1 /*
2  * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/
5  * Copyright (c) 2010-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
6  *
7  * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
8  * "COPYING" for details.
9  *
10  * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
11  * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
12  *
13  * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
14  * for the above references.
15  */
16 // Startup screen for non-parameterized engine start: Network game selection dialog
18 #ifndef INC_C4StartupNetDlg
19 #define INC_C4StartupNetDlg
21 #include "gui/C4Startup.h"
22 #include "network/C4Network2Discover.h"
23 #include "network/C4Network2Reference.h"
25 // -----------------------------------------------
27 const int C4NetMasterServerQueryInterval = 30; // seconds after last and beforenew game query to master server
28 const int C4NetRefRequestTimeout = 12; // seconds after which the reference request is interrupted
29 const int C4NetReferenceTimeout = 42; // seconds after which references are removed from the list (C4NetRefRequestTimeout + C4NetMasterServerQueryInterval)
30 const int C4NetErrorRefTimeout = 10; // seconds after which failed reference requestsare removed
31 const int C4NetGameDiscoveryInterval = 30; // seconds
32 const int C4NetMinRefreshInterval = 1; // seconds; minimum time between refreshes
35 class C4StartupNetListEntry : public C4GUI::Window
36 {
37 public:
38 	C4StartupNetListEntry(C4GUI::ListBox *pForListBox, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBefore, class C4StartupNetDlg *pNetDlg);
39 	~C4StartupNetListEntry() override;
41 	enum QueryType // where the game ref is coming from
42 	{
43 		NRQT_Unknown,        // unknown source
44 		NRQT_GameDiscovery,  // by UDP broadcast in local network
45 		NRQT_Masterserver,   // by internet masterserver
46 		NRQT_DirectJoin      // by user-entered address
47 	};
49 	enum TimeoutType
50 	{
51 		TT_RefReqWait, // C4NetMasterServerQueryInterval for masterserver; C4NetErrorRefTimeout for other ref clients
52 		TT_Reference,  // C4NetReferenceTimeout
53 		TT_Masterserver // C4NetMasterServerQueryInterval
54 	};
56 	enum { InfoLabelCount=5, MaxInfoIconCount=10 };
58 private:
59 	C4StartupNetDlg *pNetDlg;
60 	C4GUI::ListBox *pList;
61 	StdStrBuf sRefClientAddress;      // set during reference retrieval: reference server address
62 	C4Network2RefClient *pRefClient; // set during reference retrieval: reference request client
63 	C4Network2Reference *pRef;       // set for retrieved references
65 	bool fError;                     // if set, the label was changed to an error message and no more updates are done
66 	StdStrBuf sError;
67 	QueryType eQueryType;            // valid if pRefClient is set: Where the ref query is originating
69 	time_t iTimeout;             // lifetime: If set, marks time when the item is removed or should re-query
70 	time_t iRequestTimeout;      // if this times out while the request remains busy, the ref client assumes that the tcp socket blocked upon request and aborts it
72 	C4GUI::Icon *pIcon;       // scenario icon
73 	C4GUI::Label *pInfoLbl[InfoLabelCount]; // info labels for reference or query
74 	C4GUI::Icon *pInfoIcons[MaxInfoIconCount]; // right-aligned status icons at topright position
75 	int32_t iInfoIconCount;
76 	int32_t iSortOrder;
77 	bool fIsSmall;         // set if the item is in collapsed state
78 	bool fIsCollapsed;     // set if the item is forced to collapsed state
79 	bool fIsEnabled;       // if not set, the item is grayed out
80 	bool fIsImportant;     // if set, the item is presented in yellow (lower priority than fIsEnabled)
81 	C4Rect rctIconSmall;    // bounds for small icon
82 	C4Rect rctIconLarge;    // bounds for large icon
84 	StdStrBuf sInfoText[InfoLabelCount];
86 	bool QueryReferences();
87 	static const char *GetQueryTypeName(QueryType eQueryType); // name of QueryType values
