1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials
5  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7  * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
10  *
11  * Contributors:
12  *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
13  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
14  *                                 COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION_IN_DEPRECATED_CODE
15  *                                 COMPILER_PB_STATIC_ACCESS_RECEIVER
16  *                                 COMPILER_TASK_TAGS
17  *                                 CORE_CIRCULAR_CLASSPATH
18  *                                 CORE_INCOMPLETE_CLASSPATH
19  *     IBM Corporation - added run(IWorkspaceRunnable, IProgressMonitor)
20  *     IBM Corporation - added exclusion patterns to source classpath entries
21  *     IBM Corporation - added specific output location to source classpath entries
22  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
23  *                                 CORE_JAVA_BUILD_CLEAN_OUTPUT_FOLDER
25  *                                 CLEAN
26  *     IBM Corporation - added getClasspathContainerInitializer(String)
27  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
28  *                                 CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES
29  *                                 CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES
30  *                                 CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES
31  *                                 CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES
32  *                                 CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES
33  *                                 CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES
34  *                                 CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES
35  *                                 CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES
36  *                                 COMPILER_PB_CHAR_ARRAY_IN_STRING_CONCATENATION
37  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
38  *                                 COMPILER_PB_LOCAL_VARIABLE_HIDING
39  *                                 COMPILER_PB_SPECIAL_PARAMETER_HIDING_FIELD
40  *                                 COMPILER_PB_FIELD_HIDING
42  *                                 CORE_INCOMPATIBLE_JDK_LEVEL
43  *                                 VERSION_1_5
44  *                                 COMPILER_PB_EMPTY_STATEMENT
45  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
46  *                                 COMPILER_PB_INDIRECT_STATIC_ACCESS
47  *                                 COMPILER_PB_BOOLEAN_METHOD_THROWING_EXCEPTION
48  *                                 COMPILER_PB_UNNECESSARY_CAST
49  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
50  *                                 COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC
51  *                                 COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS
52  *                                 COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY
53  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS
54  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY
55  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS_OVERRIDING
56  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS
57  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS_VISIBILITY
58  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS_OVERRIDING
61  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
62  *                                 TIMEOUT_FOR_PARAMETER_NAME_FROM_ATTACHED_JAVADOC
63  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
64  *                                 COMPILER_PB_FALLTHROUGH_CASE
65  *                                 COMPILER_PB_PARAMETER_ASSIGNMENT
66  *                                 COMPILER_PB_NULL_REFERENCE
67  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
68  *                                 CODEASSIST_DEPRECATION_CHECK
69  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
70  *                                 COMPILER_PB_POTENTIAL_NULL_REFERENCE
71  *                                 COMPILER_PB_REDUNDANT_NULL_CHECK
72  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
74  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
76  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
77  *                                 COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAG_DESCRIPTION
81  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants:
82  *                                 COMPILER_PB_REDUNDANT_SUPERINTERFACE
83  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constant:
85  *     IBM Corporation - added getOptionForConfigurableSeverity(int)
87  *     Stephan Herrmann  - added COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_OBJECT_ALLOCATION
88  *     Stephan Herrmann  - added COMPILER_PB_SUPPRESS_OPTIONAL_ERRORS
89  *     Stephan Herrmann  - added the following constants:
106  *     Jesper S Moller   - Contributions for bug 381345 : [1.8] Take care of the Java 8 major version
107  *                       - added the following constants:
109  *     Harry Terkelsen (het@google.com) - Bug 449262 - Allow the use of third-party Java formatters
110  *     Gábor Kövesdán - Contribution for Bug 350000 - [content assist] Include non-prefix matches in auto-complete suggestions
111  *     Karsten Thoms - Bug 532505 - Reduce memory footprint of ClasspathAccessRule
112  *
113  *******************************************************************************/
115 package org.eclipse.jdt.core;
117 import java.io.File;
118 import java.io.IOException;
119 import java.util.ArrayList;
120 import java.util.Arrays;
121 import java.util.Collections;
122 import java.util.HashMap;
123 import java.util.HashSet;
124 import java.util.Hashtable;
125 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
126 import java.util.List;
127 import java.util.Map;
128 import java.util.Set;
129 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
130 import java.util.stream.Stream;
131 import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
133 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
134 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
135 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
136 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
137 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarkerDelta;
138 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
139 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
140 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
141 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener;
142 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
143 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
144 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
145 import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
146 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
147 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
148 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
149 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
150 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
151 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
152 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
153 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
154 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
155 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
156 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
157 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
158 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.ISchedulingRule;
159 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
160 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
161 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchConstants;
162 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchScope;
163 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine;
164 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchPattern;
165 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.TypeNameRequestor;
166 import org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IAttributeNamesConstants;
167 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
168 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader;
169 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException;
170 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.AutomaticModuleNaming;
171 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IModule;
172 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IModule.IModuleReference;
173 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
174 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
175 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BatchOperation;
176 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BufferManager;
177 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathAttribute;
178 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathEntry;
179 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathValidation;
180 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CreateTypeHierarchyOperation;
181 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.DefaultWorkingCopyOwner;
182 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ExternalFoldersManager;
183 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaCorePreferenceInitializer;
184 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModel;
185 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager;
186 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject;
187 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.PackageFragmentRoot;
188 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Region;
189 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SetContainerOperation;
190 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SetVariablesOperation;
191 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.JavaBuilder;
192 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.ModuleInfoBuilder;
193 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.State;
194 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.indexer.Indexer;
195 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.indexing.IndexManager;
196 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.MementoTokenizer;
197 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Messages;
198 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.ModuleUtil;
199 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util;
200 import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
202 /**
203  * The plug-in runtime class for the Java model plug-in containing the core
204  * (UI-free) support for Java projects.
205  * <p>
206  * Like all plug-in runtime classes (subclasses of <code>Plugin</code>), this
207  * class is automatically instantiated by the platform when the plug-in gets
208  * activated. Clients must not attempt to instantiate plug-in runtime classes
209  * directly.
210  * </p>
211  * <p>
212  * The single instance of this class can be accessed from any plug-in declaring
213  * the Java model plug-in as a prerequisite via
214  * <code>JavaCore.getJavaCore()</code>. The Java model plug-in will be activated
215  * automatically if not already active.
216  * </p>
217  * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
218  */
219 @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
220 public final class JavaCore extends Plugin {
222 	private static final IResource[] NO_GENERATED_RESOURCES = new IResource[0];
224 	private static Plugin JAVA_CORE_PLUGIN = null;
225 	/**
226 	 * The plug-in identifier of the Java core support
227 	 * (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core"</code>).
228 	 */
229 	public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.jdt.core" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
231 	/**
232 	 * The identifier for the Java builder
233 	 * (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder"</code>).
234 	 */
235 	public static final String BUILDER_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".javabuilder" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
237 	/**
238 	 * The identifier for the Java model
239 	 * (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javamodel"</code>).
240 	 */
241 	public static final String MODEL_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".javamodel" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
243 	/**
244 	 * The identifier for the Java nature
245 	 * (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature"</code>).
246 	 * The presence of this nature on a project indicates that it is
247 	 * Java-capable.
248 	 *
249 	 * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject#hasNature(java.lang.String)
250 	 */
251 	public static final String NATURE_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".javanature" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
253 	/**
254 	 * Name of the handle id attribute in a Java marker.
255 	 */
256 	protected static final String ATT_HANDLE_ID =
257 		"org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.handleId" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
259 	/**
260 	 * Name of the User Library Container id.
261 	 * @since 3.0
262 	 */
263 	public static final String USER_LIBRARY_CONTAINER_ID= "org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY"; //$NON-NLS-1$
265 	/**
266 	 * @since 3.14
267 	 */
268 	public static final String MODULE_PATH_CONTAINER_ID = "org.eclipse.jdt.MODULE_PATH"; //$NON-NLS-1$
270 	// Begin configurable option IDs {
272 	/**
273 	 * Compiler option ID: Generating Local Variable Debug Attribute.
274 	 * <p>When generated, this attribute will enable local variable names
275 	 *    to be displayed in debugger, only in place where variables are
276 	 *    definitely assigned (.class file is then bigger).</p>
277 	 * <dl>
278 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.localVariable"</code></dd>
279 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "generate", "do not generate" }</code></dd>
280 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"generate"</code></dd>
281 	 * </dl>
282 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
283 	 */
284 	public static final String COMPILER_LOCAL_VARIABLE_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.debug.localVariable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
285 	/**
286 	 * Compiler option ID: Generating Line Number Debug Attribute.
287 	 * <p>When generated, this attribute will enable source code highlighting in debugger
288 	 *    (.class file is then bigger).</p>
289 	 * <dl>
290 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.lineNumber"</code></dd>
291 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "generate", "do not generate" }</code></dd>
292 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"generate"</code></dd>
293 	 * </dl>
294 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
295 	 */
296 	public static final String COMPILER_LINE_NUMBER_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.debug.lineNumber"; //$NON-NLS-1$
297 	/**
298 	 * Compiler option ID: Generating Source Debug Attribute.
299 	 * <p>When generated, this attribute will enable the debugger to present the
300 	 *    corresponding source code.</p>
301 	 * <dl>
302 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.sourceFile"</code></dd>
303 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "generate", "do not generate" }</code></dd>
304 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"generate"</code></dd>
305 	 * </dl>
306 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
307 	 */
308 	public static final String COMPILER_SOURCE_FILE_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.debug.sourceFile"; //$NON-NLS-1$
309 	/**
310 	 * Compiler option ID: Preserving Unused Local Variables.
311 	 * <p>Unless requested to preserve unused local variables (that is, never read), the
312 	 *    compiler will optimize them out, potentially altering debugging.</p>
313 	 * <dl>
314 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.unusedLocal"</code></dd>
315 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "preserve", "optimize out" }</code></dd>
316 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"preserve"</code></dd>
317 	 * </dl>
318 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
319 	 */
320 	public static final String COMPILER_CODEGEN_UNUSED_LOCAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.codegen.unusedLocal"; //$NON-NLS-1$
321 	/**
322 	 * Compiler option ID: Generating Method Parameters Attribute.
323 	 * <p>When generated, this attribute will enable information about the formal parameters of a method
324 	 * (such as their names) to be accessed from reflection libraries, annotation processing,
325 	 * code weaving, and in the debugger, from platform target level 1.8 and later.</p>
326 	 * <dl>
327 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.methodParameters"</code></dd>
328 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "generate", "do not generate" }</code></dd>
329 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"do not generate"</code></dd>
330 	 * </dl>
331 	 * @since 3.10
332 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
333 	 */
334 	public static final String COMPILER_CODEGEN_METHOD_PARAMETERS_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.codegen.methodParameters"; //$NON-NLS-1$
335 	/**
336 	 * Compiler option ID: Defining Target Java Platform.
337 	 * <p>For binary compatibility reasons, .class files are tagged with a minimal required VM version.</p>
338 	 * <p>Note that <code>"1.4"</code> and higher target versions require the compliance mode to be at least as high
339 	 *    as the target version. Usually, compliance, target, and source versions are set to the same values.</p>
340 	 * <p><code>"cldc1.1"</code> requires the source version to be <code>"1.3"</code> and the compliance version to be <code>"1.4"</code> or lower.</p>
341 	 * <dl>
342 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform"</code></dd>
343 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "1.1", "cldc1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "9", "10", "11" }</code></dd>
344 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"1.2"</code></dd>
345 	 * </dl>
346 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
348 	 * @see #COMPILER_SOURCE
349 	 * @see #setComplianceOptions(String, Map)
350 	 */
351 	public static final String COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.codegen.targetPlatform"; //$NON-NLS-1$
352 	/**
353 	 * Compiler option ID: Inline JSR Bytecode Instruction.
354 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will no longer generate JSR instructions, but rather inline corresponding
355 	 *    subroutine code sequences (mostly corresponding to try finally blocks). The generated code will thus
356 	 *    get bigger, but will load faster on virtual machines since the verification process is then much simpler.</p>
357 	 * <p>This mode is anticipating support for the Java Specification Request 202.</p>
358 	 * <p>Note that JSR inlining is optional only for target platform lesser than 1.5. From 1.5 on, the JSR
359 	 *    inlining is mandatory (also see related setting {@link #COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM}).</p>
360 	 * <dl>
361 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode"</code></dd>
362 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
363 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
364 	 * </dl>
365 	 * @since 3.0
366 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
367 	 */
368 	public static final String COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode"; //$NON-NLS-1$
369 	/**
370 	 * Compiler option ID: Javadoc Comment Support.
371 	 * <p>When this support is disabled, the compiler will ignore all javadoc problems options settings
372 	 *    and will not report any javadoc problem. It will also not find any reference in javadoc comment and
373 	 *    DOM AST Javadoc node will be only a flat text instead of having structured tag elements.</p>
374 	 * <dl>
375 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.doc.comment.support"</code></dd>
376 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
377 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
378 	 * </dl>
379 	 * @since 3.0
380 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
381 	 */
382 	public static final String COMPILER_DOC_COMMENT_SUPPORT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.doc.comment.support"; //$NON-NLS-1$
383 	/**
384 	 * @deprecated Discontinued since turning off would violate language specs.
385 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
386 	 */
387 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNREACHABLE_CODE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unreachableCode"; //$NON-NLS-1$
388 	/**
389 	 * @deprecated Discontinued since turning off would violate language specs.
390 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
391 	 */
392 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_IMPORT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidImport"; //$NON-NLS-1$
393 	/**
394 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Attempt to Override Package Visible Method.
395 	 * <p>A package visible method, which is any method that is not explicitly
396 	 *    declared as public, protected or private, is not visible from other
397 	 *    packages, and thus cannot be overridden from another package.
398 	 *    Attempting to override a package visible method from another package
399 	 *    introduces a new method that is unrelated to the original one. When
400 	 *    enabling this option, the compiler will signal such situations as an
401 	 *    error or a warning.</p>
402 	 * <dl>
403 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.overridingPackageDefaultMethod"</code></dd>
404 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
405 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
406 	 * </dl>
407 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
408 	 */
409 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_OVERRIDING_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.overridingPackageDefaultMethod"; //$NON-NLS-1$
410 	/**
411 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Method With Constructor Name.
412 	 * <p>Naming a method with a constructor name is generally considered poor
413 	 *    style programming. When enabling this option, the compiler will signal such
414 	 *    scenario either as an error or a warning.</p>
415 	 * <dl>
416 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.methodWithConstructorName"</code></dd>
417 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
418 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
419 	 * </dl>
420 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
421 	 */
422 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_METHOD_WITH_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.methodWithConstructorName"; //$NON-NLS-1$
423 	/**
424 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Deprecation.
425 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal use of deprecated API either as an
426 	 *    error or a warning.</p>
427 	 * <dl>
428 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.deprecation"</code></dd>
429 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
430 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
431 	 * </dl>
432 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
433 	 */
434 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.deprecation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
435 	/**
436 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Terminal Deprecation.
437 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal use of terminally deprecated API either as an
438 	 *    error or a warning.</p>
439 	 * <dl>
440 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.terminalDeprecation"</code></dd>
441 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
442 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
443 	 * </dl>
444 	 * @since 3.14
445 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
446 	 */
447 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_TERMINAL_DEPRECATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.terminalDeprecation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
448 	/**
449 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Deprecation Inside Deprecated Code.
450 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal use of deprecated API inside deprecated code.</p>
451 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION}.</p>
452 	 * <dl>
453 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.deprecationInDeprecatedCode"</code></dd>
454 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
455 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
456 	 * </dl>
457 	 * @since 2.1
458 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
459 	 */
460 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION_IN_DEPRECATED_CODE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.deprecationInDeprecatedCode"; //$NON-NLS-1$
461 	/**
462 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Deprecation When Overriding Deprecated Method.
463 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal the declaration of a method overriding a deprecated one.</p>
464 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION}.</p>
465 	 * <dl>
466 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.deprecationWhenOverridingDeprecatedMethod"</code></dd>
467 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
468 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
469 	 * </dl>
470 	 * @since 3.0
471 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
472 	 */
473 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION_WHEN_OVERRIDING_DEPRECATED_METHOD = "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.deprecationWhenOverridingDeprecatedMethod"; //$NON-NLS-1$
474 	/**
475 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Hidden Catch Block.
476 	 * <p>Locally to a try statement, some catch blocks may hide others. For example,</p>
477 	 *    <pre>
478 	 *      try {  throw new java.io.CharConversionException();
479 	 *      } catch (java.io.CharConversionException e) {
480 	 *      } catch (java.io.IOException e) {}.
481 	 *    </pre>
482 	 * <p>When enabling this option, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for hidden
483 	 *    catch blocks corresponding to checked exceptions.</p>
484 	 * <dl>
485 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.hiddenCatchBlock"</code></dd>
486 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
487 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
488 	 * </dl>
489 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
490 	 */
491 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_HIDDEN_CATCH_BLOCK = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.hiddenCatchBlock"; //$NON-NLS-1$
492 	/**
493 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Local.
494 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for unused local
495 	 *    variables (that is, variables never read from).</p>
496 	 * <dl>
497 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedLocal"</code></dd>
498 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
499 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
500 	 * </dl>
501 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
502 	 */
503 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_LOCAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedLocal"; //$NON-NLS-1$
504 	/**
505 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Parameter.
506 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for unused method
507 	 *    parameters (that is, parameters never read from).</p>
508 	 * <dl>
509 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedParameter"</code></dd>
510 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
511 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
512 	 * </dl>
513 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
514 	 */
515 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedParameter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
516 	/**
517 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Exception Parameter.
518 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for unused exception
519 	 *    parameters (that is, the thrown exception is never read from).</p>
520 	 * <dl>
521 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedExceptionParameter"</code></dd>
522 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
523 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
524 	 * </dl>
525 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
526 	 * @since 3.11
527 	 */
528 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_EXCEPTION_PARAMETER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedExceptionParameter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
529 	/**
530 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Parameter if Implementing Abstract Method.
531 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal unused parameters in abstract method implementations.</p>
532 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER}.</p>
533 	 * <dl>
534 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedParameterWhenImplementingAbstract"</code></dd>
535 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
536 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
537 	 * </dl>
538 	 * @since 2.1
539 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
540 	 */
541 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER_WHEN_IMPLEMENTING_ABSTRACT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedParameterWhenImplementingAbstract"; //$NON-NLS-1$
542 	/**
543 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Parameter if Overriding Concrete Method.
544 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal unused parameters in methods overriding concrete ones.</p>
545 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER}.</p>
546 	 * <dl>
547 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedParameterWhenOverridingConcrete"</code></dd>
548 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
549 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
550 	 * </dl>
551 	 * @since 2.1
552 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
553 	 */
554 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER_WHEN_OVERRIDING_CONCRETE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedParameterWhenOverridingConcrete"; //$NON-NLS-1$
555 	/**
556 	 * Compiler option ID: Consider Reference in Doc Comment for Unused Parameter Check.
557 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will consider doc comment references to parameters (i.e. <code>@param</code> clauses) for the unused
558 	 *    parameter check. Thus, documented parameters will be considered as mandated as per doc contract.</p>
559 	 * <p>The severity of the unused parameter problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER}.</p>
560 	 * <p>Note: this option has no effect until the doc comment support is enabled according to the
561 	 *    option {@link #COMPILER_DOC_COMMENT_SUPPORT}.</p>
562 	 * <dl>
563 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedParameterIncludeDocCommentReference"</code></dd>
564 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
565 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
566 	 * </dl>
567 	 * @since 3.3
568 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
569 	 */
570 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER_INCLUDE_DOC_COMMENT_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedParameterIncludeDocCommentReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
571 	/**
572 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Import.
573 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for unused import
574 	 *    reference.</p>
575 	 * <dl>
576 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedImport"</code></dd>
577 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
578 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
579 	 * </dl>
580 	 * @since 2.0
581 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
582 	 */
583 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_IMPORT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedImport"; //$NON-NLS-1$
584 	/**
585 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Presence of Type Arguments for a Non-Generic Method Invocation.
586 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever type arguments are encountered for a
587 	 *    non-generic method invocation. Note that prior to compliance level is <code>"1.7"</code>, this situation would automatically result
588 	 *    in an error. From Java7 on, unused type arguments are being tolerated, and optionally warned against.</p>
589 	 * <dl>
590 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation"</code></dd>
591 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
592 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
593 	 * </dl>
594 	 * @since 3.4
595 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
596 	 */
597 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_METHOD_INVOCATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
598 	/**
599 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Synthetic Access Emulation.
600 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it emulates
601 	 *    access to a non-accessible member of an enclosing type. Such access can have
602 	 *    performance implications.</p>
603 	 * <dl>
604 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.syntheticAccessEmulation"</code></dd>
605 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
606 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
607 	 * </dl>
608 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
609 	 */
610 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SYNTHETIC_ACCESS_EMULATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.syntheticAccessEmulation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
612 	/**
613 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Type Parameter.
614 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an
615 	 * unused type parameter. </p>
616 	 * <dl>
617 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedTypeParameter"</code></dd>
618 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
619 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
620 	 * </dl>
621 	 * @since 3.9
622 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
623 	 */
624 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_TYPE_PARAMETER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedTypeParameter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
626 	/**
627 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Non-Externalized String Literal.
628 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for non externalized
629 	 *    String literal (that is, not tagged with <code>//$NON-NLS-&lt;n&gt;$</code>).</p>
630 	 * <dl>
631 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nonExternalizedStringLiteral"</code></dd>
632 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
633 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
634 	 * </dl>
635 	 * @since 2.0
636 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
637 	 */
638 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NON_NLS_STRING_LITERAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.nonExternalizedStringLiteral"; //$NON-NLS-1$
639 	/**
640 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Usage of <code>'assert'</code> Identifier.
641 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever <code>'assert'</code> is
642 	 *    used as an identifier (reserved keyword in 1.4).</p>
643 	 * <dl>
644 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.assertIdentifier"</code></dd>
645 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
646 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
647 	 * </dl>
648 	 * @since 2.0
649 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
650 	 */
651 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.assertIdentifier"; //$NON-NLS-1$
652 	/**
653 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Usage of <code>'enum'</code> Identifier.
654 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever <code>'enum'</code> is
655 	 *    used as an identifier (reserved keyword in 1.5).</p>
656 	 * <dl>
657 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enumIdentifier"</code></dd>
658 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
659 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
660 	 * </dl>
661 	 * @since 3.1
662 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
663 	 */
664 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.enumIdentifier"; //$NON-NLS-1$
665 	/**
666 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Non-Static Reference to a Static Member.
667 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a static field
668 	 *    or method is accessed with an expression receiver. A reference to a static member should
669 	 *    be qualified with a type name.</p>
670 	 * <dl>
671 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.staticAccessReceiver"</code></dd>
672 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
673 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
674 	 * </dl>
675 	 * @since 2.1
676 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
677 	 */
678 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_STATIC_ACCESS_RECEIVER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.staticAccessReceiver"; //$NON-NLS-1$
679 	/**
680 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Indirect Reference to a Static Member.
681 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a static field
682 	 *    or method is accessed in an indirect way. A reference to a static member should
683 	 *    preferably be qualified with its declaring type name.</p>
684 	 * <dl>
685 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.indirectStaticAccess"</code></dd>
686 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
687 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
688 	 * </dl>
689 	 * @since 3.0
690 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
691 	 */
692 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INDIRECT_STATIC_ACCESS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.indirectStaticAccess"; //$NON-NLS-1$
693 	/**
694 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Assignment with no Effect.
695 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an assignment
696 	 *    has no effect (e.g <code>'x = x'</code>).</p>
697 	 * <dl>
698 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.noEffectAssignment"</code></dd>
699 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
700 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
701 	 * </dl>
702 	 * @since 2.1
703 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
704 	 */
705 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NO_EFFECT_ASSIGNMENT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.noEffectAssignment"; //$NON-NLS-1$
706 	/**
707 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Interface Method not Compatible with non-Inherited Methods.
708 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an interface
709 	 *    defines a method incompatible with a non-inherited <code>Object</code> method. Until this conflict
710 	 *    is resolved, such an interface cannot be implemented. For example,</p>
711 	 *    <pre>
712 	 *      interface I {
713 	 *         int clone();
714 	 *      }
715 	 *    </pre>
716 	 * <dl>
717 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.incompatibleNonInheritedInterfaceMethod"</code></dd>
718 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
719 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
720 	 * </dl>
721 	 * @since 2.1
722 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
723 	 */
724 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INCOMPATIBLE_NON_INHERITED_INTERFACE_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.incompatibleNonInheritedInterfaceMethod"; //$NON-NLS-1$
725 	/**
726 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Private Members.
727 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a private
728 	 *    method or field is declared but never used within the same unit.</p>
729 	 * <dl>
730 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedPrivateMember"</code></dd>
731 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
732 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
733 	 * </dl>
734 	 * @since 2.1
735 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
736 	 */
737 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PRIVATE_MEMBER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedPrivateMember"; //$NON-NLS-1$
738 	/**
739 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Local Variable Declaration Hiding another Variable.
740 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a local variable
741 	 *    declaration is hiding some field or local variable (either locally, inherited or defined in enclosing type).</p>
742 	 * <dl>
743 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.localVariableHiding"</code></dd>
744 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
745 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
746 	 * </dl>
747 	 * @since 3.0
748 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
749 	 */
750 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_LOCAL_VARIABLE_HIDING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.localVariableHiding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
751 	/**
752 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Special Parameter Hiding another Field.
753 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal cases where a constructor or setter method parameter declaration
754 	 *    is hiding some field (either locally, inherited or defined in enclosing type).</p>
755 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_LOCAL_VARIABLE_HIDING}.</p>
756 	 * <dl>
757 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.specialParameterHidingField"</code></dd>
758 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
759 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
760 	 * </dl>
761 	 * @since 3.0
762 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
763 	 */
764 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SPECIAL_PARAMETER_HIDING_FIELD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.specialParameterHidingField"; //$NON-NLS-1$
765 	/**
766 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Field Declaration Hiding another Variable.
767 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a field
768 	 *    declaration is hiding some field or local variable (either locally, inherited or defined in enclosing type).</p>
769 	 * <dl>
770 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.fieldHiding"</code></dd>
771 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
772 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
773 	 * </dl>
774 	 * @since 3.0
775 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
776 	 */
777 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_FIELD_HIDING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.fieldHiding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
778 	/**
779 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Type Declaration Hiding another Type.
780 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning in situations where a type parameter
781 	 *    declaration is hiding some type, when a nested type is hiding some type parameter, or when
782 	 *    a nested type is hiding another nested type defined in same unit.</p>
783 	 * <dl>
784 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.typeParameterHiding"</code></dd>
785 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
786 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
787 	 * </dl>
788 	 * @since 3.1
789 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
790 	 */
791 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_TYPE_PARAMETER_HIDING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.typeParameterHiding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
792 	/**
793 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Possible Accidental Boolean Assignment.
794 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a boolean assignment is acting as the condition
795 	 *    of a control statement  (where it probably was meant to be a boolean comparison).</p>
796 	 * <dl>
797 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.possibleAccidentalBooleanAssignment"</code></dd>
798 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
799 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
800 	 * </dl>
801 	 * @since 3.0
802 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
803 	 */
804 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_POSSIBLE_ACCIDENTAL_BOOLEAN_ASSIGNMENT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.possibleAccidentalBooleanAssignment"; //$NON-NLS-1$
805 	/**
806 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Switch Fall-Through Case.
807 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a case may be
808 	 *    entered by falling through previous case. Empty cases are allowed.</p>
809 	 * <dl>
810 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.fallthroughCase"</code></dd>
811 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
812 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
813 	 * </dl>
814 	 * @since 3.2
815 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
816 	 */
817 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_FALLTHROUGH_CASE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.fallthroughCase"; //$NON-NLS-1$
818 	/**
819 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Empty Statements and Unnecessary Semicolons.
820 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if an empty statement or a
821 	 *    unnecessary semicolon is encountered.</p>
822 	 * <dl>
823 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.emptyStatement"</code></dd>
824 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
825 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
826 	 * </dl>
827 	 * @since 3.0
828 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
829 	 */
830 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_EMPTY_STATEMENT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.emptyStatement"; //$NON-NLS-1$
831 	/**
832 	 * Compiler option ID.
833 	 * <dl>
834 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.booleanMethodThrowingException"</code></dd>
835 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
836 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
837 	 * </dl>
838 	 * @since 3.0
839 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
840 	 * @deprecated - this option has no effect
841 	 */
842 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_BOOLEAN_METHOD_THROWING_EXCEPTION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.booleanMethodThrowingException"; //$NON-NLS-1$
843 	/**
844 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unnecessary Type Check.
845 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a cast or an <code>instanceof</code> operation
846 	 *    is unnecessary.</p>
847 	 * <dl>
848 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unnecessaryTypeCheck"</code></dd>
849 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
850 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
851 	 * </dl>
852 	 * @since 3.0
853 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
854 	 */
855 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNNECESSARY_TYPE_CHECK = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unnecessaryTypeCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
856 	/**
857 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unnecessary Else.
858 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a statement is unnecessarily
859 	 *    nested within an <code>else</code> clause (in situation where then clause is not completing normally).</p>
860 	 * <dl>
861 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unnecessaryElse"</code></dd>
862 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
863 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
864 	 * </dl>
865 	 * @since 3.0
866 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
867 	 */
868 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNNECESSARY_ELSE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unnecessaryElse"; //$NON-NLS-1$
869 	/**
870 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Undocumented Empty Block.
871 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when an empty block is detected and it is not
872 	 *    documented with any comment.</p>
873 	 * <dl>
874 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.undocumentedEmptyBlock"</code></dd>
875 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
876 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
877 	 * </dl>
878 	 * @since 3.0
879 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
880 	 */
881 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNDOCUMENTED_EMPTY_BLOCK = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.undocumentedEmptyBlock"; //$NON-NLS-1$
882 	/**
883 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Finally Blocks Not Completing Normally.
884 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a finally block does not complete normally.</p>
885 	 * <dl>
886 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.finallyBlockNotCompletingNormally"</code></dd>
887 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
888 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
889 	 * </dl>
890 	 * @since 3.0
891 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
892 	 */
893 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_FINALLY_BLOCK_NOT_COMPLETING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.finallyBlockNotCompletingNormally"; //$NON-NLS-1$
894 	/**
895 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Declared Thrown Exception.
896 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a
897 	 *    method or a constructor is declaring a checked exception as thrown,
898 	 *    but its body actually raises neither that exception, nor any other
899 	 *    exception extending it.</p>
900 	 * <p>This diagnostic is further tuned by options
904 	 * <dl>
905 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownException"</code></dd>
906 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
907 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
908 	 * </dl>
909 	 * @since 3.0
910 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
911 	 */
912 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_DECLARED_THROWN_EXCEPTION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownException"; //$NON-NLS-1$
913 	/**
914 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Declared Thrown Exception in Overriding Method.
915 	 * <p>When disabled, the compiler will report unused declared thrown
916 	 *    exceptions neither on overriding methods nor on implementing methods.</p>
917 	 * <p>The severity of the unused declared thrown exception problem is
918 	 *    controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_DECLARED_THROWN_EXCEPTION}.</p>
919 	 * <p>This diagnostic is further tuned by options
922 	 * <dl>
923 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownExceptionWhenOverriding"</code></dd>
924 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
925 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
926 	 * </dl>
927 	 * @since 3.0
928 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
929 	 */
930 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_DECLARED_THROWN_EXCEPTION_WHEN_OVERRIDING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownExceptionWhenOverriding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
931 	/**
932 	 * Compiler option ID: Consider Reference in Doc Comment for Unused Declared Thrown Exception Check.
933 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will consider doc comment references to
934 	 *    exceptions (i.e. <code>@throws</code> clauses) for the unused
935 	 *    declared thrown exception check. Thus, documented exceptions will be
936 	 *    considered as mandated as per doc contract.</p>
937 	 * <p>The severity of the unused declared thrown exception problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_DECLARED_THROWN_EXCEPTION}.</p>
938 	 * <p>Note: this option has no effect until the doc comment support is enabled according to the
939 	 *    option {@link #COMPILER_DOC_COMMENT_SUPPORT}.</p>
940 	 * <p>This diagnostic is further tuned by options
943 	 * <dl>
944 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownExceptionIncludeDocCommentReference"</code></dd>
945 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
946 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
947 	 * </dl>
948 	 * @since 3.4
949 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
950 	 */
951 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_DECLARED_THROWN_EXCEPTION_INCLUDE_DOC_COMMENT_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownExceptionIncludeDocCommentReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
952 	/**
953 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unused Declared Thrown Exception Exempts Exception And Throwable.
954 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a
955 	 *    method or a constructor is declaring a checked exception else than
956 	 *    {@link java.lang.Throwable} or {@link java.lang.Exception} as thrown,
957 	 *    but its body actually raises neither that exception, nor any other
958 	 *    exception extending it. When disabled, the compiler will issue an
959 	 *    error or a warning when a method or a constructor is declaring a
960 	 *    checked exception (including {@link java.lang.Throwable} and
961 	 *    {@link java.lang.Exception}) as thrown, but its body actually raises
962 	 *    neither that exception, nor any other exception extending it.</p>
963 	 * <p>The severity of the unused declared thrown exception problem is
964 	 *    controlled with option
966 	 * <p>This diagnostic is further tuned by options
969 	 * <dl>
970 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownExceptionExemptExceptionAndThrowable"</code></dd>
971 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
972 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
973 	 * </dl>
974 	 * @since 3.4
975 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
976 	 */
977 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_DECLARED_THROWN_EXCEPTION_EXEMPT_EXCEPTION_AND_THROWABLE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedDeclaredThrownExceptionExemptExceptionAndThrowable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
978 	/**
979 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unqualified Access to Field.
