1 /*
2  * bltChain.c --
3  *
4  *	The module implements a generic linked list package.
5  *
6  * Copyright 1991-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
7  *
8  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
9  * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
10  * granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
11  * copies and that both that the copyright notice and warranty
12  * disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names
13  * of Lucent Technologies any of their entities not be used in
14  * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
15  * without specific, written prior permission.
16  *
17  * Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this
18  * software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and
19  * fitness.  In no event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any
20  * special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
21  * whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in
22  * an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising
23  * out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
24  * software.
25  */
27 #include "bltInt.h"
28 #include "bltChain.h"
30 #ifndef ALIGN
31 #define ALIGN(a) \
32 	(((size_t)a + (sizeof(double) - 1)) & (~(sizeof(double) - 1)))
33 #endif /* ALIGN */
35 /*
36  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
37  *
38  * Blt_ChainCreate --
39  *
40  *	Creates a new linked list (chain) structure and initializes
41  *	its pointers;
42  *
43  * Results:
44  *	Returns a pointer to the newly created chain structure.
45  *
46  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
47  */
48 Blt_Chain *
Blt_ChainCreate()49 Blt_ChainCreate()
50 {
51     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
53     chainPtr = Blt_Malloc(sizeof(Blt_Chain));
54     if (chainPtr != NULL) {
55 	Blt_ChainInit(chainPtr);
56     }
57     return chainPtr;
58 }
60 /*
61  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
62  *
63  * Blt_ChainAllocLink --
64  *
65  *	Creates a new chain link.  Unlink Blt_ChainNewLink, this
66  *	routine also allocates extra memory in the node for data.
67  *
68  * Results:
69  *	The return value is the pointer to the newly created entry.
70  *
71  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
72  */
73 Blt_ChainLink *
Blt_ChainAllocLink(extraSize)74 Blt_ChainAllocLink(extraSize)
75     unsigned int extraSize;
76 {
77     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
78     unsigned int linkSize;
80     linkSize = ALIGN(sizeof(Blt_ChainLink));
81     linkPtr = Blt_Calloc(1, linkSize + extraSize);
82     assert(linkPtr);
83     if (extraSize > 0) {
84 	/* Point clientData at the memory beyond the normal structure. */
85 	linkPtr->clientData = (ClientData)((char *)linkPtr + linkSize);
86     }
87     return linkPtr;
88 }
90 /*
91  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
92  *
93  * Blt_ChainNewLink --
94  *
95  *	Creates a new link.
96  *
97  * Results:
98  *	The return value is the pointer to the newly created link.
99  *
100  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
101  */
102 Blt_ChainLink *
Blt_ChainNewLink()103 Blt_ChainNewLink()
104 {
105     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
107     linkPtr = Blt_Malloc(sizeof(Blt_ChainLink));
108     assert(linkPtr);
109     linkPtr->clientData = NULL;
110     linkPtr->nextPtr = linkPtr->prevPtr = NULL;
111     return linkPtr;
112 }
114 /*
115  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
116  *
117  * Blt_ChainReset --
118  *
119  *	Removes all the links from the chain, freeing the memory for
120  *	each link.  Memory pointed to by the link (clientData) is not
121  *	freed.  It's the caller's responsibility to deallocate it.
122  *
123  * Results:
124  *	None.
125  *
126  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
127  */
128 void
Blt_ChainReset(chainPtr)129 Blt_ChainReset(chainPtr)
130     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;	/* Chain to clear */
131 {
132     if (chainPtr != NULL) {
133 	Blt_ChainLink *oldPtr;
134 	Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr = chainPtr->headPtr;
136 	while (linkPtr != NULL) {
137 	    oldPtr = linkPtr;
138 	    linkPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr;
139 	    Blt_Free(oldPtr);
140 	}
141 	Blt_ChainInit(chainPtr);
142     }
143 }
145 /*
146  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
147  *
148  * Blt_ChainDestroy
149  *
150  *     Frees all the nodes from the chain and deallocates the memory
151  *     allocated for the chain structure itself.  It's assumed that
152  *     the chain was previous allocated by Blt_ChainCreate.
153  *
154  * Results:
155  *	None.
156  *
157  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
158  */
159 void
Blt_ChainDestroy(chainPtr)160 Blt_ChainDestroy(chainPtr)
161     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
162 {
163     if (chainPtr != NULL) {
164 	Blt_ChainReset(chainPtr);
165 	Blt_Free(chainPtr);
166     }
167 }
169 /*
170  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
171  *
172  * Blt_ChainInit --
173  *
174  *	Initializes a linked list.
