1 /*
2  * bltNsUtil.c --
3  *
4  *	This module implements utility procedures for namespaces
5  *	in the BLT toolkit.
6  *
7  * Copyright 1991-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
8  *
9  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
10  * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
11  * granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
12  * copies and that both that the copyright notice and warranty
13  * disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names
14  * of Lucent Technologies any of their entities not be used in
15  * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
16  * without specific, written prior permission.
17  *
18  * Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this
19  * software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and
20  * fitness.  In no event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any
21  * special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
22  * whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in
23  * an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising
24  * out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
25  * software.
26  */
28 #include "bltInt.h"
29 #include "bltList.h"
30 #include <tclInt.h>
32 /* Namespace related routines */
34 /*
35  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
36  *
37  * Blt_GetVariableNamespace --
38  *
39  *	Returns the namespace context of the vector variable.  If NULL,
40  *	this indicates that the variable is local to the call frame.
41  *
42  *	Note the ever-dangerous manner in which we get this information.
43  *	All of these structures are "private".   Now who's calling Tcl
44  *	an "extension" language?
45  *
46  * Results:
47  *	Returns the context of the namespace in an opaque type.
48  *
49  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
50  */
53 /*
54  * A Command structure exists for each command in a namespace. The
55  * Tcl_Command opaque type actually refers to these structures.
56  */
58 Tcl_Namespace *
Blt_GetVariableNamespace(interp,name)59 Blt_GetVariableNamespace(interp, name)
60     Tcl_Interp *interp;
61     CONST char *name;
62 {
63     Tcl_Var varPtr;
64     Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
65     Tcl_Obj *objPtr;
66     const char *str, *cp;
68     varPtr = Tcl_FindNamespaceVar(interp, (char *)name,
69 	(Tcl_Namespace *)NULL, 0);
70     if (varPtr == NULL) {
71 	return NULL;
72     }
73     objPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
74     Tcl_GetVariableFullName(interp, varPtr, objPtr);
75     str = Tcl_GetString(objPtr);
76     if (Blt_ParseQualifiedName(interp, str, &nsPtr, &cp) != TCL_OK) {
77         nsPtr = NULL;
78     }
79     Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr);
80     return nsPtr;
81 }
84 Tcl_Namespace *
Blt_GetCommandNamespace(interp,cmdToken)85 Blt_GetCommandNamespace(interp, cmdToken)
86     Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Not used. */
87     Tcl_Command cmdToken;
88 {
89     Tcl_CmdInfo info;
91     if (Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken(cmdToken, &info) == 0) {
92         return NULL;
93     }
94     return info.namespacePtr;
95 }
97 Tcl_CallFrame *
Blt_EnterNamespace(interp,nsPtr)98 Blt_EnterNamespace(interp, nsPtr)
99     Tcl_Interp *interp;
100     Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
101 {
102     Tcl_CallFrame *framePtr;
104     framePtr = Blt_Malloc(sizeof(Tcl_CallFrame));
105     assert(framePtr);
106     if (Tcl_PushCallFrame(interp, framePtr, (Tcl_Namespace *)nsPtr, 0)
107 	!= TCL_OK) {
108 	Blt_Free(framePtr);
109 	return NULL;
110     }
111     return framePtr;
112 }
114 void
Blt_LeaveNamespace(interp,framePtr)115 Blt_LeaveNamespace(interp, framePtr)
116     Tcl_Interp *interp;
117     Tcl_CallFrame *framePtr;
118 {
119     Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
120     Blt_Free(framePtr);
121 }
123 int
Blt_ParseQualifiedName(interp,qualName,nsPtrPtr,namePtrPtr)124 Blt_ParseQualifiedName(interp, qualName, nsPtrPtr, namePtrPtr)
125     Tcl_Interp *interp;
126     CONST char *qualName;
127     Tcl_Namespace **nsPtrPtr;
128     CONST char **namePtrPtr;
129 {
130     register char *p, *colon;
131     Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
133     colon = NULL;
134     p = (char *)(qualName + strlen(qualName));
135     while (--p > qualName) {
136 	if ((*p == ':') && (*(p - 1) == ':')) {
137 	    p++;		/* just after the last "::" */
138 	    colon = p - 2;
139 	    break;
140 	}
141     }
142     if (colon == NULL) {
143 	*nsPtrPtr = NULL;
144 	*namePtrPtr = (char *)qualName;
145 	return TCL_OK;
