver
3834       if (phenotype.IsDonorThreshGbLast()==0){
3835         threshgb_donation_cheaters.Add(1);                             //found a threshgb receiver whose parent did...
3836       }                                                              //...not make a threshgb donation
3837     }
3839     // quanta_threshgb donors & receivers
3840     if (phenotype.IsDonorQuantaThreshGbLast()) quanta_threshgb_donation_makers.Add(1); //found a quanta threshgb donor
3841     if (phenotype.IsReceiverQuantaThreshGbLast()){
3842       quanta_threshgb_donation_receivers.Add(1);                              //found a quanta threshgb receiver
3843       if (phenotype.IsDonorQuantaThreshGbLast()==0){
3844         quanta_threshgb_donation_cheaters.Add(1);                             //found a quanta threshgb receiver whose parent did...
3845       }                                                              //...not make a quanta threshgb donation
3846     }
3848   }
3850   dn_donors.Write(donation_makers.Sum(), "parent made at least one donation");
3851   dn_donors.Write(donation_receivers.Sum(), "parent received at least one donation");
3852   dn_donors.Write(donation_cheaters.Sum(),  "parent received at least one donation but did not make one");
3853   dn_donors.Write(edit_donation_makers.Sum(), "parent made at least one edit_donation");
3854   dn_donors.Write(edit_donation_receivers.Sum(), "parent received at least one edit_donation");
3855   dn_donors.Write(edit_donation_cheaters.Sum(),  "parent received at least one edit_donation but did not make one");
3856   dn_donors.Write(kin_donation_makers.Sum(), "parent made at least one kin_donation");
3857   dn_donors.Write(kin_donation_receivers.Sum(), "parent received at least one kin_donation");
3858   dn_donors.Write(kin_donation_cheaters.Sum(),  "parent received at least one kin_donation but did not make one");
3859   dn_donors.Write(threshgb_donation_makers.Sum(), "parent made at least one threshgb_donation");
3860   dn_donors.Write(threshgb_donation_receivers.Sum(), "parent received at least one threshgb_donation");
3861   dn_donors.Write(threshgb_donation_cheaters.Sum(),  "parent received at least one threshgb_donation but did not make one");
3862   dn_donors.Write(quanta_threshgb_donation_makers.Sum(), "parent made at least one quanta_threshgb_donation");
3863   dn_donors.Write(quanta_threshgb_donation_receivers.Sum(), "parent received at least one quanta_threshgb_donation");
3864   dn_donors.Write(quanta_threshgb_donation_cheaters.Sum(),  "parent received at least one quanta_threshgb_donation but did not make one");
3866   dn_donors.Endl();
3867 }
3868 // Copy a single indvidual out of a deme into a new one (which is first purged
3869 // of existing organisms.)
SpawnDeme(int deme1_id,cAvidaContext & ctx,int deme2_id)3871 void cPopulation::SpawnDeme(int deme1_id, cAvidaContext& ctx, int deme2_id)
3872 {
3873   // Must spawn into a different deme.
3874   assert(deme1_id != deme2_id);
3876   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
3878   // If the second argument is a -1, choose a deme at random.
3879   cRandom & random = m_world->GetRandom();
3880   while (deme2_id == -1 || deme2_id == deme1_id) {
3881     deme2_id = random.GetUInt(num_demes);
3882   }
3884   // Make sure we have all legal values...
3885   assert(deme1_id >= 0 && deme1_id < num_demes);
3886   assert(deme2_id >= 0 && deme2_id < num_demes);
3888   // Find the demes that we're working with.
3889   cDeme & deme1 = deme_array[deme1_id];
3890   cDeme & deme2 = deme_array[deme2_id];
3892   // Make sure that the deme we're copying from has at least 1 organism.
3893   assert(deme1.GetOrgCount() > 0);
3895   // Determine the cell to copy from.
3896   int cell1_id = deme1.GetCellID( random.GetUInt(deme1.GetSize()) );
3897   while (cell_array[cell1_id].IsOccupied() == false) {
3898     cell1_id = deme1.GetCellID( random.GetUInt(deme1.GetSize()) );
3899   }
3901   // Clear out existing cells in target deme.
3902   for (int i = 0; i < deme2.GetSize(); i++) {
3903     KillOrganism(cell_array[ deme2.GetCellID(i) ], ctx);
3904   }
3906   // And do the spawning.
3907   int cell2_id = deme2.GetCellID( random.GetUInt(deme2.GetSize()) );
3908   InjectClone( cell2_id, *(cell_array[cell1_id].GetOrganism()), SRC_DEME_SPAWN);
3909 }
AddDemePred(cString type,int times)3911 void cPopulation::AddDemePred(cString type, int times) {
3912   if (type == "EventReceivedCenter") {
3913     for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < deme_array.GetSize(); deme_id++) {
3914       deme_array[deme_id].AddEventReceivedCenterPred(times);
3915     }
3916   } else if (type == "EventReceivedLeftSide") {
3917     for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < deme_array.GetSize(); deme_id++) {
3918       deme_array[deme_id].AddEventReceivedLeftSidePred(times);
3919     }
3920   } else if (type == "EventMovedIntoCenter") {
3921     for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < deme_array.GetSize(); deme_id++) {
3922       deme_array[deme_id].AddEventMoveCenterPred(times);
3923     }
3924   } else if (type == "EventMovedBetweenTargets") {
3925     for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < deme_array.GetSize(); deme_id++) {
3926       deme_array[deme_id].AddEventMoveBetweenTargetsPred(times);
3927     }
3928   } else if (type == "EventNUniqueIndividualsMovedIntoTarget") {
3929     for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < deme_array.GetSize(); deme_id++) {
3930       deme_array[deme_id].AddEventEventNUniqueIndividualsMovedIntoTargetPred(times);
3931     }
3932   } else {
3933     cout << "Unknown Predicate\n";
3934     exit(1);
3935   }
3936 }
CheckImplicitDemeRepro(cDeme & deme,cAvidaContext & ctx)3938 void cPopulation::CheckImplicitDemeRepro(cDeme& deme, cAvidaContext& ctx) {
3940   if (GetNumDemes() <= 1) return;
3942   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_CPU_CYCLES.Get()
3943       && (deme.GetTimeUsed() >= m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_CPU_CYCLES.Get())) ReplicateDeme(deme, ctx);
3944   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_TIME.Get()
3945            && (deme.GetNormalizedTimeUsed() >= m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_TIME.Get())) ReplicateDeme(deme, ctx);
3946   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_BIRTHS.Get()
3947            && (deme.GetBirthCount() >= m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_BIRTHS.Get())) ReplicateDeme(deme, ctx);
3948   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_ORGS.Get()
3949            && (deme.GetOrgCount() >= m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_REPLICATE_ORGS.Get())) ReplicateDeme(deme, ctx);
3950 }
3952 // Print out all statistics about individual demes
PrintDemeAllStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)3953 void cPopulation::PrintDemeAllStats(cAvidaContext& ctx)
3954 {
3955   PrintDemeFitness();
3956   PrintDemeLifeFitness();
3957   PrintDemeMerit();
3958   PrintDemeGestationTime();
3959   PrintDemeTasks();
3960   PrintDemeDonor();
3961   PrintDemeReceiver();
3962   PrintDemeMutationRate();
3963   PrintDemeResource(ctx);
3964   PrintDemeInstructions();
3966   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_ENABLED.Get() == 1) {
3967     PrintDemeSpatialEnergyData();
3968     PrintDemeSpatialSleepData();
3969   }
3970 }
PrintDemeTestamentStats(const cString & filename)3972 void cPopulation::PrintDemeTestamentStats(const cString& filename) {
3973   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
3975   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
3976   df.WriteTimeStamp();
3977   df.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
3978   df.Write(stats.SumEnergyTestamentToDemeOrganisms().Average(),     "Energy Testament to Deme Organisms");
3979   df.Write(stats.SumEnergyTestamentToFutureDeme().Average(),        "Energy Testament to Future Deme");
3980   df.Write(stats.SumEnergyTestamentToNeighborOrganisms().Average(), "Energy Testament to Neighbor Organisms");
3981   df.Write(stats.SumEnergyTestamentAcceptedByDeme().Average(),      "Energy Testament Accepted by Future Deme");
3982   df.Write(stats.SumEnergyTestamentAcceptedByOrganisms().Average(), "Energy Testament Accepted by Organisms");
3983   df.Endl();
3986   stats.SumEnergyTestamentToDemeOrganisms().Clear();
3987   stats.SumEnergyTestamentToFutureDeme().Clear();
3988   stats.SumEnergyTestamentToNeighborOrganisms().Clear();
3989 }
PrintCurrentMeanDemeDensity(const cString & filename)3991 void cPopulation::PrintCurrentMeanDemeDensity(const cString& filename) {
3992 	cDoubleSum demeDensity;
3993 	demeDensity.Clear();
3994 	const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
3995 	for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; ++deme_id) {
3996     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
3997 		demeDensity.Add(cur_deme.GetDensity());
3998 	}
4000 	cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
4001   df.WriteTimeStamp();
4002   df.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
4003 	df.Write(demeDensity.Average(), "Current mean deme density");
4004 	df.Endl();
4005 }
4007 // Print some stats about the energy sharing behavior of each deme
PrintDemeEnergySharingStats()4008 void cPopulation::PrintDemeEnergySharingStats() {
4009   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4010   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4011   cDataFile & df_donor = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_energy_sharing.dat");
4012   df_donor.WriteComment("Average energy donation statistics for each deme in population");
4013   df_donor.WriteTimeStamp();
4014   df_donor.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4016   double num_requestors = 0.0;
4017   double num_donors = 0.0;
4018   double num_receivers = 0.0;
4019   double num_donations = 0.0;
4020   double num_receptions = 0.0;
4021   double num_applications = 0.0;
4022   double amount_donated = 0.0;
4023   double amount_received = 0.0;
4024   double amount_applied = 0.0;
4026   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; ++deme_id) {
4027     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4029     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4030       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4031       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4032       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4033       if (phenotype.IsEnergyRequestor()) num_requestors++;
4034       if (phenotype.IsEnergyDonor()) num_donors++;
4035       if (phenotype.IsEnergyReceiver()) num_receivers++;
4036       num_donations += phenotype.GetNumEnergyDonations();
4037       num_receptions += phenotype.GetNumEnergyReceptions();
4038       num_applications += phenotype.GetNumEnergyApplications();
4039       amount_donated += phenotype.GetAmountEnergyDonated();
4040       amount_received += phenotype.GetAmountEnergyReceived();
4041       amount_applied += phenotype.GetAmountEnergyApplied();
4042     }
4043   }
4045   df_donor.Write(num_requestors/num_demes, "Average number of organisms that have requested energy");
4046   df_donor.Write(num_donors/num_demes, "Average number of organisms that have donated energy");
4047   df_donor.Write(num_receivers/num_demes, "Average number of organisms that have received energy");
4048   df_donor.Write(num_donations/num_demes, "Average number of donations per deme");
4049   df_donor.Write(num_receptions/num_demes, "Average number of receipts per deme");
4050   df_donor.Write(num_applications/num_demes, "Average number of applications per deme");
4051   df_donor.Write(amount_donated/num_demes, "Average total amount of energy donated per deme");
4052   df_donor.Write(amount_received/num_demes, "Average total amount of energy received per deme");
4053   df_donor.Write(amount_applied/num_demes, "Average total amount of donated energy applied per deme");
4054   df_donor.Endl();
4056 } //End PrintDemeEnergySharingStats()
4059 // Print some stats about the distribution of energy among the cells in a deme
4060 // If a cell is occupied, the amount returned is that of the organism in that cell
4061 // If a cell is not occupied, the amount returned is the amount of energy resource in the cell
PrintDemeEnergyDistributionStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)4062 void cPopulation::PrintDemeEnergyDistributionStats(cAvidaContext& ctx) {
4063   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4064   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4065   cString comment;
4067   cDoubleSum deme_energy_distribution;
4069   cDoubleSum overall_average;
4070   cDoubleSum overall_variance;
4071   cDoubleSum overall_stddev;
4073   cDataFile & df_dist = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_energy_distribution.dat");
4074   comment.Set("Average distribution of energy among cells in each of %d %d x %d demes", num_demes, m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get(), m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get()/num_demes);
4075   df_dist.WriteComment(comment);
4076   df_dist.WriteTimeStamp();
4077   df_dist.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "Update");
4079   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4080     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4082     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4084       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4085       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) {
4086         deme_energy_distribution.Add(cur_deme.GetCellEnergy(cur_cell, ctx));
4087         continue;
4088       }
4090       deme_energy_distribution.Add(GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetStoredEnergy());
4091     }
4093     overall_average.Add(deme_energy_distribution.Average());
4094     overall_variance.Add(deme_energy_distribution.Variance());
4095     overall_stddev.Add(deme_energy_distribution.StdDeviation());
4096     deme_energy_distribution.Clear();
4098   }
4100   df_dist.Write(overall_average.Average(), "Average of Average Energy Level");
4101   df_dist.Write(overall_variance.Average(), "Average of Energy Level Variance");
4102   df_dist.Write(overall_stddev.Average(), "Average of Energy Level Standard Deviations");
4104   df_dist.Endl();
4106 } //End PrintDemeEnergyDistributionStats()
4109 // Print some stats about the distribution of energy among the organism in a deme
4110 // If a cell is occupied, the amount returned is that of the organism in that cell
4111 // If a cell is not occupied, 0 energy is returned for that cell.
PrintDemeOrganismEnergyDistributionStats()4112 void cPopulation::PrintDemeOrganismEnergyDistributionStats() {
4113   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4114   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4115   cString comment;
4117   cDoubleSum deme_energy_distribution;
4119   cDoubleSum overall_average;
4120   cDoubleSum overall_variance;
4121   cDoubleSum overall_stddev;
4123   cDataFile & df_dist = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_org_energy_distribution.dat");
4124   comment.Set("Average distribution of energy among organisms in each of %d %d x %d demes", num_demes, m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get(), m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get()/num_demes);
4125   df_dist.WriteComment(comment);
4126   df_dist.WriteTimeStamp();
4127   df_dist.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "Update");
4129   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4130     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4132     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4134       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4135       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) {
4136         deme_energy_distribution.Add(0);
4137         continue;
4138       }
4140       deme_energy_distribution.Add(GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetStoredEnergy());
4141     }
4143     overall_average.Add(deme_energy_distribution.Average());
4144     overall_variance.Add(deme_energy_distribution.Variance());
4145     overall_stddev.Add(deme_energy_distribution.StdDeviation());
4146     deme_energy_distribution.Clear();
4148   }
4150   df_dist.Write(overall_average.Average(), "Average of Average Energy Level");
4151   df_dist.Write(overall_variance.Average(), "Average of Energy Level Variance");
4152   df_dist.Write(overall_stddev.Average(), "Average of Energy Level Standard Deviations");
4154   df_dist.Endl();
4156 } //End PrintDemeOrganismEnergyDistributionStats()
PrintDemeDonor()4159 void cPopulation::PrintDemeDonor() {
4160   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4161   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4162   cDataFile & df_donor = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_donor.dat");
4163   df_donor.WriteComment("Num orgs doing doing a donate for each deme in population");
4164   df_donor.WriteTimeStamp();
4165   df_donor.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4167   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4168     cString comment;
4169     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4170     cDoubleSum single_deme_donor;
4172     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4173       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4174       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4175       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4176       single_deme_donor.Add(phenotype.IsDonorLast());
4177     }
4178     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4179     df_donor.Write(single_deme_donor.Sum(), comment);
4180   }
4181   df_donor.Endl();
4182 }
PrintDemeFitness()4184 void cPopulation::PrintDemeFitness() {
4185   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4186   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4187   cDataFile & df_fit = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_fitness.dat");
4188   df_fit.WriteComment("Average fitnesses for each deme in the population");
4189   df_fit.WriteTimeStamp();
4190   df_fit.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4192   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4193     cString comment;
4194     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4195     cDoubleSum single_deme_fitness;
4197     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4198       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4199       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4200       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4201       single_deme_fitness.Add(phenotype.GetFitness());
4202     }
4203     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4204     df_fit.Write(single_deme_fitness.Ave(), comment);
4205   }
4206   df_fit.Endl();
4207 }
PrintDemeTotalAvgEnergy(cAvidaContext & ctx)4209 void cPopulation::PrintDemeTotalAvgEnergy(cAvidaContext& ctx) {
4210   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4211   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4212   cDataFile & df_fit = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_totalAvgEnergy.dat");
4213   df_fit.WriteComment("Average energy for demes in the population");
4214   df_fit.WriteTimeStamp();
4215   df_fit.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4216 	cDoubleSum avg_energy;
4218   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4219     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4220 		avg_energy.Add(cur_deme.CalculateTotalEnergy(ctx));
4221 	}
4222 	df_fit.Write(avg_energy.Ave(), "Total Average Energy");
4223 	df_fit.Endl();
4224 }
PrintDemeGestationTime()4226 void cPopulation::PrintDemeGestationTime()
4227 {
4228   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4229   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4230   cDataFile & df_gest = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_gest_time.dat");
4231   df_gest.WriteComment("Average gestation time for each deme in population");
4232   df_gest.WriteTimeStamp();
4233   df_gest.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4235   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4236     cString comment;
4237     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4238     cDoubleSum single_deme_gest_time;
4240     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4241       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4242       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4243       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4244       single_deme_gest_time.Add(phenotype.GetGestationTime());
4245     }
4246     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4247     df_gest.Write(single_deme_gest_time.Ave(), comment);
4248   }
4249   df_gest.Endl();
4250 }
PrintDemeInstructions()4252 void cPopulation::PrintDemeInstructions()
4253 {
4254   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4255   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4257   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4258     for (int is_id = 0; is_id < m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetNumInstSets(); is_id++) {
4259       const cString& inst_set = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(is_id).GetInstSetName();
4260       int num_inst = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(is_id).GetSize();
4262       cDataFile& df_inst = m_world->GetDataFile(cStringUtil::Stringf("deme_instruction-%d-%s.dat", deme_id, (const char*)inst_set));
4263       df_inst.WriteComment(cStringUtil::Stringf("Number of times each instruction is exectued in deme %d", deme_id));
4264       df_inst.WriteTimeStamp();
4265       df_inst.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4267       tArray<cIntSum> single_deme_inst(num_inst);
4269       const cDeme& cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4270       for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4271         int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4272         if (!cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied()) continue;
4273         if (cell_array[cur_cell].GetOrganism()->GetGenome().GetInstSet() != inst_set) continue;
4274         cPhenotype& phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4276         for (int j = 0; j < num_inst; j++) single_deme_inst[j].Add(phenotype.GetLastInstCount()[j]);
4277       }
4279       for (int j = 0; j < num_inst; j++) df_inst.Write((int)single_deme_inst[j].Sum(), cStringUtil::Stringf("Inst %d", j));
4280       df_inst.Endl();
4281     }
4282   }
4283 }
PrintDemeLifeFitness()4285 void cPopulation::PrintDemeLifeFitness()
4286 {
4287   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4288   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4289   cDataFile & df_life_fit = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_lifetime_fitness.dat");
4290   df_life_fit.WriteComment("Average life fitnesses for each deme in the population");
4291   df_life_fit.WriteTimeStamp();
4292   df_life_fit.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4294   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4295     cString comment;
4296     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4297     cDoubleSum single_deme_life_fitness;
4299     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4300       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4301       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4302       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4303       single_deme_life_fitness.Add(phenotype.GetLifeFitness());
4304     }
4305     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4306     df_life_fit.Write(single_deme_life_fitness.Ave(), comment);
4307   }
4308   df_life_fit.Endl();
4309 }
PrintDemeMerit()4311 void cPopulation::PrintDemeMerit()
4312 {
4313   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4314   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4315   cDataFile& df_merit = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_merit.dat");
4316   df_merit.WriteComment("Average merits for each deme in population");
4317   df_merit.WriteTimeStamp();
4318   df_merit.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4320   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4321     cString comment;
4322     const cDeme& cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4323     cDoubleSum single_deme_merit;
4325     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4326       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4327       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4328       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4329       single_deme_merit.Add(phenotype.GetMerit().GetDouble());
4330     }
4331     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4332     df_merit.Write(single_deme_merit.Ave(), comment);
4333   }
4334   df_merit.Endl();
4335 }
4337 //@JJB**
PrintDemesMeritsData()4338 void cPopulation::PrintDemesMeritsData()
4339 {
4340   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4341   cDataFile& df_merits = m_world->GetDataFile("demes_merits.dat");
4342   df_merits.WriteComment("Each deme's current calculated merit");
4343   df_merits.WriteTimeStamp();
4344   df_merits.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
4346   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4347     cString comment;
4348     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4349     df_merits.Write(deme_array[deme_id].CalcCurMerit().GetDouble(), comment);
4350   }
4351   df_merits.Endl();
4352 }
PrintDemeMutationRate()4354 void cPopulation::PrintDemeMutationRate() {
4355   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4356   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4357   cDataFile & df_mut_rates = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_mut_rates.dat");
4358   df_mut_rates.WriteComment("Average mutation rates for organisms in each deme");
4359   df_mut_rates.WriteTimeStamp();
4360   df_mut_rates.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4361   cDoubleSum total_mut_rate;
4363   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4364     cString comment;
4365     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4366     cDoubleSum single_deme_mut_rate;
4368     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4369       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4370       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4371       single_deme_mut_rate.Add(GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->MutationRates().GetCopyMutProb());
4372     }
4373     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4374     df_mut_rates.Write(single_deme_mut_rate.Ave(), comment);
4375     total_mut_rate.Add(single_deme_mut_rate.Ave());
4376   }
4377   df_mut_rates.Write(total_mut_rate.Ave(), "Average deme mutation rate averaged across Demes.");
4378   df_mut_rates.Endl();
4379 }
PrintDemeReceiver()4381 void cPopulation::PrintDemeReceiver() {
4382   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4383   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4384   cDataFile & df_receiver = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_receiver.dat");
4385   df_receiver.WriteComment("Num orgs doing receiving a donate for each deme in population");
4386   df_receiver.WriteTimeStamp();
4387   df_receiver.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4389   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4390     cString comment;
4391     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4392     cDoubleSum single_deme_receiver;
4394     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4395       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4396       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4397       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4398       single_deme_receiver.Add(phenotype.IsReceiver());
4399     }
4400     comment.Set("Deme %d", deme_id);
4401     df_receiver.Write(single_deme_receiver.Sum(), comment);
4402   }
4403   df_receiver.Endl();
4404 }
PrintDemeResource(cAvidaContext & ctx)4406 void cPopulation::PrintDemeResource(cAvidaContext& ctx) {
4407   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4408   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4409   cDataFile & df_resources = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_resources.dat");
4410   df_resources.WriteComment("Avida deme resource data");
4411   df_resources.WriteTimeStamp();
4412   df_resources.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4414   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4415     cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4417     cur_deme.UpdateDemeRes(ctx);
4418     const cResourceCount& res = GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResourceCount();
4419     for(int j = 0; j < res.GetSize(); j++) {
4420       const char * tmp = res.GetResName(j);
4421       df_resources.Write(res.Get(ctx, j), cStringUtil::Stringf("Deme %d Resource %s", deme_id, tmp)); //comment);
4422       if ((res.GetResourcesGeometry())[j] != nGeometry::GLOBAL && (res.GetResourcesGeometry())[j] != nGeometry::PARTIAL) {
4423         PrintDemeSpatialResData(res, j, deme_id, ctx);
4424       }
4425     }
4426   }
4427   df_resources.Endl();
4428 }
4430 //Write deme global resource levels to a file that can be easily read into Matlab.
