1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **  This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
4 **
5 **  Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
6 **  to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
7 **
8 **  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9 **
10 **  This file declares  the functions of  Gasman,  the  GAP  storage manager.
11 **
12 **  {\Gasman} is a storage manager for applications written in C.  That means
13 **  that an application requests blocks  of storage from {\Gasman}, which are
14 **  called bags.   After using a bag   to store data,  the application simply
15 **  forgets the  bag,  and  we  say that  such a  block  is dead.   {\Gasman}
16 **  implements   an   automatic,  cooperating,   compacting,    generational,
17 **  conservative storage manager.  Automatic  means that the application only
18 **  allocates  bags,   but need  not  explicitly   deallocate them.   This is
19 **  important for large or  complex application, where explicit  deallocation
20 **  is difficult.  Cooperating means  that the allocation must cooperate with
21 **  {\Gasman}, i.e., must follow certain rules.  This information provided by
22 **  the   application makes  {\Gasman}   use  less  storage and   run faster.
23 **  Compacting  means that {\Gasman} always compacts  live bags such that the
24 **  free storage is  one large block.  Because  there is  no fragmentation of
25 **  the  free  storage   {\Gasman} uses   as   little storage   as  possible.
26 **  Generational  means  that {\Gasman}  usually assumes  that bags that have
27 **  been live for some  time are still live.  This   means that it can  avoid
28 **  most of the tests whether a bag is still live or already dead.  Only when
29 **  not enough storage can be reclaimed under this assumption does it perform
30 **  all the  tests.  Conservative means  that {\Gasman} may  keep bags longer
31 **  than necessary because   the  C compiler   does  not provide   sufficient
32 **  information to distinguish true references to bags from other values that
33 **  happen to  look like references.
34 */
36 #ifndef GAP_GASMAN_H
37 #define GAP_GASMAN_H
39 #include "system.h"
42 /****************************************************************************
43 **
44 *T  Bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . type of the identifier of a bag
45 **
46 **  Each bag is identified by its  *bag identifier*.  That  is each bag has a
47 **  bag identifier and no  two live bags have the  same identifier.  'Bag' is
48 **  the type of bag identifiers.
49 **
50 **  0 is a  valid value of the type  'Bag', but is guaranteed  not to be  the
51 **  identifier of any bag.
52 **
53 **  'NewBag'  returns  the identifier of   the newly   allocated bag and  the
54 **  application passes this identifier to every {\Gasman} function to tell it
55 **  which bag  it should  operate  on (see "NewBag",  "TNUM_BAG", "SIZE_BAG",
56 **  "PTR_BAG", "CHANGED_BAG", "RetypeBag", and "ResizeBag").
57 **
58 **  Note that the  identifier of a  bag is different from  the address of the
59 **  data area  of  the  bag.  This  address  may   change during  a   garbage
60 **  collection while the identifier of a bag never changes.
61 **
62 **  Bags  that contain references  to   other bags  must  always contain  the
63 **  identifiers of these other bags, never the addresses of the data areas of
64 **  the bags.
65 **
66 **  Note that bag identifiers are recycled.  That means that after a bag dies
67 **  its identifier may be reused for a new bag.
68 **
69 **  The following is defined in "system.h"
70 **
71 typedef UInt * *        Bag;
72 */
75 /****************************************************************************
76 **
77 **
78 */
79 typedef struct {
80     uint8_t type : 8;
81     uint8_t flags : 8;
82     // the following unnamed field ensures that on 32 bit systems,
83     // the 'size' field is aligned to a 32 bit boundary
84     uint16_t : (sizeof(UInt) == 8) ? 0 : 16;
85     uint64_t size : (sizeof(UInt) == 8) ? 48 : 32;
86 #ifdef USE_GASMAN
87     Bag link;
88 #endif
89 #if defined(GAP_MEMORY_CANARY)
90     // The following variable is marked as not readable or writable
91     // in valgrind, to check for code reading before the start of a Bag.
92     uint64_t memory_canary_padding[8];
93 #endif
94 } BagHeader;
97 /****************************************************************************
98 **
99 **  'NUM_TYPES' is the maximal number of different types supported, and
100 **  depends on the number of bits in the type member of struct BagHeader.
101 **  It must be a power of two.
102 */
103 enum {
104     NUM_TYPES = 256,
105 };
108 /****************************************************************************
109 **
110 *F  BAG_HEADER(<bag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . header of a bag
111 **
112 **  'BAG_HEADER' returns the header of the bag with the identifier <bag>.
