1 #ifndef __BStreeh
2 #define __BStreeh
4 /* routines for managing B-tree data structures */
6 /* Note, if __TREE_RETURN is specified, then our error handling */
7 /* routines will be CHKERRN and MY_SETERRN, otherwise, they will be */
8 /* CHKERR and MY_SETERR */
10 #define MAX_KIDS	9
11 #define MAX_KEYS	(MAX_KIDS-1)
12 #define MIN_KIDS	((MAX_KIDS+1)/2)
13 #define MIN_KEYS	(MIN_KIDS-1)
14 typedef	struct __BStree_node {
15 	int	num_keys;
16 	int	keys[MAX_KEYS];
17 	char	*data_ptr[MAX_KEYS];
18 	struct	__BStree_node	*child[MAX_KIDS], *parent;
19 } BStree_node;
20 typedef	struct __BStree_ptr {
21 	BStree_node *ptr;
22 	int	ind;
23 } BStree_ptr;
25 /* used in the special memory management routines */
26 typedef struct __BSMBlock {
27 	int	base_size;
28 	int	num_units;
29 	double	*top, *bottom;			/* bounds of memory for this block */
30 									/* used for free'ing quickly */
31 	struct	__BSMBlock   *next;     /* Pointer to next BSMBlock */
32 	double	*free_blocks;
33 	int	num_allocated;
34 	double v;                        /* Dummy for top */
35 } BSMBlock;
37 typedef	struct __BStree {
38 	BStree_node	*root;
39 	int	u_data_size;
40 	BSMBlock	*node_blocks;
41 	BSMBlock	*user_blocks;
42 } BStree;
44 /* ********************** */
45 /* special memory section */
46 /* ********************** */
47 /* on the Intel DELTA, the memory allocation routines *can* be be quite slow */
48 /* thus, we have an option of using our own memory allocation routines that */
49 /* were adopted from those in petsc */
50 #if defined(PARCH_intelnx)
51 #define __SLOW_MALLOC
52 #endif
54 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
55 	BSMBlock *BSsbinit(long,int);
56 	double *BSsbmalloc();
57 	void BSsbfree();
58 	void	BSmem_clean();
59 #endif
61 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
62 #if defined (__TREE_RETURN)
63 #define	MY_MALLOC_USER_DATA(tree,data_ptr) \
64 { \
65 	if (tree.u_data_size > 0) { \
66 		if ((data_ptr = (char *) BSsbmalloc(&(tree.user_blocks))) == NULL) { \
67 			MY_SETERRCN(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory allocating user data\n"); \
68 		} \
69 	} \
70 }
71 #else
72 #define	MY_MALLOC_USER_DATA(tree,data_ptr) \
73 { \
74 	if (tree.u_data_size > 0) { \
75 		if ((data_ptr = (char *) BSsbmalloc(&(tree.user_blocks))) == NULL) { \
76 			MY_SETERRCN(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory allocating user data\n"); \
77 		} \
78 	} \
79 }
80 #endif
81 #else
82 #if defined (__TREE_RETURN)
83 #define	MY_MALLOC_USER_DATA(tree,data_ptr) \
84 { \
85 	if (tree.u_data_size > 0) { \
86 		MY_MALLOCN(data_ptr,(char *),tree.u_data_size,1); \
87 	} \
88 }
89 #else
90 #define	MY_MALLOC_USER_DATA(tree,data_ptr) \
91 { \
92 	if (tree.u_data_size > 0) { \
93 		MY_MALLOCN(data_ptr,(char *),tree.u_data_size,1); \
94 	} \
95 }
96 #endif
97 #endif
99 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
100 #define	MY_FREE_USER_DATA(tree,data_ptr) \
101 { \
102 	if (data_ptr != NULL) { \
103 		BSsbfree(data_ptr,&(tree.user_blocks)); \
104 	} \
105 }
106 #else
107 #define	MY_FREE_USER_DATA(tree,data_ptr) \
108 { \
109 	if (data_ptr != NULL) { \
110 		MY_FREEN(data_ptr); \
111 	} \
112 }
113 #endif