980 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a field is access without any qualification.
981 	 *    In order to improve code readability, it should be qualified, e.g. <code>'x'</code> should rather be written <code>'this.x'</code>.</p>
982 	 * <dl>
983 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unqualifiedFieldAccess"</code></dd>
984 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
985 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
986 	 * </dl>
987 	 * @since 3.0
988 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
989 	 */
990 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNQUALIFIED_FIELD_ACCESS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unqualifiedFieldAccess"; //$NON-NLS-1$
991 	/**
992 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNCHECKED_TYPE_OPERATION} instead.
993 	 * @since 3.1
994 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
995 	 */
996 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNSAFE_TYPE_OPERATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.uncheckedTypeOperation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
997 	/**
998 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unchecked Type Operation.
999 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an operation involves generic types, and potentially
1000 	 *    invalidates type safety since involving raw types (e.g. invoking <code>#foo(X&lt;String&gt;)</code> with arguments <code>(X)</code>).</p>
1001 	 * <dl>
1002 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.uncheckedTypeOperation"</code></dd>
1003 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1004 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1005 	 * </dl>
1006 	 * @since 3.1
1007 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1008 	 */
1009 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNCHECKED_TYPE_OPERATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.uncheckedTypeOperation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1010 	/**
1011 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Raw Type Reference.
1012 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when detecting references to raw types. Raw types are
1013 	 *    discouraged, and are intended to help interfacing with legacy code. In the future, the language specification may
1014 	 *    reject raw references to generic types.</p>
1015 	 * <dl>
1016 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.rawTypeReference"</code></dd>
1017 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1018 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1019 	 * </dl>
1020 	 * @since 3.2
1021 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1022 	 */
1023 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_RAW_TYPE_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.rawTypeReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1024 	/**
1025 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting of Unavoidable Generic Type Problems due to raw APIs.
1026 	 * <p> When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning even when it detects a generics-related type problem
1027 	 *     that could not have been avoided by the programmer, because a referenced API already contains raw types.
1028 	 *     As an example, a type may be forced to use raw types
1029 	 *     in its method signatures and return types because the methods it overrides from a super type are declared to
1030 	 *     use raw types in the first place.</p>
1031 	 * <dl>
1032 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unavoidableGenericTypeProblems"</code></dd>
1033 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1034 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
1035 	 * </dl>
1036 	 * @since 3.7
1037 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1038 	 */
1039 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNAVOIDABLE_GENERIC_TYPE_PROBLEMS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unavoidableGenericTypeProblems"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1041 	/**
1042 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting final Bound for Type Parameter.
1043 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a generic type parameter is associated with a
1044 	 *    bound corresponding to a final type; since final types cannot be further extended, the parameter is pretty useless.</p>
1045 	 * <dl>
1046 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.finalParameterBound"</code></dd>
1047 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1048 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1049 	 * </dl>
1050 	 * @since 3.1
1051 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1052 	 */
1053 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_FINAL_PARAMETER_BOUND = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.finalParameterBound"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1054 	/**
1055 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Declaration of serialVersionUID Field on Serializable Class.
1056 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a serializable class is missing a local declaration
1057 	 *    of a <code>serialVersionUID</code> field. This field must be declared as static final and be of type <code>long</code>.</p>
1058 	 * <dl>
1059 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingSerialVersion"</code></dd>
1060 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1061 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1062 	 * </dl>
1063 	 * @since 3.1
1064 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1065 	 */
1066 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_SERIAL_VERSION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingSerialVersion"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1067 	/**
1068 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Varargs Argument Needing a Cast in Method/Constructor Invocation.
1069 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a varargs arguments should be cast
1070 	 *    when passed to a method/constructor invocation. (e.g. <code>Class.getMethod(String name, Class ... args )</code>
1071 	 *    invoked with arguments <code>("foo", null)</code>).</p>
1072 	 * <dl>
1073 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.varargsArgumentNeedCast"</code></dd>
1074 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1075 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1076 	 * </dl>
1077 	 * @since 3.1
1078 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1079 	 */
1080 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_VARARGS_ARGUMENT_NEED_CAST = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.varargsArgumentNeedCast"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1081 	/**
1082 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Boxing/Unboxing Conversion.
1083 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a boxing or an unboxing
1084 	 *    conversion is performed.</p>
1085 	 * <dl>
1086 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.autoboxing"</code></dd>
1087 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1088 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1089 	 * </dl>
1090 	 * @since 3.1
1091 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1092 	 */
1093 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_AUTOBOXING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.autoboxing"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1094 	/**
1095 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Use of Annotation Type as Super Interface.
1096 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an annotation type is used
1097 	 *    as a super-interface. Though legal, this is discouraged.</p>
1098 	 * <dl>
1099 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.annotationSuperInterface"</code></dd>
1100 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1101 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1102 	 * </dl>
1103 	 * @since 3.1
1104 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1105 	 */
1106 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_ANNOTATION_SUPER_INTERFACE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.annotationSuperInterface"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1107 	/**
1108 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing <code>@Override</code> Annotation.
1109 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever encountering a method
1110 	 *    declaration which overrides a superclass method but has no <code>@Override</code> annotation.</p>
1111 	 * <dl>
1112 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingOverrideAnnotation"</code></dd>
1113 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1114 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1115 	 * </dl>
1116 	 * @since 3.1
1117 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1118 	 */
1119 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_OVERRIDE_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingOverrideAnnotation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1120 	/**
1121 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing <code>@Override</code> Annotation for interface method implementation.
1122 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever encountering a method
1123 	 *    declaration which overrides or implements a superinterface method but has no <code>@Override</code> annotation.</p>
1124 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the compiler compliance is 1.6 or greater.</p>
1125 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_MISSING_OVERRIDE_ANNOTATION}.</p>
1126 	 * <dl>
1127 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingOverrideAnnotationForInterfaceMethodImplementation"</code></dd>
1128 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1129 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
1130 	 * </dl>
1131 	 * @since 3.6
1132 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1133 	 */
1134 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_OVERRIDE_ANNOTATION_FOR_INTERFACE_METHOD_IMPLEMENTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingOverrideAnnotationForInterfaceMethodImplementation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1135 	/**
1136 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing <code>@Deprecated</code> Annotation.
1137 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever encountering a declaration
1138 	 *    carrying a <code>@deprecated</code> doc tag but having no corresponding <code>@Deprecated</code> annotation.</p>
1139 	 * <dl>
1140 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingDeprecatedAnnotation"</code></dd>
1141 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1142 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1143 	 * </dl>
1144 	 * @since 3.1
1145 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1146 	 */
1147 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingDeprecatedAnnotation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1148 	/**
1149 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing HashCode Method.
1150 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a type
1151 	 * overrides Object.equals(Object) but does not override hashCode().</p>
1152 	 * <dl>
1153 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingHashCodeMethod"</code></dd>
1154 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1155 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1156 	 * </dl>
1157 	 * @since 3.5
1158 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1159 	 */
1160 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_HASHCODE_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingHashCodeMethod"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1161 	/**
1162 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Dead Code.
1163 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if some non fatal dead code is detected. For instance, <code>if (false) foo();</code>
1164 	 * is not reported as truly unreachable code by the Java Language Specification. If this diagnostic is enabled, then the invocation of <code>foo()</code> is
1165 	 * going to be signaled as being dead code.</p>
1166 	 * <dl>
1167 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.deadCode"</code></dd>
1168 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1169 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1170 	 * </dl>
1171 	 * @since 3.5
1172 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1173 	 */
1174 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_DEAD_CODE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.deadCode"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1175 	/**
1176 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Dead Code Inside Trivial If Statement.
1177 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal presence of dead code inside trivial IF statement, e.g. <code>if (DEBUG)...</code>.</p>
1178 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_DEAD_CODE}.</p>
1179 	 * <dl>
1180 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.deadCodeInTrivialIfStatement"</code></dd>
1181 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1182 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1183 	 * </dl>
1184 	 * @since 3.5
1185 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1186 	 */
1187 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_DEAD_CODE_IN_TRIVIAL_IF_STATEMENT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.deadCodeInTrivialIfStatement"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1188 	/**
1189 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Incomplete Enum Switch.
1190 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning
1191 	 * 		regarding each enum constant for which a corresponding case label is lacking.
1192 	 * 		Reporting is further controlled by the option {@link #COMPILER_PB_MISSING_ENUM_CASE_DESPITE_DEFAULT}.</p>
1193 	 * <dl>
1194 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.incompleteEnumSwitch"</code></dd>
1195 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1196 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1197 	 * </dl>
1198 	 * @since 3.1
1199 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1200 	 */
1201 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INCOMPLETE_ENUM_SWITCH = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.incompleteEnumSwitch"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1202 	/**
1203 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Enum Case In Switch Despite An Existing Default Case.
1204 	 * <p>This option further controls the option {@link #COMPILER_PB_INCOMPLETE_ENUM_SWITCH}:</p>
1205 	 * 	<ul>
1206 	 * 	<li>If enabled the compiler will report problems about missing enum constants even if a default case exists
1207 	 * 		in the same switch statement.</li>
1208 	 *  <li>If disabled existence of a default case is considered as sufficient to make a switch statement complete.</li>
1209 	 *  </ul>
1210 	 *  This option has no effect if {@link #COMPILER_PB_INCOMPLETE_ENUM_SWITCH} is set to <code>"ignore"</code>.
1211 	 * <dl>
1212 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingEnumCaseDespiteDefault"</code></dd>
1213 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1214 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1215 	 * </dl>
1216 	 * @since 3.8
1217 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1218 	 */
1219 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_ENUM_CASE_DESPITE_DEFAULT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingEnumCaseDespiteDefault"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1220 	/**
1221 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Default Case In Switch.
1222 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning
1223 	 * 		against each switch statement that lacks a default case.</p>
1224 	 * <dl>
1225 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingDefaultCase"</code></dd>
1226 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1227 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1228 	 * </dl>
1229 	 * @since 3.8
1230 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1231 	 */
1232 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SWITCH_MISSING_DEFAULT_CASE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingDefaultCase"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1233 	/**
1234 	 * @since 3.1
1235 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #COMPILER_PB_NULL_REFERENCE} instead.
1236 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
1237 	 */
1238 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INCONSISTENT_NULL_CHECK = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.inconsistentNullCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1239 	/**
1240 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unreferenced Label.
1241 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when encountering a labeled statement which label
1242 	 *    is never explicitly referenced. A label is considered to be referenced if its name explicitly appears behind a break
1243 	 *    or continue statement; for instance the following label would be considered unreferenced:</p>
1244 	 *    <code>LABEL: { break; }</code>
1245 	 * <dl>
1246 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedLabel"</code></dd>
1247 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1248 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1249 	 * </dl>
1250 	 * @since 3.2
1251 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1252 	 */
1253 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_LABEL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedLabel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1254 	/**
1255 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Invalid Javadoc Comment.
1256 	 * <p>This is the generic control for the severity of Javadoc problems.
1257 	 *    When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for a problem in Javadoc.</p>
1258 	 * <dl>
1259 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadoc"</code></dd>
1260 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1261 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1262 	 * </dl>
1263 	 * @since 3.0
1264 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1265 	 */
1266 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidJavadoc"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1267 	/**
1268 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Invalid Javadoc Tags.
1269 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will signal unbound or unexpected reference tags in Javadoc.
1270 	 *    A <code>@throws</code> tag referencing an undeclared exception would be considered as unexpected.</p>
1271 	 * <p>Note that this diagnosis can be enabled based on the visibility of the construct associated with the Javadoc;
1272 	 *    also see the setting {@link #COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY}.</p>
1273 	 * <dl>
1274 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTags"</code></dd>
1275 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1276 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1277 	 * </dl>
1278 	 * @since 3.0
1279 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1280 	 */
1281 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTags"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1282 	/**
1283 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Invalid Javadoc Tags with Deprecated References.
1284 	 * <p>Specify whether the compiler will report deprecated references used in Javadoc tags.</p>
1285 	 * <p>Note that this diagnosis can be enabled based on the visibility of the construct associated with the Javadoc;
1286 	 *    also see the setting {@link #COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY}.</p>
1287 	 * <dl>
1288 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef"</code></dd>
1289 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1290 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1291 	 * </dl>
1292 	 * @since 3.1
1293 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1294 	 */
1295 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS__DEPRECATED_REF = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1296 	/**
1297 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Invalid Javadoc Tags with Not Visible References.
1298 	 * <p>Specify whether the compiler will report non-visible references used in Javadoc tags.</p>
1299 	 * <p>Note that this diagnosis can be enabled based on the visibility of the construct associated with the Javadoc;
1300 	 *    also see the setting {@link #COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY}.</p>
1301 	 * <dl>
1302 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef"</code></dd>
1303 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1304 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1305 	 * </dl>
1306 	 * @since 3.1
1307 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1308 	 */
1309 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS__NOT_VISIBLE_REF = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1310 	/**
1311 	 * Compiler option ID: Visibility Level For Invalid Javadoc Tags.
1312 	 * <p>Set the minimum visibility level for Javadoc tag problems. Below this level problems will be ignored.</p>
1313 	 * <dl>
1314 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsVisibility"</code></dd>
1315 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "public", "protected", "default", "private" }</code></dd>
1316 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"public"</code></dd>
1317 	 * </dl>
1318 	 * @since 3.0
1319 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1320 	 */
1321 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsVisibility"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1322 	/**
1323 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting missing tag description.
1324 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will report a warning or an error for any Javadoc tag missing a required description.</p>
1325 	 * <p>The severity of the problem is controlled with option {@link #COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC}.</p>
1326 	 * <p>It does not depend on option {@link #COMPILER_PB_INVALID_JAVADOC_TAGS}.</p>
1327 	 * <p>When this option is valued to {@link #COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAG_DESCRIPTION_ALL_STANDARD_TAGS},
1328 	 *       a subset of the standard <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javadoc.html#javadoctags">Javadoc tags</a>
1329 	 *       that have a description, text or label are checked. While this set may grow in the future, note that user-defined tags are not and will not be checked.</p>
1330 	 * <dl>
1331 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagDescription"</code></dd>
1332 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "return_tag", "all_standard_tags", "no_tag" }</code></dd>
1333 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"return_tag"</code></dd>
1334 	 * </dl>
1335 	 * @since 3.4
1336 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1337 	 */
1338 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAG_DESCRIPTION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagDescription"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1339 	/**
1340 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Javadoc Tags.
1341 	 * <p>This is the generic control for the severity of Javadoc missing tag problems.
1342 	 *    When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when tags are missing in Javadoc comments.</p>
1343 	 * <p>Note that this diagnosis can be enabled based on the visibility of the construct associated with the Javadoc;
1344 	 *    also see the setting {@link #COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY}.</p>
1345 	 * <dl>
1346 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocTags"</code></dd>
1347 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1348 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1349 	 * </dl>
1350 	 * @since 3.0
1351 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1352 	 */
1353 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocTags"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1354 	/**
1355 	 * Compiler option ID: Visibility Level For Missing Javadoc Tags.
1356 	 * <p>Set the minimum visibility level for Javadoc missing tag problems. Below this level problems will be ignored.</p>
1357 	 * <dl>
1358 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagsVisibility"</code></dd>
1359 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "public", "protected", "default", "private" }</code></dd>
1360 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"public"</code></dd>
1361 	 * </dl>
1362 	 * @since 3.0
1363 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1364 	 */
1365 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS_VISIBILITY = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagsVisibility"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1366 	/**
1367 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Javadoc Tags on Overriding Methods.
1368 	 * <p>Specify whether the compiler will verify overriding methods in order to report Javadoc missing tag problems.</p>
1369 	 * <dl>
1370 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagsOverriding"</code></dd>
1371 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1372 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1373 	 * </dl>
1374 	 * @since 3.0
1375 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1376 	 */
1377 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS_OVERRIDING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagsOverriding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1378 	/**
1379 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Javadoc Tags for Method Type Parameters.
1380 	 * <p>Specify whether a missing <code>@param</code> for a type parameter in a method declaration should be reported.
1381 	 *    When enabled, the compiler will issue a missing Javadoc tag error or warning for a type parameter without a
1382 	 *    corresponding <code>@param</code> tag.</p>
1383 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the compiler compliance is 1.5 or greater.</p>
1384 	 * <dl>
1385 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagsMethodTypeParameters"</code></dd>
1386 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1387 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1388 	 * </dl>
1389 	 * @since 3.7
1390 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1391 	 */
1392 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAGS_METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETERS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocTagsMethodTypeParameters"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1393 	/**
1394 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Javadoc Comments.
1395 	 * <p>This is the generic control for the severity of missing Javadoc comment problems.
1396 	 *    When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when Javadoc comments are missing.</p>
1397 	 * <p>Note that this diagnosis can be enabled based on the visibility of the construct associated with the expected Javadoc;
1398 	 *    also see the setting {@link #COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS_VISIBILITY}.</p>
1399 	 * <dl>
1400 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocComments"</code></dd>
1401 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1402 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1403 	 * </dl>
1404 	 * @since 3.0
1405 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1406 	 */
1407 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocComments"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1408 	/**
1409 	 * Compiler option ID: Visibility Level For Missing Javadoc Comments.
1410 	 * <p>Set the minimum visibility level for missing Javadoc problems. Below this level problems will be ignored.</p>
1411 	 * <dl>
1412 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocCommentsVisibility"</code></dd>
1413 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "public", "protected", "default", "private" }</code></dd>
1414 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"public"</code></dd>
1415 	 * </dl>
1416 	 * @since 3.0
1417 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1418 	 */
1419 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS_VISIBILITY = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocCommentsVisibility"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1420 	/**
1421 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Javadoc Comments on Overriding Methods.
1422 	 * <p>Specify whether the compiler will verify overriding methods in order to report missing Javadoc comment problems.</p>
1423 	 * <dl>
1424 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingJavadocCommentsOverriding"</code></dd>
1425 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1426 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1427 	 * </dl>
1428 	 * @since 3.0
1429 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1430 	 */
1431 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_COMMENTS_OVERRIDING = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingJavadocCommentsOverriding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1432 	/**
1433 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Usage of <code>char[]</code> Expressions in String Concatenations.
1434 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a <code>char[]</code> expression
1435 	 *    is used in String concatenations (for example, <code>"hello" + new char[]{'w','o','r','l','d'}</code>).</p>
1436 	 * <dl>
1437 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.noImplicitStringConversion"</code></dd>
1438 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1439 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1440 	 * </dl>
1441 	 * @since 2.1
1442 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1443 	 */
1444 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_CHAR_ARRAY_IN_STRING_CONCATENATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.noImplicitStringConversion"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1445 	/**
1446 	 * Compiler option ID: Maximum Number of Problems Reported per Compilation Unit.
1447 	 * <p>Specify the maximum number of problems reported on each compilation unit.</p>
1448 	 * <dl>
1449 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.maxProblemPerUnit"</code></dd>
1450 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>"&lt;n&gt;"</code> where <code>&lt;n&gt;</code> is zero or a positive integer (if zero then all problems are reported).</dd>
1451 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"100"</code></dd>
1452 	 * </dl>
1453 	 * @since 2.0
1454 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1455 	 */
1456 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MAX_PER_UNIT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.maxProblemPerUnit"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1457 	/**
1458 	 * Compiler option ID: Treating Optional Error as Fatal.
1459 	 * <p>When enabled, optional errors (i.e. optional problems which severity is set to <code>"error"</code>) will be treated as standard
1460 	 *    compiler errors, yielding problem methods/types preventing from running offending code until the issue got resolved.</p>
1461 	 * <p>When disabled, optional errors are only considered as warnings, still carrying an error indication to make them more
1462 	 *    severe. Note that by default, optional errors are not fatal. Non-optional errors are
1463 	 *    always fatal.</p>
1464 	 * <dl>
1465 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.fatalOptionalError"</code></dd>
1466 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1467 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1468 	 * </dl>
1469 	 * @since 3.2
1470 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1471 	 */
1472 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_FATAL_OPTIONAL_ERROR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.fatalOptionalError"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1473 	/**
1474 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Parameter Assignment.
1475 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a parameter is
1476 	 *    assigned to.</p>
1477 	 * <dl>
1478 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.parameterAssignment"</code></dd>
1479 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1480 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1481 	 * </dl>
1482 	 * @since 3.2
1483 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1484 	 */
1485 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_PARAMETER_ASSIGNMENT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.parameterAssignment"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1486 	/**
1487 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a method that qualifies as static, but not declared static.
1488 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a method has
1489 	 *    not been declared as <code>static</code>, even though it qualifies as one.</p>
1490 	 * <dl>
1491 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.reportMethodCanBeStatic"</code></dd>
1492 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1493 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1494 	 * </dl>
1495 	 * @since 3.7
1496 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1497 	 */
1498 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_STATIC_ON_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.reportMethodCanBeStatic"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1499 	/**
1500 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a method that may qualify as static, but not declared static.
1501 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a method has
1502 	 *    not been declared as <code>static</code>, even though it may qualify as one,
1503 	 *    when another method doesn't override it.</p>
1504 	 * <dl>
1505 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.reportMethodCanBePotentiallyStatic"</code></dd>
1506 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1507 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1508 	 * </dl>
1509 	 * @since 3.7
1510 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1511 	 */
1512 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_POTENTIALLY_MISSING_STATIC_ON_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.reportMethodCanBePotentiallyStatic"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1513 	/**
1514 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a resource that is not closed properly.
1515 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if
1516 	 *    a local variable holds a value of type <code>java.lang.AutoCloseable</code> (compliance>=1.7)
1517 	 *    or a value of type <code>java.io.Closeable</code> (compliance<=1.6) and if
1518 	 *    flow analysis shows that the method <code>close()</code> is not invoked locally on that value.</p>
1519 	 * <dl>
1520 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unclosedCloseable"</code></dd>
1521 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1522 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1523 	 * </dl>
1524 	 * @since 3.8
1525 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1526 	 */
1527 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNCLOSED_CLOSEABLE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unclosedCloseable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1528 	/**
1529 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a resource that may not be closed properly.
1530 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if
1531 	 *    a local variable holds a value of type <code>java.lang.AutoCloseable</code> (compliance>=1.7)
1532 	 *    or a value of type <code>java.io.Closeable</code> (compliance<=1.6) and if
1533 	 *    flow analysis shows that the method <code>close()</code> is
1534 	 *    not invoked locally on that value for all execution paths.</p>
1535 	 * <dl>
1536 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.potentiallyUnclosedCloseable"</code></dd>
1537 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1538 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1539 	 * </dl>
1540 	 * @since 3.8
1541 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1542 	 */
1543 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_POTENTIALLY_UNCLOSED_CLOSEABLE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.potentiallyUnclosedCloseable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1544 	/**
1545 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a resource that is not managed by try-with-resources.
1546 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a local variable
1547 	 * 	  holds a value of type <code>java.lang.AutoCloseable</code>, and if the method
1548 	 *    <code>close()</code> is explicitly invoked on that resource, but the resource is
1549 	 *    not managed by a try-with-resources block.</p>
1550 	 * <dl>
1551 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.explicitlyClosedAutoCloseable"</code></dd>
1552 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1553 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1554 	 * </dl>
1555 	 * @since 3.8
1556 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1557 	 */
1558 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_EXPLICITLY_CLOSED_AUTOCLOSEABLE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.explicitlyClosedAutoCloseable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1560 	/**
1561 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a method invocation providing an argument of an unlikely type.
1562 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning when certain well-known Collection methods
1563 	 *    that take an 'Object', like e.g. {@link Map#get(Object)}, are used with an argument type
1564 	 *    that seems to be not related to the corresponding type argument of the Collection.</p>
1565 	 * <p>By default, this analysis will apply some heuristics to determine whether or not two
1566 	 *    types may or may not be related, which can be changed via option
1568 	 * <dl>
1569 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType"</code></dd>
1570 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1571 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1572 	 * </dl>
1573 	 * @since 3.13
1574 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1575 	 */
1576 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNLIKELY_COLLECTION_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1578 	/**
1579 	 * Compiler option ID: Perform strict analysis against the expected type of collection methods.
1580 	 * <p>This is a sub-option of {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNLIKELY_COLLECTION_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE},
1581 	 *    which will replace the heuristics with strict compatibility checks,
1582 	 *    i.e., each argument that is not strictly compatible with the expected type will trigger an error or warning.</p>
1583 	 * <p>This option has no effect if {@link #COMPILER_PB_UNLIKELY_COLLECTION_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE} is set to <code>"ignore"</code>.</p>
1584 	 * <dl>
1585 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentTypeStrict"</code></dd>
1586 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
1587 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1588 	 * </dl>
1589 	 * @since 3.13
1590 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1591 	 */
1592 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNLIKELY_COLLECTION_METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_STRICT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentTypeStrict"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1594 	/**
1595 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting a method invocation providing an argument of an unlikely type to method 'equals'.
1596 	 * <p>
1597 	 * When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning when {@link java.lang.Object#equals(Object)} is used with an argument type
1598 	 * that seems to be not related to the receiver's type, or correspondingly when the arguments of {@link java.util.Objects#equals(Object, Object)}
1599 	 * have types that seem to be not related to each other.
1600 	 * </p>
1601 	 * <dl>
1602 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unlikelyEqualsArgumentType"</code></dd>
1603 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt>
1604 	 * <dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1605 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"info"</code></dd>
1606 	 * </dl>
1607 	 *
1608 	 * @since 3.13
1609 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1610 	 */
1611 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNLIKELY_EQUALS_ARGUMENT_TYPE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unlikelyEqualsArgumentType"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1613 	/**
1614 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting when public API uses a non-API type.
1615 	 * <p>
1616 	 * This option is relevant only when compiling code in a named module (at compliance 9 or greater).
1617 	 * <p>
1618 	 * When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning when public API mentions a type that is not
1619 	 * accessible to clients. Here, public API refers to signatures of public fields and methods declared
1620 	 * by a public type in an exported package.
1621 	 * In these positions types are complained against that are either not public or not in an exported package.
1622 	 * Export qualification is not taken into account.
1623 	 * If a type in one of these positions is declared in another module that is required by the current module,
1624 	 * but without the {@code transitive} modifier, this is reported as a problem, too.
1625 	 * <dl>
1626 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.APILeak"</code></dd>
1627 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt>
1628 	 * <dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1629 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1630 	 * </dl>
1631 	 *
1632 	 * @since 3.14
1633 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1634 	 */
1635 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_API_LEAKS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.APILeak"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1637 	/**
1638 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting when a module requires an auto module with an unstable name.
1639 	 * <p>
1640 	 * The name of an auto module name is considered unstable when it is derived from a file name rather than
1641 	 * being declared in the module's MANIFEST.MF.
1642 	 * <p>
1643 	 * When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning when a module references an auto module
1644 	 * with an unstable name in its 'requires' clause.
1645 	 * <dl>
1646 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unstableAutoModuleName"</code></dd>
1647 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt>
1648 	 * <dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1649 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1650 	 * </dl>
1651 	 *
1652 	 * @since 3.14
1653 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1654 	 */
1655 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNSTABLE_AUTO_MODULE_NAME = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unstableAutoModuleName"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1657 	/**
1658 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting when a {@code @SuppressWarnings} annotation might be unused, but exact information is not available.
1659 	 * <p>
1660 	 * This issue occurs when a suppress warnings token (like, e.g., {@code "unused"}) represents a group of problems,
1661 	 * and some of the problems in that group are currently disabled (configured as "ignore").
1662 	 * In this situation the compiler may not know if none of the problems in that group could be found within the
1663 	 * annotated code section.
1664 	 * <p>
1665 	 * When enabled, the compiler will issue an error, warning or info when a {@code @SuppressWarnings} annotation
1666 	 * was not observed to be necessary, but analysis of the suppressed group of problems was incomplete.
1667 	 *
1668 	 * <dl>
1669 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.suppressWarningsNotFullyAnalysed"</code></dd>
1670 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt>
1671 	 * <dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1672 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"info"</code></dd>
1673 	 * </dl>
1674 	 *
1675 	 * @since 3.20
1676 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1677 	 */
1678 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_NOT_FULLY_ANALYSED = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.suppressWarningsNotFullyAnalysed"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1680 	/**
1681 	 * Compiler option ID: Annotation-based Null Analysis.
1682 	 * <p>This option controls whether the compiler will use null annotations for
1683 	 *    improved analysis of (potential) null references.</p>
1684 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will interpret the annotation types defined using
1686 	 *    as specifying whether or not a given type includes the value <code>null</code>.</p>
1687 	 * <p>The effect of these analyses is further controlled by the options
1691 	 * </p>
1692 	 * <dl>
1693 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nullanalysis"</code></dd>
1694 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "disabled", "enabled" }</code></dd>
1695 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1696 	 * </dl>
1697 	 * @since 3.8
1698 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1699 	 */
1700 	public static final String COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nullanalysis"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1701 	/**
1702 	 * Compiler option ID: Name of Annotation Type for Nullable Types.
1703 	 * <p>This option defines a fully qualified Java type name that the compiler may use
1704 	 *    to perform special null analysis.</p>
1705 	 * <p>If the annotation specified by this option is applied to a type in a method
1706 	 *    signature or variable declaration, this will be interpreted as a specification
1707 	 *    that <code>null</code> is a legal value in that position. Currently supported
1708 	 *    positions are: method parameters, method return type, fields and local variables.</p>
1709 	 * <p>If a value whose type
1710 	 *    is annotated with this annotation is dereferenced without checking for null,
1711 	 *    the compiler will trigger a diagnostic as further controlled by
1713 	 * <p>The compiler may furthermore check adherence to the null specification as
1714 	 *    further controlled by {@link #COMPILER_PB_NULL_SPECIFICATION_VIOLATION},
1717 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1718 	 * <dl>
1719 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nullable"</code></dd>
1720 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd>any legal, fully qualified Java type name; must resolve to an annotation type.</dd>
1721 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable"</code></dd>
1722 	 * </dl>
1723 	 * @since 3.8
1724 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1725 	 */
1726 	public static final String COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nullable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1727 	/**
1728 	 * Compiler option ID: Names of Secondary Annotation Types for Nullable Types.
1729 	 * <p>This option defines a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java type names
1730 	 *    that the compiler may use to perform special null analysis.</p>
1731 	 * <p>The annotation types identified by the names in this list are interpreted in the same way
1732 	 *    as the annotation identified by {@link #COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME}.
1733 	 *    The intention is to support libraries using different sets of null annotations,
1734 	 *    in addition to those used by the current project. Secondary null annotations should not be
1735 	 *    used in the project's own source code.</p>
1736 	 * <p>JDT will never actively use any secondary annotation names from this list,
1737 	 *    i.e., inferred null annotations and content assist proposals mentioning null annotations
1738 	 *    are always rendered using the primary name from {@link #COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME}.</p>
1739 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1740 	 * <dl>
1741 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nullable.secondary"</code></dd>
1742 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd>a comma-separated list of legal, fully qualified Java type names;
1743 	 *     each name in the list must resolve to an annotation type.</dd>
1744 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
1745 	 * </dl>
1746 	 * @since 3.12
1747 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1748 	 */
1749 	public static final String COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nullable.secondary"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1750 	/**
1751 	 * Compiler option ID: Name of Annotation Type for Non-Null Types.
1752 	 * <p>This option defines a fully qualified Java type name that the compiler may use
1753 	 *    to perform special null analysis.</p>
1754 	 * <p>If the annotation specified by this option is applied to a type in a method
1755 	 *    signature or variable declaration, this will be interpreted as a specification
1756 	 *    that <code>null</code> is <b>not</b> a legal value in that position. Currently
1757 	 *    supported positions are: method parameters, method return type, fields and local variables.</p>
1758 	 * <p>For values declared with this annotation, the compiler will never trigger a null
1759 	 *    reference diagnostic (as controlled by {@link #COMPILER_PB_POTENTIAL_NULL_REFERENCE}
1760 	 *    and {@link #COMPILER_PB_NULL_REFERENCE}), because the assumption is made that null
1761 	 *    will never occur at runtime in these positions.</p>
1762 	 * <p>The compiler may furthermore check adherence to the null specification as further
1763 	 *    controlled by {@link #COMPILER_PB_NULL_SPECIFICATION_VIOLATION},
1766 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1767 	 * <dl>
1768 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nonnull"</code></dd>
1769 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd>any legal, fully qualified Java type name; must resolve to an annotation type.</dd>
1770 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull"</code></dd>
1771 	 * </dl>
1772 	 * @since 3.8
1773 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1774 	 */
1775 	public static final String COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nonnull"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1776 	/**
1777 	 * Compiler option ID: Names of Secondary Annotation Types for Non-Null Types.
1778 	 * <p>This option defines a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java type names
1779 	 *    that the compiler may use to perform special null analysis.</p>
1780 	 * <p>The annotation types identified by the names in this list are interpreted in the same way
1781 	 *    as the annotation identified by {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME}.
