1 /* builder.h */
4 /**
5  *    Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc.
6  *
7  *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *    it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
9  *    as published by MongoDB, Inc.
10  *
11  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *    Server Side Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *    You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
17  *    along with this program. If not, see
18  *    <http://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license>.
19  *
20  *    As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
21  *    code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
22  *    conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
23  *    linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
24  *    must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
25  *    all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
26  *    with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
27  *    file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
28  *    delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
29  *    exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
30  *    it in the license file.
31  */
33 #pragma once
35 #include <cfloat>
36 #include <cinttypes>
37 #include <cstdint>
38 #include <sstream>
39 #include <stdio.h>
40 #include <string.h>
41 #include <string>
43 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
45 #include "mongo/base/data_type_endian.h"
46 #include "mongo/base/data_view.h"
47 #include "mongo/base/disallow_copying.h"
48 #include "mongo/base/static_assert.h"
49 #include "mongo/base/string_data.h"
50 #include "mongo/bson/bsontypes.h"
51 #include "mongo/bson/inline_decls.h"
52 #include "mongo/platform/decimal128.h"
53 #include "mongo/stdx/type_traits.h"
54 #include "mongo/util/allocator.h"
55 #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"
56 #include "mongo/util/itoa.h"
57 #include "mongo/util/shared_buffer.h"
59 namespace mongo {
61 /* Note the limit here is rather arbitrary and is simply a standard. generally the code works
62    with any object that fits in ram.
64    Also note that the server has some basic checks to enforce this limit but those checks are not
65    exhaustive for example need to check for size too big after
66      update $push (append) operation
67      various db.eval() type operations
68 */
69 const int BSONObjMaxUserSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
71 /*
72    Sometimes we need objects slightly larger - an object in the replication local.oplog
73    is slightly larger than a user object for example.
74 */
75 const int BSONObjMaxInternalSize = BSONObjMaxUserSize + (16 * 1024);
77 const int BufferMaxSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
79 template <typename Allocator>
80 class StringBuilderImpl;
82 class SharedBufferAllocator {
83     MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(SharedBufferAllocator);
85 public:
86     SharedBufferAllocator() = default;
SharedBufferAllocator(SharedBuffer buf)87     SharedBufferAllocator(SharedBuffer buf) : _buf(std::move(buf)) {
88         invariant(!_buf.isShared());
89     }
91     // Allow moving but not copying. It would be an error for two SharedBufferAllocators to use the
92     // same underlying buffer.
93     SharedBufferAllocator(SharedBufferAllocator&&) = default;
94     SharedBufferAllocator& operator=(SharedBufferAllocator&&) = default;
malloc(size_t sz)96     void malloc(size_t sz) {
97         _buf = SharedBuffer::allocate(sz);
98     }
realloc(size_t sz)99     void realloc(size_t sz) {
100         _buf.realloc(sz);
101     }
free()102     void free() {
103         _buf = {};
104     }
release()105     SharedBuffer release() {
106         return std::move(_buf);
107     }
get()109     char* get() const {
110         return _buf.get();
111     }
113 private:
114     SharedBuffer _buf;
115 };
117 class StackAllocator {
118     MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(StackAllocator);
120 public:
121     StackAllocator() = default;
~StackAllocator()122     ~StackAllocator() {
123         free();
124     }
126     enum { SZ = 512 };
malloc(size_t sz)127     void malloc(size_t sz) {
128         if (sz > SZ)
129             _ptr = mongoMalloc(sz);
130     }
realloc(size_t sz)131     void realloc(size_t sz) {
132         if (_ptr == _buf) {
133             if (sz > SZ) {
134                 _ptr = mongoMalloc(sz);
135                 memcpy(_ptr, _buf, SZ);
136             }
137         } else {
138             _ptr = mongoRealloc(_ptr, sz);
139         }
140     }
free()141     void free() {
142         if (_ptr != _buf)
143             ::free(_ptr);
144         _ptr = _buf;
145     }
147     // Not supported on this allocator.