115 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
116 #define	MY_FREE_TREE_NODE(tree,inptr) \
117 { \
118 	int	i99; \
119 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
120 		MY_FREE_USER_DATA(tree,inptr->data_ptr[i99]); \
121 	} \
122 	BSsbfree(inptr,&(tree.node_blocks)); \
123 }
124 #else
125 #define	MY_FREE_TREE_NODE(tree,inptr) \
126 { \
127 	int	i99; \
128 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
129 		MY_FREE_USER_DATA(tree,inptr->data_ptr[i99]); \
130 	} \
131 	MY_FREEN(inptr); \
132 }
133 #endif
135 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
136 #if defined (__TREE_RETURN)
137 #define	MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,inptr) \
138 { \
139 	int	i99; \
140 	if ((inptr = (BStree_node *) BSsbmalloc(&(tree.node_blocks))) == NULL) { \
141 		MY_SETERRCN(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory allocating node data\n"); \
142 	} \
143 	inptr->num_keys = 0; \
144 	inptr->parent = NULL; \
145 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KIDS;i99++) { \
146 		inptr->child[i99] = NULL; \
147 	} \
148 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
149 		inptr->data_ptr[i99] = NULL; \
150 	} \
151 }
152 #else
153 #define	MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,inptr) \
154 { \
155 	int	i99; \
156 	if ((inptr = (BStree_node *) BSsbmalloc(&(tree.node_blocks))) == NULL) { \
157 		MY_SETERRCN(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory allocating node data\n"); \
158 	} \
159 	inptr->num_keys = 0; \
160 	inptr->parent = NULL; \
161 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KIDS;i99++) { \
162 		inptr->child[i99] = NULL; \
163 	} \
164 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
165 		inptr->data_ptr[i99] = NULL; \
166 	} \
167 }
168 #endif
169 #else
170 #if defined (__TREE_RETURN)
171 #define	MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,inptr) \
172 { \
173 	int	i99; \
174 	MY_MALLOCN(inptr,(BStree_node *),sizeof(BStree_node),1); \
175 	inptr->num_keys = 0; \
176 	inptr->parent = NULL; \
177 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KIDS;i99++) { \
178 		inptr->child[i99] = NULL; \
179 	} \
180 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
181 		inptr->data_ptr[i99] = NULL; \
182 	} \
183 }
184 #else
185 #define	MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,inptr) \
186 { \
187 	int	i99; \
188 	MY_MALLOCN(inptr,(BStree_node *),sizeof(BStree_node),1); \
189 	inptr->num_keys = 0; \
190 	inptr->parent = NULL; \
191 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KIDS;i99++) { \
192 		inptr->child[i99] = NULL; \
193 	} \
194 	for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
195 		inptr->data_ptr[i99] = NULL; \
196 	} \
197 }
198 #endif
199 #endif
201 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
202 #if defined (__TREE_RETURN)
203 #define	MY_INIT_TREE(tree,user_data_size) \
204 { \
205 	tree.root = NULL; \
206 	tree.u_data_size = user_data_size; \
207 	if ((tree.user_blocks = (void *) BSsbinit(tree.u_data_size,MAX_KEYS*128)) \
208 		== NULL) { \
209 		MY_SETERRCN(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory initing user data\n"); \
210 	} \