4431 //Each time this runs, a Matlab array is created that contains an array.  Each row in the array contains <deme id> <res level 0> ... <res level n>
PrintDemeGlobalResources(cAvidaContext & ctx)4432 void cPopulation::PrintDemeGlobalResources(cAvidaContext& ctx) {
4433   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4434   cDataFile & df = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_global_resources.dat");
4435   df.WriteComment("Avida deme resource data");
4436   df.WriteTimeStamp();
4438   cString UpdateStr = cStringUtil::Stringf( "deme_global_resources_%07i = [ ...", m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate());
4439   df.WriteRaw(UpdateStr);
4441   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4442     cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4443     cur_deme.UpdateDemeRes(ctx);
4445     const cResourceCount & res = GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResourceCount();
4446     const int num_res = res.GetSize();
4448     df.WriteBlockElement(deme_id, 0, num_res + 1);
4450     for(int r = 0; r < num_res; r++) {
4451       if (!res.IsSpatial(r)) {
4452         df.WriteBlockElement(res.Get(ctx, r), r + 1, num_res + 1);
4453       }
4455     } //End iterating through resources
4457   } //End iterating through demes
4459   df.WriteRaw("];");
4460   df.Endl();
4461 }
4464 // Write spatial energy data to a file that can easily be read into Matlab
PrintDemeSpatialEnergyData() const4465 void cPopulation::PrintDemeSpatialEnergyData() const {
4466   int cellID = 0;
4467   int update = m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate();
4469   for(int i = 0; i < m_world->GetPopulation().GetNumDemes(); i++) {
4470     cString tmpfilename = cStringUtil::Stringf( "deme_%07i_spatial_energy.m", i);  // moved here for easy movie making
4471     cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(tmpfilename);
4472     cString UpdateStr = cStringUtil::Stringf( "deme_%07i_energy_%07i = [ ...", i, update );
4473     df.WriteRaw(UpdateStr);
4475     int gridsize = m_world->GetPopulation().GetDeme(i).GetSize();
4476     int xsize = m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
4478     // write grid to file
4479     for (int j = 0; j < gridsize; j++) {
4480       cPopulationCell& cell = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCell(cellID);
4481       if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
4482         df.WriteBlockElement(cell.GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetStoredEnergy(), j, xsize);
4483       } else {
4484         df.WriteBlockElement(0.0, j, xsize);
4485       }
4486       cellID++;
4487     }
4488     df.WriteRaw("];");
4489     df.Endl();
4490   }
4491 }
4493 // Write spatial data to a file that can easily be read into Matlab
PrintDemeSpatialResData(const cResourceCount & res,const int i,const int deme_id,cAvidaContext & ctx) const4494 void cPopulation::PrintDemeSpatialResData(const cResourceCount& res, const int i, const int deme_id, cAvidaContext& ctx) const {
4495   const char* tmpResName = res.GetResName(i);
4496   cString tmpfilename = cStringUtil::Stringf( "deme_spatial_resource_%s.m", tmpResName );
4497   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(tmpfilename);
4498   cString UpdateStr = cStringUtil::Stringf( "deme_%07i_%s_%07i = [ ...", deme_id, static_cast<const char*>(res.GetResName(i)), m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate() );
4500   df.WriteRaw(UpdateStr);
4502   const cSpatialResCount& sp_res = res.GetSpatialResource(i);
4503   int gridsize = sp_res.GetSize();
4504   int xsize = m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
4506   for (int j = 0; j < gridsize; j++) {
4507     df.WriteBlockElement(sp_res.GetAmount(j), j, xsize);
4508   }
4509   df.WriteRaw("];");
4510   df.Endl();
4511 }
4513 // Write spatial energy data to a file that can easily be read into Matlab
PrintDemeSpatialSleepData() const4514 void cPopulation::PrintDemeSpatialSleepData() const {
4515   int cellID = 0;
4516   cString tmpfilename = "deme_spatial_sleep.m";
4517   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(tmpfilename);
4518   int update = m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate();
4520   for(int i = 0; i < m_world->GetPopulation().GetNumDemes(); i++) {
4521     cString UpdateStr = cStringUtil::Stringf( "deme_%07i_sleep_%07i = [ ...", i, update);
4522     df.WriteRaw(UpdateStr);
4524     int gridsize = m_world->GetPopulation().GetDeme(i).GetSize();
4525     int xsize = m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
4527     // write grid to file
4528     for (int j = 0; j < gridsize; j++) {
4529       cPopulationCell cell = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCell(cellID);
4530       if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
4531         df.WriteBlockElement(cell.GetOrganism()->IsSleeping(), j, xsize);
4532       } else {
4533         df.WriteBlockElement(0.0, j, xsize);
4534       }
4535       cellID++;
4536     }
4537     df.WriteRaw("];");
4538     df.Endl();
4539   }
4540 }
PrintDemeTasks()4542 void cPopulation::PrintDemeTasks() {
4543   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
4544   const int num_demes = deme_array.GetSize();
4545   const int num_task = environment.GetNumTasks();
4546   cDataFile & df_task = m_world->GetDataFile("deme_task.dat");
4547   df_task.WriteComment("Num orgs doing each task for each deme in population");
4548   df_task.WriteTimeStamp();
4549   df_task.Write(stats.GetUpdate(), "update");
4551   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; deme_id++) {
4552     cString comment;
4553     const cDeme & cur_deme = deme_array[deme_id];
4554     tArray<cIntSum> single_deme_task(num_task);
4556     for (int i = 0; i < cur_deme.GetSize(); i++) {
4557       int cur_cell = cur_deme.GetCellID(i);
4558       if (cell_array[cur_cell].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
4559       cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cur_cell).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
4560       for (int j = 0; j < num_task; j++) {
4561         // only interested if task is done once!
4562         if (phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
4563           single_deme_task[j].Add(1);
4564         }
4565       }
4566     }
4567     for (int j = 0; j < num_task; j++) {
4568       comment.Set("Deme %d, Task %d", deme_id, j);
4569       df_task.Write((int) single_deme_task[j].Sum(), comment);
4570     }
4571   }
4572   df_task.Endl();
4573 }
DumpDemeFounders(ofstream & fp)4575 void cPopulation::DumpDemeFounders(ofstream& fp) {
4576   fp << "#filetype deme_founders" << endl
4577   << "#format deme_id num_founders genotype_ids" << endl
4578   << endl
4579   << "#  1: Deme ID" << endl
4580   << "#  2: Number of founders" << endl
4581   << "#  3+: founder genotype ids" << endl << endl;
4583   for(int i=0; i<deme_array.GetSize(); i++) {
4585     if (deme_array[i].IsEmpty()) continue;
4587     tArray<int>& deme_founders = deme_array[i].GetFounderGenotypeIDs();
4589     fp << i << " " << deme_founders.GetSize();
4590     for(int j=0; j<deme_founders.GetSize(); j++) {
4591       fp << " " << deme_founders[j];
4592     }
4594     fp << endl;
4595   }
4596 }
4601 /**
4602  This function will set up coalescence clade information.  If this feature is activated in the configuration,
4603  a list of coalescence genotype ids must be read in initially.  These are furnished by doing an initial run
4604  with the same seed and setup and retrieving information from the final dominant lineage and coalescence points.
4606  The value is either (by default) inherited from the parent or the organism's genotypeID if it is known
4607  to be a coalescence id.
4609  Defaulting is established in Inject or ActivateOffspring methods of this class.
4611  @MRR May 2007
4612  **/
CCladeSetupOrganism(cOrganism * organism)4613 void cPopulation::CCladeSetupOrganism(cOrganism* organism)
4614 {
4615   //  int gen_id = organism->GetBioGroup("genotype")->GetID();
4616   if (m_world->GetConfig().TRACK_CCLADES.Get() > 0) {
4617     // @TODO - support for IsCCladeFounder?
4618     //    if (m_world->GetClassificationManager().IsCCladeFounder(gen_id)) organism->SetCCladeLabel(gen_id);
4619   }
4620 }
4623 /**
4624  * This function directs which position function should be used.  It
4625  * could have also been done with a function pointer, but the dividing
4626  * of an organism takes enough time that this will be a negligible addition,
4627  * and it gives a centralized function to work with.  The parent_ok flag asks
4628  * if it is okay to replace the parent.
4629  **/
4630 //@AWC -- This could REALLY stand some functional abstraction...
PositionOffspring(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,cAvidaContext & ctx,bool parent_ok)4631 cPopulationCell& cPopulation::PositionOffspring(cPopulationCell& parent_cell, cAvidaContext& ctx, bool parent_ok)
4632 {
4633   assert(parent_cell.IsOccupied());
4635   const int birth_method = m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get();
4637   // Handle Population Cap (if enabled)
4638   int pop_cap = m_world->GetConfig().POPULATION_CAP.Get();
4639   if (pop_cap > 0 && num_organisms >= pop_cap) {
4640     int num_kills = 1;
4641     if (pop_enforce > 1 && num_organisms != pop_cap) num_kills += min(num_organisms - pop_cap, pop_enforce);
4643     while (num_kills > 0) {
4644       int target = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(live_org_list.GetSize());
4645       int cell_id = live_org_list[target]->GetCellID();
4646       if (cell_id == parent_cell.GetID()) {
4647         target++;
4648         if (target >= live_org_list.GetSize()) target = 0;
4649         cell_id = live_org_list[target]->GetCellID();
4650       }
4651       KillOrganism(cell_array[cell_id], ctx);
4652       num_kills--;
4653     }
4654   }
4656   // Handle Pop Cap Eldest (if enabled)
4657   int pop_eldest = m_world->GetConfig().POP_CAP_ELDEST.Get();
4658   if (pop_eldest > 0 && num_organisms >= pop_eldest) {
4659     int num_kills = 1;
4660     if (pop_enforce > 1 && num_organisms != pop_cap) num_kills += min(num_organisms - pop_cap, pop_enforce);
4662     while (num_kills > 0) {
4663       double max_age = 0.0;
4664       double max_msr = 0.0;
4665       int cell_id = 0;
4666       for (int i = 0; i < live_org_list.GetSize(); i++) {
4667         if (GetCell(live_org_list[i]->GetCellID()).IsOccupied() && live_org_list[i]->GetCellID() != parent_cell.GetID()) {
4668           double age = live_org_list[i]->GetPhenotype().GetAge();
4669           if (age > max_age) {
4670             max_age = age;
4671             cell_id = live_org_list[i]->GetCellID();
4672           }
4673           else if (age == max_age) {
4674             double msr = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
4675             if (msr > max_msr) {
4676               max_msr = msr;
4677               cell_id = live_org_list[i]->GetCellID();
4678             }
4679           }
4680         }
4681       }
4682       KillOrganism(cell_array[cell_id], ctx);
4683       num_kills--;
4684     }
4685   }
4687 	// increment the number of births in the **parent deme**.  in the case of a
4688 	// migration, only the origin has its birth count incremented.
4689   if (deme_array.GetSize() > 0) {
4690     const int deme_id = parent_cell.GetDemeID();
4691     deme_array[deme_id].IncBirthCount();
4692   }
4694   // Decide if offspring will migrate to another deme -- if migrating we ignore the birth method.
4695   if (m_world->GetConfig().MIGRATION_RATE.Get() > 0.0 &&
4696       m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().MIGRATION_RATE.Get())) {
4698     //cerr << "Attempting to migrate with rate " << m_world->GetConfig().MIGRATION_RATE.Get() << "!" << endl;
4699     int deme_id = parent_cell.GetDemeID();
4701     //get another -unadjusted- deme id
4702     int rnd_deme_id = m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(deme_array.GetSize()-1);
4704     //if the -unadjusted- id is above the excluded id, bump it up one
4705     //insures uniform prob of landing in any deme but the parent's
4706     if (rnd_deme_id >= deme_id) rnd_deme_id++;
4708     //set the new deme_id
4709     deme_id = rnd_deme_id;
4711     //The rest of this is essentially POSITION_OFFSPRING_DEME_RANDOM
4712     //@JEB: But note that this will not honor PREFER_EMPTY in the new deme.
4713     const int deme_size = deme_array[deme_id].GetSize();
4715     int out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(deme_size);
4716     int out_cell_id = deme_array[deme_id].GetCellID(out_pos);
4717     while (parent_ok == false && out_cell_id == parent_cell.GetID()) {
4718       out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(deme_size);
4719       out_cell_id = deme_array[deme_id].GetCellID(out_pos);
4720     }
4722     GetCell(out_cell_id).SetMigrant();
4723     return GetCell(out_cell_id);
4724   }
4725   // Fix so range can be arbitrary and we won't accidentally include ourself as a target
4726   // @AWC If not migrating try out global/full-deme birth methods first...
4728   // Similar to MIGRATION_RATE code above but allows for a bit more flexibility
4729   // in how migration between demes works. Also, respects PREFER_EMPTY in new deme.
4730   // Temporary until Deme
4731   if ((m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_RATE.Get() > 0.0)
4732       && m_world->GetRandom().P(m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_RATE.Get()))
4733   {
4734     return PositionDemeMigration(parent_cell, parent_ok);
4735   }
4737   // This block should be changed to a switch statment with functions handling
4738   // the cases. For now, a bunch of if's that return if they handle.
4740   if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_RANDOM) {
4741     // Look randomly within empty cells first, if requested
4742     if (m_world->GetConfig().PREFER_EMPTY.Get()) {
4743       int cell_id = FindRandEmptyCell();
4744       if (cell_id == -1) return GetCell(m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(cell_array.GetSize()));
4745       else return GetCell(cell_id);
4746     }
4748     int out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(cell_array.GetSize());
4749     while (parent_ok == false && out_pos == parent_cell.GetID()) {
4750       out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(cell_array.GetSize());
4751     }
4752     return GetCell(out_pos);
4753   }
4755   if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST) {
4756     cPopulationCell * out_cell = reaper_queue.PopRear();
4757     if (parent_ok == false && out_cell->GetID() == parent_cell.GetID()) {
4758       out_cell = reaper_queue.PopRear();
4759       reaper_queue.PushRear(&parent_cell);
4760     }
4761     return *out_cell;
4762   }
4764   if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_DEME_RANDOM) {
4765     return PositionDemeRandom(parent_cell.GetDemeID(), parent_cell, parent_ok);
4766   }
4767   else if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_PARENT_FACING) {
4768     return parent_cell.GetCellFaced();
4769   }
4770   else if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_NEXT_CELL) {
4771     int out_cell_id = parent_cell.GetID() + 1;
4772     if (out_cell_id == cell_array.GetSize()) out_cell_id = 0;
4773     return GetCell(out_cell_id);
4774   }
4775   else if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ENERGY_USED) {
4776     tList<cPopulationCell> found_list;
4777     int max_time_used = 0;
4778     for  (int i=0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++)
4779     {
4780       int time_used = cell_array[i].IsOccupied() ? cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetTimeUsed() : INT_MAX;
4781       if (time_used == max_time_used)
4782       {
4783         found_list.Push(&cell_array[i]);
4784       }
4785       else if (time_used > max_time_used)
4786       {
4787         max_time_used = time_used;
4788         found_list.Clear();
4789         found_list.Push(&cell_array[i]);
4790       }
4791     }
4792     int choice = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(found_list.GetSize());
4793     return *( found_list.GetPos(choice) );
4794   }
4796   // All remaining methods require us to choose among mulitple local positions.
4798   // Construct a list of equally viable locations to place the child...
4799   tList<cPopulationCell> found_list;
4801   // First, check if there is an empty organism to work with (always preferred)
4802   tList<cPopulationCell>& conn_list = parent_cell.ConnectionList();
4804   const bool prefer_empty = m_world->GetConfig().PREFER_EMPTY.Get();
4806   if (birth_method == POSITION_OFFSPRING_DISPERSAL && conn_list.GetSize() > 0) {
4807     tList<cPopulationCell>* disp_list = &conn_list;
4809     // hop through connection lists based on the dispersal rate
4810     int hops = m_world->GetRandom().GetRandPoisson(m_world->GetConfig().DISPERSAL_RATE.Get());
4811     for (int i = 0; i < hops; i++) {
4812       disp_list = &(disp_list->GetPos(m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(disp_list->GetSize()))->ConnectionList());
4813       if (disp_list->GetSize() == 0) break;
4814     }
4816     // if prefer empty, select an empty cell from the final connection list
4817     if (prefer_empty) FindEmptyCell(*disp_list, found_list);
4819     // if prefer empty is off, or there are no empty cells, use the whole connection list as possiblities
4820     if (found_list.GetSize() == 0) {
4821       found_list = *disp_list;
4822       // if no hops were taken and ALLOW_PARENT is set, throw the parent cell into the hat for possible selection
4823       if (hops == 0 && parent_ok) found_list.Push(&parent_cell);
4824     }
4825   } else if (prefer_empty) {
4826     FindEmptyCell(conn_list, found_list);
4827   }
4829   // If we have not found an empty organism, we must use the specified function
4830   // to determine how to choose among the filled organisms.
4831   if (found_list.GetSize() == 0) {
4832     switch(birth_method) {
4834         PositionAge(parent_cell, found_list, parent_ok);
4835         break;
4837         PositionMerit(parent_cell, found_list, parent_ok);
4838         break;
4840         found_list.Append(conn_list);
4841         if (parent_ok == true) found_list.Push(&parent_cell);
4842         break;
4844         PositionEnergyUsed(parent_cell, found_list, parent_ok);
4846         // Nothing is in list if no empty cells are found...
4847         break;
4848     }
4849   }
4851   // If there are no possibilities, return parent.
4852   if (found_list.GetSize() == 0) return parent_cell;
4854   // Choose the organism randomly from those in the list, and return it.
4855   int choice = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(found_list.GetSize());
4856   return *( found_list.GetPos(choice) );
4857 }
PositionAge(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list,bool parent_ok)4859 void cPopulation::PositionAge(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,
4860                               tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list,
4861                               bool parent_ok)
4862 {
4863   // Start with the parent organism as the replacement, and see if we can find
4864   // anything equivilent or better.
4866   found_list.Push(&parent_cell);
4867   int max_age = parent_cell.GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetAge();
4868   if (parent_ok == false) max_age = -1;
4870   // Now look at all of the neighbors.
4871   tListIterator<cPopulationCell> conn_it( parent_cell.ConnectionList() );
4873   cPopulationCell * test_cell;
4874   while ( (test_cell = conn_it.Next()) != NULL) {
4875     const int cur_age = test_cell->GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetAge();
4876     if (cur_age > max_age) {
4877       max_age = cur_age;
4878       found_list.Clear();
4879       found_list.Push(test_cell);
4880     }
4881     else if (cur_age == max_age) {
4882       found_list.Push(test_cell);
4883     }
4884   }
4885 }
PositionMerit(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list,bool parent_ok)4887 void cPopulation::PositionMerit(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,
4888                                 tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list,
4889                                 bool parent_ok)
4890 {
4891   // Start with the parent organism as the replacement, and see if we can find
4892   // anything equivilent or better.
4894   found_list.Push(&parent_cell);
4895   double max_ratio = parent_cell.GetOrganism()->CalcMeritRatio();
4896   if (parent_ok == false) max_ratio = -1;
4898   // Now look at all of the neighbors.
4899   tListIterator<cPopulationCell> conn_it( parent_cell.ConnectionList() );
4901   cPopulationCell * test_cell;
4902   while ( (test_cell = conn_it.Next()) != NULL) {
4903     const double cur_ratio = test_cell->GetOrganism()->CalcMeritRatio();
4904     if (cur_ratio > max_ratio) {
4905       max_ratio = cur_ratio;
4906       found_list.Clear();
4907       found_list.Push(test_cell);
4908     }
4909     else if (cur_ratio == max_ratio) {
4910       found_list.Push(test_cell);
4911     }
4912   }
4913 }
PositionEnergyUsed(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list,bool parent_ok)4915 void cPopulation::PositionEnergyUsed(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,
4916                                      tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list,
4917                                      bool parent_ok)
4918 {
4919   // Start with the parent organism as the replacement, and see if we can find
4920   // anything equivilent or better.
4922   found_list.Push(&parent_cell);
4923   int max_energy_used = parent_cell.GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetTimeUsed();
4924   if (parent_ok == false) max_energy_used = -1;
4926   // Now look at all of the neighbors.
4927   tListIterator<cPopulationCell> conn_it( parent_cell.ConnectionList() );
4929   cPopulationCell * test_cell;
4930   while ( (test_cell = conn_it.Next()) != NULL) {
4931     const int cur_energy_used = test_cell->GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetTimeUsed();
4932     if (cur_energy_used > max_energy_used) {
4933       max_energy_used = cur_energy_used;
4934       found_list.Clear();
4935       found_list.Push(test_cell);
4936     }
4937     else if (cur_energy_used == max_energy_used) {
4938       found_list.Push(test_cell);
4939     }
4940   }
4941 }
4943 // This function handles PositionOffspring() when there is migration between demes
PositionDemeMigration(cPopulationCell & parent_cell,bool parent_ok)4944 cPopulationCell& cPopulation::PositionDemeMigration(cPopulationCell& parent_cell, bool parent_ok)
4945 {
4946   int deme_id = parent_cell.GetDemeID();
4947 	int parent_id = parent_cell.GetDemeID();
4948 	GetDeme(deme_id).AddMigrationOut();
4950   // Position randomly in any other deme
4951   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD.Get() == 0) {
4953     //get another -unadjusted- deme id
4954     int rnd_deme_id = m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(deme_array.GetSize()-1);
4956     //if the -unadjusted- id is above the excluded id, bump it up one
4957     //insures uniform prob of landing in any deme but the parent's
4958     if (rnd_deme_id >= deme_id) rnd_deme_id++;
4960     //set the new deme_id
4961     deme_id = rnd_deme_id;
4962   }
4964   //Position randomly in an adjacent deme in neighborhood (assuming torus)
4965   //Extremely hacked DEMES_NUM_X config setting simulates grid
4966   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD.Get() == 1) {
4968     //get a random eight-neighbor
4969     int dir = m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(8);
4971     // 0 = NW, 1=N, continuing clockwise....
4973     // Up one row
4974     if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_NUM_X.Get() == 0) {
4975       m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(1, "DEMES_NUM_X must be non-zero if DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD 1 used.");
4976     }
4977     int x_size = m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_NUM_X.Get();
4978     int y_size = (int) (m_world->GetConfig().NUM_DEMES.Get() / x_size);
4980     assert(y_size * x_size == m_world->GetConfig().NUM_DEMES.Get());
4982     int x = deme_id % x_size;
4983     int y = (int) (deme_id / x_size);
4985     if ( (dir == 0) || (dir == 1) || (dir == 2) ) y--;
4986     if ( (dir == 5) || (dir == 6) || (dir == 7) ) y++;
4987     if ( (dir == 0) || (dir == 3) || (dir == 5) ) x--;
4988     if ( (dir == 2) || (dir == 4) || (dir == 7) ) x++;
4990     //handle boundary conditions...
4992     x = (x + x_size) % x_size;
4993     y = (y + y_size) % y_size;
4995     //set the new deme_id
4996     deme_id = x + x_size * y;
4998     assert(deme_id > 0);
4999     assert(deme_id > 0);
5000   }
5002   //Random deme adjacent in list
5003   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD.Get() == 2) {
5005     //get a random direction to move in deme list
5006     int rnd_deme_id = m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(1);
5007     if (rnd_deme_id == 0) rnd_deme_id = -1;
5009     //set the new deme_id
5010     deme_id = (deme_id + rnd_deme_id + GetNumDemes()) % GetNumDemes();
5011   }
5013   //Proportional-based on a points system (hjg)
5014   // The odds of a deme being selected are inversely proportional to the
5015   // number of points it has.
5016   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD.Get() == 3) {
5018     double total_points = 0;
5019     int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
5021     // Identify how many points are in the population as a whole.
5022     for (int did = 0; did < num_demes; did++) {
5023       if (did != parent_id) {
5024         total_points +=  (1/(1+GetDeme(did).GetNumberOfPoints()));
5025       }
5026     }
5027     // Select a random number from 0 to 1:
5028     double rand_point = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble(0, total_points);
5030     // Iterate through the demes until you find the appropriate
5031     // deme to insert the organism into.
