1 /*
4     Header file for collection interface.
6     Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <dpal@redhat.com> 2009
8     Collection Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11     (at your option) any later version.
13     Collection Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
19     along with Collection Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 */
22 #ifndef COLLECTION_H
23 #define COLLECTION_H
25 #include <stdint.h>
27 /** @mainpage The COLLECTION interface
28  * The collection is a set of items of different types.
29  *
30  * To better understand how collections work imagine travel bags.
31  * They usually come in different sizes and one can put a bag in a bag when
32  * they put away to the shelf in a garage or closet. Collection is such bag
33  * except that you can put other bags into each other even if they are not
34  * empty.<br>
35  * When you put items into a bag you do not see the contents of the bag.
36  * You just hold the bag. How many other bags inside this bag you do not know.
37  * But you might know that you put a "wallet" somewhere there.
38  * You ask the bag you hold: "find my wallet and give it to me".
39  * get_item function will return you the item that is your "wallet".
40  * You can then change something or just get information about the item you
41  * retrieved. But in most cases you do not need the wallet itself. You want to
42  * get something from the wallet or put something into it. IMO money would
43  * be an obvious choice. To do this you use update_xxx_property functions.<br>
44  * There might be a bag somewhere deep and you might want to add something to
45  * it. add_xxx_property_xxx functions allow you to specify sub collection you
46  * want the item to be added to. If this sub collection argument is NULL top
47  * level collection is assumed.<br>
48  * The search in the collections uses a "x!y!z" notation to refer to an item (or
49  * property). You can search for "wallet" and it will find any first instance of
50  * the "wallet" in your luggage. But you might have two wallets. One is yours and
51  * another is your significant other's. So you might say find "my!wallet".
52  * It will find wallet in your bag (collection) named "my". This collection can
53  * be many levels deep inside other collections. You do not need to know the
54  * full path to get to it. But if you have the full path you can use the fill
55  * path like this "luggage!newbags!my!wallet".<br>
56  * It is useful to be able to put bags into bags as well as get them out of each
57  * other. When the collection is created the header keeps a reference count on
58  * how many copies of the collection are known to the world. So one can put a
59  * collection into collection and give up its access to it (embed) or still hold
60  * to the reference. By embedding the collection the caller effectively gives
61  * up its responsibility to destroy the collection after it is used.<br>
62  * By extracting reference from an internal collection the caller gains access
63  * to the collection directly and thus has responsibility to destroy it after
64  * use.
65  *
66  * Internally collection is implemented as a link list rather than a hash
67  * table.
68  * This makes it suitable for small (dozens of items) sets of data for which
69  * the order is important. Thus the collection properties and sub collections
70  * can be used to model objects like a book case. Imagine a book case that
71  * consists of multiple shelves. You can perform operations like "add a new
72  * shelf after second shelf" or "put a book on the 4th shelf right before
73  * the book with the red cover."
74  *
75  * A bit of terminology:
76  * - <b>collection</b> - an object implemented as a link list that holds
77  *                       properties (attributes).
78  * - <b>property</b>  - a named logical element of the collection.
79  * - <b>item</b>    - physical element of the collection, think about it
80  *                    as a node in the link list.
81  * - <b>value</b> - data associated with the property.
82  * - <b>type</b> - type of the data associated with a property.
83  * - <b>length</b> - length of the data associated with the property.
84  * - <b>sub collection</b> - collection embedded into another collection.
85  *                         It is a property with the value of a special
86  *                         type. The name of the property that denotes
87  *                         a sub collection can be different from the name
88  *                         of the collection it refers to.
89  * - <b>traverse</b> - call a function that will internally iterate
90  *                     through a collection and do something with its
91  *                     elements.
92  * - <b>iterate</b> - step through a collection yourselves.
93  *
94  * Characters with codes less than space in ASCII table are illegal for
95  * property names.
96  * Character '!' also illegal in a property or collection name and
97  * reserved for "x!y!z" notation.
98  *
99  * There is always a header item in any collection that starts the collection.
100  * Most of the functions in the interface (unless explicitly stated otherwise)
101  * assume that the collection_item * argument points to the header element.
102  * Passing in elements extracted from the middle of a collection to functions
103  * that expect header elements is illegal. There might be not enough checking
104  * at the moment but this will be enforced in future versions of the library.
