1 /* asn.h
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name: asn.h
27 *
28 * Author:  James Ostell
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date: 1/1/91
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.22 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *   This header the interface to all the routines in the ASN.1 libraries
36 *     that an application should ever use.  It also includes the necessary
37 *     typedefs -- however the application programmer is not meant to use
38 *     the internal structures directly outside of the specified functions,
39 *     as the internal structures may be changed without notice.
40 *
41 * Modifications:
42 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 * Date     Name        Description of modification
44 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
45 *
46 * ==========================================================================
47 */
49 #ifndef _ASNTOOL_
50 #define _ASNTOOL_
52                       /*** depends on NCBI core routines ***/
53 #ifndef _NCBI_
54 #include <ncbi.h>
55 #endif
57 #undef NLM_EXTERN
58 #ifdef NLM_IMPORT
60 #else
61 #define NLM_EXTERN extern
62 #endif
64 #ifdef __cplusplus
65 extern "C" {
66 #endif
68    /**** ValNode is used for internal representation of values from
69 	****  CHOICE, SET OF, SEQ OF and combinations for many cases.
70 	****  it is provided in ncbimisc for build object routines ****/
72 /***  The following defines can be used for backward compatibility
73 #define AsnValue DataVal
74 #define AsnNode ValNode
75 ***/
76 /***  In addition, AsnValueNode was changed to AsnValxNode so it would
77       not conflict with the AsnValue define above
78 ****/
80 #ifndef START_STRUCT
81 #define START_STRUCT 	411		/* { found */
82 #define END_STRUCT 		412		/* } found */
83 #endif
85    /******* AsnOptions allow customization of AsnIo and AsnType ****/
87 typedef Pointer (LIBCALLBACK * AsnOptFreeFunc) PROTO ((Pointer));
88 #define DefAsnOptionFree  Nlm_MemFree	/* default function for freeing AsnOption's */
90 typedef struct asnopt {
91 	Int2 ao_class;               /* class of option. all negative numbers res.*/
92 	Int2 type;                /* type within ao_class */
93 	DataVal data;            /* data used for setting option */
94 	AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc;  /* function to free data.ptrvalue */
95 	struct asnopt PNTR next;
96 } AsnOption, PNTR AsnOptionPtr;
98    /******** AsnValXNode holds ENUM, Named Integer, Default values *****/
100 typedef struct asnvaluenode {
101 	Int2 valueisa;
102 	CharPtr name;	               /* use for strings and named int */
103 	Int8 intvalue;		           /* use for int and boolean */
104 	FloatHi realvalue;
105 	struct asnvaluenode PNTR next;
106 	AsnOptionPtr aop;              /* for comments */
107 }	AsnValxNode, PNTR AsnValxNodePtr;
109    /******** AsnType is a node in the AsnTool parse tree *******/
111 typedef struct asntype {
112 	Int2 isa;                      /* holds types like BOOLEAN_TYPE, etc.  You can use the ISA_ macros on it */
113 	CharPtr name;
114 	Uint1 tagclass;                /* holds TAG_UNIVERSAL, TAG_APPLICATION, etc. */
115 	Int2 tagnumber;                /* holds TAG_BOOLEAN, etc. */
116 	unsigned implicit   : 1;
117 	unsigned optional   : 1;
118 	unsigned hasdefault : 1;
119 	unsigned exported   : 1;
120 	unsigned imported   : 1;
121 	unsigned resolved   : 1;
122 	AsnValxNodePtr defaultvalue;   /* used for default value, range, subtypes */
