1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 //
16 #include <cstdint>
17 #include <limits>
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <utility>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include "absl/base/attributes.h"
24 #include "absl/status/status.h"
25 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
26 #include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h"
27 #include "ortools/base/hash.h"
28 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
29 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
30 #include "ortools/base/timer.h"
31 #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h"
33 #if defined(USE_CBC)
35 #undef PACKAGE
36 #undef VERSION
37 #include "CbcConfig.h"
38 #include "CbcMessage.hpp"
39 #include "CbcModel.hpp"
40 #include "CoinModel.hpp"
41 #include "OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp"
43 // Heuristics
45 namespace operations_research {
47 class CBCInterface : public MPSolverInterface {
48  public:
49   // Constructor that takes a name for the underlying glpk solver.
50   explicit CBCInterface(MPSolver* const solver);
51   ~CBCInterface() override;
53   // ----- Reset -----
54   void Reset() override;
56   // Sets the optimization direction (min/max).
57   void SetOptimizationDirection(bool maximize) override;
59   // ----- Parameters -----
SetNumThreads(int num_threads)61   absl::Status SetNumThreads(int num_threads) override {
62     CHECK_GE(num_threads, 1);
63     num_threads_ = num_threads;
64     return absl::OkStatus();
65   }
67   // ----- Solve -----
68   // Solve the problem using the parameter values specified.
69   MPSolver::ResultStatus Solve(const MPSolverParameters& param) override;
71   // TODO(user): separate the solve from the model extraction.
ExtractModel()72   virtual void ExtractModel() {}
74   // Query problem type.
IsContinuous() const75   bool IsContinuous() const override { return false; }
IsLP() const76   bool IsLP() const override { return false; }
IsMIP() const77   bool IsMIP() const override { return true; }
79   // Modify bounds.
80   void SetVariableBounds(int var_index, double lb, double ub) override;
81   void SetVariableInteger(int var_index, bool integer) override;
82   void SetConstraintBounds(int row_index, double lb, double ub) override;
84   // Add constraint incrementally.
85   void AddRowConstraint(MPConstraint* const ct) override;
86   // Add variable incrementally.
87   void AddVariable(MPVariable* const var) override;
88   // Change a coefficient in a constraint.
SetCoefficient(MPConstraint * const constraint,const MPVariable * const variable,double new_value,double old_value)89   void SetCoefficient(MPConstraint* const constraint,
90                       const MPVariable* const variable, double new_value,
91                       double old_value) override {
92     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
93   }
94   // Clear a constraint from all its terms.
ClearConstraint(MPConstraint * const constraint)95   void ClearConstraint(MPConstraint* const constraint) override {
96     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
97   }
99   // Change a coefficient in the linear objective.
SetObjectiveCoefficient(const MPVariable * const variable,double coefficient)100   void SetObjectiveCoefficient(const MPVariable* const variable,
101                                double coefficient) override {
102     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
103   }
104   // Change the constant term in the linear objective.
SetObjectiveOffset(double value)105   void SetObjectiveOffset(double value) override { sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD; }
106   // Clear the objective from all its terms.
ClearObjective()107   void ClearObjective() override { sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD; }
109   // Number of simplex iterations
110   int64_t iterations() const override;
111   // Number of branch-and-bound nodes. Only available for discrete problems.
112   int64_t nodes() const override;
114   // Returns the basis status of a row.
row_status(int constraint_index) const115   MPSolver::BasisStatus row_status(int constraint_index) const override {
116     LOG(FATAL) << "Basis status only available for continuous problems";
117     return MPSolver::FREE;
118   }
119   // Returns the basis status of a column.
column_status(int variable_index) const120   MPSolver::BasisStatus column_status(int variable_index) const override {
121     LOG(FATAL) << "Basis status only available for continuous problems";
122     return MPSolver::FREE;
123   }
ExtractNewVariables()125   void ExtractNewVariables() override {}
ExtractNewConstraints()126   void ExtractNewConstraints() override {}
ExtractObjective()127   void ExtractObjective() override {}
SolverVersion() const129   std::string SolverVersion() const override { return "Cbc " CBC_VERSION; }
131   // TODO(user): Maybe we should expose the CbcModel build from osi_
132   // instead, but a new CbcModel is built every time Solve is called,
133   // so it is not possible right now.
underlying_solver()134   void* underlying_solver() override { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&osi_); }
136  private:
137   // Reset best objective bound to +/- infinity depending on the
138   // optimization direction.