146     }
147     *colon = '\0';
148     if (qualName[0] == '\0') {
149 	nsPtr = Tcl_GetGlobalNamespace(interp);
150     } else {
151 	nsPtr = Tcl_FindNamespace(interp, (char *)qualName,
152 		(Tcl_Namespace *)NULL, 0);
153     }
154     *colon = ':';
155     if (nsPtr == NULL) {
156 	return TCL_ERROR;
157     }
158     *nsPtrPtr = nsPtr;
159     *namePtrPtr = p;
160     return TCL_OK;
161 }
163 char *
Blt_GetQualifiedName(nsPtr,name,resultPtr)164 Blt_GetQualifiedName(nsPtr, name, resultPtr)
165     Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
166     CONST char *name;
167     Tcl_DString *resultPtr;
168 {
169     Tcl_DStringInit(resultPtr);
170     if ((nsPtr->fullName[0] != ':') || (nsPtr->fullName[1] != ':') ||
171 	(nsPtr->fullName[2] != '\0')) {
172 	Tcl_DStringAppend(resultPtr, nsPtr->fullName, -1);
173     }
174     Tcl_DStringAppend(resultPtr, "::", -1);
175     Tcl_DStringAppend(resultPtr, (char *)name, -1);
176     return Tcl_DStringValue(resultPtr);
177 }
180 typedef struct {
181     Tcl_HashTable clientTable;
183     /* Original clientdata and delete procedure. */
184     ClientData origClientData;
185     Tcl_NamespaceDeleteProc *origDeleteProc;
187 } Callback;
189 static Tcl_CmdProc NamespaceDeleteCmd;
190 static Tcl_NamespaceDeleteProc NamespaceDeleteNotify;
192 #define NS_DELETE_CMD	"#NamespaceDeleteNotifier"
194 /*ARGSUSED*/
195 static int
NamespaceDeleteCmd(clientData,interp,argc,argv)196 NamespaceDeleteCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv)
197     ClientData clientData;	/* Not used. */
198     Tcl_Interp *interp;		/*  */
199     int argc;
200     char **argv;
201 {
202     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "command \"", argv[0], "\" shouldn't be invoked",
203 	(char *)NULL);
204     return TCL_ERROR;
205 }
207 static void
NamespaceDeleteNotify(clientData)208 NamespaceDeleteNotify(clientData)
209     ClientData clientData;
210 {
211     Blt_List list;
212     Blt_ListNode node;
213     Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *deleteProc;
215     list = (Blt_List)clientData;
216     for (node = Blt_ListFirstNode(list); node != NULL;
217 	node = Blt_ListNextNode(node)) {
218 	deleteProc = (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)Blt_ListGetValue(node);
219 	clientData = (ClientData)Blt_ListGetKey(node);
220 	(*deleteProc) (clientData);
221     }
222     Blt_ListDestroy(list);
223 }
225 void
Blt_DestroyNsDeleteNotify(interp,nsPtr,clientData)226 Blt_DestroyNsDeleteNotify(interp, nsPtr, clientData)
227     Tcl_Interp *interp;
228     Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
229     ClientData clientData;
230 {
231     Blt_List list;
232     Blt_ListNode node;
233     char *string;
234     Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
236     string = Blt_Malloc(sizeof(nsPtr->fullName) + strlen(NS_DELETE_CMD) + 4);
237     strcpy(string, nsPtr->fullName);
238     strcat(string, "::");
239     strcat(string, NS_DELETE_CMD);
240     if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, string, &cmdInfo)) {
241 	goto done;
242     }
243     list = (Blt_List)cmdInfo.clientData;
244     node = Blt_ListGetNode(list, clientData);
245     if (node != NULL) {
246 	Blt_ListDeleteNode(node);
247     }
248   done:
249     Blt_Free(string);
250 }
252 int
Blt_CreateNsDeleteNotify(interp,nsPtr,clientData,deleteProc)253 Blt_CreateNsDeleteNotify(interp, nsPtr, clientData, deleteProc)
254     Tcl_Interp *interp;
255     Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
256     ClientData clientData;
257     Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *deleteProc;
258 {
259     Blt_List list;
260     char *string;
261     Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
263     string = Blt_Malloc(sizeof(nsPtr->fullName) + strlen(NS_DELETE_CMD) + 4);
264     strcpy(string, nsPtr->fullName);
265     strcat(string, "::");
266     strcat(string, NS_DELETE_CMD);
267     if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, string, &cmdInfo)) {
268 	list = Blt_ListCreate(BLT_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
269 	Blt_CreateCommand(interp, string, NamespaceDeleteCmd, list,
270 		NamespaceDeleteNotify);
271     } else {
272 	list = (Blt_List)cmdInfo.clientData;
273     }
274     Blt_Free(string);
275     Blt_ListAppend(list, clientData, (ClientData)deleteProc);
276     return TCL_OK;
277 }
279 /*
280  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
281  *
282  * Blt_CreateCommand --
283  *
284  *	Like Tcl_CreateCommand, but creates command in current namespace
285  *	instead of global, if one isn't defined.  Not a problem with
286  *	[incr Tcl] namespaces.