123 	struct asntype PNTR type;
124 	Pointer branch;				   /* used for named ints, enum, set, sequence */
125 	Int2 tmp;                      /* for temporary ->type link to local tree */
126 	struct asntype PNTR next;
127 	AsnOptionPtr hints;            /* used to customize the type by application */
128 	CharPtr XMLname;               /* for reading/writing XML */
129 	Boolean been_here;             /* needed for printing DTD */
130 }	AsnType, PNTR AsnTypePtr;
132 typedef struct asnmodule {
133 	CharPtr modulename;
134 	CharPtr filename;              /* if module to be loaded from disk */
135 	AsnTypePtr types;
136 	AsnTypePtr values;
137 	struct asnmodule PNTR next;    /* for chain of modules */
138 	Int2 lasttype;                 /* for isa defined types */
139 	Int2 lastvalue; 		       /* for isa defined values */
140 }	AsnModule, PNTR AsnModulePtr;
142 #define ASNIO_BUFSIZE	      1024 /* default size of AsnIo.buf */
143 #define ASNIO_BUFSIZE_RESERVE  200 /* default size of reserved room in AsnIo.buf */
145                                    /* AsnIo.type  bit[0] = text? bit[1]=binary?*/
146                                    /* bit[2]=input? bit[3]=output?           */
147 #define ASNIO_TEXT       1
148 #define ASNIO_BIN        2
149 #define ASNIO_IN         4
150 #define ASNIO_OUT        8
151 #define ASNIO_FILE      16
152 #define ASNIO_CARRIER   32         /* is a pure iterator */
153 #define ASNIO_XML       64
155 #define ASNIO_TEXT_IN	21         /* AsnIo.type for files */
156 #define ASNIO_TEXT_OUT	25
157 #define ASNIO_BIN_IN	22
158 #define ASNIO_BIN_OUT	26
160 typedef struct pstack {
161     AsnTypePtr type;               /* type at this level of stack */
162     Int4 len;                      /* length of item for binary decode */
163     Boolean resolved;              /* resolution of type for binary decode */
164 	Boolean tag_indef;             /* indefinate tag length on input? */
165 } Pstack, PNTR PstackPtr;
167 typedef struct asnexpoptstruct {
168 	struct asnio PNTR aip;
169 	AsnTypePtr atp;
170 	DataValPtr dvp;
171 	Int2 the_choice;
172 	Pointer the_struct;
173 	Pointer data;
174 } AsnExpOptStruct, PNTR AsnExpOptStructPtr;
176 typedef void (LIBCALLBACK * AsnExpOptFunc) PROTO ((AsnExpOptStructPtr));
177 #define NO_CHOICE_SET INT2_MIN     /* for AsnExpOptStruct.the_choice  */
179 typedef struct expopt {
180 	Int2 numtypes;
181 	AsnTypePtr PNTR types;         /* the type to check */
182 	Pointer user_data;             /* user supplied data */
183 	AsnExpOptFunc user_callback;   /* user supplied callback function */
184 	struct expopt PNTR next;
185 } AsnExpOpt, PNTR AsnExpOptPtr;
187 typedef void (LIBCALLBACK * AsnErrorFunc) PROTO((Int2, CharPtr));
188 #define ErrorRetType AsnErrorFunc  /* for backward compatibility */
189 typedef Int2 (LIBCALLBACK * AsnIoFunc) PROTO((Pointer, CharPtr, Uint2));
190 #define IoFuncType AsnIoFunc	   /* for backward compatibility */
193 typedef struct asnio {
194 	CharPtr linebuf;
195 	Int1 type;            /* type- text-in, text-out, bin-in, bin-out */
196 	Int2 linepos;         /* current offset in linebuf */
197 	FILE * fp;            /* file to write or read to */
198 	BytePtr buf;          /* buffer for I/O */
199 	Int2 bufsize;         /* sizeof this buffer */
200 	Int2 bytes,           /* bytes of data available in buf */
201 		offset;           /* current offset of processing in buf */
202 	Uint1 tagclass;       /* last BER tag-id-len read */
203 	Int2 tagnumber;
204 	Boolean constructed;