113 */
BAG_HEADER(Bag bag)114 EXPORT_INLINE BagHeader * BAG_HEADER(Bag bag)
115 {
116     GAP_ASSERT(bag);
117     return (((BagHeader *)*bag) - 1);
118 }
121 /****************************************************************************
122 **
123 *F  TNUM_BAG(<bag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . type of a bag
124 **
125 **  'TNUM_BAG' returns the type of the bag with the identifier <bag>.
126 **
127 **  Each bag has a certain type that identifies its structure.  The type is a
128 **  integer between 0  and  253.  The types 254   and  255 are  reserved  for
129 **  {\Gasman}.  The application specifies the type of a bag when it allocates
130 **  it with 'NewBag'  and may later  change it with 'RetypeBag' (see "NewBag"
131 **  and "RetypeBag").
132 **
133 **  {\Gasman} needs to know the type of a bag so that it knows which function
134 **  to  call  to  mark all subbags  of a  given bag (see "InitMarkFuncBags").
135 **  Apart from that {\Gasman} does not care at all about types.
136 */
138 {
139     return BAG_HEADER(bag)->type;
140 }
143 /****************************************************************************
144 **
145 *F  TEST_BAG_FLAG(<bag>, <flag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  test bag flag
146 *F  SET_BAG_FLAG(<bag>, <flag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  set bag flag
147 *F  CLEAR_BAG_FLAG(<bag>, <flag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  clear bag flag
148 **
149 **  These three macros test, set, and clear bag flags, respectively.
150 **  Bag flags are stored in the bag header. Multiple flags can be ored
151 **  together using '|' to set or clear multiple flags at once.
152 **
153 **  TEST_BAG_FLAG() will return the ored version of all tested flags. To
154 **  test that one of them is set, check if the result is not equal to zero.
155 **  To test that all of them are set, compare the result to the original
156 **  flags, e.g.
157 **
158 **      if (TEST_BAG_FLAG(obj, FLAG1 | FLAG2 ) == (FLAG1 | FLAG2)) ...
159 **
160 **  Similary, if you wish to test that FLAG1 is set and FLAG2 is not set,
161 **  use:
162 **
163 **      if (TEST_BAG_FLAG(obj, FLAG1 | FLAG2 ) == FLAG1) ...
164 **
165 **  Each flag must be a an integer with exactly one bit set, e.g. a value
166 **  of the form (1 << i). Currently, 'i' must be in the range from 0 to
167 **  7 (inclusive).
168 */
TEST_BAG_FLAG(Bag bag,uint8_t flag)169 EXPORT_INLINE uint8_t TEST_BAG_FLAG(Bag bag, uint8_t flag)
170 {
171     return BAG_HEADER(bag)->flags & flag;
172 }
SET_BAG_FLAG(Bag bag,uint8_t flag)174 EXPORT_INLINE void SET_BAG_FLAG(Bag bag, uint8_t flag)
175 {
176     BAG_HEADER(bag)->flags |= flag;
177 }
CLEAR_BAG_FLAG(Bag bag,uint8_t flag)179 EXPORT_INLINE void CLEAR_BAG_FLAG(Bag bag, uint8_t flag)
180 {
181     BAG_HEADER(bag)->flags &= ~flag;
182 }
184 /****************************************************************************
185 **
186 *F  IS_BAG_REF(<bag>) . . . . . . verify that <bag> is a valid bag identifier
187 **
188 **  'IS_BAG_REF' checks whether <bag> is a valid bag identifier, i.e. that
189 **  it is neither zero, nor an immediate object.
190 **
191 **  See also 'IS_INTOBJ' and 'IS_FFE'.
192 */
194 {
195     return bag && !((Int)bag & 0x03);
196 }
199 /****************************************************************************
200 **
201 *F  SIZE_BAG(<bag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . size of a bag
202 **
203 **  'SIZE_BAG' returns  the  size of the bag   with the identifier  <bag> in
204 **  bytes.
205 **
206 **  Each bag has a  certain size.  The size  of a bag  is measured  in bytes.
207 **  The size must be a value between 0 and $2^{32}-1$ (on 32 bit systems)
208 **  respectively $2^{48}-1$ (on 64 bit systems). The application specifies
209 **  the size of a bag when it allocates it with 'NewBag' and may later change
210 **  it with 'ResizeBag' (see "NewBag" and "ResizeBag").
211 */
213     return BAG_HEADER(bag)->size;
214 }
217 /****************************************************************************
218 **
219 *F  SIZE_BAG_CONTENTS(<ptr>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . size of a bag
220 **
221 **  'SIZE_BAG_CONTENTS' performs the same function as 'SIZE_BAG', but takes
222 **  a pointer to the contents of the bag instead. This is useful for certain
223 **  atomic operations that require a memory barrier in between dereferencing
224 **  the bag pointer and accessing the contents of the bag.