211 	if ((tree.node_blocks = (void *) BSsbinit(sizeof(BStree_node),128)) \
212 		== NULL) { \
213 		MY_SETERRCN(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory initing node data\n"); \
214 	} \
215 }
216 #else
217 #define	MY_INIT_TREE(tree,user_data_size) \
218 { \
219 	tree.root = NULL; \
220 	tree.u_data_size = user_data_size; \
221 	if ((tree.user_blocks = (void *) BSsbinit(tree.u_data_size,MAX_KEYS*128)) \
222 		== NULL) { \
223 		MY_SETERRC(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory initing user data\n"); \
224 	} \
225 	if ((tree.node_blocks = (void *) BSsbinit(sizeof(BStree_node),128)) \
226 		== NULL) { \
227 		MY_SETERRC(MEM_ERROR,"Out of memory initing node data\n"); \
228 	} \
229 }
230 #endif
231 #else
232 #define	MY_INIT_TREE(tree,user_data_size) \
233 { \
234 	tree.root = NULL; \
235 	tree.u_data_size = user_data_size; \
236 }
237 #endif
239 #if defined(__SLOW_MALLOC)
240 #define MY_CLEAN_TREE(tree) \
241 { \
242 	BSmem_clean(&(tree.user_blocks)); \
243 	BSmem_clean(&(tree.node_blocks)); \
244 }
245 #else
246 #define MY_CLEAN_TREE(tree)
247 #endif
249 /* ***************************** */
250 /* end of special memory section */
251 /* ***************************** */
254 #define MY_PRINT_NODE(tptr) \
255 { \
256 	int	i99; \
257 	if (tptr == NULL) { \
258 		printf("NULL NODE\n"); \
259 	} else { \
260 		printf("Node has %d keys: ",tptr->num_keys); \
261 		if (tptr->child[0] != NULL) { \
262 			printf(" Child "); \
263 		} else { \
264 			printf(" NoChild "); \
265 		} \
266 		for (i99=0;i99<tptr->num_keys;i99++) { \
267 			printf("%d ",tptr->keys[i99]); \
268 			if (tptr->child[i99+1] != NULL) { \
269 				printf(" Child "); \
270 			} else { \
271 				printf(" NoChild "); \
272 			} \
273 		} \
274 		printf("\n"); \
275 	} \
276 }
278 #define MY_NEXT_IN_TREE(node_ptr) \
279 { \
280 	BStree_node	*curptr99, *prevptr99, *chkptr99; \
281 	int	done99, i99; \
282 	curptr99 = node_ptr.ptr->child[node_ptr.ind+1]; \
283 	if (curptr99 == NULL) { \
284 		node_ptr.ind++; \
285 		if (node_ptr.ind == node_ptr.ptr->num_keys) { \
286 			chkptr99 = node_ptr.ptr; \
287 			curptr99 = chkptr99->parent; \
288 			done99 = FALSE; \
289 			while ((curptr99 != NULL) && (! done99)) { \
290 				for (i99=0;i99<curptr99->num_keys+1;i99++) { \
291 					if (curptr99->child[i99] == chkptr99) break; \
292 				} \
293 				if (i99 < curptr99->num_keys) { \
294 					done99 = TRUE; \
295 				} else { \
296 					chkptr99 = curptr99; \
297 					curptr99 = curptr99->parent; \
298 				} \
299 			} \
300 			node_ptr.ptr = curptr99; \
301 			node_ptr.ind = i99; \
302 		} \
303 	} else { \
304 		while (curptr99 != NULL) { \
305 			prevptr99 = curptr99; \
306 			curptr99 = curptr99->child[0]; \
307 		} \
308 		node_ptr.ptr = prevptr99; \
309 		node_ptr.ind = 0; \
310 	} \
311 }
313 #define IS_TREE_PTR_NULL(tree_ptr) ((tree_ptr.ptr == NULL)?1:0)
315 #define MY_FIRST_IN_TREE(tree,node_ptr) \
316 { \
317 	BStree_node	*tptr99, *pptr99; \
318 	tptr99 = tree.root; \
319 	pptr99 = tptr99; \
320 	while (tptr99 != NULL) { \
321 		pptr99 = tptr99; \
322 		tptr99 = tptr99->child[0]; \
323 	} \
324 	node_ptr.ptr = pptr99; \
325 	node_ptr.ind = 0; \