5032     double lower_point = 0;
5033     double upper_point = 0;
5035     for (int curr_deme = 0; curr_deme < num_demes; curr_deme++) {
5036       if (curr_deme != parent_id){
5037         upper_point = lower_point + (1+GetDeme(curr_deme).GetNumberOfPoints());
5038         if ((lower_point <= rand_point) && (rand_point < upper_point)) {
5039           deme_id = curr_deme;
5040         }
5041         lower_point = upper_point;
5042       }
5043     }
5044   }
5046   else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_MIGRATION_METHOD.Get() == 4){
5047       // MIGRATION_MATRIX
5048       deme_id = m_world->GetMigrationMatrix().GetProbabilisticDemeID(parent_id,m_world->GetRandom(),false);
5049   }
5051   GetDeme(deme_id).AddMigrationIn();
5053   // TODO the above choice of deme does not respect PREFER_EMPTY
5054   // i.e., it does not preferentially pick a deme with empty cells if they are
5055   // it might make sense for that to happen...
5057   // Now return an empty cell from the chosen deme
5059   cPopulationCell& mig_cell = PositionDemeRandom(deme_id, parent_cell, parent_ok);
5060   mig_cell.SetMigrant();
5061   return mig_cell;
5062 }
5064 // This function handles PositionOffspring() by returning a random cell from the entire deme.
PositionDemeRandom(int deme_id,cPopulationCell & parent_cell,bool parent_ok)5065 cPopulationCell& cPopulation::PositionDemeRandom(int deme_id, cPopulationCell& parent_cell, bool parent_ok)
5066 {
5067   assert((deme_id >=0) && (deme_id < deme_array.GetSize()));
5069   const int deme_size = deme_array[deme_id].GetSize();
5070   cDeme& deme = deme_array[deme_id];
5072   // Look randomly within empty cells first, if requested
5073   if (m_world->GetConfig().PREFER_EMPTY.Get()) {
5075     int num_empty_cells = UpdateEmptyCellIDArray(deme_id);
5076     if (num_empty_cells > 0) {
5077       int out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(num_empty_cells);
5078       return GetCell(empty_cell_id_array[out_pos]);
5079     }
5080   }
5082   int out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(deme_size);
5083   int out_cell_id = deme.GetCellID(out_pos);
5085   while (parent_ok == false && out_cell_id == parent_cell.GetID()) {
5086     out_pos = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(deme_size);
5087     out_cell_id = deme.GetCellID(out_pos);
5088   }
5090   return GetCell(out_cell_id);
5091 }
FindRandEmptyCell()5093 int cPopulation::FindRandEmptyCell()
5094 {
5095   int world_size = cell_array.GetSize();
5096   // full world
5097   if (num_organisms >= world_size) return -1;
5099   tArray<int>& cells = GetEmptyCellIDArray();
5100   int cell_idx = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(world_size);
5101   int cell_id = cells[cell_idx];
5102   while (GetCell(cell_id).IsOccupied()) {
5103     // no need to pop this cell off the array, just move it and don't check that far anymore
5104     cells.Swap(cell_idx, --world_size);
5105     // if ran out of cells to check (e.g. with birth chamber weirdness)
5106     if (world_size == 1) return -1;
5107     cell_idx = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(world_size);
5108     cell_id = cells[cell_idx];
5109   }
5110   return cell_id;
5111 }
5113 // This function updates the list of empty cell ids in the population
5114 // and returns the number of empty cells found. Used by global PREFER_EMPTY
5115 // PositionOffspring() methods with demes (only).
UpdateEmptyCellIDArray(int deme_id)5116 int cPopulation::UpdateEmptyCellIDArray(int deme_id)
5117 {
5118   int num_empty_cells = 0;
5119   // Note: empty_cell_id_array was resized to be large enough to hold
5120   // all cells in the cPopulation when it was created. Using functions
5121   // that resize it (like Push) will slow this code down considerably.
5122   // Instead, we keep track of how much of this memory we are using.
5124   // Look at all cells
5125   if (deme_id == -1) {
5126     for (int i=0; i<cell_array.GetSize(); i++) {
5127       if (GetCell(i).IsOccupied() == false) empty_cell_id_array[num_empty_cells++] = i;
5128     }
5129   }
5130   // Look at a specific deme
5131   else {
5132     cDeme& deme = deme_array[deme_id];
5133     for (int i=0; i<deme.GetSize(); i++) {
5134       if (GetCell(deme.GetCellID(i)).IsOccupied() == false) empty_cell_id_array[num_empty_cells++] = deme.GetCellID(i);
5135     }
5136   }
5137   return num_empty_cells;
5138 }
ScheduleOrganism()5141 int cPopulation::ScheduleOrganism()
5142 {
5143   return schedule->GetNextID();
5144 }
ProcessStep(cAvidaContext & ctx,double step_size,int cell_id)5146 void cPopulation::ProcessStep(cAvidaContext& ctx, double step_size, int cell_id)
5147 {
5148   assert(step_size > 0.0);
5149   assert(cell_id < cell_array.GetSize());
5151   // If cell_id is negative, no cell could be found -- stop here.
5152   if (cell_id < 0) return;
5154 	cPopulationCell& cell = GetCell(cell_id);
5155   assert(cell.IsOccupied()); // Unoccupied cell getting processor time!
5156   cOrganism* cur_org = cell.GetOrganism();
5158   cell.GetHardware()->SingleProcess(ctx);
5160   double merit = cur_org->GetPhenotype().GetMerit().GetDouble();
5161   if (cur_org->GetPhenotype().GetToDelete() == true) {
5162     cur_org->GetHardware().DeleteMiniTrace(print_mini_trace_reacs);
5163     delete cur_org;
5164   }
5166   m_world->GetStats().IncExecuted();
5167   resource_count.Update(step_size);
5169   // These must be done even if there is only one deme.
5170   for(int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) {
5171     GetDeme(i).Update(step_size);
5172   }
5174   cDeme & deme = GetDeme(GetCell(cell_id).GetDemeID());
5175   deme.IncTimeUsed(merit);
5177   if (GetNumDemes() >= 1) {
5178     CheckImplicitDemeRepro(deme, ctx);
5179   }
5180 }
ProcessStepSpeculative(cAvidaContext & ctx,double step_size,int cell_id)5183 void cPopulation::ProcessStepSpeculative(cAvidaContext& ctx, double step_size, int cell_id)
5184 {
5185   assert(step_size > 0.0);
5186   assert(cell_id < cell_array.GetSize());
5188   // If cell_id is negative, no cell could be found -- stop here.
5189   if (cell_id < 0) return;
5191   cPopulationCell& cell = GetCell(cell_id);
5192   assert(cell.IsOccupied()); // Unoccupied cell getting processor time!
5194   cOrganism* cur_org = cell.GetOrganism();
5195   cHardwareBase* hw = cell.GetHardware();
5197   if (cell.GetSpeculativeState()) {
5198     // We have already executed this instruction, just decrement the counter
5199     cell.DecSpeculative();
5200   } else {
5201     // Execute the actual instruction
5202     if (hw->SingleProcess(ctx)) {
5203       // Speculatively execute additional instructions
5204       int spec_count = 0;
5205       while (spec_count < 32) {
5206         if (hw->SingleProcess(ctx, true)) spec_count++;
5207         else break;
5208       }
5209       cell.SetSpeculativeState(spec_count);
5210       m_world->GetStats().AddSpeculative(spec_count);
5211     }
5212   }
5214   // Deme specific
5215   if (GetNumDemes() > 1) {
5216     for(int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) GetDeme(i).Update(step_size);
5218     cDeme& deme = GetDeme(GetCell(cell_id).GetDemeID());
5219     deme.IncTimeUsed(cur_org->GetPhenotype().GetMerit().GetDouble());
5220     CheckImplicitDemeRepro(deme, ctx);
5221   }
5223   if (cur_org->GetPhenotype().GetToDelete() == true) {
5224     cur_org->GetHardware().DeleteMiniTrace(print_mini_trace_reacs);
5225     delete cur_org;
5226     cur_org = NULL;
5227   }
5229   m_world->GetStats().IncExecuted();
5230   resource_count.Update(step_size);
5231 }
5233 // Loop through all the demes getting stats and doing calculations
5234 // which must be done on a deme by deme basis.
UpdateDemeStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)5235 void cPopulation::UpdateDemeStats(cAvidaContext& ctx) {
5237   // These must be updated, even if there is only one deme
5238   for(int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) {
5239     GetDeme(i).UpdateDemeRes(ctx);
5240   }
5242   // bail early to save time if there are no demes
5243   if (GetNumDemes() == 1) return ;
5245   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
5247   stats.SumDemeAge().Clear();
5248   stats.SumDemeBirthCount().Clear();
5249   stats.SumDemeOrgCount().Clear();
5250   stats.SumDemeGeneration().Clear();
5252   stats.SumDemeGestationTime().Clear();
5253   stats.SumDemeNormalizedTimeUsed().Clear();
5254   stats.SumDemeMerit().Clear();
5256   stats.SumDemeGenerationsPerLifetime().Clear();
5258   stats.ClearNumOccupiedDemes();
5260   stats.SumDemeEventsKilled().Clear();
5261   stats.SumDemeAttemptsToKillEvents() .Clear();
5263   for(int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) {
5264     cDeme& deme = GetDeme(i);
5265     if (deme.IsEmpty()) {  // ignore empty demes
5266       continue;
5267     }
5268     stats.IncNumOccupiedDemes();
5270     stats.SumDemeAge().Add(deme.GetAge());
5271     stats.SumDemeBirthCount().Add(deme.GetBirthCount());
5272     stats.SumDemeOrgCount().Add(deme.GetOrgCount());
5273     stats.SumDemeGeneration().Add(deme.GetGeneration());
5275     stats.SumDemeLastBirthCount().Add(deme.GetLastBirthCount());
5276     stats.SumDemeLastOrgCount().Add(deme.GetLastOrgCount());
5278     stats.SumDemeGestationTime().Add(deme.GetGestationTime());
5279     stats.SumDemeNormalizedTimeUsed().Add(deme.GetLastNormalizedTimeUsed());
5280     stats.SumDemeMerit().Add(deme.GetDemeMerit().GetDouble());
5282     stats.SumDemeGenerationsPerLifetime().Add(deme.GetGenerationsPerLifetime());
5284     stats.SumDemeEventsKilled().Add(deme.GetEventsKilled());
5285     stats.SumDemeAttemptsToKillEvents().Add(deme.GetEventKillAttempts());
5286   }
5287 }
UpdateOrganismStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)5290 void cPopulation::UpdateOrganismStats(cAvidaContext& ctx)
5291 {
5292   // Loop through all the cells getting stats and doing calculations
5293   // which must be done on a creature by creature basis.
5295   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
5297   // Clear out organism sums...
5298   stats.SumFitness().Clear();
5299   stats.SumGestation().Clear();
5300   stats.SumMerit().Clear();
5301   stats.SumCreatureAge().Clear();
5302   stats.SumGeneration().Clear();
5303   stats.SumNeutralMetric().Clear();
5304   stats.SumLineageLabel().Clear();
5305   stats.SumCopyMutRate().Clear();
5306   stats.SumDivMutRate().Clear();
5307   stats.SumCopySize().Clear();
5308   stats.SumExeSize().Clear();
5309   stats.SumMemSize().Clear();
5311   stats.ZeroTasks();
5312   stats.ZeroReactions();
5314   stats.ZeroInst();
5316   // Counts...
5317   int num_breed_true = 0;
5318   int num_parasites = 0;
5319   int num_no_birth = 0;
5320   int num_multi_thread = 0;
5321   int num_single_thread = 0;
5322   int num_threads = 0;
5323   int num_modified = 0;
5325   // Maximums...
5326   cMerit max_merit(0);
5327   double max_fitness = 0;
5328   int max_gestation_time = 0;
5329   int max_genome_length = 0;
5331   // Minimums...
5332   cMerit min_merit(FLT_MAX);
5333   double min_fitness = FLT_MAX;
5334   int min_gestation_time = INT_MAX;
5335   int min_genome_length = INT_MAX;
5337   for (int i = 0; i < live_org_list.GetSize(); i++) {
5338     cOrganism* organism = live_org_list[i];
5339     const cPhenotype& phenotype = organism->GetPhenotype();
5340     const cMerit cur_merit = phenotype.GetMerit();
5341     const double cur_fitness = phenotype.GetFitness();
5342     const int cur_gestation_time = phenotype.GetGestationTime();
5343     const int cur_genome_length = phenotype.GetGenomeLength();
5345     stats.SumFitness().Add(cur_fitness);
5346     stats.SumMerit().Add(cur_merit.GetDouble());
5347     stats.SumGestation().Add(phenotype.GetGestationTime());
5348     stats.SumCreatureAge().Add(phenotype.GetAge());
5349     stats.SumGeneration().Add(phenotype.GetGeneration());
5350     stats.SumNeutralMetric().Add(phenotype.GetNeutralMetric());
5351     stats.SumLineageLabel().Add(organism->GetLineageLabel());
5352     stats.SumCopyMutRate().Push(organism->MutationRates().GetCopyMutProb());
5353     stats.SumLogCopyMutRate().Push(log(organism->MutationRates().GetCopyMutProb()));
5354     stats.SumDivMutRate().Push(organism->MutationRates().GetDivMutProb() / organism->GetPhenotype().GetDivType());
5355     stats.SumLogDivMutRate().Push(log(organism->MutationRates().GetDivMutProb() /organism->GetPhenotype().GetDivType()));
5356     stats.SumCopySize().Add(phenotype.GetCopiedSize());
5357     stats.SumExeSize().Add(phenotype.GetExecutedSize());
5359     tArray<cIntSum>& inst_exe_counts = stats.InstExeCountsForInstSet(organism->GetGenome().GetInstSet());
5360     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastInstCount().GetSize(); j++) {
5361       inst_exe_counts[j].Add(organism->GetPhenotype().GetLastInstCount()[j]);
5362     }
5364     if (cur_merit > max_merit) max_merit = cur_merit;
5365     if (cur_fitness > max_fitness) max_fitness = cur_fitness;
5366     if (cur_gestation_time > max_gestation_time) max_gestation_time = cur_gestation_time;
5367     if (cur_genome_length > max_genome_length) max_genome_length = cur_genome_length;
5369     if (cur_merit < min_merit) min_merit = cur_merit;
5370     if (cur_fitness < min_fitness) min_fitness = cur_fitness;
5371     if (cur_gestation_time < min_gestation_time) min_gestation_time = cur_gestation_time;
5372     if (cur_genome_length < min_genome_length) min_genome_length = cur_genome_length;
5374     // Test what tasks this creatures has completed.
5375     for (int j = 0; j < m_world->GetEnvironment().GetNumTasks(); j++) {
5376       if (phenotype.GetCurTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5377         stats.AddCurTask(j);
5378         stats.AddCurTaskQuality(j, phenotype.GetCurTaskQuality()[j]);
5379       }
5381       if (phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5382         stats.AddLastTask(j);
5383         stats.AddLastTaskQuality(j, phenotype.GetLastTaskQuality()[j]);
5384         stats.IncTaskExeCount(j, phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j]);
5385       }
5387       if (phenotype.GetCurHostTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5388         stats.AddCurHostTask(j);
5389       }
5391       if (phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5392         stats.AddLastHostTask(j);
5393       }
5395       if (phenotype.GetCurParasiteTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5396         stats.AddCurParasiteTask(j);
5397       }
5399       if (phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5400         stats.AddLastParasiteTask(j);
5401       }
5403       if (phenotype.GetCurInternalTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5404         stats.AddCurInternalTask(j);
5405         stats.AddCurInternalTaskQuality(j, phenotype.GetCurInternalTaskQuality()[j]);
5406       }
5408       if (phenotype.GetLastInternalTaskCount()[j] > 0) {
5409         stats.AddLastInternalTask(j);
5410         stats.AddLastInternalTaskQuality(j, phenotype.GetLastInternalTaskQuality()[j]);
5411       }
5412     }
5414     // Record what add bonuses this organism garnered for different reactions
5415     for (int j = 0; j < m_world->GetEnvironment().GetNumReactions(); j++) {
5416       if (phenotype.GetCurReactionCount()[j] > 0) {
5417         stats.AddCurReaction(j);
5418         stats.AddCurReactionAddReward(j, phenotype.GetCurReactionAddReward()[j]);
5419       }
5421       if (phenotype.GetLastReactionCount()[j] > 0) {
5422         stats.AddLastReaction(j);
5423         stats.IncReactionExeCount(j, phenotype.GetLastReactionCount()[j]);
5424         stats.AddLastReactionAddReward(j, phenotype.GetLastReactionAddReward()[j]);
5425       }
5426     }
5428     // Test what resource combinations this creature has sensed
5429     for (int j = 0; j < stats.GetSenseSize(); j++) {
5430       if (phenotype.GetLastSenseCount()[j] > 0) {
5431         stats.AddLastSense(j);
5432         stats.IncLastSenseExeCount(j, phenotype.GetLastSenseCount()[j]);
5433       }
5434     }
5436     // Increment the counts for all qualities the organism has...
5437     num_parasites += organism->GetNumParasites();
5438     if (phenotype.ParentTrue()) num_breed_true++;
5439     if (phenotype.GetNumDivides() == 0) num_no_birth++;
5440     if (phenotype.IsMultiThread()) num_multi_thread++;
5441     else num_single_thread++;
5443     if (phenotype.IsModified()) num_modified++;
5445     cHardwareBase& hardware = organism->GetHardware();
5446     stats.SumMemSize().Add(hardware.GetMemory().GetSize());
5447     num_threads += hardware.GetNumThreads();
5449     // Increment the age of this organism.
5450     organism->GetPhenotype().IncAge();
5451   }
5453   stats.SetBreedTrueCreatures(num_breed_true);
5454   stats.SetNumNoBirthCreatures(num_no_birth);
5455   stats.SetNumParasites(num_parasites);
5456   stats.SetNumSingleThreadCreatures(num_single_thread);
5457   stats.SetNumMultiThreadCreatures(num_multi_thread);
5458   stats.SetNumThreads(num_threads);
5459   stats.SetNumModified(num_modified);
5461   stats.SetMaxMerit(max_merit.GetDouble());
5462   stats.SetMaxFitness(max_fitness);
5463   stats.SetMaxGestationTime(max_gestation_time);
5464   stats.SetMaxGenomeLength(max_genome_length);
5466   stats.SetMinMerit(min_merit.GetDouble());
5467   stats.SetMinFitness(min_fitness);
5468   stats.SetMinGestationTime(min_gestation_time);
5469   stats.SetMinGenomeLength(min_genome_length);
5471   resource_count.UpdateGlobalResources(ctx);
5472 }
UpdateFTOrgStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)5474 void cPopulation::UpdateFTOrgStats(cAvidaContext& ctx)
5475 {
5476   // Get per-org stats seperately for pred and prey
5477   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
5479   // Clear out organism sums...
5480   stats.SumPreyFitness().Clear();
5481   stats.SumPreyGestation().Clear();
5482   stats.SumPreyMerit().Clear();
5483   stats.SumPreyCreatureAge().Clear();
5484   stats.SumPreyGeneration().Clear();
5486   stats.SumPredFitness().Clear();
5487   stats.SumPredGestation().Clear();
5488   stats.SumPredMerit().Clear();
5489   stats.SumPredCreatureAge().Clear();
5490   stats.SumPredGeneration().Clear();
5492   //  stats.ZeroFTReactions();   ****
5494   stats.ZeroFTInst();
5496   for (int i = 0; i < live_org_list.GetSize(); i++) {
5497     cOrganism* organism = live_org_list[i];
5498     const cPhenotype& phenotype = organism->GetPhenotype();
5499     const cMerit cur_merit = phenotype.GetMerit();
5500     const double cur_fitness = phenotype.GetFitness();
5502     if(organism->GetForageTarget() > -2) {
5503       stats.SumPreyFitness().Add(cur_fitness);
5504       stats.SumPreyGestation().Add(phenotype.GetGestationTime());
5505       stats.SumPreyMerit().Add(cur_merit.GetDouble());
5506       stats.SumPreyCreatureAge().Add(phenotype.GetAge());
5507       stats.SumPreyGeneration().Add(phenotype.GetGeneration());
5509       tArray<cIntSum>& prey_inst_exe_counts = stats.InstPreyExeCountsForInstSet(organism->GetGenome().GetInstSet());
5510       for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastInstCount().GetSize(); j++) {
5511         prey_inst_exe_counts[j].Add(organism->GetPhenotype().GetLastInstCount()[j]);
5512       }
5513     }
5514     else {
5515       stats.SumPredFitness().Add(cur_fitness);
5516       stats.SumPredGestation().Add(phenotype.GetGestationTime());
5517       stats.SumPredMerit().Add(cur_merit.GetDouble());
5518       stats.SumPredCreatureAge().Add(phenotype.GetAge());
5519       stats.SumPredGeneration().Add(phenotype.GetGeneration());
5521       tArray<cIntSum>& pred_inst_exe_counts = stats.InstPredExeCountsForInstSet(organism->GetGenome().GetInstSet());
5522       for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastInstCount().GetSize(); j++) {
5523         pred_inst_exe_counts[j].Add(organism->GetPhenotype().GetLastInstCount()[j]);
5524       }
5525     }
5527     // Record what add bonuses this organism garnered for different reactions
5528     /*    for (int j = 0; j < m_world->GetEnvironment().GetNumReactions(); j++) {
5529      if (phenotype.GetCurReactionCount()[j] > 0) {
5530      stats.AddCurReaction(j);
5531      stats.AddCurReactionAddReward(j, phenotype.GetCurReactionAddReward()[j]);
5532      }
5534      if (phenotype.GetLastReactionCount()[j] > 0) {
5535      stats.AddLastReaction(j);
5536      stats.IncReactionExeCount(j, phenotype.GetLastReactionCount()[j]);
5537      stats.AddLastReactionAddReward(j, phenotype.GetLastReactionAddReward()[j]);
5538      }
5539      }*/
5541   }
5542 }
UpdateMaleFemaleOrgStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)5544 void cPopulation::UpdateMaleFemaleOrgStats(cAvidaContext& ctx)
5545 {
5546   // Get per-org stats seperately for males and females
5547   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
5549   // Clear out organism sums...
5550   stats.SumMaleFitness().Clear();
5551   stats.SumMaleGestation().Clear();
5552   stats.SumMaleMerit().Clear();
5553   stats.SumMaleCreatureAge().Clear();
5554   stats.SumMaleGeneration().Clear();
5556   stats.SumFemaleFitness().Clear();
5557   stats.SumFemaleGestation().Clear();
5558   stats.SumFemaleMerit().Clear();
5559   stats.SumFemaleCreatureAge().Clear();
5560   stats.SumFemaleGeneration().Clear();
5562   stats.ZeroMTInst();
5564   for (int i = 0; i < live_org_list.GetSize(); i++) {
5565     cOrganism* organism = live_org_list[i];
5566     const cPhenotype& phenotype = organism->GetPhenotype();
5567     const cMerit cur_merit = phenotype.GetMerit();
5568     const double cur_fitness = phenotype.GetFitness();
5570     if(organism->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) {
5571       stats.SumMaleFitness().Add(cur_fitness);
5572       stats.SumMaleGestation().Add(phenotype.GetGestationTime());
5573       stats.SumMaleMerit().Add(cur_merit.GetDouble());
5574       stats.SumMaleCreatureAge().Add(phenotype.GetAge());
5575       stats.SumMaleGeneration().Add(phenotype.GetGeneration());
5577       tArray<cIntSum>& male_inst_exe_counts = stats.InstMaleExeCountsForInstSet(organism->GetGenome().GetInstSet());
5578       for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastInstCount().GetSize(); j++) {
5579         male_inst_exe_counts[j].Add(organism->GetPhenotype().GetLastInstCount()[j]);
5580       }
5581     }
5582     else if (organism->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) {
5583       stats.SumFemaleFitness().Add(cur_fitness);
5584       stats.SumFemaleGestation().Add(phenotype.GetGestationTime());
5585       stats.SumFemaleMerit().Add(cur_merit.GetDouble());
5586       stats.SumFemaleCreatureAge().Add(phenotype.GetAge());
5587       stats.SumFemaleGeneration().Add(phenotype.GetGeneration());
5589       tArray<cIntSum>& female_inst_exe_counts = stats.InstFemaleExeCountsForInstSet(organism->GetGenome().GetInstSet());
5590       for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastInstCount().GetSize(); j++) {
5591         female_inst_exe_counts[j].Add(organism->GetPhenotype().GetLastInstCount()[j]);
5592       }
5593     }
5594   }
5595 }
UpdateResStats(cAvidaContext & ctx)5597 void cPopulation::UpdateResStats(cAvidaContext& ctx)
5598 {
5599   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
5600   stats.SetResources(resource_count.GetResources(ctx));
5601   stats.SetSpatialRes(resource_count.GetSpatialRes(ctx));
5602   stats.SetResourcesGeometry(resource_count.GetResourcesGeometry());
5603 }
ProcessPreUpdate()5605 void cPopulation::ProcessPreUpdate()
5606 {
5607   resource_count.SetSpatialUpdate(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate());
5608   for (int i = 0; i < deme_array.GetSize(); i++) deme_array[i].ProcessPreUpdate();
5609 }
ProcessPostUpdate(cAvidaContext & ctx)5611 void cPopulation::ProcessPostUpdate(cAvidaContext& ctx)
5612 {
5613   ProcessUpdateCellActions(ctx);
5615   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
5617   // Reset the Genebank to prepare it for stat collection.