105  *
106  */
108 #ifndef EOK
109 #define EOK 0
110 #endif
112 /**
113  * @defgroup collection COLLECTION interface
114  * @{
115  */
117 /**
118  * @brief Default class for a free form collection.
119  */
120 #define COL_CLASS_DEFAULT      0
122 /**
123  * @brief Value indicates that property is not found.
124  *
125  * Used in search functions.
126  */
127 #define COL_NOMATCH 0
128 /**
129  * @brief Value indicates that property is found.
130  *
131  * Used in search functions.
132  */
133 #define COL_MATCH   1
136 /**
137  * @defgroup coltypes Type definition constants
138  * @{
139  */
140 /**
141  * @brief Indicates that property is of type "string".
142  *
143  * For elements of type string the length includes the trailing 0.
144  */
145 #define COL_TYPE_STRING          0x00000001
146 /** @brief Indicates that property is of type "binary". */
147 #define COL_TYPE_BINARY          0x00000002
148 /** @brief Indicates that property is of type "integer". */
149 #define COL_TYPE_INTEGER         0x00000004
150 /** @brief Indicates that property is of type "unsigned". */
151 #define COL_TYPE_UNSIGNED        0x00000008
152 /** @brief Indicates that property is of type "long". */
153 #define COL_TYPE_LONG            0x00000010
154 /** @brief Indicates that property is of type "unsigned long". */
155 #define COL_TYPE_ULONG           0x00000020
156 /** @brief Indicates that property is of type "double". */
157 #define COL_TYPE_DOUBLE          0x00000040
158 /** @brief Indicates that property is of Boolean type. */
159 #define COL_TYPE_BOOL            0x00000080
160 /**
161  * @brief Indicates that property is of type "collection".
162  *
163  * The item of this type denotes that starting element of a
164  * collection.
165  */
166 #define COL_TYPE_COLLECTION      0x00000100
167 /**
168  * @brief Indicates that property is of type "sub collection".
169  *
170  * An item of this type is a pointer to an existing external
171  * collection.
172  */
173 #define COL_TYPE_COLLECTIONREF   0x00000200
174 /**
175  * @brief Special type that denotes the end of the collection.
176  *
177  * Useful when traversing collections.
178  */
179 #define COL_TYPE_END             0x10000000
180 /**
181  * @brief Special type that denotes any property in the collection.
182  *
183  * Useful when traversing collection and searching for a property
184  * of unknown type but known name.
185  */
186 #define COL_TYPE_ANY             0x0FFFFFFF
187 /**
188  * @}
189  */
192 /**
193  * @defgroup addmodes Constants defining add modes
194  *
195  * The following constants define how one collection can be added to another.
196  *
197  * @{
198  */
199 /** @brief Add a collection into a collection as a reference */
201 /**
202  * @brief Embed the collection into another collection.
203  *
204  * The collection will become part of another collection.
205  * After this operation the handle to the collection being added
206  * should not be used or freed.
207  * Embedding a collection can be done only once.
208  * If the collection is referenced by another collection,
209  * the operation will fail.
210  */
211 #define COL_ADD_MODE_EMBED     1
212 /**
213  * @brief Perform a deep copy.
214  *
215  * Perform a deep copy of a collection with
216  * all its sub collections */
217 #define COL_ADD_MODE_CLONE     2
218 /**
219  * @brief Create a flattened copy.
220  *
221  * Create a deep copy of a collection with
222  * its sub collections flattening and NOT
223  * resolving duplicates.
224  */
225 #define COL_ADD_MODE_FLAT      3
226 /**
227  * @brief Create a flattened copy with constructed names.
228  *
229  * Creates a deep copy of a collection with
230  * its sub collections flattening and NOT
231  * resolving duplicates. Names are constructed
232  * in dotted notation.
233  * For example the sub collection
234  * named "sub" containing "foo" and
235  * "bar" will be flattened as:
236  * "sub.foo", "sub.bar".
237  */
238 #define COL_ADD_MODE_FLATDOT   4
239 /**
240  * @}
241  */
244 /**
245  * @defgroup traverseconst Constants defining traverse modes
246  *
247  * The following constants define how a collection can be
248  * traversed or iterated.
249  *
250  * Flags defined below can generally be combined with each other.