225 */
SIZE_BAG_CONTENTS(const void * ptr)226 EXPORT_INLINE UInt SIZE_BAG_CONTENTS(const void *ptr) {
227     return ((const BagHeader *)ptr)[-1].size;
228 }
231 /****************************************************************************
232 **
233 *F  LINK_BAG(<bag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . link pointer of a bag
234 **
235 **  'LINK_BAG' returns the link pointer of the bag with the identifier <bag>.
236 **
237 **  Note that  'LINK_BAG' is  a macro,  so do not call it with arguments that
238 **  have side effects.
239 */
240 #ifdef USE_GASMAN
241 #define LINK_BAG(bag)   (BAG_HEADER(bag)->link)
242 #endif
245 /****************************************************************************
246 **
247 *F  PTR_BAG(<bag>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  pointer to a bag
248 **
249 **  'PTR_BAG' returns the address of the data area of the bag with identifier
250 **  <bag>.  Using  this pointer the application  can then  read data from the
251 **  bag or write  data  into it.  The  pointer   is of  type pointer  to  bag
252 **  identifier, i.e., 'PTR_BAG(<bag>)[0]' is   the  identifier of the   first
253 **  subbag of the bag, etc.  If the bag contains  data in a different format,
254 **  the  application has  to  cast the pointer  returned  by 'PTR_BAG', e.g.,
255 **  '(long\*)PTR_BAG(<bag>)'.
256 **
257 **  Note  that the address  of the data area  of a  bag  may change  during a
258 **  garbage collection.  That is  the  value returned by 'PTR_BAG' may differ
259 **  between two calls, if 'NewBag', 'ResizeBag', 'CollectBags', or any of the
260 **  application\'s functions  or macros that may   call   those functions, is
261 **  called in between (see "NewBag", "ResizeBag", "CollectBags").
262 **
263 **  The first rule for using {\Gasman} is{\:} *The  application must not keep
264 **  any pointers to or into the data area of any  bag over calls to functions
265 **  that may cause a garbage collection.*
266 **
267 **  That means that the following code is incorrect{\:}
268 **
269 **      ptr = PTR_BAG( old );
270 **      new = NewBag( typeNew, sizeNew );
271 **      *ptr = new;
272 **
273 **  because  the creation of  the new bag may  move the  old bag, causing the
274 **  pointer to  point  no longer to  the  data area of  the bag.   It must be
275 **  written as follows{\:}
276 **
277 **      new = NewBag( typeNew, sizeNew );
278 **      ptr = PTR_BAG( old );
279 **      *ptr = new;
280 **
281 **  Note that even the following is incorrect{\:}
282 **
283 **      PTR_BAG(old)[0] = NewBag( typeNew, sizeNew );
284 **
285 **  because a C compiler is free to compile it to  a sequence of instructions
286 **  equivalent to first example.  Thus whenever  the evaluation of a function
287 **  or  a macro  may cause a  garbage collection  there  must be   no call to
288 **  'PTR_BAG' in the same expression, except as argument  to this function or
289 **  macro.
290 **
291 **  Note that  after writing   a bag  identifier,  e.g.,  'new' in the  above
292 **  example, into the  data area of another  bag, 'old' in the above example,
293 **  the application  must inform {\Gasman}  that it  has changed  the bag, by
294 **  calling 'CHANGED_BAG(old)' in the above example (see "CHANGED_BAG").
295 */
PTR_BAG(Bag bag)296 EXPORT_INLINE Bag *PTR_BAG(Bag bag)
297 {
298     GAP_ASSERT(bag != 0);
299     return *(Bag**)bag;
300 }
303 {
304     GAP_ASSERT(bag != 0);
305     return *(const Bag * const *)bag;
306 }
SET_PTR_BAG(Bag bag,Bag * val)308 EXPORT_INLINE void SET_PTR_BAG(Bag bag, Bag *val)
309 {
310     GAP_ASSERT(bag != 0);
311     *(Bag**)bag = val;
312 }
315 /****************************************************************************
316 **
317 *F  CHANGED_BAG(<bag>)  . . . . . . . .  notify Gasman that a bag has changed
318 **
319 **  'CHANGED_BAG'  informs {\Gasman} that the bag   with identifier <bag> has
320 **  been changed by an assignment of another bag identifier.
321 **
322 **  The  second rule for using  {\Gasman} is{\:} *After  each assignment of a
323 **  bag identifier into a  bag the application  must inform {\Gasman} that it
324 **  has changed the bag before the next garbage collection can happen.*
325 **
326 **  Note that the  application need not inform {\Gasman}  if it changes a bag
327 **  by assigning something that is not an identifier of another bag.
