1 /*
2 * This file is part of HexEditor plugin for Code::Blocks Studio
3 * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Bartlomiej Swiecki
4 *
5 * HexEditor plugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * HexEditor pluging is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with HexEditor. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 *
18 * $Revision: 11221 $
19 * $Id: HexEditPanel.h 11221 2017-10-31 07:56:15Z fuscated $
20 * $HeadURL: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/branches/release-20.xx/src/plugins/contrib/HexEditor/HexEditPanel.h $
21 */
26 //(*Headers(HexEditPanel)
27 #include <wx/scrolbar.h>
28 #include <wx/checkbox.h>
29 #include <wx/sizer.h>
30 #include <wx/button.h>
31 #include <wx/menu.h>
32 #include <wx/panel.h>
33 #include <wx/statline.h>
34 #include <wx/stattext.h>
35 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
36 #include <wx/timer.h>
37 //*)
39 #include <editorbase.h>
40 #include <vector>
41 #include <set>
43 #include "FileContentBase.h"
44 #include "ExpressionPreprocessed.h"
45 #include "HexEditViewBase.h"
47 class DigitView;
48 class wxClientDC;
50 class HexEditPanel: public EditorBase
51 {
52     public:
54         HexEditPanel( const wxString& fileName, const wxString& title );
56         virtual ~HexEditPanel();
58         /** \brief Check if given editor is HexEditor */
59         static bool IsHexEditor( EditorBase* editor );
61         /** \brief Close all editors */
62         static void CloseAllEditors();
64     protected:
66         virtual bool GetModified() const;
67         virtual void SetModified( bool modified );
68         virtual bool Save();
69         virtual bool SaveAs();
70         virtual void SetFilename(const wxString& filename);
72     private:
74         typedef FileContentBase::OffsetT OffsetT;
76         //(*Declarations(HexEditPanel)
77         wxMenuItem* MenuItem29;
78         wxMenuItem* MenuItem2;
79         wxMenu m_ColsModeMenu;
80         wxMenuItem* MenuItem23;
81         wxBoxSizer* PreviewSizer;
82         wxMenu* MenuItem10;
83         wxMenuItem* MenuItem31;
84         wxMenuItem* MenuItem1;
85         wxButton* m_ColsModeBtn;
86         wxMenu* MenuItem19;
87         wxFlexGridSizer* FlexGridSizer1;
88         wxMenuItem* MenuItem30;
89         wxTextCtrl* m_Expression;
90         wxBoxSizer* BoxSizer3;
91         wxStaticLine* StaticLine2;
92         wxMenu m_EndianessMenu;
93         wxStaticText* m_ExpressionVal;
94         wxStaticText* m_LDoubleVal;
95         wxMenuItem* MenuItem16;
96         wxMenuItem* MenuItem12;
97         wxMenuItem* MenuItem25;
98         wxButton* m_BlockSize;
99         wxScrollBar* m_ContentScroll;
100         wxStaticText* m_FloatVal;
101         wxMenuItem* MenuItem32;
102         wxButton* Button4;
103         wxMenuItem* MenuItem20;
104         wxStaticText* m_DwordVal;
105         wxButton* Button1;
106         wxPanel* m_DrawArea;
107         wxCheckBox* CheckBox1;
108         wxButton* Button2;
109         wxMenuItem* MenuItem33;
110         wxButton* Button3;
111         wxMenu m_BaseMenu;
112         wxMenuItem* MenuItem24;
113         wxBoxSizer* BoxSizer2;
114         wxMenuItem* MenuItem15;
115         wxStaticText* StaticText1;
116         wxMenuItem* MenuItem21;
117         wxMenuItem* MenuItem17;
118         wxStaticText* StaticText3;
119         wxMenu m_BlockSizeMenu;
120         wxMenuItem* MenuItem3;
121         wxStaticLine* StaticLine1;
122         wxButton* Button5;
123         wxMenuItem* MenuItem9;
124         wxStaticText* StaticText8;
125         wxStaticText* m_WordVal;
126         wxBoxSizer* BoxSizer4;
127         wxMenuItem* MenuItem11;
128         wxMenu* MenuItem28;
129         wxMenuItem* MenuItem22;
130         wxMenuItem* MenuItem5;
131         wxStaticText* StaticText4;
132         wxTimer ReparseTimer;
133         wxBoxSizer* BoxSizer1;
134         wxStaticText* m_DoubleVal;
135         wxStaticText* StaticText5;
136         wxStaticText* StaticText2;
137         wxMenuItem* MenuItem27;
138         wxMenuItem* MenuItem18;
139         wxMenuItem* MenuItem7;
140         wxMenuItem* MenuItem6;
141         wxMenuItem* MenuItem4;
142         wxMenuItem* MenuItem26;
143         wxStaticText* StaticText6;
