1 //       _________ __                 __
2 //      /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
3 //      \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
4 //      /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ |
5 //     /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
6 //             \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
7 //  ______________________                           ______________________
8 //                        T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
9 //         Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
10 //
11 /**@name player.h - The player header file. */
12 //
13 //      (c) Copyright 1998-2019 by Lutz Sammer, Jimmy Salmon and Andrettin
14 //
15 //      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 //      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 //      the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
18 //
19 //      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 //      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 //      GNU General Public License for more details.
23 //
24 //      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 //      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
26 //      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
27 //      02111-1307, USA.
28 //
30 #ifndef __PLAYER_H__
31 #define __PLAYER_H__
33 //@{
35 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 --  Includes
37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
39 #include <string>
41 //Wyrmgus start
42 #include <map>
43 #include <tuple>
45 //Wyrmgus start
46 #include "character.h" // because of "MaxCharacterTitles"
47 #include "color.h"
48 //Wyrmgus end
49 #include "icons.h"
50 //Wyrmgus start
51 #include "item.h"
52 #include "time/date.h"
53 #include "ui/ui.h" // for the UI fillers
54 //Wyrmgus end
55 #include "upgrade/upgrade_structs.h"
56 #include "vec2i.h"
58 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 --  Definitons
60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
62 #define STORE_OVERALL 0
63 #define STORE_BUILDING 1
64 #define STORE_BOTH 2
66 #define SPEEDUP_FACTOR 100
68 #define DefaultTradeCost 30
70 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 --  Declarations
72 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
74 class CAge;
75 class CCalendar;
76 class CCharacter;
77 class CCivilization;
78 class CCurrency;
79 class CDeity;
80 class CDeityDomain;
81 class CDynasty;
82 class CFile;
83 class CGraphic;
84 class CLanguage;
85 class CProvince;
86 class CPlane;
87 class CPlayerQuestObjective;
88 class CQuest;
89 class CReligion;
90 class CSite;
91 class CUnit;
92 class CUnitType;
93 class PlayerAi;
94 //Wyrmgus start
95 class CFiller;
96 class LuaCallback;
97 //Wyrmgus end
98 struct lua_State;
100 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 --  Player type
102 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 enum _diplomacy_ {
105 	DiplomacyAllied,   /// Ally with opponent
106 	DiplomacyNeutral,  /// Don't attack be neutral
107 	DiplomacyEnemy,    /// Attack opponent
108 	//Wyrmgus start
109 	DiplomacyOverlord,	/// Become overlord to other player
110 	DiplomacyVassal,	/// Become vassal to other player
111 	//Wyrmgus end
112 	DiplomacyCrazy     /// Ally and attack opponent
113 }; /// Diplomacy states for CommandDiplomacy
115 ///  Player structure
116 class CPlayer
117 {
118 public:
119 	int Index;          /// player as number
120 	std::string Name;   /// name of non computer
122 	int   Type;         /// type of player (human,computer,...)
123 	int   Race;         /// race of player (orc,human,...)
124 	int Faction;		/// faction of the player
125 	CReligion *Religion;	/// religion of the player
126 	CDynasty *Dynasty;		/// ruling dynasty of the player
127 	CAge *Age;			/// The current age the player/faction is in
128 	std::string AiName; /// AI for computer
130 	// friend enemy detection
131 	int      Team;          /// team of player
133 	Vec2i StartPos;  /// map tile start position
134 	//Wyrmgus start
135 	int StartMapLayer;  /// map tile start map layer
137 	CPlayer *Overlord;	/// overlord of this player
138 	std::vector<CPlayer *> Vassals;	/// vassals of this player
139 	//Wyrmgus end
141 	//Wyrmgus start
142 //	inline void SetStartView(const Vec2i &pos) { StartPos = pos; }
SetStartView(const Vec2i & pos,int z)143 	inline void SetStartView(const Vec2i &pos, int z) { StartPos = pos; StartMapLayer = z; }
144 	//Wyrmgus end
146 	int Resources[MaxCosts];      /// resources in overall store
147 	int MaxResources[MaxCosts];   /// max resources can be stored
148 	int StoredResources[MaxCosts];/// resources in store buildings (can't exceed MaxResources)
149 	int LastResources[MaxCosts];  /// last values for revenue
150 	int Incomes[MaxCosts];        /// income of the resources
151 	int Revenue[MaxCosts];        /// income rate of the resources
152 	//Wyrmgus start
153 	int Prices[MaxCosts];		  /// price of each resource
154 	int ResourceDemand[MaxCosts]; /// demand for the resources
155 	int StoredResourceDemand[MaxCosts]; /// stored demand for the resources (converted into a trade action when reaches 100)
157 	int TradeCost;					/// cost of trading
158 	//Wyrmgus end
160 	int SpeedResourcesHarvest[MaxCosts]; /// speed factor for harvesting resources
161 	int SpeedResourcesReturn[MaxCosts];  /// speed factor for returning resources
162 	int SpeedBuild;                  /// speed factor for building
163 	int SpeedTrain;                  /// speed factor for training
164 	int SpeedUpgrade;                /// speed factor for upgrading
165 	int SpeedResearch;               /// speed factor for researching
167 	std::map<const CUnitType *, int> UnitTypesCount;  						/// total units of unit-type
168 	std::map<const CUnitType *, int> UnitTypesUnderConstructionCount;  		/// total under construction units of unit-type
169 	std::map<const CUnitType *, int> UnitTypesAiActiveCount;  				/// total units of unit-type that have their AI set to active
170 	std::map<const CUnitType *, std::vector<CUnit *>> UnitsByType;			/// units owned by this player for each type
171 	std::map<const CUnitType *, std::vector<CUnit *>> AiActiveUnitsByType;	/// AI active units owned by this player for each type
172 	std::vector<CUnit *> Heroes;											/// hero units owned by this player
173 	std::vector<CDeity *> Deities;											/// deities chosen by this player
174 	std::vector<CQuest *> AvailableQuests;									/// quests available to this player
175 	std::vector<CQuest *> CurrentQuests;									/// quests being pursued by this player
176 	std::vector<CQuest *> CompletedQuests;									/// quests completed by this player
177 	std::vector<CPlayerQuestObjective *> QuestObjectives;					/// Objectives of the player's current quests
178 	std::vector<std::pair<CUpgrade *, int>> Modifiers;						/// Modifiers affecting the player, and until which cycle it should last
179 	std::vector<int> AutosellResources;
180 	//Wyrmgus end
182 	bool AiEnabled;        /// handle AI on local computer
183 	//Wyrmgus start
184 	bool Revealed;			/// Whether the player has been revealed (i.e. after losing the last town hall)
185 	//Wyrmgus end
186 	PlayerAi *Ai;          /// Ai structure pointer
188 	int    NumBuildings;   /// # buildings
189 	//Wyrmgus start
190 	int    NumBuildingsUnderConstruction; /// # buildings under construction
191 	int    NumTownHalls;
192 	//Wyrmgus end
193 	int    Supply;         /// supply available/produced
194 	int    Demand;         /// demand of player
196 	int    UnitLimit;       /// # food units allowed
197 	int    BuildingLimit;   /// # buildings allowed
198 	int    TotalUnitLimit;  /// # total unit number allowed
200 	int    Score;           /// Points for killing ...
