1 /*
2  *  MrBayes 3
3  *
4  *  (c) 2002-2013
5  *
6  *  John P. Huelsenbeck
7  *  Dept. Integrative Biology
8  *  University of California, Berkeley
9  *  Berkeley, CA 94720-3140
10  *  johnh@berkeley.edu
11  *
12  *  Fredrik Ronquist
13  *  Swedish Museum of Natural History
14  *  Box 50007
15  *  SE-10405 Stockholm, SWEDEN
16  *  fredrik.ronquist@nrm.se
17  *
18  *  With important contributions by
19  *
20  *  Paul van der Mark (paulvdm@sc.fsu.edu)
21  *  Maxim Teslenko (maxkth@gmail.com)
22  *  Chi Zhang (zhangchicool@gmail.com)
23  *
24  *  and by many users (run 'acknowledgments' to see more info)
25  *
26  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
27  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
28  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
29  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
30  *
31  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
32  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
34  * GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org).
35  *
36  */
38 #undef  DEBUG_TIME
40 #if defined (DEBUG_TIME)
41 #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
42 #include <sys/time.h>
43 #endif
45 #include "bayes.h"
46 #include "best.h"
47 #include "command.h"
48 #include "likelihood.h"
49 #include "mbbeagle.h"
50 #include "mcmc.h"
51 #include "model.h"
52 #include "proposal.h"
53 #include "sumpt.h"
54 #include "utils.h"
55 #if defined(__MWERKS__)
56 #include "SIOUX.h"
57 #endif
58 #include <signal.h>
60 #if defined (WIN_VERSION) && !defined (__GNUC__)
61 #define VISUAL
62 #else
63 typedef void (*sighandler_t) (int);
64 #endif
66 #define GIBBS_SAMPLE_FREQ           100         /* generations between gibbs sampling of gamma cats */
67 #define MAX_SMALL_JUMP              10          /* threshold for precalculating trans probs of adgamma model */
68 #define BIG_JUMP                    100         /* threshold for using stationary approximation */
69 #define MAX_RUNS                    120         /* maximum number of independent runs */
70 #define PFILE                       0
71 #define TFILE                       1
72 #define CALFILE                     2
73 #define MCMCFILE                    3
74 #define MAXTUNINGPARAM              10000       /* limit to ensure convergence for autotuning */
75 #define SAMPLE_ALL_SS                           /* if defined makes ss sample every generation instead of every sample frequency */
76 #define BEAGLE_RESCALE_FREQ         160
77 #define BEAGLE_RESCALE_FREQ_DOUBLE  10          /* The factor by which BEAGLE_RESCALE_FREQ get multiplied if double presicion is used */
78 #define TARGETLENDELTA              100
80 /* debugging compiler statements */
88 #undef  DEBUG_LNLIKELIHOOD  /* slow if defined!! */
90 #undef  DEBUG_FBDPR       // #undef  FBDPR_CondOnN
91 #undef  SHOW_MOVE
93 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
94 #define ERROR_TEST2(failString,X1,X2) \
95     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);\
96     if (sumErrors > 0)\
97         {\
98         MrBayesPrint ("%s   "failString"\n", spacer);\
99         X1;X2;\
100         }
101 #else
102 #define ERROR_TEST2(failString,X1,X2) \
103     if (nErrors > 0)\
104         {\
105         MrBayesPrint ("%s   "failString"\n", spacer);\
106         X1;X2;\
107         }
108 #endif
110 /* local (to this file) data types */
111 typedef struct pfnode
112     {
113     struct pfnode   *left;
114     struct pfnode   *right;
115     int             *count;
116     BitsLong        *partition;
117     } PFNODE;
119 /* local prototypes */
120 int       AddTreeSamples (int from, int to, int saveToList);
121 PFNODE   *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, BitsLong *p, int runId);
122 int       AddTreeToPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId);
123 int       AttemptSwap (int swapA, int swapB, RandLong *seed);
124 void      BuildExhaustiveSearchTree (Tree *t, int chain, int nTaxInTree, TreeInfo *tInfo);
125 int       BuildStepwiseTree (Tree *t, int chain, RandLong *seed);
126 int       CalcLikeAdgamma (int d, Param *param, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL);
127 void      CalcPartFreqStats (PFNODE *p, STATS *stat);
128 void      CalcTopoConvDiagn (int numSamples);
129 #ifdef    VISUAL
130 BOOL      WINAPI CatchInterrupt (DWORD signum);
131 #else
132 void      CatchInterrupt (int signum);
133 #endif
134 int       CheckTemperature (void);
135 void      CloseMBPrintFiles (void);
136 PFNODE   *CompactTree (PFNODE *p);
137 int       ConfirmAbortRun(void);
138 void      CopyParams (int chain);
139 void      CopyPFNodeDown (PFNODE *p);
140 void      CopySiteScalers (ModelInfo *m, int chain);
141 void      CopyTrees (int chain);
142 int       ExtendChainQuery (void);
143 int       FillNumSitesOfPat (void);
144 TreeNode *FindBestNode (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, TreeNode *addNode, CLFlt *minLength, int chain);
145 void      FlipCijkSpace (ModelInfo *m, int chain);
146 void      FlipCondLikeSpace (ModelInfo *m, int chain, int nodeIndex);
147 void      FlipNodeScalerSpace (ModelInfo *m, int chain, int nodeIndex);
148 void      FlipSiteScalerSpace (ModelInfo *m, int chain);
149 void      FlipTiProbsSpace (ModelInfo *m, int chain, int nodeIndex);
150 void      FreeChainMemory (void);
151 MrBFlt    GetFitchPartials (ModelInfo *m, int chain, int source1, int source2, int destination);
152 void      GetStamp (void);
153 void      GetSwappers (int *swapA, int *swapB, int curGen);
154 void      GetTempDownPassSeq (TreeNode *p, int *i, TreeNode **dp);
155 int       GetTotalRateShifts (Model *mp, MrBFlt *shiftTimes);
156 MrBFlt    GibbsSampleGamma (int chain, int division, RandLong *seed);
157 int       InitAdGamma(void);
158 int       InitChainCondLikes (void);
159 int       InitClockBrlens (Tree *t);
160 int       InitEigenSystemInfo (ModelInfo *m);
161 int       InitInvCondLikes (void);
162 int       InitParsSets (void);
163 int       InitPrintParams (void);
164 int       IsPFNodeEmpty (PFNODE *p);
165 PFNODE   *LargestNonemptyPFNode (PFNODE *p, int *i, int j);
166 MrBFlt    LogLike (int chain);
167 MrBFlt    LogPrior (int chain);
168 int       LnBirthDeathPriorPrRandom    (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, MrBFlt sF);
169 int       LnBirthDeathPriorPrDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, MrBFlt sF);
170 int       LnBirthDeathPriorPrCluster   (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, MrBFlt sF);
171 int       LnFossilizedBDPriorFossilTip (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF);
172 int       LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom    (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF);
173 int       LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF);
174 MrBFlt    LnP0 (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt l, MrBFlt m);
175 MrBFlt    LnP0Subsample (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt l, MrBFlt m, MrBFlt f);
176 MrBFlt    LnP1 (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt l, MrBFlt m);
177 MrBFlt    LnP1Subsample (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt l, MrBFlt m, MrBFlt f);
178 MrBFlt    LnP0_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt lambda, MrBFlt mu, MrBFlt psi, MrBFlt c1, MrBFlt c2);
179 MrBFlt    LnP1_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt rho, MrBFlt c1, MrBFlt c2);
180 MrBFlt    LnQi_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt *t_f, int sl, MrBFlt *c1, MrBFlt *c2);
181 MrBFlt    LnPi_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt *t_f, int sl, MrBFlt *c1, MrBFlt *c2, MrBFlt *lambda, MrBFlt *mu, MrBFlt *psi);
182 int       NewtonRaphsonBrlen (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int chain);
183 void      NodeToNodeDistances (Tree *t, TreeNode *fromNode);
184 int       PickProposal (RandLong *seed, int chainIndex);
185 int       NumCppEvents (Param *p, int chain);
186 int       PosSelProbs (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
187 #if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
188 int       PosSelProbs_SSE (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
189 #endif
190 int       PreparePrintFiles (void);
191 int       PrintAncStates_Bin (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
192 int       PrintAncStates_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
193 int       PrintAncStates_NUC4 (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
194 int       PrintAncStates_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
195 int       PrintCalTree (int curGen, Tree *tree);
196 int       PrintCheckPoint (int gen);
197 int       PrintMCMCDiagnosticsToFile (int curGen);
198 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
199 int       PrintMPISlaves (FILE *fp);
200 #endif
201 void      PrintParamValues (Param *p, int chain, char *s);
202 int       PrintParsMatrix (void);
203 int       PrintSiteRates_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
204 int       PrintSiteRates_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
205 int       PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId);
206 int       PrintStatesToFiles (int n);
207 int       PrintSwapInfo (void);
208 int       PrintTermState (void);
209 void      PrintTiProbs (CLFlt *tP, MrBFlt *bs, int nStates);
210 int       PrintTopConvInfo (void);
211 void      PrintToScreen (int curGen, int startGen, time_t endingT, time_t startingT);
212 int       PrintTree (int curGen, Param *treeParam, int chain, int showBrlens, MrBFlt clockRate);
213 MrBFlt    PropAncFossil (Param *param, int chain);
214 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
215 int       ReassembleMoveInfo (void);
216 int       ReassembleParamVals (int *curId);
217 int       ReassembleSwapInfo (void);
218 int       ReassembleTuningParams (void);
219 void      RedistributeMoveInfo (void);
220 int       RedistributeParamVals (void);
221 int       RedistributeTuningParams (void);
222 #endif
223 int       RemovePartition (PFNODE *r, BitsLong *p, int runId);
224 int       RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId);
225 int       RemoveTreeSamples (int from, int to);
226 int       ReopenMBPrintFiles (void);
227 void      ResetChainIds (void);
228 void      ResetFlips(int chain);
229 void      ResetSiteScalers (ModelInfo *m, int chain);
230 int       ReusePreviousResults(int *numSamples, int);
231 int       RunChain (RandLong *seed);
232 int       SafeSprintf (char **target, int *targetLen, char *fmt, ...);
233 void      SetChainIds (void);
234 void      SetFileNames (void);
235 int       SetLikeFunctions (void);
236 int       SetLocalChainsAndDataSplits (void);
237 int       SetModelInfo (void);
238 int       SetMoves (void);
239 int       SetBinaryQMatrix (MrBFlt **a, int whichChain, int division);
240 int       SetNucQMatrix (MrBFlt **a, int n, int whichChain, int division, MrBFlt rateMult, MrBFlt *rA, MrBFlt *rS);
241 int       SetProteinQMatrix (MrBFlt **a, int n, int whichChain, int division, MrBFlt rateMult);
242 int       SetStdQMatrix (MrBFlt **a, int nStates, MrBFlt *bs, int cType);
243 int       SetUpPartitionCounters (void);
244 int       SetUpTermState (void);
245 int       SetUsedMoves (void);
246 int       ShowMoveSummary (void);
247 void      ShowValuesForChain (int chn);
248 int       SiteOmegas (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
249 #if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
250 int       SiteOmegas_SSE (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain);
251 #endif
252 PFNODE   *SmallestNonemptyPFNode (PFNODE *p, int *i, int j);
253 PFNODE   *Talloc (void);
254 void      Tfree (PFNODE *r);
255 MrBFlt    Temperature (int x);
256 void      TouchAllCijks (int chain);
257 void      TouchAllPartitions (void);
258 void      TouchAllTrees (int chain);
259 void      TouchEverything (int chain);
261 /* globals declared here and used elsewhere */
262 int             *bsIndex;                    /* compressed std stat freq index               */
263 Chain           chainParams;                 /* parameters of Markov chain                   */
264 int             *compCharPos;                /* char position in compressed matrix           */
265 int             *compColPos;                 /* column position in compressed matrix         */
266 BitsLong        *compMatrix;                 /* compressed character matrix                  */
267 int             compMatrixRowSize;           /* row size of compressed matrix                */
268 char            inputFileName[100];          /* input (NEXUS) file name                      */
269 MoveType        moveTypes[NUM_MOVE_TYPES];   /* holds information on the move types          */
270 int             numCompressedChars;          /* number of compressed characters              */
271 int             numMoveTypes;                /* the number of move types                     */
272 CLFlt           *numSitesOfPat;              /* no. sites of each pattern                    */
273 int             *origChar;                   /* index from compressed char to original char  */
274 char            stamp[11];                   /* holds a unique identifier for each analysis  */
275 MrBFlt          *stdStateFreqs;              /* std char state frequencies                   */
276 int             *stdType;                    /* compressed std char type: ord, unord, irrev  */
277 int             *tiIndex;                    /* compressed std char ti index                 */
279 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
280 int             recalcScalers;               /* shoud we recalculate scalers for current state YES/NO */
281 #endif
283 /* globals used here but declared elsewhere (in likelihood.c) */
284 extern CLFlt     *preLikeL;                  /* precalculated cond likes for left descendant */
285 extern CLFlt     *preLikeR;                  /* precalculated cond likes for right descendant*/
286 extern CLFlt     *preLikeA;                  /* precalculated cond likes for ancestor        */
288 /* local (to this file) variables */
289 int             numLocalChains;              /* number of Markov chains                      */
290 int             *chainId = NULL;             /* information on the id (0 ...) of the chain   */
291 MrBFlt          *curLnL = NULL;              /* stores log likelihood                        */
292 MrBFlt          *curLnPr = NULL;             /* stores log prior probability                 */
293 int             stepRelativeBurninSS;        /* Should we use relative burn in within each step or not    */
294 MrBFlt          powerSS;                     /* power (betta) in power posterior destribution used in SS  */
295 MrBFlt          *marginalLnLSS = NULL;       /* marginal liklihood obtained using stepppingstone sampling */
296 MrBFlt          *stepAcumulatorSS = NULL;    /* accumulates liklihoods for current step in SS             */
297 MrBFlt          *stepScalerSS = NULL;        /* scaler of stepAcumulatorSS in log scale in SS             */
298 MrBFlt          *splitfreqSS = NULL;         /* array holding split frequencis for each step in SS        */
299 int             *sympiIndex;                 /* sympi state freq index for multistate chars  */
300 int             stdStateFreqsRowSize;        /* row size for std state frequencies           */
301 int             *weight;                     /* weight of each compressed char               */
302 int             *chainTempId;                /* info ton temp, change to float holding temp? */
303 int             state[MAX_CHAINS];           /* state of chain                               */
304 int             augmentData;                 /* are data being augmented for any division?   */
305 int             *nAccepted;                  /* counter of accepted moves                    */
306 int             *termState = NULL;           /* stores character states of tips              */
307 int             *isPartAmbig = NULL;         /* records whether tips are partially ambiguous */
308 BitsLong        **parsPtrSpace = NULL;       /* space holding pointers to parsimony sets     */
309 BitsLong        ***parsPtr = NULL;           /* pointers to pars state sets for chain & node */
310 CLFlt           *parsNodeLengthSpace = NULL; /* space for parsimony node lengths             */
311 CLFlt           **parsNodeLen = NULL;        /* pointers to pars node lengths for chains     */
312 char            *printString;                /* string for printing to a file                */
313 size_t          printStringSize;             /* length of printString                        */
314 MCMCMove        **usedMoves;                 /* vector of pointers to used moves             */
315 int             numUsedMoves;                /* the number of moves used by chain            */
316 Param           **printParam;                /* vector of pointers to normal params to print */
317 int             numPrintParams;              /* the number of normal params to print         */
318 Param           **printTreeParam;            /* vector of pointers to tree params to print   */
319 Param           **topologyParam;             /* vector of pointers to topology params        */
320 int             numPrintTreeParams;          /* the number of tree params to print           */
321 int             codon[6][64];                /* holds info on amino acids coded in code      */
322 int             chainHasAdgamma;             /* indicates if chain has adgamma HMMs          */
323 int             inferPosSel;                 /* indicates if positive selection is inferred  */
324 MrBFlt          *posSelProbs;                /* probs. for positive selection                */
325 int             hasMarkovTi[MAX_SMALL_JUMP]; /* vector marking size of observed HMM jumps    */
326 int             *siteJump;                   /* vector of sitejumps for adgamma model        */
327 MrBFlt          **rateProbs;                 /* pointers to rate probs used by adgamma model */
328 MrBFlt          *rateProbSpace;              /* space for rate probs used by adgamma model   */
329 int             rateProbRowSize;             /* size of rate probs for one chain one state   */
330 MrBFlt          **markovTi[MAX_SMALL_JUMP];  /* trans prob matrices used in calc of adgamma  */
331 MrBFlt          **markovTiN;                 /* trans prob matrices used in calc of adgamma  */
332 int             whichReweightNum;            /* used for setting reweighting of char pats    */
333 int             ***swapInfo;                 /* keeps track of attempts & successes of swaps */
334 int             tempIndex;                   /* keeps track of which user temp is specified  */
335 int             abortMove;                   /* flag determining whether to abort move       */
336 PFNODE          **partFreqTreeRoot;          /* root of tree(s) holding partition freqs      */
337 int             nLongsNeeded;                /* number of longs needed for partitions        */
338 BitsLong        **partition;                 /* matrix holding partitions                    */
339 MrBFlt          *maxLnL0 = NULL;             /* maximum likelihood                           */
340 FILE            *fpMcmc = NULL;              /* pointer to .mcmc file                        */
341 FILE            **fpParm = NULL;             /* pointer to .p file(s)                        */
342 FILE            ***fpTree = NULL;            /* pointer to .t file(s)                        */
343 FILE            *fpSS = NULL;                /* pointer to .ss file                          */
344 static int      requestAbortRun;             /* flag for aborting mcmc analysis              */
345 int             *topologyPrintIndex;         /* print file index of each topology            */
346 int             *printTreeTopologyIndex;     /* topology index of each tree print file       */
347 int             numPreviousGen;              /* number of generations in run to append to    */
349 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
350 int             lowestLocalRunId;            /* lowest local run Id                          */
351 int             highestLocalRunId;           /* highest local run Id                         */
352 #endif
354 #if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
355 FILE            **fpDump = NULL;             /* pointer to .dump file(s)                     */
356 #endif
358 /* AddPartition: Add a partition to the tree keeping track of partition frequencies */
AddPartition(PFNODE * r,BitsLong * p,int runId)359 PFNODE *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, BitsLong *p, int runId)
360 {
361     int     i, comp;
363     if (r == NULL)
364         {
365         /* new partition */
366         r = Talloc ();                  /* create a new node */
367         if (r == NULL)
368             return NULL;
369         for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
370             r->partition[i] = p[i];
371         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
372             r->count[i] = 0;
373         r->count[runId] = 1;
374         r->left = r->right = NULL;
375         }
376     else
377         {
378         for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
379             {
380             if (r->partition[i] != p[i])
381                 break;
382             }
384         if (i == nLongsNeeded)
385             comp = 0;
386         else if (r->partition[i] < p[i])
387             comp = -1;
388         else
389             comp = 1;
391         if (comp == 0)          /* repeated partition */
392             r->count[runId]++;
393         else if (comp < 0)      /* greater than -> into left subtree */
394             {
395             if ((r->left = AddPartition (r->left, p, runId)) == NULL)
396                 {
397                 Tfree (r);
398                 return NULL;
399                 }
400             }
401         else
402             {
403             /* smaller than -> into right subtree */
404             if ((r->right = AddPartition (r->right, p, runId)) == NULL)
405                 {
406                 Tfree (r);
407                 return NULL;
408                 }
409             }
410         }
412     return r;
413 }
AddToPrintString(char * tempStr)416 int AddToPrintString (char *tempStr)
417 {
418     size_t  len1, len2;
420     len1 = strlen(printString);
421     len2 = strlen(tempStr);
422     if (len1 + len2 + 5 > printStringSize)
423         {
424         printStringSize += len1 + len2 - printStringSize + 200;
425         printString = (char*)SafeRealloc((void*)printString, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
426         if (!printString)
427             {
428             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem reallocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
429             goto errorExit;
430             }
431         }
432     strcat(printString, tempStr);
433     // printf ("printString(%d) -> \"%s\"\n", printStringSize, printString);
434     return (NO_ERROR);
436     errorExit:
437         return (ERROR);
438 }
441 /* AddTreeSamples: Add tree samples from .t files to partition counters. if saveToList == YES then also save trees in tree list */
AddTreeSamples(int from,int to,int saveToList)442 int AddTreeSamples (int from, int to, int saveToList)
443 {
444     int     i, j, k, longestLine;
445     BitsLong    lastBlock;
446     char    *word, *s, *lineBuf;
447     FILE    *fp;
448     Tree    *t;
449     char    *tempStr;
450     int     tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
452     if (from > to)
453         return (NO_ERROR);
455 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
456     if (proc_id != 0)
457         return (NO_ERROR);
458 #   endif
460     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
461     if (!tempStr)
462         {
463         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
464         return (ERROR);
465         }
467     for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
468         {
469         t = chainParams.dtree;
471         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
472             {
473             if (numPrintTreeParams == 1)
474                 {
475                 if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
476                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
477                 else
478                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.run%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, j+1);
479                 }
480             else
481                 {
482                 if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
483                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.tree%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, i+1);
484                 else
485                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, i+1, j+1);
486                 }
488             if ((fp = OpenBinaryFileR (tempStr)) == NULL)
489                 {
490                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem opening file %s.\n", spacer, tempStr);
491                 free (tempStr);
492                 return (ERROR);
493                 }
495             longestLine = LongestLine (fp);
496             SafeFclose (&fp);
498             if ((fp = OpenTextFileR (tempStr)) == NULL)
499                 {
500                 free (tempStr);
501                 return (ERROR);
502                 }
504             lineBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (longestLine + 10, sizeof (char));
505             if (!lineBuf)
506                 {
507                 SafeFclose (&fp);
508                 free (tempStr);
509                 return (ERROR);
510                 }
512             lastBlock = LastBlock (fp, lineBuf, longestLine);
513             fseek (fp, lastBlock, SEEK_SET);
515             for (k=1; k<=to; k++)
516                 {
517                 do {
518                     if (fgets (lineBuf, longestLine, fp) == NULL)
519                         {
520                         SafeFclose (&fp);
521                         free (lineBuf);
522                         free (tempStr);
523                         return ERROR;
524                         }
525                     word = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
526                     } while (strcmp (word, "tree") != 0);
527                 if (k>=from)
528                     {
529                     s = strtok (NULL, ";");
530                     while (*s != '(')
531                         s++;
532                     StripComments(s);
533                     if (ResetTopology (t, s) == ERROR)
534                         {
535                         SafeFclose (&fp);
536                         free (lineBuf);
537                         free (tempStr);
538                         return ERROR;
539                         }
540                     if (AddTreeToPartitionCounters (t, i, j) == ERROR)
541                         {
542                         SafeFclose (&fp);
543                         free (lineBuf);
544                         free (tempStr);
545                         return ERROR;
546                         }
547                     if (saveToList == YES)
548                         if (AddToTreeList(&chainParams.treeList[numTopologies*j+i],t) == ERROR)
549                             return (ERROR);
550                     }
551                 }
552             SafeFclose (&fp);
553             free (lineBuf);
554             } /* next run */
555         } /* next tree */
556     free (tempStr);
557     return (NO_ERROR);
558 }
561 /* AddTreeToPartitionCounters: Break a tree into partitions and add those to counters */
AddTreeToPartitionCounters(Tree * tree,int treeId,int runId)562 int AddTreeToPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId)
563 {
564     int         i, j, nTaxa;
565     TreeNode    *p;
567     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
568         nTaxa = tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes - 1;
569     else
570         nTaxa = tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes;
572     for (i=0; i<nTaxa; i++)
573         {
574         ClearBits(partition[i], nLongsNeeded);
575         SetBit(i, partition[i]);
576         }
578     for (i=0; i<tree->nIntNodes-1; i++)
579         {
580         p = tree->intDownPass[i];
581         assert (p->index >= tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes - (tree->isRooted == YES ? 1 : 0));
582         for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
583             {
584             partition[p->index][j] = partition[p->left->index][j] | partition[p->right->index][j];
585             }
587         if ((partFreqTreeRoot[treeId] = AddPartition (partFreqTreeRoot[treeId], partition[p->index], runId)) == NULL)
588             {
589             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate space for new partition in AddTreeToPartitionCounters\n", spacer);
590             return ERROR;
591             }
592         }
594     return NO_ERROR;
595 }
AttemptSwap(int swapA,int swapB,RandLong * seed)598 int AttemptSwap (int swapA, int swapB, RandLong *seed)
599 {
600     int             d, tempX, reweightingChars, isSwapSuccessful, chI, chJ, runId;
601     MrBFlt          tempA, tempB, lnLikeA, lnLikeB, lnPriorA, lnPriorB, lnR, r,
602                     lnLikeStateAonDataB=0.0, lnLikeStateBonDataA=0.0, lnL;
603     ModelInfo       *m;
604     Tree            *tree;
605 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
606     int             numChainsForProc, tempIdA=0, tempIdB=0, proc, procIdForA=0, procIdForB=0, tempIdMy=0, procIdPartner=0,
607                     whichElementA=0, whichElementB=0, lower, upper, areWeA, doISwap, ierror,
608                     myId, partnerId, i, run;
609     MrBFlt          swapRan;
610     MPI_Status      status[2];
611     MPI_Request     request[2];
612 #   endif
614 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
616     /* get the number of chains handled by this proc */
617     /* the number will be corrected further down for unbalanced scenarios */
618     numChainsForProc = (int) (chainParams.numChains * chainParams.numRuns / num_procs);
620 #   endif
622     /* are we using character reweighting? */
623     reweightingChars = NO;
624     if ((chainParams.weightScheme[0] + chainParams.weightScheme[1]) > 0.00001)
625         reweightingChars = YES;
627 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
629     /* figure out processors involved in swap */
630     lower = upper = 0;
631     for (proc=0; proc<num_procs; proc++)
632         {
633         /* assign or increment chain id */
634         if (proc < (chainParams.numChains * chainParams.numRuns) % num_procs)
635             upper += numChainsForProc+1;
636         else
637             upper += numChainsForProc;
639         /* if swapA lies between lower and upper
640             * chain id's we know that this is the proc
641             * swapA is in */
642         if (swapA >= lower && swapA < upper)
643             {
644             procIdForA = proc;
645             whichElementA = swapA - lower;
646             }
647         if (swapB >= lower && swapB < upper)
648             {
649             procIdForB = proc;
650             whichElementB = swapB - lower;
651             }
652         lower = upper;
653         }
655     /* NOTE: at this point, procIdForA and procIdForB *
656         * store the proc id's of swapping procs. Also,   *
657         * whichElementA and whichElementB store the      *
658         * chainId[] index of swapping procs              */
660     /* figure out if I am involved in the swap */
661     doISwap = areWeA = NO;
662     if (proc_id == procIdForA)
663         {
664         doISwap = YES;
665         areWeA = YES;
666         }
667     else if (proc_id == procIdForB)
668         {
669         doISwap = YES;
670         }
672     /* chain's that do not swap, continue to the next iteration */
673     if (doISwap == YES)
674         {
676         /* no need to communicate accross processors if swapping chains are in the same proc */
677         if (procIdForA == procIdForB)
678             {
679             if (reweightingChars == YES)
680                 {
681                 /* use character reweighting */
682                 lnLikeStateAonDataB = 0.0;
683                 for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
684                     {
685                     m = &modelSettings[d];
686                     tree = GetTree(m->brlens, whichElementA, state[whichElementA]);
687                     lnL = 0.0;
688                     m->Likelihood (tree->root->left, d, whichElementA, &lnL, chainId[whichElementB] % chainParams.numChains);
689                     lnLikeStateAonDataB += lnL;
690                     }
691                 lnLikeStateBonDataA = 0.0;
692                 for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
693                     {
694                     m = &modelSettings[d];
695                     tree = GetTree(m->brlens, whichElementB, state[whichElementB]);
696                     lnL = 0.0;
697                     m->Likelihood (tree->root->left, d, whichElementB, &lnL, chainId[whichElementA] % chainParams.numChains);
698                     lnLikeStateBonDataA += lnL;
699                     }
700                 }
702             /*curLnPr[whichElementA] = LogPrior(whichElementA);
703             curLnPr[whichElementB] = LogPrior(whichElementB);*/
705             /* then do the serial thing - simply swap chain id's */
706             tempA = Temperature (chainId[whichElementA]);
707             tempB = Temperature (chainId[whichElementB]);
708             lnLikeA = curLnL[whichElementA];
709             lnLikeB = curLnL[whichElementB];
710             if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
711                 {
712                 lnLikeA *= powerSS;
713                 lnLikeB *= powerSS;
714                 }
715             lnPriorA = curLnPr[whichElementA];
716             lnPriorB = curLnPr[whichElementB];
717             if (reweightingChars == YES)
718                 {
719                 if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
720                     lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB*powerSS + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA*powerSS + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
721                 else
722                     lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
723                 }
724             else
725                 lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
726             if (lnR <  -100.0)
727                 r =  0.0;
728             else if (lnR > 0.0)
729                 r =  1.0;
730             else
731                 r =  exp(lnR);
733             isSwapSuccessful = NO;
734             if (RandomNumber(seed) < r)
735                 {
736                 /* swap chain id's (heats) */
737                 tempX = chainId[whichElementA];
738                 chainId[whichElementA] = chainId[whichElementB];
739                 chainId[whichElementB] = tempX;
740                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
741                     {
742                     curLnL[whichElementA] = lnLikeStateAonDataB;
743                     curLnL[whichElementB] = lnLikeStateBonDataA;
744                     }
745                 isSwapSuccessful = YES;
746                 }
748             chI = chainId[whichElementA];
749             chJ = chainId[whichElementB];
750             if (chainId[whichElementB] < chainId[whichElementA])
751                 {
752                 chI = chainId[whichElementB];
753                 chJ = chainId[whichElementA];
754                 }
755             runId = chI / chainParams.numChains;
756             chI = chI % chainParams.numChains;
757             chJ = chJ % chainParams.numChains;
758             swapInfo[runId][chJ][chI]++;
759             if (isSwapSuccessful == YES)
760                 swapInfo[runId][chI][chJ]++;
761             }
762         /* we need to communicate across processors */
763         else
764             {
765             if (reweightingChars == YES)
766                 {
767                 /* If we are reweighting characters, then we need to do an additional communication to
768                     figure out the chainId's of the partner. We need to have this information so we can
769                     properly calculate likelihoods with switched observations. */
770                 if (areWeA == YES)
771                     {
772                     lnLikeStateAonDataB = 0.0;
773                     myId = chainId[whichElementA];
774                     ierror = MPI_Isend (&myId, 1, MPI_INT, procIdForB, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
775                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
776                         {
777                         return (ERROR);
778                         }
779                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerId, 1, MPI_INT, procIdForB, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
780                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
781                         {
782                         return (ERROR);
783                         }
784                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
785                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
786                         {
787                         return (ERROR);
788                         }
789                     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
790                         {
791                         m = &modelSettings[d];
792                         tree = GetTree(m->brlens, whichElementA, state[whichElementA]);
793                         lnL = 0.0;
794                         m->Likelihood (tree->root->left, d, whichElementA, &lnL, partnerId);
795                         lnLikeStateAonDataB = lnL;
796                         }
797                     }
798                 else
799                     {
800                     lnLikeStateBonDataA = 0.0;
801                     myId = chainId[whichElementB];
802                     ierror = MPI_Isend (&myId, 1, MPI_INT, procIdForA, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
803                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
804                         {
805                         return (ERROR);
806                         }
807                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerId, 1, MPI_INT, procIdForA, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
808                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
809                         {
810                         return (ERROR);
811                         }
812                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
813                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
814                         {
815                         return (ERROR);
816                         }
817                     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
818                         {
819                         m = &modelSettings[d];
820                         tree = GetTree(m->brlens, whichElementB, state[whichElementB]);
821                         lnL = 0.0;
822                         m->Likelihood (tree->root->left, d, whichElementB, &lnL, partnerId);
823                         lnLikeStateBonDataA = lnL;
824                         }
825                     }
826                 }
828             if (areWeA == YES)
829                 {
830                 /*curLnPr[whichElementA] = LogPrior(whichElementA);*/
832                 /* we are processor A */
833                 tempIdA = chainId[whichElementA];
834                 lnLikeA = curLnL[whichElementA];
835                 lnPriorA = curLnPr[whichElementA];
836                 swapRan = RandomNumber(seed);
838                 myStateInfo[0] = lnLikeA;
839                 myStateInfo[1] = lnPriorA;
840                 myStateInfo[2] = tempIdA;
841                 myStateInfo[3] = swapRan;
842                 myStateInfo[4] = 0.0;
843                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
844                     {
845                     myStateInfo[2] = lnLikeStateAonDataB;
846                     tempIdB = partnerId;
847                     }
849                 ierror = MPI_Isend (&myStateInfo, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForB, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
850                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
851                     {
852                     return (ERROR);
853                     }
854                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerStateInfo, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForB, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
855                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
856                     {
857                     return (ERROR);
858                     }
859                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
860                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
861                     {
862                     return (ERROR);
863                     }
865                 lnLikeA = curLnL[whichElementA];
866                 lnLikeB = partnerStateInfo[0];
867                 if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
868                     {
869                     lnLikeA *= powerSS;
870                     lnLikeB *= powerSS;
871                     }
872                 lnPriorA = curLnPr[whichElementA];
873                 lnPriorB = partnerStateInfo[1];
874                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
875                     lnLikeStateBonDataA = partnerStateInfo[2];
876                 else
877                     tempIdB = partnerStateInfo[2];
879                 tempA = Temperature (tempIdA);
880                 tempB = Temperature (tempIdB);
882                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
883                     {
884                     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
885                         lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB*powerSS + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA*powerSS + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
886                     else
887                         lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
888                     }
889                 else
890                     lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
891                 if (lnR < -100.0)
892                     r = 0.0;
893                 else if (lnR > 0.0)
894                     r = 1.0;
895                 else
896                     r = exp(lnR);
898                 /* process A's random number is used to make the swap decision */
899                 isSwapSuccessful = NO;
900                 if (swapRan < r)
901                     {
902                     /* swap chain id's (heats) */
903                     isSwapSuccessful = YES;
904                     tempIdMy = chainId[whichElementA];
905                     procIdPartner = procIdForB;
907                     if (reweightingChars == YES)
908                         chainId[whichElementA] = tempIdB;
909                     else
910                         chainId[whichElementA] = (int)(partnerStateInfo[2]);
911                     if (reweightingChars == YES)
912                         {
913                         curLnL[whichElementA] = lnLikeStateAonDataB;
914                         }
915                     }
917                 /* only processor A keeps track of the swap success/failure */
918                 chI = tempIdA;
919                 chJ = tempIdB;
920                 if (tempIdB < tempIdA)
921                     {
922                     chI = tempIdB;
923                     chJ = tempIdA;
924                     }
925                 runId = chI / chainParams.numChains;
926                 chI = chI % chainParams.numChains;
927                 chJ = chJ % chainParams.numChains;
928                 swapInfo[runId][chJ][chI]++;
929                 if (isSwapSuccessful == YES)
930                     {
931                     swapInfo[runId][chI][chJ]++;
932                     /* exchange the move info */
933                     for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
934                         {
935                         myStateInfo[0] = usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[tempIdA];
936                         myStateInfo[1] = usedMoves[i]->nTried[tempIdA];
937                         myStateInfo[2] = usedMoves[i]->nBatches[tempIdA];
938                         myStateInfo[3] = usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[tempIdA];
939                         myStateInfo[4] = usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[tempIdA];
940                         myStateInfo[5] = usedMoves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate[tempIdA];
941                         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
942                             myStateInfo[6] = usedMoves[i]->tuningParam[tempIdA][0];
943                         else
944                             myStateInfo[6] = 0.0;
946                         ierror = MPI_Isend (&myStateInfo, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForB, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
947                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
948                             {
949                             return (ERROR);
950                             }
951                         ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerStateInfo, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForB, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
952                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
953                             {
954                             return (ERROR);
955                             }
956                         ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
957                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
958                             {
959                             return (ERROR);
960                             }
962                         usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[tempIdB]          = (int)partnerStateInfo[0];
963                         usedMoves[i]->nTried[tempIdB]             = (int)partnerStateInfo[1];
964                         usedMoves[i]->nBatches[tempIdB]           = (int)partnerStateInfo[2];
965                         usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[tempIdB]       = (int)partnerStateInfo[3];
966                         usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[tempIdB]          = (int)partnerStateInfo[4];
967                         usedMoves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate[tempIdB] = partnerStateInfo[5];
968                         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
969                             usedMoves[i]->tuningParam[tempIdB][0]     = partnerStateInfo[6];
971                         usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[tempIdA]          = 0;
972                         usedMoves[i]->nTried[tempIdA]             = 0;
973                         usedMoves[i]->nBatches[tempIdA]           = 0;
974                         usedMoves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate[tempIdA] = 0.0;
975                         usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[tempIdA]       = 0;
976                         usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[tempIdA]          = 0;
977                         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
978                             usedMoves[i]->tuningParam[tempIdA][0]     = 0.0;
980                         }
981                     }
982                 }
983             else
984                 {
985                 /*curLnPr[whichElementB] = LogPrior(whichElementB);*/
987                 /* we are processor B */
988                 tempIdB  = chainId[whichElementB];
989                 lnLikeB  = curLnL[whichElementB];
990                 lnPriorB = curLnPr[whichElementB];
991                 swapRan  = -1.0;
993                 myStateInfo[0] = lnLikeB;
994                 myStateInfo[1] = lnPriorB;
995                 myStateInfo[2] = tempIdB;
996                 myStateInfo[3] = swapRan;
997                 myStateInfo[4] = 0.0;
998                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
999                     {
1000                     myStateInfo[2] = lnLikeStateBonDataA;
1001                     tempIdA = partnerId;
1002                     }
1004                 ierror = MPI_Isend (&myStateInfo, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForA, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
1005                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1006                     {
1007                     return (ERROR);
1008                     }
1009                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerStateInfo, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForA, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
1010                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1011                     {
1012                     return (ERROR);
1013                     }
1014                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
1015                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1016                     {
1017                     return (ERROR);
1018                     }
1020                 lnLikeB = curLnL[whichElementB];
1021                 lnLikeA = partnerStateInfo[0];
1022                 lnPriorB = curLnPr[whichElementB];
1023                 lnPriorA = partnerStateInfo[1];
1024                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
1025                     lnLikeStateAonDataB = partnerStateInfo[2];
1026                 else
1027                     tempIdA = partnerStateInfo[2];
1029                 tempB = Temperature (tempIdB);
1030                 tempA = Temperature (tempIdA);
1032                 if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
1033                     {
1034                     lnLikeA *= powerSS;
1035                     lnLikeB *= powerSS;
1036                     }
1038                 if (reweightingChars == YES)
1039                     {
1040                     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
1041                         lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB*powerSS + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA*powerSS + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
1042                     else
1043                         lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
1044                     }
1045                 else
1046                     lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
1047                 if (lnR < -100.0)
1048                     r = 0.0;
1049                 else if (lnR > 0.0)
1050                     r = 1.0;
1051                 else
1052                     r = exp(lnR);
1054                 /* we use process A's random number to make the swap decision */
1055                 isSwapSuccessful = NO;
1056                 if (partnerStateInfo[3] < r)
1057                     {
1058                     isSwapSuccessful = YES;
1059                     tempIdMy = chainId[whichElementB];
1060                     procIdPartner = procIdForA;
1062                     if (reweightingChars == YES)
1063                         chainId[whichElementB] = tempIdA;
1064                     else
1065                         chainId[whichElementB] = (int)(partnerStateInfo[2]);
1066                     if (reweightingChars == YES)
1067                         {
1068                         curLnL[whichElementB] = lnLikeStateBonDataA;
1069                         }
1070                     /* swap the move info */
1071                     for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
1072                         {
1073                         myStateInfo[0] = usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[tempIdB];
1074                         myStateInfo[1] = usedMoves[i]->nTried[tempIdB];
1075                         myStateInfo[2] = usedMoves[i]->nBatches[tempIdB];
1076                         myStateInfo[3] = usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[tempIdB];
1077                         myStateInfo[4] = usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[tempIdB];
1078                         myStateInfo[5] = usedMoves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate[tempIdB];
1079                         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
1080                             myStateInfo[6] = usedMoves[i]->tuningParam[tempIdB][0];
1081                         else
1082                             myStateInfo[6] = 0.0;
1084                         ierror = MPI_Isend (&myStateInfo, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForA, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
1085                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1086                             {
1087                             return (ERROR);
1088                             }
1089                         ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerStateInfo, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdForA, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
1090                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1091                             {
1092                             return (ERROR);
1093                             }
1094                         ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
1095                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1096                             {
1097                             return (ERROR);
1098                             }
1100                         usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[tempIdA]          = (int)partnerStateInfo[0];
1101                         usedMoves[i]->nTried[tempIdA]             = (int)partnerStateInfo[1];
1102                         usedMoves[i]->nBatches[tempIdA]           = (int)partnerStateInfo[2];
1103                         usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[tempIdA]       = (int)partnerStateInfo[3];
1104                         usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[tempIdA]          = (int)partnerStateInfo[4];
1105                         usedMoves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate[tempIdA] = partnerStateInfo[5];
1106                         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
1107                             usedMoves[i]->tuningParam[tempIdA][0]     = partnerStateInfo[6];
1109                         usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[tempIdB]          = 0;
1110                         usedMoves[i]->nTried[tempIdB]             = 0;
1111                         usedMoves[i]->nBatches[tempIdB]           = 0;
1112                         usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[tempIdB]       = 0;
1113                         usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[tempIdB]          = 0;
1114                         usedMoves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate[tempIdB] = 0.0;
1115                         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
1116                             usedMoves[i]->tuningParam[tempIdB][0]     = 0.0;
1117                         }
1118                     }
1119                 }
1121             /*We exchange only if swap successful and (my id is cold or patner id is cold)*/
1122             if (chainParams.isSS == YES && isSwapSuccessful == YES && (tempIdMy % chainParams.numChains == 0 || (areWeA == YES && chainId[whichElementA] % chainParams.numChains == 0) || (areWeA == NO && chainId[whichElementB] % chainParams.numChains == 0)))
1123                 {
1124                     run = tempIdMy/chainParams.numChains;
1126                     myStateInfo[0] = tempIdMy;
1127                     myStateInfo[1] = marginalLnLSS   [ run ];
1128                     myStateInfo[2] = stepAcumulatorSS[ run ];
1129                     myStateInfo[3] = stepScalerSS    [ run ];
1131                     ierror = MPI_Isend (&myStateInfo, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdPartner, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[0]);
1132                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1133                         {
1134                         return (ERROR);
1135                         }
1137                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (&partnerStateInfo, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, procIdPartner, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request[1]);
1138                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1139                         {
1140                         return (ERROR);
1141                         }
1142                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (2, request, status);
1143                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
1144                         {
1145                         return (ERROR);
1146                         }
1148                     /*we swap chains from the same run*/
1149                     assert (run == (int)partnerStateInfo[0]/chainParams.numChains);
1151                     /*If my chain is the cold chain then send current SS values of corresponding run*/
1152                     if (tempIdMy % chainParams.numChains == 0)
1153                         {
1154                         assert ((int)partnerStateInfo[0] % chainParams.numChains != 0);
1155                         assert (partnerStateInfo[1] == 0.0);
1156                         marginalLnLSS   [ run ] = (MrBFlt) 0.0;
1157                         stepAcumulatorSS[ run ] = (MrBFlt) 0.0;
1158                         stepScalerSS    [ run ] = (MrBFlt) 0.0;
1159                         }
1160                     else if ((int)partnerStateInfo[0] % chainParams.numChains == 0)
1161                         {
1162                         marginalLnLSS   [ run ] = (MrBFlt) partnerStateInfo[1];
1163                         stepAcumulatorSS[ run ] = (MrBFlt) partnerStateInfo[2];
1164                         stepScalerSS    [ run ] = (MrBFlt) partnerStateInfo[3];
1165                         }
1166                 }
1168             }
1169         }
1170 #   else
1171     if (reweightingChars == YES)
1172         {
1173         /* use character reweighting */
1174         lnLikeStateAonDataB = 0.0;
1175         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
1176             {
1177             m = &modelSettings[d];
1178             tree = GetTree(m->brlens, swapA, state[swapA]);
1179             lnL = 0.0;
1180             m->Likelihood (tree->root->left, d, swapA, &lnL, chainId[swapB] % chainParams.numChains);
1181             lnLikeStateAonDataB += lnL;
1182             }
1183         lnLikeStateBonDataA = 0.0;
1184         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
1185             {
1186             m = &modelSettings[d];
1187             tree = GetTree(m->brlens, swapB, state[swapB]);
1188             lnL = 0.0;
1189             m->Likelihood (tree->root->left, d, swapB, &lnL, chainId[swapA] % chainParams.numChains);
1190             lnLikeStateBonDataA += lnL;
1191             }
1192         }
1194     assert (fabs((curLnPr[swapA]-LogPrior(swapA))/curLnPr[swapA]) < 0.0001);
1195     assert (fabs((curLnPr[swapB]-LogPrior(swapB))/curLnPr[swapB]) < 0.0001);
1197     tempA = Temperature (chainId[swapA]);
1198     tempB = Temperature (chainId[swapB]);
1199     lnLikeA = curLnL[swapA];
1200     lnLikeB = curLnL[swapB];
1201     lnPriorA = curLnPr[swapA];
1202     lnPriorB = curLnPr[swapB];
1204     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
1205         {
1206         lnLikeA *= powerSS;
1207         lnLikeB *= powerSS;
1208         }
1210     if (reweightingChars == YES)
1211         {
1212         if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
1213             lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB*powerSS + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA*powerSS + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
1214         else
1215             lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeStateAonDataB + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeStateBonDataA + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
1216         }
1217     else
1218         lnR = (tempB * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempA * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB)) - (tempA * (lnLikeA + lnPriorA) + tempB * (lnLikeB + lnPriorB));
1219     if (lnR < -100.0)
1220         r = 0.0;
1221     else if (lnR > 0.0)
1222         r =  1.0;
1223     else
1224         r =  exp (lnR);
1226     isSwapSuccessful = NO;
1227     if (RandomNumber(seed) < r)
1228         {
1229         tempX = chainId[swapA];
1230         chainId[swapA] = chainId[swapB];
1231         chainId[swapB] = tempX;
1233         if (reweightingChars == YES)
1234             {
1235             curLnL[swapA] = lnLikeStateAonDataB;
1236             curLnL[swapB] = lnLikeStateBonDataA;
1237             }
1238         isSwapSuccessful = YES;
1239         }
1241     chI = chainId[swapA];
1242     chJ = chainId[swapB];
1243     if (chainId[swapB] < chainId[swapA])
1244         {
1245         chI = chainId[swapB];
1246         chJ = chainId[swapA];
1247         }
1248     runId = chI / chainParams.numChains;
1249     chI = chI % chainParams.numChains;
1250     chJ = chJ % chainParams.numChains;
1251     swapInfo[runId][chJ][chI]++;
1252     if (isSwapSuccessful == YES)
1253         swapInfo[runId][chI][chJ]++;
1254 #   endif
1256     return (NO_ERROR);
1257 }
1260 /* Autotune Dirichlet move */
AutotuneDirichlet(MrBFlt acceptanceRate,MrBFlt targetRate,int batch,MrBFlt * alphaPi,MrBFlt minTuning,MrBFlt maxTuning)1261 void AutotuneDirichlet (MrBFlt acceptanceRate, MrBFlt targetRate, int batch, MrBFlt *alphaPi, MrBFlt minTuning, MrBFlt maxTuning)
1262 {
1263     MrBFlt delta, logTuning, newTuning;
1265     delta = 1.0 / sqrt(batch);
1266     delta = 0.01 < delta ? 0.01 : delta;
1268     logTuning = log(*alphaPi);
1270     if (acceptanceRate > targetRate)
1271         logTuning -= delta;
1272     else
1273         logTuning += delta;
1275     newTuning = exp(logTuning);
1276     if (newTuning > minTuning && newTuning < maxTuning)
1277         *alphaPi = newTuning;
1278 }
1281 /* Autotune multiplier move */
AutotuneMultiplier(MrBFlt acceptanceRate,MrBFlt targetRate,int batch,MrBFlt * lambda,MrBFlt minTuning,MrBFlt maxTuning)1282 void AutotuneMultiplier (MrBFlt acceptanceRate, MrBFlt targetRate, int batch, MrBFlt *lambda, MrBFlt minTuning, MrBFlt maxTuning)
1283 {
1284     MrBFlt delta, logTuning, newTuning;
1286     delta = 1.0 / sqrt(batch);
1287     delta = 0.01 < delta ? 0.01 : delta;
1289     logTuning = log(*lambda);
1291     if (acceptanceRate > targetRate)
1292         logTuning += delta;
1293     else
1294         logTuning -= delta;
1296     newTuning = exp(logTuning);
1297     if (newTuning > minTuning && newTuning < maxTuning)
1298         *lambda = newTuning;
1299 }
1302 /* Autotune sliding window move */
AutotuneSlider(MrBFlt acceptanceRate,MrBFlt targetRate,int batch,MrBFlt * width,MrBFlt minTuning,MrBFlt maxTuning)1303 void AutotuneSlider (MrBFlt acceptanceRate, MrBFlt targetRate, int batch, MrBFlt *width, MrBFlt minTuning, MrBFlt maxTuning)
1304 {
1305     MrBFlt delta, logTuning, newTuning;
1307     delta = 1.0 / sqrt(batch);
1308     delta = 0.01 < delta ? 0.01 : delta;
1310     logTuning = log(*width);
1312     if (acceptanceRate > targetRate)
1313         logTuning += delta;
1314     else
1315         logTuning -= delta;
1317     newTuning = exp(logTuning);
1318     if (newTuning > minTuning && newTuning < maxTuning)
1319         *width = newTuning;
1320 }
BuildExhaustiveSearchTree(Tree * t,int chain,int nTaxInTree,TreeInfo * tInfo)1323 void BuildExhaustiveSearchTree (Tree *t, int chain, int nTaxInTree, TreeInfo *tInfo)
1324 {
1325     int         i;
1326     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
1328     if (nTaxInTree == t->nIntNodes + 1) {
1330         /* Get downpass */
1331         GetDownPass (t);
1333         /* Calculate cost of this tree and add to counter */
1334         tInfo->curScore = GetParsimonyLength (t, chain);
1335         if (tInfo->curScore < tInfo->minScore)
1336             {
1337             tInfo->totalScore *= pow ((tInfo->warp/3.0) / (1.0 - tInfo->warp), tInfo->minScore - tInfo->curScore);
1338             tInfo->totalScore += 1.0;
1339             tInfo->minScore = tInfo->curScore;
1340             }
1341         else
1342             tInfo->totalScore += pow (tInfo->warp/3.0, tInfo->curScore - tInfo->minScore) * pow (1.0-tInfo->warp, tInfo->minScore - tInfo->curScore);
1343     }
1345     else {
1347         /* find node to connect */
1348         q=tInfo->leaf[nTaxInTree];
1350         /* add using this ancestral node */
1351         p=tInfo->vertex[nTaxInTree-1];
1352         q->anc=p;
1353         p->right=q;
1355         for (i=0;i<2*nTaxInTree-1;i++) {
1356             /* find node to connect to */
1357             if (i>=nTaxInTree)
1358                 r=tInfo->vertex[i-nTaxInTree];
1359             else
1360                 r=tInfo->leaf[i];
1362             /* add to this node */
1363             p->left=r;
1364             if (r->anc==NULL)
1365                 p->anc=NULL;
1366             else {
1367                 p->anc=r->anc;
1368                 if (r->anc->left==r)
1369                     r->anc->left=p;
1370                 else
1371                     r->anc->right=p;
1372             }
1373             r->anc=p;
1375             /* next level */
1376             BuildExhaustiveSearchTree (t, chain, nTaxInTree+1, tInfo);
1378             if (tInfo->stopScore > 0.0 && tInfo->totalScore >= tInfo->stopScore)
1379                 return;
1381             /* restore tree before trying next possibility */
1382             r->anc=p->anc;
1383             if (r->anc!=NULL) {
1384                 if (r->anc->left==p)
1385                     r->anc->left=r;
1386                 else
1387                     r->anc->right=r;
1388             }
1389         }
1390     }
1391 }
1394 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
1395 |
1396 |   BuildParsTrees: Fill in trees using random add seq with parsimony
1397 |
1398 ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BuildParsTrees(RandLong * seed,int fromChain,int toChain)1399 int BuildParsTrees (RandLong *seed, int fromChain, int toChain)
1400 {
1401     int         k, chn;
1402     Param       *p, *q;
1403     Tree        *tree;
1405     /* Build starting trees for state 0 */
1406     for (chn=fromChain; chn<toChain; chn++)
1407         {
1408         for (k=0; k<numParams; k++)
1409             {
1410             p = &params[k];
1411             if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
1412                 {
1413                 assert (p->nSubParams == 1);
1414                 q = p->subParams[0];
1415                 tree = GetTree (q, chn, 0);
1416                 /* fixed topology */
1417                 if (p->paramId == TOPOLOGY_RCL_FIXED ||
1418                     p->paramId == TOPOLOGY_RCCL_FIXED ||
1419                     p->paramId == TOPOLOGY_CL_FIXED ||
1420                     p->paramId == TOPOLOGY_CCL_FIXED ||
1421                     p->paramId == TOPOLOGY_NCL_FIXED ||
1422                     p->paramId == TOPOLOGY_PARSIMONY_FIXED)
1423                     {
1424                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree %s is fixed so a parsimony-based starting tree is not built\n", spacer, p->name);
1425                     return (NO_ERROR);
1426                     }
1427                 /* constrained topology */
1428                 else if (tree->nConstraints > 0)
1429                     {
1430                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree %s is constrained and parsimony-based starting trees are not implemented for constrained trees (yet)\n", spacer, p->name);
1431                     return (NO_ERROR);
1432                     }
1433                 /* random topology */
1434                 else
1435                     {
1436                     if (BuildStepwiseTree (tree, chn, &globalSeed) == ERROR)
1437                         return (ERROR);
1438                     }
1439                 if (InitializeTreeCalibrations (tree) == ERROR)
1440                     return (ERROR);
1441                 FillTopologySubParams(p, chn, 0, seed);
1442                 }
1443             }
1444         }
1446     return (NO_ERROR);
1447 }
1450 /* build (starting) topology stepwise */
BuildStepwiseTree(Tree * t,int chain,RandLong * seed)1451 int BuildStepwiseTree (Tree *t, int chain, RandLong *seed) {
1453     int         i, j, nTips;
1454     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
1455     CLFlt        length;
1457     // Allocate parsimony matrix if not done already
1459     /* get the tips */
1460     for (i=j=0; i<t->nNodes; i++) {
1461         p =  t->allDownPass[i];
1462         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
1463             t->allDownPass[j++] = p;
1464         else if (p->right == NULL && p->anc == NULL && t->isRooted == NO)
1465             t->allDownPass[j++] = p;
1466     }
1467     nTips = j;
1469     /* order the tips randomly, use last as root */
1470     for (i=0; i<nTips-1; i++) {
1471         j = (int) (RandomNumber(seed)*(nTips-1-i));
1472         j += i;
1473         p = t->allDownPass[i];
1474         t->allDownPass[i] = t->allDownPass[j];
1475         t->allDownPass[j] = p;
1476     }
1478     /* build first tree */
1479     j = 0;
1480     q = t->allDownPass[0];
1481     r = t->allDownPass[1];
1482     p = t->intDownPass[j++];
1483     q->anc   = p;
1484     r->anc   = p;
1485     p->left  = q;
1486     p->right = r;
1487     q = t->allDownPass[nTips-1];
1488     q->anc   = NULL;
1489     q->right = NULL;
1490     q->left = p;
1491     p->anc = q;
1492     t->root = q;
1494     /* add nodes one at a time */
1495     for (i=2; i<nTips-1; i++) {
1496         r = t->allDownPass[i];
1497         p = t->intDownPass[j++];
1498         GetParsDP(t, t->root->left, chain);
1499         GetParsFP(t, t->root->left, chain);
1500         q = FindBestNode(t, t->root->left, r, &length, chain);
1501         p->left = q;
1502         p->right = r;
1503         p->anc = q->anc;
1504         if (q->anc->left == q)
1505             q->anc->left = p;
1506         else
1507             q->anc->right = p;
1508         q->anc = p;
1509         r->anc = p;
1510     }
1512     /* take care of the root */
1513     if (t->isRooted == YES) {
1514         r = t->root;
1515         q = t->allDownPass[t->nNodes-1];
1516         p = t->intDownPass[j];
1517         q->anc = q->right = NULL;
1518         q->left = p;
1519         p->anc = q;
1520         p->left = r->left;
1521         p->right = r;
1522         p->left->anc = p;
1523         r->left = r->right = NULL;
1524         r->anc = p;
1525         t->root = q;
1526     }
1527     GetDownPass (t);
1529     return (NO_ERROR);
1530 }
1533 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
1534 |
1535 |   CalcLikeAdgamma: calc likelihood for one adgamma correlation HMM
1536 |
1537 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CalcLikeAdgamma(int d,Param * param,int chain,MrBFlt * lnL)1538 int CalcLikeAdgamma (int d, Param *param, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL)
1539 {
1540     int             c, i, j, nRates, posit, lastCharId;
1541     MrBFlt          logScaler, max, prob, *F,
1542                     *oldF, *tempF, fSpace[2][MAX_RATE_CATS];
1543     MrBFlt          *rP;
1544     CLFlt           freq, *lnScaler;
1545     ModelInfo       *m;
1546     ModelParams     *mp;
1547     BitsLong        *inHMM;
1549     /* find nRates for first division in HMM */
1550     m = &modelSettings[d];
1551     mp = &modelParams[d];
1552     nRates = m->numRateCats;
1554     /* calculate rate category frequencies */
1555     freq = (CLFlt) ((CLFlt) 1.0 / nRates);
1557     /* find Markov trans probs */
1558     F = GetParamSubVals (param,chain, state[chain]);
1559     for (i=posit=0; i<nRates; i++)
1560         for (j=0; j<nRates; j++)
1561             markovTi[0][i][j] = F[posit++];
1563     /* precalculate Markov trans probs up to largest small jump */
1564     /* but only if needed                                       */
1565     for (i=1; i<MAX_SMALL_JUMP; i++)
1566         {
1567         if (hasMarkovTi[i] == YES)
1568             {
1569             if (hasMarkovTi[i-1] == YES || i == 1)
1570                 MultiplyMatrices(nRates, markovTi[i-1], markovTi[0], markovTi[i]);
1571             else
1572                 MultiplyMatrixNTimes(nRates, markovTi[0], i+1, markovTi[i]);
1573             }
1574         }
1576     /* find site scaler for this chain and state */
1577     lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
1579     /* find rate probs for this chain and state */
1580     rP = rateProbs[chain] + state[chain] * rateProbRowSize;
1582     /* set bit vector indicating divisions in this HMM */
1583     inHMM = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (((param->nRelParts/nBitsInALong) + 1), sizeof(BitsLong));
1584     for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
1585         {
1586         if (modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].shape ==
1587             modelSettings[d].shape)
1588             {
1589             SetBit(param->relParts[i], inHMM);
1590             }
1591         }
1593     /* Perform the so-called forward algorithm of HMMs  */
1594     /* set up the space for f(c,i) */
1595     F = fSpace[0];
1596     oldF = fSpace[1];
1598     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
1599         {
1600         if (IsBitSet(partitionId[c][partitionNum] - 1, inHMM) == YES)
1601             break;
1602         }
1604     /* fill in fi(0) */
1605     max = 0.0;
1606     m = &modelSettings[partitionId[c][partitionNum] - 1];
1607     posit = m->rateProbStart + (compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart) * m->numRateCats;
1609     for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1610         {
1611         F[i] = rP[posit++];
1612         if (F[i] > max)
1613             max = F[i];
1614         }
1616     for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1617         F[i] /= max;
1619     /* set logscaler to the value from the first character */
1620     logScaler = lnScaler[compCharPos[c]] +  log(max);
1622     /* now step along the sequence to the end */
1623     lastCharId = charInfo[c].charId;
1624     for (c++; c<numChar; c++)
1625         {
1626         /* skip if excluded */
1627         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES)
1628             continue;
1630         /* skip if part of same codon in translated protein model */
1631         if ((mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA) && m->dataType == PROTEIN && charInfo[c].charId == lastCharId)
1632             continue;
1633         else
1634             lastCharId = charInfo[c].charId;
1636         /* skip if not in HMM */
1637         if (IsBitSet(partitionId[c][partitionNum] - 1, inHMM) == NO)
1638             continue;
1640         /* switch F and oldF, since the previous F is now old */
1641         tempF = F;
1642         F = oldF;
1643         oldF = tempF;
1645         /* find the position of the rate probs */
1646         m = &modelSettings[partitionId[c][partitionNum] - 1];
1647         posit = m->rateProbStart + (compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart) * m->numRateCats;
1649         /* calculate the HMM forward probs fi(x) at site x in HMM */
1650         if (siteJump[c] <= MAX_SMALL_JUMP)
1651             {
1652             max = 0.0;
1653             for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1654                 {
1655                 prob = 0.0;
1656                 for (j=0; j<nRates; j++)
1657                     prob += markovTi[siteJump[c]-1][i][j] * oldF[j];
1658                 F[i] = rP[posit++] * prob;
1659                 if (F[i] > max)
1660                     max = F[i];
1661                 }
1662             }
1663         else if (siteJump[c] < BIG_JUMP)    /* intermediate jump, calculate trans probs */
1664             {
1665             MultiplyMatrixNTimes(nRates, markovTi[0], siteJump[c], markovTiN);
1666             max = 0.0;
1667             for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1668                 {
1669                 prob = 0.0;
1670                 for (j=0; j<nRates; j++)
1671                     prob += markovTiN[i][j] * oldF[j];
1672                 F[i] = rP[posit++] * prob;
1673                 if (F[i] > max)
1674                     max = F[i];
1675                 }
1676             }
1677         else    /* big jump, use stationary freqs */
1678             {
1679             max = 0.0;
1680             for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1681                 {
1682                 prob = 0.0;
1683                 for (j=0; j<nRates; j++)
1684                     prob += (oldF[j] / freq);
1685                 F[i] = rP[posit++] * prob;
1686                 if (F[i] > max)
1687                     max = F[i];
1688                 }
1689             }
1691         /* rescale and adjust total scaler with HMM scaler and site scaler */
1692         for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1693             F[i] /= max;
1695         logScaler += lnScaler[compCharPos[c]] +  log(max);
1697         }
1699     /* now pull the rate probs together at the end, F contains the vals needed */
1700     prob =  0.0;
1701     for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
1702         prob += (freq * F[i]);
1704     (*lnL) = logScaler +  log(prob);
1706     free (inHMM);
1708     return (NO_ERROR);
1709 }
1712 /* CalcPartFreqStats: Calculate standard deviation of partition frequencies */
CalcPartFreqStats(PFNODE * p,STATS * stat)1713 void CalcPartFreqStats (PFNODE *p, STATS *stat)
1714 {
1715     int     i, j, n, min;
1716     MrBFlt  f, sum, sumsq, stdev;
1718     n = chainParams.numRuns;
1719     min = (int)(chainParams.minPartFreq * stat->numSamples);
1720     if ((MrBFlt)min != chainParams.minPartFreq * stat->numSamples)
1721         min++;
1723     /* recursively compute partition frequencies for all subpartitions */
1724     if (p->left != NULL)
1725         CalcPartFreqStats (p->left, stat);
1726     if (p->right != NULL)
1727         CalcPartFreqStats (p->right, stat);
1729     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
1730         {
1731         if (p->count[i] >= min)
1732             break;
1733         }
1735     if (i == n)
1736         return;
1738     sum = 0.0;
1739     sumsq = 0.0;
1740     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
1741         {
1742         f = (MrBFlt) (p->count[i]) / (MrBFlt) (stat->numSamples);
1743         sum += f;
1744         sumsq += f * f;
1745         }
1747     f = (sumsq - sum * sum / n) / (n - 1);
1748     if (f < 0.0)
1749         stdev = 0.0;
1750     else
1751         stdev = sqrt (f);
1753     stat->sum += stdev;
1754     if (stdev > stat->max)
1755         stat->max = stdev;
1757     stat->numPartitions++;
1759     if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
1760         {
1761         for (i=0; i<n; i++)
1762             {
1763             for (j=i+1; j<n; j++)
1764                 {
1765                 if (p->count[i] < min && p->count[j] < min)
1766                     continue;
1768                 sum = 0.0;
1769                 sumsq = 0.0;
1771                 f = (MrBFlt) (p->count[i]) / (MrBFlt) (stat->numSamples);
1772                 sum += f;
1773                 sumsq += f * f;
1775                 f = (MrBFlt) (p->count[j]) / (MrBFlt) (stat->numSamples);
1776                 sum += f;
1777                 sumsq += f * f;
1779                 f = (sumsq - sum * sum / 2.0);
1780                 if (f < 0.0)
1781                     stdev = 0.0;
1782                 else
1783                     stdev = sqrt (f);
1785                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
1786                     stat->pair[i][j] += stdev;
1787                 else if (stdev > stat->pair[i][j])
1788                     stat->pair[i][j] = stdev;
1789                 stat->pair[j][i]++;
1790                 }
1791             }
1792         }
1793 }
1796 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1797 |
1798 |   CalcTopoConvDiagn: Calculate average and max standard deviation
1799 |                 in clade credibility (partition frequency) values
1800 |
1801 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CalcTopoConvDiagn(int numSamples)1802 void CalcTopoConvDiagn (int numSamples)
1803 {
1804     int     i, j, n;
1805     STATS   *stat;
1807     for (n=0; n<numTopologies; n++)
1808         {
1809         stat = &chainParams.stat[n];
1810         stat->numSamples = numSamples;
1811         stat->numPartitions = 0.0;
1812         stat->sum = 0.0;
1813         stat->max = 0.0;
1815         if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
1816             {
1817             for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
1818                 for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
1819                     stat->pair[i][j] = 0.0;
1820             }
1822         CalcPartFreqStats (partFreqTreeRoot[n], stat);
1824         stat->avgStdDev = stat->sum / stat->numPartitions;
1825         }
1826 }
1829 /* used in DoCompRefTree */
PartFreq(PFNODE * p,STATS * stat,int * ntrees)1830 void PartFreq (PFNODE *p, STATS *stat, int *ntrees)
1831 {
1832     int     i, n = chainParams.numRuns;
1833     MrBFlt  f, sum, sumsq, stdev;
1835     /* recursively compute partition frequencies for all subpartitions */
1836     if (p->left != NULL)
1837         PartFreq (p->left, stat, ntrees);
1838     if (p->right != NULL)
1839         PartFreq (p->right, stat, ntrees);
1841     sum = sumsq = 0.0;
1842     for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
1843         {
1844         f = (MrBFlt)(p->count[i]) / (MrBFlt)ntrees[i];
1845         sum += f;
1846         sumsq += f * f;
1847         }
1849     f = (sumsq - sum * sum / n) / (n - 1);
1850     if (f < 0.0)
1851         stdev = 0.0;
1852     else
1853         stdev = sqrt (f);
1855     stat->sum += stdev;
1856     if (stat->max < stdev)
1857         stat->max = stdev;
1859     stat->numPartitions++;
1860 }
CalcTopoConvDiagn2(int * nTrees)1861 void CalcTopoConvDiagn2 (int *nTrees)
1862 {
1863     int     n;
1864     STATS   *stat;
1866     for (n=0; n<numTopologies; n++)
1867         {
1868         stat = &chainParams.stat[n];
1869         stat->numPartitions = 0.0;
1870         stat->sum = stat->max = 0.0;
1872         PartFreq (partFreqTreeRoot[n], stat, nTrees);
1874         stat->avgStdDev = stat->sum / stat->numPartitions;
1875         }
1876 }
CheckTemperature(void)1879 int CheckTemperature (void)
1880 {
1881     if (chainParams.userDefinedTemps == YES)
1882             {
1883           if (AreDoublesEqual(chainParams.userTemps[0], 1.0, ETA)==NO)
1884             {
1885             MrBayesPrint ("%s   The first user-defined temperature must be 1.0.\n", spacer);
1886             return (ERROR);
1887             }
1888         }
1890     return (NO_ERROR);
1891 }
CloseMBPrintFiles(void)1894 void CloseMBPrintFiles (void)
1895 {
1896     int     i, n;
1898 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
1899     if (proc_id != 0)
1900         return;
1901 #   endif
1903     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
1904         {
1905         SafeFclose (&fpParm[n]);
1906 #if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
1907         SafeFclose (&fpDump[n]);
1908 #endif
1910         for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
1911             {
1912             if (fpTree[n][i])
1913                 {
1914                 fprintf (fpTree[n][i], "end;\n");
1915                 SafeFclose (&fpTree[n][i]);
1916                 }
1917             }
1918         }
1920     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
1921         SafeFclose (&fpMcmc);
1923     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
1924         SafeFclose (&fpSS);
1925 }
1928 /* CompactTree: prune partition tree */
CompactTree(PFNODE * p)1929 PFNODE *CompactTree (PFNODE *p)
1930 {
1931     int         i, j;
1932     PFNODE      *q, *r;
1934     if (p == NULL)
1935         return NULL;
1937     i = j = 0;
1938     if (IsPFNodeEmpty(p) == YES)
1939         {
1940         /* steal info from terminal on the way up */
1941         q = SmallestNonemptyPFNode (p->left, &i, 0);
1942         r = LargestNonemptyPFNode (p->right, &j, 0);
1944         if (q != NULL || r != NULL)
1945             {
1946             if (i < j)
1947                 q = r;
1949             for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
1950                 {
1951                 p->count[i] = q->count[i];
1952                 q->count[i] = 0;
1953                 }
1954             for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
1955                 p->partition[i] = q->partition[i];
1956             }
1957         }
1959     p->left = CompactTree (p->left);
1960     p->right = CompactTree (p->right);
1962     /* delete on the way down if empty */
1963     if (IsPFNodeEmpty(p) == YES)
1964         {
1965         Tfree (p);
1966         return NULL;
1967         }
1968     else
1969         return p;
1970 }
1973 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
1974 |
1975 |   CopyParams: copy parameters of touched divisions
1976 |
1977 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyParams(int chain)1978 void CopyParams (int chain)
1979 {
1980     int         i, j, k, fromState, toState, *fromInt, *toInt;
1981     MrBFlt      *from, *to;
1982     ModelInfo   *m;
1983     Param       *p;
1985     /* copy all params                                               */
1986     /* now done for all vars, can also be done for only touched vars */
1987     /* but then m->upDateCl must be kept separate for each chain!    */
1988     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
1989         {
1990         p = &params[i];
1992         from = GetParamVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
1993         to = GetParamVals (p, chain, (state[chain] ^ 1));
1995         for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
1996             to[j] = from[j];
1998         from = GetParamSubVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
1999         to = GetParamSubVals (p, chain, (state[chain] ^ 1));
2001         for (j=0; j<p->nSubValues; j++)
2002             to[j] = from[j];
2004         fromInt = GetParamIntVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
2005         toInt = GetParamIntVals (p, chain, (state[chain] ^ 1));
2007         for (j=0; j<p->nIntValues; j++)
2008             toInt[j] = fromInt[j];
2010         if (p->nStdStateFreqs > 0)
2011             {
2012             from = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, chain, state[chain]);
2013             to = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, chain, state[chain] ^ 1);
2014             for (j=0; j<p->nStdStateFreqs; j++)
2015                 to[j] = from[j];
2016             }
2018         if (p->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
2019             {
2020             fromState = 2*chain + state[chain];
2021             toState   = 2*chain + (state[chain] ^ 1);
2022             for (j=0; j<2*numLocalTaxa-2; j++)
2023                 {
2024                 if (p->nEvents[toState][j] != p->nEvents[fromState][j])
2025                     {
2026                     if (p->nEvents[fromState][j] == 0)
2027                         {
2028                         free (p->position[toState][j]);
2029                         p->position[toState][j] = NULL;
2030                         free (p->rateMult[toState][j]);
2031                         p->rateMult[toState][j] = NULL;
2032                         }
2033                     else if (p->nEvents[toState][j] == 0)
2034                         {
2035                         p->position[toState][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (p->nEvents[fromState][j], sizeof (MrBFlt));
2036                         p->rateMult[toState][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (p->nEvents[fromState][j], sizeof (MrBFlt));
2037                         }
2038                     else
2039                         {
2040                         p->position[toState][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)p->position[toState][j], p->nEvents[fromState][j] * sizeof (MrBFlt));
2041                         p->rateMult[toState][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)p->rateMult[toState][j], p->nEvents[fromState][j] * sizeof (MrBFlt));
2042                         }
2043                     p->nEvents[toState][j] = p->nEvents[fromState][j];
2044                     }
2045                 if (p->nEvents[fromState][j] > 0)
2046                     {
2047                     for (k=0; k<p->nEvents[fromState][j]; k++)
2048                         {
2049                         p->position[toState][j][k] = p->position[fromState][j][k];
2050                         p->rateMult[toState][j][k] = p->rateMult[fromState][j][k];
2051                         }
2052                     }
2053                 }
2054             }
2055         }
2057     /* copy division params (model settings) for chain */
2058     /* reset division update flags                     */
2059     fromState = 2 * chain + state[chain];
2060     toState   = 2 * chain + (state[chain] ^ 1);
2061     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
2062         {
2063         m = &modelSettings[i];
2064         m->lnLike[toState] = m->lnLike[fromState];
2065         if (m->parsModelId == YES)
2066             m->parsTreeLength[toState] = m->parsTreeLength[fromState];
2067         m->upDateCl = NO;
2068         m->upDateCijk = NO;
2069         m->upDateAll = NO;
2070         }
2072     return;
2073 }
2076 /* CopySiteScalers: Copy site scalers from scratch space into current space */
CopySiteScalers(ModelInfo * m,int chain)2077 void CopySiteScalers (ModelInfo *m, int chain)
2078 {
2079     CLFlt       *from, *to;
2080 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
2081     int         i, j;
2082 #   endif
2084 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
2085     if (m->useBeagle == YES)
2086         {
2087         j = m->siteScalerScratchIndex;
2088         for (i=0; i<m->nCijkParts; i++)
2089             {
2090             if (m->useBeagleMultiPartitions == NO)
2091                 {
2092                 beagleResetScaleFactors (m->beagleInstance,
2093                                          m->siteScalerIndex[chain] + i);
2094                 beagleAccumulateScaleFactors (m->beagleInstance,
2095                                               &j,
2096                                               1,
2097                                               m->siteScalerIndex[chain] + i);
2098                 }
2099             else
2100 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
2101                 {
2102                 beagleResetScaleFactorsByPartition (m->beagleInstance,
2103                                                     m->siteScalerIndex[chain] + i,
2104                                                     m->divisionIndex);
2105                 beagleAccumulateScaleFactorsByPartition (m->beagleInstance,
2106                                                          &j,
2107                                                          1,
2108                                                          m->siteScalerIndex[chain] + i,
2109                                                          m->divisionIndex);
2110                 }
2111 #   endif /* BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED */
2112             j++;
2113             }
2114         return;
2115         }
2116 #   endif
2117     from = m->scalers[m->siteScalerScratchIndex];
2118     to   = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
2119     memcpy ((void*) to, (void*) from, (size_t)(m->numChars) * sizeof(CLFlt));
2120 }
2123 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
2124 |
2125 |   CopyTrees: copies touched trees for chain
2126 |       resets division and node update flags in the process
2127 |       Note: partition information of nodes are not copied if
2128 |       either source or destination tree does not have bitsets allocated
2129 |
2130 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyTrees(int chain)2131 void CopyTrees (int chain)
2132 {
2133     int         i, j, n, nTaxa, nLongsNeeded;
2134     TreeNode    *p, *q;
2135     Tree        *from, *to;
2137     /* reset division update flags */
2138     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
2139         modelSettings[i].upDateCl = NO;
2141     for (n=0; n<numTrees; n++)
2142         {
2143         from = GetTreeFromIndex (n, chain, state[chain]);
2144         to = GetTreeFromIndex (n, chain, (state[chain] ^ 1));
2145         if (from->bitsets != NULL && to->bitsets != NULL)
2146             {
2147             if (from->isRooted == NO)
2148                 nTaxa = from->nNodes - from->nIntNodes;
2149             else
2150                 nTaxa = from->nNodes - from->nIntNodes - 1;
2151             nLongsNeeded = (int)((nTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong) + 1;
2152             }
2153         else
2154             nLongsNeeded = 0;
2156         /* copy nodes */
2157         for (j=0; j<from->nNodes; j++)
2158             {
2159             /* copy pointers */
2160             p  = from->nodes + j;
2161             q  = to->nodes + j;
2163             if (p->anc != NULL)
2164                 q->anc = to->nodes + p->anc->memoryIndex;
2165             else
2166                 q->anc = NULL;
2168             if (p->left != NULL)
2169                 q->left = to->nodes + p->left->memoryIndex;
2170             else
2171                 q->left = NULL;
2173             if (p->right != NULL)
2174                 q->right = to->nodes + p->right->memoryIndex;
2175             else
2176                 q->right = NULL;
2178             CopyTreeNodes (q, p, nLongsNeeded);
2179             q->upDateCl = q->upDateTi = NO;     /* reset update flags */
2180             }
2182         for (i=0; i<from->nIntNodes; i++)
2183             {
2184             to->intDownPass[i] = to->nodes + from->intDownPass[i]->memoryIndex;
2185 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
2186             if (from->levelPassEnabled)
2187                 {
2188                 to->intDownPassLevel[i] = to->nodes + from->intDownPassLevel[i]->memoryIndex;
2189                 }
2190 #endif
2191             }
2192         for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
2193             {
2194             to->allDownPass[i] = to->nodes + from->allDownPass[i]->memoryIndex;
2195             }
2197         to->root = to->nodes + from->root->memoryIndex;
2199         /* rest of tree info is constant and need not be copied */
2200         }
2202     return;
2203 }
2206 #ifdef VISUAL
CatchInterrupt(DWORD signum)2207 BOOL WINAPI CatchInterrupt (DWORD signum)
2208 {
2209     /* set up signal handler to do the same */
2210     MrBayesPrint ("\n   Ctrl-C detected\n");
2211     requestAbortRun = YES;
2212     return TRUE;
2213 }
2214 #else
CatchInterrupt(int signum)2215 void CatchInterrupt (int signum)
2216 {
2217     /* set up signal handler to do the same */
2218     signal (signum, CatchInterrupt);
2219     requestAbortRun = YES;
2220     MrBayesPrint ("\n   Ctrl-C detected\n");
2221 }
2222 #endif
2225 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2226 |
2227 |   DebugNodeScalers: Calculate node scalers sum
2228 |
2229 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
DebugNodeScalers(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)2230 CLFlt DebugNodeScalers (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
2231 {
2232     int             c;
2233     CLFlt           *scP;
2234     CLFlt           sum=0.0;
2235     ModelInfo       *m;
2237     m = &modelSettings[division];
2239     /* find scalers */
2240     scP = m->scalers[m->nodeScalerIndex[chain][p->index]];
2242     /* remove scalers */
2243     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
2244         sum += scP[c];
2246     return sum;
2247 }
2250 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2251 |
2252 |   DebugTreeScalers: Calculate DebugNodeScalers for each node and printit
2253 |
2254 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
DebugTreeScalers(int chain,int d)2255 void DebugTreeScalers(int chain, int d)
2256 {
2257     int i;
2258     TreeNode        *p;
2259     ModelInfo       *m;
2260     Tree            *tree;
2262     m = &modelSettings[d];
2263     tree = GetTree(m->brlens, chain, state[chain]);
2265     if (m->parsModelId == NO)
2266         {
2267         for (i=0; i<tree->nIntNodes; i++)
2268             {
2269             p = tree->intDownPass[i];
2271             if (m->unscaledNodes[chain][p->index] == 0)
2272                 {
2273                 printf ("Node:%d Sum scalers:%f\n",p->index,DebugNodeScalers(p, d, chain));
2274                 }
2275             }
2276         }
2277 }
DoMcmc(void)2280 int DoMcmc (void)
2281 {
2282     RandLong    seed;
2283     int         rc, i, j, run;
2284     char        c;
2285     FILE        *tempFile;
2286     char        temp[20];
2287     char        *strBuf,*tmpcp;
2288     double      tmp;
2290 #   if defined (BEST_MPI_ENABLED)
2291     Tree        *tree;
2292 #   endif
2294 #   if !defined (VISUAL) && !defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2295     sighandler_t sigint_oldhandler, sigterm_oldhandler;
2296 #   endif
2298     numPreviousGen = 0;     /* Make sure this is reset */
2300     /* Check to see that we have a data matrix. Otherwise, the MCMC is rather
2301        pointless. */
2302     if (defMatrix == NO)
2303         {
2304         MrBayesPrint ("%s   A character matrix must be defined first\n", spacer);
2305         goto errorExit;
2306         }
2308     if (setUpAnalysisSuccess == NO)
2309         {
2310         MrBayesPrint ("%s   The analysis could not be started because there was an error during its setup.\n", spacer);
2311         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Refer to error messages printed during model set up to address the problem.\n", spacer);
2312         goto errorExit;
2313         }
2315     /* set file names */
2316     sumtParams.numRuns  = chainParams.numRuns;
2317     sumpParams.numRuns  = chainParams.numRuns;
2318     sumssParams.numRuns = chainParams.numRuns;
2320     if (fileNameChanged == YES)
2321         {
2322         SetFileNames();
2323         fileNameChanged = NO;
2324         }
2326     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Running Markov chain\n", spacer);
2328     /* Check the chain temperature parameters */
2329     if (CheckTemperature () == ERROR)
2330         goto errorExit;
2332     /* Set the chain random number seeds here. We have two seeds. One
2333        (called swapSeed) is only used to determine which two chains
2334        will swap states in the next trial. The other (called seed) is
2335        the seed for our work-horse pseudorandom number generator. Note
2336        that if we are doing MPI, we want the swap seed to be the same
2337        for every processor. This is taken care of when we initialize
2338        things in the program. If we are doing MPI, we also want to make
2339        certain that seed is different for every processor. */
2340 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2341     seed = globalSeed + (proc_id + 1);
2342     if (seed < 0)
2343         seed = -seed;
2344 #   else
2345     seed = globalSeed;
2346 #   endif
2348     /* Get a unique identifier (stamp) for this run. This is used as
2349        an identifier for each mcmc analysis. It uses runIDSeed to initialize
2350        the stamp. All of the processors should have the same seed, so
2351        this should be safe. */
2352     GetStamp ();
2354     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Seed = %d\n", spacer, seed);
2355     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Swapseed = %d\n", spacer, swapSeed);
2357     /* Show the model to make sure the user sees it before running the analysis */
2358     if (ShowModel() == ERROR)
2359         goto errorExit;
2360     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
2362     /* Warn the user or stop analysis in case the model is strange */
2363     if (CheckModel() == ERROR)
2364         goto errorExit;
2366     /* Determine the number of local chains and data splits */
2367     if (SetLocalChainsAndDataSplits() == ERROR)
2368         goto errorExit;
2370     /* Set up the moves to be used */
2371     if (SetUsedMoves () == ERROR)
2372         goto errorExit;
2374     /* Check to see that we have at least one move. Otherwise, the MCMC is rather
2375        pointless. */
2376     if (numUsedMoves == 0)
2377         {
2378         MrBayesPrint ("%s   No move is currently switched on.\n", spacer);
2379         MrBayesPrint ("%s   There must be at least one move to run an MCMC analysis.\n", spacer);
2380         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Switch on moves using the 'propset' command.\n", spacer);
2381         goto errorExit;
2382         }
2384     /* Show summary table of moves that will be used */
2385     if (ShowMoveSummary () == ERROR)
2386         goto errorExit;
2388     /* Set the likelihood function pointers. */
2389     if (SetLikeFunctions () == ERROR)
2390         goto errorExit;
2392     /* Set up number of characters of each character pattern. */
2393     if (FillNumSitesOfPat () == ERROR)
2394         goto errorExit;
2396     /* Initialize parsimony sets. */
2397     if (InitParsSets() == ERROR)
2398         goto errorExit;
2400     /* Set up a terminal state index matrix for local compression. */
2401     if (SetUpTermState() == ERROR)
2402         goto errorExit;
2404     /* Initialize conditional likelihoods and transition probabilities for chain (the working space). */
2405     if (InitChainCondLikes () == ERROR)
2406         goto errorExit;
2408     /* Initialize adgamma conditional likelihoods */
2409     if (InitAdGamma () == ERROR)
2410         goto errorExit;
2412     /* Initialize invariable conditional likelihoods. */
2413     if (InitInvCondLikes() == ERROR)
2414         goto errorExit;
2416     /* Allocate BEST chain variables */
2417     if (numTopologies > 1 && !strcmp(modelParams[0].topologyPr,"Speciestree"))
2418         AllocateBestChainVariables();
2420     /* allocate SS memory for the chains if needed */
2421     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
2422         {
2423         if (memAllocs[ALLOC_SS] == YES)
2424             {
2425             MrBayesPrint ("%s   SS is already allocated\n", spacer);
2426             goto errorExit;
2427             }
2428         else if ((marginalLnLSS = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
2429             {
2430             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating marginalLnLSS\n", spacer);
2431             goto errorExit;
2432             }
2433         else if ((stepScalerSS = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
2434             {
2435             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating stepScalerSS\n", spacer);
2436             free (marginalLnLSS);
2437             goto errorExit;
2438             }
2439         else if ((stepAcumulatorSS = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
2440             {
2441             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating stepAcumulatorSS\n", spacer);
2442             free (stepScalerSS);
2443             free (marginalLnLSS);
2444             goto errorExit;
2445             }
2446         else if ((splitfreqSS = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numStepsSS*numTopologies, sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
2447             {
2448             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating splitfreqSS\n", spacer);
2449             free (stepScalerSS);
2450             free (marginalLnLSS);
2451             free (stepAcumulatorSS);
2452             goto errorExit;
2453             }
2454         else
2455             memAllocs[ALLOC_SS] = YES;
2456         }
2458     /* Either append to previous run or deal with starting values */
2459     if (chainParams.append == YES)
2460         {
2461         /* Continue old run */
2463         /* Get starting values from checkpoint file */
2464         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Getting values from previous run\n", spacer);
2465         strcpy(inputFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
2466         strcat(inputFileName, ".ckp");
2467         if (OpenTextFileR(inputFileName) == NULL)
2468             {
2469             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not find the checkpoint file '%s'.\n", spacer, inputFileName);
2470             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Make sure it is in the working directory.\n", spacer);
2471             goto errorExit;
2472             }
2474         if (DoExecute () == ERROR)
2475             goto errorExit;
2477         /* Get number of generations to start from and SS information if needed */
2478         temp[0] = '\0';
2479         numPreviousGen = 0;
2480 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2481         if (proc_id == 0) {
2482 #   endif
2483         tempFile = OpenBinaryFileR (inputFileName);
2484         do { c = fgetc(tempFile);
2485             } while (c!=':' && c!=EOF);
2486         if (c!=EOF)
2487             {
2488             do { c = fgetc(tempFile);
2489                 } while (c!=':' && c!=EOF);
2490             }
2491         if (c!=EOF)
2492             {
2493             do { c = fgetc(tempFile);
2494                 } while (!isdigit(c) && c!=EOF);
2495             }
2496         if (c!=EOF)
2497             {
2498             i=0;
2499             while (c >= '0' && c <= '9' && i < 18)
2500                 {
2501                 temp[i++] = c;
2502                 c = fgetc(tempFile);
2503                 }
2504             temp[i] = '\0';
2505             numPreviousGen = atoi(temp);
2506             }
2507         if (chainParams.isSS==YES && c!=EOF)
2508             {
2509             do { c = fgetc(tempFile);
2510                 } while (c!=':' && c!=EOF);
2511             strBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns*20,sizeof(char));
2512             if (fgets(strBuf,chainParams.numRuns*20,tempFile)==NULL)
2513                 {
2514                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Reading SsAcumulators from .ckp file fails.\n", spacer);
2515                 free(strBuf);
2516                 goto errorExit;
2517                 }
2519             tmpcp=strtok(strBuf," ");
2520             for (run=0; run<chainParams.numRuns; run++)
2521                 {
2522                 if (tmpcp == NULL)
2523                     {
2524                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Not enough values in SsAcumulators comment of .ckp file.   \n", spacer);
2525                     free(strBuf);
2526                     goto errorExit;
2527                     }
2529                 tmp=atof(tmpcp);
2530                 stepScalerSS[run]=tmp-10;
2531                 stepAcumulatorSS[run]=exp(10);
2532                 tmpcp=strtok(NULL," ]");
2533                 }
2535             free(strBuf);
2536             }
2537 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2538         }
2539         MPI_Bcast (&numPreviousGen, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
2540 #   endif
2541         if (numPreviousGen == 0)
2542             {
2543             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not find the number of generations in previous run.\n", spacer);
2544             goto errorExit;
2545             }
2546         else if (numPreviousGen >= chainParams.numGen)
2547             {
2548             MrBayesPrint ("%s   The specified number of generations (%d) was already finished in\n", spacer, chainParams.numGen);
2549             MrBayesPrint ("%s   the previous run you are trying to append to.\n", spacer);
2550             goto errorExit;
2551             }
2552         else