144         wxMenuItem* MenuItem13;
145         wxStaticText* m_ByteVal;
146         wxStaticText* m_Status;
147         wxMenuItem* MenuItem8;
148         wxButton* Button6;
149         wxMenuItem* MenuItem14;
150         wxButton* m_Endianess;
151         wxButton* m_DigitBits;
152         //*)
154         //(*Identifiers(HexEditPanel)
155         static const long ID_STATICTEXT1;
156         static const long ID_BUTTON10;
157         static const long ID_BUTTON9;
158         static const long ID_STATICLINE2;
159         static const long ID_BUTTON7;
160         static const long ID_BUTTON4;
161         static const long ID_BUTTON6;
162         static const long ID_BUTTON5;
163         static const long ID_STATICLINE1;
164         static const long ID_BUTTON1;
165         static const long ID_BUTTON8;
166         static const long ID_CHECKBOX1;
167         static const long ID_PANEL1;
168         static const long ID_SCROLLBAR1;
169         static const long ID_STATICTEXT2;
170         static const long ID_STATICTEXT3;
171         static const long ID_STATICTEXT4;
172         static const long ID_STATICTEXT5;
173         static const long ID_STATICTEXT6;
174         static const long ID_STATICTEXT7;
175         static const long ID_STATICTEXT8;
176         static const long ID_STATICTEXT9;
177         static const long ID_STATICTEXT10;
178         static const long ID_STATICTEXT11;
179         static const long ID_STATICTEXT12;
180         static const long ID_STATICTEXT13;
181         static const long ID_STATICTEXT14;
182         static const long ID_TEXTCTRL1;
183         static const long ID_BUTTON3;
184         static const long ID_BUTTON2;
185         static const long ID_STATICTEXT15;
186         static const long ID_TIMER1;
187         static const long ID_MENUITEM2;
188         static const long ID_MENUITEM1;
189         static const long ID_MENUITEM3;
190         static const long ID_MENUITEM4;
191         static const long ID_MENUITEM5;
192         static const long ID_MENUITEM6;
193         static const long ID_MENUITEM7;
194         static const long ID_MENUITEM8;
195         static const long ID_MENUITEM9;
196         static const long ID_MENUITEM11;
197         static const long ID_MENUITEM12;
198         static const long ID_MENUITEM13;
199         static const long ID_MENUITEM14;
200         static const long ID_MENUITEM15;
201         static const long ID_MENUITEM16;
202         static const long ID_MENUITEM17;
203         static const long ID_MENUITEM18;
204         static const long ID_MENUITEM32;
205         static const long ID_MENUITEM10;
206         static const long ID_MENUITEM20;
207         static const long ID_MENUITEM21;
208         static const long ID_MENUITEM22;
209         static const long ID_MENUITEM23;
210         static const long ID_MENUITEM24;
211         static const long ID_MENUITEM25;
212         static const long ID_MENUITEM26;
213         static const long ID_MENUITEM27;
214         static const long ID_MENUITEM19;
215         static const long ID_MENUITEM29;
216         static const long ID_MENUITEM30;
217         static const long ID_MENUITEM31;
218         static const long ID_MENUITEM33;
219         static const long ID_MENUITEM28;
220         //*)
222         //(*Handlers(HexEditPanel)
223         void OnContentPaint( wxPaintEvent& event );
224         void OnContentSize( wxSizeEvent& event );
225         void OnContentScroll( wxScrollEvent& event );
226         void OnContentMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent& event);
227         void OnDrawAreaKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event);
228         void OnDrawAreaEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event);
229         void OnForwardFocus(wxFocusEvent& event);
230         void OnDrawAreaLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
231         void OnDrawAreaLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event);
232         void OnDrawAreaMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event);
233         void OnCheckBox1Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
234         void OnSpecialKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event);
235         void OnButton1Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