5618   m_world->GetClassificationManager().UpdateReset();
5620   stats.SetNumCreatures(GetNumOrganisms());
5622   UpdateDemeStats(ctx);
5623   UpdateOrganismStats(ctx);
5624   m_world->GetClassificationManager().UpdateStats(stats);
5625   if (m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() == -2 || m_world->GetConfig().PRED_PREY_SWITCH.Get() > -1) {
5626     UpdateFTOrgStats(ctx);
5627   }
5628   if (m_world->GetConfig().MATING_TYPES.Get()) {
5629     UpdateMaleFemaleOrgStats(ctx);
5630   }
5632   // Have stats calculate anything it now can...
5633   stats.CalcEnergy();
5634   stats.CalcFidelity();
5636   for (int i = 0; i < deme_array.GetSize(); i++) deme_array[i].ProcessUpdate(ctx);
5637 }
ProcessUpdateCellActions(cAvidaContext & ctx)5639 void cPopulation::ProcessUpdateCellActions(cAvidaContext& ctx)
5640 {
5641   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) {
5642     if (cell_array[i].MutationRates().TestDeath(ctx)) KillOrganism(cell_array[i], ctx);
5643   }
5644 }
5647 struct sOrgInfo {
5648   int cell_id;
5649   int offset;
5650   int lineage_label;
5651   int curr_group;
5652   int curr_forage;
5653   int birth_cell;
5654   int avatar_cell;
5655   int av_bcell;
5656   // rebirth data
5657   int parent_ft;
5658   int parent_is_teacher;
5659   double parent_merit;
sOrgInfosOrgInfo5661   sOrgInfo() { ; }
sOrgInfosOrgInfo5662   sOrgInfo(int c, int o, int l, int in_group, int in_forage, int in_bcell, int in_avcell, int in_av_bcell, int in_parent_ft,
5663           int in_parent_is_teacher, double in_parent_merit) :
5664           cell_id(c), offset(o), lineage_label(l), curr_group(in_group), curr_forage(in_forage), birth_cell(in_bcell),
5665           avatar_cell(in_avcell), av_bcell(in_av_bcell), parent_ft(in_parent_ft), parent_is_teacher(in_parent_is_teacher),
5666           parent_merit(in_parent_merit) { ; }
5667 };
5669 struct sGroupInfo {
5670   cBioGroup* bg;
5671   tArray<sOrgInfo> orgs;
5672   bool parasite;
sGroupInfosGroupInfo5674   sGroupInfo(cBioGroup* in_bg, bool is_para = false) : bg(in_bg), parasite(is_para) { ; }
5675 };
SavePopulation(const cString & filename,bool save_historic,bool save_groupings,bool save_avatars,bool save_rebirth)5677 bool cPopulation::SavePopulation(const cString& filename, bool save_historic, bool save_groupings, bool save_avatars, bool save_rebirth)
5678 {
5679   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
5680   df.SetFileType("genotype_data");
5681   df.WriteComment("Structured Population Save");
5682   df.WriteTimeStamp();
5684   // Build up hash table of all current genotypes and the cells in which the organisms reside
5685   tHashMap<int, sGroupInfo*> genotype_map;
5687   for (int cell = 0; cell < cell_array.GetSize(); cell++) {
5688     if (cell_array[cell].IsOccupied()) {
5689       cOrganism* org = cell_array[cell].GetOrganism();
5691       // Handle any parasites
5692       const tArray<cBioUnit*>& parasites = org->GetParasites();
5693       for (int p = 0; p < parasites.GetSize(); p++) {
5694         cBioGroup* pg = parasites[p]->GetBioGroup("genotype");
5695         if (pg == NULL) continue;
5697         sGroupInfo* map_entry = NULL;
5698         if (genotype_map.Find(pg->GetID(), map_entry)) {
5699           map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5700         } else {
5701           map_entry = new sGroupInfo(pg, true);
5702           map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5703           genotype_map.Set(pg->GetID(), map_entry);
5704         }
5705       }
5708       // Handle the organism itself
5709       cBioGroup* genotype = org->GetBioGroup("genotype");
5710       if (genotype == NULL) continue;
5712       int offset = org->GetPhenotype().GetCPUCyclesUsed();
5713       sGroupInfo* map_entry = NULL;
5714       if (genotype_map.Find(genotype->GetID(), map_entry)) {
5715         int curr_group = -1;
5716         if (org->HasOpinion()) curr_group = org->GetOpinion().first;
5717         const int curr_forage = org->GetForageTarget();
5718         const int birth_cell = org->GetPhenotype().GetBirthCell();
5719         int avatar_cell = -1;
5720         int av_bcell = -1;
5721         if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get()) {
5722           avatar_cell = org->GetOrgInterface().GetAVCellID();
5723           av_bcell = org->GetPhenotype().GetAVBirthCell();
5724         }
5725         if (!save_rebirth) {
5726           if (!save_groupings && !save_avatars) {
5727             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5728           }
5729           else if (save_groupings && !save_avatars) {
5730             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), curr_group, curr_forage, birth_cell, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5731           }
5732           else if (save_groupings && save_avatars) {
5733             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), curr_group, curr_forage, birth_cell, avatar_cell, av_bcell, -1, 0, 1));
5734           }
5735           else if (!save_groupings && save_avatars) {
5736             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), -1, -1, 0, avatar_cell, av_bcell, -1, 0, 1));
5737           }
5738         }
5739         else if (save_rebirth) {
5740           const int p_ft = org->GetParentFT();
5741           const int p_teach = (bool) (org->HadParentTeacher());
5742           const double p_merit = org->GetParentMerit();
5743           map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), curr_group, curr_forage, birth_cell, avatar_cell, av_bcell, p_ft, p_teach, p_merit));
5744         }
5745       } else {
5746         map_entry = new sGroupInfo(genotype);
5747         int curr_group = -1;
5748         if (org->HasOpinion()) curr_group = org->GetOpinion().first;
5749         const int curr_forage = org->GetForageTarget();
5750         const int birth_cell = org->GetPhenotype().GetBirthCell();
5751         const int avatar_cell = org->GetOrgInterface().GetAVCellID();
5752         const int av_bcell = org->GetPhenotype().GetAVBirthCell();
5753         if (!save_rebirth) {
5754           if (!save_groupings && !save_avatars) {
5755             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5756           }
5757           else if (save_groupings && !save_avatars) {
5758             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), curr_group, curr_forage, birth_cell, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5759           }
5760           else if (save_groupings && save_avatars) {
5761             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), curr_group, curr_forage, birth_cell, avatar_cell, av_bcell, -1, 0, 1));
5762           }
5763           else if (!save_groupings && save_avatars) {
5764             map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), -1, -1, 0, avatar_cell, av_bcell, -1, 0, 1));
5765           }
5766         }
5767         else if (save_rebirth) {
5768           const int p_ft = org->GetParentFT();
5769           const int p_teach = (bool) (org->HadParentTeacher());
5770           const double p_merit = org->GetParentMerit();
5771           map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), curr_group, curr_forage, birth_cell, avatar_cell, av_bcell, p_ft, p_teach, p_merit));
5772         }
5773         genotype_map.Set(genotype->GetID(), map_entry);
5774       }
5775     }
5776   }
5778   // Output all current genotypes
5779   tArray<sGroupInfo*> genotype_entries;
5780   genotype_map.GetValues(genotype_entries);
5781   for (int i = 0; i < genotype_entries.GetSize(); i++) {
5782     cBioGroup* genotype = genotype_entries[i]->bg;
5784     genotype->Save(df);
5786     tArray<sOrgInfo>& cells = genotype_entries[i]->orgs;
5787     cString cellstr;
5788     cString offsetstr;
5789     cString lineagestr;
5790     cString groupstr;
5791     cString foragestr;
5792     cString birthstr;
5793     cString avatarstr;
5794     cString avatarbstr;
5796     cString pforagestr;
5797     cString pteachstr;
5798     cString pmeritstr;
5800     cellstr.Set("%d", cells[0].cell_id);
5801     offsetstr.Set("%d", cells[0].offset);
5802     lineagestr.Set("%d", cells[0].lineage_label);
5803     groupstr.Set("%d", cells[0].curr_group);
5804     foragestr.Set("%d", cells[0].curr_forage);
5805     birthstr.Set("%d", cells[0].birth_cell);
5806     avatarstr.Set("%d", cells[0].avatar_cell);
5807     avatarbstr.Set("%d", cells[0].av_bcell);
5809     pforagestr.Set("%d", cells[0].parent_ft);
5810     pteachstr.Set("%d", cells[0].parent_is_teacher);
5811     pmeritstr.Set("%.4d", cells[0].parent_merit);
5813     for (int cell_i = 1; cell_i < cells.GetSize(); cell_i++) {
5814       cellstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].cell_id);
5815       offsetstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].offset);
5816       lineagestr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].lineage_label);
5817       if (!save_rebirth) {
5818         if (save_groupings) {
5819           groupstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].curr_group);
5820           foragestr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].curr_forage);
5821           birthstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].birth_cell);
5822         }
5823         if (save_avatars) {
5824           avatarstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d",cells[cell_i].avatar_cell);
5825           avatarbstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d",cells[cell_i].av_bcell);
5826         }
5827       }
5828       else if (save_rebirth) {
5829         groupstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].curr_group);
5830         foragestr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].curr_forage);
5831         birthstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d", cells[cell_i].birth_cell);
5832         avatarstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d",cells[cell_i].avatar_cell);
5833         avatarbstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d",cells[cell_i].av_bcell);
5835         pforagestr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d",cells[cell_i].parent_ft);
5836         pteachstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%d",cells[cell_i].parent_is_teacher);
5837         pmeritstr += cStringUtil::Stringf(",%.4d",cells[cell_i].parent_merit);
5838       }
5839     }
5841     df.Write(cellstr, "Occupied Cell IDs", "cells");
5842     if (genotype_entries[i]->parasite) df.Write("", "Gestation (CPU) Cycle Offsets", "gest_offset");
5843     else df.Write(offsetstr, "Gestation (CPU) Cycle Offsets", "gest_offset");
5844     df.Write(lineagestr, "Lineage Label", "lineage");
5845       if (!save_rebirth) {
5846         if (save_groupings) {
5847           df.Write(groupstr, "Current Group IDs", "group_id");
5848           df.Write(foragestr, "Current Forager Types", "forager_type");
5849           df.Write(birthstr, "Birth Cells", "birth_cell");
5850         }
5851         if (save_avatars) {
5852           df.Write(avatarstr, "Current Avatar Cell Locations", "avatar_cell");
5853           df.Write(avatarbstr, "Avatar Birth Cell", "av_bcell");
5854         }
5855       }
5856       else if (save_rebirth) {
5857         df.Write(groupstr, "Current Group IDs", "group_id");
5858         df.Write(foragestr, "Current Forager Types", "forager_type");
5859         df.Write(birthstr, "Birth Cells", "birth_cell");
5860         df.Write(avatarstr, "Current Avatar Cell Locations", "avatar_cell");
5861         df.Write(avatarbstr, "Avatar Birth Cell", "av_bcell");
5862         df.Write(pforagestr, "Parent forager type", "parent_ft");
5863         df.Write(pteachstr, "Was Parent a Teacher", "parent_is_teach");
5864         df.Write(pmeritstr, "Parent Merit", "parent_merit");
5865       }
5866     df.Endl();
5868     delete genotype_entries[i];
5869   }
5871   // Output historic genotypes
5872   if (save_historic) m_world->GetClassificationManager().SaveBioGroups("genotype", df);
5874   m_world->GetDataFileManager().Remove(filename);
5875   return true;
5876 }
SaveFlameData(const cString & filename)5878 bool cPopulation::SaveFlameData(const cString& filename)
5879 {
5880   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
5881   df.WriteComment("Flame Data Save");
5882   df.WriteTimeStamp();
5884   // Build up hash table of all current genotypes
5885   tHashMap<int, sGroupInfo*> genotype_map;
5887   for (int cell = 0; cell < cell_array.GetSize(); cell++) {
5888     if (cell_array[cell].IsOccupied()) {
5889       cOrganism* org = cell_array[cell].GetOrganism();
5891       // Handle any parasites
5892       const tArray<cBioUnit*>& parasites = org->GetParasites();
5893       for (int p = 0; p < parasites.GetSize(); p++) {
5894         cBioGroup* pg = parasites[p]->GetBioGroup("genotype");
5895         if (pg == NULL) continue;
5897         sGroupInfo* map_entry = NULL;
5898         if (genotype_map.Find(pg->GetID(), map_entry)) {
5899           map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5900         } else {
5901           map_entry = new sGroupInfo(pg, true);
5902           map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5903           genotype_map.Set(pg->GetID(), map_entry);
5904         }
5905       }
5908       // Handle the organism itself
5909       cBioGroup* genotype = org->GetBioGroup("genotype");
5910       if (genotype == NULL) continue;
5912       int offset = org->GetPhenotype().GetCPUCyclesUsed();
5913       sGroupInfo* map_entry = NULL;
5914       if (genotype_map.Find(genotype->GetID(), map_entry)) {
5915         map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5916       } else {
5917         map_entry = new sGroupInfo(genotype);
5918         map_entry->orgs.Push(sOrgInfo(cell, offset, org->GetLineageLabel(), -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1));
5919         genotype_map.Set(genotype->GetID(), map_entry);
5920       }
5921     }
5922   }
5924   // Output all current genotypes
5925   tArray<sGroupInfo*> genotype_entries;
5926   genotype_map.GetValues(genotype_entries);
5927   for (int i = 0; i < genotype_entries.GetSize(); i++) {
5928     cBioGroup* genotype = genotype_entries[i]->bg;
5930     genotype->DepthSave(df);
5932     df.Endl();
5934     delete genotype_entries[i];
5935   }
5936   m_world->GetDataFileManager().Remove(filename);
5937   return true;
5938 }
5940 struct sTmpGenotype
5941 {
5942 public:
5943   int id_num;
5944   tDictionary<cString>* props;
5946   int num_cpus;
5947   tArray<int> cells;
5948   tArray<int> offsets;
5949   tArray<int> lineage_labels;
5950   tArray<int> group_ids;
5951   tArray<int> forager_types;
5952   tArray<int> birth_cells;
5953   tArray<int> avatar_cells;
5954   tArray<double> parent_merit;
5955   tArray<bool> parent_teacher;
5956   tArray<int> parent_ft;
5958   cBioGroup* bg;
sTmpGenotypesTmpGenotype5961   inline sTmpGenotype() : id_num(-1), props(NULL) { ; }
operator <sTmpGenotype5962   inline bool operator<(const sTmpGenotype& rhs) const { return id_num > rhs.id_num; }
operator >sTmpGenotype5963   inline bool operator>(const sTmpGenotype& rhs) const { return id_num < rhs.id_num; }
operator <=sTmpGenotype5964   inline bool operator<=(const sTmpGenotype& rhs) const { return id_num >= rhs.id_num; }
operator >=sTmpGenotype5965   inline bool operator>=(const sTmpGenotype& rhs) const { return id_num <= rhs.id_num; }
5966 };
LoadPopulation(const cString & filename,cAvidaContext & ctx,int cellid_offset,int lineage_offset,bool load_groups,bool load_birth_cells,bool load_avatars,bool load_rebirth)5968 bool cPopulation::LoadPopulation(const cString& filename, cAvidaContext& ctx, int cellid_offset, int lineage_offset, bool load_groups,
5969                                  bool load_birth_cells, bool load_avatars, bool load_rebirth)
5970 {
5971   // @TODO - build in support for verifying population dimensions
5973   cInitFile input_file(filename, m_world->GetWorkingDir());
5974   if (!input_file.WasOpened()) {
5975     const cUserFeedback& feedback = input_file.GetFeedback();
5976     for (int i = 0; i < feedback.GetNumMessages(); i++) {
5977       switch (feedback.GetMessageType(i)) {
5978         case cUserFeedback::UF_ERROR:    m_world->GetDriver().RaiseException(feedback.GetMessage(i)); break;
5979         case cUserFeedback::UF_WARNING:  m_world->GetDriver().NotifyWarning(feedback.GetMessage(i)); break;
5980         default:                      m_world->GetDriver().NotifyComment(feedback.GetMessage(i)); break;
5981       };
5982     }
5983     return false;
5984   }
5986   // Clear out the population, unless an offset is being used
5987   if (cellid_offset == 0) {
5988     for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) KillOrganism(cell_array[i], ctx);
5989   }
5991   // First, we read in all the genotypes and store them in an array
5992   tManagedPointerArray<sTmpGenotype> genotypes(input_file.GetNumLines());
5994   bool structured = false;
5995   for (int line_id = 0; line_id < input_file.GetNumLines(); line_id++) {
5996     cString cur_line = input_file.GetLine(line_id);
5998     // Setup the genotype for this line...
5999     sTmpGenotype& tmp = genotypes[line_id];
6000     tmp.props = input_file.GetLineAsDict(line_id);
6001     tmp.id_num = tmp.props->Get("id").AsInt();
6003     // Loads "num_units" preferrentially, but will fall back to "num_cpus" if present
6004     assert(tmp.props->HasEntry("num_cpus") || tmp.props->HasEntry("num_units"));
6005     tmp.num_cpus = (tmp.props->HasEntry("num_units")) ? tmp.props->Get("num_units").AsInt() : tmp.props->Get("num_cpus").AsInt();
6007     // Process resident cell ids
6008     cString cellstr(tmp.props->Get("cells"));
6009     if (structured || cellstr.GetSize()) {
6010       structured = true;
6011       while (cellstr.GetSize()) tmp.cells.Push(cellstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6012       assert(tmp.cells.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6013     }
6015     // Process gestation time offsets
6016     if (!load_rebirth) {
6017       cString offsetstr(tmp.props->Get("gest_offset"));
6018       if (offsetstr.GetSize()) {
6019         while (offsetstr.GetSize()) tmp.offsets.Push(offsetstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6020         assert(tmp.offsets.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6021       }
6022     }
6023     // Lineage label (only set if given in file)
6024     cString lineagestr(tmp.props->Get("lineage"));
6025     while (lineagestr.GetSize()) tmp.lineage_labels.Push(lineagestr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6026     // @blw preserve compatability with older .spop files that don't have lineage labels
6027     assert(tmp.lineage_labels.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.lineage_labels.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6029     // Other org specs (if given in file)
6030     if (load_rebirth) {
6031       if (tmp.props->HasEntry("birth_cell")) {
6032         cString birthstr(tmp.props->Get("birth_cell"));
6033         while (birthstr.GetSize()) tmp.birth_cells.Push(birthstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6034         assert(tmp.birth_cells.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.birth_cells.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6035       }
6036       if (tmp.props->HasEntry("av_bcell") && m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get()) {
6037         cString avatarstr(tmp.props->Get("av_bcell"));
6038         while (avatarstr.GetSize()) tmp.avatar_cells.Push(avatarstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6039         assert(tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6040       }
6041       if (tmp.props->HasEntry("parent_is_teach")) {
6042         cString teachstr(tmp.props->Get("parent_is_teach"));
6043         while (teachstr.GetSize()) tmp.parent_teacher.Push((bool)(teachstr.Pop(',').AsInt()));
6044         assert(tmp.parent_teacher.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.parent_teacher.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6045       }
6046       if (tmp.props->HasEntry("parent_ft")) {
6047         cString parentftstr(tmp.props->Get("parent_ft"));
6048         while (parentftstr.GetSize()) tmp.parent_ft.Push(parentftstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6049         assert(tmp.parent_ft.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.parent_ft.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6050       }
6051       if (tmp.props->HasEntry("parent_merit")) {
6052         cString meritstr(tmp.props->Get("parent_merit"));
6053         while (meritstr.GetSize()) tmp.parent_merit.Push(meritstr.Pop(',').AsDouble());
6054         assert(tmp.parent_merit.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.parent_merit.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6055       }
6056     }
6057     else {
6058       if (load_groups) {
6059         if (tmp.props->HasEntry("group_id")) {
6060           cString groupstr(tmp.props->Get("group_id"));
6061           while (groupstr.GetSize()) tmp.group_ids.Push(groupstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6062           assert(tmp.group_ids.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.group_ids.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6063         }
6064         if (tmp.props->HasEntry("forager_type")) {
6065           cString foragestr(tmp.props->Get("forager_type"));
6066           while (foragestr.GetSize()) tmp.forager_types.Push(foragestr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6067           assert(tmp.forager_types.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.forager_types.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6068         }
6069       }
6070       if (load_birth_cells) {
6071         if (tmp.props->HasEntry("birth_cell")) {
6072           cString birthstr(tmp.props->Get("birth_cell"));
6073           while (birthstr.GetSize()) tmp.birth_cells.Push(birthstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6074           assert(tmp.birth_cells.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.birth_cells.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6075         }
6076         if (tmp.props->HasEntry("av_bcell") && m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get()) {
6077           cString avatarstr(tmp.props->Get("av_bcell"));
6078           while (avatarstr.GetSize()) tmp.avatar_cells.Push(avatarstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6079           assert(tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6080         }
6081       }
6082       else if (!load_birth_cells && load_avatars && tmp.props->HasEntry("avatar_cell")) {
6083         cString avatarstr(tmp.props->Get("avatar_cell"));
6084         while (avatarstr.GetSize()) tmp.avatar_cells.Push(avatarstr.Pop(',').AsInt());
6085         assert(tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() == 0 || tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() == tmp.num_cpus);
6086       }
6087     }
6088   }
6090   // Sort genotypes in ascending order according to their id_num
6091   tArrayUtils::QSort(genotypes);
6093   cBioGroupManager* bgm = m_world->GetClassificationManager().GetBioGroupManager("genotype");
6094   for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.GetSize(); i++) {
6095     // Fix Parent IDs
6096     cString nparentstr;
6097     int pcount = 0;
6098     cString lparentstr = genotypes[i].props->Get("parents");
6099     if (lparentstr == "(none)") lparentstr = "";
6100     cStringList opidlist(lparentstr, ',');
6101     while (opidlist.GetSize()) {
6102       int opid = opidlist.Pop().AsInt();
6103       int npid = -1;
6104       for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
6105         if (genotypes[j].id_num == opid) {
6106           npid = genotypes[j].bg->GetID();
6107           break;
6108         }
6109       }
6110       assert(npid != -1);
6111       if (pcount) nparentstr += ",";
6112       nparentstr += cStringUtil::Convert(npid);
6113       pcount++;
6114     }
6115     genotypes[i].props->Set("parents", nparentstr);
6117     genotypes[i].bg = bgm->LoadBioGroup(*genotypes[i].props);
6118   }
6121   // Process genotypes, inject into organisms as necessary
6122   int u_cell_id = 0;
6123   for (int gen_i = genotypes.GetSize() - 1; gen_i >= 0; gen_i--) {
6124     sTmpGenotype& tmp = genotypes[gen_i];
6125     // otherwise, we insert as many organisms as we need
6126     for (int cell_i = 0; cell_i < tmp.num_cpus; cell_i++) {
6127       int cell_id = 0;
6128       if (!load_birth_cells) cell_id = (structured) ? (tmp.cells[cell_i] + cellid_offset) : (u_cell_id++ + cellid_offset);
6129       else cell_id = (structured) ? (tmp.birth_cells[cell_i] + cellid_offset) : (u_cell_id++ + cellid_offset);
6131       // Set up lineage, including lineage label (0 if not loaded)
6132       int lineage_label = 0;
6133       if (tmp.lineage_labels.GetSize() != 0) {
6134         lineage_label = tmp.lineage_labels[cell_i] + lineage_offset;
6135       }
6137       cAvidaContext& ctx = m_world->GetDefaultContext();
6139       assert(tmp.bg->HasProperty("genome"));
6140       Genome mg(tmp.bg->GetProperty("genome").AsString());
6141       cOrganism* new_organism = new cOrganism(m_world, ctx, mg, -1, SRC_ORGANISM_FILE_LOAD);
6143       // Setup the phenotype...