1782 	 *    The intention is to support libraries using different sets of null annotations,
1783 	 *    in addition to those used by the current project. Secondary null annotations should not be
1784 	 *    used in the project's own source code.</p>
1785 	 * <p>JDT will never actively use any secondary annotation names from this list,
1786 	 *    i.e., inferred null annotations and content assist proposals mentioning null annotations
1787 	 *    are always rendered using the primary name from {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME}.</p>
1788 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1789 	 * <dl>
1790 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nonnull.secondary"</code></dd>
1791 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd>a comma-separated list of legal, fully qualified Java type names;
1792 	 *     each name in the list must resolve to an annotation type.</dd>
1793 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
1794 	 * </dl>
1795 	 * @since 3.12
1796 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1797 	 */
1798 	public static final String COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nonnull.secondary"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1799 	/**
1800 	 * Compiler option ID: Name of Annotation Type to specify a nullness default for unannotated types.
1801 	 * <p>This option defines a fully qualified Java type name that the compiler may use
1802 	 *    to perform special null analysis.</p>
1803 	 * <p>If the annotation is applied without an argument, all unannotated types in method signatures
1804 	 *    and field declarations within the annotated element will be treated as if they were specified
1805 	 *    with the non-null annotation (see {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME}).</p>
1806 	 * <p>If the annotation is applied with the constant <code>false</code> as its argument
1807 	 *    all corresponding defaults at outer scopes will be canceled for the annotated element.</p>
1808 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1809 	 * <dl>
1810 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nonnullbydefault"</code></dd>
1811 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd>any legal, fully qualified Java type name; must resolve to an annotation type.
1812 	 *     That annotation type should have exactly one boolean parameter.</dd>
1813 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault"</code></dd>
1814 	 * </dl>
1815 	 * @since 3.8
1816 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1817 	 */
1818 	public static final String COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nonnullbydefault"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1819 	/**
1820 	 * Compiler option ID: Names of Secondary Annotation Types to specify a nullness default for unannotated types.
1821 	 * <p>This option defines a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java type names
1822 	 *    that the compiler may use to perform special null analysis.</p>
1823 	 * <p>The annotation types identified by the names in this list are interpreted in the same way
1824 	 *    as the annotation identified by {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME}.
1825 	 *    The intention is to support libraries using different sets of null annotations,
1826 	 *    in addition to those used by the current project. Secondary null annotations should not be
1827 	 *    used in the project's own source code.</p>
1828 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1829 	 * <dl>
1830 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.nonnullbydefault.secondary"</code></dd>
1831 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd>a comma-separated list of legal, fully qualified Java type names;
1832 	 *     each name in the list must resolve to an annotation type.</dd>
1833 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
1834 	 * </dl>
1835 	 * @since 3.12
1836 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1837 	 */
1838 	public static final String COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.nonnullbydefault.secondary"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1839 	/**
1840 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting missing default nullness annotation.
1841 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning in the following cases:</p>
1842 	 * <ul>
1843 	 * <li> When a package does not contain a default nullness annotation, as a result of missing package-info.java
1844 	 * or missing default nullness annotation in package-info.java.</li>
1845 	 * <li> When a type inside a default package does not contain a default nullness annotation.</li>
1846 	 * </ul>
1847 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1848 	 * <dl>
1849 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.missingNonNullByDefaultAnnotation"</code></dd>
1850 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code>.</dd>
1851 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
1852 	 * </dl>
1853 	 * @since 3.8
1854 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1855 	 */
1856 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.annotation.missingNonNullByDefaultAnnotation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1857 	/**
1858 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Violations of Null Specifications.
1859 	 * <p>Depending on this option, the compiler will issue either an error or a warning
1860 	 *    whenever one of the following situations is detected:</p>
1861 	 *    <ol>
1862 	 *    <li>A method declared with a nonnull annotation returns a
1863 	 *        <em>nullable</em> expression.</li>
1864 	 *    <li>A <em>nullable</em> expression is passed
1865      *        as an argument in a method call where the corresponding parameter of the called
1866      *        method is declared with a nonnull annotation.</li>
1867 	 *    <li>A <em>nullable</em> expression is assigned
1868      *        to a local variable that is declared with a nonnull annotation.</li>
1869 	 *    <li>A method that overrides an inherited method declared with a nonnull annotation
1870 	 *        tries to relax that contract by specifying a nullable annotation
1871 	 *        (prohibition of contravariant return).</li>
1872 	 *    <li>A method that overrides an inherited method which has a nullable declaration
1873 	 *        for at least one of its parameters, tries to tighten that null contract by
1874 	 *        specifying a nonnull annotation for its corresponding parameter
1875 	 *        (prohibition of covariant parameters).</li>
1876 	 *    <li>A non-static field with a nonnull annotation is not definitely assigned at
1877 	 *        the end of each constructor.</li>
1878 	 *    <li>A static field with a nonnull annotation is not definitely assigned in static initializers.</li>
1879 	 *    </ol>
1880 	 *    In the above an expression is considered as <em>nullable</em> if
1881 	 *    either it is statically known to evaluate to the value <code>null</code>, or if it is
1882 	 *    declared with a nullable annotation.
1883 	 * <p>The compiler options {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME} and
1884 	 *    {@link #COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME} control which annotations the compiler
1885 	 *    shall interpret as nonnull or nullable annotations, respectively.
1886 	 * </p>
1887 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1888 	 * <dl>
1889 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nullSpecViolation"</code></dd>
1890 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning" }</code></dd>
1891 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
1892 	 * </dl>
1893 	 * @since 3.8
1894 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1895 	 */
1896 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NULL_SPECIFICATION_VIOLATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.nullSpecViolation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1897 	/**
1898 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting conflicts between declared null annotation and inferred null value
1899 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever one of the
1900 	 *    following situations is detected:</p>
1901 	 *    <ol>
1902 	 *    <li>A method declared with a nonnull annotation returns an expression that is
1903 	 *          statically known to evaluate to a null value on some flow.</li>
1904 	 *    <li>An expression that is statically known to evaluate to a null value on some flow
1905 	 *        is passed as an argument in a method call where the corresponding parameter of
1906 	 *        the called method is declared with a nonnull annotation.</li>
1907 	 *    <li>An expression that is statically known to evaluate to a null value on some flow
1908 	 *        is assigned to a local variable that is declared with a nonnull annotation.</li>
1909 	 *    </ol>
1910 	 * <p>The compiler options {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME} and
1911 	 *    {@link #COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME} control which annotations the compiler
1912 	 *    shall interpret as nonnull or nullable annotations, respectively.
1913 	 * </p>
1914 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1915 	 * <dl>
1916 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nullAnnotationInferenceConflict"</code></dd>
1917 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1918 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
1919 	 * </dl>
1920 	 * @since 3.8
1921 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1922 	 */
1923 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NULL_ANNOTATION_INFERENCE_CONFLICT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.nullAnnotationInferenceConflict"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1924 	/**
1925 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting unchecked conversion from a type with unknown nullness to a null annotated type
1926 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever one of the
1927 	 *    following situations is detected:</p>
1928 	 *    <ol>
1929 	 *    <li>A method declared with a nonnull annotation returns an expression for which
1930 	 *        insufficient nullness information is available for statically proving that no
1931 	 *        flow will pass a null value at runtime.</li>
1932 	 *    <li>An expression for which insufficient nullness information is available for
1933 	 *        statically proving that it will never evaluate to a null value at runtime
1934 	 *        is passed as an argument in a method call where the corresponding parameter of
1935 	 *        the called method is declared with a nonnull annotation.</li>
1936 	 *    <li>An expression for which insufficient nullness information is available for
1937 	 *        statically proving that it will never evaluate to a null value at runtime
1938 	 *        is assigned to a local variable that is declared with a nonnull annotation.</li>
1939 	 *    </ol>
1940 	 * <p>Unchecked null conversion is usually a consequence of using other unannotated
1941 	 *    variables or methods.</p>
1942 	 * <p>The compiler options {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME} and
1943 	 *    {@link #COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME} control which annotations the compiler
1944 	 *    shall interpret as nonnull or nullable annotations, respectively.
1945 	 * </p>
1946 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1947 	 * <dl>
1948 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nullUncheckedConversion"</code></dd>
1949 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1950 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1951 	 * </dl>
1952 	 * @since 3.8
1953 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1954 	 */
1955 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NULL_UNCHECKED_CONVERSION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.nullUncheckedConversion"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1956 	/**
1957 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting problems detected by pessimistic null analysis for free type variables.
1958 	 * <p>Unless set to <code>"ignore"</code>, type variables not affected by any explicit null annotation are pessimistically analyzed
1959 	 * in two directions: When reading a value of this type, it is assumed to be nullable. When this type appears as the required type
1960 	 * (i.e., at the left hand side of an assignment or variable initialization, or as the method return type against which a return statement
1961 	 * is being checked) the type is considered to require the nonnull property.</p>
1962 	 * <p>Problems reported due to this pessimistic analysis are reported with the level given in this option.</p>
1963 	 * @since 3.12
1964 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1965 	 * <dl>
1966 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.pessimisticNullAnalysisForFreeTypeVariables"</code></dd>
1967 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1968 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1969 	 * </dl>
1970 	 */
1971 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_PESSIMISTIC_NULL_ANALYSIS_FOR_FREE_TYPE_VARIABLES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.pessimisticNullAnalysisForFreeTypeVariables"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1972 	/**
1973 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Redundant Null Annotations.
1974 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when a non-null annotation
1975 	 *    (see {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME})
1976 	 *    is applied although the same effect is already achieved by a default applicable at the
1977 	 *    current location. Such a default may be set by using the annotation specified by the option
1979 	 * </p>
1980 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled.</p>
1981 	 * <dl>
1982 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.redundantNullAnnotation"</code></dd>
1983 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
1984 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
1985 	 * </dl>
1986 	 * @since 3.8
1987 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
1988 	 */
1989 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_REDUNDANT_NULL_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.redundantNullAnnotation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1990 	/**
1991 	 * Compiler option ID: Perform syntactic null analysis for fields.
1992 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will detect certain syntactic constellations where a null
1993 	 *	  related warning against a field reference would normally be raised but can be suppressed
1994 	 *    at low risk given that the same field reference was known to be non-null immediately before.</p>
1995 	 * <dl>
1996 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.syntacticNullAnalysisForFields"</code></dd>
1997 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "disabled", "enabled" }</code></dd>
1998 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
1999 	 * </dl>
2000 	 * @since 3.9
2001 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2002 	 */
2003 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SYNTACTIC_NULL_ANALYSIS_FOR_FIELDS = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".compiler.problem.syntacticNullAnalysisForFields"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2004 	/**
2005 	 * Compiler option ID: Inheritance of null annotations.
2006 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will check for each method without any explicit null annotations:
2007 	 *    If it overrides a method which has null annotations, it will treat the
2008 	 *    current method as if it had the same annotations as the overridden method.</p>
2009 	 * <p>Annotation inheritance will use the <em>effective</em> nullness of the overridden method
2010 	 *    after transitively applying inheritance and after applying any default nullness
2011 	 *    (see {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME}) at the site of the overridden method.</p>
2012 	 * <p>If different implicit null annotations (from a nonnull default and/or overridden methods) are applicable
2013 	 *    to the same type in a method signature, this is flagged as an error
2014 	 *    and an explicit null annotation must be used to disambiguate.</p>
2015 	 * <dl>
2016 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.annotation.inheritNullAnnotations"</code></dd>
2017 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "disabled", "enabled" }</code></dd>
2018 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2019 	 * </dl>
2020 	 * @since 3.9
2021 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2022 	 */
2023 	public static final String COMPILER_INHERIT_NULL_ANNOTATIONS = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".compiler.annotation.inheritNullAnnotations"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2024 	/**
2025 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Dropped Nonnull Parameter Annotations.
2026 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning against a parameter of
2027 	 *    a method that overrides an inherited method
2028 	 *    if all of the following hold:</p>
2029 	 * <ul>
2030 	 *    <li>The overridden method declares the corresponding parameter as non-null (see {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME}).</li>
2031 	 *    <li>The parameter in the overriding method has no null annotation.</li>
2032 	 *    <li>The overriding method is not affected by a nullness default (see {@link #COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME}).</li>
2033 	 *    <li>Inheritance of null annotations is disabled (see {@link #COMPILER_INHERIT_NULL_ANNOTATIONS}).</li>
2034 	 * </ul>
2035 	 * <p>This particular situation bears the same inherent risk as any unannotated method parameter,
2036 	 *    because the compiler's null ananysis cannot decide wither <code>null</code> is or is not a legal value for this parameter.
2037 	 *    However, the annotation in the overridden method <em>suggests</em> that the parameter should also be annotated as non-null.
2038 	 *    If that is not intended or possible, it is recommended to annotate the parameter as nullable,
2039 	 *    in order to make this (legal) change of contract explicit.</p>
2040 	 * <dl>
2041 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nonnullParameterAnnotationDropped"</code></dd>
2042 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2043 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2044 	 * </dl>
2045 	 * @since 3.9
2046 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2047 	 */
2048 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NONNULL_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION_DROPPED = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".compiler.problem.nonnullParameterAnnotationDropped"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2049 	/**
2050 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unsafe NonNull Interpretation Of Type Variables.
2051 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning against a method call
2052 	 *    if all of the following hold:</p>
2053 	 * <ul>
2054 	 *    <li>The method's declared return type is a type variable without any null annotation.</li>
2055 	 *    <li>For the given invocation this type variable is substituted with a nonnull type.</li>
2056 	 *    <li>The type declaring the method is provided by a third-party library.</li>
2057 	 *    <li>No null annotations exist for this library type, neither in its class file nor using external annotations.</li>
2058 	 * </ul>
2059 	 * <p>This particular situation leverages the option to consistently substitute all occurrences of a type variable
2060 	 *  with a nonnull type, but it bears the risk that the library type may not be aware of null annotations thus lacking
2061 	 *  a necessary <code>@Nullable</code> annotation for a particular occurrence of a type variable.</p>
2062 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the option {@link #COMPILER_ANNOTATION_NULL_ANALYSIS} is enabled and when
2063 	 *  the configured set of null annotations declares the target <code>TYPE_USE</code></p>
2064 	 * <dl>
2065 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nonnullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation"</code></dd>
2066 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2067 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2068 	 * </dl>
2069 	 * @since 3.12
2070 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2071 	 */
2072 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NONNULL_TYPEVAR_FROM_LEGACY_INVOCATION = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".compiler.problem.nonnullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2073 	/**
2074 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unsafe Conversion To Unannotated Type Argument.
2075 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error, warning or info when a value of a parameterized type
2076 	 * with annotated type arguments is assigned to a variable / bound to a method argument, where the corresponding
2077 	 * type argument is unannotated.</p>
2078 	 * <p>This situation is problematic because it will enable using the less-annotated type to manipulate the given
2079 	 * objects in ways that may violate contracts of the more-annotated type.</p>
2080 	 * <dl>
2081 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.annotatedTypeArgumentToUnannotated"</code></dd>
2082 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2083 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"info"</code></dd>
2084 	 * </dl>
2085 	 * @since 3.21
2086 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2087 	 */
2088 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_ANNOTATED_TYPE_ARGUMENT_TO_UNANNOTATED = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".compiler.problem.annotatedTypeArgumentToUnannotated"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2089 	/**
2090 	 * Compiler option ID: Setting Source Compatibility Mode.
2091 	 * <p>Specify whether which source level compatibility is used. From 1.4 on, <code>'assert'</code> is a keyword
2092 	 *    reserved for assertion support. Also note, than when toggling to 1.4 mode, the target VM
2093 	 *    level should be set to <code>"1.4"</code> and the compliance mode should be <code>"1.4"</code>.</p>
2094 	 * <p>Source level 1.5 is necessary to enable generics, autoboxing, covariance, annotations, enumerations
2095 	 *    enhanced for loop, static imports and varargs.</p>
2096 	 * <p>In source levels <code>"1.5"</code> and higher, the compliance and target settings should be
2097 	 *    set to the same version as the source level.</p>
2098 	 * <dl>
2099 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source"</code></dd>
2100 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "9", "10", "11" }</code></dd>
2101 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"1.3"</code></dd>
2102 	 * </dl>
2103 	 * @since 2.0
2104 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2107 	 * @see #setComplianceOptions(String, Map)
2108 	 */
2109 	public static final String COMPILER_SOURCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.source"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2110 	/**
2111 	 * Compiler option ID: Setting Compliance Level.
2112 	 * <p>Select the compliance level for the compiler.
2113 	 *    {@link #COMPILER_SOURCE} and {@link #COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM} settings cannot be
2114 	 *    higher than the compiler compliance level. In <code>"1.5"</code> and higher compliance, source and target settings
2115 	 *    should match the compliance setting.</p>
2116 	 * <dl>
2117 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance"</code></dd>
2118 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "9", "10", "11" }</code></dd>
2119 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"1.4"</code></dd>
2120 	 * </dl>
2121 	 * @since 2.0
2122 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2123 	 * @see #COMPILER_SOURCE
2125 	 * @see #setComplianceOptions(String, Map)
2126 	 */
2127 	public static final String COMPILER_COMPLIANCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.compliance"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2128 	/**
2129 	 * Compiler option ID: Use system libraries from release.
2130 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will compile against the system libraries from release
2131 	 * of the specified compliance level</p>
2132 	 * <p>Setting this option sets the {@link #COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM}) and {@link #COMPILER_SOURCE} to
2133 	 * the same level as the compiler compliance. This option is available to a project only when a supporting
2134 	 * JDK is found in the project's build path</p>
2135 	 * <dl>
2136 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.release"</code></dd>
2137 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2138 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2139 	 * </dl>
2140 	 * @since 3.14
2141 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2142 	 */
2143 	public static final String COMPILER_RELEASE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.release"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2144 	/**
2145 	 * Compiler option ID: Defining the Automatic Task Priorities.
2146 	 * <p>In parallel with the Automatic Task Tags, this list defines the priorities (high, normal or low)
2147 	 *    of the task markers issued by the compiler.
2148 	 *    If the default is specified, the priority of each task marker is <code>"NORMAL"</code>.</p>
2149 	 * <p>Task Priorities and task tags must have the same length. If task priorities are set, then task tags should also
2150 	 * be set.</p>
2151 	 * <dl>
2152 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.taskPriorities"</code></dd>
2153 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;priority&gt;[,&lt;priority&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;priority&gt;</code> is one of <code>"HIGH"</code>, <code>"NORMAL"</code> or <code>"LOW"</code></dd>
2154 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"NORMAL,HIGH,NORMAL"</code></dd>
2155 	 * </dl>
2156 	 * @since 2.1
2157 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2158 	 * @see #COMPILER_TASK_TAGS
2159 	 */
2160 	public static final String COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.taskPriorities"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2161 	/**
2162 	 * Compiler option ID: Defining the Automatic Task Tags.
2163 	 * <p>When the tag list is not empty, the compiler will issue a task marker whenever it encounters
2164 	 *    one of the corresponding tags inside any comment in Java source code.</p>
2165 	 * <p>Generated task messages will start with the tag, and range until the next line separator,
2166 	 *    comment ending, or tag.</p>
2167 	 * <p>When a given line of code bears multiple tags, each tag will be reported separately.
2168 	 *    Moreover, a tag immediately followed by another tag will be reported using the contents of the
2169 	 *    next non-empty tag of the line, if any.</p>
2170 	 * <p>Note that tasks messages are trimmed. If a tag is starting with a letter or digit, then it cannot be leaded by
2171 	 *    another letter or digit to be recognized (<code>"fooToDo"</code> will not be recognized as a task for tag <code>"ToDo"</code>, but <code>"foo#ToDo"</code>
2172 	 *    will be detected for either tag <code>"ToDo"</code> or <code>"#ToDo"</code>). Respectively, a tag ending with a letter or digit cannot be followed
2173 	 *    by a letter or digit to be recognized (<code>"ToDofoo"</code> will not be recognized as a task for tag <code>"ToDo"</code>, but <code>"ToDo:foo"</code> will
2174 	 *    be detected either for tag <code>"ToDo"</code> or <code>"ToDo:"</code>).</p>
2175 	 * <p>Task Priorities and task tags must have the same length. If task tags are set, then task priorities should also
2176 	 * be set.</p>
2177 	 * <dl>
2178 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.taskTags"</code></dd>
2179 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;tag&gt;[,&lt;tag&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;tag&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card or leading/trailing spaces</dd>
2180 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"TODO,FIXME,XXX"</code></dd>
2181 	 * </dl>
2182 	 * @since 2.1
2183 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2185 	 */
2186 	public static final String COMPILER_TASK_TAGS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.taskTags"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2187 	/**
2188 	 * Compiler option ID: Determining whether task tags are case-sensitive.
2189 	 * <p>When enabled, task tags are considered in a case-sensitive way.</p>
2190 	 * <dl>
2191 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.taskCaseSensitive"</code></dd>
2192 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2193 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2194 	 * </dl>
2195 	 * @since 3.0
2196 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2197 	 */
2198 	public static final String COMPILER_TASK_CASE_SENSITIVE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.taskCaseSensitive"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2199 	/**
2200 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Forbidden Reference to Type with Restricted Access.
2201 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when referring to a type that is non accessible, as defined according
2202 	 *    to the access rule specifications.</p>
2203 	 * <dl>
2204 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.forbiddenReference"</code></dd>
2205 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2206 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
2207 	 * </dl>
2208 	 * @since 3.1
2209 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2210 	 */
2211 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.forbiddenReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2212 	/**
2213 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Discouraged Reference to Type with Restricted Access.
2214 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when referring to a type with discouraged access, as defined according
2215 	 *    to the access rule specifications.</p>
2216 	 * <dl>
2217 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.discouragedReference"</code></dd>
2218 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2219 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2220 	 * </dl>
2221 	 * @since 3.1
2222 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2223 	 */
2224 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.discouragedReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2225 	/**
2226 	 * Compiler option ID: Determining Effect of <code>@SuppressWarnings</code>.
2227 	 * <p>When enabled, the <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> annotation can be used to suppress some compiler warnings.</p>
2228 	 * <p>When disabled, all <code>@SupressWarnings</code> annotations are ignored; i.e., warnings are reported.</p>
2229 	 * <dl>
2230 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.suppressWarnings"</code></dd>
2231 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2232 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2233 	 * </dl>
2234 	 * @since 3.1
2235 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2236 	 */
2237 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.suppressWarnings"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2238 	/**
2239 	 * Compiler option ID: Raise null related errors or warnings arising because of assert statements.
2240 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will flag all null related errors or warnings that have been enabled by the user,
2241 	 *    irrespective of whether a variable occurred in an assert statement.</p>
2242 	 * <p>When disabled, the compiler will not flag null related errors or warnings on variables that got marked as maybe or definitely
2243 	 *    <code>null</code> in an assert statement upstream.</p>
2244 	 * <dl>
2245 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.includeNullInfoFromAsserts"</code></dd>
2246 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2247 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2248 	 * </dl>
2249 	 * @since 3.7
2250 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2251 	 */
2252 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_INCLUDE_ASSERTS_IN_NULL_ANALYSIS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.includeNullInfoFromAsserts"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2253 	/**
2254 	 * Compiler option ID: Further Determining the Effect of <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> if also
2255 	 * {@link #COMPILER_PB_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS} is enabled.
2256 	 * <p>When enabled, the <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> annotation can additionally be used to suppress
2257 	 * optional compiler diagnostics that have been configured as {@link #ERROR}.</p>
2258 	 * <p>When disabled, all <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> annotations only affects warnings.</p>
2259 	 * <dl>
2260 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.suppressOptionalErrors"</code></dd>
2261 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2262 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2263 	 * </dl>
2264 	 * @since 3.6
2265 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2266 	 */
2267 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_SUPPRESS_OPTIONAL_ERRORS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.suppressOptionalErrors"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2268 	/**
2269 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unhandled Warning Token for <code>@SuppressWarnings</code>.
2270 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when encountering a token
2271 	 *    it cannot handle inside a <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> annotation.</p>
2272 	 * <dl>
2273 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unhandledWarningToken"</code></dd>
2274 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2275 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2276 	 * </dl>
2277 	 * @since 3.1
2278 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2279 	 */
2280 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNHANDLED_WARNING_TOKEN = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unhandledWarningToken"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2281 	/**
2282 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Unnecessary <code>@SuppressWarnings</code>.
2283 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when encountering <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> annotation
2284 	 *    for which no corresponding warning got detected in the code. This diagnostic is provided to help developers to get
2285 	 *    rid of transient <code>@SuppressWarnings</code> no longer needed. Note that <code>@SuppressWarnings("all")</code> is still
2286 	 *    silencing the warning for unnecessary <code>@SuppressWarnings</code>, as it is the master switch to silence ALL warnings.</p>
2287 	 * <dl>
2288 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedWarningToken"</code></dd>
2289 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2290 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2291 	 * </dl>
2292 	 * @since 3.4
2293 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2294 	 */
2295 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_WARNING_TOKEN = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedWarningToken"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2296 	/**
2297 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Null Dereference.
2298 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a
2299 	 *    variable that is statically known to hold a null value is used to
2300 	 *    access a field or method.</p>
2301 	 * <p>Assert statements are ignored unless {@link #COMPILER_PB_INCLUDE_ASSERTS_IN_NULL_ANALYSIS}
2302 	 *    is enabled.</p>
2303 	 * <dl>
2304 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.nullReference"</code></dd>
2305 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2306 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2307 	 * </dl>
2308 	 * @since 3.2
2309 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2310 	 */
2311 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_NULL_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.nullReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2312 	/**
2313 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Potential Null Dereference.
2314 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a
2315 	 *    variable that has formerly been tested against null but is not (no more)
2316 	 *    statically known to hold a non-null value is used to access a field or
2317 	 *    method.</p>
2318 	 * <p>Assert statements are ignored unless {@link #COMPILER_PB_INCLUDE_ASSERTS_IN_NULL_ANALYSIS}
2319 	 *    is enabled.</p>
2320 	 * <dl>
2321 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.potentialNullReference"</code></dd>
2322 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2323 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2324 	 * </dl>
2325 	 * @since 3.3
2326 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2327 	 */
2328 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_POTENTIAL_NULL_REFERENCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.potentialNullReference"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2329 	/**
2330 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Redundant Null Check.
2331 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a
2332 	 *    variable that is statically known to hold a null or a non-null value
2333 	 *    is tested against null.</p>
2334 	 * <p>Assert statements are ignored unless {@link #COMPILER_PB_INCLUDE_ASSERTS_IN_NULL_ANALYSIS}
2335 	 *    is enabled.</p>
2336 	 * <dl>
2337 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.redundantNullCheck"</code></dd>
2338 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2339 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2340 	 * </dl>
2341 	 * @since 3.3
2342 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2343 	 */
2344 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_REDUNDANT_NULL_CHECK = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.redundantNullCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2345 	/**
2346 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Overriding method that doesn't call the super method invocation.
2347 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a method is overriding a method without calling
2348 	 *    the super invocation.</p>
2349 	 * <dl>
2350 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.overridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation"</code></dd>
2351 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2352 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2353 	 * </dl>
2354 	 * @since 3.3
2355 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2356 	 */
2357 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_OVERRIDING_METHOD_WITHOUT_SUPER_INVOCATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.overridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2358 	/**
2359 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Redundant Superinterface.
2360 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a type
2361 	 *    explicitly implements an interface that is already implemented by any
2362 	 *    of its supertypes.</p>
2363 	 * <dl>
2364 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.redundantSuperinterface"</code></dd>
2365 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2366 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2367 	 * </dl>
2368 	 * @since 3.4
2369 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2370 	 */
2371 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_REDUNDANT_SUPERINTERFACE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.redundantSuperinterface"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2372 	/**
2373 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Comparison of Identical Expressions.
2374 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a comparison
2375 	 * is involving identical operands (e.g <code>'x == x'</code>).</p>
2376 	 * <dl>
2377 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.comparingIdentical"</code></dd>
2378 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2379 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2380 	 * </dl>
2381 	 * @since 3.5
2382 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2383 	 */
2384 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_COMPARING_IDENTICAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.comparingIdentical"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2385 	/**
2386 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Missing Synchronized Modifier On Inherited Method.
2387 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a method
2388 	 * overrides a synchronized method without having a synchronized modifier.</p>
2389 	 * <dl>
2390 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.missingSynchronizedOnInheritedMethod"</code></dd>
2391 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2392 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2393 	 * </dl>
2394 	 * @since 3.5
2395 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2396 	 */
2397 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_SYNCHRONIZED_ON_INHERITED_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.missingSynchronizedOnInheritedMethod"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2398 	/**
2399 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Allocation of an Unused Object.
2400 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if an object is allocated but never used,
2401 	 * neither by holding a reference nor by invoking one of the object's methods.</p>
2402 	 * <dl>
2403 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedObjectAllocation"</code></dd>
2404 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2405 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2406 	 * </dl>
2407 	 * @since 3.6
2408 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2409 	 */
2410 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_OBJECT_ALLOCATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedObjectAllocation";  //$NON-NLS-1$
2411 	/**
2412 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting redundant specification of type arguments in class instance creation expressions.
2413 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if type arguments are used in a class instance creation,
2414 	 * when the '&lt;&gt;' operator can be used instead.</p>
2415 	 * <p>This option only has an effect if the compiler compliance is 1.7 or greater.</p>
2416 	 * <dl>
2417 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.redundantSpecificationOfTypeArguments"</code></dd>
2418 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2419 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2420 	 * </dl>
2421 	 * @since 3.7.1
2422 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2423 	 */
2424 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_REDUNDANT_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.redundantSpecificationOfTypeArguments";  //$NON-NLS-1$
2425 	/**
2426 	 * Core option ID: Computing Project Build Order.
2427 	 * <p>Indicate whether JavaCore should enforce the project build order to be based on
2428 	 *    the classpath prerequisite chain. When requesting to compute, this takes over
2429 	 *    the platform default order (based on project references).</p>
2430 	 * <dl>
2431 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.computeJavaBuildOrder"</code></dd>
2432 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "compute", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2433 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2434 	 * </dl>
2435 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2436 	 */
2437 	public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_ORDER = PLUGIN_ID + ".computeJavaBuildOrder"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2438 	/**
2439 	 * Core option ID: Specifying Filters for Resource Copying Control.
2440 	 * <p>Allow to specify some filters to control the resource copy process.</p>
2441 	 * <dl>
2442 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.builder.resourceCopyExclusionFilter"</code></dd>
2443 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;name&gt;[,&lt;name&gt;]* }</code> where <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> is a file name pattern (* and ? wild-cards allowed)
2444 	 *	   or the name of a folder which ends with <code>'/'</code></dd>
2445 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2446 	 * </dl>
2447 	 * @since 2.0
2448 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2449 	 */
2450 	public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_RESOURCE_COPY_FILTER = PLUGIN_ID + ".builder.resourceCopyExclusionFilter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2451 	/**
2452 	 * Core option ID: Reporting Duplicate Resources.
2453 	 * <p>Indicate the severity of the problem reported when more than one occurrence
2454 	 *    of a resource is to be copied into the output location.</p>
2455 	 * <dl>
2456 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.builder.duplicateResourceTask"</code></dd>
2457 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning" }</code></dd>
2458 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2459 	 * </dl>
2460 	 * @since 2.1
2461 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2462 	 */
2463 	public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".builder.duplicateResourceTask"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2464 	/**
2465 	 * Core option ID: Cleaning Output Folder(s).
2466 	 * <p>Indicate whether the JavaBuilder is allowed to clean the output folders
2467 	 *    when performing full build operations.</p>
2468 	 * <dl>
2469 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.builder.cleanOutputFolder"</code></dd>
2470 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "clean", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2471 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"clean"</code></dd>
2472 	 * </dl>
2473 	 * @since 2.1
2474 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2475 	 */
2476 	public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_CLEAN_OUTPUT_FOLDER = PLUGIN_ID + ".builder.cleanOutputFolder"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2477 	/**
2478 	 * Core option ID: Recreate Modified class files in Output Folder.
2479 	 * <p>Indicate whether the JavaBuilder should check for any changes to .class files
2480 	 *    in the output folders while performing incremental build operations. If changes
2481 	 *    are detected to managed .class files, then a full build is performed, otherwise
2482 	 *    the changes are left as is. Tools further altering generated .class files, like optimizers,
2483 	 *    should ensure this option remains set in its default state of ignore.</p>
2484 	 * <dl>
2485 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.builder.recreateModifiedClassFileInOutputFolder"</code></dd>
2486 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2487 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2488 	 * </dl>
2489 	 * @since 3.2
2490 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2491 	 */
2492 	public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_RECREATE_MODIFIED_CLASS_FILES_IN_OUTPUT_FOLDER = PLUGIN_ID + ".builder.recreateModifiedClassFileInOutputFolder"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2493 	/**
2494 	 * Core option ID: Reporting Incomplete Classpath.
2495 	 * <p>Indicate the severity of the problem reported when an entry on the classpath does not exist,
2496 	 *    is not legitimate or is not visible (for example, a referenced project is closed).</p>
2497 	 * <dl>
2498 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.incompleteClasspath"</code></dd>
2499 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning"}</code></dd>
2500 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
2501 	 * </dl>
2502 	 * @since 2.1
2503 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2504 	 */
2505 	public static final String CORE_INCOMPLETE_CLASSPATH = PLUGIN_ID + ".incompleteClasspath"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2506 	/**
2507 	 * Core option ID: Reporting Classpath Cycle.
