1 #include "BSprivate.h"
3 /* a data structure used only in factoring */
4 /* nodes in a list of i-nodes that need to be received/sent during */
5 /* factorization */
6 typedef struct __list_type {
7 	int	length;					/* length of the columns in the i-node */
8 	int	num_cols;				/* # of columns in the i-node */
9 	int	cur_len;				/* don't know anymore */
10 	FLOAT	*d_buffer;			/* don't know anymore */
11 	int	*i_buffer;				/* don't know anymore */
12 	int	buf_size;				/* don't know anymore */
13 	int	cl_ind; 				/* index of the clique, if local */
14 	int	in_ind; 				/* index of the i-node if local */
15 } list_type;
17 #include	"BStree.h"
19 extern void BSupdt_matrix(BStree, int,int ,int *, FLOAT *, int, int *,
20      FLOAT *, int ,int ,BScl_2_inode *,BSinode *, BSprocinfo *);
22 /*+ BSfactorn - Compute the incomplete factor of a matrix
24     Input Parameters:
25 .   A - The sparse matrix to be factored
26 .   comm - the communication structure of the factoring
27 .   procinfo - the usual processor info
29     Output Parameters:
30 .   A - The factored sparse matrix
32     Returns:
33     0 if successful, otherwise a negative number whose absolute
34     value is the row number of the color (less one) where the
35     failure occured.
37  +*/
BSfactorn(BSpar_mat * A,BScomm * comm,BSprocinfo * procinfo)38 int BSfactorn(BSpar_mat *A, BScomm *comm, BSprocinfo *procinfo)
39 {
40 	BMphase *to_phase, *from_phase;
41 	BMmsg *msg;
42 	int	i, j, k;
43 	int	cl_ind, in_ind;
44 	int	count, size, ind;
45 	int	length, num_cols, gnum, offset;
46 	int	found;
47 	int	*intptr, *intptr2, *i_buffer;
48 	FLOAT *d_buffer;
49 	BScl_2_inode *clique2inode;
50 	BSnumbering *color2clique;
51 	BSinode *inodes;
52 	int	*data_ptr, data_len, msg_len;
53 	FLOAT *msg_buf, *matrix;
54 	FLOAT *nzptr;
55 	char UP = 'U';
56 	char DI = 'N';
57 	char TR = 'N';
58 	char SIDE = 'R';
59 	FLOAT one = 1.0;
60 	int	info, fact_error;
61 	list_type *list_data_ptr;
62 	BStree_ptr	tree_node_ptr;
63 	BStree	recv_tree;
64 	BStree	inode_tree;
65 	int	dummy = 0;
66 	int	*g_row_num, *iperm;
68 	BMinit_comp_msg(comm->from_msg,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
69 	BMinit_comp_msg(comm->to_msg,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
70 	color2clique = A->color2clique;
71 	clique2inode = A->clique2inode;
72 	inodes = A->inodes->list;
73 	g_row_num = A->global_row_num->numbers;
74 	iperm = A->inv_perm->perm;
76 	MY_INIT_TREE(inode_tree,(sizeof(int)*2));
77 	for (i=0;i<color2clique->length-1;i++) {
78 		for (cl_ind=color2clique->numbers[i];
79 			cl_ind<color2clique->numbers[i+1];cl_ind++) {
80 			for (in_ind=clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind];
81 				in_ind<clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind+1];in_ind++) {
82 				MY_INSERT_TREE_NODE(inode_tree,(inodes[in_ind].gcol_num),
83 					found,tree_node_ptr,dummy);
84 				data_ptr = (int *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
85 				data_ptr[0] = in_ind;
86 				data_ptr[1] = cl_ind;
87 			}
88 		}
89 	}
91 	fact_error = FALSE;
92 	/* now do this phase by phase */
93 	for (i=0;i<color2clique->length-1;i++) {
94 		to_phase = BMget_phase(comm->to_msg,i); CHKERRN(0);
95 		from_phase = BMget_phase(comm->from_msg,i); CHKERRN(0);
97 		/* send my part of each column in this color */
98 		/* use the "from" part here */
99 		msg = NULL;
100 		while ((msg = BMnext_msg(from_phase,msg)) != NULL) {
101 			CHKERRN(0);
102 			/* allocate space for the message */