201 	int    TotalUnits;
202 	int    TotalBuildings;
203 	int    TotalResources[MaxCosts];
204 	int    TotalRazings;
205 	int    TotalKills;      /// How many units killed
206 	//Wyrmgus start
207 	int UnitTypeKills[UnitTypeMax];  /// total killed units of unit-type
208 	//Wyrmgus end
210 	//Wyrmgus start
211 	int LostTownHallTimer;	/// The timer for when the player lost the last town hall (to make the player's units be revealed)
212 	int HeroCooldownTimer;	/// The cooldown timer for recruiting heroes
213 	//Wyrmgus end
215 	IntColor Color;           /// color of units on minimap
217 	CUnitColors UnitColors; /// Unit colors for new units
219 	std::vector<CUnit *> FreeWorkers;	/// Container for free workers
220 	//Wyrmgus start
221 	std::vector<CUnit *> LevelUpUnits;	/// Container for units with available level up upgrades
222 	//Wyrmgus end
224 	// Upgrades/Allows:
225 	CAllow Allow;                 /// Allowed for player
226 	CUpgradeTimers UpgradeTimers; /// Timer for the upgrades
228 	/// Change player name
229 	void SetName(const std::string &name);
231 	//Wyrmgus start
232 	void SetCivilization(int civilization);
233 	void SetFaction(const CFaction *faction);
234 	void SetRandomFaction();
235 	void SetDynasty(CDynasty *dynasty);
236 	void CheckAge();
237 	void SetAge(CAge *age);
238 	CCurrency *GetCurrency() const;
239 	void ShareUpgradeProgress(CPlayer &player, CUnit &unit);
240 	bool IsPlayerColorUsed(int color);
241 	bool HasUpgradeClass(const int upgrade_class) const;
242 	bool HasSettlement(const CSite *settlement) const;
243 	bool HasSettlementNearWaterZone(int water_zone) const;
244 	CSite *GetNearestSettlement(const Vec2i &pos, int z, const Vec2i &size) const;
245 	bool HasUnitBuilder(const CUnitType *type, const CSite *settlement = nullptr) const;
246 	bool HasUpgradeResearcher(const CUpgrade *upgrade) const;
247 	bool CanFoundFaction(CFaction *faction, bool pre = false);
248 	bool CanChooseDynasty(CDynasty *dynasty, bool pre = false);
249 	bool CanRecruitHero(const CCharacter *character, bool ignore_neutral = false) const;
250 	bool UpgradeRemovesExistingUpgrade(const CUpgrade *upgrade, bool ignore_lower_priority = false) const;
251 	std::string GetFactionTitleName() const;
252 	std::string GetCharacterTitleName(int title_type, int gender) const;
253 	void GetWorkerLandmasses(std::vector<int>& worker_landmasses, const CUnitType *building);	/// Builds a vector with worker landmasses; the building is the structure to be built by the worker in question
254 	std::vector<CUpgrade *> GetResearchableUpgrades();
255 	//Wyrmgus end
257 	/// Clear turn related player data
258 	void Clear();
260 	std::vector<CUnit *>::const_iterator UnitBegin() const;
261 	std::vector<CUnit *>::iterator UnitBegin();
262 	std::vector<CUnit *>::const_iterator UnitEnd() const;
263 	std::vector<CUnit *>::iterator UnitEnd();
265 	CUnit &GetUnit(int index) const;
266 	int GetUnitCount() const;
268 	void AddUnit(CUnit &unit);
269 	void RemoveUnit(CUnit &unit);
270 	void UpdateFreeWorkers();
271 	//Wyrmgus start
272 	void PerformResourceTrade();
273 	bool HasMarketUnit() const;
274 	CUnit *GetMarketUnit() const;
275 	std::vector<int> GetAutosellResources() const;
276 	void AutosellResource(const int resource);
277 	void UpdateLevelUpUnits();
278 	void UpdateQuestPool();
279 	void AvailableQuestsChanged();
280 	void UpdateCurrentQuests();
281 	void AcceptQuest(CQuest *quest);
282 	void CompleteQuest(CQuest *quest);
283 	void FailQuest(CQuest *quest, std::string fail_reason = "");
284 	void RemoveCurrentQuest(CQuest *quest);
285 	bool CanAcceptQuest(CQuest *quest);
286 	bool HasCompletedQuest(CQuest *quest);
287 	std::string HasFailedQuest(CQuest *quest);
288 	void AddModifier(CUpgrade *modifier, int cycles);
289 	void RemoveModifier(CUpgrade *modifier);
290 	bool AtPeace() const;
291 	//Wyrmgus end
293 	/// Get a resource of the player
294 	int GetResource(const int resource, const int type);
295 	/// Adds/subtracts some resources to/from the player store
296 	void ChangeResource(const int resource, const int value, const bool store = false);
297 	/// Set a resource of the player
298 	void SetResource(const int resource, const int value, const int type = STORE_OVERALL);
299 	/// Check, if there enough resources for action.