328 **
329 **  For example to copy all entries from  one list into another the following
330 **  code must be used{\:}
331 **
332 **      for ( i = 0; i < SIZE-BAG(old)/sizeof(Bag); i++ )
333 **          PTR_BAG(new)[i] = PTR_BAG(old)[i];
334 **      CHANGED_BAG( new );
335 **
336 **  On the other  hand  when the  application  allocates a matrix,  where the
337 **  allocation of each row may cause a garbage collection, the following code
338 **  must be used{\:}
339 **
340 **      mat = NewBag( T_MAT, n * sizeof(Bag) );
341 **      for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
342 **          row = NewBag( T_ROW, n * sizeof(Bag) );
343 **          PTR_BAG(mat)[i] = row;
344 **          CHANGED_BAG( mat );
345 **      }
346 **
347 **  Note that  writing 'PTR_BAG(mat)[i] = NewBag( T_ROW, n\*\ sizeof(Bag) );'
348 **  is incorrect as mentioned in the section for 'PTR_BAG' (see "PTR_BAG").
349 */
351 #if defined(USE_BOEHM_GC)
354 {
355 }
357 #elif defined(USE_JULIA_GC)
359 void CHANGED_BAG(Bag bag);
361 int IsGapObj(void *);
363 #elif defined(GAP_MEMORY_CANARY)
365 /****************************************************************************
366 **
367 **  GAP_MEMORY_CANARY provides (basic) support for catching out-of-bounds
368 **  memory problems in GAP. This is done through the excellent 'valgrind'
369 **  program. Valgrind is of limited use in GAP normally, because it doesn't
370 **  understand GAP's memory manager. Enabling GAP_MEMORY_CANARY will make an
371 **  executable where valgrind will detect memory issues.
372 **
373 */
375 void CHANGED_BAG(Bag b);
377 #elif defined(USE_GASMAN)
379 extern Bag * YoungBags;
380 extern Bag   ChangedBags;
382 {
383     if (CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) <= YoungBags && LINK_BAG(bag) == bag) {
384         LINK_BAG(bag) = ChangedBags;
385         ChangedBags = bag;
386     }
387 }
389 #else
391 #error unknown garbage collector
393 #endif
396 /****************************************************************************
397 **
398 *F  NewBag(<type>,<size>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  allocate a new bag
399 **
400 **  'NewBag' allocates a new bag  of type <type> and  <size> bytes.  'NewBag'
401 **  returns the  identifier  of the new  bag,  which must be  passed as first
402 **  argument to all other {\Gasman} functions.
403 **
404 **  <type> must be a  value  between 0 and 253.    The types 254 and  255 are
405 **  reserved for {\Gasman}.  The application can find the type  of a bag with
406 **  'TNUM_BAG'    and change   it  with  'RetypeBag'     (see  "TNUM_BAG" and
407 **  "RetypeBag").
408 **
409 **  It is probably a good idea to define symbolic constants  for all types in
410 **  a  system wide   header  file,  e.g.,  'types.h', if   only  to avoid  to
411 **  accidently use the same value for two different types.
412 **
413 **  <size> is the size of the new bag in bytes and must be a value  between 0
414 **  and $2^{32}-1$ (on 32 bit systems)  resp. $2^{48}-1$ (on 64 bit systems).
415 **  The application can find the size of a bag with 'SIZE_BAG' and change  it
416 **  with 'ResizeBag' (see "SIZE_BAG" and "ResizeBag").
417 **
418 **  All entries of  the new bag will be initialized to 0.
419 **
420 **  What  happens if {\Gasman}  cannot  get  enough  storage  to perform   an
421 **  allocation     depends on  the  behavior    of   the allocation  function
422 **  <alloc-func>.  If <alloc-func>  returns 0  when it   cannot do a   needed
423 **  extension  of  the  workspace, then 'NewBag'   may  return 0  to indicate
424 **  failure, and the  application has to check the  return  value of 'NewBag'
425 **  for this.  If <alloc-func> aborts when it cannot do a needed extension of
426 **  the workspace,  then the  application will  abort if  'NewBag' would  not
427 **  succeed.  So in  this case whenever 'NewBag'  returns,  it succeeded, and
428 **  the application need  not check    the return  value of 'NewBag'     (see
429 **  "InitBags").
430 **
431 **  Note that 'NewBag'  will perform a garbage collection  if no free storage
432 **  is available.  During  the  garbage  collection the addresses of the data
433 **  areas of all bags may  change.  So you  must not keep any  pointers to or
434 **  into the data areas of bags over calls to 'NewBag' (see "PTR_BAG").
