1 /* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
2 /*
3  *  Main authors:
4  *     Christian Schulte <schulte@gecode.org>
5  *     Guido Tack <tack@gecode.org>
6  *
7  *  Contributing authors:
8  *     Stefano Gualandi <stefano.gualandi@gmail.com>
9  *     Mikael Lagerkvist <lagerkvist@gecode.org>
10  *     David Rijsman <David.Rijsman@quintiq.com>
11  *     Samuel Gagnon <samuel.gagnon92@gmail.com>
12  *
13  *  Copyright:
14  *     Stefano Gualandi, 2013
15  *     Mikael Lagerkvist, 2006
16  *     David Rijsman, 2009
17  *     Christian Schulte, 2002
18  *     Guido Tack, 2004
19  *     Samuel Gagnon, 2018
20  *
21  *  This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint
22  *  development environment:
23  *     http://www.gecode.org
24  *
25  *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
26  *  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
27  *  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
28  *  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
29  *  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
30  *  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
31  *  the following conditions:
32  *
33  *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
34  *  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
35  *
43  *
44  */
46 #ifndef GECODE_INT_HH
47 #define GECODE_INT_HH
49 #include <climits>
50 #include <cfloat>
52 #include <iostream>
53 #include <vector>
54 #include <unordered_map>
55 #include <functional>
56 #include <utility>
57 #include <initializer_list>
59 #include <gecode/kernel.hh>
60 #include <gecode/search.hh>
61 #include <gecode/iter.hh>
63 /*
64  * Configure linking
65  *
66  */
67 #if !defined(GECODE_STATIC_LIBS) && \
68     (defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER))
71 #define GECODE_INT_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
72 #else
73 #define GECODE_INT_EXPORT __declspec( dllimport )
74 #endif
76 #else
79 #define GECODE_INT_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
80 #else
82 #endif
84 #endif
86 // Configure auto-linking
88 #define GECODE_LIBRARY_NAME "Int"
89 #include <gecode/support/auto-link.hpp>
90 #endif
92 /**
93  * \namespace Gecode::Int
94  * \brief Finite domain integers
95  *
96  * The Gecode::Int namespace contains all functionality required
97  * to program propagators and branchers for finite domain integers.
98  * In addition, all propagators and branchers for finite domain
99  * integers provided by %Gecode are contained as nested namespaces.
100  *
101  */
103 #include <gecode/int/exception.hpp>
105 namespace Gecode { namespace Int {
107   /**
108    * \brief Numerical limits for integer variables
109    *
110    * The integer limits are chosen such changing the sign is always possible
111    * without overflow.
112    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars
113    */
114   namespace Limits {
115     /// Largest allowed integer value
116     const int max = INT_MAX - 1;
117     /// Smallest allowed integer value
118     const int min = -max;
119     /// Infinity for integers
120     const int infinity = max + 1;
121     /// Largest allowed long long integer value
122     const long long int llmax =  LLONG_MAX - 1;
123     /// Smallest allowed long long integer value
124     const long long int llmin = -llmax;
125     /// Infinity for long long integers
126     const long long int llinfinity = llmax + 1;
127     /// Return whether \a n is in range
128     bool valid(int n);
129     /// Return whether \a n is in range
130     bool valid(long long int n);
131     /// Check whether \a n is in range, otherwise throw out of limits with information \a l
132     void check(int n, const char* l);
133     /// Check whether \a n is in range, otherwise throw out of limits with information \a l
134     void check(long long int n, const char* l);
135     /// Check whether \a n is in range and strictly positive, otherwise throw out of limits with information \a l
136     void positive(int n, const char* l);
137     /// Check whether \a n is in range and strictly positive, otherwise throw out of limits with information \a l
138     void positive(long long int n, const char* l);
139     /// Check whether \a n is in range and nonnegative, otherwise throw out of limits with information \a l
140     void nonnegative(int n, const char* l);
141     /// Check whether \a n is in integer range and nonnegative, otherwise throw out of limits exception with information \a l
142     void nonnegative(long long int n, const char* l);
143     /// Check whether adding \a n and \a m would overflow
144     bool overflow_add(int n, int m);
145     /// Check whether adding \a n and \a m would overflow
146     bool overflow_add(long long int n, long long int m);
147     /// Check whether subtracting \a m from \a n would overflow
148     bool overflow_sub(int n, int m);
149     /// Check whether subtracting \a m from \a n would overflow
150     bool overflow_sub(long long int n, long long int m);
151     /// Check whether multiplying \a n and \a m would overflow
152     bool overflow_mul(int n, int m);
153     /// Check whether multiplying \a n and \a m would overflow
154     bool overflow_mul(long long int n, long long int m);
155   }
157 }}
159 #include <gecode/int/limits.hpp>
161 namespace Gecode {
163   class IntSetRanges;
165   template<class I> class IntSetInit;
167   /**
168    * \brief Integer sets
169    *
170    * Integer sets are the means to specify arbitrary sets
171    * of integers to be used as domains for integer variables.
172    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars TaskModelSetVars
173    */
174   class IntSet : public SharedHandle {
175     friend class IntSetRanges;
176     template<class I> friend class IntSetInit;
177   private:
178     /// %Range (intervals) of integers
179     class Range {
180     public:
181       int min, max;
182     };
183     class IntSetObject : public SharedHandle::Object {
184     public:
185       /// Size of set
186       unsigned int size;
187       /// Number of ranges
188       int n;
189       /// Array of ranges
190       Range* r;
191       /// Allocate object with \a m elements
192       GECODE_INT_EXPORT static IntSetObject* allocate(int m);
193       /// Check whether \a n is included in the set
194       GECODE_INT_EXPORT bool in(int n) const;
195       /// Perform equality test on ranges
196       GECODE_INT_EXPORT bool equal(const IntSetObject& so) const;
197       /// Delete object
198       GECODE_INT_EXPORT virtual ~IntSetObject(void);
199     };
200     /// Sort ranges according to increasing minimum
201     class MinInc;
202     /// Normalize the first \a n elements of \a r
203     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void normalize(Range* r, int n);
204     /// Initialize as range with minimum \a n and maximum \a m
205     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void init(int n, int m);
206     /// Initialize with \a n integers from array \a r
207     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void init(const int r[], int n);
208     /// Initialize with \a n ranges from array \a r
209     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void init(const int r[][2], int n);
210   public:
211     /// \name Constructors and initialization
212     //@{
213     /// Initialize as empty set
214     IntSet(void);
215     /** \brief Initialize as range with minimum \a n and maximum \a m
216      *
217      * Note that the set is empty if \a n is larger than \a m
218      */
219     explicit IntSet(int n, int m);
220     /// Initialize with \a n integers from array \a r
221     explicit IntSet(const int r[],   int n);
222     /** \brief Initialize with \a n ranges from array \a r
223      *
224      * For position \a i in the array \a r, the minimum is \a r[\a i][0]
225      * and the maximum is \a r[\a i][1].
226      */
227     explicit IntSet(const int r[][2], int n);
228     /// Initialize with range iterator \a i
229     template<class I>
230     explicit IntSet(I& i);
231     /// Initialize with range iterator \a i
232     template<class I>
233     explicit IntSet(const I& i);
234     /// Initialize with integers from list \a r
236     explicit IntSet(std::initializer_list<int> r);
237     /** \brief Initialize with ranges from vector \a r
238      *
239      * The minimum is the first element and the maximum is the
240      * second element.
241      */
243     explicit IntSet(std::initializer_list<std::pair<int,int>> r);
244     //@}
246     /// \name Range access
247     //@{
248     /// Return number of ranges of the specification
249     int ranges(void) const;
250     /// Return minimum of range at position \a i
251     int min(int i) const;
252     /// Return maximum of range at position \a i
253     int max(int i) const;
254     /// Return width of range at position \a i
255     unsigned int width(int i) const;
256     //@}
258     /// \name Entire set access
259     //@{
260     /// Return whether \a n is included in the set
261     bool in(int n) const;
262     /// Return size (cardinality) of set
263     unsigned int size(void) const;
264     /// Return width of set (distance between maximum and minimum)
265     unsigned int width(void) const;
266     /// Return minimum of entire set
267     int min(void) const;
268     /// Return maximum of entire set
269     int max(void) const;
270     //@}
272     /// \name Equality tests
273     //@{
274     /// Return whether \a s is equal
275     bool operator ==(const IntSet& s) const;
276     /// Return whether \a s is not equal
277     bool operator !=(const IntSet& s) const;
278     //@}
280     /// \name Predefined value
281     //@{
282     /// Empty set
283     GECODE_INT_EXPORT static const IntSet empty;
284     //@}
285   };
287   /**
288    * \brief Range iterator for integer sets
289    *
290    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars TaskModelSetVars
291    */
292   class IntSetRanges {
293   private:
294     /// Current range
295     const IntSet::Range* i;
296     /// End range
297     const IntSet::Range* e;
298   public:
299     /// \name Constructors and initialization
300     //@{
301     /// Default constructor
302     IntSetRanges(void);
303     /// Initialize with ranges for set \a s
304     IntSetRanges(const IntSet& s);
305     /// Initialize with ranges for set \a s
306     void init(const IntSet& s);
307     //@}
309     /// \name Iteration control
310     //@{
311     /// Test whether iterator is still at a range or done
312     bool operator ()(void) const;
313     /// Move iterator to next range (if possible)
314     void operator ++(void);
315     //@}
317     /// \name Range access
318     //@{
319     /// Return smallest value of range
320     int min(void) const;
321     /// Return largest value of range
322     int max(void) const;
323     /// Return width of range (distance between minimum and maximum)
324     unsigned int width(void) const;
325     //@}
326   };
328   /**
329    * \brief Value iterator for integer sets
330    *
331    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars TaskModelSetVars
332    */
333   class IntSetValues : public Iter::Ranges::ToValues<IntSetRanges> {
334   public:
335     /// \name Constructors and initialization
336     //@{
337     /// Default constructor
338     IntSetValues(void);
339     /// Initialize with values for \a s
340     IntSetValues(const IntSet& s);
341     /// Initialize with values for \a s
342     void init(const IntSet& s);
343     //@}
344   };
346   /**
347    * \brief Print integer set \a s
348    * \relates Gecode::IntSet
349    */
350   template<class Char, class Traits>
351   std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>&
352   operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const IntSet& s);
354 }
356 #include <gecode/int/int-set-1.hpp>
358 #include <gecode/int/var-imp.hpp>
360 namespace Gecode {
362   namespace Int {
363     class IntView;
364   }
366   /**
367    * \brief Integer variables
368    *
369    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars
370    */
371   class IntVar : public VarImpVar<Int::IntVarImp> {
372     friend class IntVarArray;
373     friend class IntVarArgs;
374   private:
375     using VarImpVar<Int::IntVarImp>::x;
376     /**
377      * \brief Initialize variable with range domain
378      *
379      * The variable is created with a domain ranging from \a min
380      * to \a max. No exceptions are thrown.
381      */
382     void _init(Space& home, int min, int max);
383     /**
384      * \brief Initialize variable with arbitrary domain
385      *
386      * The variable is created with a domain described by \a d.
387      * No exceptions are thrown.
388      */
389     void _init(Space& home, const IntSet& d);
390   public:
391     /// \name Constructors and initialization
392     //@{
393     /// Default constructor
394     IntVar(void);
395     /// Initialize from integer variable \a y
396     IntVar(const IntVar& y);
397     /// Initialize from integer view \a y
398     IntVar(const Int::IntView& y);
399     /**
400      * \brief Initialize variable with range domain
401      *
402      * The variable is created with a domain ranging from \a min
403      * to \a max. The following exceptions might be thrown:
404      *  - If \a min is greater than \a max, an exception of type
405      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
406      *  - If \a min or \a max exceed the limits for integers as defined
407      *    in Gecode::Int::Limits, an exception of type
408      *    Gecode::Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
409      */
410     GECODE_INT_EXPORT IntVar(Space& home, int min, int max);
411     /**
412      * \brief Initialize variable with arbitrary domain
413      *
414      * The variable is created with a domain described by \a d.
415      * The following exceptions might be thrown:
416      *  - If \a d is empty, an exception of type
417      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
418      *  - If \a d contains values that exceed the limits for integers
419      *    as defined in Gecode::Int::Limits, an exception of type
420      *    Gecode::Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
421      */
422     GECODE_INT_EXPORT IntVar(Space& home, const IntSet& d);
423     //@}
425     /// \name Value access
426     //@{
427     /// Return minimum of domain
428     int min(void) const;
429     /// Return maximum of domain
430     int max(void) const;
431     /// Return median of domain (greatest element not greater than the median)
432     int med(void) const;
433     /**
434      * \brief Return assigned value
435      *
436      * Throws an exception of type Int::ValOfUnassignedVar if variable
437      * is not yet assigned.
438      *
439      */
440     int val(void) const;
442     /// Return size (cardinality) of domain
443     unsigned int size(void) const;
444     /// Return width of domain (distance between maximum and minimum)
445     unsigned int width(void) const;
446     /// Return regret of domain minimum (distance to next larger value)
447     unsigned int regret_min(void) const;
448     /// Return regret of domain maximum (distance to next smaller value)
449     unsigned int regret_max(void) const;
450     //@}
452     /// \name Domain tests
453     //@{
454     /// Test whether domain is a range
455     bool range(void) const;
456     /// Test whether \a n is contained in domain
457     bool in(int n) const;
458     //@}
459   };
461   /**
462    * \brief Print integer variable \a x
463    * \relates Gecode::IntVar
464    */
465   template<class Char, class Traits>
466   std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>&
467   operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const IntVar& x);
469   /**
470    * \brief %Range iterator for integer variables
471    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars
472    */
473   class IntVarRanges : public Int::IntVarImpFwd {
474   public:
475     /// \name Constructors and initialization
476     //@{
477     /// Default constructor
478     IntVarRanges(void);
479     /// Initialize with ranges for integer variable \a x
480     IntVarRanges(const IntVar& x);
481     /// Initialize with ranges for integer variable \a x
482     void init(const IntVar& x);
483     //@}
484   };
486   /**
487    * \brief Value iterator for integer variables
488    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars
489    */
490   class IntVarValues : public Iter::Ranges::ToValues<IntVarRanges> {
491   public:
492     /// \name Constructors and initialization
493     //@{
494     /// Default constructor
495     IntVarValues(void);
496     /// Initialize with values for \a x
497     IntVarValues(const IntVar& x);
498     /// Initialize with values \a x
499     void init(const IntVar& x);
500     //@}
501   };
503   namespace Int {
504     class BoolView;
505   }
507   /**
508    * \brief Boolean integer variables
509    *
510    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVars
511    */
512   class BoolVar : public VarImpVar<Int::BoolVarImp> {
513     friend class BoolVarArray;
514     friend class BoolVarArgs;
515   private:
516     using VarImpVar<Int::BoolVarImp>::x;
517     /**
518      * \brief Initialize Boolean variable with range domain
519      *
520      * The variable is created with a domain ranging from \a min
521      * to \a max. No exceptions are thrown.
522      */
523     void _init(Space& home, int min, int max);
524   public:
525     /// \name Constructors and initialization
526     //@{
527     /// Default constructor
528     BoolVar(void);
529     /// Initialize from Boolean variable \a y
530     BoolVar(const BoolVar& y);
531     /// Initialize from Boolean view \a y
532     BoolVar(const Int::BoolView& y);
533     /**
534      * \brief Initialize Boolean variable with range domain
535      *
536      * The variable is created with a domain ranging from \a min
537      * to \a max. The following exceptions might be thrown:
538      *  - If \a min is greater than \a max, an exception of type
539      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
540      *  - If \a min is less than 0 or \a max is greater than 1,
541      *    an exception of type
542      *    Gecode::Int::NotZeroOne is thrown.
543      */
544     GECODE_INT_EXPORT BoolVar(Space& home, int min, int max);
545     //@}
547     /// \name Value access
548     //@{
549     /// Return minimum of domain
550     int min(void) const;
551     /// Return maximum of domain
552     int max(void) const;
553     /// Return median of domain (greatest element not greater than the median)
554     int med(void) const;
555     /**
556      * \brief Return assigned value
557      *
558      * Throws an exception of type Int::ValOfUnassignedVar if variable
559      * is not yet assigned.
560      *
561      */
562     int val(void) const;
564     /// Return size (cardinality) of domain
565     unsigned int size(void) const;
566     /// Return width of domain (distance between maximum and minimum)
567     unsigned int width(void) const;
568     /// Return regret of domain minimum (distance to next larger value)
569     unsigned int regret_min(void) const;
570     /// Return regret of domain maximum (distance to next smaller value)
571     unsigned int regret_max(void) const;
572     //@}
574     /// \name Domain tests
575     //@{
576     /// Test whether domain is a range
577     bool range(void) const;
578     /// Test whether \a n is contained in domain
579     bool in(int n) const;
580     //@}
582     /// \name Boolean domain tests
583     //@{
584     /// Test whether domain is zero
585     bool zero(void) const;
586     /// Test whether domain is one
587     bool one(void) const;
588     /// Test whether domain is neither zero nor one
589     bool none(void) const;
590     //@}
591   };
593   /**
594    * \brief Print Boolean variable \a x
595    * \relates Gecode::BoolVar
596    */
597   template<class Char, class Traits>
598   std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>&
599   operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const BoolVar& x);
601 }
604 #include <gecode/int/view.hpp>
605 #include <gecode/int/propagator.hpp>
607 namespace Gecode {
609   /**
610    * \defgroup TaskModelIntArgs Argument arrays
611    *
612    * Argument arrays are just good enough for passing arguments
613    * with automatic memory management.
614    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
615    */
617   //@{
618   /// Passing set arguments
619   typedef ArgArray<IntSet> IntSetArgs;
621 }
623 #include <gecode/int/array-traits.hpp>
625 namespace Gecode {
627   /// Passing integer arguments
628   class IntArgs : public ArgArray<int> {
629   public:
630     /// \name Constructors and initialization
631     //@{
632     /// Allocate empty array
633     IntArgs(void);
634     /// Allocate array with \a n elements
635     explicit IntArgs(int n);
636     /// Allocate array and copy elements from \a x
637     IntArgs(const SharedArray<int>& x);
638     /// Allocate array and copy elements from \a x
639     IntArgs(const std::vector<int>& x);
640     /// Allocate array and copy elements from \a x
641     IntArgs(std::initializer_list<int> x);
642     /// Allocate array and copy elements from \a first to \a last
643     template<class InputIterator>
644     IntArgs(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
645     /// Allocate array with \a n elements and initialize with elements from array \a e
646     IntArgs(int n, const int* e);
647     /// Initialize from primitive argument array \a a (copy elements)
648     IntArgs(const ArgArray<int>& a);
650     /// Allocate array with \a n elements such that for all \f$0\leq i<n: x_i=\text{start}+i\cdot\text{inc}\f$
651     static IntArgs create(int n, int start, int inc=1);
652     //@}
653   };
655   /// \brief Passing integer variables
656   class IntVarArgs : public VarArgArray<IntVar> {
657   public:
658     /// \name Constructors and initialization
659     //@{
660     /// Allocate empty array
661     IntVarArgs(void);
662     /// Allocate array with \a n elements
663     explicit IntVarArgs(int n);
664     /// Initialize from variable argument array \a a (copy elements)
665     IntVarArgs(const IntVarArgs& a);
666     /// Initialize from variable array \a a (copy elements)
667     IntVarArgs(const VarArray<IntVar>& a);
668     /// Initialize from \a a
669     IntVarArgs(const std::vector<IntVar>& a);
670     /// Initialize from \a a
671     IntVarArgs(std::initializer_list<IntVar> a);
672     /// Initialize from InputIterator \a first and \a last
673     template<class InputIterator>
674     IntVarArgs(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
675     /**
676      * \brief Initialize array with \a n new variables
677      *
678      * The variables are created with a domain ranging from \a min
679      * to \a max. The following execptions might be thrown:
680      *  - If \a min is greater than \a max, an exception of type
681      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
682      *  - If \a min or \a max exceed the limits for integers as defined
683      *    in Gecode::Int::Limits, an exception of type
684      *    Gecode::Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
685      */
687     IntVarArgs(Space& home, int n, int min, int max);
688     /**
689      * \brief Initialize array with \a n new variables
690      *
691      * The variables are created with a domain described by \a s.
692      * The following execptions might be thrown:
693      *  - If \a s is empty, an exception of type
694      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
695      *  - If \a s contains values that exceed the limits for integers
696      *    as defined in Gecode::Int::Limits, an exception of type
697      *    Gecode::Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
698      */
700     IntVarArgs(Space& home, int n, const IntSet& s);
701     //@}
702   };
704   /** \brief Passing Boolean variables
705    *
706    * We could have used a simple typedef instead, but doxygen cannot
707    * resolve some overloading then, leading to unusable documentation for
708    * important parts of the library. As long as there is no fix for this,
709    * we will keep this workaround.
710    *
711    */
712   class BoolVarArgs : public VarArgArray<BoolVar> {
713   public:
714     /// \name Constructors and initialization
715     //@{
716     /// Allocate empty array
717     BoolVarArgs(void);
718     /// Allocate array with \a n elements
719     explicit BoolVarArgs(int n);
720     /// Initialize from variable argument array \a a (copy elements)
721     BoolVarArgs(const BoolVarArgs& a);
722     /// Initialize from variable array \a a (copy elements)
723     BoolVarArgs(const VarArray<BoolVar>& a);
724     /// Initialize from \a a
725     BoolVarArgs(const std::vector<BoolVar>& a);
726     /// Initialize from \a a
727     BoolVarArgs(std::initializer_list<BoolVar> a);
728     /// Initialize from InputIterator \a first and \a last
729     template<class InputIterator>
730     BoolVarArgs(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
731     /**
732      * \brief Initialize array with \a n new variables
733      *
734      * The variables are created with a domain ranging from \a min
735      * to \a max. The following execptions might be thrown:
736      *  - If \a min is greater than \a max, an exception of type
737      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
738      *  - If \a min is less than 0 or \a max is greater than 1,
739      *    an exception of type
740      *    Gecode::Int::NotZeroOne is thrown.