6144       cPhenotype& phenotype = new_organism->GetPhenotype();
6146       phenotype.SetupInject(mg.GetSequence());
6148       // Classify this new organism
6149       tArrayMap<cString, tArrayMap<cString, cString> > hints;
6150       hints["genotype"]["id"] = cStringUtil::Stringf("%d", tmp.bg->GetID());
6151       m_world->GetClassificationManager().ClassifyNewBioUnit(new_organism, &hints);
6153       // Coalescense Clade Setup
6154       new_organism->SetCCladeLabel(-1);
6156       if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_ENABLED.Get() == 1) {
6157         phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(phenotype.ConvertEnergyToMerit(phenotype.GetStoredEnergy())));
6158       } else {
6159         // Set the phenotype merit from the save file
6160         assert(tmp.props->HasEntry("merit"));
6161         double merit = tmp.props->Get("merit").AsDouble();
6162         if (load_rebirth && m_world->GetConfig().INHERIT_MERIT.Get() && tmp.props->HasEntry("parent_merit")) {
6163           merit = tmp.parent_merit[cell_i];
6164         }
6166         if (merit > 0) {
6167           phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(merit));
6168         } else {
6169           phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(new_organism->GetTestMerit(ctx)));
6170         }
6172         if (tmp.offsets.GetSize() > cell_i) {
6173           // Adjust initial merit to account for organism execution at the time the population was saved
6174           // - this factors the merit by the fraction of the gestation time remaining
6175           // - this will be approximate, since gestation time may vary for each organism, but it should work for many cases
6176           double gest_time = tmp.props->Get("gest_time").AsDouble();
6177           double gest_remain = gest_time - (double)tmp.offsets[cell_i];
6178           if (gest_remain > 0.0 && gest_time > 0.0) {
6179             double new_merit = phenotype.GetMerit().GetDouble() * (gest_time / gest_remain);
6180             phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(new_merit));
6181           }
6182         }
6183       }
6185       new_organism->SetLineageLabel(lineage_label);
6187       // Prep the cell..
6188       if (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST &&
6189           cell_array[cell_id].IsOccupied() == true) {
6190         // Have to manually take this cell out of the reaper Queue.
6191         reaper_queue.Remove( &(cell_array[cell_id]) );
6192       }
6194       // Setup the child's mutation rates.  Since this organism is being injected
6195       // and has no parent, we should always take the rate from the environment.
6196       new_organism->MutationRates().Copy(cell_array[cell_id].MutationRates());
6198       // Activate the organism in the population...
6199       bool org_survived = false;
6200       if (!load_rebirth) {
6201         if (load_groups) {
6202           // Set up group id and forager type (if loaded)
6203           int group_id = -1;
6204           int forager_type = -1;
6205           if (tmp.group_ids.GetSize() != 0) group_id = tmp.group_ids[cell_i];
6206           if (tmp.forager_types.GetSize() != 0) forager_type = tmp.forager_types[cell_i];
6207           new_organism->SetOpinion(group_id);
6208           JoinGroup(new_organism, group_id);
6209           new_organism->SetForageTarget(forager_type);
6210           new_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthCellID(cell_id);
6211           new_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthGroupID(group_id);
6212           new_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthForagerType(forager_type);
6213           new_organism->SetParentGroup(group_id);
6214           new_organism->SetParentFT(forager_type);
6215           org_survived = ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], false, true);
6216         }
6217         else org_survived = ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], true, true);
6219         if ((load_avatars || load_birth_cells) && org_survived && m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && !m_world->GetConfig().NEURAL_NETWORKING.Get()) { //**
6220           int avatar_cell = -1;
6221           if (tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() != 0) avatar_cell = tmp.avatar_cells[cell_i];
6222           if (avatar_cell != -1) new_organism->GetOrgInterface().AddPredPreyAV(avatar_cell);
6223         }
6224       }
6225       else if (load_rebirth) {
6226         new_organism->SetParentFT(tmp.parent_ft[cell_i]);
6227         new_organism->SetParentTeacher(tmp.parent_teacher[cell_i]);
6229         new_organism->GetPhenotype().SetBirthCellID(cell_id);
6230         org_survived = ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], false, true);
6231       }
6233       if (org_survived && m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && !m_world->GetConfig().NEURAL_NETWORKING.Get()) { //**
6234         int avatar_cell = -1;
6235         if (tmp.avatar_cells.GetSize() != 0) avatar_cell = tmp.avatar_cells[cell_i];
6236         if (avatar_cell != -1) new_organism->GetOrgInterface().AddPredPreyAV(avatar_cell);
6237       }
6238     }
6239   }
6240   sync_events = true;
6242   return true;
6243 }
DumpMemorySummary(ofstream & fp)6245 bool cPopulation::DumpMemorySummary(ofstream& fp)
6246 {
6247   if (fp.good() == false) return false;
6249   // Dump the memory...
6251   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) {
6252     fp << i << " ";
6253     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied() == false) {
6254       fp << "EMPTY" << endl;
6255     }
6256     else {
6257       Sequence & mem = cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetHardware().GetMemory();
6258       fp << mem.GetSize() << " "
6259       << mem.AsString() << endl;
6260     }
6261   }
6262   return true;
6263 }
6267 /**
6268  * This function loads a genome from a given file, and initializes
6269  * a cpu with it.
6270  *
6271  * @param filename The name of the file to load.
6272  * @param in_cpu The grid-position into which the genome should be loaded.
6273  * @param merit An initial merit value.
6274  * @param lineage_label A value that allows to track the daughters of
6275  * this organism.
6276  **/
Inject(const Genome & genome,eBioUnitSource src,cAvidaContext & ctx,int cell_id,double merit,int lineage_label,double neutral,bool inject_group,int group_id,int forager_type,int trace)6278 void cPopulation::Inject(const Genome& genome, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx, int cell_id, double merit, int lineage_label, double neutral, bool inject_group, int group_id, int forager_type, int trace)
6279 {
6280   // If an invalid cell was given, choose a new ID for it.
6281   if (cell_id < 0) {
6282     switch (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get()) {
6284         cell_id = reaper_queue.PopRear()->GetID();
6285       default:
6286         cell_id = 0;
6287     }
6288   }
6290   // We can't inject into the boundary of the world:
6291   if(m_world->IsWorldBoundary(GetCell(cell_id))) {
6292     cell_id += m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get()+1;
6293   }
6294   // Can't inject onto deadly world edges either
6295   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEADLY_BOUNDARIES.Get() == 1) {
6296     const int dest_x = cell_id % m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
6297     if (dest_x == 0) cell_id += 1;
6298     else if (dest_x == m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get() - 1) cell_id -= 1;
6299     const int dest_y = cell_id / m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
6300     if (dest_y == 0) cell_id += m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
6301     else if (dest_y == m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_Y.Get() - 1) cell_id -= m_world->GetConfig().WORLD_X.Get();
6302   }
6304   // if the injected org already has a group we will assign it to, do not assign group id in activate organism
6305   if (!inject_group) InjectGenome(cell_id, src, genome, ctx, lineage_label, true);
6306   else InjectGenome(cell_id, src, genome, ctx, lineage_label, false);
6308   cPhenotype& phenotype = GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
6309   phenotype.SetNeutralMetric(neutral);
6311   if (merit > 0) phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(merit));
6312   AdjustSchedule(GetCell(cell_id), phenotype.GetMerit());
6314   cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->SetLineageLabel(lineage_label);
6316   // the following bit of code is required for proper germline support.
6317   // even if there's only one deme!!
6318   if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get()) {
6319     cDeme& deme = deme_array[GetCell(cell_id).GetDemeID()];
6321     // If we're using germlines, then we have to be a little careful here.
6322     // This should probably not be within Inject() since we mainly want it to
6323     // apply to the START_ORGANISM? -- @JEB
6325     //@JEB This section is very messy to maintain consistency with other deme ways.
6327     if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_SEED_METHOD.Get() == 0) {
6328       if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get() == 1) {
6329         if (deme.GetGermline().Size()==0) {
6330           deme.GetGermline().Add(GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetGenome());
6331         }
6332       }
6333     } else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_SEED_METHOD.Get() == 1) {
6334       if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get() == 2) {
6335         //find the genotype we just created from the genome, and save it
6336         deme.ReplaceGermline(GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetBioGroup("genotype"));
6337       } else { // not germlines, save org as founder
6338         deme.AddFounder(GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetBioGroup("genotype"), &phenotype);
6339       }
6341       GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().SetPermanentGermlinePropensity
6342         (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_FOUNDER_GERMLINE_PROPENSITY.Get());
6345       if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_FOUNDER_GERMLINE_PROPENSITY.Get() >= 0.0) {
6346         GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().SetPermanentGermlinePropensity
6347           ( m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_FOUNDER_GERMLINE_PROPENSITY.Get() );
6348       }
6350     }
6351   } else if (m_world->GetConfig().DEMES_USE_GERMLINE.Get() == 2) {
6352     //find the genotype we just created from the genome, and save it
6353     cDeme& deme = deme_array[GetCell(cell_id).GetDemeID()];
6354     cDemePlaceholderUnit unit(src, genome);
6355     cBioGroup* genotype = m_world->GetClassificationManager().GetBioGroupManager("genotype")->ClassifyNewBioUnit(&unit);
6356     deme.ReplaceGermline(genotype);
6357     genotype->RemoveBioUnit(&unit);
6358   }
6360   if (inject_group) {
6361     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->SetOpinion(group_id);
6362     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->JoinGroup(group_id);
6363     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->SetForageTarget(forager_type);
6365     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().SetBirthCellID(cell_id);
6366     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().SetBirthGroupID(group_id);
6367     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().SetBirthForagerType(forager_type);
6368   }
6369   if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && !m_world->GetConfig().NEURAL_NETWORKING.Get()) {
6370     cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism()->GetOrgInterface().AddPredPreyAV(cell_id);
6371   }
6372   if (trace) SetupMiniTrace(cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism());
6373 }
InjectGroup(const Genome & genome,eBioUnitSource src,cAvidaContext & ctx,int cell_id,double merit,int lineage_label,double neutral,int group_id,int forager_type,int trace)6375 void cPopulation::InjectGroup(const Genome& genome, eBioUnitSource src, cAvidaContext& ctx, int cell_id, double merit, int lineage_label, double neutral, int group_id, int forager_type, int trace)
6376 {
6377   Inject(genome, src, ctx, cell_id, merit, lineage_label, neutral, true, group_id, forager_type, trace);
6378 }
InjectParasite(const cString & label,const Sequence & injected_code,int cell_id)6380 void cPopulation::InjectParasite(const cString& label, const Sequence& injected_code, int cell_id)
6381 {
6382   cOrganism* target_organism = cell_array[cell_id].GetOrganism();
6383   // target_organism-> target_organism->GetHardware().GetCurThread()
6384   if (target_organism == NULL) return;
6386   Genome mg(target_organism->GetHardware().GetType(), target_organism->GetHardware().GetInstSet().GetInstSetName(), injected_code);
6387   cParasite* parasite = new cParasite(m_world, mg, 0, SRC_PARASITE_FILE_LOAD, label);
6389   //default to configured parasite virulence
6390   parasite->SetVirulence(m_world->GetConfig().PARASITE_VIRULENCE.Get());
6392   if (target_organism->ParasiteInfectHost(parasite)) {
6393     m_world->GetClassificationManager().ClassifyNewBioUnit(parasite);
6394   } else {
6395     delete parasite;
6396   }
6397 }
UpdateResources(cAvidaContext & ctx,const tArray<double> & res_change)6400 void cPopulation::UpdateResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double> & res_change)
6401 {
6402   resource_count.Modify(ctx, res_change);
6403 }
UpdateResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,int res_index,double change)6405 void cPopulation::UpdateResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_index, double change)
6406 {
6407   resource_count.Modify(ctx, res_index, change);
6408 }
UpdateCellResources(cAvidaContext & ctx,const tArray<double> & res_change,const int cell_id)6410 void cPopulation::UpdateCellResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change, const int cell_id)
6411 {
6412   resource_count.ModifyCell(ctx, res_change, cell_id);
6413 }
UpdateDemeCellResources(cAvidaContext & ctx,const tArray<double> & res_change,const int cell_id)6415 void cPopulation::UpdateDemeCellResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change, const int cell_id)
6416 {
6417   GetDeme(GetCell(cell_id).GetDemeID()).ModifyDemeResCount(ctx, res_change, cell_id);
6418 }
SetResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,int res_index,double new_level)6420 void cPopulation::SetResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_index, double new_level)
6421 {
6422   resource_count.Set(ctx, res_index, new_level);
6423 }
6425 /* This version of SetResource takes the name of the resource.
6426  * If a resource by this name does not exist, it does nothing.
6427  * Otherwise, it sets the resource to the new level,
6428  * calling the index version of SetResource().
6429  */
SetResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,const cString res_name,double new_level)6430 void cPopulation::SetResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const cString res_name, double new_level)
6431 {
6432   cResource* res = environment.GetResourceLib().GetResource(res_name);
6433   if (res != NULL) SetResource(ctx, res->GetIndex(), new_level);
6434 }
6436 /* This method sets the inflow of the named resource.
6437  * It changes this value in the environment, then updates it in the
6438  * actual population's resource count.
6439  */
SetResourceInflow(const cString res_name,double new_level)6440 void cPopulation::SetResourceInflow(const cString res_name, double new_level)
6441 {
6442   environment.SetResourceInflow(res_name, new_level);
6443   resource_count.SetInflow(res_name, new_level);
6444 }
6446 /* This method sets the outflow of the named resource.
6447  * It changes this value in the enviroment, then updates the
6448  * decay rate in the resource count (to 1 - the given outflow, as
6449  * outflow is different than decay).
6450  */
SetResourceOutflow(const cString res_name,double new_level)6451 void cPopulation::SetResourceOutflow(const cString res_name, double new_level)
6452 {
6453   environment.SetResourceOutflow(res_name, new_level);
6454   resource_count.SetDecay(res_name, 1 - new_level);
6455 }
6457 /* This method sets a deme resource to the same level across
6458  * all demes.  If a resource by the given name does not exist,
6459  * it does nothing.
6460  */
SetDemeResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,const cString res_name,double new_level)6461 void cPopulation::SetDemeResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const cString res_name, double new_level)
6462 {
6463   cResource* res = environment.GetResourceLib().GetResource(res_name);
6464   if (res != NULL) {
6465     int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
6466     for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; ++deme_id) {
6467       cDeme& deme = GetDeme(deme_id);
6468       deme.SetResource(ctx, res->GetIndex(), new_level);
6469     }
6470   }
6471 }
6473 /* This method sets the inflow for the named deme resource in a specific deme.
6474  * It changes the value in the environment, then updates it in the specified deme's
6475  * resource count.
6476  *
6477  * ATTENTION: This leads to the rather bizzare consequence that the inflow rate
6478  * in the environment may not match the inflow rate in each deme's resource count.
6479  * This is not my own decision, simply a reflection of how the SetDemeResourceInflow
6480  * action (for which I am writing this as a helper) works.  Unless you have a specific
6481  * reason NOT to change the inflow for all demes, it is probably best to use
6482  * cPopulation::SetDemeResourceInflow() -- blw
6483  */
SetSingleDemeResourceInflow(int deme_id,const cString res_name,double new_level)6484 void cPopulation::SetSingleDemeResourceInflow(int deme_id, const cString res_name, double new_level)
6485 {
6486   environment.SetResourceInflow(res_name, new_level);
6487   GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResources().SetInflow(res_name, new_level);
6488 }
6490 /* This method sets the inflow for the named deme resource across ALL demes.
6491  * It changes the value in the environment, then updates it in the deme resource
6492  * counts.
6493  *
6494  * This maintains the connection between the enviroment value and the resource
6495  * count values, unlike cPopulation::SetSingleDemeResourceInflow()
6496  */
SetDemeResourceInflow(const cString res_name,double new_level)6497 void cPopulation::SetDemeResourceInflow(const cString res_name, double new_level)
6498 {
6499   environment.SetResourceInflow(res_name, new_level);
6500   int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
6501   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; ++deme_id) {
6502     GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResources().SetInflow(res_name, new_level);
6503   }
6504 }
6506 /* This method sets the outflow for the named deme resource in a specific deme.
6507  * It changes the value in the environment, then updates the decay rate in the
6508  * specified deme's resource count.
6509  *
6510  * ATTENTION: This leads to the rather bizzare consequence that the outflow rate
6511  * in the environment may not match the decay (1-outflow) rate in each deme's resource count.
6512  * This is not my own decision, simply a reflection of how the SetDemeResourceOutflow
6513  * action (for which I am writing this as a helper) works.  Unless you have a specific
6514  * reason NOT to change the outflow for all demes, it is probably best to use
6515  * cPopulation::SetDemeResourceOutflow() -- blw
6516  */
SetSingleDemeResourceOutflow(int deme_id,const cString res_name,double new_level)6517 void cPopulation::SetSingleDemeResourceOutflow(int deme_id, const cString res_name, double new_level)
6518 {
6519   environment.SetResourceOutflow(res_name, new_level);
6520   GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResources().SetDecay(res_name, 1 - new_level);
6521 }
6523 /* This method sets the outflow for the named deme resource across ALL demes.
6524  * It changes the value in the environment, then updates the decay rate in the
6525  * deme resource counts.
6526  *
6527  * This maintains the connection between the enviroment value and the resource
6528  * count values, unlike cPopulation::SetSingleDemeResourceOutflow()
6529  */
SetDemeResourceOutflow(const cString res_name,double new_level)6530 void cPopulation::SetDemeResourceOutflow(const cString res_name, double new_level)
6531 {
6532   environment.SetResourceOutflow(res_name, new_level);
6533   int num_demes = GetNumDemes();
6534   for (int deme_id = 0; deme_id < num_demes; ++deme_id) {
6535     GetDeme(deme_id).GetDemeResources().SetDecay(res_name, 1 - new_level);
6536   }
6537 }
ResetInputs(cAvidaContext & ctx)6539 void cPopulation::ResetInputs(cAvidaContext& ctx)
6540 {
6541   for (int i=0; i<GetSize(); i++) {
6542     cPopulationCell& cell = GetCell(i);
6543     cell.ResetInputs(ctx);
6544     if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
6545       cell.GetOrganism()->ResetInput();
6546     }
6547   }
6548   //@JJB**
6549   for (int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) {
6550     GetDeme(i).ResetInputs(ctx);
6551     GetDeme(i).ResetInput();
6552   }
6553 }
BuildTimeSlicer()6555 void cPopulation::BuildTimeSlicer()
6556 {
6557   switch (m_world->GetConfig().SLICING_METHOD.Get()) {
6558     case SLICE_CONSTANT:
6559       schedule = new cConstSchedule(cell_array.GetSize());
6560       break;
6561     case SLICE_PROB_MERIT:
6562       schedule = new cProbSchedule(cell_array.GetSize(), m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(0x7FFFFFFF));
6563       break;
6564     case SLICE_DEME_PROB_MERIT:
6565       schedule = new cDemeProbSchedule(cell_array.GetSize(), m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(0x7FFFFFFF), deme_array.GetSize());
6566       break;
6568       schedule = new cProbDemeProbSchedule(cell_array.GetSize(), m_world->GetRandom().GetInt(0x7FFFFFFF), deme_array.GetSize());
6569       break;
6571       schedule = new cIntegratedSchedule(cell_array.GetSize());
6572       break;
6574       schedule = new cConstBurstSchedule(cell_array.GetSize(), m_world->GetConfig().SLICING_BURST_SIZE.Get());
6575     default:
6576       cout << "Warning: Requested Time Slicer not found, defaulting to Integrated." << endl;
6577       schedule = new cIntegratedSchedule(cell_array.GetSize());
6578       break;
6579   }
6580 }
FindEmptyCell(tList<cPopulationCell> & cell_list,tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list)6583 void cPopulation::FindEmptyCell(tList<cPopulationCell> & cell_list,
6584                                 tList<cPopulationCell> & found_list)
6585 {
6586   tListIterator<cPopulationCell> cell_it(cell_list);
6587   cPopulationCell * test_cell;
6589   while ( (test_cell = cell_it.Next()) != NULL) {
6590     // If this cell is empty, add it to the list...
6591     if (test_cell->IsOccupied() == false) found_list.Push(test_cell);
6592   }
6593 }
6596 // This function injects a new organism into the population at cell_id that
6597 // is an exact clone of the organism passed in.
InjectClone(int cell_id,cOrganism & orig_org,eBioUnitSource src)6599 void cPopulation::InjectClone(int cell_id, cOrganism& orig_org, eBioUnitSource src)
6600 {
6601   assert(cell_id >= 0 && cell_id < cell_array.GetSize());
6603   cAvidaContext& ctx = m_world->GetDefaultContext();
6605   cOrganism* new_organism = new cOrganism(m_world, ctx, orig_org.GetGenome(), orig_org.GetPhenotype().GetGeneration(), src);
6607   // Classify the new organism
6608   m_world->GetClassificationManager().ClassifyNewBioUnit(new_organism);
6610   // Setup the phenotype...
6611   new_organism->GetPhenotype().SetupClone(orig_org.GetPhenotype());
6613   // Prep the cell..
6614   if (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST &&
6615       cell_array[cell_id].IsOccupied() == true) {
6616     // Have to manually take this cell out of the reaper Queue.
6617     reaper_queue.Remove( &(cell_array[cell_id]) );
6618   }
6620   // Setup the mutation rate based on the population cell...
6621   const int mut_source = m_world->GetConfig().MUT_RATE_SOURCE.Get();
6622   if (mut_source == 1) {
6623     // Update the mutation rates of each child from the environment....
6624     new_organism->MutationRates().Copy(cell_array[cell_id].MutationRates());
6625   } else {
6626     // Update the mutation rates of each child from its parent.
6627     new_organism->MutationRates().Copy(orig_org.MutationRates());
6628   }
6630   // Activate the organism in the population...
6631   ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], true, true);
6632 }
6634 // This function injects the offspring genome of an organism into the population at cell_id.
6635 // Takes care of divide mutations.
CompeteOrganisms_ConstructOffspring(int cell_id,cOrganism & parent)6636 void cPopulation::CompeteOrganisms_ConstructOffspring(int cell_id, cOrganism& parent)
6637 {
6638   assert(cell_id >= 0 && cell_id < cell_array.GetSize());
6640   cAvidaContext& ctx = m_world->GetDefaultContext();
6642   // Do mutations on the child genome, but restore it to its current state afterward.