251  *
253  * \ref COL_TRAVERSE_ONLYSUB are mutually exclusive flags.
254  * If combined together results will be unpredictable.<br>
256  *
257  *
258  * @{
259  */
260 /** @brief Traverse all items in the collection. */
261 #define COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT  0x00000000
262 /**
263  * @brief Traverse only the top level.
264  *
265  * Traverse only top level
266  * ignored if the IGNORE flag is
267  * specified
268  */
269 #define COL_TRAVERSE_ONELEVEL 0x00000001
270 /**
271  * @brief Insert end collection marker.
272  *
273  * Call the handler once more when the
274  * end of the collection is reached.
275  * Specifying this flag would cause a traversing
276  * function to call a callback once more passing
277  * in a virtual property of type \ref COL_TYPE_END.
278  * Good for processing nested collections.
279  */
280 #define COL_TRAVERSE_END      0x00000002
281 /** @brief Ignore sub collections as if none is present. */
282 #define COL_TRAVERSE_IGNORE   0x00000004
283 /**
284  * @brief Flatten the collection.
285  *
286  * Traversing this way would act as if
287  * all the properties of sub collection are properties
288  * of the root collection. The referencing properties or
289  * headers of the referenced collections are skipped.
290  *
291  * If we think of the book case example
292  * this is very useful when one wants to iterate through
293  * all the books skipping information about
294  * which shelf they are on.
295  */
296 #define COL_TRAVERSE_FLAT     0x00000008
297 /**
298  * @defgroup moreiterflag Additional iterator flags
299  *
300  * \note NOTE: These flags ignored by traverse functions and
301  *             can be used only in the iterator.
302  *
303  * @{
304  */
305 /**
306  * @brief Include headers of sub collections.
307  *
308  * When one collection is embedded or referenced by another collection
309  * there are two names we can be interested in. The name of the property
310  * that defines the reference and the name of the embedded collection.
311  * It is recommended that they be the same, however there may be cases
312  * when the name of the referencing property and referenced collection
313  * should be different. By default only the name of the referencing
314  * property is returned while iterating through the collection and
315  * its sub collections. Specifying this flag would cause the names
316  * of the collection (header elements) be included into the iteration
317  * process.
318  *
319  * Flag is ignored if the \ref COL_TRAVERSE_ONELEVEL flag is
320  * specified and not ignored.
321  * Flag is ignored is also ignored if the FLAT flag is specified. */
322 #define COL_TRAVERSE_SHOWSUB  0x00010000
323 /**
324  * @brief Show sub collections.
325  *
326  * Show the header of the sub collection instead of the reference.
327  * Flag is ignored if the \ref COL_TRAVERSE_ONELEVEL flag is
328  * specified and not ignored.
329  * Flag is ignored is also ignored if the FLAT flag is specified. */
330 #define COL_TRAVERSE_ONLYSUB  0x00020000
331 /**
332  * @}
333  */
335 /**
336  * @}
337  */
339 /**
340  * @defgroup copyconst Constants defining copy modes
341  *
342  * The following constants define modes accepted by copy
343  * collection function(s).
344  *
345  * @{
346  */
347 /**
348  * @brief Perform a deep copy.
349  *
350  * Referenced collections of the donor are copied as sub
351  * collections.
352  */
353 #define COL_COPY_NORMAL         0
354 /**
355  * @brief Perform a deep flat copy.
356  *
357  * Collection is flattened. No name construction performed.
358  */
359 #define COL_COPY_FLAT           1
360 /**
361  * @brief Perform a deep flat copy constructing names.
362  *
363  * Collection is flattened. Names are concatenated with dot.
364  */
365 #define COL_COPY_FLATDOT        2
366 /** @brief Perform a deep copy but leave references as references. */
367 #define COL_COPY_KEEPREF        3
368 /** @brief Copy only top level collection. */
369 #define COL_COPY_TOP            4
370 /**
371  * @}
372  */
374 /**
375  * @defgroup sortconst Constants defining sort order
376  *
377  * All flags can be combined in OR operation.
378  * Flags \ref COL_SORT_ASC and \ref COL_SORT_DESC are
379  * mutually exclusive. If both specified the
380  * collection will be sorted in the descending order.