2508 	 * <p>Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a project is involved in a cycle.</p>
2509 	 * <dl>
2510 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.circularClasspath"</code></dd>
2511 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning" }</code></dd>
2512 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
2513 	 * </dl>
2514 	 * @since 2.1
2515 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2516 	 */
2517 	public static final String CORE_CIRCULAR_CLASSPATH = PLUGIN_ID + ".circularClasspath"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2518 	/**
2519 	 * Core option ID: Reporting Incompatible JDK Level for Required Binaries.
2520 	 * <p>Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a project prerequisites another project
2521 	 *    or library with an incompatible target JDK level (e.g. project targeting 1.1 vm, but compiled against 1.4 libraries).</p>
2522 	 * <dl>
2523 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.incompatibleJDKLevel"</code></dd>
2524 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2525 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"ignore"</code></dd>
2526 	 * </dl>
2527 	 * @since 3.0
2528 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2529 	 */
2530 	public static final String CORE_INCOMPATIBLE_JDK_LEVEL = PLUGIN_ID + ".incompatibleJDKLevel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2531 	/**
2532 	 * Core option ID: Abort if Invalid Classpath.
2533 	 * <p>Allow to toggle the builder to abort if the classpath is invalid.</p>
2534 	 * <dl>
2535 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.builder.invalidClasspath"</code></dd>
2536 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "abort", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2537 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"abort"</code></dd>
2538 	 * </dl>
2539 	 * @since 2.0
2540 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2541 	 */
2542 	public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_INVALID_CLASSPATH = PLUGIN_ID + ".builder.invalidClasspath"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2543 	/**
2544 	 * Core option ID: Default Source Encoding Format.
2545 	 * <p>Get the default encoding format of source files. This value is
2546 	 *    immutable and preset to the result of <code>ResourcesPlugin.getEncoding()</code>.</p>
2547 	 * <p>It is offered as a convenience shortcut only.</p>
2548 	 * <dl>
2549 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.encoding"</code></dd>
2550 	 * <dt>value:</dt><dd><code>&lt;immutable, platform default value&gt;</code></dd>
2551 	 * </dl>
2552 	 * @since 2.0
2553 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2554 	 */
2555 	public static final String CORE_ENCODING = PLUGIN_ID + ".encoding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2556 	/**
2557 	 * Core option ID: Enabling Usage of Classpath Exclusion Patterns.
2558 	 * <p>When disabled, no entry on a project classpath can be associated with
2559 	 *    an exclusion pattern.</p>
2560 	 * <dl>
2561 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpath.exclusionPatterns"</code></dd>
2562 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2563 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2564 	 * </dl>
2565 	 * @since 2.1
2566 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2567 	 */
2568 	public static final String CORE_ENABLE_CLASSPATH_EXCLUSION_PATTERNS = PLUGIN_ID + ".classpath.exclusionPatterns"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2569 	/**
2570 	 * Core option ID: Enabling Usage of Classpath Multiple Output Locations.
2571 	 * <p>When disabled, no entry on a project classpath can be associated with
2572 	 *    a specific output location, preventing thus usage of multiple output locations.</p>
2573 	 * <dl>
2574 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpath.multipleOutputLocations"</code></dd>
2575 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2576 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2577 	 * </dl>
2578 	 * @since 2.1
2579 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2580 	 */
2581 	public static final String CORE_ENABLE_CLASSPATH_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS = PLUGIN_ID + ".classpath.multipleOutputLocations"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2582 	/**
2583 	 * Core option ID: Reporting an output location overlapping another source location.
2584 	 * <p> Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a source entry's output location overlaps another
2585 	 * source entry.</p>
2586 	 *
2587 	 * <dl>
2588 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpath.outputOverlappingAnotherSource"</code></dd>
2589 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "warning", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2590 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
2591 	 * </dl>
2592 	 * @since 3.6.4
2593 	 */
2594 	public static final String CORE_OUTPUT_LOCATION_OVERLAPPING_ANOTHER_SOURCE = PLUGIN_ID + ".classpath.outputOverlappingAnotherSource";  //$NON-NLS-1$
2596 	/**
2597 	 * Core option ID: Reporting if a project which has only main sources depends on a project with only test sources.
2598 	 * <p> Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a project that has one or more main source folders but
2599 	 * no test source folders has a project on its build path that only has one or more test source folders, but no main source folders.</p>
2600 	 *
2601 	 * <dl>
2602 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpath.mainOnlyProjectHasTestOnlyDependency"</code></dd>
2603 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "error", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2604 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"error"</code></dd>
2605 	 * </dl>
2606 	 * @since 3.16
2607 	 */
2608 	public static final String CORE_MAIN_ONLY_PROJECT_HAS_TEST_ONLY_DEPENDENCY = PLUGIN_ID + ".classpath.mainOnlyProjectHasTestOnlyDependency";  //$NON-NLS-1$
2610 	/**
2611 	 * Compiler option ID: Enabling support for preview language features.
2612 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will activate the preview language features of this Java version.</p>
2613 	 *
2614 	 * <dl>
2615 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enablePreviewFeatures"</code></dd>
2616 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2617 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2618 	 * </dl>
2619 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2620 	 * @since 3.18
2621 	 */
2622 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.enablePreviewFeatures"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2623 	/**
2624 	 * Compiler option ID: Reporting Preview features.
2625 	 * <p>When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning when a preview feature is used.</p>
2626 	 * <dl>
2627 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.reportPreviewFeatures"</code></dd>
2628 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code></dd>
2629 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"warning"</code></dd>
2630 	 * </dl>
2631 	 * @category CompilerOptionID
2632 	 * @since 3.18
2633 	 */
2634 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_REPORT_PREVIEW_FEATURES = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.reportPreviewFeatures"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2635 	/**
2636 	 * Core option ID: Set the timeout value for retrieving the method's parameter names from javadoc.
2637 	 * <p>Timeout in milliseconds to retrieve the method's parameter names from javadoc.</p>
2638 	 * <p>If the value is <code>0</code>, the parameter names are not fetched and the raw names are returned.</p>
2639 	 * <dl>
2640 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.timeoutForParameterNameFromAttachedJavadoc"</code></dd>
2641 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>"&lt;n&gt;"</code>, where <code>n</code> is an integer greater than or equal to <code>0</code></dd>
2642 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"50"</code></dd>
2643 	 * </dl>
2644 	 * @since 3.2
2645 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2646 	 */
2647 	public static final String TIMEOUT_FOR_PARAMETER_NAME_FROM_ATTACHED_JAVADOC = PLUGIN_ID + ".timeoutForParameterNameFromAttachedJavadoc"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2649 	/**
2650 	 * Core option ID: The ID of the formatter to use in formatting operations.
2651 	 * <dl>
2652 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javaFormatter"</code></dd>
2653 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.defaultJavaFormatter"</code></dd>
2654 	 * </dl>
2657 	 * @since 3.11
2658 	 * @category CoreOptionID
2659 	 */
2660 	public static final String JAVA_FORMATTER = PLUGIN_ID + ".javaFormatter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2662 	/**
2663 	 * @since 2.0
2664 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_BRACE_POSITION_FOR_ANONYMOUS_TYPE_DECLARATION},
2665 	 * {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_BRACE_POSITION_FOR_BLOCK} ,
2666 	 * {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_BRACE_POSITION_FOR_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARATION},
2667 	 * {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_BRACE_POSITION_FOR_METHOD_DECLARATION},
2668 	 * {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_BRACE_POSITION_FOR_SWITCH},
2669 	 * {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_BRACE_POSITION_FOR_TYPE_DECLARATION} instead.
2670 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2671 	 */
2672 	public static final String FORMATTER_NEWLINE_OPENING_BRACE = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.newline.openingBrace"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2673 	/**
2674 	 * @since 2.0
2675 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_NEW_LINE_BEFORE_CATCH_IN_TRY_STATEMENT},
2676 	 *  {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_NEW_LINE_BEFORE_ELSE_IN_IF_STATEMENT},
2677 	 *  {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_NEW_LINE_BEFORE_FINALLY_IN_TRY_STATEMENT},
2678 	 *  {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_NEW_LINE_BEFORE_WHILE_IN_DO_STATEMENT} instead.
2679 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2680 	 */
2681 	public static final String FORMATTER_NEWLINE_CONTROL = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.newline.controlStatement"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2682 	/**
2683 	 * @since 2.0
2684 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_COMPACT_ELSE_IF} instead.
2685 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2686 	 */
2687 	public static final String FORMATTER_NEWLINE_ELSE_IF = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.newline.elseIf"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2688 	/**
2689 	 * @since 2.0
2690 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_NEW_LINE_IN_EMPTY_BLOCK} instead.
2691 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2692 	 */
2693 	public static final String FORMATTER_NEWLINE_EMPTY_BLOCK = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.newline.emptyBlock"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2694 	/**
2695 	 * @since 2.0
2696 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_NUMBER_OF_EMPTY_LINES_TO_PRESERVE} instead.
2697 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2698 	 */
2699 	public static final String FORMATTER_CLEAR_BLANK_LINES = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.newline.clearAll"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2700 	/**
2701 	 * @since 2.0
2702 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_LINE_SPLIT} instead
2703 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2704 	 */
2705 	public static final String FORMATTER_LINE_SPLIT = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.lineSplit"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2706 	/**
2707 	 * @since 2.0
2708 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_SPACE_BEFORE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR} instead.
2709 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2710 	 */
2711 	public static final String FORMATTER_COMPACT_ASSIGNMENT = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.style.assignment"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2712 	/**
2713 	 * @since 2.0
2714 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR} instead.
2715 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2716 	 */
2717 	public static final String FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.tabulation.char"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2718 	/**
2719 	 * @since 2.0
2720 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_TAB_SIZE} instead.
2721 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2722 	 */
2723 	public static final String FORMATTER_TAB_SIZE = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.tabulation.size"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2724 	/**
2725 	 * @since 2.1
2726 	 * @deprecated Use {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_INSERT_SPACE_AFTER_CLOSING_PAREN_IN_CAST} instead.
2727 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2728 	 */
2729 	public static final String FORMATTER_SPACE_CASTEXPRESSION = PLUGIN_ID + ".formatter.space.castexpression"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2730 	/**
2731 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Visibility Sensitive Completion.
2732 	 * <p>When active, completion doesn't show that you can not see
2733 	 *    (for example, you can not see private methods of a super class).</p>
2734 	 * <dl>
2735 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.visibilityCheck"</code></dd>
2736 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2737 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2738 	 * </dl>
2739 	 * @since 2.0
2740 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2741 	 */
2742 	public static final String CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.visibilityCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2743 	/**
2744 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Deprecation Sensitive Completion.
2745 	 * <p>When enabled, completion doesn't propose deprecated members and types.</p>
2746 	 * <dl>
2747 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.deprecationCheck"</code></dd>
2748 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2749 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2750 	 * </dl>
2751 	 * @since 3.2
2752 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2753 	 */
2754 	public static final String CODEASSIST_DEPRECATION_CHECK = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.deprecationCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2755 	/**
2756 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Camel Case Sensitive Completion.
2757 	 * <p>When enabled, completion shows proposals whose name match the CamelCase
2758 	 *    pattern.</p>
2759 	 * <dl>
2760 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.camelCaseMatch"</code></dd>
2761 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2762 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2763 	 * </dl>
2764 	 * @since 3.2
2765 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2766 	 */
2767 	public static final String CODEASSIST_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.camelCaseMatch"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2768 	/**
2769 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Substring Code Completion.
2770 	 * <p>When enabled, completion shows proposals in which the pattern can
2771 	 *    be found as a substring in a case-insensitive way.</p>
2772 	 * <dl>
2773 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.substringMatch"</code></dd>
2774 	 * </dl>
2775 	 * @since 3.12
2776 	 * @deprecated - this option has no effect
2777 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionID
2778 	 */
2779 	public static final String CODEASSIST_SUBSTRING_MATCH = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.substringMatch"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2780 	/**
2781 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Subword Code Completion.
2782 	 * <p>When enabled, completion shows proposals in which the pattern can
2783 	 *    be found as a subword in a case-insensitive way.</p>
2784 	 * <dl>
2785 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.subwordMatch"</code></dd>
2786 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2787 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2788 	 * </dl>
2789 	 * @since 3.21
2790 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2791 	 */
2792 	public static final String CODEASSIST_SUBWORD_MATCH = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.subwordMatch"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2793 	/**
2794 	 * Code assist option ID: Automatic Qualification of Implicit Members.
2795 	 * <p>When active, completion automatically qualifies completion on implicit
2796 	 *    field references and message expressions.</p>
2797 	 * <dl>
2798 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.forceImplicitQualification"</code></dd>
2799 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2800 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2801 	 * </dl>
2802 	 * @since 2.0
2803 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2804 	 */
2805 	public static final String CODEASSIST_IMPLICIT_QUALIFICATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.forceImplicitQualification"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2806 	/**
2807 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Prefixes for Field Name.
2808 	 * <p>When the prefixes is non empty, completion for field name will begin with
2809 	 *    one of the proposed prefixes.</p>
2810 	 * <dl>
2811 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.fieldPrefixes"</code></dd>
2812 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;prefix&gt;[,&lt;prefix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2813 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2814 	 * </dl>
2815 	 * @since 2.1
2816 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2817 	 */
2818 	public static final String CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.fieldPrefixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2819 	/**
2820 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Prefixes for Static Field Name.
2821 	 * <p>When the prefixes is non empty, completion for static field name will begin with
2822 	 *    one of the proposed prefixes.</p>
2823 	 * <dl>
2824 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.staticFieldPrefixes"</code></dd>
2825 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;prefix&gt;[,&lt;prefix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2826 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2827 	 * </dl>
2828 	 * @since 2.1
2829 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2830 	 */
2831 	public static final String CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.staticFieldPrefixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2832 	/**
2833 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Prefixes for Static Final Field Name.
2834 	 * <p>When the prefixes is non empty, completion for static final field name will begin with
2835 	 *    one of the proposed prefixes.</p>
2836 	 * <dl>
2837 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.staticFinalFieldPrefixes"</code></dd>
2838 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;prefix&gt;[,&lt;prefix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2839 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2840 	 * </dl>
2841 	 * @since 3.5
2842 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2843 	 */
2844 	public static final String CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.staticFinalFieldPrefixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2845 	/**
2846 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Prefixes for Local Variable Name.
2847 	 * <p>When the prefixes is non empty, completion for local variable name will begin with
2848 	 *    one of the proposed prefixes.</p>
2849 	 * <dl>
2850 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.localPrefixes"</code></dd>
2851 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;prefix&gt;[,&lt;prefix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2852 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2853 	 * </dl>
2854 	 * @since 2.1
2855 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2856 	 */
2857 	public static final String CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.localPrefixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2858 	/**
2859 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Prefixes for Argument Name.
2860 	 * <p>When the prefixes is non empty, completion for argument name will begin with
2861 	 *    one of the proposed prefixes.</p>
2862 	 * <dl>
2863 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.argumentPrefixes"</code></dd>
2864 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;prefix&gt;[,&lt;prefix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2865 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2866 	 * </dl>
2867 	 * @since 2.1
2868 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2869 	 */
2870 	public static final String CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.argumentPrefixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2871 	/**
2872 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Suffixes for Field Name.
2873 	 * <p>When the suffixes is non empty, completion for field name will end with
2874 	 *    one of the proposed suffixes.</p>
2875 	 * <dl>
2876 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.fieldSuffixes"</code></dd>
2877 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;suffix&gt;[,&lt;suffix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;suffix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2878 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2879 	 * </dl>
2880 	 * @since 2.1
2881 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2882 	 */
2883 	public static final String CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.fieldSuffixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2884 	/**
2885 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Suffixes for Static Field Name.
2886 	 * <p>When the suffixes is non empty, completion for static field name will end with
2887 	 *    one of the proposed suffixes.</p>
2888 	 * <dl>
2889 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.staticFieldSuffixes"</code></dd>
2890 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;suffix&gt;[,&lt;suffix&gt;]*" }</code>< where <code>&lt;suffix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2891 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2892 	 * </dl>
2893 	 * @since 2.1
2894 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2895 	 */
2896 	public static final String CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.staticFieldSuffixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2897 	/**
2898 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Suffixes for Static Final Field Name.
2899 	 * <p>When the suffixes is non empty, completion for static final field name will end with
2900 	 *    one of the proposed suffixes.</p>
2901 	 * <dl>
2902 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.staticFinalFieldSuffixes"</code></dd>
2903 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;suffix&gt;[,&lt;suffix&gt;]*" }</code>< where <code>&lt;suffix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2904 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2905 	 * </dl>
2906 	 * @since 3.5
2907 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2908 	 */
2909 	public static final String CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_SUFFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.staticFinalFieldSuffixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2910 	/**
2911 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Suffixes for Local Variable Name.
2912 	 * <p>When the suffixes is non empty, completion for local variable name will end with
2913 	 *    one of the proposed suffixes.</p>
2914 	 * <dl>
2915 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.localSuffixes"</code></dd>
2916 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;suffix&gt;[,&lt;suffix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;suffix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2917 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2918 	 * </dl>
2919 	 * @since 2.1
2920 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2921 	 */
2922 	public static final String CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.localSuffixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2923 	/**
2924 	 * Code assist option ID: Define the Suffixes for Argument Name.
2925 	 * <p>When the suffixes is non empty, completion for argument name will end with
2926 	 *    one of the proposed suffixes.</p>
2927 	 * <dl>
2928 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.argumentSuffixes"</code></dd>
2929 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "&lt;suffix&gt;[,&lt;suffix&gt;]*" }</code> where <code>&lt;suffix&gt;</code> is a String without any wild-card</dd>
2930 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>""</code></dd>
2931 	 * </dl>
2932 	 * @since 2.1
2933 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2934 	 */
2935 	public static final String CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES = PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.argumentSuffixes"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2936 	/**
2937 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Forbidden Reference Sensitive Completion.
2938 	 * <p>When enabled, completion doesn't propose elements which match a
2939 	 *    forbidden reference rule.</p>
2940 	 * <dl>
2941 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.forbiddenReferenceCheck"</code></dd>
2942 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2943 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2944 	 * </dl>
2945 	 * @since 3.1
2946 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2947 	 */
2948 	public static final String CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK= PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.forbiddenReferenceCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2949 	/**
2950 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Discouraged Reference Sensitive Completion.
2951 	 * <p>When enabled, completion doesn't propose elements which match a
2952 	 *    discouraged reference rule.</p>
2953 	 * <dl>
2954 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.discouragedReferenceCheck"</code></dd>
2955 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2956 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"disabled"</code></dd>
2957 	 * </dl>
2958 	 * @since 3.1
2959 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2960 	 */
2961 	public static final String CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK= PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.discouragedReferenceCheck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2962 	/**
2963 	 * Code assist option ID: Activate Suggestion of Static Import.
2964 	 * <p>When enabled, completion proposals can contain static import
2965 	 *    pattern.</p>
2966 	 * <dl>
2967 	 * <dt>Option id:</dt><dd><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.suggestStaticImports"</code></dd>
2968 	 * <dt>Possible values:</dt><dd><code>{ "enabled", "disabled" }</code></dd>
2969 	 * <dt>Default:</dt><dd><code>"enabled"</code></dd>
2970 	 * </dl>
2971 	 * @since 3.3
2972 	 * @category CodeAssistOptionID
2973 	 */
2974 	public static final String CODEASSIST_SUGGEST_STATIC_IMPORTS= PLUGIN_ID + ".codeComplete.suggestStaticImports"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2975 	// end configurable option IDs }
2976 	// Begin configurable option values {
2977 	/**
2978 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_TASK_TAGS} instead.
2979 	 * @since 2.1
2980 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionValue
2981 	 */
2982 	public static final String DEFAULT_TASK_TAG = "TODO"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2983 	/**
2984 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITIES} instead.
2985 	 * @since 2.1
2986 	 * @category DeprecatedOptionValue
2987 	 */
2988 	public static final String DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY = "NORMAL"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2989 	/**
2990 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
2991 	 * @since 3.0
2992 	 * @category OptionValue
2993 	 */
2994 	public static final String DEFAULT_TASK_TAGS = "TODO,FIXME,XXX"; //$NON-NLS-1$
2995 	/**
2996 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
2997 	 * @since 3.0
2998 	 * @category OptionValue
2999 	 */
3000 	public static final String DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITIES = "NORMAL,HIGH,NORMAL"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3001 	/**
3002 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3003 	 * @category OptionValue
3004 	 */
3005 	public static final String GENERATE = "generate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3006 	/**
3007 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3008 	 * @category OptionValue
3009 	 */
3010 	public static final String DO_NOT_GENERATE = "do not generate"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3011 	/**
3012 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3013 	 * @category OptionValue
3014 	 */
3015 	public static final String PRESERVE = "preserve"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3016 	/**
3017 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3018 	 * @category OptionValue
3019 	 */
3020 	public static final String OPTIMIZE_OUT = "optimize out"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3021 	/**
3022 	 * Configurable option value for {@link #COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES}: {@value}.
3023 	 * @since 2.1
3024 	 * @category OptionValue
3025 	 */
3026 	public static final String COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH = "HIGH"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3027 	/**
3028 	 * Configurable option value for {@link #COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES}: {@value}.
3029 	 * @since 2.1
3030 	 * @category OptionValue
3031 	 */
3032 	public static final String COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITY_LOW = "LOW"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3033 	/**
3034 	 * Configurable option value for {@link #COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITIES}: {@value}.
3035 	 * @since 2.1
3036 	 * @category OptionValue
3037 	 */
3038 	public static final String COMPILER_TASK_PRIORITY_NORMAL = "NORMAL"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3039 	/**
3040 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3041 	 * @category OptionValue
3042 	 */
3043 	public static final String VERSION_1_1 = "1.1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3044 	/**
3045 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3046 	 * @category OptionValue
3047 	 */
3048 	public static final String VERSION_1_2 = "1.2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3049 	/**
3050 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3051 	 * @since 2.0
3052 	 * @category OptionValue
3053 	 */
3054 	public static final String VERSION_1_3 = "1.3"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3055 	/**
3056 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3057 	 * @since 2.0
3058 	 * @category OptionValue
3059 	 */
3060 	public static final String VERSION_1_4 = "1.4"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3061 	/**
3062 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3063 	 * @since 3.0
3064 	 * @category OptionValue
3065 	 */
3066 	public static final String VERSION_1_5 = "1.5"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3067 	/**
3068 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3069 	 * @since 3.2
3070 	 * @category OptionValue
3071 	 */
3072 	public static final String VERSION_1_6 = "1.6"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3073 	/**
3074 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3075 	 * @since 3.3
3076 	 * @category OptionValue
3077 	 */
3078 	public static final String VERSION_1_7 = "1.7"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3079 	/**
3080 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3081 	 * @since 3.10
3082 	 * @category OptionValue
3083 	 */
3084 	public static final String VERSION_1_8 = "1.8"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3085 	/**
3086 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3087 	 * @since 3.14
3088 	 * @category OptionValue
3089 	 */
3090 	public static final String VERSION_9 = "9"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3091 	/**
3092 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3093 	 * @since 3.14
3094 	 * @category OptionValue
3095 	 */
3096 	public static final String VERSION_10 = "10"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3097 	/**
3098 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3099 	 * @since 3.16
3100 	 * @category OptionValue
3101 	 */
3102 	public static final String VERSION_11 = "11"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3103 	/**
3104 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3105 	 * @since 3.18
3106 	 * @category OptionValue
3107 	 */
3108 	public static final String VERSION_12 = "12"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3109 	/**
3110 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3111 	 * @since 3.20
3112 	 * @category OptionValue
3113 	 */
3114 	public static final String VERSION_13 = "13"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3115 	/**
3116 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3117 	 * @since 3.22
3118 	 * @category OptionValue
3119 	 */
3120 	public static final String VERSION_14 = "14"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3121 	/**
3122 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3123 	 * @since 3.4
3124 	 * @category OptionValue
3125 	 */
3126 	public static final String VERSION_CLDC_1_1 = "cldc1.1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3127 	private static List<String> allVersions = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(VERSION_CLDC_1_1, VERSION_1_1, VERSION_1_2, VERSION_1_3, VERSION_1_4, VERSION_1_5,
3130 	/**
3131 	 * Returns all {@link JavaCore}{@code #VERSION_*} levels in the order of their
3132 	 * introduction. For e.g., {@link JavaCore#VERSION_1_8} appears before {@link JavaCore#VERSION_10}
3133 	 *
3134 	 * @return all available versions
3135 	 * @since 3.14
3136 	 */
getAllVersions()3137 	public static List<String> getAllVersions() {
3138 		return allVersions;
3139 	}
3141 	/**
3142 	 * Returns whether the given version of Java or Java Runtime is supported
3143 	 * by the Java Development Toolkit.
3144 	 *
3145 	 * A true indicates that the given version is supported. For e.g., if the argument
3146 	 * is <code>11.0.1</code> and {@link #getAllVersions()} contains <code>11</code>,
3147 	 * the method returns <code>true</code>.
3148 	 *
3149 	 * @return a boolean indicating support for the given version of Java or Java Runtime.
3150 	 * @since 3.16
3151 	 */
isSupportedJavaVersion(String version)3152 	public static boolean isSupportedJavaVersion(String version) {
3153 		return CompilerOptions.versionToJdkLevel(version, false) > 0;
3154 	}
3156 	/**
3157 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3158 	 * @since 2.0
3159 	 * @category OptionValue
3160 	 */
3161 	public static final String ABORT = "abort"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3162 	/**
3163 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3164 	 * @category OptionValue
3165 	 */
3166 	public static final String ERROR = "error"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3167 	/**
3168 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3169 	 * @category OptionValue
3170 	 */
3171 	public static final String WARNING = "warning"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3172 	/**
3173 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3174 	 * @category OptionValue
3175 	 */
3176 	public static final String IGNORE = "ignore"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3177 	/**
3178 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3179 	 * @category OptionValue
3180 	 * @since 3.12
3181 	 */
3182 	public static final String INFO = "info"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3183 	/**
3184 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3185 	 * @category OptionValue
3186 	 */
3187 	public static final String COMPUTE = "compute"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3188 	/**
3189 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3190 	 * @since 2.0
3191 	 * @category OptionValue
3192 	 */
3193 	public static final String INSERT = "insert"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3194 	/**
3195 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3196 	 * @since 2.0
3197 	 * @category OptionValue
3198 	 */
3199 	public static final String DO_NOT_INSERT = "do not insert"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3200 	/**
3201 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3202 	 * @since 2.0
3203 	 * @category OptionValue
3204 	 */
3205 	public static final String PRESERVE_ONE = "preserve one"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3206 	/**
3207 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3208 	 * @since 2.0
3209 	 * @category OptionValue
3210 	 */
3211 	public static final String CLEAR_ALL = "clear all"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3212 	/**
3213 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3214 	 * @since 2.0
3215 	 * @category OptionValue
3216 	 */
3217 	public static final String NORMAL = "normal"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3218 	/**
3219 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3220 	 * @since 2.0
3221 	 * @category OptionValue
3222 	 */
3223 	public static final String COMPACT = "compact"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3224 	/**
3225 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3226 	 * @since 2.0
3227 	 * @category OptionValue
3228 	 */
3229 	public static final String TAB = "tab"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3230 	/**
3231 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3232 	 * @since 2.0
3233 	 * @category OptionValue
3234 	 */
3235 	public static final String SPACE = "space"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3236 	/**
3237 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3238 	 * @since 2.0
3239 	 * @category OptionValue
3240 	 */
3241 	public static final String ENABLED = "enabled"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3242 	/**
3243 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3244 	 * @since 2.0
3245 	 * @category OptionValue
3246 	 */
3247 	public static final String DISABLED = "disabled"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3248 	/**
3249 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3250 	 * @since 2.1
3251 	 * @category OptionValue
3252 	 */
3253 	public static final String CLEAN = "clean"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3254 	/**
3255 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3256 	 * @since 3.0
3257 	 * @category OptionValue
3258 	 */
3259 	public static final String PUBLIC = "public"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3260 	/**
3261 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3262 	 * @since 3.0
3263 	 * @category OptionValue
3264 	 */
3265 	public static final String PROTECTED = "protected"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3266 	/**
3267 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3268 	 * @since 3.0
3269 	 * @category OptionValue
3270 	 */
3271 	public static final String DEFAULT = "default"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3272 	/**
3273 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3274 	 * @since 3.0
3275 	 * @category OptionValue
3276 	 */
3277 	public static final String PRIVATE = "private"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3278 	/**
3279 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3280 	 * @since 3.1
3281 	 * @category OptionValue
3282 	 */
3283 	public static final String NEVER = "never"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3284 	/**
3285 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3286 	 * @since 3.4
3287 	 * @category OptionValue
3288 	 */
3289 	public static final String COMPILER_PB_MISSING_JAVADOC_TAG_DESCRIPTION_NO_TAG = CompilerOptions.NO_TAG;
3290 	/**
3291 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3292 	 * @since 3.4
3293 	 * @category OptionValue
3294 	 */
3296 	/**
3297 	 * Configurable option value: {@value}.
3298 	 * @since 3.4
3299 	 * @category OptionValue
3300 	 */
3302 	// end configurable option values }
3304 	/**
3305 	 * Value of the content-type for Java source files. Use this value to retrieve the Java content type
3306 	 * from the content type manager, and to add new Java-like extensions to this content type.
3307 	 *
3308 	 * @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager#getContentType(String)
3309 	 * @see #getJavaLikeExtensions()
3310 	 * @since 3.2
3311 	 */
3312 	public static final String JAVA_SOURCE_CONTENT_TYPE = JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID+".javaSource" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
3314 	/**
3315 	 * The ID of the Eclipse built-in formatter.
3316 	 *
3317 	 * @see #JAVA_FORMATTER
3319 	 * @since 3.11
3320 	 */
3321 	public static final String DEFAULT_JAVA_FORMATTER = PLUGIN_ID + ".defaultJavaFormatter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
3323 	/**
3324 	 * Name of the extension point for contributing a source code formatter
3325 	 * @see #JAVA_FORMATTER
3327 	 * @since 3.11
3328 	 */
3329 	public static final String JAVA_FORMATTER_EXTENSION_POINT_ID = "javaFormatter" ;  //$NON-NLS-1$
3331 	/**
3332 	 * Creates the Java core plug-in.
3333 	 * <p>
3334 	 * The plug-in instance is created automatically by the
3335 	 * Eclipse platform. Clients must not call.
3336 	 * </p>
3337 	 *
3338 	 * @since 3.0
3339 	 */
JavaCore()3340 	public JavaCore() {
3341 		super();
3342 		JAVA_CORE_PLUGIN = this;
3343 	}
3345 	/**
3346 	 * Adds the given listener for changes to Java elements.
3347 	 * Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
3348 	 * <p>
3349 	 * This listener will only be notified during the POST_CHANGE resource change notification
3350 	 * and any reconcile operation (POST_RECONCILE).
3351 	 * </p>
3352 	 * <p>
3353 	 * For finer control of the notification, use <code>addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener,int)</code>,
3354 	 * which allows to specify a different eventMask.
3355 	 * </p>
3356 	 *
3357 	 * @param listener the listener
3358 	 * @see ElementChangedEvent
3359 	 */
addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener)3360 	public static void addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener) {
3361 		addElementChangedListener(listener, ElementChangedEvent.POST_CHANGE | ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE);
3362 	}
3364 	/**
3365 	 * Adds the given listener for changes to Java elements.
3366 	 * Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
3367 	 * After completion of this method, the given listener will be registered for exactly
3368 	 * the specified events.  If they were previously registered for other events, they
3369 	 * will be deregistered.
3370 	 * <p>
3371 	 * Once registered, a listener starts receiving notification of changes to
3372 	 * java elements in the model. The listener continues to receive
3373 	 * notifications until it is replaced or removed.
3374 	 * </p>
3375 	 * <p>
3376 	 * Listeners can listen for several types of event as defined in <code>ElementChangeEvent</code>.
3377 	 * Clients are free to register for any number of event types however if they register
3378 	 * for more than one, it is their responsibility to ensure they correctly handle the
3379 	 * case where the same java element change shows up in multiple notifications.
3380 	 * Clients are guaranteed to receive only the events for which they are registered.
3381 	 * </p>
3382 	 *
3383 	 * @param listener the listener
3384 	 * @param eventMask the bit-wise OR of all event types of interest to the listener
3385 	 * @see IElementChangedListener
3386 	 * @see ElementChangedEvent
3387 	 * @see #removeElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener)
3388 	 * @since 2.0
3389 	 */
addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener, int eventMask)3390 	public static void addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener, int eventMask) {
3391 		JavaModelManager.getDeltaState().addElementChangedListener(listener, eventMask);
3392 	}
3394 	/**
3395 	 * Configures the given marker attribute map for the given Java element.