148     void release() = delete;
get()150     char* get() const {
151         return static_cast<char*>(_ptr);
152     }
154 private:
155     char _buf[SZ];
156     void* _ptr = _buf;
157 };
159 template <class BufferAllocator>
160 class _BufBuilder {
161 public:
size(initsize)162     _BufBuilder(int initsize = 512) : size(initsize) {
163         if (size > 0) {
164             _buf.malloc(size);
165         }
166         l = 0;
167         reservedBytes = 0;
168     }
kill()170     void kill() {
171         _buf.free();
172     }
reset()174     void reset() {
175         l = 0;
176         reservedBytes = 0;
177     }
reset(int maxSize)178     void reset(int maxSize) {
179         l = 0;
180         reservedBytes = 0;
181         if (maxSize && size > maxSize) {
182             _buf.free();
183             _buf.malloc(maxSize);
184             size = maxSize;
185         }
186     }
188     /** leave room for some stuff later
189         @return point to region that was skipped.  pointer may change later (on realloc), so for
190         immediate use only
191     */
skip(int n)192     char* skip(int n) {
193         return grow(n);
194     }
196     /* note this may be deallocated (realloced) if you keep writing. */
buf()197     char* buf() {
198         return _buf.get();
199     }
buf()200     const char* buf() const {
201         return _buf.get();
202     }
204     /* assume ownership of the buffer */
release()205     SharedBuffer release() {
206         return _buf.release();
207     }
appendUChar(unsigned char j)209     void appendUChar(unsigned char j) {
211         appendNumImpl(j);
212     }
appendChar(char j)213     void appendChar(char j) {
214         appendNumImpl(j);
215     }
appendNum(char j)216     void appendNum(char j) {
217         appendNumImpl(j);
218     }
appendNum(short j)219     void appendNum(short j) {
220         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(short) == 2);
221         appendNumImpl(j);
222     }
appendNum(int j)223     void appendNum(int j) {
224         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int) == 4);
225         appendNumImpl(j);
226     }
appendNum(unsigned j)227     void appendNum(unsigned j) {
228         appendNumImpl(j);
229     }
231     // Bool does not have a well defined encoding.
232     void appendNum(bool j) = delete;
appendNum(double j)234     void appendNum(double j) {
235         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(double) == 8);
236         appendNumImpl(j);
237     }
appendNum(long long j)238     void appendNum(long long j) {
239         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(long long) == 8);
240         appendNumImpl(j);
241     }
appendNum(Decimal128 j)243     void appendNum(Decimal128 j) {
244         BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Decimal128::Value) == 16);
245         Decimal128::Value value = j.getValue();
246         long long low = value.low64;
247         long long high = value.high64;
248         appendNumImpl(low);
249         appendNumImpl(high);
250     }
252     template <typename Int64_t,
253               typename = stdx::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Int64_t, int64_t>::value &&
254                                            !std::is_same<int64_t, long long>::value>>
appendNum(Int64_t j)255     void appendNum(Int64_t j) {
256         appendNumImpl(j);
257     }
appendNum(unsigned long long j)259     void appendNum(unsigned long long j) {
260         appendNumImpl(j);
261     }
appendBuf(const void * src,size_t len)263     void appendBuf(const void* src, size_t len) {
264         if (len)
265             memcpy(grow((int)len), src, len);
266     }
268     template <class T>
appendStruct(const T & s)269     void appendStruct(const T& s) {
270         appendBuf(&s, sizeof(T));
271     }
273     void appendStr(StringData str, bool includeEndingNull = true) {
274         const int len = str.size() + (includeEndingNull ? 1 : 0);
275         str.copyTo(grow(len), includeEndingNull);
276     }
278     /** @return length of current std::string */
len()279     int len() const {
280         return l;
281     }
setlen(int newLen)282     void setlen(int newLen) {
283         l = newLen;
284     }
285     /** @return size of the buffer */
getSize()286     int getSize() const {
287         return size;
288     }
290     /* returns the pre-grow write position */
grow(int by)291     inline char* grow(int by) {
292         int oldlen = l;
293         int newLen = l + by;
294         int minSize = newLen + reservedBytes;
295         if (minSize > size) {
296             grow_reallocate(minSize);
297         }
298         l = newLen;
299         return _buf.get() + oldlen;
300     }
302     /**
303      * Reserve room for some number of bytes to be claimed at a later time.