381  *
382  * @{
383  */
384 /** @brief Sort in ascending order. */
385 #define COL_SORT_ASC    0x00000000
386 /** @brief Sort in descending order. */
387 #define COL_SORT_DESC   0x00000001
388 /** @brief Sort all sub collections. */
389 #define COL_SORT_SUB    0x00000002
390 /**
391  * @brief Sort only embedded sub collections.
392  *
393  * Ignored if \ref COL_SORT_SUB is not specified.
394  */
395 #define COL_SORT_MYSUB  0x00000004
396 /**
397  * @}
398  */
401 /* Public declaration of the private data */
403 /**
404  * @struct collection_item
405  * @brief Opaque structure that holds one property.
406  *
407  * Your implementation can assume that following members
408  * will always be members of the collection_item.
409  * but you should use get_item_xxx functions to get them
410  * and never access internal data directly.
411  *
412  *   - char *property;
413  *   - int property_len;
414  *   - int type;
415  *   - int length;
416  *   - void *data;
417  */
418 struct collection_item;
419 /**
420  * @struct collection_iterator
421  * @brief Opaque iterator structure.
422  *
423  * The iterator structure is used
424  * when one wants to traverse the collection
425  * going through its properties and optionally
426  * sub collections.
427  *
428  * Caller should never assume
429  * anything about internals of this structure.
430  */
431 struct collection_iterator;
433 #endif /* COLLECTION_PRIV_H */
436 /**
437  * @brief Create a collection
438  *
439  * The function will create a collection.
440  * Each collection should have name and class.
441  *
442  * @param[out] ci     Newly allocated collection object.
443  * @param[in]  name   The name is supposed to be a unique identifier of
444  *                    the collection. This is useful when the collections
445  *                    are stored within other collections or inside other
446  *                    aggregation objects. Caller is free to use any name.
447  *                    Name should consist of the ASCII characters with codes
448  *                    non less than space. Exclamation mark character is
449  *                    a special character and can't be used in name of
450  *                    collection or property.<br>
451  *                    Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
452  *                    The default value is 64k.
453  * @param[in]  cclass Class is used to relate the collection to a specific
454  *                    group of the collections of the same structure.
455  *                    This is very useful when you try to represent
456  *                    objects using collections and you want to check if
457  *                    the objects have same structure or not.
458  *                    There is no predefined name space for the collection
459  *                    classes. Defining classes is left to the application
460  *                    developers.<br>
461  *                    <b>NOTE:</b>
462  *                    If you decide to build an interface using collection
463  *                    library pick a range for the classes you are
464  *                    going to use and make sure that they do not collide
465  *                    with other interfaces built on top of the collection.
466  *
467  * @return 0          - Collection was created successfully.
468  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
469  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the collection name.
470  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Collection name is too long.
471  */
472 int col_create_collection(struct collection_item **ci,
473                           const char *name,
474                           unsigned cclass);
476 /**
477  * @brief Destroy a collection
478  *
479  * The function will destroy a collection.
480  *
481  * @param[in] ci     Collection object.
482  *
483  */
484 void col_destroy_collection(struct collection_item *ci);
486 /**
487  * @brief Cleanup Callback
488  *
489  * Signature of the callback that needs to be used when
490  * the collection is destroyed and a special cleanup operation
491  * is required for items in the collection.
492  *
493  * @param[in]  property      The name of the property will
494  *                           be passed in this parameter.
495  * @param[in]  property_len  Length of the property name
496  *                           will be passed in this parameter.
497  * @param[in]  type          Type of the data will be passed
498  *                           in this parameter.
499  * @param[in]  data          Pointer to the data will be passed
500  *                           in this parameter.
501  * @param[in]  length        Length of data will be passed in
502  *                           this parameter.
503  * @param[in]  custom_data   Custom data will be passed in
504  *                           this parameter.
505  */
507 typedef void (*col_item_cleanup_fn)(const char *property,
508                                     int property_len,
509                                     int type,
510                                     void *data,
511                                     int length,
512                                     void *custom_data);
514 /**
515  * @brief Destroy a collection with callback
516  *
517  * Execute a provided callback for each item
518  * in the collection or subcollection immediately
519  * before freeing item. The callback is executed for each
520  * element including the collection header.