741      */
743     BoolVarArgs(Space& home, int n, int min, int max);
744     //@}
745   };
746   //@}
748   /**
749    * \defgroup TaskModelIntVarArrays Variable arrays
750    *
751    * Variable arrays can store variables. They are typically used
752    * for storing the variables being part of a solution (script). However,
753    * they can also be used for temporary purposes (even though
754    * memory is not reclaimed until the space it is created for
755    * is deleted).
756    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
757    */
759   /**
760    * \brief Integer variable array
761    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVarArrays
762    */
763   class IntVarArray : public VarArray<IntVar> {
764   public:
765     /// \name Creation and initialization
766     //@{
767     /// Default constructor (array of size 0)
768     IntVarArray(void);
769     /// Allocate array for \a n integer variables (variables are uninitialized)
770     IntVarArray(Space& home, int n);
771     /// Initialize from integer variable array \a a (share elements)
772     IntVarArray(const IntVarArray& a);
773     /// Initialize from integer variable argument array \a a (copy elements)
774     IntVarArray(Space& home, const IntVarArgs& a);
775     /**
776      * \brief Initialize array with \a n new variables
777      *
778      * The variables are created with a domain ranging from \a min
779      * to \a max. The following execptions might be thrown:
780      *  - If \a min is greater than \a max, an exception of type
781      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
782      *  - If \a min or \a max exceed the limits for integers as defined
783      *    in Gecode::Int::Limits, an exception of type
784      *    Gecode::Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
785      */
787     IntVarArray(Space& home, int n, int min, int max);
788     /**
789      * \brief Initialize array with \a n new variables
790      *
791      * The variables are created with a domain described by \a s.
792      * The following execptions might be thrown:
793      *  - If \a s is empty, an exception of type
794      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
795      *  - If \a s contains values that exceed the limits for integers
796      *    as defined in Gecode::Int::Limits, an exception of type
797      *    Gecode::Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
798      */
800     IntVarArray(Space& home, int n, const IntSet& s);
801     //@}
802   };
804   /**
805    * \brief Boolean variable array
806    * \ingroup TaskModelIntVarArrays
807    */
808   class BoolVarArray : public VarArray<BoolVar> {
809   public:
810     /// \name Creation and initialization
811     //@{
812     /// Default constructor (array of size 0)
813     BoolVarArray(void);
814     /// Allocate array for \a n Boolean variables (variables are uninitialized)
815     BoolVarArray(Space& home, int n);
816     /// Initialize from Boolean variable array \a a (share elements)
817     BoolVarArray(const BoolVarArray& a);
818     /// Initialize from Boolean variable argument array \a a (copy elements)
819     BoolVarArray(Space& home, const BoolVarArgs& a);
820     /**
821      * \brief Initialize array with \a n new variables
822      *
823      * The variables are created with a domain ranging from \a min
824      * to \a max. The following execptions might be thrown:
825      *  - If \a min is greater than \a max, an exception of type
826      *    Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomain is thrown.
827      *  - If \a min is less than 0 or \a max is greater than 1,
828      *    an exception of type
829      *    Gecode::Int::NotZeroOne is thrown.
830      */
832     BoolVarArray(Space& home, int n, int min, int max);
833     //@}
834   };
836 }
838 #include <gecode/int/int-set-2.hpp>
840 #include <gecode/int/array.hpp>
842 namespace Gecode {
844   /**
845    * \brief Mode for reification
846    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
847    */
848   enum ReifyMode {
849     /**
850      * \brief Equivalence for reification (default)
851      *
852      * For a constraint \f$c\f$ and a Boolean control variable \f$b\f$
853      * defines that \f$b=1\Leftrightarrow c\f$ is propagated.
854      */
855     RM_EQV,
856     /**
857      * \brief Implication for reification
858      *
859      * For a constraint \f$c\f$ and a Boolean control variable \f$b\f$
860      * defines that \f$b=1\Leftarrow c\f$ is propagated.
861      */
862     RM_IMP,
863     /**
864      * \brief Inverse implication for reification
865      *
866      * For a constraint \f$c\f$ and a Boolean control variable \f$b\f$
867      * defines that \f$b=1\Rightarrow c\f$ is propagated.
868      */
869     RM_PMI
870   };
872   /**
873    * \brief Reification specification
874    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
875    */
876   class Reify {
877   protected:
878     /// The Boolean control variable
879     BoolVar x;
880     /// The reification mode
881     ReifyMode rm;
882   public:
883     /// Default constructor without proper initialization
884     Reify(void);
885     /// Construct reification specification
886     Reify(BoolVar x, ReifyMode rm=RM_EQV);
887     /// Return Boolean control variable
888     BoolVar var(void) const;
889     /// Return reification mode
890     ReifyMode mode(void) const;
891     /// Set Boolean control variable
892     void var(BoolVar x);
893     /// Set reification mode
894     void mode(ReifyMode rm);
895   };
897   /**
898    * \brief Use equivalence for reification
899    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
900    */
901   Reify eqv(BoolVar x);
903   /**
904    * \brief Use implication for reification
905    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
906    */
907   Reify imp(BoolVar x);
909   /**
910    * \brief Use reverse implication for reification
911    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
912    */
913   Reify pmi(BoolVar x);
915 }
917 #include <gecode/int/reify.hpp>
919 namespace Gecode {
921   /**
922    * \brief Relation types for integers
923    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
924    */
925   enum IntRelType {
926     IRT_EQ, ///< Equality (\f$=\f$)
927     IRT_NQ, ///< Disequality (\f$\neq\f$)
928     IRT_LQ, ///< Less or equal (\f$\leq\f$)
929     IRT_LE, ///< Less (\f$<\f$)
930     IRT_GQ, ///< Greater or equal (\f$\geq\f$)
931     IRT_GR  ///< Greater (\f$>\f$)
932   };
934   /// Return swapped relation type of \a irt
935   IntRelType swap(IntRelType irt);
937   /// Return negated relation type of \a irt
938   IntRelType neg(IntRelType irt);
940 }
942 #include <gecode/int/irt.hpp>
944 namespace Gecode {
946   /**
947    * \brief Operation types for Booleans
948    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
949    */
950   enum BoolOpType {
951     BOT_AND, ///< Conjunction
952     BOT_OR,  ///< Disjunction
953     BOT_IMP, ///< Implication
954     BOT_EQV, ///< Equivalence
955     BOT_XOR  ///< Exclusive or
956   };
958   /**
959    * \brief Propagation levels for integer propagators
960    *
961    * The descriptions are meant to be approximate. It is not
962    * required that a propagator achieves full domain consistency or
963    * full bounds consistency. It is more like: which level
964    * of consistency comes closest to the level of propagation
965    * the propagator implements.
966    *
967    * If in the description of a constraint below no propagation level
968    * is mentioned, the propagation level for the constraint is domain
969    * propagation and the implementation in fact enforces domain
970    * consistency.
971    *
972    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
973    */
974   enum IntPropLevel {
975     /// Simple propagation levels
976     IPL_DEF = 0, ///< Default level of propagation
977     IPL_VAL = 1, ///< Value propagation
978     IPL_BND = 2, ///< Bounds propagation
979     IPL_DOM = 3, ///< Domain propagation
980     /// Options: basic versus advanced propagation
981     IPL_BASIC = 4,    ///< Use basic propagation algorithm
982     IPL_ADVANCED = 8, ///< Use advanced propagation algorithm
984     IPL_BITS_ = 4 ///< Number of bits required (internal)
985   };
987   /// Extract value, bounds, or domain propagation from propagation level
988   IntPropLevel vbd(IntPropLevel ipl);
990   /// Extract basic or advanced from propagation level
991   IntPropLevel ba(IntPropLevel ipl);
993 }
995 #include <gecode/int/ipl.hpp>
997 namespace Gecode {
999   /**
1000    * \brief Type of task for scheduling constraints
1001    *
1002    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1003    */
1004   enum TaskType {
1005     TT_FIXP, //< Task with fixed processing time
1006     TT_FIXS, //< Task with fixed start time
1007     TT_FIXE  //< Task with fixed end time
1008   };
1010   /**
1011    * \brief Argument arrays for passing task type arguments
1012    *
1013    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1014    */
1015   typedef ArgArray<TaskType> TaskTypeArgs;
1017   /// Traits of %TaskTypeArgs
1018   template<>
1019   class ArrayTraits<ArgArray<TaskType> > {
1020   public:
1021     typedef TaskTypeArgs StorageType;
1022     typedef TaskType     ValueType;
1023     typedef TaskTypeArgs ArgsType;
1024   };
1027   /**
1028    * \defgroup TaskModelIntDomain Domain constraints
1029    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1030    *
1031    */
1033   //@{
1034   /// Propagates \f$x=n\f$
1036   dom(Home home, IntVar x, int n,
1037       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1038   /// Propagates \f$ x_i=n\f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1040   dom(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int n,
1041       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1043   /// Propagates \f$ l\leq x\leq m\f$
1045   dom(Home home, IntVar x, int l, int m,
1046       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1047   /// Propagates \f$ l\leq x_i\leq m\f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1049   dom(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int l, int m,
1050       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1052   /// Propagates \f$ x\in s \f$
1054   dom(Home home, IntVar x, const IntSet& s,
1055       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1056   /// Propagates \f$ x_i\in s\f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1058   dom(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntSet& s,
1059       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1061   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ (x=n) \equiv r\f$
1063   dom(Home home, IntVar x, int n, Reify r,
1064       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1065   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ (l\leq x \leq m) \equiv r\f$
1067   dom(Home home, IntVar x, int l, int m, Reify r,
1068       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1069   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ (x \in s) \equiv r\f$
1071   dom(Home home, IntVar x, const IntSet& s, Reify r,
1072       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1074   /// Constrain domain of \a x according to domain of \a d
1076   dom(Home home, IntVar x, IntVar d,
1077       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1078   /// Constrain domain of \a x according to domain of \a d
1080   dom(Home home, BoolVar x, BoolVar d,
1081       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1082   /// Constrain domain of \f$ x_i \f$ according to domain of \f$ d_i \f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1084   dom(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& d,
1085       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1086   /// Constrain domain of \f$ x_i \f$ according to domain of \f$ d_i \f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1088   dom(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const BoolVarArgs& d,
1089       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1090   //@}
1093   /**
1094    * \defgroup TaskModelIntRelInt Simple relation constraints over integer variables
1095    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1096    */
1097   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_0 \sim_{irt} x_1\f$
1098    *
1099    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1100    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1101    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1102    */
1104   rel(Home home, IntVar x0, IntRelType irt, IntVar x1,
1105       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1106   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_i \sim_{irt} y \f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1107    *
1108    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1109    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1110    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1111    */
1113   rel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
1114       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1115   /** \brief Propagates \f$ x \sim_{irt} c\f$
1116    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1117    */
1119   rel(Home home, IntVar x, IntRelType irt, int c,
1120       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1121   /** \brief Propagates \f$ x_i \sim_{irt} c \f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1122    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1123    */
1125   rel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, int c,
1126       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1127   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ (x_0 \sim_{irt} x_1)\equiv r\f$
1128    *
1129    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1130    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1131    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1132    */
1134   rel(Home home, IntVar x0, IntRelType irt, IntVar x1, Reify r,
1135       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1136   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$(x \sim_{irt} c)\equiv r\f$
1137    *
1138    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1139    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1140    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1141    */
1143   rel(Home home, IntVar x, IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r,
1144       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1145   /** \brief Post propagator for relation among elements in \a x.
1146    *
1147    * States that the elements of \a x are in the following relation:
1148    *  - if \a r = IRT_LE, \a r = IRT_LQ, \a r = IRT_GR, or \a r = IRT_GQ,
1149    *    then the elements of \a x are ordered with respect to \a r.
1150    *    Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1151    *  - if \a r = IRT_EQ, then all elements of \a x must be equal.
1152    *    Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1153    *    domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1154    *  - if \a r = IRT_NQ, then not all elements of \a x must be equal.
1155    *    Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1156    *
1157    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1158    */
1160   rel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt,
1161       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1162   /** \brief Post propagator for relation between \a x and \a y.
1163    *
1164    * Note that for the inequality relations this corresponds to
1165    * the lexical order between \a x and \a y.
1166    *
1167    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1168    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1169    *
1170    * Note that the constraint is also defined if \a x and \a y are of
1171    * different size. That means that if \a x and \a y are of different
1172    * size, then if \a r = IRT_EQ the constraint is false and if
1173    * \a r = IRT_NQ the constraint is subsumed.
1174    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1175    */
1177   rel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, const IntVarArgs& y,
1178       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1179   /** \brief Post propagator for relation between \a x and \a y.
1180    *
1181    * Note that for the inequality relations this corresponds to
1182    * the lexical order between \a x and \a y.
1183    *
1184    * Supports domain consistency.
1185    *
1186    * Note that the constraint is also defined if \a x and \a y are of
1187    * different size. That means that if \a x and \a y are of different
1188    * size, then if \a r = IRT_EQ the constraint is false and if
1189    * \a r = IRT_NQ the constraint is subsumed.
1190    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1191    */
1193   rel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, const IntArgs& y,
1194       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1195   /** \brief Post propagator for relation between \a x and \a y.
1196    *
1197    * Note that for the inequality relations this corresponds to
1198    * the lexical order between \a x and \a y.
1199    *
1200    * Supports domain consistency.
1201    *
1202    * Note that the constraint is also defined if \a x and \a y are of
1203    * different size. That means that if \a x and \a y are of different
1204    * size, then if \a r = IRT_EQ the constraint is false and if
1205    * \a r = IRT_NQ the constraint is subsumed.
1206    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelInt
1207    */
1209   rel(Home home, const IntArgs& x, IntRelType irt, const IntVarArgs& y,
1210       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1212   /**
1213    * \defgroup TaskModelIntRelBool Simple relation constraints over Boolean variables
1214    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1215    */
1216   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ x_0 \sim_{irt} x_1\f$
1217    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1218    */
1220   rel(Home home, BoolVar x0, IntRelType irt, BoolVar x1,
1221       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1222   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$(x_0 \sim_{irt} x_1)\equiv r\f$
1223    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1224    */
1226   rel(Home home, BoolVar x0, IntRelType irt, BoolVar x1, Reify r,
1227       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1228   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ x_i \sim_{irt} y \f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1229    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1230    */
1232   rel(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, BoolVar y,
1233       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1234   /**
1235    * \brief Propagates \f$ x \sim_{irt} n\f$
1236    *
1237    * Throws an exception of type Int::NotZeroOne, if \a n is neither
1238    * 0 or 1.
1239    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1240    */
1242   rel(Home home, BoolVar x, IntRelType irt, int n,
1243       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1244   /**
1245    * \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$(x \sim_{irt} n)\equiv r\f$
1246    *
1247    * Throws an exception of type Int::NotZeroOne, if \a n is neither
1248    * 0 or 1.
1249    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1250    */
1252   rel(Home home, BoolVar x, IntRelType irt, int n, Reify r,
1253       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1254   /**
1255    * \brief Propagates \f$ x_i \sim_{irt} n \f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1256    *
1257    * Throws an exception of type Int::NotZeroOne, if \a n is neither
1258    * 0 or 1.
1259    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1260    */
1262   rel(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, int n,
1263       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1264   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for relation between \a x and \a y.
1265    *
1266    * Note that for the inequality relations this corresponds to
1267    * the lexical order between \a x and \a y.
1268    *
1269    * Note that the constraint is also defined if \a x and \a y are of
1270    * different size. That means that if \a x and \a y are of different
1271    * size, then if \a r = IRT_EQ the constraint is false and if
1272    * \a r = IRT_NQ the constraint is subsumed.
1273    *
1274    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1275    */
1277   rel(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, const BoolVarArgs& y,
1278       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1279   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for relation between \a x and \a y.
1280    *
1281    * Note that for the inequality relations this corresponds to
1282    * the lexical order between \a x and \a y.
1283    *
1284    * Note that the constraint is also defined if \a x and \a y are of
1285    * different size. That means that if \a x and \a y are of different
1286    * size, then if \a r = IRT_EQ the constraint is false and if
1287    * \a r = IRT_NQ the constraint is subsumed.
1288    *
1289    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1290    */
1292   rel(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, const IntArgs& y,
1293       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1294   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for relation between \a x and \a y.
1295    *
1296    * Note that for the inequality relations this corresponds to
1297    * the lexical order between \a x and \a y.
1298    *
1299    * Note that the constraint is also defined if \a x and \a y are of
1300    * different size. That means that if \a x and \a y are of different
1301    * size, then if \a r = IRT_EQ the constraint is false and if
1302    * \a r = IRT_NQ the constraint is subsumed.
1303    *
1304    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1305    */
1307   rel(Home home, const IntArgs& x, IntRelType irt, const BoolVarArgs& y,
1308       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1309   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for relation between elements in \a x.
1310    *
1311    * States that the elements of \a x are in the following relation:
1312    *  - if \a r = IRT_LE, \a r = IRT_LQ, \a r = IRT_GR, or \a r = IRT_GQ,
1313    *    then the elements of \a x are ordered with respect to \a r.
1314    *  - if \a r = IRT_EQ, then all elements of \a x must be equal.
1315    *  - if \a r = IRT_NQ, then not all elements of \a x must be equal.
1316    *
1317    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1318    */
1320   rel(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt,
1321       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1322   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for Boolean operation on \a x0 and \a x1
1323    *
1324    * Posts propagator for \f$ x_0 \diamond_{\mathit{o}} x_1 = x_2\f$
1325    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1326    */
1328   rel(Home home, BoolVar x0, BoolOpType o, BoolVar x1, BoolVar x2,
1329       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1330   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for Boolean operation on \a x0 and \a x1
1331    *
1332    * Posts propagator for \f$ x_0 \diamond_{\mathit{o}} x_1 = n\f$
1333    *
1334    * Throws an exception of type Int::NotZeroOne, if \a n is neither
1335    * 0 or 1.
1336    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1337    */
1339   rel(Home home, BoolVar x0, BoolOpType o, BoolVar x1, int n,
1340       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1341   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for Boolean operation on \a x
1342    *
1343    * Posts propagator for \f$ x_0 \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \cdots
1344    * \diamond_{\mathit{o}} x_{|x|-1}= y\f$
1345    *
1346    * Throws an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments, if \f$|x|<2\f$
1347    * and \a o is BOT_IMP, BOT_EQV, or BOT_XOR.
1348    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1349    */
1351   rel(Home home, BoolOpType o, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolVar y,
1352       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1353   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for Boolean operation on \a x
1354    *
1355    * Posts propagator for \f$ x_0 \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \cdots
1356    * \diamond_{\mathit{o}} x_{|x|-1}= n\f$
1357    *
1358    * Throws an exception of type Int::NotZeroOne, if \a n is neither
1359    * 0 or 1.
1360    *
1361    * Throws an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments, if \f$|x|<2\f$
1362    * and \a o is BOT_IMP, BOT_EQV, or BOT_XOR.
1363    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1364    */
1366   rel(Home home, BoolOpType o, const BoolVarArgs& x, int n,
1367       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1368   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for Boolean clause with positive variables \a x and negative variables \a y
1369    *
1370    * Posts propagator for \f$ x_0 \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \cdots
1371    * \diamond_{\mathit{o}} x_{|x|-1} \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \neg y_0
1372    * \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \cdots \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \neg y_{|y|-1}= z\f$
1373    *
1374    * Throws an exception of type Int::IllegalOperation, if \a o is different
1375    * from BOT_AND or BOT_OR.
1376    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1377    */
1379   clause(Home home, BoolOpType o, const BoolVarArgs& x, const BoolVarArgs& y,
1380          BoolVar z, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1381   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for Boolean clause with positive variables \a x and negative variables \a y
1382    *
1383    * Posts propagator for \f$ x_0 \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \cdots
1384    * \diamond_{\mathit{o}} x_{|x|-1} \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \neg y_0
1385    * \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \cdots \diamond_{\mathit{o}} \neg y_{|y|-1}= n\f$
1386    *
1387    * Throws an exception of type Int::NotZeroOne, if \a n is neither
1388    * 0 or 1.
1389    *
1390    * Throws an exception of type Int::IllegalOperation, if \a o is different
1391    * from BOT_AND or BOT_OR.
1392    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1393    */
1395   clause(Home home, BoolOpType o, const BoolVarArgs& x, const BoolVarArgs& y,
1396          int n, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1397   /** \brief Post propagator for if-then-else constraint
1398    *
1399    * Posts propagator for \f$ z = b ? x : y \f$
1400    *
1401    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1402    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1403    *
1404    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1405    */
1407   ite(Home home, BoolVar b, IntVar x, IntVar y, IntVar z,
1408       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1409   /** \brief Post propagator for if-then-else constraint
1410    *
1411    * Posts propagator for \f$ z = b ? x : y \f$
1412    *
1413    * \ingroup TaskModelIntRelBool
1414    */
1416   ite(Home home, BoolVar b, BoolVar x, BoolVar y, BoolVar z,
1417       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1420   /**
1421    * \defgroup TaskModelIntPrecede Value precedence constraints over integer variables
1422    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1423    */
1424   /** \brief Post propagator that \a s precedes \a t in \a x
1425    *
1426    * This constraint enforces that \f$x_0\neq t\f$ and
1427    * \f$x_j=t \to \bigvee_{0\leq i<j} x_i=s\f$ for \f$0\leq j<|x|\f$.
1428    * The propagator is domain consistent.
1429    * \ingroup TaskModelIntPrecede
1430    */
1432   precede(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int s, int t,
1433           IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF);
1434   /** \brief Post propagator that successive values in \a c precede each other in \a x
1435    *
1436    * This constraint enforces that \f$x_0\neq c_k\f$ for \f$0<k<|c|\f$ and
1437    * \f$x_j=c_{k} \to \bigvee_{0\leq i<j} x_i=c_{k-1}\f$ for \f$0\leq j<|x|\f$
1438    * and \f$0< k<|c|\f$.