326 }
328 #define MY_KEY_LT(key1,key2) (((key1) < (key2))?1:0)
329 #define MY_KEY_EQUAL(key1,key2) (((key1) == (key2))?1:0)
331 #define MY_MAKE_PARENT(inchild,inparent) \
332 { \
333 	if (inchild != NULL) inchild->parent = inparent; \
334 }
336 #define MY_PUT_IN_TREE(tree,inkey,inptr) \
337 { \
338 	int	done99, i99; \
339 	BStree_node	*tptr99, *cur_right99, *tright99; \
340 	char	*cur_data99, *tdata99; \
341 	int	cur_key99, tkey99; \
342 	int	temp_keys99[MAX_KEYS+1]; \
343 	BStree_node	*temp_kids99[MAX_KEYS+1]; \
344 	char	*temp_data99[MAX_KEYS+1]; \
345 	if (tree.root == NULL) { \
346 		MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,tree.root); \
347 		tree.root->num_keys = 1; \
348 		tree.root->keys[0] = inkey; \
349 		MY_MALLOC_USER_DATA(tree,tree.root->data_ptr[0]); \
350 	} else { \
351 		done99 = FALSE; \
352 		tptr99 = inptr; \
353 		cur_key99 = inkey; \
354 		cur_right99 = NULL; \
355 		MY_MALLOC_USER_DATA(tree,cur_data99); \
356 		while (! done99) { \
357 			if (tptr99 == NULL) { \
358 				MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,tptr99); \
359 				tptr99->num_keys = 1; \
360 				tptr99->keys[0] = cur_key99; \
361 				tptr99->data_ptr[0] = cur_data99; \
362 				tptr99->child[0] = tree.root; \
363 				tree.root->parent = tptr99; \
364 				tptr99->child[1] = cur_right99; \
365 				cur_right99->parent = tptr99; \
366 				tree.root = tptr99; \
367 				done99 = TRUE; \
368 			} else if (tptr99->num_keys < MAX_KEYS) { \
369 				MY_MAKE_PARENT(cur_right99,tptr99); \
370 				tptr99->keys[tptr99->num_keys] = cur_key99; \
371 				tptr99->child[tptr99->num_keys+1] = cur_right99; \
372 				tptr99->data_ptr[tptr99->num_keys] = cur_data99; \
373 				tptr99->num_keys++; \
374 				for (i99=tptr99->num_keys-1;i99>0;i99--) { \
375 					if (MY_KEY_LT(tptr99->keys[i99],tptr99->keys[i99-1])) { \
376 						tkey99 = tptr99->keys[i99]; \
377 						tright99 = tptr99->child[i99+1]; \
378 						tdata99 = tptr99->data_ptr[i99]; \
379 						tptr99->keys[i99] = tptr99->keys[i99-1]; \
380 						tptr99->child[i99+1] = tptr99->child[i99]; \
381 						tptr99->data_ptr[i99] = tptr99->data_ptr[i99-1]; \
382 						tptr99->keys[i99-1] = tkey99; \
383 						tptr99->child[i99] = tright99; \
384 						tptr99->data_ptr[i99-1] = tdata99; \
385 					} else { \
386 						break; \
387 					} \
388 				} \
389 				done99 = TRUE; \
390 			} else { \
391 				for (i99=0;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
392 					temp_keys99[i99] = tptr99->keys[i99]; \
393 					temp_data99[i99] = tptr99->data_ptr[i99]; \
394 					temp_kids99[i99] = tptr99->child[i99+1]; \
395 				} \
396 				temp_keys99[MAX_KEYS] = cur_key99; \
397 				temp_data99[MAX_KEYS] = cur_data99; \
398 				temp_kids99[MAX_KEYS] = cur_right99; \
399 				for (i99=MAX_KEYS;i99>0;i99--) { \
400 					if (MY_KEY_LT(temp_keys99[i99],temp_keys99[i99-1])) { \
401 						tkey99 = temp_keys99[i99]; \
402 						tright99 = temp_kids99[i99]; \
403 						tdata99 = temp_data99[i99]; \
404 						temp_keys99[i99] = temp_keys99[i99-1]; \
405 						temp_kids99[i99] = temp_kids99[i99-1]; \
406 						temp_data99[i99] = temp_data99[i99-1]; \
407 						temp_keys99[i99-1] = tkey99; \