521  * It is the responsibility of the callback implementor
522  * to properly handle gifferent collection elements
523  * depending upon whether it is a header, reference to
524  * an embedded or external collection or a normal data
525  * element.
526  *
527  * The function will destroy a collection.
528  *
529  * @param[in] ci              Collection object.
530  * @param[in] cb              Cleanup callback.
531  * @param[in] custom_data     Application data passed into
532  *                            the cleanup callback.
533  *
534  */
535 void col_destroy_collection_with_cb(struct collection_item *ci,
536                                     col_item_cleanup_fn cb,
537                                     void *custom_data);
539 /**
540  * @brief Copy item callback.
541  *
542  * Callback is used by the
543  * \ref col_copy_collection_with_cb "col_copy_collection_with_cb" function.
544  * Function is called after the new item is created but not yet
545  * inserted into the target collection.
546  * The implementer of the callback can alter the item data
547  * or indicate to the caller that the item should be skipped.
548  *
549  * @param[in] item      Newly allocated item that will be inserted
550  *                      into the new collection.
551  * @param[in] ext_data  Data the application might want to
552  *                      pass to the callback.
553  * @param[out] skip     Pointer to a variable that indicates if the
554  *                      item should be skipped or not.
555  *                      Set this variable to any nonzero value
556  *                      and the item will be skipped.
557  * @return 0 - Success
558  * @return Function can return any error code. This code
559  * will be propagated through the internal functions and
560  * returned to the application.
561  *
562  */
563 typedef int (*col_copy_cb)(struct collection_item *item,
564                            void *ext_data,
565                            int *skip);
567 /**
568  * @brief Copy collection with data modification.
569  *
570  * Function create a deep copy of the current collection.
571  * Calls caller provided callback before copying each item's data.
572  * This is useful if the data needs to be resolved in some way.
573  * The best use is when the template is copied and the values
574  * in the template are resolved to the actual values.
575  * The acceptable modes are defined \ref copyconst "here".
576  *
577  * @param[out] col_copy      Newly created collection object.
578  * @param[in]  col_to_copy   Collection object that will be copied.
579  * @param[in]  name_to_use   Name of the new collection.
580  * @param[in]  copy_mode     How to \ref copyconst "copy".
581  * @param[in]  copy_cb       Pointer to a callback \ref col_copy_cb.
582  *                           Can be NULL. In this case data is copied
583  *                           without modification.
584  * @param[in]  ext_data      Data the application might want to
585  *                           pass to the callback.
586  *
587  * @return 0          - Collection was copied successfully.
588  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
589  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
590  * @return Any error code returned by the callback.
591  *
592  */
593 int col_copy_collection_with_cb(struct collection_item **col_copy,
594                                 struct collection_item *col_to_copy,
595                                 const char *name_to_use,
596                                 int copy_mode,
597                                 col_copy_cb copy_cb,
598                                 void *ext_data);
600 /**
601  * @brief Copy collection without data modification.
602  *
603  * Function creates a deep copy of the current collection.
604  * It wraps the \ref col_copy_collection_with_cb function.
605  * The acceptable modes are defined \ref copyconst "here".
606  *
607  * @param[out] col_copy      Newly created collection object.
608  * @param[in]  col_to_copy   Collection object that will be copied.
609  * @param[in]  name_to_use   Name of the new collection.
610  * @param[in]  copy_mode     How to \ref copyconst "copy".
611  *
612  * @return 0          - Collection was copied successfully.
613  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
614  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
615  *
616  */
617 int col_copy_collection(struct collection_item **col_copy,
618                         struct collection_item *col_to_copy,
619                         const char *name_to_use,
620                         int copy_mode);
622 /**
623  * @brief Add collection to collection.
624  *
625  * Function adds one collection into another
626  * depending upon a specified \ref addmodes "mode".
627  *
628  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
629  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
630  *                          add collection to. If NULL the collection
631  *                          is added to the root collection.
632  * @param[in] as_property   Name of the property that will constitute
633  *                          the reference. If NULL the name of
634  *                          the collection being added will be used.
635  *                          If specified the restrictions to
636  *                          the name characters and length apply.
637  *                          For more details about the name related
638  *                          restrictions see
639  *                          \ref addproperty "col_add_xxx_property"
640  *                          functions.
641  * @param[in] ci_to_add     Collection to add.