435 */
436 Bag NewBag(UInt type, UInt size);
439 // NewWordSizedBag is the same as NewBag, except it rounds 'size' up to
440 // the next multiple of sizeof(UInt)
NewWordSizedBag(UInt type,UInt size)441 EXPORT_INLINE Bag NewWordSizedBag(UInt type, UInt size)
442 {
443     UInt padding = 0;
444     if(size % sizeof(UInt) != 0) {
445         padding = sizeof(UInt) - (size % sizeof(UInt));
446     }
447     return NewBag(type, size + padding);
448 }
450 /****************************************************************************
451 **
452 *F  RetypeBag(<bag>,<new>)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  change the type of a bag
453 **
454 **  'RetypeBag' changes the type of the bag with identifier <bag>  to the new
455 **  type <new>.  The identifier, the size,  and also the  address of the data
456 **  area of the bag do not change.
457 **
458 **  'Retype' is usually  used to set or  reset  flags that are stored  in the
459 **  type of  a bag.   For  example in {\GAP}  there are  two  types of  large
460 **  integers, one for  positive integers and  one for negative  integers.  To
461 **  compute the difference of a positive integer and  a negative, {\GAP} uses
462 **  'RetypeBag'  to temporarily change   the second argument into  a positive
463 **  integer, and then adds the two operands.  For another example when {\GAP}
464 **  detects that a list is sorted and contains  no duplicates, it changes the
465 **  type  of the bag  with 'RetypeBag', and the new  type indicates that this
466 **  list has this property, so that this need not be tested again.
467 **
468 **  It is, as usual, the responsibility of the application to ensure that the
469 **  data stored in the bag makes sense when the  bag is interpreted  as a bag
470 **  of type <type>.
471 */
472 void RetypeBag(Bag bag, UInt new_type);
474 #ifdef HPCGAP
475 void RetypeBagIfWritable(Bag bag, UInt new_type);
476 #else
477 #define RetypeBagIfWritable(x,y)     RetypeBag(x,y)
478 #endif
481 /****************************************************************************
482 **
483 **  'RetypeBagSM' works like 'RetypeBag', but ensures that the given bag
484 **  returns the same mutability (SM).
485 **
486 **  FIXME: for now, this checks the tnums; later, this will be turned
487 **  into a check for an object flag
488 */
489 void RetypeBagSM(Bag bag, UInt new_type);
490 #ifdef HPCGAP
491 void RetypeBagSMIfWritable(Bag bag, UInt new_type);
492 #else
493 #define RetypeBagSMIfWritable(x,y)   RetypeBagSM(x,y)
494 #endif
497 /****************************************************************************
498 **
499 *F  ResizeBag(<bag>,<new>)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  change the size of a bag
500 **
501 **  'ResizeBag' changes the size of the bag with  identifier <bag> to the new
502 **  size <new>.  The identifier  of the bag  does not change, but the address
503 **  of the data area  of the bag  may change.  If  the new size <new> is less
504 **  than the old size,  {\Gasman} throws away any data  in the bag beyond the
505 **  new size.  If the new size  <new> is larger than  the old size, {\Gasman}
506 **  extends the bag.
507 **
508 **  All entries of an extension will be initialized to 0.
509 **
510 **  What happens  if {\Gasman} cannot   get   enough storage to  perform   an
511 **  extension depends   on   the   behavior   of the   allocation    function
512 **  <alloc-func>.  If <alloc-func>   returns 0 when   it cannot do a   needed
513 **  extension of the  workspace, then  'ResizeBag'  may return 0 to  indicate
514 **  failure, and the application has to check the return value of 'ResizeBag'
515 **  for this.  If <alloc-func> aborts when it cannot do a needed extension of
516 **  the workspace, then  the application will abort  if 'ResizeBag' would not
517 **  succeed.  So in this case whenever 'ResizeBag' returns, it succeeded, and
518 **  the application   need not check   the return value  of  'ResizeBag' (see
519 **  "InitBags").
520 **
521 **  Note   that  'ResizeBag' will  perform a garbage   collection  if no free
522 **  storage is available.  During the garbage collection the addresses of the
523 **  data areas of all bags may change.  So you must not keep  any pointers to
524 **  or into the data areas of bags over calls to 'ResizeBag' (see "PTR_BAG").