300 	bool CheckResource(const int resource, const int value);
301 	//Wyrmgus start
302 	/// Increase resource price
303 	void IncreaseResourcePrice(const int resource);
304 	/// Decrease resource price
305 	void DecreaseResourcePrice(const int resource);
306 	/// Converges prices with another player
307 	int ConvergePricesWith(CPlayer &player, int max_convergences);
308 	/// Get the resource price
309 	int GetResourcePrice(const int resource) const;
310 	/// Get the effective resource demand for the player, given the current prices
311 	int GetEffectiveResourceDemand(const int resource) const;
313 	int GetEffectiveResourceSellPrice(const int resource, int traded_quantity = 100) const;
314 	int GetEffectiveResourceBuyPrice(const int resource, int traded_quantity = 100) const;
316 	/// Get the total price difference between this player and another one
317 	int GetTotalPriceDifferenceWith(const CPlayer &player) const;
318 	/// Get the trade potential between this player and another one
319 	int GetTradePotentialWith(const CPlayer &player) const;
320 	//Wyrmgus end
322 	/// Returns count of specified unittype
323 	int GetUnitTotalCount(const CUnitType &type) const;
324 	/// Check if the unit-type didn't break any unit limits and supply/demand
325 	int CheckLimits(const CUnitType &type) const;
327 	/// Check if enough resources are available for costs
328 	int CheckCosts(const int *costs, bool notify = true) const;
329 	/// Check if enough resources are available for a new unit-type
330 	//Wyrmgus start
331 //	int CheckUnitType(const CUnitType &type) const;
332 	int CheckUnitType(const CUnitType &type, bool hire = false) const;
333 	//Wyrmgus end
335 	/// Add costs to the resources
336 	void AddCosts(const int *costs);
337 	/// Add costs for an unit-type to the resources
338 	//Wyrmgus start
339 //	void AddUnitType(const CUnitType &type);
340 	void AddUnitType(const CUnitType &type, bool hire = false);
341 	//Wyrmgus end
342 	/// Add a factor of costs to the resources
343 	void AddCostsFactor(const int *costs, int factor);
344 	/// Remove costs from the resources
345 	void SubCosts(const int *costs);
346 	/// Remove costs for an unit-type from the resources
347 	//Wyrmgus start
348 //	void SubUnitType(const CUnitType &type);
349 	void SubUnitType(const CUnitType &type, bool hire = false);
350 	//Wyrmgus end
351 	/// Remove a factor of costs from the resources
352 	void SubCostsFactor(const int *costs, int factor);
354 	//Wyrmgus start
355 	void GetUnitTypeCosts(const CUnitType *type, int *type_costs, bool hire = false, bool ignore_one = false) const;
356 	int GetUnitTypeCostsMask(const CUnitType *type, bool hire = false) const;
357 	void GetUpgradeCosts(const CUpgrade *upgrade, int *upgrade_costs);
358 	int GetUpgradeCostsMask(const CUpgrade *upgrade) const;
360 	void SetUnitTypeCount(const CUnitType *type, int quantity);
361 	void ChangeUnitTypeCount(const CUnitType *type, int quantity);
362 	int GetUnitTypeCount(const CUnitType *type) const;
364 	void SetUnitTypeUnderConstructionCount(const CUnitType *type, int quantity);
365 	void ChangeUnitTypeUnderConstructionCount(const CUnitType *type, int quantity);
366 	int GetUnitTypeUnderConstructionCount(const CUnitType *type) const;
368 	void SetUnitTypeAiActiveCount(const CUnitType *type, int quantity);
369 	void ChangeUnitTypeAiActiveCount(const CUnitType *type, int quantity);
370 	int GetUnitTypeAiActiveCount(const CUnitType *type) const;
372 	void IncreaseCountsForUnit(CUnit *unit, bool type_change = false);
373 	void DecreaseCountsForUnit(CUnit *unit, bool type_change = false);
374 	//Wyrmgus end
376 	/// Does the player have units of that type
377 	int HaveUnitTypeByType(const CUnitType &type) const;
378 	/// Does the player have units of that type
379 	int HaveUnitTypeByIdent(const std::string &ident) const;
381 	/// Notify player about a problem
382 	//Wyrmgus start
383 //	void Notify(int type, const Vec2i &pos, const char *fmt, ...) const PRINTF_VAARG_ATTRIBUTE(4, 5); // Don't forget to count this
384 	void Notify(int type, const Vec2i &pos, int z, const char *fmt, ...) const PRINTF_VAARG_ATTRIBUTE(5, 6); // Don't forget to count this
385 	//Wyrmgus end
386 	/// Notify player about a problem
387 	void Notify(const char *fmt, ...) const PRINTF_VAARG_ATTRIBUTE(2, 3); // Don't forget to count this
390 	/**
391 	**  Check if the player index is an enemy
392 	*/
IsEnemy(const int index)393 	bool IsEnemy(const int index) const
394 	{
395 		return (Index != index && (Enemy & (1 << index)) != 0);
396 	}
398 	bool IsEnemy(const CPlayer &player) const;
399 	bool IsEnemy(const CUnit &unit) const;
400 	bool IsAllied(const CPlayer &player) const;
401 	bool IsAllied(const CUnit &unit) const;
402 	bool IsVisionSharing() const;
403 	bool IsSharedVision(const CPlayer &player) const;
404 	bool IsSharedVision(const CUnit &unit) const;
405 	bool IsBothSharedVision(const CPlayer &player) const;
406 	bool IsBothSharedVision(const CUnit &unit) const;
407 	bool IsTeamed(const CPlayer &player) const;