642  * @param[in] mode          Specifies \ref addmodes "how"
643  *                          the collection should be added.
644  *
645  * @return 0          - Collection was added successfully.
646  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
647  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
648  *                      The attempt to update a property which is
649  *                      a reference to a collection or a collection
650  *                      name.
651  * @return ENOENT     - Property to update is not found.
652 */
653 int col_add_collection_to_collection(struct collection_item *ci,
654                                      const char *subcollection,
655                                      const char *as_property,
656                                      struct collection_item *ci_to_add,
657                                      int mode);
658 /**
659  * @brief Search Callback
660  *
661  * Signature of the callback that needs to be used when
662  * traversing a collection or looking for a specific item.
663  *
664  * @param[in]  property      The name of the property will
665  *                           be passed in this parameter.
666  * @param[in]  property_len  Length of the property name
667  *                           will be passed in this parameter.
668  * @param[in]  type          Type of the data will be passed
669  *                           in this parameter.
670  * @param[in]  data          Pointer to the data will be passed
671  *                           in this parameter.
672  * @param[in]  length        Length of data will be passed in
673  *                           this parameter.
674  * @param[in]  custom_data   Custom data will be passed in
675  *                           this parameter.
676  * @param[out] stop          Pointer to a variable where the handler
677  *                           can put nonzero to stop traversing
678  *                           of the collection.
679  * @return 0 - Success
680  * @return Function can return any error code. This code
681  * will be propagated through the internal functions and
682  * returned to the application.
683  */
684 typedef int (*col_item_fn)(const char *property,
685                            int property_len,
686                            int type,
687                            void *data,
688                            int length,
689                            void *custom_data,
690                            int *stop);
692 /**
693  * @brief Traverse collection
694  *
695  * Function to traverse the entire collection
696  * including (optionally) sub collections.
697  *
698  * @param[in]  ci           Collection object to traverse.
699  * @param[in]  mode_flags   How to traverse.
700  *                          See details \ref traverseconst "here".
701  * @param[in]  item_handler Application supplied callback.
702  *                          It will be called for each item
703  *                          in the collection including headers.
704  * @param[in]  custom_data  Custom data that application
705  *                          might want to pass to the callback.
706  *
707  * @return 0          - Collection was traversed successfully.
708  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
709  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
710  * @return Any error code returned by the callback.
711  *
712  */
713 int col_traverse_collection(struct collection_item *ci,
714                             int mode_flags,
715                             col_item_fn item_handler,
716                             void *custom_data);
718 /**
719  * @brief Search and do function.
720  *
721  * Looks up an item in the collection based on the property and type.
722  * Actually it is a traverse function with special traversing logic.
723  * It traverses the whole collection but calls the supplied
724  * callback only for the items that match the search criteria.
725  * It is the responsibility of the caller to define how the callback
726  * is going to indicate that the item it was looking for is found.
727  * Function will not return error if the item is not found.
728  * It is the responsibility of the calling application to check
729  * the data passed in custom_data and see if the item was found and
730  * that the action was performed.
731  *
732  * @param[in]  ci               Collection object to traverse.
733  * @param[in]  property_to_find Name of the property to find.
734  *                              Parameter supports "x!y"
735  *                              notation.
736  * @param[in]  type             Type filter. Only properties
737  *                              of the given type will match.
738  *                              Can be 0 to indicate that all
739  *                              types should be evaluated.
740  * @param[in]  mode_flags       How to traverse the collection.
741  *                              See details \ref traverseconst "here".
742  * @param[in]  item_handler     Function to call when the item is found.
743  * @param[in]  custom_data      Custom data passed to the callback.
744  *
745  * @return 0          - Operation completed successfully.
746  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
747  * @return ENOENT     - The search criteria is incorrect.
748  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
749  * @return Any error code returned by the callback.
750  *
751  */
752 int col_get_item_and_do(struct collection_item *ci,
753                         const char *property_to_find,
754                         int type,
755                         int mode_flags,
756                         col_item_fn item_handler,
757                         void *custom_data);
759 /**
760  * @brief Search function to get an item.
761  *
762  * Convenience function to get individual item.
763  * Caller should be aware that this is not a copy of the item
764  * but the pointer to actual item stored in the collection.