3396 	 * Used for markers, which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
3397 	 *
3398 	 * @param attributes the mutable marker attribute map (key type: <code>String</code>,
3399 	 *   value type: <code>String</code>)
3400 	 * @param element the Java element for which the marker needs to be configured
3401 	 */
addJavaElementMarkerAttributes( Map attributes, IJavaElement element)3402 	public static void addJavaElementMarkerAttributes(
3403 		Map attributes,
3404 		IJavaElement element) {
3405 		if (element instanceof IMember)
3406 			element = ((IMember) element).getClassFile();
3407 		if (attributes != null && element != null)
3408 			attributes.put(ATT_HANDLE_ID, element.getHandleIdentifier());
3409 	}
addNonJavaResources(Object[] nonJavaResources, IContainer container, int rootPathSegmentCounts, ArrayList collector)3411 	private static void addNonJavaResources(Object[] nonJavaResources,
3412 			IContainer container,
3413 			int rootPathSegmentCounts,
3414 			ArrayList collector) {
3415 		for (int i = 0, max = nonJavaResources.length; i < max; i++) {
3416 			Object nonJavaResource = nonJavaResources[i];
3417 			if (nonJavaResource instanceof IFile) {
3418 				IFile file = (IFile) nonJavaResource;
3419 				IPath path = file.getFullPath().removeFirstSegments(rootPathSegmentCounts);
3420 				IResource member = container.findMember(path);
3421 				if (member != null && member.exists()) {
3422 					collector.add(member);
3423 				}
3424 			} else if (nonJavaResource instanceof IFolder) {
3425 				IFolder folder = (IFolder) nonJavaResource;
3426 				IResource[] members = null;
3427 				try {
3428 					members = folder.members();
3429 				} catch (CoreException e) {
3430 					// ignore
3431 				}
3432 				if (members != null) {
3433 					addNonJavaResources(members, container, rootPathSegmentCounts, collector);
3434 				}
3435 			}
3436 		}
3437 	}
3439 	/**
3440 	 * Adds the given listener for POST_CHANGE resource change events to the Java core.
3441 	 * The listener is guaranteed to be notified of the POST_CHANGE resource change event before
3442 	 * the Java core starts processing the resource change event itself.
3443 	 * <p>
3444 	 * Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
3445 	 * </p>
3446 	 *
3447 	 * @param listener the listener
3448 	 * @see #removePreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener)
3449 	 * @since 3.0
3450 	 * @deprecated use addPreProcessingResourceChangedListener(listener, IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE) instead
3451 	 */
addPreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener listener)3452 	public static void addPreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener listener) {
3453 		addPreProcessingResourceChangedListener(listener, IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE);
3454 	}
3456 	/**
3457 	 * Adds the given listener for resource change events of the given types to the Java core.
3458 	 * The listener is guaranteed to be notified of the resource change event before
3459 	 * the Java core starts processing the resource change event itself.
3460 	 * <p>
3461 	 * If an identical listener is already registered, the given event types are added to the event types
3462 	 * of interest to the listener.
3463 	 * </p>
3464 	 * <p>
3465 	 * Supported event types are:
3466 	 * </p>
3467 	 * <ul>
3468 	 * <li>{@link IResourceChangeEvent#PRE_BUILD}</li>
3469 	 * <li>{@link IResourceChangeEvent#POST_BUILD}</li>
3470 	 * <li>{@link IResourceChangeEvent#POST_CHANGE}</li>
3471 	 * <li>{@link IResourceChangeEvent#PRE_DELETE}</li>
3472 	 * <li>{@link IResourceChangeEvent#PRE_CLOSE}</li>
3473 	 * </ul>
3474 	 * This list may increase in the future.
3475 	 *
3476 	 * @param listener the listener
3477 	 * @param eventMask the bit-wise OR of all event types of interest to the
3478 	 * listener
3479 	 * @see #removePreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener)
3480 	 * @see IResourceChangeEvent
3481 	 * @since 3.2
3482 	 */
addPreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener listener, int eventMask)3483 	public static void addPreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener listener, int eventMask) {
3484 		JavaModelManager.getDeltaState().addPreResourceChangedListener(listener, eventMask);
3485 	}
3487 	/**
3488 	 * Configures the given marker for the given Java element.
3489 	 * Used for markers, which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
3490 	 *
3491 	 * @param marker the marker to be configured
3492 	 * @param element the Java element for which the marker needs to be configured
3493 	 * @exception CoreException if the <code>IMarker.setAttribute</code> on the marker fails
3494 	 */
configureJavaElementMarker(IMarker marker, IJavaElement element)3495 	public void configureJavaElementMarker(IMarker marker, IJavaElement element)
3496 		throws CoreException {
3497 		if (element instanceof IMember)
3498 			element = ((IMember) element).getClassFile();
3499 		if (marker != null && element != null)
3500 			marker.setAttribute(ATT_HANDLE_ID, element.getHandleIdentifier());
3501 	}
3503 	/**
3504 	 * Returns the Java model element corresponding to the given handle identifier
3505 	 * generated by <code>IJavaElement.getHandleIdentifier()</code>, or
3506 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to create the associated element.
3507 	 *
3508 	 * @param handleIdentifier the given handle identifier
3509 	 * @return the Java element corresponding to the handle identifier
3510 	 */
create(String handleIdentifier)3511 	public static IJavaElement create(String handleIdentifier) {
3512 		return create(handleIdentifier, DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY);
3513 	}
3515 	/**
3516 	 * Returns the Java model element corresponding to the given handle identifier
3517 	 * generated by <code>IJavaElement.getHandleIdentifier()</code>, or
3518 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to create the associated element.
3519 	 * If the returned Java element is an <code>ICompilationUnit</code> or an element
3520 	 * inside a compilation unit, the compilation unit's owner is the given owner if such a
3521 	 * working copy exists, otherwise the compilation unit is a primary compilation unit.
3522 	 *
3523 	 * @param handleIdentifier the given handle identifier
3524 	 * @param owner the owner of the returned compilation unit, ignored if the returned
3525 	 *   element is not a compilation unit, or an element inside a compilation unit
3526 	 * @return the Java element corresponding to the handle identifier
3527 	 * @since 3.0
3528 	 */
create(String handleIdentifier, WorkingCopyOwner owner)3529 	public static IJavaElement create(String handleIdentifier, WorkingCopyOwner owner) {
3530 		if (handleIdentifier == null) {
3531 			return null;
3532 		}
3533 		if (owner == null)
3534 			owner = DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY;
3535 		MementoTokenizer memento = new MementoTokenizer(handleIdentifier);
3536 		JavaModel model = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getJavaModel();
3537 		return model.getHandleFromMemento(memento, owner);
3538 	}
3540 	/**
3541 	 * Returns the Java element corresponding to the given file, or
3542 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given file
3543 	 * with a Java element.
3544 	 *
3545 	 * <p>The file must be one of:</p>
3546 	 *	<ul>
3547 	 *	<li>a file with one of the {@link JavaCore#getJavaLikeExtensions()
3548 	 *      Java-like extensions} - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
3549 	 *	<li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
3550 	 *	<li>a ZIP archive (e.g. a <code>.jar</code>, a <code>.zip</code> file, etc.) - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
3551 	 *	</ul>
3552 	 * <p>
3553 	 * Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
3554 	 * element's parents if they are not yet open.
3555 	 * </p>
3556 	 *
3557 	 * @param file the given file
3558 	 * @return the Java element corresponding to the given file, or
3559 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given file
3560 	 * with a Java element
3561 	 */
create(IFile file)3562 	public static IJavaElement create(IFile file) {
3563 		return JavaModelManager.create(file, null/*unknown java project*/);
3564 	}
3565 	/**
3566 	 * Returns the package fragment or package fragment root corresponding to the given folder, or
3567 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given folder with a Java element.
3568 	 * <p>
3569 	 * Note that a package fragment root is returned rather than a default package.
3570 	 * </p>
3571 	 * <p>
3572 	 * Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
3573 	 * element's parents if they are not yet open.
3574 	 * </p>
3575 	 *
3576 	 * @param folder the given folder
3577 	 * @return the package fragment or package fragment root corresponding to the given folder, or
3578 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given folder with a Java element
3579 	 */
create(IFolder folder)3580 	public static IJavaElement create(IFolder folder) {
3581 		return JavaModelManager.create(folder, null/*unknown java project*/);
3582 	}
3583 	/**
3584 	 * Returns the Java project corresponding to the given project.
3585 	 * <p>
3586 	 * Creating a Java Project has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
3587 	 * project's parents if they are not yet open.
3588 	 * </p>
3589 	 * <p>
3590 	 * Note that no check is done at this time on the existence or the java nature of this project.
3591 	 * </p>
3592 	 *
3593 	 * @param project the given project
3594 	 * @return the Java project corresponding to the given project, null if the given project is null
3595 	 */
create(IProject project)3596 	public static IJavaProject create(IProject project) {
3597 		if (project == null) {
3598 			return null;
3599 		}
3600 		JavaModel javaModel = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getJavaModel();
3601 		return javaModel.getJavaProject(project);
3602 	}
3603 	/**
3604 	 * Returns the Java element corresponding to the given resource, or
3605 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given resource
3606 	 * with a Java element.
3607 	 * <p>
3608 	 * The resource must be one of:
3609 	 * </p>
3610 	 *	<ul>
3611 	 *	<li>a project - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IJavaProject</code></li>
3612 	 *	<li>a file with one of the {@link JavaCore#getJavaLikeExtensions()
3613 	 *      Java-like extensions} - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
3614 	 *	<li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
3615 	 *	<li>a ZIP archive (e.g. a <code>.jar</code>, a <code>.zip</code> file, etc.) - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
3616 	 *  <li>a folder - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>
3617 	 *    	or <code>IPackageFragment</code></li>
3618 	 *  <li>the workspace root resource - the element returned is the <code>IJavaModel</code></li>
3619 	 *	</ul>
3620 	 * <p>
3621 	 * Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
3622 	 * element's parents if they are not yet open.
3623 	 * </p>
3624 	 *
3625 	 * @param resource the given resource
3626 	 * @return the Java element corresponding to the given resource, or
3627 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given resource
3628 	 * with a Java element
3629 	 */
create(IResource resource)3630 	public static IJavaElement create(IResource resource) {
3631 		return JavaModelManager.create(resource, null/*unknown java project*/);
3632 	}
3633 	/**
3634 	 * Returns the Java element corresponding to the given file, its project being the given
3635 	 * project. Returns <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given resource
3636 	 * with a Java element.
3637 	 * <p>
3638 	 * The resource must be one of:
3639 	 * </p>
3640 	 *	<ul>
3641 	 *	<li>a project - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IJavaProject</code></li>
3642 	 *	<li>a file with one of the {@link JavaCore#getJavaLikeExtensions()
3643 	 *      Java-like extensions} - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
3644 	 *	<li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
3645 	 *	<li>a ZIP archive (e.g. a <code>.jar</code>, a <code>.zip</code> file, etc.) - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
3646 	 *  <li>a folder - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>
3647 	 *    	or <code>IPackageFragment</code></li>
3648 	 *  <li>the workspace root resource - the element returned is the <code>IJavaModel</code></li>
3649 	 *	</ul>
3650 	 * <p>
3651 	 * Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
3652 	 * element's parents if they are not yet open.
3653 	 * </p>
3654 	 *
3655 	 * @param resource the given resource
3656 	 * @return the Java element corresponding to the given file, or
3657 	 * <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given file
3658 	 * with a Java element
3659 	 * @since 3.3
3660 	 */
create(IResource resource, IJavaProject project)3661 	public static IJavaElement create(IResource resource, IJavaProject project) {
3662 		return JavaModelManager.create(resource, project);
3663 	}
3664 	/**
3665 	 * Returns the Java model.
3666 	 *
3667 	 * @param root the given root
3668 	 * @return the Java model, or <code>null</code> if the root is null
3669 	 */
create(IWorkspaceRoot root)3670 	public static IJavaModel create(IWorkspaceRoot root) {
3671 		if (root == null) {
3672 			return null;
3673 		}
3674 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getJavaModel();
3675 	}
3676 	/**
3677 	 * Creates and returns a class file element for
3678 	 * the given <code>.class</code> file. Returns <code>null</code> if unable
3679 	 * to recognize the class file.
3680 	 *
3681 	 * @param file the given <code>.class</code> file
3682 	 * @return a class file element for the given <code>.class</code> file, or <code>null</code> if unable
3683 	 * to recognize the class file
3684 	 */
createClassFileFrom(IFile file)3685 	public static IClassFile createClassFileFrom(IFile file) {
3686 		return JavaModelManager.createClassFileFrom(file, null);
3687 	}
3688 	/**
3689 	 * Creates and returns a compilation unit element for
3690 	 * the given source file (i.e. a file with one of the {@link JavaCore#getJavaLikeExtensions()
3691 	 * Java-like extensions}). Returns <code>null</code> if unable
3692 	 * to recognize the compilation unit.
3693 	 *
3694 	 * @param file the given source file
3695 	 * @return a compilation unit element for the given source file, or <code>null</code> if unable
3696 	 * to recognize the compilation unit
3697 	 */
createCompilationUnitFrom(IFile file)3698 	public static ICompilationUnit createCompilationUnitFrom(IFile file) {
3699 		return JavaModelManager.createCompilationUnitFrom(file, null/*unknown java project*/);
3700 	}
3701 	/**
3702 	 * Creates and returns a handle for the given JAR file.
3703 	 * The Java model associated with the JAR's project may be
3704 	 * created as a side effect.
3705 	 *
3706 	 * @param file the given JAR file
3707 	 * @return a handle for the given JAR file, or <code>null</code> if unable to create a JAR package fragment root.
3708 	 * (for example, if the JAR file represents a non-Java resource)
3709 	 */
createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(IFile file)3710 	public static IPackageFragmentRoot createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(IFile file) {
3711 		return JavaModelManager.createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(file, null/*unknown java project*/);
3712 	}
3714 	/**
3715 	 * Answers the project specific value for a given classpath container.
3716 	 * In case this container path could not be resolved, then will answer <code>null</code>.
3717 	 * Both the container path and the project context are supposed to be non-null.
3718 	 * <p>
3719 	 * The containerPath is a formed by a first ID segment followed with extra segments, which can be
3720 	 * used as additional hints for resolution. If no container was ever recorded for this container path
3721 	 * onto this project (using <code>setClasspathContainer</code>, then a
3722 	 * <code>ClasspathContainerInitializer</code> will be activated if any was registered for this container
3723 	 * ID onto the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer".
3724 	 * </p>
3725 	 * <p>
3726 	 * There is no assumption that the returned container must answer the exact same containerPath
3727 	 * when requested <code>IClasspathContainer#getPath</code>.
3728 	 * Indeed, the containerPath is just an indication for resolving it to an actual container object.
3729 	 * </p>
3730 	 * <p>
3731 	 * Classpath container values are persisted locally to the workspace, but
3732 	 * are not preserved from a session to another. It is thus highly recommended to register a
3733 	 * <code>ClasspathContainerInitializer</code> for each referenced container
3734 	 * (through the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathContainerInitializer").
3735 	 * </p>
3736 	 *
3737 	 * @param containerPath the name of the container, which needs to be resolved
3738 	 * @param project a specific project in which the container is being resolved
3739 	 * @return the corresponding classpath container or <code>null</code> if unable to find one.
3740 	 *
3741 	 * @exception JavaModelException if an exception occurred while resolving the container, or if the resolved container
3742 	 *   contains illegal entries (contains CPE_CONTAINER entries or null entries).
3743 	 *
3744 	 * @see ClasspathContainerInitializer
3745 	 * @see IClasspathContainer
3746 	 * @see #setClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject[], IClasspathContainer[], IProgressMonitor)
3747 	 * @since 2.0
3748 	 */
getClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)3749 	public static IClasspathContainer getClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project) throws JavaModelException {
3751 	    JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
3752 		IClasspathContainer container = manager.getClasspathContainer(containerPath, project);
3753 		if (container == JavaModelManager.CONTAINER_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS) {
3754 		    return manager.getPreviousSessionContainer(containerPath, project);
3755 		}
3756 		return container;
3757 	}
3759 	/**
3760 	 * Helper method finding the classpath container initializer registered for a given classpath container ID
3761 	 * or <code>null</code> if none was found while iterating over the contributions to extension point to
3762 	 * the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer".
3763 	 * <p>
3764 	 * A containerID is the first segment of any container path, used to identify the registered container initializer.
3765 	 * </p>
3766 	 * @param containerID - a containerID identifying a registered initializer
3767 	 * @return ClasspathContainerInitializer - the registered classpath container initializer or <code>null</code> if
3768 	 * none was found.
3769 	 * @since 2.1
3770 	 */
getClasspathContainerInitializer(String containerID)3771 	public static ClasspathContainerInitializer getClasspathContainerInitializer(String containerID) {
3772 		Hashtable containerInitializersCache = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().containerInitializersCache;
3773 		ClasspathContainerInitializer initializer = (ClasspathContainerInitializer) containerInitializersCache.get(containerID);
3774 		if (initializer == null) {
3775 			initializer = computeClasspathContainerInitializer(containerID);
3776 			if (initializer == null)
3777 				return null;
3778 			containerInitializersCache.put(containerID, initializer);
3779 		}
3780 		return initializer;
3781 	}
computeClasspathContainerInitializer(String containerID)3783 	private static ClasspathContainerInitializer computeClasspathContainerInitializer(String containerID) {
3784 		Plugin jdtCorePlugin = JavaCore.getPlugin();
3785 		if (jdtCorePlugin == null) return null;
3787 		IExtensionPoint extension = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, JavaModelManager.CPCONTAINER_INITIALIZER_EXTPOINT_ID);
3788 		if (extension != null) {
3789 			IExtension[] extensions =  extension.getExtensions();
3790 			for(int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++){
3791 				IConfigurationElement [] configElements = extensions[i].getConfigurationElements();
3792 				for(int j = 0; j < configElements.length; j++){
3793 					IConfigurationElement configurationElement = configElements[j];
3794 					String initializerID = configurationElement.getAttribute("id"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3795 					if (initializerID != null && initializerID.equals(containerID)){
3796 						if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_ADVANCED)
3797 							verbose_found_container_initializer(containerID, configurationElement);
3798 						try {
3799 							Object execExt = configurationElement.createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3800 							if (execExt instanceof ClasspathContainerInitializer){
3801 								return (ClasspathContainerInitializer)execExt;
3802 							}
3803 						} catch(CoreException e) {
3804 							// executable extension could not be created: ignore this initializer
3805 							if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE || JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_FAILURE) {
3806 								verbose_failed_to_instanciate_container_initializer(containerID, configurationElement);
3807 								e.printStackTrace();
3808 							}
3809 						}
3810 					}
3811 				}
3812 			}
3813 		}
3814 		return null;
3815 	}
verbose_failed_to_instanciate_container_initializer(String containerID, IConfigurationElement configurationElement)3817 	private static void verbose_failed_to_instanciate_container_initializer(String containerID, IConfigurationElement configurationElement) {
3818 		Util.verbose(
3819 			"CPContainer INIT - failed to instanciate initializer\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
3820 			"	container ID: " + containerID + '\n' + //$NON-NLS-1$
3821 			"	class: " + configurationElement.getAttribute("class"), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
3822 			System.err);
3823 	}
verbose_found_container_initializer(String containerID, IConfigurationElement configurationElement)3825 	private static void verbose_found_container_initializer(String containerID, IConfigurationElement configurationElement) {
3826 		Util.verbose(
3827 			"CPContainer INIT - found initializer\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
3828 			"	container ID: " + containerID + '\n' + //$NON-NLS-1$
3829 			"	class: " + configurationElement.getAttribute("class")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
3830 	}
3832 	/**
3833 	 * Returns the path held in the given classpath variable.
3834 	 * Returns <code>null</code> if unable to bind.
3835 	 * <p>
3836 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
3837 	 * are preserved from session to session.
3838 	 * </p>
3839 	 * <p>
3840 	 * Note that classpath variables can be contributed registered initializers for,
3841 	 * using the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariableInitializer".
3842 	 * If an initializer is registered for a variable, its persisted value will be ignored:
3843 	 * its initializer will thus get the opportunity to rebind the variable differently on
3844 	 * each session.
3845 	 * </p>
3846 	 *
3847 	 * @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
3848 	 * @return the path, or <code>null</code> if none
3849 	 * @see #setClasspathVariable(String, IPath)
3850 	 */
getClasspathVariable(final String variableName)3851 	public static IPath getClasspathVariable(final String variableName) {
3853 	    JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
3854 		IPath variablePath = manager.variableGet(variableName);
3855 		if (variablePath == JavaModelManager.VARIABLE_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS){
3856 		    return manager.getPreviousSessionVariable(variableName);
3857 		}
3859 		if (variablePath != null) {
3860 			if (variablePath == JavaModelManager.CP_ENTRY_IGNORE_PATH)
3861 				return null;
3862 			return variablePath;
3863 		}
3865 		// even if persisted value exists, initializer is given priority, only if no initializer is found the persisted value is reused
3866 		final ClasspathVariableInitializer initializer = JavaCore.getClasspathVariableInitializer(variableName);
3867 		if (initializer != null){
3868 			if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE)
3869 				verbose_triggering_variable_initialization(variableName, initializer);
3870 			if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_ADVANCED)
3871 				verbose_triggering_variable_initialization_invocation_trace();
3872 			manager.variablePut(variableName, JavaModelManager.VARIABLE_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS); // avoid initialization cycles
3873 			boolean ok = false;
3874 			try {
3875 				// let OperationCanceledException go through
3876 				// (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=59363)
3877 				initializer.initialize(variableName);
3879 				variablePath = manager.variableGet(variableName); // initializer should have performed side-effect
3880 				if (variablePath == JavaModelManager.VARIABLE_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS) return null; // break cycle (initializer did not init or reentering call)
3881 				if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_ADVANCED)
3882 					verbose_variable_value_after_initialization(variableName, variablePath);
3883 				manager.variablesWithInitializer.add(variableName);
3884 				ok = true;
3885 			} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
3886 				if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE || JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_FAILURE)
3887 					e.printStackTrace();
3888 				throw e;
3889 			} finally {
3890 				if (!ok) JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().variablePut(variableName, null); // flush cache
3891 			}
3892 		} else {
3894 				verbose_no_variable_initializer_found(variableName);
3895 		}
3896 		return variablePath;
3897 	}
verbose_no_variable_initializer_found(String variableName)3899 	private static void verbose_no_variable_initializer_found(String variableName) {
3900 		Util.verbose(
3901 			"CPVariable INIT - no initializer found\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
3902 			"	variable: " + variableName); //$NON-NLS-1$
3903 	}
verbose_variable_value_after_initialization(String variableName, IPath variablePath)3905 	private static void verbose_variable_value_after_initialization(String variableName, IPath variablePath) {
3906 		Util.verbose(
3907 			"CPVariable INIT - after initialization\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
3908 			"	variable: " + variableName +'\n' + //$NON-NLS-1$
3909 			"	variable path: " + variablePath); //$NON-NLS-1$
3910 	}
verbose_triggering_variable_initialization(String variableName, ClasspathVariableInitializer initializer)3912 	private static void verbose_triggering_variable_initialization(String variableName, ClasspathVariableInitializer initializer) {
3913 		Util.verbose(
3914 			"CPVariable INIT - triggering initialization\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
3915 			"	variable: " + variableName + '\n' + //$NON-NLS-1$
3916 			"	initializer: " + initializer); //$NON-NLS-1$
3917 	}
verbose_triggering_variable_initialization_invocation_trace()3919 	private static void verbose_triggering_variable_initialization_invocation_trace() {
3920 		Util.verbose(
3921 			"CPVariable INIT - triggering initialization\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
3922 			"	invocation trace:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3923 		new Exception("<Fake exception>").printStackTrace(System.out); //$NON-NLS-1$
3924 	}
3926 	/**
3927 	 * Returns deprecation message of a given classpath variable.
3928 	 *
3929 	 * @param variableName
3930 	 * @return A string if the classpath variable is deprecated, <code>null</code> otherwise.
3931 	 * @since 3.3
3932 	 */
getClasspathVariableDeprecationMessage(String variableName)3933 	public static String getClasspathVariableDeprecationMessage(String variableName) {
3934 	    JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
3936 		// Returns the stored deprecation message
3937 		String message = manager.deprecatedVariables.get(variableName);
3938 		if (message != null) {
3939 		    return message;
3940 		}
3942 	    // If the variable has been already initialized, then there's no deprecation message
3943 		IPath variablePath = manager.variableGet(variableName);
3944 		if (variablePath != null && variablePath != JavaModelManager.VARIABLE_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS) {
3945 			return null;
3946 		}
3948 		// Search for extension point to get the possible deprecation message
3949 		Plugin jdtCorePlugin = JavaCore.getPlugin();
3950 		if (jdtCorePlugin == null) return null;
3952 		IExtensionPoint extension = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, JavaModelManager.CPVARIABLE_INITIALIZER_EXTPOINT_ID);
3953 		if (extension != null) {
3954 			IExtension[] extensions =  extension.getExtensions();
3955 			for(int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++){
3956 				IConfigurationElement [] configElements = extensions[i].getConfigurationElements();
3957 				for(int j = 0; j < configElements.length; j++){
3958 					IConfigurationElement configElement = configElements[j];
3959 					String varAttribute = configElement.getAttribute("variable"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3960 					if (variableName.equals(varAttribute)) {
3961 						String deprecatedAttribute = configElement.getAttribute("deprecated"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3962 						if (deprecatedAttribute != null) {
3963 							return deprecatedAttribute;
3964 						}
3965 					}
3966 				}
3967 			}
3968 		}
3969 		return null;
3970 	}
3972 	/**
3973 	 * Helper method finding the classpath variable initializer registered for a given classpath variable name
3974 	 * or <code>null</code> if none was found while iterating over the contributions to extension point to
3975 	 * the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariableInitializer".
3976 	 *
3977  	 * @param variable the given variable
3978  	 * @return ClasspathVariableInitializer - the registered classpath variable initializer or <code>null</code> if
3979 	 * none was found.
3980 	 * @since 2.1
3981  	 */
getClasspathVariableInitializer(String variable)3982 	public static ClasspathVariableInitializer getClasspathVariableInitializer(String variable){
3984 		Plugin jdtCorePlugin = JavaCore.getPlugin();
3985 		if (jdtCorePlugin == null) return null;
3987 		IExtensionPoint extension = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, JavaModelManager.CPVARIABLE_INITIALIZER_EXTPOINT_ID);
3988 		if (extension != null) {
3989 			IExtension[] extensions =  extension.getExtensions();
3990 			for(int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++){
3991 				IConfigurationElement [] configElements = extensions[i].getConfigurationElements();
3992 				for(int j = 0; j < configElements.length; j++){
3993 					IConfigurationElement configElement = configElements[j];
3994 					try {
3995 						String varAttribute = configElement.getAttribute("variable"); //$NON-NLS-1$
3996 						if (variable.equals(varAttribute)) {
3997 							if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_ADVANCED)
3998 								verbose_found_variable_initializer(variable, configElement);
3999 							Object execExt = configElement.createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4000 							if (execExt instanceof ClasspathVariableInitializer){
4001 								ClasspathVariableInitializer initializer = (ClasspathVariableInitializer)execExt;
4002 								String deprecatedAttribute = configElement.getAttribute("deprecated"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4003 								if (deprecatedAttribute != null) {
4004 									JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().deprecatedVariables.put(variable, deprecatedAttribute);
4005 								}
4006 								String readOnlyAttribute = configElement.getAttribute("readOnly"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4007 								if (JavaModelManager.TRUE.equals(readOnlyAttribute)) {
4008 									JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().readOnlyVariables.add(variable);
4009 								}
4010 								return initializer;
4011 							}
4012 						}
4013 					} catch(CoreException e){
4014 						// executable extension could not be created: ignore this initializer
4015 						if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE || JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_FAILURE) {
4016 							verbose_failed_to_instanciate_variable_initializer(variable, configElement);
4017 							e.printStackTrace();
4018 						}
4019 					}
4020 				}
4021 			}
4022 		}
4023 		return null;
4024 	}
verbose_failed_to_instanciate_variable_initializer(String variable, IConfigurationElement configElement)4026 	private static void verbose_failed_to_instanciate_variable_initializer(String variable, IConfigurationElement configElement) {
4027 		Util.verbose(
4028 			"CPContainer INIT - failed to instanciate initializer\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
4029 			"	variable: " + variable + '\n' + //$NON-NLS-1$
4030 			"	class: " + configElement.getAttribute("class"), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
4031 			System.err);
4032 	}
verbose_found_variable_initializer(String variable, IConfigurationElement configElement)4034 	private static void verbose_found_variable_initializer(String variable, IConfigurationElement configElement) {
4035 		Util.verbose(
4036 			"CPVariable INIT - found initializer\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
4037 			"	variable: " + variable + '\n' + //$NON-NLS-1$
4038 			"	class: " + configElement.getAttribute("class")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
4039 	}
4041 	/**
4042 	 * Returns the names of all known classpath variables.
4043 	 * <p>
4044 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
4045 	 * are preserved from session to session.
4046 	 * </p>
4047 	 *
4048 	 * @return the list of classpath variable names
4049 	 * @see #setClasspathVariable(String, IPath)
4050 	 */
getClasspathVariableNames()4051 	public static String[] getClasspathVariableNames() {
4052 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().variableNames();
4053 	}
4055 	/**
4056 	 * Returns a table of all known configurable options with their default values.
4057 	 * These options allow to configure the behaviour of the underlying components.
4058 	 * The client may safely use the result as a template that they can modify and
4059 	 * then pass to <code>setOptions</code>.
4060 	 * <p>
4061 	 * Helper constants have been defined on JavaCore for each of the option IDs
4062 	 * (categorized in Code assist option ID, Compiler option ID and Core option ID)
4063 	 * and some of their acceptable values (categorized in Option value). Some
4064 	 * options accept open value sets beyond the documented constant values.
4065 	 * </p>
4066 	 * <p>
4067 	 * Note: each release may add new options.
4068 	 * </p>
4069 	 *
4070 	 * @return a table of all known configurable options with their default values
4071 	 */
getDefaultOptions()4072 	public static Hashtable<String, String> getDefaultOptions(){
4073 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getDefaultOptions();
4074 	}
4076 	/**
4077 	 * Returns the workspace root default charset encoding.
4078 	 *
4079 	 * @return the name of the default charset encoding for workspace root.
4080 	 * @see IContainer#getDefaultCharset()
4081 	 * @see ResourcesPlugin#getEncoding()
4082 	 * @since 3.0
4083 	 */
getEncoding()4084 	public static String getEncoding() {
4085 		try {
4086 			return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getDefaultCharset();
4087 		}
4088 		catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
4089 			// happen when there's no workspace (see bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=216817)
4090 			// or when it is shutting down (see bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=60687)
4091 			return System.getProperty("file.encoding"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4092 		}
4093 		catch (CoreException ce) {
4094 			// fails silently and return plugin global encoding if core exception occurs
4095 		}
4096 		return ResourcesPlugin.getEncoding();
4097 	}
4099 	/**
4100 	 * Returns an array that contains the resources generated by the Java builder when building the
4101 	 * compilation units contained in the given region.