236         void OnReparseTimerTrigger(wxTimerEvent& event);
237         void Onm_ExpressionText(wxCommandEvent& event);
238         void OnButton2Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
239         void OnExpressionTextEnter(wxCommandEvent& event);
240         void OnButton3Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
241         void OnButton3Click1(wxCommandEvent& event);
242         void OnButton4Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
243         void OnSetBaseHex(wxCommandEvent& event);
244         void OnSetBaseBin(wxCommandEvent& event);
245         void Onm_EndianessClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
246         void OnSetEndianessBig(wxCommandEvent& event);
247         void OnSetEndianessLittle(wxCommandEvent& event);
248         void Onm_BlockSizeClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
249         void OnSetBlockSize1(wxCommandEvent& event);
250         void OnSetBlockSize2(wxCommandEvent& event);
251         void OnSetBlockSize4(wxCommandEvent& event);
252         void OnSetBlockSize8(wxCommandEvent& event);
253         void Onm_ColsModeClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
254         void OnSetColsMul1(wxCommandEvent& event);
255         void OnSetColsMul2(wxCommandEvent& event);
256         void OnSetColsMul3(wxCommandEvent& event);
257         void OnSetColsMul4(wxCommandEvent& event);
258         void OnSetColsMul5(wxCommandEvent& event);
259         void OnSetColsMul6(wxCommandEvent& event);
260         void OnSetColsMul7(wxCommandEvent& event);
261         void OnSetColsMul8(wxCommandEvent& event);
262         void OnSetColsMulOther(wxCommandEvent& event);
263         void OnSetColsValue1(wxCommandEvent& event);
264         void OnSetColsValue2(wxCommandEvent& event);
265         void OnSetColsValue3(wxCommandEvent& event);
266         void OnSetColsValue4(wxCommandEvent& event);
267         void OnSetColsValue5(wxCommandEvent& event);
268         void OnSetColsValue6(wxCommandEvent& event);
269         void OnSetColsValue7(wxCommandEvent& event);
270         void OnSetColsValue8(wxCommandEvent& event);
271         void OnSetColsValueOther(wxCommandEvent& event);
272         void OnSetColsPower2(wxCommandEvent& event);
273         void OnSetColsPower4(wxCommandEvent& event);
274         void OnSetColsPower8(wxCommandEvent& event);
275         void OnSetColsPowerOther(wxCommandEvent& event);
276         void OnButton4Click1(wxCommandEvent& event);
277         void OnContentScrollTop(wxScrollEvent& event);
278         void OnContentScrollBottom(wxScrollEvent& event);
279         void OnButton6Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
280         void OnButton5Click(wxCommandEvent& event);
281         //*)
283         typedef std::set< EditorBase* > EditorsSet;
285         enum
286         {
287             VIEW_DIGIT,
288             VIEW_CHARS,
289             MAX_VIEWS
290         };
292         enum
293         {
294             CM_ANY,
295             CM_MULT,
296             CM_POWER,
297             CM_SPECIFIED
298         };
300         wxString                 m_FileName;                    ///< \brief Name of the file being edited
301         FileContentBase*         m_Content;                     ///< \brief Content structure of file being edited
302         wxString                 m_ErrorString;                 ///< \brief String containg error description (if couldn't read the content)
303         wxFont*                  m_DrawFont;                    ///< \brief Font used for drawing
304         wxCoord                  m_FontX;                       ///< \brief Width of character
305         wxCoord                  m_FontY;                       ///< \brief Height of character
306         unsigned int             m_Cols;                        ///< \brief Number of available characters in row in the editor
307         unsigned int             m_Lines;                       ///< \brief Number of available lines of characters in the editor
308         unsigned int             m_LineBytes;                   ///< \brief Number of bytes shown in a line
309         /// \brief True when we need to recalculate the drawing params.