175  *
176  * Results:
177  *	None.
178  *
179  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
180  */
181 void
Blt_ChainInit(chainPtr)182 Blt_ChainInit(chainPtr)
183     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
184 {
185     chainPtr->nLinks = 0;
186     chainPtr->headPtr = chainPtr->tailPtr = NULL;
187 }
189 /*
190  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
191  *
192  * Blt_ChainLinkAfter --
193  *
194  *	Inserts an entry following a given entry.
195  *
196  * Results:
197  *	None.
198  *
199  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
200  */
201 void
Blt_ChainLinkAfter(chainPtr,linkPtr,afterPtr)202 Blt_ChainLinkAfter(chainPtr, linkPtr, afterPtr)
203     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
204     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr, *afterPtr;
205 {
206     if (chainPtr->headPtr == NULL) {
207 	chainPtr->tailPtr = chainPtr->headPtr = linkPtr;
208     } else {
209 	if (afterPtr == NULL) {
210 	    /* Prepend to the front of the chain */
211 	    linkPtr->nextPtr = chainPtr->headPtr;
212 	    linkPtr->prevPtr = NULL;
213 	    chainPtr->headPtr->prevPtr = linkPtr;
214 	    chainPtr->headPtr = linkPtr;
215 	} else {
216 	    linkPtr->nextPtr = afterPtr->nextPtr;
217 	    linkPtr->prevPtr = afterPtr;
218 	    if (afterPtr == chainPtr->tailPtr) {
219 		chainPtr->tailPtr = linkPtr;
220 	    } else {
221 		afterPtr->nextPtr->prevPtr = linkPtr;
222 	    }
223 	    afterPtr->nextPtr = linkPtr;
224 	}
225     }
226     chainPtr->nLinks++;
227 }
229 /*
230  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
231  *
232  * Blt_ChainLinkBefore --
233  *
234  *	Inserts a link preceding a given link.
235  *
236  * Results:
237  *	None.
238  *
239  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
240  */
241 void
Blt_ChainLinkBefore(chainPtr,linkPtr,beforePtr)242 Blt_ChainLinkBefore(chainPtr, linkPtr, beforePtr)
243     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;	/* Chain to contain new entry */
244     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;	/* New entry to be inserted */
245     Blt_ChainLink *beforePtr;	/* Entry to link before */
246 {
247     if (chainPtr->headPtr == NULL) {
248 	chainPtr->tailPtr = chainPtr->headPtr = linkPtr;
249     } else {
250 	if (beforePtr == NULL) {
251 	    /* Append to the end of the chain. */
252 	    linkPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
253 	    linkPtr->prevPtr = chainPtr->tailPtr;
254 	    chainPtr->tailPtr->nextPtr = linkPtr;
255 	    chainPtr->tailPtr = linkPtr;
256 	} else {
257 	    linkPtr->prevPtr = beforePtr->prevPtr;
258 	    linkPtr->nextPtr = beforePtr;
259 	    if (beforePtr == chainPtr->headPtr) {
260 		chainPtr->headPtr = linkPtr;
261 	    } else {
262 		beforePtr->prevPtr->nextPtr = linkPtr;
263 	    }
264 	    beforePtr->prevPtr = linkPtr;
265 	}
266     }
267     chainPtr->nLinks++;
268 }
270 /*
271  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
272  *
273  * Blt_ChainUnlinkLink --
274  *
275  *	Unlinks a link from the chain. The link is not deallocated,
276  *	but only removed from the chain.
277  *
278  * Results:
279  *	None.
280  *
281  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
282  */
283 void
Blt_ChainUnlinkLink(chainPtr,linkPtr)284 Blt_ChainUnlinkLink(chainPtr, linkPtr)
285     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
286     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
287 {
288     int unlinked;		/* Indicates if the link is actually
289 				 * removed from the chain. */
291     unlinked = FALSE;
292     if (chainPtr->headPtr == linkPtr) {
293 	chainPtr->headPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr;
294 	unlinked = TRUE;
295     }
296     if (chainPtr->tailPtr == linkPtr) {
297 	chainPtr->tailPtr = linkPtr->prevPtr;
298 	unlinked = TRUE;
299     }
300     if (linkPtr->nextPtr != NULL) {
301 	linkPtr->nextPtr->prevPtr = linkPtr->prevPtr;
302 	unlinked = TRUE;
303     }
304     if (linkPtr->prevPtr != NULL) {
305 	linkPtr->prevPtr->nextPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr;
306 	unlinked = TRUE;
307     }
308     if (unlinked) {
309 	chainPtr->nLinks--;
310     }
311     linkPtr->prevPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
312 }
314 /*
315  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
316  *
317  * Blt_ChainDeleteLink --
318  *
319  *	Unlinks and also frees the given link.