287  *
288  * Results:
289  *	The return value is a token for the command, which can
290  *	be used in future calls to Tcl_GetCommandName.
291  *
292  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
293  */
294 Tcl_Command
Blt_CreateCommand(interp,cmdName,proc,clientData,deleteProc)295 Blt_CreateCommand(interp, cmdName, proc, clientData, deleteProc)
296     Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Token for command interpreter returned by
297 				 * a previous call to Tcl_CreateInterp. */
298     CONST char *cmdName;	/* Name of command. If it contains namespace
299 				 * qualifiers, the new command is put in the
300 				 * specified namespace; otherwise it is put
301 				 * in the global namespace. */
302     Tcl_CmdProc *proc;		/* Procedure to associate with cmdName. */
303     ClientData clientData;	/* Arbitrary value passed to string proc. */
304     Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *deleteProc;
305     /* If not NULL, gives a procedure to call
307 				 * when this command is deleted. */
308 {
309     register CONST char *p;
311     p = cmdName + strlen(cmdName);
312     while (--p > cmdName) {
313 	if ((*p == ':') && (*(p - 1) == ':')) {
314 	    p++;		/* just after the last "::" */
315 	    break;
316 	}
317     }
318     if (cmdName == p) {
319 	Tcl_DString dString;
320 	Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
321 	Tcl_Command cmdToken;
323 	Tcl_DStringInit(&dString);
324 	nsPtr = Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace(interp);
325 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, nsPtr->fullName, -1);
326 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, "::", -1);
327 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, cmdName, -1);
328 	cmdToken = Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&dString), proc,
329 	    clientData, deleteProc);
330 	Tcl_DStringFree(&dString);
331 	return cmdToken;
332     }
333     return Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, (char *)cmdName, proc, clientData,
334 	deleteProc);
335 }
337 /*
338  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
339  *
340  * Blt_CreateCommandObj --
341  *
342  *	Like Tcl_CreateCommand, but creates command in current namespace
343  *	instead of global, if one isn't defined.  Not a problem with
344  *	[incr Tcl] namespaces.
345  *
346  * Results:
347  *	The return value is a token for the command, which can
348  *	be used in future calls to Tcl_GetCommandName.
349  *
350  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
351  */
352 Tcl_Command
Blt_CreateCommandObj(interp,cmdName,proc,clientData,deleteProc)353 Blt_CreateCommandObj(interp, cmdName, proc, clientData, deleteProc)
354     Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Token for command interpreter returned by
355 				 * a previous call to Tcl_CreateInterp. */
356     CONST char *cmdName;	/* Name of command. If it contains namespace
357 				 * qualifiers, the new command is put in the
358 				 * specified namespace; otherwise it is put
359 				 * in the global namespace. */
360     Tcl_ObjCmdProc *proc;	/* Procedure to associate with cmdName. */
361     ClientData clientData;	/* Arbitrary value passed to string proc. */
362     Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *deleteProc;
363 				/* If not NULL, gives a procedure to call
364 				 * when this command is deleted. */
365 {
366     register CONST char *p;
368     p = cmdName + strlen(cmdName);
369     while (--p > cmdName) {
370 	if ((*p == ':') && (*(p - 1) == ':')) {
371 	    p++;		/* just after the last "::" */
372 	    break;
373 	}
374     }
375     if (cmdName == p) {
376 	Tcl_DString dString;
377 	Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr;
378 	Tcl_Command cmdToken;
380 	Tcl_DStringInit(&dString);
381 	nsPtr = Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace(interp);
382 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, nsPtr->fullName, -1);
383 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, "::", -1);
384 	Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, cmdName, -1);
385 	cmdToken = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&dString),
386 		proc, clientData, deleteProc);
387 	Tcl_DStringFree(&dString);
388 	return cmdToken;
389     }
390     return Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, (char *)cmdName, proc, clientData,
391 	deleteProc);
392 }