408 	bool IsTeamed(const CUnit &unit) const;
409 	//Wyrmgus start
410 	bool IsOverlordOf(const CPlayer &player, bool include_indirect = false) const;
411 	bool IsVassalOf(const CPlayer &player, bool include_indirect = false) const;
412 	bool HasContactWith(const CPlayer &player) const;
413 	bool HasNeutralFactionType() const;
414 	bool HasBuildingAccess(const CPlayer &player, int button_action = -1) const;
415 	bool HasHero(const CCharacter *hero) const;
416 	//Wyrmgus end
418 	void SetDiplomacyNeutralWith(const CPlayer &player);
419 	void SetDiplomacyAlliedWith(const CPlayer &player);
420 	//Wyrmgus start
421 //	void SetDiplomacyEnemyWith(const CPlayer &player);
422 	void SetDiplomacyEnemyWith(CPlayer &player);
423 	//Wyrmgus end
424 	void SetDiplomacyCrazyWith(const CPlayer &player);
426 	void ShareVisionWith(const CPlayer &player);
427 	void UnshareVisionWith(const CPlayer &player);
429 	//Wyrmgus start
430 	void SetOverlord(CPlayer *player);
431 	//Wyrmgus end
433 	void Init(/* PlayerTypes */ int type);
434 	void Save(CFile &file) const;
435 	void Load(lua_State *l);
437 private:
438 	std::vector<CUnit *> Units; /// units of this player
439 	unsigned int Enemy;         /// enemy bit field for this player
440 	unsigned int Allied;        /// allied bit field for this player
441 	unsigned int SharedVision;  /// shared vision bit field
442 };
444 //Wyrmgus start
445 enum GovernmentTypes {
446 	GovernmentTypeNoGovernmentType,
447 	GovernmentTypeMonarchy,
448 	GovernmentTypeRepublic,
449 	GovernmentTypeTheocracy,
451 	MaxGovernmentTypes
452 };
454 enum FactionTypes {
455 	FactionTypeNoFactionType,
456 	FactionTypeTribe,
457 	FactionTypePolity,
458 	FactionTypeMercenaryCompany,
459 	FactionTypeHolyOrder,
460 	FactionTypeTradingCompany,
462 	MaxFactionTypes
463 };
465 enum FactionTiers {
466 	FactionTierNoFactionTier,
467 	FactionTierBarony,
468 	FactionTierCounty,
469 	FactionTierDuchy,
470 	FactionTierGrandDuchy,
471 	FactionTierKingdom,
472 	FactionTierEmpire,
474 	MaxFactionTiers
475 };
477 enum ForceTypes {
478 	LandForceType,
479 	NavalForceType,
480 	AirForceType,
482 	MaxForceTypes
483 };
485 enum WordTypes {
486 	WordTypeNoun,
487 	WordTypeVerb,
488 	WordTypeAdjective,
489 	WordTypePronoun,
490 	WordTypeAdverb,
491 	WordTypeConjunction,
492 	WordTypeAdposition,
493 	WordTypeArticle,
494 	WordTypeNumeral,
495 	WordTypeAffix,
497 	MaxWordTypes
498 };
500 enum ArticleTypes {
501 	ArticleTypeNoArticle,
502 	ArticleTypeDefinite,
503 	ArticleTypeIndefinite,
505 	MaxArticleTypes
506 };
508 enum GrammaticalCases {
509 	GrammaticalCaseNoCase,
510 	GrammaticalCaseNominative,
511 	GrammaticalCaseAccusative,
512 	GrammaticalCaseDative,
513 	GrammaticalCaseGenitive,
515 	MaxGrammaticalCases
516 };
518 enum GrammaticalNumbers {
519 	GrammaticalNumberNoNumber,
520 	GrammaticalNumberSingular,
521 	GrammaticalNumberPlural,
523 	MaxGrammaticalNumbers
524 };
526 enum GrammaticalPersons {
527 	GrammaticalPersonFirstPerson,
528 	GrammaticalPersonSecondPerson,
529 	GrammaticalPersonThirdPerson,
531 	MaxGrammaticalPersons
532 };
534 enum GrammaticalGenders {
535 	GrammaticalGenderNoGender,
536 	GrammaticalGenderMasculine,
537 	GrammaticalGenderFeminine,
538 	GrammaticalGenderNeuter,
540 	MaxGrammaticalGenders
541 };
543 enum GrammaticalTenses {
544 	GrammaticalTenseNoTense,
545 	GrammaticalTensePresent,
546 	GrammaticalTensePast,
547 	GrammaticalTenseFuture,
549 	MaxGrammaticalTenses
550 };
552 enum GrammaticalMoods {
553 	GrammaticalMoodIndicative,
554 	GrammaticalMoodSubjunctive,
556 	MaxGrammaticalMoods
557 };
559 enum ComparisonDegrees {
560 	ComparisonDegreePositive,
561 	ComparisonDegreeComparative,
562 	ComparisonDegreeSuperlative,
564 	MaxComparisonDegrees
565 };
567 enum AffixTypes {
568 	AffixTypePrefix,
569 	AffixTypeSuffix,
570 	AffixTypeInfix,
572 	MaxAffixTypes
573 };
575 enum WordJunctionTypes {
576 	WordJunctionTypeNoWordJunction,
577 	WordJunctionTypeCompound,
578 	WordJunctionTypeSeparate,
580 	MaxWordJunctionTypes
581 };
583 class CForceTemplate
584 {
585 public:
CForceTemplate()586 	CForceTemplate() :
587 		ForceType(-1), Priority(100), Weight(1)
588 	{
589 	}
591 	int ForceType;
592 	int Priority;
593 	int Weight;
594 	std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> Units;	/// Vector containing each unit class belonging to the force template, and the respective quantity
595 };
597 class CAiBuildingTemplate
598 {
599 public:
CAiBuildingTemplate()600 	CAiBuildingTemplate() :
601 		UnitClass(-1), Priority(100),
602 		PerSettlement(false)
603 	{
604 	}
606 	int UnitClass;		/// Building's unit class
607 	int Priority;
608 	bool PerSettlement;	/// Whether the building should be constructed for each settlement
609 };
611 class CFaction
612 {
613 public:
614 	~CFaction();
616 	int GetUpgradePriority(const CUpgrade *upgrade) const;
617 	int GetForceTypeWeight(int force_type) const;
618 	CCurrency *GetCurrency() const;
619 	std::vector<CForceTemplate *> GetForceTemplates(int force_type) const;
620 	std::vector<CAiBuildingTemplate *> GetAiBuildingTemplates() const;