304      */
reserveBytes(int bytes)305     void reserveBytes(int bytes) {
306         int minSize = l + reservedBytes + bytes;
307         if (minSize > size)
308             grow_reallocate(minSize);
310         // This must happen *after* any attempt to grow.
311         reservedBytes += bytes;
312     }
314     /**
315      * Claim an earlier reservation of some number of bytes. These bytes must already have been
316      * reserved. Appends of up to this many bytes immediately following a claim are
317      * guaranteed to succeed without a need to reallocate.
318      */
claimReservedBytes(int bytes)319     void claimReservedBytes(int bytes) {
320         invariant(reservedBytes >= bytes);
321         reservedBytes -= bytes;
322     }
324     /**
325      * Replaces the buffer backing this BufBuilder with the passed in SharedBuffer.
326      * Only legal to call when this builder is empty and when the SharedBuffer isn't shared.
327      */
useSharedBuffer(SharedBuffer buf)328     void useSharedBuffer(SharedBuffer buf) {
329         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(std::is_same<BufferAllocator, SharedBufferAllocator>());
330         invariant(l == 0);  // Can only do this while empty.
331         invariant(reservedBytes == 0);
332         size = buf.capacity();
333         _buf = SharedBufferAllocator(std::move(buf));
334     }
336 private:
337     template <typename T>
appendNumImpl(T t)338     void appendNumImpl(T t) {
339         // NOTE: For now, we assume that all things written
340         // by a BufBuilder are intended for external use: either written to disk
341         // or to the wire. Since all of our encoding formats are little endian,
342         // we bake that assumption in here. This decision should be revisited soon.
343         DataView(grow(sizeof(t))).write(tagLittleEndian(t));
344     }
345     /* "slow" portion of 'grow()'  */
grow_reallocate(int minSize)346     void NOINLINE_DECL grow_reallocate(int minSize) {
347         if (minSize > BufferMaxSize) {
348             std::stringstream ss;
349             ss << "BufBuilder attempted to grow() to " << minSize << " bytes, past the 64MB limit.";
350             msgasserted(13548, ss.str().c_str());
351         }
353         int a = 64;
354         while (a < minSize)
355             a = a * 2;
357         _buf.realloc(a);
358         size = a;
359     }
361     BufferAllocator _buf;
362     int l;
363     int size;
364     int reservedBytes;  // eagerly grow_reallocate to keep this many bytes of spare room.
366     friend class StringBuilderImpl<BufferAllocator>;
367 };
369 typedef _BufBuilder<SharedBufferAllocator> BufBuilder;
370 MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(std::is_move_constructible<BufBuilder>::value);
372 /** The StackBufBuilder builds smaller datasets on the stack instead of using malloc.
373       this can be significantly faster for small bufs.  However, you can not release() the
374       buffer with StackBufBuilder.
375     While designed to be a variable on the stack, if you were to dynamically allocate one,
376       nothing bad would happen.  In fact in some circumstances this might make sense, say,
377       embedded in some other object.
378 */
379 class StackBufBuilder : public _BufBuilder<StackAllocator> {
380 public:
StackBufBuilder()381     StackBufBuilder() : _BufBuilder<StackAllocator>(StackAllocator::SZ) {}
382     void release() = delete;  // not allowed. not implemented.