139   void ResetBestObjectiveBound();
141   // Set all parameters in the underlying solver.
142   void SetParameters(const MPSolverParameters& param) override;
143   // Set each parameter in the underlying solver.
144   void SetRelativeMipGap(double value) override;
145   void SetPrimalTolerance(double value) override;
146   void SetDualTolerance(double value) override;
147   void SetPresolveMode(int value) override;
148   void SetScalingMode(int value) override;
149   void SetLpAlgorithm(int value) override;
151   OsiClpSolverInterface osi_;
152   // TODO(user): remove and query number of iterations directly from CbcModel
153   int64_t iterations_;
154   int64_t nodes_;
155   // Special way to handle the relative MIP gap parameter.
156   double relative_mip_gap_;
157   int num_threads_ = 1;
158 };
160 // ----- Solver -----
162 // Creates a LP/MIP instance with the specified name and minimization objective.
CBCInterface(MPSolver * const solver)163 CBCInterface::CBCInterface(MPSolver* const solver)
164     : MPSolverInterface(solver),
165       iterations_(0),
166       nodes_(0),
167       relative_mip_gap_(MPSolverParameters::kDefaultRelativeMipGap) {
168   osi_.setStrParam(OsiProbName, solver_->name_);
169   osi_.setObjSense(1);
170 }
~CBCInterface()172 CBCInterface::~CBCInterface() {}
174 // Reset the solver.
Reset()175 void CBCInterface::Reset() {
176   osi_.reset();
177   osi_.setObjSense(maximize_ ? -1 : 1);
178   osi_.setStrParam(OsiProbName, solver_->name_);
179   ResetExtractionInformation();
180 }
ResetBestObjectiveBound()182 void CBCInterface::ResetBestObjectiveBound() {
183   if (maximize_) {
184     best_objective_bound_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
185   } else {
186     best_objective_bound_ = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
187   }
188 }
SetOptimizationDirection(bool maximize)190 void CBCInterface::SetOptimizationDirection(bool maximize) {
191   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
192   if (sync_status_ == MODEL_SYNCHRONIZED) {
193     osi_.setObjSense(maximize ? -1 : 1);
194   } else {
195     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
196   }
197 }
199 namespace {
200 // CBC adds a "dummy" variable with index 0 to represent the objective offset.
MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(int var_index)201 int MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(int var_index) { return var_index + 1; }
202 }  // namespace
SetVariableBounds(int var_index,double lb,double ub)204 void CBCInterface::SetVariableBounds(int var_index, double lb, double ub) {
205   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
206   if (sync_status_ == MODEL_SYNCHRONIZED) {
207     osi_.setColBounds(MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(var_index), lb, ub);
208   } else {
209     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
210   }
211 }
SetVariableInteger(int var_index,bool integer)213 void CBCInterface::SetVariableInteger(int var_index, bool integer) {
214   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
215   // TODO(user) : Check if this is actually a change.
216   if (sync_status_ == MODEL_SYNCHRONIZED) {
217     if (integer) {
218       osi_.setInteger(MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(var_index));
219     } else {
220       osi_.setContinuous(MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(var_index));
221     }
222   } else {
223     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
224   }
225 }
SetConstraintBounds(int index,double lb,double ub)227 void CBCInterface::SetConstraintBounds(int index, double lb, double ub) {
228   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
229   if (sync_status_ == MODEL_SYNCHRONIZED) {
230     osi_.setRowBounds(index, lb, ub);
231   } else {
232     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
233   }
234 }
AddRowConstraint(MPConstraint * const ct)236 void CBCInterface::AddRowConstraint(MPConstraint* const ct) {
237   sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
238 }
AddVariable(MPVariable * const var)240 void CBCInterface::AddVariable(MPVariable* const var) {
241   sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
242 }
244 // Solve the LP/MIP. Returns true only if the optimal solution was revealed.