621 	std::vector<std::string> &GetShipNames();
623 	std::string Ident;													/// faction name
624 	std::string Name;
625 	std::string Description;											/// faction description
626 	std::string Quote;													/// faction quote
627 	std::string Background;												/// faction background
628 	std::string FactionUpgrade;											/// faction upgrade applied when the faction is set
629 	std::string Adjective;												/// adjective pertaining to the faction
630 	std::string DefaultAI = "land-attack";
631 	int ID = -1;														/// faction ID
632 	CCivilization *Civilization = nullptr;								/// faction civilization
633 	int Type = FactionTypeNoFactionType;								/// faction type (i.e. tribe or polity)
634 	int DefaultTier = FactionTierBarony;								/// default faction tier
635 	int DefaultGovernmentType = GovernmentTypeMonarchy;					/// default government type
636 	int ParentFaction = -1;												/// parent faction of this faction
637 	bool Playable = true;												/// faction playability
638 	bool DefiniteArticle = false;										/// whether the faction's name should be preceded by a definite article (e.g. "the Netherlands")
639 	IconConfig Icon;													/// Faction's icon
640 	CCurrency *Currency = nullptr;										/// The faction's currency
641 	CDeity *HolyOrderDeity = nullptr;									/// deity this faction belongs to, if it is a holy order
642 	LuaCallback *Conditions = nullptr;
643 	std::vector<int> Colors;											/// faction colors
644 	std::vector<CFaction *> DevelopsFrom;								/// from which factions can this faction develop
645 	std::vector<CFaction *> DevelopsTo;									/// to which factions this faction can develop
646 	std::vector<CDynasty *> Dynasties;									/// which dynasties are available to this faction
647 	std::string Titles[MaxGovernmentTypes][MaxFactionTiers];			/// this faction's title for each government type and faction tier
648 	std::string MinisterTitles[MaxCharacterTitles][MaxGenders][MaxGovernmentTypes][MaxFactionTiers]; /// this faction's minister title for each minister type and government type
649 	std::map<const CUpgrade *, int> UpgradePriorities;					/// Priority for each upgrade
650 	std::map<int, IconConfig> ButtonIcons;								/// icons for button actions
651 	std::map<int, int> ClassUnitTypes;									/// the unit type slot of a particular class for a particular faction
652 	std::map<int, int> ClassUpgrades;									/// the upgrade slot of a particular class for a particular faction
653 	std::vector<std::string> ProvinceNames;								/// Province names for the faction
654 	std::vector<std::string> ShipNames;									/// Ship names for the faction
655 	std::vector<CSite *> Cores;											/// Core sites of this faction (required to found it)
656 	std::vector<CSite *> Sites;											/// Sites used for this faction if it needs a randomly-generated settlement
657 	std::map<int, std::vector<CForceTemplate *>> ForceTemplates;		/// Force templates, mapped to each force type
658 	std::map<int, int> ForceTypeWeights;								/// Weights for each force type
659 	std::vector<CAiBuildingTemplate *> AiBuildingTemplates;				/// AI building templates
660 	std::map<std::tuple<CDate, CDate, int>, CCharacter *> HistoricalMinisters;	/// historical ministers of the faction (as well as heads of state and government), mapped to the beginning and end of the rule, and the enum of the title in question
661 	std::map<std::string, std::map<CDate, bool>> HistoricalUpgrades;	/// historical upgrades of the faction, with the date of change
662 	std::map<int, int> HistoricalTiers;									/// dates in which this faction's tier changed; faction tier mapped to year
663 	std::map<int, int> HistoricalGovernmentTypes;						/// dates in which this faction's government type changed; government type mapped to year
664 	std::map<std::pair<CDate, CFaction *>, int> HistoricalDiplomacyStates;	/// dates in which this faction's diplomacy state to another faction changed; diplomacy state mapped to year and faction
665 	std::map<std::pair<CDate, int>, int> HistoricalResources;	/// dates in which this faction's storage of a particular resource changed; resource quantities mapped to date and resource
666 	std::vector<std::pair<CDate, std::string>> HistoricalCapitals;		/// historical capitals of the faction; the values are: date and settlement ident
667 	std::vector<CFiller> UIFillers;
669 	std::string Mod;													/// To which mod (or map), if any, this faction belongs
670 };
672 class CDynasty
673 {
674 public:
CDynasty()675 	CDynasty() :
676 		ID(-1), Civilization(-1),
677 		DynastyUpgrade(nullptr), Conditions(nullptr)
678 	{
679 	}
681 	~CDynasty();
683 	std::string Ident;													/// dynasty name
684 	std::string Name;
685 	std::string Description;											/// dynasty description
686 	std::string Quote;													/// dynasty quote
687 	std::string Background;												/// dynasty background
688 	CUpgrade *DynastyUpgrade;											/// dynasty upgrade applied when the dynasty is set