1439    * \ingroup TaskModelIntPrecede
1440    */
1442   precede(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntArgs& c,
1443           IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF);
1446   /**
1447    * \defgroup TaskModelIntMember Membership constraints
1448    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1449    */
1450   //@{
1451   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$y\in \{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\f$
1453   member(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y,
1454          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1455   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$y\in \{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\f$
1457   member(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolVar y,
1458          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1459   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$\left(y\in \{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\right)\equiv r\f$
1461   member(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y, Reify r,
1462          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1463   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$\left(y\in \{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\right)\equiv r\f$
1465   member(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolVar y, Reify r,
1466          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1467   //@}
1470   /**
1471    * \defgroup TaskModelIntElement Element constraints
1472    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1473    */
1475   //@{
1476   /// Arrays of integers that can be shared among several element constraints
1477   typedef SharedArray<int> IntSharedArray;
1478   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ n_{x_0}=x_1\f$
1479    *
1480    *  Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1481    *  the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1482    */
1484   element(Home home, IntSharedArray n, IntVar x0, IntVar x1,
1485           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1486   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ n_{x_0+offset}=x_1\f$
1487    *
1488    *  Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1489    *  the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1490    */
1492   element(Home home, IntSharedArray n, IntVar x0, int offset, IntVar x1,
1493           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1494   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ n_{x_0}=x_1\f$
1495    *
1496    *  Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1497    *  the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1498    */
1500   element(Home home, IntSharedArray n, IntVar x0, BoolVar x1,
1501           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1502   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ n_{x_0+offset}=x_1\f$
1503    *
1504    *  Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1505    *  the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1506    */
1508   element(Home home, IntSharedArray n, IntVar x0, int offset, BoolVar x1,
1509           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1510   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ n_{x_0}=x_1\f$
1511    *
1512    *  Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1513    *  the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1514    */
1516   element(Home home, IntSharedArray n, IntVar x0, int x1,
1517           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1518   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ n_{x_0+offset}=x_1\f$
1519    *
1520    *  Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1521    *  the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1522    */
1524   element(Home home, IntSharedArray n, IntVar x0, int offset, int x1,
1525           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1526   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_{y_0}=y_1\f$
1527    *
1528    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1529    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1530    */
1532   element(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, IntVar y1,
1533           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1534   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_{y_0+offset}=y_1\f$
1535    *
1536    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1537    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1538    */
1540   element(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, int offset, IntVar y1,
1541           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1542   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_{y_0}=y_1\f$
1543    *
1544    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1545    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1546    */
1548   element(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, int y1,
1549           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1550   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_{y_0+offset}=y_1\f$
1551    *
1552    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1553    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1554    */
1556   element(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, int offset, int y1,
1557           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1558   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ x_{y_0}=y_1\f$
1560   element(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, BoolVar y1,
1561           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1562   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ x_{y_0+offset}=y_1\f$
1564   element(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, int offset, BoolVar y1,
1565           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1566   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ x_{y_0}=y_1\f$
1568   element(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, int y1,
1569           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1570   /// Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ x_{y_0+offset}=y_1\f$
1572   element(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y0, int offset, int y1,
1573           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1575   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ a_{x+w\cdot y}=z\f$
1576    *
1577    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1578    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1579    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y.
1580    *
1581    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1582    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1583    *
1584    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1585    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1586    */
1588   element(Home home, IntSharedArray a,
1589           IntVar x, int w, IntVar y, int h, IntVar z,
1590           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1591   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ a_{x+xoff+w\cdot (y+yoff)}=z\f$
1592    *
1593    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1594    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1595    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y, offset by
1596    * xoff and yoff.
1597    *
1598    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1599    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1600    *
1601    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1602    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1603    */
1605   element(Home home, IntSharedArray a,
1606           IntVar x, int xoff, int w, IntVar y, int yoff, int h, IntVar z,
1607           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1608   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ a_{x+w\cdot y}=z\f$
1609    *
1610    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1611    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1612    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y.
1613    *
1614    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1615    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1616    *
1617    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1618    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1619    */
1621   element(Home home, IntSharedArray a,
1622           IntVar x, int w, IntVar y, int h, BoolVar z,
1623           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1624   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ a_{x+xoff+w\cdot (y+yoff)}=z\f$
1625    *
1626    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1627    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1628    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y, offset by
1629    * xoff and yoff.
1630    *
1631    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1632    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1633    *
1634    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1635    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1636    */
1638   element(Home home, IntSharedArray a,
1639           IntVar x, int xoff, int w, IntVar y, int yoff, int h, BoolVar z,
1640           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1641   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ a_{x+w\cdot y}=z\f$
1642    *
1643    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1644    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1645    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y.
1646    *
1647    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1648    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1649    *
1650    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1651    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1652    *
1653    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1654    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1655    */
1657   element(Home home, const IntVarArgs& a,
1658           IntVar x, int w, IntVar y, int h, IntVar z,
1659           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1660   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ a_{x+xoff+w\cdot (y+yoff)}=z\f$
1661    *
1662    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1663    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1664    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y, offset by
1665    * xoff and yoff.
1666    *
1667    * Supports both bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND) and
1668    * domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default).
1669    *
1670    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1671    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1672    *
1673    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1674    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1675    */
1677   element(Home home, const IntVarArgs& a,
1678           IntVar x, int xoff, int w, IntVar y, int yoff, int h, IntVar z,
1679           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1680   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ a_{x+w\cdot y}=z\f$
1681    *
1682    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1683    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1684    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y.
1685    *
1686    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1687    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1688    *
1689    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1690    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1691    */
1693   element(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& a,
1694           IntVar x, int w, IntVar y, int h, BoolVar z,
1695           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1696   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for \f$ a_{x+xoff+w\cdot (y+yoff)}=z\f$
1697    *
1698    * If \a a is regarded as a two-dimensional array in row-major
1699    * order of width \a w and height \a h, then \a z is constrained
1700    * to be the element in column \a x and row \a y, offset by
1701    * xoff and yoff.
1702    *
1703    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1704    * the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1705    *
1706    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1707    * \f$ w\cdot h\neq|a|\f$.
1708    */
1710   element(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& a,
1711           IntVar x, int xoff, int w, IntVar y, int yoff, int h, BoolVar z,
1712           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1713   //@}
1716   /**
1717    * \defgroup TaskModelIntDistinct Distinct constraints
1718    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1719    */
1721   //@{
1722   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_i\neq x_j\f$ for all \f$0\leq i\neq j<|x|\f$
1723    *
1724    * Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
1725    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
1726    *
1727    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
1728    * the same unassigned variable multiply.
1729    */
1731   distinct(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
1732            IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1733   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_i+n_i\neq x_j+n_j\f$ for all \f$0\leq i\neq j<|x|\f$
1734    *
1735    * \li Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
1736    *     and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
1737    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1738    *     the integers in \a n exceed the limits in Int::Limits
1739    *     or if the sum of \a n and \a x exceed the limits.
1740    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1741    *     \a x and \a n are of different size.
1742    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
1743    *     the same unassigned variable multiply.
1744    */
1746   distinct(Home home, const IntArgs& n, const IntVarArgs& x,
1747            IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1748   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ b_i=1\wedge b_j=1\to x_i\neq x_j\f$ for all \f$0\leq i\neq j<|x|\f$
1749    *
1750    * \li Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
1751    *     and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
1752    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1753    *     the variable domains in \a x are too large (it must hold that
1754    *     one of the values \f$(\max_{i=0,\ldots,|x|-1} \max(x_i))+|x|\f$
1755    *     and \f$(\min_{i=0,\ldots,|x|-1} \min(x_i))-|x|\f$
1756    *     does not exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1757    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1758    *     \a b and \a x are of different size.
1759    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x
1760    *     contains the same unassigned variable multiply.
1761    */
1763   distinct(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& b, const IntVarArgs& x,
1764            IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1765   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_i=c\vee x_j=c\vee x_i\neq x_j\f$ for all \f$0\leq i\neq j<|x|\f$
1766    *
1767    * \li Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
1768    *     and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
1769    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if
1770    *     the variable domains in \a x are too large (it must hold that
1771    *     one of the values \f$(\max_{i=0,\ldots,|x|-1} \max(x_i))+|x|\f$
1772    *     and \f$(\min_{i=0,\ldots,|x|-1} \min(x_i))-|x|\f$
1773    *     does not exceed the limits in Int::Limits.
1774    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x
1775    *     contains the same unassigned variable multiply.
1776    */
1778   distinct(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int c,
1779            IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1780   //@}
1783   /**
1784    * \defgroup TaskModelIntChannel Channel constraints
1785    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1786    */
1788   //@{
1789   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_i = j\leftrightarrow y_j=i\f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1790    *
1791    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value
1792    *     propagation (all other values for \a ipl, default).
1793    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1794    *     \a x and \a y are of different size.
1795    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x or
1796    *     \a y contain the same unassigned variable multiply. Note that a
1797    *     variable can occur in both \a x and \a y, but not more than
1798    *     once in either \a x or \a y.
1799    */
1801   channel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& y,
1802           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1804   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ x_i - \mathit{xoff} = j\leftrightarrow y_j - \mathit{yoff} = i\f$ for all \f$0\leq i<|x|\f$
1805    *
1806    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value
1807    *     propagation (all other values for \a ipl, default).
1808    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1809    *     \a x and \a y are of different size.
1810    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x or
1811    *     \a y contain the same unassigned variable multiply. Note that a
1812    *     variable can occur in both \a x and \a y, but not more than
1813    *     once in either \a x or \a y.
1814    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a xoff or
1815    *     \a yoff are negative.
1816    */
1818   channel(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int xoff,
1819           const IntVarArgs& y, int yoff,
1820           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1822   /// Post domain consistent propagator for channeling a Boolean and an integer variable \f$ x_0 = x_1\f$
1824   channel(Home home, BoolVar x0, IntVar x1,
1825           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1826   /// Post domain consistent propagator for channeling an integer and a Boolean variable \f$ x_0 = x_1\f$
1827   void
1828   channel(Home home, IntVar x0, BoolVar x1,
1829           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1830   /** \brief Post domain consistent propagator for channeling Boolean and integer variables \f$ x_i = 1\leftrightarrow y=i+o\f$
1831    *
1832    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x
1833    * contains the same unassigned variable multiply.
1834    */
1836   channel(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y, int o=0,
1837           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1838   //@}
1840 }
1842 #include <gecode/int/channel.hpp>
1844 namespace Gecode {
1846   /**
1847    * \defgroup TaskModelIntSorted Sorted constraints
1848    *
1849    * All sorted constraints support bounds consistency only.
1850    *
1851    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1852    */
1853   //@{
1854   /**
1855    * \brief Post propagator that \a y is \a x sorted in increasing order
1856    *
1857    * Might throw the following exceptions:
1858    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a x and \a y differ in size.
1859    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x or \a y contain
1860    *             shared unassigned variables.
1861    */
1863   sorted(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& y,
1864          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1866   /**
1867    * \brief Post propagator that \a y is \a x sorted in increasing order
1868    *
1869    * The values in \a z describe the sorting permutation, that is
1870    * \f$\forall i\in\{0,\dots,|x|-1\}: x_i=y_{z_i} \f$.
1871    *
1872    * Might throw the following exceptions:
1873    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a x and \a y differ in size.
1874    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x or \a y contain
1875    *             shared unassigned variables.
1876    */
1878   sorted(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& y,
1879          const IntVarArgs& z,
1880          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1881   //@}
1884   /**
1885    * \defgroup TaskModelIntCount Counting constraints
1886    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
1887    *
1888    *  \note
1889    *    Domain consistency on the extended cardinality variables of
1890    *    the Global Cardinality Propagator is only obtained if they are bounds
1891    *    consistent, otherwise the problem of enforcing domain consistency
1892    *    on the cardinality variables is NP-complete as proved by
1893    *    Qumiper et. al. in
1894    *    ''Improved Algorithms for the Global Cardinality Constraint''.
1895    */
1897   //@{
1898   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=n\}\sim_{irt} m\f$
1899    *
1900    * Performs domain propagation but is not domain consistent.
1901    */
1903   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int n, IntRelType irt, int m,
1904         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1905   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i\in y\}\sim_{irt} m\f$
1906    *
1907    * Performs domain propagation but is not domain consistent.
1908    */
1910   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntSet& y, IntRelType irt, int m,
1911         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1912   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=y\}\sim_{irt} m\f$
1913    *
1914    * Performs domain propagation (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default)
1915    * and slightly less domain propagation (all other values for \a ipl),
1916    * where \a y is not pruned. Note that in both cases propagation
1917    * is not domain consistent.
1918    */
1920   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y, IntRelType irt, int m,
1921         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1922   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=y_i\}\sim_{irt} m\f$
1923    *
1924    * Performs domain propagation but is not domain consistent.
1925    *
1926    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1927    *  \a x and \a y are of different size.
1928    */
1930   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntArgs& y, IntRelType irt, int m,
1931         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1932   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=n\}\sim_{irt} z\f$
1933    *
1934    * Performs domain propagation but is not domain consistent.
1935    */
1937   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int n, IntRelType irt, IntVar z,
1938         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1939   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i\in y\}\sim_{irt} z\f$
1940    *
1941    * Performs domain propagation but is not domain consistent.
1942    */
1944   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntSet& y, IntRelType irt, IntVar z,
1945         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1946   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=y\}\sim_{irt} z\f$
1947    *
1948    * Performs domain propagation (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default)
1949    * and slightly less domain propagation (all other values for \a ipl),
1950    * where \a y is not pruned. Note that in both cases propagation
1951    * is not domain consistent.
1952    */
1954   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y, IntRelType irt, IntVar z,
1955         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1956   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=y_i\}\sim_{irt} z\f$
1957    *
1958    * Performs domain propagation but is not domain consistent.
1959    *
1960    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
1961    *  \a x and \a y are of different size.
1962    */
1964   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntArgs& y, IntRelType irt, IntVar z,
1965         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1967   /** \brief Posts a global count (cardinality) constraint
1968     *
1969     * Posts the constraint that
1970     * \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=j\}=c_j\f$ and
1971     * \f$ \bigcup_i \{x_i\} \subseteq \{0,\ldots,|c|-1\}\f$
1972     * (no other value occurs).
1973     *
1974     * Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
1975     * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
1976     *
1977     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
1978     * the same unassigned variable multiply.
1979     */
1981   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& c,
1982         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
1984   /** \brief Posts a global count (cardinality) constraint
1985     *
1986     * Posts the constraint that
1987     * \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=j\}\in c_j\f$ and
1988     * \f$ \bigcup_i \{x_i\} \subseteq \{0,\ldots,|c|-1\}\f$
1989     * (no other value occurs).
1990     *
1991     * Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
1992     * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
1993     *
1994     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
1995     * the same unassigned variable multiply.
1996     */
1998   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntSetArgs& c,
1999         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2001   /** \brief Posts a global count (cardinality) constraint
2002     *
2003     * Posts the constraint that
2004     * \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=v_j\}=c_j\f$ and
2005     * \f$ \bigcup_i \{x_i\} \subseteq \bigcup_j \{v_j\}\f$
2006     * (no other value occurs).
2007     *
2008     * Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
2009     * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2010     *
2011     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2012     * the same unassigned variable multiply.
2013     *
2014     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2015     *  \a c and \a v are of different size.
2016     */
2018   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2019         const IntVarArgs& c, const IntArgs& v,
2020         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2022   /** \brief Posts a global count (cardinality) constraint
2023     *
2024     * Posts the constraint that
2025     * \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=v_j\}\in c_j\f$ and
2026     * \f$ \bigcup_i \{x_i\} \subseteq \bigcup_j \{v_j\}\f$
2027     * (no other value occurs).
2028     *
2029     * Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
2030     * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2031     *
2032     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2033     * the same unassigned variable multiply.
2034     *
2035     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2036     *  \a c and \a v are of different size.
2037     */
2039   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2040         const IntSetArgs& c, const IntArgs& v,
2041         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2043   /** \brief Posts a global count (cardinality) constraint
2044     *
2045     * Posts the constraint that
2046     * \f$\#\{i\in\{0,\ldots,|x|-1\}\;|\;x_i=v_j\}\in c\f$ and
2047     * \f$ \bigcup_i \{x_i\} \subseteq \bigcup_j \{v_j\}\f$
2048     * (no other value occurs).
2049     *
2050     * Supports value (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default), bounds (\a ipl = IPL_BND),
2051     * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2052     *
2053     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2054     * the same unassigned variable multiply.
2055     *
2056     * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2057     *  \a c and \a v are of different size.
2058     */
2060   count(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2061         const IntSet& c, const IntArgs& v,
2062         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2064   //@}
2066   /**
2067    * \defgroup TaskModelIntNValues Number of values constraints
2068    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
2069    *
2070    * The number of values constraints perform propagation
2071    * following: C. Bessiere, E. Hebrard, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan,
2072    * and T. Walsh, Filtering Algorithms for the NValue
2073    * Constraint, Constraints, 11(4), 271-293, 2006.
2074    */
2076   //@{
2077   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\sim_{irt} y\f$
2078    *
2079    */
2081   nvalues(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, int y,
2082           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2083   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\sim_{irt} y\f$
2084    *
2085    */
2087   nvalues(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
2088           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2089   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\sim_{irt} y\f$
2090    *
2091    */
2093   nvalues(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, int y,
2094           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2095   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\#\{x_0,\ldots,x_{|x|-1}\}\sim_{irt} y\f$
2096    *
2097    */
2099   nvalues(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
2100           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2101   //@}
2103   /**
2104    * \defgroup TaskModelIntSequence Sequence constraints
2105    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
2106    */
2108   //@{
2109   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\operatorname{sequence}(x,s,q,l,u)\f$
2110    *
2111    * Posts a domain consistent propagator for the constraint
2112    * \f$\bigwedge_{i=0}^{|x|-q}
2113    *      \operatorname{among}(\langle x_i,\ldots,x_{i+q-1}\rangle,s,l,u)\f$
2114    * where the among constraint is defined as
2115    * \f$l\leq\#\{j\in\{i,\ldots,i+q-1\}\;|\;x_j\in s\} \leq u\f$.
2116    *
2117    * Throws the following exceptions:
2118    *  - Of type Int::TooFewArguments, if \f$|x|=0\f$.
2119    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2120    *    the same unassigned variable multiply.
2121    *  - Of type Int::OutOfRange, if \f$q < 1 \vee q > |x|\f$.
2122    */
2124   sequence(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntSet& s,
2125            int q, int l, int u, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2127   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\operatorname{sequence}(x,s,q,l,u)\f$
2128    *
2129    * Posts a domain consistent propagator for the constraint
2130    * \f$\bigwedge_{i=0}^{|x|-q}
2131    *      \operatorname{among}(\langle x_i,\ldots,x_{i+q-1}\rangle,s,l,u)\f$
2132    * where the among constraint is defined as
2133    * \f$l\leq\#\{j\in\{i,\ldots,i+q-1\}\;|\;x_j\in s\} \leq u\f$.
2134    *
2135    * Throws the following exceptions:
2136    *  - Of type Int::TooFewArguments, if \f$|x|=0\f$.
2137    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2138    *    the same unassigned variable multiply.
2139    *  - Of type Int::OutOfRange, if \f$q < 1 \vee q > |x|\f$.
2140    */
2142   sequence(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const IntSet& s,
2143            int q, int l, int u, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2145   //@}
2147   /**
2148    * \defgroup TaskModelIntExt Extensional constraints
2149    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
2150    *
2151    * Extensional constraints support different ways of how the
2152    * extensionally defined relation between the variables is defined.
2153    * Examples include specification by a %DFA or a table.
2154    *
2155    * A %DFA can be defined by a regular expression, for regular expressions
2156    * see the module MiniModel.
2157    */
2159   /**
2160    * \brief Deterministic finite automaton (%DFA)
2161    *
2162    * After initialization, the start state is always zero.
2163    * The final states are contiguous ranging from the first to the
2164    * last final state.
2165    *
2166    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2167    */
2168   class DFA : public SharedHandle {
2169   private:
2170     /// Implementation of DFA
2171     class DFAI;
2172     /// Test whether DFA is equal to \a d
2174     bool equal(const DFA& d) const;
2175   public:
2176     /// Specification of a %DFA transition
2177     class Transition {
2178     public:
2179       int i_state; ///< input state
2180       int symbol;  ///< symbol
2181       int o_state; ///< output state
2182       /// Default constructor
2183       Transition(void);
2184       /// Initialize members
2185       Transition(int i_state0, int symbol0, int o_state0);
2186     };
2187     /// Iterator for %DFA transitions (sorted by symbols)
2188     class Transitions {
2189     private:
2190       /// Current transition
2191       const Transition* c_trans;
2192       /// End of transitions
2193       const Transition* e_trans;
2194     public:
2195       /// Initialize to all transitions of DFA \a d
2196       Transitions(const DFA& d);
2197       /// Initialize to transitions of DFA \a d for symbol \a n
2198       Transitions(const DFA& d, int n);
2199       /// Test whether iterator still at a transition
2200       bool operator ()(void) const;
2201       /// Move iterator to next transition
2202       void operator ++(void);
2203       /// Return in-state of current transition
2204       int i_state(void) const;
2205       /// Return symbol of current transition
2206       int symbol(void) const;
2207       /// Return out-state of current transition
2208       int o_state(void) const;
2209     };
2210     /// Iterator for %DFA symbols
2211     class Symbols {
2212     private:
2213       /// Current transition
2214       const Transition* c_trans;
2215       /// End of transitions
2216       const Transition* e_trans;
2217     public:
2218       /// Initialize to symbols of DFA \a d
2219       Symbols(const DFA& d);
2220       /// Test whether iterator still at a symbol
2221       bool operator ()(void) const;
2222       /// Move iterator to next symbol
2223       void operator ++(void);
2224       /// Return current symbol
2225       int val(void) const;
2226     };
2227     /**
2228      * \brief Initialize DFA
2229      *
2230      * - Start state is given by \a s.
2231      * - %Transitions are described by \a t, where the last element
2232      *   must have -1 as value for \c i_state.
2233      * - Final states are given by \a f, where the last final element
2234      *   must be -1.
2235      * - Minimizes the DFA, if \a minimize is true.
2236      * - Note that the transitions must be deterministic.
2237      */
2239     void init(int s, Transition t[], int f[], bool minimize=true);
2240   public:
2241     friend class Transitions;
2242     /// Initialize for DFA accepting the empty word
2243     DFA(void);
2244     /**
2245      * \brief Initialize DFA
2246      *
2247      * - Start state is given by \a s.
2248      * - %Transitions are described by \a t, where the last element
2249      *   must have -1 as value for \c i_state.