525 */
526 UInt ResizeBag(Bag bag, UInt new_size);
528 // ResizedWordSizedBag is the same as ResizeBag, except it round 'size'
529 // up to the next multiple of sizeof(UInt)
ResizeWordSizedBag(Bag bag,UInt size)530 EXPORT_INLINE UInt ResizeWordSizedBag(Bag bag, UInt size)
531 {
532     UInt padding = 0;
533     if(size % sizeof(UInt) != 0) {
534         padding = sizeof(UInt) - (size % sizeof(UInt));
535     }
536     return ResizeBag(bag, size + padding);
537 }
540 /****************************************************************************
541 **
542 *F  CollectBags(<size>,<full>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . collect dead bags
543 **
544 **  'CollectBags' performs a  garbage collection.  This means  it deallocates
545 **  the dead   bags and  compacts the  live   bags at the  beginning   of the
546 **  workspace.   If    <full>  is 0, then   only   the  dead young  bags  are
547 **  deallocated, otherwise all dead bags are deallocated.
548 **
549 **  If the application calls 'CollectBags', <size> must be 0, and <full> must
550 **  be 0  or 1 depending on whether  it wants to perform  a partial or a full
551 **  garbage collection.
552 **
553 **  If 'CollectBags'  is called from  'NewBag' or 'ResizeBag',  <size> is the
554 **  size of the bag that is currently allocated, and <full> is zero.
555 **
556 **  Note that  during the garbage collection the  addresses of the data areas
557 **  of all bags may change.  So you must not keep any pointers to or into the
558 **  data areas of bags over calls to 'CollectBags' (see "PTR_BAG").
559 */
560 UInt CollectBags(UInt size, UInt full);
563 /****************************************************************************
564 **
565 *F  SwapMasterPoint( <bag1>, <bag2> ) . . . swap pointer of <bag1> and <bag2>
566 */
567 void SwapMasterPoint(Bag bag1, Bag bag2);
570 /****************************************************************************
571 **
572 *V  SizeAllBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  total size of all bags allocated
573 **
574 **  'SizeAllBags'  is the  total  size  of bags   allocated since Gasman  was
575 **  initialized.  It is incremented for each 'NewBag' call.
576 */
577 extern UInt8 SizeAllBags;
580 /****************************************************************************
581 **
582 *V  InfoBags[<type>]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  information for bags
583 **
584 **  'InfoBags[<type>]'  is a structure containing information for bags of the
585 **  type <type>.
586 **
587 **  'InfoBags[<type>].nrLive' is the number of  bags of type <type> that  are
588 **  currently live.
589 **
590 **  'InfoBags[<type>].nrAll' is the total  number of all  bags of <type> that
591 **  have been allocated.
592 **
593 **  'InfoBags[<type>].sizeLive' is the sum of the  sizes of  the bags of type
594 **  <type> that are currently live.
595 **
596 **  'InfoBags[<type>].sizeAll'  is the sum of the  sizes of all  bags of type
597 **  <type> that have been allocated.
598 **
599 **  This  information is only  kept if {\Gasman} is  compiled with the option
600 **  'COUNT_BAGS' defined.
601 */
602 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
603 typedef struct  {
604     UInt                    nrLive;
605     UInt                    nrAll;
606     UInt                    sizeLive;
607     UInt                    sizeAll;
608 } TNumInfoBags;
610 extern  TNumInfoBags            InfoBags [ 256 ];
611 #endif
614 #ifdef HPCGAP
615 void MakeBagTypePublic(int type);
616 Bag  MakeBagPublic(Bag bag);
617 Bag  MakeBagReadOnly(Bag bag);
618 #endif
621 /****************************************************************************
622 **
623 *F  InitMarkFuncBags(<type>,<mark-func>)  . . . . .  install marking function
624 **
625 **  'InitMarkFuncBags' installs the function <mark-func>  as marking function
626 **  for bags  of  type <type>.   The  application  *must* install  a  marking
627 **  function for a  type before it allocates  any  bag  of  that type.  It is
628 **  probably best to install all marking functions before allocating any bag.
629 **
630 **  A marking function  is a function  that takes a  single  argument of type
631 **  'Bag' and returns nothing, i.e., has return type 'void'.  Such a function
632 **  must apply the function 'MarkBag' to each bag  identifier that  appears in
633 **  the bag (see below).
634 **
635 **  Those functions are applied during the garbage  collection to each marked
636 **  bag, i.e., bags  that are assumed to be  still live,  to also mark  their
637 **  subbags.  The ability to use the correct marking function is the only use
638 **  that {\Gasman} has for types.
639 **
640 **  {\Gasman} already provides several marking functions, see below.