689 	int ID;																/// dynasty ID
690 	int Civilization;													/// dynasty civilization
691 	IconConfig Icon;													/// Dynasty's icon
692 	LuaCallback *Conditions;
693 	std::vector<CFaction *> Factions;									/// to which factions is this dynasty available
694 };
696 class LanguageWord
697 {
698 public:
LanguageWord()699 	LanguageWord() :
700 		Type(-1), Gender(-1), GrammaticalNumber(-1),
701 		Language(nullptr), DerivesFrom(nullptr),
702 		Archaic(false),
703 		Uncountable(false),
704 		ArticleType(-1),
705 		Number(-1)
706 	{
707 	}
709 	bool HasMeaning(const std::string &meaning);
710 	std::string GetNounInflection(int grammatical_number, int grammatical_case, int word_junction_type = -1);
711 	std::string GetVerbInflection(int grammatical_number, int grammatical_person, int grammatical_tense, int grammatical_mood);
712 	std::string GetAdjectiveInflection(int comparison_degree, int article_type = -1, int grammatical_case = -1, int grammatical_number = -1, int grammatical_gender = -1);
713 	std::string GetParticiple(int grammatical_tense);
714 	void RemoveFromVector(std::vector<LanguageWord *>& word_vector);
716 	std::string Word;									/// Word name / ID.
717 	CLanguage *Language;								/// The language the word belongs to
718 	int Type;											/// Word type
719 	int Gender;											/// What is the gender of the noun or article (Masculine, Feminine or Neuter)
720 	int GrammaticalNumber;								/// Grammatical number (i.e. whether the word is necessarily plural or not)
721 	bool Archaic;										/// Whether the word is archaic (whether it is used in current speech)
722 	std::map<std::tuple<int, int>, std::string> NumberCaseInflections;	/// For nouns, mapped to grammatical number and grammatical case
723 	std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int, int>, std::string> NumberPersonTenseMoodInflections;	/// For verbs, mapped to grammatical number, grammatical person, grammatical tense and grammatical mood
724 	std::string ComparisonDegreeCaseInflections[MaxComparisonDegrees][MaxGrammaticalCases];	/// For adjectives
725 	std::string Participles[MaxGrammaticalTenses];		/// For verbs
726 	std::vector<std::string> Meanings;					/// Meanings of the word in English.
727 	LanguageWord *DerivesFrom;    						/// From which word does this word derive
728 	std::vector<LanguageWord *> DerivesTo;				/// Which words derive from this word
729 	LanguageWord *CompoundElements[MaxAffixTypes];    	/// From which compound elements is this word formed
730 	std::vector<LanguageWord *> CompoundElementOf[MaxAffixTypes];	/// Which words are formed from this word as a compound element
732 	// noun-specific variables
733 	bool Uncountable;				/// Whether the noun is uncountable or not.
735 	//pronoun and article-specific variables
736 	std::string Nominative;			/// Nominative case for the pronoun (if any)
737 	std::string Accusative;			/// Accusative case for the pronoun (if any)
738 	std::string Dative;				/// Dative case for the pronoun (if any)
739 	std::string Genitive;			/// Genitive case for the pronoun (if any)
741 	//article-specific variables
742 	int ArticleType;				/// Which article type this article belongs to
744 	//numeral-specific variables
745 	int Number;
747 	std::string Mod;				/// To which mod (or map), if any, this word belongs
748 };
750 class CLanguage
751 {
752 public:
CLanguage()753 	CLanguage() :
754 		UsedByCivilizationOrFaction(false),
755 		DialectOf(nullptr)
756 	{
757 	}
759 	LanguageWord *GetWord(const std::string word, int word_type, std::vector<std::string>& word_meanings) const;
760 	std::string GetArticle(int gender, int grammatical_case, int article_type, int grammatical_number);
761 	std::string GetNounEnding(int grammatical_number, int grammatical_case, int word_junction_type = -1);
762 	std::string GetAdjectiveEnding(int article_type, int grammatical_case, int grammatical_number, int grammatical_gender);
763 	void RemoveWord(LanguageWord *word);
765 	std::string Ident;											/// Ident of the language
766 	std::string Name;											/// Name of the language
767 	std::string Family;											/// Family of the language
768 	std::string NounEndings[MaxGrammaticalNumbers][MaxGrammaticalCases][MaxWordJunctionTypes];
769 	std::string AdjectiveEndings[MaxArticleTypes][MaxGrammaticalCases][MaxGrammaticalNumbers][MaxGrammaticalGenders];
770 	bool UsedByCivilizationOrFaction;
771 	CLanguage *DialectOf;										/// Of which language this is a dialect of (if at all); dialects inherit the words from the parent language unless specified otherwise
772 	std::vector<CLanguage *> Dialects;							/// Dialects of this language
773 	std::vector<LanguageWord *> LanguageWords;					/// Words of the language
774 	std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> NameTranslations;	/// Name translations; possible translations mapped to the name to be translated
775 };
776 //Wyrmgus end
778 /**
779 **  Races for the player
780 **  Mapped with #PlayerRaces to a symbolic name.