4102 	 * <p>The contents of the array is accurate only if the elements of the given region have been built.</p>
4103 	 * <p>The given region can contain instances of:</p>
4104 	 * <ul>
4105 	 * <li><code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit</code></li>
4106 	 * <li><code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment</code></li>
4107 	 * <li><code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
4108 	 * <li><code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject</code></li>
4109 	 * </ul>
4110 	 * <p>All other types of <code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement</code> are ignored.</p>
4111 	 *
4112 	 * @param region the given region
4113 	 * @param includesNonJavaResources a flag that indicates if non-java resources should be included
4114 	 *
4115 	 * @return an array that contains the resources generated by the Java builder when building the
4116 	 * compilation units contained in the given region, an empty array if none
4117 	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the given region is <code>null</code>
4118 	 * @since 3.3
4119 	 */
getGeneratedResources(IRegion region, boolean includesNonJavaResources)4120 	public static IResource[] getGeneratedResources(IRegion region, boolean includesNonJavaResources) {
4121 		if (region == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("region cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4122 		IJavaElement[] elements = region.getElements();
4123 		HashMap projectsStates = new HashMap();
4124 		ArrayList collector = new ArrayList();
4125 		for (int i = 0, max = elements.length; i < max; i++) {
4126 			// collect all the java project
4127 			IJavaElement element = elements[i];
4128 			IJavaProject javaProject = element.getJavaProject();
4129 			IProject project = javaProject.getProject();
4130 			State state = null;
4131 			State currentState = (State) projectsStates.get(project);
4132 			if (currentState != null) {
4133 				state = currentState;
4134 			} else {
4135 				state = (State) JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getLastBuiltState(project, null);
4136 				if (state != null) {
4137 					projectsStates.put(project, state);
4138 				}
4139 			}
4140 			if (state == null) continue;
4141 			if (element.getElementType() == IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT) {
4142 				IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = null;
4143 				try {
4144 					roots = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots();
4145 				} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4146 					// ignore
4147 				}
4148 				if (roots == null) continue;
4149 				IRegion region2 = JavaCore.newRegion();
4150 				for (int j = 0; j < roots.length; j++) {
4151 					region2.add(roots[j]);
4152 				}
4153 				IResource[] res = getGeneratedResources(region2, includesNonJavaResources);
4154 				for (int j = 0, max2 = res.length; j < max2; j++) {
4155 					collector.add(res[j]);
4156 				}
4157 				continue;
4158 			}
4159 			IPath outputLocation = null;
4160 			try {
4161 				outputLocation = javaProject.getOutputLocation();
4162 			} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4163 				// ignore
4164 			}
4165 			IJavaElement root = element;
4166 			while (root != null && root.getElementType() != IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT) {
4167 				root = root.getParent();
4168 			}
4169 			if (root == null) continue;
4170 			IPackageFragmentRoot packageFragmentRoot = (IPackageFragmentRoot) root;
4171 			int rootPathSegmentCounts = packageFragmentRoot.getPath().segmentCount();
4172 			try {
4173 				IClasspathEntry entry = packageFragmentRoot.getRawClasspathEntry();
4174 				IPath entryOutputLocation = entry.getOutputLocation();
4175 				if (entryOutputLocation != null) {
4176 					outputLocation = entryOutputLocation;
4177 				}
4178 			} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4179 				e.printStackTrace();
4180 			}
4181 			if (outputLocation == null) continue;
4182 			IContainer container = (IContainer) project.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(outputLocation);
4183 			switch(element.getElementType()) {
4184 				case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT :
4185 					// get the .class files generated when this element was built
4186 					ICompilationUnit unit = (ICompilationUnit) element;
4187 					getGeneratedResource(unit, container, state, rootPathSegmentCounts, collector);
4188 					break;
4189 				case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT :
4190 					// collect all the .class files generated when all the units in this package were built
4191 					IPackageFragment fragment = (IPackageFragment) element;
4192 					ICompilationUnit[] compilationUnits = null;
4193 					try {
4194 						compilationUnits = fragment.getCompilationUnits();
4195 					} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4196 						// ignore
4197 					}
4198 					if (compilationUnits == null) continue;
4199 					for (int j = 0, max2 = compilationUnits.length; j < max2; j++) {
4200 						getGeneratedResource(compilationUnits[j], container, state, rootPathSegmentCounts, collector);
4201 					}
4202 					if (includesNonJavaResources) {
4203 						// retrieve all non-java resources from the output location using the package fragment path
4204 						Object[] nonJavaResources = null;
4205 						try {
4206 							nonJavaResources = fragment.getNonJavaResources();
4207 						} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4208 							// ignore
4209 						}
4210 						if (nonJavaResources != null) {
4211 							addNonJavaResources(nonJavaResources, container, rootPathSegmentCounts, collector);
4212 						}
4213 					}
4214 					break;
4215 				case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT :
4216 					// collect all the .class files generated when all the units in this package were built
4217 					IPackageFragmentRoot fragmentRoot = (IPackageFragmentRoot) element;
4218 					if (fragmentRoot.isArchive()) continue;
4219 					IJavaElement[] children = null;
4220 					try {
4221 						children = fragmentRoot.getChildren();
4222 					} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4223 						// ignore
4224 					}
4225 					if (children == null) continue;
4226 					for (int j = 0, max2 = children.length; j < max2; j++) {
4227 						fragment = (IPackageFragment) children[j];
4228 						ICompilationUnit[] units = null;
4229 						try {
4230 							units = fragment.getCompilationUnits();
4231 						} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4232 							// ignore
4233 						}
4234 						if (units == null) continue;
4235 						for (int n = 0, max3 = units.length; n < max3; n++) {
4236 							getGeneratedResource(units[n], container, state, rootPathSegmentCounts, collector);
4237 						}
4238 						if (includesNonJavaResources) {
4239 							// retrieve all non-java resources from the output location using the package fragment path
4240 							Object[] nonJavaResources = null;
4241 							try {
4242 								nonJavaResources = fragment.getNonJavaResources();
4243 							} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4244 								// ignore
4245 							}
4246 							if (nonJavaResources != null) {
4247 								addNonJavaResources(nonJavaResources, container, rootPathSegmentCounts, collector);
4248 							}
4249 						}
4250 					}
4251 					break;
4252 			}
4253 		}
4254 		int size = collector.size();
4255 		if (size != 0) {
4256 			IResource[] result = new IResource[size];
4257 			collector.toArray(result);
4258 			return result;
4259 		}
4261 	}
getGeneratedResource(ICompilationUnit unit, IContainer container, State state, int rootPathSegmentCounts, ArrayList collector)4263 	private static void getGeneratedResource(ICompilationUnit unit,
4264 			IContainer container,
4265 			State state,
4266 			int rootPathSegmentCounts,
4267 			ArrayList collector) {
4268 		IResource resource = unit.getResource();
4269 		char[][] typeNames = state.getDefinedTypeNamesFor(resource.getProjectRelativePath().toString());
4270 		if (typeNames != null) {
4271 			IPath path = unit.getPath().removeFirstSegments(rootPathSegmentCounts).removeLastSegments(1);
4272 			for (int j = 0, max2 = typeNames.length; j < max2; j++) {
4273 				IPath localPath = path.append(new String(typeNames[j]) + ".class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4274 				IResource member = container.findMember(localPath);
4275 				if (member != null && member.exists()) {
4276 					collector.add(member);
4277 				}
4278 			}
4279 		} else {
4280 			IPath path = unit.getPath().removeFirstSegments(rootPathSegmentCounts).removeLastSegments(1);
4281 			path = path.append(Util.getNameWithoutJavaLikeExtension(unit.getElementName()) + ".class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4282 			IResource member = container.findMember(path);
4283 			if (member != null && member.exists()) {
4284 				collector.add(member);
4285 			}
4286 		}
4287 	}
4289 	/**
4290 	 * Returns the single instance of the Java core plug-in runtime class.
4291 	 * Equivalent to <code>(JavaCore) getPlugin()</code>.
4292 	 *
4293 	 * @return the single instance of the Java core plug-in runtime class
4294 	 */
getJavaCore()4295 	public static JavaCore getJavaCore() {
4296 		return (JavaCore) getPlugin();
4297 	}
4299 	/**
4300 	 * Returns the list of known Java-like extensions.
4301 	 * Java like extension are defined in the {@link org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform#getContentTypeManager()
4302 	 * content type manager} for the {@link #JAVA_SOURCE_CONTENT_TYPE}.
4303 	 * <p>
4304 	 * Note that a Java-like extension doesn't include the leading dot ('.').
4305 	 * Also note that the "java" extension is always defined as a Java-like extension.
4306 	 * </p>
4307 	 *
4308 	 * @return the list of known Java-like extensions.
4309 	 * @since 3.2
4310 	 */
getJavaLikeExtensions()4311 	public static String[] getJavaLikeExtensions() {
4312 		return CharOperation.toStrings(Util.getJavaLikeExtensions());
4313 	}
4315 	/**
4316 	 * Helper method for returning one option value only. Equivalent to <code>(String)JavaCore.getOptions().get(optionName)</code>
4317 	 * Note that it may answer <code>null</code> if this option does not exist.
4318 	 * <p>
4319 	 * Helper constants have been defined on JavaCore for each of the option IDs
4320 	 * (categorized in Code assist option ID, Compiler option ID and Core option ID)
4321 	 * and some of their acceptable values (categorized in Option value). Some
4322 	 * options accept open value sets beyond the documented constant values.
4323 	 * </p>
4324 	 * <p>
4325 	 * Note: each release may add new options.
4326 	 * </p>
4327 	 *
4328 	 * @param optionName the name of an option
4329 	 * @return the String value of a given option
4330 	 * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions()
4331 	 * @see JavaCorePreferenceInitializer for changing default settings
4332 	 * @since 2.0
4333 	 */
getOption(String optionName)4334 	public static String getOption(String optionName) {
4335 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getOption(optionName);
4336 	}
4338 	/**
4339 	 * Returns the option that can be used to configure the severity of the
4340 	 * compiler problem identified by <code>problemID</code> if any,
4341 	 * <code>null</code> otherwise. Non-null return values are taken from the
4342 	 * constants defined by this class whose names start with
4343 	 * <code>COMPILER_PB</code> and for which the possible values of the
4344 	 * option are defined by <code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code>. A
4345 	 * null return value means that the provided problem ID is unknown or that
4346 	 * it matches a problem whose severity cannot be configured.
4347 	 * @param problemID one of the problem IDs defined by {@link IProblem}
4348 	 * @return the option that can be used to configure the severity of the
4349 	 *         compiler problem identified by <code>problemID</code> if any,
4350 	 *         <code>null</code> otherwise
4351 	 * @since 3.4
4352 	 */
getOptionForConfigurableSeverity(int problemID)4353 	public static String getOptionForConfigurableSeverity(int problemID) {
4354 		return CompilerOptions.optionKeyFromIrritant(ProblemReporter.getIrritant(problemID));
4355 	}
4357 	/**
4358 	 * Returns the option that can be used to configure the severity of the
4359 	 * compiler build path problem identified by <code>id</code> if any,
4360 	 * <code>null</code> otherwise. Non-null return values are taken from the
4361 	 * constants defined by this class whose names start with
4362 	 * <code>CORE_</code> and for which the possible values of the
4363 	 * option are defined by <code>{ "error", "warning", "info", "ignore" }</code>. A
4364 	 * null return value means that the provided id is unknown or that
4365 	 * it matches a problem whose severity cannot be configured.
4366 	 * @param id one of the build path problems defined in IJavaModelStatusConstants
4367 	 * @return the option that can be used to configure the severity of the
4368 	 *         compiler problem identified by <code>id</code> if any,
4369 	 *         <code>null</code> otherwise
4370 	 * @since 3.16
4371 	 */
getOptionForConfigurableBuildPathProblemSeverity(int id)4372 	public static String getOptionForConfigurableBuildPathProblemSeverity(int id) {
4373 		switch (id) {
4374 			case IJavaModelStatusConstants.CLASSPATH_CYCLE:
4375 				return JavaCore.CORE_CIRCULAR_CLASSPATH;
4376 			case IJavaModelStatusConstants.INCOMPATIBLE_JDK_LEVEL:
4377 				return JavaCore.CORE_INCOMPATIBLE_JDK_LEVEL;
4382 			case IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CLASSPATH:
4383 				return JavaCore.CORE_INCOMPLETE_CLASSPATH;
4384 		}
4385 		return null;
4386 	}
4388 	/**
4389 	 * Returns the table of the current options. Initially, all options have their default values,
4390 	 * and this method returns a table that includes all known options.
4391 	 * <p>
4392 	 * Helper constants have been defined on JavaCore for each of the option IDs
4393 	 * (categorized in Code assist option ID, Compiler option ID and Core option ID)
4394 	 * and some of their acceptable values (categorized in Option value). Some
4395 	 * options accept open value sets beyond the documented constant values.
4396 	 * </p>
4397 	 * <p>
4398 	 * Note: each release may add new options.
4399 	 * </p>
4400 	 * <p>Returns a default set of options even if the platform is not running.</p>
4401 	 *
4402 	 * @return table of current settings of all options
4403 	 *   (key type: <code>String</code>; value type: <code>String</code>)
4404 	 * @see #getDefaultOptions()
4405 	 * @see JavaCorePreferenceInitializer for changing default settings
4406 	 */
getOptions()4407 	public static Hashtable<String, String> getOptions() {
4408 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getOptions();
4409 	}
4411 	/**
4412 	 * Returns the single instance of the Java core plug-in runtime class.
4413 	 *
4414 	 * @return the single instance of the Java core plug-in runtime class
4415 	 */
getPlugin()4416 	public static Plugin getPlugin() {
4417 		return JAVA_CORE_PLUGIN;
4418 	}
4420 	/**
4421 	 * This is a helper method, which returns the resolved classpath entry denoted
4422 	 * by a given entry (if it is a variable entry). It is obtained by resolving the variable
4423 	 * reference in the first segment. Returns <code>null</code> if unable to resolve using
4424 	 * the following algorithm:
4425 	 * <ul>
4426 	 * <li> if variable segment cannot be resolved, returns <code>null</code></li>
4427 	 * <li> finds a project, JAR or binary folder in the workspace at the resolved path location</li>
4428 	 * <li> if none finds an external JAR file or folder outside the workspace at the resolved path location </li>
4429 	 * <li> if none returns <code>null</code></li>
4430 	 * </ul>
4431 	 * <p>
4432 	 * Variable source attachment path and root path are also resolved and recorded in the resulting classpath entry.
4433 	 * </p>
4434 	 * <p>
4435 	 * NOTE: This helper method does not handle classpath containers, for which should rather be used
4436 	 * <code>JavaCore#getClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject)</code>.
4437 	 * </p>
4438 	 *
4439 	 * @param entry the given variable entry
4440 	 * @return the resolved library or project classpath entry, or <code>null</code>
4441 	 *   if the given variable entry could not be resolved to a valid classpath entry
4442 	 */
getResolvedClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry entry)4443 	public static IClasspathEntry getResolvedClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry entry) {
4444 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().resolveVariableEntry(entry, false/*don't use previous session value*/);
4445 	}
4448 	/**
4449 	 * Resolve a variable path (helper method).
4450 	 *
4451 	 * @param variablePath the given variable path
4452 	 * @return the resolved variable path or <code>null</code> if none
4453 	 */
getResolvedVariablePath(IPath variablePath)4454 	public static IPath getResolvedVariablePath(IPath variablePath) {
4455 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getResolvedVariablePath(variablePath, false/*don't use previous session value*/);
4456 	}
4458 	/**
4459 	 * Answers the shared working copies currently registered for this buffer factory.
4460 	 * Working copies can be shared by several clients using the same buffer factory,see
4461 	 * <code>IWorkingCopy.getSharedWorkingCopy</code>.
4462 	 *
4463 	 * @param factory the given buffer factory
4464 	 * @return the list of shared working copies for a given buffer factory
4465 	 * @since 2.0
4466 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getWorkingCopies(WorkingCopyOwner)} instead
4467 	 */
getSharedWorkingCopies(IBufferFactory factory)4468 	public static IWorkingCopy[] getSharedWorkingCopies(IBufferFactory factory){
4470 		// if factory is null, default factory must be used
4471 		if (factory == null) factory = BufferManager.getDefaultBufferManager().getDefaultBufferFactory();
4473 		return getWorkingCopies(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BufferFactoryWrapper.create(factory));
4474 	}
4476 	/**
4477 	 * Returns the names of all defined user libraries. The corresponding classpath container path
4478 	 * is the name appended to the USER_LIBRARY_CONTAINER_ID.
4479 	 * @return Return an array containing the names of all known user defined.
4480 	 * @since 3.0
4481 	 */
getUserLibraryNames()4482 	public static String[] getUserLibraryNames() {
4483 		 return JavaModelManager.getUserLibraryManager().getUserLibraryNames();
4484 	}
4486 	/**
4487 	 * Returns the working copies that have the given owner.
4488 	 * Only compilation units in working copy mode are returned.
4489 	 * If the owner is <code>null</code>, primary working copies are returned.
4490 	 *
4491 	 * @param owner the given working copy owner or <code>null</code> for primary working copy owner
4492 	 * @return the list of working copies for a given owner
4493 	 * @since 3.0
4494 	 */
getWorkingCopies(WorkingCopyOwner owner)4495 	public static ICompilationUnit[] getWorkingCopies(WorkingCopyOwner owner){
4497 		JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
4498 		if (owner == null) owner = DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY;
4499 		ICompilationUnit[] result = manager.getWorkingCopies(owner, false/*don't add primary WCs*/);
4500 		if (result == null) return JavaModelManager.NO_WORKING_COPY;
4501 		return result;
4502 	}
4504 	/**
4505 	 * Initializes JavaCore internal structures to allow subsequent operations (such
4506 	 * as the ones that need a resolved classpath) to run full speed. A client may
4507 	 * choose to call this method in a background thread early after the workspace
4508 	 * has started so that the initialization is transparent to the user.
4509 	 * <p>
4510 	 * However calling this method is optional. Services will lazily perform
4511 	 * initialization when invoked. This is only a way to reduce initialization
4512 	 * overhead on user actions, if it can be performed before at some
4513 	 * appropriate moment.
4514 	 * </p><p>
4515 	 * This initialization runs across all Java projects in the workspace. Thus the
4516 	 * workspace root scheduling rule is used during this operation.
4517 	 * </p><p>
4518 	 * This method may return before the initialization is complete. The
4519 	 * initialization will then continue in a background thread.
4520 	 * </p><p>
4521 	 * This method can be called concurrently.
4522 	 * </p>
4523 	 *
4524 	 * @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress
4525 	 *    reporting and cancellation are not desired
4526 	 * @exception CoreException if the initialization fails,
4527 	 * 		the status of the exception indicates the reason of the failure
4528 	 * @since 3.1
4529 	 */
initializeAfterLoad(IProgressMonitor monitor)4530 	public static void initializeAfterLoad(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
4531 		SubMonitor mainMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, Messages.javamodel_initialization, 100);
4532 		mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_configuring_classpath_containers);
4534 		// initialize all containers and variables
4535 		JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
4536 		try {
4537 			SubMonitor subMonitor = mainMonitor.split(50).setWorkRemaining(100); // 50% of the time is spent in initializing containers and variables
4538 			subMonitor.split(5); // give feedback to the user that something is happening
4539 			manager.batchContainerInitializationsProgress.initializeAfterLoadMonitor.set(subMonitor);
4540 			if (manager.forceBatchInitializations(true/*initAfterLoad*/)) { // if no other thread has started the batch container initializations
4541 				manager.getClasspathContainer(Path.EMPTY, null); // force the batch initialization
4542 			} else { // else wait for the batch initialization to finish
4543 				while (manager.batchContainerInitializations == JavaModelManager.BATCH_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS) {
4544 					subMonitor.subTask(manager.batchContainerInitializationsProgress.subTaskName);
4545 					subMonitor.split(manager.batchContainerInitializationsProgress.getWorked());
4546 					synchronized(manager) {
4547 						try {
4548 							manager.wait(100);
4549 						} catch (InterruptedException e) {
4550 							// continue
4551 						}
4552 					}
4553 				}
4554 			}
4555 		} finally {
4556 			manager.batchContainerInitializationsProgress.initializeAfterLoadMonitor.set(null);
4557 		}
4559 		// avoid leaking source attachment properties (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=183413 )
4560 		// and recreate links for external folders if needed
4561 		mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_resetting_source_attachment_properties);
4562 		final IJavaProject[] projects = manager.getJavaModel().getJavaProjects();
4563 		HashSet visitedPaths = new HashSet();
4564 		ExternalFoldersManager externalFoldersManager = JavaModelManager.getExternalManager();
4565 		for (int i = 0, length = projects.length; i < length; i++) {
4566 			JavaProject javaProject = (JavaProject) projects[i];
4567 			IClasspathEntry[] classpath;
4568 			try {
4569 				classpath = javaProject.getResolvedClasspath();
4570 			} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4571 				// project no longer exist: ignore
4572 				continue;
4573 			}
4574 			if (classpath != null) {
4575 				for (int j = 0, length2 = classpath.length; j < length2; j++) {
4576 					IClasspathEntry entry = classpath[j];
4577 					if (entry.getSourceAttachmentPath() != null) {
4578 						IPath entryPath = entry.getPath();
4579 						if (visitedPaths.add(entryPath)) {
4580 							Util.setSourceAttachmentProperty(entryPath, null);
4581 						}
4582 					}
4583 					// else source might have been attached by IPackageFragmentRoot#attachSource(...), we keep it
4584 					if (entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY) {
4585 						IPath entryPath = entry.getPath();
4586 						if (ExternalFoldersManager.isExternalFolderPath(entryPath) && externalFoldersManager.getFolder(entryPath) == null) {
4587 							externalFoldersManager.addFolder(entryPath, true);
4588 						}
4589 					}
4590 				}
4591 			}
4592 		}
4593 		try {
4594 			externalFoldersManager.createPendingFolders(mainMonitor.split(1));
4595 		}
4596 		catch(JavaModelException jme) {
4597 			// Creation of external folder project failed. Log it and continue;
4598 			Util.log(jme, "Error while processing external folders"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4599 		}
4601 		// ensure external jars are refreshed (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=93668)
4602 		// before search is initialized (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=405051)
4603 		final JavaModel model = manager.getJavaModel();
4604 		try {
4605 			mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_refreshing_external_jars);
4606 			model.refreshExternalArchives(
4607 				null/*refresh all projects*/,
4608 				mainMonitor.split(1) // 1% of the time is spent in jar refresh
4609 			);
4610 		} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4611 			// refreshing failed: ignore
4612 		}
4614 		// initialize delta state
4615 		mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_initializing_delta_state);
4616 		manager.deltaState.rootsAreStale = true; // in case it was already initialized before we cleaned up the source attachment properties
4617 		manager.deltaState.initializeRoots(true/*initAfteLoad*/);
4619 		// dummy query for waiting until the indexes are ready
4620 		mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_configuring_searchengine);
4621 		// 47% of the time is spent in the dummy search
4622 		updateLegacyIndex(mainMonitor.split(47));
4624 		// check if the build state version number has changed since last session
4625 		// (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=98969)
4626 		mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_getting_build_state_number);
4627 		QualifiedName qName = new QualifiedName(JavaCore.PLUGIN_ID, "stateVersionNumber"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4628 		IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
4629 		String versionNumber = null;
4630 		try {
4631 			versionNumber = root.getPersistentProperty(qName);
4632 		} catch (CoreException e) {
4633 			// could not read version number: consider it is new
4634 		}
4635 		String newVersionNumber = Byte.toString(State.VERSION);
4636 		if (!newVersionNumber.equals(versionNumber)) {
4637 			// build state version number has changed: touch every projects to force a rebuild
4638 			if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
4639 				System.out.println("Build state version number has changed"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4640 			IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
4641 				@Override
4642 				public void run(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor2) throws CoreException {
4643 					for (int i = 0, length = projects.length; i < length; i++) {
4644 						IJavaProject project = projects[i];
4645 						try {
4646 							if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
4647 								System.out.println("Touching " + project.getElementName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
4648 							new ClasspathValidation((JavaProject) project).validate(); // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=287164
4649 							project.getProject().touch(progressMonitor2);
4650 						} catch (CoreException e) {
4651 							// could not touch this project: ignore
4652 						}
4653 					}
4654 				}
4655 			};
4656 			mainMonitor.subTask(Messages.javamodel_building_after_upgrade);
4657 			try {
4658 				ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(runnable, mainMonitor.split(1));
4659 			} catch (CoreException e) {
4660 				// could not touch all projects
4661 			}
4662 			try {
4663 				root.setPersistentProperty(qName, newVersionNumber);
4664 			} catch (CoreException e) {
4665 				Util.log(e, "Could not persist build state version number"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4666 			}
4667 		}
4668 	}
updateLegacyIndex(IProgressMonitor monitor)4670 	private static void updateLegacyIndex(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
4671 		SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
4672 		IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope();
4673 		try {
4674 			engine.searchAllTypeNames(
4675 				null,
4676 				SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH,
4677 				"!@$#!@".toCharArray(), //$NON-NLS-1$
4678 				SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE,
4679 				IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS,
4680 				scope,
4681 				new TypeNameRequestor() {
4682 					@Override
4683 					public void acceptType(
4684 						int modifiers,
4685 						char[] packageName,
4686 						char[] simpleTypeName,
4687 						char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
4688 						String path) {
4689 						// no type to accept
4690 					}
4691 				},
4692 				// will not activate index query caches if indexes are not ready, since it would take to long
4693 				// to wait until indexes are fully rebuild
4694 				IJavaSearchConstants.CANCEL_IF_NOT_READY_TO_SEARCH,
4695 				monitor
4696 			);
4697 		} catch (JavaModelException e) {
4698 			// /search failed: ignore
4699 		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
4700 			if (monitor.isCanceled())
4701 				throw e;
4702 			// else indexes were not ready: catch the exception so that jars are still refreshed
4703 		}
4704 	}
4706 	/**
4707 	 * Returns whether a given classpath variable is read-only or not.
4708 	 *
4709 	 * @param variableName
4710 	 * @return <code>true</code> if the classpath variable is read-only,
4711 	 * 	<code>false</code> otherwise.
4712 	 * @since 3.3
4713 	 */
isClasspathVariableReadOnly(String variableName)4714 	public static boolean isClasspathVariableReadOnly(String variableName) {
4715 	    return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().readOnlyVariables.contains(variableName);
4716 	}
4718 	/**
4719 	 * Returns whether the given file name's extension is a Java-like extension.
4720 	 *
4721 	 * @return whether the given file name's extension is a Java-like extension
4722 	 * @see #getJavaLikeExtensions()
4723 	 * @since 3.2
4724 	 */
isJavaLikeFileName(String fileName)4725 	public static boolean isJavaLikeFileName(String fileName) {
4726 		return Util.isJavaLikeFileName(fileName);
4727 	}
4729 	/**
4730 	 * Returns whether the given marker references the given Java element.
4731 	 * Used for markers, which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
4732 	 *
4733 	 * @param element the element
4734 	 * @param marker the marker
4735 	 * @return <code>true</code> if the marker references the element, false otherwise
4736 	 * @exception CoreException if the <code>IMarker.getAttribute</code> on the marker fails
4737 	 */
isReferencedBy(IJavaElement element, IMarker marker)4738 	public static boolean isReferencedBy(IJavaElement element, IMarker marker) throws CoreException {
4740 		// only match units or classfiles
4741 		if (element instanceof IMember){
4742 			IMember member = (IMember) element;
4743 			if (member.isBinary()){
4744 				element = member.getClassFile();
4745 			} else {
4746 				element = member.getCompilationUnit();
4747 			}
4748 		}
4749 		if (element == null) return false;
4750 		if (marker == null) return false;
4752 		String markerHandleId = (String)marker.getAttribute(ATT_HANDLE_ID);
4753 		if (markerHandleId == null) return false;
4755 		IJavaElement markerElement = JavaCore.create(markerHandleId);
4756 		while (true){
4757 			if (element.equals(markerElement)) return true; // external elements may still be equal with different handleIDs.
4759 			// cycle through enclosing types in case marker is associated with a classfile (15568)
4760 			if (markerElement instanceof IOrdinaryClassFile){
4761 				IType enclosingType = ((IOrdinaryClassFile)markerElement).getType().getDeclaringType();
4762 				if (enclosingType != null){
4763 					markerElement = enclosingType.getClassFile(); // retry with immediate enclosing classfile
4764 					continue;
4765 				}
4766 			}
4767 			break;
4768 		}
4769 		return false;
4770 	}
4772 	/**
4773 	 * Returns whether the given marker delta references the given Java element.
4774 	 * Used for markers deltas, which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
4775 	 *
4776 	 * @param element the element
4777 	 * @param markerDelta the marker delta
4778 	 * @return <code>true</code> if the marker delta references the element
4779 	 * @exception CoreException if the  <code>IMarkerDelta.getAttribute</code> on the marker delta fails
4780 	 */
isReferencedBy(IJavaElement element, IMarkerDelta markerDelta)4781 	public static boolean isReferencedBy(IJavaElement element, IMarkerDelta markerDelta) throws CoreException {
4783 		// only match units or classfiles
4784 		if (element instanceof IMember){
4785 			IMember member = (IMember) element;
4786 			if (member.isBinary()){
4787 				element = member.getClassFile();
4788 			} else {
4789 				element = member.getCompilationUnit();
4790 			}
4791 		}
4792 		if (element == null) return false;
4793 		if (markerDelta == null) return false;
4795 		String markerDeltarHandleId = (String)markerDelta.getAttribute(ATT_HANDLE_ID);
4796 		if (markerDeltarHandleId == null) return false;
4798 		IJavaElement markerElement = JavaCore.create(markerDeltarHandleId);
4799 		while (true){
4800 			if (element.equals(markerElement)) return true; // external elements may still be equal with different handleIDs.
4802 			// cycle through enclosing types in case marker is associated with a classfile (15568)
4803 			if (markerElement instanceof IOrdinaryClassFile){
4804 				IType enclosingType = ((IOrdinaryClassFile)markerElement).getType().getDeclaringType();
4805 				if (enclosingType != null){
4806 					markerElement = enclosingType.getClassFile(); // retry with immediate enclosing classfile
4807 					continue;
4808 				}
4809 			}
4810 			break;
4811 		}
4812 		return false;
4813 	}
4815 	/**
4816 	 * Creates and returns a new access rule with the given file pattern and kind.
4817 	 * <p>
4818 	 * The rule kind is one of {@link IAccessRule#K_ACCESSIBLE}, {@link IAccessRule#K_DISCOURAGED},
4819 	 * or {@link IAccessRule#K_NON_ACCESSIBLE}, optionally combined with {@link IAccessRule#IGNORE_IF_BETTER},
4820 	 * e.g. <code>IAccessRule.K_NON_ACCESSIBLE | IAccessRule.IGNORE_IF_BETTER</code>.
4821 	 * </p>
4822 	 *
4823 	 * @param filePattern the file pattern this access rule should match
4824 	 * @param kind one of {@link IAccessRule#K_ACCESSIBLE}, {@link IAccessRule#K_DISCOURAGED},
4825 	 *                     or {@link IAccessRule#K_NON_ACCESSIBLE}, optionally combined with
4826 	 *                     {@link IAccessRule#IGNORE_IF_BETTER}
4827 	 * @return a new access rule
4828 	 * @since 3.1
4829 	 *
4830 	 * @see IClasspathEntry#getExclusionPatterns()
4831 	 */
newAccessRule(IPath filePattern, int kind)4832 	public static IAccessRule newAccessRule(IPath filePattern, int kind) {
4833 		return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getAccessRule(filePattern, kind);
4834 	}
4836 	/**
4837 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath attribute with the given name and the given value.
4838 	 *
4839 	 * @return a new classpath attribute
4840 	 * @since 3.1
4841 	 */
newClasspathAttribute(String name, String value)4842 	public static IClasspathAttribute newClasspathAttribute(String name, String value) {
4843 		return new ClasspathAttribute(name, value);
4844 	}
4846 	/**
4847 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_CONTAINER</code>
4848 	 * for the given path. This method is fully equivalent to calling
4849 	 * {@link #newContainerEntry(IPath, IAccessRule[], IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
4850 	 * newContainerEntry(containerPath, new IAccessRule[0], new IClasspathAttribute[0], false)}.
4851 	 *
4852 	 * @param containerPath the path identifying the container, it must be formed of two
4853 	 * 	segments
4854 	 * @return a new container classpath entry
4855 	 *
4856 	 * @see JavaCore#getClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject)
4857 	 * @since 2.0
4858 	 */
newContainerEntry(IPath containerPath)4859 	public static IClasspathEntry newContainerEntry(IPath containerPath) {
4860 		return newContainerEntry(
4861 		containerPath,
4862 		ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES,
4863 		ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES,
4864 		false/*not exported*/);
4865 	}
4867 	/**
4868 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_CONTAINER</code>
4869 	 * for the given path. This method is fully equivalent to calling
4870 	 * {@link #newContainerEntry(IPath, IAccessRule[], IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
4871 	 * newContainerEntry(containerPath, new IAccessRule[0], new IClasspathAttribute[0], isExported)}.
4872 	 *
4873 	 * @param containerPath the path identifying the container, it must be formed of at least
4874 	 * 	one segment (ID+hints)
4875 	 * @param isExported a boolean indicating whether this entry is contributed to dependent
4876 	 *    projects in addition to the output location
4877 	 * @return a new container classpath entry
4878 	 *
4879 	 * @see JavaCore#getClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject)
4880 	 * @see JavaCore#setClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject[], IClasspathContainer[], IProgressMonitor)
4881 	 * @since 2.0
4882 	 */
newContainerEntry(IPath containerPath, boolean isExported)4883 	public static IClasspathEntry newContainerEntry(IPath containerPath, boolean isExported) {
4884 		return newContainerEntry(
4885 			containerPath,
4886 			ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES,
4887 			ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES,
4888 			isExported);
4889 	}
4891 	/**
4892 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_CONTAINER</code>
4893 	 * for the given path. The path of the container will be used during resolution so as to map this
4894 	 * container entry to a set of other classpath entries the container is acting for.
4895 	 * <p>
4896 	 * A container entry allows to express indirect references to a set of libraries, projects and variable entries,
4897 	 * which can be interpreted differently for each Java project where it is used.
4898 	 * A classpath container entry can be resolved using <code>JavaCore.getResolvedClasspathContainer</code>,
4899 	 * and updated with <code>JavaCore.classpathContainerChanged</code>
4900 	 * </p>
4901 	 * <p>
4902 	 * A container is exclusively resolved by a <code>ClasspathContainerInitializer</code> registered onto the
4903 	 * extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer".
4904 	 * </p>
4905 	 * <p>
4906 	 * A container path must be formed of at least one segment, where:
4907 	 * </p>
4908 	 * <ul>
4909 	 * <li> the first segment is a unique ID identifying the target container, there must be a container initializer registered
4910 	 * 	onto this ID through the extension point  "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer". </li>
4911 	 * <li> the remaining segments will be passed onto the initializer, and can be used as additional
4912 	 * 	hints during the initialization phase. </li>
4913 	 * </ul>
4914 	 * <p>
4915 	 * Example of an ClasspathContainerInitializer for a classpath container denoting a default JDK container:
4916 	 * </p>
4917 	 * <pre>
4918 	 * containerEntry = JavaCore.newContainerEntry(new Path("MyProvidedJDK/default"));
4919 	 *
4920 	 * &lt;extension
4921 	 *    point="org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer"&gt;
4922 	 *    &lt;containerInitializer
4923 	 *       id="MyProvidedJDK"
4924 	 *       class="com.example.MyInitializer"/&gt;
4925 	 * </pre>
4926 	 * <p>
4927 	 * The access rules determine the set of accessible source and class files
4928 	 * in the container. If the list of access rules is empty, then all files
4929 	 * in this container are accessible.
4930 	 * See {@link IAccessRule} for a detailed description of access
4931 	 * rules. Note that if an entry defined by the container defines access rules,
4932 	 * then these access rules are combined with the given access rules.
4933 	 * The given access rules are considered first, then the entry's access rules are
4934 	 * considered.
