1 /*
2  *  "GEDKeeper", the personal genealogical database editor.
3  *  Copyright (C) 2009-2021 by Sergey V. Zhdanovskih.
4  *
5  *  This file is part of "GEDKeeper".
6  *
7  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
21 using System;
22 using BSLib;
23 using BSLib.Design;
24 using BSLib.Design.Graphics;
25 using GKCore.Charts;
26 using GKCore.Interfaces;
28 using BSDColors = BSLib.Design.BSDConsts.Colors;
30 namespace GKCore.Options
31 {
32     public enum DeepMode
33     {
34         None, Background, Foreground
35     }
37     /// <summary>
38     ///
39     /// </summary>
40     public sealed class TreeChartOptions : BaseObject, IOptions
41     {
42         public static readonly int MALE_COLOR = -3750145; // FFC6C6FF
43         public static readonly int FEMALE_COLOR = -14650; // FFFFC6C6
44         public static readonly int UNK_SEX_COLOR = -14593; // FFFFC6FF
45         public static readonly int UN_HUSBAND_COLOR = -2631681; // FFD7D7FF
46         public static readonly int UN_WIFE_COLOR = -10281; // FFFFD7D7
48         public bool ChildlessExclude;
49         public bool Decorative;
50         public bool FamilyVisible;
51         public bool NameVisible;
52         public bool PatronymicVisible;
53         public bool NickVisible;
54         public bool DiffLines;
55         public bool BirthDateVisible;
56         public bool DeathDateVisible;
57         public bool OnlyYears;
58         public bool Kinship;
59         public bool PortraitsVisible;
60         public bool DefaultPortraits;
61         public bool SignsVisible;
62         public bool CertaintyIndexVisible;
63         public bool TraceSelected;
64         public bool InvertedTree;
65         public bool MarriagesDates;
66         public bool ShowPlaces;
67         public bool HideUnknownSpouses;
68         public bool DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren;
69         public bool SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines;
70         public bool BoldNames;
72         public bool AutoAlign; // debug option, for future purposes
73         public GfxBorderStyle BorderStyle;
74         public DeepMode DeepMode;
76         public IColor MaleColor;
77         public IColor FemaleColor;
78         public IColor UnkSexColor;
79         public IColor UnHusbandColor;
80         public IColor UnWifeColor;
82         public string DefFontName;
83         public int DefFontSize;
84         public IColor DefFontColor;
85         public BSDTypes.FontStyle DefFontStyle;
87         public int BranchDistance;
88         public int LevelDistance;
89         public int Margins;
90         public int SpouseDistance;
92         public bool SeparateDepth { get; set; }
93         public int DepthLimit { get; set; }
94         public int DepthLimitAncestors { get; set; }
95         public int DepthLimitDescendants { get; set; }
TreeChartOptions()97         public TreeChartOptions()
98         {
99             FamilyVisible = true;
100             NameVisible = true;
101             PatronymicVisible = true;
102             NickVisible = true;
103             DiffLines = true;
105             BirthDateVisible = true;
106             DeathDateVisible = true;
107             OnlyYears = true;
109             Kinship = false;
110             PortraitsVisible = true;
111             DefaultPortraits = false;
112             SignsVisible = false;
113             CertaintyIndexVisible = false;
114             TraceSelected = true;
115             ChildlessExclude = false;
116             Decorative = true;
117             InvertedTree = false;
118             MarriagesDates = false;
119             ShowPlaces = false;
120             HideUnknownSpouses = false;
121             DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren = false;
122             SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines = false;
123             BoldNames = false;
124             SeparateDepth = false;
126             AutoAlign = true;
127             BorderStyle = GfxBorderStyle.None;
128             DeepMode = DeepMode.None;
130             MaleColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(MALE_COLOR);
131             FemaleColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(FEMALE_COLOR);
132             UnkSexColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(UNK_SEX_COLOR);
133             UnHusbandColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(UN_HUSBAND_COLOR);
134             UnWifeColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(UN_WIFE_COLOR);
136             DefFontName = AppHost.GfxProvider.GetDefaultFontName();
137             DefFontSize = 8;
138             DefFontColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(BSDColors.Black);
139             DefFontStyle = BSDTypes.FontStyle.None;
141             BranchDistance = TreeChartModel.DEF_BRANCH_DISTANCE;
142             LevelDistance = TreeChartModel.DEF_LEVEL_DISTANCE;
143             Margins = TreeChartModel.DEF_MARGINS;
144             SpouseDistance = TreeChartModel.DEF_SPOUSE_DISTANCE;
145         }
Assign(IOptions source)147         public void Assign(IOptions source)
148         {
149             TreeChartOptions srcOptions = source as TreeChartOptions;
150             if (srcOptions == null) return;
152             FamilyVisible = srcOptions.FamilyVisible;
153             NameVisible = srcOptions.NameVisible;
154             PatronymicVisible = srcOptions.PatronymicVisible;
155             NickVisible = srcOptions.NickVisible;
156             DiffLines = srcOptions.DiffLines;
157             BirthDateVisible = srcOptions.BirthDateVisible;