103 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&data_len); CHKERRN(0);
104 			in_ind = data_ptr[1];
105 			size = inodes[in_ind].length*inodes[in_ind].num_cols*sizeof(FLOAT)
106 				+ inodes[in_ind].length*sizeof(int);
107 			MY_MALLOCN(msg_buf,(FLOAT *),size,1);
108 			BMset_msg_ptr(msg,msg_buf); CHKERRN(0);
109 			BMset_msg_size(msg,size); CHKERRN(0);
110 			count = 0;
111 			for (j=0;j<inodes[in_ind].num_cols;j++) {
112 				nzptr = &(inodes[in_ind].nz[j*inodes[in_ind].length]);
113 				for (k=0;k<inodes[in_ind].length;k++) {
114 					msg_buf[count] = nzptr[k];
115 					count++;
116 				}
117 			}
118 			intptr = (int *) &(msg_buf[count]);
119 			intptr2 = (int *) inodes[in_ind].row_num;
120 			for (j=0;j<inodes[in_ind].length;j++) {
121 				intptr[j] = g_row_num[iperm[intptr2[j]]];
122 			}
123 			BMsend_block_msg(from_phase,msg,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
124 			MY_FREE(msg_buf);
125 			BMset_msg_ptr(msg,NULL); CHKERRN(0);
126 		}
127 		CHKERRN(0);
128 		BMsend_block_msg(from_phase,NULL,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
131 		/* factor the cliques in this color */
132 		for (cl_ind=color2clique->numbers[i];
133 			cl_ind<color2clique->numbers[i+1];cl_ind++) {
134 			if (procinfo->my_id == clique2inode->proc[cl_ind]) {
135 				/* factor this clique */
136 				/* stored in the upper diagonal */
137 				size = clique2inode->d_mats[cl_ind].size;
138 				matrix = clique2inode->d_mats[cl_ind].matrix;
139 				DPOTRF(&UP,&size,matrix,&size,&info);
140 				MLOG_flop((size*size*size)/6);
141 				if (info != 0) fact_error = TRUE;
142 				/* now invert the clique */
143 				DTRTRI(&UP,&DI,&size,matrix,&size,&info);
144 				MLOG_flop((size*size*size)/6);
145 				if (info != 0) fact_error = TRUE;
146 			}
147 		}
149 		/* figure out what I am going to receive and make room for it */
150 		/* use the "to" part here */
151 		MY_INIT_TREE(recv_tree,sizeof(list_type));
152 		msg = NULL;
153 		while ((msg = BMnext_msg(to_phase,msg)) != NULL) {
154 			CHKERRN(0);
155 			/* search list for this number */
156 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&data_len); CHKERRN(0);
157 			gnum = data_ptr[0];
158 			length = data_ptr[1];
159 			num_cols = data_ptr[2];
160 			MY_INSERT_TREE_NODE(recv_tree,gnum,found,tree_node_ptr,dummy);
161 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
162 			if (found) {
163 				list_data_ptr->length += length;
164 			} else {
165 				list_data_ptr->length = length;
166 				list_data_ptr->num_cols = num_cols;
167 				list_data_ptr->cur_len = 0;
168 				list_data_ptr->d_buffer = NULL;
169 				list_data_ptr->i_buffer = NULL;
170 				list_data_ptr->cl_ind = -1;
171 				list_data_ptr->in_ind = -1;
172 			}
173 		}
174 		CHKERRN(0);
175 		/* add any of my parts to the list, if necessary */
176 		for (cl_ind=color2clique->numbers[i];
177 			cl_ind<color2clique->numbers[i+1];cl_ind++) {
178 			/* only work on columns that I own */
179 			if (clique2inode->proc[cl_ind] != procinfo->my_id) continue;
180 			for (in_ind=clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind];
181 				in_ind<clique2inode->inode_index[cl_ind+1];in_ind++) {
182 				MY_INSERT_TREE_NODE(recv_tree,(inodes[in_ind].gcol_num),
183 					found,tree_node_ptr,dummy);
184 				list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
185 				if (found) {
186 					list_data_ptr->cl_ind = cl_ind;
187 					list_data_ptr->in_ind = in_ind;