205 	Int4 length;            /* length of BER encoded data */
206 	Boolean tagsaved;       /* TRUE if tag info already here - stops read */
207 	Int4 used;              /* if tagsaved, bytes used recorded here */
208 	Int1 tabsize,           /* spaces per tab */
209 		indent_level,       /* current indent level for print output */
210 		max_indent,         /* current maximum indent levels for first */
211 		state;              /* parsing state */
212 	Int2 linelength;        /* max line length on output */
213 	BoolPtr first;          /* for first element on indented line for printing */
214 	Int4 linenumber;        /* for reporting errors */
215 	CharPtr word;           /* current word in linebuf */
216 	Int2 wordlen,           /* length of word in linebuf */
217 		token;             /* current parsing token for word */
218 	PstackPtr typestack;    /* the parsing stack for input and output */
219 	Int1 type_indent,       /* used like indent_level and max_indent, but for */
220 		max_type;           /* typestack */
221 	ErrorRetType error_ret; /* user error return */
222 	Pointer iostruct;       /* non-FILE io structure */
223 	IoFuncType readfunc,    /* read/write functions for sockets */
224 		writefunc;        /*  open and close MUST be done outside AsnIo */
225 	Boolean read_id;        /* for checking AsnReadId AsnReadVal alternation */
226 	CharPtr fname;          /* name of file in use */
227 	AsnOptionPtr aop;       /* head of options chain */
228 	AsnExpOptPtr aeop;      /* exploration options chain */
229 	AsnExpOptStructPtr aeosp;
230 	Boolean io_failure;     /* set on failed write, or read  */
231 	Uint1 fix_non_print;    /* fix non-printing chars in VisibleStrings (see below) */
232 	Boolean utf8_read;      /* VisibleString expected but UTF8String encountered */
233 	Uint1 fix_utf8_in;      /* policy on reporting VisibleString/UTF8String mismatches (see below) */
234 	Boolean utf8_sent;      /* UTF8String converted to VisibleString in output */
235 	Uint1 fix_utf8_out;     /* policy on converting UTF8String to VisibleString (see below) */
236 	Boolean scan_for_start; /* if TRUE, scan over garbage in print form */
237 	Int2 spec_version;      /* used for filtering between asn.1 spec versions */
238 	Boolean no_newline;     /* to suppress internal newlines in long XML strings */
239 	Boolean XMLModuleWritten; /* to put header on first XML DTD only */
240 	/* the following fields are used for easier ASN.1 comparisons, not normal operations */
241 	Boolean asn_no_newline;  /* to suppress internal newlines in long ASN.1 strings */
242 	Boolean asn_alt_struct;  /* structure ending braces on separate lines */
243 } AsnIo, PNTR AsnIoPtr;
246 /*****************************************************************************
247 *
248 *   fix_non_print
249 *   	Non-printing chars (like \t, \n) are illegal in VisibleStrings. The
250 *   default case is to replace it with '#' and post an error message. Whether
251 *   the error will be fatal or not depends on ERR_SET_OPTS. Supported values
252 *   of fix_non_print are:
253 *
254 *   0 = (default) replace with '#', post an error of SEV_ERROR,
255 *             do not set aip->io_failure
256 *   1 = replace with '#' silently
257 *   2 = pass non-printing char through unchanged with no error message
258 *   3 = replace with '#', post an error of SEV_FATAL, do set aip->io_failure
259 *
260 *   NOTE: if you are using a pure iterator (AsnIoNullOpen()) instead of really
261 *     writing...