781 */
782 class PlayerRace
783 {
784 public:
PlayerRace()785 	PlayerRace()
786 	{
787 		memset(Visible, 0, sizeof(Visible));
788 		//Wyrmgus start
789 		memset(Playable, 0, sizeof(Playable));
790 		//Wyrmgus end
791 	}
793 	void Clean();
794 	//Wyrmgus start
795 	int GetFactionIndexByName(const std::string &faction_ident) const;
796 	CFaction *GetFaction(const std::string &faction_ident) const;
797 	CDynasty *GetDynasty(const std::string &dynasty_ident) const;
798 	CLanguage *GetLanguage(const std::string &language_ident) const;
799 	int GetCivilizationClassUnitType(int civilization, int class_id);
800 	int GetCivilizationClassUpgrade(int civilization, int class_id);
801 	int GetFactionClassUnitType(int faction, int class_id);
802 	int GetFactionClassUpgrade(int faction, int class_id);
803 	CLanguage *GetCivilizationLanguage(int civilization);
804 	std::vector<CFiller> GetCivilizationUIFillers(int civilization);
805 	std::vector<CFiller> GetFactionUIFillers(int faction);
806 	std::string TranslateName(const std::string &name, CLanguage *language);
807 	//Wyrmgus end
809 public:
810 	bool Visible[MAX_RACES];        /// race should be visible in pulldown
811 	std::string Name[MAX_RACES];    /// race names
812 	std::string Display[MAX_RACES]; /// text to display in pulldown
813 	//Wyrmgus start
814 	bool Playable[MAX_RACES];											/// civilization is playable?
815 	std::string Species[MAX_RACES];										/// civilization's species (i.e. human)
816 	std::string DefaultColor[MAX_RACES];								/// name of the civilization's default color (used for the encyclopedia, tech tree, etc.)
817 	std::string CivilizationUpgrades[MAX_RACES];
818 	std::map<int, int> CivilizationClassUnitTypes[MAX_RACES];			/// the unit type slot of a particular class for a particular civilization
819 	std::map<int, int> CivilizationClassUpgrades[MAX_RACES];			/// the upgrade slot of a particular class for a particular civilization
820 	std::map<int, IconConfig> ButtonIcons[MAX_RACES];					/// icons for button actions
821 	std::vector<CFaction *> Factions;    								/// factions
822 	std::vector<int> DevelopsFrom[MAX_RACES];							/// from which civilizations this civilization develops
823 	std::vector<int> DevelopsTo[MAX_RACES];								/// to which civilizations this civilization develops
824 	std::vector<CFiller> CivilizationUIFillers[MAX_RACES];
825 	std::vector<CLanguage *> Languages;									/// languages
826 	std::vector<CDynasty *> Dynasties;    								/// dynasties
827 	//Wyrmgus end
828 };
831 enum PlayerRacesOld {
832 	PlayerRaceHuman = 0,  /// belongs to human
833 	PlayerRaceOrc  = 1    /// belongs to orc
834 };
836 /**
837 **  Types for the player
838 **
839 **  #PlayerNeutral
840 **
841 **    This player is controlled by the computer doing nothing.
842 **
843 **  #PlayerNobody
844 **
845 **    This player is unused. Nobody controls this player.
846 **
847 **  #PlayerComputer
848 **
849 **    This player is controlled by the computer. CPlayer::AiNum
850 **    selects the AI strategy.
851 **
852 **  #PlayerPerson
853 **
854 **    This player is contolled by a person. This can be the player
855 **    sitting on the local computer or player playing over the
856 **    network.
857 **
858 **  #PlayerRescuePassive
859 **
860 **    This player does nothing, the game pieces just sit in the game
861 **    (being passive)... when a person player moves next to a
862 **    PassiveRescue unit/building, then it is "rescued" and becomes
863 **    part of that persons team. If the city center is rescued, than
864 **    all units of this player are rescued.
865 **
866 **  #PlayerRescueActive
867 **
868 **    This player is controlled by the computer. CPlayer::AiNum
869 **    selects the AI strategy. Until it is rescued it plays like
870 **    an ally. The first person which reaches units of this player,
871 **    can rescue them. If the city center is rescued, than all units
872 **    of this player are rescued.
873 */
874 enum PlayerTypes {
875 	PlayerNeutral = 2,        /// neutral
876 	PlayerNobody  = 3,        /// unused slot
877 	PlayerComputer = 4,       /// computer player
878 	PlayerPerson = 5,         /// human player
879 	PlayerRescuePassive = 6,  /// rescued passive
880 	PlayerRescueActive = 7    /// rescued  active
881 };
883 #define PlayerNumNeutral (PlayerMax - 1)  /// this is the neutral player slot
885 /**
886 **  Notify types. Noties are send to the player.