6643   Genome save_child = parent.OffspringGenome();
6644   parent.GetHardware().Divide_DoMutations(ctx);
6645   Genome child_genome = parent.OffspringGenome();
6646   parent.GetHardware().Divide_TestFitnessMeasures(ctx);
6647   parent.OffspringGenome() = save_child;
6648   cOrganism* new_organism = new cOrganism(m_world, ctx, child_genome, parent.GetPhenotype().GetGeneration(), SRC_ORGANISM_COMPETE);
6650   // Classify the offspring
6651   tArray<const tArray<cBioGroup*>*> pgrps(1);
6652   pgrps[0] = &parent.GetBioGroups();
6653   new_organism->SelfClassify(pgrps);
6655   // Setup the phenotype...
6656   new_organism->GetPhenotype().SetupOffspring(parent.GetPhenotype(),child_genome.GetSequence());
6658   // Prep the cell..
6659   if (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST &&
6660       cell_array[cell_id].IsOccupied() == true) {
6661     // Have to manually take this cell out of the reaper Queue.
6662     reaper_queue.Remove( &(cell_array[cell_id]) );
6663   }
6665   // Setup the mutation rate based on the population cell...
6666   const int mut_source = m_world->GetConfig().MUT_RATE_SOURCE.Get();
6667   if (mut_source == 1) {
6668     // Update the mutation rates of each child from the environment....
6669     new_organism->MutationRates().Copy(cell_array[cell_id].MutationRates());
6670   } else {
6671     // Update the mutation rates of each child from its parent.
6672     new_organism->MutationRates().Copy(parent.MutationRates());
6673   }
6675   // Activate the organism in the population...
6676   ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], true, true);
6677 }
InjectGenome(int cell_id,eBioUnitSource src,const Genome & genome,cAvidaContext & ctx2,int lineage_label,bool assign_group)6680 void cPopulation::InjectGenome(int cell_id, eBioUnitSource src, const Genome& genome, cAvidaContext& ctx2, int lineage_label, bool assign_group)
6681 {
6682   assert(cell_id >= 0 && cell_id < cell_array.GetSize());
6683   if (cell_id < 0 || cell_id >= cell_array.GetSize()) {
6684     m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(1, "InjectGenotype into nonexistent cell");
6685   }
6687   cAvidaContext& ctx = m_world->GetDefaultContext();
6689   cOrganism* new_organism = new cOrganism(m_world, ctx, genome, -1, src);
6691   // Setup the phenotype...
6692   cPhenotype& phenotype = new_organism->GetPhenotype();
6694   phenotype.SetupInject(genome.GetSequence());
6696   // Classify this new organism
6697   m_world->GetClassificationManager().ClassifyNewBioUnit(new_organism);
6699   //Coalescense Clade Setup
6700   new_organism->SetCCladeLabel(-1);
6702   cGenomeTestMetrics* metrics = cGenomeTestMetrics::GetMetrics(ctx, new_organism->GetBioGroup("genotype"));
6704   if (m_world->GetConfig().ENERGY_ENABLED.Get() == 1) {
6705     phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(phenotype.ConvertEnergyToMerit(phenotype.GetStoredEnergy())));
6706   } else {
6707     phenotype.SetMerit(cMerit(metrics->GetMerit()));
6708   }
6710   phenotype.SetLinesCopied(metrics->GetLinesCopied());
6711   phenotype.SetLinesExecuted(metrics->GetLinesExecuted());
6712   phenotype.SetGestationTime(metrics->GetGestationTime());
6715   // Prep the cell..
6716   if (m_world->GetConfig().BIRTH_METHOD.Get() == POSITION_OFFSPRING_FULL_SOUP_ELDEST &&
6717       cell_array[cell_id].IsOccupied() == true) {
6718     // Have to manually take this cell out of the reaper Queue.
6719     reaper_queue.Remove( &(cell_array[cell_id]) );
6720   }
6722   // Setup the child's mutation rates.  Since this organism is being injected
6723   // and has no parent, we should always take the rate from the environment.
6724   new_organism->MutationRates().Copy(cell_array[cell_id].MutationRates());
6725   new_organism->SetLineageLabel(lineage_label);
6727   // Activate the organism in the population...
6728   if (assign_group) ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], true, true);
6729   else ActivateOrganism(ctx, new_organism, cell_array[cell_id], false, true);
6731   // Log the injection of this organism if LOG_INJECT is set to 1 and
6732   // the current update number is >= INJECT_LOG_START
6733   if ( (m_world->GetConfig().LOG_INJECT.Get() == 1) &&
6734       (m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate() >= m_world->GetConfig().INJECT_LOG_START.Get()) ){
6736     cString tmpfilename = cStringUtil::Stringf("injectlog.dat");
6737     cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(tmpfilename);
6739     df.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
6740     df.Write(new_organism->GetID(), "Organism ID");
6741     df.Write(m_world->GetPopulation().GetCell(cell_id).GetDemeID(), "Deme ID");
6742     df.Write(new_organism->GetFacing(), "Facing");
6743     df.Endl();
6744   }
6745 }
6747 // Note: cPopulation::SerialTransfer does not respect deme boundaries and only acts on a single population.
SerialTransfer(int transfer_size,bool ignore_deads,cAvidaContext & ctx)6748 void cPopulation::SerialTransfer(int transfer_size, bool ignore_deads, cAvidaContext& ctx)
6749 {
6750   assert(transfer_size > 0);
6752   // If we are ignoring all dead organisms, remove them from the population.
6753   if (ignore_deads == true) {
6754     for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(); i++) {
6755       cPopulationCell & cell = cell_array[i];
6756       if (cell.IsOccupied() && cell.GetOrganism()->GetTestFitness(m_world->GetDefaultContext()) == 0.0) {
6757         KillOrganism(cell, ctx);
6758       }
6759     }
6760   }
6762   // If removing the dead was enough, stop here.
6763   if (num_organisms <= transfer_size) return;
6765   // Collect a vector of the occupied cells...
6766   vector<int> transfer_pool;
6767   transfer_pool.reserve(num_organisms);
6768   for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(); i++) {
6769     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied()) transfer_pool.push_back(i);
6770   }
6772   // Remove the proper number of cells.
6773   const int removal_size = num_organisms - transfer_size;
6774   for (int i = 0; i < removal_size; i++) {
6775     int j = (int) m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(transfer_pool.size());
6776     KillOrganism(cell_array[transfer_pool[j]], ctx);
6777     transfer_pool[j] = transfer_pool.back();
6778     transfer_pool.pop_back();
6779   }
6780 }
RemovePredators(cAvidaContext & ctx)6782 void cPopulation::RemovePredators(cAvidaContext& ctx)
6783 {
6784   for (int i = 0; i < live_org_list.GetSize(); i++) {
6785     if (live_org_list[i]->GetForageTarget() <= -2) live_org_list[i]->Die(ctx);
6786   }
6787 }
PrintPhenotypeData(const cString & filename)6789 void cPopulation::PrintPhenotypeData(const cString& filename)
6790 {
6791   set<int> ids;
6792   set<cString> complete;
6793   double average_shannon_diversity = 0.0;
6794   int num_orgs = 0; //could get from elsewhere, but more self-contained this way
6795   double average_num_tasks = 0.0;
6797   //implementing a very poor man's hash...
6798   tArray<int> phenotypes;
6799   tArray<int> phenotype_counts;
6801   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) {
6802     // Only look at cells with organisms in them.
6803     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
6805     num_orgs++;
6806     const cPhenotype& phenotype = cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
6808     int total_tasks = 0;
6809     int id = 0;
6810     cString key;
6811     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastTaskCount().GetSize(); j++) {
6812       if (phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j] > 0) id += (1 << j);
6813       if (phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j] > 0) average_num_tasks += 1.0;
6814       key += cStringUtil::Stringf("%i-", phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j]);
6815       total_tasks += phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j];
6816     }
6817     ids.insert(id);
6818     complete.insert(key);
6820     // add one to our count for this key
6821     int k;
6822     for(k=0; k<phenotypes.GetSize(); k++)
6823     {
6824       if (phenotypes[k] == id) {
6825         phenotype_counts[k] = phenotype_counts[k] + 1;
6826         break;
6827       }
6828     }
6829     // this is a new key
6830     if (k == phenotypes.GetSize()) {
6831       phenotypes.Push(id);
6832       phenotype_counts.Push(1);
6833     }
6835     // go through again to calculate Shannon Diversity of task counts
6836     // now that we know the total number of tasks done
6837     double shannon_diversity = 0;
6838     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastTaskCount().GetSize(); j++) {
6839       if (phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j] == 0) continue;
6840       double fraction = static_cast<double>(phenotype.GetLastTaskCount()[j]) / static_cast<double>(total_tasks);
6841       shannon_diversity -= fraction * log(fraction) / log(2.0);
6842     }
6844     average_shannon_diversity += static_cast<double>(shannon_diversity);
6845   }
6847   double shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes = 0.0;
6848   for (int j = 0; j < phenotype_counts.GetSize(); j++) {
6849     double fraction = static_cast<double>(phenotype_counts[j]) / static_cast<double>(num_orgs);
6850     shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes -= fraction * log(fraction) / log(2.0);
6851   }
6853   average_shannon_diversity /= static_cast<double>(num_orgs);
6854   average_num_tasks /= num_orgs;
6856   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
6857   df.WriteTimeStamp();
6858   df.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
6859   df.Write(static_cast<int>(ids.size()), "Unique Phenotypes (by task done)");
6860   df.Write(shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes, "Shannon Diversity of Phenotypes (by task done)");
6861   df.Write(static_cast<int>(complete.size()), "Unique Phenotypes (by task count)");
6862   df.Write(average_shannon_diversity, "Average Phenotype Shannon Diversity (by task count)");
6863   df.Write(average_num_tasks, "Average Task Diversity (number of different tasks)");
6864   df.Endl();
6865 }
PrintPhenotypeStatus(const cString & filename)6867 void cPopulation::PrintPhenotypeStatus(const cString& filename)
6868 {
6869   cDataFile& df_phen = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
6871   df_phen.WriteComment("Num orgs doing each task for each deme in population");
6872   df_phen.WriteTimeStamp();
6873   df_phen.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
6875   cString comment;
6877   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++)
6878   {
6879     // Only look at cells with organisms in them.
6880     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
6882     const cPhenotype& phenotype = cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
6884     comment.Set("cur_merit %d;", i);
6885     df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetMerit().GetDouble(), comment);
6887     comment.Set("cur_merit_base %d;", i);
6888     df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetCurMeritBase(), comment);
6890     comment.Set("cur_merit_bonus %d;", i);
6891     df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetCurBonus(), comment);
6893     //    comment.Set("last_merit %d", i);
6894     //    df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetLastMerit(), comment);
6896     comment.Set("last_merit_base %d", i);
6897     df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetLastMeritBase(), comment);
6899     comment.Set("last_merit_bonus %d", i);
6900     df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetLastBonus(), comment);
6902     comment.Set("life_fitness %d", i);
6903     df_phen.Write(phenotype.GetLifeFitness(), comment);
6905     comment.Set("*");
6906     df_phen.Write("*", comment);
6908   }
6909   df_phen.Endl();
6911 }
PrintHostPhenotypeData(const cString & filename)6913 void cPopulation::PrintHostPhenotypeData(const cString& filename)
6914 {
6915   set<int> ids;
6916   set<cString> complete;
6917   double average_shannon_diversity = 0.0;
6918   int num_orgs = 0; //could get from elsewhere, but more self-contained this way
6919   double average_num_tasks = 0.0;
6921   //implementing a very poor man's hash...
6922   tArray<int> phenotypes;
6923   tArray<int> phenotype_counts;
6925   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) {
6926     // Only look at cells with organisms in them.
6927     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
6929     num_orgs++;
6930     const cPhenotype& phenotype = cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
6932     int total_tasks = 0;
6933     int id = 0;
6934     cString key;
6935     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount().GetSize(); j++) {
6936       if (phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j] > 0) id += (1 << j);
6937       if (phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j] > 0) average_num_tasks += 1.0;
6938       key += cStringUtil::Stringf("%i-", phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j]);
6939       total_tasks += phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j];
6940     }
6941     ids.insert(id);
6942     complete.insert(key);
6944     // add one to our count for this key
6945     int k;
6946     for(k=0; k<phenotypes.GetSize(); k++)
6947     {
6948       if (phenotypes[k] == id) {
6949         phenotype_counts[k] = phenotype_counts[k] + 1;
6950         break;
6951       }
6952     }
6953     // this is a new key
6954     if (k == phenotypes.GetSize()) {
6955       phenotypes.Push(id);
6956       phenotype_counts.Push(1);
6957     }
6959     // go through again to calculate Shannon Diversity of task counts
6960     // now that we know the total number of tasks done
6961     double shannon_diversity = 0;
6962     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount().GetSize(); j++) {
6963       if (phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j] == 0) continue;
6964       double fraction = static_cast<double>(phenotype.GetLastHostTaskCount()[j]) / static_cast<double>(total_tasks);
6965       shannon_diversity -= fraction * log(fraction) / log(2.0);
6966     }
6968     average_shannon_diversity += static_cast<double>(shannon_diversity);
6969   }
6971   double shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes = 0.0;
6972   for (int j = 0; j < phenotype_counts.GetSize(); j++) {
6973     double fraction = static_cast<double>(phenotype_counts[j]) / static_cast<double>(num_orgs);
6974     shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes -= fraction * log(fraction) / log(2.0);
6975   }
6977   average_shannon_diversity /= static_cast<double>(num_orgs);
6978   average_num_tasks /= num_orgs;
6980   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
6981   df.WriteTimeStamp();
6982   df.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
6983   df.Write(static_cast<int>(ids.size()), "Unique Phenotypes (by task done)");
6984   df.Write(shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes, "Shannon Diversity of Phenotypes (by task done)");
6985   df.Write(static_cast<int>(complete.size()), "Unique Phenotypes (by task count)");
6986   df.Write(average_shannon_diversity, "Average Phenotype Shannon Diversity (by task count)");
6987   df.Write(average_num_tasks, "Average Task Diversity (number of different tasks)");
6988   df.Endl();
6989 }
PrintParasitePhenotypeData(const cString & filename)6991 void cPopulation::PrintParasitePhenotypeData(const cString& filename)
6992 {
6993   set<int> ids;
6994   set<cString> complete;
6995   double average_shannon_diversity = 0.0;
6996   int num_orgs = 0; //could get from elsewhere, but more self-contained this way
6997   double average_num_tasks = 0.0;
6999   //implementing a very poor man's hash...
7000   tArray<int> phenotypes;
7001   tArray<int> phenotype_counts;
7003   for (int i = 0; i < cell_array.GetSize(); i++) {
7004     // Only look at cells with organisms in them.
7005     if (cell_array[i].IsOccupied() == false) continue;
7007     num_orgs++;
7008     const cPhenotype& phenotype = cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7010     int total_tasks = 0;
7011     int id = 0;
7012     cString key;
7013     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount().GetSize(); j++) {
7014       if (phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j] > 0) id += (1 << j);
7015       if (phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j] > 0) average_num_tasks += 1.0;
7016       key += cStringUtil::Stringf("%i-", phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j]);
7017       total_tasks += phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j];
7018     }
7019     ids.insert(id);
7020     complete.insert(key);
7022     // add one to our count for this key
7023     int k;
7024     for(k=0; k<phenotypes.GetSize(); k++)
7025     {
7026       if (phenotypes[k] == id) {
7027         phenotype_counts[k] = phenotype_counts[k] + 1;
7028         break;
7029       }
7030     }
7031     // this is a new key
7032     if (k == phenotypes.GetSize()) {
7033       phenotypes.Push(id);
7034       phenotype_counts.Push(1);
7035     }
7037     // go through again to calculate Shannon Diversity of task counts
7038     // now that we know the total number of tasks done
7039     double shannon_diversity = 0;
7040     for (int j = 0; j < phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount().GetSize(); j++) {
7041       if (phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j] == 0) continue;
7042       double fraction = static_cast<double>(phenotype.GetLastParasiteTaskCount()[j]) / static_cast<double>(total_tasks);
7043       shannon_diversity -= fraction * log(fraction) / log(2.0);
7044     }
7046     average_shannon_diversity += static_cast<double>(shannon_diversity);
7047   }
7049   double shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes = 0.0;
7050   for (int j = 0; j < phenotype_counts.GetSize(); j++) {
7051     double fraction = static_cast<double>(phenotype_counts[j]) / static_cast<double>(num_orgs);
7052     shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes -= fraction * log(fraction) / log(2.0);
7053   }
7055   average_shannon_diversity /= static_cast<double>(num_orgs);
7056   average_num_tasks /= num_orgs;
7058   cDataFile& df = m_world->GetDataFile(filename);
7059   df.WriteTimeStamp();
7060   df.Write(m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate(), "Update");
7061   df.Write(static_cast<int>(ids.size()), "Unique Phenotypes (by task done)");
7062   df.Write(shannon_diversity_of_phenotypes, "Shannon Diversity of Phenotypes (by task done)");
7063   df.Write(static_cast<int>(complete.size()), "Unique Phenotypes (by task count)");
7064   df.Write(average_shannon_diversity, "Average Phenotype Shannon Diversity (by task count)");
7065   df.Write(average_num_tasks, "Average Task Diversity (number of different tasks)");
7066   df.Endl();
7067 }
UpdateMerit(int cell_id,double new_merit)7069 bool cPopulation::UpdateMerit(int cell_id, double new_merit)
7070 {
7071   assert( GetCell(cell_id).IsOccupied() == true);
7072   assert( new_merit >= 0.0 );
7074   cPhenotype & phenotype = GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7075   double old_merit = phenotype.GetMerit().GetDouble();
7077   phenotype.SetMerit( cMerit(new_merit) );
7078   phenotype.SetLifeFitness(new_merit/phenotype.GetGestationTime());
7079   if (new_merit <= old_merit) {
7080     phenotype.SetIsDonorCur(); }
7081   else  { phenotype.SetIsReceiver(); }
7082   AdjustSchedule(GetCell(cell_id), phenotype.GetMerit());
7084   return true;
7085 }
AddBeginSleep(int cellID,int start_time)7088 void cPopulation::AddBeginSleep(int cellID, int start_time) {
7089   sleep_log[cellID].Add(make_pair(start_time,-1));
7090 }
AddEndSleep(int cellID,int end_time)7092 void cPopulation::AddEndSleep(int cellID, int end_time) {
7093   pair<int,int> p = sleep_log[cellID][sleep_log[cellID].Size()-1];
7094   sleep_log[cellID].RemoveAt(sleep_log[cellID].Size()-1);
7095   sleep_log[cellID].Add(make_pair(p.first, end_time));
7096 }
7098 // Starts a new trial for each organism in the population
NewTrial(cAvidaContext & ctx)7099 void cPopulation::NewTrial(cAvidaContext& ctx)
7100 {
7101   for (int i=0; i< GetSize(); i++) {
7102     cPopulationCell& cell = GetCell(i);
7103     if (cell.IsOccupied()) {
7104       cPhenotype & p =  cell.GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7106       // Don't continue if the time used was zero
7107       if (p.GetTrialTimeUsed() != 0) {
7108         // Correct gestation time for speculative execution
7109         p.SetTrialTimeUsed(p.GetTrialTimeUsed() - cell.GetSpeculativeState());
7110         p.SetTimeUsed(p.GetTimeUsed() - cell.GetSpeculativeState());
7112         cell.GetOrganism()->NewTrial();
7113         cell.GetOrganism()->GetHardware().Reset(ctx);
7115         cell.SetSpeculativeState(0);
7116       }
7117     }
7118   }
7120   //Recalculate the stats immediately, so that if they are printed before a new update
7121   //is processed, they accurately reflect this trial only...
7122   cStats& stats = m_world->GetStats();
7123   stats.ProcessUpdate();
7124   ProcessPostUpdate(ctx);
7125 }
7127 /*
7128  CompeteOrganisms
7130  parents_survive => for any organism represented by >=1 child, the first created is the parent (has no mutations)
7131  dynamic_scaling => rescale the time interval such that the geometric mean of the highest fitness versus lower fitnesses
7132  equals a time of 1 unit
7133  */
CompeteOrganisms(cAvidaContext & ctx,int competition_type,int parents_survive)7135 void cPopulation::CompeteOrganisms(cAvidaContext& ctx, int competition_type, int parents_survive)
7136 {
7137   NewTrial(ctx);
7139   double total_fitness = 0;
7140   int num_cells = GetSize();
7141   tArray<double> org_fitness(num_cells);
7143   double lowest_fitness = -1.0;
7144   double average_fitness = 0;
7145   double highest_fitness = -1.0;
7146   double lowest_fitness_copied = -1.0;
7147   double average_fitness_copied = 0;
7148   double highest_fitness_copied = -1.0;
7149   int different_orgs_copied = 0;
7150   int num_competed_orgs = 0;
7152   int num_trials = -1;
7154   int dynamic_scaling = 0;
7156   if (competition_type==3) dynamic_scaling = 1;
7157   else if  (competition_type==4) dynamic_scaling = 2;
7159   // How many trials were there? -- same for every organism
7160   // we just need to find one...
7161   for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7162     if (GetCell(i).IsOccupied()) {
7163       cPhenotype& p = GetCell(i).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7164       // We trigger a lot of asserts if the copied size is zero...
7165       p.SetLinesCopied(p.GetGenomeLength());
7167       if ( (num_trials != -1) && (num_trials != p.GetTrialFitnesses().GetSize()) ) {
7168         cout << "The number of trials is not the same for every organism in the population.\n";
7169         cout << "You need to remove all normal ways of replicating for CompeteOrganisms to work correctly.\n";
7170         exit(1);
7171       }
7173       num_trials = p.GetTrialFitnesses().GetSize();
7174     }
7175   }
7177   // If there weren't any trials then end here (but call new trial so things are set up for the next iteration)
7178   if (num_trials == 0) return;
7180   if (m_world->GetVerbosity() > VERBOSE_SILENT) cout << "==Compete Organisms==" << endl;
7182   tArray<double> min_trial_fitnesses(num_trials);
7183   tArray<double> max_trial_fitnesses(num_trials);
7184   tArray<double> avg_trial_fitnesses(num_trials);
7185   avg_trial_fitnesses.SetAll(0);
7187   bool init = false;
7188   // What is the min and max fitness in each trial
7189   for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7190     if (GetCell(i).IsOccupied()) {
7191       num_competed_orgs++;
7192       cPhenotype& p = GetCell(i).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7193       tArray<double> trial_fitnesses = p.GetTrialFitnesses();
7194       for (int t=0; t < num_trials; t++) {
7195         if ((!init) || (min_trial_fitnesses[t] > trial_fitnesses[t])) {
7196           min_trial_fitnesses[t] = trial_fitnesses[t];
7197         }
7198         if ((!init) || (max_trial_fitnesses[t] < trial_fitnesses[t])) {
7199           max_trial_fitnesses[t] = trial_fitnesses[t];
7200         }
7201         avg_trial_fitnesses[t] += trial_fitnesses[t];
7202       }
7203       init = true;
7204     }
7205   }
7207   //divide averages for each trial
7208   for (int t=0; t < num_trials; t++) {
7209     avg_trial_fitnesses[t] /= num_competed_orgs;
7210   }
7212   if (m_world->GetVerbosity() > VERBOSE_SILENT) {
7213     if (min_trial_fitnesses.GetSize() > 1) {
7214       for (int t=0; t < min_trial_fitnesses.GetSize(); t++) {
7215         cout << "Trial #" << t << " Min Fitness = " << min_trial_fitnesses[t] << ", Avg fitness = " << avg_trial_fitnesses[t] << " Max Fitness = " << max_trial_fitnesses[t] << endl;
7216       }
7217     }
7218   }
7220   bool using_trials = true;
7221   for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7222     if (GetCell(i).IsOccupied()) {
7223       double fitness = 0.0;
7224       cPhenotype& p = GetCell(i).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7225       //Don't need to reset trial_fitnesses because we will call cPhenotype::OffspringReset on the entire pop
7226       tArray<double> trial_fitnesses = p.GetTrialFitnesses();
7228       //If there are no trial fitnesses...use the actual fitness.