262 *
263 *   To avoid checking all strings, set aip->fix_non_print = 2
264 *   To check, get an error message, but not die, leave aip->fix_non_print=0
265 *   To check and fail with non printing chars, set aip->fix_non_print=3
266 *
267 *
268 *****************************************************************************/
271 /*****************************************************************************
272 *
273 *   fix_utf8_in
274 *   	Supported values of fix_utf8_in are:
275 *
276 *   0 = (default) do not post any errors, set aip->utf8_read
277 *   1 = post an error of SEV_WARNING the first time, set aip->utf8_read
278 *   2 = post an error of SEV_WARNING every time, set aip->utf8_read
279 *   3 = do not do input conversion
280 *
281 *****************************************************************************/
284 /*****************************************************************************
285 *
286 *   fix_utf8_out
287 *   	Supported values of fix_utf8_out are:
288 *
289 *   0 = (default) do not post any errors, set aip->utf8_sent
290 *   1 = post an error of SEV_WARNING the first time, set aip->utf8_sent
291 *   2 = post an error of SEV_WARNING every time, set aip->utf8_sent
292 *   3 = do not do output conversion
293 *
294 *****************************************************************************/
297 typedef struct asniomem {    /* for AsnIo to and from a memory block */
298 	AsnIoPtr aip;			 /* the AsnIoPtr for this */
299 	BytePtr buf;			 /* a buffer for the data */
300 	Int4 size,		/* size of this buffer (w) or bytes_to_read (r) */
301 			count;		/* count of bytes read from or written to buffer */
302 } AsnIoMem, PNTR AsnIoMemPtr;
304 typedef struct asniobs {    /* for AsnIo to and from a memory ByteStore */
305 	AsnIoPtr aip;			 /* the AsnIoPtr for this */
306 	ByteStorePtr bsp;        /* byte store for this */
307 } AsnIoBS, PNTR AsnIoBSPtr;
309 /***** typedefs used often in object loaders **********/
311 typedef Pointer (LIBCALL *AsnReadFunc) PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
312 typedef Boolean (LIBCALL *AsnWriteFunc) PROTO((Pointer object, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
314 typedef Boolean (LIBCALLBACK *AsnStreamStringFunc) (Pointer object, AsnIoPtr aip);
316 /*****************************************************************************
317 *
318 *   prototypes
319 *
320 *****************************************************************************/
321 /*** asngen.c ****/
323 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnReadId PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnModulePtr amp, AsnTypePtr atp));
324 NLM_EXTERN Int2  LIBCALL AsnReadVal PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr vp));
325 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnWrite PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp));
326 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnWriteEx (AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp, AsnStreamStringFunc stream);
327 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnSkipValue PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
329 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnOpenStruct PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp,
330 			Pointer the_struct));
331 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnCloseStruct PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp,
332 			Pointer the_struct));
333 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnWriteChoice PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, Int2 choice,
334 			DataValPtr the_value));
335 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnCheckExpOpt PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp));
336 NLM_EXTERN AsnExpOptPtr LIBCALL AsnExpOptNew PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, CharPtr path,
337 			Pointer user_data, AsnExpOptFunc user_func));
338 NLM_EXTERN AsnExpOptPtr LIBCALL AsnExpOptFree PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnExpOptPtr aeop));
339 NLM_EXTERN VoidPtr LIBCALL AsnFindNthPieceOfObject PROTO((AsnWriteFunc wfunc, Pointer datum, CharPtr string, Int4 n));
341 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnGetLevel PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip));
342 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnNullValueMsg PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr node));
344 /*** asntypes.c ***/
346 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnKillValue PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp));
347 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr PNTR LIBCALL AsnTypePathFind PROTO((AsnModulePtr amp, CharPtr str, Int2Ptr numtypes));