2553             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using samples up to generation %d from previous analysis.\n", spacer, numPreviousGen);
2554         }
2555     else
2556         {
2557         /* New run */
2559         /* deal with starting param values */
2560         if (!strcmp(chainParams.startParams,"Reset"))
2561             {
2562             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Resetting starting values for substitution model parameters\n", spacer);
2563             FillNormalParams (&seed, 0, numLocalChains);
2564             }
2566         /* deal with starting treeparam values */
2567         if (!strcmp(chainParams.startTree,"Random"))
2568             {
2569             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Resetting starting trees and tree parameters\n", spacer);
2570             FillTreeParams (&seed, 0, numLocalChains);
2571             }
2572         else if (!strcmp(chainParams.startTree,"Parsimony"))
2573             {
2574             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Rebuilding starting trees using random addition sequences and parsimony\n", spacer);
2575             BuildParsTrees (&seed, 0, numLocalChains);
2576             }
2578         /* Perturb start trees if requested */
2579         if (chainParams.numStartPerts > 0)
2580             {
2581             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Randomly perturbing starting trees\n", spacer);
2582             for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
2583                 {
2584                 for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
2585                     RandPerturb (GetTreeFromIndex(i, j, 0), chainParams.numStartPerts, &seed);
2586                 }
2587             }
2588         }
2590     /* Set clockRate if we have calibration */
2591     for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
2592         {
2593         if (UpdateClockRate(0.0, j) == ERROR)
2594             goto errorExit;
2595         }
2596     /*
2597     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
2598         {
2599         for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
2600             assert (IsTreeConsistent(&params[i], j, 0) == YES);
2601         }  */
2603     /* Initialize vectors of print parameters */
2604     if (InitPrintParams () == ERROR)
2605         goto errorExit;
2607     /*! setup a signal handler to catch interrupts, ignore failure */
2608 #   ifdef VISUAL
2609     SetConsoleCtrlHandler (CatchInterrupt, TRUE);
2610 #   else
2611 #       if !defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2612     /* we do not want to mess with the signal handling in MPI version */
2613     sigint_oldhandler  = signal(SIGINT, CatchInterrupt);
2614     sigterm_oldhandler = signal(SIGTERM, CatchInterrupt);
2615 #       endif
2616 #   endif
2617     requestAbortRun = NO;
2619     /* Run the Markov chain. */
2620     rc = RunChain (&seed);
2621     if (rc == ERROR)
2622         {
2623 #   ifdef VISUAL
2624         SetConsoleCtrlHandler (CatchInterrupt, FALSE);
2625 #   else
2626 #       if !defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2627         signal(SIGINT, sigint_oldhandler);
2628         signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_oldhandler);
2629 #       endif
2630 #   endif
2631         goto errorExit;
2632         }
2633     else if (rc == ABORT)
2634         {
2635         ResetChainIds();
2636         FreeChainMemory();
2637 #   ifdef VISUAL
2638         SetConsoleCtrlHandler (CatchInterrupt, FALSE);
2639 #   else
2640 #       if !defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2641         signal(SIGINT, sigint_oldhandler);
2642         signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_oldhandler);
2643 #       endif
2644 #   endif
2645         return ABORT;
2646         }
2648     /*! restore the default signal handler */
2649 #   ifdef VISUAL
2650     SetConsoleCtrlHandler (CatchInterrupt, FALSE);
2651 #   else
2652 #       if !defined (MPI_ENABLED)
2653     signal(SIGINT, sigint_oldhandler);
2654     signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_oldhandler);
2655 #       endif
2656 #   endif
2658     /* Reset the global seed at end of chain. We don't want successive
2659        chains to all start with the same random number seed. */
2660     globalSeed = seed;
2662     /* Free up all memory allocated for the chain. */
2663     FreeChainMemory ();
2665     return (NO_ERROR);
2667     errorExit:
2668         FreeChainMemory ();
2669         return (ERROR);
2670 }
DoMcmcp(void)2673 int DoMcmcp (void)
2674 {
2675     if (defMatrix == NO)
2676         {
2677         MrBayesPrint ("%s   A character matrix must be defined first\n", spacer);
2678         return (ERROR);
2679         }
2681     sumtParams.numRuns = chainParams.numRuns;
2682     sumpParams.numRuns = chainParams.numRuns;
2684     if (fileNameChanged == YES)
2685         {
2686         SetFileNames();
2687         fileNameChanged = NO;
2688         }
2690     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Successfully set chain parameters\n", spacer);
2692     return (NO_ERROR);
2693 }
DoSsParm(char * parmName,char * tkn)2696 int DoSsParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
2697 {
2698     int         tempI;
2699     MrBFlt      tempD;
2700     char        tempStr[5];
2701     static int  negBurninss;
2703     if (defMatrix == NO)
2704         {
2705         MrBayesPrint ("%s   A character matrix must be defined first\n", spacer);
2706         return (ERROR);
2707         }
2709     if (expecting == Expecting(PARAMETER))
2710         {
2711         expecting = Expecting(EQUALSIGN);
2712         }
2713     else
2714         {
2715         if (!strcmp(parmName, "Burninss"))
2716             {
2717             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2718                 {
2719                 negBurninss = NO;
2720                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER) | Expecting(DASH);
2721                 }
2722             else if (expecting == Expecting(DASH))
2723                 {
2724                 negBurninss = YES;
2725                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2726                 }
2727             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2728                 {
2729                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2730                 if (negBurninss == NO)
2731                     chainParams.burninSS = tempI;
2732                 else
2733                     chainParams.burninSS = -tempI;
2734                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting burnin for stepping-stone sampling to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.burninSS);
2735                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2736                 }
2737             else
2738                 {
2739                 return (ERROR);
2740                 }
2741             }
2742         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Nsteps"))
2743             {
2744             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2745                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2746             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2747                 {
2748                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2749                 chainParams.numStepsSS = tempI;
2750                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting number of steps in stepping-stone sampling to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS);
2751                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2752                 }
2753             else
2754                 {
2755                 return (ERROR);
2756                 }
2757             }
2758         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "FromPrior"))
2759             {
2760             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2761                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
2762             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
2763                 {
2764                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
2765                     {
2766                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
2767                         chainParams.startFromPriorSS = YES;
2768                     else
2769                         chainParams.startFromPriorSS = NO;
2770                     }
2771                 else
2772                     {
2773                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for FromPrior parameter\n", spacer);
2774                     return (ERROR);
2775                     }
2776                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting FromPrior=%s\n", spacer, (chainParams.startFromPriorSS==YES)?"Yes":"No");
2777                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2778                 }
2779             else
2780                 {
2781                 return (ERROR);
2782                 }
2783             }
2784         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Alpha"))
2785             {
2786             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2787                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2788             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2789                 {
2790                 sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
2791                 chainParams.alphaSS = tempD;
2792                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting alpha in stepping-stone sampling to %lf\n", spacer, chainParams.alphaSS);
2793                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2794                 }
2795             else
2796                 {
2797                 return (ERROR);
2798                 }
2799             }
2800         else
2801             {
2802             return (ERROR);
2803             }
2804         }
2805     return (NO_ERROR);
2806 }
DoMcmcParm(char * parmName,char * tkn)2809 int DoMcmcParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
2810 {
2811     int         tempI;
2812     MrBFlt      tempD;
2813     char        *tempStr;
2814     int         tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
2816     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
2817     if (!tempStr)
2818         {
2819         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
2820         return (ERROR);
2821         }
2822     *tempStr='\0';
2824     if (defMatrix == NO)
2825         {
2826         MrBayesPrint ("%s   A character matrix must be defined first\n", spacer);
2827         return (ERROR);
2828         }
2830     if (expecting == Expecting(PARAMETER))
2831         {
2832         expecting = Expecting(EQUALSIGN);
2833         }
2834     else
2835         {
2836         /* set Seed (globalSeed) ***************************************************************/
2837         if (!strcmp(parmName, "Seed"))
2838             {
2839                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Setting \"Seed\" in mcmc command is deprecated. Use \"set\" command instead.\n", spacer);
2840                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   For more information type \"help set\";\n", spacer);
2841                 free (tempStr);
2842                 return (ERROR);
2843             /*
2844             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2845                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2846             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2847                 {
2848                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2849                 globalSeed = tempI;
2850                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting seed to %ld\n", spacer, globalSeed);
2851                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2852                 }
2853             else
2854                 {
2855                 free (tempStr);
2856                 return (ERROR);
2857                 }
2858                 */
2859             }
2860         /* set Swapseed (global variable swapSeed) ***************************************************************/
2861         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Swapseed"))
2862             {
2863                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Setting \"Swapseed\" in mcmc command is deprecated. Use \"set\" command instead.\n", spacer);
2864                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   For more information type \"help set\";\n", spacer);
2865                 free (tempStr);
2866                 return (ERROR);
2867                 /*
2868             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2869                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2870             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2871                 {
2872                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2873                 swapSeed = tempI;
2874                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting swapseed to %ld\n", spacer, swapSeed);
2875                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2876                 }
2877             else
2878                 {
2879                 free (tempStr);
2880                 return (ERROR);
2881                 }
2882                 */
2883             }
2884         /* set run ID */
2885         /* this setting is provided for GRID use only, so that identical runs can be generated */
2886         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Runidseed"))
2887             {
2888             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2889                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2890             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2891                 {
2892                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2893                 runIDSeed = tempI;
2894                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting run ID [stamp] seed to %ld [for GRID use]\n", spacer, runIDSeed);
2895                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2896                 }
2897             else
2898                 {
2899                 free (tempStr);
2900                 return (ERROR);
2901                 }
2902             }
2903         /* set Ngen (numGen) ******************************************************************/
2904         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Ngen"))
2905             {
2906             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2907                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2908             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2909                 {
2910                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2911                 if (tempI < 1)
2912                     {
2913                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Too few generations\n", spacer);
2914                     return (ERROR);
2915                     }
2916                 chainParams.numGen = tempI;
2917                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting number of generations to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numGen);
2918                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2919                 }
2920             else
2921                 {
2922                 free (tempStr);
2923                 return (ERROR);
2924                 }
2925             }
2926         /* set Samplefreq (sampleFreq) ********************************************************/
2927         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Samplefreq"))
2928             {
2929             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2930                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2931             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2932                 {
2933                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2934                 if (tempI < 1)
2935                     {
2936                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Sampling chain too infrequently\n", spacer);
2937                     free (tempStr);
2938                     return (ERROR);
2939                     }
2940                 chainParams.sampleFreq = tempI;
2941                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting sample frequency to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.sampleFreq);
2942                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2943                 }
2944             else
2945                 {
2946                 free (tempStr);
2947                 return (ERROR);
2948                 }
2949             }
2950         /* set Printfreq (printFreq) **********************************************************/
2951         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Printfreq"))
2952             {
2953             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2954                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2955             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2956                 {
2957                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2958                 if (tempI < 1)
2959                     {
2960                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Printing to screen too infrequently\n", spacer);
2961                     free(tempStr);
2962                     return (ERROR);
2963                     }
2964                 chainParams.printFreq = tempI;
2965                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting print frequency to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.printFreq);
2966                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2967                 }
2968             else
2969                 {
2970                 free(tempStr);
2971                 return (ERROR);
2972                 }
2973             }
2974         /* set Printmax (printMax) **********************************************************/
2975         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Printmax"))
2976             {
2977             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
2978                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
2979             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
2980                 {
2981                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
2982                 if (tempI < 1)
2983                     {
2984                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   You need to print at least one chain\n", spacer);
2985                     return (ERROR);
2986                     }
2987                 chainParams.printMax = tempI;
2988                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting maximum number of chains to print to screen to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.printMax);
2989                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
2990                 }
2991             else
2992                 {
2993                 free(tempStr);
2994                 return (ERROR);
2995                 }
2996             }
2997         /* set Printall (printAll) ********************************************************/
2998         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Printall"))
2999             {
3000             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3001                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3002             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3003                 {
3004                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3005                     {
3006                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3007                         chainParams.printAll = YES;
3008                     else
3009                         chainParams.printAll = NO;
3010                     }
3011                 else
3012                     {
3013                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Printall\n", spacer);
3014                     free (tempStr);
3015                     return (ERROR);
3016                     }
3017                 if (chainParams.allChains == YES)
3018                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Printing all chains to screen\n", spacer);
3019                 else
3020                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Printing only cold chains to screen\n", spacer);
3021                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3022                 }
3023             else
3024                 {
3025                 free(tempStr);
3026                 return (ERROR);
3027                 }
3028             }
3029         /* set Swapfreq (swapFreq) ************************************************************/
3030         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Swapfreq"))
3031             {
3032             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3033                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3034             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3035                 {
3036                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3037                 if (tempI < 1)
3038                     {
3039                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Swapping states too infrequently\n", spacer);
3040                     free(tempStr);
3041                     return (ERROR);
3042                     }
3043                 chainParams.swapFreq = tempI;
3044                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting swap frequency to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.swapFreq);
3045                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3046                 }
3047             else
3048                 {
3049                 free (tempStr);
3050                 return (ERROR);
3051                 }
3052             }
3053         /* set Nswaps (numSwaps) ************************************************************/
3054         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Nswaps"))
3055             {
3056             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3057                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3058             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3059                 {
3060                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3061                 if (tempI < 1)
3062                     {
3063                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   There must be at least one swap per swapping cycle\n", spacer);
3064                     free (tempStr);
3065                     return (ERROR);
3066                     }
3067                 chainParams.numSwaps = tempI;
3068                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting number of swaps per swapping cycle to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numSwaps);
3069                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3070                 }
3071             else
3072                 {
3073                 free(tempStr);
3074                 return (ERROR);
3075                 }
3076             }
3077         /* set Allchains (allChains) ********************************************************/
3078         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Allchains"))
3079             {
3080             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3081                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3082             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3083                 {
3084                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3085                     {
3086                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3087                         chainParams.allChains = YES;
3088                     else
3089                         chainParams.allChains = NO;
3090                     }
3091                 else
3092                     {
3093                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Allchains\n", spacer);
3094                     free (tempStr);
3095                     return (ERROR);
3096                     }
3097                 if (chainParams.allChains == YES)
3098                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Calculating MCMC diagnostics for all chains\n", spacer);
3099                 else
3100                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Calculating MCMC diagnostics only for cold chain(s)\n", spacer);
3101                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3102                 }
3103             else
3104                 {
3105                 free (tempStr);
3106                 return (ERROR);
3107                 }
3108             }
3109         /* set Allcomps (allComps) ************************************************************/
3110         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Allcomps"))
3111             {
3112             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3113                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3114             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3115                 {
3116                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3117                     {
3118                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3119                         chainParams.allComps = YES;
3120                     else
3121                         chainParams.allComps = NO;
3122                     }
3123                 else
3124                     {
3125                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Allcomps\n", spacer);
3126                     free (tempStr);
3127                     return (ERROR);
3128                     }
3129                 if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
3130                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Calculating MCMC diagnostics for all pairwise run comparisons\n", spacer);
3131                 else
3132                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Only calculating overall MCMC diagnostics\n", spacer);
3133                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3134                 }
3135             else
3136                 {
3137                 free(tempStr);
3138                 return (ERROR);
3139                 }
3140             }
3141         /* set Mcmcdiagn (mcmcDiagn) ********************************************************/
3142         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Mcmcdiagn"))
3143             {
3144             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3145                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3146             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3147                 {
3148                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3149                     {
3150                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3151                         chainParams.mcmcDiagn = YES;
3152                     else
3153                         chainParams.mcmcDiagn = NO;
3154                     }
3155                 else
3156                     {
3157                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for mcmc diagnostics\n", spacer);
3158                     free(tempStr);
3159                     return (ERROR);
3160                     }
3161                 if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
3162                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting calculation of MCMC diagnostics ('Mcmcdiagn') to yes\n", spacer);
3163                 else
3164                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting calculation of MCMC diagnostics ('Mcmcdiagn') to no\n", spacer);
3165                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3166                 }
3167             else
3168                 {
3169                 free(tempStr);
3170                 return (ERROR);
3171                 }
3172             }
3173         /* set Diagnfreq (diagnFreq) ************************************************************/
3174         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Diagnfreq"))
3175             {
3176             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3177                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3178             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3179                 {
3180                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3181                 if (tempI < 1)
3182                     {
3183                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Diagnosing MCMC behavior too infrequently\n", spacer);
3184                     free(tempStr);
3185                     return (ERROR);
3186                     }
3187                 chainParams.diagnFreq = tempI;
3188                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting diagnosing frequency to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.diagnFreq);
3189                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3190                 }
3191             else
3192                 {
3193                 free(tempStr);
3194                 return (ERROR);
3195                 }
3196             }
3197         /* set Savetrees (saveTrees) ********************************************************/
3198         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Savetrees"))
3199             {
3200             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3201                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3202             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3203                 {
3204                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3205                     {
3206                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3207                         chainParams.saveTrees = YES;
3208                     else
3209                         chainParams.saveTrees = NO;
3210                     }
3211                 else
3212                     {
3213                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Savetrees\n", spacer);
3214                     free(tempStr);
3215                     return (ERROR);
3216                     }
3217                 if (chainParams.saveTrees == YES)
3218                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Saving trees for MCMC diagnostics in memory (if needed)\n", spacer);
3219                 else
3220                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Not saving trees for MCMC diagnostics in memory\n", spacer);
3221                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3222                 }
3223             else
3224                 {
3225                 free(tempStr);
3226                 return (ERROR);
3227                 }
3228             }
3229         /* set Diagnstat (diagnStat) ********************************************************/
3230         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Diagnstat"))
3231             {
3232             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3233                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3234             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3235                 {
3236                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3237                     {
3238                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Avgstddev"))
3239                         chainParams.diagnStat = AVGSTDDEV;
3240                     else /* if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Maxstddev")) */
3241                         chainParams.diagnStat = MAXSTDDEV;
3242                     }
3243                 else
3244                     {
3245                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Savetrees\n", spacer);
3246                     free(tempStr);
3247                     return (ERROR);
3248                     }
3249                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
3250                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting diagnostics statistic to Avgstddev\n", spacer);
3251                 else /* if (chainParams.diagnStat == MAXSTDDEV) */
3252                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting diagnostics statistic to Maxstddev\n", spacer);
3253                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3254                 }
3255             else
3256                 {
3257                 free(tempStr);
3258                 return (ERROR);
3259                 }
3260             }
3261         /* set Checkpoint (checkPoint) ********************************************************/
3262         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Checkpoint"))
3263             {
3264             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3265                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3266             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3267                 {
3268                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3269                     {
3270                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3271                         chainParams.checkPoint = YES;
3272                     else
3273                         chainParams.checkPoint = NO;
3274                     }
3275                 else
3276                     {
3277                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for 'Checkpoint' (check-pointing)\n", spacer);
3278                     free(tempStr);
3279                     return (ERROR);
3280                     }
3281                 if (chainParams.checkPoint == YES)
3282                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting check-pointing ('Checkpoint') to yes\n", spacer);
3283                 else
3284                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting check-pointing ('Checkpoint') to no\n", spacer);
3285                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3286                 }
3287             else
3288                 {
3289                 free(tempStr);
3290                 return (ERROR);
3291                 }
3292             }
3293         /* set Checkfreq (checkFreq) ************************************************************/
3294         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Checkfreq"))
3295             {
3296             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3297                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3298             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3299                 {
3300                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3301                 if (tempI < 100)
3302                     {
3303                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Check-pointing frequency must be at least 100\n", spacer);
3304                     free(tempStr);
3305                     return (ERROR);
3306                     }
3307                 chainParams.checkFreq = tempI;
3308                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting check-pointing frequency to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.checkFreq);
3309                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3310                 }
3311             else
3312                 {
3313                 free(tempStr);
3314                 return (ERROR);
3315                 }
3316             }
3317         /* set Minpartfreq (minPartFreq) ************************************************************/
3318         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Minpartfreq"))
3319             {
3320             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3321                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3322             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3323                 {
3324                 sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
3325                 if (tempD < 0.01)
3326                     {
3327                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Minimum partition frequency too low (< 0.01)\n", spacer);
3328                     free (tempStr);
3329                     return (ERROR);
3330                     }
3331                 if (tempD > 0.8)
3332                     {
3333                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Minimum partition frequency too high (> 0.8)\n", spacer);
3334                     free (tempStr);
3335                     return (ERROR);
3336                     }
3337                 chainParams.minPartFreq = tempD;
3338                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting minimum partition frequency to %.2f\n", spacer, chainParams.minPartFreq);
3339                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3340                 }
3341             else
3342                 {
3343                 free(tempStr);
3344                 return (ERROR);
3345                 }
3346             }
3347         /* set Nruns (numRuns) ****************************************************************/
3348         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Nruns"))
3349             {
3350             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3351                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3352             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3353                 {
3354                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3355                 if (tempI < 1)
3356                     {
3357                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Too few runs (minimum of 1 run)\n", spacer);
3358                     free(tempStr);
3359                     return (ERROR);
3360                     }
3361                 if (tempI > MAX_RUNS)
3362                     {
3363                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Too many runs (maximum of %d runs)\n", spacer, MAX_RUNS);
3364                     free(tempStr);
3365                     return (ERROR);
3366                     }
3367                 if (ChangeNumRuns (chainParams.numRuns, tempI) == ERROR)
3368                     return (ERROR);
3369                 chainParams.numRuns = tempI;
3370                 fileNameChanged = YES;
3371                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting number of runs to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numRuns);
3372                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3373                 }
3374             else
3375                 {
3376                 free(tempStr);
3377                 return (ERROR);
3378                 }
3379             }
3380         /* set Nchains (numChains) ************************************************************/
3381         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Nchains"))
3382             {
3383             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3384                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3385             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3386                 {
3387                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3388                 if (tempI < 1)
3389                     {
3390                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Too few chains (minimum of 1 chain)\n", spacer);
3391                     free(tempStr);
3392                     return (ERROR);
3393                     }
3394                 if (tempI > MAX_CHAINS)
3395                     {
3396                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Too many chains (maximum of %d chains)\n", spacer, MAX_CHAINS);
3397                     free(tempStr);
3398                     return (ERROR);
3399                     }
3400                 if (ChangeNumChains (chainParams.numChains, tempI) == ERROR)
3401                     return (ERROR);
3402                 chainParams.numChains = tempI;
3403                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting number of chains to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numChains);
3404                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3405                 }
3406             else
3407                 {
3408                 free(tempStr);
3409                 return (ERROR);
3410                 }
3411             }
3412         /* set Temp (chainTemp) ***************************************************************/
3413         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Temp"))
3414             {
3415             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3416                 {
3417                 tempIndex = 0;
3418                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER) | Expecting(LEFTPAR);
3419                 }
3420             else if (expecting == Expecting(LEFTPAR))
3421                 {
3422                 chainParams.userDefinedTemps = YES;
3423                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3424                 }
3425             else if (expecting == Expecting(RIGHTPAR))
3426                 {
3427                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting user-defined temperatures\n", spacer);
3428                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3429                 }
3430             else if (expecting == Expecting(COMMA))
3431                 {
3432                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3433                 }
3434             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3435                 {
3436                 if (chainParams.userDefinedTemps == NO)
3437                     {
3438                     sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
3439                     chainParams.chainTemp = tempD;
3440                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting heating parameter to %lf\n", spacer, chainParams.chainTemp);
3441                     expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3442                     }
3443                 else
3444                     {
3445                     if (tempIndex >= MAX_CHAINS)
3446                         {
3447                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Too many user-defined temperatures (%d maximum)\n", spacer, MAX_CHAINS);
3448                         free(tempStr);
3449                         return (ERROR);
3450                         }
3451                     sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
3452                     chainParams.userTemps[tempIndex++] = tempD;
3453                     expecting = Expecting(COMMA) | Expecting(RIGHTPAR);
3454                     }
3455                 }
3456             else
3457                 {
3458                 free(tempStr);
3459                 return (ERROR);
3460                 }
3461             }
3462         /* set Reweight (weightScheme) ********************************************************/
3463         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Reweight"))
3464             {
3465             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3466                 expecting = Expecting(LEFTPAR);
3467             else if (expecting == Expecting(LEFTPAR))
3468                 {
3469                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3470                 whichReweightNum = 0;
3471                 }
3472             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3473                 {
3474                 if (whichReweightNum < 0 || whichReweightNum > 2)
3475                     {
3476                     free(tempStr);
3477                     return (ERROR);
3478                     }
3479                 sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
3480                 chainParams.weightScheme[whichReweightNum] = tempD;
3481                 if (whichReweightNum < 2)
3482                     {
3483                     if (tempD < 0.0 || tempD > 100.0)
3484                         {
3485                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   The reweighting parameter must be between 0 and 100\n", spacer);
3486                         chainParams.weightScheme[0] = chainParams.weightScheme[1] = 0.0;
3487                         chainParams.weightScheme[2] = 1.0;
3488                         free(tempStr);
3489                         return (ERROR);
3490                         }
3491                     }
3492                 else
3493                     {
3494                     if (tempD <= 0.0 || tempD > 1.0)
3495                         {
3496                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   The reweighting increment must be between 0 and 1\n", spacer);
3497                         chainParams.weightScheme[0] = chainParams.weightScheme[1] = 0.0;
3498                         chainParams.weightScheme[2] = 1.0;
3499                         free(tempStr);
3500                         return (ERROR);
3501                         }
3502                     }
3503                 if (whichReweightNum == 0)
3504                     {
3505                     expecting = Expecting(COMMA);
3506                     }
3507                 else if (whichReweightNum == 1)
3508                     {
3509                     if (chainParams.weightScheme[0] + chainParams.weightScheme[1] > 100.0)
3510                         {
3511                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   The sum of the reweighting parameters cannot exceed 100 %%\n", spacer);
3512                         chainParams.weightScheme[0] = chainParams.weightScheme[1] = 0.0;
3513                         chainParams.weightScheme[2] = 1.0;
3514                         free(tempStr);
3515                         return (ERROR);
3516                         }
3517                     expecting = Expecting(COMMA) | Expecting(RIGHTPAR);
3518                     }
3519                 else
3520                     {
3521                     expecting = Expecting(RIGHTPAR);
3522                     }
3523                 whichReweightNum++;
3524                 }
3525             else if ((expecting & Expecting(COMMA)) == Expecting(COMMA))
3526                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3527             else if ((expecting & Expecting(RIGHTPAR)) == Expecting(RIGHTPAR))
3528                 {
3529                 if (chainParams.weightScheme[0] >= 100.0)
3530                     {
3531                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Cannot decrease weight of all characters\n", spacer);
3532                     chainParams.weightScheme[0] = chainParams.weightScheme[1] = 0.0;
3533                     chainParams.weightScheme[2] = 1.0;
3534                     free(tempStr);
3535                     return (ERROR);
3536                     }
3537                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting reweighting parameter to (%1.2lf v, %1.2lf ^) increment = %1.2lf\n",
3538                     spacer, chainParams.weightScheme[0], chainParams.weightScheme[1], chainParams.weightScheme[2]);
3539                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3540                 }
3541             else
3542                 {
3543                 free(tempStr);
3544                 return (ERROR);
3545                 }
3546             }
3547         /* set Filename (chainFileName) *******************************************************/
3548         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Filename"))
3549             {
3550             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3551                 {
3552                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3553                 readWord = YES;
3554                 }
3555             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3556                 {
3557                 sscanf (tkn, "%s", tempStr);
3558                 if (strlen(tempStr)>99)
3559                     {
3560                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Maximum allowed length of chain file name is 99 characters. The given name:\n", spacer);
3561                     MrBayesPrint ("%s      '%s'\n", spacer,tempStr);
3562                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   has %d characters.\n", spacer,strlen(tempStr));
3563                     return (ERROR);
3564                     }
3565                 strcpy (chainParams.chainFileName, tempStr);
3566                 fileNameChanged = YES;
3567                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3568                 }
3569             else
3570                 {
3571                 free(tempStr);
3572                 return (ERROR);
3573                 }
3574             }
3575         /* set Relburnin (relativeBurnin) ********************************************************/
3576         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Relburnin"))
3577             {
3578             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3579                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3580             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3581                 {
3582                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3583                     {
3584                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3585                         chainParams.relativeBurnin = YES;
3586                     else
3587                         chainParams.relativeBurnin = NO;
3588                     }
3589                 else
3590                     {
3591                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Relburnin\n", spacer);
3592                     free(tempStr);
3593                     return (ERROR);
3594                     }
3595                 if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
3596                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using relative burnin (a fraction of samples discarded).\n", spacer);
3597                 else
3598                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using absolute burnin (a fixed number of samples discarded).\n", spacer);
3599                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3600                 }
3601             else
3602                 {
3603                 free (tempStr);
3604                 return (ERROR);
3605                 }
3606             }
3607         /* set Burnin (chainBurnIn) ***********************************************************/
3608         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Burnin"))
3609             {
3610             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3611                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3612             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3613                 {
3614                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3615                 chainParams.chainBurnIn = tempI;
3616                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting chain burn-in to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.chainBurnIn);
3617                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3618                 }
3619             else
3620                 {
3621                 free(tempStr);
3622                 return (ERROR);
3623                 }
3624             }
3625         /* set Burninfrac (burninFraction) ************************************************************/
3626         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Burninfrac"))
3627             {
3628             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3629                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3630             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3631                 {
3632                 sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
3633                 if (tempD < 0.01)
3634                     {
3635                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Burnin fraction too low (< 0.01)\n", spacer);
3636                     free(tempStr);
3637                     return (ERROR);
3638                     }
3639                 if (tempD > 0.50)
3640                     {
3641                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Burnin fraction too high (> 0.50)\n", spacer);
3642                     free(tempStr);
3643                     return (ERROR);
3644                     }
3645                 chainParams.burninFraction = tempD;
3646                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting burnin fraction to %.2f\n", spacer, chainParams.burninFraction);
3647                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3648                 }
3649             else
3650                 {
3651                 free(tempStr);
3652                 return (ERROR);
3653                 }
3654             }
3655         /* set Stoprule (stopRule) ********************************************************/
3656         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Stoprule"))
3657             {
3658             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3659                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3660             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3661                 {
3662                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3663                     {
3664                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3665                         chainParams.stopRule = YES;
3666                     else
3667                         chainParams.stopRule = NO;
3668                     }
3669                 else
3670                     {
3671                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Stoprule\n", spacer);
3672                     free(tempStr);
3673                     return (ERROR);
3674                     }
3675                 if (chainParams.stopRule == YES)
3676                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using stopping rule.\n", spacer);
3677                 else
3678                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Not using stopping rule.\n", spacer);
3679                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3680                 }
3681             else
3682                 {
3683                 free(tempStr);
3684                 return (ERROR);
3685                 }
3686             }
3687         /* set Stopval (stopVal) ************************************************************/
3688         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Stopval"))
3689             {
3690             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3691                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3692             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3693                 {
3694                 sscanf (tkn, "%lf", &tempD);
3695                 if (tempD < 0.000001)
3696                     {
3697                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Stop value too low (< 0.000001)\n", spacer);
3698                     free(tempStr);
3699                     return (ERROR);
3700                     }
3701                 if (tempD > 0.20)
3702                     {
3703                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Stop value too high (> 0.20)\n", spacer);
3704                     free(tempStr);
3705                     return (ERROR);
3706                     }
3707                 chainParams.stopVal = tempD;
3708                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting burnin fraction to %.2f\n", spacer, chainParams.burninFraction);
3709                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3710                 }
3711             else
3712                 {
3713                 free(tempStr);
3714                 return (ERROR);
3715                 }
3716             }
3717         /* set Starttree (startTree) **************************************************/
3718         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Starttree"))
3719             {
3720             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3721                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3722             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3723                 {
3724                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3725                     {
3726                     if (!strcmp(tempStr,"User"))
3727                         {
3728                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   The 'user' setting of 'Starttree' is deprecated. Set starting trees using 'Startvals' instead.\n", spacer);
3729                         free (tempStr);
3730                         return (ERROR);
3731                         }
3732                     else
3733                         strcpy(chainParams.startTree, tempStr);
3734                     }
3735                 else
3736                     {
3737                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid 'Starttree' argument '%s'. This is a bug -- please report.\n", spacer, tempStr);
3738                     free(tempStr);
3739                     return (ERROR);
3740                     }
3741                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting 'Starttree' to \"%s\"\n", spacer, chainParams.startTree);
3742                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3743                 }
3744             else
3745                 {
3746                 free(tempStr);
3747                 return (ERROR);
3748                 }
3749             }
3750         /* set Startingtrees (deprecated) **************************************************/
3751         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Startingtrees"))
3752             {
3753             free (tempStr);
3754             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Parameter 'Startingtrees' is deprecated. Use the 'Starttree' parameter or the 'Startvals' command instead.\n", spacer);
3755             return (ERROR);
3756             }
3757         /* set Nperts (numStartPerts) *********************************************************/
3758         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Nperts"))
3759             {
3760             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3761                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3762             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3763                 {
3764                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3765                 chainParams.numStartPerts = tempI;
3766                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting number of perturbations to start tree to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numStartPerts);
3767                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3768                 }
3769             else
3770                 {
3771                 free(tempStr);
3772                 return (ERROR);
3773                 }
3774             }
3775         /* set Startparams (startParams) **************************************************/
3776         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Startparams"))
3777             {
3778             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3779                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3780             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3781                 {
3782                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3783                     strcpy(chainParams.startParams, tempStr);
3784                 else
3785                     {
3786                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid 'Startparams' argument\n", spacer);
3787                     free(tempStr);
3788                     return (ERROR);
3789                     }
3790                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting 'Startparams' to \"%s\"\n", spacer, chainParams.startParams);
3791                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3792                 }
3793             else
3794                 {
3795                 free(tempStr);
3796                 return (ERROR);
3797                 }
3798             }
3799         /* set Savebrlens (saveBrlens) ********************************************************/
3800         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Savebrlens"))
3801             {
3802             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3803                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3804             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3805                 {
3806                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3807                     {
3808                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3809                         ; /* This is the only option in version 3.2 */
3810                     else
3811                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Ignoring savebrlens setting; since version 3.2, branch lengths are always saved\n", spacer);
3812                     }
3813                 else
3814                     {
3815                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for savebrlens\n", spacer);
3816                     free(tempStr);
3817                     return (ERROR);
3818                     }
3819                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3820                 }
3821             }
3822         /* set Redirect (redirect) ********************************************************/
3823         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Redirect"))
3824             {
3825             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3826                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3827             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3828                 {
3829                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3830                     {
3831                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3832                         chainParams.redirect = YES;
3833                     else
3834                         chainParams.redirect = NO;
3835                     }
3836                 else
3837                     {
3838                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for redirecting output\n", spacer);
3839                     free(tempStr);
3840                     return (ERROR);
3841                     }
3842                 if (chainParams.redirect == YES)
3843                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting program to redirect output\n", spacer);
3844                 else
3845                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting program not to redirect output\n", spacer);
3846                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3847                 }
3848             else
3849                 {
3850                 free(tempStr);
3851                 return (ERROR);
3852                 }
3853             }
3854         /* set Data (runWithData) ************************************************************/
3855         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Data"))
3856             {
3857             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3858                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3859             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3860                 {
3861                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3862                     {
3863                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3864                         chainParams.runWithData = YES;
3865                     else
3866                         chainParams.runWithData = NO;
3867                     }
3868                 else
3869                     {
3870                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Data\n", spacer);
3871                     free(tempStr);
3872                     return (ERROR);
3873                     }
3874                 if (chainParams.runWithData == NO)
3875                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Running without data (WARNING: use this only for checking priors!)\n", spacer);
3876                 else
3877                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Running with data (standard analysis)\n", spacer);
3878                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3879                 }
3880             else
3881                 {
3882                 free(tempStr);
3883                 return (ERROR);
3884                 }
3885             }
3886         /* set Ordertaxa (chainParams.orderTaxa) *********************************************/
3887         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Ordertaxa"))
3888             {
3889             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3890                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3891             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3892                 {
3893                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3894                     {
3895                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3896                         chainParams.orderTaxa = YES;
3897                     else
3898                         chainParams.orderTaxa = NO;
3899                     }
3900                 else
3901                     {
3902                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for ordertaxa\n", spacer);
3903                     free(tempStr);
3904                     return (ERROR);
3905                     }
3906                 if (chainParams.orderTaxa == YES)
3907                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting ordertaxa to yes\n", spacer);
3908                 else
3909                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting ordertaxa to no\n", spacer);
3910                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3911                 }
3912             else
3913                 {
3914                 free(tempStr);
3915                 return (ERROR);
3916                 }
3917             }
3918         /* set Append (chainParams.append) *********************************************/
3919         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Append"))
3920             {
3921             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3922                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3923             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3924                 {
3925                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3926                     {
3927                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3928                         chainParams.append = YES;
3929                     else
3930                         chainParams.append = NO;
3931                     }
3932                 else
3933                     {
3934                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for append\n", spacer);
3935                     free(tempStr);
3936                     return (ERROR);
3937                     }
3938                 if (chainParams.append == YES)
3939                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting append to yes\n", spacer);
3940                 else
3941                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting append to no\n", spacer);
3942                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3943                 }
3944             else
3945                 {
3946                 free(tempStr);
3947                 return (ERROR);
3948                 }
3949             }
3950         /* set Autotune (chainParams.autotune) *********************************************/
3951         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Autotune"))
3952             {
3953             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3954                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
3955             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
3956                 {
3957                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
3958                     {
3959                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
3960                         chainParams.autotune = YES;
3961                     else
3962                         chainParams.autotune = NO;
3963                     }
3964                 else
3965                     {
3966                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Autotune\n", spacer);
3967                     free(tempStr);
3968                     return (ERROR);
3969                     }
3970                 if (chainParams.autotune == YES)
3971                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting Autotune to yes\n", spacer);
3972                 else
3973                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting Autotune to no\n", spacer);
3974                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3975                 }
3976             else
3977                 {
3978                 free(tempStr);
3979                 return (ERROR);
3980                 }
3981             }
3982         /* set Tunefreq (tuneFreq) ************************************************************/
3983         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Tunefreq"))
3984             {
3985             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
3986                 expecting = Expecting(NUMBER);
3987             else if (expecting == Expecting(NUMBER))
3988                 {
3989                 sscanf (tkn, "%d", &tempI);
3990                 if (tempI < 10)
3991                     {
3992                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Autotuning frequency must be at least 10\n", spacer);
3993                     free(tempStr);
3994                     return (ERROR);
3995                     }
3996                 chainParams.tuneFreq = tempI;
3997                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting autotuning frequency to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.tuneFreq);
3998                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
3999                 }
4000             else
4001                 {
4002                 free(tempStr);
4003                 return (ERROR);
4004                 }
4005             }
4006         /* set Swapadjacent (swapAdjacentOnly) **************************************************/
4007         else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Swapadjacent"))
4008             {
4009             if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
4010                 expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
4011             else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
4012                 {
4013                 if (IsArgValid(tkn, tempStr) == NO_ERROR)
4014                     {
4015                     if (!strcmp(tempStr, "Yes"))
4016                         chainParams.swapAdjacentOnly = YES;
4017                     else
4018                         chainParams.swapAdjacentOnly = NO;
4019                     }
4020                 else
4021                     {
4022                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Invalid argument for Swapadjacent\n", spacer);
4023                     free(tempStr);
4024                     return (ERROR);
4025                     }
4026                 if (chainParams.swapAdjacentOnly == YES)
4027                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting program to attempt swaps only between chains of adjacent temperatures\n", spacer);
4028                 else
4029                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting program to attempt all possible swaps between chains\n", spacer);
4030                 expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
4031                 }
4032             else
4033                 {
4034                 free(tempStr);
4035                 return (ERROR);
4036                 }
4037             }
4038         else
4039             {
4040             free(tempStr);
4041             return (ERROR);
4042             }
4043         }
4044     free(tempStr);
4045     return (NO_ERROR);
4046 }
DoSs(void)4049 int DoSs (void)
4050 {
4051     int ret, oldBurnin;
4053     if (chainParams.numGen/chainParams.sampleFreq <= chainParams.burninSS)
4054         {/*Do not change print out to generations vs samples because of danger of overflow*/
4055         MrBayesPrint ("%s      ERROR: Burnin %d samples is too large compared with requested total %d samples (%d generations).\n", spacer ,chainParams.burninSS, chainParams.numGen/chainParams.sampleFreq, chainParams.numGen);
4056         return ERROR;
4057         }
4059     oldBurnin = chainParams.burninSS;;
4060     stepRelativeBurninSS = chainParams.relativeBurnin;
4062     chainParams.relativeBurnin = YES;
4064     if (chainParams.burninSS < 0)
4065         chainParams.burninSS =  chainParams.numGen / ((chainParams.numStepsSS-chainParams.burninSS)*chainParams.sampleFreq);
4066     chainParams.isSS = YES;
4068     ret=DoMcmc();
4070     chainParams.isSS = NO;
4071     chainParams.burninSS = oldBurnin;
4072     chainParams.relativeBurnin = stepRelativeBurninSS;
4074     return ret;
4075 }
DoSsp(void)4078 int DoSsp (void)
4079 {
4080     return NO_ERROR;
4081 }
ExhaustiveParsimonySearch(Tree * t,int chain,TreeInfo * tInfo)4084 int ExhaustiveParsimonySearch (Tree *t, int chain, TreeInfo *tInfo)
4085 {
4086     int         i, j, k;
4087     TreeNode    *p;
4089     for (i=j=k=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4090         {
4091         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4092         if (p->left == NULL || p->right == NULL)
4093             tInfo->leaf[j++] = p;
4094         else
4095             tInfo->vertex[k++] = p;
4096         }
4098     tInfo->leaf[0]->anc = tInfo->leaf[1]->anc = tInfo->vertex[0];
4099     tInfo->vertex[0]->left = tInfo->leaf[0];
4100     tInfo->vertex[0]->right = tInfo->leaf[1];
4101     tInfo->leaf[t->nIntNodes+1]->left = tInfo->vertex[0];
4102     tInfo->vertex[0]->anc = tInfo->leaf[t->nIntNodes+1];
4104     BuildExhaustiveSearchTree (t, chain, 2, tInfo);
4106     return (NO_ERROR);
4107 }
ExtendChainQuery()4110 int ExtendChainQuery ()
4111 {
4112     int             extendChain, additionalCycles;
4113     char            s[100];
4115 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
4116     if (proc_id == 0)
4117         {
4118         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
4119         extendChain = WantTo ("Continue with analysis");
4120         }
4121     MPI_Bcast (&extendChain, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
4122     if (extendChain == YES)
4123         {
4124         if (proc_id == 0)
4125             {
4126             additionalCycles = 0;
4127             do
4128                 {
4129                 if (additionalCycles < 0)
4130                     MrBayesPrint ("%s      Number must be greater than or equal to 0: ", spacer);
4131                 else
4132                     MrBayesPrint ("%s      Additional number of generations: ", spacer);
4134                 if (fgets (s, 100, stdin) == NULL)
4135                     {
4136                     printf ("Error in function: %s at line: %d in file: %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__);
4137                     }
4138                 sscanf (s, "%d", &additionalCycles);
4140                 } while (additionalCycles < 0);
4141             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
4142             }
4143         MPI_Bcast (&additionalCycles, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
4145         return (additionalCycles);
4146         }
4147     else
4148         return (0);
4149 #   else
4150     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
4151     extendChain = WantTo ("Continue with analysis");
4153     if (extendChain == YES)
4154         {
4155         additionalCycles = 0;
4156         do
4157             {
4158             if (additionalCycles < 0)
4159                 MrBayesPrint ("%s      Number must be greater than or equal to 0: ", spacer);
4160             else
4161                 MrBayesPrint ("%s      Additional number of generations: ", spacer);
4163             if (fgets (s, 20, stdin) == NULL)
4164                 {
4165                 printf ("Error in function: %s at line: %d in file: %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__);
4166                 }
4167             sscanf (s, "%d", &additionalCycles);
4169             } while (additionalCycles < 0);
4170         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
4171         return (additionalCycles);
4172         }
4173     else
4174         return (0);
4175 #   endif
4177 }
FillNumSitesOfPat(void)4180 int FillNumSitesOfPat (void)
4181 {
4182     int         i, j, n, *increased, *decreased, nToDecrease, nToIncrease, whichToChange;
4183     MrBFlt      ran, sum;
4184     CLFlt       wtIncrement;
4186     wtIncrement = (CLFlt) chainParams.weightScheme[2];
4187     increased = decreased = NULL;
4189     /* reallocate numSitesOfPat */
4190     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_NUMSITESOFPAT] == NO)
4191         {
4192         MrBayesPrint ("%s   numSitesOfPat is not allocated\n", spacer);
4193         goto errorExit;
4194         }
4195     memAllocs[ALLOC_NUMSITESOFPAT] = NO;
4196     numSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeRealloc((void *) numSitesOfPat, numCompressedChars * chainParams.numChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
4197     if (!numSitesOfPat)
4198         {
4199         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem reallocating numSitesOfPat (%d)\n", spacer, numCompressedChars * chainParams.numChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
4200         goto errorExit;
4201         }
4202     memAllocs[ALLOC_NUMSITESOFPAT] = YES;
4204     /* copy first numCompressedChars into the remaining bits */
4205     if (chainParams.numChains > 1)
4206         {
4207         for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
4208             {
4209             for (j=1; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
4210                 {
4211                 numSitesOfPat[j * numCompressedChars + i] = numSitesOfPat[i];
4212                 }
4213             }
4214         }
4216     /* reweight characters for each chain */
4217     if (chainParams.numChains > 1)
4218         {
4219         if (chainParams.weightScheme[0] + chainParams.weightScheme[1] > 0.0001)
4220             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Reweighting of characters for chains 1 to %d\n", spacer, chainParams.numChains);
4222         /* check that we don't have an HMM */
4223         if (chainHasAdgamma == YES && chainParams.weightScheme[0] + chainParams.weightScheme[1] > 0.0001)
4224             {
4225             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Reweighting of characters is not allowed with an autocorrelated gamma model\n", spacer);
4226             goto errorExit;
4227             }
4229         /* how many characters */
4230         n = 0;
4231         for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
4232             n += (int)numSitesOfPat[0 * numCompressedChars + i];
4233         nToDecrease = (int)(n * chainParams.weightScheme[0] / 100.0);
4234         nToIncrease = (int)(n * chainParams.weightScheme[1] / 100.0);
4235         if (chainParams.weightScheme[0] + chainParams.weightScheme[1] > 0.0001)
4236             {
4237             MrBayesPrint ("%s      Decreasing weight of %d characters\n", spacer, nToDecrease);
4238             MrBayesPrint ("%s      Increasing weight of %d characters\n", spacer, nToIncrease);
4239             }
4241         /* allocate memory */
4242         increased = (int *)SafeMalloc(2 * (size_t)numCompressedChars * sizeof(int));
4243         if (!increased)
4244             {
4245             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem reallocating increased (%d)\n", spacer, numCompressedChars * chainParams.numChains * sizeof(int));
4246             goto errorExit;
4247             }
4248         decreased = increased + numCompressedChars;
4250         /* reweight characters for each chain */
4251         for (j=1; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
4252             {
4253             for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
4254                 increased[i] = decreased[i] = 0;
4256             /* decrease weight of characters */
4257             for (i=0; i<nToDecrease; i++)
4258                 {
4259                 do
4260                     {
4261                     ran = RandomNumber(&swapSeed);
4262                     sum = 0.0;
4263                     for (whichToChange=0; whichToChange<numCompressedChars; whichToChange++)
4264                         {
4265                         sum += numSitesOfPat[0 * numCompressedChars + whichToChange] / n;
4266                         if (ran < sum)
4267                             break;
4268                         }
4269                     if (whichToChange < 0 || whichToChange >= numCompressedChars)
4270                         continue;
4271                     } while (decreased[whichToChange] >= numSitesOfPat[0 * numCompressedChars + whichToChange]);
4272                 decreased[whichToChange]++;
4273                 numSitesOfPat[j * numCompressedChars + whichToChange] -= wtIncrement;
4274                 if (numSitesOfPat[j * numCompressedChars + whichToChange] < 0)
4275                     {
4276                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem reweighting characters\n", spacer);
4277                     goto errorExit;
4278                     }
4279                 }
4281             /* increase weight of characters */
4282             for (i=0; i<nToDecrease; i++)
4283                 {
4284                 do
4285                     {
4286                     ran = RandomNumber(&swapSeed);
4287                     sum = 0.0;
4288                     for (whichToChange=0; whichToChange<numCompressedChars; whichToChange++)
4289                         {
4290                         sum += numSitesOfPat[0 * numCompressedChars + whichToChange] / n;
4291                         if (ran < sum)
4292                             break;
4293                         }
4294                     if (whichToChange < 0 || whichToChange >= numCompressedChars)
4295                         continue;
4296                     } while ((increased[whichToChange] + decreased[whichToChange]) >= numSitesOfPat[0 * numCompressedChars + whichToChange]);
4297                 increased[whichToChange]++;
4298                 numSitesOfPat[j * numCompressedChars + whichToChange] += wtIncrement;
4299                 if (numSitesOfPat[j * numCompressedChars + whichToChange] < 0)
4300                     {
4301                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem reweighting characters\n", spacer);
4302                     goto errorExit;
4303                     }
4304                 }
4306             }
4308         /* free allocated memory */
4309         free (increased);
4310         }
4312 #   if 0
4313     /* print site patterns for each chain */
4314     for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
4315         {
4316         MrBayesPrint ("%4d -- ", i);
4317         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
4318             {
4319             MrBayesPrint ("%4.1lf ", numSitesOfPat[j * numCompressedChars + i]);
4320             }
4321         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
4322         }
4323 #   endif
4325     return (NO_ERROR);
4327     errorExit:
4328         if (increased)
4329             free (increased);
4330         return (ERROR);
4331 }
4334 /* FindBestNode: Recursive function for finding best attachment point */
FindBestNode(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,TreeNode * addNode,CLFlt * minLength,int chain)4335 TreeNode *FindBestNode (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, TreeNode *addNode, CLFlt *minLength, int chain) {
4337     int         c, n, division;
4338     TreeNode    *q=NULL, *r=NULL;
4339     BitsLong    *pA, *pP, *pX;
4340     CLFlt       *nSitesOfPat, fpLength, length;
4341     ModelInfo   *m;
4343     /* Calculate length, looping over divisions */
4344     fpLength = 0;
4345     for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
4346         {
4347         division = t->relParts[n];
4349         /* Find model settings */
4350         m = &modelSettings[division];
4352         /* Find number of site patterns */
4353         nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((1 % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
4355         /* Find final-pass parsimony sets for the node and its ancestor */
4356         pP    = m->parsSets[p->index      ];
4357         pA    = m->parsSets[p->anc->index ];
4358         pX    = m->parsSets[addNode->index];
4360         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
4361             {
4362             if (((pP[c] | pA[c])&pX[c]) == 0)
4363                 fpLength += nSitesOfPat[c];
4364             }
4365         }
4367     /* If tip, this is the best node and its length is the min length */
4368     if (p->left == NULL)
4369         {
4370         *minLength = fpLength;
4371         return p;
4372         }
4374     /* Find best node and min length above this node */
4375     if (p->left != NULL) {
4376         q = FindBestNode(t, p->left,  addNode, minLength, chain);
4377         r = FindBestNode(t, p->right, addNode, &length,   chain);
4378         if (length < *minLength) {
4379             *minLength = length;
4380             q = r;
4381         }
4382     }
4384     /* Return best node and min length */
4385     if (*minLength < fpLength)
4386         return q;
4387     else /* This node is the best */
4388         {
4389         *minLength = fpLength;
4390         return p;
4391         }
4392 }
4395 /* FlipCijkSpace: Flip space for cijks with scratch area */
FlipCijkSpace(ModelInfo * m,int chain)4396 void FlipCijkSpace (ModelInfo* m, int chain)
4397 {
4398     int         temp;
4400     temp                = m->cijkIndex[chain];
4401     m->cijkIndex[chain] = m->cijkScratchIndex;
4402     m->cijkScratchIndex = temp;
4403 }
4406 /* FlipCondLikeSpace: Flip space for conditional likelihoods with scratch area */
FlipCondLikeSpace(ModelInfo * m,int chain,int nodeIndex)4407 void FlipCondLikeSpace (ModelInfo* m, int chain, int nodeIndex)
4408 {
4409     int         temp;
4411     temp                               = m->condLikeIndex[chain][nodeIndex];
4412     m->condLikeIndex[chain][nodeIndex] = m->condLikeScratchIndex[nodeIndex];
4413     m->condLikeScratchIndex[nodeIndex] = temp;
4414 }
4417 /* FlipNodeScalerSpace: Flip space for node scalers and scaler flag with scratch area */
FlipNodeScalerSpace(ModelInfo * m,int chain,int nodeIndex)4418 void FlipNodeScalerSpace (ModelInfo* m, int chain, int nodeIndex)
4419 {
4420     int         temp;
4422     temp                                 = m->nodeScalerIndex[chain][nodeIndex];
4423     m->nodeScalerIndex[chain][nodeIndex] = m->nodeScalerScratchIndex[nodeIndex];
4424     m->nodeScalerScratchIndex[nodeIndex] = temp;
4426     temp                                 = m->unscaledNodes[chain][nodeIndex];
4427     m->unscaledNodes[chain][nodeIndex]   = m->unscaledNodesScratch[nodeIndex];
4428     m->unscaledNodesScratch[nodeIndex]   = temp;
4429 }
4432 /* FlipSiteScalerSpace: Flip space for ln site scalers */
FlipSiteScalerSpace(ModelInfo * m,int chain)4433 void FlipSiteScalerSpace (ModelInfo *m, int chain)
4434 {
4435     int  temp;
4437 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
4438     int *tempp;
4439 #   endif
4441     temp = m->siteScalerIndex[chain];
4442     m->siteScalerIndex[chain] = m->siteScalerScratchIndex;
4443     m->siteScalerScratchIndex = temp;
4445 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
4446     if (m->useBeagle == YES)
4447         {
4448         tempp = m->isScalerNode[chain];
4449         m->isScalerNode[chain] = m->isScalerNodeScratch ;
4450         m->isScalerNodeScratch = tempp;
4451         }
4452 #   endif
4453 }
4456 /* FlipTiProbsSpace: Flip space for ti probs with scratch area */
FlipTiProbsSpace(ModelInfo * m,int chain,int nodeIndex)4457 void FlipTiProbsSpace (ModelInfo* m, int chain, int nodeIndex)
4458 {
4459     int         temp;
4461     temp                              = m->tiProbsIndex[chain][nodeIndex];
4462     m->tiProbsIndex[chain][nodeIndex] = m->tiProbsScratchIndex[nodeIndex];
4463     m->tiProbsScratchIndex[nodeIndex] = temp;
4464 }
FreeChainMemory(void)4467 void FreeChainMemory (void)
4468 {
4469     int         i, j, k, nRates;
4470     ModelInfo   *m;
4472     /* free model variables for Gibbs gamma */
4473     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
4474         {
4475         if (modelSettings[i].gibbsGamma == YES)
4476             {
4477             if (modelSettings[i].pInvar != NULL)
4478                 nRates = modelSettings[i].numRateCats + 1;
4479             else
4480                 nRates = modelSettings[i].numRateCats;
4481             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
4482                 {
4483                 for (k=0; k<nRates; k++)
4484                     {
4485                     free(modelSettings[i].catLnScaler[j][k]);
4486                     free(modelSettings[i].catLike[j][k]);
4487                     }
4488                 free (modelSettings[i].catLnScaler[j]);
4489                 free (modelSettings[i].catLike[j]);
4490                 }
4491             free (modelSettings[i].tiIndex);
4492             free (modelSettings[i].catLike);
4493             free (modelSettings[i].catLnScaler);
4494             }
4495         }
4497     /* free parsimony sets and node lens */
4498     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
4499         {
4500         m = &modelSettings[i];
4501         if (m->parsSets)
4502             {
4503             for (j=0; j<m->numParsSets; j++)
4504                 free (m->parsSets[j]);
4505             free (m->parsSets);
4506             m->parsSets = NULL;
4507             }
4508         if (m->parsNodeLens)
4509             {
4510             free(m->parsNodeLens);
4511             m->parsNodeLens = NULL;
4512             }
4513         }
4515     /* free model variables for conditional likelihoods */
4516     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
4517         {
4518         m = &modelSettings[i];
4519         if (m->condLikes)
4520             {
4521             for (j=0; j<m->numCondLikes; j++)
4522                 {
4523 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
4524                 if (m->useVec != NO)
4525                     ALIGNEDSAFEFREE (m->condLikes[j]);
4526                 else
4527                     free (m->condLikes[j]);
4528 #   else
4529                 free (m->condLikes[j]);
4530 #   endif
4531                 }
4532             free (m->condLikes);
4533             m->condLikes = NULL;
4534             }
4536         if (m->scalers)
4537             {
4538             for (j=0; j<m->numScalers; j++)
4539 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
4540             if (m->useVec != VEC_NONE)
4541                 ALIGNEDSAFEFREE (m->scalers[j]);
4542             else
4543                 free (m->scalers[j]);
4544 #   else
4545                 free (m->scalers[j]);
4547 #   endif
4548             free (m->scalers);
4549             m->scalers = NULL;
4550             }
4552         if (m->clP)
4553             {
4554             free (m->clP);
4555             m->clP = NULL;
4556             }
4557 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
4558         if (m->useVec != VEC_NONE)
4559             {
4560             if (m->clP_SSE)
4561                 {
4562                 free (m->clP_SSE);
4563                 m->clP_SSE = NULL;
4564                 }
4565 #if defined (AVX_ENABLED)
4566             if (m->clP_AVX)
4567                 {
4568                 free (m->clP_AVX);
4569                 m->clP_AVX = NULL;
4570                 }
4571 #endif
4572             if (m->lnL_Vec)
4573                 ALIGNEDSAFEFREE (m->lnL_Vec);
4574             if (m->lnLI_Vec)
4575                 ALIGNEDSAFEFREE (m->lnLI_Vec);
4576             }
4577 #   endif
4579         if (m->tiProbs)
4580             {
4581             for (j=0; j<m->numTiProbs; j++)
4582                 free (m->tiProbs[j]);
4583             free (m->tiProbs);
4584             m->tiProbs = NULL;
4585             }
4587         if (m->cijks)
4588             {
4589             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains+1; j++)
4590                 free (m->cijks[j]);
4591             free (m->cijks);
4592             m->cijks = NULL;
4593             }
4595         if (m->condLikeIndex)
4596             {
4597             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
4598                 free (m->condLikeIndex[j]);
4599             free (m->condLikeIndex);
4600             m->condLikeIndex = NULL;
4601             }
4603         if (m->condLikeScratchIndex)
4604             {
4605             free (m->condLikeScratchIndex);
4606             m->condLikeScratchIndex=NULL;
4607             }
4609         if (m->tiProbsIndex)
4610             {
4611             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
4612                 free (m->tiProbsIndex[j]);
4613             free (m->tiProbsIndex);
4614             m->tiProbsIndex = NULL;
4615             }
4616         if (m->tiProbsScratchIndex)
4617             {
4618             free (m->tiProbsScratchIndex);
4619             m->tiProbsScratchIndex = NULL;
4620             }
4621         if (m->nodeScalerIndex)
4622             {
4623             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
4624                 free (m->nodeScalerIndex[j]);
4625             free (m->nodeScalerIndex);
4626             m->nodeScalerIndex = NULL;
4627             }
4628         if (m->nodeScalerScratchIndex)
4629             {
4630             free (m->nodeScalerScratchIndex);
4631             m->nodeScalerScratchIndex = NULL;
4632             }
4633         if (m->unscaledNodes)
4634             {
4635             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
4636                 free (m->unscaledNodes[j]);
4637             free (m->unscaledNodes);
4638             m->unscaledNodes = NULL;
4639             }
4640         if (m->unscaledNodesScratch)
4641             {
4642             free (m->unscaledNodesScratch);
4643             m->unscaledNodesScratch = NULL;
4644             }
4645         if (m->siteScalerIndex)
4646             {
4647             free (m->siteScalerIndex);
4648             m->siteScalerIndex = NULL;
4649             }
4650         if (m->cijkIndex)
4651             {
4652             free (m->cijkIndex);
4653             m->cijkIndex = NULL;
4654             }
4655         if (m->ancStateCondLikes)
4656             {
4657             free (m->ancStateCondLikes);
4658             m->ancStateCondLikes = NULL;
4659             }
4661 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
4662         if (m->useBeagle == NO)
4663             continue;
4665         if (!(m->useBeagleMultiPartitions == YES && m->divisionIndex > 0)) {
4666             beagleFinalizeInstance(m->beagleInstance);
4667             m->beagleInstance = -99; // TODO: allow consecutive 'mcmc' runs using BEAGLE
4668         }
4669         SAFEFREE(m->logLikelihoods);
4670         SAFEFREE(m->inRates);
4671         SAFEFREE(m->branchLengths);
4672         SAFEFREE(m->tiProbIndices);
4673         SAFEFREE(m->inWeights);
4674         SAFEFREE(m->bufferIndices);
4675         SAFEFREE(m->eigenIndices);
4676         SAFEFREE(m->childBufferIndices);
4677         SAFEFREE(m->childTiProbIndices);
4678         SAFEFREE(m->cumulativeScaleIndices);
4680         m->isScalerNodeScratch += numLocalTaxa;
4681         SAFEFREE(m->isScalerNodeScratch);
4682         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
4683             {
4684             m->isScalerNode[j] += numLocalTaxa;
4685             SAFEFREE(m->isScalerNode[j]);
4686             }
4687         SAFEFREE(m->isScalerNode);
4689         SAFEFREE(m->beagleComputeCount);
4690         SAFEFREE(m->successCount);
4691         SAFEFREE(m->rescaleFreq);
4692         SAFEFREE(m->operations);
4693         SAFEFREE(m->scaleFactorsOps);
4694 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
4695         if (m->useBeagleMultiPartitions == YES)
4696             {
4697             if (m->divisionIndex == 0)
4698                 {
4699                 SAFEFREE(m->logLikelihoodsAll);
4700                 SAFEFREE(m->cijkIndicesAll);
4701                 SAFEFREE(m->categoryRateIndicesAll);
4702                 SAFEFREE(m->operationsAll);
4703                 }
4704             SAFEFREE(m->operationsByPartition);
4705             }
4706 #   endif /* BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED */
4707 #   endif /* BEAGLE_ENABLED */
4708         }
4710     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNL] == YES) /*alloc in RunChain()*/
4711         {
4712         free (maxLnL0);
4713         free (curLnL);
4714         memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNL] = NO;
4715         }
4716     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_SS] == YES) /*alloc in mcmc()*/
4717         {
4718         free (marginalLnLSS);
4719         free (stepScalerSS);
4720         free (stepAcumulatorSS);
4721         free (splitfreqSS);
4722         memAllocs[ALLOC_SS] = NO;
4723         }
4724     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNPR] == YES) /*alloc in RunChain()*/
4725         {
4726         free (curLnPr);
4727         memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNPR] = NO;
4728         }
4729     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CHAINID] == YES) /*alloc in RunChain()*/
4730         {
4731         free (chainId);
4732         memAllocs[ALLOC_CHAINID] = NO;
4733         }
4734     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_USEDMOVES] == YES) /*alloc in setUsedMoves()*/
4735         {
4736         free (usedMoves);
4737         memAllocs[ALLOC_USEDMOVES] = NO;
4738         }
4739     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TERMSTATE] == YES) /*alloc in SetUpTermState()*/
4740         {
4741         free (termState);
4742         termState = NULL;
4743         memAllocs[ALLOC_TERMSTATE] = NO;
4744         }
4745     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_ISPARTAMBIG] == YES) /*alloc in SetUpTermState()*/
4746         {
4747         free (isPartAmbig);
4748         isPartAmbig = NULL;
4749         memAllocs[ALLOC_ISPARTAMBIG] = NO;
4750         }
4751     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_PRELIKES] == YES) /*alloc in InitCondLike()*/
4752         {
4753         free (preLikeL);
4754         preLikeL = NULL;
4755         memAllocs[ALLOC_PRELIKES] = NO;
4756         }
4757     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_RATEPROBS] == YES) /*alloc in InitAdGamma() */
4758         {
4759         free (rateProbSpace);
4760         free (rateProbs);
4761         rateProbs = NULL;
4762         memAllocs[ALLOC_RATEPROBS] = NO;
4763         }
4764     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_SITEJUMP] == YES) /*alloc in InitAdGamma() */
4765         {
4766         free (siteJump);
4767         siteJump = NULL;
4768         memAllocs[ALLOC_SITEJUMP] = NO;
4769         }
4770     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_MARKOVTIS] == YES)  /*alloc in InitAdGamma() */
4771         {
4772         for (i=0; i<MAX_SMALL_JUMP; i++)
4773             if (markovTi[i] != NULL)
4774                 FreeSquareDoubleMatrix(markovTi[i]);
4775         FreeSquareDoubleMatrix(markovTiN);
4776         memAllocs[ALLOC_MARKOVTIS] = NO;
4777         }
4778     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_SWAPINFO] == YES) /*alloc in RunChain()*/
4779         {
4780         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
4781             FreeSquareIntegerMatrix(swapInfo[i]);
4782         free (swapInfo);
4783         memAllocs[ALLOC_SWAPINFO] = NO;
4784         }
4785     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] == YES) /*alloc in PrintStates() <- RunChain()*/
4786         {
4787         free (posSelProbs);
4788         memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] = NO;
4789         }
4790     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_PFCOUNTERS] == YES) /*alloc in SetUpParitionCounters() <- RunChain()*/
4791         {
4792         free (partition[0]);
4793         free (partition);
4794         for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
4795             Tfree (partFreqTreeRoot[i]);
4796         free (partFreqTreeRoot);
4797         memAllocs[ALLOC_PFCOUNTERS] = NO;
4798         }
4799     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_FILEPOINTERS] == YES) /* alloc in (PreparePrintFiles(), ReusePreviousResults()) <- RunChain() */
4800         {
4801         CloseMBPrintFiles ();
4802         if (fpTree != NULL)
4803             {
4804             free (fpTree[0]);
4805             free (fpTree);
4806             }
4807         if (fpParm != NULL)
4808             free (fpParm);
4809         fpParm = NULL;
4810         fpTree = NULL;
4811         fpMcmc = NULL;
4812         fpSS = NULL;
4813         memAllocs[ALLOC_FILEPOINTERS] = NO;
4814         }
4815     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_STATS] == YES) /* alloc in RunChain() */
4816         {
4817         if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
4818             {
4819             for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
4820                 FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (chainParams.stat[i].pair);
4821             }
4822         free (chainParams.stat);
4823         memAllocs[ALLOC_STATS] = NO;
4824         }
4825     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_DIAGNTREE] == YES)
4826         {
4827         FreeTree (chainParams.dtree);
4828         memAllocs[ALLOC_DIAGNTREE] = NO;
4829         }
4830     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_PRINTPARAM] == YES)
4831         {
4832         free (printParam);
4833         free (topologyPrintIndex);
4834         memAllocs[ALLOC_PRINTPARAM] = NO;
4835         }
4836     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TFILEPOS] == YES)
4837         {
4838         free (chainParams.tFilePos);
4839         chainParams.tFilePos = NULL;
4840         memAllocs[ALLOC_TFILEPOS] = NO;
4841         }
4842     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TREELIST] == YES)
4843         {
4844         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns * numTopologies; i++)
4845             EraseTreeList (&chainParams.treeList[i]);
4846         free (chainParams.treeList);
4847         chainParams.treeList = NULL;
4848         memAllocs[ALLOC_TREELIST] = NO;
4849         }
4850     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_BEST] == YES)
4851         {
4852         FreeBestChainVariables();
4853         memAllocs[ALLOC_BEST] = NO;
4854         }
4855 }
GetFitchPartials(ModelInfo * m,int chain,int source1,int source2,int destination)4858 MrBFlt GetFitchPartials (ModelInfo *m, int chain, int source1, int source2, int destination)
4859 {
4860     int         c, i;
4861     BitsLong    x[2], *pS1, *pS2, *pD;
4862     MrBFlt      length = 0.0;
4863     CLFlt       *nSitesOfPat;
4865     assert (m->nParsIntsPerSite <= 2 && m->nParsIntsPerSite > 0);
4866     assert (source1 >= 0 && source1 < m->numParsSets);
4867     assert (source2 >= 0 && source2 < m->numParsSets);
4868     assert (destination >= 0 && destination < m->numParsSets);
4870     /* find parsimony sets for the nodes */
4871     pS1 = m->parsSets[source1    ];
4872     pS2 = m->parsSets[source2    ];
4873     pD  = m->parsSets[destination];
4875     /* Find number of site patterns */
4876     nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((1 % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;//chainId[chain]
4878     if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
4879         {
4880         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
4881             {
4882             x[0] = pS1[c] & pS2[c];
4883             if (x[0] == 0)
4884                 {
4885                 length += nSitesOfPat[c];
4886                 x[0] = pS1[c] | pS2[c];
4887                 }
4888             pD[c] = x[0];
4889             }
4890         }
4891     else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
4892         {
4893         assert (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2);
4894         for (c=i=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
4895             {
4896             x[0] = pS1[i]   & pS2[i];
4897             x[1] = pS1[i+1] & pS2[i+1];
4898             if ((x[0] | x[1]) == 0)
4899                 {
4900                 length += nSitesOfPat[c];
4901                 x[0] = pS1[i]   | pS2[i];
4902                 x[1] = pS1[i+1] | pS2[i+1];
4903                 }
4904             pD[i++] = x[0];
4905             pD[i++] = x[1];
4906             }
4907         }
4909     return length;
4910 }
GetParsDP(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,int chain)4913 MrBFlt GetParsDP (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int chain)
4914 {
4915     int             n, division;
4916     MrBFlt          length;
4917     ModelInfo       *m;
4919     length = 0.0;
4920     if (p->left != NULL)
4921         {
4922         length += GetParsDP (t, p->left, chain);
4923         length += GetParsDP (t, p->right, chain);
4925         for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
4926             {
4927             division = t->relParts[n];
4929             /* Find model settings */
4930             m = &modelSettings[division];
4932             /* Get Fitch partials and length */
4933             length += GetFitchPartials(m,
4934                                        chain,
4935                                        p->left->index,
4936                                        p->right->index,
4937                                        p->index);
4938             }
4939         }
4941     return length;
4942 }
GetParsFP(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,int chain)4945 void GetParsFP (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int chain)
4946 {
4947     int             i, c, n, division;
4948     BitsLong        *pL, *pR, *pP, *pA, x[2];
4949     ModelInfo       *m;
4951     if (p->left != NULL)
4952         {
4953         for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
4954             {
4955             division = t->relParts[n];
4957             /* Find model settings */
4958             m = &modelSettings[division];
4959             assert (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1 || m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2);
4961             /* find parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
4962             pL   = m->parsSets[p->left->index ];
4963             pR   = m->parsSets[p->right->index];
4964             pP   = m->parsSets[p->index       ];
4965             pA   = m->parsSets[p->anc->index  ];
4967             if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
4968                 {
4969                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
4970                     {
4971                     x[0] = pP[c] & pA[c];
4973                     if (x[0] != pA[c])
4974                         {   /* means that we allow change of state from p to a */
4975                         if ((pL[c] & pR[c]) != 0)
4976                             x[0] = ((pL[c] | pR[c]) & pA[c]) | pP[c] ;
4977                             /* We still allow only one change from both children of p through p to a.