7229       if (trial_fitnesses.GetSize() == 0) {
7230         using_trials = false;
7231         trial_fitnesses.Push(p.GetFitness());
7232       }
7233       switch (competition_type) {
7234           //Geometric Mean
7235         case 0:
7236         case 3:
7237         case 4:
7238           //Treat as logs to avoid overflow when multiplying very large fitnesses
7239           fitness = 0;
7240           for (int t=0; t < trial_fitnesses.GetSize(); t++) {
7241             fitness += log(trial_fitnesses[t]);
7242           }
7243           fitness /= (double)trial_fitnesses.GetSize();
7244           fitness = exp( fitness );
7245           break;
7247           //Product
7248         case 5:
7249           //Treat as logs to avoid overflow when multiplying very large fitnesses
7250           fitness = 0;
7251           for (int t=0; t < trial_fitnesses.GetSize(); t++) {
7252             fitness += log(trial_fitnesses[t]);
7253           }
7254           fitness = exp( fitness );
7255           break;
7257           //Geometric Mean of normalized values
7258         case 1:
7259           fitness = 1.0;
7260           for (int t=0; t < trial_fitnesses.GetSize(); t++) {
7261             fitness*=trial_fitnesses[t] / max_trial_fitnesses[t];
7262           }
7263           fitness = exp( (1.0/((double)trial_fitnesses.GetSize())) * log(fitness) );
7264           break;
7266           //Arithmetic Mean
7267         case 2:
7268           fitness = 0;
7269           for (int t=0; t < trial_fitnesses.GetSize(); t++) {
7270             fitness+=trial_fitnesses[t];
7271           }
7272           fitness /= (double)trial_fitnesses.GetSize();
7273           break;
7275         default:
7276           m_world->GetDriver().RaiseFatalException(1, "Unknown CompeteOrganisms method");
7277       }
7278       if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_DETAILS) {
7279         cout << "Trial fitness in cell " << i << " = " << fitness << endl;
7280       }
7281       org_fitness[i] = fitness;
7282       total_fitness += fitness;
7284       if ((highest_fitness == -1.0) || (fitness > highest_fitness)) highest_fitness = fitness;
7285       if ((lowest_fitness == -1.0) || (fitness < lowest_fitness)) lowest_fitness = fitness;
7286     } // end if occupied
7287   }
7288   average_fitness = total_fitness / num_competed_orgs;
7290   //Rescale by the geometric mean of the difference from the top score and the average
7291   if ( dynamic_scaling == 1 ) {
7292     double dynamic_factor = 1.0;
7293     if (highest_fitness > 0) {
7294       dynamic_factor = 2 / highest_fitness;
7295     }
7297     total_fitness = 0;
7298     for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7299       if ( GetCell(i).IsOccupied() ) {
7300         org_fitness[i] *= dynamic_factor;
7301         total_fitness += org_fitness[i];
7302       }
7303     }
7304   }
7306   // Rescale geometric mean to 1
7307   else if ( dynamic_scaling == 2 ) {
7308     int num_org = 0;
7309     double dynamic_factor = 1.0;
7310     for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7311       if ( GetCell(i).IsOccupied() && (org_fitness[i] > 0.0)) {
7312         num_org++;
7313         dynamic_factor += log(org_fitness[i]);
7314       }
7315     }
7317     cout << "Scaling factor = " << dynamic_factor << endl;
7318     if (num_org > 0) dynamic_factor = exp(dynamic_factor / (double)num_org);
7319     cout << "Scaling factor = " << dynamic_factor << endl;
7321     total_fitness = 0;
7323     for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7324       if ( GetCell(i).IsOccupied() ) {
7325         org_fitness[i] /= dynamic_factor;
7326         total_fitness += org_fitness[i];
7327       }
7328     }
7329   }
7331   // Pick which orgs should be in the next generation. (Filling all cells)
7332   tArray<int> new_orgs(num_cells);
7333   for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7334     double birth_choice = (double) m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble(total_fitness);
7335     double test_total = 0;
7336     for (int test_org = 0; test_org < num_cells; test_org++) {
7337       test_total += org_fitness[test_org];
7338       if (birth_choice < test_total) {
7339         new_orgs[i] = test_org;
7340         if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_DETAILS) cout << "Propagating from cell " << test_org << " to " << i << endl;
7341         if ((highest_fitness_copied == -1.0) || (org_fitness[test_org] > highest_fitness_copied)) highest_fitness_copied = org_fitness[test_org];
7342         if ((lowest_fitness_copied == -1.0) || (org_fitness[test_org] < lowest_fitness_copied)) lowest_fitness_copied = org_fitness[test_org];
7343         average_fitness_copied += org_fitness[test_org];
7344         break;
7345       }
7346     }
7347   }
7348   // average assumes we fill all cells.
7349   average_fitness_copied /= num_cells;
7351   // Track how many of each org we should have.
7352   tArray<int> org_count(num_cells);
7353   org_count.SetAll(0);
7354   for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7355     org_count[new_orgs[i]]++;
7356   }
7358   // Reset organism phenotypes that have successfully divided! Must do before injecting children.
7359   // -- but not the full reset if we are using trials, the trial reset should already cover things like task counts, etc.
7360   // calling that twice would erase this information before it could potentially be output between NewTrial and CompeteOrganisms events.
7361   for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
7362     if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_DETAILS) cout << "Cell " << i << " has " << org_count[i] << " copies in the next generation" << endl;
7364     if (org_count[i] > 0) {
7365       different_orgs_copied++;
7366       cPhenotype& p = GetCell(i).GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype();
7367       if (using_trials)
7368       {
7369         p.TrialDivideReset( GetCell(i).GetOrganism()->GetGenome().GetSequence() );
7370       }
7371       else //trials not used
7372       {
7373         //TrialReset has never been called so we need the entire routine to make "last" of "cur" stats.
7374         p.DivideReset( GetCell(i).GetOrganism()->GetGenome().GetSequence() );
7375       }
7376     }
7377   }
7379   tArray<bool> is_init(num_cells);
7380   is_init.SetAll(false);
7382   // Copy orgs until all org counts are 1.
7383   int last_from_cell_id = 0;
7384   int last_to_cell_id = 0;
7385   while (true) {
7386     // Find the next org to copy...
7387     int from_cell_id, to_cell_id;
7388     for (from_cell_id = last_from_cell_id; from_cell_id < num_cells; from_cell_id++) {
7389       if (org_count[from_cell_id] > 1) break;
7390     }
7391     last_from_cell_id = from_cell_id;
7393     // Stop if we didn't find another org to copy
7394     if (from_cell_id == num_cells) break;
7396     for (to_cell_id = last_to_cell_id; to_cell_id < num_cells; to_cell_id++) {
7397       if (org_count[to_cell_id] == 0) break;
7398     }
7399     last_to_cell_id = to_cell_id;
7401     // We now have both a "from" and a "to" org....
7402     org_count[from_cell_id]--;
7403     org_count[to_cell_id]++;
7405     cOrganism* organism = GetCell(from_cell_id).GetOrganism();
7406     organism->OffspringGenome() = organism->GetGenome();
7407     if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_DETAILS) cout << "Injecting Offspring " << from_cell_id << " to " << to_cell_id << endl;
7408     CompeteOrganisms_ConstructOffspring(to_cell_id, *organism);
7410     is_init[to_cell_id] = true;
7411   }
7413   if (!parents_survive)
7414   {
7415     // Now create children from remaining cells into themselves
7416     for (int cell_id = 0; cell_id < num_cells; cell_id++) {
7417       if (!is_init[cell_id])
7418       {
7419         cOrganism* organism = GetCell(cell_id).GetOrganism();
7420         organism->OffspringGenome() = organism->GetGenome();
7421         if (m_world->GetVerbosity() >= VERBOSE_DETAILS) cout << "Re-injecting Self " << cell_id << " to " << cell_id << endl;
7422         CompeteOrganisms_ConstructOffspring(cell_id, *organism);
7423       }
7424     }
7425   }
7428   if (m_world->GetVerbosity() > VERBOSE_SILENT)
7429   {
7430     cout << "Competed: Min fitness = " << lowest_fitness << ", Avg fitness = " << average_fitness << " Max fitness = " << highest_fitness << endl;
7431     cout << "Copied  : Min fitness = " << lowest_fitness_copied << ", Avg fitness = " << average_fitness_copied << ", Max fitness = " << highest_fitness_copied << endl;
7432     cout << "Copied  : Different organisms = " << different_orgs_copied << endl;
7433   }
7435   // copy stats to cStats, so that these can be remembered and printed
7436   m_world->GetStats().SetCompetitionTrialFitnesses(avg_trial_fitnesses);
7437   m_world->GetStats().SetCompetitionFitnesses(average_fitness, lowest_fitness, highest_fitness, average_fitness_copied, lowest_fitness_copied, highest_fitness_copied);
7438   m_world->GetStats().SetCompetitionOrgsReplicated(different_orgs_copied);
7440   NewTrial(ctx);
7441 }
7444 /* This routine is designed to change values in the resource count in the
7445  middle of a run.  This is designed to work with cActionSetGradient Count */
7446 //JW
UpdateGradientCount(cAvidaContext & ctx,const int Verbosity,cWorld * world,const cString res_name)7448 void cPopulation::UpdateGradientCount(cAvidaContext& ctx, const int Verbosity, cWorld* world, const cString res_name)
7449 {
7450   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7451   int global_res_index = -1;
7453   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7454     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7456     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7458     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7459       resource_count.SetGradientCount(ctx, world, global_res_index, res->GetPeakX(), res->GetPeakY(),
7460                            res->GetHeight(), res->GetSpread(), res->GetPlateau(), res->GetDecay(),
7461                            res->GetMaxX(), res->GetMinX(), res->GetMaxY(), res->GetMinY(), res->GetAscaler(), res->GetUpdateStep(),
7462                            res->GetHalo(), res->GetHaloInnerRadius(), res->GetHaloWidth(),
7463                            res->GetHaloAnchorX(), res->GetHaloAnchorY(), res->GetMoveSpeed(),
7464                            res->GetPlateauInflow(), res->GetPlateauOutflow(), res->GetConeInflow(), res->GetConeOutflow(),
7465                            res->GetGradientInflow(), res->GetIsPlateauCommon(), res->GetFloor(), res->GetHabitat(),
7466                            res->GetMinSize(), res->GetMaxSize(), res->GetConfig(), res->GetCount(), res->GetResistance(),
7467                            res->GetInitialPlatVal(), res->GetThreshold(), res->GetRefuge());
7468     }
7469   }
7470 }
UpdateGradientPlatInflow(const cString res_name,const double inflow)7472 void cPopulation::UpdateGradientPlatInflow(const cString res_name, const double inflow)
7473 {
7474   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7475   int global_res_index = -1;
7477   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7478     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7479     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7480     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7481       res->SetPlateauInflow(inflow);
7482       resource_count.SetGradientPlatInflow(global_res_index, inflow);
7483     }
7484   }
7485 }
UpdateGradientPlatOutflow(const cString res_name,const double outflow)7487 void cPopulation::UpdateGradientPlatOutflow(const cString res_name, const double outflow)
7488 {
7489   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7490   int global_res_index = -1;
7492   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7493     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7494     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7495     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7496       res->SetPlateauOutflow(outflow);
7497       resource_count.SetGradientPlatOutflow(global_res_index, outflow);
7498     }
7499   }
7500 }
UpdateGradientConeInflow(const cString res_name,const double inflow)7502 void cPopulation::UpdateGradientConeInflow(const cString res_name, const double inflow)
7503 {
7504   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7505   int global_res_index = -1;
7507   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7508     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7509     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7510     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7511       res->SetConeInflow(inflow);
7512       resource_count.SetGradientConeInflow(global_res_index, inflow);
7513     }
7514   }
7515 }
UpdateGradientConeOutflow(const cString res_name,const double outflow)7517 void cPopulation::UpdateGradientConeOutflow(const cString res_name, const double outflow)
7518 {
7519   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7520   int global_res_index = -1;
7522   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7523     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7524     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7525     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7526       res->SetConeOutflow(outflow);
7527       resource_count.SetGradientConeOutflow(global_res_index, outflow);
7528     }
7529   }
7530 }
UpdateGradientInflow(const cString res_name,const double inflow)7532 void cPopulation::UpdateGradientInflow(const cString res_name, const double inflow)
7533 {
7534   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7535   int global_res_index = -1;
7537   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7538     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7539     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7540     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7541       res->SetGradientInflow(inflow);
7542       resource_count.SetGradientInflow(global_res_index, inflow);
7543     }
7544   }
7545 }
SetGradPlatVarInflow(const cString res_name,const double mean,const double variance,const int type)7547 void cPopulation::SetGradPlatVarInflow(const cString res_name, const double mean, const double variance, const int type)
7548 {
7549   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7550   int global_res_index = -1;
7552   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7553     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7554     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7555     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7556       resource_count.SetGradPlatVarInflow(global_res_index, mean, variance, type);
7557     }
7558   }
7559 }
SetPredatoryResource(const cString res_name,const double odds,const int juvsper,const double detection_prob)7561 void cPopulation::SetPredatoryResource(const cString res_name, const double odds, const int juvsper, const double detection_prob)
7562 {
7563   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7564   int global_res_index = -1;
7566   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7567     cResource* res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7568     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7569     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7570       res->SetPredatoryResource(odds, juvsper, detection_prob);
7571       res->SetHabitat(5);
7572       environment.AddHabitat(5);
7573       resource_count.SetPredatoryResource(global_res_index, odds, juvsper);
7574     }
7575   }
7576   m_has_predatory_res = true;
7577 }
SetProbabilisticResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,const cString res_name,const double initial,const double inflow,const double outflow,const double lambda,const double theta,const int x,const int y,const int count)7579 void cPopulation::SetProbabilisticResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const cString res_name, const double initial, const double inflow,
7580   const double outflow, const double lambda, const double theta, const int x, const int y, const int count)
7581 {
7582   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7583   int global_res_index = -1;
7585   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7586     cResource* res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7587     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) global_res_index++;
7588     if (res->GetName() == res_name) {
7589       resource_count.SetProbabilisticResource(ctx, global_res_index, initial, inflow, outflow, lambda, theta, x, y, count);
7590       break;
7591     }
7592   }
7593 }
ExecutePredatoryResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,const int cell_id,const double pred_odds,const int juvs_per)7595 void cPopulation::ExecutePredatoryResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, const int cell_id, const double pred_odds, const int juvs_per)
7596 {
7597   cPopulationCell& cell = m_world->GetPopulation().GetCell(cell_id);
7598   const int juv_age = m_world->GetConfig().JUV_PERIOD.Get();
7600   const cResourceLib& resource_lib = m_world->GetEnvironment().GetResourceLib();
7602   tArray<double> cell_res;
7603   cell_res = GetCellResources(cell_id, ctx);
7605   bool cell_has_den = false;
7606   for (int j = 0; j < cell_res.GetSize(); j++) {
7607     if ((resource_lib.GetResource(j)->GetHabitat() == 4 || resource_lib.GetResource(j)->GetHabitat() == 3) && cell_res[j] > 0) {
7608       cell_has_den = true;
7609       break;
7610     }
7611   }
7613   if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && cell.HasAV()) {
7614     tArray<cOrganism*> cell_avs = cell.GetCellAVs();
7616     // on den, kill juvs only
7617     if (cell_has_den) {
7618       tArray<cOrganism*> juvs;
7619       juvs.Resize(0);
7620       int num_juvs = 0;
7621       int num_guards = 0;
7622       for (int k = 0; k < cell_avs.GetSize(); k++) {
7623         if (cell_avs[k]->GetPhenotype().GetTimeUsed() < juv_age) {
7624           num_juvs++;
7625           juvs.Push(cell_avs[k]);
7626         }
7627         else if (cell_avs[k]->IsGuard()) num_guards++;
7628       }
7629       if (num_juvs > 0) {
7630         int guarded_juvs = num_guards * juvs_per;
7631         int unguarded_juvs = num_juvs - guarded_juvs;
7632         for (int k = 0; k < unguarded_juvs; k++) {
7633           if (ctx.GetRandom().P(pred_odds) && !juvs[k]->IsDead()) {
7634             if (!juvs[k]->IsRunning()) KillOrganism(GetCell(juvs[k]->GetCellID()), ctx);
7635             else {
7636                 juvs[k]->GetPhenotype().SetToDie();
7637                 m_world->GetStats().IncJuvKilled();
7638             }
7639           }
7640         }
7641       }
7642     }
7643     // away from den, kill anyone
7644     else {
7645       if (ctx.GetRandom().P(pred_odds)) {
7646         cOrganism* target_org = cell_avs[m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(cell_avs.GetSize())];
7647         if (!target_org->IsDead()) {
7648           if (!target_org->IsRunning()) KillOrganism(GetCell(target_org->GetCellID()), ctx);
7649           else target_org->GetPhenotype().SetToDie();
7650         }
7651       }
7652     }
7653   }
7654   else if (!m_world->GetConfig().USE_AVATARS.Get() && cell.IsOccupied()) {
7655     cOrganism* target_org = cell.GetOrganism();
7656     // if not avatars, a juv will be killed regardless of whether it is on a den
7657     // an adult would only be targeted off of a den
7658     if (target_org->GetPhenotype().GetTimeUsed() < juv_age || !cell_has_den) {
7659       if (ctx.GetRandom().P(pred_odds) && !target_org->IsDead()) {
7660           if (!target_org->IsRunning()) KillOrganism(GetCell(target_org->GetCellID()), ctx);
7661           else target_org->GetPhenotype().SetToDie();
7662       }
7663     }
7664   }
7665 }
UpdateResourceCount(const int Verbosity,cWorld * world)7667 void cPopulation::UpdateResourceCount(const int Verbosity, cWorld* world) {
7668   const cResourceLib & resource_lib = environment.GetResourceLib();
7669   int global_res_index = -1;
7670   int deme_res_index = -1;
7671   int num_deme_res = 0;
7673   //setting size of global and deme-level resources
7674   for(int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7675     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7676     if (res->GetDemeResource())
7677       num_deme_res++;
7678   }
7680   for(int i = 0; i < GetNumDemes(); i++) {
7681     cResourceCount tmp_deme_res_count(num_deme_res);
7682     GetDeme(i).SetDemeResourceCount(tmp_deme_res_count);
7683   }
7685   for (int i = 0; i < resource_lib.GetSize(); i++) {
7686     cResource * res = resource_lib.GetResource(i);
7687     if (!res->GetDemeResource()) {
7688       global_res_index++;
7689       const double decay = 1.0 - res->GetOutflow();
7690       resource_count.Setup(world, global_res_index, res->GetName(), res->GetInitial(),
7691                            res->GetInflow(), decay,
7692                            res->GetGeometry(), res->GetXDiffuse(),
7693                            res->GetXGravity(), res->GetYDiffuse(),
7694                            res->GetYGravity(), res->GetInflowX1(),
7695                            res->GetInflowX2(), res->GetInflowY1(),
7696                            res->GetInflowY2(), res->GetOutflowX1(),
7697                            res->GetOutflowX2(), res->GetOutflowY1(),
7698                            res->GetOutflowY2(), res->GetCellListPtr(),
7699                            res->GetCellIdListPtr(), Verbosity,
7700                            res->GetDynamicResource(), res->GetPeaks(),
7701                            res->GetMinHeight(), res->GetMinRadius(), res->GetRadiusRange(),
7702                            res->GetAh(), res->GetAr(),
7703                            res->GetAcx(), res->GetAcy(),
7704                            res->GetHStepscale(), res->GetRStepscale(),
7705                            res->GetCStepscaleX(), res->GetCStepscaleY(),
7706                            res->GetHStep(), res->GetRStep(),
7707                            res->GetCStepX(), res->GetCStepY(),
7708                            res->GetUpdateDynamic(), res->GetPeakX(), res->GetPeakY(),
7709                            res->GetHeight(), res->GetSpread(), res->GetPlateau(), res->GetDecay(),
7710                            res->GetMaxX(), res->GetMinX(), res->GetMaxY(), res->GetMinY(), res->GetAscaler(), res->GetUpdateStep(),
7711                            res->GetHalo(), res->GetHaloInnerRadius(), res->GetHaloWidth(),
7712                            res->GetHaloAnchorX(), res->GetHaloAnchorY(), res->GetMoveSpeed(),
7713                            res->GetPlateauInflow(), res->GetPlateauOutflow(), res->GetConeInflow(), res->GetConeOutflow(),
7714                            res->GetGradientInflow(), res->GetIsPlateauCommon(), res->GetFloor(), res->GetHabitat(),
7715                            res->GetMinSize(), res->GetMaxSize(), res->GetConfig(), res->GetCount(), res->GetResistance(),
7716                            res->GetInitialPlatVal(), res->GetThreshold(), res->GetRefuge(), res->GetGradient()
7717                            );
7719     } else if (res->GetDemeResource()) {
7720       deme_res_index++;
7721       for(int j = 0; j < GetNumDemes(); j++) {
7722         GetDeme(j).SetupDemeRes(deme_res_index, res, Verbosity, world);
7723         // could add deme resources to global resource stats here
7724       }
7725     } else {
7726       cerr<< "ERROR: Resource \"" << res->GetName() <<"\"is not a global or deme resource.  Exit";
7727       exit(1);
7728     }
7729   }
7731 }
7734 // Adds an organism to live org list
AddLiveOrg(cOrganism * org)7735 void  cPopulation::AddLiveOrg(cOrganism* org)
7736 {
7737   live_org_list.Push(org);
7738   org->SetOrgIndex(live_org_list.GetSize()-1);
7739 }
7741 // Remove an organism from live org list
RemoveLiveOrg(cOrganism * org)7742 void  cPopulation::RemoveLiveOrg(cOrganism* org)
7743 {
7744   unsigned int last = live_org_list.GetSize() - 1;
7745   cOrganism* exist_org = live_org_list[last];
7746   exist_org->SetOrgIndex(org->GetOrgIndex());
7747   live_org_list.Swap(org->GetOrgIndex(), last);
7748   live_org_list.Pop();
7749 }
7752 // Adds an organism to a group
JoinGroup(cOrganism * org,int group_id)7753 void  cPopulation::JoinGroup(cOrganism* org, int group_id)
7754 {
7755   map<int,int>::iterator it;
7756   it=m_groups.find(group_id);
7757   if (it == m_groups.end()) {
7758     // new group
7759     m_groups[group_id] = 0;
7760     tSmartArray<cOrganism*> temp;
7761     group_list.Set(group_id, temp);
7762     // If tolerance is on, create the new group's tolerance cache
7763     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) {
7764       tArray<pair<int,int> > temp_array(2);
7765       temp_array[0] = make_pair(-1, -1);
7766       temp_array[1] = make_pair(-1, -1);
7767       m_group_intolerances.Set(group_id, temp_array);
7768       if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
7769         m_group_intolerances_females.Set(group_id, temp_array);
7770         m_group_intolerances_males.Set(group_id, temp_array);
7771         m_group_intolerances_juvs.Set(group_id, temp_array);
7772       }
7773     }
7774   }
7775   // add to group
7776   m_groups[group_id]++;
7777   if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) m_group_females[group_id]++;
7778   else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) m_group_males[group_id]++;
7780   group_list[group_id].Push(org);
7781   // If tolerance is on, must add the organism's intolerance to the group cache
7782   if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) {
7783     int tol_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
7784     int immigrant_tol = org->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
7785     m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7786     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
7787       if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) {
7788         m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7789       } else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) {
7790         m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7791       } else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE) {
7792         m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7793       }
7794     }
7795     m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].second += tol_max - org->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
7796   }
7797 }
7799 // Makes a new group (highest current group number +1)
MakeGroup(cOrganism * org)7800 void cPopulation::MakeGroup(cOrganism* org)
7801 {
7802   if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get() != 1) return;
7804   int highest_group;
7805   if (m_groups.size() > 0) {
7806     highest_group = m_groups.rbegin()->first;
7807   } else {
7808     highest_group = -1;
7809   }
7811   org->SetOpinion(highest_group + 1);
7812   JoinGroup(org, highest_group + 1);
7813 }
7815 // Removes an organism from a group
LeaveGroup(cOrganism * org,int group_id)7816 void  cPopulation::LeaveGroup(cOrganism* org, int group_id)
7817 {
7818   map<int,int>::iterator it = m_groups.find(group_id);
7819   if (it != m_groups.end()) {
7820     m_groups[group_id]--;
7821     if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) m_group_females[group_id]--;
7822     else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) m_group_males[group_id]--;
7824     // If no restrictions on group ids,
7825     // removes empty groups so the number of total groups being tracked doesn't become excessive
7826     // (Removes the highest group even if empty, causes misstep in marching groups).