641 */
642 typedef void (* TNumMarkFuncBags )( Bag bag );
643 void InitMarkFuncBags(UInt type, TNumMarkFuncBags mark_func);
645 #if !defined(USE_THREADSAFE_COPYING) && !defined(USE_BOEHM_GC)
646 extern TNumMarkFuncBags TabMarkFuncBags[NUM_TYPES];
647 #endif
649 /****************************************************************************
650 **
651 *F  MarkNoSubBags(<bag>)  . . . . . . . . marking function that marks nothing
652 **
653 **  'MarkNoSubBags'  is a marking function   for types whose  bags contain no
654 **  identifier of other   bags.  It does nothing,  as  its name implies,  and
655 **  simply returns.  For example   in  {\GAP} the  bags for   large  integers
656 **  contain only the digits and no identifiers of bags.
657 */
658 void MarkNoSubBags(Bag bag);
661 /****************************************************************************
662 **
663 *F  MarkOneSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . .  marking function that marks one subbag
664 *F  MarkTwoSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . . marking function that marks two subbags
665 *F  MarkThreeSubBags(<bag>) . . . . marking function that marks three subbags
666 *F  MarkFourSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . marking function that marks four subbags
667 **
668 **  These are marking functions for types whose bags contain exactly the
669 **  the indicated number as bag identifiers as their initial entries.
670 **  These functions mark those subbags and return.
671 */
672 void MarkOneSubBags(Bag bag);
673 void MarkTwoSubBags(Bag bag);
674 void MarkThreeSubBags(Bag bag);
675 void MarkFourSubBags(Bag bag);
678 /****************************************************************************
679 **
680 *F  MarkAllSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . .  marking function that marks everything
681 **
682 **  'MarkAllSubBags'  is  the marking function  for  types whose bags contain
683 **  only identifier of other bags.  It marks every entry of such a bag.  Note
684 **  that 'MarkAllSubBags' assumes that  all  identifiers are at offsets  from
685 **  the    address of the    data area   of  <bag>   that  are divisible   by
686 **  'sizeof(Bag)'.  Note also that since   it does not do   any harm to  mark
687 **  something   which  is not    actually a   bag identifier  one   could use
688 **  'MarkAllSubBags' for all  types  as long as  the identifiers  in the data
689 **  area are  properly aligned as  explained above.  This  would however slow
690 **  down 'CollectBags'.  For example  in {\GAP} bags  for lists contain  only
691 **  bag identifiers for the elements  of the  list or 0   if an entry has  no
692 **  assigned value.
693 */
694 void MarkAllSubBags(Bag bag);
696 void MarkAllSubBagsDefault(Bag);
698 void MarkAllButFirstSubBags(Bag bag);
700 /****************************************************************************
701 **
702 *F  MarkBag(<bag>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  mark a bag as live
703 **
704 **  'MarkBag' marks the <bag> as live so that it is  not thrown away during
705 **  a garbage collection.  'MarkBag' should only be called from the marking
706 **  functions installed with 'InitMarkFuncBags'.
707 **
708 **  'MarkBag' tests  if <bag> is  a valid identifier of a  bag  in the young
709 **  bags  area.  If it is not,  then 'MarkBag' does nothing,  so there is no
710 **  harm in  calling 'MarkBag' for  something   that is not actually  a  bag
711 **  identifier.
712 */
713 #ifdef USE_BOEHM_GC
MarkBag(Bag bag)714 EXPORT_INLINE void MarkBag( Bag bag )
715 {
716 }
717 #else
718 void MarkBag(Bag bag);
719 #endif
722 /****************************************************************************
723 **
724 *F  MarkArrayOfBags(<array>,<count>) . . . . . . .  mark all bags in an array
725 **
726 **  'MarkArrayOfBags' iterates over <count> all bags in the given array,
727 **  and marks each bag using MarkBag.
728 */
729 extern void MarkArrayOfBags(const Bag array[], UInt count);
732 /****************************************************************************
733 **
734 *F  InitGlobalBag(<addr>,<cookie>)  inform Gasman about global bag identifier
735 **
736 **  'InitGlobalBag'  informs {\Gasman} that there is  a bag identifier at the
737 **  address <addr>, which must be of  type '(Bag\*)'.  {\Gasman} will look at
738 **  this address for a bag identifier during a garbage collection.
739 **
740 **  The application *must* call 'InitGlobalBag' for every global variable and
741 **  every entry of a  global array that may hold  a bag identifier.  It is no
742 **  problem  if  such a  variable does not   actually  hold a bag identifier,
743 **  {\Gasman} will simply ignore it then.
744 **
745 **  There is a limit on the number of calls to 'InitGlobalBag', which is 20000
746 **  by default.   If the application has  more global variables that may hold
747 **  bag  identifier, you  have to  compile  {\Gasman} with a  higher value of
748 **  'NR_GLOBAL_BAGS'.