4978                                So state from a that belong to one of the children of p can be added to pP[c],
4979                                if p assume the state then the only change would be on the other child. */
4980                         else
4981                             x[0] = pP[c] | pA[c];
4982                             /* Here we allow two change from both children of p through p to a.
4983                                Adding pA[c] to pP[c] means that if p assume state exclusive in a then even if
4984                                both children will be in different state from p we still get optimal parsimony */
4985                         }
4986                     pP[c] = x[0];
4987                     }
4988                 }
4989             else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
4990                 {
4991                 for (c=i=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
4992                     {
4993                     x[0] = pP[i]   & pA[i];
4994                     x[1] = pP[i+1] & pA[i+1];
4995                     if (x[0] != pA[i] || x[1] != pA[i+1])
4996                         {
4997                         x[0] = pL[i] & pR[i];
4998                         x[1] = pL[i+1] & pR[i+1];
4999                         if ((x[0] | x[1]) != 0)
5000                             {
5001                             x[0] = ((pL[i] | pR[i]) & pA[i]) | pP[i] ;
5002                             x[1] = ((pL[i+1] | pR[i+1]) & pA[i+1]) | pP[i+1] ;
5003                             }
5004                         else
5005                             {
5006                             x[0] = pP[i] | pA[i];
5007                             x[1] = pP[i+1] | pA[i+1];
5008                             }
5009                         }
5010                     pP[i++] = x[0];
5011                     pP[i++] = x[1];
5012                     }
5013                 }
5014             }
5015         GetParsFP (t, p->left, chain);
5016         GetParsFP (t, p->right, chain);
5017         }
5018 }
GetParsimonyBrlens(Tree * t,int chain,MrBFlt * brlens)5021 int GetParsimonyBrlens (Tree *t, int chain, MrBFlt *brlens)
5022 {
5023     int             c, i, j, n, division;
5024     BitsLong        *pP, *pA;
5025     CLFlt           *nSitesOfPat;
5026     TreeNode        *p;
5027     ModelInfo       *m;
5029     /* Reset all brlens */
5030     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
5031         brlens[i] = 0.0;
5033     /* Get final parsimony state sets */
5034     GetParsDP(t, t->root->left, chain);
5035     GetParsFP(t, t->root, chain);
5037     /* Get all branch lengths, looping over divisions */
5038     for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
5039         {
5040         division = t->relParts[n];
5042         /* Find model settings */
5043         m = &modelSettings[division];
5045         /* Find number of site patterns */
5046         nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
5048         /* Record branch lengths in downpass */
5049         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
5050             {
5051             p = t->allDownPass[i];
5053             /* Find final-pass parsimony sets for the node and its ancestor */
5054             pP    = m->parsSets[p->index     ];
5055             pA    = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
5057             if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
5058                 {
5059                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5060                     {
5061                     if ((pP[c] & pA[c]) == 0)
5062                         brlens[i] += nSitesOfPat[c];
5063                     }
5064                 }
5065             else
5066                 {
5067                 for (c=j=0; c<m->numChars; c++, j+=2)
5068                     {
5069                     if ((pP[j] & pA[j]) == 0 && (pP[j+1] & pA[j+1]) == 0)
5070                         brlens[i] += nSitesOfPat[c];
5071                     }
5072                 }
5073             }
5074         }
5076     return (NO_ERROR);
5077 }
GetParsimonyLength(Tree * t,int chain)5080 MrBFlt GetParsimonyLength (Tree *t, int chain)
5081 {
5082     int             c, i, n, division;
5083     BitsLong        *pP, *pA;
5084     CLFlt           *nSitesOfPat;
5085     MrBFlt          length;
5086     TreeNode        *p;
5087     ModelInfo       *m;
5089     /* Get length down to internal root */
5090     length = GetParsDP(t, t->root->left, chain);
5092     /* return if rooted */
5093     if (t->isRooted == NO)
5094         return length;
5096     /* add in the last terminal if not rooted */
5097     for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
5098         {
5099         division = t->relParts[n];
5101         /* Find model settings */
5102         m = &modelSettings[division];
5104         /* Find number of site patterns */
5105         nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
5107         /* Deal with last branch */
5108         p = t->intDownPass[t->nIntNodes-1];
5110         /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
5111         pP    = m->parsSets[p->index     ];
5112         pA    = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
5114         if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
5115             {
5116             for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5117                 {
5118                 if ((pP[c] & pA[c]) == 0)
5119                     {
5120                     length += nSitesOfPat[c];
5121                     }
5122                 }
5123             }
5124         else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
5125             {
5126             for (c=i=0; c<m->numChars; c++, i+=2)
5127                 {
5128                 if ((pP[i] & pA[i]) == 0 && (pP[i+1] & pA[i+1]) == 0)
5129                     {
5130                     length += nSitesOfPat[c];
5131                     }
5132                 }
5133             }
5134         }
5136     return length;
5137 }
GetParsimonySubtreeRootstate(Tree * t,TreeNode * root,int chain)5140 void GetParsimonySubtreeRootstate (Tree *t, TreeNode *root, int chain)
5141 {
5142     int             c, i, n, division;
5143     BitsLong        *pD, *pP, *pA, x[2];
5144     TreeNode        *p;
5145     ModelInfo       *m;
5147     /* Loop over divisions */
5148     for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
5149         {
5150         division = t->relParts[n];
5152         /* Find model settings */
5153         m = &modelSettings[division];
5154         assert (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1 || m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2);
5156         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5157             {
5158             p = t->allDownPass[i];
5159             p->marked = NO;
5160             }
5162         p = root;
5163         while (p->anc != NULL)
5164             {
5165             p->marked = YES;
5166             p = p->anc;
5167             }
5169         /* Make uppass node by node */
5170         for (i=t->nIntNodes-1; i>=0; i--)
5171             {
5172             p = t->intDownPass[i];
5174             /* continue if no work needs to be done */
5175             if (p->marked == NO)
5176                 continue;
5178             /* find downpass and uppass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
5179             pP     = m->parsSets[p->index       ];
5180             if (p->left->marked == YES)
5181                 pD = m->parsSets[p->right->index];
5182             else
5183                 pD = m->parsSets[p->left->index ];
5184             pA     = m->parsSets[p->anc->index  ];
5186             if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
5187                 {
5188                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5189                     {
5190                     x[0] = pD[c] & pA[c];
5191                     if (x[0] == 0)
5192                         {
5193                         x[0] = (pD[c] | pA[c]);
5194                         }
5195                     pP[c] = x[0];
5196                     }
5197                 }
5198             else if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2)
5199                 {
5200                 for (c=i=0; c<m->numChars; c++, i+=2)
5201                     {
5202                     x[0] = pD[i  ] & pA[i  ];
5203                     x[1] = pD[i+1] & pA[i+1];
5204                     if (x[0] + x[1] == 0)
5205                         {
5206                         x[0] = (pD[i  ] | pA[i  ]);
5207                         x[1] = (pD[i+1] | pA[i+1]);
5208                         }
5209                     pP[i  ] = x[0];
5210                     pP[i+1] = x[1];
5211                     }
5212                 }
5213             if (p == root)
5214                 break;
5215             }
5216         }
5218     return;
5219 }
5222 /* GetRate: retrieve the base rate for the division and chain in current state */
GetRate(int division,int chain)5223 MrBFlt GetRate (int division, int chain)
5224 {
5225     Param   *p;
5226     MrBFlt  *values, rate;
5227     int     i;
5229     rate = 0.0;
5231     p = modelSettings[division].rateMult;
5232     values = GetParamVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
5233     if (p->nValues == 1)
5234         rate = values[0];
5235     else
5236         {
5237         for (i=0; i<p->nRelParts; i++)
5238             {
5239             if (p->relParts[i] == division)
5240                 {
5241                 rate = values[i];
5242                 break;
5243                 }
5244             }
5245         }
5247     p = modelSettings[division].geneTreeRateMult;
5248     if (p != NULL)
5249         {
5250         values = GetParamVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
5251         for (i=0; i<p->nRelParts; i++)
5252             {
5253             if (p->relParts[i] == division)
5254                 {
5255                 rate *= values[i];
5256                 break;
5257                 }
5258             }
5259         }
5261     return rate;
5262 }
GetStamp(void)5265 void GetStamp (void)
5266 {
5267     int     i;
5269     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
5270         stamp[i] = '0' + (int)(RandomNumber(&runIDSeed) * 10);
5271     stamp[10] = '\0';
5273     MrBayesPrint ("%s   MCMC stamp = %s\n", spacer, stamp);
5274 }
GetSwappers(int * swapA,int * swapB,int run)5277 void GetSwappers (int *swapA, int *swapB, int run)
5278 {
5279     int         i;
5281     /* this works for both the serial and parallel versions because the swapSeed is identical for all
5282         processors, ensuring they all get the same sequence of chainIds to swap */
5283 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
5285     /* For now, we wonly allow random swaps in the MPI version. Other schemes require
5286        tagging of messages, or a dedicated server node doing message processing.      */
5287     (*swapA) = (int) (RandomNumber(&swapSeed) * chainParams.numChains);
5288     (*swapB) = (int) (RandomNumber(&swapSeed) * (chainParams.numChains - 1));
5289     if ((*swapB) == (*swapA))
5290         (*swapB) = chainParams.numChains - 1;
5292 #   else
5294     if (chainParams.swapAdjacentOnly == NO)
5295         {
5296         (*swapA) = (int) (RandomNumber(&swapSeed) * chainParams.numChains);
5297         (*swapB) = (int) (RandomNumber(&swapSeed) * (chainParams.numChains - 1));
5298         if ((*swapB) == (*swapA))
5299             (*swapB) = chainParams.numChains - 1;
5300         }
5301     else
5302         {
5303         (*swapA) = (int) (RandomNumber(&swapSeed) * (chainParams.numChains - 1));
5304         (*swapB) = (*swapA) + 1;
5305         }
5306 #   endif
5308     i = run * chainParams.numChains;
5309     (*swapA) += i;
5310     (*swapB) += i;
5312     return;
5313 }
GetTempDownPassSeq(TreeNode * p,int * i,TreeNode ** dp)5316 void GetTempDownPassSeq (TreeNode *p, int *i, TreeNode **dp)
5317 {
5318     if (p != NULL)
5319         {
5320         GetTempDownPassSeq (p->left,  i, dp);
5321         GetTempDownPassSeq (p->right, i, dp);
5322         dp[(*i)++] = p;
5323         }
5324 }
GibbsSampleGamma(int chain,int division,RandLong * seed)5327 MrBFlt GibbsSampleGamma (int chain, int division, RandLong *seed)
5328 {
5329     int             c, i, k, *rateCat, nStates, nRateCats, nPosRateCats, id;
5330     CLFlt           **catLike, **catLnScaler, *lnScaler, maxLnScaler,
5331                     *clRoot, f, bs[64], *clInvar, pInvar, freq;
5332     MrBFlt          ran, lnL, *bsVals, deltaLnL, temp;
5333     ModelInfo       *m;
5334     Tree            *t;
5335     TreeNode        *p;
5337     m = &modelSettings[division];
5339     /* find base frequencies */
5340     bsVals = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
5341     nStates = m->numModelStates;
5342     for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
5343         bs[i] = (CLFlt) bsVals[i];
5345     /* find tree scaler */
5346     lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
5348     /* find category like array and associated sccaler */
5349     catLike = m->catLike[chain];
5350     catLnScaler = m->catLnScaler[chain];
5352     /* find rate category index */
5353     rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain*m->numChars;
5355     /* find number of rate cats and gamma cats */
5356     nRateCats = nPosRateCats = m->numRateCats;
5357     if (m->pInvar != NULL)
5358         nRateCats++;
5360     /* find tree */
5361     t = GetTree (m->brlens, chain, state[chain]);
5363     /* find invar cond likes (if we have invariable rate category) */
5364     clInvar = m->invCondLikes;
5366     /* get pInvar */
5367     if (m->pInvar == NULL)
5368         pInvar = 0.0;
5369     else
5370         pInvar = (CLFlt) *GetParamVals (m->pInvar, chain, state[chain]);
5371     freq = ((CLFlt)1.0 - pInvar) / nPosRateCats;
5373     /* get chain temperature */
5374     temp = Temperature (chainId[chain]);
5375     id = chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains;
5377     /* calculate rate probs */
5378     for (k=0; k<nPosRateCats; k++)
5379         {
5380         FlipSiteScalerSpace(m, chain);
5381         ResetSiteScalers(m, chain);
5382         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5383             rateCat[c] = k;
5384         for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
5385             {
5386             p = t->intDownPass[i];
5387             if (t->isRooted == NO && p->anc->anc == NULL)
5388                 m->CondLikeRoot (p, division, chain);
5389             else
5390                 m->CondLikeDown (p, division, chain);
5391             if (m->unscaledNodes[chain][p->index] == 0)
5392                 m->CondLikeScaler (p, division, chain);
5393             }
5394         /* find root conditional likes */
5395         p = t->root->left;
5396         clRoot = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
5397         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5398             {
5399             catLike[k][c] = 0.0;
5400             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
5401                 catLike[k][c] += bs[i]*clRoot[i];
5402             catLike[k][c] *= freq;
5403             catLnScaler[k][c] = lnScaler[c];
5404             clRoot += nStates;
5405             }
5406         FlipSiteScalerSpace(m, chain);
5407         }
5409     /* fill in the invar cond likes if needed */
5410     if (m->pInvar != NULL)
5411         {
5412         k = nPosRateCats;
5413         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5414             {
5415             catLike[k][c] = 0.0;
5416             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
5417                 catLike[k][c] += bs[i]*clInvar[i];
5418             catLike[k][c] *= pInvar;
5419             clInvar += nStates;
5420             catLnScaler[k][c] = 0.0;
5421             }
5422         }
5424     /* Now Gibbs sample the rate categories */
5425     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5426         {
5427         /* find max scaler */
5428         maxLnScaler = catLnScaler[0][c];
5429         for (k=1; k<nRateCats; k++)
5430             {
5431             if (catLnScaler[k][c] > maxLnScaler && catLike[k][c] > 0.0)
5432                 maxLnScaler = catLnScaler[k][c];
5433             }
5434         /* scale values */
5435         for (k=0; k<nRateCats; k++)
5436             {
5437             f = catLnScaler[k][c] - maxLnScaler;
5438             if (f < -100.0)
5439                 catLike[k][c] = 0.0;
5440             else
5441                 {
5442                 catLike[k][c] *= (CLFlt) exp (f);
5443                 /* take the temperature into account */
5444                 if (id != 0)
5445                     catLike[k][c] = (CLFlt) pow(catLike[k][c], temp);
5446                 }
5447             }
5448         /* get cumulative sum */
5449         for (k=1; k<nRateCats; k++)
5450             catLike[k][c] += catLike[k-1][c];
5451         /* randomly sample a category; multiply by total to avoid scaling probs */
5452         ran = RandomNumber(seed) * catLike[nRateCats-1][c];
5453         for (k=0; k<nRateCats; k++)
5454             {
5455             if (ran < catLike[k][c])
5456                 break;
5457             }
5458         rateCat[c] = k;
5459         }
5461     /* recalculate everything */
5462     FlipSiteScalerSpace(m, chain);
5463     ResetSiteScalers(m, chain);
5464     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
5465         {
5466         p = t->intDownPass[i];
5467         if (t->isRooted == NO && p->anc->anc == NULL)
5468             m->CondLikeRoot (p, division, chain);
5469         else
5470             m->CondLikeDown (p, division, chain);
5471         if (m->unscaledNodes[chain][p->index] == 0)
5472             m->CondLikeScaler (p, division, chain);
5473         }
5474     lnL = 0.0;
5475     m->Likelihood (t->root->left, division, chain, &lnL, (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains));
5477     deltaLnL = lnL - m->lnLike[2*chain + state[chain]];
5478     m->lnLike[2*chain + state[chain]] =  lnL;
5480     return (deltaLnL);
5481 }
5484 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
5485 |
5486 |   InitAdGamma: initialize variables for adgamma model.
5487 |
5488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitAdGamma(void)5489 int InitAdGamma (void)
5490 {
5491     int         d, c, i, j, k, maxRates, *corrModel;
5492     ModelInfo   *m;
5494     /* take care of adgamma model */
5495     if (chainHasAdgamma == NO)
5496         return (NO_ERROR);
5498     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Initializing autocorrelated discrete gamma model\n", spacer);
5500     /* allocate corr space */
5501     corrModel = (int *) SafeCalloc (numCurrentDivisions, sizeof(int));
5502     if (!corrModel)
5503         return ERROR;
5505     /* allocate siteJump */
5506     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_SITEJUMP] == YES)
5507         {
5508         MrBayesPrint ("%s   siteJump not free in InitAdGamma\n", spacer);
5509         free (corrModel);
5510         return ERROR;
5511         }
5512     siteJump = (int *) SafeCalloc (numChar, sizeof(int));
5513     if (siteJump)
5514         memAllocs[ALLOC_SITEJUMP] = YES;
5515     else
5516         {
5517         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating siteJump in InitAdGamma (%d ints)\n", spacer, numChar);
5518         free (corrModel);
5519         return ERROR;
5520         }
5522     /* reset vector indicating the matrices needed */
5523     for (i=0; i<MAX_SMALL_JUMP; i++)
5524         hasMarkovTi[i] = NO;
5526     /* fill in siteJump */
5527     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
5528         corrModel[i] = 0;
5530     k = 1;  /* index to corr model, 0 means no corr model */
5531     maxRates = 0;   /* max no. rates */
5532     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
5533         modelSettings[d].mark = NO;
5535     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
5536         {
5537         m = &modelSettings[d];
5539         if (m->correlation == NULL || m->mark == YES)
5540             continue;
5542         m->mark = YES;
5543         for (i=0; i<m->correlation->nRelParts; i++)
5544             {
5545             if (modelSettings[m->correlation->relParts[i]].shape ==
5546                 modelSettings[d].shape)
5547                 {
5548                 modelSettings[m->correlation->relParts[i]].mark = YES;
5549                 corrModel[m->correlation->relParts[i]] = k;
5550                 }
5551             }
5552         k++;
5554         if (m->numRateCats > maxRates)
5555             maxRates = m->numRateCats;
5557         }
5559     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
5560         {
5561         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES)
5562             continue;
5564         if ((k=corrModel[partitionId[c][partitionNum] - 1]) == 0)
5565             continue;
5567         /* How far back is last char in this HMM? */
5568         for (j=c-1; j>=0; j--)
5569             {
5570             if (corrModel[partitionId[j][partitionNum] - 1] == k)
5571                 break;
5572             }
5574         if (j<0)
5575             siteJump[c] = 0;
5576         else if (charInfo[j].bigBreakAfter == YES)
5577             siteJump[c] = BIG_JUMP;
5578         else
5579             {
5580             siteJump[c] = c - j;
5581             hasMarkovTi[c-j-1] = YES;
5582             }
5583         }
5585     /* check if any HMM is empty */
5586     k=0;
5587     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
5588         {
5589         if (corrModel[i] > k)
5590             k = corrModel[i];
5591         }
5592     for (i=1; i<=k; i++)
5593         {
5594         for (c=j=0; c<numChar; c++)
5595             {
5596             if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == NO && corrModel[partitionId[c][partitionNum] - 1] == i)
5597                 j = c;
5598             }
5599         if (j == 0)
5600             {
5601             MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: HMM model %d is empty.\n",spacer,i);
5602             free (corrModel);
5603             return (ERROR);
5604             }
5605         }
5607     /* allocate MarkovTis (space needed for calculations) */
5608     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_MARKOVTIS] == YES)
5609         {
5610         MrBayesPrint ("%s   markovTis not free in InitAdGamma\n", spacer);
5611         free (corrModel);
5612         return ERROR;
5613         }
5615     for (i=0; i<MAX_SMALL_JUMP; i++)
5616         {
5617         if (hasMarkovTi[i] == YES || i == 0)    /* base matrix always needed */
5618             {
5619             markovTi[i] = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix(maxRates);
5620             if (markovTi[i] == NULL)
5621                 break;
5622             }
5623         else
5624             markovTi[i] = NULL;
5625         }
5627     markovTiN = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix(maxRates);
5628     if (i >= MAX_SMALL_JUMP && markovTiN)
5629         memAllocs[ALLOC_MARKOVTIS] = YES;
5630     else
5631         {
5632         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating MarkovTis in InitAdGamma (%d MrBFlt)\n", spacer, 2 * MAX_RATE_CATS * MAX_RATE_CATS);
5633         for (i=0; i<MAX_SMALL_JUMP; i++)
5634             if (markovTi[i] != NULL)
5635                 FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (markovTi[i]);
5636         if (markovTiN != NULL)
5637             FreeSquareDoubleMatrix(markovTiN);
5638         free (corrModel);
5639         return ERROR;
5640         }
5642     /* allocate space for rateProbs needed by adgamma model */
5644     /* calculate size needed */
5645     i = 0;
5646     for (j=0; j<numCurrentDivisions; j++)
5647         {
5648         m = &modelSettings[j];
5649         if (m->correlation != NULL)
5650             {
5651             m->rateProbStart = i;
5652             i += m->numRateCats * m->numChars;
5653             }
5654         }
5655     rateProbRowSize = i;
5657     /* allocate space */
5658     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_RATEPROBS] == YES)
5659         {
5660         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Space for rate probs not free in InitAdGamma\n", spacer);
5661         free (corrModel);
5662         return ERROR;
5663         }
5664     rateProbSpace = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc (2 * numLocalChains * rateProbRowSize * sizeof(MrBFlt));
5665     rateProbs = (MrBFlt **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt *));
5666     if (!rateProbSpace || !rateProbs)
5667         {
5668         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating rate probs\n", spacer);
5669         if (rateProbSpace)
5670             free (rateProbSpace);
5671         if (rateProbs)
5672             free (rateProbs);
5673         free (corrModel);
5674         return ERROR;
5675         }
5676     else
5677         memAllocs[ALLOC_RATEPROBS] = YES;
5679     /* set chain rateProbs pointers */
5680     for (i=j=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
5681         {
5682         rateProbs[i] = rateProbSpace + j;
5683         j += 2 * rateProbRowSize;
5684         }
5686     free (corrModel);
5688     return (NO_ERROR);
5689 }
5692 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
5693 |
5694 |   InitAugmentedModels: allocate and initialize space for augmented
5695 |      models
5696 |
5697 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitAugmentedModels(void)5698 int InitAugmentedModels (void)
5699 {
5700     int         d, i, j, useAugmentedModels, nRateCats;
5701     ModelInfo   *m;
5703     useAugmentedModels = NO;
5704     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
5705         {
5706         if (modelSettings[d].gibbsGamma == YES)
5707                 useAugmentedModels = YES;
5708         }
5710     if (useAugmentedModels == NO)
5711         return (NO_ERROR);
5713     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Initializing variables for model augmentation\n", spacer);
5715     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
5716         {
5717         m = &modelSettings[d];
5718         if (m->gibbsGamma == NO)
5719                 continue;
5720         m->tiIndex = (int *) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * m->numChars * sizeof (int));
5721         if (!m->tiIndex)
5722             return ERROR;
5723         m->catLike = (CLFlt ***) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof (CLFlt **));
5724         if (!m->catLike)
5725             return ERROR;
5726         m->catLnScaler = (CLFlt ***) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof (CLFlt **));
5727         if (!m->catLnScaler)
5728             return ERROR;
5729         if (m->pInvar == NULL)
5730             nRateCats = m->numRateCats;
5731         else
5732             nRateCats = m->numRateCats + 1;
5733         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
5734             {
5735             m->catLike[i] = (CLFlt **) SafeCalloc (nRateCats, sizeof (CLFlt *));
5736             if (!m->catLike[i])
5737                 return ERROR;
5738             m->catLnScaler[i] = (CLFlt **) SafeCalloc (nRateCats, sizeof (CLFlt *));
5739             if (!m->catLnScaler[i])
5740                 return ERROR;
5741             for (j=0; j<nRateCats; j++)
5742                 {
5743                 m->catLike[i][j] = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (m->numChars, sizeof (CLFlt));
5744                 if (!m->catLike[i][j])
5745                     return ERROR;
5746                 m->catLnScaler[i][j] = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (m->numChars, sizeof (CLFlt));
5747                 if (!m->catLnScaler[i][j])
5748                     return ERROR;
5749                 }
5750             }
5751         }
5753     return NO_ERROR;
5754 }
5757 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
5758 |
5759 |   InitChainCondLikes: (1) calculate size of cond like arrays, tiprob arrays
5760 |       and scaler arrays; (2) allocate space for cond like, tiprob and
5761 |       scaler arrays; (3) allocate and set node indices pointing to
5762 |       cond like and scaler arrays; (4) initialize tip cond likes;
5763 |       (5) allocate space for precalculated cond likes; (6) allocate
5764 |       space for adgamma probs, if used.
5765 |
5766 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitChainCondLikes(void)5767 int InitChainCondLikes (void)
5768 {
5769     int         c, d, i, j, k, s, t, numReps, condLikesUsed, nIntNodes, nNodes, useBeagle,
5770                 clIndex, tiIndex, scalerIndex, indexStep;
5771     BitsLong    *charBits;
5772     CLFlt       *cL;
5773     ModelInfo   *m;
5774 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
5775     int         j1;
5776 #   endif
5777 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
5778     int         useBeagleMultiPartitions, divisionOffset;
5779     double      *nSitesOfPat;
5780     MrBFlt      freq;
5781 #   endif
5782 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
5783     int         *nPartsOfPat;
5784 #   endif
5786     /* Figure out how large cond like array is needed, and how many cond like, scaler and tiprob arrays are needed.
5787        Also check for possible use of Beagle */
5788     condLikesUsed = NO;
5789     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
5790         {
5791         m = &modelSettings[d];
5793         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Division %d has %d unique site patterns\n", spacer, d+1, m->numChars);
5795         /* initialize model settings for chain cond likes */
5796         m->condLikeLength = 0;
5797         m->numCondLikes = 0;
5799         if (m->parsModelId == YES)
5800             continue;
5802         condLikesUsed = YES;
5804         /* figure out length of cond like array */
5805         if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
5806             {
5807 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
5808             m->useBeagle = NO;
5809 #   endif
5810             for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5811                 {
5812                 numReps = m->numRateCats;
5813                 if (m->nStates[c] == 2)
5814                     numReps *= m->numBetaCats;
5815                 m->condLikeLength += m->nStates[c] * numReps;
5816                 }
5817             }
5818         else
5819             {
5820             if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
5821                 m->condLikeLength = m->numChars * m->numModelStates;
5822             else
5823                 m->condLikeLength = m->numChars * m->numRateCats * m->numOmegaCats * m->numModelStates;
5824 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
5825             /* tentatively decide on whether to use Beagle */
5826             if (tryToUseBEAGLE == YES)
5827                 {
5828                 if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES || m->printPosSel ==YES || m->printSiteOmegas==YES)
5829                     {
5830                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-beagle version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d due to\n", spacer, d+1);
5831                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   request of reporting 'ancestral states', 'site rates', 'pos selection' or 'site omegas'.\n", spacer);
5832                     }
5833                 else if (m->gibbsGamma == NO)
5834                     m->useBeagle = YES;
5835                 }
5836 #   endif
5837             }
5839         /* find size of tree */
5840         nIntNodes = GetTree(m->brlens, 0, 0)->nIntNodes;
5841         nNodes = GetTree(m->brlens, 0, 0)->nNodes;
5843         /* figure out number of cond like arrays */
5844         m->numCondLikes = (numLocalChains + 1) * (nIntNodes);
5845         m->numCondLikes += numLocalTaxa;
5846         /*
5847 #   if !defined (DEBUG_NOSHORTCUTS)
5848         for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
5849             {
5850             if (m->isPartAmbig[i] == NO && m->dataType != STANDARD)
5851                 m->numCondLikes--;
5852             }
5853 #   endif
5854         */
5856         /* figure out number of node and site scalers */
5857         m->numScalers = (numLocalChains + 1) * (nIntNodes + 1);   /* add 1 for site scalers */
5859         /* figure out length of ti prob array and number of ti prob arrays */
5860         m->tiProbLength = 0;
5861         if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
5862             {
5863             m->numTiCats = 0;   /* We do not have repeated similar transition probability matrices */
5864             if (m->stateFreq->paramId == SYMPI_EQUAL)
5865                 {
5866                 for (k=0; k<9; k++)
5867                     {
5868                     if (m->isTiNeeded[k] == YES)
5869                         m->tiProbLength += (k + 2) * (k + 2) * m->numRateCats;
5870                     }
5871                 for (k=9; k<13; k++)
5872                     {
5873                     if (m->isTiNeeded[k] == YES)
5874                         m->tiProbLength += (k - 6) * (k - 6) * m->numRateCats;
5875                     }
5876                 for (k=13; k<18; k++)
5877                     {
5878                     if (m->isTiNeeded[k] == YES)
5879                          m->tiProbLength += (k - 11) * (k - 11) * m->numRateCats;
5880                     }
5881                 }
5882             else
5883                 {
5884                 /* deal with unequal state frequencies */
5885                 if (m->isTiNeeded[0] == YES)
5886                     m->tiProbLength += 4 * m->numRateCats * m->numBetaCats;
5887                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
5888                     {
5889                     if (m->nStates[c] > 2 && (m->cType[c] == UNORD || m->cType[c] == ORD))
5890                         {
5891                         m->tiProbLength += (m->nStates[c] * m->nStates[c]) * m->numRateCats;
5892                         }
5893                     }
5894                 }
5895             }
5896         else
5897             {
5898             m->numTiCats    = m->numRateCats * m->numBetaCats * m->numOmegaCats;   /* A single partition has either gamma, beta or omega categories */
5899             m->tiProbLength = m->numModelStates * m->numModelStates * m->numTiCats;
5900             }
5901         m->numTiProbs = (numLocalChains + 1) * nNodes;
5903         /* set info about eigen systems */
5904         if (InitEigenSystemInfo (m) == ERROR)
5905             return (ERROR);
5906         }
5908     /* check if conditional likelihoods are needed */
5909     if (condLikesUsed == YES)
5910         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Initializing conditional likelihoods\n", spacer);
5911     else
5912         return NO_ERROR;
5914 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
5915     useBeagleMultiPartitions = NO;
5916 #   endif
5918 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
5919     if (beagleResourceNumber != 0 && numCurrentDivisions > 1 && InitBeagleMultiPartitionInstance() != ERROR && m->useBeagle == YES)
5920         useBeagleMultiPartitions = YES;
5921 #   endif
5923     /* allocate space and fill in info for tips */
5924     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
5925         {
5926         m = &modelSettings[d];
5928         /* allocate space for conditional likelihoods */
5929         useBeagle = NO;
5930 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
5931         if (m->useBeagle == YES)
5932             {
5933             if (useBeagleMultiPartitions == YES)
5934                 useBeagle = YES;
5935             else if (InitBeagleInstance(m, d) != ERROR)
5936                 useBeagle = YES;
5937             else
5938                 m->useBeagle = NO;
5939             }
5940 #   endif
5941 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
5942         /*if (useBeagle == NO && m->dataType != STANDARD)
5943             m->useSSE = YES;*/
5944         if (useBeagle == YES)
5945             {
5946             m->useVec = VEC_NONE;
5947             m->numFloatsPerVec = 0;
5948             }
5950 #   endif
5951         if (m->useBeagle == NO && m->useVec == VEC_NONE)
5952             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using standard non-SSE likelihood calculator for division %d (%s-precision)\n", spacer, d+1, (sizeof(CLFlt) == 4 ? "single" : "double"));
5953         else if (m->useBeagle == NO && m->useVec == VEC_SSE)
5954             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division %d (single-precision)\n", spacer, d+1);
5955         else if (m->useBeagle == NO && m->useVec == VEC_AVX)
5956             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using standard AVX likelihood calculator for division %d (single-precision)\n", spacer, d+1);
5957         else if (m->useBeagle == NO && m->useVec == VEC_FMA)
5958             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using standard FMA likelihood calculator for division %d (single-precision)\n", spacer, d+1);
5959         else if (m->useBeagle == NO)
5960             {
5961             MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING! Using unknown SIMD likelihood calculator for division %d (single-precision)\n", spacer, d+1);
5962             return (ERROR);
5963             }
5965         if (useBeagle == NO)
5966             {
5967             /* allocate cond like space */
5968             m->condLikes = (CLFlt**) SafeMalloc(m->numCondLikes * sizeof(CLFlt*));
5969             if (!m->condLikes)
5970                 return (ERROR);
5971             for (i=0; i<m->numCondLikes; i++)
5972                 {
5973 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
5974                 if (m->useVec != VEC_NONE)
5975                     {
5976                     /* calculate number SSE chars */
5977                     m->numVecChars = ((m->numChars - 1) / m->numFloatsPerVec) + 1;
5979                     /* allocate space with padding (m->condLikeLength is without padding) */
5980                     if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
5981                         numReps = 1;
5982                     else
5983                         numReps = m->numRateCats * m->numOmegaCats;
5984                     k = m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * m->numModelStates * numReps;
5986                     if (m->useVec == VEC_AVX || m->useVec == VEC_FMA)
5987                         m->condLikes[i] = (CLFlt*) AlignedMalloc (k * sizeof(CLFlt), 32);
5988                     else
5989                         m->condLikes[i] = (CLFlt*) AlignedMalloc (k * sizeof(CLFlt), 16);
5991                     if (!m->condLikes[i])
5992                         return (ERROR);
5994                     /* start by filling all with 0.0f; pad when filling in tips */
5995                     for (j=0; j<k; j++)
5996                         m->condLikes[i][j] = 0.0f;
5997                     }
5998                 else
5999                     {
6000                     m->condLikes[i] = (CLFlt*) SafeMalloc(m->condLikeLength * sizeof(CLFlt));
6001                     if (!m->condLikes[i])
6002                         return (ERROR);
6003                     }
6004 #   else
6005                 m->condLikes[i] = (CLFlt*) SafeMalloc(m->condLikeLength * sizeof(CLFlt));
6006                 if (!m->condLikes[i])
6007                     return (ERROR);
6008 #   endif
6009                 }
6011             /* allocate scaler space and pointers for scaling */
6012             m->scalers = (CLFlt**) SafeMalloc(m->numScalers * sizeof(CLFlt*));
6013             if (!m->scalers)
6014                 return (ERROR);
6015             for (i=0; i<m->numScalers; i++)
6016                 {
6017 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
6018                 if (m->useVec != VEC_NONE)
6019                     {
6020                     /* allocate space with padding */
6021                     if (m->useVec == VEC_SSE)
6022                         m->scalers[i] = (CLFlt*) AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt), 16);
6023                     else if (m->useVec == VEC_AVX || m->useVec == VEC_FMA)
6024                         m->scalers[i] = (CLFlt*) AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt), 32);
6025                     if (!m->scalers[i])
6026                         return (ERROR);
6027                     for (j=0; j<m->numVecChars*m->numFloatsPerVec; j++)
6028                         m->scalers[i][j] = 0.0f;
6029                     }
6030                 else
6031                     {
6032                     m->scalers[i] = (CLFlt*) SafeMalloc (m->numChars * sizeof(CLFlt));
6033                     if (!m->scalers[i])
6034                         return (ERROR);
6035                     }
6036 #   else
6037                 m->scalers[i] = (CLFlt*) SafeMalloc (m->numChars * sizeof(CLFlt));
6038                 if (!m->scalers[i])
6039                     return (ERROR);
6040 #   endif
6041                 }
6043             /* allocate stuff for facilitating scaling and accumulation of cond likes */
6044             if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
6045                 {
6046                 m->clP = (CLFlt **) SafeMalloc(m->numRateCats * sizeof(CLFlt *));
6047                 if (!m->clP)
6048                     return (ERROR);
6049                 }
6050             else
6051                 {
6052                 m->clP = (CLFlt **) SafeMalloc(m->numTiCats * sizeof(CLFlt *));
6053                 if (!m->clP)
6054                     return (ERROR);
6055 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
6056                 if (m->useVec == VEC_SSE)
6057                     {
6058                     m->clP_SSE = (__m128 **) SafeMalloc(m->numTiCats * sizeof(__m128 *));
6059                     if (!m->clP_SSE)
6060                         return (ERROR);
6061                     m->lnL_Vec  = AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt*), 16);
6062                     m->lnLI_Vec = AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt*), 16);
6063                     if (!m->lnL_Vec || !m->lnLI_Vec)
6064                         return (ERROR);
6065                     }
6066 #if defined (AVX_ENABLED)
6067                 else if (m->useVec == VEC_AVX)
6068                     {
6069                     m->clP_AVX = (__m256 **) SafeMalloc(m->numTiCats * sizeof(__m256 *));
6070                     if (!m->clP_AVX)
6071                         return (ERROR);
6072                     m->lnL_Vec  = AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt*), 32);
6073                     m->lnLI_Vec = AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt*), 32);
6074                     if (!m->lnL_Vec || !m->lnLI_Vec)
6075                         return (ERROR);
6076                     }
6077 #endif
6078 #if defined (FMA_ENABLED)
6079                 else if (m->useVec == VEC_FMA)
6080                     {
6081                     m->clP_AVX = (__m256 **) SafeMalloc(m->numTiCats * sizeof(__m256 *));
6082                     if (!m->clP_AVX)
6083                         return (ERROR);
6084                     m->lnL_Vec  = AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt*), 32);
6085                     m->lnLI_Vec = AlignedMalloc (m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * sizeof(CLFlt*), 32);
6086                     if (!m->lnL_Vec || !m->lnLI_Vec)
6087                         return (ERROR);
6088                     }
6089 #endif
6090 #   endif
6091                 }
6093             /* allocate tiprob space */
6094             m->tiProbs = (CLFlt**) SafeMalloc(m->numTiProbs * sizeof(CLFlt*));
6095             if (!m->tiProbs)
6096                 return (ERROR);
6097             for (i=0; i<m->numTiProbs; i++)
6098                 {
6099                 m->tiProbs[i] = (CLFlt*) SafeMalloc(m->tiProbLength * sizeof(CLFlt));
6100                 if (!m->tiProbs[i])
6101                     return (ERROR);
6102                 }
6103             }
6105         /* allocate eigen system space (needed also for Beagle version */
6106         if (m->nCijkParts > 0)
6107             {
6108             m->cijks = (MrBFlt**) SafeMalloc((numLocalChains + 1) * sizeof(MrBFlt*));
6109             if (!m->cijks)
6110                 return ERROR;
6111             for (i=0; i<numLocalChains+1; i++)
6112                 {
6113                 m->cijks[i] = (MrBFlt*) SafeMalloc(m->cijkLength * sizeof(MrBFlt));
6114                 if (!m->cijks[i])
6115                     return (ERROR);
6116                 }
6117             }
6119         /* get size of tree */
6120         nIntNodes = GetTree(m->brlens,0,0)->nIntNodes;
6121         nNodes = GetTree(m->brlens,0,0)->nNodes;
6123         /* allocate and set indices from tree nodes to cond like arrays */
6124         m->condLikeIndex = (int **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(int *));
6125         if (!m->condLikeIndex)
6126             return (ERROR);
6127         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6128             {
6129             m->condLikeIndex[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc (nNodes * sizeof(int));
6130             if (!m->condLikeIndex[i])
6131                 return (ERROR);
6132             }
6133         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6134             for (j=0; j<nNodes; j++)
6135                 m->condLikeIndex[i][j] = -1;
6137         /* set up indices for terminal nodes */
6138         clIndex = 0;
6139         if (useBeagle == YES)
6140             indexStep = m->nCijkParts;
6141         else
6142             indexStep = 1;
6143         for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6144             {
6145 #   if !defined (DEBUG_NOSHORTCUTS)
6146             /* TODO: Untill CondLikeRoot_XXX are fixed (case 4 when one of the children is non-ambig) we allocate space for non-ambig tips. if fixed also uncoment down the function */
6147             /* if (useBeagle == NO && useSSE == NO && m->isPartAmbig[i] == NO && m->dataType != STANDARD)
6148                 continue;
6149             */
6150 #   endif
6151             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
6152                 m->condLikeIndex[j][i] = clIndex;
6153             clIndex += 1; /* even for multiple omega cat we need only one set of conditional likelihoods  for terminals for all chains.*/
6154             }
6156         /* reserve private space for parsimony-based moves if parsimony model is used */
6157         if (m->parsModelId == YES && m->parsimonyBasedMove == YES)
6158             clIndex += nIntNodes;
6160         /* set up indices for internal nodes */
6161         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
6162             {
6163             for (i=0; i<nIntNodes; i++)
6164                 {
6165                 m->condLikeIndex[j][i+numLocalTaxa] = clIndex;
6166                 clIndex += indexStep;
6167                 }
6168             }
6170         /* allocate and set up scratch cond like indices */
6171         m->condLikeScratchIndex = (int *) SafeMalloc (nNodes * sizeof(int));
6172         if (!m->condLikeScratchIndex)
6173             return (ERROR);
6174         for (i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
6175             m->condLikeScratchIndex[i] = -1;
6176         for (i=0; i<nIntNodes; i++)
6177             {
6178             m->condLikeScratchIndex[i+numLocalTaxa] = clIndex;
6179             clIndex += indexStep;
6180             }
6182         /* allocate and set indices from tree edges to ti prob arrays */
6183         m->tiProbsIndex = (int **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(int *));
6184         if (!m->tiProbsIndex)
6185             return (ERROR);
6186         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6187             {
6188             m->tiProbsIndex[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc (nNodes * sizeof(int));
6189             if (!m->tiProbsIndex[i])
6190                 return (ERROR);
6191             }
6193         /* set up indices for nodes */
6194         tiIndex = 0;
6195         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6196             {
6197             for (j=0; j<nNodes; j++)
6198                 {
6199                 m->tiProbsIndex[i][j] = tiIndex;
6200                 tiIndex += indexStep;
6201                 }
6202             }
6204         /* allocate and set up scratch transition prob indices */
6205         m->tiProbsScratchIndex = (int *) SafeMalloc (nNodes * sizeof(int));
6206         if (!m->tiProbsScratchIndex)
6207             return (ERROR);
6208         for (i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
6209             {
6210             m->tiProbsScratchIndex[i] = tiIndex;
6211             tiIndex += indexStep;
6212             }
6214         /* allocate and set up rescale frequency */
6215         m->rescaleFreq = (int*) SafeMalloc((numLocalChains) * sizeof(int));
6216         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; ++i)
6217             {
6218             if (m->numModelStates == 4 )
6219                 m->rescaleFreq[i] = 1;
6220             else
6221                 m->rescaleFreq[i] = 1;
6222             }
6224         /* allocate and set up number of unscaled nodes + scratch space */
6225         m->unscaledNodes = (int **) SafeCalloc (numLocalChains, sizeof(int *));
6226         if (!m->unscaledNodes)
6227             return (ERROR);
6228         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6229             {
6230             m->unscaledNodes[i] = (int *) SafeCalloc (nNodes, sizeof(int));
6231             if (!m->unscaledNodes[i])
6232                 return (ERROR);
6233             }
6234         m->unscaledNodesScratch = (int *) SafeCalloc (nNodes, sizeof (int));
6235         if (!m->unscaledNodesScratch)
6236             return (ERROR);
6238         /* allocate and set up node scaler indices */
6239         scalerIndex = 0;
6240         m->nodeScalerIndex = (int **) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(int *));
6241         if (!m->nodeScalerIndex)
6242             return (ERROR);
6243         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6244             {
6245             m->nodeScalerIndex[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc (nNodes * sizeof(int));
6246             if (!m->nodeScalerIndex[i])
6247                 return (ERROR);
6248             for (j=0; j<nNodes; j++)
6249                 m->nodeScalerIndex[i][j] = -1;
6250             for (j=0; j<nIntNodes; j++)
6251                 {
6252                 m->nodeScalerIndex[i][j+numLocalTaxa] = scalerIndex;
6253                 scalerIndex += indexStep;
6254                 }
6255             }
6256         m->nodeScalerScratchIndex = (int *) SafeMalloc (nNodes * sizeof (int));
6257         if (!m->nodeScalerScratchIndex)
6258             return (ERROR);
6259         for (i=0; i<nNodes; i++)
6260             m->nodeScalerScratchIndex[i] = -1;
6261         for (i=0; i<nIntNodes; i++)
6262             {
6263             m->nodeScalerScratchIndex[i+numLocalTaxa] = scalerIndex;
6264             scalerIndex += indexStep;
6265             }
6267         /* allocate and set up site scaler indices */
6268         m->siteScalerIndex = (int *) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(int));
6269         if (!m->siteScalerIndex)
6270             return (ERROR);
6271         for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6272             {
6273             m->siteScalerIndex[i] = scalerIndex;
6274             scalerIndex += indexStep;
6275             }
6276         m->siteScalerScratchIndex = scalerIndex;
6278 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
6279         /* used only with Beagle advanced dynamic rescaling where we set scaler nodes for each partition  */
6280         if (m->useBeagle == YES)
6281             {
6282             m->successCount = (int*) SafeMalloc((numLocalChains) * sizeof(int));
6283             m->beagleComputeCount = (long *) SafeMalloc(sizeof(long) * numLocalChains);
6284             t=BEAGLE_RESCALE_FREQ/m->numModelStates;
6285             if (beagleFlags & BEAGLE_FLAG_PRECISION_DOUBLE) /*if double presition is used*/
6286                 t*=BEAGLE_RESCALE_FREQ_DOUBLE;
6287             for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6288                {
6289                m->rescaleFreq[i] = t;
6290                }
6291             m->isScalerNode = (int**) SafeMalloc((numLocalChains) * sizeof(int*));
6292             /* we will use m->isScalerNode[chain][node->index] to determine whether the node is scaled or not. We do it only for internal nodes whose indexes start from numLocalTaxa thus we skew the pointer */
6293             m->isScalerNodeScratch = (int*) SafeMalloc(nIntNodes * sizeof(int)) - numLocalTaxa;
6294             assert (NO == 0); /* SafeMalloc set the allocated memmory to 0 while we need to set it to NO */
6295             for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6296                {
6297                m->isScalerNode[i] = (int*) SafeMalloc(nIntNodes * sizeof(int)) - numLocalTaxa;
6298                }
6299             }
6300 #   endif
6302         /* allocate and set up cijk indices */
6303         if (m->nCijkParts > 0)
6304             {
6305             m->cijkIndex = (int *) SafeMalloc (numLocalChains * sizeof(int));
6306             if (!m->cijkIndex)
6307                 return (ERROR);
6308             for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
6309                 m->cijkIndex[i] = i*indexStep;
6310             m->cijkScratchIndex = numLocalChains*indexStep;
6311             }
6313 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
6314             /* Set up nSitesOfPat for Beagle */
6315             if (m->useBeagle == YES)
6316                 {
6317                 if (useBeagleMultiPartitions == NO)
6318                     {
6319                     nSitesOfPat = (double *) SafeMalloc (m->numChars * sizeof(double));
6320                     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6321                         nSitesOfPat[c] = numSitesOfPat[m->compCharStart + c];
6322                     beagleSetPatternWeights(m->beagleInstance,
6323                                             nSitesOfPat);
6324                     free (nSitesOfPat);
6325                     nSitesOfPat = NULL;
6326                      /* Set up scalers for Beagle */
6327                     for (i=0; i<m->numScalers*m->nCijkParts; i++)
6328                         beagleResetScaleFactors(m->beagleInstance, i);
6329                     }
6331                 /* find category frequencies */
6332                 if (m->pInvar == NO)
6333                     {
6334                     freq =  1.0 /  m->numRateCats;
6336                     /* set category frequencies in beagle instance */
6337                     if (m->numOmegaCats <= 1)
6338                         {
6339                         divisionOffset = 0;
6340                         if (m->useBeagleMultiPartitions == YES)
6341                             divisionOffset = (numLocalChains + 1) * m->nCijkParts * m->divisionIndex;
6343                         for (i=0; i<m->numRateCats; i++)
6344                             m->inWeights[i] = freq;
6345                         for (i=0; i< (numLocalChains); i++)
6346                             {
6347                             beagleSetCategoryWeights(m->beagleInstance,
6348                                                      m->cijkIndex[i] + divisionOffset,
6349                                                      m->inWeights);
6350                             }
6351                         beagleSetCategoryWeights(m->beagleInstance,
6352                                                  m->cijkScratchIndex + divisionOffset,
6353                                                  m->inWeights);
6354                         }
6355                     }
6357                 }
6358 #   endif
6360         /* fill in tip conditional likelihoods */
6361         if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
6362             {
6363             clIndex = 0;
6364             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6365                 {
6366                 cL = m->condLikes[clIndex++];
6367                 for (t=0; t<m->numRateCats;t++)
6368                     {
6369                     charBits = m->parsSets[i];
6370                     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6371                         {
6372                         if (m->nStates[c] == 2)
6373                             numReps = m->numBetaCats;
6374                         else
6375                             numReps = 1;
6376                         for (k=0; k<numReps; k++)
6377                             {
6378                             for (s=0; s<m->nStates[c]; s++)
6379                                 {
6380                                 if (IsBitSet(s, charBits))
6381                                     (*cL) = 1.0;
6382                                 cL++;
6383                                 }
6384                             }
6385                         charBits += m->nParsIntsPerSite;
6386                         }
6387                     }
6388                 }
6389             }
6390         else if (useBeagle == NO)
6391             {
6392             if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
6393                 numReps = m->numTiCats / m->numRateCats;
6394             else
6395                 numReps = m->numTiCats;
6397             clIndex = 0;
6398             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6399                 {
6400 #   if !defined (DEBUG_NOSHORTCUTS) && !defined (SSE_ENABLED)
6401                 /* TODO: Untill CondLikeRoot_XXX are fixed (case 4 when one of the children is non-ambig) we allocate space for non-ambig tips. if fixed also uncomment up the function */
6402                 /* if (m->isPartAmbig[i] == NO && m->dataType != RESTRICTION)
6403                     continue;
6404                 */
6405 #   endif
6406                 cL = m->condLikes[clIndex++];
6407 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)    /* deal with setup for SIMD code */
6408                 if (m->useVec != VEC_NONE)
6409                     {
6410                     for (k=0; k<numReps; k++)
6411                         {
6412                         charBits = m->parsSets[i];
6413                         for (c=0; c<m->numChars/m->numFloatsPerVec; c++)
6414                             {
6415                             for (j=0; j<m->numModelStates/m->numStates; j++)
6416                                 {
6417                                 for (s=0; s<m->numStates; s++)
6418                                     {
6419                                     for (j1=0; j1<m->numFloatsPerVec; j1++)
6420                                         {
6421                                         if (IsBitSet(s, charBits + j1*m->nParsIntsPerSite))
6422                                             (*cL) = 1.0;
6423                                         cL++;
6424                                         }
6425                                     }
6426                                 }
6427                             charBits += m->numFloatsPerVec * m->nParsIntsPerSite;
6428                             }
6429                         if (m->numChars % m->numFloatsPerVec > 0)
6430                             {
6431                             /* add last characters and padd */
6432                             for (j=0; j<m->numModelStates/m->numStates; j++)
6433                                 {
6434                                 for (s=0; s<m->numStates; s++)
6435                                     {
6436                                     for (j1=0; j1<m->numChars%m->numFloatsPerVec; j1++)
6437                                         {
6438                                         if (IsBitSet(s, charBits + j1*m->nParsIntsPerSite))
6439                                             (*cL) = 1.0;
6440                                         cL++;
6441                                         }
6442                                     for (; j1<m->numFloatsPerVec; j1++)
6443                                         {
6444                                         (*cL) = 1.0;
6445                                         cL++;
6446                                         }
6447                                     }
6448                                 }
6449                             }
6450                         }
6451                     }
6452                 else
6453                     {
6454                     for (k=0; k<numReps; k++)
6455                         {
6456                         charBits = m->parsSets[i];
6457                         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6458                             {
6459                             for (j=0; j<m->numModelStates/m->numStates; j++)
6460                                 {
6461                                 for (s=0; s<m->numStates; s++)
6462                                     {
6463                                     if (IsBitSet(s, charBits))
6464                                         (*cL) = 1.0;
6465                                     cL++;
6466                                     }
6467                                 }
6468                                 charBits += m->nParsIntsPerSite;
6469                             }
6470                         }
6471                     }
6473 #   else
6474                 for (k=0; k<numReps; k++)
6475                     {
6476                     charBits = m->parsSets[i];
6477                     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6478                         {
6479                         for (j=0; j<m->numModelStates/m->numStates; j++)
6480                             {
6481                             for (s=0; s<m->numStates; s++)
6482                                 {
6483                                 if (IsBitSet(s, charBits))
6484                                     (*cL) = 1.0;
6485                                 cL++;
6486                                 }
6487                             }
6488                             charBits += m->nParsIntsPerSite;
6489                         }
6490                     }
6491 #   endif
6492                 }
6493             }
6495         if (m->printAncStates == YES)
6496             {
6497             m->ancStateCondLikes = (CLFlt *) SafeMalloc (m->condLikeLength * sizeof(CLFlt));
6498             if (!m->ancStateCondLikes)
6499                 return (ERROR);
6500             }
6501         }
6503 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
6504     if (useBeagleMultiPartitions == YES)
6505         {
6506         nSitesOfPat = (double *) SafeMalloc (modelSettings[0].numCharsAll * sizeof(double));
6507         nPartsOfPat = (int    *) SafeMalloc (modelSettings[0].numCharsAll * sizeof(int   ));
6508         j = 0;
6509         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6510             {
6511             m = &modelSettings[d];
6512             for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6513                 {
6514                 nSitesOfPat[j] = numSitesOfPat[m->compCharStart + c];
6515                 nPartsOfPat[j] = m->divisionIndex;
6516                 j++;
6517                 }
6518             }
6519         beagleSetPatternWeights(modelSettings[0].beagleInstance,
6520                                 nSitesOfPat);
6521         beagleSetPatternPartitions(modelSettings[0].beagleInstance,
6522                                    numCurrentDivisions,
6523                                    nPartsOfPat);
6524         free (nSitesOfPat);
6525         free (nPartsOfPat);
6526         nSitesOfPat = NULL;
6527         nPartsOfPat = NULL;
6528          /* Set up scalers for Beagle */
6529         for (i=0; i<modelSettings[0].numScalers*modelSettings[0].nCijkParts; i++)
6530             beagleResetScaleFactors(modelSettings[0].beagleInstance, i);
6531         }
6532 #endif
6534     /* allocate space for precalculated likelihoods */
6535     j = 0;
6536     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6537         {
6538         m = &modelSettings[d];
6539         if (m->dataType == STANDARD || m->parsModelId == YES)
6540             continue;
6542         i = (m->numModelStates + 1) * m->numModelStates * m->numTiCats;
6543         if (i > j)
6544             j = i;
6545         }
6546     if (j > 0) /* don't bother allocating precalculated likelihoods if we only have parsimony model or morphological characters */
6547         {
6548         if (memAllocs[ALLOC_PRELIKES] == YES)
6549             {
6550             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Space for preLikes not free in InitChainCondLikes\n", spacer);
6551             return ERROR;
6552             }
6553         preLikeL = (CLFlt *) SafeMalloc (3 * j * sizeof(CLFlt));
6554         if (!preLikeL)
6555             {
6556             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating preLikes\n", spacer);
6557             return ERROR;
6558             }
6559         memAllocs[ALLOC_PRELIKES] = YES;
6560         preLikeR = preLikeL + j;
6561         preLikeA = preLikeR + j;
6562         }
6564     return NO_ERROR;
6565 }
6568 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
6569 |
6570 |   InitEigenSystemInfo: set info about eigen decompositions
6571 |
6572 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitEigenSystemInfo(ModelInfo * m)6573 int InitEigenSystemInfo (ModelInfo *m)
6574 {
6575     int         ts;
6577     if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
6578         {
6579         /* dealt with in ProcessStdChars */
6580         return (NO_ERROR);
6581         }
6583     m->cijkLength = 0;
6584     m->nCijkParts = 0;
6585     if (m->dataType == PROTEIN)
6586         {
6587         ts = m->numModelStates;
6588         m->cijkLength = (ts * ts * ts) + (2 * ts);
6589         m->nCijkParts = 1;
6590         if (m->switchRates != NULL) /* covarion model */
6591             {
6592             m->cijkLength *= m->numRateCats;
6593             m->nCijkParts = m->numRateCats;
6594             }
6595         }
6596     else if (m->dataType == DNA || m->dataType == RNA)
6597         {
6598         if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_4BY4)
6599             {
6600             if (m->switchRates==NULL && m->nst != 6 && m->nst != NST_MIXED)
6601                 {
6602                 m->cijkLength = 0;
6603                 m->nCijkParts = 0;
6604 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
6605                 ts = m->numModelStates;
6606                 m->cijkLength = (ts * ts * ts) + (2 * ts);
6607                 m->nCijkParts = 1;
6608 #   endif
6609                 }
6610             else
6611                 {
6612                 ts = m->numModelStates;
6613                 m->cijkLength = (ts * ts * ts) + (2 * ts);
6614                 m->nCijkParts = 1;
6615                 }
6616             if (m->switchRates != NULL)
6617                 {
6618                 m->cijkLength *= m->numRateCats;
6619                 m->nCijkParts = m->numRateCats;
6620                 }
6621             }
6622         else if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_DOUBLET)
6623             {
6624             ts = m->numModelStates;
6625             m->cijkLength = (ts * ts * ts) + (2 * ts);
6626             m->nCijkParts = 1;
6627             }
6628         else if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_CODON)
6629             {
6630             ts = m->numModelStates;
6631             m->cijkLength = (ts * ts * ts) + (2 * ts);
6632             m->cijkLength *= m->numOmegaCats;
6633             m->nCijkParts = m->numOmegaCats;
6634             }
6635         else
6636             {
6637             MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Something is wrong if you are here.\n", spacer);
6638             return ERROR;
6639             }
6640         }
6641 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
6642     else if (m->dataType == RESTRICTION)
6643         {
6644                 assert (m->numModelStates == 2);
6645                 ts = 2;
6646                 m->cijkLength = (ts * ts * ts) + (2 * ts);
6647                 m->nCijkParts = 1;
6648         }
6649 #   endif
6650     return (NO_ERROR);
6651 }
6654 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
6655 |
6656 |   InitFinalStateCondLikes: allocate space for final conditional
6657 |       likelihoods if needed
6658 |
6659 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitFinalStateCondLikes(void)6660 int InitFinalStateCondLikes (void)
6661 {
6662     int         d;
6663     ModelInfo   *m;
6665     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6666         {
6667         m = &modelSettings[d];
6668         if (m->printAncStates == YES)
6669             {
6670             m->ancStateCondLikes = (CLFlt *) SafeMalloc (m->condLikeLength * sizeof(CLFlt));
6671             if (!m->ancStateCondLikes)
6672                 return ERROR;
6673             }
6674         }
6675     return (NO_ERROR);
6676 }
6679 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
6680 |
6681 |   InitInvCondLikes: allocate and initialize invariable conditional
6682 |       likelihoods if needed
6683 |
6684 |       NB! Fills in invariable cond likes for all hidden states; this
6685 |       is convenient although some space is wasted
6686 |
6687 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitInvCondLikes(void)6688 int InitInvCondLikes (void)
6689 {
6690     int         c, d, i, s, isConstant, usingInvCondLikes;
6691     BitsLong    *charBits;
6692     CLFlt       *cI;
6693     ModelInfo   *m;
6695 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
6696     int         c1;
6697 #   endif
6699     /* allocate space for invariable cond likes */
6700     usingInvCondLikes = NO;
6701     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6702         {
6703         m = &modelSettings[d];
6705         if (m->pInvar == NULL)
6706             continue;
6708         usingInvCondLikes = YES;
6709 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
6710         if ( m->useVec != VEC_NONE )
6711             {
6712             c1 = m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec * m->numModelStates;
6713             if (m->useVec == VEC_AVX || m->useVec == VEC_FMA)
6714                 m->invCondLikes = (CLFlt *) AlignedMalloc (c1 * sizeof(CLFlt), 32);
6715             else
6716                 m->invCondLikes = (CLFlt *) AlignedMalloc (c1 * sizeof(CLFlt), 16);
6717             for (i=0; i<c1; i++)
6718                 m->invCondLikes[i] = 0.0f;
6719             }
6720         else
6721 #   endif
6722             {
6723             m->invCondLikes = (CLFlt *) SafeMalloc (m->numChars * m->numModelStates * sizeof(CLFlt));
6724             }
6726         if (!m->invCondLikes)
6727             return ERROR;
6728         }
6730     if (usingInvCondLikes == NO)
6731         return NO_ERROR;
6733     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods\n", spacer);
6735     /* fill in invariable-site conditional likelihoods */
6736     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6737         {
6739         m = &modelSettings[d];
6741         if (m->pInvar == NULL)
6742             continue;
6744         cI = m->invCondLikes;
6745         if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
6746             {
6747             for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6748                 {
6749                 for (s=0; s<m->nStates[c]; s++)
6750                     {
6751                     isConstant = YES;
6752                     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6753                         {
6754                         charBits = &m->parsSets[i][c*m->nParsIntsPerSite];
6755                         if (IsBitSet(s, charBits) == NO)
6756                             {
6757                             isConstant = NO;
6758                             break;
6759                             }
6760                         }
6761                     if (isConstant == YES)
6762                         *cI = 1.0;
6763                     else
6764                         *cI = 0.0;
6765                     cI++;
6766                     }
6767                 }
6768             }
6769         else    /* all other models for which pInvar is applicable */
6770             {
6771             assert (m->numModelStates == m->numStates);
6772 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
6773             if ( m->useVec != VEC_NONE )
6774                 {
6775                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars/m->numFloatsPerVec; c++)
6776                     {
6777                     for (s=0; s<m->numModelStates; s++)
6778                         {
6779                         for (c1=0; c1<m->numFloatsPerVec; c1++)
6780                             {
6781                             isConstant = YES;
6782                             //charBits = parsMatrix + m->parsMatrixStart + ((c * m->numFloatsPerVec) + c1) * m->nParsIntsPerSite;
6783                             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6784                                 {
6785                                 charBits = &m->parsSets[i][((c * m->numFloatsPerVec) + c1) *m->nParsIntsPerSite];
6786                                 if (IsBitSet(s, charBits) == NO)
6787                                     {
6788                                     isConstant = NO;
6789                                     break;
6790                                     }
6791                                 //charBits += parsMatrixRowSize;
6792                                 }
6793                             if (isConstant == YES)
6794                                 *cI = 1.0;
6795                             cI++;
6796                             }
6797                         }
6798                     }
6799                  if (m->numChars % m->numFloatsPerVec != 0)
6800                     {
6801                     for (s=0; s<m->numModelStates; s++)
6802                         {
6803                         for (c1=0; c1<m->numChars%m->numFloatsPerVec; c1++)
6804                             {
6805                             isConstant = YES;
6806                             //charBits = parsMatrix + m->parsMatrixStart + (((m->numChars / m->numFloatsPerVec) * m->numFloatsPerVec) + c1) * m->nParsIntsPerSite;
6807                             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6808                                 {
6809                                 charBits = &m->parsSets[i][(((m->numChars / m->numFloatsPerVec) * m->numFloatsPerVec) + c1) *m->nParsIntsPerSite];
6810                                 if (IsBitSet(s, charBits) == NO)
6811                                     {
6812                                     isConstant = NO;
6813                                     break;
6814                                     }
6815                                 //charBits += parsMatrixRowSize;
6816                                 }
6817                             if (isConstant == YES)
6818                                 *cI = 1.0;
6819                             cI++;
6820                             }
6821                         for (; c1<m->numFloatsPerVec; c1++)
6822                             {
6823                             *cI = 1.0;
6824                             cI++;
6825                             }
6826                         }
6827                     }
6828                 }
6829             else
6830 #   endif
6831                 {
6832                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6833                     {
6834                     for (s=0; s<m->numModelStates; s++)
6835                         {
6836                         isConstant = YES;
6837                         for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6838                             {
6839                             charBits = &m->parsSets[i][c*m->nParsIntsPerSite];
6840                             if (IsBitSet(s, charBits) == NO)
6841                                 {
6842                                 isConstant = NO;
6843                                 break;
6844                                 }
6845                             }
6846                         if (isConstant == YES)
6847                             *cI = 1.0;
6848                         cI++;
6849                         }
6850                     }
6851                 }
6852             }
6853         }   /* next division */
6855 #   if 0
6856     invCondLikeSize = 0;
6857     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6858         {
6859         m = &modelSettings[d];
6860         if (m->pInvar == NULL)
6861             continue;
6862         cI = m->invCondLikes;
6863         if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
6864             {
6865             }
6866         else
6867             {
6868             for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
6869                 {
6870                 printf ("%4d -- ", c);
6871                 for (s=0; s<m->numModelStates; s++)
6872                     {
6873                     printf ("%1.0lf", *cI);
6874                     cI++;
6875                     }
6876                 printf ("\n");
6877                 }
6878             }
6879         }
6880 #   endif
6882     return NO_ERROR;
6883 }
6886 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
6887 |
6888 |   InitParsSets: allocate space for and set parsimony state sets
6889 |
6890 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitParsSets(void)6891 int InitParsSets (void)
6892 {
6893     int             c, i, j, k, d, nParsStatesForCont, nIntNodes, nNodes,
6894                     nuc1, nuc2, nuc3, codingNucCode, allNucCode;
6895     BitsLong        allAmbig, x, x1, x2, x3, *longPtr, bitsLongOne;
6896     ModelInfo       *m;
6897     ModelParams     *mp;
6899     bitsLongOne = 1;
6901     /* this variable determines how many parsimony states are used           */
6902     /* to represent continuous characters (determines weight of these chars) */
6903     nParsStatesForCont = 3;
6905     /* find number and size of parsimony sets and node lengths */
6906     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6907         {
6908         m  = &modelSettings[d];
6909         mp = &modelParams[d];
6911         /* find how many parsimony ints (BitsLong) are needed for each model site */
6912         if (mp->dataType == CONTINUOUS)
6913             {
6914             /* scale continuous characters down to an ordered parsimony character */
6915             /* with nParsStatesForCont states, represent this character as a set */
6916             /* of binary characters by additive binary coding */
6917             m->nParsIntsPerSite = nParsStatesForCont - 1;
6918             }
6919         else
6920             m->nParsIntsPerSite = 1 + m->numStates / nBitsInALong;
6922         /* Calculate number of nodes and number of internal nodes */
6923         nIntNodes = GetTree(m->brlens,0,0)->nIntNodes;
6924         nNodes    = GetTree(m->brlens,0,0)->nNodes;
6926         /* Calculate number of parsimony sets */
6927         m->numParsSets = numLocalTaxa;
6928         if (m->parsimonyBasedMove == YES || !strcmp(chainParams.startTree, "Parsimony"))
6929             m->numParsSets += nIntNodes;
6930         if (m->parsModelId == YES)
6931             m->numParsSets += (numLocalChains + 1) * nIntNodes;
6933         if (m->parsModelId == YES)
6934             m->numParsNodeLens = (numLocalChains + 1) * nNodes;
6935         else
6936             m->numParsNodeLens = 0;
6937         }
6939     /* then allocate space for the sets and node lengths */
6940     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6941         {
6942         m = &modelSettings[d];
6944         m->parsSets = (BitsLong **) SafeCalloc (m->numParsSets, sizeof(BitsLong*));
6945         if (!m->parsSets)
6946             return (ERROR);
6947         for (i=0; i<m->numParsSets; i++)
6948             {
6949             m->parsSets[i] = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (m->numChars*m->nParsIntsPerSite, sizeof(BitsLong));
6950             if (!m->parsSets[i])
6951                 return (ERROR);
6952             }
6954         if (m->numParsNodeLens > 0)
6955             {
6956             m->parsNodeLens = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (m->numParsNodeLens, sizeof(CLFlt));
6957             if (!m->parsNodeLens)
6958                 return (ERROR);
6959             }
6960         }
6962     /* finally fill in tip parsimony sets */
6963     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
6964         {
6965         m = &modelSettings[d];
6966         mp = &modelParams[d];
6968         if (mp->dataType == CONTINUOUS)
6969             {
6970             /* Note: This is only a placeholder since continuous characters are not implemented yet.
6971                Using additive parsimony would be more efficient than using multiple binary chars as here. */
6972             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6973                 {
6974                 for (c=0, j=m->compMatrixStart; j<m->compMatrixStop; j++, c++)
6975                     {
6976                     x = compMatrix[pos(i,j,compMatrixRowSize)];
6978                     for (k=0; k<m->nParsIntsPerSite; k++)
6979                         {
6980                         if (x > (unsigned int)(k + 1) * 1000 / (m->nParsIntsPerSite + 1))
6981                             m->parsSets[i][c*m->nParsIntsPerSite + k] = 1;
6982                         else
6983                             m->parsSets[i][c*m->nParsIntsPerSite + k] = 2;
6984                         }
6985                     }
6986                 }
6987             }
6988         else if (m->nCharsPerSite == 1 && m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
6989             {
6990             allAmbig = (bitsLongOne<<mp->nStates) - 1UL;
6991             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
6992                 {
6993                 for (c=0, j=m->compMatrixStart; j<m->compMatrixStop; j++, c++)
6994                     {
6995                     x = compMatrix[pos(i,j,compMatrixRowSize)];
6997                     if (x == MISSING || x == GAP)
6998                         m->parsSets[i][c] = allAmbig;
6999                     else
7000                         m->parsSets[i][c] = x;
7001                     }
7002                 }
7003             }
7004         else if (!strcmp(mp->nucModel, "Doublet") && (mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA))
7005             {
7006             allAmbig = 15;
7007             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
7008                 {
7009                 for (c=0, j=m->compMatrixStart; j<m->compMatrixStop; j+=m->nCharsPerSite, c++)
7010                     {
7011                     /* fetch the original values x1 and x2 */
7012                     x1 = compMatrix[pos(i,j,compMatrixRowSize)];
7013                     if (x1 == MISSING || x1 == GAP)
7014                         x1 = allAmbig;
7015                     x2 = compMatrix[pos(i,j+1,compMatrixRowSize)];
7016                     if (x2 == MISSING || x2 == GAP)
7017                         x2 = allAmbig;
7018                     /* squeeze them together in the new value x */
7019                     x = 0;
7020                     for (nuc1=0; nuc1<4; nuc1++)
7021                         {
7022                         for (nuc2=0; nuc2<4; nuc2++)
7023                             {
7024                             if (IsBitSet(nuc1,&x1) == YES && IsBitSet(nuc2, &x2) == YES)
7025                                 x |= (bitsLongOne<<(nuc1*4 + nuc2));
7026                             }
7027                         }
7029                     m->parsSets[i][c] = x;
7030                     }
7031                 }
7032             }
7033         else if (!strcmp(mp->nucModel, "Codon") && (mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA))
7034             {
7035             allAmbig = 15;
7036             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
7037                 {
7038                 for (c=0, j=m->compMatrixStart; j<m->compMatrixStop; j+=m->nCharsPerSite, c++)
7039                     {
7040                     /* fetch the original values x1, x2, and x3*/
7041                     x1 = compMatrix[pos(i,j,compMatrixRowSize)];
7042                     if (x1 == MISSING || x1 == GAP)
7043                         x1 = allAmbig;
7044                     x2 = compMatrix[pos(i,j+1,compMatrixRowSize)];
7045                     if (x2 == MISSING || x2 == GAP)
7046                         x2 = allAmbig;
7047                     x3 = compMatrix[pos(i,j+2,compMatrixRowSize)];
7048                     if (x3 == MISSING || x3 == GAP)
7049                         x3 = allAmbig;
7051                     /* squeeze them together in the new long string pointed to by longPtr */
7052                     longPtr = &m->parsSets[i][c*m->nParsIntsPerSite];
7053                     allNucCode = codingNucCode = 0;
7054                     for (nuc1=0; nuc1<4; nuc1++)
7055                         for (nuc2=0; nuc2<4; nuc2++)
7056                             for (nuc3=0; nuc3<4; nuc3++)
7057                                 {
7058                                 if (mp->codon[allNucCode] != 21)
7059                                     {
7060                                     if (IsBitSet(nuc1, &x1) == YES && IsBitSet(nuc2, &x2) == YES && IsBitSet(nuc3, &x3) == YES)
7061                                         SetBit(codingNucCode, longPtr);
7062                                     codingNucCode++;
7063                                     }
7064                                 allNucCode++;
7065                                 }
7066                     }
7067                 }
7068             }
7069         else if (!strcmp(mp->nucModel, "Protein") && (mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA))
7070             {
7071             allAmbig = 15;
7072             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
7073                 {
7074                 for (c=0, j=m->compMatrixStart; j<m->compMatrixStop; j+=m->nCharsPerSite, c++)
7075                     {
7076                     /* fetch the original values x1, x2, and x3*/
7077                     x1 = compMatrix[pos(i,j,compMatrixRowSize)];
7078                     if (x1 == MISSING || x1 == GAP)
7079                         x1 = allAmbig;
7080                     x2 = compMatrix[pos(i,j+1,compMatrixRowSize)];
7081                     if (x2 == MISSING || x2 == GAP)
7082                         x2 = allAmbig;
7083                     x3 = compMatrix[pos(i,j+2,compMatrixRowSize)];
7084                     if (x3 == MISSING || x3 == GAP)
7085                         x3 = allAmbig;
7087                     /* squeeze them together in the new long string pointed to by longPtr */
7088                     longPtr = &m->parsSets[i][c*m->nParsIntsPerSite];   /* m->nParsIntsPerSite should be 1 */
7089                     allNucCode = 0;
7090                     for (nuc1=0; nuc1<4; nuc1++)
7091                         for (nuc2=0; nuc2<4; nuc2++)
7092                             for (nuc3=0; nuc3<4; nuc3++)
7093                                 {
7094                                 if (mp->codon[allNucCode] != 21)
7095                                     {
7096                                     if (IsBitSet(nuc1, &x1) == YES && IsBitSet(nuc2, &x2) == YES && IsBitSet(nuc3, &x3) == YES)
7097                                         SetBit(mp->codon[allNucCode]-1, longPtr);
7098                                     }
7099                                 allNucCode++;
7100                                 }
7101                     }
7102                 }
7103             }
7104         else
7105             {
7106             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Unrecognized data format during bitset compression\n", spacer);
7107             return ERROR;
7108             }
7109         }
7111     return (NO_ERROR);
7112 }
7115 /*------------------------------------------------
7116 |
7117 |   InitPrintParams: Set up arrays of print para-
7118 |      meters and print tree parameters
7119 |
7120 ------------------------------------------------*/
InitPrintParams(void)7121 int InitPrintParams (void)
7122 {
7123     int     i, j, k, k1=0;
7124     Param   *p;
7126     /* count number of model params to print */
7127     numPrintParams = 0;
7128     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
7129         {
7130         p = &params[i];
7131         if (p->printParam == YES &&
7132             p->paramType != P_TOPOLOGY &&
7133             p->paramType != P_BRLENS &&
7134             p->paramType != P_SPECIESTREE &&
7135             p->paramType != P_CPPEVENTS &&
7136             p->paramType != P_TK02BRANCHRATES &&
7137             p->paramType != P_IGRBRANCHRATES &&
7138             p->paramType != P_MIXEDBRCHRATES)
7139             numPrintParams++;
7140         }
7142     /* count number of tree params to print */
7143     numPrintTreeParams = 0;
7144     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
7145         {
7146         p = &params[i];
7147         if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
7148             {
7149             /* always print parsimony topology (printParam == YES), otherwise */
7150             /* print topology only if brlens never requested (nPrintSubParams == 0)*/
7151             if (p->printParam == YES || p->nPrintSubParams == 0)
7152                 numPrintTreeParams++;
7153             }
7154         else if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
7155             {
7156             /* print only if brlens (or events) requested for at least one partition */
7157             if (p->printParam == YES || p->nPrintSubParams > 0)
7158                 numPrintTreeParams++;
7159             }
7160         else if (p->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
7161             {
7162             /* always print if printParam set to YES */
7163             if (p->printParam == YES)
7164                 numPrintTreeParams++;
7165             }
7166         }
7168     /* allocate space */
7169     printParam = (Param **) SafeCalloc (numPrintParams + numPrintTreeParams + numTopologies, sizeof(Param *));
7170     topologyPrintIndex = (int *) SafeCalloc (numTopologies + numPrintTreeParams, sizeof(int));
7171     if (!printParam || !topologyPrintIndex)
7172         {
7173         free (printParam);
7174         free (topologyPrintIndex);
7175         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate printParam vector in InitPrintParams\n", spacer);
7176         return (ERROR);
7177         }
7178     printTreeParam = printParam + numPrintParams;
7179     topologyParam = printTreeParam + numPrintTreeParams;
7180     printTreeTopologyIndex = topologyPrintIndex + numTopologies;
7181     memAllocs[ALLOC_PRINTPARAM] = YES;
7183     /* assign normal print params */
7184     for (i=j=0; i<numParams; i++)
7185         {
7186         p = &params[i];
7187         if (p->printParam == YES &&
7188             p->paramType != P_TOPOLOGY &&
7189             p->paramType != P_BRLENS &&
7190             p->paramType != P_SPECIESTREE &&
7191             p->paramType != P_CPPEVENTS &&
7192             p->paramType != P_TK02BRANCHRATES &&
7193             p->paramType != P_IGRBRANCHRATES &&
7194             p->paramType != P_MIXEDBRCHRATES)
7195             printParam[j++] = p;
7196         }
7198     /* assign tree print params */
7199     for (i=j=k=0; i<numParams; i++)
7200         {
7201         p = &params[i];
7202         if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
7203             {
7204             /* always print parsimony topology (printParam == YES), otherwise */
7205             /* print topology only if brlens never requested (nPrintSubParams == 0)*/
7206             if (p->printParam == YES || p->nPrintSubParams == 0)
7207                 numPrintTreeParams++;
7208             }
7209         else if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
7210             {
7211             /* print only if brlens (or events) requested for at least one partition */
7212             if (p->printParam == YES || p->nPrintSubParams > 0)
7213                 printTreeParam[k++] = p;
7214             }
7215         else if (p->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
7216             {
7217             if (p->printParam == YES)
7218                 printTreeParam[k++] = p;
7219             }
7220         }
7222     /* find topologies, topology file index, and printtree topology index */
7223     for (i=0; i<numPrintTreeParams; i++)
7224         printTreeTopologyIndex[i] = numTopologies;
7225     for (i=j=0; i<numParams; i++)
7226         {
7227         p = &params[i];
7228         if (p->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
7229             {
7230             topologyParam[j] = p;
7231             for (k=0; k<numPrintTreeParams; k++)
7232                 if (printTreeParam[k] == p)
7233                     break;
7234             topologyPrintIndex[j] = k;
7235             printTreeTopologyIndex[k] = j;
7236             j++;
7237             }
7238         else if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
7239             {
7240             topologyParam[j] = p;
7241             for (k=0; k<numPrintTreeParams; k++)
7242                 if (printTreeParam[k] == p)
7243                     break;
7244             if (k<numPrintTreeParams)
7245                 {
7246                 topologyPrintIndex[j] = k;
7247                 printTreeTopologyIndex[k] = j;
7248                 }
7249             else
7250                 {
7251                 for (k=0; k<p->nSubParams; k++)
7252                     {
7253                     for (k1=0; k1<numPrintTreeParams; k1++)
7254                         if (printTreeParam[k1] == p->subParams[k])
7255                             break;
7256                     if (k1 < numPrintTreeParams)
7257                         break;
7258                     }
7259                 topologyPrintIndex[j] = k1;
7260                 printTreeTopologyIndex[k1] = j;
7261                 }
7262             j++;
7263             }
7264         }
7266     return (NO_ERROR);
7267 }
IsPFNodeEmpty(PFNODE * p)7270 int IsPFNodeEmpty (PFNODE *p)
7271 {
7272     int i;
7274     for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
7275         {
7276         if (p->count[i] > 0)
7277             break;
7278         }
7279     if (i == chainParams.numRuns)
7280         return YES;
7281     else
7282         return NO;
7283 }
7286 /* LargestNonemptyPFNode: recursive function to largest nonempty node in a subtree */
LargestNonemptyPFNode(PFNODE * p,int * i,int j)7287 PFNODE *LargestNonemptyPFNode (PFNODE *p, int *i, int j)
7288 {
7289     PFNODE *q;
7291     ++j;
7292     if (p == NULL)
7293         return NULL;
7295     q = LargestNonemptyPFNode (p->left, i, j);
7297     if (q != NULL)
7298         {
7299         return q;
7300         }
7301     else if (IsPFNodeEmpty (p) == NO)
7302         {
7303         *i = j;
7304         return p;
7305         }
7306     else
7307         {
7308         return LargestNonemptyPFNode (p->right, i, j);
7309         }
7310 }
7313 /* ln prior ratio for clock trees */
LogClockTreePriorRatio(Param * param,int chain,MrBFlt * lnPriorRatio)7314 int LogClockTreePriorRatio (Param *param, int chain, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio)
7315 {
7316     MrBFlt          oldLnPrior, newLnPrior, theta, N, growth, clockRate, sF, *sR, *eR, *fR;
7317     char            *sS;
7318     Model           *mp;
7319     ModelInfo       *m;
7320     Tree            *newTree, *oldTree;
7321     TreeNode        *p, *q=NULL;
7322     int             i, j;
7324     (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
7326     mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
7327     m  = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
7329     newTree = GetTree (m->brlens, chain, state[chain]);
7330     oldTree = GetTree (m->brlens, chain, state[chain] ^ 1);
7332     if (m->clockRate != NULL)
7333         clockRate = *GetParamVals(m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]);
7334     else
7335         clockRate = 1.0;
7337     /* calculate prior ratio on brlens of clock tree */
7338     if (!strcmp(mp->clockPr,"Coalescence"))
7339         {
7340         /* coalescence prior */
7341         /* first calculate theta as 4*N*mu, 3*N*mu or 2*N*mu */
7342         N = *(GetParamVals (m->popSize, chain, state[chain]));
7343         if (!strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Diploid"))
7344             theta = 4 * N * clockRate;
7345         else if (!strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Zlinked"))
7346             theta = 3 * N * clockRate;
7347         else
7348             theta = 2 * N * clockRate;
7349         /* deal with growth */
7350         if (!strcmp(mp->growthPr, "Fixed"))
7351             growth = mp->growthFix;
7352         else
7353             growth = *(GetParamVals (m->growthRate, chain, state[chain]));
7354         if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (oldTree, &oldLnPrior, theta, growth) == ERROR)
7355             {
7356             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for coalescence process\n", spacer);
7357             return (ERROR);
7358             }
7359         if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (newTree, &newLnPrior, theta, growth) == ERROR)
7360             {
7361             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for coalescence process\n", spacer);
7362             return (ERROR);
7363             }
7364         (*lnPriorRatio) = (newLnPrior - oldLnPrior);
7365         }
7366     else if (!strcmp(mp->clockPr,"Birthdeath"))
7367         {
7368         /* birth-death prior */
7369         sR = GetParamVals (m->speciationRates, chain, state[chain]);
7370         eR = GetParamVals (m->extinctionRates, chain, state[chain]);
7371         sS = mp->sampleStrat;
7372         sF = mp->sampleProb;
7373         if (LnBirthDeathPriorPr (oldTree, clockRate, &oldLnPrior, *sR, *eR, sS, sF) == ERROR)
7374             {
7375             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for birth-death process\n", spacer);
7376             return (ERROR);
7377             }
7378         if (LnBirthDeathPriorPr (newTree, clockRate, &newLnPrior, *sR, *eR, sS, sF) == ERROR)
7379             {
7380             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for birth-death process\n", spacer);
7381             return (ERROR);
7382             }
7383         (*lnPriorRatio) = (newLnPrior - oldLnPrior);
7384         }
7385     else if (!strcmp(mp->clockPr,"Fossilization"))
7386         {
7387         /* fossilized birth-death prior */
7388         sR = GetParamVals (m->speciationRates, chain, state[chain]);
7389         eR = GetParamVals (m->extinctionRates, chain, state[chain]);
7390         fR = GetParamVals (m->fossilizationRates, chain, state[chain]);
7391         sF = mp->sampleProb;
7392         sS = mp->sampleStrat;
7393         if (LnFossilizationPriorPr (oldTree, clockRate, &oldLnPrior, sR, eR, fR, sF, sS) == ERROR)
7394             {
7395             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for fossilized birth-death process\n", spacer);
7396             return (ERROR);
7397             }
7398         if (LnFossilizationPriorPr (newTree, clockRate, &newLnPrior, sR, eR, fR, sF, sS) == ERROR)
7399             {
7400             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for fossilized birth-death process\n", spacer);
7401             return (ERROR);
7402             }
7403         (*lnPriorRatio) = (newLnPrior - oldLnPrior);
7404         }
7405     else if (!strcmp(mp->clockPr,"Uniform"))
7406         {
7407         oldLnPrior = LnUniformPriorPr(oldTree, clockRate);
7408         newLnPrior = LnUniformPriorPr(newTree, clockRate);
7409         (*lnPriorRatio) = (newLnPrior - oldLnPrior);
7410         }
7411     else if (!strcmp(mp->clockPr,"Speciestreecoalescence"))
7412         {
7413         // Defer this calculation to the BEST code
7414         }
7416     assert (*lnPriorRatio > NEG_INFINITY);
7418     /* take care of calibrations */
7419     if (newTree->isCalibrated == YES)
7420         {
7421         for (i=0; i<newTree->nNodes-1; i++)
7422             {
7423             p = newTree->allDownPass[i];
7424             if (p->isDated == NO)
7425                 continue;
7426             for (j=0; j<oldTree->nNodes-1; j++)
7427                 {
7428                 q = oldTree->allDownPass[j];
7429                 if (p->lockID == q->lockID)
7430                     break;
7431                 }
7432             assert (j != oldTree->nNodes-1);
7433             if (p->isDated == YES && p->calibration->prior != fixed)
7434                 {
7435                 (*lnPriorRatio) += p->calibration->LnPriorRatio(p->age, q->age, p->calibration->priorParams);
7436                 }
7437             }
7438         }
7440     return (NO_ERROR);
7441 }
7444 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
7445 |
7446 |   LogLike: calculate the log likelihood of the new state of the chain
7447 |
7448 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
LogLike(int chain)7449 MrBFlt LogLike (int chain)
7450 {
7451     int             i, d;
7452     ModelInfo       *m;
7453     MrBFlt          chainLnLike, lnL;
7455     /* initialize chain cond like */
7456     chainLnLike = 0.0;
7458     if (chainParams.runWithData == NO)
7459         return (chainLnLike);
7461 #   if defined (DEBUG_RUN_WITHOUT_DATA)
7462     return (chainLnLike);
7463 #   endif
7465 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
7466     if (modelSettings[0].useBeagleMultiPartitions == YES)
7467         {
7468         /* Launch all divisions that require updating in one Beagle instance, concurrently */
7469         LaunchLogLikeForBeagleMultiPartition(chain, &chainLnLike);
7470         }
7471     else
7472         {
7473 #   endif
7475     /* Cycle through divisions and recalculate tis and cond likes as necessary. */
7476     /* Code below does not try to avoid recalculating ti probs for divisions    */
7477     /* that could share ti probs with other divisions.                          */
7478     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
7479         {
7481 #   if defined (BEST_MPI_ENABLED)
7482         if (isDivisionActive[d] == NO)
7483             continue;
7484 #   endif
7485         m = &modelSettings[d];
7486         if (m->upDateCl == YES)
7487             {
7488             /* Work has been delegated to a separate function so we can wrap    */
7489             /* a thread around it                                               */
7490             LaunchLogLikeForDivision(chain, d, &(m->lnLike[2 * chain + state[chain]]));
7491             }
7492         if (abortMove == YES)
7493             return MRBFLT_NEG_MAX;
7494         chainLnLike += m->lnLike[2*chain + state[chain]];
7495         }
7497 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
7498         }
7499 #   endif
7500 #if defined (DEBUG_MB_BEAGLE_MULTIPART)
7501     printf("chainLnLike = %f\n", chainLnLike);
7502 #endif
7504     /* unmark all divisions */
7505     if (chainHasAdgamma == YES)
7506         {
7507         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
7508             {
7509             m = &modelSettings[d];
7510             m->mark = NO;
7511             }
7513         /* update HMM likelihoods if appropriate */
7514         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
7515             {
7516 #   if defined (BEST_MPI_ENABLED)
7517             if (isDivisionActive[d] == NO)
7518                 continue;
7519 #   endif
7520             m = &modelSettings[d];
7522             if (m->upDateCl == YES && m->correlation != NULL && m->mark != YES)
7523                 {
7524                 lnL = 0.0;
7525                 CalcLikeAdgamma(d, m->correlation, chain, &lnL);
7527                 /* store the value for the cases where the HMM is not touched */
7528                 m->lnLike[2*chain + state[chain]] =  lnL;
7530                 /* add it to chainLnLike - it was not added above since the division */
7531                 /* lnL was set to zero after the update call to Likelihood_Adgamma */
7532                 chainLnLike += lnL;
7534                 /* set mark for other divisions in the HMM
7535                    (i.e., those with the same correlation parameter AND the same shape parameter) */
7536                 for (i=0; i<m->correlation->nRelParts; i++)
7537                     {
7538                     if (modelSettings[m->correlation->relParts[i]].shape == modelSettings[d].shape)
7539                         {
7540                         modelSettings[m->correlation->relParts[i]].mark = YES;
7541                         }
7542                     }
7543                 }
7544             }
7545         }
7547     return (chainLnLike);
7548 }
LogOmegaPrior(MrBFlt w1,MrBFlt w2,MrBFlt w3)7551 MrBFlt LogOmegaPrior (MrBFlt w1, MrBFlt w2, MrBFlt w3)
7552 {
7554     /* This function returns the log prior probability of
7555        the ratio on three omegas. Here, we have three
7556        nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratios, denoted w1, w2,
7557        and w3. They have the property that w1 < w2 < w3.