2250      * - Final states are given by \a f, where the last final element
2251      *   must be -1.
2252      * - Minimizes the DFA, if \a minimize is true.
2253      * - Note that the transitions must be deterministic.
2254      */
2256     DFA(int s, Transition t[], int f[], bool minimize=true);
2257     /**
2258      * \brief Initialize DFA
2259      *
2260      * - Start state is given by \a s.
2261      * - %Transitions are described by \a t.
2262      * - Final states are given by \a f.
2263      * - Minimizes the DFA, if \a minimize is true.
2264      * - Note that the transitions must be deterministic.
2265      */
2267     DFA(int s, std::initializer_list<Transition> t,
2268         std::initializer_list<int> f, bool minimize=true);
2269     /// Initialize by DFA \a d (DFA is shared)
2270     DFA(const DFA& d);
2271     /// Test whether DFA is equal to \a d
2273     bool operator ==(const DFA& d) const;
2274     /// Test whether DFA is not equal to \a d
2275     bool operator !=(const DFA& d) const;
2276     /// Return the number of states
2277     int n_states(void) const;
2278     /// Return the number of transitions
2279     int n_transitions(void) const;
2280     /// Return the number of symbols
2281     unsigned int n_symbols(void) const;
2282     /// Return maximal degree (in-degree and out-degree) of any state
2283     unsigned int max_degree(void) const;
2284     /// Return the number of the first final state
2285     int final_fst(void) const;
2286     /// Return the number of the last final state
2287     int final_lst(void) const;
2288     /// Return smallest symbol in DFA
2289     int symbol_min(void) const;
2290     /// Return largest symbol in DFA
2291     int symbol_max(void) const;
2292     /// Return hash key
2293     std::size_t hash(void) const;
2294   };
2296 }
2298 #include <gecode/int/extensional/dfa.hpp>
2300 namespace Gecode {
2302   /** \brief Class represeting a set of tuples.
2303    *
2304    * A TupleSet is used for storing an extensional representation of a
2305    * constraint. After a TupleSet is finalized, no more tuples may be
2306    * added to it.
2307    *
2308    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2309    */
2310   class TupleSet : public SharedHandle {
2311   public:
2312     /** \brief Type of a tuple
2313      *
2314      * The arity of the tuple is left implicit.
2315      */
2316     typedef int* Tuple;
2317     /// Import bit set data type
2318     typedef Gecode::Support::BitSetData BitSetData;
2319     /// Range information
2320     class Range {
2321     public:
2322       /// Minimum value
2323       int min;
2324       /// Maximum value
2325       int max;
2326       /// Begin of supports
2327       BitSetData* s;
2328       /// Return the width
2329       unsigned int width(void) const;
2330       /// Return the supports for value \a n
2331       const BitSetData* supports(unsigned int n_words, int n) const;
2332     };
2333   protected:
2334     /// Data about values in the table
2335     class ValueData {
2336     public:
2337       /// Number of ranges
2338       unsigned int n;
2339       /// Ranges
2340       Range* r;
2341       /// Find start range for value \a n
2342       unsigned int start(int n) const;
2343     };
2344     /**
2345      * \brief Data stored for a Table
2346      *
2347      */
2348     class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT Data : public SharedHandle::Object {
2349     protected:
2350       /// Initial number of free tuples
2351       static const int n_initial_free = 1024;
2352     public:
2353       /// Arity
2354       int arity;
2355       /// Number of words for support
2356       unsigned int n_words;
2357       /// Number of Tuples
2358       int n_tuples;
2359       /// Number of free tuple entries of arity
2360       int n_free;
2361       /// Smallest value
2362       int min;
2363       /// Largest value
2364       int max;
2365       /// Hash key
2366       std::size_t key;
2367       /// Tuple data
2368       int* td;
2369       /// Value data
2370       ValueData* vd;
2371       /// Pointer to all ranges
2372       Range* range;
2373       /// Pointer to all support data
2374       BitSetData* support;
2376       /// Return newly added tuple
2377       Tuple add(void);
2378       /// Return tuple with number \a i
2379       Tuple get(int i) const;
2380       /// Set bit \a n in bitset data \a d
2381       static void set(BitSetData* d, unsigned int n);
2382       /// Get bit \a n in bitset data \a d
2383       static bool get(const BitSetData* d, unsigned int n);
2384       /// Map tuple address to index
2385       unsigned int tuple2idx(Tuple t) const;
2386       /// Return first range for position \a i
2387       const Range* fst(int i) const;
2388       /// Return last range for position \a i
2389       const Range* lst(int i) const;
2390       /// Finalize datastructure (disallows additions of more Tuples)
2392       void finalize(void);
2393       /// Resize tuple data
2395       void resize(void);
2396       /// Is datastructure finalized
2397       bool finalized(void) const;
2398       /// Initialize as empty tuple set with arity \a a
2399       Data(int a);
2400       /// Delete implementation
2402       virtual ~Data(void);
2403     };
2405     /// Get data (must be initialized and finalized)
2406     Data& data(void) const;
2407     /// Get raw data (must be initialized)
2408     Data& raw(void) const;
2409     /// Add tuple \a t to tuple set
2411     void _add(const IntArgs& t);
2412     /// Test whether tuple set is equal to \a t
2414     bool equal(const TupleSet& t) const;
2415   public:
2416     /// \name Initialization
2417     //@{
2418     /// Construct an unitialized tuple set
2419     TupleSet(void);
2420     /// Initialize for a tuple set with arity \a a
2422     TupleSet(int a);
2423     /// Initialize an uninitialized tuple set
2425     void init(int a);
2426     /// Initialize by TupleSet \a t (tuple set is shared)
2428     TupleSet(const TupleSet& t);
2429     /// Assignment operator
2431     TupleSet& operator =(const TupleSet& t);
2432     /// Initialize with DFA \a dfa for arity \a a
2434     TupleSet(int a, const DFA& dfa);
2435     /// Test whether tuple set has been initialized
2436     operator bool(void) const;
2437     /// Test whether tuple set is equal to \a t
2438     bool operator ==(const TupleSet& t) const;
2439     /// Test whether tuple set is different from \a t
2440     bool operator !=(const TupleSet& t) const;
2441     //@}
2443     /// \name Addition and finalization
2444     //@{
2445     /// Add tuple \a t to tuple set
2446     TupleSet& add(const IntArgs& t);
2447     /// Is tuple set finalized
2448     bool finalized(void) const;
2449     /// Finalize tuple set
2450     void finalize(void);
2451     //@}
2453     /// \name Tuple access
2454     //@{
2455     /// Arity of tuple set
2456     int arity(void) const;
2457     /// Number of tuples
2458     int tuples(void) const;
2459     /// Return number of required bit set words
2460     unsigned int words(void) const;
2461     /// Get tuple \a i
2462     Tuple operator [](int i) const;
2463     /// Return minimal value in all tuples
2464     int min(void) const;
2465     /// Return maximal value in all tuples
2466     int max(void) const;
2467     /// Return hash key
2468     std::size_t hash(void) const;
2469     //@}
2471     /// \name Range access and iteration
2472     //@{
2473     /// Return first range for position \a i
2474     const Range* fst(int i) const;
2475     /// Return last range for position \a i
2476     const Range* lst(int i) const;
2477     /// Iterator over ranges
2478     class Ranges {
2479     protected:
2480       /// Current range
2481       const Range* c;
2482       /// Last range
2483       const Range* l;
2484     public:
2485       /// \name Constructors and initialization
2486       //@{
2487       /// Initialize for column \a i
2488       Ranges(const TupleSet& ts, int i);
2489       //@}
2491       /// \name Iteration control
2492       //@{
2493       /// Test whether iterator is still at a range
2494       bool operator ()(void) const;
2495       /// Move iterator to next range (if possible)
2496       void operator ++(void);
2497       //@}
2499       /// \name %Range access
2500       //@{
2501       /// Return smallest value of range
2502       int min(void) const;
2503       /// Return largest value of range
2504       int max(void) const;
2505       /// Return width of range (distance between minimum and maximum)
2506       unsigned int width(void) const;
2507       //@}
2508     };
2509     //@}
2510   };
2512 }
2514 #include <gecode/int/extensional/tuple-set.hpp>
2516 namespace Gecode {
2518   /**
2519    * \brief Post domain consistent propagator for extensional constraint described by a DFA
2520    *
2521    * The elements of \a x must be a word of the language described by
2522    * the DFA \a d.
2523    *
2524    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2525    * the same unassigned variable multiply. If shared occurences of variables
2526    * are required, unshare should be used.
2527    *
2528    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2529    */
2531   extensional(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, DFA d,
2532               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2534   /**
2535    * \brief Post domain consistent propagator for extensional constraint described by a DFA
2536    *
2537    * The elements of \a x must be a word of the language described by
2538    * the DFA \a d.
2539    *
2540    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains
2541    * the same unassigned variable multiply. If shared occurences of variables
2542    * are required, unshare should be used.
2543    *
2544    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2545    */
2547   extensional(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, DFA d,
2548               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2550   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x\in t\f$.
2551    *
2552    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2553    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2554    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2555    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2556    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2557    *
2558    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2559    */
2560   void
2561   extensional(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t,
2562               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2564   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x\in t\f$ or \f$x\not\in t\f$.
2565    *
2566    * \li If \a pos is true, it posts a propagator for \f$x\in t\f$
2567    *     and otherwise for \f$x\not\in t\f$.
2568    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2569    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2570    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2571    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2572    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2573    *
2574    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2575    */
2577   extensional(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t, bool pos,
2578               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2580   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$(x\in t)\equiv r\f$.
2581    *
2582    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2583    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2584    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2585    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2586    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2587    *
2588    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2589    */
2590   void
2591   extensional(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t, Reify r,
2592               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2594   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$(x\in t)\equiv r\f$ or \f$(x\not\in t)\equiv r\f$.
2595    *
2596    * \li If \a pos is true, it posts a propagator for \f$(x\in t)\equiv r\f$
2597    *     and otherwise for \f$(x\not\in t)\equiv r\f$.
2598    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2599    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2600    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2601    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2602    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2603    *
2604    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2605    */
2607   extensional(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t, bool pos,
2608               Reify r,
2609               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2611   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x\in t\f$.
2612    *
2613    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2614    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2615    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2616    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2617    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2618    *
2619    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2620    */
2621   void
2622   extensional(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t,
2623               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2625   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x\in t\f$ or \f$x\not\in t\f$.
2626    *
2627    * \li If \a pos is true, it posts a propagator for \f$x\in t\f$
2628    *     and otherwise for \f$x\not\in t\f$.
2629    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2630    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2631    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2632    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2633    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2634    *
2635    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2636    */
2638   extensional(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t, bool pos,
2639               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2641   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$(x\in t)\equiv r\f$.
2642    *
2643    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2644    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2645    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2646    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2647    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2648    *
2649    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2650    */
2651   void
2652   extensional(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t, Reify r,
2653               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2655   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$(x\in t)\equiv r\f$ or \f$(x\not\in t)\equiv r\f$.
2656    *
2657    * \li If \a pos is true, it posts a propagator for \f$(x\in t)\equiv r\f$
2658    *     and otherwise for \f$(x\not\in t)\equiv r\f$.
2659    * \li Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) only.
2660    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2661    *     \a x and \a t are of different size.
2662    * \li Throws an exception of type Int::NotYetFinalized, if the tuple
2663    *     set \a t has not been finalized.
2664    *
2665    * \ingroup TaskModelIntExt
2666    */
2668   extensional(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const TupleSet& t, bool pos,
2669               Reify r,
2670               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2672 }
2674 #include <gecode/int/extensional.hpp>
2676 namespace Gecode {
2678   /**
2679    * \defgroup TaskModelIntArith Arithmetic constraints
2680    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
2681    */
2683   //@{
2684   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \min\{x_0,x_1\}=x_2\f$
2685    *
2686    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2687    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2688    */
2690   min(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1, IntVar x2,
2691       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2692   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \min x=y\f$
2693    *
2694    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2695    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2696    *
2697    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2698    */
2700   min(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y,
2701       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2702   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \max\{x_0,x_1\}=x_2\f$
2703    *
2704    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2705    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2706    */
2708   max(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1, IntVar x2,
2709       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2710   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \max x=y\f$
2711    *
2712    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2713    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2714    *
2715    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2716    */
2718   max(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y,
2719       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2721   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmin}(x)=y\f$
2722    *
2723    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2724    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2725    *
2726    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2727    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2728    * is thrown.
2729    */
2731   argmin(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2732          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2733   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmin}(x)+o=y\f$
2734    *
2735    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2736    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2737    *
2738    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2739    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2740    * is thrown.
2741    */
2743   argmin(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int o, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2744          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2745   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmax}(x)=y\f$
2746    *
2747    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2748    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2749    *
2750    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2751    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2752    * is thrown.
2753    */
2755   argmax(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2756          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2757   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmax}(x)+o=y\f$
2758    *
2759    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2760    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2761    *
2762    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2763    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2764    * is thrown.
2765    */
2767   argmax(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, int o, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2768          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2769   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmin}(x)=y\f$
2770    *
2771    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2772    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2773    *
2774    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2775    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2776    * is thrown.
2777    */
2779   argmin(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2780          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2781   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmin}(x)-o=y\f$
2782    *
2783    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2784    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2785    *
2786    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2787    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2788    * is thrown.
2789    */
2791   argmin(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, int o, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2792          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2793   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmax}(x)=y\f$
2794    *
2795    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2796    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2797    *
2798    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2799    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2800    * is thrown.
2801    */
2803   argmax(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2804          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2805   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ \operatorname{argmax}(x)-o=y\f$
2806    *
2807    * In case of ties, the smallest value for \a y is chosen
2808    * (provided \a tiebreak is true).
2809    *
2810    * If \a x is empty, an exception of type Int::TooFewArguments is thrown.
2811    * If \a y occurs in \a x, an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame
2812    * is thrown.
2813    */
2815   argmax(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, int o, IntVar y, bool tiebreak=true,
2816          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2818   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$ |x_0|=x_1\f$
2819    *
2820    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2821    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2822    */
2824   abs(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1,
2825       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2827   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x_0\cdot x_1=x_2\f$
2828    *
2829    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2830    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2831    */
2833   mult(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1, IntVar x2,
2834        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2836   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x_0\ \mathrm{div}\ x_1=x_2 \land x_0\ \mathrm{mod}\ x_1 = x_3\f$
2837    *
2838    * Supports bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default).
2839    */
2841   divmod(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1, IntVar x2, IntVar x3,
2842          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2844   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x_0\ \mathrm{div}\ x_1=x_2\f$
2845    *
2846    * Supports bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default).
2847    */
2849   div(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1, IntVar x2,
2850       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2852   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x_0\ \mathrm{mod}\ x_1=x_2\f$
2853    *
2854    * Supports bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default).
2855    */
2857   mod(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1, IntVar x2,
2858       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2860   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x_0^2=x_1\f$
2861    *
2862    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2863    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2864    */
2866   sqr(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1,
2867       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2869   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\lfloor\sqrt{x_0}\rfloor=x_1\f$
2870    *
2871    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2872    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2873    */
2875   sqrt(Home home, IntVar x0, IntVar x1,
2876        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2878   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$x_0^n=x_1\f$
2879    *
2880    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2881    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2882    *
2883    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a n is
2884    * negative.
2885    */
2887   pow(Home home, IntVar x0, int n, IntVar x1,
2888       IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2890   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\lfloor\sqrt[n]{x_0}\rfloor=x_1\f$
2891    *
2892    * Supports both bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND, default)
2893    * and domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM).
2894    *
2895    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a n is
2896    * not strictly positive.
2897    */
2899   nroot(Home home, IntVar x0, int n, IntVar x1,
2900        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2902   //@}
2904   /**
2905    * \defgroup TaskModelIntLI Linear constraints over integer variables
2906    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
2907    *
2908    * All variants for linear constraints over integer variables share
2909    * the following properties:
2910    *  - Bounds consistency (over the real numbers) is supported for
2911    *    all constraints (actually, for disequlities always domain consistency
2912    *    is used as it is cheaper). Domain consistency is supported for all
2913    *    non-reified constraint. As bounds consistency for inequalities
2914    *    coincides with domain consistency, the only
2915    *    real variation is for linear equations. Domain consistent
2916    *    linear equations have exponential complexity, so use with care!
2917    *  - If the integer propagation level IPL_DEF is used as argument
2918    *    (hence, default propagation) and the linear constraint is sufficiently
2919    *    simple (two variables with unit coefficients), the domain
2920    *    consistent propagation is used.
2921    *  - Variables occurring multiply in the argument arrays are replaced
2922    *    by a single occurrence: for example, \f$ax+bx\f$ becomes
2923    *    \f$(a+b)x\f$.
2924    *  - If in the above simplification the value for \f$(a+b)\f$ (or for
2925    *    \f$a\f$ and \f$b\f$) exceeds the limits for integers as
2926    *    defined in Int::Limits, an exception of type
2927    *    Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
2928    *  - Assume the constraint
2929    *    \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} c\f$.
2930    *    If  \f$|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\f$ exceeds the maximal
2931    *    available precision (at least \f$2^{48}\f$), an exception of
2932    *    type Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
2933    *  - In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that
2934    *    is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).
2935    */
2936   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} c\f$
2937    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2938    */
2940   linear(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2941          IntRelType irt, int c,
2942          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2943   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} y\f$
2944    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2945    */
2947   linear(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2948          IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
2949          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2950   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} c\right)\equiv r\f$
2951    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2952    */
2954   linear(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2955          IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r,
2956          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2957   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} y\right)\equiv r\f$
2958    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2959    */
2961   linear(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
2962          IntRelType irt, IntVar y, Reify r,
2963          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2964   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} c\f$
2965    *
2966    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2967    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
2968    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2969    */
2971   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const IntVarArgs& x,
2972          IntRelType irt, int c,
2973          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2974   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} y\f$
2975    *
2976    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2977    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
2978    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2979    */
2981   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const IntVarArgs& x,
2982          IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
2983          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2984   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} c\right)\equiv r\f$
2985    *
2986    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2987    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
2988    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2989    */
2991   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const IntVarArgs& x,
2992          IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r,
2993          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
2994   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} y\right)\equiv r\f$
2995    *
2996    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
2997    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
2998    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLI
2999    */
3001   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const IntVarArgs& x,
3002          IntRelType irt, IntVar y, Reify r,
3003          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3006   /**
3007    * \defgroup TaskModelIntLB Linear constraints over Boolean variables
3008    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
3009    *
3010    * All variants for linear constraints over Boolean variables share
3011    * the following properties:
3012    *  - Bounds consistency (over the real numbers) is supported for
3013    *    all constraints (actually, for disequlities always domain consistency
3014    *    is used as it is cheaper).
3015    *  - Variables occurring multiply in the argument arrays are replaced
3016    *    by a single occurrence: for example, \f$ax+bx\f$ becomes
3017    *    \f$(a+b)x\f$.
3018    *  - If in the above simplification the value for \f$(a+b)\f$ (or for
3019    *    \f$a\f$ and \f$b\f$) exceeds the limits for integers as
3020    *    defined in Int::Limits, an exception of type
3021    *    Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
3022    *  - Assume the constraint
3023    *    \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} c\f$.
3024    *    If  \f$|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\f$ exceeds the limits
3025    *    for integers as defined in Int::Limits, an exception of
3026    *    type Int::OutOfLimits is thrown.
3027    *  - In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that
3028    *    is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).
3029    */
3030   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} c\f$
3031    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3032    */
3034   linear(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3035          IntRelType irt, int c,
3036          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3037   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} c\right)\equiv r\f$
3038    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3039    */
3041   linear(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3042          IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r,
3043          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3044   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} y\f$
3045    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3046    */
3048   linear(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3049          IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
3050          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3051   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}x_i\sim_{irt} y\right)\equiv r\f$
3052    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3053    */
3055   linear(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3056          IntRelType irt, IntVar y, Reify r,
3057          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3058   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} c\f$
3059    *
3060    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
3061    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
3062    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3063    */
3065   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3066          IntRelType irt, int c,
3067          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3068   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} c\right)\equiv r\f$
3069    *
3070    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
3071    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
3072    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3073    */
3075   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3076          IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r,
3077          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3078   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} y\f$
3079    *
3080    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
3081    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
3082    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3083    */
3085   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3086          IntRelType irt, IntVar y,
3087          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3088   /** \brief Post propagator for \f$\left(\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_{irt} y\right)\equiv r\f$
3089    *
3090    *  Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if
3091    *  \a a and \a x are of different size.
3092    * \ingroup TaskModelIntLB
3093    */
3095   linear(Home home, const IntArgs& a, const BoolVarArgs& x,
3096          IntRelType irt, IntVar y, Reify r,
3097          IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3100   /**
3101    * \defgroup TaskModelIntBinPacking Bin packing constraints
3102    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
3103    *
3104    */
3105   /** \brief Post propagator for bin packing
3106    *
3107    * The variables in \a l are the loads for each bin, whereas the
3108    * variables in \a b define for each item into which bin it is packed.
3109    * The integer values \a s define the size of the items.
3110    *
3111    * It is propagated that for each \f$j\f$ with \f$0\leq j<|l|\f$ the
3112    * constraint \f$l_j=\sum_{0\leq i<|b|\wedge b_i=j}s_i\f$ holds and that
3113    * for each \f$i\f$ with \f$0\leq i<|b|\f$ the constraint
3114    * \f$0\leq b_i<|l|\f$ holds.
3115    *
3116    * The propagation follows: Paul Shaw. A Constraint for Bin Packing. CP 2004.
3117    *
3118    * Throws the following exceptions:
3119    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch if \a b and \a s are not of
3120    *    the same size.
3121    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSame if \a l and \a b share unassigned variables.
3122    *  - Of type Int::OutOfLimits if \a s contains a negative number.
3123    *
3124    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBinPacking
3125    */
3127   binpacking(Home home,
3128              const IntVarArgs& l,
3129              const IntVarArgs& b, const IntArgs& s,
3130              IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3131   /* \brief Post propagator for multi-dimensional bin packing
3132    *
3133    * In the following \a n refers to the number of items and \a m
3134    * refers to the number of bins.