188 					list_data_ptr->length += inodes[in_ind].length;
189 				} else {
190 					list_data_ptr->length = inodes[in_ind].length;
191 					list_data_ptr->num_cols = inodes[in_ind].num_cols;
192 					list_data_ptr->cur_len = 0;
193 					list_data_ptr->d_buffer = NULL;
194 					list_data_ptr->i_buffer = NULL;
195 					list_data_ptr->cl_ind = cl_ind;
196 					list_data_ptr->in_ind = in_ind;
197 				}
198 			}
199 		}
200 		/* make sure that no one has been received out of order */
201 		if (procinfo->error_check) {
202 			MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
203 			while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
204 				list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
205 				MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
206 				if (list_data_ptr->cl_ind == -1) {
207 					MY_SETERRCN(FACTOR_ERROR,"Received column out of order\n");
208 				}
209 			}
210 		}
212 		/* allocate space for each whole column */
213 		MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
214 		while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
215 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
216 			MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
217 			list_data_ptr->buf_size =
218 				(list_data_ptr->num_cols*list_data_ptr->length*sizeof(FLOAT)) +
219 				(list_data_ptr->length*sizeof(int));
220 			MY_MALLOCN(list_data_ptr->d_buffer,(FLOAT *),
221 				list_data_ptr->buf_size,2);
222 			list_data_ptr->i_buffer = (int *)
223 				&(list_data_ptr->d_buffer[list_data_ptr->num_cols*
224 				list_data_ptr->length]);
225 		}
227 		/* put my part of the column into the collected column */
228 		MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
229 		while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
230 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
231 			MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
232 			in_ind = list_data_ptr->in_ind;
233 			length = inodes[in_ind].length;
234 			num_cols = inodes[in_ind].num_cols;
235 			nzptr = inodes[in_ind].nz;
236 			d_buffer = list_data_ptr->d_buffer;
237 			for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
238 				for (k=0;k<length;k++) {
239 					d_buffer[k] = nzptr[(j*length)+k];
240 				}
241 				d_buffer += list_data_ptr->length;
242 			}
243 			i_buffer = list_data_ptr->i_buffer;
244 			intptr = inodes[in_ind].row_num;
245 			/* while copying, convert i_buffer from new local to new global */
246 			for (j=0;j<length;j++) {
247 				i_buffer[j] = g_row_num[iperm[intptr[j]]];
248 			}
249 			list_data_ptr->cur_len += length;
250 		}
252 		/* collect all the parts of "my" columns */
253 		while ((msg = BMrecv_block_msg(to_phase,procinfo)) != NULL) {
254 			CHKERRN(0);
255 			BMcheck_on_async_block(from_phase); CHKERRN(0);
256 			msg_buf = (FLOAT *) BMget_msg_ptr(msg); CHKERRN(0);
257 			BMset_msg_ptr(msg,NULL); CHKERRN(0);
258 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&msg_len); CHKERRN(0);
259 			gnum = data_ptr[0];
260 			length = data_ptr[1];
261 			num_cols = data_ptr[2];
262 			MY_SEARCH_TREE(recv_tree,gnum,found,tree_node_ptr);
263 			if (found) {
264 				list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
265 				d_buffer = &(list_data_ptr->d_buffer[list_data_ptr->cur_len]);
266 				count = 0;
267 				for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
268 					for (k=0;k<length;k++) {
269 						d_buffer[k] = msg_buf[count];
270 						count++;
271 					}