245 // Returns the status of the search.
Solve(const MPSolverParameters & param)246 MPSolver::ResultStatus CBCInterface::Solve(const MPSolverParameters& param) {
247   // CBC requires unique variable and constraint names. By using Lookup*, we
248   // generate variable and constraint indices and ensure the duplicate name
249   // crash will happen here with a readable error message.
250   if (!solver_->variables_.empty()) {
251     solver_->LookupVariableOrNull(solver_->variables_[0]->name());
252   }
253   if (!solver_->constraints_.empty()) {
254     solver_->LookupConstraintOrNull(solver_->constraints_[0]->name());
255   }
257   WallTimer timer;
258   timer.Start();
260   // Note that CBC does not provide any incrementality.
261   if (param.GetIntegerParam(MPSolverParameters::INCREMENTALITY) ==
262       MPSolverParameters::INCREMENTALITY_OFF) {
263     Reset();
264   }
266   // Special case if the model is empty since CBC is not able to
267   // handle this special case by itself.
268   if (solver_->variables_.empty() && solver_->constraints_.empty()) {
269     sync_status_ = SOLUTION_SYNCHRONIZED;
270     result_status_ = MPSolver::OPTIMAL;
271     objective_value_ = solver_->Objective().offset();
272     best_objective_bound_ = solver_->Objective().offset();
273     return result_status_;
274   }
276   // Finish preparing the problem.
277   // Define variables.
278   switch (sync_status_) {
279     case MUST_RELOAD: {
280       Reset();
281       CoinModel build;
282       // Create dummy variable for objective offset.
283       build.addColumn(0, nullptr, nullptr, 1.0, 1.0,
284                       solver_->Objective().offset(), "dummy", false);
285       const int nb_vars = solver_->variables_.size();
286       for (int i = 0; i < nb_vars; ++i) {
287         MPVariable* const var = solver_->variables_[i];
288         set_variable_as_extracted(i, true);
289         const double obj_coeff = solver_->Objective().GetCoefficient(var);
290         if (var->name().empty()) {
291           build.addColumn(0, nullptr, nullptr, var->lb(), var->ub(), obj_coeff,
292                           nullptr, var->integer());
293         } else {
294           build.addColumn(0, nullptr, nullptr, var->lb(), var->ub(), obj_coeff,
295                           var->name().c_str(), var->integer());
296         }
297       }
299       // Define constraints.
300       int max_row_length = 0;
301       for (int i = 0; i < solver_->constraints_.size(); ++i) {
302         MPConstraint* const ct = solver_->constraints_[i];
303         set_constraint_as_extracted(i, true);
304         if (ct->coefficients_.size() > max_row_length) {
305           max_row_length = ct->coefficients_.size();
306         }
307       }
308       std::unique_ptr<int[]> indices(new int[max_row_length]);
309       std::unique_ptr<double[]> coefs(new double[max_row_length]);
311       for (int i = 0; i < solver_->constraints_.size(); ++i) {
312         MPConstraint* const ct = solver_->constraints_[i];
313         const int size = ct->coefficients_.size();
314         int j = 0;
315         for (const auto& entry : ct->coefficients_) {
316           const int index = MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(entry.first->index());
317           indices[j] = index;
318           coefs[j] = entry.second;
319           j++;
320         }
321         if (ct->name().empty()) {
322           build.addRow(size, indices.get(), coefs.get(), ct->lb(), ct->ub());
323         } else {
324           build.addRow(size, indices.get(), coefs.get(), ct->lb(), ct->ub(),
325                        ct->name().c_str());
326         }
327       }
328       osi_.loadFromCoinModel(build);
329       break;
330     }
331     case MODEL_SYNCHRONIZED: {
332       break;
333     }
335       break;
336     }
337   }
339   // Changing optimization direction through OSI so that the model file
340   // (written through OSI) has the correct optimization duration.