310         bool                     m_NeedRecalc;
312         OffsetT                  m_Current;                     ///< \brief Offset of current character
314         wxString                 m_ExpressionError;             ///< \brief Last error reported while compiling user-defined expression in preview bar
315         Expression::Preprocessed m_ExpressionCode;              ///< \brief Bytecode of user-defined expression in preview bar
317         HexEditViewBase*         m_Views[ MAX_VIEWS ];          ///< \brief List of all used views
318         unsigned                 m_ViewsCols[ MAX_VIEWS ];      ///< \brief Size of each view in characters
319         HexEditViewBase*         m_ActiveView;                  ///< \brief Index of active view
320         DigitView*               m_DigitView;                   ///< \brief Cached pointer to digit view
322         bool                     m_ViewNotifyContentChange;
323         bool                     m_ViewNotifyOffsetChange;
324         bool                     m_MouseDown;
326         int                      m_ColsMode;
327         int                      m_ColsValue;
328         int                      m_ColsCount;
330         OffsetT                  m_LinesPerScrollUnit;          ///< \brief Number of lines per one scroll unit
331         int                      m_LastScrollUnits;             ///< \brief Last position of the scroll (in scroll units)
332         OffsetT                  m_LastScrollPos;               ///< \brief Last position of the scroll as offset in file
334         static EditorsSet        m_AllEditors;                  ///< \brief Set of all opened editors, used to close all editors when plugin is being unloaded
336         /** \brief Open the file content structure and check for errors */
337         void ReadContent();
339         /** \brief Set font of given size as used font, does not recalculate coefficients nor font size */
340         void SetFontSize( int size );
342         /** \brief Recalculate all coefficients (width, height, block sizes etc) */
343         void RecalculateCoefs(wxDC &dc);
345         /** \brief Returns offset of first byte displayed on the screen from the scroll bar */
346         FileContentBase::OffsetT DetectStartOffset();
348         /** \brief Refresh status line (position, percentage etc) */
349         void RefreshStatus();
351         /** \brief Update the state of "modified" document */
352         void UpdateModified();
354         /** \brief Adjust the scrollbar to make sure that m_Current byte is shown on the screen */
355         void EnsureCarretVisible();
357         /** \brief Adjust the m_Current position to make sure that it points to some byte shown on the screen */
358         void ClampCursorToVisibleArea();
360         /** \brief Process GOTO request */
361         void ProcessGoto();
363         /** \brief Process search request */
364         void ProcessSearch();
366         /** \brief Reparse expression entered by the user in preview bar */
367         void ReparseExpression();
369         /** \brief Create views of the editor */
370         inline void CreateViews();
372         /** \brief Activate view at given index */
373         inline void ActivateView( HexEditViewBase* view );
375         /** \brief Propagate change of the offset to all views */
376         void PropagateOffsetChange( int flagsForCurrentView = -1 );
378         /** \brief Notification about content change from the view */
ViewNotifyContentChange()379         inline void ViewNotifyContentChange() { m_ViewNotifyContentChange = true; }
381         /** \brief Notification about offset change from the view */
ViewNotifyOffsetChange(OffsetT newOffset)382         inline void ViewNotifyOffsetChange( OffsetT newOffset ) { m_Current = newOffset; m_ViewNotifyOffsetChange = true; }
384         /** \brief Called to adjust views due to display settings change */
385         void DisplayChanged();
387         /** \brief Called to set columns mode */
388         void ColsMode( int mode, int value );
390         /** \brief Check if given columns count matches column setting mode */
391         bool MatchColumnsCount( int colsCount );
394         friend class HexEditViewBase;
396         virtual bool CanUndo() const;
397         virtual bool CanRedo() const;
398         virtual void Undo();
399         virtual void Redo();
402 };
404 #endif