320  *
321  * Results:
322  *	None.
323  *
324  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
325  */
326 void
Blt_ChainDeleteLink(chainPtr,linkPtr)327 Blt_ChainDeleteLink(chainPtr, linkPtr)
328     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
329     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
330 {
331     Blt_ChainUnlinkLink(chainPtr, linkPtr);
332     Blt_Free(linkPtr);
333 }
335 Blt_ChainLink *
Blt_ChainAppend(chainPtr,clientData)336 Blt_ChainAppend(chainPtr, clientData)
337     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
338     ClientData clientData;
339 {
340     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
342     linkPtr = Blt_ChainNewLink();
343     Blt_ChainLinkBefore(chainPtr, linkPtr, (Blt_ChainLink *)NULL);
344     Blt_ChainSetValue(linkPtr, clientData);
345     return linkPtr;
346 }
348 Blt_ChainLink *
Blt_ChainPrepend(chainPtr,clientData)349 Blt_ChainPrepend(chainPtr, clientData)
350     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;
351     ClientData clientData;
352 {
353     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
355     linkPtr = Blt_ChainNewLink();
356     Blt_ChainLinkAfter(chainPtr, linkPtr, (Blt_ChainLink *)NULL);
357     Blt_ChainSetValue(linkPtr, clientData);
358     return linkPtr;
359 }
361 /*
362  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
363  *
364  * Blt_ChainGetNthLink --
365  *
366  *	Find the link at the given position in the chain.
367  *
368  * Results:
369  *	Returns the pointer to the link, if that numbered link
370  *	exists. Otherwise NULL.
371  *
372  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
373  */
374 Blt_ChainLink *
Blt_ChainGetNthLink(chainPtr,position)375 Blt_ChainGetNthLink(chainPtr, position)
376     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;	/* Chain to traverse */
377     int position;		/* Index of link to select from front
378 				 * or back of the chain. */
379 {
380     Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
382     if (chainPtr != NULL) {
383 	for (linkPtr = chainPtr->headPtr; linkPtr != NULL;
384 	    linkPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr) {
385 	    if (position == 0) {
386 		return linkPtr;
387 	    }
388 	    position--;
389 	}
390     }
391     return NULL;
392 }
394 /*
395  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
396  *
397  * Blt_ChainSort --
398  *
399  *	Sorts the chain according to the given comparison routine.
400  *
401  * Results:
402  *	None.
403  *
404  * Side Effects:
405  *	The chain is reordered.
406  *
407  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
408  */
409 void
Blt_ChainSort(chainPtr,proc)410 Blt_ChainSort(chainPtr, proc)
411     Blt_Chain *chainPtr;	/* Chain to traverse */
412     Blt_ChainCompareProc *proc;
413 {
414     Blt_ChainLink **linkArr;
415     register Blt_ChainLink *linkPtr;
416     register int i;
418     if (chainPtr->nLinks < 2) {
419 	return;
420     }
421     linkArr = Blt_Malloc(sizeof(Blt_ChainLink *) * (chainPtr->nLinks + 1));
422     if (linkArr == NULL) {
423 	return;			/* Out of memory. */
424     }
425     i = 0;
426     for (linkPtr = chainPtr->headPtr; linkPtr != NULL;
427 	 linkPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr) {
428 	linkArr[i++] = linkPtr;
429     }
430     qsort((char *)linkArr, chainPtr->nLinks, sizeof(Blt_ChainLink *),
431 	(QSortCompareProc *)proc);
433     /* Rethread the chain. */
434     linkPtr = linkArr[0];
435     chainPtr->headPtr = linkPtr;
436     linkPtr->prevPtr = NULL;
437     for (i = 1; i < chainPtr->nLinks; i++) {
438 	linkPtr->nextPtr = linkArr[i];
439 	linkPtr->nextPtr->prevPtr = linkPtr;
440 	linkPtr = linkPtr->nextPtr;
441     }
442     chainPtr->tailPtr = linkPtr;
443     linkPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
444     Blt_Free(linkArr);
445 }