7827     if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get() == 1) {
7828       if (m_groups[group_id] <= 0) {
7829         m_groups.erase(group_id);
7830       }
7831     }
7832   }
7834   // If tolerance is on, remove the organim's intolerance from the group's cache
7835   if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) {
7836     int tol_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
7837     int immigrant_tol = org->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
7838     m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7839     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
7840       if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) {
7841         m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7842       } else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) {
7843         m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7844       } else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE) {
7845         m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7846       }
7847     }
7848     m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].second -= tol_max - org->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
7849   }
7851   for (int i = 0; i < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); i++) {
7852     if (group_list[group_id][i] == org) {
7853       unsigned int last = group_list[group_id].GetSize() - 1;
7854       group_list[group_id].Swap(i,last);
7855       group_list[group_id].Pop();
7856       // If no restrictions, removes empty groups.
7857       if (m_world->GetConfig().USE_FORM_GROUPS.Get() == 1) {
7858         if (group_list[group_id].GetSize() <= 0) {
7859           group_list.Remove(group_id);
7860         }
7861       }
7862       break;
7863     }
7864   }
7865 }
7867 // Identifies the number of organisms in a group
NumberOfOrganismsInGroup(int group_id)7868 int  cPopulation::NumberOfOrganismsInGroup(int group_id)
7869 {
7870   map<int,int>::iterator it;
7871   it=m_groups.find(group_id);
7872   int num_orgs = 0;
7873   if (it != m_groups.end()) {
7874     num_orgs = m_groups[group_id];
7875   }
7876   return num_orgs;
7877 }
NumberGroupFemales(int group_id)7879 int  cPopulation::NumberGroupFemales(int group_id)
7880 {
7881   map<int,int>::iterator it;
7882   it=m_groups.find(group_id);
7883   int num_orgs = 0;
7884   if (it != m_groups.end()) {
7885     num_orgs = m_group_females[group_id];
7886   }
7887   return num_orgs;
7888 }
NumberGroupMales(int group_id)7890 int  cPopulation::NumberGroupMales(int group_id)
7891 {
7892   map<int,int>::iterator it;
7893   it=m_groups.find(group_id);
7894   int num_orgs = 0;
7895   if (it != m_groups.end()) {
7896     num_orgs = m_group_males[group_id];
7897   }
7898   return num_orgs;
7899 }
NumberGroupJuvs(int group_id)7901 int  cPopulation::NumberGroupJuvs(int group_id)
7902 {
7903   map<int,int>::iterator it;
7904   it=m_groups.find(group_id);
7905   int num_males = 0;
7906   int num_females = 0;
7907   int tot_orgs = 0;
7908   if (it != m_groups.end()) {
7909     num_males = m_group_males[group_id];
7910     num_females = m_group_females[group_id];
7911     tot_orgs = m_groups[group_id];
7912   }
7913   return tot_orgs - (num_males + num_females);
7914 }
ChangeGroupMatingTypes(cOrganism * org,int group_id,int old_type,int new_type)7916 void  cPopulation::ChangeGroupMatingTypes(cOrganism* org, int group_id, int old_type, int new_type)
7917 {
7918   if (old_type == new_type) return;
7920   if (old_type == 0) m_group_females[group_id]--;
7921   else if (old_type == 1) m_group_males[group_id]--;
7923   if (new_type == 0) m_group_females[group_id]++;
7924   else if (new_type == 1) m_group_males[group_id]++;
7926   if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) {
7927     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
7928       int tol_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
7929       int immigrant_tol = org->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
7930       // remove from old
7931       if (old_type == 0) {
7932         m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7933       } else if (old_type == 1) {
7934         m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7935       } else if (old_type == 2) {
7936         m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second -= tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7937       }
7938       // add to new
7939       if (new_type == 0) {
7940         m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7941       } else if (new_type == 1) {
7942         m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7943       } else if (new_type == 2) {
7944         m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second += tol_max - immigrant_tol;
7945       }
7946     }
7947   }
7948 }
7950 // Calculates group tolerance towards immigrants
CalcGroupToleranceImmigrants(int group_id,int mating_type)7951 int cPopulation::CalcGroupToleranceImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type)
7952 {
7953   const int tolerance_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
7955   if (group_id < 0) return tolerance_max;
7956   if (group_list[group_id].GetSize() <= 0) return tolerance_max;
7958   // use cache, if up to date
7959   int tol_update = m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].first;
7960   int group_intol = m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].second;
7961   if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
7962     if (mating_type == 0) {
7963       tol_update = m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].first;
7964       group_intol = m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second;
7965     } else if (mating_type == 1) {
7966       tol_update = m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].first;
7967       group_intol = m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second;
7968     } else if (mating_type == 2) {
7969       tol_update = m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].first;
7970       group_intol = m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second;
7971     }
7972   }
7973   int cur_update = m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate();
7974   if (tol_update == cur_update) return max(0, tolerance_max - group_intol);
7976   // If can't use cache, sum the total group intolerance
7977   int group_intolerance = 0;
7978   int single_member_intolerance = 0;
7979   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
7980     bool use_org = true;
7981     // if using immigrant only tolerance + sex, only update the cache for this current mating type
7982     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
7983       if (mating_type == 0 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() != MATING_TYPE_FEMALE)  use_org = false;
7984       else if (mating_type == 1 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() != MATING_TYPE_MALE)  use_org = false;
7985       else if (mating_type == 2 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() != MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE)  use_org = false;
7986     }
7987     if (use_org) single_member_intolerance = tolerance_max - group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
7988     group_intolerance += single_member_intolerance;
7989   }
7991   // Save current update and current intolerance to group cache
7992   // this is the only time we can do this since this is the only
7993   // time we ever look at the entire group (updated every individual) or sub-group (by sex)
7994   if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() != 2) {
7995     m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].first = cur_update;
7996     m_group_intolerances[group_id][0].second = group_intolerance;
7997   } else {
7998     if (mating_type == 0) {
7999       m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].first = cur_update;
8000       m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][0].second = group_intolerance;
8001     } else if (mating_type == 1) {
8002       m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].first = cur_update;
8003       m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][0].second = group_intolerance;
8004     } else if (mating_type == 2) {
8005       m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].first = cur_update;
8006       m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][0].second = group_intolerance;
8007     }
8008   }
8010   int group_tolerance = tolerance_max - group_intolerance;
8011   // return zero if totally intolerant (no negative numbers)
8012   return max(0, group_tolerance);
8013 }
8015 // Calculates group tolerance towards offspring (not including parent)
CalcGroupToleranceOffspring(cOrganism * parent_organism)8016 int cPopulation::CalcGroupToleranceOffspring(cOrganism* parent_organism)
8017 {
8018   const int tolerance_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
8019   int group_id = parent_organism->GetOpinion().first;
8021   if ((group_id < 0) || (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() > 0)) return tolerance_max;
8022   if (group_list[group_id].GetSize() <= 0) return tolerance_max;
8024   int cur_update = m_world->GetStats().GetUpdate();
8025   int parent_intolerance = tolerance_max - parent_organism->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
8027   int group_intolerance = 0;
8028   if (m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].first == cur_update) {
8029     group_intolerance = m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].second;
8030   } else {
8031     int single_member_intolerance = 0;
8032     // Sum the total group intolerance
8033     for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8034       single_member_intolerance = tolerance_max - group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
8035       group_intolerance += single_member_intolerance;
8036     }
8037     // Save current update and current intolerance to cache
8038     m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].first = cur_update;
8039     m_group_intolerances[group_id][1].second = group_intolerance;
8040   }
8042   // Remove the parent intolerance
8043   group_intolerance -= parent_intolerance;
8044   int group_tolerance = tolerance_max - group_intolerance;
8045   return max(0, group_tolerance);
8046 }
8048 // Calculates the odds (out of 1) for successful immigration based on group's tolerance
CalcGroupOddsImmigrants(int group_id,int mating_type)8049 double cPopulation::CalcGroupOddsImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type)
8050 {
8051   if (group_id < 0) return 1.0;
8053   const int tolerance_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
8054   int group_tolerance = CalcGroupToleranceImmigrants(group_id, mating_type);
8055   double immigrant_odds = (double) group_tolerance / (double) tolerance_max;
8056   return immigrant_odds;
8057 }
8059 // Returns true if the org successfully passes immigration tolerance and joins the group
AttemptImmigrateGroup(int group_id,cOrganism * org)8060 bool cPopulation::AttemptImmigrateGroup(int group_id, cOrganism* org)
8061 {
8062   bool immigrate = false;
8063   // If non-standard group, automatic success
8064   if (group_id < 0) return true;
8066   // If there are no members of the target group, automatic successful immigration
8067   if (m_world->GetPopulation().NumberOfOrganismsInGroup(group_id) == 0) immigrate = true;
8068   else if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
8069     if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE && NumberGroupFemales(group_id) == 0) immigrate = true;
8070     else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE && NumberGroupMales(group_id) == 0) immigrate = true;
8071     else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE && NumberGroupJuvs(group_id) == 0) immigrate = true;
8072   // Calculate chances based on target group tolerance of another org successfully immigrating
8073   } else {
8074     int mating_type = -1;
8075     if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() == 2) {
8076       if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) mating_type = 0;
8077       else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) mating_type = 1;
8078       else if (org->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE) mating_type = 2;
8079     }
8080     double probability_immigration = CalcGroupOddsImmigrants(group_id, mating_type);
8082     double rand = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
8083     if (rand <= probability_immigration) immigrate = true;
8084   }
8086   if (immigrate) {
8087     int opinion = m_world->GetConfig().DEFAULT_GROUP.Get();
8088     if (org->HasOpinion()) {
8089       opinion = org->GetOpinion().first;
8090       LeaveGroup(org, opinion);
8091     }
8092     org->SetOpinion(group_id);
8093     JoinGroup(org, group_id);
8094   }
8095   return immigrate;
8096 }
8098 // Calculates the odds (out of 1) for the organism's offspring to be born into its parent's group
CalcGroupOddsOffspring(cOrganism * parent)8099 double cPopulation::CalcGroupOddsOffspring(cOrganism* parent)
8100 {
8101   assert(parent->HasOpinion());
8103   // If non-standard group, automatic success
8104   if ((parent->GetOpinion().first < 0) || (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() > 0)) return 1.0;
8106   const double tolerance_max = (double) m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
8108   double parent_tolerance = (double) parent->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOwn();
8109   double parent_group_tolerance = (double) CalcGroupToleranceOffspring(parent);
8111   const double prob_parent_allows =  parent_tolerance / tolerance_max;
8112   const double prob_group_allows = parent_group_tolerance / tolerance_max;
8114   double prob = prob_parent_allows * prob_group_allows;
8116   return prob;
8117 }
8119 // Calculates the odds (out of 1) for offspring to be born into the group
CalcGroupOddsOffspring(int group_id)8120 double cPopulation::CalcGroupOddsOffspring(int group_id)
8121 {
8122   // If non-standard group, automatic success
8123   if ((group_id < 0) || (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() > 0)) return 1.0;
8125   const int tolerance_max = m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
8127   int group_intolerance = 0;
8128   int single_member_intolerance = 0;
8129   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8130     single_member_intolerance = tolerance_max - group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
8131     group_intolerance += single_member_intolerance;
8132     if (group_intolerance >= tolerance_max) {
8133       group_intolerance = tolerance_max;
8134       break;
8135     }
8136   }
8138   int group_tolerance = tolerance_max - group_intolerance;
8139   double offspring_odds = (double) group_tolerance / (double) tolerance_max;
8140   return offspring_odds;
8141 }
AttemptOffspringParentGroup(cAvidaContext & ctx,cOrganism * parent,cOrganism * offspring)8143 bool cPopulation::AttemptOffspringParentGroup(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrganism* parent, cOrganism* offspring)
8144 {
8145   // If joining a non-standard group, only immigrant tolerance, or only immigrant + sex tolerance, automatic success
8146   if ((parent->GetOpinion().first < 0) || (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_VARIATIONS.Get() > 0)) {
8147     int parent_group = parent->GetOpinion().first;
8148     offspring->SetOpinion(parent_group);
8149     JoinGroup(offspring, parent_group);
8150     return true;
8151   }
8153   // If using % chance of random migration
8154   if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() < 0) {
8155     const int parent_group = parent->GetOpinion().first;
8156     const double prob_immigrate = ((double) m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() * -1.0) / 100.0;
8157     double rand = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
8158     if (rand <= prob_immigrate) {
8159       const int num_groups = m_world->GetPopulation().GetResources(ctx).GetSize();
8160       int target_group;
8161       do {
8162         target_group = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(num_groups);
8163       } while (target_group == parent_group);
8164       offspring->SetOpinion(target_group);
8165       JoinGroup(offspring, target_group);
8166       return true;
8167     } else {
8168       // Put the offspring in the parent's group.
8169       assert(parent->HasOpinion());
8170       offspring->SetOpinion(parent_group);
8171       JoinGroup(offspring, parent_group);
8172       return true;
8173     }
8174   // If using standard tolerances
8175   } else if (m_world->GetConfig().TOLERANCE_WINDOW.Get() > 0) {
8176     assert(parent->HasOpinion());
8177     const double tolerance_max = (double) m_world->GetConfig().MAX_TOLERANCE.Get();
8178     const int parent_group = parent->GetOpinion().first;
8180     // Retrieve the parent's tolerance for its offspring
8181     double parent_tolerance = (double) parent->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOwn();
8182     // Retrieve the parent group's tolerance for offspring
8183     double parent_group_tolerance = (double) CalcGroupToleranceOffspring(parent);
8185     // Offspring first passes parent vote, then must also pass group vote
8186     // offspring first attempt to join the parent group and if unsuccessful attempt to immigrate
8187     const double prob_parent_allows = parent_tolerance / tolerance_max;
8188     const double prob_group_allows = parent_group_tolerance / tolerance_max;
8189     double rand2 = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
8190     double rand = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
8192     bool join_parent_group = false;
8194     if (rand <= prob_parent_allows) {
8195       // If there is nobody else in the group, the offspring gets in
8196       join_parent_group = true;
8197       // If there are others in the group, it's their turn
8198       if (group_list[parent_group].GetSize() > 1) {
8199         if (rand2 <= prob_group_allows) {
8200           // Offspring successfully joins parent's group
8201           join_parent_group = true;
8202         } else join_parent_group = false;
8203       }
8204     }
8206     if (join_parent_group) {
8207       offspring->SetOpinion(parent_group);
8208       JoinGroup(offspring, parent_group);
8209       // Let the parent know that its offspring was born into its group
8210       parent->GetPhenotype().SetBornParentGroup() = true;
8211       return true;
8212     } else {
8213       // Let the parent know its offspring was not born into its group
8214       parent->GetPhenotype().SetBornParentGroup() = false;
8215     }
8217     // If the offspring is rejected by the parent group, and there are no other groups, the offspring is doomed
8218     const int num_groups = m_world->GetPopulation().GetResources(ctx).GetSize();
8219     if (!join_parent_group && num_groups == 1) {
8220       return false;
8221     }
8223     // If the offspring is rejected by the parent group, and there are other groups, the offspring attempts to immigrate
8224     if (!join_parent_group && num_groups > 1) {
8225       // Find another group at random, which is not the parent's
8226       int target_group;
8227       do {
8228         target_group = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(num_groups);
8229       } while (target_group == parent_group);
8231       // If there are no members currently of the target group, offspring has 100% chance of immigrating
8232       if (group_list[target_group].GetSize() == 0) {
8233         offspring->SetOpinion(target_group);
8234         JoinGroup(offspring, target_group);
8235         return true;
8236       } else {
8237         double probability_born_target_group = CalcGroupOddsImmigrants(target_group, -1);
8239         rand = m_world->GetRandom().GetDouble();
8240         // Calculate if the offspring successfully immigrates
8241         if (rand <= probability_born_target_group) {
8242           // Offspring joins target group
8243           offspring->SetOpinion(target_group);
8244           JoinGroup(offspring, target_group);
8245           return true;
8246         } else {
8247           // Offspring fails to immigrate and is doomed
8248           return false;
8249         }
8250       }
8251     }
8252   }
8253   return false;
8254 }
8256 // Calculates the average for intra-group tolerance to immigrants
CalcGroupAveImmigrants(int group_id,int mating_type)8257 double cPopulation::CalcGroupAveImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type)
8258 {
8259   cDoubleSum immigrant_tolerance;
8260   int single_member_tolerance = 0;
8261   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8262     bool count_org = false;
8263     if (mating_type == -1) count_org = true;
8264     else if (mating_type == 0 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) {
8265       count_org = true;
8266     } else if (mating_type == 1 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) {
8267       count_org = true;
8268     } else if (mating_type == 2 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE) {
8269       count_org = true;
8270     }
8271     if (count_org) {
8272       single_member_tolerance = group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
8273       immigrant_tolerance.Add(single_member_tolerance);
8274     }
8275   }
8276   double aveimmigrants = immigrant_tolerance.Average();
8277   return aveimmigrants;
8278 }
8280 // Calculates the standard deviation for group tolerance to immigrants
CalcGroupSDevImmigrants(int group_id,int mating_type)8281 double cPopulation::CalcGroupSDevImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type)
8282 {
8283   cDoubleSum immigrant_tolerance;
8284   int single_member_tolerance = 0;
8285   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8286     bool count_org = false;
8287     if (mating_type == -1) count_org = true;
8288     else if (mating_type == 0 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_FEMALE) {
8289       count_org = true;
8290     } else if (mating_type == 1 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_MALE) {
8291       count_org = true;
8292     } else if (mating_type == 2 && group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().GetMatingType() == MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE) {
8293       count_org = true;
8294     }
8295     if (count_org) {
8296       single_member_tolerance = group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceImmigrants();
8297       immigrant_tolerance.Add(single_member_tolerance);
8298     }
8299   }
8300   double sdevimmigrants = immigrant_tolerance.StdDeviation();
8301   return sdevimmigrants;
8302 }
8304 // Calculates the average for intra-group tolerance to own offspring
CalcGroupAveOwn(int group_id)8305 double cPopulation::CalcGroupAveOwn(int group_id)
8306 {
8307   cDoubleSum own_tolerance;
8308   int single_member_tolerance = 0;
8309   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8310     single_member_tolerance = group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOwn();
8311     own_tolerance.Add(single_member_tolerance);
8312   }
8313   double aveown = own_tolerance.Average();
8314   return aveown;
8315 }
8317 // Calculates the standard deviation for group tolerance to their own offspring
CalcGroupSDevOwn(int group_id)8318 double cPopulation::CalcGroupSDevOwn(int group_id)
8319 {
8320   cDoubleSum own_tolerance;
8321   int single_member_tolerance = 0;
8322   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8323     single_member_tolerance = group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOwn();
8324     own_tolerance.Add(single_member_tolerance);
8325   }
8326   double sdevown = own_tolerance.StdDeviation();
8327   return sdevown;
8328 }
8330 // Calculates the average for intra-group tolerance to other offspring
CalcGroupAveOthers(int group_id)8331 double cPopulation::CalcGroupAveOthers(int group_id)
8332 {
8333   cDoubleSum others_tolerance;
8334   int single_member_tolerance = 0;
8335   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8336     single_member_tolerance = group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
8337     others_tolerance.Add(single_member_tolerance);
8338   }
8339   double aveothers = others_tolerance.Average();
8340   return aveothers;
8341 }
8343 // Calculates the standard deviation for group tolerance to other group offspring
CalcGroupSDevOthers(int group_id)8344 double cPopulation::CalcGroupSDevOthers(int group_id)
8345 {
8346   cDoubleSum others_tolerance;
8347   int single_member_tolerance = 0;
8348   for (int index = 0; index < group_list[group_id].GetSize(); index++) {
8349     single_member_tolerance = group_list[group_id][index]->GetPhenotype().CalcToleranceOffspringOthers();
8350     others_tolerance.Add(single_member_tolerance);
8351   }
8352   double sdevothers = others_tolerance.StdDeviation();
8353   return sdevothers;
8354 }
GetGroupIntolerances(int group_id,int tol_num,int mating_type)8356 int& cPopulation::GetGroupIntolerances(int group_id, int tol_num, int mating_type)
8357 {
8358   int& intolerance = m_group_intolerances[group_id][tol_num].second;
8359   if (mating_type == 0) intolerance = m_group_intolerances_females[group_id][tol_num].second;
8360   else if (mating_type == 1) intolerance = m_group_intolerances_males[group_id][tol_num].second;
8361   else if (mating_type == 2) intolerance = m_group_intolerances_juvs[group_id][tol_num].second;
8362   return intolerance;
8363 }
8365 /*!	Modify current level of the HGT resource.
8366  */
AdjustHGTResource(cAvidaContext & ctx,double delta)8367 void cPopulation::AdjustHGTResource(cAvidaContext& ctx, double delta)
8368 {
8369   if (m_hgt_resid != -1) {
8370     resource_count.Modify(ctx, m_hgt_resid, delta);
8371   }
8372 }
8374 /*! Mix all organisms in the population.
8376  This method rearranges the relationship between organisms and cells.  Specifically,
8377  we take all organisms in the population, and assign them to different randomly-selected
8378  cells.
8380  This isn't really useful in a single population run.  However, a mixing stage is a
8381  key component of biologically-inspired approaches to group selection (ie, Wilson's
8382  and Traulsen's models).
8385  */
MixPopulation(cAvidaContext & ctx)8386 void cPopulation::MixPopulation(cAvidaContext& ctx)
8387 {
8388   // Get the list of all organism pointers, including nulls:
8389   std::vector<cOrganism*> population(cell_array.GetSize());
8390   for(int i=0; i<cell_array.GetSize(); ++i) {
8391     population[i] = cell_array[i].GetOrganism();
8392   }
8394   // Shuffle them:
8395   cRandomStdAdaptor adapted_rng(m_world->GetRandom());
8396   std::random_shuffle(population.begin(), population.end(), adapted_rng);
8398   // Reset the organism pointers of all cells:
8399   for(int i=0; i<cell_array.GetSize(); ++i) {
8400     cell_array[i].RemoveOrganism(ctx);
8401     if (population[i] == 0) {
8402       AdjustSchedule(cell_array[i], cMerit(0));
8403     } else {
8404       cell_array[i].InsertOrganism(population[i], ctx);
8405       AdjustSchedule(cell_array[i], cell_array[i].GetOrganism()->GetPhenotype().GetMerit());
8406     }
8407   }
8408 }
PlaceAvatar(cOrganism * parent)8410 int cPopulation::PlaceAvatar(cOrganism* parent)
8411 {
8412   int avatar_target_cell = parent->GetOrgInterface().GetAVCellID();
8413   const int avatar_birth = m_world->GetConfig().AVATAR_BIRTH.Get();
8414   if (avatar_birth == 1) avatar_target_cell = m_world->GetRandom().GetUInt(world_x * world_y);
8415   else if (avatar_birth == 2) avatar_target_cell = parent->GetOrgInterface().GetAVFacedCellID();
8416   else if (avatar_birth == 3) {
8417     avatar_target_cell += 1;
8418     if (avatar_target_cell >= world_x * world_y) avatar_target_cell = 0;
8419   }
8420   return avatar_target_cell;
8421 }