341   osi_.setObjSense(maximize_ ? -1 : 1);
343   sync_status_ = MODEL_SYNCHRONIZED;
344   VLOG(1) << absl::StrFormat("Model built in %.3f seconds.", timer.Get());
346   ResetBestObjectiveBound();
348   // Solve
349   CbcModel model(osi_);
351   // Set log level.
352   CoinMessageHandler message_handler;
353   model.passInMessageHandler(&message_handler);
354   if (quiet_) {
355     message_handler.setLogLevel(0, 0);  // Coin messages
356     message_handler.setLogLevel(1, 0);  // Clp messages
357     message_handler.setLogLevel(2, 0);  // Presolve messages
358     message_handler.setLogLevel(3, 0);  // Cgl messages
359   } else {
360     message_handler.setLogLevel(0, 1);  // Coin messages
361     message_handler.setLogLevel(1, 1);  // Clp messages
362     message_handler.setLogLevel(2, 1);  // Presolve messages
363     message_handler.setLogLevel(3, 1);  // Cgl messages
364   }
366   // Time limit.
367   if (solver_->time_limit() != 0) {
368     VLOG(1) << "Setting time limit = " << solver_->time_limit() << " ms.";
369     model.setMaximumSeconds(solver_->time_limit_in_secs());
370   }
372   // And solve.
373   timer.Restart();
375   // Here we use the default function from the command-line CBC solver.
376   // This enables to activate all the features and get the same performance
377   // as the CBC stand-alone executable. The syntax is ugly, however.
378   SetParameters(param);
379   // Always turn presolve on (it's the CBC default and it consistently
380   // improves performance).
381   model.setTypePresolve(0);
382   // Special way to set the relative MIP gap parameter as it cannot be set
383   // through callCbc.
384   model.setAllowableFractionGap(relative_mip_gap_);
385   // NOTE: Trailing space is required to avoid buffer overflow in cbc.
386   int return_status =
387       num_threads_ == 1
388           ? callCbc("-solve ", model)
389           : callCbc(absl::StrCat("-threads ", num_threads_, " -solve "), model);
390   const int kBadReturnStatus = 777;
391   CHECK_NE(kBadReturnStatus, return_status);  // Should never happen according
392                                               // to the CBC source
394   VLOG(1) << absl::StrFormat("Solved in %.3f seconds.", timer.Get());
396   // Check the status: optimal, infeasible, etc.
397   int tmp_status = model.status();
399   VLOG(1) << "cbc result status: " << tmp_status;
400   /* Final status of problem
401      (info from cbc/.../CbcSolver.cpp,
402       See http://cs?q="cbc+status"+file:CbcSolver.cpp)
403      Some of these can be found out by is...... functions
404      -1 before branchAndBound
405      0 finished - check isProvenOptimal or isProvenInfeasible to see
406      if solution found
407      (or check value of best solution)
408      1 stopped - on maxnodes, maxsols, maxtime
409      2 difficulties so run was abandoned
410      (5 event user programmed event occurred)
411   */
412   switch (tmp_status) {
413     case 0:
414       // Order of tests counts; if model.isContinuousUnbounded() returns true,
415       // then so does model.isProvenInfeasible()!
416       if (model.isProvenOptimal()) {
417         result_status_ = MPSolver::OPTIMAL;
418       } else if (model.isContinuousUnbounded()) {
419         result_status_ = MPSolver::UNBOUNDED;
420       } else if (model.isProvenInfeasible()) {
421         result_status_ = MPSolver::INFEASIBLE;
422       } else if (model.isAbandoned()) {
423         result_status_ = MPSolver::ABNORMAL;
424       } else {
425         result_status_ = MPSolver::ABNORMAL;
426       }
427       break;
428     case 1:
429       if (model.bestSolution() != nullptr) {
430         result_status_ = MPSolver::FEASIBLE;
431       } else {
432         result_status_ = MPSolver::NOT_SOLVED;
433       }
434       break;
435     default:
436       result_status_ = MPSolver::ABNORMAL;
437       break;
438   }
440   if (result_status_ == MPSolver::OPTIMAL ||
441       result_status_ == MPSolver::FEASIBLE) {
442     // Get the results
443     objective_value_ = model.getObjValue();
444     VLOG(1) << "objective=" << objective_value_;
445     const double* const values = model.bestSolution();
446     if (values != nullptr) {
447       // if optimal or feasible solution is found.
