1 // Copyright 2012-2013 Tinyarray authors.
2 //
3 // This file is part of Tinyarray.  It is subject to the license terms in the
4 // file LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and
5 // at https://gitlab.kwant-project.org/kwant/tinyarray/blob/master/LICENSE.rst.
6 // A list of Tinyarray authors can be found in the README.rst file at the
7 // top-level directory of this distribution and at
8 // https://gitlab.kwant-project.org/kwant/tinyarray.
10 #ifndef ARRAY_HH
11 #define ARRAY_HH
13 #include <complex>
14 typedef std::complex<double> Complex;
16 const int max_ndim = 16;
18 // First constant must be 0, the last one must be `NONE'.
19 enum Dtype {LONG = 0, DOUBLE, COMPLEX, NONE};
20 const Dtype default_dtype = DOUBLE;
21 #define DEFAULT_DTYPE "float"
23 extern const char *dtype_names[];
25 #define DTYPE_DISPATCH(func) {func<long>, func<double>, func<Complex>}
27 // First constant must be 0, the last one must be `UNKNOWN'.
28 enum Format {INT32_LE = 0, INT32_BE, INT64_LE, INT64_BE,
29              FLOAT64_LE, FLOAT64_BE, COMPLEX128_LE, COMPLEX128_BE,
30              UNKNOWN};
32 extern const char *format_names[];
34 extern Format format_by_dtype[];
36 // We use the ob_size field in a clever way to encode either the length of a
37 // 1-d array, or the number of dimensions for multi-dimensional arrays.  The
38 // following code codifies the conventions.
39 class Array_base {
40 public:
ndim_shape(int * ndim,size_t ** shape) const41     void ndim_shape(int *ndim, size_t **shape) const {
42         const Py_ssize_t ob_size = ob_base.ob_size;
43         if (ob_size >= 0) {
44             if (ndim) *ndim = 1;
45             if (shape) *shape = (size_t*)&ob_base.ob_size;
46         } else if (ob_size < -1) {
47             if (ndim) *ndim = static_cast<int>(-ob_size);
48             if (shape) *shape = (size_t*)((char*)this + sizeof(Array_base));
49         } else {
50             if (ndim) *ndim = 0;
51             if (shape) *shape = 0;
52         }
53     }
55 protected:
56     PyVarObject ob_base;
57 };
59 // Python 3 support macros for module creation
60 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
61     // module creation
62     #define MOD_DEF(ob, name, methods, doc) \
63     static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { \
64         PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, \
65         name, \
66         doc, \
67         -1, \
68         methods, \
69     }; \
70     ob = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
71     // init function declaration
72     #define MOD_INIT_FUNC(name) PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_##name()
73     // init function declaration for use in Array class def
74     #define MOD_INIT_FRIEND(name) PyObject* PyInit_##name()
75     // init function return values
76     #define MOD_ERROR_VAL NULL
77     #define MOD_SUCCESS_VAL(val) val
78 // Python 2
79 #else
80     // module creation
81     #define MOD_DEF(ob, name, methods, doc) \
82     ob = Py_InitModule3(name, methods, doc);
83     // init function declaration
84     #define MOD_INIT_FUNC(name) PyMODINIT_FUNC init##name()
85     // init function declaration for use in Array class def
86     #define MOD_INIT_FRIEND(name) void init##name()
87     // init function return values
88     #define MOD_ERROR_VAL
89     #define MOD_SUCCESS_VAL(val)
90 #endif
92 MOD_INIT_FUNC(tinyarray);
94 template <typename T>
95 class Array : public Array_base {
96 public:
data()97     T *data() {
98         if (ob_base.ob_size >= -1) {
99             // ndim == 0 or 1
100             return ob_item;
101         } else {
102             // ndim > 1
103             return ob_item + (-ob_base.ob_size * sizeof(size_t) +
104                               sizeof(T) - 1) / sizeof(T);
105         }
106     }
108     ssize_t object_size() const;
check_exact(PyObject * candidate)110     static bool check_exact(PyObject *candidate) {
111         return (Py_TYPE(candidate) == &pytype);
112     }
114     static Array<T> *make(int ndim, size_t size);
115     static Array<T> *make(int ndim, const size_t *shape, size_t *size = 0);
117     static const char *pyname, *pyformat;
118 private:
119     T ob_item[1];
121     static PyMethodDef methods[];
122     static PySequenceMethods as_sequence;
123     static PyMappingMethods as_mapping;
124     static PyBufferProcs as_buffer;
125     static PyNumberMethods as_number;
126     static PyTypeObject pytype;
128     friend Dtype get_dtype(PyObject *obj);
129     friend MOD_INIT_FRIEND(tinyarray);
130 };
132 int load_index_seq_as_long(PyObject *obj, long *out, int maxlen);
133 int load_index_seq_as_ulong(PyObject *obj, unsigned long *uout,
134                             int maxlen, const char *errmsg = 0);
calc_size(int ndim,const size_t * shape)136 inline size_t calc_size(int ndim, const size_t *shape)
137 {
138     if (ndim == 0) return 1;
139     size_t result = shape[0];
140     for (int d = 1; d < ndim; ++d) result *= shape[d];
141     return result;
142 }
get_dtype(PyObject * obj)144 inline Dtype get_dtype(PyObject *obj)
145 {
146     PyTypeObject *pytype = Py_TYPE(obj);
147     if (pytype == &Array<long>::pytype) return LONG;
148     if (pytype == &Array<double>::pytype) return DOUBLE;
149     if (pytype == &Array<Complex>::pytype) return COMPLEX;
150     return NONE;
151 }
153 PyObject *array_from_arraylike(PyObject *in, Dtype *dtype,
154                                Dtype dtype_min = Dtype(0),
155                                bool as_matrix = false);
157 // Coerced_dtype will contain the common dtype of the coerced arrays.
158 int coerce_to_arrays(PyObject **a, PyObject **b, Dtype *coerced_dtype);
160 template <typename T> PyObject *transpose(PyObject *in, PyObject *dummy);
162 template <typename T>
object_size() const163 ssize_t Array<T>::object_size() const
164 {
165     int ndim;
166     size_t *shape;
167     ndim_shape(&ndim, &shape);
169     // this does the same calculation as in Array<T>::make
170     Py_ssize_t size = calc_size(ndim, shape);
171     if (ndim > 1)
172         // if array is > 1D then the shape is stored in
173         // the start of the data buffer
174         size += (ndim * sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(T) - 1) / sizeof(T);
175     size = size * sizeof(T);  // element count -> byte count
176     size += Array<T>::pytype.tp_basicsize;  // add Python object overhead
178     return size;
179 }
181 #endif // !ARRAY_HH