4935 	 * </p>
4936 	 * <p>
4937 	 * The <code>extraAttributes</code> list contains name/value pairs that must be persisted with
4938 	 * this entry. If no extra attributes are provided, an empty array must be passed in.<br>
4939 	 * Note that this list should not contain any duplicate name.
4940 	 * </p>
4941 	 * <p>
4942 	 * The <code>isExported</code> flag indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
4943 	 * projects. If not exported, dependent projects will not see any of the classes from this entry.
4944 	 * If exported, dependent projects will concatenate the accessible files patterns of this entry with the
4945 	 * accessible files patterns of the projects, and they will concatenate the non accessible files patterns of this entry
4946 	 * with the non accessible files patterns of the project.
4947 	 * </p>
4948 	 * <p>
4949 	 * Note that this operation does not attempt to validate classpath containers
4950 	 * or access the resources at the given paths.
4951 	 * </p>
4952 	 *
4953 	 * @param containerPath the path identifying the container, it must be formed of at least
4954 	 * 	one segment (ID+hints)
4955 	 * @param accessRules the possibly empty list of access rules for this entry
4956 	 * @param extraAttributes the possibly empty list of extra attributes to persist with this entry
4957 	 * @param isExported a boolean indicating whether this entry is contributed to dependent
4958 	 *    projects in addition to the output location
4959 	 * @return a new container classpath entry
4960 	 *
4961 	 * @see JavaCore#getClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject)
4962 	 * @see JavaCore#setClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject[], IClasspathContainer[], IProgressMonitor)
4963 	 * @see JavaCore#newContainerEntry(IPath, boolean)
4964 	 * @see JavaCore#newAccessRule(IPath, int)
4965 	 * @since 3.1
4966 	 */
newContainerEntry( IPath containerPath, IAccessRule[] accessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)4967 	public static IClasspathEntry newContainerEntry(
4968 			IPath containerPath,
4969 			IAccessRule[] accessRules,
4970 			IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes,
4971 			boolean isExported) {
4973 		if (containerPath == null) {
4974 			throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Container path cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
4975 		} else if (containerPath.segmentCount() < 1) {
4976 			throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Illegal classpath container path: \'" + containerPath.makeRelative().toString() + "\', must have at least one segment (containerID+hints)"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
4977 		}
4978 		if (accessRules == null || accessRules.length == 0) {
4979 			accessRules = ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES;
4980 		}
4981 		if (extraAttributes == null || extraAttributes.length == 0) {
4982 			extraAttributes = ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES;
4983 		}
4984 		return new ClasspathEntry(
4985 			IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE,
4986 			IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER,
4987 			containerPath,
4988 			ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, // inclusion patterns
4989 			ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE, // exclusion patterns
4990 			null, // source attachment
4991 			null, // source attachment root
4992 			null, // specific output folder
4993 			isExported,
4994 			accessRules,
4995 			true, // combine access rules
4996 			extraAttributes);
4997 	}
4999 	/**
5000 	 * Creates and returns a type hierarchy for all types in the given
5001 	 * region, considering subtypes within that region and considering types in the
5002 	 * working copies with the given owner.
5003 	 * In other words, the owner's working copies will take
5004 	 * precedence over their original compilation units in the workspace.
5005 	 * <p>
5006 	 * Note that if a working copy is empty, it will be as if the original compilation
5007 	 * unit had been deleted.
5008 	 * </p>
5009 	 *
5010 	 * @param monitor the given progress monitor
5011 	 * @param region the given region
5012 	 * @param owner the owner of working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units,
5013 	 *   or <code>null</code> if the primary working copy owner should be used
5014 	 * @exception JavaModelException if an element in the region does not exist or if an
5015 	 *		exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
5016 	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if region is <code>null</code>
5017 	 * @return a type hierarchy for all types in the given
5018 	 * region, considering subtypes within that region
5019 	 * @since 3.1
5020 	 */
newTypeHierarchy(IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)5021 	public static ITypeHierarchy newTypeHierarchy(IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
5022 		if (region == null) {
5023 			throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.hierarchy_nullRegion);
5024 		}
5025 		ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getWorkingCopies(owner, true/*add primary working copies*/);
5026 		CreateTypeHierarchyOperation op =
5027 			new CreateTypeHierarchyOperation(region, workingCopies, null, true/*compute subtypes*/);
5028 		op.runOperation(monitor);
5029 		return op.getResult();
5030 	}
5032 	/**
5033 	 * Creates and returns a new non-exported classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_LIBRARY</code> for the
5034 	 * JAR or folder identified by the given absolute path. This specifies that all package fragments
5035 	 * within the root will have children of type <code>IClassFile</code>.
5036 	 * This method is fully equivalent to calling
5037 	 * {@link #newLibraryEntry(IPath, IPath, IPath, IAccessRule[], IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
5038 	 * newLibraryEntry(path, sourceAttachmentPath, sourceAttachmentRootPath, new IAccessRule[0], new IClasspathAttribute[0], false)}.
5039 	 *
5040 	 * @param path the path to the library
5041 	 * @param sourceAttachmentPath the absolute path of the corresponding source archive or folder,
5042 	 *    or <code>null</code> if none. Note, since 3.0, an empty path is allowed to denote no source attachment.
5043 	 *    Since 3.4, this path can also denote a path external to the workspace.
5044 	 *   and will be automatically converted to <code>null</code>.
5045 	 * @param sourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root of the source files within the source archive or folder
5046 	 *    or <code>null</code> if this location should be automatically detected.
5047 	 * @return a new library classpath entry
5048 	 */
newLibraryEntry( IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath)5049 	public static IClasspathEntry newLibraryEntry(
5050 		IPath path,
5051 		IPath sourceAttachmentPath,
5052 		IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath) {
5054 		return newLibraryEntry(
5055 			path,
5056 			sourceAttachmentPath,
5057 			sourceAttachmentRootPath,
5058 			ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES,
5059 			ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES,
5060 			false/*not exported*/);
5061 	}
5063 	/**
5064 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_LIBRARY</code> for the JAR or folder
5065 	 * identified by the given absolute path. This specifies that all package fragments within the root
5066 	 * will have children of type <code>IClassFile</code>.
5067 	 * <p>
5068 	 * This method is fully equivalent to calling
5069 	 * {@link #newLibraryEntry(IPath, IPath, IPath, IAccessRule[], IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
5070 	 * newLibraryEntry(path, sourceAttachmentPath, sourceAttachmentRootPath, new IAccessRule[0], new IClasspathAttribute[0], isExported)}.
5071 	 * </p>
5072 	 *
5073 	 * @param path the path to the library
5074 	 * @param sourceAttachmentPath the absolute path of the corresponding source archive or folder,
5075 	 *    or <code>null</code> if none. Note, since 3.0, an empty path is allowed to denote no source attachment.
5076 	 *   and will be automatically converted to <code>null</code>. Since 3.4, this path can also denote a path external
5077 	 *   to the workspace.
5078 	 * @param sourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root of the source files within the source archive or folder
5079 	 *    or <code>null</code> if this location should be automatically detected.
5080 	 * @param isExported indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5081 	 * 	  projects in addition to the output location
5082 	 * @return a new library classpath entry
5083 	 * @since 2.0
5084 	 */
newLibraryEntry( IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath, boolean isExported)5085 	public static IClasspathEntry newLibraryEntry(
5086 		IPath path,
5087 		IPath sourceAttachmentPath,
5088 		IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath,
5089 		boolean isExported) {
5091 		return newLibraryEntry(
5092 			path,
5093 			sourceAttachmentPath,
5094 			sourceAttachmentRootPath,
5095 			ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES,
5096 			ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES,
5097 			isExported);
5098 	}
5100 	/**
5101 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_LIBRARY</code> for the JAR or folder
5102 	 * identified by the given absolute path. This specifies that all package fragments within the root
5103 	 * will have children of type <code>IClassFile</code>.
5104 	 * <p>
5105 	 * A library entry is used to denote a prerequisite JAR or root folder containing binaries.
5106 	 * The target JAR can either be defined internally to the workspace (absolute path relative
5107 	 * to the workspace root), or externally to the workspace (absolute path in the file system).
5108 	 * The target root folder can also be defined internally to the workspace (absolute path relative
5109 	 * to the workspace root), or - since 3.4 - externally to the workspace (absolute path in the file system).
5110 	 * Since 3.5, the path to the library can also be relative to the project using ".." as the first segment.
5111 	 * </p>
5112 	 * <p>
5113 	 * e.g. Here are some examples of binary path usage
5114 	 * </p>
5115 	 *	<ul>
5116 	 *	<li><code> "c:\jdk1.2.2\jre\lib\rt.jar" </code> - reference to an external JAR on Windows</li>
5117 	 *	<li><code> "/Project/someLib.jar" </code> - reference to an internal JAR on Windows or Linux</li>
5118 	 *	<li><code> "/Project/classes/" </code> - reference to an internal binary folder on Windows or Linux</li>
5119 	 *	<li><code> "/home/usr/classes" </code> - reference to an external binary folder on Linux</li>
5120 	 *	<li><code> "../../lib/someLib.jar" </code> - reference to an external JAR that is a sibling of the workspace on either platform</li>
5121 	 * </ul>
5122 	 * Note that on non-Windows platform, a path <code>"/some/lib.jar"</code> is ambiguous.
5123 	 * It can be a path to an external JAR (its file system path being <code>"/some/lib.jar"</code>)
5124 	 * or it can be a path to an internal JAR (<code>"some"</code> being a project in the workspace).
5125 	 * Such an ambiguity is solved when the classpath entry is used (e.g. in {@link IJavaProject#getPackageFragmentRoots()}).
5126 	 * If the resource <code>"lib.jar"</code> exists in project <code>"some"</code>, then it is considered an
5127 	 * internal JAR. Otherwise it is an external JAR.
5128 	 * <p>Also note that this operation does not attempt to validate or access the
5129 	 * resources at the given paths.
5130 	 * </p><p>
5131 	 * The access rules determine the set of accessible class files
5132 	 * in the library. If the list of access rules is empty then all files
5133 	 * in this library are accessible.
5134 	 * See {@link IAccessRule} for a detailed description of access
5135 	 * rules.
5136 	 * </p>
5137 	 * <p>
5138 	 * The <code>extraAttributes</code> list contains name/value pairs that must be persisted with
5139 	 * this entry. If no extra attributes are provided, an empty array must be passed in.<br>
5140 	 * Note that this list should not contain any duplicate name.
5141 	 * </p>
5142 	 * <p>
5143 	 * The <code>isExported</code> flag indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5144 	 * projects. If not exported, dependent projects will not see any of the classes from this entry.
5145 	 * If exported, dependent projects will concatenate the accessible files patterns of this entry with the
5146 	 * accessible files patterns of the projects, and they will concatenate the non accessible files patterns of this entry
5147 	 * with the non accessible files patterns of the project.
5148 	 * </p>
5149 	 * <p>
5150 	 * Since 3.5, if the library is a ZIP archive, the "Class-Path" clause (if any) in the "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" is read
5151 	 * and referenced ZIP archives are added to the {@link IJavaProject#getResolvedClasspath(boolean) resolved classpath}.
5152 	 * </p>
5153 	 *
5154 	 * @param path the path to the library
5155 	 * @param sourceAttachmentPath the absolute path of the corresponding source archive or folder,
5156 	 *    or <code>null</code> if none. Note, since 3.0, an empty path is allowed to denote no source attachment.
5157 	 *   and will be automatically converted to <code>null</code>. Since 3.4, this path can also denote a path external
5158 	 *   to the workspace.
5159 	 * @param sourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root of the source files within the source archive or folder
5160 	 *    or <code>null</code> if this location should be automatically detected.
5161 	 * @param accessRules the possibly empty list of access rules for this entry
5162 	 * @param extraAttributes the possibly empty list of extra attributes to persist with this entry
5163 	 * @param isExported indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5164 	 * 	  projects in addition to the output location
5165 	 * @return a new library classpath entry
5166 	 * @since 3.1
5167 	 */
newLibraryEntry( IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath, IAccessRule[] accessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)5168 	public static IClasspathEntry newLibraryEntry(
5169 			IPath path,
5170 			IPath sourceAttachmentPath,
5171 			IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath,
5172 			IAccessRule[] accessRules,
5173 			IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes,
5174 			boolean isExported) {
5176 		if (path == null) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Library path cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5177 		if (accessRules == null || accessRules.length==0) {
5178 			accessRules = ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES;
5179 		}
5180 		if (extraAttributes == null || extraAttributes.length==0) {
5181 			extraAttributes = ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES;
5182 		}
5183 		boolean hasDotDot = ClasspathEntry.hasDotDot(path);
5184 		if (!hasDotDot && !path.isAbsolute()) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Path for IClasspathEntry must be absolute: " + path); //$NON-NLS-1$
5185 		if (sourceAttachmentPath != null) {
5186 			if (sourceAttachmentPath.isEmpty()) {
5187 				sourceAttachmentPath = null; // treat empty path as none
5188 			} else if (!sourceAttachmentPath.isAbsolute()) {
5189 				throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Source attachment path '" //$NON-NLS-1$
5190 						+ sourceAttachmentPath
5191 						+ "' for IClasspathEntry must be absolute"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5192 			}
5193 		}
5194 		return new ClasspathEntry(
5195 			IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY,
5196 			IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY,
5197 			hasDotDot ? path : JavaProject.canonicalizedPath(path),
5198 			ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, // inclusion patterns
5199 			ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE, // exclusion patterns
5200 			sourceAttachmentPath,
5201 			sourceAttachmentRootPath,
5202 			null, // specific output folder
5203 			isExported,
5204 			accessRules,
5205 			false, // no access rules to combine
5206 			extraAttributes);
5207 	}
5209 	/**
5210 	 * Creates and returns a new non-exported classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_PROJECT</code>
5211 	 * for the project identified by the given absolute path.
5212 	 * <p>
5213 	 * This method is fully equivalent to calling
5214 	 * {@link #newProjectEntry(IPath, IAccessRule[], boolean, IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
5215 	 * newProjectEntry(path, new IAccessRule[0], true, new IClasspathAttribute[0], false)}.
5216 	 * </p>
5217 	 *
5218 	 * @param path the absolute path of the binary archive
5219 	 * @return a new project classpath entry
5220 	 */
newProjectEntry(IPath path)5221 	public static IClasspathEntry newProjectEntry(IPath path) {
5222 		return newProjectEntry(path, false);
5223 	}
5225 	/**
5226 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_PROJECT</code>
5227 	 * for the project identified by the given absolute path.
5228 	 * <p>
5229 	 * This method is fully equivalent to calling
5230 	 * {@link #newProjectEntry(IPath, IAccessRule[], boolean, IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
5231 	 * newProjectEntry(path, new IAccessRule[0], true, new IClasspathAttribute[0], isExported)}.
5232 	 * </p>
5233 	 *
5234 	 * @param path the absolute path of the prerequisite project
5235 	 * @param isExported indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5236 	 * 	  projects in addition to the output location
5237 	 * @return a new project classpath entry
5238 	 * @since 2.0
5239 	 */
newProjectEntry(IPath path, boolean isExported)5240 	public static IClasspathEntry newProjectEntry(IPath path, boolean isExported) {
5242 		if (!path.isAbsolute()) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Path for IClasspathEntry must be absolute"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5244 		return newProjectEntry(
5245 			path,
5246 			ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES,
5247 			true,
5248 			ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES,
5249 			isExported);
5250 	}
5252 	/**
5253 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_PROJECT</code>
5254 	 * for the project identified by the given absolute path.
5255 	 * <p>
5256 	 * A project entry is used to denote a prerequisite project on a classpath.
5257 	 * The referenced project will be contributed as a whole, either as sources (in the Java Model, it
5258 	 * contributes all its package fragment roots) or as binaries (when building, it contributes its
5259 	 * whole output location).
5260 	 * </p>
5261 	 * <p>
5262 	 * A project reference allows to indirect through another project, independently from its internal layout.
5263 	 * </p><p>
5264 	 * The prerequisite project is referred to using an absolute path relative to the workspace root.
5265 	 * </p>
5266 	 * <p>
5267 	 * The access rules determine the set of accessible class files
5268 	 * in the project. If the list of access rules is empty then all files
5269 	 * in this project are accessible.
5270 	 * See {@link IAccessRule} for a detailed description of access rules.
5271 	 * </p>
5272 	 * <p>
5273 	 * The <code>combineAccessRules</code> flag indicates whether access rules of one (or more)
5274 	 * exported entry of the project should be combined with the given access rules. If they should
5275 	 * be combined, the given access rules are considered first, then the entry's access rules are
5276 	 * considered.
5277 	 * </p>
5278 	 * <p>
5279 	 * The <code>extraAttributes</code> list contains name/value pairs that must be persisted with
5280 	 * this entry. If no extra attributes are provided, an empty array must be passed in.<br>
5281 	 * Note that this list should not contain any duplicate name.
5282 	 * </p>
5283 	 * <p>
5284 	 * The <code>isExported</code> flag indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5285 	 * projects. If not exported, dependent projects will not see any of the classes from this entry.
5286 	 * If exported, dependent projects will concatenate the accessible files patterns of this entry with the
5287 	 * accessible files patterns of the projects, and they will concatenate the non accessible files patterns of this entry
5288 	 * with the non accessible files patterns of the project.
5289 	 * </p>
5290 	 *
5291 	 * @param path the absolute path of the prerequisite project
5292 	 * @param accessRules the possibly empty list of access rules for this entry
5293 	 * @param combineAccessRules whether the access rules of the project's exported entries should be combined with the given access rules
5294 	 * @param extraAttributes the possibly empty list of extra attributes to persist with this entry
5295 	 * @param isExported indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5296 	 * 	  projects in addition to the output location
5297 	 * @return a new project classpath entry
5298 	 * @since 3.1
5299 	 */
newProjectEntry( IPath path, IAccessRule[] accessRules, boolean combineAccessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)5300 	public static IClasspathEntry newProjectEntry(
5301 			IPath path,
5302 			IAccessRule[] accessRules,
5303 			boolean combineAccessRules,
5304 			IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes,
5305 			boolean isExported) {
5307 		if (!path.isAbsolute()) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Path for IClasspathEntry must be absolute"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5308 		if (accessRules == null || accessRules.length == 0) {
5309 			accessRules = ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES;
5310 		}
5311 		if (extraAttributes == null || extraAttributes.length == 0) {
5312 			extraAttributes = ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES;
5313 		}
5314 		return new ClasspathEntry(
5315 			IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE,
5316 			IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT,
5317 			path,
5318 			ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, // inclusion patterns
5319 			ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE, // exclusion patterns
5320 			null, // source attachment
5321 			null, // source attachment root
5322 			null, // specific output folder
5323 			isExported,
5324 			accessRules,
5325 			combineAccessRules,
5326 			extraAttributes);
5327 	}
5329 	/**
5330 	 * Returns a new empty region.
5331 	 *
5332 	 * @return a new empty region
5333 	 */
newRegion()5334 	public static IRegion newRegion() {
5335 		return new Region();
5336 	}
5338 	/**
5339 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_SOURCE</code>
5340 	 * for all files in the project's source folder identified by the given
5341 	 * absolute workspace-relative path.
5342 	 * <p>
5343 	 * The convenience method is fully equivalent to:
5344 	 * </p>
5345 	 * <pre>
5346 	 * newSourceEntry(path, new IPath[] {}, new IPath[] {}, null);
5347 	 * </pre>
5348 	 *
5349 	 * @param path the absolute workspace-relative path of a source folder
5350 	 * @return a new source classpath entry
5351 	 * @see #newSourceEntry(IPath, IPath[], IPath[], IPath)
5352 	 */
newSourceEntry(IPath path)5353 	public static IClasspathEntry newSourceEntry(IPath path) {
5355 		return newSourceEntry(path, ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE, null /*output location*/);
5356 	}
5358 	/**
5359 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_SOURCE</code>
5360 	 * for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute
5361 	 * workspace-relative path but excluding all source files with paths
5362 	 * matching any of the given patterns.
5363 	 * <p>
5364 	 * The convenience method is fully equivalent to:
5365 	 * </p>
5366 	 * <pre>
5367 	 * newSourceEntry(path, new IPath[] {}, exclusionPatterns, null);
5368 	 * </pre>
5369 	 *
5370 	 * @param path the absolute workspace-relative path of a source folder
5371 	 * @param exclusionPatterns the possibly empty list of exclusion patterns
5372 	 *    represented as relative paths
5373 	 * @return a new source classpath entry
5374 	 * @see #newSourceEntry(IPath, IPath[], IPath[], IPath)
5375 	 * @since 2.1
5376 	 */
newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] exclusionPatterns)5377 	public static IClasspathEntry newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] exclusionPatterns) {
5379 		return newSourceEntry(path, ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, exclusionPatterns, null /*output location*/);
5380 	}
5382 	/**
5383 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_SOURCE</code>
5384 	 * for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute
5385 	 * workspace-relative path but excluding all source files with paths
5386 	 * matching any of the given patterns, and associated with a specific output location
5387 	 * (that is, ".class" files are not going to the project default output location).
5388 	 * <p>
5389 	 * The convenience method is fully equivalent to:
5390 	 * </p>
5391 	 * <pre>
5392 	 * newSourceEntry(path, new IPath[] {}, exclusionPatterns, specificOutputLocation);
5393 	 * </pre>
5394 	 *
5395 	 * @param path the absolute workspace-relative path of a source folder
5396 	 * @param exclusionPatterns the possibly empty list of exclusion patterns
5397 	 *    represented as relative paths
5398 	 * @param specificOutputLocation the specific output location for this source entry (<code>null</code> if using project default output location)
5399 	 * @return a new source classpath entry
5400 	 * @see #newSourceEntry(IPath, IPath[], IPath[], IPath)
5401 	 * @since 2.1
5402 	 */
newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation)5403 	public static IClasspathEntry newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation) {
5405 	    return newSourceEntry(path, ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, exclusionPatterns, specificOutputLocation);
5406 	}
5408 	/**
5409 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_SOURCE</code>
5410 	 * for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute
5411 	 * workspace-relative path but excluding all source files with paths
5412 	 * matching any of the given patterns, and associated with a specific output location
5413 	 * (that is, ".class" files are not going to the project default output location).
5414 	 * <p>
5415 	 * The convenience method is fully equivalent to:
5416 	 * </p>
5417 	 * <pre>
5418 	 * newSourceEntry(path, new IPath[] {}, exclusionPatterns, specificOutputLocation, new IClasspathAttribute[] {});
5419 	 * </pre>
5420 	 *
5421 	 * @param path the absolute workspace-relative path of a source folder
5422 	 * @param inclusionPatterns the possibly empty list of inclusion patterns
5423 	 *    represented as relative paths
5424 	 * @param exclusionPatterns the possibly empty list of exclusion patterns
5425 	 *    represented as relative paths
5426 	 * @param specificOutputLocation the specific output location for this source entry (<code>null</code> if using project default output location)
5427 	 * @return a new source classpath entry
5428 	 * @see #newSourceEntry(IPath, IPath[], IPath[], IPath, IClasspathAttribute[])
5429 	 * @since 3.0
5430 	 */
newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] inclusionPatterns, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation)5431 	public static IClasspathEntry newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] inclusionPatterns, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation) {
5432 		return newSourceEntry(path, inclusionPatterns, exclusionPatterns, specificOutputLocation, ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES);
5433 	}
5435 	/**
5436 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_SOURCE</code>
5437 	 * for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute
5438 	 * workspace-relative path using the given inclusion and exclusion patterns
5439 	 * to determine which source files are included, and the given output path
5440 	 * to control the output location of generated files.
5441 	 * <p>
5442 	 * The source folder is referred to using an absolute path relative to the
5443 	 * workspace root, e.g. <code>/Project/src</code>. A project's source
5444 	 * folders are located with that project. That is, a source classpath
5445 	 * entry specifying the path <code>/P1/src</code> is only usable for
5446 	 * project <code>P1</code>.
5447 	 * </p>
5448 	 * <p>
5449 	 * The inclusion patterns determines the initial set of source files that
5450 	 * are to be included; the exclusion patterns are then used to reduce this
5451 	 * set. When no inclusion patterns are specified, the initial file set
5452 	 * includes all relevant files in the resource tree rooted at the source
5453 	 * entry's path. On the other hand, specifying one or more inclusion
5454 	 * patterns means that all <b>and only</b> files matching at least one of
5455 	 * the specified patterns are to be included. If exclusion patterns are
5456 	 * specified, the initial set of files is then reduced by eliminating files
5457 	 * matched by at least one of the exclusion patterns. Inclusion and
5458 	 * exclusion patterns look like relative file paths with wildcards and are
5459 	 * interpreted relative to the source entry's path. File patterns are
5460 	 * case-sensitive can contain '**', '*' or '?' wildcards (see
5461 	 * {@link IClasspathEntry#getExclusionPatterns()} for the full description
5462 	 * of their syntax and semantics). The resulting set of files are included
5463 	 * in the corresponding package fragment root; all package fragments within
5464 	 * the root will have children of type <code>ICompilationUnit</code>.
5465 	 * </p>
5466 	 * <p>
5467 	 * For example, if the source folder path is
5468 	 * <code>/Project/src</code>, there are no inclusion filters, and the
5469 	 * exclusion pattern is
5470 	 * <code>com/xyz/tests/&#42;&#42;</code>, then source files
5471 	 * like <code>/Project/src/com/xyz/Foo.java</code>
5472 	 * and <code>/Project/src/com/xyz/utils/Bar.java</code> would be included,
5473 	 * whereas <code>/Project/src/com/xyz/tests/T1.java</code>
5474 	 * and <code>/Project/src/com/xyz/tests/quick/T2.java</code> would be
5475 	 * excluded.
5476 	 * </p>
5477 	 * <p>
5478 	 * Additionally, a source entry can be associated with a specific output location.
5479 	 * By doing so, the Java builder will ensure that the generated ".class" files will
5480 	 * be issued inside this output location, as opposed to be generated into the
5481 	 * project default output location (when output location is <code>null</code>).
5482 	 * Note that multiple source entries may target the same output location.
5483 	 * The output location is referred to using an absolute path relative to the
5484 	 * workspace root, e.g. <code>"/Project/bin"</code>, it must be located inside
5485 	 * the same project as the source folder.
5486 	 * </p>
5487 	 * <p>
5488 	 * Also note that all sources/binaries inside a project are contributed as
5489 	 * a whole through a project entry
5490 	 * (see <code>JavaCore.newProjectEntry</code>). Particular source entries
5491 	 * cannot be selectively exported.
5492 	 * </p>
5493 	 * <p>
5494 	 * The <code>extraAttributes</code> list contains name/value pairs that must be persisted with
5495 	 * this entry. If no extra attributes are provided, an empty array must be passed in.<br>
5496 	 * Note that this list should not contain any duplicate name.
5497 	 * </p>
5498 	 *
5499 	 * @param path the absolute workspace-relative path of a source folder
5500 	 * @param inclusionPatterns the possibly empty list of inclusion patterns
5501 	 *    represented as relative paths
5502 	 * @param exclusionPatterns the possibly empty list of exclusion patterns
5503 	 *    represented as relative paths
5504 	 * @param specificOutputLocation the specific output location for this source entry (<code>null</code> if using project default ouput location)
5505 	 * @param extraAttributes the possibly empty list of extra attributes to persist with this entry
5506 	 * @return a new source classpath entry with the given exclusion patterns
5507 	 * @see IClasspathEntry#getInclusionPatterns()
5508 	 * @see IClasspathEntry#getExclusionPatterns()
5509 	 * @see IClasspathEntry#getOutputLocation()
5510 	 * @since 3.1
5511 	 */
newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] inclusionPatterns, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes)5512 	public static IClasspathEntry newSourceEntry(IPath path, IPath[] inclusionPatterns, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes) {
5514 		if (path == null) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Source path cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5515 		if (!path.isAbsolute()) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Path for IClasspathEntry must be absolute"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5516 		if (exclusionPatterns == null) {
5517 			exclusionPatterns = ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE;
5518 		}
5519 		if (inclusionPatterns == null) {
5520 			inclusionPatterns = ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL;
5521 		}
5522 		if (extraAttributes == null) {
5523 			extraAttributes = ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES;
5524 		}
5525 		return new ClasspathEntry(
5526 			IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE,
5527 			IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE,
5528 			path,
5529 			inclusionPatterns,
5530 			exclusionPatterns,
5531 			null, // source attachment
5532 			null, // source attachment root
5533 			specificOutputLocation, // custom output location
5534 			false,
5535 			null,
5536 			false, // no access rules to combine
5537 			extraAttributes);
5538 	}
5540 	/**
5541 	 * Creates and returns a new non-exported classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_VARIABLE</code>
5542 	 * for the given path. This method is fully equivalent to calling
5543 	 * {@link #newVariableEntry(IPath, IPath, IPath, IAccessRule[], IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
5544 	 * newVariableEntry(variablePath, variableSourceAttachmentPath, sourceAttachmentRootPath, new IAccessRule[0], new IClasspathAttribute[0], false)}.
5545 	 *
5546 	 * @param variablePath the path of the binary archive; first segment is the
5547 	 *   name of a classpath variable
5548 	 * @param variableSourceAttachmentPath the path of the corresponding source archive,
5549 	 *    or <code>null</code> if none; if present, the first segment is the
5550 	 *    name of a classpath variable (not necessarily the same variable
5551 	 *    as the one that begins <code>variablePath</code>)
5552 	 * @param sourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root of the source files within the source archive
5553 	 *    or <code>null</code> if <code>variableSourceAttachmentPath</code> is also <code>null</code>
5554 	 * @return a new library classpath entry
5555 	 */
newVariableEntry( IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath)5556 	public static IClasspathEntry newVariableEntry(
5557 		IPath variablePath,
5558 		IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath,
5559 		IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath) {
5561 		return newVariableEntry(variablePath, variableSourceAttachmentPath, sourceAttachmentRootPath, false);
5562 	}
5564 	/**
5565 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_VARIABLE</code>
5566 	 * for the given path. This method is fully equivalent to calling
5567 	 * {@link #newVariableEntry(IPath, IPath, IPath, IAccessRule[], IClasspathAttribute[], boolean)
5568 	 * newVariableEntry(variablePath, variableSourceAttachmentPath, sourceAttachmentRootPath, new IAccessRule[0], new IClasspathAttribute[0], isExported)}.
5569 	 *
5570 	 * @param variablePath the path of the binary archive; first segment is the
5571 	 *   name of a classpath variable
5572 	 * @param variableSourceAttachmentPath the path of the corresponding source archive,
5573 	 *    or <code>null</code> if none; if present, the first segment is the
5574 	 *    name of a classpath variable (not necessarily the same variable
5575 	 *    as the one that begins <code>variablePath</code>)
5576 	 * @param variableSourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root of the source files within the source archive
5577 	 *    or <code>null</code> if <code>variableSourceAttachmentPath</code> is also <code>null</code>
5578 	 * @param isExported indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5579 	 * 	  projects in addition to the output location
5580 	 * @return a new variable classpath entry
5581 	 * @since 2.0
5582 	 */
newVariableEntry( IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentRootPath, boolean isExported)5583 	public static IClasspathEntry newVariableEntry(
5584 			IPath variablePath,
5585 			IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath,
5586 			IPath variableSourceAttachmentRootPath,
5587 			boolean isExported) {
5589 		return newVariableEntry(
5590 			variablePath,
5591 			variableSourceAttachmentPath,
5592 			variableSourceAttachmentRootPath,
5593 			ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES,
5594 			ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES,
5595 			isExported);
5596 	}
5598 	/**
5599 	 * Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_VARIABLE</code>
5600 	 * for the given path. The first segment of the path is the name of a classpath variable.
5601 	 * The trailing segments of the path will be appended to resolved variable path.
5602 	 * <p>
5603 	 * A variable entry allows to express indirect references on a classpath to other projects or libraries,
5604 	 * depending on what the classpath variable is referring.
5605 	 * </p>
5606 	 * <p>
5607 	 * It is possible to register an automatic initializer (<code>ClasspathVariableInitializer</code>),
5608 	 * which will be invoked through the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariableInitializer".
5609 	 * After resolution, a classpath variable entry may either correspond to a project or a library entry.
5610 	 * </p>
5611 	 * <p>
5612 	 * e.g. Here are some examples of variable path usage
5613 	 * </p>
5614 	 * <ul>
5615 	 * <li> "JDTCORE" where variable <code>JDTCORE</code> is
5616 	 *		bound to "c:/jars/jdtcore.jar". The resolved classpath entry is denoting the library "c:\jars\jdtcore.jar"</li>
5617 	 * <li> "JDTCORE" where variable <code>JDTCORE</code> is
5618 	 *		bound to "/Project_JDTCORE". The resolved classpath entry is denoting the project "/Project_JDTCORE"</li>
5619 	 * <li> "PLUGINS/com.example/example.jar" where variable <code>PLUGINS</code>
5620 	 *      is bound to "c:/eclipse/plugins". The resolved classpath entry is denoting the library "c:\eclipse\plugins\com.example\example.jar"</li>
5621 	 * </ul>
5622 	 * <p>
5623 	 * The access rules determine the set of accessible class files
5624 	 * in the project or library. If the list of access rules is empty then all files
5625 	 * in this project or library are accessible.
5626 	 * See {@link IAccessRule} for a detailed description of access rules.