408 						temp_kids99[i99-1] = tright99; \
409 						temp_data99[i99-1] = tdata99; \
410 					} else { \
411 						break; \
412 					} \
413 				} \
414 				tptr99->num_keys = MIN_KEYS; \
415 				for (i99=0;i99<MIN_KEYS;i99++) { \
416 					tptr99->keys[i99] = temp_keys99[i99]; \
417 					tptr99->child[i99+1] = temp_kids99[i99]; \
418 					MY_MAKE_PARENT(tptr99->child[i99+1],tptr99); \
419 					tptr99->data_ptr[i99] = temp_data99[i99]; \
420 				} \
421 				for (i99=MIN_KEYS;i99<MAX_KEYS;i99++) { \
422 					tptr99->data_ptr[i99] = NULL; \
423 				} \
424 				MY_GET_TREE_NODE(tree,cur_right99); \
425 				cur_right99->num_keys = MIN_KEYS; \
426 				cur_right99->child[0] = temp_kids99[MIN_KEYS]; \
427 				MY_MAKE_PARENT(cur_right99->child[0],cur_right99); \
428 				for (i99=0;i99<MIN_KEYS;i99++) { \
429 					cur_right99->keys[i99] = temp_keys99[i99+MIN_KEYS+1]; \
430 					cur_right99->child[i99+1] = temp_kids99[i99+MIN_KEYS+1]; \
431 					MY_MAKE_PARENT(cur_right99->child[i99+1],cur_right99); \
432 					cur_right99->data_ptr[i99] = temp_data99[i99+MIN_KEYS+1]; \
433 				} \
434 				cur_key99 = temp_keys99[MIN_KEYS]; \
435 				cur_data99 = temp_data99[MIN_KEYS]; \
436 				tptr99 = tptr99->parent; \
437 			} \
438 		} \
439 	}  \
440 }
442 #define MY_SEARCH_TREE(tree,inkey,found,node_ptr) \
443 { \
444 	BStree_node	*tptr99, *pptr99; \
445 	int	down99, i99; \
446 	tptr99 = tree.root; \
447 	pptr99 = tptr99; \
448 	found = FALSE; \
449 	while ((tptr99 != NULL) && (! found)) { \
450 		down99 = FALSE; \
451 		pptr99 = tptr99; \
452 		for (i99=0;i99<tptr99->num_keys;i99++) { \
453 			if (MY_KEY_EQUAL(inkey,tptr99->keys[i99])) { \
454 				found = TRUE; \
455 				down99 = TRUE; \
456 				node_ptr.ptr = tptr99; \
457 				node_ptr.ind = i99; \
458 				break; \
459 			} else if (MY_KEY_LT(inkey,tptr99->keys[i99])) { \
460 				down99 = TRUE; \
461 				tptr99 = tptr99->child[i99]; \
462 				break; \
463 			} \
464 		} \
465 		if (! down99) { \
466 			tptr99 = tptr99->child[tptr99->num_keys]; \
467 		} \
468 	} \
469 	if (!found) { \
470 		node_ptr.ptr = pptr99; \
471 	} \
472 }
474 #define MY_INSERT_TREE_NODE(tree,inkey,found,node_ptr,key_count) \
475 { \
476 	MY_SEARCH_TREE(tree,inkey,found,node_ptr); \
477 	if (!found) { \
478 		key_count++; \
479 		MY_PUT_IN_TREE(tree,inkey,(node_ptr.ptr)); \
480 		MY_SEARCH_TREE(tree,inkey,found,node_ptr); \
481 		found = FALSE; \
482 	} \
483 }
485 #define	MY_GET_TREE_DATA(node_ptr) node_ptr.ptr->data_ptr[node_ptr.ind]
487 #define	MY_GET_TREE_KEY(node_ptr) node_ptr.ptr->keys[node_ptr.ind]
489 #define MY_FREE_TREE(tree) \
490 { \
491 	BStree_node	*curptr99, *tptr99; \
492 	int	i99, found99; \
493 	curptr99 = tree.root; \
494 	while (curptr99 != NULL) { \
495 		found99 = FALSE; \
496 		for (i99=0;i99<curptr99->num_keys+1;i99++) { \
497 			tptr99 = curptr99->child[i99]; \
498 			if (tptr99 != NULL) { \
499 				curptr99->child[i99] = NULL; \
500 				curptr99 = tptr99; \
501 				found99 = TRUE; \
502 				break; \
503 			} \
504 		} \
505 		if (! found99) { \
506 			tptr99 = curptr99; \
507 			curptr99 = curptr99->parent; \
508 			MY_FREE_TREE_NODE(tree,tptr99); \
509 		} \
510 	} \
511 	MY_CLEAN_TREE(tree); \
512 }
514 #endif