7558        Remember that w1 = dN1/dS, w2 = dN2/dS, and
7559        w3 = dN3/dS. We assume that dN1, dN2, dN3, and dS
7560        are all independent draws from the same exponential
7561        distribution, and that dN1, dN2, and dN3 are the
7562        order statistics. The w1, w2, and w3, then, are
7563        all scaled to the same dS r.v. */
7565     MrBFlt  lnProb;
7567     lnProb = log(36.0) - 4.0 * log(1.0 + w1 + w2 + w3);
7569     return (lnProb);
7570 }
7573 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
7574 /* Joint distribution of branch lengths t under gamma-Dirichlet prior:                                           */
7575 /* (Zhang et al. 2012, Eq. 4; Rannala et al. 2012, Eq. 36):                                                      */
7576 /* ln[f(t|aT,bT,a,c)] =  (aT - a*s - a*c*(s-3)) * ln(T) - bT * T + (a-1) * sum[ln(t_j)] + (a*c-1) * sum[ln(t_k)] */
7577 /*                      + aT * ln(bT) - lnG(aT) - lnB(a,c)                                                       */
7578 /*                                                                                                               */
7579 /* Joint distribution of branch lengths t under invgamma-Dirichlet prior:                                        */
7580 /* (Zhang et al. 2012, Eq. 6; Rannala et al. 2012, Eq. 39):                                                      */
7581 /* ln[f(t|aT,bT,a,c)] = (-aT - a*s - a*c*(s-3)) * ln(T) - bT / T + (a-1) * sum[ln(t_j)] + (a*c-1) * sum[ln(t_k)] */
7582 /*                      + aT * ln(bT) - lnG(aT) - lnB(a,c)                                                       */
7583 /* also see DoCitations()                                                                                        */
7584 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
7586 /* external (tip): 1, internal: 0 */
7587 #define IsTip(Node) (Node->index < numTaxa || (Node->anc)->index < numTaxa)
LogDirPrior(Tree * t,ModelParams * mp,int PV)7589 MrBFlt LogDirPrior (Tree *t, ModelParams *mp, int PV)
7590 {
7591     /* ln prior prob. under Dirichlet priors and twoExp prior
7592      //chi */
7594     int    i, nb[2] = {0,0};
7595     MrBFlt lnprior = 0.0, tb[2] = {0,0}, treeL = 0.0;
7596     MrBFlt aT, bT, a, c;
7597     TreeNode  *p;
7599     /* Not safe, should define Marcos. YES or NO should never be defined to 2 or 3 or 4! */
7600     /* PV is 2 or 3: Dirichlet priors */
7601     if (PV == 2 || PV == 3)
7602         {
7603         /* partially for calculating lnPriorRatio, full part is in LogPrior() */
7604         aT = mp->brlensDir[0];
7605         bT = mp->brlensDir[1];
7606         a  = mp->brlensDir[2];
7607         c  = mp->brlensDir[3];
7609         for (i = 0; i < t->nNodes; i++)
7610             {
7611             p = t->allDownPass[i];
7612             if (p->anc != NULL)
7613                 {
7614                 treeL += p->length;
7615                 nb[IsTip(p)]++;
7616                 tb[IsTip(p)] += log(p->length);
7617                 }
7618             }
7619         lnprior += (a-1)*tb[1] + (a*c -1)*tb[0];
7620         if (PV == 2)
7621             lnprior += (aT - a*nb[1] - a*c*nb[0]) * log(treeL) - bT*treeL;
7622         else
7623             lnprior += (-aT - a*nb[1] - a*c*nb[0]) * log(treeL) - bT/treeL;
7624         }
7625     /* or 4: twoExp prior */
7626     else if (PV == 4)
7627         {
7628         for (i = 0; i < t->nNodes; i++) {
7629             p = t->allDownPass[i];
7630             if (p->anc != NULL)
7631                 {
7632                 nb[IsTip(p)]++;
7633                 tb[IsTip(p)] += p->length;
7634                 }
7635             }
7636         for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
7637             lnprior += nb[i] * log(mp->brlens2Exp[i]) - tb[i] * (mp->brlens2Exp[i]);
7638         }
7640     return lnprior;
7641 }
LogPrior(int chain)7644 MrBFlt LogPrior (int chain)
7645 {
7646     int             i, j, c, n, nStates, *nEvents, sumEvents, *ist, nRates, nParts[6];
7647     const int       *rateCat;
7648     MrBFlt          *st, *sst, lnPrior, sum, x, clockRate, theta, popSize, growth, *alphaDir, newProp[190],
7649                     sF, *sR, *eR, *fR,  freq, pInvar, lambda, sigma, nu, igrvar, **rateMultiplier;
7650     char            *sS;
7651     CLFlt           *nSitesOfPat;
7652     Param           *p;
7653     ModelParams     *mp;
7654     ModelInfo       *m;
7655     Tree            *t;
7656     TreeNode        *branch, *q;
7658     /* In the stepping-stone method, constants that appear in prior probability density functions must be fully specified.
7659        It is not necessary for Bayesian MCMC analyses because such constants cancel out. */
7661     lnPrior = 0.0;
7662     for (n=0; n<numParams; n++)
7663         {
7664         p = &params[n];
7665 #   if defined (MPI_BEST_ENABLED)
7666         /* We skip all parameters that are not handled on this processor. The scheme used here
7667            requires that parameters either be unique to one partition (processor) or that they
7668            are shared across all partitions and that the first processor has all the relevant
7669            information about that parameter. */
7670         if (isDivisionActive[p->relParts[0]] == NO)
7671             continue;
7672 #   endif
7674         st  = GetParamVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
7675         sst = GetParamSubVals (p, chain, state[chain]);
7676         mp = &modelParams[p->relParts[0]];
7677         m = &modelSettings[p->relParts[0]];
7679         if (p->paramType == P_TRATIO)
7680             {
7681             /* tratio parameter */
7682             if (p->paramId == TRATIO_DIR)
7683                 {
7684                 alphaDir = mp->tRatioDir;
7685                 /* we convert here from the ratio parameterization used in the parameter
7686                    struct to the simplex parameterization used for the prior */
7687                 newProp[0] =  st[0] / (st[0] + 1.0);
7688                 newProp[1] =  (1.0 - newProp[0]);
7689                 x = LnGamma(alphaDir[0]+alphaDir[1]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[0]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[1]);
7690                 for (i=0; i<2; i++)
7691                     x += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(newProp[i]);
7692                 lnPrior += x;
7693                 }
7694             }
7695         else if (p->paramType == P_REVMAT)
7696             {
7697             /* revmat parameter */
7698             if (p->paramId == REVMAT_DIR)
7699                 {
7700                 if (p->nValues == 6)
7701                     alphaDir = mp->revMatDir;
7702                 else /* if (p->nValues == 190) */
7703                     alphaDir = mp->aaRevMatDir;
7704                 sum = 0.0;
7705                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
7706                     sum += alphaDir[i];
7707                 x = LnGamma(sum);
7708                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
7709                     x -= LnGamma(alphaDir[i]);
7710                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
7711                     x += (alphaDir[i] - 1.0) * log(st[i]);
7712                 lnPrior += x;
7713                 }
7714             else if (p->paramId == REVMAT_MIX)
7715                 {
7716                 assert (p->nValues == 6);
7717                 alphaDir = &mp->revMatSymDir;
7718                 ist      = GetParamIntVals(p, chain, state[chain]); /* the growth fxn */
7719                 nRates   = GetKFromGrowthFxn(ist);
7720                 /* get the actual rate proportions of the current groups */
7721                 for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
7722                     {
7723                     newProp[i] = 0.0;
7724                     nParts[i] = 0;
7725                     }
7726                 for (i=0; i<6; i++)
7727                     {
7728                     nParts[ist[i]]++;
7729                     newProp[ist[i]] += st[i];
7730                     }
7731                 /* now we calculate probability as usual, with alpha
7732                    parameter multiplied by number of parts */
7733                 x = LnGamma(6.0 * alphaDir[0]);
7734                 for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
7735                     x -= LnGamma(nParts[i] * alphaDir[0]);
7736                 for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
7737                     x += (nParts[i] * alphaDir[0] - 1.0) * log(newProp[i]);
7738                 /* finally take model probability into account */
7739                 x += log (1.0 / 203);
7740                 lnPrior += x;
7741                 }
7742             else
7743                 {
7744                 /* fixed or empirical */
7745                 }
7746             }
7747         else if (p->paramType == P_OMEGA)
7748             {
7749             /* account for prior on omega proportion if 1 omega category */
7750             if (p->paramId == OMEGA_DIR)
7751                 {
7752                 alphaDir = mp->omegaDir;
7753                 /* convert from ratio parameterization to simplex representation */
7754                 newProp[0] = st[0] / (st[0] + 1.0);
7755                 newProp[1] = 1.0 - newProp[0];
7756                 x = LnGamma(alphaDir[0]+alphaDir[1]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[0]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[1]);
7757                 for (i=0; i<2; i++)
7758                     x += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(newProp[i]);
7759                 lnPrior += x;
7760                 }
7761             /* account for stationary state frequencies of M3 and ny98 omega categories */
7762             if (p->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || p->paramId == OMEGA_BED ||
7763                 p->paramId == OMEGA_BFD || p->paramId == OMEGA_FUD ||
7764                 p->paramId == OMEGA_FED || p->paramId == OMEGA_FFD ||
7765                 p->paramId == OMEGA_ED  || p->paramId == OMEGA_FD)
7766                 {
7767                 alphaDir = mp->codonCatDir;
7768                 x = 0.0;
7769                 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
7770                     x += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(sst[i]);
7771                 lnPrior += x;
7772                 }
7773             /* account for beta prior on omeganeg in NY98 */
7774             if (p->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || p->paramId == OMEGA_BUF ||
7775                 p->paramId == OMEGA_BED || p->paramId == OMEGA_BEF ||
7776                 p->paramId == OMEGA_BFD || p->paramId == OMEGA_BFF)
7777                 {
7778                 alphaDir = mp->ny98omega1Beta;
7779                 newProp[0] = st[0] / (st[0] + 1.0);
7780                 newProp[1] = 1.0 - newProp[0];
7781                 x = 0.0;
7782                 for (i=0; i<2; i++)
7783                     x += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(newProp[i]);
7784                 lnPrior += x;
7785                 }
7786             /* account for omegapos in NY98 with uniform prior prob */
7787             if (p->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || p->paramId == OMEGA_BUF ||
7788                 p->paramId == OMEGA_FUD || p->paramId == OMEGA_FUF)
7789                 {
7790                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->ny98omega3Uni[1] - mp->ny98omega3Uni[0]);
7791                 }
7792             /* account for omegapos in NY98 with exponential prior prob */
7793             if (p->paramId == OMEGA_BED || p->paramId == OMEGA_BEF ||
7794                 p->paramId == OMEGA_FED || p->paramId == OMEGA_FEF)
7795                 {
7796                 lnPrior += (log(mp->ny98omega3Exp) - mp->ny98omega3Exp * st[2]);
7797                 }
7798             /* account for omegas in M3, which can only be exponential; if fixed, ln prior prob is 0 */
7799             if (p->paramId == OMEGA_EF || p->paramId == OMEGA_ED)
7800                 {
7801                 lnPrior += LogOmegaPrior (st[0], st[1], st[2]);
7802                 }
7803             }
7804         else if (p->paramType == P_PI)
7805             {
7806             /* state frequencies parameter */
7807             if (p->paramId == PI_DIR)
7808                 {
7809                 nStates = p->nSubValues;
7810                 sum = 0.0;
7811                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7812                     sum += st[i];
7813                 x = LnGamma(sum);
7814                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7815                     x -= LnGamma(st[i]);
7816                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7817                     x += (st[i] - 1.0)*log(sst[i]);
7818                 lnPrior += x;
7819                 }
7820             else if (p->paramId == SYMPI_EXP || p->paramId == SYMPI_EXP_MS)
7821                 {
7822                 lnPrior += - mp->symBetaExp * st[0] + log(mp->symBetaExp);
7823                 }
7824             else if (p->paramId == SYMPI_UNI || p->paramId == SYMPI_UNI_MS)
7825                 {
7826                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->symBetaUni[1] - mp->symBetaUni[0]);
7827                 }
7828             if (p->paramId == SYMPI_EXP_MS || p->paramId == SYMPI_UNI_MS || p->paramId == SYMPI_FIX_MS)
7829                 {
7830                 sst = GetParamStdStateFreqs(p, chain, state[chain]);
7831                 sst += 2*m->numBetaCats;
7832                 for (i=0; i<p->nSympi; i++)
7833                     {
7834                     nStates = p->sympinStates[i];
7835                     x = LnGamma(nStates*st[0]) - nStates*LnGamma(st[0]);
7836                     for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
7837                         x += (st[0] - 1.0)*log(sst[j]);
7838                     lnPrior += x;
7839                     sst += nStates;
7840                     }
7841                 }
7842             }
7843         else if (p->paramType == P_MIXTURE_RATES)
7844             {
7845             /* site rate mixture; first deal with dirichlet prior */
7846             nStates = p->nSubValues;
7847             sum = 0.0;
7848             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7849                 sum += st[i];
7850             x = LnGamma(sum);
7851             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7852                 x -= LnGamma(st[i]);
7853             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7854                 x += (st[i] - 1.0)*log(sst[i]/nStates);
7856             /* now deal with the order statistic; we multiply the density by the number of orderings */
7857             x += LnFactorial(nStates);
7859             lnPrior += x;
7860             }
7861         else if (p->paramType == P_SHAPE)
7862             {
7863             /* gamma/lnorm shape parameter */
7864             if (p->paramId == SHAPE_UNI)
7865                 {
7866                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->shapeUni[1] - mp->shapeUni[0]);
7867                 }
7868             else if (p->paramId == SHAPE_EXP)
7869                 {
7870                 lnPrior += log(mp->shapeExp) - mp->shapeExp * st[0];
7871                 }
7872             for (i=0; i<p->nRelParts; i++)
7873                 {
7874                 m = &modelSettings[p->relParts[i]];
7875                 if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
7876                     {
7877                     if (m->pInvar == NULL)
7878                         lnPrior += log(1.0/m->numRateCats) * m->numUncompressedChars;
7879                     else
7880                         {
7881                         rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain * m->numChars;
7882                         pInvar = *GetParamVals (m->pInvar, chain, state[chain]);
7883                         nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
7884                         freq = (1.0 - pInvar)/m->numRateCats;
7885                         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
7886                             {
7887                             if (rateCat[c] < m->numRateCats)
7888                                 lnPrior += log(freq) * nSitesOfPat[c];
7889                             else
7890                                 lnPrior += log(pInvar) * nSitesOfPat[c];
7891                             }
7892                         }
7893                     }
7894                 }
7895             }
7896         else if (p->paramType == P_PINVAR)
7897             {
7898             /* proportion of invariable sites parameter */
7899             lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->pInvarUni[1] - mp->pInvarUni[0]);
7900             }
7901         else if (p->paramType == P_CORREL)
7902             {
7903             /* adGamma model parameter */
7904             lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->corrUni[1] - mp->corrUni[0]);
7905             }
7906         else if (p->paramType == P_SWITCH)
7907             {
7908             /* switching rate parameter of covarion model */
7909             if (p->paramId == SWITCH_UNI)
7910                 {
7911                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->covswitchUni[1] - mp->covswitchUni[0]);
7912                 }
7913             else if (p->paramId == SWITCH_EXP)
7914                 {
7915                 lnPrior += log(mp->covswitchExp) - mp->covswitchExp * st[0];
7916                 }
7917             }
7918         else if (p->paramType == P_RATEMULT && p->nValues > 1)
7919             {
7920             nStates = p->nValues;
7921             sum = 0.0;
7922             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7923                 sum += sst[i+nStates];
7924             x = LnGamma(sum);
7925             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7926                 x -= LnGamma(sst[i+nStates]);
7927             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7928                 x += (sst[i+nStates] - 1.0) * log(st[i]);
7929             sum = 0.0;  // the constant
7930             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7931                 sum += sst[i];
7932             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++) {
7933                 if (i < nStates-1)
7934                     x += (sst[i+nStates]) * log(sst[i]/sum);
7935                 else
7936                     x += (sst[i+nStates] - 1.0) * log(sst[i]/sum);
7937                 }
7938             lnPrior += x;
7939             }
7940         else if (p->paramType == P_GENETREERATE && p->nValues > 1)
7941             {
7942             nStates = p->nValues;
7943             sum = 0.0;
7944             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7945                 sum += sst[i+nStates];
7946             x = LnGamma(sum);
7947             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7948                 x -= LnGamma(sst[i+nStates]);
7949             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7950                 x += (sst[i+nStates] - 1.0) * log(st[i]);
7951             sum = 0.0;  // the constant
7952             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
7953                 sum += sst[i];
7954             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++) {
7955                 if (i < nStates-1)
7956                     x += (sst[i+nStates]) * log(sst[i]/sum);
7957                 else
7958                     x += (sst[i+nStates] - 1.0) * log(sst[i]/sum);
7959                 }
7960             lnPrior += x;
7961             }
7962         else if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
7963             {
7964             // Note that a topology can have several unlinked branch length subparameters but only
7965             // one set of clock branch lengths. To find all the branch length subparameters of a
7966             // topology, cycle through the p->subParams, which will contain at least one branch length
7967             // parameter.
7968             t = GetTree (p, chain, state[chain]);
7969             if (t->isClock == YES)
7970                 continue;   /* prior probability taken care of in the brlens parameter */
7971             if (t->nLocks > 0)
7972                 {
7973                 for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
7974                     {
7975                     branch = t->allDownPass[i];
7976                     if (branch->left == NULL)
7977                         branch->x = 1;
7978                     else
7979                         branch->x = branch->left->x + branch->right->x;
7980                     if (branch->isLocked == YES || branch->anc->anc == NULL)
7981                         {
7982                         for (j = 2*branch->x - 3; j>=1; j-=2)
7983                             {
7984                             lnPrior -= log ((MrBFlt)j);
7985                             }
7986                         branch->x = 1;
7987                         }
7988                     }
7989                 }
7990             else
7991                 {
7992                 for (j = 2*(t->nNodes-t->nIntNodes)-5; j>=1; j-=2)
7993                     {
7994                     lnPrior -= log ((MrBFlt)j);
7995                     }
7996                 }
7997             }
7998         else if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
7999             {
8000             /* branch lengths */
8001             t = GetTree (p, chain, state[chain]);
8002             if (t->isClock == YES)
8003                 {
8004                 if (p->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_UNI)
8005                     {
8006                     /* uniformly distributed branch lengths */
8007                     clockRate = *(GetParamVals (m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]));
8008                     lnPrior += LnUniformPriorPr(t, clockRate);
8009                     }
8010                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_COAL)
8011                     {
8012                     /* coalescence prior */
8013                     popSize   = *(GetParamVals (m->popSize, chain, state[chain]));
8014                     clockRate = *(GetParamVals (m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]));
8015                     if (strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Diploid") == 0)
8016                         theta = 4.0 * popSize * clockRate;
8017                     else if (strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Zlinked") == 0)
8018                         theta = 3.0 * popSize * clockRate;
8019                     else
8020                         theta = 2.0 * popSize * clockRate;
8021                     if (!strcmp(mp->growthPr, "Fixed"))
8022                         growth = mp->growthFix;
8023                     else
8024                         growth = *(GetParamVals (m->growthRate, chain, state[chain]));
8025                     if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (t, &x, theta, growth) == ERROR)
8026                         {
8027                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for coalescence process\n", spacer);
8028                         }
8029                     lnPrior += x;
8030                     }
8031                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_BD)
8032                     {
8033                     /* birth-death prior */
8034                     sR = GetParamVals (m->speciationRates, chain, state[chain]);
8035                     eR = GetParamVals (m->extinctionRates, chain, state[chain]);
8036                     sS = mp->sampleStrat;
8037                     sF = mp->sampleProb;
8038                     if (m->clockRate != NULL)
8039                         clockRate = *(GetParamVals (m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]));
8040                     else
8041                         clockRate = 1.0;
8042                     if (LnBirthDeathPriorPr (t, clockRate, &x, *sR, *eR, sS, sF) == ERROR)
8043                         {
8044                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for birth-death process\n", spacer);
8045                         }
8046                     lnPrior += x;
8047                     }
8048                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_FOSSIL)
8049                     {
8050                     /* fossilized birth-death prior */
8051                     sR = GetParamVals (m->speciationRates, chain, state[chain]);
8052                     eR = GetParamVals (m->extinctionRates, chain, state[chain]);
8053                     fR = GetParamVals (m->fossilizationRates, chain, state[chain]);
8054                     sF = mp->sampleProb;
8055                     sS = mp->sampleStrat;
8056                     if (m->clockRate != NULL)
8057                         clockRate = *(GetParamVals (m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]));
8058                     else
8059                         clockRate = 1.0;
8060                     if (LnFossilizationPriorPr (t, clockRate, &x, sR, eR, fR, sF, sS) == ERROR)
8061                         {
8062                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem calculating prior for fossilized birth-death process\n", spacer);
8063                         }
8064                     lnPrior += x; /* FIXME: x undefined? (from clang static analyzer) */
8065                     }
8066                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_SPCOAL)
8067                     {
8068                     /* delegate this calculation to the P_SPECIESTREE parameter */
8069                     }
8070                 if (t->isCalibrated == YES)
8071                     {
8072                     /* take care of calibrations */
8073                     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
8074                         {
8075                         q = t->allDownPass[i];
8076                         if (q->isDated == YES && q->calibration->prior != fixed)
8077                             {
8078                             lnPrior += q->calibration->LnPriorProb(q->age, q->calibration->priorParams);
8079                             }
8080                         }
8081                     }
8082                 }
8083             else
8084                 {
8085                 if (p->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
8086                     {
8087                     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8088                         {
8089                         branch = t->allDownPass[i];
8090                         if (branch->anc != NULL)
8091                             lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->brlensUni[1] - BRLENS_MIN);
8092                         }
8093                     }
8094                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_EXP)
8095                     {
8096                     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8097                         {
8098                         branch = t->allDownPass[i];
8099                         if (branch->anc != NULL)
8100                             lnPrior += log(mp->brlensExp) - mp->brlensExp * branch->length;
8101                         }
8102                     }
8103                 /* Dirichlet priors */
8104                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
8105                     {
8106                     lnPrior += LogDirPrior(t, mp, 2);
8107                     lnPrior += (mp->brlensDir[0]) * log(mp->brlensDir[1]) - LnGamma(mp->brlensDir[0])
8108                                 + LnGamma (mp->brlensDir[2] * numTaxa + mp->brlensDir[2] * mp->brlensDir[3] * (numTaxa-3))
8109                                 - numTaxa * LnGamma(mp->brlensDir[2]) - (numTaxa-3) * LnGamma(mp->brlensDir[2] * mp->brlensDir[3]);
8110                     }
8111                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
8112                     {
8113                     lnPrior += LogDirPrior(t, mp, 3);
8114                     lnPrior += (mp->brlensDir[0]) * log(mp->brlensDir[1]) - LnGamma(mp->brlensDir[0])
8115                                 + LnGamma (mp->brlensDir[2] * numTaxa + mp->brlensDir[2] * mp->brlensDir[3] * (numTaxa-3))
8116                                 - numTaxa * LnGamma(mp->brlensDir[2]) - (numTaxa-3) * LnGamma(mp->brlensDir[2] * mp->brlensDir[3]);
8117                     }
8118                 /* twoExp prior */
8119                 else if (p->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
8120                     lnPrior += LogDirPrior(t, mp, 4);
8121                 }
8122             }
8123         else if (p->paramType == P_SPECRATE)
8124             {
8125             /* speciation rate parameter */
8126             if (p->paramId == SPECRATE_UNI)
8127                 {
8128                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
8129                     lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->speciationUni[1] - mp->speciationUni[0]);
8130                 }
8131             else if (p->paramId == SPECRATE_EXP)
8132                 {
8133                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
8134                     lnPrior += log(mp->speciationExp) - mp->speciationExp * st[i];
8135                 }
8136             }
8137         else if (p->paramType == P_EXTRATE)
8138             {
8139             /* extinction rate parameter */
8140             if (p->paramId == EXTRATE_BETA)
8141                 {
8142                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
8143                     {
8144                     alphaDir = mp->extinctionBeta;
8145                     newProp[0] =  st[i];
8146                     newProp[1] =  (1.0 - newProp[0]);
8147                     lnPrior += LnGamma(alphaDir[0]+alphaDir[1]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[0]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[1]);
8148                     lnPrior += (alphaDir[0]-1.0)*log(newProp[0]) + (alphaDir[1]-1.0)*log(newProp[1]);
8149                     }
8150                 }
8151             }
8152         else if (p->paramType == P_FOSLRATE)
8153             {
8154             /* fossilization rate parameter */
8155             if (p->paramId == FOSLRATE_BETA)
8156                 {
8157                 for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
8158                     {
8159                     alphaDir = mp->fossilizationBeta;
8160                     newProp[0] =  st[i];
8161                     newProp[1] =  (1.0 - newProp[0]);
8162                     // if (newProp[0] > 0.0) /* to avoid psi=0 in [0, x_cut] under diversified sampling */
8163                     lnPrior += LnGamma(alphaDir[0]+alphaDir[1]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[0]) - LnGamma(alphaDir[1]);
8164                     lnPrior += (alphaDir[0]-1.0)*log(newProp[0]) + (alphaDir[1]-1.0)*log(newProp[1]);
8165                     }
8166                 }
8167             }
8168         else if (p->paramType == P_POPSIZE)
8169             {
8170             /* neutral coalescence population size parameter; one value, or one value per branch of species tree */
8171             for (i=0; i<p->nValues; i++)
8172                 {
8173                 lnPrior += p->LnPriorProb(st[i], p->priorParams);
8174                 }
8175             }
8176         else if (p->paramType == P_AAMODEL)
8177             {
8178             lnPrior += sst[(int)st[0]];
8179             }
8180         else if (p->paramType == P_BRCORR)
8181             {
8183             }
8184         else if (p->paramType == P_BRSIGMA)
8185             {
8187             }
8188         else if (p->paramType == P_GROWTH)
8189             {
8190             /* population growth parameter */
8191             if (p->paramId == GROWTH_UNI)
8192                 {
8193                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log(mp->growthUni[1] - mp->growthUni[0]);
8194                 }
8195             else if (p->paramId == GROWTH_EXP)
8196                 {
8197                 lnPrior += log(mp->growthExp) - mp->growthExp * st[0];
8198                 }
8199             }
8200         else if (p->paramType == P_CPPRATE)
8201             {
8202             /* rate (lambda) of comp poisson process of relaxed clock */
8203             if (p->paramId == CPPRATE_EXP)
8204                 {
8205                 lnPrior += log (mp->cppRateExp) - mp->cppRateExp * st[0];
8206                 }
8207             }
8208         else if (p->paramType == P_CPPMULTDEV)
8209             {
8210             /* standard deviation (log) of lognormal distribution of rate multipliers for cpp relaxed clock */
8211             /* only fixed value allowed currently */
8212             }
8213         else if (p->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8214             {
8215             /* events of CPP relaxed clock process */
8216             lambda = *GetParamVals (m->cppRate, chain, state[chain]);
8217             sigma = *GetParamVals (m->cppMultDev, chain, state[chain]);
8218             nEvents = p->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]];
8219             rateMultiplier = p->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]];
8220             /* cpp events */
8221             sumEvents = 0;
8222             for (i=0; i<2*numLocalTaxa-2; i++)
8223                 sumEvents += nEvents[i];
8224             t = GetTree (p, chain, state[chain]);
8225             lnPrior += - lambda * TreeLength (p, chain) + (sumEvents * log (lambda));
8226             /* rate multipliers */
8227             for (i=0; i<2*numLocalTaxa-2; i++)
8228                 {
8229                 for (j=0; j<nEvents[i]; j++)
8230                     lnPrior += LnProbLogNormal (0.0, sigma, rateMultiplier[i][j]);
8231                 }
8232             for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-2; i++)
8233                 {
8234                 branch = t->allDownPass[i];
8235                 assert (fabs(branch->length - (branch->anc->nodeDepth - branch->nodeDepth)) < 0.000001);
8236                 }
8237             }
8238         else if (p->paramType == P_TK02VAR)
8239             {
8240             /* variance of rates (nu) in Thorne-Kishino model */
8241             if (p->paramId == TK02VAR_EXP)
8242                 {
8243                 lnPrior += log (mp->tk02varExp) - mp->tk02varExp * st[0];
8244                 }
8245             else if (p->paramId == TK02VAR_UNI)
8246                 {
8247                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log (mp->tk02varUni[1] - mp->tk02varUni[0]);
8248                 }
8249             }
8250         else if (p->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES || (p->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(p, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_TK02))
8251             {
8252             /* branch rates of Thorne-Kishino model */
8253             t = GetTree (p, chain, state[chain]);
8254             if (p->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES)
8255                 nu = *GetParamVals (m->tk02var, chain, state[chain]);
8256             else
8257                 nu = *GetParamVals (m->mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
8258             for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-2; i++)
8259                 {
8260                 branch = t->allDownPass[i];
8261                 if (branch->length > 0.0)  // not ancestral fossil
8262                     lnPrior += LnProbTK02LogNormal (st[branch->anc->index], nu*branch->length, st[branch->index]);
8263                 }
8264             }
8265         else if (p->paramType == P_IGRVAR)
8266             {
8267             /* variance of rates in independent gamma rates model */
8268             if (p->paramId == IGRVAR_EXP)
8269                 {
8270                 lnPrior += log (mp->igrvarExp) - mp->igrvarExp * st[0];
8271                 }
8272             else if (p->paramId == IGRVAR_UNI)
8273                 {
8274                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log (mp->igrvarUni[1] - mp->igrvarUni[0]);
8275                 }
8276             }
8277         else if (p->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES || (p->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(p, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_IGR))
8278             {
8279             /* branch rates of independent branch rate model */
8280             t = GetTree (p, chain, state[chain]);
8281             if (p->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES)
8282                 igrvar = *GetParamVals (m->igrvar, chain, state[chain]);
8283             else
8284                 igrvar = *GetParamVals (m->mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
8285             for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-2; i++)
8286                 {
8287                 branch = t->allDownPass[i];
8288                 if (branch->length > 0.0)  // not ancestral fossil
8289                     lnPrior += LnProbGamma (branch->length/igrvar, branch->length/igrvar, st[branch->index]);
8290                 assert (fabs(sst[branch->index] - branch->length * st[branch->index]) < BRLENS_MIN);
8291                 assert (fabs(branch->length - (branch->anc->nodeDepth - branch->nodeDepth)) < BRLENS_MIN);
8292                 }
8293             }
8294         else if (p->paramType == P_MIXEDVAR)
8295             {
8296             /* hyper prior of rates in mixed rel clock model */
8297             if (p->paramId == MIXEDVAR_EXP)
8298                 {
8299                 lnPrior += log (mp->mixedvarExp) - mp->mixedvarExp * st[0];
8300                 }
8301             else if (p->paramId == MIXEDVAR_UNI)
8302                 {
8303                 lnPrior += log(1.0) - log (mp->mixedvarUni[1] - mp->mixedvarUni[0]);
8304                 }
8305             }
8306         else if (p->paramType == P_CLOCKRATE)
8307             {
8308             /* base rate of molecular clock */
8309             lnPrior += p->LnPriorProb(st[0], p->priorParams);
8310             }
8311         else if (p->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
8312             {
8313             /* calculate prior */
8314             lnPrior += LnSpeciesTreeProb(chain);
8315             }
8316         }
8317     assert (lnPrior == lnPrior);
8319 #   if defined (BEST_MPI_ENABLED)
8320     /* Assemble prior probabilities across processors */
8321     myLnPrior = lnPrior;
8322     MPI_AllReduce (&myLnPrior, &lnPrior, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
8323 #   endif
8325     return (lnPrior);
8326 }
LnBirthDeathPriorPr(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt sR,MrBFlt eR,char * sS,MrBFlt sF)8329 int LnBirthDeathPriorPr (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, char *sS, MrBFlt sF)
8330 {
8331     if (!strcmp(sS, "Random"))
8332         {
8333         return LnBirthDeathPriorPrRandom (t, clockRate, prob, sR, eR, sF);
8334         }
8335     else if (!strcmp(sS, "Diversity"))
8336         {
8337         return LnBirthDeathPriorPrDiversity (t, clockRate, prob, sR, eR, sF);
8338         }
8339     else if (!strcmp(sS, "Cluster"))
8340         {
8341         return LnBirthDeathPriorPrCluster (t, clockRate, prob, sR, eR, sF);
8342         }
8343     else
8344         {
8345         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Sampling strategy for birth-death process not implemented\n", spacer);
8346         return (ERROR);
8347         }
8348 }
8351 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8352 |
8353 |   LnBirthDeathPriorPrRandom
8354 |
8355 |                                      t_4 (age of tips)
8356 |     \         \         \        /
8357 |      \         \         \      /
8358 |       \         \         \    /
8359 |        \         \         \  /
8360 |         \         \         \/       t_3
8361 |          \         \        /
8362 |           \         \      /
8363 |            \         \    /
8364 |             \         \  /
8365 |              \         \/            t_2
8366 |               \        /
8367 |                \      /
8368 |                 \    /
8369 |                  \  /
8370 |                   \/                 t_1 (age of most recent common ancestor)
8371 |
8372 |
8373 |   This function calculates the probability of a rooted tree under the neutral
8374 |   birth death prior with constant birth and death rates, conditioned on t_1,
8375 |   the most recent common ancestor. We assume rho-sampling, that is, a constant
8376 |   sampling probability rho on extant taxa, which is known.
8377 |
8378 |   T:   the unlabeled oriented tree, which is equivalent to a set of unordered
8379 |        speciation times from a point process
8380 |   tau: the labeled unoriented tree
8381 |   b:   birth (speciation) rate
8382 |   d:   death (extintion) rate
8383 |   f:   sampling fraction
8384 |   n:   number of (extant) taxa in the sampled tree
8385 |
8386 |   Eq.3 * Eq.A0 in Hohna et al. 2011 MBE
8387 |
8388 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnBirthDeathPriorPrRandom(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt sR,MrBFlt eR,MrBFlt sF)8389 int LnBirthDeathPriorPrRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, MrBFlt sF)
8390 {
8391     int             i, n, m;
8392     MrBFlt          *nt, lambda, mu, tmrca;
8393     TreeNode        *p;
8394     Model           *mp;
8396     /* transform to standard variables */
8397     lambda = sR / (1.0 - eR);
8398     mu     = eR * lambda;
8400     n      = t->nIntNodes+1;
8401     m      = (int)floor(n/sF+0.5); /* equal to round(n/sF) plus it is compatible with MS Visual Studio */
8403     if (AreDoublesEqual(lambda, mu, ETA) == YES)
8404         {
8405         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Critical branching process for random sampling not implemented\n");
8406         return (ERROR);
8407         }
8409     /* allocate space for the speciation times */
8410     nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8411     if (!nt)
8412         {
8413         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Problem allocating nt\n");
8414         return (ERROR);
8415         }
8417     /* get the node times and put them into a vector */
8418     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
8419         {
8420         p = t->intDownPass[i];
8421         nt[i] = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
8422         }
8423     /* time of most recent common ancestor */
8424     tmrca = nt[t->nIntNodes-1];  // t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate
8426     /* calculate probability of tree using standard variables */
8427     (*prob) = log(m-1) - log(n-1);  // constant
8428     (*prob) += (m-2.0) * (LnP0(tmrca, lambda, mu) + log(lambda) - log(mu));
8429     (*prob) += 2.0 * (LnP1(tmrca, lambda, mu) - log(1.0 - exp(LnP0(tmrca, lambda, mu))));
8430     (*prob) += (n-2.0) * (log(lambda*sF + (lambda-lambda*sF-mu)*exp((mu-lambda)*tmrca)) - log(sF*(1-exp((mu-lambda)*tmrca))));
8431     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes-1; i++)
8432         (*prob) += LnP1Subsample(nt[i], lambda, mu, sF);
8434     /* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
8435     // (*prob) += (n-1.0)*log(2.0) - LnFactorial(n);  // constant
8437     /* condition on tmrca, calibrations are dealt with separately */
8438     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
8439     if (t->root->left->isDated == NO)
8440         (*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
8442     /* free memory */
8443     free (nt);
8445     return (NO_ERROR);
8446 }
8449 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8450  |
8451  |   LnBirthDeathPriorPrDiversity
8452  |
8453  |   Eq.A1 in Hohna et al. 2011 MBE
8454  |
8455  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnBirthDeathPriorPrDiversity(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt sR,MrBFlt eR,MrBFlt sF)8456 int LnBirthDeathPriorPrDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, MrBFlt sF)
8457 {
8458     int             i, n, m;
8459     MrBFlt          *nt, lambda, mu, nt_min, tmrca, ln_p0_t1;
8460     TreeNode        *p;
8461     Model           *mp;
8463     /* transform to standard variables */
8464     lambda = sR / (1.0 - eR);
8465     mu     = eR * lambda;
8467     n      = t->nIntNodes+1;
8468     m      = (int)floor(n/sF+0.5); /* equal to round(n/sF) plus it is compatible with MS Visual Studio */
8470     if (AreDoublesEqual(lambda, mu, ETA) == YES)
8471         {
8472         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Critical branching process for diversity sampling not implemented\n");
8473         return (ERROR);
8474         }
8476     /* allocate space for the speciation times */
8477     nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8478     if (!nt)
8479         {
8480         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Problem allocating nt\n");
8481         return (ERROR);
8482         }
8484     /* get the node times and put them into a vector */
8485     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
8486         {
8487         p = t->intDownPass[i];
8488         nt[i] = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
8489         }
8490     /* time of most recent common ancestor */
8491     tmrca = nt[t->nIntNodes-1];  // t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate
8493     /* find the youngest interal node */
8494     nt_min = nt[0];
8495     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes-1; i++)
8496         {
8497         if (nt_min > nt[i])
8498             nt_min = nt[i];
8499         }
8501     ln_p0_t1 = LnP0(tmrca, lambda, mu);
8502     (*prob) = 0;  // LnFactorial(m-1) - LnFactorial(n-1) - LnFactorial(m-n);  // constant
8503     (*prob) += (m-2.0) * (ln_p0_t1 + log(lambda)) + (n-m)*log(mu);
8504     (*prob) += 2.0 * (LnP1(tmrca, lambda, mu) - log(1.0 - exp(ln_p0_t1)));
8505     (*prob) += (m-n) * (LnP0(nt_min, lambda, mu) - ln_p0_t1);
8506     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes-1; i++)
8507         (*prob) += LnP1(nt[i], lambda, mu) - ln_p0_t1;
8509     /* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
8510     // (*prob) += (n-1.0)*log(2.0) - LnFactorial(n);  // constant
8512     /* condition on tmrca, calibrations are dealt with separately */
8513     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
8514     if (t->root->left->isDated == NO)
8515         (*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
8517     /* free memory */
8518     free (nt);
8520     return (NO_ERROR);
8521 }
8524 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8525  |
8526  |   LnBirthDeathPriorPrCluster
8527  |
8528  |   Eq.A2 in Hohna et al. 2011 MBE
8529  |
8530  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnBirthDeathPriorPrCluster(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt sR,MrBFlt eR,MrBFlt sF)8531 int LnBirthDeathPriorPrCluster (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt sR, MrBFlt eR, MrBFlt sF)
8532 {
8533     int             i, n, m;
8534     MrBFlt          *nt, lambda, mu, nt_2, tmrca, ln_p0_t1;
8535     TreeNode        *p;
8536     Model           *mp;
8538     /* transform to standard variables */
8539     lambda = sR / (1.0 - eR);
8540     mu     = eR * lambda;
8542     n      = t->nIntNodes+1;
8543     m      = (int)floor(n/sF+0.5); /* equal to round(n/sF) plus it is compatible with MS Visual Studio */
8545     if (AreDoublesEqual(lambda, mu, ETA) == YES)
8546         {
8547         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Critical branching process for cluster sampling not implemented\n");
8548         return (ERROR);
8549         }
8551     /* allocate space for the speciation times */
8552     nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8553     if (!nt)
8554         {
8555         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Problem allocating nt\n");
8556         return (ERROR);
8557         }
8559     /* get the node times and put them into a vector */
8560     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
8561         {
8562         p = t->intDownPass[i];
8563         nt[i] = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
8564         }
8565     /* time of most recent common ancestor */
8566     tmrca = nt[t->nIntNodes-1];  // t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate
8568     /* find the second oldest interal node */
8569     nt_2 = nt[0];
8570     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes-1; i++)
8571         {
8572         if (nt_2 < nt[i])
8573             nt_2 = nt[i];
8574         }
8576     ln_p0_t1 = LnP0(tmrca, lambda, mu);
8577     (*prob) = 0;  // LnFactorial(m-1) - LnFactorial(n-1) - LnFactorial(m-n);  // constant
8578     (*prob) += (m-2.0) * (ln_p0_t1 + log(lambda)) + (n-m)*log(mu);
8579     (*prob) += 2.0 * (LnP1(tmrca, lambda, mu) - log(1.0 - exp(ln_p0_t1)));
8580     (*prob) += (m-n) * log(1.0 - exp(LnP0(nt_2, lambda, mu))/exp(ln_p0_t1));
8581     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes-1; i++)
8582         (*prob) += LnP1(nt[i], lambda, mu) - ln_p0_t1;
8584     /* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
8585     // (*prob) += (n-1.0)*log(2.0) - LnFactorial(n);  // constant
8587     /* condition on tmrca, calibrations are dealt with separately */
8588     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
8589     if (t->root->left->isDated == NO)
8590         (*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
8592     /* free memory */
8593     free (nt);
8595     return (NO_ERROR);
8596 }
8599 /*
8600  |
8601  | The probability of having zero lineages remaining after time t in the
8602  | birth-death process.
8603  |
8604  | param: t - speciation time
8605  | param: b - birth rate
8606  | param: d - death rate
8607  | return: log probability of zero remaining lineages
8608  |
8609  */
LnP0(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt b,MrBFlt d)8610 MrBFlt LnP0 (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt b, MrBFlt d)
8611 {
8612     MrBFlt      p0t;
8614     p0t = d*(1.0-exp((d-b)*t)) / (b -d*exp((d-b)*t));
8616     return (log(p0t));
8617 }
8619 /* The probability that a lineage at time t has 0 sampled descendants at time 0 */
LnP0Subsample(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt b,MrBFlt d,MrBFlt f)8620 MrBFlt LnP0Subsample (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt b, MrBFlt d, MrBFlt f)
8621 {
8622     MrBFlt      p0t;
8624     p0t = (f*d + (b*(1.0-f) -d)*exp((d-b)*t)) / (f*b + (b*(1.0-f) -d)*exp((d-b)*t));
8626     return (log(p0t));
8627 }
8629 /*
8630  |
8631  | The probability of having one lineage remaining after time t
8632  | in the birth-death process.
8633  |
8634  | param: t - speciation time
8635  | param: b - birth rate
8636  | param: d - death rate
8637  | return: log probability of one remaining lineage
8638  |
8639  */
LnP1(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt b,MrBFlt d)8640 MrBFlt LnP1 (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt b, MrBFlt d)
8641 {
8642     MrBFlt      p1t;
8644     p1t = 2.0*log(b-d) - (b-d)*t;
8646     p1t -= 2.0*log(b -d*exp((d-b)*t));
8648     return p1t;
8649 }
8651 /* The probability that a lineage at time t has 1 sampled descendants at time 0 */
LnP1Subsample(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt b,MrBFlt d,MrBFlt f)8652 MrBFlt LnP1Subsample (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt b, MrBFlt d, MrBFlt f)
8653 {
8654     MrBFlt      p1t;
8656     p1t = (b-d) / (f*b + (b*(1.0-f)-d)*exp((d-b)*t));
8658     return (2.0*log(p1t) + log(f) - (b-d)*t);
8659 }
8662 /* probability that an individual alive at time t before today has
8663    no sampled extinct or extant descendants
8664  */
LnP0_fossil(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt lambda,MrBFlt mu,MrBFlt psi,MrBFlt c1,MrBFlt c2)8665 MrBFlt LnP0_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt lambda, MrBFlt mu, MrBFlt psi, MrBFlt c1, MrBFlt c2)
8666 {
8667     MrBFlt other;
8669     // c1 = sqrt(pow(lambda-mu-psi, 2) + 4*lambda*psi);
8670     // c2 = (-lambda + mu + 2*lambda*rho + psi) / c1;
8671     other = (exp(-c1 *t) * (1 - c2) - (1 + c2)) / (exp(-c1 *t) * (1 - c2) + (1 + c2));
8673     return log(lambda + mu + psi + c1 * other) - log(2.0*lambda);
8674 }
8676 /* probability that an individual alive at time t before today has
8677    precisely one sampled extant descendant and no sampled extinct descendant
8678  */
LnP1_fossil(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt rho,MrBFlt c1,MrBFlt c2)8679 MrBFlt LnP1_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt rho, MrBFlt c1, MrBFlt c2)
8680 {
8681     MrBFlt other;
8683     // c1 = sqrt(pow(lambda-mu-psi, 2) + 4*lambda*psi);
8684     // c2 = (-lambda + mu + 2*lambda*rho + psi) / c1;
8685     other = 2.0 * (1- c2*c2) * exp(-c1 *t) + pow(1-c2, 2) * exp(-2 *c1 *t) + pow(1+c2, 2);
8687     return log(4.0) + log(rho) - c1 *t - log(other);
8688 }
8691 /* return which time interval t is in */
Slice_i(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt * t_f,int sl)8692 int Slice_i (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt *t_f, int sl)
8693 {
8694     int i = 0;
8695     assert (t > 0.0 && sl >= 0);
8697     /* we need some tolerance here, for t[i] < t <= t[i-1] to return i */
8698     while (t < t_f[i] + BRLENS_MIN/5)
8699         {
8700         i++;
8701         if (i > sl)
8702             return sl;
8703         }
8704     return i;
8705 }
8707 /* probability density of an individual at time t giving rise to an edge
8708    between time t and t_i with q_i(t_i) = 1
8709  */
LnQi_fossil(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt * t_f,int sl,MrBFlt * c1,MrBFlt * c2)8710 MrBFlt  LnQi_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt *t_f, int sl, MrBFlt *c1, MrBFlt *c2)
8711 {
8712     MrBFlt lnq;
8713     int i = Slice_i (t, t_f, sl);
8715     lnq = log(4.0) +c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t);
8716     lnq -= 2.0 * log(1 +c2[i] +(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t)));
8718     return lnq;
8719 }
8721 /* an individual at time t has no sampled descendants when the process is stopped
8722    (i.e., at time t_s), with t_i < t <= t_{i-1} (i = 1,..,s)
8723  */
LnPi_fossil(MrBFlt t,MrBFlt * t_f,int sl,MrBFlt * c1,MrBFlt * c2,MrBFlt * lambda,MrBFlt * mu,MrBFlt * psi)8724 MrBFlt  LnPi_fossil (MrBFlt t, MrBFlt *t_f, int sl, MrBFlt *c1, MrBFlt *c2, MrBFlt *lambda, MrBFlt *mu, MrBFlt *psi)
8725 {
8726     MrBFlt other;
8727     int i = Slice_i (t, t_f, sl);
8729     other = lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i] -c1[i] * (1 +c2[i] -(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t)))
8730                                             / (1 +c2[i] +(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t)));
8731     return log(other) - log(2 *lambda[i]);
8732 }
LnFossilizationPriorPr(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt * sR,MrBFlt * eR,MrBFlt * fR,MrBFlt sF,char * sS)8735 int LnFossilizationPriorPr (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF, char *sS)
8736 {
8737     /* fossilization priors
8738      //chi */
8740     if (!strcmp(sS, "FossilTip"))
8741         return LnFossilizedBDPriorFossilTip (t, clockRate, prob, sR, eR, fR, sF);
8742     else if (!strcmp(sS, "Random"))
8743         return LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom    (t, clockRate, prob, sR, eR, fR, sF);
8744     else if (!strcmp(sS, "Diversity"))
8745         return LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (t, clockRate, prob, sR, eR, fR, sF);
8746     else
8747         {
8748         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Sampling strategy %s for fossilized birth-death process not implemented\n", spacer, sS);
8749         return (ERROR);
8750         }
8751 }
8754 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8755  |
8756  |                                          time  ___  0
8757  |     \                            /            |
8758  |      \                          /             |___  y2
8759  |       \                   \    /              |
8760  |        \                   \  /               |
8761  |         \                   \/         x3  ___|
8762  |          \                  /                 |___  y1
8763  |           \         \      /                  |
8764  |            \         \    /                   |
8765  |             \         \  /                    |
8766  |              \         \/              x2  ___|
8767  |               \        /                      |
8768  |                \      /                       |
8769  |                 \    /                        |
8770  |                  \  /                         |
8771  |                   \/                   x1  ___|
8772  |
8773  |
8774  |   T:   oriented tree
8775  |   b:   birth (speciation) rate
8776  |   d:   death (extintion) rate
8777  |   p:   extant sampling prob
8778  |   q:   fossil sampling rate
8779  |   n:   number of extant taxa
8780  |   m:   number of fossil tips
8781  |
8782  |
8783  |                    [p1(x1)]^2     n+m-1            m    q
8784  |   f(T|tmrca) = ---------------- * prod b*p1(xi) * prod -----  .
8785  |                 [1 - p0(x1)]^2    i=2             i=1  p1(yi)
8786  |
8787  |   f(tmrca) ~ uniform, gamma, etc (see treeAge).
8788  |
8789  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnFossilizedBDPriorFossilTip(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt * sR,MrBFlt * eR,MrBFlt * fR,MrBFlt sF)8790 int LnFossilizedBDPriorFossilTip (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF)
8791 {
8792     /* special case: upon sampling the lineage is dead and won't produce descendants. Each extinct sample is a tip */
8794     int         i, n, m;
8795     MrBFlt      x, lambda, mu, rho, psi, tmrca, c1, c2;
8796     TreeNode    *p;
8797     Model       *mp;
8799     /* sR = lambda-mu-psi, eR = (mu+psi)/lambda, fR = psi/(mu+psi) */
8800     lambda = sR[0] / (1.0 - eR[0]);
8801     mu     = lambda * eR[0] * (1.0 - fR[0]);
8802     psi    = lambda * eR[0] * fR[0];
8803     rho    = sF;
8805     tmrca = t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate;
8806     c1 = sqrt(sR[0]*sR[0] + 4 *lambda *psi);
8807     c2 = (2 *lambda *rho - sR[0]) / c1;
8809     /* calculate prior prob of the fbd tree */
8810     (*prob) = 0.0;
8812     for (n = m = i = 0; i < t->nNodes -1; i++)
8813         {
8814         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8815         x = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
8817         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL)  // internal
8818             {
8819             if (p != t->root->left)
8820                 (*prob) += log(lambda) + LnP1_fossil(x, rho, c1, c2);
8821             }
8822         else if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)  // tip
8823             {
8824             if (p->nodeDepth > 0.0)
8825                 {
8826                 (*prob) += log(psi) - LnP1_fossil(x, rho, c1, c2);
8827                 m++;
8828                 }
8829             else
8830                 n++;
8831             }
8832         }
8834     (*prob) += 2.0 * LnP1_fossil(tmrca, rho, c1, c2);
8836     /* condition on sampling at least one individual in both subtrees leading to the root */
8837     (*prob) -= 2.0 * log(1 - exp(LnP0_fossil(tmrca, lambda, mu, psi, c1, c2)));
8839     /* condition on tmrca, calibrations are dealt with separately */
8840     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
8841     if (t->root->left->isDated == NO)
8842         (*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
8844     /* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree, constant */
8845     // (*prob) += (n + m - 1) * log(2.0) - LnFactorial(n) - LnFactorial(m);
8847     return (NO_ERROR);
8848 }
CompareDoubleDescending(const void * x,const void * y)8851 int CompareDoubleDescending (const void *x, const void *y)
8852 {
8853     if (*((double *)(x)) > *((double *)(y)))
8854         return -1;
8855     else if (*((double *)(x)) < *((double *)(y)))
8856         return 1;
8857     else
8858         return 0;
8859 }
GetTotalRateShifts(Model * mp,MrBFlt * shiftTimes)8860 int GetTotalRateShifts (Model *mp, MrBFlt *shiftTimes)
8861 {
8862     int    i, j, sLen, sTotal;
8864     /* get the total number of rate shifts */
8865     sTotal = mp->fossilSamplingNum;
8866     for (i = 0; i < mp->fossilSamplingNum; i++)
8867         shiftTimes[i] = mp->fossilSamplingTime[i];
8868     sLen = sTotal;
8869     for (i = 0; i < mp->birthRateShiftNum; i++)
8870         {
8871         for (j = 0; j < sLen; j++)
8872             if (fabs(mp->birthRateShiftTime[i] - shiftTimes[j]) <= BRLENS_MIN/2)
8873                 break;
8874         if (fabs(mp->birthRateShiftTime[i] - shiftTimes[j]) > BRLENS_MIN/2)
8875             shiftTimes[sTotal++] = mp->birthRateShiftTime[i];
8876         }
8877     sLen = sTotal;
8878     for (i = 0; i < mp->deathRateShiftNum; i++)
8879         {
8880         for (j = 0; j < sLen; j++)
8881             if (fabs(mp->deathRateShiftTime[i] - shiftTimes[j]) <= BRLENS_MIN/2)
8882                 break;
8883         if (fabs(mp->deathRateShiftTime[i] - shiftTimes[j]) > BRLENS_MIN/2)
8884             shiftTimes[sTotal++] = mp->deathRateShiftTime[i];
8885         }
8887     /* sort shiftTimes[] in ascending order */
8888     qsort(shiftTimes, sTotal, sizeof(double), CompareDoubleDescending);
8890     return sTotal;
8891 }
8894 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8895  |
8896  |   LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom
8897  |
8898  |   Gavryushkina, A., D. Welch, T. Stadler, and A. Drummond. 2014.
8899  |       Bayesian inference of sampled ancestor trees for epidemiology and fossil calibration. PLoS Comp. Biol.
8900  |   Zhang C., T. Stadler, S. Klopfstein, T. A. Heath, and F. Ronquist. 2015.
8901  |       Total-Evidence Dating under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process. Syst. Biol.
8902  |
8903  |
8904  |                                       0  _____________  t3, rho3
8905  |     \                            /          |
8906  |      \                          /           |___  y2
8907  |       \                   \    /   _________|_________  t2, rho2
8908  |        \                   \  /             |
8909  |         \                   \/       x3  ___|
8910  |          \                  /               |___  y1
8911  |           \         \      /                |
8912  |           _\         \    /        _________|_________  t1, rho1
8913  |             \         \  /                  |
8914  |              \         \/            x2  ___|
8915  |               \        /                    |
8916  |                \      /                     |
8917  |                 \    /                      |
8918  |                  \  /                       |
8919  |                   \/                 x1  ___|_________  t_mrca
8920  |
8921  |
8922  |    sl = 2, t1 > t2 > t3 = 0
8923  |    E = 2, K = 1, M = 2
8924  |
8925  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt * sR,MrBFlt * eR,MrBFlt * fR,MrBFlt sF)8926 int LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF)
8927 {
8928     /* Fossils are sampled with piecewise constant rates in the past.
8929        Extant taxa are sampled uniformly at random at present. */
8931     int         i, j, i1, i2, i3,  sl,  K, M, E;
8932     MrBFlt      x, tmrca, *t_f, *lambda, *mu, *psi, *rho, *netDiver, *turnOver, *sampProp, *c1, *c2, *p_t;
8933     TreeNode    *p;
8934     Model       *mp;
8936     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
8938     /* time of most recent common ancestor */
8939     tmrca = t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate;
8941     /* alloc memory for time of each shift, t_f[sl] = 0 */
8942     t_f = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(mp->fossilSamplingNum + mp->birthRateShiftNum + mp->deathRateShiftNum +1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8943     if (!t_f)
8944         {
8945         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Problem allocating t_f in LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom\n", spacer);
8946         return (ERROR);
8947         }
8948     /* get the total rate shifts, sl >= 0 */
8949     sl = GetTotalRateShifts(mp, t_f);
8951     t_f[sl] = 0.0;
8952     assert (t_f[0] < tmrca);
8954     /* alloc memory for the other parameters */
8955     lambda   = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8956     mu       = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8957     psi      = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8958     rho      = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8959     netDiver = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8960     turnOver = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8961     sampProp = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8962     c1       = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8963     c2       = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8964     p_t      = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8965     if (!lambda || !mu || !psi || !rho || !netDiver || !turnOver || !sampProp || !c1 || !c2 || !p_t)
8966         {
8967         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Problem allocating memory in LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom\n", spacer);
8968         free(lambda); free(mu); free(psi); free(rho); free(netDiver); free(turnOver); free(sampProp); free(c1); free(c2); free(p_t);
8969         return (ERROR);
8970         }
8972     /* initialization */
8973     i1 = i2 = i3 = 0;
8974     for (i = 0; i <= sl; i++)
8975         {
8976         if (mp->birthRateShiftNum > 0 && mp->birthRateShiftTime[i1] > t_f[i] +BRLENS_MIN/2)
8977             i1++;
8978         if (mp->deathRateShiftNum > 0 && mp->deathRateShiftTime[i2] > t_f[i] +BRLENS_MIN/2)
8979             i2++;
8980         if (mp->fossilSamplingNum > 0 && mp->fossilSamplingTime[i3] > t_f[i] +BRLENS_MIN/2)
8981             i3++;
8982         netDiver[i] = sR[i1];
8983         turnOver[i] = eR[i2];
8984         sampProp[i] = fR[i3];
8985         }
8986     for (i = 0; i <= sl; i++)
8987         {
8988         /* netDiver = lambda-mu, turnOver = mu/lambda, sampProp = psi/(mu+psi) */
8989         lambda[i] = netDiver[i] / (1.0 - turnOver[i]);
8990         mu[i] = lambda[i] * turnOver[i];
8991         psi[i] = mu[i] * sampProp[i] / (1.0 - sampProp[i]);
8992         rho[i] = 1E-20;  // to avoid prob being -inf
8993         }
8994     rho[sl] = sF;  // 0 < sF <= 1
8996     for (i = sl; i >= 0; i--)
8997         {
8998         c1[i] = sqrt(pow(lambda[i]-mu[i]-psi[i], 2) + 4*lambda[i]*psi[i]);
8999         if (i == sl)
9000             c2[i] = ((1 - 2* (1-rho[i])) *lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i]) /c1[i];
9001         else
9002             c2[i] = ((1 - 2* (1-rho[i]) *p_t[i+1]) *lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i]) /c1[i];
9003         if (i > 0)
9004             p_t[i] = (lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i] -c1[i] * (1 +c2[i] -(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t_f[i-1])))
9005                                                       / (1 +c2[i] +(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t_f[i-1])))) *0.5/lambda[i];
9006         else
9007             p_t[i] = (lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i] -c1[i] * (1 +c2[i] -(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -tmrca)))
9008                                                       / (1 +c2[i] +(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -tmrca)))) *0.5/lambda[i];
9010 #   ifdef DEBUG_FBDPR
9011     printf ("%d: lambda=%lf mu=%lf psi=%lf d=%lf r=%lf s=%lf t=%lf rho=%lf\n",
9012             i+1, lambda[i], mu[i], psi[i], netDiver[i], turnOver[i], sampProp[i], t_f[i], rho[i]);
9013     printf ("    A=%lf B=%lf p%d(t%d)=%lf\n", c1[i], c2[i], i+1, i, p_t[i]);
9014 #   endif
9015         }
9017     /* calculate prior prob of the fbd tree */
9018     (*prob) = 0.0;
9020     for (K = M = E = 0, i = 0; i < t->nNodes -1; i++)
9021         {
9022         p = t->allDownPass[i];
9023         x = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
9025         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL)  // internal
9026             {
9027             if (p->left->length > 0.0 && p->right->length > 0.0)
9028                 {
9029                 if (p != t->root->left)
9030                     (*prob) += log(lambda[Slice_i(x, t_f, sl)]) + LnQi_fossil(x, t_f, sl, c1,c2);
9031                 }
9032             else
9033                 {
9034                 for (j = 0; j < sl; j++)
9035                     if (AreDoublesEqual(p->nodeDepth, t_f[j]*clockRate, BRLENS_MIN/5) == YES)  break;
9036                 if (j == sl)      /* fossil ancestor between t[j-1] and t[j] */
9037                     {
9038                     (*prob) += log(psi[Slice_i(x, t_f, sl)]);
9039                     }
9040                 else              /* fossil ancestor at silice time t[j] */
9041                     {
9042                     (*prob) += log(rho[j]) - log(1 - rho[j]);
9043                     }
9044                 K++;              /* number of fossil ancestors */
9045                 }
9046             }
9047         else if (p->left == NULL && p->length > 0.0)  // tip
9048             {
9049             if (p->nodeDepth > 0.0)
9050                 {
9051                 for (j = 0; j < sl; j++)
9052                     if (AreDoublesEqual(p->nodeDepth, t_f[j]*clockRate, BRLENS_MIN/5) == YES)  break;
9053                 if (j == sl)      /* fossil tip between t[j-1] and t[j] */
9054                     {
9055                     (*prob) += LnPi_fossil(x, t_f, sl, c1,c2, lambda,mu,psi) - LnQi_fossil(x, t_f, sl, c1,c2);
9056                     (*prob) += log(psi[Slice_i(x, t_f, sl)]);
9057                     }
9058                 else              /* fossil tip at silice time t[j] */
9059                     {
9060                     (*prob) += log(p_t[j+1]) + log(rho[j]);
9061                     }
9062                 M++;              /* number of fossil tips */
9063                 }
9064             else
9065                 {
9066                 (*prob) += log(rho[sl]);  // 0 < rho[sl] <= 1
9067                 E++;              /* number of extant taxa */
9068                 }
9069             }
9071         for (j = 0; j < sl; j++)  /* degree-two vertices at silice time t_j */
9072             {
9073             if (p->length > 0.0 && (p->nodeDepth +BRLENS_MIN/10 < t_f[j]*clockRate) && (t_f[j]*clockRate < p->anc->nodeDepth +BRLENS_MIN/10))
9074                 {
9075                 (*prob) += LnQi_fossil(t_f[j], t_f, sl, c1,c2) + log(1 - rho[j]);
9076                 }
9077             }
9078         }
9080     /* condition on sampling a fossil OR a extant taxa */
9081     (*prob) += 2.0 * (LnQi_fossil(tmrca, t_f, sl, c1,c2) - log(1- p_t[0]));
9083     /* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
9084     (*prob) += (M + E - 1) * log(2.0);  // - LnFactorial(E + M + K);  // # permutation is constant
9086     /* condition on tmrca, calibrations are dealt with separately */
9087     if (t->root->left->isDated == NO)
9088         (*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
9090 #   ifdef DEBUG_FBDPR
9091     printf ("K=%d M=%d E=%d\n", K, M, E);
9092     printf ("prob=%lf\n", *prob);
9093 #   endif
9095     /* free memory */
9096     free(t_f);
9097     free(lambda); free(mu); free(psi); free(rho); free(netDiver); free(turnOver); free(sampProp); free(c1); free(c2); free(p_t);
9099     return (NO_ERROR);
9100 }
9103 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9104  |
9105  |   LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity
9106  |
9107  |   Zhang C., T. Stadler, S. Klopfstein, T. A. Heath, and F. Ronquist. 2015.
9108  |       Total-Evidence Dating under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process. Syst. Biol.
9109  |
9110  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt * sR,MrBFlt * eR,MrBFlt * fR,MrBFlt sF)9111 int LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt *fR, MrBFlt sF)
9112 {
9113     /* Fossils are sampled with piecewise constant rates in the past.
9114        Extant taxa are sampled with prop sF to maximize diversity. */
9116     int         i, j, i1, i2, i3,  sl,  K, M, E;
9117     MrBFlt      x, tmrca, *t_f, x_cut, M_x, *lambda, *mu, *psi, *rho, *netDiver, *turnOver, *sampProp, *c1, *c2, *p_t;
9118     TreeNode    *p;
9119     Model       *mp;
9121     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
9123     /* time of most recent common ancestor */
9124     tmrca = t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate;
9126     /* alloc memory for time of each shift, t_f[sl] = 0, t_f[sl-1] = x_cut */
9127     t_f = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(mp->fossilSamplingNum + mp->birthRateShiftNum + mp->deathRateShiftNum +2) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9128     if (!t_f)
9129         {
9130         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Problem allocating t_f in LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity\n", spacer);
9131         return (ERROR);
9132         }
9133     /* get the total rate shifts, plus 1 to shift psi to 0 */
9134     sl = GetTotalRateShifts(mp, t_f) + 1;
9136     /* get time of youngest fossil and internal node */
9137     x_cut = tmrca;
9138     for (i = 0; i < t->nNodes -1; i++)
9139         {
9140         p = t->allDownPass[i];
9141         if (p->left == NULL && p->nodeDepth > 0.0)  //fossil
9142             if (x_cut > p->nodeDepth / clockRate)
9143                 x_cut = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
9144         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL &&
9145             p->left->length > 0.0 && p->right->length > 0.0)  // internal
9146             if (x_cut > p->nodeDepth / clockRate)
9147                 x_cut = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
9148         }
9150     /* lower the cutoff time if not compatible */
9151     if (sl > 1 && x_cut > t_f[sl-2])
9152         x_cut = t_f[sl-2];
9154     t_f[sl] = 0.0;
9155     t_f[sl-1] = x_cut * 0.95;  // x_cut
9156     assert (t_f[0] < tmrca);
9158     /* alloc memory for the other parameters */
9159     lambda   = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9160     mu       = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9161     psi      = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9162     rho      = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9163     netDiver = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9164     turnOver = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9165     sampProp = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9166     c1       = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9167     c2       = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9168     p_t      = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9169     if (!lambda || !mu || !psi || !rho || !netDiver || !turnOver || !sampProp || !c1 || !c2 || !p_t)
9170         {
9171         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Problem allocating memory in LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity\n", spacer);
9172         free(lambda); free(mu); free(psi); free(rho); free(netDiver); free(turnOver); free(sampProp); free(c1); free(c2); free(p_t);
9173         return (ERROR);
9174         }
9176     /* initialization */
9177     i1 = i2 = i3 = 0;
9178     for (i = 0; i < sl; i++)
9179         {
9180         if (mp->birthRateShiftNum > 0 && mp->birthRateShiftTime[i1] > t_f[i] +BRLENS_MIN/2)
9181             i1++;
9182         if (mp->deathRateShiftNum > 0 && mp->deathRateShiftTime[i2] > t_f[i] +BRLENS_MIN/2)
9183             i2++;
9184         if (mp->fossilSamplingNum > 0 && mp->fossilSamplingTime[i3] > t_f[i] +BRLENS_MIN/2)
9185             i3++;
9186         netDiver[i] = sR[i1];
9187         turnOver[i] = eR[i2];
9188         sampProp[i] = fR[i3];
9189         }
9190     for (i = 0; i < sl; i++)
9191         {
9192         /* netDiver = lambda-mu, turnOver = mu/lambda, sampProp = psi/(mu+psi) */
9193         lambda[i] = netDiver[i] / (1.0 - turnOver[i]);
9194         mu[i] = lambda[i] * turnOver[i];
9195         psi[i] = mu[i] * sampProp[i] / (1.0 - sampProp[i]);
9196         rho[i] = 1E-20;  // to avoid prob being -inf
9197         }
9198     lambda[sl] = lambda[sl-1];  netDiver[sl] = netDiver[sl-1];
9199     mu[sl]  = mu[sl-1];         turnOver[sl] = turnOver[sl-1];
9200     psi[sl] = 0.0;   // psi = 0 in [0, x_cut]
9201     rho[sl] = 1.0;   // not sF
9203     for (i = sl; i >= 0; i--)
9204         {
9205         c1[i] = sqrt(pow(lambda[i]-mu[i]-psi[i], 2) + 4*lambda[i]*psi[i]);
9206         if (i == sl)
9207             c2[i] = ((1 - 2* (1-rho[i])) *lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i]) /c1[i];
9208         else
9209             c2[i] = ((1 - 2* (1-rho[i]) *p_t[i+1]) *lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i]) /c1[i];
9210         if (i > 0)
9211             p_t[i] = (lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i] -c1[i] * (1 +c2[i] -(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t_f[i-1])))
9212                                                       / (1 +c2[i] +(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -t_f[i-1])))) *0.5/lambda[i];
9213         else
9214             p_t[i] = (lambda[i] +mu[i] +psi[i] -c1[i] * (1 +c2[i] -(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -tmrca)))
9215                                                       / (1 +c2[i] +(1 -c2[i]) *exp(c1[i] *(t_f[i] -tmrca)))) *0.5/lambda[i];
9217 #   ifdef DEBUG_FBDPR
9218     printf ("%d: lambda=%lf mu=%lf psi=%lf d=%lf r=%lf s=%lf t=%lf rho=%lf\n",
9219             i+1, lambda[i], mu[i], psi[i], netDiver[i], turnOver[i], sampProp[i], t_f[i], rho[i]);
9220     printf ("    A=%lf B=%lf p%d(t%d)=%lf\n", c1[i], c2[i], i+1, i, p_t[i]);
9221 #   endif
9222         }
9224     /* first calculate prob of the fbd tree assuming complete sampling */
9225     (*prob) = 0.0;
9227     for (K = M = E = 0, i = 0; i < t->nNodes -1; i++)
9228         {
9229         p = t->allDownPass[i];
9230         x = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
9232         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL)  // internal
9233             {
9234             if (p->left->length > 0.0 && p->right->length > 0.0)
9235                 {
9236                 if (p != t->root->left)
9237                     (*prob) += log(lambda[Slice_i(x, t_f, sl)]) + LnQi_fossil(x, t_f, sl, c1,c2);
9238                 }
9239             else
9240                 {
9241                 for (j = 0; j < sl; j++)
9242                     if (AreDoublesEqual(p->nodeDepth, t_f[j]*clockRate, BRLENS_MIN/5) == YES)  break;
9243                 if (j == sl)      /* fossil ancestor between t[j-1] and t[j] */
9244                     {
9245                     (*prob) += log(psi[Slice_i(x, t_f, sl)]);
9246                     }
9247                 else              /* fossil ancestor at silice time t[j] */
9248                     {
9249                     (*prob) += log(rho[j]) - log(1 - rho[j]);
9250                     }
9251                 K++;              /* number of fossil ancestors */
9252                 }
9253             }
9254         else if (p->left == NULL && p->length > 0.0)  // tip
9255             {
9256             if (p->nodeDepth > 0.0)
9257                 {
9258                 for (j = 0; j < sl; j++)
9259                     if (AreDoublesEqual(p->nodeDepth, t_f[j]*clockRate, BRLENS_MIN/5) == YES)  break;
9260                 if (j == sl)      /* fossil tip between t[j-1] and t[j] */
9261                     {
9262                     (*prob) += LnPi_fossil(x, t_f, sl, c1,c2, lambda,mu,psi) - LnQi_fossil(x, t_f, sl, c1,c2);
9263                     (*prob) += log(psi[Slice_i(x, t_f, sl)]);
9264                     }
9265                 else              /* fossil tip at silice time t[j] */
9266                     {
9267                     (*prob) += log(p_t[j+1]) + log(rho[j]);
9268                     }
9269                 M++;              /* number of fossil tips */
9270                 }
9271             else
9272                 {
9273                 // (*prob) += log(rho[sl]);  // rho[sl] = 1
9274                 E++;              /* number of extant taxa */
9275                 }
9276             }
9278         for (j = 0; j < sl; j++)  /* degree-two vertices at silice time t_j */
9279             {
9280             if (p->length > 0.0 && (p->nodeDepth +BRLENS_MIN/10 < t_f[j]*clockRate) && (t_f[j]*clockRate < p->anc->nodeDepth +BRLENS_MIN/10))
9281                 {
9282                 (*prob) += LnQi_fossil(t_f[j], t_f, sl, c1,c2) + log(1 - rho[j]);
9283                 }
9284             }
9285         }
9287     /* condition on sampling a fossil OR a extant taxa */
9288     (*prob) += 2.0 * (LnQi_fossil(tmrca, t_f, sl, c1,c2) - log(1- p_t[0]));
9290     /* number of extant taxa not sampled */
9291     M_x = (int)floor(E/sF + 0.5) - E; /* equal to round(E/sF) plus it is compatible with MS Visual Studio */
9293     /* then calculate the prob of the fbd tree assuming diversified sampling of extant */
9294     (*prob) += M_x * (log(lambda[sl] * (1.0 - exp((mu[sl]-lambda[sl])*t_f[sl-1]))) - log(lambda[sl] - mu[sl] * exp((mu[sl]-lambda[sl])*t_f[sl-1])));
9296     /* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
9297     (*prob) += (M + E - 1) * log(2.0);  // - LnFactorial(E + M + K);  // # permutation is constant
9299     /* condition on tmrca, calibrations are dealt with separately */
9300     if (t->root->left->isDated == NO)
9301         (*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
9303 #   ifdef DEBUG_FBDPR
9304     printf ("K=%d M=%d E=%d\n", K, M, E);
9305     printf ("prob=%lf\n", *prob);
9306 #   endif
9308     /* free memory */
9309     free(t_f);
9310     free(lambda); free(mu); free(psi); free(rho); free(netDiver); free(turnOver); free(sampProp); free(c1); free(c2); free(p_t);
9312     return (NO_ERROR);
9313 }
9316 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9317 |
9318 |   LnCoalescencePriorPr
9319 |
9320 |   This function calculates the probability of a tree under the neutral
9321 |   coalescence prior with a (potentially) exponentially growing population.