5627 	 * </p>
5628 	 * <p>
5629 	 * The <code>extraAttributes</code> list contains name/value pairs that must be persisted with
5630 	 * this entry. If no extra attributes are provided, an empty array must be passed in.<br>
5631 	 * Note that this list should not contain any duplicate name.
5632 	 * </p>
5633 	 * <p>
5634 	 * The <code>isExported</code> flag indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5635 	 * projects. If not exported, dependent projects will not see any of the classes from this entry.
5636 	 * If exported, dependent projects will concatenate the accessible files patterns of this entry with the
5637 	 * accessible files patterns of the projects, and they will concatenate the non accessible files patterns of this entry
5638 	 * with the non accessible files patterns of the project.
5639 	 * </p>
5640 	 * <p>
5641 	 * Note that this operation does not attempt to validate classpath variables
5642 	 * or access the resources at the given paths.
5643 	 * </p>
5644 	 *
5645 	 * @param variablePath the path of the binary archive; first segment is the
5646 	 *   name of a classpath variable
5647 	 * @param variableSourceAttachmentPath the path of the corresponding source archive,
5648 	 *    or <code>null</code> if none; if present, the first segment is the
5649 	 *    name of a classpath variable (not necessarily the same variable
5650 	 *    as the one that begins <code>variablePath</code>)
5651 	 * @param variableSourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root of the source files within the source archive
5652 	 *    or <code>null</code> if <code>variableSourceAttachmentPath</code> is also <code>null</code>
5653 	 * @param accessRules the possibly empty list of access rules for this entry
5654 	 * @param extraAttributes the possibly empty list of extra attributes to persist with this entry
5655 	 * @param isExported indicates whether this entry is contributed to dependent
5656 	 * 	  projects in addition to the output location
5657 	 * @return a new variable classpath entry
5658 	 * @since 3.1
5659 	 */
newVariableEntry( IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentRootPath, IAccessRule[] accessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)5660 	public static IClasspathEntry newVariableEntry(
5661 			IPath variablePath,
5662 			IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath,
5663 			IPath variableSourceAttachmentRootPath,
5664 			IAccessRule[] accessRules,
5665 			IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes,
5666 			boolean isExported) {
5668 		if (variablePath == null) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Variable path cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5669 		if (variablePath.segmentCount() < 1) {
5670 			throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Illegal classpath variable path: \'" + variablePath.makeRelative().toString() + "\', must have at least one segment"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
5671 		}
5672 		if (accessRules == null || accessRules.length == 0) {
5673 			accessRules = ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES;
5674 		}
5675 		if (extraAttributes == null || extraAttributes.length == 0) {
5676 			extraAttributes = ClasspathEntry.NO_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES;
5677 		}
5679 		return new ClasspathEntry(
5680 			IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE,
5681 			IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE,
5682 			variablePath,
5683 			ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, // inclusion patterns
5684 			ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE, // exclusion patterns
5685 			variableSourceAttachmentPath, // source attachment
5686 			variableSourceAttachmentRootPath, // source attachment root
5687 			null, // specific output folder
5688 			isExported,
5689 			accessRules,
5690 			false, // no access rules to combine
5691 			extraAttributes);
5692 	}
5694 	/**
5695 	 * Returns an array of classpath entries that are referenced directly or indirectly
5696 	 * by a given classpath entry. For the entry kind {@link IClasspathEntry#CPE_LIBRARY},
5697 	 * the method returns the libraries that are included in the Class-Path section of
5698 	 * the MANIFEST.MF file. If a referenced JAR file has further references to other library
5699 	 * entries, they are processed recursively and added to the list. For entry kinds other
5700 	 * than {@link IClasspathEntry#CPE_LIBRARY}, this method returns an empty array.
5701 	 * <p>
5702 	 * When a non-null project is passed, any additional attributes that may have been stored
5703 	 * previously in the project's .classpath file are retrieved and populated in the
5704 	 * corresponding referenced entry. If the project is <code>null</code>, the raw referenced
5705 	 * entries are returned without any persisted attributes.
5706 	 * For more details on storing referenced entries, see
5707 	 * {@link IJavaProject#setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[], IClasspathEntry[], IPath,
5708 	 * IProgressMonitor)}.
5709 	 * </p>
5710 	 *
5711 	 * @param libraryEntry the library entry whose referenced entries are sought
5712 	 * @param project project where the persisted referenced entries to be retrieved from. If <code>null</code>
5713 	 * 			persisted attributes are not attempted to be retrieved.
5714 	 * @return an array of classpath entries that are referenced directly or indirectly by the given entry.
5715 	 * 			If not applicable, returns an empty array.
5716 	 * @since 3.6
5717 	 */
getReferencedClasspathEntries(IClasspathEntry libraryEntry, IJavaProject project)5718 	public static IClasspathEntry[] getReferencedClasspathEntries(IClasspathEntry libraryEntry, IJavaProject project) {
5719 		JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
5720 		return manager.getReferencedClasspathEntries(libraryEntry, project);
5721 	}
5723 	/**
5724 	 * Removed the given classpath variable. Does nothing if no value was
5725 	 * set for this classpath variable.
5726 	 * <p>
5727 	 * This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
5728 	 * </p>
5729 	 * <p>
5730 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
5731 	 * are preserved from session to session.
5732 	 * </p>
5733 	 *
5734 	 * @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
5735 	 * @see #setClasspathVariable(String, IPath)
5736 	 *
5737 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #removeClasspathVariable(String, IProgressMonitor)} instead
5738 	 */
removeClasspathVariable(String variableName)5739 	public static void removeClasspathVariable(String variableName) {
5740 		removeClasspathVariable(variableName, null);
5741 	}
5743 	/**
5744 	 * Removed the given classpath variable. Does nothing if no value was
5745 	 * set for this classpath variable.
5746 	 * <p>
5747 	 * This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
5748 	 * </p>
5749 	 * <p>
5750 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
5751 	 * are preserved from session to session.
5752 	 * </p>
5753 	 *
5754 	 * @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
5755 	 * @param monitor the progress monitor to report progress
5756 	 * @see #setClasspathVariable(String, IPath)
5757 	 */
removeClasspathVariable(String variableName, IProgressMonitor monitor)5758 	public static void removeClasspathVariable(String variableName, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
5759 		try {
5760 			SetVariablesOperation operation = new SetVariablesOperation(new String[]{ variableName}, new IPath[]{ null }, true/*update preferences*/);
5761 			operation.runOperation(monitor);
5762 		} catch (JavaModelException e) {
5763 			Util.log(e, "Exception while removing variable " + variableName); //$NON-NLS-1$
5764 		}
5765 	}
5767 	/**
5768 	 * Removes the given element changed listener.
5769 	 * Has no effect if an identical listener is not registered.
5770 	 *
5771 	 * @param listener the listener
5772 	 */
removeElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener)5773 	public static void removeElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener) {
5774 		JavaModelManager.getDeltaState().removeElementChangedListener(listener);
5775 	}
5777 	/**
5778 	 * Removes the file extension from the given file name, if it has a Java-like file
5779 	 * extension. Otherwise the file name itself is returned.
5780 	 * Note this removes the dot ('.') before the extension as well.
5781 	 *
5782 	 * @param fileName the name of a file
5783 	 * @return the fileName without the Java-like extension
5784 	 * @since 3.2
5785 	 */
removeJavaLikeExtension(String fileName)5786 	public static String removeJavaLikeExtension(String fileName) {
5787 		return Util.getNameWithoutJavaLikeExtension(fileName);
5788 	}
5790 	/**
5791 	 * Removes the given pre-processing resource changed listener.
5792 	 * <p>
5793 	 * Has no effect if an identical listener is not registered.
5794 	 * </p>
5795 	 *
5796 	 * @param listener the listener
5797 	 * @since 3.0
5798 	 */
removePreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener listener)5799 	public static void removePreProcessingResourceChangedListener(IResourceChangeListener listener) {
5800 		JavaModelManager.getDeltaState().removePreResourceChangedListener(listener);
5801 	}
5803 	/**
5804 	 * Deletes the index, then rebuilds any portions of the index that are
5805 	 * currently needed by the workspace.
5806 	 *
5807 	 * @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress
5808 	 *    reporting and cancellation are not desired
5809 	 * @throws CoreException
5810 	 * @since 3.13
5811 	 */
rebuildIndex(IProgressMonitor monitor)5812 	public static void rebuildIndex(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
5813 		SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100);
5814 		IndexManager manager = JavaModelManager.getIndexManager();
5815 		manager.deleteIndexFiles(subMonitor.split(1));
5816 		manager.reset();
5817 		// New index is disabled, see bug 544898.
5818 		// However we keep this call here to cleanup the possibly existing database
5819 		Indexer.getInstance().rebuildIndex(subMonitor.split(95));
5820 		updateLegacyIndex(subMonitor.split(4));
5821 	}
5823 	/**
5824 	 * Runs the given action as an atomic Java model operation.
5825 	 * <p>
5826 	 * After running a method that modifies java elements,
5827 	 * registered listeners receive after-the-fact notification of
5828 	 * what just transpired, in the form of a element changed event.
5829 	 * This method allows clients to call a number of
5830 	 * methods that modify java elements and only have element
5831 	 * changed event notifications reported at the end of the entire
5832 	 * batch.
5833 	 * </p>
5834 	 * <p>
5835 	 * If this method is called outside the dynamic scope of another such
5836 	 * call, this method runs the action and then reports a single
5837 	 * element changed event describing the net effect of all changes
5838 	 * done to java elements by the action.
5839 	 * </p>
5840 	 * <p>
5841 	 * If this method is called in the dynamic scope of another such
5842 	 * call, this method simply runs the action.
5843 	 * </p>
5844 	 *
5845 	 * @param action the action to perform
5846 	 * @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress
5847 	 *    reporting and cancellation are not desired
5848 	 * @exception CoreException if the operation failed.
5849 	 * @since 2.1
5850 	 */
run(IWorkspaceRunnable action, IProgressMonitor monitor)5851 	public static void run(IWorkspaceRunnable action, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
5852 		run(action, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(), monitor);
5853 	}
5854 	/**
5855 	 * Runs the given action as an atomic Java model operation.
5856 	 * <p>
5857 	 * After running a method that modifies java elements,
5858 	 * registered listeners receive after-the-fact notification of
5859 	 * what just transpired, in the form of a element changed event.
5860 	 * This method allows clients to call a number of
5861 	 * methods that modify java elements and only have element
5862 	 * changed event notifications reported at the end of the entire
5863 	 * batch.
5864 	 * </p>
5865 	 * <p>
5866 	 * If this method is called outside the dynamic scope of another such
5867 	 * call, this method runs the action and then reports a single
5868 	 * element changed event describing the net effect of all changes
5869 	 * done to java elements by the action.
5870 	 * </p>
5871 	 * <p>
5872 	 * If this method is called in the dynamic scope of another such
5873 	 * call, this method simply runs the action.
5874 	 * </p>
5875 	 * <p>
5876  	 * The supplied scheduling rule is used to determine whether this operation can be
5877 	 * run simultaneously with workspace changes in other threads. See
5878 	 * <code>IWorkspace.run(...)</code> for more details.
5879  	 * </p>
5880 	 *
5881 	 * @param action the action to perform
5882 	 * @param rule the scheduling rule to use when running this operation, or
5883 	 * <code>null</code> if there are no scheduling restrictions for this operation.
5884 	 * @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress
5885 	 *    reporting and cancellation are not desired
5886 	 * @exception CoreException if the operation failed.
5887 	 * @since 3.0
5888 	 */
run(IWorkspaceRunnable action, ISchedulingRule rule, IProgressMonitor monitor)5889 	public static void run(IWorkspaceRunnable action, ISchedulingRule rule, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
5890 		IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
5891 		if (workspace.isTreeLocked()) {
5892 			new BatchOperation(action).run(monitor);
5893 		} else {
5894 			// use IWorkspace.run(...) to ensure that a build will be done in autobuild mode
5895 			workspace.run(new BatchOperation(action), rule, IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, monitor);
5896 		}
5897 	}
5898 	/**
5899 	 * Bind a container reference path to some actual containers (<code>IClasspathContainer</code>).
5900 	 * This API must be invoked whenever changes in container need to be reflected onto the JavaModel.
5901 	 * Containers can have distinct values in different projects, therefore this API considers a
5902 	 * set of projects with their respective containers.
5903 	 * <p>
5904 	 * <code>containerPath</code> is the path under which these values can be referenced through
5905 	 * container classpath entries (<code>IClasspathEntry#CPE_CONTAINER</code>). A container path
5906 	 * is formed by a first ID segment followed with extra segments, which can be used as additional hints
5907 	 * for the resolution. The container ID is used to identify a <code>ClasspathContainerInitializer</code>
5908 	 * registered on the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer".
5909 	 * </p>
5910 	 * <p>
5911 	 * There is no assumption that each individual container value passed in argument
5912 	 * (<code>respectiveContainers</code>) must answer the exact same path when requested
5913 	 * <code>IClasspathContainer#getPath</code>.
5914 	 * Indeed, the containerPath is just an indication for resolving it to an actual container object. It can be
5915 	 * delegated to a <code>ClasspathContainerInitializer</code>, which can be activated through the extension
5916 	 * point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathContainerInitializer").
5917 	 * </p>
5918 	 * <p>
5919 	 * In reaction to changing container values, the JavaModel will be updated to reflect the new
5920 	 * state of the updated container. A combined Java element delta will be notified to describe the corresponding
5921 	 * classpath changes resulting from the container update. This operation is batched, and automatically eliminates
5922 	 * unnecessary updates (new container is same as old one). This operation acquires a lock on the workspace's root.
5923 	 * </p>
5924 	 * <p>
5925 	 * This functionality cannot be used while the workspace is locked, since
5926 	 * it may create/remove some resource markers.
5927 	 * </p>
5928 	 * <p>
5929 	 * Classpath container values are persisted locally to the workspace, but
5930 	 * are not preserved from a session to another. It is thus highly recommended to register a
5931 	 * <code>ClasspathContainerInitializer</code> for each referenced container
5932 	 * (through the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathContainerInitializer").
5933 	 * </p>
5934 	 * <p>
5935 	 * Note: setting a container to <code>null</code> will cause it to be lazily resolved again whenever
5936 	 * its value is required. In particular, this will cause a registered initializer to be invoked
5937 	 * again.
5938 	 * </p>
5939 	 * @param containerPath - the name of the container reference, which is being updated
5940 	 * @param affectedProjects - the set of projects for which this container is being bound
5941 	 * @param respectiveContainers - the set of respective containers for the affected projects
5942 	 * @param monitor a monitor to report progress
5943 	 * @throws JavaModelException
5944 	 * @see ClasspathContainerInitializer
5945 	 * @see #getClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject)
5946 	 * @see IClasspathContainer
5947 	 * @since 2.0
5948 	 */
setClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject[] affectedProjects, IClasspathContainer[] respectiveContainers, IProgressMonitor monitor)5949 	public static void setClasspathContainer(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject[] affectedProjects, IClasspathContainer[] respectiveContainers, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
5950 		if (affectedProjects.length != respectiveContainers.length)
5951 			throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Projects and containers collections should have the same size"); //$NON-NLS-1$
5952 		if (affectedProjects.length == 1) {
5953 			IClasspathContainer container = respectiveContainers[0];
5954 			if (container != null) {
5955 				JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
5956 				IJavaProject project = affectedProjects[0];
5957 				IClasspathContainer existingCointainer = manager.containerGet(project, containerPath);
5958 				if (existingCointainer == JavaModelManager.CONTAINER_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS) {
5959 					manager.containerBeingInitializedPut(project, containerPath, container);
5960 					return;
5961 				}
5962 			}
5963 		}
5964 		SetContainerOperation operation = new SetContainerOperation(containerPath, affectedProjects, respectiveContainers);
5965 		operation.runOperation(monitor);
5966 	}
5968 	/**
5969 	 * Sets the value of the given classpath variable.
5970 	 * The path must have at least one segment.
5971 	 * <p>
5972 	 * This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
5973 	 * </p>
5974 	 * <p>
5975 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
5976 	 * are preserved from session to session.
5977 	 * </p>
5978 	 *
5979 	 * @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
5980 	 * @param path the path
5981 	 * @throws JavaModelException
5982 	 * @see #getClasspathVariable(String)
5983 	 *
5984 	 * @deprecated Use {@link #setClasspathVariable(String, IPath, IProgressMonitor)} instead
5985 	 */
setClasspathVariable(String variableName, IPath path)5986 	public static void setClasspathVariable(String variableName, IPath path)
5987 		throws JavaModelException {
5989 		setClasspathVariable(variableName, path, null);
5990 	}
5992 	/**
5993 	 * Sets the value of the given classpath variable.
5994 	 * The path must not be null.
5995 	 * Since 3.5, the path to a library can also be relative to the project using ".." as the first segment.
5996 	 * <p>
5997 	 * This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
5998 	 * </p>
5999 	 * <p>
6000 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
6001 	 * are preserved from session to session.
6002 	 * </p>
6003 	 * <p>
6004 	 * Updating a variable with the same value has no effect.
6005 	 * </p>
6006 	 *
6007 	 * @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
6008 	 * @param path the path
6009 	 * @param monitor a monitor to report progress
6010 	 * @throws JavaModelException
6011 	 * @see #getClasspathVariable(String)
6012 	 */
setClasspathVariable( String variableName, IPath path, IProgressMonitor monitor)6013 	public static void setClasspathVariable(
6014 		String variableName,
6015 		IPath path,
6016 		IProgressMonitor monitor)
6017 		throws JavaModelException {
6019 		if (path == null) throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Variable path cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
6020 		setClasspathVariables(new String[]{variableName}, new IPath[]{ path }, monitor);
6021 	}
6023 	/**
6024 	 * Sets the values of all the given classpath variables at once.
6025 	 * Null paths can be used to request corresponding variable removal.
6026 	 * Since 3.5, the path to a library can also be relative to the project using ".." as the first segment.
6027 	 * <p>
6028 	 * A combined Java element delta will be notified to describe the corresponding
6029 	 * classpath changes resulting from the variables update. This operation is batched,
6030 	 * and automatically eliminates unnecessary updates (new variable is same as old one).
6031 	 * This operation acquires a lock on the workspace's root.
6032 	 * </p>
6033 	 * <p>
6034 	 * This functionality cannot be used while the workspace is locked, since
6035 	 * it may create/remove some resource markers.
6036 	 * </p>
6037 	 * <p>
6038 	 * Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
6039 	 * are preserved from session to session.
6040 	 * </p>
6041 	 * <p>
6042 	 * Updating a variable with the same value has no effect.
6043 	 * </p>
6044 	 *
6045 	 * @param variableNames an array of names for the updated classpath variables
6046 	 * @param paths an array of path updates for the modified classpath variables (null
6047 	 *       meaning that the corresponding value will be removed
6048 	 * @param monitor a monitor to report progress
6049 	 * @throws JavaModelException
6050 	 * @see #getClasspathVariable(String)
6051 	 * @since 2.0
6052 	 */
setClasspathVariables( String[] variableNames, IPath[] paths, IProgressMonitor monitor)6053 	public static void setClasspathVariables(
6054 		String[] variableNames,
6055 		IPath[] paths,
6056 		IProgressMonitor monitor)
6057 		throws JavaModelException {
6059 		if (variableNames.length != paths.length)	throw new ClasspathEntry.AssertionFailedException("Variable names and paths collections should have the same size"); //$NON-NLS-1$
6060 		SetVariablesOperation operation = new SetVariablesOperation(variableNames, paths, true/*update preferences*/);
6061 		operation.runOperation(monitor);
6062 	}
6064 	/**
6065 	 * Sets the default compiler options inside the given options map according
6066 	 * to the given compliance.
6067 	 *
6068 	 * <p>The given compliance must be one of those supported by the compiler,
6069 	 * that is one of the acceptable values for option {@link #COMPILER_COMPLIANCE}.</p>
6070 	 *
6071 	 * <p>The list of modified options is currently:</p>
6072 	 * <ul>
6073 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_COMPLIANCE}</li>
6074 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_SOURCE}</li>
6075 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM}</li>
6076 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER}</li>
6077 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER}</li>
6078 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE} for compliance levels 1.5 and greater</li>
6079 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES} for compliance levels 11 and greater</li>
6080 	 * <li>{@link #COMPILER_PB_REPORT_PREVIEW_FEATURES} for compliance levels 11 and greater</li>
6081 	 * </ul>
6082 	 *
6083 	 * <p>If the given compliance is unknown, the given map is unmodified.</p>
6084 	 *
6085 	 * @param compliance the given {@link #COMPILER_COMPLIANCE compliance}
6086 	 * @param options the given options map
6087 	 * @since 3.3
6088 	 */
setComplianceOptions(String compliance, Map options)6089 	public static void setComplianceOptions(String compliance, Map options) {
6090 		long jdkLevel = CompilerOptions.versionToJdkLevel(compliance);
6091 		int major = (int) (jdkLevel >>> 16);
6092 		switch(major) {
6093 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_3:
6094 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_3);
6095 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_3);
6096 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_1);
6097 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.IGNORE);
6098 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.IGNORE);
6099 				break;
6100 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_4:
6101 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_4);
6102 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_3);
6103 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_2);
6104 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.WARNING);
6105 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.WARNING);
6106 				break;
6107 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_5:
6108 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_5);
6109 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_5);
6110 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_5);
6111 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6112 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6113 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6114 				break;
6115 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_6:
6116 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_6);
6117 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_6);
6118 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_6);
6119 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6120 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6121 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6122 				break;
6123 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_7:
6124 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_7);
6125 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_7);
6126 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_7);
6127 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6128 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6129 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6130 				break;
6131 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_1_8:
6132 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_8);
6133 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_8);
6134 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_8);
6135 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6136 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6137 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6138 				break;
6139 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_9:
6140 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_9);
6141 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_9);
6142 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_9);
6143 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6144 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6145 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6146 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_RELEASE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6147 				break;
6148 			case ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_10:
6149 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_10);
6150 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_10);
6151 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_10);
6152 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6153 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6154 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6155 				options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_RELEASE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6156 				break;
6157 			default:
6158 				if(major > ClassFileConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_10) {
6159 					String version = CompilerOptions.versionFromJdkLevel(jdkLevel);
6160 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, version);
6161 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, version);
6162 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, version);
6163 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ASSERT_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6164 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENUM_IDENTIFIER, JavaCore.ERROR);
6165 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_INLINE_JSR_BYTECODE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6166 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_RELEASE, JavaCore.ENABLED);
6167 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES, JavaCore.DISABLED);
6168 					options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_REPORT_PREVIEW_FEATURES, JavaCore.WARNING);
6169 				}
6170 				break;
6171 		}
6172 	}
6174 	/**
6175 	 * Sets the current table of options. All and only the options explicitly
6176 	 * included in the given table are remembered; all previous option settings
6177 	 * are forgotten, including ones not explicitly mentioned.
6178 	 * <p>
6179 	 * Helper constants have been defined on JavaCore for each of the option IDs
6180 	 * (categorized in Code assist option ID, Compiler option ID and Core option ID)
6181 	 * and some of their acceptable values (categorized in Option value). Some
6182 	 * options accept open value sets beyond the documented constant values.
6183 	 * </p>
6184 	 * Note: each release may add new options.
6185 	 *
6186 	 * @param newOptions
6187 	 *            the new options (key type: <code>String</code>; value type:
6188 	 *            <code>String</code>), or <code>null</code> to reset all
6189 	 *            options to their default values
6190 	 * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions()
6191 	 * @see JavaCorePreferenceInitializer for changing default settings
6192 	 */
setOptions(Hashtable<String, String> newOptions)6193 	public static void setOptions(Hashtable<String, String> newOptions) {
6194 		JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().setOptions(newOptions);
6195 	}
6197 	/**
6198 	 * Returns the latest version of Java supported by the Java Model. This is usually the last entry
6199 	 * from {@link JavaCore#getAllVersions()}.
6200 	 *
6201 	 * @since 3.16
6202 	 * @return the latest Java version support by Java Model
6203 	 */
latestSupportedJavaVersion()6204 	public static String latestSupportedJavaVersion() {
6205 		return allVersions.get(allVersions.size() - 1);
6206 	}
6207 	/**
6208 	 * Compares two given versions of the Java platform. The versions being compared must both be
6209 	 * one of the supported values mentioned in
6211 	 * both values from {@link #COMPILER_COMPLIANCE},  or both values from {@link #COMPILER_SOURCE}.
6212 	 *
6213 	 * @param first first version to be compared
6214 	 * @param second second version to be compared
6215 	 * @return the value {@code 0} if both versions are the same;
6216 	 * 			a value less than {@code 0} if <code>first</code> is smaller than <code>second</code>; and
6217 	 * 			a value greater than {@code 0} if <code>first</code> is higher than <code>second</code>
6218 	 * @since 3.12
6219 	 */
compareJavaVersions(String first, String second)6220 	public static int compareJavaVersions(String first, String second) {
6221 		return Long.compare(CompilerOptions.versionToJdkLevel(first), CompilerOptions.versionToJdkLevel(second));
6222 	}
6223 	/**
6224 	 * Returns an array of module names referenced by this project indirectly.
6225 	 * This is a helper method that can be used to construct a Java module
6226 	 * description of an existing project. The referenced modules can either be
6227 	 * system modules or user modules found in project build path in the form of
6228 	 * libraries.
6229 	 * The prerequisites for this to be effective are:
6230 	 * <ul>
6231 	 * <li>the project is already in compliance level 9 or above.
6232 	 * <li>the system library on the build path of the project is a modularized Java Runtime.
6233 	 * </ul>
6234 	 *
6235 	 * @param project
6236 	 *            the project whose referenced modules to be computed
6237 	 * @return an array of String containing module names
6238 	 * @throws CoreException
6239 	 * @since 3.14
6240 	 */
getReferencedModules(IJavaProject project)6241 	public static String[] getReferencedModules(IJavaProject project) throws CoreException {
6242 		return ModuleUtil.getReferencedModules(project);
6243 	}
6245 	/**
6246 	 * Returns the <code>IModuleDescription</code> that the given java element contains
6247 	 * when regarded as an automatic module. The element must be an <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>
6248 	 * or an <code>IJavaProject</code>.
6249 	 *
6250 	 * <p>The returned module descriptor has a name (<code>getElementName()</code>) following
6251 	 * the specification of <code>java.lang.module.ModuleFinder.of(Path...)</code>, but it
6252 	 * contains no other useful information.</p>
6253 	 *
6254 	 * @return the <code>IModuleDescription</code> representing this java element as an automatic module,
6255 	 * 		never <code>null</code>.
6256 	 * @throws JavaModelException
6257 	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided element is neither <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>
6258 	 * 	nor <code>IJavaProject</code>
6259 	 * @since 3.14
6260 	 */
getAutomaticModuleDescription(IJavaElement element)6261 	public static IModuleDescription getAutomaticModuleDescription(IJavaElement element) throws JavaModelException, IllegalArgumentException {
6262 		switch (element.getElementType()) {
6263 			case IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT:
6264 				return ((JavaProject) element).getAutomaticModuleDescription();
6265 			case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT:
6266 				return ((PackageFragmentRoot) element).getAutomaticModuleDescription();
6267 			default:
6268 				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal kind of java element: "+element.getElementType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
6269 		}
6270 	}
6272 	/**
6273 	 * Filter the given set of system roots by the rules for root modules from JEP 261.
6274 	 * @param allSystemRoots all physically available system modules, represented by their package fragment roots
6275 	 * @return the list of names of default root modules
6276 	 * @since 3.14
6277 	 */
defaultRootModules(Iterable<IPackageFragmentRoot> allSystemRoots)6278 	public static List<String> defaultRootModules(Iterable<IPackageFragmentRoot> allSystemRoots) {
6279 		return JavaProject.defaultRootModules(allSystemRoots);
6280 	}
6282 	/**
6283 	 * Compile the given module description in the context of its enclosing Java project
6284 	 * and add class file attributes using the given map of attribute values.
6285 	 * <p>In this map, the following keys are supported</p>
6286 	 * <dl>
6287 	 * <dt>{@link IAttributeNamesConstants#MODULE_MAIN_CLASS}</dt>
6288 	 * <dd>The associated value will be used for the <code>ModuleMainClass</code> attribute.</dd>
6289 	 * <dt>{@link IAttributeNamesConstants#MODULE_PACKAGES}</dt>
6290 	 * <dd>If the associated value is an empty string, then the compiler will generate a
6291 	 * <code>ModulePackages</code> attribute with a list of packages that is computed from
6292 	 * <ul>
6293 	 * <li>all <code>exports</code> directives
6294 	 * <li>all <code>opens</code> directives
6295 	 * <li>the implementation classes of all <code>provides</code> directives.
6296 	 * </ul>
6297 	 * If the associated value is not empty, it must be a comma-separated list of package names,
6298 	 * which will be added to the computed list.
6299 	 * </dl>
6300 	 * <p>No other keys are supported in this version, but more keys may be added in the future.</p>
6301 	 *
6302 	 * @param module handle for the <code>module-info.java</code> file to be compiled.
6303 	 * @param classFileAttributes map of attribute names and values to be used during class file generation
6304 	 * @return the compiled byte code
6305 	 *
6306 	 * @throws JavaModelException
6307 	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the map of classFileAttributes contains an unsupported key.
6308 	 * @since 3.14
6309 	 */
compileWithAttributes(IModuleDescription module, Map<String,String> classFileAttributes)6310 	public static byte[] compileWithAttributes(IModuleDescription module, Map<String,String> classFileAttributes)
6311 			throws JavaModelException, IllegalArgumentException
6312 	{
6313 		return new ModuleInfoBuilder().compileWithAttributes(module, classFileAttributes);
6314 	}
6316 	/**
6317 	 * Returns the module name computed for a jar. If the file is a jar and contains a module-info.class, the name
6318 	 * specified in it is used, otherwise, the algorithm for automatic module naming is used, which first looks for a
6319 	 * module name in the Manifest.MF and as last resort computes it from the file name.
6320 	 *
6321 	 * @param file the jar to examine
6322 	 * @return null if file is not a file, otherwise the module name.
6323 	 * @since 3.14
6324 	 */
getModuleNameFromJar(File file)6325 	public static String getModuleNameFromJar(File file) {
6326 		if (!file.isFile()) {
6327 			return null;
6328 		}
6330 		char[] moduleName = null;
6331 		try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file)) {
6332 			IModule module = null;
6333 			ClassFileReader reader = ClassFileReader.read(zipFile, IModule.MODULE_INFO_CLASS);
6334 			if (reader != null) {
6335 				module = reader.getModuleDeclaration();
6336 				if (module != null) {
6337 					moduleName = module.name();
6338 				}
6339 			}
6340 		} catch (ClassFormatException | IOException ex) {
6341 			Util.log(ex);
6342 		}
6343 		if (moduleName == null) {
6344 			moduleName = AutomaticModuleNaming.determineAutomaticModuleName(file.getAbsolutePath());
6345 		}
6346 		return new String(moduleName);
6347 	}
6349 	/**
6350 	 * Returns the names of the modules required by the module-info.class in the jar. If the file is not jar or a jar
6351 	 * that has no module-info.class is present, the empty set is returned.
6352 	 *
6353 	 * @param file the jar to examine
6354 	 * @return set of module names.
6355 	 * @since 3.14
6356 	 */
getRequiredModulesFromJar(File file)6357 	public static Set<String> getRequiredModulesFromJar(File file) {
6358 		if (!file.isFile()) {
6359 			return Collections.emptySet();
6360 		}
6361 		try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file)) {
6362 			IModule module = null;
6363 			ClassFileReader reader = ClassFileReader.read(zipFile, IModule.MODULE_INFO_CLASS);
6364 			if (reader != null) {
6365 				module = reader.getModuleDeclaration();
6366 				if (module != null) {
6367 					IModuleReference[] moduleRefs = module.requires();
6368 					if (moduleRefs != null) {
6369 						return Stream.of(moduleRefs).map(m -> new String(m.name()))
6370 								.collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));
6371 					}
6372 				}
6373 			}
6374 		} catch (ClassFormatException | IOException ex) {
6375 			Util.log(ex);
6376 		}
6377 		return Collections.emptySet();
6378 	}
6381 	/* (non-Javadoc)
6382 	 * Shutdown the JavaCore plug-in.
6383 	 * <p>
6384 	 * De-registers the JavaModelManager as a resource changed listener and save participant.
6385 	 * </p>
6386 	 * @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin#stop(BundleContext)
6387 	 */
6388 	@Override
stop(BundleContext context)6389 	public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
6390 		try {
6391 			JavaModelManager.unregisterDebugOptionsListener();
6392 			JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().shutdown();
6393 		} finally {
6394 			// ensure we call super.stop as the last thing
6395 			super.stop(context);
6396 		}
6397 	}
6399 	/* (non-Javadoc)
6400 	 * Startup the JavaCore plug-in.
6401 	 * <p>
6402 	 * Registers the JavaModelManager as a resource changed listener and save participant.
6403 	 * Starts the background indexing, and restore saved classpath variable values.
6404 	 * </p>
6405 	 * @throws Exception
6406 	 * @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin#start(BundleContext)
6407 	 */
6408 	@Override
start(BundleContext context)6409 	public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
6410 		super.start(context);
6411 		JavaModelManager.registerDebugOptionsListener(context);
6412 		JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().startup();
6413 		// New index is disabled, see bug 544898
6414 		// Indexer.getInstance().rescanAll();
6415 	}
6416 }