3135    *
3136    * The multi-dimensional bin-packing constraint enforces that
3137    * all items are packed into bins
3138    * \f$b_i\in\{0,\ldots,m-1\}\f$ for \f$0\leq i<n\f$
3139    * and that the load of each bin corresponds to the items
3140    * packed into it for each dimension \f$l_{j\cdot
3141    * d + k} = \sum_{\{i\in\{0,\ldots,n-1\}|
3142    * b_{j\cdot d+k}=i}\}s_{i\cdot d+k}\f$
3143    * for \f$0\leq j<m\f$, \f$0\leq k<d\f$
3144    * Furthermore, the load variables must satisfy the capacity
3145    * constraints \f$l_{j\cdot d + k} \leq
3146    * c_k\f$ for \f$0\leq j<m\f$, \f$0\leq k<d\f$.
3147    *
3148    * The constraint is implemented by the decomposition
3149    * introduced in: Stefano Gualandi and Michele Lombardi. A
3150    * simple and effective decomposition for the multidimensional
3151    * binpacking constraint. CP 2013, pages 356--364.
3152    *
3153    * Posting the constraint returns a maximal set containing conflicting
3154    * items that require pairwise different bins.
3155    *
3156    * Note that posting the constraint has exponential complexity in the
3157    * number of items due to the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm used for finding
3158    * the maximal conflict item sets.
3159    *
3160    * Throws the following exceptions:
3161    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch if any of the following properties
3162    *    is violated: \f$|b|=n\f$, \f$|l|=m\cdot d\f$, \f$|s|=n\cdot d\f$,
3163    *    and \f$|c|=d\f$.
3164    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSame if \a l and \a b share unassigned variables.
3165    *  - Of type Int::OutOfLimits if \a s or \a c contains a negative number.
3166    *
3167    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBinPacking
3168    */
3170   binpacking(Home home, int d,
3171              const IntVarArgs& l, const IntVarArgs& b,
3172              const IntArgs& s, const IntArgs& c,
3173              IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3176   /**
3177    * \defgroup TaskModelIntGeoPacking Geometrical packing constraints
3178    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
3179    *
3180    * Constraints for modeling geometrical packing problems.
3181    */
3182   /** \brief Post propagator for rectangle packing
3183    *
3184    * Propagate that no two rectangles as described by the coordinates
3185    * \a x, and \a y, widths \a w, and heights \a h overlap.
3186    *
3187    * Throws the following exceptions:
3188    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch if \a x, \a w, \a y, or \a h
3189    *    are not of the same size.
3190    *  - Of type Int::OutOfLimits if \a w or \a h contain a negative number.
3191    *
3192    * \ingroup TaskModelIntGeoPacking
3193    */
3195   nooverlap(Home home,
3196             const IntVarArgs& x, const IntArgs& w,
3197             const IntVarArgs& y, const IntArgs& h,
3198             IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3199   /** \brief Post propagator for rectangle packing
3200    *
3201    * Propagate that no two rectangles as described by the coordinates
3202    * \a x, and \a y, widths \a w, and heights \a h overlap. The rectangles
3203    * can be optional, as described by the Boolean variables \a o.
3204    *
3205    * Throws the following exceptions:
3206    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch if \a x, \a w, \a y, \a h, or \a o
3207    *    are not of the same size.
3208    *  - Of type Int::OutOfLimits if \a w or \a h contain a negative number.
3209    *
3210    * \ingroup TaskModelIntGeoPacking
3211    */
3213   nooverlap(Home home,
3214             const IntVarArgs& x, const IntArgs& w,
3215             const IntVarArgs& y, const IntArgs& h,
3216             const BoolVarArgs& o,
3217             IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3218   /** \brief Post propagator for rectangle packing
3219    *
3220    * Propagate that no two rectangles as described by the start coordinates
3221    * \a x0 and \a y0, widths \a w and heights \a h, and end coordinates
3222    * \a x1 and \a y1 overlap.
3223    *
3224    * Note that the relations \f$x0_i+w_i=x1_i\f$ and \f$y0_i+h_i=y1_i\f$ are
3225    * not propagated (for \f$0\leq i<|x0|\f$). That is, additional constraints
3226    * must be posted to enforce that relation.
3227    *
3228    * Throws the following exceptions:
3229    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch if \a x0, \a x1, \a w,
3230    *    \a y0, \a y1, or \a h are not of the same size.
3231    *
3232    * \ingroup TaskModelIntGeoPacking
3233    */
3235   nooverlap(Home home,
3236             const IntVarArgs& x0, const IntVarArgs& w, const IntVarArgs& x1,
3237             const IntVarArgs& y0, const IntVarArgs& h, const IntVarArgs& y1,
3238             IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3239   /** \brief Post propagator for rectangle packing
3240    *
3241    * Propagate that no two rectangles as described by the start coordinates
3242    * \a x0 and \a y0, widths \a w and heights \a h, and end coordinates
3243    * \a x1 and \a y1 overlap. The rectangles can be optional, as described
3244    * by the Boolean variables \a o.
3245    *
3246    * Note that the relations \f$x0_i+w_i=x1_i\f$ and \f$y0_i+h_i=y1_i\f$ are
3247    * not propagated (for \f$0\leq i<|x0|\f$). That is, additional constraints
3248    * must be posted to enforce that relation.
3249    *
3250    * Throws the following exceptions:
3251    *  - Of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch if \a x0, \a x1, \a w,
3252    *    \a y0, \a y1, or \a h are not of the same size.
3253    *
3254    * \ingroup TaskModelIntGeoPacking
3255    */
3257   nooverlap(Home home,
3258             const IntVarArgs& x0, const IntVarArgs& w, const IntVarArgs& x1,
3259             const IntVarArgs& y0, const IntVarArgs& h, const IntVarArgs& y1,
3260             const BoolVarArgs& o,
3261             IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3264   /**
3265    * \defgroup TaskModelIntScheduling Scheduling constraints
3266    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
3267    */
3268   //@{
3270   /** \brief Post propagators for ordering two tasks
3271    *
3272    * Order two tasks with start times \f$s_0\f$ and \f$s_1\f$ with
3273    * processing times \f$p_0\f$ and \f$p_1\f$ according to Boolean variable
3274    * \a b (if \a b is zero \f$s_0\f$ starts before \f$s_1\f$).
3275    *
3276    * Throws an exception of Int::OutOfLimits, if the durations or
3277    * the sum of durations and start times are too large.
3278    *
3279    */
3281   order(Home home, IntVar s0, int p0, IntVar s1, int p1, BoolVar b,
3282         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3284   /**
3285    * \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint
3286    *
3287    * This function creates propagators for the cumulatives constraint
3288    * presented in <em>"A new multi-resource cumulatives constraint
3289    * with negative heights"</em>, Nicolas Beldiceanu and Mats
3290    * Carlsson, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming 2002.
3291    *
3292    * The constraint models a set of machines and a set of tasks that
3293    * should be assigned to the machines. The machines have a positive
3294    * resource limit and the tasks each have a resource usage that can
3295    * be either positive, negative, or zero. The constraint is enforced
3296    * over each point in time for a machine where there is at least one
3297    * task assigned.
3298    *
3299    * The propagator does not enforce \f$s_i+p_i=e_i\f$, this constraint
3300    * has to be posted in addition to ensure consistency of the task bounds.
3301    *
3302    * The limit for a machine is either the maximum amount available at
3303    * any given time (\a at_most = true), or else the least amount to
3304    * be used (\a at_most = false).
3305    *
3306    * \param home current space
3307    * \param m \f$ m_i \f$ is the machine assigned to task \f$ i \f$
3308    * \param s \f$ s_i \f$ is the start time assigned to task \f$ i \f$
3309    * \param p \f$ p_i \f$ is the processing time of task \f$ i \f$
3310    * \param e \f$ e_i \f$ is the end time assigned to task \f$ i \f$
3311    * \param u \f$ u_i \f$ is the amount of
3312    *               resources consumed by task \f$ i \f$
3313    * \param c \f$ c_r \f$ is the capacity, the amount of resource available
3314    *              for machine \f$ r \f$
3315    * \param at_most \a at_most tells if the amount of resources used
3316    *                for a machine should be less than the limit (\a at_most
3317    *                = true) or greater than the limit (\a at_most = false)
3318    * \param ipl Supports value-consistency only (\a ipl = IPL_VAL, default).
3319    *
3320    * \exception Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch thrown if the sizes
3321    *            of the arguments representing tasks does not match.
3322    * \exception Int::OutOfLimits thrown if any numerical argument is
3323    *            larger than Int::Limits::max or less than
3324    *            Int::Limits::min.
3325    */
3327   cumulatives(Home home, const IntVarArgs& m,
3328               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3329               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntVarArgs& u,
3330               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3331               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3332   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3333    *
3334    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3335    */
3337   cumulatives(Home home, const IntArgs& m,
3338               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3339               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntVarArgs& u,
3340               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3341               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3342   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3343    *
3344    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3345    */
3347   cumulatives(Home home, const IntVarArgs& m,
3348               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3349               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntVarArgs& u,
3350               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3351               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3352   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3353    *
3354    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3355    */
3357   cumulatives(Home home, const IntArgs& m,
3358               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3359               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntVarArgs& u,
3360               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3361               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3362   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3363    *
3364    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3365    */
3367   cumulatives(Home home, const IntVarArgs& m,
3368               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3369               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u,
3370               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3371               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3372   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3373    *
3374    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3375    */
3377   cumulatives(Home home, const IntArgs& m,
3378               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3379               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u,
3380               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3381               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3382   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3383    *
3384    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3385    */
3387   cumulatives(Home home, const IntVarArgs& m,
3388               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3389               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u,
3390               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3391               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3392   /** \brief Post propagators for the cumulatives constraint.
3393    *
3394    * \copydoc cumulatives()
3395    */
3397   cumulatives(Home home, const IntArgs& m,
3398               const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3399               const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u,
3400               const IntArgs& c, bool at_most,
3401               IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3403   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on unary resources
3404    *
3405    * Schedule tasks with start times \a s and processing times \a p
3406    * on a unary resource. The propagator uses the algorithms from:
3407    *   Petr Vilím, Global Constraints in Scheduling, PhD thesis,
3408    *   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
3409    *
3410    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3411    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3412    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3413    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3414    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking,
3415    *    detectable precendence propagation, not-first-not-last propagation,
3416    *    and edge finding.
3417    *  - If both flags are combined (default), all the above listed propagation
3418    *    is performed.
3419    *
3420    * Posting the constraint might throw the following exceptions:
3421    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s
3422    *    and \a p are of different size.
3423    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a s contains
3424    *    the same unassigned variable multiply.
3425    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p contains
3426    *    an integer that is negative or that could generate
3427    *    an overflow.
3428    */
3430   unary(Home home, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3431         IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3433   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on unary resources
3434    *
3435    * Schedule optional tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p,
3436    * and whether a task is mandatory \a m (a task is mandatory if the
3437    * Boolean variable is 1) on a unary resource. The propagator uses the
3438    * algorithms from:
3439    *   Petr Vilím, Global Constraints in Scheduling, PhD thesis,
3440    *   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
3441    *
3442    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3443    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3444    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3445    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3446    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking,
3447    *    detectable precendence propagation, not-first-not-last propagation,
3448    *    and edge finding.
3449    *  - If both flags are combined (default), all the above listed propagation
3450    *    is performed.
3451    *
3452    * Posting the constraint might throw the following exceptions:
3453    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s,
3454    *    \a p, or \a m are of different size.
3455    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSame, if \a s contains
3456    *    the same unassigned variable multiply.
3457    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p contains
3458    *    an integer that is negative or that could generate
3459    *    an overflow.
3460    */
3462   unary(Home home, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3463         const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3465   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on unary resources
3466    *
3467    * Schedule tasks with flexible times \a flex and fixed times \a fix
3468    * on a unary resource. For each
3469    * task, it depends on \a t how the flexible and fix times are interpreted:
3470    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXP</code>, then
3471    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3472    *    processing time.
3473    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXS</code>, then
3474    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the end time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3475    *    start time.
3476    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXE</code>, then
3477    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3478    *    end time.
3479    *
3480    * The propagator uses the algorithms from:
3481    *   Petr Vilím, Global Constraints in Scheduling, PhD thesis,
3482    *   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
3483    *
3484    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3485    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3486    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3487    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3488    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking,
3489    *    detectable precendence propagation, not-first-not-last propagation,
3490    *    and edge finding.
3491    *  - If both flags are combined (default), all the above listed propagation
3492    *    is performed.
3493    *
3494    * Posting the constraint might throw the following exceptions:
3495    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s
3496    *    and \a p are of different size.
3497    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p contains
3498    *    an integer that is negative for a task with type <code>TT_FIXP</code>
3499    *    or that could generate an overflow.
3500    */
3502   unary(Home home, const TaskTypeArgs& t,
3503         const IntVarArgs& flex, const IntArgs& fix, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3505   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on unary resources
3506    *
3507    * Schedule optional tasks with flexible times \a flex, fixed times \a fix,
3508    * and whether a task is mandatory \a m (a task is mandatory if the
3509    * Boolean variable is 1) on a unary resource. For each
3510    * task, it depends on \a t how the flexible and fix times are interpreted:
3511    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXP</code>, then
3512    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3513    *    processing time.
3514    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXS</code>, then
3515    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the end time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3516    *    start time.
3517    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXE</code>, then
3518    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3519    *    end time.
3520    *
3521    * The propagator uses the
3522    * algorithms from:
3523    *   Petr Vilím, Global Constraints in Scheduling, PhD thesis,
3524    *   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
3525    *
3526    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3527    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3528    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3529    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3530    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking,
3531    *    detectable precendence propagation, not-first-not-last propagation,
3532    *    and edge finding.
3533    *  - If both flags are combined (default), all the above listed propagation
3534    *    is performed.
3535    *
3536    * Posting the constraint might throw the following exceptions:
3537    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s,
3538    *    \a p, or \a m are of different size.
3539    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p contains
3540    *    an integer that is negative for a task with type <code>TT_FIXP</code>
3541    *    or that could generate an overflow.
3542    */
3544   unary(Home home, const TaskTypeArgs& t,
3545         const IntVarArgs& flex, const IntArgs& fix,
3546         const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3548   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on unary resources
3549    *
3550    * Schedule tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p, and
3551    * end times \a e
3552    * on a unary resource. The propagator uses the algorithms from:
3553    *   Petr Vilím, Global Constraints in Scheduling, PhD thesis,
3554    *   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
3555    *
3556    * The propagator does not enforce \f$s_i+p_i=e_i\f$, this constraint
3557    * has to be posted in addition to ensure consistency of the task bounds.
3558    *
3559    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3560    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3561    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3562    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3563    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking,
3564    *    detectable precendence propagation, not-first-not-last propagation,
3565    *    and edge finding.
3566    *  - If both flags are combined (default), all the above listed propagation
3567    *    is performed.
3568    *
3569    * The processing times are constrained to be non-negative.
3570    *
3571    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s
3572    * and \a p are of different size.
3573    */
3575   unary(Home home, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3576         const IntVarArgs& e, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3578   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on unary resources
3579    *
3580    * Schedule optional tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p,
3581    * end times \a e,
3582    * and whether a task is mandatory \a m (a task is mandatory if the
3583    * Boolean variable is 1) on a unary resource. The propagator uses the
3584    * algorithms from:
3585    *   Petr Vilím, Global Constraints in Scheduling, PhD thesis,
3586    *   Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
3587    *
3588    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3589    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3590    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3591    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3592    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking,
3593    *    detectable precendence propagation, not-first-not-last propagation,
3594    *    and edge finding.
3595    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3596    *    performed (default).
3597    *
3598    * The propagator does not enforce \f$s_i+p_i=e_i\f$, this constraint
3599    * has to be posted in addition to ensure consistency of the task bounds.
3600    *
3601    * The processing times are constrained to be non-negative.
3602    *
3603    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s,
3604    * \a p, or \a m are of different size.
3605    */
3607   unary(Home home, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3608         const IntVarArgs& e, const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3612   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on cumulative resources
3613    *
3614    * Schedule tasks with flexible times \a flex, fixed times \a fix, and
3615    * use capacity \a u on a cumulative resource with capacity \a c. For each
3616    * task, it depends on \a t how the flexible and fix times are interpreted:
3617    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXP</code>, then
3618    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3619    *    processing time.
3620    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXS</code>, then
3621    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the end time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3622    *    start time.
3623    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXE</code>, then
3624    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3625    *    end time.
3626    *
3627    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3628    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3629    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3630    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3631    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3632    *    and edge finding.
3633    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3634    *    performed.
3635    *
3636    * The propagator uses algorithms taken from:
3637    *
3638    * Petr Vilím, Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative
3639    * Resources, in W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, editors, CPAIOR, volume
3640    * 5547 of LNCS, pages 294-308. Springer, 2009.
3641    *
3642    * and
3643    *
3644    * Petr Vilím, Edge finding filtering algorithm for discrete cumulative
3645    * resources in O(kn log n). In I. P. Gent, editor, CP, volume 5732 of LNCS,
3646    * pages 802-816. Springer, 2009.
3647    *
3648    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a t, \a s
3649    *    \a p, or \a u are of different size.
3650    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p, \a u, or \a c
3651    *    contain an integer that is not nonnegative, or that could generate
3652    *    an overflow.
3653    */
3655   cumulative(Home home, int c, const TaskTypeArgs& t,
3656              const IntVarArgs& flex, const IntArgs& fix, const IntArgs& u,
3657              IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3660   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on cumulative resources
3661    *
3662    * \copydoc cumulative(Home,int,const TaskTypeArgs&,const IntVarArgs&,const IntArgs&,const IntArgs&,IntPropLevel)
3663    */
3665   cumulative(Home home, IntVar c, const TaskTypeArgs& t,
3666              const IntVarArgs& flex, const IntArgs& fix, const IntArgs& u,
3667              IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3669   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on cumulative resources
3670    *
3671    * Schedule tasks with flexible times \a flex, fixed times \a fix,
3672    * use capacity \a u, and whether a task is mandatory \a m (a task is
3673    * mandatory if the Boolean variable is 1) on a cumulative resource with
3674    * capacity \a c. For each
3675    * task, it depends on \a t how the flexible and fix times are interpreted:
3676    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXP</code>, then
3677    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3678    *    processing time.
3679    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXS</code>, then
3680    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the end time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3681    *    start time.
3682    *  - If <code>t[i]</code> is <code>TT_FIXE</code>, then
3683    *    <code>flex[i]</code> is the start time and <code>fix[i]</code> is the
3684    *    end time.
3685    *
3686    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3687    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3688    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3689    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3690    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3691    *    and edge finding.
3692    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3693    *    performed.
3694    *
3695    * The propagator uses algorithms taken from:
3696    *
3697    * Petr Vilím, Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative
3698    * Resources, in W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, editors, CPAIOR, volume
3699    * 5547 of LNCS, pages 294-308. Springer, 2009.
3700    *
3701    * and
3702    *
3703    * Petr Vilím, Edge finding filtering algorithm for discrete cumulative
3704    * resources in O(kn log n). In I. P. Gent, editor, CP, volume 5732 of LNCS,
3705    * pages 802-816. Springer, 2009.
3706    *
3707    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a t, \a s
3708    *    \a p, or \a u are of different size.
3709    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p, \a u, or \a c
3710    *    contain an integer that is not nonnegative, or that could generate
3711    *    an overflow.
3712    */
3714   cumulative(Home home, int c, const TaskTypeArgs& t,
3715              const IntVarArgs& flex, const IntArgs& fix, const IntArgs& u,
3716              const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3718   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on cumulative resources
3719    * \copydoc cumulative(Home,int,const TaskTypeArgs&,const IntVarArgs&,const IntArgs&,const IntArgs&,const BoolVarArgs&,IntPropLevel)
3720    */
3722   cumulative(Home home, IntVar c, const TaskTypeArgs& t,
3723              const IntVarArgs& flex, const IntArgs& fix, const IntArgs& u,
3724              const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3726   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on cumulative resources
3727    *
3728    * Schedule tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p, and
3729    * use capacity \a u on a cumulative resource with capacity \a c.
3730    *
3731    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3732    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3733    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3734    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3735    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3736    *    and edge finding.
3737    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3738    *    performed.
3739    *
3740    * The propagator uses algorithms taken from:
3741    *
3742    * Petr Vilím, Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative
3743    * Resources, in W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, editors, CPAIOR, volume
3744    * 5547 of LNCS, pages 294-308. Springer, 2009.
3745    *
3746    * and
3747    *
3748    * Petr Vilím, Edge finding filtering algorithm for discrete cumulative
3749    * resources in O(kn log n). In I. P. Gent, editor, CP, volume 5732 of LNCS,
3750    * pages 802-816. Springer, 2009.
3751    *
3752    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s
3753    *    \a p, or \a u are of different size.
3754    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p, \a u, or \a c
3755    *    contain an integer that is not nonnegative, or that could generate
3756    *    an overflow.
3757    */
3759   cumulative(Home home, int c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3760              const IntArgs& u, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3762   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on cumulative resources
3763    * \copydoc cumulative(Home,int,const IntVarArgs&,const IntArgs&,const IntArgs&,IntPropLevel)
3764    */
3766   cumulative(Home home, IntVar c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3767              const IntArgs& u, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3769   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on cumulative resources
3770    *
3771    * Schedule optional tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p,
3772    * used capacity \a u, and whether a task is mandatory \a m (a task is
3773    * mandatory if the Boolean variable is 1) on a cumulative resource
3774    * with capacity \a c.
3775    *
3776    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3777    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3778    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3779    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3780    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3781    *    and edge finding.
3782    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3783    *    performed.
3784    *
3785    * The propagator uses algorithms taken from:
3786    *
3787    * Petr Vilím, Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative
3788    * Resources, in W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, editors, CPAIOR, volume
3789    * 5547 of LNCS, pages 294-308. Springer, 2009.
3790    *
3791    * and
3792    *
3793    * Petr Vilím, Edge finding filtering algorithm for discrete cumulative
3794    * resources in O(kn log n). In I. P. Gent, editor, CP, volume 5732 of LNCS,
3795    * pages 802-816. Springer, 2009.
3796    *
3797    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s,
3798    *    \a p, \a u, or \a m are of different size.
3799    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p, \a u, or \a c
3800    *    contain an integer that is not nonnegative, or that could generate
3801    *    an overflow.