272 					d_buffer += list_data_ptr->length;
273 				}
274 				i_buffer = &(list_data_ptr->i_buffer[list_data_ptr->cur_len]);
275 				intptr = (int *) &(msg_buf[num_cols*length]);
276 				for (j=0;j<length;j++) {
277 					i_buffer[j] = intptr[j];
278 				}
279 				list_data_ptr->cur_len += length;
280 			} else {
281 				MY_SETERRCN(FACTOR_ERROR,"Can't find matching column\n");
282 			}
283 		}
284 		CHKERRN(0);
285 		BMfree_block_msg(to_phase); CHKERRN(0);
286 		BMfinish_on_async_block(from_phase); CHKERRN(0);
288 		/* see if the factorizations went okay, if not, then return */
289 		/* we have to wait until here to make sure all messages are received */
290 		/* make anything that needs free'ing is free'ed */
291 		/* everyone agrees on success/error */
292 		GISUM(&fact_error,1,&info,procinfo->procset);
293 		if (fact_error != 0) {
294 			/* free up space and return with the negative phase number */
295 			MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
296 			while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
297 				list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
298 				MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
299 				MY_FREE(list_data_ptr->d_buffer);
300 			}
301 			MY_FREE_TREE(recv_tree);
302 			return(-(i+1));
303 		}
305 		/* factor these columns */
306 		MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
307 		while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
308 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
309 			MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
310 			if (list_data_ptr->length <= 0) continue;
311 			cl_ind = list_data_ptr->cl_ind;
312 			in_ind = list_data_ptr->in_ind;
313 			j = inodes[in_ind].num_cols;
314 			offset = inodes[in_ind].gcol_num - clique2inode->g_offset[cl_ind];
315 			size = clique2inode->d_mats[cl_ind].size;
316 			matrix = clique2inode->d_mats[cl_ind].matrix;
317 			matrix += ((offset*size)+offset);
318 			DTRMM(&SIDE,&UP,&TR,&DI,&(list_data_ptr->length),&j,&one,
319 				matrix,&size,list_data_ptr->d_buffer,&(list_data_ptr->length));
320 			MLOG_flop(2*((j*(j+1))/2)*list_data_ptr->length*j);
321 		}
323 		/* send these columns out */
324 		msg = NULL;
325 		while ((msg = BMnext_msg(to_phase,msg)) != NULL) {
326 			CHKERRN(0);
327 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&data_len); CHKERRN(0);
328 			gnum = data_ptr[0];
329 			MY_SEARCH_TREE(recv_tree,gnum,found,tree_node_ptr);
330 			if (found) {
331 				list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
332 			} else {
333 				MY_SETERRCN(FACTOR_ERROR,"Can't find matching column\n");
334 			}
335 			BMset_msg_ptr(msg,list_data_ptr->d_buffer); CHKERRN(0);
336 			BMset_msg_size(msg,list_data_ptr->buf_size); CHKERRN(0);
337 			BMsend_block_msg(to_phase,msg,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
338 			BMset_msg_ptr(msg,NULL); CHKERRN(0);
339 		}
340 		CHKERRN(0);
341 		BMsend_block_msg(to_phase,NULL,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
343 		/* retrieve my part of the column and put it in the data structure */
344 		MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
345 		while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
346 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
347 			MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
348 			if (list_data_ptr->length <= 0) continue;
349 			in_ind = list_data_ptr->in_ind;
350 			length = inodes[in_ind].length;
351 			num_cols = inodes[in_ind].num_cols;
