1# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17"""MutableTree object.
19See MutableTree for more details.
22from . import (
23    errors,
24    hooks,
25    osutils,
26    trace,
27    tree,
28    )
32class BadReferenceTarget(errors.InternalBzrError):
34    _fmt = "Can't add reference to %(other_tree)s into %(tree)s." \
35           "%(reason)s"
37    def __init__(self, tree, other_tree, reason):
38        self.tree = tree
39        self.other_tree = other_tree
40        self.reason = reason
43class MutableTree(tree.Tree):
44    """A MutableTree is a specialisation of Tree which is able to be mutated.
46    Generally speaking these mutations are only possible within a lock_write
47    context, and will revert if the lock is broken abnormally - but this cannot
48    be guaranteed - depending on the exact implementation of the mutable state.
50    The most common form of Mutable Tree is WorkingTree, see breezy.workingtree.
51    For tests we also have MemoryTree which is a MutableTree whose contents are
52    entirely in memory.
54    For now, we are not treating MutableTree as an interface to provide
55    conformance tests for - rather we are testing MemoryTree specifically, and
56    interface testing implementations of WorkingTree.
58    A mutable tree always has an associated Branch and ControlDir object - the
59    branch and bzrdir attributes.
60    """
62    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
63        super(MutableTree, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
64        # Is this tree on a case-insensitive or case-preserving file-system?
65        # Sub-classes may initialize to False if they detect they are being
66        # used on media which doesn't differentiate the case of names.
67        self.case_sensitive = True
69    def is_control_filename(self, filename):
70        """True if filename is the name of a control file in this tree.
72        :param filename: A filename within the tree. This is a relative path
73            from the root of this tree.
75        This is true IF and ONLY IF the filename is part of the meta data
76        that bzr controls in this tree. I.E. a random .bzr directory placed
77        on disk will not be a control file for this tree.
78        """
79        raise NotImplementedError(self.is_control_filename)
81    def add(self, files, ids=None, kinds=None):
82        """Add paths to the set of versioned paths.
84        Note that the command line normally calls smart_add instead,
85        which can automatically recurse.
87        This adds the files to the tree, so that they will be
88        recorded by the next commit.
90        :param files: List of paths to add, relative to the base of the tree.
91        :param ids: If set, use these instead of automatically generated ids.
92            Must be the same length as the list of files, but may
93            contain None for ids that are to be autogenerated.
94        :param kinds: Optional parameter to specify the kinds to be used for
95            each file.
97        TODO: Perhaps callback with the ids and paths as they're added.
98        """
99        if isinstance(files, str):
100            # XXX: Passing a single string is inconsistent and should be
101            # deprecated.
102            if not (ids is None or isinstance(ids, bytes)):
103                raise AssertionError()
104            if not (kinds is None or isinstance(kinds, str)):
105                raise AssertionError()
106            files = [files]
107            if ids is not None:
108                ids = [ids]
109            if kinds is not None:
110                kinds = [kinds]
112        files = [path.strip('/') for path in files]
114        if ids is None:
115            ids = [None] * len(files)
116        else:
117            if not (len(ids) == len(files)):
118                raise AssertionError()
119        if kinds is None:
120            kinds = [None] * len(files)
121        elif not len(kinds) == len(files):
122            raise AssertionError()
123        with self.lock_tree_write():
124            for f in files:
125                # generic constraint checks:
126                if self.is_control_filename(f):
127                    raise errors.ForbiddenControlFileError(filename=f)
128                fp = osutils.splitpath(f)
129            # fill out file kinds for all files [not needed when we stop
130            # caring about the instantaneous file kind within a uncommmitted tree
131            #
132            self._gather_kinds(files, kinds)
133            self._add(files, ids, kinds)
135    def add_reference(self, sub_tree):
136        """Add a TreeReference to the tree, pointing at sub_tree.
138        :param sub_tree: subtree to add.
139        """
140        raise errors.UnsupportedOperation(self.add_reference, self)
142    def _add(self, files, ids, kinds):
143        """Helper function for add - updates the inventory.