3802    */
3804   cumulative(Home home, int c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3805              const IntArgs& u, const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3807   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on cumulative resources
3808    * \copydoc cumulative(Home,int,const IntVarArgs&,const IntArgs&,const IntArgs&,const BoolVarArgs&,IntPropLevel)
3809    */
3811   cumulative(Home home, IntVar c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntArgs& p,
3812              const IntArgs& u, const BoolVarArgs& m, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3814   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on cumulative resources
3815    *
3816    * Schedule tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p,
3817    * end times \a e, and
3818    * use capacity \a u on a cumulative resource with capacity \a c.
3819    *
3820    * The propagator does not enforce \f$s_i+p_i=e_i\f$, this constraint
3821    * has to be posted in addition to ensure consistency of the task bounds.
3822    *
3823    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3824    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3825    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3826    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3827    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3828    *    and edge finding.
3829    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3830    *    performed.
3831    *
3832    * The propagator uses algorithms taken from:
3833    *
3834    * Petr Vilím, Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative
3835    * Resources, in W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, editors, CPAIOR, volume
3836    * 5547 of LNCS, pages 294-308. Springer, 2009.
3837    *
3838    * and
3839    *
3840    * Petr Vilím, Edge finding filtering algorithm for discrete cumulative
3841    * resources in O(kn log n). In I. P. Gent, editor, CP, volume 5732 of LNCS,
3842    * pages 802-816. Springer, 2009.
3843    *
3844    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s
3845    *    \a p, or \a u are of different size.
3846    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a u or \a c
3847    *    contain an integer that is not nonnegative, or that could generate
3848    *    an overflow.
3849    */
3851   cumulative(Home home, int c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3852              const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3854   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling tasks on cumulative resources
3855    * \copydoc cumulative(Home,int,const IntVarArgs&,const IntVarArgs&,const IntVarArgs&,const IntArgs&,IntPropLevel)
3856    */
3858   cumulative(Home home, IntVar c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3859              const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u, IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3861   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on cumulative resources
3862    *
3863    * Schedule optional tasks with start times \a s, processing times \a p,
3864    * end times \a e,
3865    * used capacity \a u, and whether a task is mandatory \a m (a task is
3866    * mandatory if the Boolean variable is 1) on a cumulative resource
3867    * with capacity \a c.
3868    *
3869    * The propagator does not enforce \f$s_i+p_i=e_i\f$, this constraint
3870    * has to be posted in addition to ensure consistency of the task bounds.
3871    *
3872    * The propagator performs propagation that depends on the integer
3873    * propagation level \a ipl as follows:
3874    *  - If \a IPL_BASIC is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3875    *    and time-tabling propagation.
3876    *  - If \a IPL_ADVANCED is set, the propagator performs overload checking
3877    *    and edge finding.
3878    *  - If both flags are combined, all the above listed propagation is
3879    *    performed.
3880    *
3881    * The propagator uses algorithms taken from:
3882    *
3883    * Petr Vilím, Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative
3884    * Resources, in W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker, editors, CPAIOR, volume
3885    * 5547 of LNCS, pages 294-308. Springer, 2009.
3886    *
3887    * and
3888    *
3889    * Petr Vilím, Edge finding filtering algorithm for discrete cumulative
3890    * resources in O(kn log n). In I. P. Gent, editor, CP, volume 5732 of LNCS,
3891    * pages 802-816. Springer, 2009.
3892    *
3893    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a s,
3894    *    \a p, \a u, or \a m are of different size.
3895    *  - Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a u or \a c
3896    *    contain an integer that is not nonnegative, or that could generate
3897    *    an overflow.
3898    */
3900   cumulative(Home home, int c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3901              const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u, const BoolVarArgs& m,
3902              IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3904   /** \brief Post propagators for scheduling optional tasks on cumulative resources
3905    * \copydoc cumulative(Home,int,const IntVarArgs&,const IntVarArgs&,const IntVarArgs&,const IntArgs&,const BoolVarArgs&,IntPropLevel)
3906    */
3908   cumulative(Home home, IntVar c, const IntVarArgs& s, const IntVarArgs& p,
3909              const IntVarArgs& e, const IntArgs& u, const BoolVarArgs& m,
3910              IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3911   //@}
3914   /**
3915    * \defgroup TaskModelIntGraph Graph constraints
3916    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
3917    */
3918   //@{
3919   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a circuit
3920    *
3921    * \a x forms a circuit if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$ where
3922    * \f$x_i=j\f$ has a single cycle covering all nodes.
3923    *
3924    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
3925    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
3926    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x.
3927    *
3928    * Throws the following exceptions:
3929    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
3930    *    multiply.
3931    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
3932    */
3934   circuit(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
3935           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3936   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a circuit
3937    *
3938    * \a x forms a circuit if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$ where
3939    * \f$x_{i-\text{offset}}=j\f$ has a single cycle covering all nodes.
3940    *
3941    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
3942    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
3943    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x.
3944    *
3945    * Throws the following exceptions:
3946    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
3947    *    multiply.
3948    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
3949    *  - Int::OutOfLimits, if \a offset is negative.
3950    */
3952   circuit(Home home, int offset, const IntVarArgs& x,
3953           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3954   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a circuit with costs \a y and \a z
3955    *
3956    * \a x forms a circuit if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$ where
3957    * \f$x_i=j\f$ has a single cycle covering all nodes.
3958    * The integer array
3959    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
3960    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
3961    * the entire circuit. The variables \a y define the cost
3962    * of the edge in \a x: that is, if \f$x_i=j\f$ then \f$y_i=c_{i*n+j}\f$.
3963    *
3964    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
3965    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
3966    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
3967    *
3968    * Throws the following exceptions:
3969    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
3970    *    multiply.
3971    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
3972    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a x and \a y do not have the same
3973    *    size or if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
3974    */
3976   circuit(Home home,
3977           const IntArgs& c,
3978           const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& y, IntVar z,
3979           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
3980   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a circuit with costs \a y and \a z
3981    *
3982    * \a x forms a circuit if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$ where
3983    * \f$x_{i-\text{offset}}=j\f$ has a single cycle covering all nodes.
3984    * The integer array
3985    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
3986    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
3987    * the entire circuit. The variables \a y define the cost
3988    * of the edge in \a x: that is, if \f$x_i=j\f$ then \f$y_i=c_{i*n+j}\f$.
3989    *
3990    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
3991    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
3992    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
3993    *
3994    * Throws the following exceptions:
3995    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
3996    *    multiply.
3997    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
3998    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a x and \a y do not have the same
3999    *    size or if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4000    *  - Int::OutOfLimits, if \a offset is negative.
4001    */
4003   circuit(Home home,
4004           const IntArgs& c, int offset,
4005           const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& y, IntVar z,
4006           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4007   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a circuit with cost \a z
4008    *
4009    * \a x forms a circuit if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$ where
4010    * \f$x_i=j\f$ has a single cycle covering all nodes. The integer array
4011    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
4012    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
4013    * the entire circuit.
4014    *
4015    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4016    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4017    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
4018    *
4019    * Throws the following exceptions:
4020    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4021    *    multiply.
4022    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4023    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4024    */
4026   circuit(Home home,
4027           const IntArgs& c,
4028           const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar z,
4029           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4030   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a circuit with cost \a z
4031    *
4032    * \a x forms a circuit if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$ where
4033    * \f$x_{i-\text{offset}}=j\f$ has a single cycle covering all nodes.
4034    * The integer array
4035    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
4036    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
4037    * the entire circuit.
4038    *
4039    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4040    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4041    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
4042    *
4043    * Throws the following exceptions:
4044    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4045    *    multiply.
4046    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4047    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4048    *  - Int::OutOfLimits, if \a offset is negative.
4049    */
4051   circuit(Home home,
4052           const IntArgs& c, int offset,
4053           const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar z,
4054           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4055   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a Hamiltonian path
4056    *
4057    * \a x forms a Hamiltonian path if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$
4058    * where \f$x_i=j\f$ visits all nodes exactly once. The path starts at
4059    * node \a s and the successor of the last node \a e is equal to \f$|x|\f$.
4060    *
4061    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4062    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4063    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x.
4064    *
4065    * Throws the following exceptions:
4066    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4067    *    multiply.
4068    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4069    */
4071   path(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar s, IntVar e,
4072        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4073   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a Hamiltonian path
4074    *
4075    * \a x forms a Hamiltonian path if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$
4076    * where \f$x_{i-\text{offset}}=j\f$ visits all nodes exactly once.
4077    * The path starts at node \a s and the successor of the last node \a e
4078    * is equal to \f$|x|+\text{offset}\f$.
4079    *
4080    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4081    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4082    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x.
4083    *
4084    * Throws the following exceptions:
4085    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4086    *    multiply.
4087    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4088    *  - Int::OutOfLimits, if \a offset is negative.
4089    */
4091   path(Home home, int offset, const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar s, IntVar e,
4092        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4093   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a Hamiltonian path with costs \a y and \a z
4094    *
4095    * \a x forms a Hamiltonian path if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$
4096    * where \f$x_i=j\f$ visits all nodes exactly once. The path starts at node
4097    * \a s and the successor of
4098    * the last node \a e is equal to \f$|x|\f$. The integer array
4099    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
4100    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
4101    * the entire path. The variables \a y define the cost
4102    * of the edge in \a x: that is, if \f$x_i=j\f$ then \f$y_i=c_{i*n+j}\f$.
4103    *
4104    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4105    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4106    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
4107    *
4108    * Throws the following exceptions:
4109    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4110    *    multiply.
4111    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4112    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismacth, if \a x and \a y do not have the same
4113    *    size or if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4114    */
4116   path(Home home,
4117        const IntArgs& c,
4118        const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar s, IntVar e, const IntVarArgs& y, IntVar z,
4119        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4120   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a Hamiltonian path with costs \a y and \a z
4121    *
4122    * \a x forms a Hamiltonian path if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$
4123    * where \f$x_{i-\text{offset}}=j\f$ visits all nodes exactly once.
4124    * The path starts at node \a s and the successor of
4125    * the last node \a e is equal to \f$|x|+\text{offset}\f$.
4126    * The integer array
4127    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
4128    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
4129    * the entire path. The variables \a y define the cost
4130    * of the edge in \a x: that is, if \f$x_i=j\f$ then \f$y_i=c_{i*n+j}\f$.
4131    *
4132    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4133    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4134    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
4135    *
4136    * Throws the following exceptions:
4137    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4138    *    multiply.
4139    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4140    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismacth, if \a x and \a y do not have the same
4141    *    size or if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4142    *  - Int::OutOfLimits, if \a offset is negative.
4143    */
4145   path(Home home,
4146        const IntArgs& c, int offset,
4147        const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar s, IntVar e, const IntVarArgs& y, IntVar z,
4148        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4149   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a Hamiltonian path with cost \a z
4150    *
4151    * \a x forms a Hamiltonian path if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$
4152    * where \f$x_i=j\f$ visits all nodes exactly once. The path starts at node
4153    * \a s and the successor of
4154    * the last node \a e is equal to \f$|x|\f$. The integer array
4155    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
4156    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
4157    * the entire path.
4158    *
4159    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4160    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4161    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
4162    *
4163    * Throws the following exceptions:
4164    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4165    *    multiply.
4166    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4167    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismacth, if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4168    */
4170   path(Home home,
4171        const IntArgs& c,
4172        const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar s, IntVar e, IntVar z,
4173        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4174   /** \brief Post propagator such that \a x forms a Hamiltonian path with cost \a z
4175    *
4176    * \a x forms a Hamiltonian path if the graph with edges \f$i\to j\f$
4177    * where \f$x_{i-\text{offset}}=j\f$ visits all nodes exactly once.
4178    * The path starts at node \a s and the successor of
4179    * the last node \a e is equal to \f$|x|+\text{offset}\f$.
4180    * The integer array
4181    * \a c gives the costs of all possible edges where \f$c_{i*|x|+j}\f$ is
4182    * the cost of the edge \f$i\to j\f$. The variable \a z is the cost of
4183    * the entire circuit.
4184    *
4185    * Supports domain (\a ipl = IPL_DOM) and value propagation (all
4186    * other values for \a ipl), where this refers to whether value or
4187    * domain consistent distinct in enforced on \a x for circuit.
4188    *
4189    * Throws the following exceptions:
4190    *  - Int::ArgumentSame, if \a x contains the same unassigned variable
4191    *    multiply.
4192    *  - Int::TooFewArguments, if \a x has no elements.
4193    *  - Int::ArgumentSizeMismacth, if \f$|x|\times|x|\neq|c|\f$.
4194    *  - Int::OutOfLimits, if \a offset is negative.
4195    */
4197   path(Home home,
4198        const IntArgs& c, int offset,
4199        const IntVarArgs& x, IntVar s, IntVar e, IntVar z,
4200        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4201   //@}
4205   /**
4206    * \defgroup TaskModelIntExec Synchronized execution
4207    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
4208    *
4209    * Synchronized execution executes a function or a static member function
4210    * when a certain event happends.
4211    */
4212   //@{
4213   /// Execute \a c when \a x becomes assigned
4215   wait(Home home, IntVar x, std::function<void(Space& home)> c,
4216        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4217   /// Execute \a c when \a x becomes assigned
4219   wait(Home home, BoolVar x, std::function<void(Space& home)> c,
4220        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4221   /// Execute \a c when all variables in \a x become assigned
4223   wait(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, std::function<void(Space& home)> c,
4224        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4225   /// Execute \a c when all variables in \a x become assigned
4227   wait(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
4228        std::function<void(Space& home)> c,
4229        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4230   /// Execute \a t (then) when \a x is assigned one, and \a e (else) otherwise
4232   when(Home home, BoolVar x,
4233        std::function<void(Space& home)> t,
4234        std::function<void(Space& home)> e,
4235        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4236   /// Execute \a t (then) when \a x is assigned one
4238   when(Home home, BoolVar x,
4239        std::function<void(Space& home)> t,
4240        IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4241   //@}
4244   /**
4245    * \defgroup TaskModelIntUnshare Unsharing variables
4246    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
4247    *
4248    * Unsharing replaces multiple occurences of the same variable by
4249    * fresh yet equal (enforced through propagators for equality)
4250    * variables: after unsharing a variable appears at most once. Note
4251    * that this is only done for not yet assigned variables (as all
4252    * propagators can handle multiple occurences of the same variable
4253    * provided it is already assigned).
4254    *
4255    * Unsharing is useful for constraints that only accept variable
4256    * arrays without multiple occurences of the same variable, for
4257    * example extensional.
4258    *
4259    */
4260   //@{
4261   /**
4262    * \brief Replace multiple variable occurences in \a x by fresh variables
4263    *
4264    * Supports domain consistency (\a ipl = IPL_DOM, default) and
4265    * bounds consistency (\a ipl = IPL_BND).
4266    *
4267    */
4269   unshare(Home home, IntVarArgs& x,
4270           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4271   /// Replace multiple variable occurences in \a x by fresh variables
4273   unshare(Home home, BoolVarArgs& x,
4274           IntPropLevel ipl=IPL_DEF);
4275   //@}
4277 }
4279 namespace Gecode {
4281   /**
4282    * \defgroup TaskModelIntBranch Branching
4283    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
4284    */
4286   /**
4287    * \brief Branch filter function type for integer variables
4288    *
4289    * The variable \a x is considered for selection and \a i refers to the
4290    * variable's position in the original array passed to the brancher.
4291    *
4292    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4293    */
4294   typedef std::function<bool(const Space& home, IntVar x, int i)>
4295     IntBranchFilter;
4296   /**
4297    * \brief Branch filter function type for Boolean variables
4298    *
4299    * The variable \a x is considered for selection and \a i refers to the
4300    * variable's position in the original array passed to the brancher.
4301    *
4302    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4303    */
4304   typedef std::function<bool(const Space& home, BoolVar x, int i)>
4305     BoolBranchFilter;
4307   /**
4308    * \brief Branch merit function type for integer variables
4309    *
4310    * The function must return a merit value for the variable
4311    * \a x. The integer \a i refers to the variable's position
4312    * in the original array passed to the brancher.
4313    *
4314    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4315    */
4316   typedef std::function<double(const Space& home, IntVar x, int i)>
4317     IntBranchMerit;
4318   /**
4319    * \brief Branch merit function type for Boolean variables
4320    *
4321    * The function must return a merit value for the variable
4322    * \a x. The integer \a i refers to the variable's position
4323    * in the original array passed to the brancher.
4324    *
4325    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4326    */
4327   typedef std::function<double(const Space& home, BoolVar x, int i)>
4328     BoolBranchMerit;
4330   /**
4331    * \brief Branch value function type for integer variables
4332    *
4333    * Returns a value for the variable \a x that is to be used in the
4334    * corresponding branch commit function. The integer \a i refers
4335    * to the variable's position in the original array passed to the
4336    * brancher.
4337    *
4338    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4339    */
4340   typedef std::function<int(const Space& home, IntVar x, int i)>
4341     IntBranchVal;
4342   /**
4343    * \brief Branch value function type for Boolean variables
4344    *
4345    * Returns a value for the variable \a x that is to be used in the
4346    * corresponding branch commit function. The integer \a i refers
4347    * to the variable's position in the original array passed to the
4348    * brancher.
4349    *
4350    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4351    */
4352   typedef std::function<int(const Space& home, BoolVar x, int i)>
4353     BoolBranchVal;
4355   /**
4356    * \brief Branch commit function type for integer variables
4357    *
4358    * The function must post a constraint on the variable \a x which
4359    * corresponds to the alternative \a a. The integer \a i refers
4360    * to the variable's position in the original array passed to the
4361    * brancher. The value \a n is the value
4362    * computed by the corresponding branch value function.
4363    *
4364    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4365    */
4366   typedef std::function<void(Space& home, unsigned int a,
4367                              IntVar x, int i, int n)>
4368     IntBranchCommit;
4369   /**
4370    * \brief Branch commit function type for Boolean variables
4371    *
4372    * The function must post a constraint on the variable \a x which
4373    * corresponds to the alternative \a a.  The integer \a i refers
4374    * to the variable's position in the original array passed to the
4375    * brancher. The value \a n is the value
4376    * computed by the corresponding branch value function.
4377    *
4378    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4379    */
4380   typedef std::function<void(Space& home, unsigned int a,
4381                              BoolVar x, int i, int n)>
4382     BoolBranchCommit;
4384 }
4386 #include <gecode/int/branch/traits.hpp>
4388 namespace Gecode {
4390   /**
4391    * \brief Recording AFC information for integer variables
4392    *
4393    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4394    */
4395   class IntAFC : public AFC {
4396   public:
4397     /**
4398      * \brief Construct as not yet initialized
4399      *
4400      * The only member functions that can be used on a constructed but not
4401      * yet initialized AFC storage is init or the assignment operator.
4402      *
4403      */
4404     IntAFC(void);
4405     /// Copy constructor
4406     IntAFC(const IntAFC& a);
4407     /// Assignment operator
4408     IntAFC& operator =(const IntAFC& a);
4409     /**
4410      * \brief Initialize for integer variables \a x and decay factor \a d
4411      *
4412      * If several AFC objects are created for a space or its clones,
4413      * the AFC values are shared between spaces. If the values should
4414      * not be shared, \a share should be false.
4415      */
4416     IntAFC(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, double d=1.0, bool share=true);
4417     /**
4418      * \brief Initialize for integer variables \a x with decay factor \a d
4419      *
4420      * This member function can only be used once and only if the
4421      * AFC storage has been constructed with the default constructor.
4422      *
4423      * If several AFC objects are created for a space or its clones,
4424      * the AFC values are shared between spaces. If the values should
4425      * not be shared, \a share should be false.
4426      */
4427     void init(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, double d=1.0, bool share=true);
4428   };
4430   /**
4431    * \brief Recording AFC information for Boolean variables
4432    *
4433    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4434    */
4435   class BoolAFC : public AFC {
4436   public:
4437     /**
4438      * \brief Construct as not yet initialized
4439      *
4440      * The only member functions that can be used on a constructed but not
4441      * yet initialized AFC storage is init or the assignment operator.
4442      *
4443      */
4444     BoolAFC(void);
4445     /// Copy constructor
4446     BoolAFC(const BoolAFC& a);
4447     /// Assignment operator
4448     BoolAFC& operator =(const BoolAFC& a);
4449     /**
4450      * \brief Initialize for Boolean variables \a x and decay factor \a d
4451      *
4452      * If several AFC objects are created for a space or its clones,
4453      * the AFC values are shared between spaces. If the values should
4454      * not be shared, \a share should be false.
4455      */
4456     BoolAFC(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, double d=1.0, bool share=true);
4457     /**
4458      * \brief Initialize for Boolean variables \a x with decay factor \a d
4459      *
4460      * This member function can only be used once and only if the
4461      * AFC storage has been constructed with the default constructor.
4462      *
4463      * If several AFC objects are created for a space or its clones,
4464      * the AFC values are shared between spaces. If the values should
4465      * not be shared, \a share should be false.
4466      */
4467     void init(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, double d=1.0, bool share=true);
4468   };
4470 }
4472 #include <gecode/int/branch/afc.hpp>
4474 namespace Gecode {
4476   /**
4477    * \brief Recording actions for integer variables
4478    *
4479    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4480    */
4481   class IntAction : public Action {
4482   public:
4483     /**
4484      * \brief Construct as not yet initialized
4485      *
4486      * The only member functions that can be used on a constructed but not
4487      * yet initialized action storage is init or the assignment operator.
4488      *
4489      */
4490     IntAction(void);
4491     /// Copy constructor
4492     IntAction(const IntAction& a);
4493     /// Assignment operator
4494     IntAction& operator =(const IntAction& a);
4495     /**
4496      * \brief Initialize for integer variables \a x with decay factor \a d
4497      *
4498      * Counts propagation if \a p is true and failure if \a f is true.
4499      *
4500      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4501      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4502      * by \a bm.
4503      */
4505     IntAction(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, double d=1.0,
4506               bool p=true, bool f=true,
4507               IntBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4508     /**
4509      * \brief Initialize for integer variables \a x with decay factor \a d
4510      *
4511      * Counts propagation if \a p is true and failure if \a f is true.
4512      *
4513      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4514      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4515      * by \a bm.