887 */
888 enum NotifyType {
889 	NotifyRed,     /// Red alram
890 	NotifyYellow,  /// Yellow alarm
891 	NotifyGreen    /// Green alarm
892 };
894 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
895 --  Variables
896 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
898 extern int NumPlayers;             /// How many player slots used
899 extern CPlayer Players[PlayerMax];  /// All players
900 extern CPlayer *ThisPlayer;         /// Player on local computer
901 extern bool NoRescueCheck;          /// Disable rescue check
902 //Wyrmgus start
903 //extern std::vector<CColor> PlayerColorsRGB[PlayerMax]; /// Player colors
904 //extern std::vector<IntColor> PlayerColors[PlayerMax]; /// Player colors
905 //extern std::string PlayerColorNames[PlayerMax];  /// Player color names
906 extern std::vector<CColor> PlayerColorsRGB[PlayerColorMax]; /// Player colors
907 extern std::vector<IntColor> PlayerColors[PlayerColorMax]; /// Player colors
908 extern std::string PlayerColorNames[PlayerColorMax];  /// Player color names
909 extern std::vector<int> ConversiblePlayerColors; 			/// Conversible player colors
911 extern std::map<std::string, int> FactionStringToIndex;
912 extern std::map<std::string, int> DynastyStringToIndex;
914 extern bool LanguageCacheOutdated;
915 //Wyrmgus end
917 extern PlayerRace PlayerRaces;  /// Player races
919 /**
920 **  Which indexes to replace with player color
921 */
922 extern int PlayerColorIndexStart;
923 extern int PlayerColorIndexCount;
925 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
926 --  Functions
927 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
929 /// Init players
930 extern void InitPlayers();
931 /// Clean up players
932 extern void CleanPlayers();
933 /// Save players
934 extern void SavePlayers(CFile &file);
936 /// Create a new player
937 extern void CreatePlayer(int type);
939 //Wyrmgus start
940 extern CPlayer *GetFactionPlayer(const CFaction *faction);
941 extern CPlayer *GetOrAddFactionPlayer(const CFaction *faction);
942 //Wyrmgus end
944 /// Initialize the computer opponent AI
945 extern void PlayersInitAi();
946 /// Called each game cycle for player handlers (AI)
947 extern void PlayersEachCycle();
948 /// Called each second for a given player handler (AI)
949 extern void PlayersEachSecond(int player);
950 //Wyrmgus start
951 /// Called each half minute for a given player handler (AI)
952 extern void PlayersEachHalfMinute(int player);
953 /// Called each minute for a given player handler (AI)
954 extern void PlayersEachMinute(int player);
955 //Wyrmgus end
957 /// Change current color set to new player of the sprite
958 //Wyrmgus start
959 //extern void GraphicPlayerPixels(CPlayer &player, const CGraphic &sprite);
960 extern void GraphicPlayerPixels(int player, const CGraphic &sprite);
961 //Wyrmgus end
963 /// Output debug information for players
964 extern void DebugPlayers();
966 void FreePlayerColors();
968 /// register ccl features
969 extern void PlayerCclRegister();
971 /// Allowed to select multiple units, maybe not mine
CanSelectMultipleUnits(const CPlayer & player)972 inline bool CanSelectMultipleUnits(const CPlayer &player) { return &player == ThisPlayer || ThisPlayer->IsTeamed(player); }
974 //Wyrmgus start
975 extern void SetFactionStringToIndex(const std::string &faction_name, int faction_id);
976 extern void NetworkSetFaction(int player, const std::string &faction_name);
977 extern int GetPlayerColorIndexByName(const std::string &player_color_name);
978 extern std::string GetFactionTypeNameById(int faction_type);
979 extern int GetFactionTypeIdByName(const std::string &faction_type);
980 extern std::string GetGovernmentTypeNameById(int government_type);
981 extern int GetGovernmentTypeIdByName(const std::string &government_type);
982 extern std::string GetForceTypeNameById(int force_type);
983 extern int GetForceTypeIdByName(const std::string &force_type);
984 extern std::string GetWordTypeNameById(int word_type);
985 extern int GetWordTypeIdByName(const std::string &word_type);
986 extern std::string GetArticleTypeNameById(int article_type);
987 extern int GetArticleTypeIdByName(const std::string &article_type);
988 extern std::string GetGrammaticalCaseNameById(int grammatical_case);
989 extern int GetGrammaticalCaseIdByName(const std::string &grammatical_case);
990 extern std::string GetGrammaticalNumberNameById(int grammatical_number);
991 extern int GetGrammaticalNumberIdByName(const std::string &grammatical_number);
992 extern std::string GetGrammaticalPersonNameById(int grammatical_person);
993 extern int GetGrammaticalPersonIdByName(const std::string &grammatical_person);
994 extern std::string GetGrammaticalGenderNameById(int grammatical_gender);
995 extern int GetGrammaticalGenderIdByName(const std::string &grammatical_gender);
996 extern std::string GetGrammaticalTenseNameById(int grammatical_tense);
997 extern int GetGrammaticalTenseIdByName(const std::string &grammatical_tense);
998 extern std::string GetGrammaticalMoodNameById(int grammatical_mood);
999 extern int GetGrammaticalMoodIdByName(const std::string &grammatical_mood);
1000 extern std::string GetComparisonDegreeNameById(int comparison_degree);
1001 extern int GetComparisonDegreeIdByName(const std::string &comparison_degree);
1002 extern std::string GetAffixTypeNameById(int affix_type);
1003 extern int GetAffixTypeIdByName(const std::string &affix_type);
1004 extern std::string GetWordJunctionTypeNameById(int word_junction_type);
1005 extern int GetWordJunctionTypeIdByName(const std::string &word_junction_type);
1006 extern bool IsNameValidForWord(const std::string &word_name);
1008 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1009 --  Variables
1010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1012 extern std::map<std::string, CLanguage *> LanguageIdentToPointer;
1013 //Wyrmgus end
1015 //@}
1017 #endif // !__PLAYER_H__