88 	void SetError(const char *szErrorText, TimeoutType eTimeout);      // change secondary label to error label, mark error and set a removal timer
89 	void SetTimeout(TimeoutType eTimeout);
90 	C4StartupNetListEntry *AddReference(C4Network2Reference *pAddRef, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBefore); // add a reference list item to the same list
InvalidateStatusIcons()91 	void InvalidateStatusIcons() { iInfoIconCount=0; } // schedule all current status icons for removal when UpdateText is called next
92 	void AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Icons eIcon, const char *szToolTip); // add a status icon with the specified tooltip
94 	void UpdateSmallState();
95 	void UpdateEntrySize();
96 	void UpdateText(); // strings to labels
98 protected:
GetListItemTopSpacing()99 	int32_t GetListItemTopSpacing() override { return fIsCollapsed ? 5 : 10; }
100 	void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override;
102 	C4GUI::Element* GetNextLower(int32_t sortOrder); // returns the element before which this element should be inserted
104 public:
105 	void ClearRef();    // del any ref/refclient/error data
106 	void SetRefQuery(const char *szAddress, QueryType eQueryType); // start loading references fromt he specified address
107 	void SetReference(C4Network2Reference *pNewRef); // replace the reference
109 	bool Execute(); // update stuff - if false is returned, the item is to be removed
110 	bool OnReference(); // like Execute(), but only called if some reference was received
111 	void UpdateCollapsed(bool fToCollapseValue);
112 	void SetVisibility(bool fToValue) override;
GetError()114 	const char *GetError() { return fError ? sError.getData() : nullptr; } // return error message, if any is set
115 	C4Network2Reference *GrabReference(); // grab the reference so it won't be deleted when this item is removed
GetReference()116 	C4Network2Reference *GetReference() const { return pRef; } // have a look at the reference
117 	bool IsSameHost(const C4Network2Reference *pRef2); // check whether the reference was created by the same host as this one
118 	bool IsSameAddress(const C4Network2Reference *pRef2); // check whether there is at least one matching address (address and port)
119 	bool IsSameRefQueryAddress(const char *szJoinAddress); // check whether reference query was created with same host address
120 	bool KeywordMatch(const char *szMatch); // check whether any of the reference contents match a given keyword
121 	const char *GetJoinAddress(); // ref queries only: Get direct join address
123 };
125 // startup dialog: Network game selection
126 class C4StartupNetDlg : public C4StartupDlg, private C4InteractiveThread::Callback, private C4ApplicationSec1Timer
127 {
128 public:
129 	C4StartupNetDlg(); // ctor
130 	~C4StartupNetDlg() override; // dtor
132 private:
133 	enum DlgMode { SNDM_GameList=0, SNDM_Chat=1 };
134 	C4GUI::Tabular *pMainTabular;   // main tabular control: Contains game selection list and chat control
135 	C4GUI::ListBox *pGameSelList;        // game selection listbox
136 	C4KeyBinding *pKeyRefresh, *pKeyBack, *pKeyForward;
137 	C4GUI::CallbackButton<C4StartupNetDlg, C4GUI::IconButton> *btnGameList , *btnChat; // left side buttons
138 	C4GUI::CallbackButton<C4StartupNetDlg, C4GUI::IconButton> *btnInternet, *btnRecord; // right side buttons
140 	C4GUI::CallbackButton<C4StartupNetDlg, C4GUI::IconButton> *btnUpdate;
141 #endif
142 	C4GUI::Button *btnJoin, *btnRefresh;
143 	C4GUI::Edit *pJoinAddressEdt;
144 	C4GUI::Edit *pSearchFieldEdt;
145 	class C4ChatControl *pChatCtrl;
146 	C4GUI::WoodenLabel *pChatTitleLabel{nullptr};
147 	C4StartupNetListEntry *pMasterserverClient{nullptr}; // set if masterserver query is enabled: Checks clonk.de for new games
148 	bool fIsCollapsed{false}; // set if the number of games in the list requires them to be displayed in a condensed format
149 	bool fUpdatingList{false}; // set during list update - prevent selection update calls