348 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnTypeFind PROTO((AsnModulePtr amp, CharPtr str));
349 #define AsnFind(x) AsnTypeFind(NULL,x)    /* find type (all) */
350 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnFindPrimName PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp));
351 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnFindBaseType PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp));
352 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnFindBaseTypeDTD PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp));
353 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnFindBaseName PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp));
354 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnFindBaseIsa PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp));
355 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnLinkType PROTO((AsnTypePtr type, AsnTypePtr localtype));
356 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnUnlinkType PROTO((AsnTypePtr type));
357 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnTypeDumpStack PROTO((CharPtr str, AsnIoPtr aip));
358 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnTreeLoad PROTO((char * file, AsnValxNodePtr * avnptr, AsnTypePtr * atptr, AsnModulePtr * ampptr));
359 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnStoreTree PROTO((CharPtr file, AsnModulePtr amp));
360 #define AsnLoad() AsnTreeLoad(asnfilename, &avn, &at, &amp)   /* simple loader */
361 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnModuleLink PROTO((AsnModulePtr amp));
362 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnEnumStr PROTO((CharPtr str, Int2 val));
363 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnEnumTypeStr PROTO((AsnTypePtr atp, Int2 val));
364 NLM_EXTERN AsnModulePtr LIBCALL AsnAllModPtr PROTO((void));
366 /*****************************************************************************
367 *
368 *   Int4 AsnTypeStringToHex(from, len, to, left)
369 *   	converts an octet string to binary
370 *   	returns number of hex digits created if all ok
371 *       *left is chars left at the end of the buffer including first letter of
372 *          a remaining digit (from does not have an even number of letters)
373 *          since this could include white space, could be more than 1
374 *       returns a negative number on an error
375 *       skips over internal or trailing white space
376 *       left can be NULL, in which case it is ignored
377 *
378 *****************************************************************************/
379 NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL AsnTypeStringToHex (Pointer from, Int4 len, Pointer to, Int4Ptr left);
381 /*** asnio.c ****/
383 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnErrGetTypeName PROTO((CharPtr name));
384 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoPtr LIBCALL AsnIoOpen PROTO((CharPtr file_name, CharPtr mode));
385 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoPtr LIBCALL AsnIoClose PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip));
386 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoPtr LIBCALL AsnIoFree PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, Boolean close_file));
387 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnIoReset PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip));
388 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnIoSetErrorMsg PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, ErrorRetType error_ret));
389 NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL AsnIoSeek PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, Int4 pos));
390 NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL AsnIoTell PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip));
391 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnIoFlush PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip));
392 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoPtr LIBCALL AsnIoNew PROTO((Int1 type, FILE * fp, Pointer iostruct, IoFuncType readfunc, IoFuncType writefunc));
393 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnIoSetBufsize PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, Int2 size));
394 NLM_EXTERN AsnOptionPtr LIBCALL AsnIoOptionNew PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, Int2 ao_class, Int2 type, DataVal av, AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc));
395 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnIoOptionFree PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, Int2 ao_class, Int2 type));
396 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnClassTypeMatch PROTO((Int2 ao_class, Int2 type, Int2 this_class, Int2 this_type));