352 			nzptr = inodes[in_ind].nz;
353 			d_buffer = list_data_ptr->d_buffer;
354 			for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
355 				for (k=0;k<length;k++) {
356 					nzptr[(j*length)+k] = d_buffer[k];
357 				}
358 				d_buffer += list_data_ptr->length;
359 			}
360 		}
362 		/* now update the remaining matrix using the local columns */
363 		MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
364 		while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
365 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
366 			MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
367 			if (list_data_ptr->length <= 0) continue;
368 			in_ind = list_data_ptr->in_ind;
369 			BSupdt_matrix(inode_tree,list_data_ptr->length,
370 				list_data_ptr->num_cols,
371 				list_data_ptr->i_buffer,list_data_ptr->d_buffer,
372 				inodes[in_ind].length,
373 				inodes[in_ind].row_num,inodes[in_ind].nz,
374 				color2clique->numbers[i+1],
375 				color2clique->numbers[color2clique->length-1],clique2inode,
376 				inodes,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
377 		}
379 		/* receive the incoming columns and update the remaining matrix */
380 		/* strip out the "local" part and put it in the matrix */
381 		while ((msg = BMrecv_block_msg(from_phase,procinfo)) != NULL) {
382 			CHKERRN(0);
383 			BMcheck_on_async_block(to_phase); CHKERRN(0);
384 			msg_buf = (FLOAT *) BMget_msg_ptr(msg); CHKERRN(0);
385 			BMset_msg_ptr(msg,NULL); CHKERRN(0);
386 			data_ptr = BMget_user(msg,&msg_len); CHKERRN(0);
387 			cl_ind = data_ptr[0];
388 			in_ind = data_ptr[1];
389 			/* let gnum be first global row location of my part */
390 			gnum = g_row_num[iperm[inodes[in_ind].row_num[0]]];
391 			num_cols = inodes[in_ind].num_cols;
392 			length = inodes[in_ind].length;
393 			msg_len = BMget_msg_size(msg); CHKERRN(0);
394 			msg_len /= ((sizeof(FLOAT)*num_cols)+sizeof(int));
396 			/* find my local part */
397 			i_buffer = (int *) &(msg_buf[num_cols*msg_len]);
398 			for (ind=0;ind<msg_len;ind++) {
399 				if (gnum == i_buffer[ind]) break;
400 			}
401 			nzptr = inodes[in_ind].nz;
402 			d_buffer = &(msg_buf[ind]);
403 			for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
404 				for (k=0;k<length;k++) {
405 					nzptr[(j*length)+k] = d_buffer[k];
406 				}
407 				d_buffer += msg_len;
408 			}
410 			/* update the remaining matrix */
411 			BSupdt_matrix(inode_tree,msg_len,num_cols,i_buffer,msg_buf,length,
412 				inodes[in_ind].row_num,nzptr,color2clique->numbers[i+1],
413 				color2clique->numbers[color2clique->length-1],clique2inode,
414 				inodes,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
415 		}
416 		CHKERRN(0);
417 		BMfree_block_msg(from_phase); CHKERRN(0);
418 		BMfinish_on_async_block(to_phase); CHKERRN(0);
420 		/* now free up the list */
421 		MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(recv_tree,tree_node_ptr);
422 		while (! IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_node_ptr)) {
423 			list_data_ptr = (list_type *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
424 			MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(tree_node_ptr);
425 			MY_FREE(list_data_ptr->d_buffer);
426 		}
427 		MY_FREE_TREE(recv_tree);
428 	}
430     MY_FREE_TREE(inode_tree);
431 	BMfinish_comp_msg(comm->from_msg,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
432 	BMfinish_comp_msg(comm->to_msg,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
433 	return(0);