145        :param files: sequence of pathnames, relative to the tree root
146        :param ids: sequence of suggested ids for the files (may be None)
147        :param kinds: sequence of  inventory kinds of the files (i.e. may
148            contain "tree-reference")
149        """
150        raise NotImplementedError(self._add)
152    def commit(self, message=None, revprops=None, *args, **kwargs):
153        # avoid circular imports
154        from breezy import commit
155        possible_master_transports = []
156        with self.lock_write():
157            revprops = commit.Commit.update_revprops(
158                revprops,
159                self.branch,
160                kwargs.pop('authors', None),
161                kwargs.get('local', False),
162                possible_master_transports)
163            # args for wt.commit start at message from the Commit.commit method,
164            args = (message, ) + args
165            for hook in MutableTree.hooks['start_commit']:
166                hook(self)
167            committed_id = commit.Commit().commit(working_tree=self,
168                                                  revprops=revprops,
169                                                  possible_master_transports=possible_master_transports,
170                                                  *args, **kwargs)
171            post_hook_params = PostCommitHookParams(self)
172            for hook in MutableTree.hooks['post_commit']:
173                hook(post_hook_params)
174            return committed_id
176    def _gather_kinds(self, files, kinds):
177        """Helper function for add - sets the entries of kinds."""
178        raise NotImplementedError(self._gather_kinds)
180    def has_changes(self, _from_tree=None):
181        """Quickly check that the tree contains at least one commitable change.
183        :param _from_tree: tree to compare against to find changes (default to
184            the basis tree and is intended to be used by tests).
186        :return: True if a change is found. False otherwise
187        """
188        raise NotImplementedError(self.has_changes)
190    def check_changed_or_out_of_date(self, strict, opt_name,
191                                     more_error, more_warning):
192        """Check the tree for uncommitted changes and branch synchronization.
194        If strict is None and not set in the config files, a warning is issued.
195        If strict is True, an error is raised.
196        If strict is False, no checks are done and no warning is issued.
198        :param strict: True, False or None, searched in branch config if None.
200        :param opt_name: strict option name to search in config file.
202        :param more_error: Details about how to avoid the check.
204        :param more_warning: Details about what is happening.
205        """
206        with self.lock_read():
207            if strict is None:
208                strict = self.branch.get_config_stack().get(opt_name)
209            if strict is not False:
210                err_class = None
211                if self.has_changes():
212                    err_class = errors.UncommittedChanges
213                elif self.last_revision() != self.branch.last_revision():
214                    # The tree has lost sync with its branch, there is little
215                    # chance that the user is aware of it but he can still
216                    # force the action with --no-strict
217                    err_class = errors.OutOfDateTree
218                if err_class is not None:
219                    if strict is None:
220                        err = err_class(self, more=more_warning)
221                        # We don't want to interrupt the user if he expressed
222                        # no preference about strict.
223                        trace.warning('%s', err._format())
224                    else:
225                        err = err_class(self, more=more_error)
226                        raise err
228    def last_revision(self):
229        """Return the revision id of the last commit performed in this tree.
231        In early tree formats the result of last_revision is the same as the
232        branch last_revision, but that is no longer the case for modern tree
233        formats.
235        last_revision returns the left most parent id, or None if there are no
236        parents.
238        last_revision was deprecated as of 0.11. Please use get_parent_ids
239        instead.
240        """
241        raise NotImplementedError(self.last_revision)
243    def lock_tree_write(self):
244        """Lock the working tree for write, and the branch for read.
246        This is useful for operations which only need to mutate the working
247        tree. Taking out branch write locks is a relatively expensive process
248        and may fail if the branch is on read only media. So branch write locks
249        should only be taken out when we are modifying branch data - such as in
250        operations like commit, pull, uncommit and update.
251        """
252        raise NotImplementedError(self.lock_tree_write)
254    def lock_write(self):
255        """Lock the tree and its branch. This allows mutating calls to be made.
257        Some mutating methods will take out implicit write locks, but in
258        general you should always obtain a write lock before calling mutating
259        methods on a tree.
260        """
261        raise NotImplementedError(self.lock_write)
263    def mkdir(self, path, file_id=None):
264        """Create a directory in the tree. if file_id is None, one is assigned.
266        :param path: A unicode file path.
267        :param file_id: An optional file-id.
268        :return: the file id of the new directory.
269        """
270        raise NotImplementedError(self.mkdir)
272    def _observed_sha1(self, path, sha_and_stat):
273        """Tell the tree we have observed a paths sha1.
275        The intent of this function is to allow trees that have a hashcache to
276        update the hashcache during commit. If the observed file is too new
277        (based on the stat_value) to be safely hash-cached the tree will ignore
278        it.
280        The default implementation does nothing.
282        :param path: The file path
283        :param sha_and_stat: The sha 1 and stat result observed.
284        :return: None
285        """
287    def put_file_bytes_non_atomic(self, path, bytes):
288        """Update the content of a file in the tree.
290        Note that the file is written in-place rather than being
291        written to a temporary location and renamed. As a consequence,
292        readers can potentially see the file half-written.