765  * The returned pointer should never be altered or freed by caller of the function.
766  * The caller should be sure that the collection does not go out of scope
767  * while the pointer to its data is in use.
768  * Working with the internals of the collection item structure directly
769  * may cause problems in future if the internal implementation changes.
770  * The caller needs to be aware that function does not return
771  * error if item is not found. The caller needs to check if
772  * item is not NULL to determine whether something was found.
773  * Internally function is a wrapper around the \ref col_get_item_and_do
774  * function.
775  *
776  * Use \ref getitem "item management" functions to work with the item.
777  *
778  * @param[in]  ci               Collection object to traverse.
779  * @param[in]  property_to_find Name of the property to find.
780  *                              Parameter supports "x!y"
781  *                              notation.
782  * @param[in]  type             Type filter. Only properties
783  *                              of the given type will match.
784  *                              Can be 0 to indicate that all
785  *                              types should be evaluated.
786  * @param[in]  mode_flags       How to traverse the collection.
787  *                              See details \ref traverseconst "here".
788  * @param[in]  item             Pointer to found item or NULL
789  *                              if item is not found.
790  *
791  * @return 0          - No internal errors during search.
792  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
793  * @return ENOENT     - The search criteria is incorrect.
794  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
795  *
796  */
797 int col_get_item(struct collection_item *ci,
798                  const char *property_to_find,
799                  int type,
800                  int mode_flags,
801                  struct collection_item **item);
803 /**
804  * @brief Search function to get one of the duplicate items.
805  *
806  * Convenience function to get an individual item out of the list of duplicates.
807  * Caller should be aware that this is not a copy of the item
808  * but the pointer to actual item stored in the collection.
809  * The returned pointer should never be altered or freed by caller
810  * of the function.
811  * The caller should be sure that the collection does not go out of scope
812  * while the pointer to its data is in use.
813  * Working with the internals of the collection item structure directly
814  * may cause problems in future if the internal implementation changes.
815  * If collection to search or property to find is NULL function returns NULL.
816  *
817  * Use \ref getitem "item management" functions to work with the item.
818  *
819  * @param[in]  ci               Collection object to traverse.
820  * @param[in]  subcollection    Name of the sub collection to find
821  *                              item in. If NULL, the top level collection
822  *                              is used. One can use "foo!bar!baz"
823  *                              notation to identify the sub collection.
824  * @param[in]  property_to_find Name of the property to find.
825  * @param[in]  type             Type filter. Only properties
826  *                              of the given type will match.
827  *                              Can be 0 to indicate that all
828  *                              types should be evaluated.
829  * @param[in]  idx              Index of the duplicate to find.
830  *                              0 - any first instance
831  *                              positive - N-th instance (index is 0-based)
832  *                              negative - last instance
833  * @param[in]  exact            If 0 then if index above is greater than
834  *                              actual number of duplicates the last duplicate
835  *                              if be returned.
836  *                              If non-zero the funtion will return ENOENT
837  *                              in case the index is greater than actual
838  *                              number of duplicates.
839  * @param[out]  item            Pointer to found item or NULL
840  *                              if item is not found.
841  * @return 0                    No errors.
842  * @return EINVAL               Invalid argument.
843  * @return ENOENT               Item is not found.
844  */
845 int col_get_dup_item(struct collection_item *ci,
846                      const char *subcollection,
847                      const char *property_to_find,
848                      int type,
849                      int idx,
850                      int exact,
851                      struct collection_item **item);
853 /**
854  * @brief Sort collection.
855  *
856  * If the sub collections are included in sorting
857  * each collection is sorted separately (this is not a global sort).
858  * It might be dangerous to sort sub collections if
859  * sub collection is not owned by the current collection.
860  * If it is a reference to an external collection
861  * there might be an issue. To skip the collections that
862  * externally referenced use \ref COL_SORT_MYSUB flag.
863  * Keep in mind that if a collection is referenced
864  * more than once by other collection and that collection
865  * is sorted with sub collections the referenced
866  * collection will be sorted more than once.
867  *
868  * NOTE: Current implementation of the sorting
869  * function is very simple and alternative
870  * implementations might be provided later.
871  *
872  * @param[in]  col         Collection to sort.
873  * @param[in]  cmp_flags   For more information see
874  *                         \ref compflags "comparison flags".