434 }
436 /*+ BSupdt_matrix - Update the matrix using a bunch of i-nodes
438     Input Parameters:
439     I don't really know what these things do now.
441     Output Parameters:
442     I don't really know what these things do now.
444     Returns:
445     void
447     Notes:
448     This code is very complicated and could be done much better.
450 +*/
BSupdt_matrix(BStree inode_tree,int len,int num_cols,int * updt_index,FLOAT * updt_inode,int len2,int * my_inode_ind,FLOAT * my_inode,int start,int end,BScl_2_inode * clique2inode,BSinode * inodes,BSprocinfo * procinfo)451 void BSupdt_matrix(BStree inode_tree,int len,int num_cols,int *updt_index,
452 FLOAT *updt_inode,int len2,int *my_inode_ind,FLOAT *my_inode,
453 int start,int end,BScl_2_inode *clique2inode,BSinode *inodes,
454 BSprocinfo *procinfo)
455 {
456 	int	i, j;
457 	int	updt_count, offset, toffset;
458 	int	cl_ind, in_ind;
459 	BSpermutation *iperm;
460 	FLOAT	*work, *matrix;
461 	int	*intptr;
462 	FLOAT	*nzptr;
463 	int	tcount, count2, gnum, size;
464 	int	found;
465 	BStree_ptr	tree_node_ptr;
466 	int	*tree_data_ptr;
468 	/* sort the updt_inode */
469 	iperm = BSalloc_permutation(len); CHKERR(0);
470 	for (i=0;i<len;i++) iperm->perm[i] = i;
471 	BSheap_sort1(len,updt_index,iperm->perm); CHKERR(0);
472 	MY_MALLOC(work,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*len,1);
473 	for (i=0;i<num_cols;i++) {
474 		BSiperm_dvec(&(updt_inode[i*len]),work,iperm); CHKERR(0);
475 		for (j=0;j<len;j++) updt_inode[(i*len)+j] = work[j];
476 	}
477 	MY_FREE(work);
478 	BSfree_permutation(iperm); CHKERR(0);
480 	MY_MALLOC(work,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*num_cols,1);
481 	updt_count = 0;
482 	while (updt_count < len) {
483 		MY_SEARCH_TREE(inode_tree,updt_index[updt_count],found,tree_node_ptr);
484 		if (found) {
485 			tree_data_ptr = (int *) MY_GET_TREE_DATA(tree_node_ptr);
486 			in_ind = tree_data_ptr[0];
487 			cl_ind = tree_data_ptr[1];
488 			/********** update the inode */
489 			tcount = 0;
490 			count2 = 0;
491 			intptr = inodes[in_ind].row_num;
492 			while ((tcount<len2) && (count2<inodes[in_ind].length)) {
493 				if (my_inode_ind[tcount] == intptr[count2]) {
494 					for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
495 						work[j] = my_inode[(j*len2)+tcount];
496 					}
497 					nzptr = &(inodes[in_ind].nz[count2]);
498 					for (i=0;i<inodes[in_ind].num_cols;i++) {
499 						for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
500 							(*nzptr) -= work[j]*
501 								updt_inode[(j*len)+updt_count+i];
502 						}
503 						nzptr += inodes[in_ind].length;
504 					}
505 					MLOG_flop(2*num_cols*inodes[in_ind].num_cols);
506 					tcount++;
507 					count2++;
508 				} else if (my_inode_ind[tcount] < intptr[count2]) {
509 					tcount++;
510 				} else {
511 					count2++;
512 				}
513 			}
514 			/* update a protion of the clique if it is local */
515 			if (clique2inode->proc[cl_ind] == procinfo->my_id) {
516 				/***** update the clique (stored in UPPER triangle) */
517 				gnum = clique2inode->g_offset[cl_ind];
518 				offset = updt_index[updt_count]-gnum;
519 				matrix = clique2inode->d_mats[cl_ind].matrix;
520 				size = clique2inode->d_mats[cl_ind].size;
521 				for (i=0;i<inodes[in_ind].num_cols;i++) {
522 					tcount = updt_count + i;
523 					for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
524 						work[j] = updt_inode[(j*len)+tcount];
525 					}
526 					while (tcount < len) {
527 						toffset = updt_index[tcount]-gnum;
528 						if (toffset < size) {
529 							for (j=0;j<num_cols;j++) {
530 								matrix[(toffset*size)+offset+i] -= work[j]*
531 									updt_inode[(j*len)+tcount];
532 							}
533 							MLOG_flop(2*num_cols);
534 						} else {
535 							break;
536 						}
537 						tcount++;
538 					}
539 				}
540 			}
541 			/* end of clique update */
542 			updt_count += inodes[in_ind].num_cols;
543 		} else {
544 			updt_count++;
545 		}
546 	}
547 	MY_FREE(work);
548 }