1 /**
2  * \file z-color.h
3  * \brief Generic color definitions
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison
6  *
7  * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
8  * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
9  * are included in all such copies.
10  */
15 #include "h-basic.h"
17 /**
18  * Angband "attributes" (with symbols, and base (R,G,B) codes)
19  *
20  * The "(R,G,B)" codes are given in "fourths" of the "maximal" value,
21  * and should "gamma corrected" on most (non-Macintosh) machines.
22  */
23 #define COLOUR_DARK     0  /* d */    /* 0 0 0 */
24 #define COLOUR_WHITE    1  /* w */    /* 4 4 4 */
25 #define COLOUR_SLATE    2  /* s */    /* 2 2 2 */
26 #define COLOUR_ORANGE   3  /* o */    /* 4 2 0 */
27 #define COLOUR_RED      4  /* r */    /* 3 0 0 */
28 #define COLOUR_GREEN    5  /* g */    /* 0 2 1 */
29 #define COLOUR_BLUE     6  /* b */    /* 0 0 4 */
30 #define COLOUR_UMBER    7  /* u */    /* 2 1 0 */
31 #define COLOUR_L_DARK   8  /* D */    /* 1 1 1 */
32 #define COLOUR_L_WHITE  9  /* W */    /* 3 3 3 */
33 #define COLOUR_L_PURPLE 10 /* P */    /* ? ? ? */
34 #define COLOUR_YELLOW   11 /* y */    /* 4 4 0 */
35 #define COLOUR_L_RED    12 /* R */    /* 4 0 0 */
36 #define COLOUR_L_GREEN  13 /* G */    /* 0 4 0 */
37 #define COLOUR_L_BLUE   14 /* B */    /* 0 4 4 */
38 #define COLOUR_L_UMBER  15 /* U */    /* 3 2 1 */
40 #define COLOUR_PURPLE      16    /* p */
41 #define COLOUR_VIOLET      17    /* v */
42 #define COLOUR_TEAL        18    /* t */
43 #define COLOUR_MUD         19    /* m */
44 #define COLOUR_L_YELLOW    20    /* Y */
45 #define COLOUR_MAGENTA     21    /* i */
46 #define COLOUR_L_TEAL      22    /* T */
47 #define COLOUR_L_VIOLET    23    /* V */
48 #define COLOUR_L_PINK      24    /* I */
49 #define COLOUR_MUSTARD     25    /* M */
50 #define COLOUR_BLUE_SLATE  26    /* z */
51 #define COLOUR_DEEP_L_BLUE 27    /* Z */
52 #define COLOUR_SHADE       28    /* for shaded backgrounds */
54 /**
55  * The following allow color 'translations' to support environments with a
56  * limited color depth as well as translate colours to alternates
57  * for e.g. menu highlighting.
58  */
59 #define ATTR_FULL        0    /* full color translation */
60 #define ATTR_MONO        1    /* mono color translation */
61 #define ATTR_VGA         2    /* 16 color translation */
62 #define ATTR_BLIND       3    /* "Blind" color translation */
63 #define ATTR_LIGHT       4    /* "Torchlit" color translation */
64 #define ATTR_DARK        5    /* "Dark" color translation */
65 #define ATTR_HIGH        6    /* "Highlight" color translation */
66 #define ATTR_METAL       7    /* "Metallic" color translation */
67 #define ATTR_MISC        8    /* "Miscellaneous" - see misc_to_attr */
69 #define MAX_ATTR        9
71 /**
72  * Maximum number of colours, and number of "basic" Angband colours
73  */
74 #define MAX_COLORS        256
75 #define BASIC_COLORS    29
76 #define BG_BLACK 0	/* The set number for the black-background glyphs */
77 #define BG_SAME  1	/* The set number for the same-background glyphs */
78 #define BG_DARK  2	/* The set number for the dark-background glyphs */
79 #define BG_MAX   3	/* The max number of backgrounds */
81 /**
82  * A game color.
83  */
84 typedef struct color_type color_type;
85 struct color_type
86 {
87 	char index_char;            /* Character index:  'r' = red, etc. */
88 	char name[32];              /* Color name */
89 	byte color_translate[MAX_ATTR]; /* Index for various in-game translations */
90 };
92 extern byte angband_color_table[MAX_COLORS][4];
93 extern color_type color_table[MAX_COLORS];
95 extern int color_char_to_attr(char c);
96 extern int color_text_to_attr(const char *name);
97 extern const char *attr_to_text(byte a);
98 extern byte get_color(byte a, int attr, int n);
100 extern void build_gamma_table(int gamma);
101 extern byte gamma_table[256];
103 #endif /* INCLUDED_Z_COLOR_H */