150 	StdCopyStrBuf UpdateURL; // set if update button is visible: Version to be updated to
152 	C4Network2IODiscoverClient DiscoverClient; // disocver client to search for local hosts
153 	int iGameDiscoverInterval{0};                 // next time until a game discovery is started
154 	time_t tLastRefresh{0};                       // time of last refresh
157 protected:
HasBackground()158 	bool HasBackground() override { return false; }
159 	void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override;
161 	C4GUI::Control *GetDefaultControl() override; // get Auto-Focus control
162 	C4GUI::Control *GetDlgModeFocusControl(); // get control to be focused when main tabular sheet changes
OnEnter()164 	bool OnEnter() override { DoOK(); return true; }
OnEscape()165 	bool OnEscape() override { DoBack(); return true; }
KeyBack()166 	bool KeyBack() { return DoBack(); }
KeyRefresh()167 	bool KeyRefresh() { DoRefresh(); return true; }
KeyForward()168 	bool KeyForward() { DoOK(); return true; }
170 	void OnShown() override;             // callback when shown: Start searching for games
171 	void OnClosed(bool fOK) override;    // callback when dlg got closed: Return to main screen
OnBackBtn(C4GUI::Control * btn)172 	void OnBackBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { DoBack(); }
OnRefreshBtn(C4GUI::Control * btn)173 	void OnRefreshBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { DoRefresh(); }
OnCreateGameBtn(C4GUI::Control * btn)174 	void OnCreateGameBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { CreateGame(); }
OnJoinGameBtn(C4GUI::Control * btn)175 	void OnJoinGameBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { DoOK(); }
OnSelChange(class C4GUI::Element * pEl)176 	void OnSelChange(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { UpdateSelection(true); }
OnSelDblClick(class C4GUI::Element * pEl)177 	void OnSelDblClick(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { DoOK(); }
178 	void OnBtnGameList(C4GUI::Control *btn);
179 	void OnBtnChat(C4GUI::Control *btn);
180 	void OnBtnInternet(C4GUI::Control *btn);
181 	void OnBtnRecord(C4GUI::Control *btn);
183 	void OnBtnUpdate(C4GUI::Control *btn);
184 #endif
OnJoinAddressEnter(C4GUI::Edit * edt,bool fPasting,bool fPastingMore)185 	C4GUI::Edit::InputResult OnJoinAddressEnter(C4GUI::Edit *edt, bool fPasting, bool fPastingMore)
186 	{ DoOK(); return C4GUI::Edit::IR_Abort; }
OnSearchFieldEnter(C4GUI::Edit * edt,bool fPasting,bool fPastingMore)187 	C4GUI::Edit::InputResult OnSearchFieldEnter(C4GUI::Edit *edt, bool fPasting, bool fPastingMore)
188 	{ DoOK(); return C4GUI::Edit::IR_Abort; }
189 	void OnChatTitleChange(const StdStrBuf &sNewTitle);
191 private:
192 	void UpdateMasterserver(); // creates masterserver object if masterserver is enabled; destroy otherwise
193 	void UpdateList(bool fGotReference = false);
194 	void UpdateUpdateButton();
195 	void UpdateCollapsed();
196 	void UpdateSelection(bool fUpdateCollapsed);
197 	void UpdateDlgMode(); // update button visibility after switching between game sel list and chat
199 	void AddReferenceQuery(const char *szAddress, C4StartupNetListEntry::QueryType eQueryType); // add a ref searcher entry and start searching
201 	// set during update information retrieval
202 	C4Network2UpdateClient pUpdateClient;
203 	bool fUpdateCheckPending{false};
205 	DlgMode GetDlgMode();
207 	// callback from C4Network2ReferenceClient
208 	void OnThreadEvent(C4InteractiveEventType eEvent, void *pEventData) override;
210 public:
211 	bool DoOK(); // join currently selected item
212 	bool DoBack(); // abort dialog
213 	void DoRefresh(); // restart network search
214 	void CreateGame(); // switch to scenario selection in network mode
216 	void OnReferenceEntryAdd(C4StartupNetListEntry *pEntry);
218 	void OnSec1Timer() override; // idle proc: update list
220 	void CheckVersionUpdate(); // check if a new update is available and make an update button visible if yes
221 };
224 #endif // INC_C4StartupNetDlg