9322 |   We assume a rooted tree that satisfies the molecular clock constraint. The
9323 |   Tree is labelled as follows:
9324 |
9325 |                                      t_4 ___
9326 |     \         \         \        /            \
9327 |      \         \         \      /             |
9328 |   I_4 \         \         \    /              | g_4
9329 |        \         \         \  /               |
9330 |         \         \         \/       t_3 ___  /
9331 |          \         \        /                 \
9332 |           \         \      /                  |
9333 |   I_3      \         \    /                   | g_3
9334 |             \         \  /                    |
9335 |              \         \/            t_2 ___  /
9336 |               \        /                      \
9337 |                \      /                       |
9338 |   I_2           \    /                        | g_2
9339 |                  \  /                         |
9340 |                   \/                 t_1 ___  /
9341 |
9342 |   Each interval on the tree is specified by successive coalescence events.
9343 |   These intervals are denoted I_2, I_3, I_4, ..., with the subscript denoting
9344 |   how many lineages exist in that interval. The time of each coalescence event
9345 |   is designated t_1, t_2, t_3, ..., where the subscript denotes the number
9346 |   of lineages that exist after the coalescence (t_3, for instance, would be
9347 |   the time of the coalescence that went from four lineages to three lineages).
9348 |   The duration of the i-th interval is designated g_i.
9349 |
9350 |   The probability of the coalescence tree is:
9351 |
9352 |   prob = (k_C_2 / (N(t_k + t_k))) * exp(-integral_(from x=t_k, to g_k + t_k)  (k_C_2 / N(x)) dx)
9353 |
9354 |   where N(x) = N(0) * exp(-r*x). For the constant population size case,
9355 |   N(0) = N_e. r is the population growth parameter for the exponentially
9356 |   growing population. Here, theta = N(0) * mu when organisms are haploid and
9357 |   theta = 2 * N(0) * mu when the organism is diploid.
9358 |
9359 |   Below, ct holds the n - 1 coalescence times (t_i, above) sorted from the
9360 |   smallest to the largest. Remember that t_4 < t_3 < t_2, etc.
9361 |
9362 |   2010-03-23
9363 |   The original function (described above) was incorrect in that it used theta = 2 * N * mu
9364 |   in one part of the equation and theta = 4 * N * mu in another. It is now corrected to
9365 |   consistently use theta = 4 * N * mu, which is the standard for diploid populations
9366 |   and theta = 2 * N * mu for haploid populations. The calculations are the same for the
9367 |   diploid and haploid cases, only the interpretation is different. See, e.g., Felsenstein
9368 |   (2004; Inferring Phylogenies). -- Fredrik.
9369 |
9370 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnCoalescencePriorPr(Tree * t,MrBFlt * prob,MrBFlt theta,MrBFlt growth)9371 int LnCoalescencePriorPr (Tree *t, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt theta, MrBFlt growth)
9372 {
9373     int             i, j, k, nNodes;
9374     MrBFlt          *ct, tempD, lastCoalescenceTime, coalescenceTime, intervalLength;
9375     TreeNode        *p;
9377     /* allocate space for the coalescence times */
9378     ct = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
9379     if (!ct)
9380         {
9381         MrBayesPrint ("\n   ERROR: Problem allocating ct\n");
9382         return (ERROR);
9383         }
9385     /* get the coalescence times and put them into a vector */
9386     for (i=j=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
9387         {
9388         p = t->intDownPass[i];
9389         if (p->anc != NULL)
9390             ct[j++] = p->nodeDepth;  // Don't divide clockRate here, as mu is already in theta
9391         }
9392     nNodes = j;
9394     /* sort the coalescence times */
9395     SortMrBFlt (ct, 0, nNodes-1);
9397     /*for (i=0, k=numLocalTaxa; i<nNodes; i++)
9398         {
9399         printf ("%4d -- %2d %lf\n", i, k, ct[i]);
9400         k--;
9401         }*/
9403     /* calculate probability of the tree */
9404     if (AreDoublesEqual (growth, 0.0, 0.000001) == YES)
9405         {
9406         /* use this if there is no population growth */
9407         tempD = lastCoalescenceTime = 0.0;
9408         for (i=0, k=numLocalTaxa; i<nNodes; i++)
9409             {
9410             coalescenceTime = ct[i];
9411             intervalLength = coalescenceTime - lastCoalescenceTime;
9412             lastCoalescenceTime = ct[i];
9413             tempD += - (k * (k-1) * intervalLength) / (theta);
9414             k--;
9415             }
9416         (*prob) = (numLocalTaxa - 1) * log(2.0 / theta) + tempD;
9417         }
9418     else
9419         {
9420         /* use this if the population is growing exponentially */
9421         tempD = lastCoalescenceTime = 0.0;
9422         for (i=0, k=numLocalTaxa; i<nNodes; i++)
9423             {
9424             coalescenceTime = ct[i];
9425             intervalLength = coalescenceTime - lastCoalescenceTime; /* FIXME: Not used (from clang static analyzer) */
9426             tempD += growth * coalescenceTime + (((k * (k-1)) / (theta * growth)) * (exp(growth * lastCoalescenceTime) - exp(growth * coalescenceTime)));
9427             lastCoalescenceTime = ct[i];
9428             k--;
9429             }
9430         (*prob) = (numLocalTaxa - 1) * log(2.0 / theta) + tempD;
9431         }
9433     /* printf ("coal pr = %lf theta = %lf, nNodes = %d, nt = %d tempD = %lf\n", *prob, theta, nNodes, numLocalTaxa, tempD); */
9435     /* free memory */
9436     free (ct);
9438     return (NO_ERROR);
9439 }
9442 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9443 |
9444 |   LnUniformPriorPr
9445 |
9446 |   This function calculates the probability of a calibrated clock tree under the
9447 |   uniform prior probability distribution on node depths. The tree is labeled as
9448 |   follows:
9449 |                                                interval between tip dates
9450 |    t_0                          t_1      time  ____  0 (interval between t_0 and t_1, duration 0)
9451 |     \                            /            |
9452 |      \                  t_2     /             |___   1 (interval between t_1 and t_2)
9453 |       \                   \    /              |
9454 |        \                   \  /               |
9455 |         \                   \/        0.33 ___|      2 (interval between t_2 and t_3)
9456 |          \        t_3       /                 |___
9457 |           \         \      /                  |
9458 |            \         \    /                   |
9459 |             \         \  /                    |
9460 |              \   t_4   \/             0.67 ___|
9461 |               \     \  /                      |      3 (interval between t_3 and root)
9462 |                \     \/                       |
9463 |                 \    /                        |      Note that t_4 is irrelevant for intervals
9464 |                  \  /                         |      because we need not have a single coalescent
9465 |                   \/                  1.00 ___|___   event beneath t_4 except for the root.
9466 |
9467 |   The probability depends on the number of nodes falling in each interval between
9468 |   tip dates, the time interval on which each node depth can vary (if it is interior
9469 |   node number i, it can vary on the interval (t_{i+1},1)). Finally, the probability
9470 |   is multiplied by the number of coalescent histories compatible with the node order.
9471 |
9472 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnUniformPriorPr(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate)9473 MrBFlt LnUniformPriorPr (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate)
9474 {
9475     int         i, j, k, *nLineages=NULL, nDatedTips, nLineagesIn, nLineagesOut, nTips;
9476     MrBFlt      lnProb, treeAge, *nodeDepths=NULL;
9477     TreeNode    *p, *root;
9478     Model       *mp;
9480     lnProb      = 0.0;
9481     mp          = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
9482     treeAge     = t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate;
9483     assert (t->root->left->isDated == NO || AreDoublesEqual(treeAge, t->root->left->age, 0.000001) == YES);
9485     /* Calculate number of tips for convenience */
9486     nTips   = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
9488     /* First take tree age into account f(t_0) */
9489     if (t->root->left->isDated == YES)
9490         {
9491         lnProb += 0.0;  /* calibrations are dealt with separately in calling function */
9492         }
9493     else
9494         {
9495         lnProb += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(treeAge, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
9496         }
9498     /* If tree is not calibrated or only root is calibrated, it is easy */
9499     for (i=j=0; i<t->nNodes-2; i++)
9500         {
9501         if (t->allDownPass[i]->isDated == YES)
9502             j++;
9503         }
9504     if (j == 0)
9505         {
9506         /* Calculate simple probability f(tau|t_0) */
9507         lnProb += (nTips - 1.0)*log(2.0) - LnFactorial(nTips) - log(nTips-1.0) - (nTips - 2.0)*log(treeAge);
9508         assert (lnProb > NEG_INFINITY);
9509         return lnProb;
9510         }
9512     /* We have a tree with interior or tip calibrations */
9514     /* Color subtrees by assigning an index 1,...,k to the x variable of each node,
9515        where k is the total number of separate subtrees. A subtree is characterized
9516        by having all interior nodes being unconstrained and all tips being either
9517        terminals or constrained interior nodes. The root of a subtree may be the
9518        root of the tree, or an interior node that is constrained and dated, or an
9519        interior node that is constrained but not dated. */
9520     i = 0;
9521     ColorClusters (t->root->left, &i);
9523     /* Get the probability for each subtree */
9524     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
9525         {
9526         p = t->intDownPass[i];
9528         /* Skip unless this is the root of a subtree */
9529         if (p->anc->anc != NULL && p->isDated != YES)
9530             continue;
9532         /* Save the root of the subtree */
9533         root = p;
9535         /* Create an array containing the sorted times */
9537         /* Allocate space for node depths */
9538         nDatedTips = NumDatedTips (root);
9539         nodeDepths = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)nodeDepths, (nDatedTips+1)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
9541         /* Get the dated node depths and sort them. The call to GetDatedNodeDepths also
9542            returns the root node depth into nodeDepths, which is convenient. For now, this
9543            only works for dated tips, not for constrained but undated interior nodes. */
9544         GetDatedNodeDepths (root, nodeDepths);
9545         SortMrBFlt (nodeDepths, 0, nDatedTips);   /* use index of left and right in call */
9547         /* Get probability due to the uniform node depths; we do not use first and last tip depth
9548            for obvious reasons (see figure above) */
9549         for (j=1; j<nDatedTips-1; j++)
9550             lnProb -= log ((root->nodeDepth - nodeDepths[j]) / clockRate);
9552         /* Get probability due to sorting of interior node depths */
9554         /* First get the potential number of lineages leaving each interval j at time nodeDepths[j+1] */
9555         nLineages = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)nLineages, nDatedTips*sizeof(int));
9556         for (j=0; j<nDatedTips; j++)
9557             nLineages[j] = j+1;
9559         /* Subtract interior nodes so that we get the real number of lineages leaving each interval.
9560            The number of lineages entering each interval is always 1 + the number of lineages
9561            leaving the previous interval. We utilize the fact here that the last node depth is the
9562            root node depth and is held in nodeDepths[nDatedTips] */
9563         for (j=0; j<t->nIntNodes; j++)
9564             {
9565             p = t->intDownPass[j];
9566             if (p->x != root->x || p == root || p->isDated == YES)
9567                 continue;
9568             for (k=0; k<nDatedTips; k++)
9569                 if (p->nodeDepth < nodeDepths[k+1])
9570                         nLineages[k]--;
9571             }
9573         /* Now get the density effect of the sorting constraints */
9574         for (j=1; j<nDatedTips-1; j++)
9575             {
9576             nLineagesIn = nLineages[j-1] + 1;
9577             if (j==nDatedTips-2)
9578                 nLineagesOut = 2;    /* skip the last segment and jump directly to root */
9579             else
9580                 nLineagesOut = nLineages[j];
9581             /* only calculate if ln different from 0 */
9582             if (nLineagesIn > 1 && nLineagesIn - nLineagesOut >= 1)
9583                 {
9584                 lnProb += LnFactorial (nLineagesIn-1) - LnFactorial(nLineagesOut-1);
9585                 }
9586             }
9588         /* Finally get the effect of the number of possible coalescent histories */
9589         for (j=1; j<nDatedTips; j++)
9590             {
9591             nLineagesIn = nLineages[j-1] + 1;
9592             nLineagesOut = nLineages[j];
9593             if (nLineagesIn != nLineagesOut)
9594                 {
9595                 lnProb += log(2.0) * (nLineagesIn - nLineagesOut);
9596                 lnProb += LnFactorial (nLineagesOut) + LnFactorial (nLineagesOut-1);
9597                 lnProb -= LnFactorial (nLineagesIn)  + LnFactorial (nLineagesIn-1);
9598                 }
9599             }
9601         /* Last but not least, change color of root so that it can be a tip in the next
9602            subtree (if we wanted to use the colors). */
9603         root->x = root->anc->x;
9605         }
9607     free (nodeDepths);
9608     free (nLineages);
9610     assert (lnProb > NEG_INFINITY);
9612     return lnProb;
9613 }
9616 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
9617 |
9618 |   NewtonRaphsonBrlen: Find one maximum likelihood branch length using
9619 |      the Newton-Raphson method. This function assumes that the tree is
9620 |      a non-clock tree. For clock trees, you have to optimize the node
9621 |      depths instead.
9622 |
9623 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NewtonRaphsonBrlen(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,int chain)9624 int NewtonRaphsonBrlen (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int chain)
9625 {
9626     int         c, i, j, s, k, n, d, division, nIterations, maxNumIterations,
9627                 index, *rateCat, r;
9628     MrBFlt      vOld, *pi, *cijk, *eigenValues, *catRate, baseRate, length, theRate, tolerance,
9629                 expLambdaV[64], pInvar=0.0, likeI=0.0, sum=0.0, sum1, sum2, beta, w, v, x, y, expBetaV,
9630                 expWV, kappa, bigPi, *ptr;
9631     CLFlt       *nSitesOfPat, *clP, *clA, *tiP, *tiP1, *tiP2, like, like1, like2, CLsum, CLsum1, CLsum2,
9632                 freq, sumLike1, sumLike2, *lnScaler=NULL, *clInvar=NULL;
9633     ModelInfo   *m;
9635     /* TODO: Standard model (also check RES for ascertainment bias) */
9636     tolerance = 0.001;
9637     maxNumIterations = 5;
9639     nIterations = 0;
9640     do {
9641         /* reset f'(v) and f''(v) sums */
9642         sumLike1 = sumLike2 = 0.0;
9644         /* cycle over character partitions */
9645         for (d=0; d<t->nRelParts; d++)
9646             {
9647             division = t->relParts[d];
9649             /* get pointer to model */
9650             m = &modelSettings[division];
9652             /* get number of model states */
9653             n = m->numModelStates;
9655             /* find conditional likelihoods */
9656             clP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index     ]];
9657             clA = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->anc->index]];
9659             /* get state frequencies */
9660             pi = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
9662             /* get base rate */
9663             theRate = 1.0;
9664             baseRate = GetRate (division, chain);
9666             /* get category rates */
9667             if (m->shape == NULL)
9668                 catRate = &theRate;
9669             else
9670                 catRate = GetParamSubVals (m->shape, chain, state[chain]);
9672             /* find category frequencies and some additional stuff for the invar model */
9673             if (m->pInvar == NULL)
9674                 freq =  (CLFlt) (1.0 /  m->numRateCats);
9675             else
9676                 {
9677                 /* invariable sites model */
9678                 pInvar = * GetParamVals(m->pInvar, chain, state[chain]);
9679                 freq = (CLFlt) ((1.0 - pInvar) /  m->numRateCats);
9680                 baseRate /= (1.0 - pInvar);
9681                 clInvar = m->invCondLikes;
9682                 lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
9683                 }
9685             /* find the branch lengths times any correction factor to make them
9686                in terms of expected number of substitutions per character */
9687             length = p->length;
9688             if (m->dataType == DNA || m->dataType == RNA)
9689                 {
9690                 if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_DOUBLET)
9691                     length *= 2.0;
9692                 else if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_CODON)
9693                     length *= 3.0;
9694                 }
9696             /* find nSitesOfPat */
9697             nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains)*numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
9699             /* get tiProbs for current length; use the scratch location */
9700             FlipTiProbsSpace(m, chain, p->index);
9701             m->TiProbs (p, division, chain);
9702             tiP = m->tiProbs[m->tiProbsIndex[chain][p->index]];
9703             FlipTiProbsSpace(m, chain, p->index);
9705             /* allocate space for first and second derivatives */
9706             tiP1 = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*m->tiProbLength, sizeof (CLFlt));
9707             if (!tiP1)
9708                 return (ERROR);
9709             tiP2 = tiP1 + m->tiProbLength;
9711             /* calculate first and second derivatives of P(v): P'(v) and P''(v) */
9712             index = 0;
9713             if (m->TiProbs == &TiProbs_Fels || m->TiProbs == &TiProbs_Res)
9714                 {
9715                 /* calculate beta */
9716                 sum = 0.0;
9717                 for (i=0; i<m->numModelStates; i++)
9718                     for (j=i+1; j<m->numModelStates; j++)
9719                         sum += pi[i]*pi[j];
9720                 beta = 0.5 / sum;
9722                 /* calculate derivatives */
9723                 for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
9724                     {
9725                     v = length * catRate[k] * baseRate;
9726                     expBetaV = exp (- beta * v);
9727                     for (i=0; i<m->numModelStates; i++)
9728                         {
9729                         for (j=0; j<m->numModelStates; j++)
9730                             {
9731                             if (i == j)
9732                                 {
9733                                 x = - beta * (1.0 - pi[j]) * expBetaV;
9734                                 tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) x;
9735                                 tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) (- beta * x);
9736                                 }
9737                             else
9738                                 {
9739                                 x = beta * pi[j] * expBetaV;
9740                                 tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) x;
9741                                 tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) (- beta * x);
9742                                 }
9743                             index++;
9744                             }
9745                         }
9746                     }
9747                 }
9748             else if (m->TiProbs == &TiProbs_Hky)
9749                 {
9750                 /* get kappa */
9751                 kappa =  *GetParamVals (m->tRatio, chain, state[chain]);
9753                 /* calculate beta */
9754                 sum = 0.0;
9755                 for (i=0; i<m->numModelStates; i++)
9756                     {
9757                     for (j=i+1; j<m->numModelStates; j++)
9758                         {
9759                         if (j - i == 2)
9760                             sum += kappa * pi[i] * pi[j];
9761                         else
9762                             sum += pi[i] * pi[j];
9763                         }
9764                     }
9765                 beta = 0.5 / sum;
9767                 /* calculate derivatives */
9768                 for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
9769                     {
9770                     v = length * catRate[k] * baseRate;
9771                     expBetaV = exp (- beta * v);
9772                     for (i=0; i<m->numModelStates; i++)
9773                         {
9774                         for (j=0; j<m->numModelStates; j++)
9775                             {
9776                             s = (j + 2) % 4;
9777                             bigPi = pi[j] + pi[s];
9778                             w = (1.0 + bigPi * (kappa - 1.0)) * beta;
9779                             expWV = exp (- w * v);
9780                             if (i == j)
9781                                 {
9782                                 x = - beta * ((pi[j]/bigPi) - pi[j]) * expBetaV;
9783                                 y = - w * (pi[s]/bigPi) * expWV;
9784                                 tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) (x + y);
9785                                 tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) (- beta * x - w * y);
9786                                 }
9787                             else if (abs(i-j) == 2)
9788                                 {
9789                                 x = - beta * pi[j] * ((pi[j]/bigPi) - pi[j]) * expBetaV;
9790                                 y = w * (pi[j]/bigPi) * expWV;
9791                                 tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) (x + y);
9792                                 tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) (- beta * x - w * y);
9793                                 }
9794                             else
9795                                 {
9796                                 x = beta * pi[j] * expBetaV;
9797                                 tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) x;
9798                                 tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) (- beta * x);
9799                                 }
9800                             index++;
9801                             }
9802                         }
9803                     }
9804                 }
9805             else if (m->TiProbs == &TiProbs_Gen || m->TiProbs == &TiProbs_GenCov)
9806                 {
9807                 /* get eigenvalues and cijk pointers */
9808                 eigenValues = m->cijks[m->cijkIndex[chain]];
9809                 cijk        = eigenValues + (2 * n);
9811                 /* calculate P'(v) and P''(v) */
9812                 for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
9813                     {
9814                     v = length * catRate[k];
9815                     for (s=0; s<n; s++)
9816                         expLambdaV[s] =  exp(eigenValues[s] * v);
9817                     ptr = cijk;
9818                     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
9819                         {
9820                         for (j=0; j<n; j++)
9821                             {
9822                             sum1 = sum2 = 0.0;
9823                             for (s=0; s<n; s++)
9824                                 {
9825                                 if (fabs(eigenValues[s]) > 0.000001)
9826                                     {
9827                                     x = eigenValues[s] * (*ptr++) * expLambdaV[s];
9828                                     sum1 += x;
9829                                     sum2 += eigenValues[s] * x;
9830                                     }
9831                                 else
9832                                     ptr += n;
9833                                 }
9834                             tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) ((sum1 < 0.0) ? 0.0 : sum);
9835                             tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) ((sum2 < 0.0) ? 0.0 : sum);
9836                             index++;
9837                             }
9838                         }
9839                     }
9840                 }
9841             else if (m->TiProbs == &TiProbs_GenCov)
9842                 {
9843                 /* get eigenvalues and cijk pointers */
9844                 eigenValues = m->cijks[m->cijkIndex[chain]];
9845                 cijk        = eigenValues + (2 * n);
9847                 /* calculate P'(v) and P''(v) */
9848                 for (k=0; k<m->numTiCats; k++)
9849                     {
9850                     if (m->numRateCats > 1)
9851                         v = length * catRate[k];
9852                     else
9853                         v = length;
9854                     for (s=0; s<n; s++)
9855                         expLambdaV[s] =  exp(eigenValues[s] * v);
9856                     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
9857                         {
9858                         for (j=0; j<n; j++)
9859                             {
9860                             sum1 = sum2 = 0.0;
9861                             for (s=0; s<n; s++)
9862                                 {
9863                                 if (fabs(eigenValues[s]) > 0.000001)
9864                                     {
9865                                     x = eigenValues[s] * (*cijk++) * expLambdaV[s];
9866                                     sum1 += x;
9867                                     sum2 += eigenValues[s] * x;
9868                                     }
9869                                 }
9870                             tiP1[index] = (CLFlt) ((sum1 < 0.0) ? 0.0 : sum);
9871                             tiP2[index] = (CLFlt) ((sum2 < 0.0) ? 0.0 : sum);
9872                             index++;
9873                             }
9874                         }
9875                     /* get new eigenvalues and cijks */
9876                     eigenValues += m->cijkLength / m->nCijkParts;
9877                     cijk         = eigenValues + 2 * n;
9878                     }
9879                 }
9880             /* calculate f(v), f'(v) and f''(v) for this partition */
9881             /* note that the scalers are irrelevant because they disappear when
9882                we take the derivative of the log likelihood */
9883             if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
9884                 {
9885                 /* find rate category index */
9886                 rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain*m->numChars;
9887                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
9888                     {
9889                     like = like1 = like2 = 0.0;
9890                     r = rateCat[c];
9891                     if (r < m->numRateCats)
9892                         {
9893                         index = r*m->numModelStates*m->numModelStates;
9894                         for (j=0; j<n; j++)
9895                             {
9896                             CLsum = CLsum1 = CLsum2 = 0.0;
9897                             for (i=0; i<n; i++, index++)
9898                                 {
9899                                 CLsum += clP[i] * tiP[index];
9900                                 CLsum1 += clP[i] * tiP1[index];
9901                                 CLsum2 += clP[i] * tiP2[index];
9902                                 }
9903                             like += CLsum * (CLFlt) pi[j] * clA[j];
9904                             like1 += CLsum1 * (CLFlt) pi[j] * clA[j];
9905                             like2 += CLsum2 * (CLFlt) pi[j] * clA[j];
9906                             }
9907                         like *= freq;
9908                         sumLike1 += nSitesOfPat[c] * (like1 / like);
9909                         sumLike2 += nSitesOfPat[c] * (like2 * like - like1 * like1) / (like * like);
9910                         }
9911                     clP += n;
9912                     }
9913                 }
9914             else
9915                 {
9916                 for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
9917                     {
9918                     like = like1 = like2 = 0.0;
9919                     index = 0;
9920                     for (k=0; k<m->numTiCats; k++)
9921                         {
9922                         for (j=0; j<n; j++)
9923                             {
9924                             CLsum = CLsum1 = CLsum2 = 0.0;
9925                             for (i=0; i<n; i++, index++)
9926                                 {
9927                                 CLsum += clP[i] * tiP[index];
9928                                 CLsum1 += clP[i] * tiP1[index];
9929                                 CLsum2 += clP[i] * tiP2[index];
9930                                 }
9931                             like += CLsum * (CLFlt) pi[j] * clA[j];
9932                             like1 += CLsum1 * (CLFlt) pi[j] * clA[j];
9933                             like2 += CLsum2 * (CLFlt) pi[j] * clA[j];
9934                             }
9935                         clP += n;
9936                         }
9937                     like *= freq;
9938                     if (m->pInvar != NULL)
9939                         {
9940                         /* get right like; like1 and like2 not affected */;
9941                         for (i=0; i<n; i++)
9942                             likeI += (*clInvar++) * pi[i];
9943                         likeI *= pInvar;
9944                         if (lnScaler[c] < -200.0)
9945                             {
9946                             /* we are not going to be able to exponentiate the scaling factor */
9947                             if (likeI > 1E-70)
9948                                 {
9949                                 /* forget about like; it is going to be insignificant compared to likeI */
9950                                 like = (CLFlt) likeI;
9951                                 }
9952                             else
9953                                 {
9954                                 /* treat likeI as if 0.0, that is, ignore it completely */
9955                                 like = like + (CLFlt)(0.0);
9956                                 }
9957                             }
9958                         else    /* take both likeI and like into account */
9959                             like = like + (CLFlt) (likeI * exp (-lnScaler[c]));
9960                         }
9961                     sumLike1 += nSitesOfPat[c] * (like1 / like);
9962                     sumLike2 += nSitesOfPat[c] * (like2 * like - like1 * like1) / (like * like);
9963                     }
9964                 }
9965             free (tiP1);
9966             }
9967         vOld = p->length;
9968         p->length -= sumLike2 / sumLike1;
9969         nIterations++;
9970         } while (fabs(p->length - vOld) > tolerance && nIterations < maxNumIterations);
9972     return (NO_ERROR);
9973 }
NodeToNodeDistances(Tree * t,TreeNode * fromNode)9976 void NodeToNodeDistances (Tree *t, TreeNode *fromNode)
9977 {
9978     int             i;
9979     TreeNode        *p;
9981     /* set all distances to 0.0 and also set marks on all nodes to NO */
9982     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
9983         {
9984         p = t->allDownPass[i];
9985         p->x = NO;
9986         p->d = 0.0;
9987         }
9989     /* find distances, and mark path, below "fromNode" */
9990     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
9991         {
9992         p = t->allDownPass[i];
9993         if (p == fromNode)
9994             {
9995             p->x = YES;
9996             }
9997         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL && p->anc != NULL)
9998             {
9999             if (p->left->x == YES)
10000                 {
10001                 p->x = YES;
10002                 p->d = p->left->d + p->left->length;
10003                 }
10004             else if (p->right->x == YES)
10005                 {
10006                 p->x = YES;
10007                 p->d = p->right->d + p->right->length;
10008                 }
10009             }
10010         }
10012     /* find all other distances */
10013     for (i=t->nNodes-1; i>=0; i--)
10014         {
10015         p = t->allDownPass[i];
10016         if (p->anc == NULL)
10017             {
10018             if (p == fromNode)
10019                 p->d = 0.0;
10020             else
10021                 p->d = p->left->d + p->left->length;
10022             }
10023         else
10024             {
10025             if (p->x == NO)
10026                 {
10027                 p->d = p->anc->d + p->length;
10028                 }
10029             }
10030         }
10031 }
NumCppEvents(Param * p,int chain)10034 int NumCppEvents (Param *p, int chain)
10035 {
10036     int         i, *nEvents, sumEvents;
10038     nEvents = p->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]];
10040     sumEvents = 0;
10041     for (i=0; i<2*numLocalTaxa-2; i++)
10042         sumEvents += nEvents[i];
10044     return (sumEvents);
10045 }
10048 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
10049 |
10050 |   OpenNewMBPrintFile: Open a file the first time for printing
10051 |
10052 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
OpenNewMBPrintFile(char * fileName)10053 FILE *OpenNewMBPrintFile (char *fileName)
10054 {
10055     int     overWrite;
10056     FILE    *fp;
10058     /* Open file, use noWarn to determine if the user should be prompted
10059        to have the file over-written or appended. */
10060     if (noWarn == YES)
10061         {
10062         /* overwrite or append file, if already present */
10063         if ((fp = TestOpenTextFileR(fileName)) != NULL)
10064             {
10065             SafeFclose (&fp);
10066             if (autoOverwrite == NO)
10067                 {
10068                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Appending to file \"%s\"\n", spacer, fileName);
10069                 return (OpenTextFileA(fileName));
10070                 }
10071             else
10072                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Overwriting file \"%s\"\n", spacer, fileName);
10073             }
10074             return (OpenTextFileW(fileName));
10075         }
10076     else
10077         {
10078         /* prompt user if file is already present */
10079         if ((fp = TestOpenTextFileR(fileName)) != NULL)
10080             {
10081             SafeFclose (&fp);
10082             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
10083             MrBayesPrint ("%s   File \"%s\" already exists\n", spacer, fileName);
10084             overWrite = WantTo ("Overwrite information in this file");
10086             if (overWrite == YES)
10087                 {
10088                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Overwriting file \"%s\"\n", spacer, fileName);
10089                 return (OpenTextFileW(fileName));
10090                 }
10091             else
10092                 {
10093                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Appending to file \"%s\"\n", spacer, fileName);
10094                 return (OpenTextFileA(fileName));
10095                 }
10096             }
10098         else
10099             {
10100             /* file is not present */
10101             return (OpenTextFileW(fileName));
10102             }
10103         }
10104 }
PickProposal(RandLong * seed,int chainIndex)10107 int PickProposal (RandLong *seed, int chainIndex)
10108 {
10109     MrBFlt      ran;
10110     int         i;
10112     ran = RandomNumber(seed);
10114     for (i=0; usedMoves[i]->cumProposalProb[chainIndex] <= ran; i++);
10116     return i;
10117 }
10120 /* Calculate positive selection probabilities */
PosSelProbs(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10121 int PosSelProbs (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10122 {
10123     int             c, j, k, nStates;
10124     MrBFlt          catLike, *like, *bs, *omegaCatFreq, *omega,
10125                     posProb, *ps, sum;
10126     CLFlt           **clP;
10127     ModelInfo       *m;
10129     /* find model partition */
10130     m = &modelSettings[division];
10132     /* allocate space for conditional likelihood pointer array and site likelihood array */
10133     clP  = (CLFlt **) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(CLFlt *));
10134     like = (MrBFlt *) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(MrBFlt));
10135     if (!clP || !like)
10136         {
10137         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Out of memory in PosSelProbs\n", spacer);
10138         free (clP);
10139         free (like);
10140         return (ERROR);
10141         }
10143     /* number of states */
10144     nStates = m->numModelStates;
10146     /* find conditional likelihoods */
10147     clP[0] = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
10148     for (k=1; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10149         clP[k] = clP[0] + k*m->numModelStates*m->numChars;
10151     /* find base frequencies */
10152     bs = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10154     /* find category frequencies */
10155     omegaCatFreq = GetParamSubVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10157     /* get category omegas */
10158     omega = GetParamVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10160     /* find posSelProbs */
10161     ps = posSelProbs + m->compCharStart;
10162     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
10163         {
10164         sum = 0.0;
10165         for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10166             {
10167             like[k] = 0.0;
10168             catLike = 0.0;
10169             for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
10170                 catLike += clP[k][j] * bs[j];
10171             like[k] = catLike * omegaCatFreq[k];
10172             sum += like[k];
10173             clP[k] += nStates;
10174             }
10175         posProb = 0.0;
10176         for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10177             {
10178             if (omega[k] > 1.0)
10179                 posProb += like[k] / sum;
10180             }
10181         ps[c] = posProb;
10182         }
10184     free (clP);
10185     free (like);
10187     return NO_ERROR;
10188 }
10191 #if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
10192 /* Calculate positive selection probabilities (SSE version) */
PosSelProbs_SSE(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10193 int PosSelProbs_SSE (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10194 {
10195     int             i, c1, c2, j, k, nStates;
10196     CLFlt           **catLike, *siteLike;
10197     MrBFlt          *bs, *omegaCatFreq, *omega,
10198                     posProb, *ps;
10199     __m128          m1, m2, *clPtr, **clP, mSiteLike, *mCatLike;
10200     ModelInfo       *m;
10202     /* find model partition */
10203     m = &modelSettings[division];
10205     /* number of states */
10206     nStates = m->numModelStates;
10208     /* find base frequencies */
10209     bs = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10211     /* find category frequencies */
10212     omegaCatFreq = GetParamSubVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10214     /* get category omegas */
10215     omega = GetParamVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10216     /* allocate space for category likelihood arrays */
10217     catLike = (CLFlt **) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(CLFlt *));
10218     mCatLike = (__m128 *) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(__m128));
10219     if (!catLike || !mCatLike)
10220         {
10221         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Out of memory in PosSelProbs_SSE\n", spacer);
10222         free (catLike);
10223         free (mCatLike);
10224         return (ERROR);
10225         }
10227     /* find conditional likelihood pointers */
10228     clPtr = (__m128 *) m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
10229     clP   = m->clP_SSE;
10230     for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10231         {
10232         clP[k] = clPtr;
10233         clPtr += m->numVecChars * nStates;
10234         catLike[k] = (CLFlt *) (&(mCatLike[k]));
10235         }
10236     siteLike = (CLFlt *) (&mSiteLike);
10238     /* find posSelProbs */
10239     ps = posSelProbs + m->compCharStart;
10240     for (c1=c2=0; c1<m->numVecChars; c1++)
10241         {
10242         mSiteLike = _mm_setzero_ps ();
10243         for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10244             {
10245             mCatLike[k] = _mm_setzero_ps();
10246             m1 = _mm_setzero_ps ();
10247             for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
10248                 {
10249                 m2 = _mm_mul_ps (clP[k][j], _mm_set1_ps ((CLFlt)bs[j]));
10250                 m1 = _mm_add_ps (m1, m2);
10251                 }
10252             mCatLike[k] = _mm_mul_ps (m1, _mm_set1_ps ((CLFlt)omegaCatFreq[k]));
10253             mSiteLike = _mm_add_ps (mSiteLike, mCatLike[k]);
10254             clP[k] += nStates;
10255             }
10257         for (i=0; i<m->numFloatsPerVec && c2 < m->numChars; ++i, ++c2)
10258             {
10259             posProb = 0.0;
10260             for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10261                 {
10262                 if (omega[k] > 1.0)
10263                     {
10264                     posProb += catLike[k][i] / siteLike[i];
10265                     }
10266                 }
10267             ps[c2] = posProb;
10268             }
10269         }
10271     free (catLike);
10272     free (mCatLike);
10274     return NO_ERROR;
10275 }
10276 #endif
10279 /* Calculate omega values for each site */
SiteOmegas(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10280 int SiteOmegas (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10281 {
10282     int             c, j, k, nStates;
10283     MrBFlt          catLike, *like, *bs, *omegaCatFreq, *omega,
10284                     siteOmega, *ps, sum;
10285     CLFlt           **clP;
10286     ModelInfo       *m;
10288     /* find model partition */
10289     m = &modelSettings[division];
10291     /* allocate space for conditional likelihood pointer array and site likelihood array */
10292     clP  = (CLFlt **) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(CLFlt *));
10293     like = (MrBFlt *) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(MrBFlt));
10294     if (!clP || !like)
10295         {
10296         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Out of memory in SiteOmegas\n", spacer);
10297         free (clP);
10298         free (like);
10299         return (ERROR);
10300         }
10302     /* number of states */
10303     nStates = m->numModelStates;
10305     /* find conditional likelihoods */
10306     clP[0] = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
10307     for (k=1; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10308         clP[k] = clP[0] + k*m->numModelStates*m->numChars;
10310     /* find base frequencies */
10311     bs = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10313     /* find category frequencies */
10314     omegaCatFreq = GetParamSubVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10316     /* get category omegas */
10317     omega = GetParamVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10319     /* find site omegas (using posSelProbs space) */
10320     ps = posSelProbs + m->compCharStart;
10321     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
10322         {
10323         sum = 0.0;
10324         for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10325             {
10326             like[k] = 0.0;
10327             catLike = 0.0;
10328             for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
10329                 catLike += clP[k][j] * bs[j];
10330             like[k] = catLike * omegaCatFreq[k];
10331             sum += like[k];
10332             clP[k] += nStates;
10333             }
10334         siteOmega = 0.0;
10335         for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10336             {
10337             siteOmega += (like[k]/sum) * omega[k];
10338             }
10339         ps[c] = siteOmega;
10340         }
10342     free (clP);
10343     free (like);
10345     return NO_ERROR;
10346 }
10349 #if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
10350 /* Calculate omega values for each site (SSE version) */
SiteOmegas_SSE(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10351 int SiteOmegas_SSE (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10352 {
10353     int             i, c1, c2, j, k, nStates;
10354     CLFlt           **catLike, *siteLike;
10355     MrBFlt          *bs, *omegaCatFreq, *omega,
10356                     siteOmega, *ps;
10357     __m128          m1, m2, *clPtr, **clP, mSiteLike, *mCatLike;
10358     ModelInfo       *m;
10360     /* find model partition */
10361     m = &modelSettings[division];
10363     /* number of states */
10364     nStates = m->numModelStates;
10366     /* find base frequencies */
10367     bs = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10369     /* find category frequencies */
10370     omegaCatFreq = GetParamSubVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10372     /* get category omegas */
10373     omega = GetParamVals (m->omega, chain, state[chain]);
10375     /* allocate space for category likelihood arrays */
10376     catLike = (CLFlt **) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(CLFlt *));
10377     mCatLike = (__m128 *) calloc (m->numOmegaCats, sizeof(__m128));
10378     if (!catLike || !mCatLike)
10379         {
10380         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Out of memory in SiteOmegas_SSE\n", spacer);
10381         free (catLike);
10382         free (mCatLike);
10383         return (ERROR);
10384         }
10386     /* find conditional likelihood pointers */
10387     clPtr = (__m128 *) m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
10388     clP   = m->clP_SSE;
10389     for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10390         {
10391         clP[k] = clPtr;
10392         clPtr += m->numVecChars * nStates;
10393         catLike[k] = (CLFlt *) (&(mCatLike[k]));
10394         }
10395     siteLike = (CLFlt *) (&mSiteLike);
10397     /* find site omegas (using posSelProbs space) */
10398     ps = posSelProbs + m->compCharStart;
10399     for (c1=c2=0; c1<m->numVecChars; c1++)
10400         {
10401         mSiteLike = _mm_setzero_ps ();
10402         for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10403             {
10404             mCatLike[k] = _mm_setzero_ps();
10405             m1 = _mm_setzero_ps ();
10406             for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
10407                 {
10408                 m2 = _mm_mul_ps (clP[k][j], _mm_set1_ps ((CLFlt)bs[j]));
10409                 m1 = _mm_add_ps (m1, m2);
10410                 }
10411             mCatLike[k] = _mm_mul_ps (m1, _mm_set1_ps ((CLFlt)omegaCatFreq[k]));
10412             mSiteLike = _mm_add_ps (mSiteLike, mCatLike[k]);
10413             clP[k] += nStates;
10414             }
10416         for (i=0; i<m->numFloatsPerVec && c2 < m->numChars; ++i, ++c2)
10417             {
10418             siteOmega = 0.0;
10419             for (k=0; k<m->numOmegaCats; k++)
10420                 {
10421                 siteOmega += (catLike[k][i] / siteLike[i]) * omega[k];
10422                 }
10423             ps[c2] = siteOmega;
10424             }
10425         }
10427     free (catLike);
10428     free (mCatLike);
10430     return NO_ERROR;
10431 }
10432 #endif
10435 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
10436 |
10437 |   PreparePrintFiles: Prepare .t, .p, and .mcmc files for printing
10438 |
10439 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PreparePrintFiles(void)10440 int PreparePrintFiles (void)
10441 {
10442     int         i, n, previousResults, oldAutoOverwrite, oldNoWarn;
10443     char        localFileName[100], fileName[220], bkupName[220];
10444     FILE        *tempFile;
10446 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
10447     if (proc_id != 0)
10448         return (NO_ERROR);
10449 #endif
10451     oldNoWarn        = noWarn;
10452     oldAutoOverwrite = autoOverwrite;
10454     /* Allocate space for file pointers */
10455     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_FILEPOINTERS] == YES)
10456         {
10457         MrBayesPrint ("%s   File pointers already allocated in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
10458         return ERROR;
10459         }
10460     fpMcmc = NULL;
10461     fpSS = NULL;
10462     fpParm = NULL;
10463     fpTree = NULL;
10464     fpParm = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
10465     if (fpParm == NULL)
10466         {
10467         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate fpParm in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
10468         return ERROR;
10469         }
10470     memAllocs[ALLOC_FILEPOINTERS] = YES;
10471     fpTree = (FILE ***) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE **));
10472     if (fpTree == NULL)
10473         {
10474         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate fpTree in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
10475         return ERROR;
10476         }
10477     fpTree[0] = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (numTrees*chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
10478     if (fpTree[0] == NULL)
10479         {
10480         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate fpTree[0] in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
10481         return ERROR;
10482         }
10483     for (i=1; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
10484         fpTree[i] = fpTree[0] + i*numTrees;
10486     /* Get root of local file name */
10487     strcpy (localFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
10489     /* Determine whether to overwrite files */
10490     if (noWarn == NO)
10491         {
10492         previousResults = NO;
10493         if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
10494             {
10495             sprintf (fileName, "%s.mcmc", localFileName);
10496             if ((tempFile = TestOpenTextFileR(fileName)) != NULL)
10497                 {
10498                 fclose(tempFile);
10499                 previousResults = YES;
10500                 }
10501             }
10502         for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
10503             {
10504             if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10505                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.p", localFileName);
10506             else
10507                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.p", localFileName, n+1);
10508             if ((tempFile = TestOpenTextFileR(fileName)) != NULL)
10509                 {
10510                 fclose(tempFile);
10511                 previousResults = YES;
10512                 }
10514             for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
10515                 {
10516                 if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10517                     sprintf (fileName, "%s.t", localFileName);
10518                 else if (numTrees > 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10519                     sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.t", localFileName, i+1);
10520                 else if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
10521                     sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.t", localFileName, n+1);
10522                 else
10523                     sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", localFileName, i+1, n+1);
10524                 if ((tempFile = TestOpenTextFileR(fileName)) != NULL)
10525                     {
10526                     fclose(tempFile);
10527                     previousResults = YES;
10528                     }
10529                 }
10530             }
10531         if (previousResults == YES)
10532             {
10533             MrBayesPrint("\n");
10534             MrBayesPrint("%s   There are results from a previous run saved using the same filename(s).\n", spacer);
10535             if (WantTo("Do you want to overwrite these results") == YES)
10536                 {
10537                 MrBayesPrint("\n");
10538                 noWarn = YES;
10539                 autoOverwrite = YES;
10540                 }
10541             else
10542                 {
10543                 MrBayesPrint("\n");
10544                 MrBayesPrint("%s   Please specify a different file name before running the mcmc analysis.\n", spacer);
10545                 MrBayesPrint("%s      You can do that using 'mcmc filename=<name>'. You can also move or\n", spacer);
10546                 MrBayesPrint("%s      rename the old result files.\n", spacer);
10547                 return ERROR;
10548                 }
10549             }
10550         }
10552     /* Prepare the .mcmc file */
10553     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
10554         {
10555         sprintf (fileName, "%s.mcmc", chainParams.chainFileName);
10556         if ((fpMcmc = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName)) == NULL)
10557             {
10558             noWarn = oldNoWarn;
10559             autoOverwrite = oldAutoOverwrite;
10560             return (ERROR);
10561             }
10562         }
10564     /* Prepare the .p and .t files */
10565     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
10566         {
10567         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10568             sprintf (fileName, "%s.p", localFileName);
10569         else
10570             sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.p", localFileName, n+1);
10571         if ((fpParm[n] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName)) == NULL)
10572             {
10573             noWarn = oldNoWarn;
10574             autoOverwrite = oldAutoOverwrite;
10575             return (ERROR);
10576             }
10578         for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
10579             {
10580             if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10581                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.t", localFileName);
10582             else if (numTrees > 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10583                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.t", localFileName, i+1);
10584             else if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
10585                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.t", localFileName, n+1);
10586             else
10587                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", localFileName, i+1, n+1);
10588             if ((fpTree[n][i] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName)) == NULL)
10589                 {
10590                 noWarn = oldNoWarn;
10591                 autoOverwrite = oldAutoOverwrite;
10592                 return (ERROR);
10593                 }
10594             }
10595         }
10597     /* Prepare the .ss file */
10598     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
10599         {
10600         sprintf (fileName, "%s.ss", chainParams.chainFileName);
10601         if ((fpSS = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName)) == NULL)
10602             {
10603             noWarn = oldNoWarn;
10604             autoOverwrite = oldAutoOverwrite;
10605             return (ERROR);
10606             }
10607         }
10609     /* Remove previous chekpoint file if present */
10610     sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.ckp", workingDir, chainParams.chainFileName);
10611     strcpy (bkupName, fileName);
10612     strcat (bkupName, "~");
10613     remove (bkupName);
10614     rename (fileName, bkupName);
10616 #   if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
10617     fpDump = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
10619     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
10620         {
10621         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
10622             sprintf (fileName, "%s.dump", localFileName);
10623         else
10624             sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.dump", localFileName, n+1);
10626         if ((fpDump[n] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName)) == NULL)
10627             return (ERROR);
10628         }
10629 #   endif
10631     return (NO_ERROR);
10632 }
10635 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
10636 |
10637 |   PrintAncStates_Bin: print ancestral states after final pass
10638 |       Binary model with or without rate variation
10639 |
10640 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintAncStates_Bin(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10641 int PrintAncStates_Bin (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10642 {
10643     int             c, i, k;
10644     MrBFlt          *bs, freq;
10645     CLFlt           *clFP, *cL, sum, **clP;
10646     char            *tempStr;
10647     int             tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
10648     ModelInfo       *m;
10650     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
10651     if (!tempStr)
10652         {
10653         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
10654         return (ERROR);
10655         }
10657     /* find model settings for this division */
10658     m = &modelSettings[division];
10660     /* find state frequencies */
10661     bs = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10663     /* find frequencies of rate categories */
10664     freq =  1.0 /  m->numRateCats;
10666     /* find the conditional likelihoods from the final pass */
10667     clFP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeScratchIndex[p->index]];
10669     clP = m->clP;
10670     for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
10671         {
10672         clP[k] =  clFP;
10673         clFP += m->numChars * m->numModelStates;
10674         }
10676     /* find the preallocated working space */
10677     cL = m->ancStateCondLikes;
10679     /* cycle over the compressed characters */
10680     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
10681         {
10682         cL[0] = cL[1] = 0.0;
10683         for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
10684             {
10685             cL[0] += clP[k][0];
10686             cL[1] += clP[k][1];
10687             clP[k]+=2;
10688             }
10689         cL[0] *= (CLFlt) (bs[0] * freq);
10690         cL[1] *= (CLFlt) (bs[1] * freq);
10691         sum = cL[0] + cL[1];
10692         assert (cL[0]==cL[0]);
10693         assert (cL[1]==cL[1]);
10694         assert (sum<9999999999999999999999999999999.0);
10695         cL[0] /= sum;
10696         cL[1] /= sum;
10697         assert (cL[0]==cL[0]);
10698         assert (cL[1]==cL[1]);
10699         cL += 2;
10700         }
10702     /* print the resulting conditional likelihoods cycling over uncompressed chars */
10703     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
10704         {
10705         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES || partitionId[c][partitionNum] != division+1)
10706             continue;
10707         i = compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart;
10708         cL = m->ancStateCondLikes + (i*2);
10709         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[0]));
10710         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
10711         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[1]));
10712         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
10713         }
10715     free (tempStr);
10716     return NO_ERROR;
10717 }
10720 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
10721 |
10722 |   PrintAncStates_Gen: print ancestral states after final pass
10723 |       General model with or without rate variation
10724 |
10725 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintAncStates_Gen(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10726 int PrintAncStates_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10727 {
10728     int             c, i, k, nStates, hasPInvar, nGammaCats;
10729     const int       *rateCat;
10730     MrBFlt          *bsVals;
10731     CLFlt           *cL, sum, pInvar=0.0, freq, f, bs[64];
10732     const CLFlt     *clFP, *clInvar=NULL, *lnScaler, **clP;
10733     char            *tempStr, *printedChar;
10734     int             tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
10735     ModelInfo       *m;
10737     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
10738     if (!tempStr)
10739         {
10740         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
10741         return (ERROR);
10742         }
10744     if (!strcmp(modelParams[division].nucModel,"Codon") || !strcmp(modelParams[division].nucModel,"Protein") || !strcmp(modelParams[division].nucModel,"Doublet"))
10745         {
10746         assert (modelParams[division].dataType == DNA || modelParams[division].dataType == RNA);
10747         /* Note that we can have matrix with Protein datatype which is not and should not be covered here */
10748         printedChar = (char *) SafeMalloc (numChar*sizeof(char));
10749         }
10750     else
10751         {
10752         printedChar = NULL;
10753         }
10756     /* find model settings for this division */
10757     m = &modelSettings[division];
10759     /* find number of states */
10760     nStates = m->numModelStates;
10762     /* find state frequencies */
10763     bsVals = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10764     for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10765         bs[i] = (CLFlt) bsVals[i];
10767     /* find invar cond likes */
10768     if (m->pInvar == NULL)
10769         hasPInvar = NO;
10770     else
10771         {
10772         hasPInvar = YES;
10773         clInvar = m->invCondLikes;
10774         pInvar = (CLFlt) *GetParamVals (m->pInvar, chain, state[chain]);
10775         }
10777     /* find number of rate categories */
10778     nGammaCats = m->numRateCats;
10780     /* find frequencies of rate categories (only relevant if gibbsGamma == NO) */
10781     freq = ((CLFlt)1.0 - pInvar) / nGammaCats;
10783     /* find site scaler */
10784     lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
10786     /* find rate category index */
10787     rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain*m->numChars;
10789     /* find the conditional likelihoods from the final pass */
10790     clFP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeScratchIndex[p->index]];
10792     /* find the preallocated working space */
10793     cL = m->ancStateCondLikes;
10795     /* cycle over the compressed characters */
10796     if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
10797         {
10798         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
10799             {
10800             sum = 0.0;
10801             if (rateCat[c] < nGammaCats)
10802                 {
10803                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10804                     {
10805                     cL[i] = *(clFP++) * bs[i];
10806                     sum += cL[i];
10807                     }
10808                 clInvar += nStates;
10809                 }
10810             else
10811                 {
10812                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10813                     {
10814                     /* FIXME: clInvar == NULL if hasPInvar != YES (from clang static analyzer) */
10815                     cL[i] = *(clInvar++) * bs[i];
10816                     sum += cL[i];
10817                     }
10818                 clFP += nStates;
10819                 }
10820             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10821                 cL[i] /= sum;
10822             cL += nStates;
10823             }
10824         }
10825     else
10826         {
10827         /* find conditional likelihood pointers */
10828         clP = (const CLFlt**)m->clP;
10829         for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
10830             {
10831             clP[k] = clFP;
10832             clFP += m->numChars * m->numModelStates;
10833             }
10834         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
10835             {
10836             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10837                 cL[i] = 0.0;
10838             for (k=0; k<nGammaCats; k++)
10839                 {
10840                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10841                     cL[i] += *(clP[k]++);
10842                 }
10843             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10844                 cL[i] *= bs[i];
10846             if (hasPInvar == YES && pInvar > 0)
10847                 {
10848                 sum = 0.0;
10849                 for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10850                     sum += clInvar[i];
10851                 if (sum > 0.0)
10852                     {
10853                     if (lnScaler[c] < -100.0)
10854                         {
10855                         /* only invar cond likes are relevant */
10856                         for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10857                             cL[i] = clInvar[i] * bs[i] * pInvar;
10858                         }
10859                     else
10860                         {
10861                         f = (CLFlt) exp(lnScaler[c]) * freq;
10862                         for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10863                             cL[i] = clInvar[i] * bs[i] * pInvar + cL[i] * f;
10864                         }
10865                     }
10866                 clInvar += nStates;
10867                 }
10869             sum = 0.0;
10870             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10871                 sum += cL[i];
10872             assert (sum > 0.0);
10873             for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10874                 cL[i] /= sum;
10875             cL += nStates;
10876             }
10877         }
10879     /* print the resulting conditional likelihoods cycling over uncompressed chars */
10880     if (printedChar)
10881         for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
10882             printedChar[c] = NO;
10884     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
10885         {
10886         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES || partitionId[c][partitionNum] != division+1 || (printedChar &&
10887             printedChar[c] == YES))
10888             continue;
10889         i = compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart;
10890         cL = m->ancStateCondLikes + (i*nStates);
10891         if (printedChar)
10892             {
10893             for (i=c+1; i<numChar; i++)
10894                 if (charInfo[c].charId == charInfo[i].charId)
10895                     printedChar[i] = YES;
10896             }
10897         for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
10898             {
10899             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[i]));
10900             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
10901             }
10902         }
10903     free (tempStr);
10904     free (printedChar);
10905     return NO_ERROR;
10906 }
10909 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
10910 |
10911 |   PrintAncStates_NUC4: print ancestral states after final pass
10912 |       4-state nucleotide model with or without rate variation
10913 |
10914 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintAncStates_NUC4(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)10915 int PrintAncStates_NUC4 (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
10916 {
10917     int             c, i, k, *rateCat, hasPInvar, nGammaCats;
10918     MrBFlt          *bsVals;
10919     CLFlt           *cL, sum, pInvar=0.0, bs[4], freq, f;
10920     const CLFlt     *clFP, *clInvar=NULL, *lnScaler,**clP;
10921     char            *tempStr;
10922     int             tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
10923     ModelInfo       *m;
10925     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
10926     if (!tempStr)
10927         {
10928         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
10929         return (ERROR);
10930         }
10932     /* find model settings for this division */
10933     m = &modelSettings[division];
10935     /* find state frequencies */
10936     bsVals = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
10937     bs[A] = (CLFlt) bsVals[A];
10938     bs[C] = (CLFlt) bsVals[C];
10939     bs[G] = (CLFlt) bsVals[G];
10940     bs[T] = (CLFlt) bsVals[T];
10942     /* find invar cond likes */
10943     if (m->pInvar == NULL)
10944         hasPInvar = NO;
10945     else
10946         {
10947         hasPInvar = YES;
10948         clInvar = m->invCondLikes;
10949         pInvar = (CLFlt) *GetParamVals (m->pInvar, chain, state[chain]);
10950         }
10952     /* find number of rate categories */
10953     nGammaCats = m->numRateCats;
10955     /* find frequencies of rate categories (only relevant if gibbsGamma == NO) */
10956     if (hasPInvar == NO)
10957         freq =  (CLFlt) 1.0 /  nGammaCats;
10958     else
10959         freq = ((CLFlt)1.0 - pInvar) / nGammaCats;
10961     /* find site scaler */
10962     lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
10964     /* find rate category index */
10965     rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain*m->numChars;
10967     /* find the conditional likelihoods from the final pass */
10968     clFP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeScratchIndex[p->index]];
10970     /* find the preallocated working space */
10971     cL = m->ancStateCondLikes;
10973     /* cycle over the compressed characters */
10974     if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
10975         {
10976         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
10977             {
10978             if (rateCat[c] < nGammaCats)
10979                 {
10980                 cL[A] = clFP[A] * (CLFlt) bs[A];
10981                 cL[C] = clFP[C] * (CLFlt) bs[C];
10982                 cL[G] = clFP[G] * (CLFlt) bs[G];
10983                 cL[T] = clFP[T] * (CLFlt) bs[T];
10984                 }
10985             else
10986                 {
10987                 cL[A] = clInvar[A] * (CLFlt) bs[A];
10988                 cL[C] = clInvar[C] * (CLFlt) bs[C];
10989                 cL[G] = clInvar[G] * (CLFlt) bs[G];
10990                 cL[T] = clInvar[T] * (CLFlt) bs[T];
10991                 }
10992             sum = cL[A] + cL[C] + cL[G] + cL[T];
10993             cL[A] /= sum;
10994             cL[C] /= sum;
10995             cL[G] /= sum;
10996             cL[T] /= sum;
10997             clInvar += 4;
10998             clFP += 4;
10999             cL += 4;
11000             }
11001         }
11002     else
11003         {
11004         /* find conditional likelihood pointers */
11005         clP = (const CLFlt**)m->clP;
11006         for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
11007             {
11008             clP[k] = clFP;
11009             clFP += m->numChars * m->numModelStates;
11010             }
11012         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
11013             {
11014             cL[A] = cL[C] = cL[G] = cL[T] = 0.0;
11015             for (k=0; k<nGammaCats; k++)
11016                 {
11017                 cL[A] += clP[k][A];
11018                 cL[C] += clP[k][C];
11019                 cL[G] += clP[k][G];
11020                 cL[T] += clP[k][T];
11021                 clP[k] += 4;
11022                 }
11023             cL[A] *= bs[A];
11024             cL[C] *= bs[C];
11025             cL[G] *= bs[G];
11026             cL[T] *= bs[T];
11027             if (hasPInvar == YES)
11028                 {
11029                 sum = clInvar[A] + clInvar[C] + clInvar[G] + clInvar[T];
11030                 if (sum > 0.0)
11031                     {
11032                     if (lnScaler[c] < -100.0)
11033                         {
11034                         /* only invar cond likes are relevant */
11035                         cL[A] = clInvar[A] * bs[A] * pInvar;
11036                         cL[C] = clInvar[C] * bs[C] * pInvar;
11037                         cL[G] = clInvar[G] * bs[G] * pInvar;
11038                         cL[T] = clInvar[T] * bs[T] * pInvar;
11039                         }
11040                     else
11041                         {
11042                         f = (CLFlt)exp(lnScaler[c]) * freq;
11043                         cL[A] = clInvar[A] * bs[A] * pInvar + cL[A] * f;
11044                         cL[C] = clInvar[C] * bs[C] * pInvar + cL[C] * f;
11045                         cL[G] = clInvar[G] * bs[G] * pInvar + cL[G] * f;
11046                         cL[T] = clInvar[T] * bs[T] * pInvar + cL[T] * f;
11047                         }
11048                     }
11049                 clInvar += 4;
11050                 }
11051             sum = cL[A] + cL[C] + cL[G] + cL[T];
11052             cL[A] /= sum;
11053             cL[C] /= sum;
11054             cL[G] /= sum;
11055             cL[T] /= sum;
11056             cL += 4;
11057             }
11058         }
11060     /* print the resulting conditional likelihoods cycling over uncompressed chars */
11061     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
11062         {
11063         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES || partitionId[c][partitionNum] != division+1)
11064             continue;
11065         i = compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart;
11066         cL = m->ancStateCondLikes + (i*4);
11067         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[A]));
11068         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return ERROR;
11069         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[C]));
11070         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return ERROR;
11071         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[G]));
11072         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return ERROR;
11073         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[T]));
11074         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return ERROR;
11075         }
11076     free (tempStr);
11077     return NO_ERROR;
11078 }
11081 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
11082 |
11083 |   PrintAncStates_Std: print ancestral states after final pass
11084 |       Standard model with or without rate variation
11085 |
11086 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintAncStates_Std(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)11087 int PrintAncStates_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
11088 {
11089     int             c, i, j, k, s, nStates, numReps;
11090     MrBFlt          *bsBase, *bs, freq;
11091     CLFlt           *clFP, *cL, sum,** clP;
11092     char            *tempStr;
11093     int             tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
11094     ModelInfo       *m;
11096     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
11097     if (!tempStr)
11098         {
11099         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
11100         return (ERROR);
11101         }
11103     /* find model settings for this division */
11104     m = &modelSettings[division];
11106     /* find state frequencies, base index */
11107     bsBase = GetParamStdStateFreqs (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
11109     /* find the conditional likelihoods from the final pass */
11110     clFP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeScratchIndex[p->index]];
11112     numReps=0;
11113     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
11114         {
11115         if (m->nStates[c] == 2)
11116                 numReps += m->numBetaCats * 2;
11117             else
11118                 numReps += m->nStates[c];
11119         }
11121     /* find conditional likelihood pointers */
11122     clP = m->clP;
11123     for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
11124         {
11125         clP[k] = clFP;
11126         clFP += numReps;
11127         }
11129     /* find the preallocated working space */
11130     cL = m->ancStateCondLikes;
11132     /* cycle over the compressed characters */
11133     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
11134         {
11135         nStates = m->nStates[c];
11136         bs = bsBase + m->bsIndex[c];
11138         for (s=0; s<nStates; s++)
11139             cL[s] = 0.0;
11141         if (nStates == 2)
11142             {
11143             freq = 1.0 / (m->numBetaCats * m->numRateCats);
11144             for (i=0; i<m->numBetaCats; i++)
11145                 {
11146                 for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
11147                     {
11148                     for (s=0; s<nStates; s++)
11149                         cL[s] += clP[k][s] * (CLFlt)(bs[s] * freq);
11150                     clP[k] += nStates;
11151                     }
11152                 bs += nStates;
11153                 }
11154            }
11155         else
11156             {
11157             freq = 1.0 / (m->numRateCats);
11158             for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
11159                 {
11160                 for (s=0; s<nStates; s++)
11161                     cL[s] += clP[k][s] * (CLFlt)(bs[s] * freq);
11162                 clP[k] += nStates;
11163                 }
11164             }
11166         sum = 0.0;
11167         for (s=0; s<nStates; s++)
11168             sum += cL[s];
11170         assert (sum != 0.0);
11172         for (s=0; s<nStates; s++)
11173             cL[s] /= sum;
11175         cL += nStates;
11176         }
11178     /* print the resulting conditional likelihoods cycling over uncompressed chars */
11179     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
11180         {
11181         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES || partitionId[c][partitionNum] != division+1)
11182             continue;
11184         k = compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart;
11185         for (i=j=0; i<k; i++)
11186             j += m->nStates[i];
11187         cL = m->ancStateCondLikes + j;
11189         for (i=0; i<m->nStates[k]; i++)
11190             {
11191             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(cL[i]));
11192             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
11193             }
11194         }
11195     free (tempStr);
11196     return NO_ERROR;
11197 }
11200 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
11201 |
11202 |   PrintCheckPoint: Print checkpoint to file
11203 |
11204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintCheckPoint(int gen)11205 int PrintCheckPoint (int gen)
11206 {
11207     int         i, j, k, k1, nErrors=0, run, chn, nValues, tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE,
11208                 hasEvents, *intValue, id, oldPrecision;
11209     char        bkupFileName[220], oldBkupFileName[220], ckpFileName[220], *tempString=NULL;
11210     MrBFlt      *value, clockRate;
11211     Param       *p = NULL, *subParm = NULL;
11212     Tree        *t;
11213     FILE        *fp = NULL;
11214     MCMCMove    *mv;
11215     /*ModelInfo *m = NULL;*/
11217 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11218     int         sumErrors=0,ierror;
11219     MrBFlt      r, sum;
11220 #endif
11222     /* use high precision for checkpointing */
11223     oldPrecision = precision;
11224     precision = 15;
11226     /* allocate tempString */
11227     if ((tempString = (char *) SafeCalloc (tempStrSize, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
11228         nErrors++;
11230 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11231     if (proc_id == 0)
11232         {
11233 #endif
11234     if (nErrors == 0)
11235         {
11236         /* figure out check-point file names */
11237         sprintf(ckpFileName, "%s.ckp", chainParams.chainFileName);
11238         strcpy (bkupFileName, ckpFileName);
11239         strcat (bkupFileName, "~");
11240         strcpy (oldBkupFileName, bkupFileName);
11241         strcat (oldBkupFileName, "~");
11243         /* shift check-point files */
11244         remove (oldBkupFileName);
11245         rename (bkupFileName, oldBkupFileName);
11246         rename (ckpFileName, bkupFileName);
11248         /* create new ckp file */
11249         if ((fp = OpenTextFileW (ckpFileName)) == NULL)
11250             {
11251             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem opening checkpoint file\n", spacer);
11252             nErrors++;
11253             }
11254         }
11256 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11257         } /* end of if (proc_id == 0)*/
11258 #endif
11260     ERROR_TEST2("",free(tempString),return(ERROR));
11262     /* write file header */
11263     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "#NEXUS\n[ID: %s]\n[generation: %d]\n", stamp, gen);
11265     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
11266         {
11267         /* dump to .ckp file current step contribution */
11268         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "[SsAcumulators:");
11269 #       if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11270         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns ; j++)
11271             {
11272             if (stepAcumulatorSS[j]==0)
11273                 r=0;
11274             else
11275                 r = log (stepAcumulatorSS[j]) + stepScalerSS[j];
11276             ierror = MPI_Reduce (&r,&sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11277             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
11278                 {
11279                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with MPI_Reduce\n", spacer);
11280                 return ERROR;
11281                 }
11282             if (proc_id == 0)
11283                 {
11284                 MrBayesPrintf (fp, " %.4f", sum);
11285                 }
11286             }
11287 #       else
11288         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns ; j++)
11289             {
11290             MrBayesPrintf (fp, " %.4f", log (stepAcumulatorSS[j]) + stepScalerSS[j]);
11291             }
11292 #       endif
11293         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "]\n");
11294         }
11296 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11297 if (proc_id == 0)
11298     {
11299 #endif
11300     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "\nbegin trees;\n\ttranslate\n");
11302     /* remove old bkup file ('~~') */
11303     remove (oldBkupFileName);
11305     /* write translate block */
11306     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
11307         {
11308         if (i == numLocalTaxa - 1)
11309             MrBayesPrintf (fp, "      %2d %s;\n", i+1, localTaxonNames[i]);
11310         else
11311             MrBayesPrintf (fp, "      %2d %s,\n", i+1, localTaxonNames[i]);
11312         }
11314 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11315     }
11316 #endif
11318     /* allocate space for print string */
11319     printStringSize = tempStrSize;
11320     printString = (char *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)printStringSize, sizeof(char));
11321     if (!printString)
11322         nErrors++;
11323     else
11324         strcpy(printString,"");
11326     ERROR_TEST2("Memory allocation error",free(tempString),return(ERROR));
11327     /*
11328 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11329     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11330     if (sumErrors > 0)
11331         {
11332         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory allocation error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11333         free (tempString);
11334         return ERROR;
11335         }
11336 #   else
11337     if (nErrors > 0)
11338         {
11339         free (tempString);
11340         return ERROR;
11341         }
11342 #   endif
11343 */
11344     /* print trees (but not species trees) */
11345     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
11346         {
11347         p = &params[i];
11348         if (p->paramType != P_BRLENS && p->paramType != P_TOPOLOGY)
11349             continue;
11350         if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY && p->subParams[0] != p)
11351             continue;
11352         hasEvents = NO;
11353         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11354             {
11355             t = GetTree (p, j, state[j]);
11356             /* write the tree preamble */
11357             if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\ttree %s", t->name) == ERROR)
11358                 nErrors++;
11359             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11360                 nErrors++;
11361             if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS && p->nSubParams > 0)
11362                 {
11363                 for (k=0; k<p->nSubParams; k++)
11364                     {
11365                     subParm = p->subParams[k];
11366                     if (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
11367                         {
11368                         hasEvents = YES;
11369                         if (SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " [&E %s]", subParm->name) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11370                         if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11371                         }
11372                     if (nErrors == 0 && (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS || subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES ||
11373                                          subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES || subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES))
11374                         {
11375                         if (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES)
11376                             {
11377                             id = *GetParamIntVals(subParm, j, state[j]);
11378                             if (SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " [&B %s %d]", subParm->name, id) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11379                             }
11380                         else
11381                             if (SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " [&B %s]", subParm->name) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11382                         if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11383                         }
11384                     }
11385                 }
11387             if (t->isRooted == YES && t->isClock == NO)
11388                 SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " = ");
11389             else if (t->isRooted == YES && t->isClock == YES)
11390                 {
11391                 clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].clockRate, j, state[j]);
11392                 SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " = [&R] [&clockrate = %s] ", MbPrintNum(clockRate));
11393                 }
11394             else /* if (t->isRooted == NO) */
11395                 SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " = ");
11396             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11397             /* write the tree in (extended) Newick format */
11398             if (nErrors == 0)
11399                 {
11400                 if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
11401                     WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (t->root->left, j, p, NO, t->isRooted);
11402                 else if (hasEvents == NO)
11403                     WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (t->root->left, j, p, YES, t->isRooted);
11404                 else
11405                     WriteEventTreeToPrintString (t->root->left, j, p, YES);
11406                 if (AddToPrintString (";\n") == ERROR)
11407                     nErrors++;
11408                 }
11409             }
11410         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11411 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11412         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11413         if (sumErrors > 0)
11414             {
11415             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11416             goto errorExit;
11417             }
11418         if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11419             goto errorExit;
11420 #else
11421         if (nErrors > 0)
11422             goto errorExit;
11423 #endif
11424         strcpy (printString, "");
11425         strcpy (tempString, "");
11426         }
11427     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "end;\n\n");
11429     /* print species trees */
11430     if (strcmp(modelParams[0].topologyPr,"Speciestree") == 0)
11431         {
11432         /* get the first species tree */
11433         for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
11434             {
11435             p = &params[i];
11436             if (p->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
11437                 break;
11438             }
11439         t = GetTree(p, 0, state[0]);
11441 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11442 if (proc_id == 0)
11443         {
11444 #endif
11445         /* write the block header and translate block */
11446         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "\nbegin trees;\n");
11447         PrintTranslateBlock (fp, t);
11448 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11449         }
11450 #endif
11452         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11453             {
11454             t = GetTree (p, j, state[j]);
11456             /* write the tree preamble */
11457             if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\ttree %s", t->name) == ERROR)
11458                 nErrors++;
11459             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11460                 nErrors++;
11462             subParm = modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].popSize;
11463             if (subParm->nValues > 1)
11464                 {
11465                 if (SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " [&N %s]", subParm->name) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11466                 if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11467                 }
11469             clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].clockRate, j, state[j]);
11470             SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, " = [&R] [&clockrate = %s] ", MbPrintNum(clockRate));
11471             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR) nErrors++;
11473             /* write the tree in (extended) Newick format */
11474             if (nErrors == 0)
11475                 {
11476                 WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (t->root->left, j, p, YES, t->isRooted);
11477                 if (AddToPrintString (";\n") == ERROR)
11478                 nErrors++;
11479                 }
11480             }
11481         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11482 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11483         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11484         if (sumErrors > 0)
11485             {
11486             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11487             goto errorExit;
11488             }
11489         if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11490             goto errorExit;
11491 #else
11492         if (nErrors > 0)
11493             goto errorExit;
11494 #endif
11495         strcpy (printString, "");
11496         strcpy (tempString, "");
11497         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "end;\n\n");
11498         }
11500     /* start startvals block */
11501     MrBayesPrintf (fp,"begin mrbayes;\n");
11502     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "\tstartvals\n");
11504     /* first print topology values */
11505     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
11506         {
11507         p = &params[i];
11508         if (p->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
11509             {
11510             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11511                 {
11512                 t = GetTree (p, j, state[j]);
11513                 run = (chainId[j] / chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11514                 chn = (chainId[j] % chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11515                 if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s(%d,%d)=%s\n", p->name, run, chn, t->name) == ERROR)
11516                     nErrors++;
11517                 if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11518                     nErrors++;
11519                 }
11520             MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11521 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11522             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11523             if (sumErrors > 0)
11524                 {
11525                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11526                 goto errorExit;
11527                 }
11528             if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11529                 goto errorExit;
11530 #   else
11531             if (nErrors > 0)
11532                 goto errorExit;
11533 #   endif
11534             strcpy (printString, "");
11535             strcpy (tempString, "");
11536             }
11537         }
11539     /* now print branch lengths and relaxed clock parameters */
11540     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
11541         {
11542         p = &params[i];
11543         if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
11544             {
11545             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11546                 {
11547                 t = GetTree (p, j, state[j]);
11548                 run = (chainId[j] / chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11549                 chn = (chainId[j] % chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11550                 if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s(%d,%d)=%s\n", p->name, run, chn, t->name) == ERROR)
11551                     nErrors++;
11552                 if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11553                     nErrors++;
11554                 for (k=0; k<p->nSubParams; k++)
11555                     {
11556                     if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s(%d,%d)=%s\n", p->subParams[k]->name, run, chn, t->name) == ERROR)
11557                         nErrors++;
11558                     if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11559                         nErrors++;
11560                     }
11561                 }
11562             MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11563 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11564             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11565             if (sumErrors > 0)
11566                 {
11567                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11568                 goto errorExit;
11569                 }
11570             if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11571                 goto errorExit;
11572 #   else
11573             if (nErrors > 0)
11574                 goto errorExit;
11575 #   endif
11576             strcpy (printString, "");
11577             strcpy (tempString, "");
11578             }
11579         }
11581     /* now print species tree and population size parameters */
11582     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
11583         {
11584         p = &params[i];
11585         if (p->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
11586             {
11587             for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11588                 {
11589                 t = GetTree (p, j, state[j]);
11590                 run = (chainId[j] / chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11591                 chn = (chainId[j] % chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11592                 if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s(%d,%d)=%s\n", p->name, run, chn, t->name) == ERROR)
11593                     nErrors++;
11594                 if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11595                     nErrors++;
11596                 if (modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].popSize->nValues > 1)
11597                 if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s(%d,%d)=%s\n", modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].popSize->name, run, chn, t->name) == ERROR)
11598                     nErrors++;
11599                 if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11600                     nErrors++;
11601                 }
11602             MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11603 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11604             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11605             if (sumErrors > 0)
11606                 {
11607                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11608                 goto errorExit;
11609                 }
11610             if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11611                 goto errorExit;
11612 #   else
11613             if (nErrors > 0)
11614                 goto errorExit;
11615 #   endif
11616             strcpy (printString, "");
11617             strcpy (tempString, "");
11618             }
11619         }
11621     /* now print param values */
11622     for (i=0; i<numPrintParams; i++)
11623         {
11624         p = printParam[i];
11625         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11626             {
11627             run = (chainId[j] / chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11628             chn = (chainId[j] % chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11629             if (p->paramType == P_PI && modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].dataType != STANDARD)
11630                 {
11631                 value = GetParamSubVals (p, j, state[j]);
11632                 nValues = p->nSubValues;
11633                 }
11634             else
11635                 {
11636                 value = GetParamVals (p, j, state[j]);
11637                 nValues = p->nValues;
11638                 }
11639             if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s(%d,%d)=(%.15le", p->name, run, chn, value[0]) == ERROR)
11640                 nErrors++;
11641             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11642                 nErrors++;
11643             for (k=1; k<nValues; k++)
11644                 {
11645                 if (nErrors==0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, ",%.15le", value[k]) == ERROR)
11646                     nErrors++;
11647                 if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11648                     nErrors++;
11649                 }
11650             /* print int values if present */
11651             if (p->nIntValues > 0)
11652                 {
11653                 intValue = GetParamIntVals (p, j, state[j]);
11654                 nValues  = p->nIntValues;
11655                 for (k=0; k<nValues; k++)
11656                     {
11657                     if (nErrors==0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, ",%d", intValue[k]) == ERROR)
11658                         nErrors++;
11659                     if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11660                         nErrors++;
11661                     }
11662                 }
11663             /* print extra params for symdir multistate */
11664             if (p->nSympi > 0)
11665                 {
11666                 value = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, j, state[j]);
11667                 if (p->hasBinaryStd == YES)
11668                     value += 2 * modelSettings[p->relParts[0]].numBetaCats;
11669                 for (k=0; k<p->nSympi; k++)
11670                     {
11671                     for (k1=0; k1<p->sympinStates[k]; k1++)
11672                         {
11673                         if (nErrors==0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, ",%.15le", *value++) == ERROR)
11674                             nErrors++;
11675                         if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11676                             nErrors++;
11677                         }
11678                     }
11679                 }
11680             /* print extra params for omega */
11681             if (p->paramType == P_OMEGA)
11682                 {
11683                 value = GetParamSubVals (p, j, state[j]);
11684                 nValues = p->nSubValues/2;
11685                 for (k=0; k<nValues; k++)
11686                     {
11687                     if (nErrors==0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, ",%.15le", value[k]) == ERROR)
11688                         nErrors++;
11689                     if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11690                         nErrors++;
11691                     }
11692                 }
11693             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (")\n") == ERROR)
11694                 nErrors++;
11695             }
11696         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11697 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11698         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11699         if (sumErrors > 0)
11700             {
11701             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11702             goto errorExit;
11703             }
11704         if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11705             goto errorExit;
11706 #else
11707         if (nErrors > 0)
11708             goto errorExit;
11709 #endif
11710         strcpy (printString, "");
11711         strcpy (tempString, "");
11712         }
11713     /* end startvals statement */
11714     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "\t;\n");
11716     /* print tuning parameters of moves */
11717     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "\tpropset\n");
11718     for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
11719         {
11720         mv = usedMoves[i];
11721         if (mv->moveType->Autotune == NULL)
11722             continue;   /* tuning parameter(s) do not change */
11723         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
11724             {
11725             run = (chainId[j] / chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11726             chn = (chainId[j] % chainParams.numChains) + 1;
11727             /* format is:   <move_name>$<tuning_param_name>(<run>,<chain>)=<number> */
11728             if (nErrors == 0 && SafeSprintf (&tempString, &tempStrSize, "\t\t%s$%s(%d,%d)=%.15le\n",
11729                 mv->name, mv->moveType->shortTuningName[0], run, chn, mv->tuningParam[chainId[j]][0]) == ERROR)
11730                 nErrors++;
11731             if (nErrors == 0 && AddToPrintString (tempString) == ERROR)
11732                 nErrors++;
11733             }
11734         MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", printString);
11735 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11736         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
11737         if (sumErrors > 0)
11738             {
11739             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Print error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
11740             goto errorExit;
11741             }
11742         if (PrintMPISlaves(fp) == ERROR)
11743             goto errorExit;
11744 #else
11745         if (nErrors > 0)
11746             goto errorExit;
11747 #endif
11748         strcpy (printString, "");
11749         strcpy (tempString, "");
11750         }
11752     /* end propset statement */
11753     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "\t;\n");
11755     /* end mrbayes block */
11756     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "end;\n\n");
11758     /* change precision back */
11759     precision = oldPrecision;
11761     SafeFclose (&fp);
11762     free (tempString);
11763     free (printString);
11764     printStringSize = 0;
11765     return (NO_ERROR);
11767 errorExit:
11768     precision = oldPrecision;
11769     free (tempString);
11770     free (printString);
11771     printString = NULL;
11772     printStringSize = 0;
11773     SafeFclose (&fp);
11774     return (ERROR);
11775 }
11778 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
11779 |
11780 |   PrintMCMCDiagnosticsToFile: Print acceptance ratios, swapping
11781 |      frequencies, and convergence diagnostics to file.