397 NLM_EXTERN AsnOptionPtr LIBCALL AsnIoOptionGet PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, Int2 ao_class, Int2 type, AsnOptionPtr last));
398 NLM_EXTERN AsnOptionPtr LIBCALL AsnOptionNew PROTO((AsnOptionPtr PNTR aopp, Int2 ao_class, Int2 type, DataVal av, AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc));
399 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL AsnOptionFree PROTO((AsnOptionPtr PNTR aopp, Int2 ao_class, Int2 type));
400 NLM_EXTERN AsnOptionPtr LIBCALL AsnOptionGet PROTO((AsnOptionPtr head, Int2 ao_class, Int2 type, AsnOptionPtr last));
401 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnSetXMLmodulePrefix (CharPtr prefix);
402 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnSetXMLmodulePrefixToDefault (void);
403 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL AsnGetXMLmodulePrefix (void);
405     /*** calculate hash value from ASN.1 ***/
406 NLM_EXTERN Uint4 LIBCALL  AsnIoHash (Pointer from, AsnWriteFunc writefunc);
408     /*** read and write to memory buffer ***/
409 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoMemPtr LIBCALL AsnIoMemOpen PROTO((CharPtr mode, BytePtr buf, Int4 size));
410 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoMemPtr LIBCALL AsnIoMemClose PROTO((AsnIoMemPtr aimp));
411 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnIoMemReset PROTO((AsnIoMemPtr aimp, Int4 bytes_to_read));
412 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnIoMemRead PROTO((Pointer, CharPtr, Uint2));
413 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnIoMemWrite PROTO((Pointer, CharPtr, Uint2));
415    /*** read and write to a ByteStore in memory ***/
416 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoBSPtr LIBCALL AsnIoBSOpen PROTO((CharPtr mode, ByteStorePtr bsp));
417 NLM_EXTERN AsnIoBSPtr LIBCALL AsnIoBSClose PROTO((AsnIoBSPtr aibp));
418 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnIoBSRead PROTO((Pointer, CharPtr, Uint2));
419 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnIoBSWrite PROTO((Pointer, CharPtr, Uint2));
421   /** Copy and Compare functions ***/
422 NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALL AsnIoCopy PROTO((Pointer from, AsnReadFunc readfunc, AsnWriteFunc writefunc));
423 NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALL AsnIoMemCopy PROTO((Pointer from, AsnReadFunc readfunc, AsnWriteFunc writefunc));
424 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnIoMemComp PROTO((Pointer a, Pointer b, AsnWriteFunc writefunc));
428 /*** asndebin.c ***/
430 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnBinReadId PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
431 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnBinReadVal PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr vp));
433 /*** asnenbin.c ***/
435 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnBinWrite PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp));
436          /** expert use only ***/
437 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnEnBinTheBytes PROTO((Pointer ptr, Uint4 len, AsnIoPtr aip, Boolean is_string));
438 #define AsnEnBinBytes(a,b,c) AsnEnBinTheBytes(a, b, c, FALSE)
440 /*** asnlex.c ***/
442 NLM_EXTERN AsnTypePtr LIBCALL AsnTxtReadId PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnModulePtr amp, AsnTypePtr atp));
443 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL AsnTxtReadVal PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr vp));
445 /*** asnprint.c ***/
447 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnTxtWrite PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp));
448 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL  AsnTxtWriteEx (AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, DataValPtr dvp, AsnStreamStringFunc stream);
450 /*** asnlext.c ***/
452 NLM_EXTERN AsnModulePtr LIBCALL AsnLoadModules PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip));
454 /*** asngenob.c ***/
455 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL AsnGenericBaseSeqOfAsnRead PROTO ((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnModulePtr amp, AsnTypePtr orig, int whichvalslot, BoolPtr isError));
456 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericBaseSeqOfAsnWrite PROTO ((ValNodePtr ptr, int whichvalslot, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr bag_atp, AsnTypePtr element_atp));
457 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericBaseSeqOfFree PROTO ((ValNodePtr ptr, int whichvalslot));
458 NLM_EXTERN Pointer AsnGenericUserSeqOfAsnRead PROTO ((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnModulePtr amp, AsnTypePtr orig, BoolPtr isError, AsnReadFunc readfunc, AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc));