749 **
750 **  <cookie> is a C string, which should uniquely identify this global
751 **  bag from all others.  It is used  in reconstructing  the Workspace
752 **  after a save and load
753 */
755 void InitGlobalBag(Bag * addr, const Char * cookie);
758 /****************************************************************************
759 **
760 *F  InitFreeFuncBag(<type>,<free-func>) . . . . . .  install freeing function
761 **
762 **  'InitFreeFuncBag' installs  the function <free-func>  as freeing function
763 **  for bags of type <type>.
764 **
765 **  A freeing function is  a function that  takes  a single argument of  type
766 **  'Bag' and  returns nothing,  i.e., has return  type  'void'.  If  such  a
767 **  function is installed for a type <type> then it is called for each bag of
768 **  that type that is about to be deallocated.
769 **
770 **  A freeing function must *not* call 'NewBag', 'ResizeBag', or 'RetypeBag'.
771 **
772 **  When such  a function is  called for a bag <bag>,  its subbags  are still
773 **  accessible.  Note that it it not specified, whether the freeing functions
774 **  for the subbags of   <bag> (if there   are freeing functions for  bags of
775 **  their types) are called before or after the freeing function for <bag>.
776 */
777 typedef void            (* TNumFreeFuncBags ) (
778             Bag                 bag );
780 void InitFreeFuncBag(UInt type, TNumFreeFuncBags free_func);
783 /****************************************************************************
784 **
785 *F  RegisterBeforeCollectFuncBags(<func>)  install before-collection function
786 *F  RegisterAfterCollectFuncBags(<func>) .  install after-collection function
787 **
788 **  Register a callback to be called before respectively after each garbage
789 **  collection.
790 **
791 **  One use of a <before-func> is to call 'CHANGED_BAG' for bags that change
792 **  very often, so you do not have to call 'CHANGED_BAG' for them every time
793 **  they change.
794 **
795 **  One use of after-collection callbacks is to update a pointer for a bag,
796 **  so you do not have to update that pointer after every operation that
797 **  might cause a garbage collection.
798 **
799 **  The number of callbacks which can be registered is limited. If the
800 **  callback was successfully registered, 0 is returned, otherwise 1.
801 */
802 #ifdef USE_GASMAN
803 typedef void            (* TNumCollectFuncBags) ( void );
805 int RegisterBeforeCollectFuncBags(TNumCollectFuncBags func);
806 int RegisterAfterCollectFuncBags(TNumCollectFuncBags func);
807 #endif
810 // ExtraMarkFuncBags, if not NULL, is called during garbage collection
811 // This is used for integrating GAP (possibly linked as a shared library) with
812 // other code bases which use their own form of garbage collection. For
813 // example, with Python (for SageMath).
814 typedef void (*TNumExtraMarkFuncBags)(void);
815 void SetExtraMarkFuncBags(TNumExtraMarkFuncBags func);
817 /****************************************************************************
818 **
819 *F  InitBags(<initialSize>,<stackStart>,<stackAlign>) . . . initialize Gasman
820 **
821 **  'InitBags'  initializes {\Gasman}.  It  must be called from a application
822 **  using {\Gasman} before any bags can be allocated.
823 **
824 **  <initialSize> must be the size of  the initial workspace that 'InitBags'
825 **  should allocate.  This   value is automatically rounded   up to the  next
826 **  multiple of 1/2 MByte by 'InitBags'.
827 **
828 **  <stackStart> must be the start of the stack. Note that the start of the
829 **  stack is either the bottom or the top of the stack, depending on whether
830 **  the stack grows upward or downward. A value that usually works is the
831 **  address of the argument 'argc' of the 'main' function of the application,
832 **  i.e., '(Bag\*)\&argc'.
833 **
834 **  <stackAlign> must be the alignment of items of type 'Bag' on the stack.
835 **  It must be a divisor of 'sizeof(Bag)'. The addresses of all identifiers
836 **  on the stack must be a multiple of <stackAlign>. If it is 1, identifiers
837 **  may be anywhere on the stack, and if it is 'sizeof(Bag)', identifiers may
838 **  only be at addresses that are a multiple of 'sizeof(Bag)'. This value
839 **  depends on the machine, the operating system, and the compiler.
840 */
841 void InitBags(UInt initialSize, Bag * stackStart, UInt stackAlign);
844 /****************************************************************************
845 **
846 *F  FinishBags() end GASMAN and free memory
847 */
848 void FinishBags(void);
850 #if !defined(USE_GASMAN)
851 void * AllocateMemoryBlock(UInt size);
852 #endif
854 #endif // GAP_GASMAN_H