11782 |
11783 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintMCMCDiagnosticsToFile(int curGen)11784 int PrintMCMCDiagnosticsToFile (int curGen)
11785 {
11786     int         i, j, n;
11787     MCMCMove    *theMove;
11788     char        *diagnstat;
11790     /* Simply print header if curGen == 0 */
11791     if (curGen == 0)
11792         {
11793         // MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[LEGEND:]\n");
11794         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[ID: %s]\n", stamp);
11795         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   Gen                --  Generation]\n");
11796         if (chainParams.allChains == YES)
11797             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   <name1>(<name2>)$acc_run2_chn3 --  Acceptance rate of move <name1> changing parameter <name2> in run 2, chain 3]\n");
11798         else /* if (chainParams.allChains == NO) */
11799             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   <name1>(<name2>)$acc_run2      --  Acceptance rate of move <name1> changing parameter 1 in run 2]\n");
11800         if (chainParams.numChains > 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
11801             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   Swap(1<>2)$acc_run3            --  Acceptance rate of swaps between chains 1 and 2 in run 3]\n");
11802         else if (chainParams.numChains > 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
11803             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   Swap(1<>2)$acc                 --  Acceptance rate of swaps between chains 1 and 2]\n");
11804         if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11805             diagnstat = "Average";
11806         else
11807             diagnstat = "Maximum";
11808         if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && numTopologies == 1 && chainParams.allComps == NO)
11809             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   StdDev(s)                      --  %s standard deviation of split frequencies]\n", diagnstat);
11810         else if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && numTopologies == 1 && chainParams.allComps == YES)
11811             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   StdDev(s)(run1-run2)           --  %s standard deviation of split frequencies between runs 1 and 2]\n", diagnstat);
11812         else if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && numTopologies > 1 && chainParams.allComps == NO)
11813             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   StdDev(s.tree1)                --  %s standard deviation of split frequencies for topology 1]\n", diagnstat);
11814         else if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && numTopologies > 1 && chainParams.allComps == YES)
11815             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "[   StdDev(s.tree1)(run1-run2)     --  %s standard deviation of split frequencies between runs 1 and 2 for topology 1]\n", diagnstat);
11817         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "Gen");
11818         for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
11819             {
11820             if (chainParams.allChains == YES)
11821                 {
11822                 for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
11823                     {
11824                     for (j=0; j<numUsedMoves; j++)
11825                         {
11826                         theMove = usedMoves[j];
11827                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%s(%s)$acc_run%d_chn%d", theMove->moveType->shortName,
11828                                 theMove->parm->name, n+1, i+1);
11829                         if (theMove->moveType->Autotune != NULL && chainParams.autotune == YES)
11830                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%s(%s)$%s_run%d_chn%d", theMove->moveType->shortName,
11831                                 theMove->parm->name, theMove->moveType->shortTuningName[0], n+1, i+1);
11832                         }
11833                     }
11834                 }
11835             else
11836                 {
11837                 for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
11838                     {
11839                     theMove = usedMoves[i];
11840                     if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
11841                         {
11842                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%s(%s)$acc", theMove->moveType->shortName, theMove->parm->name);
11843                         if (theMove->moveType->Autotune != NULL && chainParams.autotune == YES)
11844                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%s(%s)$%s", theMove->moveType->shortName, theMove->parm->name, theMove->moveType->shortTuningName[0]);
11845                         }
11846                     else
11847                         {
11848                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%s(%s)$acc_run%d", theMove->moveType->shortName, theMove->parm->name, n+1);
11849                         if (theMove->moveType->Autotune != NULL && chainParams.autotune == YES)
11850                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%s(%s)$%s_run%d", theMove->moveType->shortName, theMove->parm->name, theMove->moveType->shortTuningName[0], n+1);
11851                         }
11852                     }
11853                 }
11854             if (chainParams.numChains > 1)
11855                 {
11856                 for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
11857                     {
11858                     for (j=i+1; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
11859                         {
11860                         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
11861                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tSwap(%d<>%d)$acc", i+1, j+1);
11862                         else
11863                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tSwap(%d<>%d)$acc(%d)", i+1, j+1, n+1);
11864                         }
11865                     }
11866                 }
11867             }
11869         if (chainParams.numRuns > 1)
11870             {
11871             for (n=0; n<numTopologies; n++)
11872                 {
11873                 if (numTopologies == 1)
11874                     {
11875                     if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11876                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tAvgStdDev(s)");
11877                     else
11878                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tMaxStdDev(s)");
11879                     }
11880                 else
11881                     {
11882                     if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11883                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tAvgStdDev(s.tree%d)", n+1);
11884                     else
11885                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tMaxStdDev(s.tree%d)", n+1);
11886                     }
11888                 if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
11889                     {
11890                     for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
11891                         {
11892                         for (j=i+1; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
11893                             {
11894                             if (numTopologies == 1)
11895                                 {
11896                                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11897                                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tAvgStdDev(s)(run%d_run%d)", i+1,j+1);
11898                                 else
11899                                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tMaxStdDev(s)(run%d_run%d)", i+1, j+1);
11900                                 }
11901                             else
11902                                 {
11903                                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11904                                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tAvgStdDev(s.tree%d)(run%d_run%d)", n+1, i+1, j+1);
11905                                 else
11906                                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tMaxStdDev(s.tree%d)(run%d_run%d)", n+1, i+1, j+1);
11907                                 }
11908                             }
11909                         }
11910                     }
11911                 }
11912             }
11913         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\n");
11914         fflush (fpMcmc);
11915         return (NO_ERROR);
11916         }
11918 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
11919     /* Reassemble info if MPI version */
11920     if (ReassembleMoveInfo() == ERROR)
11921         return (ERROR);
11922     if (chainParams.numChains > 1 && ReassembleSwapInfo() == ERROR)
11923         return (ERROR);
11924     if (proc_id != 0)
11925         return (NO_ERROR);
11926 #endif
11928     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "%d", curGen);
11930     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
11931         {
11932         if (chainParams.allChains == YES)
11933             {
11934             for (j=n*chainParams.numChains; j<(n+1)*chainParams.numChains; j++)
11935                 {
11936                 for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
11937                     {
11938                     theMove = usedMoves[i];
11939                     if (theMove->nBatches[j] < 1)
11940                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tNA");
11941                     else
11942                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", theMove->lastAcceptanceRate[j]);
11943                     if (theMove->moveType->Autotune != NULL && chainParams.autotune == YES)
11944                         MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6e", theMove->tuningParam[j][0]);
11945                     }
11946                 }
11947             }
11948         else
11949             {
11950             j = n*chainParams.numChains;
11951             for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
11952                 {
11953                 theMove = usedMoves[i];
11954                 if (theMove->nBatches[j] < 1)
11955                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tNA");
11956                 else
11957                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", theMove->lastAcceptanceRate[j]);
11958                 if (theMove->moveType->Autotune != NULL && chainParams.autotune == YES)
11959                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6e", theMove->tuningParam[j][0]);
11960                 }
11961             }
11962         if (chainParams.numChains > 1)
11963             {
11964             for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
11965                 {
11966                 for (j=i+1; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
11967                     {
11968                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", (MrBFlt) swapInfo[n][i][j] / (MrBFlt) swapInfo[n][j][i]);
11969                     }
11970                 }
11971             }
11972         }
11974     if (chainParams.numRuns > 1)
11975         {
11976         for (n=0; n<numTopologies; n++)
11977             {
11978             if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == NO && curGen < chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq)
11979                 MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tNA");
11980             else
11981                 {
11982                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11983                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", chainParams.stat[n].avgStdDev);
11984                 else
11985                     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", chainParams.stat[n].max);
11986                 }
11987             if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
11988                 {
11989                 for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
11990                     {
11991                     for (j=i+1; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
11992                         {
11993                         if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == NO && curGen < chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq)
11994                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\tNA");
11995                         else if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
11996                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", chainParams.stat[n].pair[i][j] / chainParams.stat[n].pair[j][i]);
11997                         else /*if (chainParams.diagnStat == MAXSTDDEV) */
11998                             MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\t%.6f", chainParams.stat[n].pair[i][j]);
11999                         }
12000                     }
12001                 }
12002             }
12003         }
12005     MrBayesPrintf (fpMcmc, "\n");
12006     fflush (fpMcmc);
12008 #if defined MPI_ENABLED
12009     /* Redistribute the move info in the parallel version, so that
12010        swapping occurs correctly; only necessary on processor 0 */
12011     RedistributeMoveInfo();
12012 #endif
12014     return (NO_ERROR);
12015 }
12018 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12019 |
12020 |   PrintMPISlaves: Print strings from MPI slave nodes
12021 |
12022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
12023 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
PrintMPISlaves(FILE * fp)12024 int PrintMPISlaves (FILE *fp)
12025 {
12026     char        *s=NULL;
12027     int         i, len, ierror, nErrors, sumErrors, tag;
12028     MPI_Status  status;
12030     nErrors = sumErrors = tag = 0;
12031     if (proc_id==0)
12032         {
12033         s = (char *) SafeCalloc (100, sizeof(char));
12034         // if (s!=NULL)
12035         //    lenS = 100;
12036         // else
12037         //    lenS = 0;
12038         }
12040     for (i=1; i<num_procs; i++)
12041         {
12042         /* communicate length */
12043         if (proc_id == 0)
12044             {
12045             /* receive size */
12046             ierror = MPI_Recv (&len, 1, MPI_INT, i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
12047             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
12048                 {
12049                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem receiving string length from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, i);
12050                 nErrors++;
12051                 }
12052             }
12053         else if (proc_id == i)
12054             {
12055             /* send size */
12056             len = (int)strlen(printString);
12057             ierror = MPI_Send (&len, 1, MPI_INT, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
12058             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
12059                 {
12060                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem sending string length from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, i);
12061                 nErrors++;
12062                 }
12063             }
12064         /* reallocate string s on processor 0 if necessary */
12065         if (nErrors == 0 && proc_id == 0 && len+5 > strlen(s))
12066             {
12067             if ((s = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)s, ((size_t)len+5)*sizeof(char))) == NULL)
12068                 {
12069                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem reallocating %d chars to string 's' on proc 0 in PrintMPISlaves()\n", spacer, len+5);
12070                 nErrors++;
12071                 }
12072             }
12073         /* communicate and print string */
12074         if (nErrors == 0)
12075             {
12076             if (proc_id == 0)
12077                 {
12078                 /* receive string */
12079                 ierror = MPI_Recv (s, len+1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
12080                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
12081                     {
12082                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem receiving printString from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, i);
12083                     nErrors++;
12084                     }
12085                 /* print string */
12086                 if (nErrors == 0)
12087                     MrBayesPrintf (fp, "%s", s);
12088                 }
12089             else if (proc_id == i)
12090                 {
12091                 /* send string */
12092                 ierror = MPI_Send (printString, len+1, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
12093                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
12094                     {
12095                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem sending printString from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, i);
12096                     nErrors++;
12097                     }
12098                 }
12099             }
12100         if (nErrors > 0)
12101             break;
12102         }
12104     if (proc_id == 0)
12105         {
12106         free (s);
12107         s = NULL;
12108         }
12110     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
12111     if (sumErrors > 0)
12112         {
12113         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with the printing in PrintMPISlaves().\n", spacer);
12114         return (ERROR);
12115         }
12117     return (NO_ERROR);
12118 }
12119 #endif
12122 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
12123 |
12124 |   PrintParamValues: print parameter values and subvalues for param
12125 |
12126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintParamValues(Param * p,int chain,char * s)12127 void PrintParamValues (Param *p, int chain, char *s)
12128 {
12129     int         j;
12130     MrBFlt      *value0, *value1;
12132     if (p == NULL)
12133         MrBayesPrint ("%s   %s = NULL\n", spacer, s);
12134     else
12135         {
12136         if (p->nValues > 0)
12137             {
12138             value0 = GetParamVals (p, chain, 0);
12139             value1 = GetParamVals (p, chain, 1);
12140             for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12141                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   hyper [%s] = (%lf %lf)\n", spacer, s, value0[j], value1[j]);
12142             }
12143         if (p->nSubValues > 0)
12144             {
12145             value0 = GetParamSubVals (p, chain, 0);
12146             value1 = GetParamSubVals (p, chain, 1);
12147             for (j=0; j<p->nSubValues; j++)
12148                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   %s = (%lf %lf)\n", spacer, s, value0[j], value1[j]);
12149             }
12150         }
12151     MrBayesPrint ("\n\n");
12153     return;
12154 }
12157 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
12158 |
12159 |   PrintParsMatrix: Print parsimony (bitset) matrix
12160 |       using hexadecimal representation
12161 |
12162 |
12163 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintParsMatrix(void)12164 int PrintParsMatrix (void)
12165 {
12166     int             i, j=0, k, c, d, printWidth, nextColumn, nChars, inputChar;
12167     BitsLong        x, y, bitsLongOne;
12168     char            ch;
12169     ModelInfo       *m;
12171     bitsLongOne = 1;
12173     printWidth = 79;
12175     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
12176         {
12177         MrBayesPrint ("\nParsimony (bitset) matrix for division %d\n\n", d+1);
12179         m = &modelSettings[d];
12181         nChars = 1 + (int) (log((bitsLongOne << m->numStates) - 1) / log(16));
12183         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
12184             {
12185             MrBayesPrint ("Parsimony sets for character %d -- \n", (c / m->nParsIntsPerSite));
12186             for (i=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
12187                 {
12188                 MrBayesPrint ("%-10.10s   ", taxaNames[i]);
12189                 j = c*m->nParsIntsPerSite;
12190                 for (nextColumn=13; nextColumn < printWidth; nextColumn+=nChars + 1)
12191                     {
12192                     if (j >= m->numChars*m->nParsIntsPerSite)
12193                         break;
12194                     x = m->parsSets[i][j];
12195                     for (k=8 - nChars; k<8; k++)
12196                         {
12197                         y = (x >> (4* (7 - k))) & 15;
12198                         // if (y > 16) printf ("y is too big %ld\n",y);
12199                         if (y < 10)
12200                             ch = (char) y + '0';
12201                         else
12202                             ch = (char) y - 10 + 'A';
12203                         MrBayesPrint("%c", ch);
12204                         }
12205                     MrBayesPrint(" ");
12206                     j++;
12207                     }
12208                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
12209                 }
12210             MrBayesPrint("\n");
12211             printf ("Do you want to stop (y/n)?\n");
12212             inputChar = getchar();
12213             if (inputChar == 'y' || inputChar == 'Y')
12214                 return NO_ERROR;
12215             else
12216                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
12217             }
12218         }   /* next division */
12220     return NO_ERROR;
12221 }
12224 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
12225 |
12226 |   PrintSiteRates_Gen: general n-state models with rate variation
12227 |
12228 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintSiteRates_Gen(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)12229 int PrintSiteRates_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
12230 {
12231     int             c, j, k, nStates, hasPInvar;
12232     MrBFlt          freq, siteLike, invLike, catLike, pInvar=0.0, *bs,
12233                     *catRate, baseRate;
12234     MrBFlt          s01, s10, probOn, probOff, *swr, covBF[40];
12235     CLFlt           *lnScaler, *clP, *siteRates, *clInvar=NULL;
12236     char            *tempStr;
12237     int             tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
12238     ModelInfo       *m;
12240     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
12241     if (!tempStr)
12242         {
12243         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
12244         return (ERROR);
12245         }
12247     /* find model settings and nStates, pInvar, invar cond likes */
12248     m = &modelSettings[division];
12249     nStates = m->numModelStates;
12250     if (m->pInvar == NULL)
12251         {
12252         hasPInvar = NO;
12253         }
12254     else
12255         {
12256         hasPInvar = YES;
12257         pInvar =  *(GetParamVals (m->pInvar, chain, state[chain]));
12258         clInvar = m->invCondLikes;
12259         }
12261     /* find conditional likelihood pointer */
12262     clP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
12264     /* use scratch space for root node for temporary calculations */
12265     siteRates = m->condLikes[m->condLikeScratchIndex[p->index]];
12267     /* find site scaler */
12268     lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
12270     /* find base frequencies */
12271     bs = GetParamSubVals (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
12273     /* if covarion model, adjust base frequencies */
12274     if (m->switchRates != NULL)
12275         {
12276         /* find the stationary frequencies */
12277         swr = GetParamVals(m->switchRates, chain, state[chain]);
12278         s01 = swr[0];
12279         s10 = swr[1];
12280         probOn = s01 / (s01 + s10);
12281         probOff = 1.0 - probOn;
12283         /* now adjust the base frequencies; on-state stored first in cond likes */
12284         for (j=0; j<nStates/2; j++)
12285             {
12286             covBF[j] = bs[j] * probOn;
12287             covBF[j+nStates/2] = bs[j] * probOff;
12288             }
12290         /* finally set bs pointer to adjusted values */
12291         bs = covBF;
12292         }
12294     /* find category frequencies */
12295     if (hasPInvar == NO)
12296         freq = 1.0 /  m->numRateCats;
12297     else
12298         freq = (1.0 - pInvar) /  m->numRateCats;
12300     /* get rate multipliers (for gamma & partition specific rates) */
12301     baseRate = GetRate (division, chain);
12303     /* compensate for invariable sites */
12304     if (hasPInvar == YES)
12305         baseRate /= (1.0 - pInvar);
12307     /* get category rates */
12308     catRate = GetParamSubVals (m->shape, chain, state[chain]);
12310     /* loop over characters */
12311     if (hasPInvar == NO)
12312         {
12313         /* no invariable category */
12314         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
12315             {
12316             siteLike = 0.0;
12317             siteRates[c] = 0.0;
12318             for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
12319                 {
12320                 catLike = 0.0;
12321                 for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
12322                     catLike += (*(clP++)) * bs[j];
12323                 siteRates[c] += (CLFlt) (catLike * catRate[k]);
12324                 siteLike += catLike;
12325                 }
12326             siteRates[c] *= (CLFlt) (baseRate / siteLike);  /* category frequencies and site scaler cancel out */
12327             }
12328         }
12329     else
12330         {
12331         /* has invariable category */
12332         for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
12333             {
12334             siteLike = invLike = 0.0;
12335             siteRates[c] = 0.0;
12336             for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
12337                 {
12338                 catLike = 0.0;
12339                 for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
12340                     catLike += (*(clP++)) * bs[j];
12341                 siteRates[c] += (CLFlt) (catLike * catRate[k]);
12342                 siteLike += catLike;
12343                 }
12344             siteLike *= freq;
12345             siteRates[c] *= (CLFlt) freq;
12346             for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
12347                 invLike += (*(clInvar++)) * bs[j];
12348             siteLike += (invLike /  exp (lnScaler[c]) * pInvar);
12349             /* we do not need to add the invariable category into siteRates before rescaling because the rate is 0.0 */
12350             siteRates[c] *= (CLFlt) (baseRate / siteLike);  /* site scaler cancels out; category frequencies dealt with above */
12351             }
12352         }
12354     /* print the resulting site rates cycling over uncompressed chars */
12355     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
12356         {
12357         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES || partitionId[c][partitionNum] != division+1)
12358             continue;
12359         j = compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart;
12360         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(siteRates[j]));
12361         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
12362         }
12364     free (tempStr);
12365     return NO_ERROR;
12366 }
12369 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
12370 |
12371 |   PrintSiteRates_Std: standard model with rate variation
12372 |
12373 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintSiteRates_Std(TreeNode * p,int division,int chain)12374 int PrintSiteRates_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
12375 {
12376     int             c, j, k, nStates;
12377     MrBFlt          siteLike, catLike, *bs, *catRate, baseRate;
12378     CLFlt           *clP, *siteRates;
12379     char            *tempStr;
12380     int             tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
12381     ModelInfo       *m;
12383     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
12384     if (!tempStr)
12385         {
12386         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
12387         return (ERROR);
12388         }
12390     /* find model settings */
12391     m = &modelSettings[division];
12393     /* find conditional likelihood pointer */
12394     clP = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
12396     /* use scratch space for root node for temporary calculations */
12397     siteRates = m->condLikes[m->condLikeScratchIndex[p->index]];
12399     /* find base frequencies */
12400     bs = GetParamStdStateFreqs (m->stateFreq, chain, state[chain]);
12402     /* get rate multiplier */
12403     baseRate = GetRate (division, chain);
12405     /* get category rates */
12406     catRate = GetParamSubVals (m->shape, chain, state[chain]);
12408     /* loop over characters */
12409     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
12410         {
12411         siteLike = 0.0;
12412         siteRates[c] = 0.0;
12413         nStates = m->nStates[c];
12414         for (k=0; k<m->numRateCats; k++)
12415             {
12416             catLike = 0.0;
12417             for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
12418                 catLike += (*(clP++)) * bs[j];
12419             siteRates[c] += (CLFlt) (catLike * catRate[k]);
12420             siteLike += catLike;
12421             }
12422         siteRates[c] *= (CLFlt)(baseRate / siteLike);   /* category frequencies and site scaler cancel out */
12423         }
12425     /* print the resulting site rates cycling over uncompressed chars */
12426     for (c=0; c<numChar; c++)
12427         {
12428         if (charInfo[c].isExcluded == YES || partitionId[c][partitionNum] != division+1)
12429             continue;
12430         j = compCharPos[c] - m->compCharStart;
12431         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(siteRates[j]));
12432         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
12433         }
12435     free (tempStr);
12436     return NO_ERROR;
12437 }
PrintStates(int curGen,int coldId)12440 int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
12441 {
12442     int             d, i, j, k, k1, compressedCharPosition, *printedChar=NULL, origAlignmentChars[3];
12443     char            *partString=NULL, stateString[4];
12444     MrBFlt          *st, *sst, sum;
12445     Param           *p;
12446     ModelInfo       *m;
12447     Tree            *tree;
12448     TreeNode        *node;
12449     ModelParams     *mp;
12450     char            *tempStr;
12451     int             tempStrSize;
12453     /* allocate the print string */
12454     printStringSize = tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
12455     printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
12456     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
12458     if (!printString)
12459         {
12460         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
12461         goto errorExit;
12462         }
12463     if (!tempStr)
12464         {
12465         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, (size_t)(tempStrSize) * sizeof(char));
12466         goto errorExit;
12467         }
12469     *printString = '\0';
12470     *tempStr = '\0';
12472     /* Allocate memory, temporarily, in case we infer positive selection probs, site omegas, or site rates */
12473     if (inferPosSel == YES || inferSiteOmegas == YES)
12474         {
12475         if (memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] == YES)
12476             {
12477             MrBayesPrint ("%s   posSelProbs not free in PrintStates\n", spacer);
12478             goto errorExit;
12479             }
12480         posSelProbs = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numCompressedChars * sizeof(MrBFlt));
12481         if (!posSelProbs)
12482             {
12483             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating posSelProbs (%d)\n", spacer, numCompressedChars * sizeof(MrBFlt));
12484             goto errorExit;
12485             }
12486         for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
12487             posSelProbs[i] =  -10.0;
12488         memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] = YES;
12489         }
12490     if (inferPosSel == YES || inferSiteOmegas == YES || inferSiteRates == YES || inferAncStates == YES)
12491         {
12492         printedChar = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numChar * sizeof(int));
12493         if (!printedChar)
12494             {
12495             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating printedChar (%d)\n", spacer, numChar * sizeof(int));
12496             goto errorExit;
12497             }
12498         for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12499             printedChar[i] = NO;
12500         }
12502     /* Set up the header to the file. */
12503     if (curGen == 0)
12504         {
12505         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[ID: %s]\n", stamp);
12506         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12507         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "Gen");
12508         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12509         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tLnL");
12510         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12511         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tLnPr");
12512         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12514         for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
12515             {
12516             p = &params[i];
12517             if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
12518                 {
12519                 /* print tree lengths or heights for all trees */
12520                 tree = GetTree (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
12521                 if (tree->isRooted == YES)
12522                     {
12523                     if (FillRelPartsString(p, &partString) == YES)
12524                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTH%s\tTL%s", partString, partString);
12525                     else
12526                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTH\tTL");
12527                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12528                     }
12529                 else
12530                     {
12531                     if (FillRelPartsString(p, &partString) == YES)
12532                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTL%s", partString);
12533                     else
12534                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTL");
12535                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12536                     }
12537                 /* print # cpp events, or relaxed clock model indicator */
12538                 for (j=0; j<p->nSubParams; j++)
12539                     {
12540                     if (p->subParams[j]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
12541                         {
12542                         if (FillRelPartsString(p->subParams[j], &partString) == YES)
12543                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tn_CPP%s", partString);
12544                         else
12545                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tn_CPP");
12546                         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12547                         }
12548                     else if (p->subParams[j]->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES)
12549                         {
12550                         if (FillRelPartsString(p->subParams[j], &partString) == YES)
12551                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tm_RCl%s", partString);
12552                         else
12553                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tm_RCl");
12554                         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12555                         }
12556                     }
12557                 }
12558             /* print proportion of ancestral fossils */
12559             else if (p->paramType == P_FOSLRATE)
12560                 {
12561                 if (FillRelPartsString(p, &partString) == YES)
12562                     {
12563                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tprop_ancfossil%s", partString);
12564                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12565                     }
12566                 else
12567                     {
12568                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tprop_ancfossil");
12569                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12570                     }
12571                 }
12572             }
12574         /* print ordinary parameters header */
12575         for (i=0; i<numPrintParams; i++)
12576             {
12577             p = printParam[i];
12578             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", p->paramHeader);
12579             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12580             }
12582         /* print substitution model parameters header */
12583         if (inferSiteRates == YES)
12584             {
12585             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12586                 printedChar[i] = NO;
12588             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12589                 {
12590                 if (charInfo[i].isExcluded == YES)
12591                     continue;
12592                 if (printedChar[i] == YES)
12593                     continue;
12594                 d = partitionId[i][partitionNum] - 1;
12595                 m = &modelSettings[d];
12597                 if (m->printSiteRates == YES)
12598                     {
12599                     if (m->nCharsPerSite == 1)
12600                         {
12601                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tr(%d)", i+1);
12602                         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12603                         }
12604                     else
12605                         {
12606                         origAlignmentChars[0] = i;
12607                         k = 1;
12608                         for (j=i+1; j<numChar; j++)
12609                             {
12610                             if (compCharPos[i] == compCharPos[j])
12611                                 {
12612                                 if (k > m->nCharsPerSite)
12613                                     return (ERROR);
12614                                 origAlignmentChars[k++] = j;
12615                                 printedChar[j] = YES;
12616                                 }
12617                             }
12618                         if (k != m->nCharsPerSite)
12619                             return (ERROR);
12620                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tr(%d,", origAlignmentChars[0]);
12621                         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12622                         for (j=1; j<k-1; j++)
12623                             {
12624                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d,", origAlignmentChars[j]);
12625                             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12626                             }
12627                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d)", origAlignmentChars[k-1]);
12628                         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12629                         }
12630                     }
12631                 }
12632             }
12634         if (inferPosSel == YES)
12635             {
12636             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12637                 printedChar[i] = NO;
12638             for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
12639                 {
12640                 m = &modelSettings[d];
12641                 tree = GetTree(m->brlens, coldId, state[coldId]);
12642                 if (m->printPosSel == YES)
12643                     {
12644                     if (m->PosSelProbs (tree->root->left, d, coldId) == ERROR)
12645                         goto errorExit;
12646                     }
12647                 }
12648             /* for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12649                 printf ("%4d -- %3d %3d\n", i, compCharPos[i], compColPos[i]); */
12650             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12651                 {
12652                 compressedCharPosition = compCharPos[i];
12653                 if (!(posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition] < 0.0) && printedChar[i] == NO && charInfo[i].isExcluded == NO)
12654                     {
12655                     for (j=k=0; j<numChar; j++)
12656                         {
12657                         if (charInfo[j].charId == charInfo[i].charId)
12658                             {
12659                             origAlignmentChars[k++] = j;
12660                             printedChar[j] = YES;
12661                             }
12662                         }
12663                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tpr+(%d,%d,%d)", origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1, origAlignmentChars[2]+1);
12664                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12665                     }
12666                 }
12667             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12668                 printedChar[i] = NO;
12669             }
12671         if (inferSiteOmegas == YES)
12672             {
12673             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12674                 printedChar[i] = NO;
12675             for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
12676                 {
12677                 m = &modelSettings[d];
12678                 tree = GetTree(m->brlens, coldId, state[coldId]);
12679                 if (m->printSiteOmegas == YES)
12680                     {
12681                     if (m->SiteOmegas (tree->root->left, d, coldId) == ERROR)
12682                         goto errorExit;
12683                     }
12684                 }
12685             /* for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12686                 printf ("%4d -- %3d %3d\n", i, compCharPos[i], compColPos[i]); */
12687             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12688                 {
12689                 compressedCharPosition = compCharPos[i];
12690                 if (posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition] >= 0.0 && printedChar[i] == NO && charInfo[i].isExcluded == NO)
12691                     {
12692                     for (j=k=0; j<numChar; j++)
12693                         {
12694                         if (charInfo[j].charId == charInfo[i].charId)
12695                             {
12696                             origAlignmentChars[k++] = j;
12697                             printedChar[j] = YES;
12698                             }
12699                         }
12700                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tomega(%d,%d,%d)", origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1, origAlignmentChars[2]+1);
12701                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12702                     }
12703                 }
12704             for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
12705                 printedChar[i] = NO;
12706             }
12708         if (inferAncStates == YES)
12709             {
12710             for (j=0; j<numChar; j++)
12711                 printedChar[j] = NO;
12712             for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
12713                 {
12714                 m = &modelSettings[d];
12715                 mp = &modelParams[d];
12716                 if (m->printAncStates != YES)
12717                     continue;
12718                 for (i=0; i<numDefinedConstraints; i++)
12719                     {
12720                     if (mp->activeConstraints[i] == NO || definedConstraintsType[i] != HARD)
12721                         continue;
12722                     for (j=0; j<numChar; j++)
12723                         {
12724                         if (partitionId[j][partitionNum] - 1 != d || charInfo[j].isExcluded == YES || printedChar[j] == YES)
12725                             continue;
12726                         if (mp->dataType == STANDARD)
12727                             {
12728                             for (k=0; k<m->nStates[compCharPos[j] - m->compCharStart]; k++)
12729                                 {
12730                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tp(%c){%d@%s}", m->StateCode(k), j+1, constraintNames[i]);
12731                                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12732                                 }
12733                             }
12734                         else if ((mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA) && !strcmp(mp->nucModel,"Codon"))
12735                             {
12736                             origAlignmentChars[0] = j+1;
12737                             k1 = 1;
12738                             for (k=j+1; k<numChar; k++)
12739                                 {
12740                                 if (charInfo[k].charId == charInfo[j].charId)
12741                                     {
12742                                     origAlignmentChars[k1++] = k+1;
12743                                     printedChar[k] = YES;
12744                                     }
12745                                 }
12746                             for (k=0; k<m->numStates; k++)
12747                                 {
12748                                 State_CODON(stateString, k, d);
12749                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tp(%s){%d,%d,%d@%s}",
12750                                     stateString,
12751                                     origAlignmentChars[0],
12752                                     origAlignmentChars[1],
12753                                     origAlignmentChars[2],
12754                                     constraintNames[i]);
12755                                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12756                                 }
12757                             }
12758                         else if ((mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA) && !strcmp(mp->nucModel,"Doublet"))
12759                             {
12760                             origAlignmentChars[0] = j+1;
12761                             k1 = 1;
12762                             for (k=j+1; k<numChar; k++)
12763                                 {
12764                                 if (charInfo[k].charId == charInfo[j].charId)
12765                                     {
12766                                     origAlignmentChars[k1++] = k+1;
12767                                     printedChar[k] = YES;
12768                                     }
12769                                 }
12770                             for (k=0; k<m->numStates; k++)
12771                                 {
12772                                 State_DOUBLET(stateString, k);
12773                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tp(%s){%d,%d@%s}",
12774                                     stateString,
12775                                     origAlignmentChars[0],
12776                                     origAlignmentChars[1],
12777                                     constraintNames[i]);
12778                                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12779                                 }
12780                             }
12781                         else if ((mp->dataType == DNA || mp->dataType == RNA) && !strcmp(mp->nucModel,"Protein"))
12782                             {
12783                             origAlignmentChars[0] = j+1;
12784                             k1 = 1;
12785                             for (k=j+1; k<numChar; k++)
12786                                 {
12787                                 if (charInfo[k].charId == charInfo[j].charId)
12788                                     {
12789                                     origAlignmentChars[k1++] = k+1;
12790                                     printedChar[k] = YES;
12791                                     }
12792                                 }
12793                             for (k=0; k<m->numStates; k++)
12794                                 {
12795                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tp(%c){%d,%d,%d@%s}",
12796                                     m->StateCode(k),
12797                                     origAlignmentChars[0],
12798                                     origAlignmentChars[1],
12799                                     origAlignmentChars[2],
12800                                     constraintNames[i]);
12801                                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12802                                 }
12803                             }
12804                         else
12805                             {
12806                             for (k=0; k<m->numStates; k++)
12807                                 {
12808                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tp(%c){%d@%s}", m->StateCode(k), j+1, constraintNames[i]);
12809                                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12810                                 }
12811                             }
12812                         }
12813                     }
12814                 }
12815             }
12817         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\n");
12818         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12819         }
12821     /* now print parameter values */
12822     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", curGen);
12823     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12824     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(curLnL[coldId]));
12825     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12826     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(curLnPr[coldId]));
12827     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12829     for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
12830         {
12831         p = &params[i];
12832         if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
12833             {
12834             /* print tree lengths or heights for all trees */
12835             tree = GetTree (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
12836             if (tree->isRooted == NO)
12837                 {
12838                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(TreeLength(p, coldId)));
12839                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12840                 }
12841             else
12842                 {
12843                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(tree->root->left->nodeDepth));
12844                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12845                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(TreeLength(p, coldId)));
12846                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12847                 }
12848             /* print # cpp events, or relaxed clock model indicator */
12849             for (j=0; j<p->nSubParams; j++)
12850                 {
12851                 if (p->subParams[j]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
12852                     {
12853                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%d", NumCppEvents(p->subParams[j],coldId));
12854                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12855                     }
12856                 else if (p->subParams[j]->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES)
12857                     {
12858                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%d", *GetParamIntVals(p->subParams[j],coldId,state[coldId]));
12859                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12860                     }
12861                 }
12862             }
12863         else if (p->paramType == P_FOSLRATE)
12864             {
12865             /* print proportion of ancestral fossils */
12866             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(PropAncFossil(p, coldId)));
12867             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12868             }
12869         }
12871     /* print ordinary parameters */
12872     for (i=0; i<numPrintParams; i++)
12873         {
12874         p = printParam[i];
12876         /* get model params and settings */
12877         mp = &modelParams[p->relParts[0]];
12878         m  = &modelSettings[p->relParts[0]];
12880         st  = GetParamVals (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
12881         sst = GetParamSubVals (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
12883         if (p->paramId == SYMPI_EXP_MS || p->paramId == SYMPI_UNI_MS || p->paramId == SYMPI_FIX_MS)
12884             {
12885             /* We print symmetric dirichlet alpha value if not fixed and then multistate character state frequencies */
12886             if (p->paramId != SYMPI_FIX_MS)
12887                 {
12888                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[0]));
12889                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12890                 }
12891             sst = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
12892             if (p->hasBinaryStd == YES)
12893                 sst += 2 * m->numBetaCats;
12894             for (j=0; j<p->nSympi; j++)
12895                 {
12896                 for (k=0; k<p->sympinStates[j]; k++)
12897                     {
12898                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(*sst++));
12899                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12900                     }
12901                 }
12902             }
12903         else if (p->paramType == P_PI || p->paramType == P_MIXTURE_RATES)
12904             {
12905             /* We print the subvalues if we are dealing with state frequencies (state frequencies are held in subvalues) OR
12906                if we are dealing with rates of a siterate mixture (rates held in subvalues). */
12907             for (j=0; j<p->nSubValues; j++)
12908                 {
12909                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(sst[j]));
12910                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12911                 }
12912             }
12913         else if (p->paramType == P_TRATIO && !strcmp(mp->tratioFormat,"Dirichlet"))
12914             {
12915             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[0] / (1.0 + st[0])));
12916             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12917             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(1.0 / (1.0 + st[0])));
12918             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12919             }
12920         else if (p->paramType == P_REVMAT)
12921             {
12922             if (!strcmp(mp->revmatFormat,"Ratio"))
12923                 {
12924                 sum = st[p->nValues-1];
12925                 for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12926                     {
12927                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[j] / sum));
12928                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12929                     }
12930                 }
12931             else
12932                 {
12933                 /* we already have rate proportions */
12934                 for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12935                     {
12936                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[j]));
12937                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12938                     }
12939                 }
12940             if (p->paramId == REVMAT_MIX)
12941                 {
12942                 /* add model index and k for nst=mixed */
12943                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%d", FromGrowthFxnToIndex(GetParamIntVals(p, coldId, state[coldId])));
12944                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12945                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%d", GetKFromGrowthFxn(GetParamIntVals(p, coldId, state[coldId])));
12946                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12947                 }
12948             }
12949         else if (p->paramType == P_RATEMULT)
12950             {
12951             if (!strcmp(mp->ratemultFormat,"Ratio"))
12952                 {
12953                 for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12954                     {
12955                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[j] / st[0]));
12956                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12957                     }
12958                 }
12959             else if (!strcmp(mp->ratemultFormat, "Dirichlet"))
12960                 {
12961                 sum = 0.0;
12962                 for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12963                     sum += st[j];
12964                 for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12965                     {
12966                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[j] / sum));
12967                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12968                     }
12969                 }
12970             else
12971                 {
12972                 for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12973                     {
12974                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[j]));
12975                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12976                     }
12977                 }
12978             }
12979         else if (p->paramType == P_AAMODEL)
12980             {
12981             for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12982                 {
12983                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%d", (int)st[j]);
12984                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12985                 }
12986             }
12987         else
12988             {
12989             /* run of the mill parameter */
12990             for (j=0; j<p->nValues; j++)
12991                 {
12992                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(st[j]));
12993                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
12994                 }
12995             }
12997         if (p->paramType == P_OMEGA && p->paramId != OMEGA_DIR && p->paramId != OMEGA_FIX && p->paramId != OMEGA_FFF && p->paramId != OMEGA_FF && p->paramId != OMEGA_10FFF)
12998             {
12999             /* OK, we also need to print subvalues for the category frequencies in a NY98-like model. */
13000             if (!strcmp(mp->omegaVar, "M10"))
13001                 {
13002                 for (j=0; j<4; j++)
13003                     {
13004                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(sst[mp->numM10BetaCats + mp->numM10GammaCats + 4 + j]));
13005                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
13006                     }
13007                 for (j=0; j<2; j++)
13008                     {
13009                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(sst[mp->numM10BetaCats + mp->numM10GammaCats + j]));
13010                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
13011                     }
13012                 }
13013             else
13014                 {
13015                 for (j=0; j<3; j++)
13016                     {
13017                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(sst[j]));
13018                     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
13019                     }
13020                 }
13021             }
13022         }
13024     /* if user wants site rates, we print those here */
13025     if (inferSiteRates == YES)
13026         {
13027         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
13028             {
13029             m = &modelSettings[d];
13030             if (m->printSiteRates == YES)
13031                 {
13032                 tree = GetTree (m->brlens, coldId, state[coldId]);
13033                 node = tree->root->left;
13034                 m->PrintSiteRates (node, d, coldId);
13035                 }
13036             }
13037         }
13039     /* If the user wants to infer sites that are under positive selection, then we need to print out the posterior
13040        probability that each site is a positively selected one here. */
13041     if (inferPosSel == YES)
13042         {
13043         /* loop over the divisions, calculating the probability of being in the positively
13044            selected class for each relevant partition */
13045         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
13046             {
13047             m = &modelSettings[d];
13048             tree = GetTree(m->brlens, coldId, state[coldId]);
13049             if (m->printPosSel == YES)
13050                 {
13051                 if (m->PosSelProbs (tree->root->left, d, coldId) == ERROR)
13052                     {
13053                     goto errorExit;
13054                     }
13055                 }
13056             }
13058         /* print the probabilities for the appropriate sites in the original alignment */
13059         for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
13060             printedChar[i] = NO;
13061         for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
13062             {
13063             compressedCharPosition = compCharPos[i];
13064             if (!(posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition] < 0.0) && printedChar[i] == NO && charInfo[i].isExcluded == NO)
13065                 {
13066                 for (j=k=0; j<numChar; j++)
13067                     {
13068                     if (charInfo[j].charId == charInfo[i].charId)
13069                         {
13070                         origAlignmentChars[k++] = j;
13071                         printedChar[j] = YES;
13072                         }
13073                     }
13074                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]));
13075                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
13076                 /* printf ("%4d -> (%3d,%3d,%3d) %1.25le\n", i, origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1,
13077                                                                 origAlignmentChars[2]+1, posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]); */
13078                 }
13079             }
13080         }
13082     /* If the user wants omega values for each site, we print those here. */
13083     if (inferSiteOmegas == YES)
13084         {
13085         /* loop over the divisions, calculating the omega value for each site */
13086         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
13087             {
13088             m = &modelSettings[d];
13089             tree = GetTree(m->brlens, coldId, state[coldId]);
13090             if (m->printSiteOmegas == YES)
13091                 {
13092                 if (m->SiteOmegas (tree->root->left, d, coldId) == ERROR)
13093                     {
13094                     goto errorExit;
13095                     }
13096                 }
13097             }
13099         /* print the site omegas for the appropriate sites in the original alignment */
13100         /* note that we use posSelProbs to pass values between SiteOmegas and this function */
13101         for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
13102             printedChar[i] = NO;
13103         for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
13104             {
13105             compressedCharPosition = compCharPos[i];
13106             if (posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition] >= 0.0 && printedChar[i] == NO && charInfo[i].isExcluded == NO)
13107                 {
13108                 for (j=k=0; j<numChar; j++)
13109                     {
13110                     if (charInfo[j].charId == charInfo[i].charId)
13111                         {
13112                         origAlignmentChars[k++] = j;
13113                         printedChar[j] = YES;
13114                         }
13115                     }
13116                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]));
13117                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
13118                 /* printf ("%4d -> (%3d,%3d,%3d) %1.25le\n", i, origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1,
13119                                                                 origAlignmentChars[2]+1, posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]); */
13120                 }
13121             }
13122         }
13124     /* free memory for positive selection probs or site omegas */
13125     if (inferPosSel == YES || inferSiteOmegas == YES)
13126         {
13127         if (memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] == YES)
13128             free (posSelProbs);
13129         memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] = NO;
13130         free (printedChar);
13131         }
13133     /* if user wants ancestral states for constrained nodes, we obtain and print those here */
13134     if (inferAncStates == YES)
13135         {
13136         for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
13137             {
13138             m = &modelSettings[d];
13139             if (m->printAncStates == YES)
13140                 {
13141                 mp = &modelParams[d];
13142                 tree = GetTree (m->brlens, coldId, state[coldId]);
13143                 for (i=j=tree->nIntNodes - 1; i>=0; i--)
13144                     {
13145                     node = tree->intDownPass[i];
13146                     m->CondLikeUp (node, d, coldId);
13147                     }
13148                 for (k=0; k<numDefinedConstraints; k++)
13149                     {
13150                     if (mp->activeConstraints[k] == NO || definedConstraintsType[k] != HARD)
13151                         continue;
13152                     for (i=tree->nIntNodes-1; i>=0; i--)
13153                         {
13154                         node = tree->intDownPass[i];
13155                         if (node->isLocked == YES && k == node->lockID)
13156                             m->PrintAncStates (node, d, coldId);
13157                         }
13158                     }
13159                 }
13160             }
13161         }
13163     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\n");
13164     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
13166     free (tempStr);
13167     SAFEFREE (partString);
13169     return (NO_ERROR);
13171     errorExit:
13172         if (printedChar)
13173             free (printedChar);
13174         if (memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] == YES)
13175             free (posSelProbs);
13176         memAllocs[ALLOC_POSSELPROBS] = NO;
13177         free (tempStr);
13178         SAFEFREE (partString);
13179         return (ERROR);
13180 }
13183 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
13184 |
13185 |   PrintStatesToFiles: Print trees and model parameters to files. We
13186 |      only come into this function if it is the first cycle of the chain
13187 |      or if we hit a cycle number evenly divisible by the sample frequency,
13188 |      or this is the last cycle of the chain.
13189 |
13190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintStatesToFiles(int curGen)13191 int PrintStatesToFiles (int curGen)
13192 {
13193     int             i, j, chn, coldId, runId;
13194     MrBFlt          clockRate;
13195     Tree            *tree=NULL;
13196     Param           *param;
13197 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
13198     int             id, x, doesThisProcHaveId, procWithChain, ierror, tag, nErrors, sumErrors;
13199     MPI_Status      status;
13200 #   endif
13202 #   if !defined (MPI_ENABLED)
13204     /* print parameter values and trees (single-processor version) */
13205     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
13206         {
13207         if ((chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains) == 0)
13208             {
13209             coldId = chn;
13210             runId = chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains;
13212             /* print parameter values */
13213             if (PrintStates (curGen, coldId) == ERROR)
13214                 return (ERROR);
13215             fprintf (fpParm[runId], "%s", printString);
13216             fflush (fpParm[runId]);
13217             free(printString);
13219             /* print trees */
13220             for (i=0; i<numPrintTreeParams; i++)
13221                 {
13222                 param = printTreeParam[i];
13223                 tree = GetTree(param, coldId, state[coldId]);
13224                 if (param->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
13225                     {
13226                     if (tree->isClock == YES)
13227                         clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[tree->relParts[0]].clockRate, coldId, state[coldId]);
13228                     else
13229                         clockRate = 0.0;
13230                     if (PrintTree (curGen, param, coldId, NO, clockRate) == ERROR)
13231                         return (ERROR);
13232                     }
13233                 else
13234                     {
13235                     if (tree->isClock == YES)
13236                         clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[tree->relParts[0]].clockRate, coldId, state[coldId]);
13237                     else
13238                         clockRate = 0.0;
13239                     if (PrintTree (curGen, param, coldId, YES, clockRate) == ERROR)
13240                         return (ERROR);
13241                     }
13243                 fprintf (fpTree[runId][i], "%s", printString);
13244                 fflush (fpTree[runId][i]);
13245                 free(printString);
13247                 j = printTreeTopologyIndex[i];
13248                 if (j<numTopologies)
13249                     {
13250                     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
13251                         {
13252                         if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES || curGen >= chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq)
13253                             {
13254                             if (AddTreeToPartitionCounters (tree, j, runId) == ERROR)
13255                                 return ERROR;
13256                             if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES && chainParams.saveTrees == YES && (noWarn == NO || curGen <= chainParams.stopTreeGen))
13257                                 {
13258                                 ResetTopologyFromTree (chainParams.dtree, tree);
13259                                 if (AddToTreeList (&chainParams.treeList[numTopologies*runId+j], chainParams.dtree) == ERROR)
13260                                     return (ERROR);
13261                                 }
13262                             }
13263                         }
13264                     }
13265                 }
13266             }
13267         }
13268 #   else
13269     /* print parameter values and trees (parallel version) */
13271     /* Wait for all of the processors to get to this point before starting the printing. */
13272     ierror = MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13273     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13274         {
13275         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem at chain barrier.\n", spacer);
13276         return ERROR;
13277         }
13278     tag = nErrors = 0;
13280     /* Loop over runs. */
13281     for (runId=0; runId<chainParams.numRuns; runId++)
13282         {
13283         /* Get the ID of the chain we want to print. Remember, the ID's should be numbered
13284            0, 1, 2, ..., numChains X numRuns. Chains numbered 0, numChains, 2 X numChains, ...
13285            are cold. */
13286         id = runId * chainParams.numChains;
13288         /* Does this processor have the chain? */
13289         doesThisProcHaveId = NO;
13290         coldId = 0;
13291         for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
13292             {
13293             if (chainId[chn] == id)
13294                 {
13295                 doesThisProcHaveId = YES;
13296                 coldId = chn;
13297                 break;
13298                 }
13299             }
13301         /* Tell all the processors which has the chain we want to print. We do this using the MPI_AllReduce
13302            function. If the processor does not have the chain, then it initializes x = 0. If it does
13303            have the chain, then x = proc_id. When the value of x is summed over all the processors, the sum
13304            should be the proc_id of the processor with the chain. Possible values are 0, 1, 2, num_procs-1.
13305            Note that every processor knows procWithChain because we are using MPI_Allreduce, instead of MPI_Reduce. */
13306         x = 0;
13307         if (doesThisProcHaveId == YES)
13308             x = proc_id;
13309         ierror = MPI_Allreduce (&x, &procWithChain, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13310         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13311             {
13312             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem finding processor with chain to print.\n", spacer);
13313             return (ERROR);
13314             }
13316         /* ****************************************************************************************************/
13317         /* print parameter values *****************************************************************************/
13319         /* Fill printString with the contents to be printed on proc_id = 0. Note
13320            that printString is allocated in the function. */
13321         if (doesThisProcHaveId == YES)
13322             {
13323             if (PrintStates (curGen, coldId) == ERROR)
13324                 nErrors++;
13325             }
13326         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13327         if (sumErrors > 0)
13328             {
13329             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with PrintStates.\n", spacer);
13330             return ERROR;
13331             }
13333         /* First communication: Send/receive the length of the printString. */
13334         if (proc_id == 0 || proc_id == procWithChain)
13335             {
13336             if (procWithChain != 0)
13337                 {
13338                 if (proc_id == procWithChain)
13339                     {
13340                     /* Find out how large the string is, and send the information to proc_id = 0. */
13341                     ierror = MPI_Send (&printStringSize, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13342                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13343                         nErrors++;
13344                     }
13345                 else
13346                     {
13347                     /* Receive the length of the string from proc_id = procWithChain, and then allocate
13348                        printString to be that length. */
13349                     ierror = MPI_Recv (&printStringSize, 1, MPI_LONG, procWithChain, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
13350                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13351                         {
13352                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem receiving printStringSize from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, procWithChain);
13353                         nErrors++;
13354                         }
13355                     printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
13356                     if (!printString)
13357                         {
13358                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
13359                         nErrors++;
13360                         }
13361                     strcpy (printString, "");
13362                     }
13363                 }
13364             }
13365         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13366         if (sumErrors > 0)
13367             {
13368             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with first communication (states).\n", spacer);
13369             return ERROR;
13370             }
13372         /* Second communication: Send/receive the printString. */
13373         if (proc_id == 0 || proc_id == procWithChain)
13374             {
13375             if (procWithChain != 0)
13376                 {
13377                 if (proc_id == procWithChain)
13378                     {
13379                     /* Send the printString to proc_id = 0. After we send the string to proc_id = 0, we can
13380                        free it. */
13381                     ierror = MPI_Send (&printString[0], (int)printStringSize, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13382                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13383                         nErrors++;
13384                     free(printString);
13385                     }
13386                 else
13387                     {
13388                     /* Receive the printString from proc_id = procWithChain. */
13389                     ierror = MPI_Recv (&printString[0], (int)printStringSize, MPI_CHAR, procWithChain, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
13390                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13391                         {
13392                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem receiving printString from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, procWithChain);
13393                         nErrors++;
13394                         }
13395                     }
13396                 }
13397             }
13398         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13399         if (sumErrors > 0)
13400             {
13401             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with second communication (states).\n", spacer);
13402             return ERROR;
13403             }
13405         /* Print the string with the parameter information if we are proc_id = 0. */
13406         if (proc_id == 0)
13407             {
13408             fprintf (fpParm[runId], "%s", printString);
13409             fflush (fpParm[runId]);
13410             free(printString);
13411             }
13413         /* ****************************************************************************************************/
13414         /* print trees ****************************************************************************************/
13416         for (i=0; i<numPrintTreeParams; i++)
13417             {
13418             /* Print trees to file. */
13420             /* Fill printString with the contents to be printed on proc_id = 0. Note
13421                that printString is allocated in the function. */
13422             if (doesThisProcHaveId == YES)
13423                 {
13424                 param = printTreeParam[i];
13425                 tree = GetTree(param, coldId, state[coldId]);
13426                 if (param->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY)
13427                     {
13428                     if (tree->isClock == YES)
13429                         clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[tree->relParts[0]].clockRate, coldId, state[coldId]);
13430                     else
13431                         clockRate = 0.0;
13432                     if (PrintTree (curGen, param, coldId, NO, clockRate) == ERROR)
13433                         nErrors++;
13434                     }
13435                 else
13436                     {
13437                     if (tree->isClock == YES)
13438                         clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[tree->relParts[0]].clockRate, coldId, state[coldId]);
13439                     else
13440                         clockRate = 0.0;
13441                     if (PrintTree (curGen, param, coldId, YES, clockRate) == ERROR)
13442                         nErrors++;
13443                     }
13444                 }
13445             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13446             if (sumErrors > 0)
13447                 {
13448                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with printing trees.\n", spacer);
13449                 return ERROR;
13450                 }
13452             /* First communication: Send/receive the length of the printString. */
13453             if (proc_id == 0 || proc_id == procWithChain)
13454                 {
13455                 if (procWithChain != 0)
13456                     {
13457                     if (proc_id == procWithChain)
13458                         {
13459                         /* Find out how large the string is, and send the information to proc_id = 0. */
13460                         ierror = MPI_Send (&printStringSize, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13461                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13462                             nErrors++;
13463                         }
13464                     else
13465                         {
13466                         /* Receive the length of the string from proc_id = procWithChain, and then allocate
13467                            printString to be that length. */
13468                         ierror = MPI_Recv (&printStringSize, 1, MPI_LONG, procWithChain, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
13469                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13470                             {
13471                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem receiving printStringSize from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, procWithChain);
13472                             nErrors++;
13473                             }
13474                         printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
13475                         if (!printString)
13476                             {
13477                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
13478                             nErrors++;
13479                             }
13480                         strcpy (printString, "");
13481                         }
13482                     }
13483                 }
13484             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13485             if (sumErrors > 0)
13486                 {
13487                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with first communication (states).\n", spacer);
13488                 return ERROR;
13489                 }
13491             /* Second communication: Send/receive the printString. */
13492             if (proc_id == 0 || proc_id == procWithChain)
13493                 {
13494                 if (procWithChain != 0)
13495                     {
13496                     if (proc_id == procWithChain)
13497                         {
13498                         /* Send the printString to proc_id = 0. After we send the string to proc_id = 0, we can
13499                            free it. */
13500                         ierror = MPI_Send (&printString[0], (int)printStringSize, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13501                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13502                             nErrors++;
13503                         free(printString);
13504                         }
13505                     else
13506                         {
13507                         /* Receive the printString from proc_id = procWithChain. */
13508                         ierror = MPI_Recv (&printString[0], (int)printStringSize, MPI_CHAR, procWithChain, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
13509                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13510                             {
13511                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem receiving printString from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, procWithChain);
13512                             nErrors++;
13513                             }
13514                         }
13515                     }
13516                 }
13517             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13518             if (sumErrors > 0)
13519                 {
13520                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with second communication (states).\n", spacer);
13521                 return ERROR;
13522                 }
13524             /* Print the string with the parameter information if we are proc_id = 0. */
13525             if (proc_id == 0)
13526                 {
13527                 fprintf (fpTree[runId][i], "%s", printString);
13528                 fflush (fpTree[runId][i]);
13529                 j = printTreeTopologyIndex[i];
13530                 if (j < numTopologies)
13531                     {
13532                     if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
13533                         {
13534                         if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES || curGen >= chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq)
13535                             {
13536                             char *s = NULL;
13537                             StripComments (printString);
13538                             /* if it is the first tree, we strip out the translate block first (twice) */
13539                             if (curGen==0) {
13540                                 if (strtok (printString, ";")==NULL) /* get translate lock */
13541                                     return (ERROR);
13542                                 if (strtok (NULL, ";")==NULL)
13543                                     return (ERROR);
13544                                 if (strtok (NULL, "\n\t\r ")==NULL) /* get 'tree' */
13545                                     return (ERROR);
13546                                 }
13547                             else {
13548                                 if (strtok (printString, "\n\t\r ")==NULL) /* get 'tree' */
13549                                     return (ERROR);
13550                                 }
13551                             if (strtok (NULL, " =")==NULL)  /* get 'rep.xxxx' */
13552                                 return (ERROR);
13553                             if ((s = strtok (NULL, " =;"))==NULL)  /* get Newick string */
13554                                 return (ERROR);
13555                             ResetTopology (chainParams.dtree, s);
13556                             if (AddTreeToPartitionCounters (chainParams.dtree, j, runId) == ERROR)
13557                                 return ERROR;
13558                             if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES && chainParams.saveTrees == YES && (noWarn == NO || curGen <= chainParams.stopTreeGen))
13559                                 {
13560                                 if (AddToTreeList (&chainParams.treeList[runId*numTopologies+j], chainParams.dtree) == ERROR)
13561                                     return (ERROR);
13562                                 }
13563                             }
13564                         }
13565                     }
13566                 free(printString);
13567                 }
13568             }
13570         /* Have all of the chains wait here, until the string has been successfully printed on proc_id = 0. */
13571         ierror = MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
13572         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
13573             {
13574             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem at chain barrier.\n", spacer);
13575             return ERROR;
13576             }
13577         }
13578 #   endif
13580     return (NO_ERROR);
13581 }
PrintSwapInfo(void)13584 int PrintSwapInfo (void)
13585 {
13586     int         i, j, n, maxNumExchanges, len, maxLen, reweightingChars=0;
13587     char        *tempStr;
13588     int             tempStrSize;
13590     if (chainParams.numChains == 1)
13591         return NO_ERROR;
13593 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
13594     if (ReassembleSwapInfo() == ERROR)
13595         return ERROR;
13596     if (proc_id != 0)
13597         return NO_ERROR;
13598 #   endif
13600     tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
13601     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
13602     if (!tempStr)
13603         {
13604         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
13605         return (ERROR);
13606         }
13608     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
13609         {
13610         maxNumExchanges = 0;
13611         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
13612             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
13613                 if (i > j && swapInfo[n][i][j] > maxNumExchanges)
13614                     maxNumExchanges = swapInfo[n][i][j];
13615         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", maxNumExchanges);
13616         maxLen = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13617         if (maxLen < 4)
13618             maxLen = 4;
13620         reweightingChars = NO;
13621         if ((chainParams.weightScheme[0] + chainParams.weightScheme[1]) > 0.00001)
13622             reweightingChars = YES;
13624         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
13625             MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Chain swap information:\n\n", spacer);
13626         else
13627             MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Chain swap information for run %d:\n\n", spacer, n+1);
13629         MrBayesPrint ("%s          ", spacer);
13630         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
13631             {
13632             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", j+1);
13633             len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13634             MrBayesPrint ("%*c %d ", maxLen-len, ' ', j+1);
13635             }
13636         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13638         MrBayesPrint ("%s        --", spacer);
13639         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
13640             {
13641             MrBayesPrint ("--");
13642             for (i=0; i<maxLen; i++)
13643                 MrBayesPrint ("-");
13644             }
13645         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13647         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
13648             {
13649             MrBayesPrint ("%s   %4d | ", spacer, i+1);
13650             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
13651                 {
13652                 if (i < j)
13653                     {
13654                     if (swapInfo[n][j][i] <= 0)
13655                         {
13656                         MrBayesPrint ("%*c%s ", maxLen-3, ' ', " NA ");
13657                         }
13658                     else
13659                         {
13660                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%1.2lf", (MrBFlt)swapInfo[n][i][j]/swapInfo[n][j][i]);
13661                         len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13662                         MrBayesPrint ("%*c%1.2lf ", maxLen-len+1, ' ', (MrBFlt)swapInfo[n][i][j]/swapInfo[n][j][i]);
13663                         }
13664                     }
13665                 else if (i == j)
13666                     {
13667                     MrBayesPrint ("%*c ", maxLen+1, ' ');
13668                     }
13669                 else
13670                     {
13671                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", swapInfo[n][i][j]);
13672                     len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13673                     MrBayesPrint ("%*c%d ", maxLen-len+1, ' ', swapInfo[n][i][j]);
13674                     }
13675                 }
13676             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13677             }
13678         }
13680     MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Upper diagonal: Proportion of successful state exchanges between chains\n", spacer);
13681     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Lower diagonal: Number of attempted state exchanges between chains\n", spacer);
13683     MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Chain information:\n\n", spacer);
13684     MrBayesPrint ("%s     ID -- Heat ", spacer);
13685     if (reweightingChars == YES)
13686         MrBayesPrint ("%% Dn %% Up\n");
13687     else
13688         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13690     MrBayesPrint ("%s    -----------", spacer);
13691     if (reweightingChars == YES)
13692         MrBayesPrint ("----------\n");
13693     else
13694         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13695     for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
13696         {
13697         MrBayesPrint ("%s   %4d -- %1.2lf ", spacer, i+1, Temperature (i)/*1.0 / (1.0 + chainParams.chainTemp * i)*/);
13698         if (reweightingChars == YES)
13699             {
13700             if (i == 0)
13701                 {
13702                 MrBayesPrint ("  0%%   0%% (cold chain)\n");
13703                 }
13704             else
13705                 {
13706                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", (int)chainParams.weightScheme[0]);
13707                 len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13708                 MrBayesPrint ("%*c%d%% ", 3-len, ' ', (int)chainParams.weightScheme[0]);
13709                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", (int)chainParams.weightScheme[1]);
13710                 len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13711                 MrBayesPrint ("%*c%d%% \n", 3-len, ' ', (int)chainParams.weightScheme[1]);
13712                 }
13713             }
13714         else
13715             {
13716             if (i == 0)
13717                 MrBayesPrint (" (cold chain)\n");
13718             else
13719                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13720             }
13721         }
13722     if (chainParams.userDefinedTemps == NO)
13723         {
13724         MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Heat = 1 / (1 + T * (ID - 1))\n", spacer);
13725         MrBayesPrint ("%s      (where T = %1.2lf is the temperature and ID is the chain number)\n", spacer, chainParams.chainTemp);
13726         }
13727     if (reweightingChars == YES)
13728         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Reweighting increment = %1.2lf\n", spacer, chainParams.weightScheme[2]);
13729     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13731     free (tempStr);
13732     return (NO_ERROR);
13733 }
13736 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
13737 |
13738 |   PrintTermState: Print terminal state index matrix
13739 |
13740 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintTermState(void)13741 int PrintTermState (void)
13742 {
13743     int             i, j=0, c, d, printWidth, nextColumn, nDigits, nReps;
13744     ModelInfo       *m;
13745     ModelParams     *mp;
13747     printWidth = 79;
13749     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
13750         {
13751         MrBayesPrint ("\nTerminal state index matrix for division %d\n\n", d+1);
13753         m = &modelSettings[d];
13754         mp = &modelParams[d];
13756         if (!strcmp(mp->covarionModel, "Yes"))
13757             nReps = 2;
13758         else
13759             nReps = 1;
13761         nDigits = 1 + (int)(log10(mp->nStates * mp->nStates * nReps));
13763         for (c=m->compCharStart; c<m->compCharStop; c=j)
13764             {
13765             for (i=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
13766                 {
13767                 MrBayesPrint ("%-10.10s   ", taxaNames[i]);
13768                 j = c;
13769                 for (nextColumn=13; nextColumn < printWidth; nextColumn+=nDigits + 1)
13770                     {
13771                     if (j >= m->compCharStop)
13772                         break;
13773                     MrBayesPrint ("%*d ",nDigits, m->termState[i][j-c]);
13774                     j++;
13775                     }
13776                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13777                 }
13778             MrBayesPrint("\n");
13779             }
13780         }   /* next division */
13782     return NO_ERROR;
13783 }
13786 /*--------------------------------------------------
13787 |
13788 |   PrintTiProbs: This function is for debugging of
13789 |       tiProbs; it will print a square matrix of
13790 |       tiProbs, check row sums, and check for time
13791 |       reversibility
13792 |
13793 ---------------------------------------------------*/
PrintTiProbs(CLFlt * tP,MrBFlt * bs,int nStates)13794 void PrintTiProbs (CLFlt *tP, MrBFlt *bs, int nStates)
13795 {
13796     int     i, j;
13797     CLFlt   *tiP, sum;
13799     tiP = tP;
13801     printf ("\nTransition matrix\n");
13802     for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
13803         {
13804         printf ("\t%d", i);
13805         }
13806     printf ("\tsum\n");
13808     for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
13809         {
13810         printf ("%d\t", i);
13811         sum = 0.0;
13812         for (j=0; j<nStates; j++)
13813             {
13814             printf ("\t%.6f",tP[j]);
13815             sum += tP[j];
13816             }
13817         printf ("\t%.6f\n",sum);
13818         tP += nStates;
13819         }
13821     printf ("\nStationary state frequencies\n");
13822     for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
13823         printf ("%d -- %f\n",i,bs[i]);
13825     printf ("\nTime reversibility\n");
13827     printf ("State 1\tState 2\tforward\tbackward\tabs diff\n");
13828     for (i=0; i<nStates; i++)
13829         {
13830         for (j=i+1; j<nStates; j++)
13831             {
13832             printf ("%d\t%d\t%.6f\t%.6f\t%.6f\n", i, j, tiP[i*nStates+j]*bs[i],
13833                 tiP[j*nStates+i]*bs[j], fabs(tiP[i*nStates+j]*bs[i] - tiP[j*nStates+i]*bs[j]));
13834             }
13835         }
13837     getchar();
13838     return;
13839 }
PrintTopConvInfo(void)13842 int PrintTopConvInfo (void)
13843 {
13844     int         i, j, n, len, maxLen;
13845     char        *tempStr;
13846     int         tempStrSize;
13847     MrBFlt      maxNumPartitions;
13848     STATS       *stat;
13850     if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
13851         return NO_ERROR;
13853 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
13854     if (proc_id != 0)
13855         return (NO_ERROR);
13856 #   endif
13858     tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
13859     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
13860     if (!tempStr)
13861         {
13862         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
13863         return (ERROR);
13864         }
13866     for (n=0; n<numTopologies; n++)
13867         {
13868         stat = &(chainParams.stat[n]);
13869         maxNumPartitions = 0.0;
13870         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
13871             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
13872                 if (i > j && stat->pair[i][j] > maxNumPartitions)
13873                     maxNumPartitions = stat->pair[i][j];
13874         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", (int) maxNumPartitions);
13875         maxLen = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13876         if (maxLen < 5)
13877             maxLen = 5;
13879         if (numTopologies == 1)
13880             {
13881             if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
13882                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Pairwise average standard deviation of split frequencies (upper triangle)\n", spacer);
13883             else
13884                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Pairwise maximum standard deviation of split frequencies (upper triangle)\n", spacer);
13885             MrBayesPrint ("%s      and number of qualifying splits for each comparison (lower triangle):\n\n", spacer);
13886             }
13887         else
13888             {
13889             if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
13890                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Pairwise average standard deviation of split frequencies in topology %d (upper triangle)\n", spacer, n);
13891             else
13892                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Pairwise maximum standard deviation of split frequencies in topology %d (upper triangle)\n", spacer, n);
13893             MrBayesPrint ("%s      and number of qualifying splits for each comparison (lower triangle):\n\n", spacer);
13894             }
13896         MrBayesPrint ("%s          ", spacer);
13897         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
13898             {
13899             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", j+1);
13900             len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13901             MrBayesPrint ("%*c %d ", maxLen-len, ' ', j+1);
13902             }
13903         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13905         MrBayesPrint ("%s        --", spacer);
13906         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
13907             {
13908             MrBayesPrint ("--");
13909             for (i=0; i<maxLen; i++)
13910                 MrBayesPrint ("-");
13911             }
13912         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13914         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
13915             {
13916             MrBayesPrint ("%s   %4d | ", spacer, i+1);
13917             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
13918                 {
13919                 if (i < j)
13920                     {
13921                     if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
13922                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%1.3lf", (MrBFlt) (stat->pair[i][j]) / (MrBFlt) (stat->pair[j][i]));
13923                     else /* if (chainParams.diagnStat == MAXSTDDEV) */
13924                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%1.3lf", stat->pair[i][j]);
13925                     len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13926                     MrBayesPrint ("%*c%s ", maxLen-len+1, ' ', tempStr);
13927                     }
13928                 else if (i == j)
13929                     {
13930                     MrBayesPrint ("%*c ", maxLen+1, ' ');
13931                     }
13932                 else
13933                     {
13934                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", (int) stat->pair[i][j]);
13935                     len = (int) strlen(tempStr);
13936                     MrBayesPrint ("%*c%s ", maxLen-len+1, ' ', tempStr);
13937                     }
13938                 }
13939             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13940             }
13942         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13943         }
13945     free (tempStr);
13946     return (NO_ERROR);
13947 }
PrintToScreen(int curGen,int startGen,time_t endingT,time_t startingT)13950 void PrintToScreen (int curGen, int startGen, time_t endingT, time_t startingT)
13951 {
13952     int         i, chn, nHours, nMins, nSecs;
13953     MrBFlt      timePerGen;
13955 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
13956     int         numLocalColdChains, numFirstAndLastCold;
13958     if (curGen == 0)
13959         {
13960         if (chainParams.isSS == NO && chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
13961             {
13962             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13963             if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
13964                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using a relative burnin of %.1f %% for diagnostics\n", spacer, 100.0*chainParams.burninFraction);
13965             else
13966                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using an absolute burnin of %d samples for diagnostics\n", spacer, chainParams.chainBurnIn);
13967             }
13968         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13969         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Chain results (%d generations requested):\n\n", spacer, chainParams.numGen);
13970         }
13971     MrBayesPrint ("%s   %4d -- ", spacer, curGen);
13972     numLocalColdChains = numFirstAndLastCold = 0;
13973     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
13974         {
13975         if ((chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains) == 0)
13976             {
13977             numLocalColdChains++;
13978             if (chn == 0 || chn == numLocalChains - 1)
13979                 numFirstAndLastCold++;
13980             }
13981         }
13983     i = 1;
13984     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
13985         {
13986         if (i > chainParams.printMax)
13987             {
13988             if (i == chainParams.printMax +1)
13989                 {
13990                 i++;
13991                 if (numLocalColdChains > 0 && numLocalColdChains > numFirstAndLastCold)
13992                     MrBayesPrint ("[...%d more local chains...] ", numLocalChains - chainParams.printMax);
13993                 else
13994                     MrBayesPrint ("(...%d more local chains...) ", numLocalChains - chainParams.printMax);
13995                 continue;
13996                 }
13997             else
13998                 continue;
13999             }
14000         if ((chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains) == 0)
14001             {
14002             i++;
14003             if (chainParams.printAll == YES)
14004                 MrBayesPrint ("[%1.3lf] ", curLnL[chn]);
14005             else
14006                 MrBayesPrint ("[%1.3lf] .. ", curLnL[chn]);
14007             }
14008         else if (chainParams.printAll == YES)
14009             {
14010             i++;
14011             MrBayesPrint ("(%1.3lf) ", curLnL[chn]);
14012             }
14013         if (chn < numLocalChains - 1 && (chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains != chainId[chn+1] / chainParams.numChains))
14014             MrBayesPrint ("* ");
14015         }
14017     if (numLocalColdChains == chainParams.numRuns)
14018         MrBayesPrint ("(...%d remote chains...) ", (chainParams.numChains*chainParams.numRuns) - numLocalChains);
14019     else
14020         MrBayesPrint ("[...%d remote chains...] ", (chainParams.numChains*chainParams.numRuns) - numLocalChains);
14022     if (curGen > 0)
14023         {
14024         timePerGen = (MrBFlt) ((MrBFlt)(endingT-startingT)/(MrBFlt)(curGen-startGen));
14025         nSecs = (int)((chainParams.numGen - curGen) * timePerGen);
14026         nHours = nSecs / 3600;
14027         nSecs  = nSecs % 3600;
14028         nMins  = nSecs / 60;
14029         nSecs  = nSecs % 60;
14030         MrBayesPrint ("-- %d:%0.2d:%0.2d", nHours, nMins, nSecs);
14031         }
14032     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
14033     fflush (stdout);
14035 #   else
14037     if (curGen == 0)
14038         {
14039         if (chainParams.isSS == NO && chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
14040             {
14041             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
14042             if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
14043                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using a relative burnin of %.1f %% for diagnostics\n", spacer, 100.0*chainParams.burninFraction);
14044             else
14045                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using an absolute burnin of %d samples for diagnostics\n", spacer, chainParams.chainBurnIn);
14046             }
14047         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
14048         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Chain results (%d generations requested):\n\n", spacer, chainParams.numGen);
14049         }
14050     MrBayesPrint ("%s   %5d -- ", spacer, curGen);
14051     if (numLocalChains == 1)
14052         MrBayesPrint ("%1.3lf ", curLnL[0]);
14053     else
14054         {
14055         i = 0;
14056         for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
14057             {
14058             if (i >= chainParams.printMax)
14059                 {
14060                 if (i == chainParams.printMax)
14061                     MrBayesPrint (".. ");
14062                 i++;
14063                 continue;
14064                 }
14065             if (chainParams.numChains == 1)
14066                 {
14067                 MrBayesPrint ("%1.3lf ", curLnL[chn]);
14068                 i++;
14069                 }
14070             else if (chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains == 0)
14071                 {
14072                 if (chainParams.printAll == YES)
14073                     MrBayesPrint ("[%1.3lf] ", curLnL[chn]);
14074                 else
14075                     MrBayesPrint ("[%1.3lf][%d] .. ", curLnL[chn], chn % chainParams.numChains + 1);
14076                 i++;
14077                 }
14078             else if (chainParams.printAll == YES)
14079                 {
14080                 MrBayesPrint ("(%1.3lf) ", curLnL[chn]);
14081                 i++;
14082                 }
14083             if (chn < numLocalChains - 1 && (chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains != chainId[chn+1] / chainParams.numChains)
14084                 && i < chainParams.printMax - 1)
14085                 MrBayesPrint ("* ");
14086             }
14087         }
14089     if (curGen > 0)
14090         {
14091         timePerGen = (MrBFlt) ((MrBFlt)(endingT-startingT)/(MrBFlt)(curGen-startGen));
14092         nSecs = (int)((chainParams.numGen - curGen) * timePerGen);
14093         nHours = nSecs / 3600;
14094         nSecs  = nSecs % 3600;
14095         nMins  = nSecs / 60;
14096         nSecs  = nSecs % 60;
14097         MrBayesPrint ("-- %d:%0.2d:%0.2d", nHours, nMins, nSecs);
14098         }
14099     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
14101     fflush (stdout);
14103 #   endif
14105 }
PrintTree(int curGen,Param * treeParam,int chain,int showBrlens,MrBFlt clockRate)14108 int PrintTree (int curGen, Param *treeParam, int chain, int showBrlens, MrBFlt clockRate)
14109 {
14110     int             i, tempStrSize;
14111     char            *tempStr;
14112     Tree            *tree;
14113     TreeNode        *p=NULL, *q;
14114     Param           *subParm;
14116     /* allocate the print string */
14117     printStringSize = 200;
14118     printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
14119     if (!printString)
14120         {
14121         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
14122         return (ERROR);
14123         }
14124     *printString = '\0';
14126     tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
14127     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
14128     if (!tempStr)
14129         {
14130         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
14131         return (ERROR);
14132         }
14134     /* get tree */
14135     tree = GetTree(treeParam, chain, state[chain]);
14137     /* order the taxa */
14138     if (chainParams.orderTaxa == YES)
14139         {
14140         for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-1; i++)
14141             {
14142             p = tree->allDownPass[i];
14143             if (p->left == NULL)
14144                 {
14145                 if (p->index == localOutGroup)
14146                     p->x = -1;
14147                 else
14148                     p->x = p->index;
14149                 }
14150             else if (p->left->x < p->right->x)
14151                 p->x = p->left->x;
14152             else
14153                 p->x = p->right->x;
14154             }
14155         for (i=0; i<tree->nIntNodes; i++)
14156             {
14157             if (p->left->x > p->right->x)
14158                 {
14159                 q = p->left;
14160                 p->left = p->right;
14161                 p->right = q;
14162                 }
14163             }
14164         }
14166     /* print the translate block information and the top of the file */
14167     if (curGen == 0)
14168         {
14169         /* print #NEXUS and translation block information */
14170         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "#NEXUS\n");
14171         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14172         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[ID: %s]\n", stamp);
14173         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14174         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[Param: tree");
14175         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14176         if (numCurrentDivisions == 1)
14177             {
14178             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "]\n");
14179             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14180             }
14181         else if (numCurrentDivisions == tree->nRelParts)
14182             {
14183             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "{all}]\n");
14184             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14185             }
14186         else
14187             {
14188             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "{%d", tree->relParts[0]+1);
14189             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14190             for (i=1; i<tree->nRelParts; i++)
14191                 {
14192                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ",%d", tree->relParts[i]+1);
14193                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14194                 }
14195             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "}]\n");
14196             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14197             }
14198         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "begin trees;\n");
14199         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14200         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "   translate\n");
14201         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14202         if (treeParam->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
14203             {
14204             for (i=0; i<numSpecies; i++)
14205                 {
14206                 if (i != numSpecies - 1)
14207                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "      %2d %s,\n", i+1, speciesNameSets[speciespartitionNum].names[i]);
14208                 else
14209                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "      %2d %s;\n", i+1, speciesNameSets[speciespartitionNum].names[i]);
14210                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14211                 }
14212             }
14213         else
14214             {
14215             for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
14216                 {
14217                 if (i != numLocalTaxa - 1)