4516      *
4517      * This member function can only be used once and only if the
4518      * action storage has been constructed with the default constructor.
4519      *
4520      */
4521     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void
4522     init(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, double d=1.0,
4523          bool p=true, bool f=true,
4524          IntBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4525   };
4527   /**
4528    * \brief Recording actions for Boolean variables
4529    *
4530    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4531    */
4532   class BoolAction : public Action {
4533   public:
4534     /**
4535      * \brief Construct as not yet initialized
4536      *
4537      * The only member functions that can be used on a constructed but not
4538      * yet initialized action storage is init or the assignment operator.
4539      *
4540      */
4541     BoolAction(void);
4542     /// Copy constructor
4543     BoolAction(const BoolAction& a);
4544     /// Assignment operator
4545     BoolAction& operator =(const BoolAction& a);
4546     /**
4547      * \brief Initialize for Boolean variables \a x with decay factor \a d
4548      *
4549      * Counts propagation if \a p is true and failure if \a f is true.
4550      *
4551      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4552      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4553      * by \a bm.
4554      */
4556     BoolAction(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, double d=1.0,
4557                bool p=true, bool f=true,
4558                BoolBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4559     /**
4560      * \brief Initialize for Boolean variables \a x with decay factor \a d
4561      *
4562      * Counts propagation if \a p is true and failure if \a f is true.
4563      *
4564      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4565      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4566      * by \a bm.
4567      *
4568      * This member function can only be used once and only if the
4569      * action storage has been constructed with the default constructor.
4570      *
4571      */
4572     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void
4573     init(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, double d=1.0,
4574          bool p=true, bool f=true,
4575          BoolBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4576   };
4578 }
4580 #include <gecode/int/branch/action.hpp>
4582 namespace Gecode {
4584   /**
4585    * \brief Recording CHB for integer variables
4586    *
4587    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4588    */
4589   class IntCHB : public CHB {
4590   public:
4591     /**
4592      * \brief Construct as not yet initialized
4593      *
4594      * The only member functions that can be used on a constructed but not
4595      * yet initialized CHB storage is init or the assignment operator.
4596      *
4597      */
4598     IntCHB(void);
4599     /// Copy constructor
4600     IntCHB(const IntCHB& chb);
4601     /// Assignment operator
4602     IntCHB& operator =(const IntCHB& chb);
4603    /**
4604      * \brief Initialize for integer variables \a x
4605      *
4606      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4607      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4608      * by \a bm.
4609      *
4610      */
4612     IntCHB(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4613    /**
4614      * \brief Initialize for integer variables \a x
4615      *
4616      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4617      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4618      * by \a bm.
4619      *
4620      * This member function can only be used once and only if the
4621      * action storage has been constructed with the default constructor.
4622      *
4623      */
4624     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void
4625     init(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4626   };
4628   /**
4629    * \brief Recording CHB for Boolean variables
4630    *
4631    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4632    */
4633   class BoolCHB : public CHB {
4634   public:
4635     /**
4636      * \brief Construct as not yet initialized
4637      *
4638      * The only member functions that can be used on a constructed but not
4639      * yet initialized action storage is init or the assignment operator.
4640      *
4641      */
4642     BoolCHB(void);
4643     /// Copy constructor
4644     BoolCHB(const BoolCHB& chb);
4645     /// Assignment operator
4646     BoolCHB& operator =(const BoolCHB& chb);
4647    /**
4648      * \brief Initialize for Boolean variables \a x
4649      *
4650      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4651      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4652      * by \a bm.
4653      *
4654      */
4656     BoolCHB(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4657    /**
4658      * \brief Initialize for Boolean variables \a x
4659      *
4660      * If the branch merit function \a bm is different from nullptr, the
4661      * action for each variable is initialized with the merit returned
4662      * by \a bm.
4663      *
4664      * This member function can only be used once and only if the
4665      * action storage has been constructed with the default constructor.
4666      *
4667      */
4668     GECODE_INT_EXPORT void
4669     init(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolBranchMerit bm=nullptr);
4670   };
4672 }
4674 #include <gecode/int/branch/chb.hpp>
4676 namespace Gecode {
4678   /// Function type for printing branching alternatives for integer variables
4679   typedef std::function<void(const Space &home, const Brancher& b,
4680                              unsigned int a,
4681                              IntVar x, int i, const int& n,
4682                              std::ostream& o)>
4683     IntVarValPrint;
4685   /// Function type for printing branching alternatives for Boolean variables
4686   typedef std::function<void(const Space &home, const Brancher& b,
4687                              unsigned int a,
4688                              BoolVar x, int i, const int& n,
4689                              std::ostream& o)>
4690     BoolVarValPrint;
4692 }
4694 namespace Gecode {
4696   /**
4697    * \brief Which integer variable to select for branching
4698    *
4699    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4700    */
4701   class IntVarBranch : public VarBranch<IntVar> {
4702   public:
4703     /// Which variable selection
4704     enum Select {
4705       SEL_NONE = 0,        ///< First unassigned
4706       SEL_RND,             ///< Random (uniform, for tie breaking)
4707       SEL_MERIT_MIN,       ///< With least merit
4708       SEL_MERIT_MAX,       ///< With highest merit
4709       SEL_DEGREE_MIN,      ///< With smallest degree
4710       SEL_DEGREE_MAX,      ///< With largest degree
4711       SEL_AFC_MIN,         ///< With smallest accumulated failure count
4712       SEL_AFC_MAX,         ///< With largest accumulated failure count
4713       SEL_ACTION_MIN,      ///< With lowest action
4714       SEL_ACTION_MAX,      ///< With highest action
4715       SEL_CHB_MIN,         ///< With lowest CHB Q-score
4716       SEL_CHB_MAX,         ///< With highest CHB Q-score
4717       SEL_MIN_MIN,         ///< With smallest min
4718       SEL_MIN_MAX,         ///< With largest min
4719       SEL_MAX_MIN,         ///< With smallest max
4720       SEL_MAX_MAX,         ///< With largest max
4721       SEL_SIZE_MIN,        ///< With smallest domain size
4722       SEL_SIZE_MAX,        ///< With largest domain size
4723       SEL_DEGREE_SIZE_MIN, ///< With smallest degree divided by domain size
4724       SEL_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX, ///< With largest degree divided by domain size
4725       SEL_AFC_SIZE_MIN,    ///< With smallest accumulated failure count divided by domain size
4726       SEL_AFC_SIZE_MAX,    ///< With largest accumulated failure count divided by domain size
4727       SEL_ACTION_SIZE_MIN, ///< With smallest action divided by domain size
4728       SEL_ACTION_SIZE_MAX, ///< With largest action divided by domain size
4729       SEL_CHB_SIZE_MIN,    ///< With smallest CHB Q-score divided by domain size
4730       SEL_CHB_SIZE_MAX,    ///< With largest CHB Q-score divided by domain size
4731       /** \brief With smallest min-regret
4732        *
4733        * The min-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4734        * smallest and second-smallest value still in the domain.
4735        */
4736       SEL_REGRET_MIN_MIN,
4737       /** \brief With largest min-regret
4738        *
4739        * The min-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4740        * smallest and second-smallest value still in the domain.
4741        */
4742       SEL_REGRET_MIN_MAX,
4743       /** \brief With smallest max-regret
4744        *
4745        * The max-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4746        * largest and second-largest value still in the domain.
4747        */
4748       SEL_REGRET_MAX_MIN,
4749       /** \brief With largest max-regret
4750        *
4751        * The max-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4752        * largest and second-largest value still in the domain.
4753        */
4755     };
4756   protected:
4757     /// Which variable to select
4758     Select s;
4759   public:
4760     /// Initialize with strategy SEL_NONE
4761     IntVarBranch(void);
4762     /// Initialize with random number generator \a r
4763     IntVarBranch(Rnd r);
4764     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s and tie-break limit function \a t
4765     IntVarBranch(Select s, BranchTbl t);
4766     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, decay factor \a d, and tie-break limit function \a t
4767     IntVarBranch(Select s, double d, BranchTbl t);
4768     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, AFC \a a, and tie-break limit function \a t
4769     IntVarBranch(Select s, IntAFC a, BranchTbl t);
4770     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, action \a a, and tie-break limit function \a t
4771     IntVarBranch(Select s, IntAction a, BranchTbl t);
4772     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, CHB \a c, and tie-break limit function \a t
4773     IntVarBranch(Select s, IntCHB c, BranchTbl t);
4774     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, branch merit function \a mf, and tie-break limit function \a t
4775     IntVarBranch(Select s, IntBranchMerit mf, BranchTbl t);
4776     /// Return selection strategy
4777     Select select(void) const;
4778     /// Expand AFC, action, and CHB
4779     void expand(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x);
4780   };
4782   /**
4783    * \brief Which Boolean variable to select for branching
4784    *
4785    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4786    */
4787   class BoolVarBranch : public VarBranch<BoolVar> {
4788   public:
4789     /// Which variable selection
4790     enum Select {
4791       SEL_NONE = 0,        ///< First unassigned
4792       SEL_RND,             ///< Random (uniform, for tie breaking)
4793       SEL_MERIT_MIN,       ///< With least merit
4794       SEL_MERIT_MAX,       ///< With highest merit
4795       SEL_DEGREE_MIN,      ///< With smallest degree
4796       SEL_DEGREE_MAX,      ///< With largest degree
4797       SEL_AFC_MIN,         ///< With smallest accumulated failure count
4798       SEL_AFC_MAX,         ///< With largest accumulated failure count
4799       SEL_ACTION_MIN,      ///< With lowest action
4800       SEL_ACTION_MAX,      ///< With highest action
4801       SEL_CHB_MIN,         ///< With lowest CHB
4802       SEL_CHB_MAX          ///< With highest CHB
4803     };
4804   protected:
4805     /// Which variable to select
4806     Select s;
4807   public:
4808     /// Initialize with strategy SEL_NONE
4809     BoolVarBranch(void);
4810     /// Initialize with random number generator \a r
4811     BoolVarBranch(Rnd r);
4812     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s and tie-break limit function \a t
4813     BoolVarBranch(Select s, BranchTbl t);
4814     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, decay factor \a d, and tie-break limit function \a t
4815     BoolVarBranch(Select s, double d, BranchTbl t);
4816     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, AFC \a a, and tie-break limit function \a t
4817     BoolVarBranch(Select s, BoolAFC a, BranchTbl t);
4818     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, action \a a, and tie-break limit function \a t
4819     BoolVarBranch(Select s, BoolAction a, BranchTbl t);
4820     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, CHB \a c, and tie-break limit function \a t
4821     BoolVarBranch(Select s, BoolCHB c, BranchTbl t);
4822     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s, branch merit function \a mf, and tie-break limit function \a t
4823     BoolVarBranch(Select s, BoolBranchMerit mf, BranchTbl t);
4824     /// Return selection strategy
4825     Select select(void) const;
4826     /// Expand decay factor into AFC or action
4827     void expand(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x);
4828   };
4830   /**
4831    * \defgroup TaskModelIntBranchVar Variable selection for integer and Boolean variables
4832    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4833    */
4834   //@{
4835   /// Select first unassigned variable
4836   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_NONE(void);
4837   /// Select random variable (uniform distribution, for tie breaking)
4838   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_RND(Rnd r);
4839   /// Select variable with least merit according to branch merit function \a bm
4840   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_MERIT_MIN(IntBranchMerit bm, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4841   /// Select variable with highest merit according to branch merit function \a bm
4842   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_MERIT_MAX(IntBranchMerit bm, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4843   /// Select variable with smallest degree
4844   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_DEGREE_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4845   /// Select variable with largest degree
4846   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4847   /// Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count with decay factor \a d
4848   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_MIN(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4849   /// Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count
4850   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_MIN(IntAFC a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4851   /// Select variable with largest accumulated failure count with decay factor \a d
4852   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_MAX(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4853   /// Select variable with largest accumulated failure count
4854   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_MAX(IntAFC a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4855   /// Select variable with lowest action with decay factor \a d
4856   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_MIN(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4857   /// Select variable with lowest action
4858   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_MIN(IntAction a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4859   /// Select variable with highest action with decay factor \a d
4860   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_MAX(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4861   /// Select variable with highest action
4862   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_MAX(IntAction a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4863   /// Select variable with lowest CHB Q-score
4864   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_MIN(IntCHB c, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4865   /// Select variable with lowest CHB Q-score
4866   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4867   /// Select variable with largest CHB Q-score
4868   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_MAX(IntCHB c, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4869   /// Select variable with largest CHB Q-score
4870   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4871   /// Select variable with smallest min
4872   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_MIN_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4873   /// Select variable with largest min
4874   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_MIN_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4875   /// Select variable with smallest max
4876   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_MAX_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4877   /// Select variable with largest max
4878   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_MAX_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4879   /// Select variable with smallest domain size
4880   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4881   /// Select variable with largest domain size
4882   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4883   /// Select variable with smallest degree divided by domain size
4884   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4885   /// Select variable with largest degree divided by domain size
4886   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4887   /// Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count divided by domain size with decay factor \a d
4888   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MIN(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4889   /// Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count divided by domain size
4890   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MIN(IntAFC a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4891   /// Select variable with largest accumulated failure count divided by domain size with decay factor \a d
4892   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4893   /// Select variable with largest accumulated failure count divided by domain size
4894   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(IntAFC a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4895   /// Select variable with smallest action divided by domain size with decay factor \a d
4896   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_SIZE_MIN(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4897   /// Select variable with smallest action divided by domain size
4898   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_SIZE_MIN(IntAction a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4899   /// Select variable with largest action divided by domain size with decay factor \a d
4900   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_SIZE_MAX(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4901   /// Select variable with largest action divided by domain size
4902   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_ACTION_SIZE_MAX(IntAction a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4903   /// Select variable with smallest CHB Q-score divided by domain size
4904   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_SIZE_MIN(IntCHB c, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4905   /// Select variable with smallest CHB Q-score divided by domain size
4906   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_SIZE_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4907   /// Select variable with largest CHB Q-score divided by domain size
4908   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_SIZE_MAX(IntCHB c, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4909   /// Select variable with largest CHB Q-score divided by domain size
4910   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_CHB_SIZE_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4911   /** \brief Select variable with smallest min-regret
4912    *
4913    * The min-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4914    * smallest and second-smallest value still in the domain.
4915    */
4916   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_REGRET_MIN_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4917   /** \brief Select variable with largest min-regret
4918    *
4919    * The min-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4920    * smallest and second-smallest value still in the domain.
4921    */
4922   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_REGRET_MIN_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4923   /** \brief Select variable with smallest max-regret
4924    *
4925    * The max-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4926    * largest and second-largest value still in the domain.
4927    */
4928   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4929   /** \brief Select variable with largest max-regret
4930    *
4931    * The max-regret of a variable is the difference between the
4932    * largest and second-largest value still in the domain.
4933    */
4934   IntVarBranch INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4936   /// Select first unassigned variable
4937   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_NONE(void);
4938   /// Select random variable (uniform distribution, for tie breaking)
4939   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_RND(Rnd r);
4940   /// Select variable with least merit according to branch merit function \a bm
4941   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_MERIT_MIN(BoolBranchMerit bm, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4942   /// Select variable with highest merit according to branch merit function \a bm
4943   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_MERIT_MAX(BoolBranchMerit bm, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4944   /// Select variable with smallest degree
4945   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_DEGREE_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4946   /// Select variable with largest degree
4947   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4948   /// Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count with decay factor \a d
4949   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_AFC_MIN(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4950   /// Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count
4951   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_AFC_MIN(BoolAFC a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4952   /// Select variable with largest accumulated failure count with decay factor \a d
4953   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_AFC_MAX(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4954   /// Select variable with largest accumulated failure count
4955   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_AFC_MAX(BoolAFC a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4956   /// Select variable with lowest action with decay factor \a d
4957   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_ACTION_MIN(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4958   /// Select variable with lowest action
4959   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_ACTION_MIN(BoolAction a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4960   /// Select variable with highest action with decay factor \a d
4961   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_ACTION_MAX(double d=1.0, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4962   /// Select variable with highest action
4963   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_ACTION_MAX(BoolAction a, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4964   /// Select variable with lowest CHB Q-score
4965   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_CHB_MIN(BoolCHB c, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4966   /// Select variable with lowest CHB Q-score
4967   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_CHB_MIN(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4968   /// Select variable with largest CHB Q-score
4969   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_CHB_MAX(BoolCHB c, BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4970   /// Select variable with largest CHB Q-score
4971   BoolVarBranch BOOL_VAR_CHB_MAX(BranchTbl tbl=nullptr);
4972   //@}
4974 }
4976 #include <gecode/int/branch/var.hpp>
4978 namespace Gecode {
4980   /**
4981    * \brief Which values to select for branching first
4982    *
4983    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
4984    */
4985   class IntValBranch : public ValBranch<IntVar> {
4986   public:
4987     /// Which value selection
4988     enum Select {
4989       SEL_MIN,        ///< Select smallest value
4990       SEL_MED,        ///< Select greatest value not greater than the median
4991       SEL_MAX,        ///< Select largest value
4992       SEL_RND,        ///< Select random value
4993       SEL_SPLIT_MIN,  ///< Select values not greater than mean of smallest and largest value
4994       SEL_SPLIT_MAX,  ///< Select values greater than mean of smallest and largest value
4995       SEL_RANGE_MIN,  ///< Select the smallest range of the variable domain if it has several ranges, otherwise select values not greater than mean of smallest and largest value
4996       SEL_RANGE_MAX,  ///< Select the largest range of the variable domain if it has several ranges, otherwise select values greater than mean of smallest and largest value
4997       SEL_VAL_COMMIT, ///< Select value according to user-defined functions
4998       SEL_VALUES_MIN, ///< Select all values starting from smallest
4999       SEL_VALUES_MAX  ///< Select all values starting from largest
5000    };
5001   protected:
5002     /// Which value to select
5003     Select s;
5004   public:
5005     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s
5006     IntValBranch(Select s = SEL_MIN);
5007     /// Initialize with random number generator \a r
5008     IntValBranch(Rnd r);
5009     /// Initialize with value function \a f and commit function \a c
5010     IntValBranch(IntBranchVal v, IntBranchCommit c);
5011     /// Return selection strategy
5012     Select select(void) const;
5013   };
5015   /**
5016    * \brief Which values to select for branching first
5017    *
5018    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5019    */
5020   class BoolValBranch : public ValBranch<BoolVar> {
5021   public:
5022     /// Which value selection
5023     enum Select {
5024       SEL_MIN,       ///< Select smallest value
5025       SEL_MAX,       ///< Select largest value
5026       SEL_RND,       ///< Select random value
5027       SEL_VAL_COMMIT ///< Select value according to user-defined functions
5028    };
5029   protected:
5030     /// Which value to select
5031     Select s;
5032   public:
5033     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s
5034     BoolValBranch(Select s = SEL_MIN);
5035     /// Initialize with random number generator \a r
5036     BoolValBranch(Rnd r);
5037     /// Initialize with value function \a f and commit function \a c
5038     BoolValBranch(BoolBranchVal v, BoolBranchCommit c);
5039     /// Return selection strategy
5040     Select select(void) const;
5041   };
5043   /**
5044    * \defgroup TaskModelIntBranchVal Value selection for integer and Boolean variables
5045    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5046    */
5047   //@{
5048   /// Select smallest value
5049   IntValBranch INT_VAL_MIN(void);
5050   /// Select greatest value not greater than the median
5051   IntValBranch INT_VAL_MED(void);
5052   /// Select largest value
5053   IntValBranch INT_VAL_MAX(void);
5054   /// Select random value
5055   IntValBranch INT_VAL_RND(Rnd r);
5056   /// Select values not greater than mean of smallest and largest value
5057   IntValBranch INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN(void);
5058   /// Select values greater than mean of smallest and largest value
5059   IntValBranch INT_VAL_SPLIT_MAX(void);
5060   /// Select the smallest range of the variable domain if it has several ranges, otherwise select values not greater than mean of smallest and largest value
5061   IntValBranch INT_VAL_RANGE_MIN(void);
5062   /// Select the largest range of the variable domain if it has several ranges, otherwise select values greater than mean of smallest and largest value
5063   IntValBranch INT_VAL_RANGE_MAX(void);
5064   /**
5065    * \brief Select value as defined by the value function \a v and commit function \a c
5066    * Uses a commit function as default that posts the constraints that
5067    * a variable \a x must be equal to a value \a n for the first alternative
5068    * and that \a x must be different from \a n for the second alternative.
5069    */
5070   IntValBranch INT_VAL(IntBranchVal v, IntBranchCommit c=nullptr);
5071   /// Try all values starting from smallest
5072   IntValBranch INT_VALUES_MIN(void);
5073   /// Try all values starting from largest
5074   IntValBranch INT_VALUES_MAX(void);
5076   /// Select smallest value
5077   BoolValBranch BOOL_VAL_MIN(void);
5078   /// Select largest value
5079   BoolValBranch BOOL_VAL_MAX(void);
5080   /// Select random value
5081   BoolValBranch BOOL_VAL_RND(Rnd r);
5082   /**
5083    * \brief Select value as defined by the value function \a v and commit function \a c
5084    * Uses a commit function as default that posts the constraints that
5085    * a variable \a x must be equal to a value \a n for the first alternative
5086    * and that \a x must be different from \a n for the second alternative.