158             DeathDateVisible = srcOptions.DeathDateVisible;
159             OnlyYears = srcOptions.OnlyYears;
160             Kinship = srcOptions.Kinship;
161             PortraitsVisible = srcOptions.PortraitsVisible;
162             DefaultPortraits = srcOptions.DefaultPortraits;
163             SignsVisible = srcOptions.SignsVisible;
164             CertaintyIndexVisible = srcOptions.CertaintyIndexVisible;
165             TraceSelected = srcOptions.TraceSelected;
166             ChildlessExclude = srcOptions.ChildlessExclude;
167             Decorative = srcOptions.Decorative;
168             MaleColor = srcOptions.MaleColor;
169             FemaleColor = srcOptions.FemaleColor;
170             UnkSexColor = srcOptions.UnkSexColor;
171             UnHusbandColor = srcOptions.UnHusbandColor;
172             UnWifeColor = srcOptions.UnWifeColor;
173             DefFontName = srcOptions.DefFontName;
174             DefFontSize = srcOptions.DefFontSize;
175             DefFontColor = srcOptions.DefFontColor;
176             DefFontStyle = srcOptions.DefFontStyle;
177             InvertedTree = srcOptions.InvertedTree;
178             MarriagesDates = srcOptions.MarriagesDates;
179             ShowPlaces = srcOptions.ShowPlaces;
180             HideUnknownSpouses = srcOptions.HideUnknownSpouses;
181             DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren = srcOptions.DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren;
182             SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines = srcOptions.SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines;
183             BoldNames = srcOptions.BoldNames;
184             SeparateDepth = srcOptions.SeparateDepth;
185             BorderStyle = srcOptions.BorderStyle;
187             BranchDistance = srcOptions.BranchDistance;
188             LevelDistance = srcOptions.LevelDistance;
189             Margins = srcOptions.Margins;
190             SpouseDistance = srcOptions.SpouseDistance;
191         }
LoadFromFile(IniFile iniFile)193         public void LoadFromFile(IniFile iniFile)
194         {
195             if (iniFile == null)
196                 throw new ArgumentNullException("iniFile");
198             FamilyVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "FamilyVisible", true);
199             NameVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "NameVisible", true);
200             PatronymicVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "PatronymicVisible", true);
201             NickVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "NickVisible", true);
202             DiffLines = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "DiffLines", true);
204             BirthDateVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "BirthDateVisible", true);
205             DeathDateVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "DeathDateVisible", true);
206             OnlyYears = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "OnlyYears", true);
208             Kinship = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "Kinship", false);
209             SignsVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "SignsVisible", false);
210             PortraitsVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "PortraitsVisible", true);
211             DefaultPortraits = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "DefaultPortraits", false);
212             CertaintyIndexVisible = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "CertaintyIndexVisible", false);
213             TraceSelected = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "TraceSelected", true);
214             ChildlessExclude = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "ChildlessExclude", false);
215             Decorative = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "Decorative", true);
216             //DeepMode = (DeepMode)iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "DeepMode", 0);
217             InvertedTree = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "InvertedTree", false);
218             MarriagesDates = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "MarriagesDates", false);
219             ShowPlaces = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "ShowPlaces", false);
220             HideUnknownSpouses = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "HideUnknownSpouses", false);
221             DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren", false);
222             SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines", false);
223             BoldNames = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "BoldNames", false);
224             BorderStyle = (GfxBorderStyle)iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "BorderStyle", 0);
226             MaleColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "MaleColor", MALE_COLOR));
227             FemaleColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "FemaleColor", FEMALE_COLOR));
228             UnkSexColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "UnkSexColor", UNK_SEX_COLOR));
229             UnHusbandColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "UnHusbandColor", UN_HUSBAND_COLOR));
230             UnWifeColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "UnWifeColor", UN_WIFE_COLOR));
232             DefFontName = iniFile.ReadString("Chart", "FontName", AppHost.GfxProvider.GetDefaultFontName());
233             DefFontSize = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "FontSize", 8);