459 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericUserSeqOfAsnWrite PROTO ((Pointer ptr, AsnWriteFunc writefunc, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr bag_atp, AsnTypePtr element_atp));
460 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericUserSeqOfFree PROTO ((Pointer ptr, AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc));
461 NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALL AsnGenericChoiceSeqOfAsnRead PROTO ((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnModulePtr amp, AsnTypePtr orig, BoolPtr isError, AsnReadFunc readfunc, AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc));
462 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericChoiceSeqOfAsnWrite PROTO ((Pointer ptr, AsnWriteFunc writefunc, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr bag_atp, AsnTypePtr element_atp));
463 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericChoiceSeqOfFree PROTO ((Pointer ptr, AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc));
465 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL AsnGenericValNodeSetAsnRead (
466   AsnIoPtr aip,
467   AsnModulePtr amp,
468   AsnTypePtr orig,
469   BoolPtr isError,
470   AsnReadFunc readfunc,
471   AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc
472 );
473 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnGenericValNodeSetAsnWrite (
474   ValNodePtr ptr,
475   AsnWriteFunc writefunc,
476   AsnIoPtr aip,
477   AsnTypePtr bag_atp,
478   AsnTypePtr element_atp
479 );
480 NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL AsnGenericValNodeSetFree (
481   ValNodePtr ptr,
482   AsnOptFreeFunc freefunc
483 );
485 /*** asnbufo.c ***/
486 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnBufWrite PROTO ((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, CharPtr buf, size_t buflen));
487 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnBinBufWrite PROTO ((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, CharPtr buf, size_t buflen));
488 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AsnTxtBufWrite PROTO ((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, CharPtr buf, size_t buflen));
492 /******** temporary defines for older code *************/
494 #define AsnStartStruct(x,y) AsnOpenStruct(x, y, NULL)
495 #define AsnEndStruct(x,y) AsnCloseStruct(x, y, NULL)
497 /***** AsnOption ao_class values - do not reuse ***************/
498 /***** all positive numbers > 0 are available to non-NCBI applications ***/
500 #define OP_ANY          0
501 #define OP_TOGENBNK    -1
502 #define OP_BB2ASN      -2
503 #define OP_NCBIOBJSSET -3
504 #define OP_NCBIOBJSEQ  -4
505 #define OP_GET_MUID    -5
506 #define OP_NCBIASNTOOL -6
507 #define OP_NCBIHINTS   -7
508 #define OP_GESTALT     -8
509 #define OP_NCBIOBJSTR  -9
510 #define OP_TYPEORDER   -10     /* for printing out DTD or spec */
511 #define OP_COMMENTBEFORE -11   /*  ditto */
512 #define OP_COMMENT     -12      /*  ditto */
514 /****** these are the possible returns from AsnFindBaseIsa() *****/
515 /****** the numbers are arbitrary, but should never be changed ***/
517 #define BOOLEAN_TYPE			301		/* BOOLEAN */
518 #define INTEGER_TYPE			302		/* INTEGER */
519 #define BITS_TYPE				303		/* BIT STRING */
520 #define OCTETS_TYPE				304		/* OCTET STRING */
521 #define NULL_TYPE				305		/* NULL */
522 #define OBID_TYPE				306		/* OBJECT IDENTIFIER */
523 #define OBDES_TYPE				307		/* ObjectDescriptor */
524 #define EXTERNAL_TYPE			308		/* EXTERNAL */
525 #define REAL_TYPE				309		/* REAL */
526 #define ENUM_TYPE				310		/* ENUMERATED */
527 #define SEQ_TYPE				311		/* SEQUENCE */
528 #define SEQOF_TYPE				312		/* SEQUENCE OF */
529 #define SET_TYPE				313		/* SET */
530 #define SETOF_TYPE				314		/* SET OF */
531 #define CHOICE_TYPE				315		/* CHOICE */
532 #define ANY_TYPE				316		/* ANY */
533 #define	NUMERICSTRING_TYPE		317	    /* String Types */
535 #define TELETEXSTRING_TYPE		319
536 #define UTF8STRING_TYPE			320
537 #define IA5STRING_TYPE 			321
538 #define GRAPHICSTRING_TYPE		322
539 #define VISIBLESTRING_TYPE		323
540 #define GENERALSTRING_TYPE		324
542 #define GENTIME_TYPE			326		/* Time types */
543 #define UTCTIME_TYPE			327
545 #define STRSTORE_TYPE			351		/* Application: StringStore */
546 #define BIGINT_TYPE                     352             /* Application: Int8 */
548 /******* grouping macros on ISA defines above ********************/
550 #define ISA_STRINGTYPE(x)	(((x) >= 317) && ((x) <= 325))
551 #define ISA_STRUCTTYPE(x)	(((x) >= 311) && ((x) <= 314))
552 #define ISA_INTTYPE(x)		(((x) == 302) || ((x) == 310))
554 /* #defines used by automatically-generated object loaders */
562 #ifdef __cplusplus
563 }
564 #endif
566 #undef NLM_EXTERN
567 #ifdef NLM_EXPORT
569 #else
570 #define NLM_EXTERN
571 #endif
573 #endif