14218                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "      %2d %s,\n", i+1, localTaxonNames[i]);
14219                 else
14220                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "      %2d %s;\n", i+1, localTaxonNames[i]);
14221                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14222                 }
14223             }
14224         }
14226     /* write the tree preamble */
14227     if (SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "   tree gen.%d", curGen) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
14228     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14229     if (treeParam->paramType == P_BRLENS && treeParam->nSubParams > 0)
14230         {
14231         for (i=0; i<treeParam->nSubParams; i++)
14232             {
14233             subParm = treeParam->subParams[i];
14234             if (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
14235                 {
14236                 if (SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " [&E %s]", subParm->name) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
14237                 if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14238                 }
14239             //  if (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES)
14240             //  {
14241             //  id = *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]);
14242             //  if (SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " [&B %s %d]", subParm->name, id) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
14243             //  }
14244             else
14245                 if (SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " [&B %s]", subParm->name) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
14246             if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14247             }
14248         }
14249     subParm = modelSettings[treeParam->relParts[0]].popSize;
14250     if (treeParam->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE && subParm->nValues > 1)
14251         {
14252         if (SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " [&N %s]", subParm->name) == ERROR) return (ERROR);
14253         if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14254         }
14256     /* write the tree in (extended) Newick format */
14257     if (tree->isRooted == YES && tree->isCalibrated == NO)
14258         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " = [&R] ");
14259     else if (tree->isRooted == YES && tree->isCalibrated == YES)
14260         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " = [&R] [&clockrate=%s] ", MbPrintNum(clockRate));
14261     else /* if (tree->isRooted == NO) */
14262         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " = [&U] ");
14263     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14264     WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (tree->root->left, chain, treeParam, showBrlens, tree->isRooted);
14265     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ";\n");
14266     if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) return(ERROR);
14268     free (tempStr);
14269     return (NO_ERROR);
14270 }
14273 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
ReassembleMoveInfo(void)14274 int ReassembleMoveInfo (void)
14275 {
14276     int             i, n, ierror;
14277     double          x[7], sum[7];
14278     MCMCMove        *mv;
14280     for (n=0; n<numGlobalChains; n++)
14281         {
14282         for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
14283             {
14284             mv = usedMoves[i];
14286             /* collect counts */
14287             x[0] = mv->nAccepted[n];
14288             x[1] = mv->nTried[n];
14289             x[2] = mv->nBatches[n];
14290             x[3] = mv->nTotAccepted[n];
14291             x[4] = mv->nTotTried[n];
14292             x[5] = mv->lastAcceptanceRate[n];
14293             if (mv->moveType->Autotune != NULL)
14294                 x[6]=mv->tuningParam[n][0];
14296             ierror = MPI_Allreduce (&x, &sum, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
14297             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14298                 return (ERROR);
14300             if (proc_id == 0)
14301                 {
14302                 mv->nAccepted[n]          = (int)sum[0];
14303                 mv->nTried[n]             = (int)sum[1];
14304                 mv->nBatches[n]           = (int)sum[2];
14305                 mv->nTotAccepted[n]       = (int)sum[3];
14306                 mv->nTotTried[n]          = (int)sum[4];
14307                 mv->lastAcceptanceRate[n] = (MrBFlt)sum[5];
14308                 if (mv->moveType->Autotune != NULL)
14309                     mv->tuningParam[n][0]=(MrBFlt)sum[6];
14310                 }
14311             }
14312         }
14314     return (NO_ERROR);
14315 }
ReassembleParamVals(int * curId)14318 int ReassembleParamVals (int *curId)
14319 {
14320     int             i, j, k, orderLen, nBrlens, lower, upper, numChainsForProc, proc, ierror, *y, *order, *id, *nEvents;
14321     MrBFlt          *x, *brlens, **position, **rateMult;
14322     MPI_Status      status;
14323     MPI_Request     request;
14324     Tree            *tree;
14325     Param           *p;
14327     extern MrBFlt   *paramValues;
14328     extern int      paramValsRowSize;
14329     extern int      intValsRowSize;
14331     for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
14332         curId[i] = chainId[i];
14334     numChainsForProc = numGlobalChains / num_procs;
14335     if (numGlobalChains % num_procs > 0)
14336         lower = upper = numChainsForProc+1;
14337     else
14338         lower = upper = numChainsForProc;
14340     for (proc=1; proc<num_procs; proc++, lower=upper)
14341         {
14342         if (proc < numGlobalChains % num_procs)
14343             upper += numChainsForProc+1;
14344         else
14345             upper += numChainsForProc;
14347         /* chain ids */
14348         if (proc_id == 0)
14349             {
14350         id = curId + lower;
14351             ierror = MPI_Irecv (id, upper-lower, MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14352             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14353                 {
14354                 return (ERROR);
14355                 }
14356             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14357             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14358                 {
14359                 return (ERROR);
14360                 }
14361             }
14362         else if (proc_id == proc)
14363             {
14364             id = curId;
14365             ierror = MPI_Isend (id, upper-lower, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14366             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14367                 {
14368                 return (ERROR);
14369                 }
14370             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14371             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14372                 {
14373                 return (ERROR);
14374                 }
14375             }
14377         /* chain states */
14378         if (proc_id == 0)
14379             {
14380             ierror = MPI_Irecv (state+lower, upper-lower, MPI_CHAR, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14381             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14382                 {
14383                 return (ERROR);
14384                 }
14385             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14386             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14387                 {
14388                 return (ERROR);
14389                 }
14390             }
14391         else if (proc_id == proc)
14392             {
14393             ierror = MPI_Isend (state, upper-lower, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14394             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14395                 {
14396                 return (ERROR);
14397                 }
14398             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14399             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14400                 {
14401                 return (ERROR);
14402                 }
14403             }
14405         /* normal parameter values */
14406         if (proc_id == 0)
14407             {
14408             x = paramValues + 2*paramValsRowSize*lower;
14409             ierror = MPI_Irecv (x, paramValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14410             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14411                 {
14412                 return (ERROR);
14413                 }
14414             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14415             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14416                 {
14417                 return (ERROR);
14418                 }
14419             if (intValsRowSize > 0)
14420                 {
14421                 y = intValues + 2*intValsRowSize*lower;
14422                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (y, intValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14423                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14424                     {
14425                     return (ERROR);
14426                     }
14427                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14428                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14429                     {
14430                     return (ERROR);
14431                     }
14432                 }
14433             }
14434         else if (proc_id == proc)
14435             {
14436             x = paramValues;
14437             ierror = MPI_Isend (x, paramValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14438             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14439                 {
14440                 return (ERROR);
14441                 }
14442             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14443             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14444                 {
14445                 return (ERROR);
14446                 }
14447             if (intValsRowSize > 0)
14448                 {
14449                 y = intValues;
14450                 ierror = MPI_Isend (y, intValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14451                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14452                     {
14453                     return (ERROR);
14454                     }
14455                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14456                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14457                     {
14458                     return (ERROR);
14459                     }
14460                 }
14461             }
14463         /* std state frequencies */
14464         if (stdStateFreqsRowSize > 0)
14465             {
14466             if (proc_id == 0)
14467                 {
14468                 x = stdStateFreqs + 2*stdStateFreqsRowSize*lower;
14469                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (x, stdStateFreqsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14470                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14471                     {
14472                     return (ERROR);
14473                     }
14474                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14475                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14476                     {
14477                     return (ERROR);
14478                     }
14479                 }
14480             else if (proc_id == proc)
14481                 {
14482                 x = stdStateFreqs;
14483                 ierror = MPI_Isend (x, stdStateFreqsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14484                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14485                     {
14486                     return (ERROR);
14487                     }
14488                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14489                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14490                     {
14491                     return (ERROR);
14492                     }
14493                 }
14494             }
14496         /* mcmc trees */
14497         brlens = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa, sizeof(MrBFlt));
14498         order  = (int *)    SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa,   sizeof(int));
14499         for (i=lower; i<upper; i++)
14500             {
14501             for (j=0; j<numTrees; j++)
14502                 {
14503                 tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,0,0);
14504                 orderLen = 2*tree->nIntNodes - 1;
14505                 nBrlens = tree->nNodes - 1;
14506                 if (proc_id == 0)
14507                     {
14508                     tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,i,state[i]);
14509                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (order, orderLen, MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14510                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14511                         {
14512                         return (ERROR);
14513                         }
14514                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14515                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14516                         {
14517                         return (ERROR);
14518                         }
14519                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (brlens, nBrlens, MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14520                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14521                         {
14522                         return (ERROR);
14523                         }
14524                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14525                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14526                         {
14527                         return (ERROR);
14528                         }
14529                     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
14530                         RetrieveRTreeWithIndices(tree, order, brlens);
14531                     else
14532                         {
14533                         RetrieveUTree(tree, order, brlens);
14534                         if (localOutGroup!=0)
14535                             MoveCalculationRoot(tree,localOutGroup);
14536                         }
14537                     /* since we only transferred some info, there are additional things we need to
14538                        consider, like constraints and calibrations; tree names are OK on proc 0 */
14539                     InitializeTreeCalibrations(tree);
14540                     CheckSetConstraints(tree);
14541                     SetDatedNodeAges(modelSettings[tree->relParts[0]].brlens, i, state[i]);
14542                     }
14543                 else if (proc_id == proc)
14544                     {
14545                     tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,i-lower,state[i-lower]);
14546                     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
14547                         StoreRTreeWithIndices(tree, order, brlens);
14548                     else
14549                         StoreUTree(tree, order, brlens);
14550                     ierror = MPI_Isend (order, orderLen, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14551                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14552                         {
14553                         return (ERROR);
14554                         }
14555                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14556                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14557                         {
14558                         return (ERROR);
14559                         }
14560                     ierror = MPI_Isend (brlens, nBrlens, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14561                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14562                         {
14563                         return (ERROR);
14564                         }
14565                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14566                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14567                         {
14568                         return (ERROR);
14569                         }
14570                     }
14571                 }
14572             }
14573         free (brlens);
14574         free (order);
14576         /* CPP event parameters */
14577         for (i=lower; i<upper; i++)
14578             {
14579             for (j=0; j<numParams; j++)
14580                 {
14581                 p = &params[j];
14582                 if (p->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
14583                     {
14584                     if (proc_id == proc)
14585                         {
14586                         /* get pointers */
14587                         nEvents = p->nEvents[2*(i-lower)+state[i-lower]];
14588                         position = p->position[2*(i-lower)+state[i-lower]];
14589                         rateMult = p->rateMult[2*(i-lower)+state[i-lower]];
14591                         /* send number of events */
14592                         ierror = MPI_Isend (nEvents, 2*numLocalTaxa, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14593                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14594                             return (ERROR);
14595                         ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14596                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14597                             return (ERROR);
14599                         /* send events and clear pointers */
14600                         for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
14601                             {
14602                             if (nEvents[k] > 0)
14603                                 {
14604                                 ierror = MPI_Isend (position[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14605                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14606                                     return (ERROR);
14607                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14608                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14609                                     return (ERROR);
14611                                 ierror = MPI_Isend (rateMult[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14612                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14613                                     return (ERROR);
14614                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14615                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14616                                     return (ERROR);
14618                                 free(position[k]);
14619                                 free(rateMult[k]);
14620                                 position[k] = NULL;
14621                                 rateMult[k] = NULL;
14622                                 nEvents[k] = 0;
14623                                 }
14624                             }
14625                         }
14626                     else if (proc_id == 0)
14627                         {
14628                         /* find pointers */
14629                         nEvents = p->nEvents[2*i];
14630                         position = p->position[2*i];
14631                         rateMult = p->rateMult[2*i];
14633                         /* clear previous events */
14634                         for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
14635                             {
14636                             if (nEvents[k] > 0)
14637                                 {
14638                                 free (position[k]);
14639                                 free (rateMult[k]);
14640                                 position[k] = NULL;
14641                                 rateMult[k] = NULL;
14642                                 nEvents[k] = 0;
14643                                 }
14644                             }
14646                         /* receive events */
14647                         ierror = MPI_Irecv (nEvents, 2*numLocalTaxa, MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14648                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14649                             return (ERROR);
14650                         ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14651                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14652                             return (ERROR);
14654                         for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
14655                             {
14656                             if (nEvents[k] > 0)
14657                                 {
14658                                 position[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nEvents[k], sizeof(MrBFlt));
14659                                 rateMult[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nEvents[k], sizeof(MrBFlt));
14661                                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (position[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14662                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14663                                     return (ERROR);
14664                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14665                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14666                                     return (ERROR);
14668                                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (rateMult[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14669                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14670                                     return (ERROR);
14671                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14672                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14673                                     return (ERROR);
14674                                 }
14675                             }
14676                         }
14677                     }
14678                 }
14679             }
14680         }
14682     return (NO_ERROR);
14683 }
ReassembleSwapInfo(void)14686 int ReassembleSwapInfo (void)
14687 {
14688     int i, j, n, x, sum, ierror;
14690     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
14691         {
14692         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
14693             {
14694             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
14695                 {
14696                 if (i != j)
14697                     {
14698                     if (proc_id == 0)
14699                         x = 0;
14700                     else
14701                         x = swapInfo[n][i][j];
14702                     ierror = MPI_Allreduce (&x, &sum, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
14703                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14704                         return (ERROR);
14705                     if (proc_id == 0)
14706                         swapInfo[n][i][j] += sum;
14707                     else
14708                         swapInfo[n][i][j] = 0;
14709                     }
14710                 }
14711             }
14712         }
14714     return (NO_ERROR);
14715 }
ReassembleTuningParams(void)14718 int ReassembleTuningParams (void)
14719 {
14720     int        i, j, k, lower, ierror;
14721     MrBFlt     *x, *sum;
14723     x = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*numUsedMoves, sizeof(MrBFlt));
14724     sum = x + numUsedMoves;
14726     lower = numGlobalChains / num_procs;
14727     if (numGlobalChains % num_procs != 0)
14728         lower++;
14730     for (i=lower; i<numGlobalChains; i++)
14731         {
14732         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
14733             {
14734             if (chainId[j] == i)
14735                 break;
14736             }
14738         for (k=0; k<numUsedMoves; k++)
14739             {
14740             if (j != numLocalChains && usedMoves[k]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0) /* we have the tuning parameter of interest */
14741                 x[k] = usedMoves[k]->tuningParam[i][0];
14742             else
14743                 x[k] = 0.0;
14744             }
14746         ierror = MPI_Allreduce (x, sum, numUsedMoves, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
14747         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14748             {
14749             free (x);
14750             return (ERROR);
14751             }
14753         if (proc_id == 0)
14754             {
14755             for (k=0; k<numUsedMoves; k++)
14756                 {
14757                 if (usedMoves[k]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
14758                     usedMoves[k]->tuningParam[i][0] = sum[k];
14759                 }
14760             }
14761         }
14763     free (x);
14764     return (NO_ERROR);
14765 }
RedistributeMoveInfo(void)14768 void RedistributeMoveInfo (void)
14769 {
14770     int         i, j, k;
14771     MCMCMove    *mv;
14773     /* Leave if not processor 0, because then we already have the necessary info since
14774        it was not deleted in ReassembleMoveInfo */
14775     if (proc_id != 0)
14776         return;
14778     /* If we are processor 0, simply delete the unnecessary information */
14779     for (i=0; i<numGlobalChains; i++)
14780         {
14781         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
14782             if (chainId[j] == i)
14783                 break;
14785         if (j == numLocalChains)
14786             {
14787             /* we do not have this chain, so delete the move info */
14788             for (k=0; k<numUsedMoves; k++)
14789                 {
14790                 mv = usedMoves[k];
14792                 /* reset counts */
14793                 mv->nAccepted[i] = 0;
14794                 mv->nTried[i] = 0;
14795                 mv->nBatches[i] = 0;
14796                 mv->nTotAccepted[i] = 0;
14797                 mv->nTotTried[i] = 0;
14798                 mv->lastAcceptanceRate[i] = 0;
14799         if (mv->moveType->Autotune != NULL)
14800                     mv->tuningParam[i][0]=0.0;
14801                 }
14802             }
14803         }
14804 }
RedistributeParamVals(void)14807 int RedistributeParamVals (void)
14808 {
14809     int             i, j, k, orderLen, nBrlens, lower, upper, numChainsForProc, proc, ierror, *y, *order, *nEvents;
14810     MrBFlt          *x, *brlens, **position, **rateMult;
14811     MPI_Status      status;
14812     MPI_Request     request;
14813     Tree            *tree;
14814     Param           *p;
14816     extern MrBFlt   *paramValues;
14817     extern int      paramValsRowSize;
14818     extern int      intValsRowSize;
14820     numChainsForProc = numGlobalChains / num_procs;
14821     if (numGlobalChains % num_procs > 0)
14822         lower = upper = numChainsForProc+1;
14823     else
14824         lower = upper = numChainsForProc;
14826     for (proc=1; proc<num_procs; proc++, lower=upper)
14827         {
14828         if (proc < numGlobalChains % num_procs)
14829             upper += numChainsForProc+1;
14830         else
14831             upper += numChainsForProc;
14833         /* normal parameter values */
14834         if (proc_id == 0)
14835             {
14836             x = paramValues + 2*paramValsRowSize*lower;
14837             ierror = MPI_Isend (x, paramValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14838             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14839                 {
14840                 return (ERROR);
14841                 }
14842             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14843             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14844                 {
14845                 return (ERROR);
14846                 }
14847             if (intValsRowSize > 0)
14848                 {
14849                 y = intValues + 2*intValsRowSize*lower;
14850                 ierror = MPI_Isend (y, intValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14851                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14852                     {
14853                     return (ERROR);
14854                     }
14855                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14856                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14857                     {
14858                     return (ERROR);
14859                     }
14860                 }
14861             }
14862         else if (proc_id == proc)
14863             {
14864             x = paramValues;
14865             ierror = MPI_Irecv (x, paramValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14866             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14867                 {
14868                 return (ERROR);
14869                 }
14870             ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14871             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14872                 {
14873                 return (ERROR);
14874                 }
14875             if (intValsRowSize > 0)
14876                 {
14877                 y = intValues;
14878                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (y, intValsRowSize*2*(upper-lower), MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14879                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14880                     {
14881                     return (ERROR);
14882                     }
14883                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14884                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14885                     {
14886                     return (ERROR);
14887                     }
14888                 }
14889             }
14891         /* mcmc trees */
14892         brlens = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa, sizeof(MrBFlt));
14893         order  = (int *)    SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa,   sizeof(int));
14894         for (i=lower; i<upper; i++)
14895             {
14896             for (j=0; j<numTrees; j++)
14897                 {
14898                 tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,0,0);
14899                 orderLen = 2*tree->nIntNodes - 1;
14900                 nBrlens = tree->nNodes - 1;
14901                 if (proc_id == 0)
14902                     {
14903                     tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,i,0);
14904                     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
14905                         StoreRTreeWithIndices(tree, order, brlens);
14906                     else
14907                         StoreUTree(tree, order, brlens);
14908                     ierror = MPI_Isend (order, orderLen, MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14909                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14910                         {
14911                         return (ERROR);
14912                         }
14913                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14914                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14915                         {
14916                         return (ERROR);
14917                         }
14918                     ierror = MPI_Isend (brlens, nBrlens, MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14919                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14920                         {
14921                         return (ERROR);
14922                         }
14923                    ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14924                    if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14925                         {
14926                         return (ERROR);
14927                         }
14928                     }
14929                 else if (proc_id == proc)
14930                     {
14931                     tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,i-lower,0);
14932                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (order, orderLen, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14933                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14934                         {
14935                         return (ERROR);
14936                         }
14937                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14938                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14939                         {
14940                         return (ERROR);
14941                         }
14942                     ierror = MPI_Irecv (brlens, nBrlens, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14943                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14944                         {
14945                         return (ERROR);
14946                         }
14947                     ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14948                     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14949                         {
14950                         return (ERROR);
14951                         }
14952                     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
14953                         RetrieveRTreeWithIndices(tree, order, brlens);
14954                     else
14955                         {
14956                         RetrieveUTree(tree, order, brlens);
14957                         if (localOutGroup != 0)
14958                             MoveCalculationRoot(tree,localOutGroup);
14959                         }
14960                     /* since we only transferred some info, there are additional things we need to
14961                        consider, like names, constraints and calibrations */
14962                     InitializeTreeCalibrations(tree);
14963                     CheckSetConstraints(tree);
14964                     SetDatedNodeAges(modelSettings[tree->relParts[0]].brlens, i-lower, 0);
14965                     strcpy(tree->name, GetTreeFromIndex(j, i, 0)->name);
14966                     tree = GetTreeFromIndex(j,i-lower,1);
14967                     strcpy(tree->name, GetTreeFromIndex(j, i, 0)->name);
14968                     }
14969                 }
14970             }
14971         free (brlens);
14972         free (order);
14974         /* CPP relaxed clock  parameters */
14975         for (i=lower; i<upper; i++)
14976             {
14977             for (j=0; j<numParams; j++)
14978                 {
14979                 p = &params[j];
14980                 if (p->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
14981                     {
14982                     if (proc_id == 0)
14983                         {
14984                         /* get pointers */
14985                         nEvents = p->nEvents[2*i];
14986                         position = p->position[2*i];
14987                         rateMult = p->rateMult[2*i];
14989                         /* send number of events */
14990                         ierror = MPI_Isend (nEvents, 2*numLocalTaxa, MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
14991                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14992                             return (ERROR);
14993                         ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
14994                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
14995                             return (ERROR);
14997                         /* send events and clear pointers */
14998                         for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
14999                             {
15000                             if (nEvents[k] > 0)
15001                                 {
15002                                 ierror = MPI_Isend (position[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
15003                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15004                                     return (ERROR);
15005                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
15006                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15007                                     return (ERROR);
15009                                 ierror = MPI_Isend (rateMult[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
15010                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15011                                     return (ERROR);
15012                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
15013                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15014                                     return (ERROR);
15016                                 free(position[k]);
15017                                 free(rateMult[k]);
15018                                 position[k] = NULL;
15019                                 rateMult[k] = NULL;
15020                                 nEvents[k] = 0;
15021                                 }
15022                             }
15023                         }
15024                     else if (proc_id == proc)
15025                         {
15026                         /* find pointers */
15027                         nEvents = p->nEvents[2*(i-lower)];
15028                         position = p->position[2*(i-lower)];
15029                         rateMult = p->rateMult[2*(i-lower)];
15031                         /* clear previous events */
15032                         for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
15033                             {
15034                             if (nEvents[k] > 0)
15035                                 {
15036                                 free (position[k]);
15037                                 free (rateMult[k]);
15038                                 position[k] = NULL;
15039                                 rateMult[k] = NULL;
15040                                 nEvents[k] = 0;
15041                                 }
15042                             }
15044                         /* receive events */
15045                         ierror = MPI_Irecv (nEvents, 2*numLocalTaxa, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
15046                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15047                             return (ERROR);
15048                         ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
15049                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15050                             return (ERROR);
15051                         for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
15052                             {
15053                             if (nEvents[k] > 0)
15054                                 {
15055                                 position[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nEvents[k], sizeof(MrBFlt));
15056                                 rateMult[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nEvents[k], sizeof(MrBFlt));
15058                                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (position[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
15059                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15060                                     return (ERROR);
15061                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
15062                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15063                                     return (ERROR);
15065                                 ierror = MPI_Irecv (rateMult[k], nEvents[k], MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
15066                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15067                                     return (ERROR);
15068                                 ierror = MPI_Waitall (1, &request, &status);
15069                                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15070                                     return (ERROR);
15071                                 }
15072                             }
15073                        }
15074                    }
15075                 }
15076             }
15078         /* update evolutionary branch lengths or rates (because node indices have changed) */
15079         if (proc_id == proc)
15080             {
15081             for (i=0; i<upper-lower; i++)
15082                 {
15083                 for (j=0; j<numParams; j++)
15084                     {
15085                     p = &params[j];
15086                     if (p->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
15087                         {
15088                         tree = GetTree(p, i, 0);
15089                         UpdateCppEvolLengths (p, tree->root->left, i);
15090                         }
15091                     else if (p->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES || (p->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(p, i, 0) == RCL_TK02))
15092                         {
15093                         tree = GetTree (p, i, 0);
15094                         UpdateTK02EvolLengths (p, tree, i);
15095                         }
15096                     else if (p->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES || (p->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(p, i, 0) == RCL_IGR))
15097                         {
15098                         tree = GetTree(p, i, 0);
15099                         UpdateIgrBrachLengths (p, tree, i);
15100                         }
15101                     }
15102                 }
15103             }
15104         }
15106     return (NO_ERROR);
15107 }
RedistributeTuningParams(void)15110 int RedistributeTuningParams (void)
15111 {
15112     int     i, j, k, lower, ierror;
15113     MrBFlt  *x, *sum;
15115     x = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*numUsedMoves, sizeof(MrBFlt));
15116     sum = x + numUsedMoves;
15118     lower = numGlobalChains / num_procs;
15119     if (numGlobalChains % num_procs != 0)
15120         lower++;
15122     if (proc_id != 0)
15123         {
15124         for (i=0; i<numGlobalChains; i++)
15125             {
15126             for (k=0; k<numUsedMoves; k++)
15127                                 {
15128                                 if (usedMoves[k]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
15129                         usedMoves[k]->tuningParam[i][0] = 0.0;
15130                                 }
15131         }
15132         }
15134     for (i=lower; i<numGlobalChains; i++)
15135         {
15136         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
15137             {
15138             if (chainId[j] == i)
15139                 break;
15140             }
15142         for (k=0; k<numUsedMoves; k++)
15143             {
15144             if (proc_id == 0 && usedMoves[k]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0) /* we have the tuning parameter of interest */
15145         {
15146                 x[k] = usedMoves[k]->tuningParam[i][0];
15147         usedMoves[k]->tuningParam[i][0]=0.0;
15148         }
15149             else
15150                 x[k] = 0.0;
15151         }
15153         ierror = MPI_Allreduce (x, sum, numUsedMoves, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
15154         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
15155             {
15156             free (x);
15157             return (ERROR);
15158             }
15160         if (j != numLocalChains)   /* we have the chain of interest */
15161             {
15162             for (k=0; k<numUsedMoves; k++)
15163                 {
15164                 if (usedMoves[k]->moveType->numTuningParams > 0)
15165                     usedMoves[k]->tuningParam[i][0] = sum[k];
15166                 }
15167             }
15168         }
15170     free (x);
15171     return (NO_ERROR);
15172 }
15174 #endif
15177 /* RemovePartition: Remove a partition from the tree keeping track of partition frequencies */
RemovePartition(PFNODE * r,BitsLong * p,int runId)15178 int RemovePartition (PFNODE *r, BitsLong *p, int runId)
15179 {
15180     int     i, comp;
15182     if (r == NULL)
15183         {
15184         return (ERROR);
15185         }
15186     else
15187         {
15188         for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
15189             {
15190             if (r->partition[i] != p[i])
15191                 break;
15192             }
15194         if (i == nLongsNeeded)
15195             comp = 0;
15196         else if (r->partition[i] < p[i])
15197             comp = -1;
15198         else
15199             comp = 1;
15201         if (comp == 0)          /* match */
15202             {
15203             if (r->count[runId] == 0)
15204                 return ERROR;
15205             else
15206                 r->count[runId]--;
15207             }
15208         else if (comp < 0)      /* greater than -> into left subtree */
15209             {
15210             if ((RemovePartition (r->left, p, runId)) == ERROR)
15211                 return ERROR;
15212             }
15213         else
15214             {
15215             /* less than -> into right subtree */
15216             if ((RemovePartition (r->right, p, runId)) == ERROR)
15217                 return ERROR;
15218             }
15219         }
15221     return (NO_ERROR);
15222 }
15225 /* RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters: Break a tree into partitions and remove those from counters */
RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters(Tree * tree,int treeId,int runId)15226 int RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId)
15227 {
15228     int         i, j, nTaxa;
15229     TreeNode    *p;
15231     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
15232         nTaxa = tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes - 1;
15233     else
15234         nTaxa = tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes;
15236     for (i=0; i<nTaxa; i++)
15237         {
15238         ClearBits(partition[i], nLongsNeeded);
15239         SetBit(i, partition[i]);
15240         }
15242     for (i=0; i<tree->nIntNodes-1; i++)
15243         {
15244         p = tree->intDownPass[i];
15245         assert (p->index >= tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes - (tree->isRooted == YES ? 1 : 0));
15246         for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
15247             {
15248             partition[p->index][j] = partition[p->left->index][j] | partition[p->right->index][j];
15249             }
15251         if ((RemovePartition (partFreqTreeRoot[treeId], partition[p->index], runId)) == ERROR)
15252             {
15253             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not remove partition %d in RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters\n", spacer, p->index);
15254             ShowParts(stdout,partition[p->index],numLocalTaxa);
15255             return ERROR;
15256             }
15257         }
15259     return NO_ERROR;
15260 }
15263 /* RemoveTreeSamples: Remove tree samples from partition counters */
RemoveTreeSamples(int from,int to)15264 int RemoveTreeSamples (int from, int to)
15265 {
15266     int         i, j, k, longestLine, line;
15267     char        c, *s, *lineBuf=0;
15268     FILE        *fp;
15269     Tree        *t;
15270     TreeList    *treeList;
15271     char        *tempStr;
15272     int         tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
15274 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
15275     if (proc_id != 0)
15276         return (NO_ERROR);
15277 #   endif
15279     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
15280     if (!tempStr)
15281         {
15282         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
15283         return (ERROR);
15284         }
15286     if (chainParams.saveTrees == YES)
15287         {
15288         for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
15289             {
15290             t = chainParams.dtree;
15291             if (topologyParam[i]->tree[0]->isRooted == YES)
15292                 t->isRooted = YES;
15293             else
15294                 t->isRooted = NO;
15296             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
15297                 {
15298                 treeList = &chainParams.treeList[j*numTopologies + i];
15300                 for (k=from; k<=to; k++)
15301                     {
15302                     GetFromTreeList (treeList, t);
15303                     if (RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters (t, i, j) == ERROR)
15304                         {
15305                         SafeFclose (&fp);
15306                         free (tempStr);
15307                         free (lineBuf);
15308                         return (ERROR);
15309                         }
15310                     }
15311                 }
15312             }
15313         }
15314     else
15315         {
15316         for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
15317             {
15318             t = chainParams.dtree;
15320             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
15321                 {
15322                 if (numPrintTreeParams == 1)
15323                     {
15324                     if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15325                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
15326                     else
15327                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.run%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, j+1);
15328                     }
15329                 else
15330                     {
15331                     if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15332                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.tree%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, topologyPrintIndex[i]+1);
15333                     else
15334                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, topologyPrintIndex[i]+1, j+1);
15335                     }
15337                 if ((fp = OpenTextFileR (tempStr)) == NULL)
15338                         {
15339                         free (tempStr);
15340                         return (ERROR);
15341                         }
15343                 if (from == 1)
15344                     {
15345                     longestLine = LongestLine(fp);
15346                     lineBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (longestLine+2,sizeof(char));
15347                     fseek (fp, LastBlock(fp, lineBuf, longestLine), SEEK_SET);
15348                     fseek (fp, FirstTree(fp, lineBuf, longestLine), SEEK_SET);
15349                     fgetpos (fp, &chainParams.tFilePos[j*numTopologies+i]);
15350                     free(lineBuf);
15351                     lineBuf = NULL;
15352                     }
15353                 fsetpos (fp, &chainParams.tFilePos[j*numTopologies+i]);
15355                 longestLine = 0;
15356                 for (k=0; k<=to-from; k++)
15357                     {
15358                     line = 0;
15359                     do {
15360                         line++;
15361                         } while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != '\r' && c != '\n');
15363                     if (line > longestLine)
15364                         longestLine = line;
15366                     while ((c = fgetc(fp)) == '\r' || c == '\n')
15367                         ;
15368                     }
15370                 lineBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (longestLine + 10, sizeof (char));
15371                 if (!lineBuf)
15372                     {
15373                     SafeFclose (&fp);
15374                     free (tempStr);
15375                     return (ERROR);
15376                     }
15377                 fsetpos (fp, &chainParams.tFilePos[j*numTopologies+i]);
15378                 /* The fsetpos and fgetpos pair are affected by writing to the file,
15379                     at least on Windows systems. The effect is to put the subsequent
15380                     fsetpos back a few positions. The following code will deal with this
15381                     problem without affecting systems where this does not happen. */
15382                 do { c = fgetc(fp);
15383                 } while (c != 't');
15385                 for (k=from; k<=to; k++)
15386                     {
15387                     if (fgets (lineBuf, longestLine + 5, fp) == NULL)
15388                         {
15389                         free (tempStr);
15390                         free (lineBuf);
15391                         return ERROR;
15392                         }
15394                     s = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
15395                     for (s = strtok (NULL, ";"); *s != '('; s++)
15396                         ;
15398                     StripComments (s);
15399                     if (ResetTopology (t, s) == ERROR)
15400                         {
15401                         SafeFclose (&fp);
15402                         free (tempStr);
15403                         free (lineBuf);
15404                         return (ERROR);
15405                         }
15407                     if (RemoveTreeFromPartitionCounters (t, i, j) == ERROR)
15408                         {
15409                         SafeFclose (&fp);
15410                         free (tempStr);
15411                         free (lineBuf);
15412                         return (ERROR);
15413                         }
15414                     }
15415                 fgetpos (fp, &chainParams.tFilePos[j*numTopologies+i]);
15416                 free (lineBuf);
15417                 SafeFclose (&fp);
15418                 }
15419             }
15420         }
15422     /* remove unnecessary nodes from the tree holding partition counters */
15423     for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
15424         {
15425         partFreqTreeRoot[i] = CompactTree (partFreqTreeRoot[i]);
15426         }
15428     free (tempStr);
15429     return (NO_ERROR);
15430 }
ReopenMBPrintFiles(void)15433 int ReopenMBPrintFiles (void)
15434 {
15435     int     i, n;
15436     char    fileName[120], localFileName[100];
15438     /* Take care of the mpi procs that do not have a file */
15439 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
15440     if (proc_id != 0)
15441         return (NO_ERROR);
15442 #   endif
15444     /* Get root of local file name */
15445     strcpy (localFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
15447     /* Reopen the .p and .t files */
15448     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
15449         {
15450         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15451             sprintf (fileName, "%s.p", localFileName);
15452         else
15453             sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.p", localFileName, n+1);
15455         if ((fpParm[n] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
15456             return (ERROR);
15458         for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
15459             {
15460             if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15461                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.t", localFileName);
15462             else if (numTrees > 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15463                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.t", localFileName, i+1);
15464             else if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
15465                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.t", localFileName, n+1);
15466             else
15467                 sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", localFileName, i+1, n+1);
15469             if ((fpTree[n][i] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
15470                 return (ERROR);
15471             }
15472         }
15474     /* Reopen the .mcmc file */
15475     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
15476         {
15477         sprintf (fileName, "%s.mcmc", localFileName);
15479         if ((fpMcmc = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
15480             return (ERROR);
15481         }
15483 #   if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
15484     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
15485         {
15486         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15487             sprintf (fileName, "%s.dump", localFileName);
15488         else
15489             sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.dump", localFileName, n+1);
15491         if ((fpDump[n] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
15492             return (ERROR);
15493         }
15494 #   endif
15496     return (NO_ERROR);
15497 }
ConfirmAbortRun(void)15500 int ConfirmAbortRun(void)
15501 {
15502     char c, line[100];
15503     int  ret=0, i;
15505     /* reset requestAbortRun */
15506     requestAbortRun = NO;
15508     MrBayesPrint("   Do you really want to stop the run (y/n)?");
15509     if (fgets (line,98,stdin) == NULL)
15510         {
15511         printf ("Error in function: %s at line: %d in file: %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__);
15512         }
15513     for (i=0; (c=line[i])!='\0' && !isgraph(c); i++)
15514         ;
15515     if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y')
15516         ret=1;
15517     else
15518         {
15519         MrBayesPrint("   Mcmc run continued ...\n\n");
15520         ret=0;
15521         }
15522     return ret;
15523 }
15526 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
15527 |
15528 |   ResetChainIds: Make sure parameter values are swapped back
15529 |       at the end of a Metropolis-coupled MCMC run
15530 |
15531 --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ResetChainIds(void)15532 void ResetChainIds (void)
15533 {
15534     int     j, k, k1, tempId, *curId, toChn, fromChn, *to, *from, *swap;
15535     Param   *p;
15536     MrBFlt  *fromVals, *toVals, *swapVals, **fromPosition, **toPosition,
15537             **swapPosition, **fromRateMult, **toRateMult, **swapRateMult;
15538     Tree    *toTree, *fromTree, *swapTree;
15540     curId = (int *) SafeCalloc (numGlobalChains, sizeof(int));
15542 #if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
15543     ReassembleParamVals(curId);
15544     ReassembleTuningParams();
15545     SetChainIds();
15546     if (proc_id != 0)
15547     {
15548         /* reset state */
15549         for (j=0; j<numLocalChains; j++)
15550             state[j] = 0;
15551         free (curId);
15552     return;
15553         }
15554 #else
15555     for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
15556         curId[j] = chainId[j];
15557     SetChainIds();
15558 #endif
15560     for (toChn=0; toChn<numGlobalChains; toChn++)
15561         {
15562         if (curId[toChn] == toChn)
15563             {
15564             if (state[toChn] != 0)
15565                 {
15566                 CopyParams (toChn);
15567                 CopyTrees (toChn);
15568                 state[toChn] ^= 1;
15569                 }
15570             continue;
15571             }
15573         /* we need to swap all values */
15574         /* first find the chain to swap with */
15575         for (j=toChn+1; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
15576             if (curId[j] == toChn)
15577                 break;
15578         fromChn = j;
15580         /* normal params */
15581         CopyParams (toChn);
15582         CopyTrees (toChn);
15583         CopyParams (fromChn);
15584         CopyTrees (fromChn);
15586         for (j=0; j<numParams; j++)
15587             {
15588             p = &params[j];
15589             toVals = GetParamVals (p, toChn, 0);
15590             swapVals = GetParamVals (p, toChn, 1);
15591             fromVals = GetParamVals (p, fromChn, state[fromChn]);
15592             for (k=0; k<p->nValues; k++)
15593                 {
15594                 toVals[k] = fromVals[k];
15595                 fromVals[k] = swapVals[k];
15596                 }
15597             toVals = GetParamSubVals (p, toChn, 0);
15598             swapVals = GetParamSubVals (p, toChn, 1);
15599             fromVals = GetParamSubVals (p, fromChn, state[fromChn]);
15600             for (k=0; k<p->nSubValues; k++)
15601                 {
15602                 toVals[k] = fromVals[k];
15603                 fromVals[k] = swapVals[k];
15604                 }
15605             if (p->nStdStateFreqs > 0)
15606                 {
15607                 toVals = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, toChn, 0);
15608                 swapVals = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, toChn, 1);
15609                 fromVals = GetParamStdStateFreqs (p, fromChn, state[fromChn]);
15610                 for (k=0; k<p->nStdStateFreqs; k++)
15611                     {
15612                     toVals[k] = fromVals[k];
15613                     fromVals[k] = swapVals[k];
15614                     }
15615                 }
15616             }
15618         /* mcmc trees */
15619         for (j=0; j<numTrees; j++)
15620             {
15621             toTree = GetTreeFromIndex(j, toChn, 0);
15622             swapTree = GetTreeFromIndex(j, toChn, 1);
15623             fromTree = GetTreeFromIndex(j, fromChn, state[fromChn]);
15624             CopyToTreeFromTree (toTree, fromTree);
15625             CopyToTreeFromTree (fromTree, swapTree);
15626             CopyToTreeFromTree (swapTree, toTree);
15627             swapTree = GetTreeFromIndex(j, fromChn, state[fromChn] ^ 1);
15628             CopyToTreeFromTree (swapTree, fromTree);
15629             }
15630         /* CPP relaxed clock params */
15631         for (j=0; j<numParams; j++)
15632             {
15633             p = &params[j];
15634             if (p->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
15635                 {
15636                 to = p->nEvents[2*toChn];
15637                 swap = p->nEvents[2*toChn+1];
15638                 from = p->nEvents[2*fromChn+state[fromChn]];
15639                 toPosition = p->position[2*toChn];
15640                 swapPosition = p->position[2*toChn+1];
15641                 fromPosition = p->position[2*fromChn+state[fromChn]];
15642                 toRateMult = p->rateMult[2*toChn];
15643                 swapRateMult = p->rateMult[2*toChn+1];
15644                 fromRateMult = p->rateMult[2*fromChn+state[fromChn]];
15645                 for (k=0; k<2*numLocalTaxa; k++)
15646                     {
15647                     if (from[k] > 0)
15648                         {
15649                         toPosition[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)toPosition[k], from[k]*sizeof (MrBFlt));
15650                         toRateMult[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)toRateMult[k], from[k]*sizeof (MrBFlt));
15651                         for (k1=0; k1<from[k]; k1++)
15652                             {
15653                             toPosition[k][k1] = fromPosition[k][k1];
15654                             toRateMult[k][k1] = fromRateMult[k][k1];
15655                             }
15656                         }
15657                     else if (to[k] > 0)
15658                         {
15659                         free (toPosition[k]);
15660                         toPosition[k] = NULL;
15661                         free (toRateMult[k]);
15662                         toRateMult[k] = NULL;
15663                         }
15664                     to[k] = from[k];
15665                     if (swap[k] > 0)
15666                         {
15667                         fromPosition[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)fromPosition[k], swap[k]*sizeof (MrBFlt));
15668                         fromRateMult[k] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)fromRateMult[k], swap[k]*sizeof (MrBFlt));
15669                         for (k1=0; k1<swap[k]; k1++)
15670                             {
15671                             fromPosition[k][k1] = swapPosition[k][k1];
15672                             fromRateMult[k][k1] = swapRateMult[k][k1];
15673                             }
15674                         }
15675                     else if (from[k] > 0)
15676                         {
15677                         free (fromPosition[k]);
15678                         fromPosition[k] = NULL;
15679                         free (fromRateMult[k]);
15680                         fromRateMult[k] = NULL;
15681                         }
15682                     from[k] = swap[k];
15683                     }
15684                 }
15685             }
15686         /* reset state of chain */
15687         state[toChn] = 0;
15689         /* make sure that the id is correct for the from chain */
15690         tempId = curId[toChn];
15691         curId[fromChn] = curId[toChn];
15692         curId[toChn] = tempId;
15693         }
15695     free (curId);
15696 }
15699 /* ResetFlips: Reset flipped cond likes etc after rejection */
ResetFlips(int chain)15700 void ResetFlips (int chain)
15701 {
15702     int         d, i;
15703     ModelInfo   *m;
15704     TreeNode    *p;
15705     Tree        *tree;
15706 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
15707     int         *isScalerNode=NULL;
15708 #endif
15710     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
15711     {
15712         m = &modelSettings[d];
15713 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
15714         if (m->useBeagle == YES)
15715             isScalerNode = m->isScalerNode[chain];
15716 #endif
15717         if (m->upDateCl != YES)
15718             continue;
15720 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
15721         if (m->useBeagle == NO ||
15722             beagleScalingScheme == MB_BEAGLE_SCALE_ALWAYS ||
15723             m->rescaleBeagleAll == YES)
15724                 {
15725                 FlipSiteScalerSpace (m, chain);
15726                 if (m->useBeagle == YES && m->rescaleBeagleAll == YES)
15727                     m->rescaleFreq[chain] = m->rescaleFreqOld;
15728                 }
15729 #else
15730         FlipSiteScalerSpace (m, chain);
15731 #endif
15734         if (m->upDateCijk == YES && m->nCijkParts > 0)
15735             FlipCijkSpace (m, chain);
15737         /* cycle over tree */
15738         tree = GetTree (m->brlens, chain, state[chain]);
15739         for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes; i++)
15740             {
15741             p = tree->allDownPass[i];
15742             if (p->upDateTi == YES)
15743                 FlipTiProbsSpace (m, chain, p->index);
15744             if (p->right != NULL)    /* do not flip terminals in case these flags are inappropriately set by moves */
15745                 {
15746                 if (p->upDateCl == YES)
15747                     {
15748                     FlipCondLikeSpace (m, chain, p->index);
15749 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
15750                     if (m->useBeagle == NO ||
15751                         beagleScalingScheme == MB_BEAGLE_SCALE_ALWAYS ||
15752                         (m->rescaleBeagleAll == YES && isScalerNode[p->index] == YES))
15753                         FlipNodeScalerSpace (m, chain, p->index);
15754 #else
15755                     FlipNodeScalerSpace (m, chain, p->index);
15756 #endif
15757                     }
15758 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
15759                 else if (m->rescaleBeagleAll == YES)
15760                     {
15761                     FlipCondLikeSpace (m, chain, p->index);
15762                     if (isScalerNode[p->index] == YES)
15763                         FlipNodeScalerSpace (m, chain, p->index);
15764                     }
15765 #endif
15766                 }
15767             }
15769         /* division flag and tree node flags are reset when trees are copied */
15770     }
15771 }
15774 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
15775 |
15776 |   ResetScalersPartition: reset scaler nodes of the given tree by appropriately setting isScalerNode array.
15777 | @param isScalerNode   is an array which gets set with information about scaler node.
15778 |                       For each internal node isScalerNode[node->index] is set to YES if it has to be scaler node.
15779 |                       Note: Only internal nodes can become scaler nodes thus isScalerNode is set only for elemnts in interval [numLocalTaxa, numLocalTaxa+t->nIntNodes]
15780 |
15781 | @param rescaleFreq    effectively represent gaps between rescaling, higher number means more sparse choice of rescaling nodes
15782 |
15783 --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ResetScalersPartition(int * isScalerNode,Tree * t,unsigned rescaleFreq)15784 int ResetScalersPartition (int *isScalerNode, Tree* t, unsigned rescaleFreq)
15785 {
15786     int         n;
15787     TreeNode    *p;
15789     /* set the node depth value of terminal nodes to zero; reset scalerNode */
15790     for (n=0; n<t->nNodes; n++)
15791         {
15792         p = t->allDownPass[n];
15793         if (p->left == NULL)
15794             p->x = 0;
15795         }
15797     /* loop over interior nodes */
15798     for (n=0; n<t->nIntNodes; n++)
15799         {
15800         p = t->intDownPass[n];
15801         assert (((p->index - numLocalTaxa) >= 0) && ((p->index - numLocalTaxa) < t->nIntNodes));
15802         p->x = p->left->x + p->right->x + 1;
15804         if (p->x > 2 * (int)rescaleFreq)
15805             {
15806             assert (p->left->left != NULL && p->right->left != NULL);
15807             isScalerNode[p->left->index] = YES;
15808             p->left->x = 0;
15809             isScalerNode[p->right->index] = YES;
15810             p->right->x = 0;
15811             p->x = 1;
15812             }
15813         else if (p->x > (int)rescaleFreq)
15814             {
15815             if (p->left->x > p->right->x)
15816                 {
15817                 assert (p->left->left != NULL);
15818                 isScalerNode[p->left->index] = YES;
15819                 p->left->x = 0;
15820                 }
15821             else
15822                 {
15823                 assert (p->right->left != NULL);
15824                 isScalerNode[p->right->index] = YES;
15825                 p->right->x = 0;
15826                 }
15827             p->x = p->left->x + p->right->x + 1;
15828             }
15829         else
15830             isScalerNode[p->index] = NO;
15831         }
15833     return NO_ERROR;
15834 }
15837 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
15838  |
15839  |   ResetSiteScalers: Set log site scalers to 0.0.
15840  |
15841  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ResetSiteScalers(ModelInfo * m,int chain)15842 void ResetSiteScalers (ModelInfo *m, int chain)
15843 {
15844     int     c;
15845     CLFlt   *lnScaler;
15847 #if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
15848     if (m->useBeagle == YES)
15849         {
15850         if (m->useBeagleMultiPartitions == NO)
15851             beagleResetScaleFactors(m->beagleInstance, m->siteScalerIndex[chain]);
15852         else
15853 #   if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
15854             beagleResetScaleFactorsByPartition(m->beagleInstance, m->siteScalerIndex[chain], m->divisionIndex);
15855 #   endif /* BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED */
15856         /* TODO: check if nCijkParts scale factors should also be reset here */
15857         return;
15858         }
15859 #endif
15860     lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
15861     for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
15862         lnScaler[c] = 0.0;
15863 }
15866 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
15867 |
15868 |   ReusePreviousResults: Save old .p, .t, .ss and .mcmc files with ~ extension,
15869 |      then prepare new print files with the relevant old values added in
15870 |      The number of samples is returned in numSamples
15871 |
15872 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ReusePreviousResults(int * numSamples,int steps)15873 int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
15874 {
15875     int         i, n;
15876     char        localFileName[100], fileName[220], bkupName[220];
15878     (*numSamples) = 0;
15880 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
15881     if (proc_id != 0)
15882         return (NO_ERROR);
15883 #   endif
15885     /* Allocate space for file pointers */
15886     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_FILEPOINTERS] == YES)
15887         {
15888         MrBayesPrint ("%s   File pointers already allocated in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
15889         return ERROR;
15890         }
15891     fpMcmc = NULL;
15892     fpSS = NULL;
15893     fpParm = NULL;
15894     fpTree = NULL;
15895     fpParm = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
15896     if (fpParm == NULL)
15897         {
15898         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate fpParm in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
15899         return ERROR;
15900         }
15901     memAllocs[ALLOC_FILEPOINTERS] = YES;
15902     fpTree = (FILE ***) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE **));
15903     if (fpTree == NULL)
15904         {
15905         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate fpTree in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
15906         return ERROR;
15907         }
15908     fpTree[0] = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (numTrees*chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
15909     if (fpTree[0] == NULL)
15910         {
15911         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate fpTree[0] in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
15912         return ERROR;
15913         }
15914     for (i=1; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
15915         fpTree[i] = fpTree[0] + i*numTrees;
15917     /* Get root of local file name */
15918     strcpy (localFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
15920     /* Store old and prepare new .p and .t files */
15921     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
15922         {
15923         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15924             sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.p", workingDir, localFileName);
15925         else
15926             sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.run%d.p", workingDir, localFileName, n+1);
15927         strcpy(bkupName,fileName);
15928         strcat(bkupName,"~");
15929         remove(bkupName);
15930         if (rename(fileName,bkupName) != 0)
15931             {
15932             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not rename file %s\n", spacer, fileName);
15933             return ERROR;
15934             }
15936         if ((fpParm[n] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
15937             return (ERROR);
15938         else if (CopyResults(fpParm[n],bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen) == ERROR)
15939             return (ERROR);
15941         for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
15942             {
15943             if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15944                 sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.t", workingDir, localFileName);
15945             else if (numTrees > 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
15946                 sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.tree%d.t", workingDir, localFileName, i+1);
15947             else if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
15948                 sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.run%d.t", workingDir, localFileName, n+1);
15949             else
15950                 sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.tree%d.run%d.t", workingDir, localFileName, i+1, n+1);
15951             strcpy(bkupName,fileName);
15952             strcat(bkupName,"~");
15953             remove(bkupName);
15954             if (rename(fileName,bkupName) != 0)
15955                 {
15956                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not rename file %s\n", spacer, fileName);
15957                 return ERROR;
15958                 }
15959             if ((fpTree[n][i] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
15960                 return (ERROR);
15961             else if (CopyTreeResults(fpTree[n][i],bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen,numSamples) == ERROR)
15962                 return (ERROR);
15963             }
15964         }
15966     /* Store old and prepare new .ss file */
15967     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
15968         {
15969         sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.ss", workingDir, chainParams.chainFileName);
15970         strcpy(bkupName,fileName);
15971         strcat(bkupName,"~");
15972         remove(bkupName);
15973         if (rename(fileName,bkupName) != 0)
15974             {
15975             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not rename file %s\n", spacer, fileName);
15976             return ERROR;
15977             }
15978         if ((fpSS = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
15979             return (ERROR);
15980         else if (CopyProcessSsFile(fpSS,bkupName+strlen(workingDir),steps,marginalLnLSS,splitfreqSS)==ERROR)
15981             return (ERROR);
15982         }
15984     /* Store old and prepare new .mcmc file */
15985     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
15986         {
15987         sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.mcmc", workingDir, chainParams.chainFileName);
15988         strcpy(bkupName,fileName);
15989         strcat(bkupName,"~");
15990         remove(bkupName);
15991         if (rename(fileName,bkupName) != 0)
15992             {
15993             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not rename file %s\n", spacer, fileName);
15994             return ERROR;
15995             }
15996         if ((fpMcmc = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
15997             return (ERROR);
15998         else if (CopyResults(fpMcmc,bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen)==ERROR)
15999             return (ERROR);
16000         }
16002 #   if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
16003     fpDump = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
16005     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
16006         {
16007         if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
16008             sprintf (fileName, "%s.dump", localFileName);
16009         else
16010             sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.dump", localFileName, n+1);
16012         if ((fpDump[n] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
16013             return (ERROR);
16014     }
16015 #   endif
16017     return (NO_ERROR);
16018 }
RunChain(RandLong * seed)16021 int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
16022 {
16023     int         i, j, n, chn, swapA=0, swapB=0, whichMove, acceptMove;
16024     int         lastDiagnostics;    // the sample no. when last diagnostic was performed
16025     int         removeFrom, removeTo=0;
16026     int         stopChain, nErrors;
16027     MrBFlt      r=0.0, lnLikelihoodRatio, lnPriorRatio, lnProposalRatio, lnLike=0.0, lnPrior=0.0, f=0.0, CPUTime;
16028     MCMCMove    *theMove, *mv;
16029     time_t      startingT, endingT, stoppingT1, stoppingT2;
16030     clock_t     previousCPUTime, currentCPUTime;
16031 #   if defined (DEBUG_TIME)
16032     struct timespec tw1, tw2;
16033 #   endif
16034     /* Stepping-stone sampling variables */
16035     int         run, samplesCountSS=0, stepIndexSS=0, numGenInStepSS=0, numGenOld, lastStepEndSS=0, numGenInStepBurninSS=0;
16036     MrBFlt      stepLengthSS=0, meanSS, varSS, *tempX;
16037     char        ckpFileName[220], bkupFileName[220];
16039 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
16040 #       ifdef DEBUG_BEAGLE
16041     int         beagleScalingSchemeOld;
16042 #       endif
16043 #   endif
16045 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16046     int         ierror, sumErrors;
16047     MrBFlt      best, sum=0.0;
16048     MPI_Status  status;
16049 #   endif
16050 #   if defined (DEBUG_RUNCHAIN)
16051     ModelInfo   *m;
16052 #   endif
16054     /* set nErrors to 0 */
16055     nErrors = 0;
16056     if (numLocalTaxa < 4)
16057         {
16058         for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
16059             if (GetTreeFromIndex(i, 0, 0)->isRooted == NO)
16060                 break;
16061         if (i < numTrees && numLocalTaxa < 4)
16062             {
16063             MrBayesPrint ("%s   There must be at least four taxa in the analysis\n", spacer);
16064             return (ERROR);
16065             }
16066         else if (i == numTrees && numLocalTaxa < 3)
16067             {
16068             MrBayesPrint ("%s   There must be at least three taxa in the analysis\n", spacer);
16069             return (ERROR);
16070             }
16071         }
16073     /* allocate some memory for the chains */
16074     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNL] == YES)
16075         {
16076         MrBayesPrint ("%s   curLnL is already allocated\n", spacer);
16077         nErrors++;
16078         }
16079     else if ((curLnL = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
16080         {
16081         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating curLnL (%d)\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
16082         nErrors++;
16083         }
16084     else if ((maxLnL0 = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(chainParams.numRuns) * (size_t)(chainParams.numChains), sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
16085         {
16086         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating maxLnL0\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
16087         free (curLnL);
16088         nErrors++;
16089         }
16090     else
16091         memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNL] = YES;
16092 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16093     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16094     if (sumErrors > 0)
16095         {
16096         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory allocation error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
16097         return ERROR;
16098         }
16099 #   else
16100     if (nErrors > 0)
16101         return ERROR;
16102 #   endif
16104     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNPR] == YES)
16105         {
16106         MrBayesPrint ("%s   curLnPr is already allocated\n", spacer);
16107         nErrors++;
16108         }
16109     else if ((curLnPr = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
16110         {
16111         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating curLnPr (%d)\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
16112         nErrors++;
16113         }
16114     else
16115         memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNPR] = YES;
16116 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16117     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16118     if (sumErrors > 0)
16119         {
16120         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory allocation error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
16121         return ERROR;
16122         }
16123 #   else
16124     if (nErrors > 0)
16125         return ERROR;
16126 #   endif
16128     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CHAINID] == YES)
16129         {
16130         MrBayesPrint ("%s   chainId is already allocated\n", spacer);
16131         nErrors++;
16132         }
16133     else if ((chainId = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numLocalChains * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
16134         {
16135         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating chainId (%d)\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(int));
16136         nErrors++;
16137         }
16138     else
16139         memAllocs[ALLOC_CHAINID] = YES;
16140 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16141     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16142     if (sumErrors > 0)
16143         {
16144         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory allocation error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
16145         return ERROR;
16146         }
16147 #   else
16148     if (nErrors > 0)
16149         return ERROR;
16150 #   endif
16152     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_SWAPINFO] == YES)
16153         {
16154         MrBayesPrint ("%s   swapInfo is already allocated\n", spacer);
16155         nErrors++;
16156         }
16157     else if ((swapInfo = (int ***) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (int **))) == NULL)
16158         {
16159         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating swapInfo\n", spacer);
16160         nErrors++;
16161         }
16162     else
16163         {
16164         for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
16165             {
16166             swapInfo[n] = AllocateSquareIntegerMatrix (chainParams.numChains);
16167             if (!swapInfo[n])
16168                 {
16169                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating swapInfo[%d]\n", spacer, n);
16170                 for (i=0; i<n; i++)
16171                     free (swapInfo[i]);
16172                 free (swapInfo);
16173                 nErrors++;
16174                 break;
16175                 }
16176             }
16177         memAllocs[ALLOC_SWAPINFO] = YES;
16178         }
16179 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16180     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16181     if (sumErrors > 0)
16182         {
16183         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory allocation error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
16184         return ERROR;
16185         }
16186 #   else
16187     if (nErrors > 0)
16188         return ERROR;
16189 #   endif
16191     for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
16192         for (i=0; i<chainParams.numChains; i++)
16193             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains; j++)
16194                 swapInfo[n][i][j] = 0;
16196     /* set up counters for topological convergence diagnostics */
16197     /* allocate tree used for some topological convergence diagnostics */
16198     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
16199         {
16200         if (SetUpPartitionCounters () == ERROR)
16201             nErrors++;
16202 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16203         if (proc_id == 0)
16204             {
16205 #   endif
16206         if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
16207             {
16208             /* we have to remove trees later on */
16209             if (chainParams.saveTrees == YES)
16210                 {
16211                 if (chainParams.treeList)
16212                     nErrors++;
16213                 else
16214                     {
16215                     chainParams.treeList = (TreeList *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns*numTopologies, sizeof (TreeList));
16216                     if (!chainParams.treeList)
16217                         nErrors++;
16218                     }
16219                 if (nErrors == 0)
16220                     memAllocs[ALLOC_TREELIST] = YES;
16221                 if (noWarn == YES)
16222                     chainParams.stopTreeGen = (int) (chainParams.numGen * chainParams.burninFraction);
16223                 else
16224                     chainParams.stopTreeGen = chainParams.numGen;
16225                 }
16226             else /* if (chainParams.saveTrees == NO) */
16227                 {
16228                 chainParams.tFilePos = (fpos_t*) SafeRealloc ((void *)chainParams.tFilePos, chainParams.numRuns*numTopologies*sizeof (fpos_t));
16229                 if (!chainParams.tFilePos)
16230                     nErrors++;
16231                 else
16232                     memAllocs[ALLOC_TFILEPOS] = YES;
16233                 }
16234             }
16235 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16236             }
16237 #   endif
16238 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16239         if (proc_id == 0)
16240             {
16241             if ((chainParams.stat = (STATS *) SafeCalloc (numTopologies, sizeof (STATS))) == NULL)
16242                 nErrors++;
16243             else
16244                 {
16245                 memAllocs[ALLOC_STATS] = YES;
16246                 for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
16247                     chainParams.stat[i].pair = NULL;
16248                 }
16250             if ((chainParams.dtree = AllocateTree (numLocalTaxa)) == NULL)
16251                 {
16252                 nErrors++;
16253                 }
16254             else
16255                 memAllocs[ALLOC_DIAGNTREE] = YES;
16257             if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
16258                 {
16259                 for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
16260                     {
16261                     if ((chainParams.stat[i].pair = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (chainParams.numRuns)) == NULL)
16262                         {
16263                         nErrors++;
16264                         break;
16265                         }
16266                     }
16267                 }
16268             }
16269         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16270         if (sumErrors > 0)
16271             {
16272             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory allocation error on at least one processor\n", spacer);
16273             return ERROR;
16274             }
16275 #   else
16276         if ((chainParams.stat = (STATS *) SafeCalloc (numTopologies, sizeof (STATS))) == NULL)
16277             return ERROR;
16278         else
16279             {
16280             memAllocs[ALLOC_STATS] = YES;
16281             for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
16282                 chainParams.stat[i].pair = NULL;
16283             }
16285         if ((chainParams.dtree = AllocateTree (numLocalTaxa)) == NULL)
16286             {
16287             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate chainParams.dtree in RunChain\n", spacer);
16288             return ERROR;
16289             }
16290         else
16291             memAllocs[ALLOC_DIAGNTREE] = YES;
16293         if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
16294             {
16295             for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
16296                 {
16297                 if ((chainParams.stat[i].pair = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (chainParams.numRuns)) == NULL)
16298                     {
16299                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not allocate chainParams.stat.pair in RunChain\n", spacer);
16300                     return ERROR;
16301                     }
16302                 }
16303             }
16304 #   endif
16305         }
16307     /* get chain IDs */
16308     SetChainIds ();
16310     /* distribute parameter starting values and tuning parameters for MPI version */
16311 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16312     RedistributeParamVals();
16313     RedistributeTuningParams();
16314 #   endif
16316 #   if defined (TIMING_ANALIZ)
16317     CPUCondLikeDown = 0;
16318     CPUScalers = 0;
16319     CPUScalersRemove = 0;
16320     CPUCondLikeRoot = 0;
16321     CPULilklihood = 0;
16322 #   endif
16324     /* initialize likelihoods and prior                  */
16325     /* touch everything and calculate initial cond likes */
16326     TouchAllPartitions ();
16327     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
16328         {
16329         if (chn % chainParams.numChains == 0)
16330             {
16331             if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
16332                 MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs:\n", spacer);
16333             else
16334                 MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run %d:\n", spacer, chn / chainParams.numChains + 1);
16335             }
16336         TouchAllTrees (chn);
16337         TouchAllCijks (chn);
16338         curLnL[chn] = LogLike(chn);
16339         curLnPr[chn] = LogPrior(chn);
16340         for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
16341             {
16342             if (modelSettings[i].gibbsGamma == YES)
16343                 curLnL[chn] += GibbsSampleGamma (chn, i, seed);
16344             }
16345         MrBayesPrint ("%s      Chain %d -- %.6lf -- %.6lf\n", spacer, (chn % chainParams.numChains) + 1, curLnL[chn], curLnPr[chn]);
16346         }
16347     MrBayesPrint("\n");
16349 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16350     if (num_procs > 2)
16351         MrBayesPrint ("%s   There are %d more chains on other processor(s)\n\n", spacer, numGlobalChains - numLocalChains);
16352     else if (num_procs==2)
16353         MrBayesPrint ("%s   There are %d more chains on the other processor\n\n", spacer, numGlobalChains - numLocalChains);
16354 #   endif
16356     /* All steps are assumed to have the same length. */
16357     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
16358         {
16359         numGenInStepSS = (chainParams.numGen - chainParams.burninSS*chainParams.sampleFreq)/ chainParams.numStepsSS;
16360         numGenInStepSS = chainParams.sampleFreq*(numGenInStepSS/chainParams.sampleFreq); /*make muliple of chainParams.sampleFreq*/
16361         numGenOld = chainParams.numGen;
16362         chainParams.numGen = (chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq + chainParams.numStepsSS*numGenInStepSS) ;
16363         if (stepRelativeBurninSS==YES)
16364             numGenInStepBurninSS = ((int)(numGenInStepSS*chainParams.burninFraction / chainParams.sampleFreq))*chainParams.sampleFreq;
16365         else
16366             numGenInStepBurninSS = chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq;
16367         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
16368         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Starting stepping-stone sampling to estimate marginal likelihood.         \n", spacer);
16369         MrBayesPrint ("%s   %d steps will be used with %d generations (%d samples) within each step.  \n", spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS, numGenInStepSS, numGenInStepSS/chainParams.sampleFreq);
16370         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Total of %d generations (%d samples) will be collected while first        \n", spacer, chainParams.numGen, chainParams.numGen/chainParams.sampleFreq);
16371         MrBayesPrint ("%s   %d generations (%d samples) will be discarded as initial burnin.          \n", spacer, chainParams.burninSS*chainParams.sampleFreq, chainParams.burninSS);
16372         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Additionally at the beginning of each step %d generations (%d samples)     \n", spacer, numGenInStepBurninSS, numGenInStepBurninSS/chainParams.sampleFreq);
16373         MrBayesPrint ("%s   will be discarded as burnin.  \n", spacer);
16374         if (chainParams.startFromPriorSS==YES)
16375             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Sampling from prior to posterior, i.e. first step samples from prior.   \n", spacer);
16376         else
16377             {
16378             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Sampling from posterior to prior, i.e. first step samples from close to \n", spacer);
16379             MrBayesPrint ("%s   posterior.                                                              \n", spacer);
16380             }
16381         if (numGenOld != chainParams.numGen)
16382             {
16383             MrBayesPrint ("%s   NOTE: Number of generation of each step is reduced to the closest multi-\n", spacer);
16384             MrBayesPrint ("%s   ple of sampling frequency. That is why, in total it will be taken %d    \n", spacer, chainParams.numGen);
16385             MrBayesPrint ("%s   generations instead of requested %d.                                    \n", spacer, numGenOld);
16386             }
16387         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
16388         if ((numGenInStepSS-numGenInStepBurninSS)/chainParams.sampleFreq < 1)
16389             {
16390             MrBayesPrint ("%s   There is less then one sample in each step of stepping-stone sampling.  \n", spacer);
16391             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Please adjust burnin, nuber of generations, sampling frequency or       \n", spacer);
16392             MrBayesPrint ("%s   numnber of step in order to allow at least one sample per step.         \n", spacer);
16393             return ERROR; /*All MPI run will return here since all of them have the same values*/
16394             }
16395         if (numPreviousGen==0 || numPreviousGen < chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq)
16396             {
16397             lastStepEndSS = chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq;
16398             stepIndexSS = chainParams.numStepsSS-1;
16399             if (numPreviousGen != 0)
16400                 removeTo=(numPreviousGen/chainParams.sampleFreq)+1;
16401             if (chainParams.startFromPriorSS==YES)
16402                 {
16403                 // powerSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(chainParams.numStepsSS-1-stepIndexSS)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS);
16404                 powerSS = 0.0;
16405                 stepLengthSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS)-powerSS;
16406                 }
16407             else
16408                 {
16409                 powerSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)stepIndexSS/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS);
16410                 stepLengthSS = 1.0-powerSS;
16411                 }
16412             samplesCountSS=0;
16413             }
16414         else
16415             {
16416             stepIndexSS     = (numPreviousGen-chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq)/numGenInStepSS; /* for now it holds number of steps we fully complited*/
16417             lastStepEndSS   = chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq + stepIndexSS*numGenInStepSS;
16418             removeTo        = chainParams.burninSS + (stepIndexSS*numGenInStepSS+numGenInStepBurninSS)/chainParams.sampleFreq + 1;
16419             if (numPreviousGen < (removeTo-1)*chainParams.sampleFreq)
16420                 removeTo=numPreviousGen/chainParams.sampleFreq+1;
16421             stepIndexSS     = chainParams.numStepsSS-1-stepIndexSS;
16422             if (chainParams.startFromPriorSS==YES)
16423                 {
16424                 powerSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(chainParams.numStepsSS-1-stepIndexSS)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS);
16425                 stepLengthSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS)-powerSS;
16426                 }
16427             else
16428                 {
16429                 powerSS         = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)stepIndexSS/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS);
16430                 stepLengthSS    = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(stepIndexSS+1)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS)-powerSS;
16431                 }
16432 #   ifdef SAMPLE_ALL_SS
16433             samplesCountSS  = (numPreviousGen-lastStepEndSS-numGenInStepBurninSS);
16434 #   else
16435             samplesCountSS  = (numPreviousGen-lastStepEndSS-numGenInStepBurninSS)/chainParams.sampleFreq;
16436 #   endif
16437             if (samplesCountSS < 0)
16438                 samplesCountSS=0;
16440             MrBayesPrint("%s   Continue sampling step %d out of %d steps...\n",spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS, chainParams.numStepsSS);
16441             /*marginalLnLSS will be red from file and destributed to other MPI_proc later. stepScalerSS, stepAcumulatorSS are lready red and if (samplesCountSS!=0) they will be redestributed. */
16442             }
16444         if (samplesCountSS == 0) /* in appended case it also can happen */
16445             {
16446             for (run=0; run<chainParams.numRuns; run++)
16447                 {
16448                 marginalLnLSS[run] = 0.0;
16449                 stepScalerSS[run] = 0.0;
16450                 stepAcumulatorSS[run] = 0.0;
16451                 }
16453             for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
16454                 {
16455                 if (chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains == 0)
16456                     {
16457                     run = chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains;
16458                     stepScalerSS[run] = curLnL[chn]*stepLengthSS;
16459                     }
16460                 }
16461             }
16462         }
16464     /* Append to previous analysis if this is requested, otherwise just open new print files */
16465     if (chainParams.append == YES)
16466         {
16467 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16468     if (proc_id == 0) {
16469 #   endif
16470         /* We get the number of samples in i */
16471         if (ReusePreviousResults(&i, chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS-1) == ERROR || i < 2)
16472             nErrors++;
16473         else if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)  /* we potentially need to add tree samples for conv diagn */
16474             {
16475             /* Add tree samples to partition counters */
16476             if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
16477                 {
16478                 if (numPreviousGen/(i-1) != chainParams.sampleFreq)
16479                     {
16480                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   1. Use the same sampling frequency as in the previous run to use relative burnin.\n", spacer);
16481                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   2. Check (and modify) the number in [generation: number] at line 3 of the .ckp file\n", spacer);
16482                     MrBayesPrint ("%s      to match the previous number of generations in all the .p and .t files. This may\n", spacer);
16483                     MrBayesPrint ("%s      happen if checkfreq was smaller than samplefreq.\n", spacer);
16484                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   3. Rarely, delete the last sample/line in the .p and .t files to achieve 2. above.\n", spacer);
16485                     MrBayesPrint ("%s      This may happen if ngen was not divisible by samplefreq.\n", spacer);
16486                     nErrors++;
16487                     }
16488                 if (chainParams.isSS == NO)
16489                     {
16490                     if (noWarn == YES)
16491                         {
16492                         /* We definitely know the final number of generations */
16493                         j = (chainParams.numGen/chainParams.sampleFreq)+1;
16494                         j = (int) (j*chainParams.burninFraction);
16495                         }
16496                     else /* User may extend chain so save all trees if saving trees */
16497                         j = i;
16498                     if (j < i)
16499                         {
16500                         if (AddTreeSamples(1,j,chainParams.saveTrees) == ERROR) nErrors++;
16501                         if (AddTreeSamples(j+1,i,NO) == ERROR) nErrors++;
16502                         /* Since we never need to remove trees from partition counter after total burnin we put NO in the last argument */
16503                         }
16504                     else
16505                         {
16506                         if (AddTreeSamples(1,i,chainParams.saveTrees) == ERROR) nErrors++;
16507                         }
16508                     }
16509                 else
16510                     {
16511                     if (SetFilePositions(removeTo) == ERROR) nErrors++;
16512                     if (AddTreeSamples(removeTo+1,i,chainParams.saveTrees) == ERROR) nErrors++;
16513                     }
16514                 }
16515             else if (chainParams.chainBurnIn < i)
16516                 {
16517                 if (AddTreeSamples(chainParams.chainBurnIn,i-1,chainParams.saveTrees) == ERROR) nErrors++;
16518                 }
16519             }
16520         if (nErrors == 0)
16521             {
16522             if (chainParams.isSS == NO && chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
16523                 {
16524                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
16525                 if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
16526                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using a relative burnin of %.1f %% for diagnostics\n", spacer, 100.0*chainParams.burninFraction);
16527                 else
16528                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Using an absolute burnin of %d samples for diagnostics\n", spacer, chainParams.chainBurnIn);
16529                 }
16530             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
16531             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Chain results (continued from previous run; %d generations requested):\n\n", spacer, chainParams.numGen);
16532             }
16533 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16534         }
16535 #   endif
16537         if (chainParams.autotune == YES)
16538             {
16539             for (i=0; i<numLocalChains; i++)
16540                 {
16541                 for (j=0; j<numUsedMoves; j++)
16542                     {
16543                     if (j==0)
16544                         f = usedMoves[j]->cumProposalProb[chainId[i]];
16545                     else
16546                         f = usedMoves[j]->cumProposalProb[chainId[i]] - usedMoves[j-1]->cumProposalProb[chainId[i]];
16547                     if (usedMoves[j]->targetRate[chainId[i]] > 0.0)
16548                         {
16549                         /* autotuned move; we assume it was perfectly tuned and start tuning from there at appropriate rate */
16550                         usedMoves[j]->nBatches[chainId[i]] = (int) (f*numPreviousGen/chainParams.tuneFreq);
16551                         usedMoves[j]->lastAcceptanceRate[chainId[i]] = usedMoves[j]->targetRate[chainId[i]];
16552                         }
16553                     else
16554                         {
16555                         /* not autotuned move; no previous batches will result in acceptance rate calculated from new samples */
16556                         usedMoves[j]->nBatches[chainId[i]] = 0;
16557                         usedMoves[j]->lastAcceptanceRate[chainId[i]] = 0.0;
16558                         }
16559                     }
16560                 }
16561             }
16562 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16563         if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
16564             {
16565             MPI_Bcast (marginalLnLSS, chainParams.numRuns, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16567             if (samplesCountSS != 0)
16568                 {
16569                 MPI_Bcast (stepScalerSS, chainParams.numRuns, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16570                 MPI_Bcast (stepAcumulatorSS, chainParams.numRuns, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16571                 }
16572             /*Set to zero all runs that we are not responsable for*/
16573             for (run=0; run<chainParams.numRuns; run++)
16574                 {
16575                 for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
16576                     {
16577                     if (chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains == 0 && run == chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains)
16578                         break;
16579                     }
16580                 if (chn<numLocalChains)
16581                     continue;
16583                 marginalLnLSS[run] = 0.0;
16584                 stepScalerSS[run] = 0.0;
16585                 stepAcumulatorSS[run] = 0.0;
16586                 }
16587             }
16589         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16590         if (sumErrors > 0)
16591             {
16592             MrBayesPrint ("%s    Error appending to previous run\n", spacer);
16593             return ERROR;
16594             }
16595 #   else
16596         if (nErrors == 1)
16597             {
16598             MrBayesPrint ("%s    Error appending to previous run\n", spacer);
16599             return ERROR;
16600             }
16601 #   endif
16602         }
16603     else
16604         {
16605         if (PreparePrintFiles() == ERROR)
16606             nErrors++;
16607         }
16609 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16610     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16611     if (sumErrors > 0)
16612         {
16613         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error preparing print files on at least one processor\n", spacer);
16614         CloseMBPrintFiles();
16615         return ERROR;
16616         }
16617 #   else
16618     if (nErrors > 0)
16619         {
16620         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error preparing print files\n", spacer);
16621         CloseMBPrintFiles();
16622         return ERROR;
16623         }
16624 #   endif
16626     stopChain = NO;
16628     for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
16629         maxLnL0[i] = -100000000.0;
16631     startingT=time(0);
16632 #   if defined (DEBUG_TIME)
16633     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tw1);
16634 #   endif
16635     CPUTime = 0.0;
16636     previousCPUTime = clock();
16638     /* print headers and starting states */
16639     if (numPreviousGen==0)
16640         {
16641         /* make sure we print headers */
16642         PrintToScreen(0, 0, time(0), startingT);
16643         if (PrintStatesToFiles (0) == ERROR)
16644             {
16645             MrBayesPrint("%s   Error in printing headers to files\n");
16646 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16647             nErrors++;
16648 #   else
16649             return ERROR;
16650 #   endif
16651             }
16652 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16653         MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16654         if (sumErrors > 0)
16655             {
16656             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
16657             return ERROR;
16658             }
16659 #   endif
16661         if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
16662             {
16663             if (PrintMCMCDiagnosticsToFile (0) == ERROR)
16664                 {
16665                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem printing mcmc diagnostics headers to file\n", spacer);
16666 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16667                 nErrors++;
16668 #   else
16669                 return (ERROR);
16670 #   endif
16671                 }
16672 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16673             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16674             if (sumErrors > 0)
16675                 {
16676                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
16677                 return ERROR;
16678                 }
16679 #   endif
16681             if (chainParams.isSS == YES && chainParams.burninSS == 0 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
16682                 {
16683                 /* Remove first sample (generation 0) from diagnostics */
16684                 removeTo=1;
16685                 if (RemoveTreeSamples (1,1) == ERROR)
16686                     {
16687                      MrBayesPrint("%s   Problem removing tree samples\n");
16688 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16689                        nErrors++;
16690 #   else
16691                       return ERROR;
16692 #   endif
16693                     }
16694 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16695                 MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
16696                 if (sumErrors > 0)
16697                     {
16698                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
16699                     return ERROR;
16700                     }
16701 #   endif
16702                 }
16703             }
16704         if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
16705             {
16706             if (chainParams.burninSS == 0)
16707                 MrBayesPrint("%s   Sampling step 1 out of %d steps...\n\n",spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS);
16709             /*Printing SS header*/
16710             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[LEGEND: The file contains statistics on the Steppingstone Sampling.]\n");
16711             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[ID: %s]\n", stamp);
16712             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[   Step                --  Index of the step ]\n");
16713             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[   Power               --  At each step we sample from the distribution with density (Likelihood^Power)*Prior ]\n");
16714             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[   runX                --  Contribution to the marginal log likelihood of run X, i.e. marginal log likelihood for run X is the sum across all steps in column runX.   ]\n");
16715             if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
16716                 MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[   aSplitX             --  Average standard deviation of split frequencies of tree X. -2.0 is printed if no diagnostics was requested. -1.0 is printed if there were no splits with frequency above minimum.]\n");
16717             else
16718                 MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "[   mSplitX             --  Maximal standard deviation of split frequencies of tree X. -2.0 is printed if no diagnostics was requested. -1.0 is printed if there were no splits with frequency above minimum.]\n");
16719             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "Step\tPower");
16720             for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns ; j++)
16721                 MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\trun%d", j+1);
16722             if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
16723                 {
16724                 for (j=0; j<numTopologies; j++)
16725                     MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\taSplit%d", j);
16726                 }
16727             else
16728                 {
16729                 for (j=0; j<numTopologies; j++)
16730                     MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\tmSplit%d", j);
16731                 }
16732             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\n");
16733             }
16734         }
16736     for (n=numPreviousGen+1; n<=chainParams.numGen; n++) /* begin run chain */
16737         {
16738         currentCPUTime = clock();
16739         if (currentCPUTime - previousCPUTime > 10 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
16740             {