294        :param file_id: file-id of the file
295        :param bytes: the new file contents
296        """
297        raise NotImplementedError(self.put_file_bytes_non_atomic)
299    def set_parent_ids(self, revision_ids, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=False):
300        """Set the parents ids of the working tree.
302        :param revision_ids: A list of revision_ids.
303        """
304        raise NotImplementedError(self.set_parent_ids)
306    def set_parent_trees(self, parents_list, allow_leftmost_as_ghost=False):
307        """Set the parents of the working tree.
309        :param parents_list: A list of (revision_id, tree) tuples.
310            If tree is None, then that element is treated as an unreachable
311            parent tree - i.e. a ghost.
312        """
313        raise NotImplementedError(self.set_parent_trees)
315    def smart_add(self, file_list, recurse=True, action=None, save=True):
316        """Version file_list, optionally recursing into directories.
318        This is designed more towards DWIM for humans than API clarity.
319        For the specific behaviour see the help for cmd_add().
321        :param file_list: List of zero or more paths.  *NB: these are
322            interpreted relative to the process cwd, not relative to the
323            tree.*  (Add and most other tree methods use tree-relative
324            paths.)
325        :param action: A reporter to be called with the working tree, parent_ie,
326            path and kind of the path being added. It may return a file_id if
327            a specific one should be used.
328        :param save: Save the changes after completing the adds. If False
329            this provides dry-run functionality by doing the add and not saving
330            the changes.
331        :return: A tuple - files_added, ignored_files. files_added is the count
332            of added files, and ignored_files is a dict mapping files that were
333            ignored to the rule that caused them to be ignored.
334        """
335        raise NotImplementedError(self.smart_add)
337    def rename_one(self, from_rel, to_rel, after=False):
338        """Rename one file.
340        This can change the directory or the filename or both.
342        rename_one has several 'modes' to work. First, it can rename a physical
343        file and change the file_id. That is the normal mode. Second, it can
344        only change the file_id without touching any physical file.
346        rename_one uses the second mode if 'after == True' and 'to_rel' is
347        either not versioned or newly added, and present in the working tree.
349        rename_one uses the second mode if 'after == False' and 'from_rel' is
350        versioned but no longer in the working tree, and 'to_rel' is not
351        versioned but present in the working tree.
353        rename_one uses the first mode if 'after == False' and 'from_rel' is
354        versioned and present in the working tree, and 'to_rel' is not
355        versioned and not present in the working tree.
357        Everything else results in an error.
358        """
359        raise NotImplementedError(self.rename_one)
361    def copy_one(self, from_rel, to_rel):
362        """Copy one file or directory.
364        This can change the directory or the filename or both.
366        """
367        raise NotImplementedError(self.copy_one)
369    def transform(self, pb=None):
370        """Return a transform object for use with this tree."""
371        raise NotImplementedError(self.transform)
374class MutableTreeHooks(hooks.Hooks):
375    """A dictionary mapping a hook name to a list of callables for mutabletree
376    hooks.
377    """
379    def __init__(self):
380        """Create the default hooks.
382        """
383        hooks.Hooks.__init__(self, "breezy.mutabletree", "MutableTree.hooks")
384        self.add_hook('start_commit',
385                      "Called before a commit is performed on a tree. The start commit "
386                      "hook is able to change the tree before the commit takes place. "
387                      "start_commit is called with the breezy.mutabletree.MutableTree "
388                      "that the commit is being performed on.", (1, 4))
389        self.add_hook('post_commit',
390                      "Called after a commit is performed on a tree. The hook is "
391                      "called with a breezy.mutabletree.PostCommitHookParams object. "
392                      "The mutable tree the commit was performed on is available via "
393                      "the mutable_tree attribute of that object.", (2, 0))
394        self.add_hook('pre_transform',
395                      "Called before a tree transform on this tree. The hook is called "
396                      "with the tree that is being transformed and the transform.",
397                      (2, 5))
398        self.add_hook('post_build_tree',
399                      "Called after a completely new tree is built. The hook is "
400                      "called with the tree as its only argument.", (2, 5))
401        self.add_hook('post_transform',
402                      "Called after a tree transform has been performed on a tree. "
403                      "The hook is called with the tree that is being transformed and "
404                      "the transform.",
405                      (2, 5))
408# install the default hooks into the MutableTree class.
409MutableTree.hooks = MutableTreeHooks()
412class PostCommitHookParams(object):
413    """Parameters for the post_commit hook.
415    To access the parameters, use the following attributes:
417    * mutable_tree - the MutableTree object
418    """
420    def __init__(self, mutable_tree):
421        """Create the parameters for the post_commit hook."""
422        self.mutable_tree = mutable_tree