5087    */
5088   BoolValBranch BOOL_VAL(BoolBranchVal v, BoolBranchCommit c=nullptr);
5089   //@}
5091 }
5093 #include <gecode/int/branch/val.hpp>
5095 namespace Gecode {
5097   /**
5098    * \brief Which values to select for assignment
5099    *
5100    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5101    */
5102   class IntAssign : public ValBranch<IntVar> {
5103   public:
5104     /// Which value selection
5105     enum Select {
5106       SEL_MIN,       ///< Select smallest value
5107       SEL_MED,       ///< Select greatest value not greater than the median
5108       SEL_MAX,       ///< Select largest value
5109       SEL_RND,       ///< Select random value
5110       SEL_VAL_COMMIT ///< Select value according to user-defined functions
5111     };
5112   protected:
5113     /// Which value to select
5114     Select s;
5115   public:
5116     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s
5117     IntAssign(Select s = SEL_MIN);
5118     /// Initialize with random number generator \a r
5119     IntAssign(Rnd r);
5120     /// Initialize with value function \a f and commit function \a c
5121     IntAssign(IntBranchVal v, IntBranchCommit c);
5122     /// Return selection strategy
5123     Select select(void) const;
5124   };
5126   /**
5127    * \brief Which values to select for assignment
5128    *
5129    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5130    */
5131   class BoolAssign : public ValBranch<BoolVar> {
5132   public:
5133     /// Which value selection
5134     enum Select {
5135       SEL_MIN,       ///< Select smallest value
5136       SEL_MAX,       ///< Select largest value
5137       SEL_RND,       ///< Select random value
5138       SEL_VAL_COMMIT ///< Select value according to user-defined functions
5139     };
5140   protected:
5141     /// Which value to select
5142     Select s;
5143   public:
5144     /// Initialize with selection strategy \a s
5145     BoolAssign(Select s = SEL_MIN);
5146     /// Initialize with random number generator \a r
5147     BoolAssign(Rnd r);
5148     /// Initialize with value function \a f and commit function \a c
5149     BoolAssign(BoolBranchVal v, BoolBranchCommit c);
5150     /// Return selection strategy
5151     Select select(void) const;
5152   };
5154   /**
5155    * \defgroup TaskModelIntBranchAssign Value selection for assigning integer variables
5156    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5157    */
5158   //@{
5159   /// Select smallest value
5160   IntAssign INT_ASSIGN_MIN(void);
5161   /// Select greatest value not greater than the median
5162   IntAssign INT_ASSIGN_MED(void);
5163   /// Select largest value
5164   IntAssign INT_ASSIGN_MAX(void);
5165   /// Select random value
5166   IntAssign INT_ASSIGN_RND(Rnd r);
5167   /**
5168    * \brief Select value as defined by the value function \a v and commit function \a c
5169    *
5170    * Uses a commit function as default that posts the constraint that
5171    * a variable \a x must be equal to the value \a n.
5172    */
5173   IntAssign INT_ASSIGN(IntBranchVal v, IntBranchCommit c=nullptr);
5175   /// Select smallest value
5176   BoolAssign BOOL_ASSIGN_MIN(void);
5177   /// Select largest value
5178   BoolAssign BOOL_ASSIGN_MAX(void);
5179   /// Select random value
5180   BoolAssign BOOL_ASSIGN_RND(Rnd r);
5181   /**
5182    * \brief Select value as defined by the value function \a v and commit function \a c
5183    *
5184    * Uses a commit function as default that posts the constraint that
5185    * a variable \a x must be equal to the value \a n.
5186    */
5187   BoolAssign BOOL_ASSIGN(BoolBranchVal v, BoolBranchCommit c=nullptr);
5188   //@}
5190 }
5192 #include <gecode/int/branch/assign.hpp>
5194 namespace Gecode {
5196   /**
5197    * \brief Branch over \a x with variable selection \a vars and value selection \a vals
5198    *
5199    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5200    */
5202   branch(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5203          IntVarBranch vars, IntValBranch vals,
5204          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5205          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5206   /**
5207    * \brief Branch over \a x with tie-breaking variable selection \a vars and value selection \a vals
5208    *
5209    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5210    */
5212   branch(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5213          TieBreak<IntVarBranch> vars, IntValBranch vals,
5214          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5215          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5216   /**
5217    * \brief Branch over \a x with value selection \a vals
5218    *
5219    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5220    */
5222   branch(Home home, IntVar x, IntValBranch vals,
5223          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5224   /**
5225    * \brief Branch over \a x with variable selection \a vars and value selection \a vals
5226    *
5227    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5228    */
5230   branch(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5231          BoolVarBranch vars, BoolValBranch vals,
5232          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5233          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5234   /**
5235    * \brief Branch over \a x with tie-breaking variable selection \a vars and value selection \a vals
5236    *
5237    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5238    */
5240   branch(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5241          TieBreak<BoolVarBranch> vars, BoolValBranch vals,
5242          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5243          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5244   /**
5245    * \brief Branch over \a x with value selection \a vals
5246    *
5247    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5248    */
5250   branch(Home home, BoolVar x, BoolValBranch vals,
5251          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5253   /**
5254    * \brief Assign all \a x with variable selection \a vars with value selection \a vals
5255    *
5256    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5257    */
5259   assign(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5260          IntVarBranch vars, IntAssign vals,
5261          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5262          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5263   /**
5264    * \brief Assign all \a x with tie-breaking variable selection \a vars and value selection \a vals
5265    *
5266    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5267    */
5269   assign(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5270          TieBreak<IntVarBranch> vars, IntAssign vals,
5271          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5272          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5273   /**
5274    * \brief Assign \a x with value selection \a vals
5275    *
5276    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5277    */
5279   assign(Home home, IntVar x, IntAssign vals,
5280          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5281   /**
5282    * \brief Assign all \a x with variable selection \a vars with value selection \a vals
5283    *
5284    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5285    */
5287   assign(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5288          BoolVarBranch vars, BoolAssign vals,
5289          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5290          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5291   /**
5292    * \brief Assign all \a x with tie-breaking variable selection \a vars and value selection \a vals
5293    *
5294    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5295    */
5297   assign(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5298          TieBreak<BoolVarBranch> vars, BoolAssign vals,
5299          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5300          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5301   /**
5302    * \brief Assign \a x with value selection \a vals
5303    *
5304    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5305    */
5307   assign(Home home, BoolVar x, BoolAssign vals,
5308          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5310 }
5312 namespace Gecode {
5314   /**
5315    * \brief Branch over \a x with value selection \a vals
5316    *
5317    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5318    */
5319   void
5320   branch(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntValBranch vals,
5321          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5322          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5323   /**
5324    * \brief Branch over \a x with value selection \a vals
5325    *
5326    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5327    */
5328   void
5329   branch(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolValBranch vals,
5330          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5331          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5333   /**
5334    * \brief Assign all \a x with value selection \a vals
5335    *
5336    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5337    */
5338   void
5339   assign(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, IntAssign vals,
5340          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5341          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5342   /**
5343    * \brief Assign all \a x with value selection \a vals
5344    *
5345    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5346    */
5347   void
5348   assign(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, BoolAssign vals,
5349          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5350          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5352 }
5354 #include <gecode/int/branch.hpp>
5356 namespace Gecode {
5358   /** Print DFA \a d
5359    * \relates Gecode::DFA
5360    */
5361   template<class Char, class Traits>
5362   std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>&
5363   operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const DFA& d);
5365   /** Print TupleSet \a ts
5366    * \relates Gecode::TupleSet
5367    */
5368   template<class Char, class Traits>
5369   std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>&
5370   operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const TupleSet& ts);
5372 }
5374 // LDSB-related declarations.
5375 namespace Gecode {
5377   namespace Int { namespace LDSB {
5378     class SymmetryObject;
5379   }}
5381   /**
5382    * \brief A reference-counted pointer to a SymmetryObject
5383    *
5384    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5385    */
5386   class GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle {
5387   public:
5388     /// Symmetry object that this handle refers to.
5389     Int::LDSB::SymmetryObject* ref;
5390     /// Increment counter
5391     void increment(void);
5392     /// Decrement counter
5393     void decrement(void);
5394   public:
5395     /// Default constructor
5396     SymmetryHandle(void);
5397     /// Initialies with a SymmetryObject
5398     SymmetryHandle(Int::LDSB::SymmetryObject* o);
5399     /// Copy constructor
5400     SymmetryHandle(const SymmetryHandle& h);
5401     /// Assignment operator
5402     const SymmetryHandle& operator=(const SymmetryHandle& h);
5403     /// Destructor
5404     ~SymmetryHandle(void);
5405   };
5406   class Symmetries;
5407   /// Traits of %Symmetries
5408   template<>
5409   class ArrayTraits<ArgArray<SymmetryHandle> > {
5410   public:
5411     typedef Symmetries     StorageType;
5412     typedef SymmetryHandle ValueType;
5413     typedef Symmetries     ArgsType;
5414   };
5416   /**
5417    * \defgroup TaskModelIntBranchSymm Symmetry declarations
5418    *
5419    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5420    */
5421   //@{
5422   /// Collection of symmetries
5423   class Symmetries : public ArgArray<SymmetryHandle> {};
5424   // If this is instead a typedef, strange things happen with the
5425   // overloading of the "branch" function.
5427   /// Variables in \a x are interchangeable
5428   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle VariableSymmetry(const IntVarArgs& x);
5429   /// Variables in \a x are interchangeable
5430   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle VariableSymmetry(const BoolVarArgs& x);
5431   /// Specified variables in \a x are interchangeable
5432   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle VariableSymmetry(const IntVarArgs& x,
5433                                                     const IntArgs& indices);
5434   /// Values in \a v are interchangeable
5435   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle ValueSymmetry(const IntArgs& v);
5436   /// Values in \a v are interchangeable
5437   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle ValueSymmetry(const IntSet& v);
5438   /// All values in the domain of the given variable are interchangeable
5439   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle ValueSymmetry(IntVar vars);
5440   /**
5441    * \brief Variable sequences in \a x of size \a ss are interchangeable
5442    *
5443    * The size of \a x must be a multiple of \a ss.
5444    */
5446   SymmetryHandle VariableSequenceSymmetry(const IntVarArgs& x, int ss);
5447   /**
5448    * \brief Variable sequences in \a x of size \a ss are interchangeable
5449    *
5450    * The size of \a x must be a multiple of \a ss.
5451    */
5453   SymmetryHandle VariableSequenceSymmetry(const BoolVarArgs& x, int ss);
5454   /**
5455    * \brief Value sequences in \a v of size \a ss are interchangeable
5456    *
5457    * The size of \a v must be a multiple of \a ss.
5458    */
5460   SymmetryHandle ValueSequenceSymmetry(const IntArgs& v, int ss);
5462   /// The values from \a lower to \a upper (inclusive) can be reflected
5463   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle values_reflect(int lower, int upper);
5464   /// The values in the domain of \x can be reflected
5465   GECODE_INT_EXPORT SymmetryHandle values_reflect(IntVar x);
5466   //@}
5468   /**
5469    * \brief Branch over \a x with variable selection \a vars and value
5470    * selection \a vals with symmetry breaking
5471    *
5472    * Throws LDSBBadValueSelection exception if \a vals is any of
5474    * SEL_VALUES_MIN, and SEL_VALUES_MAX, or if \a vals is
5475    * SEL_VAL_COMMIT with a custom commit function.
5476    *
5477    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5478    */
5480   branch(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5481          IntVarBranch vars, IntValBranch vals,
5482          const Symmetries& syms,
5483          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5484          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5485   /**
5486    * \brief Branch over \a x with tie-breaking variable selection \a
5487    * vars and value selection \a vals with symmetry breaking
5488    *
5489    * Throws LDSBBadValueSelection exception if \a vals is any of
5491    * SEL_VALUES_MIN, and SEL_VALUES_MAX, or if \a vals is
5492    * SEL_VAL_COMMIT with a custom commit function.
5493    *
5494    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5495    */
5497   branch(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5498          TieBreak<IntVarBranch> vars, IntValBranch vals,
5499          const Symmetries& syms,
5500          IntBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5501          IntVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5502   /**
5503    * \brief Branch over \a x with variable selection \a vars and value
5504    * selection \a vals with symmetry breaking
5505    *
5506    * Throws LDSBBadValueSelection exception if \a vals is any of
5508    * SEL_VALUES_MIN, and SEL_VALUES_MAX, or if \a vals is
5509    * SEL_VAL_COMMIT with a custom commit function.
5510    *
5511    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5512    */
5514   branch(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5515          BoolVarBranch vars, BoolValBranch vals,
5516          const Symmetries& syms,
5517          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5518          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5519   /**
5520    * \brief Branch over \a x with tie-breaking variable selection \a
5521    * vars and value selection \a vals with symmetry breaking
5522    *
5523    * Throws LDSBBadValueSelection exception if \a vals is any of
5525    * SEL_VALUES_MIN, and SEL_VALUES_MAX, or if \a vals is
5526    * SEL_VAL_COMMIT with a custom commit function.
5527    *
5528    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5529    */
5531   branch(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5532          TieBreak<BoolVarBranch> vars, BoolValBranch vals,
5533          const Symmetries& syms,
5534          BoolBranchFilter bf=nullptr,
5535          BoolVarValPrint vvp=nullptr);
5537 #ifdef GECODE_HAS_CBS
5539   /**
5540    * \brief Branch over \a x using counting-based search
5541    *
5542    * Branches on the <variable, value> pair that has the the highest solution
5543    * density across all active propagators. Computing solution density is
5544    * currently supported for the following propagators:
5545    *
5546    *   - Gecode::Int::Distinct::Val
5547    *   - Gecode::Int::Distinct::Bnd
5548    *   - Gecode::Int::Distinct::Dom
5549    *   - More to come...
5550    *
5551    * If the space does not contain any of the preceding propagators, this
5552    * brancher won't be able to make any branching choices. For more details,
5553    * please see the documentation in MPG, section ?.
5554    *
5555    * To use this brancher, Gecode needs to be compiled with --enable-cbs.
5556    *
5557    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5558    */
5560   cbsbranch(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x);
5563   /**
5564    * \brief Branch over \a x using counting-based search
5565    *
5566    * Branches on the <variable, value> pair that has the the highest solution
5567    * density across all active propagators. Computing solution density is
5568    * currently supported for the following propagators:
5569    *
5570    *   - Gecode::Int::Distinct::Val
5571    *   - Gecode::Int::Distinct::Bnd
5572    *   - Gecode::Int::Distinct::Dom
5573    *   - More to come...
5574    *
5575    * If the space does not contain any of the preceding propagators, this
5576    * brancher won't be able to make any branching choices. For more details,
5577    * please see the documentation in MPG, section ?.
5578    *
5579    * To use this brancher, Gecode needs to be compiled with --enable-cbs.
5580    *
5581    * \ingroup TaskModelIntBranch
5582    */
5584   cbsbranch(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x);
5586 #endif
5588 }
5590 namespace Gecode {
5592   /*
5593    * \brief Relaxed assignment of variables in \a x from values in \a sx
5594    *
5595    * The variables in \a x are assigned values from the assigned variables
5596    * in the solution \a sx with a relaxation probability \a p. That is,
5597    * if \f$p=0.1\f$ approximately 10% of the variables in \a x will be
5598    * assigned a value from \a sx.
5599    *
5600    * The random numbers are generated from the generator \a r. At least
5601    * one variable will not be assigned: in case the relaxation attempt
5602    * would suggest that all variables should be assigned, a single
5603    * variable will be selected randomly to remain unassigned.
5604    *
5605    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a x and
5606    * \a sx are of different size.
5607    *
5608    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p is not between
5609    * \a 0.0 and \a 1.0.
5610    *
5611    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
5612    */
5614   relax(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x, const IntVarArgs& sx,
5615         Rnd r, double p);
5617   /*
5618    * \brief Relaxed assignment of variables in \a x from values in \a sx
5619    *
5620    * The variables in \a x are assigned values from the assigned variables
5621    * in the solution \a sx with a relaxation probability \a p. That is,
5622    * if \f$p=0.1\f$ approximately 10% of the variables in \a x will be
5623    * assigned a value from \a sx.
5624    *
5625    * The random numbers are generated from the generator \a r. At least
5626    * one variable will not be assigned: in case the relaxation attempt
5627    * would suggest that all variables should be assigned, a single
5628    * variable will be selected randomly to remain unassigned.
5629    *
5630    * Throws an exception of type Int::ArgumentSizeMismatch, if \a x and
5631    * \a sx are of different size.
5632    *
5633    * Throws an exception of type Int::OutOfLimits, if \a p is not between
5634    * \a 0.0 and \a 1.0.
5635    *
5636    * \ingroup TaskModelInt
5637    */
5639   relax(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x, const BoolVarArgs& sx,
5640         Rnd r, double p);
5642 }
5645 #include <gecode/int/trace/int-trace-view.hpp>
5646 #include <gecode/int/trace/bool-trace-view.hpp>
5648 namespace Gecode {
5650   /**
5651    * \defgroup TaskIntTrace Tracing for integer and Boolean variables
5652    * \ingroup TaskTrace
5653    */
5655   /**
5656    * \brief Trace delta information for integer variables
5657    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5658    */
5659   class IntTraceDelta
5660     : public Iter::Ranges::Diff<Iter::Ranges::RangeList,
5661                                 Int::ViewRanges<Int::IntView> > {
5662   protected:
5663     /// Iterator over the new values
5664     Int::ViewRanges<Int::IntView> rn;
5665     /// Iterator over the old values
5666     Iter::Ranges::RangeList ro;
5667   public:
5668     /// \name Constructors and initialization
5669     //@{
5670     /// Initialize with old trace view \a o, new view \a n, and delta \a d
5671     IntTraceDelta(Int::IntTraceView o, Int::IntView n, const Delta& d);
5672     //@}
5673   };
5675   /**
5676    * \brief Trace delta information for Boolean variables
5677    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5678    */
5679   class BoolTraceDelta {
5680   protected:
5681     /// Delta information
5682     int delta;
5683   public:
5684     /// \name Constructors and initialization
5685     //@{
5686     /// Initialize with old trace view \a o, new view \a n, and delta \a d
5687     BoolTraceDelta(Int::BoolTraceView o, Int::BoolView n, const Delta& d);
5688     //@}
5689     /// \name Iteration control
5690     //@{
5691     /// Test whether iterator is still at a range or done
5692     bool operator ()(void) const;
5693     /// Move iterator to next range (if possible)
5694     void operator ++(void);
5695     //@}
5697     /// \name Range access
5698     //@{
5699     /// Return smallest value of range
5700     int min(void) const;
5701     /// Return largest value of range
5702     int max(void) const;
5703     /// Return width of range (distance between minimum and maximum)
5704     unsigned int width(void) const;
5705     //@}
5706   };
5708 }
5710 #include <gecode/int/trace/int-delta.hpp>
5711 #include <gecode/int/trace/bool-delta.hpp>
5713 #include <gecode/int/trace/traits.hpp>
5715 namespace Gecode {
5717   /**
5718    * \brief Tracer for integer variables
5719    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5720    */
5721   typedef ViewTracer<Int::IntView> IntTracer;
5722   /**
5723    * \brief Trace recorder for integer variables
5724    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5725    */
5726   typedef ViewTraceRecorder<Int::IntView> IntTraceRecorder;
5728   /**
5729    * \brief Standard integer variable tracer
5730    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5731    */
5732   class GECODE_INT_EXPORT StdIntTracer : public IntTracer {
5733   protected:
5734     /// Output stream to use
5735     std::ostream& os;
5736   public:
5737     /// Initialize with output stream \a os0 and events \ e
5738     StdIntTracer(std::ostream& os0 = std::cerr);
5739     /// Print init information
5740     virtual void init(const Space& home, const IntTraceRecorder& t);
5741     /// Print prune information
5742     virtual void prune(const Space& home, const IntTraceRecorder& t,
5743                        const ViewTraceInfo& vti, int i, IntTraceDelta& d);
5744     /// Print fixpoint information
5745     virtual void fix(const Space& home, const IntTraceRecorder& t);
5746     /// Print failure information
5747     virtual void fail(const Space& home, const IntTraceRecorder& t);
5748     /// Print that trace recorder is done
5749     virtual void done(const Space& home, const IntTraceRecorder& t);
5750     /// Default tracer (printing to std::cerr)
5751     static StdIntTracer def;
5752   };
5755   /**
5756    * \brief Tracer for Boolean variables
5757    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5758    */
5759   typedef ViewTracer<Int::BoolView> BoolTracer;
5760   /**
5761    * \brief Trace recorder for Boolean variables
5762    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5763    */
5764   typedef ViewTraceRecorder<Int::BoolView> BoolTraceRecorder;
5766   /**
5767    * \brief Standard Boolean variable tracer
5768    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5769    */
5770   class GECODE_INT_EXPORT StdBoolTracer : public BoolTracer {
5771   protected:
5772     /// Output stream to use
5773     std::ostream& os;
5774   public:
5775     /// Initialize with output stream \a os0
5776     StdBoolTracer(std::ostream& os0 = std::cerr);
5777     /// Print init information
5778     virtual void init(const Space& home, const BoolTraceRecorder& t);
5779     /// Print prune information
5780     virtual void prune(const Space& home, const BoolTraceRecorder& t,
5781                        const ViewTraceInfo& vti, int i, BoolTraceDelta& d);
5782     /// Print fixpoint information
5783     virtual void fix(const Space& home, const BoolTraceRecorder& t);
5784     /// Print failure information
5785     virtual void fail(const Space& home, const BoolTraceRecorder& t);
5786     /// Print that trace recorder is done
5787     virtual void done(const Space& home, const BoolTraceRecorder& t);
5788     /// Default tracer (printing to std::cerr)
5789     static StdBoolTracer def;
5790   };
5792   /**
5793    * \brief Create a tracer for integer variables
5794    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5795    */
5797   trace(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5798         TraceFilter tf,
5799         int te = (TE_INIT | TE_PRUNE | TE_FIX | TE_FAIL | TE_DONE),
5800         IntTracer& t = StdIntTracer::def);
5801   /**
5802    * \brief Create a tracer for integer variables
5803    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5804    */
5805   void
5806   trace(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x,
5807         int te = (TE_INIT | TE_PRUNE | TE_FIX | TE_FAIL | TE_DONE),
5808         IntTracer& t = StdIntTracer::def);
5810   /**
5811    * \brief Create a tracer for Boolean Variables
5812    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5813    */
5815   trace(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5816         TraceFilter tf,
5817         int te = (TE_INIT | TE_PRUNE | TE_FIX | TE_FAIL | TE_DONE),
5818         BoolTracer& t = StdBoolTracer::def);
5819   /**
5820    * \brief Create a tracer for Boolean Variables
5821    * \ingroup TaskIntTrace
5822    */
5823   void
5824   trace(Home home, const BoolVarArgs& x,
5825         int te = (TE_INIT | TE_PRUNE | TE_FIX | TE_FAIL | TE_DONE),
5826         BoolTracer& t = StdBoolTracer::def);
5828 }
5830 #include <gecode/int/trace.hpp>
5832 #endif
5835 // STATISTICS: int-post