16741             CPUTime += (currentCPUTime - previousCPUTime) / (MrBFlt) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
16742             previousCPUTime = currentCPUTime;
16743             }
16745         /*! requestAbortRun is set by the signal handler when it receives a CTRL-C (serial version only) */
16746         if (requestAbortRun == YES && ConfirmAbortRun() == 1)
16747             return ABORT;
16749         // RandLong oldSeed = *seed;  /* record the old seed for debugging */
16750         for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
16751             {
16752             /* Do Gibbs resampling of rate categories for current state if time to do so */
16753             for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
16754                 {
16755                 if (modelSettings[i].gibbsGamma == YES && n % modelSettings[i].gibbsFreq == 0)
16756                     curLnL[chn] += GibbsSampleGamma (chn, i, seed);
16757                 }
16759             /* First copy everything from current state of chain to new state.   */
16760             /* The global variable state[chain] gives state.                     */
16762             /* copy all touched trees and reset update flags                     */
16763             CopyTrees (chn);
16765             /* copy all model parameters */
16766             CopyParams (chn);
16768             /* shift the state of the chain to the new state */
16769             /* all calculations will be done on this state   */
16770             state[chn] ^= 1;  /* XORing with 1 switches between 0 and 1 */
16772             /* decide which move to make */
16773             whichMove = PickProposal(seed, chainId[chn]);
16774             theMove = usedMoves[whichMove];
16775 #   if defined SHOW_MOVE
16776             printf ("Making move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16777 #   endif
16779 #   if defined (BEST_MPI_ENABLED)
16780             bestCycleGen = n % (numNonTreeMoves + numTreeMoves + numBestMoves);
16781             if (bestCycleGen < numNonTreeMoves)
16782                 PickNonTreeProposal(seed, chainId[chn]);
16783             else if (bestCycleGen < numNonTreeMoves + numTreeMoves)
16784                 PickTreeProposal(seed, chainId[chn]);
16785             else
16786                 PickBestProposal(chainId[chn]);
16787 #   endif
16789             /* set prior and proposal ratios */
16790             lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
16791             lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
16793             /* reset abort move flag */
16794             abortMove = NO;
16796             /* Touch the relevant partitions       */
16797             /* as a service to the move functions. */
16798             for (i=0; i<theMove->parm->nRelParts; i++)
16799                 modelSettings[theMove->parm->relParts[i]].upDateCl = YES;
16801 #   ifndef NDEBUG
16802             if (IsTreeConsistent(theMove->parm, chn, state[chn]) != YES)
16803                 {
16804                 printf ("IsTreeConsistent failed before a move!\n");
16805                 return ERROR;
16806                 }
16807 #   endif
16808 #   if defined (DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS)
16809             if (theMove->parm->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY && DoesTreeSatisfyConstraints(GetTree (theMove->parm, chn, state[chn]))!=YES)
16810                 {
16811                 printf ("DEBUG ERROR: DoesTreeSatisfyConstraints failed before a move\n");
16812                 return ERROR;
16813                 }
16814 #   endif
16815             /* make move */
16816             if ((theMove->moveFxn)(theMove->parm, chn, seed, &lnPriorRatio, &lnProposalRatio, theMove->tuningParam[chainId[chn]]) == ERROR)
16817                 {
16818                 printf ("%s   Error in move %s\n", spacer, theMove->name);
16819 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16820                 nErrors++;
16821 #   else
16822                 return ERROR;
16823 #   endif
16824                 }
16826             if (theMove->parm->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY && DoesTreeSatisfyConstraints(GetTree (theMove->parm, chn, state[chn])) != YES)
16827                 {
16828 #   if defined (DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS)
16829                 if (DoesTreeSatisfyConstraints(GetTree (theMove->parm, chn, state[chn]))==ABORT)
16830                     {
16831                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: DoesTreeSatisfyConstraints failed after move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16832                     }
16833 #   endif
16834                 abortMove = YES;
16835                 }
16837             /* abortMove is set to YES if the calculation fails because the likelihood is too small */
16838             if (abortMove == NO)
16839                 lnLike = LogLike(chn);
16841             /* calculate acceptance probability */
16842             if (abortMove == NO)
16843                 {
16844                 lnLikelihoodRatio = lnLike - curLnL[chn];
16845                 lnPrior = curLnPr[chn] + lnPriorRatio;
16847 #   ifndef NDEBUG
16848                 /* We check various aspects of calculations in debug version of code */
16849                 if (IsTreeConsistent(theMove->parm, chn, state[chn]) != YES)
16850                     {
16851                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: IsTreeConsistent failed after move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16852                     return ERROR;
16853                     }
16854                 if (lnPriorRatio != lnPriorRatio)
16855                     {
16856                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: Log prior ratio nan after move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16857                     // printf ("Seed: %ld\n", oldSeed);  state[chn] ^= 1;  PrintCheckPoint (n);
16858                     return ERROR;
16859                     }
16860                 if (fabs((lnPrior-LogPrior(chn))/lnPrior) > 0.0001)
16861                     {
16862                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: Log prior incorrect after move '%s' :%e :%e\n", theMove->name,lnPrior,LogPrior(chn));
16863                     // printf ("Seed: %ld\n", oldSeed);  state[chn] ^= 1;  PrintCheckPoint (n);
16864                     return ERROR;
16865                     }
16866                 if (lnProposalRatio != lnProposalRatio)
16867                     {
16868                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: Log proposal ratio nan after move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16869                     // printf ("Seed: %ld\n", oldSeed);  state[chn] ^= 1;  PrintCheckPoint (n);
16870                     return ERROR;
16871                     }
16872                 if (lnLike != lnLike)
16873                     {
16874                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: Log likelihood nan after move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16875                     // printf ("Seed: %ld\n", oldSeed);  state[chn] ^= 1;  PrintCheckPoint (n);
16876                     return ERROR;
16877                     }
16878 #       if defined (DEBUG_LNLIKELIHOOD) /* slow */
16879                 ResetFlips(chn); /* needed to return flags so they point to old state */
16880                 TouchEverything(chn);
16881                 if (fabs((lnLike-LogLike(chn))/lnLike) > 0.0001)
16882                     {
16883                     printf ("DEBUG ERROR: Log likelihood incorrect after move '%s'\n", theMove->name);
16884                     return ERROR;
16885                     }
16886 #       endif
16887                 if (theMove->parm->paramType == P_TOPOLOGY && GetTree (theMove->parm, chn, state[chn])->isClock == YES &&
16888                     IsClockSatisfied (GetTree (theMove->parm, chn, state[chn]),0.001) == NO)
16889                     {
16890                     printf ("%s   Branch lengths of the tree do not satisfy the requirements of a clock tree.\n", spacer);
16891                     ShowNodes(GetTree (theMove->parm, chn, state[chn])->root,0,YES);
16892                     return (ERROR);
16893                     }
16894 #   endif
16896                 /* heat */
16897                 lnLikelihoodRatio *= Temperature (chainId[chn]);
16898                 lnPriorRatio      *= Temperature (chainId[chn]);
16900                 if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
16901                     lnLikelihoodRatio *= powerSS;
16903                 /* calculate the acceptance probability */
16904                 if (lnLikelihoodRatio + lnPriorRatio + lnProposalRatio < -100.0)
16905                     r = 0.0;
16906                 else if (lnLikelihoodRatio + lnPriorRatio + lnProposalRatio > 0.0)
16907                     r = 1.0;
16908                 else
16909                     r = exp(lnLikelihoodRatio + lnPriorRatio + lnProposalRatio);
16910                 }
16912             /* decide to accept or reject the move */
16913             acceptMove = NO;
16914             i = chainId[chn];
16915             theMove->nTried[i]++;
16916             theMove->nTotTried[i]++;
16917             if (abortMove == NO && RandomNumber(seed) < r)
16918                 {
16919                 acceptMove = YES;
16920                 theMove->nAccepted[i]++;
16921                 theMove->nTotAccepted[i]++;
16922                 }
16924             /* update the chain */
16925             if (acceptMove == NO)
16926                 {
16927                 /* the new state did not work out so shift chain back */
16928                 if (abortMove == NO)
16929                     ResetFlips(chn);
16930                 state[chn] ^= 1;
16931 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
16932                 if (recalcScalers == YES)
16933                     {
16934                     recalculateScalers(chn);
16935                     recalcScalers = NO;
16936                     }
16937 #   endif
16938                 }
16939             else
16940                 {
16941                 /* if the move is accepted then let the chain stay in the new state */
16942                 /* store the likelihood and prior of the chain */
16943                 curLnL[chn] = lnLike;
16944                 curLnPr[chn] = lnPrior;
16945                 }
16947             /* check if time to autotune */
16948             if (theMove->nTried[i] >= chainParams.tuneFreq)
16949                 {
16950                 theMove->lastAcceptanceRate[i] = (MrBFlt) theMove->nAccepted[i] / (MrBFlt) theMove->nTried[i];
16951                 theMove->nTried[i] = 0;
16952                 theMove->nAccepted[i] = 0;
16953                 theMove->nBatches[i]++;                                     /* we only autotune at most 10000 times */
16954                 if (chainParams.autotune == YES && theMove->moveType->Autotune != NULL && theMove->nBatches[i] < MAXTUNINGPARAM)
16955                     {
16956                     theMove->moveType->Autotune(theMove->lastAcceptanceRate[i],
16957                                                 theMove->targetRate[i],
16958                                                 theMove->nBatches[i],
16959                                                 &theMove->tuningParam[i][0],
16960                                                 theMove->moveType->minimum[0],
16961                                                 theMove->moveType->maximum[0]);
16962                     }
16963                 }
16965             /* ShowValuesForChain (chn); */
16967             if (curLnL[chn] > maxLnL0[chainId[chn]])
16968                 maxLnL0[chainId[chn]] = curLnL[chn];
16970             }
16972         /* attempt swap(s) Non-blocking for MPI if no swap with external process. */
16973         if (chainParams.numChains > 1 && n % chainParams.swapFreq == 0)
16974             {
16975             for (i = 0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
16976                 {
16977                 for (j = 0; j<chainParams.numSwaps; j++) {
16978                     GetSwappers (&swapA, &swapB, i);
16979                     if (AttemptSwap (swapA, swapB, seed) == ERROR)
16980                         {
16981                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Unsuccessful swap of states\n", spacer);
16982 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
16983                         nErrors++;
16984 #   else
16985                         return ERROR;
16986 #   endif
16987                         }
16988                     }
16989                 }
16990             }
16992         /* print information to screen. Non-blocking for MPI */
16993         if (n % chainParams.printFreq == 0)
16994             {
16995             PrintToScreen(n, numPreviousGen, time(0), startingT);
16996 #   if defined (TIMING_ANALIZ)
16997             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Time elapsed:%f CondlikeDownTime:%f CondLikeRoot:%f Likelihood:%f ScalersTime:%f ScalersRemove:%f\n", spacer,
16998                           CPUTime, CPUCondLikeDown/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CPUCondLikeRoot/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CPULilklihood/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC,
16999                           CPUScalers/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CPUScalersRemove/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
17000 #   endif
17001             }
17003         /* print information to files */
17004         /* this will also add tree samples to topological convergence diagnostic counters */
17005         if (n == chainParams.numGen || n % chainParams.sampleFreq == 0)
17006             {
17007 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17008             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17009             if (sumErrors > 0)
17010                 {
17011                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
17012                 return ERROR;
17013                 }
17014 #   endif
17015             if (PrintStatesToFiles (n) == ERROR)
17016                 {
17017                 MrBayesPrint("%s   Error in printing states to files\n");
17018 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17019                 nErrors++;
17020 #   else
17021                 return ERROR;
17022 #   endif
17023                 }
17024 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17025             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17026             if (sumErrors > 0)
17027                 {
17028                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
17029                 return ERROR;
17030                 }
17031 #   endif
17032             }
17034         /* print mcmc diagnostics. Blocking for MPI */
17035         if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && (n % chainParams.diagnFreq == 0
17036                                              || n == chainParams.numGen
17037                                              || (chainParams.isSS == YES && (n-lastStepEndSS) % numGenInStepSS == 0)))
17038             {
17039             if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 &&
17040                 ((n > 0 && chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES && (chainParams.isSS == NO || (n > chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq && (n-lastStepEndSS) > numGenInStepBurninSS)))
17041                  || (n >= chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq && chainParams.relativeBurnin == NO)))
17042                 {
17043                 /* we need some space for coming output */
17044                 MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17045                 /* remove tree samples if using burninpercentage */
17046                 /* the following function returns immediately in MPI if proc_id != 0 */
17047                 if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES && chainParams.isSS == NO)
17048                     {
17049                     removeFrom = removeTo;
17050                     removeTo = (int)(chainParams.burninFraction * (n/chainParams.sampleFreq+1)); /* (n/chainParams.sampleFreq+1) is the current number of samples */
17051                     if (removeFrom < removeTo)
17052                         {
17053                         if (RemoveTreeSamples (removeFrom+1, removeTo) == ERROR)
17054                             {
17055                             MrBayesPrint("%s   Problem removing tree samples\n");
17056 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17057                             nErrors++;
17058 #   else
17059                             return ERROR;
17060 #   endif
17061                             }
17062                         }
17063 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17064                     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17065                     if (sumErrors > 0)
17066                         {
17067                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
17068                         return ERROR;
17069                         }
17070 #   endif
17071                     }
17073                 lastDiagnostics = (n/chainParams.sampleFreq)+1; /* +1 because we always have start tree sampled*/
17074                 if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
17075                     {
17076                     i = lastDiagnostics - removeTo;
17077                     }
17078                 else
17079                     i = lastDiagnostics - chainParams.chainBurnIn;
17080 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17081                 if (proc_id == 0)
17082                     {
17083 #   endif
17084                 /* calculate statistics */
17085                 CalcTopoConvDiagn (i);
17086                 /* output statistics */
17087                 if (numTopologies == 1)
17088                     {
17089                     f = -1.0;
17090                     if (chainParams.stat[0].numPartitions == 0)
17091                         {
17092                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies: NA (no splits above min. frequency)\n", spacer);
17093                         }
17094                     else if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
17095                         {
17096                         f = chainParams.stat[0].avgStdDev;
17097                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies: %.6f\n", spacer, f);
17098                         }
17099                     else
17100                         {
17101                         f = chainParams.stat[0].max;
17102                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Max standard deviation of split frequencies: %.6f\n", spacer, f);
17103                         }
17104                     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
17105                         splitfreqSS[chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS-1] = f;
17106                     if (chainParams.stat[0].numPartitions > 0 && f <= chainParams.stopVal)
17107                         stopChain = YES;
17108                     if (n < chainParams.numGen - chainParams.printFreq && (chainParams.stopRule == NO || stopChain == NO))
17109                         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17110                     }
17111                 else
17112                     {
17113                     stopChain = YES;
17114                     for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
17115                         {
17116                         f=-1.0;
17117                         if (chainParams.stat[i].numPartitions == 0)
17118                             {
17119                             if (strcmp(modelParams[0].topologyPr,"Speciestree") == 0)
17120                                 {
17121                                 if (i == numTopologies-1)
17122                                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies for species tree (tree %d): NA (no splits above min. frequency)\n", spacer, i+1);
17123                                 else
17124                                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies for gene tree %d: NA (no splits above min. frequency)\n", spacer, i+1);
17125                                 }
17126                             else
17127                                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies for topology %d: NA (no splits above min. frequency)\n", spacer, i+1);
17128                             }
17129                         else if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
17130                             {
17131                             f = chainParams.stat[i].avgStdDev;
17132                             if (strcmp(modelParams[0].topologyPr,"Speciestree") == 0)
17133                                 {
17134                                 if (i == numTopologies-1)
17135                                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies for species tree (tree %d): %.6f\n", spacer, i+1, f);
17136                                 else
17137                                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies for gene tree %d: %.6f\n", spacer, i+1, f);
17138                                 }
17139                             else
17140                                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Average standard deviation of split frequencies for topology %d: %.6f\n", spacer, i+1, f);
17141                             }
17142                         else
17143                             {
17144                             f = chainParams.stat[i].max;
17145                             if (strcmp(modelParams[0].topologyPr,"Speciestree") == 0)
17146                                 {
17147                                 if (i == numTopologies-1)
17148                                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Max standard deviation of split frequencies for species tree: %.6f\n", spacer, f);
17149                                 else
17150                                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Max standard deviation of split frequencies for gene tree %d: %.6f\n", spacer, i+1, f);
17151                                 }
17152                             else
17153                                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Max standard deviation of split frequencies for topology %d: %.6f\n", spacer, i+1, f);
17154                             }
17155                         if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
17156                             splitfreqSS[i*chainParams.numStepsSS+chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS-1] = f;
17157                         if (chainParams.stat[i].numPartitions == 0 || f > chainParams.stopVal)
17158                             stopChain = NO;
17159                         }
17160                     if (n < chainParams.numGen - chainParams.printFreq && (chainParams.stopRule == NO || stopChain == NO))
17161                         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17162                     }
17163                 if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
17164                     PrintTopConvInfo ();
17165 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17166                     }
17167                 ierror = MPI_Bcast (&stopChain, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17168                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
17169                     {
17170                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem broadcasting stop value\n", spacer);
17171                     nErrors++;
17172                     }
17173 #   endif
17174                 }
17176             /* part of the following function needs to be performed by all MPI processors. Blocking for MPI. */
17177             if (PrintMCMCDiagnosticsToFile (n) == ERROR)
17178                 {
17179                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem printing mcmc diagnostics to file\n", spacer);
17180 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17181                 nErrors++;
17182 #   else
17183                 return (ERROR);
17184 #   endif
17185                 }
17186 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17187             MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17188             if (sumErrors > 0)
17189                 {
17190                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Aborting run.\n");
17191                 return ERROR;
17192                 }
17193 #   endif
17194             }
17196         /* check if time to break because stopVal reached */
17197         if (chainParams.isSS == NO && (chainParams.stopRule == YES && stopChain == YES))
17198             {
17199             MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Analysis stopped because convergence diagnostic hit stop value.\n", spacer);
17200             break;
17201             }
17203         /* user may want to extend chain */
17204         if (chainParams.isSS == NO && (n == chainParams.numGen && autoClose == NO))
17205             {
17206             stoppingT1 = time(0);
17207             currentCPUTime = clock();
17208             CPUTime += (currentCPUTime - previousCPUTime) / (MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
17209             chainParams.numGen += ExtendChainQuery ();
17210             stoppingT2 = time(0);
17211             startingT += (stoppingT2-stoppingT1);
17212             previousCPUTime = clock();
17213             /* timers should not be increased during the wait for a reply */
17214             }
17216         /* Do stepping sampling staf if needed */
17217         if (chainParams.isSS == YES && n >= chainParams.burninSS*chainParams.sampleFreq)
17218             {
17219 #   ifndef SAMPLE_ALL_SS
17220             if ((n-lastStepEndSS) % chainParams.sampleFreq == 0)
17221 #   endif
17222                 {
17223                 if (n > chainParams.burninSS*chainParams.sampleFreq && (n-lastStepEndSS > numGenInStepBurninSS))
17224                     { /* do sampling */
17225                     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
17226                         {
17227                         if (chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains == 0)
17228                             {
17229                             run = chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains;
17230                             if (curLnL[chn]*stepLengthSS > stepScalerSS[run] + 200.0)
17231                                 {
17232                                 // adjust scaler;
17233                                 stepAcumulatorSS[run] /= exp (curLnL[chn]*stepLengthSS - 100.0 - stepScalerSS[run]);
17234                                 stepScalerSS[run]= curLnL[chn]*stepLengthSS - 100.0;
17235                                 }
17236                             stepAcumulatorSS[run] += exp (curLnL[chn]*stepLengthSS - stepScalerSS[run]);
17237                             }
17238                         }
17239                     samplesCountSS++;
17240                     }
17241                 }
17243             if ((n-lastStepEndSS) == numGenInStepBurninSS)
17244                 {
17245                 /* Remove all previouse samples from diagnostics */
17246                 if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
17247                     {
17248                     removeFrom = removeTo;
17249                     removeTo = (int)(n/chainParams.sampleFreq); /* (n/chainParams.sampleFreq+1) is the current number of samples including 0 one*/
17250                     removeTo++;
17251                     if (removeFrom < removeTo)
17252                         {
17253                         if (RemoveTreeSamples (removeFrom+1, removeTo) == ERROR)
17254                             {
17255                             nErrors++;
17256                             }
17257                         ERROR_TEST2("Problem removing tree samples",return(ERROR),);
17258                         }
17259                     }
17260                 }
17262             if ((n-lastStepEndSS) % numGenInStepSS == 0)      /* prepare sample of next step */
17263                 {
17264                 assert (n-lastStepEndSS <= numGenInStepSS);
17265                 lastStepEndSS=n;
17267                 if (n > chainParams.burninSS*chainParams.sampleFreq)
17268                     {
17269                     /* dump to file current step contribution */
17270                     MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "%3d\t%.4f", chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS, powerSS);
17271 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17272                     for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns ; j++)
17273                         {
17274                         if (stepAcumulatorSS[j]==0)
17275                             r=0;
17276                         else
17277                             r = log (stepAcumulatorSS[j]/samplesCountSS) + stepScalerSS[j];
17278                         ierror = MPI_Reduce (&r,&sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17279                         if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
17280                             {
17281                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with MPI_Reduce\n", spacer);
17282                             return ERROR;
17283                             }
17284                         if (proc_id == 0)
17285                             {
17286                             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\t%.6f", sum);
17287                             }
17288                         }
17289 #   else
17290                     for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns ; j++)
17291                         {
17292                         MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\t%.6f", log (stepAcumulatorSS[j]/samplesCountSS) + stepScalerSS[j]);
17293                         }
17294 #   endif
17295                     if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
17296                         {
17297                         for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
17298                             {
17299                             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\t%.6f",splitfreqSS[i*chainParams.numStepsSS+chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS-1]);
17300                             }
17301                         }
17302                     else{
17303                         for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
17304                             {
17305                             MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\t-2.0");
17306                             }
17308                         }
17310                     MrBayesPrintf (fpSS, "\n");
17311                     fflush (fpSS);
17313                     stepIndexSS--;
17315                     if (chainParams.startFromPriorSS==YES)
17316                         {
17317                         powerSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(chainParams.numStepsSS-1-stepIndexSS)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS);
17318                         stepLengthSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)(chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS)/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS)-powerSS;
17319                         }
17320                     else
17321                         {
17322                         stepLengthSS = powerSS;
17323                         powerSS = BetaQuantile (chainParams.alphaSS, 1.0, (MrBFlt)stepIndexSS/(MrBFlt)chainParams.numStepsSS);
17324                         stepLengthSS -= powerSS;
17325                         }
17326                     if (n != chainParams.numGen)
17327                         MrBayesPrint("%s   Sampling step %d out of %d steps...\n\n",spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS, chainParams.numStepsSS);
17328                     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
17329                         {
17330                         if (chainId[chn] % chainParams.numChains == 0)
17331                             {
17332                             run = chainId[chn] / chainParams.numChains;
17333                             if (samplesCountSS != 0)
17334                                 marginalLnLSS[run] += log (stepAcumulatorSS[run]/samplesCountSS) + stepScalerSS[run];
17335                             stepScalerSS[run] = curLnL[chn]*stepLengthSS;
17336                             stepAcumulatorSS[run]=0.0;
17337                             }
17338                         }
17339                     samplesCountSS=0;
17340                     }
17341                 else
17342                     {
17343                     MrBayesPrint("\n%s   Sampling step 1 out of %d steps...\n\n",spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS);
17344                     }
17346                 if (chainParams.backupCheckSS !=0 && (chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS-1)% chainParams.backupCheckSS == 0)
17347                     {
17348                     /* print check-point file. Blocking for MPI */
17349                     ERROR_TEST2("Error before printing checkpoint",return(ERROR),);
17350                     if (PrintCheckPoint (n) == ERROR)
17351                         {
17352                         nErrors++;
17353                         }
17354                     ERROR_TEST2("Error in printing checkpoint",return(ERROR),);
17356 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17357                 if (proc_id == 0)
17358                     {
17359 #   endif
17360                     /* figure out check-point file names */
17361                     sprintf (ckpFileName, "%s%s.ckp", workingDir, chainParams.chainFileName);
17362                     sprintf (bkupFileName,"%s.ss%d", ckpFileName,chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS);
17363                     if (rename (ckpFileName, bkupFileName)!=0)
17364                         {
17365                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not rename file %s to %s\n", spacer, ckpFileName, bkupFileName);
17366                         return ERROR;
17367                         }
17368                     strcpy (bkupFileName, ckpFileName);
17369                     strcat (bkupFileName, "~");
17370                     rename (bkupFileName,ckpFileName);
17371 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17372                     } /* end of if (proc_id == 0)*/
17373 #   endif
17374                     }
17375                 }
17376             }
17378         /* print check-point file. Blocking for MPI */
17379         if (chainParams.checkPoint == YES && (n % chainParams.checkFreq == 0))
17380             {
17381             ERROR_TEST2("Error before printing checkpoint",return(ERROR),);
17382             if (PrintCheckPoint (n) == ERROR)
17383                 {
17384                 nErrors++;
17385                 }
17386             ERROR_TEST2("Error in printing checkpoint",return(ERROR),);
17387             }
17389         } /* end run chain */
17390     endingT = time(0);
17391 #   if defined (DEBUG_TIME)
17392     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tw2);
17393 #   endif
17394     currentCPUTime = clock();
17395     CPUTime += (currentCPUTime - previousCPUTime) / (MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
17397     CloseMBPrintFiles (); /* redundant because files closed in FreeChainMemory but kept here as a safeguard in case of future changes */
17399 #   if defined (BEAGLE_ENABLED)
17400 #       ifdef DEBUG_BEAGLE
17401     beagleScalingSchemeOld = beagleScalingScheme;
17402     beagleScalingScheme = MB_BEAGLE_SCALE_ALWAYS;
17403     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
17404         {
17405         if (chn % chainParams.numChains == 0)
17406             {
17407             if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17408                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Final log likelihoods and log prior probs (stored and calculated):\n", spacer);
17409             else
17410                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Final log likelihoods and log prior probs for run %d (stored and calculated):\n", spacer, chn / chainParams.numChains + 1);
17411             }
17412         TouchEverything (chn);
17413         for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
17414             {
17415             if (modelSettings[i].gibbsGamma == YES)
17416                 curLnL[chn] += GibbsSampleGamma (chn, i, seed);
17417             }
17418         MrBayesPrint ("%s      Chain %d -- %.6lf -- %.6lf\n", spacer, (chn % chainParams.numChains) + 1, curLnL[chn], curLnPr[chn]);
17419         MrBayesPrint ("%s      Chain %d -- %.6lf -- %.6lf\n", spacer, (chn % chainParams.numChains) + 1, LogLike(chn), LogPrior(chn));
17420         }
17421     beagleScalingScheme = beagleScalingSchemeOld;
17422 #       endif
17423 #   endif
17425     /* Make sure current state is reset and values copied back to state 0.
17426        Note that this can be tricky for Metropolis-coupled chains because
17427        the chain ids may necessitate some swapping of values among chains. */
17428     ResetChainIds ();
17430     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17431     if (difftime (endingT, startingT) > 3600.0)
17432         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis completed in %d hours %d mins %d seconds\n", spacer,
17433               (int) (difftime(endingT, startingT)/3600),
17434               ((int) (difftime(endingT, startingT))%3600)/60,
17435               (int) (difftime(endingT, startingT))%60);
17436     else if (difftime (endingT, startingT) > 60.0)
17437         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis completed in %d mins %d seconds\n", spacer,
17438               (int) (difftime(endingT, startingT)/60),
17439               (int) (difftime(endingT, startingT))%60);
17440     else if (difftime (endingT, startingT) > 2.0)
17441         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis completed in %.0f seconds\n", spacer,
17442               difftime(endingT, startingT));
17443     else if (difftime (endingT, startingT) >= 1.0)
17444         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis completed in 1 second\n", spacer);
17445     else
17446         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis completed in less than 1 second\n", spacer);
17448 #   if defined (DEBUG_TIME)
17449     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis used %1.2f seconds of total time\n", spacer, (MrBFlt) (1000.0*tw2.tv_sec + 1e-6*tw2.tv_nsec - (1000.0*tw1.tv_sec + 1e-6*tw1.tv_nsec))/1000);
17450 #   endif
17452 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17453     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis used %1.2f seconds of CPU time on processor 0\n", spacer, (MrBFlt) CPUTime);
17454 #   else
17455     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Analysis used %1.2f seconds of CPU time\n", spacer, (MrBFlt) CPUTime);
17456 #   endif
17458 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17459     /* find the best likelihoods across all of the processors */
17460     ierror = MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17461     if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
17462         {
17463         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem at chain barrier\n", spacer);
17464         return (ERROR);
17465         }
17466     for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
17467         {
17468         best = maxLnL0[j];
17469         for (i=1; i<num_procs; i++)
17470             {
17471             if (proc_id == 0)
17472                 {
17473                 ierror = MPI_Recv (&maxLnL0[j], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
17474                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
17475                     {
17476                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with MPI_Recv", spacer);
17477                     return ERROR;
17478                     }
17479                 if (maxLnL0[j] > best)
17480                     best = maxLnL0[j];
17481                 }
17482             else if (proc_id == i)
17483                 {
17484                 ierror = MPI_Send (&maxLnL0[j], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17485                 if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
17486                     {
17487                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with MPI_Send\n", spacer);
17488                     return ERROR;
17489                     }
17490                 }
17491             }
17492         maxLnL0[j] = best;
17493         }
17495     /* Collecting  marginal log likelihoods if SS is used */
17496     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
17497         {
17498         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns ; j++)
17499             {
17500             ierror = MPI_Reduce (&marginalLnLSS[j],&r, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17501             if (ierror != MPI_SUCCESS)
17502                 {
17503                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem with MPI_Send\n", spacer);
17504                 return ERROR;
17505                 }
17506             if (proc_id == 0)
17507                 {
17508                 marginalLnLSS[j]=r;
17509                 }
17510             }
17511         }
17512 #   endif
17514     if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17515         {
17516         if (chainParams.numChains == 1)
17517             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Log likelihood of best state was %1.2lf\n", spacer, maxLnL0[0]);
17518         else
17519             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Log likelihood of best state for \"cold\" chain was %1.2lf\n", spacer, maxLnL0[0]);
17520         }
17521     else
17522         {
17523         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns*chainParams.numChains; j++)
17524             {
17525             if (j % chainParams.numChains == 0)
17526                 {
17527                 if (chainParams.numChains == 1)
17528                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Likelihood of best state for run %d was %1.2lf\n", spacer, j/chainParams.numChains+1, maxLnL0[j/chainParams.numChains]);
17529                 else
17530                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Likelihood of best state for \"cold\" chain of run %d was %1.2lf\n", spacer, j/chainParams.numChains+1, maxLnL0[j/chainParams.numChains]);
17531                 }
17532             }
17533         }
17535     if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
17536         {
17537         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17538         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Marginal likelihood (in natural log units) estimated using stepping-stone sampling based on\n", spacer);
17539         MrBayesPrint ("%s   %d steps with %d generations (%d samples) within each step. \n\n", spacer, chainParams.numStepsSS, numGenInStepSS, numGenInStepSS/chainParams.sampleFreq);
17540         MrBayesPrint ("%s       Run   Marginal likelihood (ln)\n",spacer);
17541         MrBayesPrint ("%s       ------------------------------\n",spacer);
17542         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
17543             {
17544             MrBayesPrint ("%s       %3d    %9.2f   \n", spacer, j+1, marginalLnLSS[j]);
17545             }
17546         MrBayesPrint ("%s       ------------------------------\n",spacer);
17547         if (chainParams.numRuns > 1)
17548             {
17549             MeanVarianceLog(marginalLnLSS,chainParams.numRuns,&meanSS,&varSS,NULL);
17550             MrBayesPrint ("%s       Mean:  %9.2f\n\n",spacer,meanSS);
17551             //MrBayesPrint ("%s       Mean:  %9.2lf  Scaled variance: %.2f of Marginal log likelihood estimates among runs.\n",spacer,meanSS,varSS-2*meanSS);
17552             //MrBayesPrint ("%s       Note: Scaled variance is given in log units and calculated as \"variance/mean^2\"\n",spacer);
17553             }
17554         MrBayesPrint ("%s   More statistics on stepping-stone sampling is dumped to %s.ss file.\n", spacer, chainParams.chainFileName);
17556         if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
17557             {
17558             if ((tempX = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numStepsSS, sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
17559                 {
17560                 nErrors++;
17561                 }
17562             ERROR_TEST2("Problem allocating memory", return(ERROR),);
17564             for (i=0; i<chainParams.numStepsSS; i++)
17565                 {
17566                 tempX[i]=i+1;
17567                 }
17568             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17570             if (numTopologies > 1)
17571                 {
17572                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
17573                     MrBayesPrint ("   Plots of average standard deviation of split frequencies across steps for different topology.");
17574                 else
17575                     MrBayesPrint ("   Plots of max standard deviation of split frequencies across steps for different topology.");
17576                 }
17577             else
17578                 {
17579                 if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
17580                     MrBayesPrint ("   Plot of average standard deviation of split frequencies across steps.");
17581                 else
17582                     MrBayesPrint ("   Plot of max standard deviation of split frequencies across steps.");
17583                 }
17584             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17585             MrBayesPrint ("   Points at -1.0 (y-axis) indicate that there were no splits\n");
17586             MrBayesPrint ("   above minimum frequency for corresponding step.");
17587             if (numTopologies > 1)
17588                 {
17589                 for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
17590                     {
17591                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Topology %d.\n", spacer, i+1);
17592                     PrintPlot (tempX, splitfreqSS+i*chainParams.numStepsSS, chainParams.numStepsSS);
17593                     }
17594                 }
17595             else
17596                 PrintPlot (tempX, splitfreqSS, chainParams.numStepsSS);
17598             free(tempX);
17599             }
17600         }
17602 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17603     /* we need to collect the information on the number of accepted moves if
17604        this is a parallel version */
17605     if (ReassembleMoveInfo() == ERROR)
17606         nErrors++;
17607     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17608     if (sumErrors > 0)
17609         {
17610         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ReassembleMoveInfo failed\n", spacer);
17611         return ERROR;
17612         }
17613 #   endif
17615     /* print acceptance rates for the moves */
17616     for (j=0; j<chainParams.numChains*chainParams.numRuns; j++)
17617         {
17618         if (chainParams.numChains == 1)
17619             {
17620             if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17621                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Acceptance rates for the moves:\n", spacer);
17622             else
17623                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Acceptance rates for the moves in run %d:\n", spacer, j/chainParams.numChains+1);
17624             }
17625         else if (j % chainParams.numChains == 0)
17626             {
17627             if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17628                 MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Acceptance rates for the moves in the \"cold\" chain:\n", spacer);
17629             else
17630                 MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Acceptance rates for the moves in the \"cold\" chain of run %d:\n", spacer, j/chainParams.numChains+1);
17631             }
17632         else if (chainParams.allChains == YES)
17633             {
17634             if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17635                 MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Acceptance rates for the moves in chain %d (heated):\n\n", spacer, j+1);
17636             else
17637                 MrBayesPrint ("\n%s   Acceptance rates for the moves in chain %d of run %d (heated):\n\n", spacer, j%chainParams.numChains+1, j/chainParams.numChains+1);
17638             }
17640         if (j % chainParams.numChains == 0 || chainParams.allChains == YES)
17641             {
17642             MrBayesPrint ("%s      With prob.   (last %d)   chain accepted proposals by move\n", spacer, chainParams.tuneFreq);
17644             for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
17645                 {
17646                 mv = usedMoves[i];
17647                 if (mv->nBatches[j] < 1)
17648                     MrBayesPrint ("%s          NA           NA       %s\n",
17649                     spacer, mv->name);
17650                 else
17651                     MrBayesPrint ("%s       %6.1f %%     (%3.0f %%)     %s\n", spacer,
17652                     100.0*mv->nTotAccepted[j]/(MrBFlt)(mv->nTotTried[j]),
17653                     100.0*mv->lastAcceptanceRate[j],
17654                     mv->name);
17655                 }
17656             }
17657         }
17659 #   if defined MPI_ENABLED
17660     /* Redistribute move info in case it is needed in a follow-up run */
17661     RedistributeMoveInfo();
17662 #   endif
17664     /* output information on the success of the chain state swap proposals */
17665     if (PrintSwapInfo () == ERROR)
17666         nErrors++;
17667 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17668     MPI_Allreduce (&nErrors, &sumErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
17669     if (sumErrors > 0)
17670         {
17671         MrBayesPrint ("%s   PrintSwapInfo failed\n", spacer);
17672         return ERROR;
17673         }
17674 #   else
17675     if (nErrors > 1)
17676         {
17677         MrBayesPrint ("%s   PrintSwapInfo failed\n", spacer);
17678         return ERROR;
17679         }
17680 #   endif
17682 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17683     if (proc_id != 0)
17684         return (NO_ERROR);
17685 #   endif
17687     if (chainParams.isSS == NO && (chainParams.numRuns > 1 && chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES))
17688         {
17689         f = 0.0;
17690         for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
17691             {
17692             if (chainParams.stat[i].avgStdDev > f)
17693                 f = chainParams.stat[i].avgStdDev;
17694             }
17695         if (f > 0.10)
17696             {
17697             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
17698             MrBayesPrint ("%s   ************************* WARNING!! ************************************  \n", spacer);
17699             MrBayesPrint ("%s   MrBayes suspects that your runs have not converged because the tree       \n", spacer);
17700             MrBayesPrint ("%s   samples are very different (average standard deviation of split frequen-  \n", spacer);
17701             MrBayesPrint ("%s   cies larger than 0.10 (%1.2lf)). MrBayes suggests that you run the ana-   \n", spacer, f);
17702             MrBayesPrint ("%s   lysis longer or try to improve the MCMC sampling efficiency by fine-      \n", spacer);
17703             MrBayesPrint ("%s   tuning MCMC proposal or heating parameters.                               \n", spacer);
17704             }
17705         }
17707     return (NO_ERROR);
17708 }
SafeSprintf(char ** target,int * targetLen,char * fmt,...)17711 int SafeSprintf (char **target, int *targetLen, char *fmt, ...)
17712 {
17713     va_list    argp;
17714     int        retval;
17716     while (1) {
17717         /* try to print in the available space */
17718         va_start(argp, fmt);
17719 #   ifdef VISUAL
17720         retval = _vsnprintf (*target, *targetLen, fmt, argp);
17721 #   else
17722         /* With SGI IRIX this function returns 0. Allen Smith suggested using
17723            _xpg5_vnsprintf, but this function needs a recent version of IRIX.
17724            For now, I just allocate a large buffer for SGI, so there is no need for
17725            memory reallocation on this kind of machines */
17726         /* It appears to me that the reason for the bug is that the old version of
17727            this function relies on nonstandard return values for vsnprintf. With
17728            the current version of the code, SGI should do fine without special
17729            treatment.  FR  */
17730         retval = vsnprintf (*target, *targetLen, fmt, argp);
17731 #   endif
17732         va_end(argp);
17734         /* if it worked, retval will be in interval [0,*targetLen-1], else -1 or true length */
17735         if (retval > -1 && retval < *targetLen)
17736             return NO_ERROR;
17738         /* readjust length */
17739         if (retval > -1)     /* some C compilers will return true length in retval */
17740             *targetLen = retval + 1;     /* exactly what is needed */
17741         else                 /* some C compilers will return -1 on buffer overwrite */
17742             *targetLen += TARGETLENDELTA;
17744         /* reallocate target */
17745         *target = SafeRealloc ((void *)*target, *targetLen);
17746         if (*target == NULL)
17747             return ERROR;
17748         }
17749 }
SetChainIds(void)17752 void SetChainIds (void)
17753 {
17754     /* Fill <chainId[]> with the global chain number.
17755        Ex. For proc_0, chain[0] = 0;
17756              chain[1] = 1;
17757              chain[2] = 2; (numchains = 3)
17758        For proc_1, chain[0] = 3;
17759              chain[1] = 4; (numchains = 2)
17760        etc...
17761     */
17763 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17765     int     i, proc, numChainsForProc, numGlobalChains;
17766     int     id;
17767     int     remainder;
17769     /* calculate global number of chains */
17770     numGlobalChains = chainParams.numChains * chainParams.numRuns;
17772     /* there are <remainder> chains left over after
17773        load balancing the chains */
17774     remainder = numGlobalChains % num_procs;
17776     /* get the number of chains handled by this proc */
17777     numChainsForProc = (int) (numGlobalChains / num_procs);
17779     /* we must distribute the remaining chains (causing
17780        the chain load between procs to become unbalanced) */
17781     if (proc_id < remainder)
17782         numChainsForProc++;
17784     /* NOTE: at this point, procs can have different number of numChainsForProc
17785        (one more for chains < remainder, one less for procs larger than or equal
17786        to the remainder) */
17788     id = 0;
17789     for (proc=0; proc<num_procs; proc++)
17790         {
17791         /* assign or increment chain id */
17792         if (proc == proc_id)
17793             {
17794             for (i=0; i<numChainsForProc; i++)
17795                 chainId[i] = id++;
17796             }
17797         else
17798             {
17799             /* procs below the remainder have 1 more chain
17800                than procs above */
17801             if (proc < remainder)
17802                 {
17803                 for (i=0; i<(numGlobalChains / num_procs) + 1; i++)
17804                     id++;
17805                 }
17806             /* procs above the remainder have one less chain
17807                than procs below */
17808             else
17809                 {
17810                 for (i=0; i<(numGlobalChains / num_procs); i++)
17811                     id++;
17812                 }
17813             }
17814         }
17815 #   else
17817     int chn;
17819     for (chn=0; chn<numLocalChains; chn++)
17820         chainId[chn] = chn;
17822 #   endif
17824 }
17827 /* It sets chainParams.tFilePos[] to point immidiatly after sampled tree in position "samplePos" for all .t files. */
SetFilePositions(int samplePos)17828 int SetFilePositions (int samplePos)
17829 {
17830     int i, j, k, longestLine;
17831     BitsLong    lastBlock;
17832     char    *lineBuf;
17833     FILE    *fp;
17834     char    *tempStr;
17835     int     tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
17837 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
17838     if (proc_id != 0)
17839         return (NO_ERROR);
17840 #   endif
17842     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
17843     if (!tempStr)
17844         {
17845         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
17846         return (ERROR);
17847         }
17849     for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
17850         {
17851         for (j=0; j<chainParams.numRuns; j++)
17852             {
17853             if (numPrintTreeParams == 1)
17854                 {
17855                 if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17856                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
17857                 else
17858                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.run%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, j+1);
17859                 }
17860             else
17861                 {
17862                 if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17863                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.tree%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, i+1);
17864                 else
17865                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", chainParams.chainFileName, i+1, j+1);
17866                 }
17868             if ((fp = OpenBinaryFileR (tempStr)) == NULL)
17869                 {
17870                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem opening file %s.\n", spacer, tempStr);
17871                 free (tempStr);
17872                 return (ERROR);
17873                 }
17875             longestLine = LongestLine (fp);
17876             SafeFclose (&fp);
17878             if ((fp = OpenTextFileR (tempStr)) == NULL)
17879                 {
17880                 free (tempStr);
17881                 return (ERROR);
17882                 }
17884             lineBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (longestLine + 10, sizeof (char));
17885             if (!lineBuf)
17886                 {
17887                 SafeFclose (&fp);
17888                 free (tempStr);
17889                 return (ERROR);
17890                 }
17892             lastBlock = LastBlock (fp, lineBuf, longestLine);
17893             fseek (fp, lastBlock, SEEK_SET);
17894             fseek (fp, FirstTree(fp, lineBuf, longestLine), SEEK_SET);
17896             for (k=0; k<samplePos; k++)
17897                 {
17898                 if (fgets (lineBuf, longestLine + 5, fp) == NULL)
17899                     {
17900                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Not enough records in file %s.\n", spacer, tempStr);
17901                     SafeFclose (&fp);
17902                     free (tempStr);
17903                     free (lineBuf);
17904                     return ERROR;
17905                     }
17906                 }
17907             fgetpos (fp, &chainParams.tFilePos[j*numTopologies+i]);
17909             SafeFclose (&fp);
17910             free (lineBuf);
17911             } /* next run */
17912         } /* next tree */
17913     free (tempStr);
17914     return (NO_ERROR);
17915 }
17918 /* SetFileNames: Set file names */
SetFileNames(void)17919 void SetFileNames (void)
17920 {
17921     strcpy (sumtParams.sumtFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
17922     strcpy (sumtParams.sumtOutfile, chainParams.chainFileName);
17923     strcpy (sumpParams.sumpFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
17924     strcpy (sumpParams.sumpOutfile, chainParams.chainFileName);
17925     if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
17926         {
17927         sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
17928         sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName2, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
17929         sprintf (plotParams.plotFileName, "%s.p", chainParams.chainFileName);
17930         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting chain output file names to \"%s.<p/t>\"\n", spacer, chainParams.chainFileName);
17931         }
17932     else /* if (chainParams.numRuns > 1) */
17933         {
17934         sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.run1.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
17935         sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName2, "%s.run2.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
17936         sprintf (plotParams.plotFileName, "%s.run1.p", chainParams.chainFileName);
17937         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Setting chain output file names to \"%s.run<i>.<p/t>\"\n", spacer, chainParams.chainFileName);
17938         }
17939 }
17942 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17943 |
17944 |   SetLikeFunctions: This function will set up the pointers from each
17945 |       data division to the relevant likelihood functions. It will also
17946 |       deal with the settings for SIMD code.
17947 |
17948 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetLikeFunctions(void)17949 int SetLikeFunctions (void)
17950 {
17951     int         i;
17953     ModelInfo   *m;
17955     /* couple divisions with likelihood functions */
17956     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
17957         {
17958         m = &modelSettings[i];
17959         m->useVec = VEC_NONE;
17961         if (m->dataType == DNA || m->dataType == RNA)
17962             {
17963             if (m->parsModelId == YES)
17964                 {
17965                 m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Pars;
17966                 }
17967             else
17968                 {
17969                 if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_4BY4)
17970                     {
17971                     if (m->numModelStates > 4)
17972                         {
17973                         /* covariotide model */
17974                         /* TODO: allow autocorrelated rates */
17975                         if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
17976                             {
17977                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_GibbsGamma;
17978                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_GibbsGamma;
17979                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_GibbsGamma;
17980                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_GibbsGamma;
17981                             }
17982                         else
17983                             {
17984                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen;
17985                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen;
17986                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen;
17987                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen;
17988                             }
17989                         if (m->correlation != NULL)
17990                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Adgamma;
17991                         else
17992                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen;
17993                         if (m->nCijkParts == 1)
17994                             m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
17995                         else if (m->nCijkParts > 1)
17996                             m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_GenCov;
17997                         m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_NUC4;
17998                         m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
17999                         }
18000                     else
18001                         {
18002 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
18003                         if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18004                             {
18005                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-SSE version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d\n", spacer, i+1);
18006                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   due to request of reporting 'ancestral states' or 'site rates'.\n", spacer);
18007                             }
18009                         m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_NUC4;
18010                         m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_NUC4;
18011                         m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18013                         if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18014                             {
18015                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18016                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18017                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18018                             }
18019                         else if (m->correlation != NULL || m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18020                             {
18021                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4;
18022                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4;
18023                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NUC4;
18024                             }
18025                         else
18026                             {
18027                             m->useVec = VEC_SSE;
18028                             m->numFloatsPerVec = 4;
18029                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4_SSE;
18030                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4_SSE;
18031                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NUC4_SSE;
18032 #if defined (AVX_ENABLED)   // override SSE settings
18033                             m->useVec = VEC_AVX;
18034                             m->numFloatsPerVec = 8;
18035                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4_AVX;
18036                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4_AVX;
18037                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NUC4_AVX;
18038 #if defined (FMA_ENABLED)   // override AVX settings (CondLikeScaler cannot be improved over AVX)
18039                             m->useVec = VEC_FMA;
18040                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4_FMA;
18041                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4_FMA;
18042 #endif
18043 #endif
18044                             /* Should be sse versions if we want to handle m->printAncStates == YES || inferSiteRates == YES.
18045                             For now just set to NULL for early error detection if functions anyway got called by mistake */
18046                             m->CondLikeUp = NULL;
18047                             m->PrintAncStates = NULL;
18048                             m->PrintSiteRates = NULL;
18049                             }
18051                         if (m->correlation != NULL)
18052                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Adgamma;
18053                         else if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18054                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18055                         else if (m->printAncStates == YES || inferSiteRates == YES)
18056                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4;
18057                         else
18058                             {
18059                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4_SSE;
18060 #if defined (AVX_ENABLED)
18061                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4_AVX;
18062 #if defined (FMA_ENABLED)
18063                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4_FMA;
18064 #endif
18065 #endif
18066                             }
18067 #   else
18068                         if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18069                             {
18070                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18071                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18072                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18073                             }
18074                         else
18075                             {
18076                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_NUC4;
18077                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_NUC4;
18078                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NUC4;
18079                             }
18081                         if (m->correlation != NULL)
18082                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Adgamma;
18083                         else if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18084                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4_GibbsGamma;
18085                         else
18086                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_NUC4;
18088                         m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_NUC4;
18089                         m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_NUC4;
18090                         m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18091 #   endif
18092                         if (m->nst == 1)
18093                             m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Fels;
18094                         else if (m->nst == 2)
18095                             m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Hky;
18096                         else
18097                             m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18098                         m->StateCode = &StateCode_NUC4;
18099                         }
18100                     }
18101                 else if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_DOUBLET)
18102                     {
18103                     if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18104                         {
18105                         m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18106                         m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18107                         m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18108                         m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18109                         }
18110                     else
18111                         {
18112                         m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen;
18113                         m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen;
18114                         m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen;
18115                         m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen;
18116                         }
18117                     if (m->nst == 1)
18118                         m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18119                     else if (m->nst == 2)
18120                         m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18121                     else
18122                         m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18123                     m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_Gen;
18124                     m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_Gen;
18125                     m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18126                     }
18127                 else if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_CODON)
18128                     {
18129                     /* codon models */
18130                     if (m->numOmegaCats == 1)
18131                         {
18132                         if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18133                             {
18134                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18135                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18136                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18137                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18138                             }
18139                         else
18140                             {
18141                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen;
18142                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen;
18143                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen;
18144                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen;
18145 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
18146                             if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18147                                 {
18148                                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-SSE version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d\n", spacer, i+1);
18149                                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   due to request of reporting 'ancestral states' or 'site rates'.\n", spacer);
18150                                 }
18151                             else
18152                                 {
18153                                 m->useVec = VEC_SSE;
18154                                 m->numFloatsPerVec = 4;
18155                                 m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_SSE;
18156                                 m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_SSE;
18157                                 m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_SSE;
18158                                 m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_SSE;
18159                                 }
18160 #   endif
18161                             }
18162                         }
18163                     else
18164                         {
18165                         m->CondLikeDown   = &CondLikeDown_NY98;
18166                         m->CondLikeRoot   = &CondLikeRoot_NY98;
18167                         m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NY98;
18168                         m->Likelihood     = &Likelihood_NY98;
18169                         m->PosSelProbs    = &PosSelProbs;
18170                         m->SiteOmegas     = &SiteOmegas;
18171 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
18172                         if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18173                             {
18174                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-SSE version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d\n", spacer, i+1);
18175                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   due to request of reporting 'ancestral states' or 'site rates'.\n", spacer);
18176                             }
18177                         else
18178                             {
18179                             m->useVec = VEC_SSE;
18180                             m->numFloatsPerVec = 4;
18181                             m->CondLikeDown   = &CondLikeDown_NY98_SSE;
18182                             m->CondLikeRoot   = &CondLikeRoot_NY98_SSE;
18183                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_NY98_SSE;
18184                             m->Likelihood     = &Likelihood_NY98_SSE;
18185                             m->PosSelProbs    = &PosSelProbs_SSE;
18186                             m->SiteOmegas     = &SiteOmegas_SSE;
18187                             }
18188 #   endif
18189                         }
18190                     m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18191                     if (m->nCijkParts > 1)
18192                         m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_GenCov;
18193                     m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_Gen;
18194                     m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_Gen;
18195                     m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18196                     }
18197                 else /* if (m->nucModelId == NUCMODEL_AA) */
18198                     {
18199                     if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18200                         {
18201                         m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18202                         m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18203                         m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18204                         m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18205                         }
18206                     else
18207                         {
18208                         m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen;
18209                         m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen;
18210                         m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen;
18211                         m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen;
18212 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
18213                         if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18214                             {
18215                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-SSE version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d\n", spacer, i+1);
18216                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   due to request of reporting 'ancestral states' or 'site rates'.\n", spacer);
18217                             }
18218                         else
18219                             {
18220                             m->useVec = VEC_SSE;
18221                             m->numFloatsPerVec = 4;
18222                             m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_SSE;
18223                             m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_SSE;
18224                             m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_SSE;
18225                             m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_SSE;
18226                             }
18227 #   endif
18228                         }
18229                     if (m->nCijkParts > 1)
18230                         m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_GenCov;
18231                     else
18232                         m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18233                     m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_Gen;
18234                     m->StateCode = &StateCode_AA;
18235                     m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_Gen;
18236                     m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18237                     }
18238                 }
18239             }
18240         else if (m->dataType == PROTEIN)
18241             {
18242             if (m->parsModelId == YES)
18243                 {
18244                 m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Pars;
18245                 }
18246             else
18247                 {
18248                 /* TODO: allow autocorrelated rates for covarion model */
18249                 if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18250                     {
18251                     m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18252                     m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18253                     m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18254                     m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_GibbsGamma;
18255                     }
18256                 else
18257                     {
18258                     m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen;
18259                     m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen;
18260                     m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen;
18261                     m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen;
18262 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
18263                     if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18264                         {
18265                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-SSE version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d\n", spacer, i+1);
18266                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   due to request of reporting 'ancestral states' or 'site rates'.\n", spacer);
18267                         }
18268                     else
18269                         {
18270                         m->useVec = VEC_SSE;
18271                         m->numFloatsPerVec = 4;
18272                         m->CondLikeDown = &CondLikeDown_Gen_SSE;
18273                         m->CondLikeRoot = &CondLikeRoot_Gen_SSE;
18274                         m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_SSE;
18275                         m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Gen_SSE;
18276                         }
18277 #   endif
18278                     }
18279                 if (m->correlation != NULL)
18280                     {
18281                     if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
18282                         {
18283                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Adgamma model cannot be used with Gibbs sampling of rate categories\n", spacer);
18284                         return (ERROR);
18285                         }
18286                     else
18287                         m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Adgamma;
18288                     }
18289                 if (m->numModelStates > 20 && m->nCijkParts > 1)
18290                     m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_GenCov;
18291                 else
18292                     m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Gen;
18293                 m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_Gen;
18294                 m->StateCode = &StateCode_AA;
18295                 m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_Gen;
18296                 m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18297                 }
18298             }
18299         else if (m->dataType == RESTRICTION)
18300             {
18301             if (m->parsModelId == YES)
18302                 {
18303                 m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Pars;
18304                 }
18305             else
18306                 {
18307                 m->CondLikeDown   = &CondLikeDown_Bin;
18308                 m->CondLikeRoot   = &CondLikeRoot_Bin;
18309                 m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen;
18310                 m->Likelihood     = &Likelihood_Res;
18311 #   if defined (SSE_ENABLED)
18312                 if (m->printAncStates == YES || m->printSiteRates == YES)
18313                     {
18314                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Non-SSE version of conditional likelihood calculator will be used for division %d\n", spacer, i+1);
18315                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   due to request of reporting 'ancestral states' or 'site rates'.\n", spacer);
18316                     }
18317                 else
18318                     {
18319                     m->useVec = VEC_SSE;
18320                     m->numFloatsPerVec = 4;
18321                     m->CondLikeDown   = &CondLikeDown_Bin_SSE;
18322                     m->CondLikeRoot   = &CondLikeRoot_Bin_SSE;
18323                     m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Gen_SSE;
18324                     m->Likelihood     = &Likelihood_Res_SSE;
18325                     }
18326 #   endif
18327                 m->TiProbs = &TiProbs_Res;
18328                 m->CondLikeUp = &CondLikeUp_Bin;
18329                 m->StateCode = &StateCode_Std;
18330                 m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_Bin;
18331                 m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Gen;
18332                 }
18333             }
18334         else if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
18335             {
18336             if (m->parsModelId == YES)
18337                 {
18338                 if (m->numModelStates == 2)
18339                     {
18340                     m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_Pars; /* this is much faster if number of states do not vary */
18341                     m->numStates = 2;   /* this is needed for the parsimony calculator */
18342                     }
18343                 else
18344                     m->Likelihood = &Likelihood_ParsStd;
18345                 }
18346             else
18347                 {
18348                 m->CondLikeDown   = &CondLikeDown_Std;
18349                 m->CondLikeRoot   = &CondLikeRoot_Std;
18350                 m->CondLikeScaler = &CondLikeScaler_Std;
18351                 m->Likelihood     = &Likelihood_Std;
18352                 m->TiProbs        = &TiProbs_Std;
18353                 m->CondLikeUp     = &CondLikeUp_Std;
18354                 m->StateCode      = &StateCode_Std;
18355                 m->PrintAncStates = &PrintAncStates_Std;
18356                 m->PrintSiteRates = &PrintSiteRates_Std;
18357                 }
18358             }
18359         else if (m->dataType == CONTINUOUS)
18360             {
18362             }
18363         else
18364             {
18365             MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: Data should be one of these types!\n", spacer);
18366             return ERROR;
18367             }
18369         }
18371     return NO_ERROR;
18372 }
18375 /* Determine number of chains and data splits to be handled by MPI processors or threads */
SetLocalChainsAndDataSplits(void)18376 int SetLocalChainsAndDataSplits(void)
18377 {
18378 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
18380     /* tell user how many chains each processor has been assigned */
18381     if (num_procs <= numGlobalChains)
18382         {
18383         if (numGlobalChains % num_procs != 0)
18384             {
18385             MrBayesPrint ("%s   The total number of chains (%d) must be evenly divisible by\n", spacer, numGlobalChains);
18386             MrBayesPrint ("%s   the number of MPI processors (%d).\n", spacer, num_procs);
18387             /*
18388             MrBayesPrint ("%s   The total number of chains (%d) must be evenly divisible by\n", spacer, numGlobalChains);
18389             MrBayesPrint ("%s   the number of MPI processors (%d), or the number of MPI\n", spacer, num_procs);
18390             MrBayesPrint ("%s   processors should be a multiple of the number of chains.\n", spacer, num_procs);
18391             */
18392             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Please change your MPI settings.\n", spacer, num_procs);
18393             return ERROR;
18394             }
18395         numLocalChains = numGlobalChains / num_procs;
18396         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Number of chains per MPI processor = %d\n", spacer, numLocalChains);
18397         }
18398     else
18399         {
18400         MrBayesPrint ("%s   There must be at least as many chains as MPI processors\n", spacer);
18401         return (ERROR);
18402         }
18403         /*
18404         {
18405         if (num_procs % numGlobalChains != 0)
18406             {
18407             MrBayesPrint ("%s   The number of MPI processors (%d) must be a multiple of the\n", spacer, num_procs);
18408             MrBayesPrint ("%s   total number of chains (%d), or the total number of chains\n", spacer, numGlobalChains);
18409             MrBayesPrint ("%s   should be evenly divisible by the number of MPI processsors.\n", spacer);
18410             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Please change your MPI settings.\n", spacer);
18411             return ERROR;
18412             }
18413         numLocalChains = 1;
18414         // numMPIDataSplits = num_procs / numGlobalChains;
18415         // MrBayesPrint ("%s   Number of MPI data splits per chain = %d\n", spacer, numMPIDataSplits);
18416         }
18417         */
18418 #   else
18420     numLocalChains = numGlobalChains;
18422 #   endif
18424     return (NO_ERROR);
18425 }
18428 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18429 |
18430 |   ShowMoveSummary: Show summary of moves that will be used in MCMC sampling
18431 |
18432 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ShowMoveSummary(void)18433 int ShowMoveSummary (void)
18434 {
18435     int         i, run, chain, areRunsSame, areChainsSame, chainIndex;
18436     MCMCMove    *mv;
18437     MrBFlt      prob;
18439     /* first find out if the probabilities are different in different runs */
18440     areRunsSame = YES;
18441     for (run=1; run<chainParams.numRuns; run++)
18442         {
18443         for (chain=0; chain<chainParams.numChains; chain++)
18444             {
18445             chainIndex = run*chainParams.numChains + chain;
18446             for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18447                 {
18448                 mv = usedMoves[i];
18449                 if (AreDoublesEqual (mv->relProposalProb[chainIndex], mv->relProposalProb[chain], 0.000001) == NO)
18450                     {
18451                     areRunsSame = NO;
18452                     break;
18453                     }
18454                 }
18455             if (areRunsSame == NO)
18456                 break;
18457             }
18458         if (areRunsSame == NO)
18459             break;
18460         }
18462     /* now print values */
18463     for (run=0; run<chainParams.numRuns; run++)
18464         {
18465         if (areRunsSame == YES && run >= 1)
18466             break;
18468         /* find out if chains are different within this run */
18469         areChainsSame = YES;
18470         for (chain=1; chain<chainParams.numChains; chain++)
18471             {
18472             chainIndex = run*chainParams.numChains + chain;
18473             for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18474                 {
18475                 mv = usedMoves[i];
18476                 if (AreDoublesEqual (mv->relProposalProb[chainIndex], mv->relProposalProb[chainIndex-chain], 0.000001) == NO)
18477                     {
18478                     areChainsSame = NO;
18479                     break;
18480                     }
18481                 }
18482             if (areChainsSame == NO)
18483                 break;
18484             }
18486         for (chain=0; chain<chainParams.numChains; chain++)
18487             {
18488             if (areChainsSame == YES && chain >= 1)
18489                 break;
18491             /* now we can print the values */
18492             MrBayesPrint("\n");
18493             if (areRunsSame == YES && areChainsSame == YES)
18494                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   The MCMC sampler will use the following moves:\n", spacer);
18495             else if (areRunsSame == NO && areChainsSame == YES)
18496                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   The MCMC sampler will use the following moves for run %d:\n", spacer, run+1);
18497             else if (areRunsSame == YES && areChainsSame == NO)
18498                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   The MCMC sampler will use the following moves for chain %d:\n", spacer, chain+1);
18499             else if (areRunsSame == NO && areChainsSame == NO)
18500                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   The MCMC sampler will use the following moves for run %d, chain %d:\n", spacer, run+1, chain+1);
18502             chainIndex = run*chainParams.numChains + chain;
18503             MrBayesPrint ("%s      With prob.  Chain will use move\n", spacer);
18504             for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18505                 {
18506                 mv = usedMoves[i];
18507                 prob = mv->cumProposalProb[chainIndex];
18508                 if (i > 0)
18509                     prob -= usedMoves[i-1]->cumProposalProb[chainIndex];
18510                 if (AreDoublesEqual(prob,0.0,0.000001) == YES)
18511                     continue;
18512                 MrBayesPrint ("%s       %6.2f %%   %s\n", spacer, 100*prob, mv->name);
18513                 }
18514             MrBayesPrint ("\n");
18515             }   /* next chain */
18516         }   /* next run */
18518     return (NO_ERROR);
18519 }
18522 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
18523 |
18524 |   SetUpPartitionCounters: Set up partitions and the root of the
18525 |      partition frequency tree
18526 |
18527 |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetUpPartitionCounters(void)18528 int SetUpPartitionCounters (void)
18529 {
18530     int     i;
18532 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
18533     /* we only keep partition counters on proc 0 in the MPI version */
18534     if (proc_id != 0)
18535         return (NO_ERROR);
18536 #   endif
18537     nLongsNeeded = 1 + (numLocalTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong;
18539     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_PFCOUNTERS] == YES)
18540         {
18541         MrBayesPrint ("%s   ERROR: pfcounters not free in SetUpPartitionCounters\n", spacer);
18542         return ERROR;
18543         }
18544     partition = (BitsLong **) SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa, sizeof (BitsLong *));
18545     if (partition == NULL)
18546         {
18547         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Failed to allocate partition in SetUpPartitionCounters\n", spacer);
18548         return ERROR;
18549         }
18550     partition[0] = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa * nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
18551     if (partition[0] == NULL)
18552         {
18553         free (partition);
18554         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Failed to allocate partition[0] in SetUpPartitionCounters\n", spacer);
18555         return ERROR;
18556         }
18557     partFreqTreeRoot = (PFNODE **) SafeCalloc (numTopologies, sizeof (PFNODE *));
18558     if (partFreqTreeRoot == NULL)
18559         {
18560         free (partition[0]);
18561         free (partition);
18562         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Failed to allocate partFreqTreeRoot in SetUpPartitionCounters\n", spacer);
18563         return ERROR;
18564         }
18565     memAllocs[ALLOC_PFCOUNTERS] = YES;
18567     for (i=1; i<2*numLocalTaxa; i++)
18568         {
18569         partition[i] = partition[0] + i*nLongsNeeded;
18570         }
18572     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
18573         SetBit (i, partition[i]);
18575     for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
18576         partFreqTreeRoot[i] = NULL;
18578     return NO_ERROR;
18579 }
18582 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
18583 |
18584 |   SetupTermState: create matrix holding unambiguous states for
18585 |       terminals (used for local compression on terminal branches)
18586 |
18587 -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetUpTermState(void)18588 int SetUpTermState (void)
18589 {
18590     int         i, k, n, c, d, x=0, *termStatePtr;
18591     BitsLong    *p;
18592     ModelInfo   *m;
18593     ModelParams *mp;
18594     int         numComprChars = 0;
18596     /* allocate space for termState and isPartAmbig */
18597     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TERMSTATE] == YES || memAllocs[ALLOC_ISPARTAMBIG] == YES)
18598         {
18599         MrBayesPrint ("%s   termState or isPartAmbig is not free in SetupTermState\n", spacer);
18600         return ERROR;
18601         }
18603 #   if defined SSE_ENABLED
18604     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
18605         {
18606         m = &modelSettings[d];
18607         if ( m->useVec != VEC_NONE )
18608             {
18609             m->numVecChars = ((m->numChars - 1) / m->numFloatsPerVec) + 1;
18610             numComprChars += m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec;
18611             }
18612         else
18613             numComprChars += m->numChars;
18614         }
18615 #   else
18616     numComprChars = numCompressedChars;
18617 #   endif
18619     termState = (int *) SafeCalloc (numLocalTaxa * numComprChars, sizeof(int));
18620     if (termState)
18621         memAllocs[ALLOC_TERMSTATE] = YES;
18622     else
18623         {
18624         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating termState\n", spacer);
18625         return (ERROR);
18626         }
18627     isPartAmbig = (int *) SafeCalloc (numLocalTaxa*numCurrentDivisions, sizeof(int));
18628     if (isPartAmbig)
18629         memAllocs[ALLOC_ISPARTAMBIG] = YES;
18630     else
18631         {
18632         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating isPartAmbig\n", spacer);
18633         return (ERROR);
18634         }
18636     /*initialize isPartAmbig */
18637     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa*numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18638         isPartAmbig[i] = NO;
18640     /* loop over divisions */
18641     termStatePtr = termState;
18642     for (d=0; d<numCurrentDivisions; d++)
18643         {
18644         m = &modelSettings[d];
18645         mp = &modelParams[d];
18647         /* don't do anything for continuous data */
18648         if (mp->dataType == CONTINUOUS)
18649             continue;
18651         m->termState   = (int **) SafeCalloc (numLocalTaxa, sizeof(int *));
18652         if (!m->termState)
18653             {
18654             MrBayesPrint("%s   Problems allocating termState pointers for division %d\n", spacer, d+1);
18655             return ERROR;
18656             }
18658 #   if defined SSE_ENABLED
18659         if (m->dataType != STANDARD && m->gibbsGamma == NO)
18660             numComprChars = m->numVecChars * m->numFloatsPerVec;
18661         else
18662             numComprChars = m->numChars;
18664 #   else
18665             numComprChars = m->numChars;
18666 #   endif
18668         for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
18669             {
18670             m->termState[i] = termStatePtr;
18671             termStatePtr += numComprChars;
18672             }
18674         m->isPartAmbig = isPartAmbig + numLocalTaxa * d;
18676         for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
18677             {
18678             p = m->parsSets[i];
18679             for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
18680                 {
18681                 for (k=n=0; k<m->numStates; k++)
18682                     {
18683                     if (IsBitSet(k, p))
18684                         {
18685                         x = k;
18686                         n++;
18687                         }
18688                     }
18689                 /* find appropriate index */
18690                 if (n == 1)
18691                     m->termState[i][c] = x * m->numModelStates;
18692                 else if (n == m->numStates)
18693                     m->termState[i][c] = m->numStates * m->numModelStates;
18694                 else
18695                     m->isPartAmbig[i] = YES;
18697                 p += m->nParsIntsPerSite;
18698                 }
18699             for (; c<numComprChars; c++)
18700                 {
18701                 /* Setting to fully ambig state all padding chars */
18702                 m->termState[i][c] = m->numStates * m->numModelStates;
18703                 }
18704             }
18705         }
18707     /* print the termState matrix */
18708 #   if  defined (DEBUG_SETUPTERMSTATE)
18709     PrintTermState();
18710     getchar();
18711 #   endif
18713     return NO_ERROR;
18714 }
18717 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18718 |
18719 |   SetUsedMoves: This function will extract an array of pointers to the moves
18720 |      that will actually be used in the MCMC sampling. It also makes sure
18721 |      that the parsimonyBased flag is set in the relevant model partitions
18722 |      if there are moves used that are based on parsimony scores
18723 |
18724 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetUsedMoves(void)18725 int SetUsedMoves (void)
18726 {
18727     int         i, j, moveIndex, numGlobalChains;
18728     MrBFlt      prob, sum, cumSum;
18730     /* first count moves */
18731     numUsedMoves = 0;
18732     numGlobalChains = chainParams.numChains * chainParams.numRuns;
18733     for (i=0; i<numApplicableMoves; i++)
18734         {
18735         prob = 0.0;
18736         for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
18737             {
18738             if (moves[i]->relProposalProb[j] > prob)
18739                 prob = moves[i]->relProposalProb[j];
18740             }
18741         if (prob > 0.000001)
18742             numUsedMoves++;
18743         }
18745     /* allocate space */
18746     if (memAllocs[ALLOC_USEDMOVES] == YES)
18747         {
18748         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Memory problem: usedMoves not free in SetUsedMoves\n", spacer);
18749         return (ERROR);
18750         }
18751     usedMoves = (MCMCMove **) SafeMalloc (numUsedMoves * sizeof (MCMCMove *));
18752     if (!usedMoves)
18753         {
18754         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating usedMoves\n", spacer);
18755         return (ERROR);
18756         }
18757     memAllocs[ALLOC_USEDMOVES] = YES;
18759     /* set move pointers */
18760     moveIndex = 0;
18761     for (i=0; i<numApplicableMoves; i++)
18762         {
18763         prob = 0.0;
18764         for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
18765             {
18766             if (moves[i]->relProposalProb[j] > prob)
18767                 prob = moves[i]->relProposalProb[j];
18768             }
18769         if (prob > 0.000001)
18770             usedMoves[moveIndex++] = moves[i];
18771         }
18773     if (moveIndex != numUsedMoves)
18774         {
18775         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem finding the used moves\n", spacer);
18776         return (ERROR);
18777         }
18779     /* set parsimony flag if applicable */
18780     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18781         modelSettings[i].parsimonyBasedMove = NO;
18782     for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18783         {
18784         if (usedMoves[i]->moveType->parsimonyBased == YES)
18785             {
18786             for (j=0; j<usedMoves[i]->parm->nRelParts; j++)
18787                 modelSettings[usedMoves[i]->parm->relParts[j]].parsimonyBasedMove = YES;
18788             }
18789         }
18791     /* set cumulative proposal probabilities */
18792     for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
18793         {
18794         sum = 0.0;
18795         for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18796             {
18797             sum += usedMoves[i]->relProposalProb[j];
18798             }
18799         cumSum = 0.0;
18800         for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18801             {
18802             cumSum += usedMoves[i]->relProposalProb[j];
18803             usedMoves[i]->cumProposalProb[j] = cumSum / sum;
18804             }
18805         }
18807     /* reset acceptance probability values */
18808     for (i=0; i<numUsedMoves; i++)
18809         {
18810         for (j=0; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
18811             {
18812             usedMoves[i]->nAccepted[j] = 0;
18813             usedMoves[i]->nTried[j] = 0;
18814             usedMoves[i]->nTotAccepted[j] = 0;
18815             usedMoves[i]->nTotTried[j] = 0;
18816             }
18817         }
18819     return (NO_ERROR);
18820 }
ShowValuesForChain(int chn)18823 void ShowValuesForChain (int chn)
18824 {
18825     int             i;
18826     char            s[100];
18828     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Chain = %d\n", spacer, chn);
18829     MrBayesPrint ("%s      numParams = %d\n", spacer, numParams);
18830     MrBayesPrint ("%s      numTrees  = %d\n", spacer, numTrees);
18831     MrBayesPrint ("%s      current state: %d\n", spacer, state[chn]);
18833     strcat (spacer, "   ");
18835     /* tRatio */
18836     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18837         {
18838         sprintf (s, "tRatio[%d]", i);
18839         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].tRatio, chn, s);
18840         }
18842     /* revMat */
18843     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18844         {
18845         sprintf (s, "revMat[%d]", i);
18846         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].revMat, chn, s);
18847         }
18849     /* stateFreq */
18850     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18851         {
18852         sprintf (s, "stateFreq[%d]", i);
18853         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].stateFreq, chn, s);
18854         }
18856     /* omega */
18857     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18858         {
18859         sprintf (s, "omega[%d]", i);
18860         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].omega, chn, s);
18861         }
18863     /* shape */
18864     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18865         {
18866         sprintf (s, "shape[%d]", i);
18867         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].shape, chn, s);
18868         }
18870     /* pInvar */
18871     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18872         {
18873         sprintf (s, "pInvar[%d]", i);
18874         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].pInvar, chn, s);
18875         }
18877     /* correlation */
18878     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18879         {
18880         sprintf (s, "correlation[%d]", i);
18881         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].correlation, chn, s);
18882         }
18884     /* switchRates */
18885     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18886         {
18887         sprintf (s, "switchRates[%d]", i);
18888         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].switchRates, chn, s);
18889         }
18891     /* rateMult */
18892     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18893         {
18894         sprintf (s, "rateMult[%d]", i);
18895         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].rateMult, chn, s);
18896         }
18898     /* speciationRates */
18899     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18900         {
18901         sprintf (s, "speciationRates[%d]", i);
18902         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].speciationRates, chn, s);
18903         }
18905     /* extinctionRates */
18906     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18907         {
18908         sprintf (s, "extinctionRates[%d]", i);
18909         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].extinctionRates, chn, s);
18910         }
18912     /* fossilizationRates */
18913     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18914         {
18915         sprintf (s, "fossilizationRates[%d]", i);
18916         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].fossilizationRates, chn, s);
18917         }
18919     /* popSize */
18920     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18921         {
18922         sprintf (s, "popSize[%d]", i);
18923         PrintParamValues (modelSettings[i].popSize, chn, s);
18924         }
18926     /* topology */
18927     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18928         {
18929         MrBayesPrint ("%s   topology[%d] state 0\n", spacer, i);
18930         ShowTree(GetTree (modelSettings[i].topology, chn, 0));
18931         MrBayesPrint ("%s   topology[%d] state 1\n", spacer, i);
18932         ShowTree(GetTree (modelSettings[i].topology, chn, 1));
18933         }
18935     /* brlens */
18936     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
18937         {
18938         MrBayesPrint ("%s   tree[%d] state 0\n", spacer, i);
18939         ShowTree(GetTree (modelSettings[i].topology, chn, 0));
18940         MrBayesPrint ("%s   tree[%d] state 1\n", spacer, i);
18941         ShowTree(GetTree (modelSettings[i].topology, chn, 1));
18942         }
18944     spacer[strlen(spacer) - 3] = '\0';
18946 #   if  0
18947     for (i=0; i<sizeOfParamValues; i++)
18948         MrBayesPrint ("%4d -- %lf\n", i, paramValues[i]);
18949 #   endif
18950 }
18953 /* SmallestNonemptyPFNode: recursive function to smallest nonempty node in a subtree */
SmallestNonemptyPFNode(PFNODE * p,int * i,int j)18954 PFNODE *SmallestNonemptyPFNode (PFNODE *p, int *i, int j)
18955 {
18956     PFNODE *q;
18958     ++j;
18959     if (p == NULL)
18960         return NULL;
18962     q = SmallestNonemptyPFNode (p->right, i, j);
18964     if (q != NULL)
18965         {
18966         return q;
18967         }
18968     else if (IsPFNodeEmpty (p) == NO)
18969         {
18970         *i = j;
18971         return p;
18972         }
18973     else
18974         {
18975         return SmallestNonemptyPFNode (p->left, i, j);
18976         }
18977 }
18980 /* Talloc: Allocate space for a new node in the tree keeping track of partition frequencies */
Talloc(void)18981 PFNODE *Talloc (void)
18982 {
18983     PFNODE  *temp;
18985     temp = (PFNODE *) SafeMalloc (sizeof(PFNODE));
18986     if (temp == NULL)
18987         return NULL;
18989     temp->partition = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (nLongsNeeded, sizeof (BitsLong));
18990     if (temp->partition == NULL)
18991         {
18992         free (temp);
18993         return NULL;
18994         }
18996     temp->count = (int *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (int));
18997     if (temp->count == NULL)
18998         {
18999         free (temp->partition);
19000         free (temp);
19001         return NULL;
19002         }
19004     return temp;
19005 }
Temperature(int id)19008 MrBFlt Temperature (int id)
19009 {
19010     /* let id be number of chain in run */
19011     id %= chainParams.numChains;
19013     if (chainParams.userDefinedTemps == YES)
19014         {
19015         return (chainParams.userTemps[id]);
19016         }
19017     else
19018         {
19019         return (1.0 / (1.0 + chainParams.chainTemp * id));
19020         }
19021 }
19024 /* Tfree: Free space for partition frequency counter tree */
Tfree(PFNODE * r)19025 void Tfree (PFNODE *r)
19026 {
19027     if (r != NULL)
19028         {
19029         if (r->left != NULL)
19030             Tfree (r->left);
19031         if (r->right != NULL)
19032             Tfree (r->right);
19034         free (r->partition);
19035         free (r->count);
19036         free (r);
19037         }
19038 }
TouchAllCijks(int chain)19041 void TouchAllCijks (int chain)
19042 {
19043     int i;
19045     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
19046         {
19047         if (modelSettings[i].nCijkParts >= 1)
19048             modelSettings[i].upDateCijk = YES;
19049         }
19051     return;
19052 }
TouchAllPartitions(void)19055 void TouchAllPartitions (void)
19056 {
19057     int i;
19059     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
19060         {
19061         modelSettings[i].upDateCl = YES;
19062         }
19064     return;
19065 }
TouchAllTrees(int chain)19068 void TouchAllTrees (int chain)
19069 {
19070     int         i, j;
19071     Tree        *t;
19072     TreeNode    *p;
19074     for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
19075         {
19076         t = GetTreeFromIndex (i, chain, state[chain]);
19077         for (j=0; j<t->nNodes; j++)
19078             {
19079             p = t->allDownPass[j];
19080             p->upDateCl = YES;
19081             p->upDateTi = YES;
19082             }
19083         }
19085     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
19086         modelSettings[i].upDateAll = YES;
19088     return;
19089 }
19092 /* Touch all update flags so we recalculate likelihood from scratch */
TouchEverything(int chain)19093 void TouchEverything (int chain)
19094 {
19095     int         i, j;
19096     Tree        *t;
19097     TreeNode    *p;
19099     for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
19100         {
19101         if (modelSettings[i].nCijkParts >= 1)
19102             modelSettings[i].upDateCijk = YES;
19103         modelSettings[i].upDateCl = YES;
19104         modelSettings[i].upDateAll = YES;
19105         }
19107     for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
19108         {
19109         t = GetTreeFromIndex (i, chain, state[chain]);
19110         for (j=0; j<t->nNodes; j++)
19111             {
19112             p = t->allDownPass[j];
19113             p->upDateCl = YES;
19114             p->upDateTi = YES;
19115             }
19116         }
19118     return;
19119 }
19122 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
19123 |
19124 |   TreeLength: Calculates the tree length as the sum of the lengths
19125 |       of all the branches. The tree length is the expected number
19126 |       of character state transformations per character over the
19127 |       entire phylogenetic tree.
19128 |
19129 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TreeLength(Param * param,int chain)19130 MrBFlt TreeLength (Param *param, int chain)
19131 {
19132     int             i, j;
19133     MrBFlt          tl;
19134     Tree            *t;
19135     TreeNode        *p;
19137     if (param->paramId == BRLENS_PARSIMONY)
19138         {
19139         tl = 0.0;
19140         for (j=0; j<param->nRelParts; j++)
19141             tl += modelSettings[param->relParts[j]].parsTreeLength[2*chain+state[chain]];
19142         }
19143     else
19144         {
19145         /* get tree */
19146         t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
19148         /* loop over all branches of the tree */
19149         tl = 0.0;
19150         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
19151             {
19152             p = t->allDownPass[i];
19153             if (p->anc != NULL)
19154                 {
19155                 if (p->anc->anc == NULL && t->isRooted == NO)
19156                     {
19157                     tl += p->length;
19158                     }
19159                 else
19160                     {
19161                     tl += p->length;
19162                     }
19163                 }
19164             }
19165         }
19167     return (tl);
19168 }
19171 /* proportion of ancestral fossils in a FBD tree */
PropAncFossil(Param * param,int chain)19172 MrBFlt PropAncFossil (Param *param, int chain)
19173 {
19174     int             i, m, k;
19175     Tree            *t;
19176     TreeNode        *p;
19178     t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
19180     if (t->isRooted == NO)
19181         return 0.0;
19183     /* count # of tip and ancestral fossils */
19184     m = k = 0;
19185     for (i = 0; i < t->nNodes -2; i++)
19186         {
19187         p = t->allDownPass[i];
19188         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL && p->nodeDepth > 0.0)
19189             {
19190             if (p->length > 0.0)
19191                 m++;
19192             else
19193                 k++;
19194             }
19195         }
19197     if (k == 0)
19198         return 0.0;
19199     else
19200         return (MrBFlt)k / (m+k);
19201 }