234             DefFontColor = ChartRenderer.GetColor(iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "FontColor", BSDColors.Black));
235             DefFontStyle = (BSDTypes.FontStyle)iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "FontStyle", 0);
237             BranchDistance = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "BranchDistance", TreeChartModel.DEF_BRANCH_DISTANCE);
238             LevelDistance = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "LevelDistance", TreeChartModel.DEF_LEVEL_DISTANCE);
239             Margins = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "Margins", TreeChartModel.DEF_MARGINS);
240             SpouseDistance = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "SpouseDistance", TreeChartModel.DEF_SPOUSE_DISTANCE);
242             SeparateDepth = iniFile.ReadBool("Chart", "SeparateDepth", false);
243             DepthLimit = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "DepthLimit", -1);
244             DepthLimitAncestors = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "DepthLimitAncestors", -1);
245             DepthLimitDescendants = iniFile.ReadInteger("Chart", "DepthLimitDescendants", -1);
246         }
SaveToFile(IniFile iniFile)248         public void SaveToFile(IniFile iniFile)
249         {
250             if (iniFile == null)
251                 throw new ArgumentNullException("iniFile");
253             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "FamilyVisible", FamilyVisible);
254             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "NameVisible", NameVisible);
255             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "PatronymicVisible", PatronymicVisible);
256             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "NickVisible", NickVisible);
257             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "DiffLines", DiffLines);
259             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "BirthDateVisible", BirthDateVisible);
260             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "DeathDateVisible", DeathDateVisible);
261             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "OnlyYears", OnlyYears);
263             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "Kinship", Kinship);
264             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "SignsVisible", SignsVisible);
265             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "PortraitsVisible", PortraitsVisible);
266             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "DefaultPortraits", DefaultPortraits);
267             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "CertaintyIndexVisible", CertaintyIndexVisible);
268             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "TraceSelected", TraceSelected);
269             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "ChildlessExclude", ChildlessExclude);
270             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "Decorative", Decorative);
271             //iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "DeepMode", (int)DeepMode);
272             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "InvertedTree", InvertedTree);
273             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "MarriagesDates", MarriagesDates);
274             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "ShowPlaces", ShowPlaces);
275             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "HideUnknownSpouses", HideUnknownSpouses);
276             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren", DottedLinesOfAdoptedChildren);
277             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines", SeparateDatesAndPlacesLines);
278             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "BoldNames", BoldNames);
279             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "BorderStyle", (int)BorderStyle);
281             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "MaleColor", MaleColor.ToArgb());
282             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "FemaleColor", FemaleColor.ToArgb());
283             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "UnkSexColor", UnkSexColor.ToArgb());
284             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "UnHusbandColor", UnHusbandColor.ToArgb());
285             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "UnWifeColor", UnWifeColor.ToArgb());
287             iniFile.WriteString("Chart", "FontName", DefFontName);
288             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "FontSize", DefFontSize);
289             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "FontColor", DefFontColor.ToArgb());
290             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "FontStyle", (byte)DefFontStyle);
292             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "BranchDistance", BranchDistance);
293             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "LevelDistance", LevelDistance);
294             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "Margins", Margins);
295             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "SpouseDistance", SpouseDistance);
297             iniFile.WriteBool("Chart", "SeparateDepth", SeparateDepth);
298             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "DepthLimit", DepthLimit);
299             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "DepthLimitAncestors", DepthLimitAncestors);
300             iniFile.WriteInteger("Chart", "DepthLimitDescendants", DepthLimitDescendants);
301         }
302     }
303 }