383 };
384 MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(!std::is_move_constructible<StackBufBuilder>::value);
386 /** std::stringstream deals with locale so this is a lot faster than std::stringstream for UTF8 */
387 template <typename Allocator>
388 class StringBuilderImpl {
389 public:
390     // Sizes are determined based on the number of characters in 64-bit + the trailing '\0'
391     static const size_t MONGO_DBL_SIZE = 3 + DBL_MANT_DIG - DBL_MIN_EXP + 1;
392     static const size_t MONGO_S32_SIZE = 12;
393     static const size_t MONGO_U32_SIZE = 11;
394     static const size_t MONGO_S64_SIZE = 23;
395     static const size_t MONGO_U64_SIZE = 22;
396     static const size_t MONGO_S16_SIZE = 7;
397     static const size_t MONGO_PTR_SIZE = 19;  // Accounts for the 0x prefix
StringBuilderImpl()399     StringBuilderImpl() {}
401     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(double x) {
402         return SBNUM(x, MONGO_DBL_SIZE, "%g");
403     }
404     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(int x) {
405         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_S32_SIZE);
406     }
407     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(unsigned x) {
408         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_U32_SIZE);
409     }
410     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(long x) {
411         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_S64_SIZE);
412     }
413     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(unsigned long x) {
414         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_U64_SIZE);
415     }
416     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(long long x) {
417         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_S64_SIZE);
418     }
419     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(unsigned long long x) {
420         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_U64_SIZE);
421     }
422     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(short x) {
423         return appendIntegral(x, MONGO_S16_SIZE);
424     }
425     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(const void* x) {
426         if (sizeof(x) == 8) {
427             return SBNUM(x, MONGO_PTR_SIZE, "0x%llX");
428         } else {
429             return SBNUM(x, MONGO_PTR_SIZE, "0x%lX");
430         }
431     }
432     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(bool val) {
433         *_buf.grow(1) = val ? '1' : '0';
434         return *this;
435     }
436     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(char c) {
437         _buf.grow(1)[0] = c;
438         return *this;
439     }
440     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(const char* str) {
441         return *this << StringData(str);
442     }
443     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(StringData str) {
444         append(str);
445         return *this;
446     }
447     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(BSONType type) {
448         append(typeName(type));
449         return *this;
450     }
451     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(ErrorCodes::Error code) {
452         append(ErrorCodes::errorString(code));
453         return *this;
454     }
456     template <typename T>
457     StringBuilderImpl& operator<<(const boost::optional<T>& optional) {
458         return optional ? *this << *optional : *this << "(None)";
459     }
appendDoubleNice(double x)461     void appendDoubleNice(double x) {
462         const int prev = _buf.l;
463         const int maxSize = 32;
464         char* start = _buf.grow(maxSize);
465         int z = snprintf(start, maxSize, "%.16g", x);
466         verify(z >= 0);
467         verify(z < maxSize);
468         _buf.l = prev + z;
469         if (strchr(start, '.') == 0 && strchr(start, 'E') == 0 && strchr(start, 'N') == 0) {
470             write(".0", 2);
471         }
472     }
write(const char * buf,int len)474     void write(const char* buf, int len) {
475         memcpy(_buf.grow(len), buf, len);
476     }
append(StringData str)478     void append(StringData str) {
479         str.copyTo(_buf.grow(str.size()), false);
480     }
482     void reset(int maxSize = 0) {
483         _buf.reset(maxSize);
484     }
str()486     std::string str() const {
487         return std::string(_buf.buf(), _buf.l);
488     }
490     /**
491      * Returns a view of this string without copying.
492      *
493      * WARNING: the view expires when this StringBuilder is modified or destroyed.
494      */
stringData()495     StringData stringData() const {
496         return StringData(_buf.buf(), _buf.l);
497     }
499     /** size of current std::string */
len()500     int len() const {
501         return _buf.l;
502     }
504 private:
505     _BufBuilder<Allocator> _buf;
506     template <typename T>
appendIntegral(T val,int maxSize)507     StringBuilderImpl& appendIntegral(T val, int maxSize) {
508         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(!std::is_same<T, char>());  // char shouldn't append as number.
509         MONGO_STATIC_ASSERT(std::is_integral<T>());
511         if (val < 0) {
512             *this << '-';
513             append(StringData(ItoA(0 - uint64_t(val))));  // Send the magnitude to ItoA.
514         } else {
515             append(StringData(ItoA(uint64_t(val))));
516         }
518         return *this;
519     }
521     template <typename T>
SBNUM(T val,int maxSize,const char * macro)522     StringBuilderImpl& SBNUM(T val, int maxSize, const char* macro) {
523         int prev = _buf.l;
524         int z = snprintf(_buf.grow(maxSize), maxSize, macro, (val));
525         verify(z >= 0);
526         verify(z < maxSize);
527         _buf.l = prev + z;
528         return *this;
529     }
530 };
532 typedef StringBuilderImpl<SharedBufferAllocator> StringBuilder;
533 typedef StringBuilderImpl<StackAllocator> StackStringBuilder;
534 }  // namespace mongo