448       for (int i = 0; i < solver_->variables_.size(); ++i) {
449         MPVariable* const var = solver_->variables_[i];
450         const int var_index = MPSolverVarIndexToCbcVarIndex(var->index());
451         const double val = values[var_index];
452         var->set_solution_value(val);
453         VLOG(3) << var->name() << "=" << val;
454       }
455     } else {
456       VLOG(1) << "No feasible solution found.";
457     }
458   }
460   iterations_ = model.getIterationCount();
461   nodes_ = model.getNodeCount();
462   best_objective_bound_ = model.getBestPossibleObjValue();
463   VLOG(1) << "best objective bound=" << best_objective_bound_;
465   sync_status_ = SOLUTION_SYNCHRONIZED;
467   return result_status_;
468 }
470 // ------ Query statistics on the solution and the solve ------
iterations() const472 int64_t CBCInterface::iterations() const {
473   if (!CheckSolutionIsSynchronized()) return kUnknownNumberOfNodes;
474   return iterations_;
475 }
nodes() const477 int64_t CBCInterface::nodes() const {
478   if (!CheckSolutionIsSynchronized()) return kUnknownNumberOfIterations;
479   return nodes_;
480 }
482 // ----- Parameters -----
484 // The support for parameters in CBC is intentionally sparse. There is
485 // a memory leak in callCbc that prevents to pass parameters through
486 // it, so handling parameters would require an comprehensive rewrite
487 // of the code. I will improve the parameter support only if there is
488 // a relevant use case.
SetParameters(const MPSolverParameters & param)490 void CBCInterface::SetParameters(const MPSolverParameters& param) {
491   SetCommonParameters(param);
492   SetMIPParameters(param);
493 }
SetRelativeMipGap(double value)495 void CBCInterface::SetRelativeMipGap(double value) {
496   relative_mip_gap_ = value;
497 }
SetPrimalTolerance(double value)499 void CBCInterface::SetPrimalTolerance(double value) {
500   // Skip the warning for the default value as it coincides with
501   // the default value in CBC.
502   if (value != MPSolverParameters::kDefaultPrimalTolerance) {
503     SetUnsupportedDoubleParam(MPSolverParameters::PRIMAL_TOLERANCE);
504   }
505 }
SetDualTolerance(double value)507 void CBCInterface::SetDualTolerance(double value) {
508   // Skip the warning for the default value as it coincides with
509   // the default value in CBC.
510   if (value != MPSolverParameters::kDefaultDualTolerance) {
511     SetUnsupportedDoubleParam(MPSolverParameters::DUAL_TOLERANCE);
512   }
513 }
SetPresolveMode(int value)515 void CBCInterface::SetPresolveMode(int value) {
516   switch (value) {
517     case MPSolverParameters::PRESOLVE_ON: {
518       // CBC presolve is always on.
519       break;
520     }
521     default: {
522       SetUnsupportedIntegerParam(MPSolverParameters::PRESOLVE);
523     }
524   }
525 }
SetScalingMode(int value)527 void CBCInterface::SetScalingMode(int value) {
528   SetUnsupportedIntegerParam(MPSolverParameters::SCALING);
529 }
SetLpAlgorithm(int value)531 void CBCInterface::SetLpAlgorithm(int value) {
532   SetUnsupportedIntegerParam(MPSolverParameters::LP_ALGORITHM);
533 }
BuildCBCInterface(MPSolver * const solver)535 MPSolverInterface* BuildCBCInterface(MPSolver* const solver) {
536   return new CBCInterface(solver);
537 }
539 }  // namespace operations_research
540 #endif  // #if defined(USE_CBC)