875  * @param[in]  sort_flags  For more information see
876  *                         \ref sortconst "sort flags".
877  *
878  * @return 0          - No internal errors during sorting.
879  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
880  *
881  */
882 int col_sort_collection(struct collection_item *col,
883                         unsigned cmp_flags,
884                         unsigned sort_flags);
886 /**
887  * @brief Delete property.
888  *
889  * Delete property from the collection.
890  * It is recommended to use a more efficient function
891  * \ref col_remove_item for the same purpose if
892  * the property is unique or if the collection
893  * has a known structure.
894  * The col_delete_property function has some advantage only
895  * if it is not known where property
896  * resides and what is the structure of the collection.
897  * In this case "foo!bar!baz" notation can be used in
898  * the property_to_find argument to find and delete
899  * the property "baz" that is in a sub collection "bar"
900  * which is in turn a part of a collection "foo".
901  *
902  * @param[in]  ci                Collection to delete property from.
903  * @param[in]  property_to_find  Property to delete.
904  * @param[in]  type              Use type if names are not unique
905  *                               and you know the type of the value
906  *                               you want to delete. Otherwise set to 0.
907  * @param[in]  mode_flags        The flags define how the collection
908  *                               should be searched. For more information
909  *                               see \ref traverseconst "traverse constants".
910  *
911  * @return 0          - Property was deleted successfully.
912  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
913  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
914  * @return ENOENT     - Property not found.
915  *
916  */
917 int col_delete_property(struct collection_item *ci,
918                         const char *property_to_find,
919                         int type,
920                         int mode_flags);
922 /**
923  * @brief Is property in the collection?
924  *
925  * Convenience function to check if the property
926  * is indeed in the collection.
927  *
928  * @param[in]  ci                Collection to search.
929  * @param[in]  property_to_find  Property to find.
930  * @param[in]  type              Use type if names are not unique
931  *                               and you know the type of the value
932  *                               you want to check. Otherwise set to 0.
933  * @param[in]  mode_flags        The flags define how the collection
934  *                               should be searched. For more information
935  *                               see \ref traverseconst "traverse constants".
936  * @param[out] found             The variable that will receive the result
937  *                               of the search.
938  *                               COL_NOMATCH - if not found
939  *                               COL_MATCH if found
940  *
941  * @return 0          - Search completed successfully.
942  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
943  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
944  *
945  */
946 int col_is_item_in_collection(struct collection_item *ci,
947                               const char *property_to_find,
948                               int type,
949                               int mode_flags,
950                               int *found);
952 /**
953  * @brief Get a reference to a collection
954  *
955  * Get a pointer to a collection included into another collection.
956  * If the col_to_find is NULL function returns a reference
957  * to the top level collection.
958  * Delete extracted collection after use to decrease reference count.
959  *
960  * @param[in]  ci                Collection to search.
961  * @param[out] acceptor          Variable that accepts pointer to
962  *                               an extracted collection.
963  *                               Use \ref col_destroy_collection to
964  *                               free returned object reference after
965  *                               use.
966  * @param[in]  col_to_find       Collection to find.
967  *                               "foo!bar!baz" notation can be used.
968  *
969  * @return 0          - Success.
970  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
971  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
972  */
973 int col_get_collection_reference(struct collection_item *ci,
974                                  struct collection_item **acceptor,
975                                  const char *col_to_find);
977 /**
978  * @brief Get a reference from the item
979  *
980  * Get a pointer to a collection from a current item
981  * if current item is a reference to the collection.
982  * If current item is not a reference to a collection an error
983  * will be returned.
984  * Delete extracted collection after use to decrease reference count.
985  *
986  * @param[in]  item              Item to extract the reference from.
987  * @param[out] acceptor          Variable that accepts pointer to
988  *                               an extracted collection.
989  *                               Use \ref col_destroy_collection to
990  *                               free returned object reference after
991  *                               use.
992  *
993  * @return 0          - Success.
994  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
995  */
996 int col_get_reference_from_item(struct collection_item *item,
997                                 struct collection_item **acceptor);
1001 /**
1002  * @brief Get collection class.
1003  *
1004  * The classes of the collections can be used to convey information
1005  * about the collection's internal structure.
1006  * Some interfaces built on top of the collection might
1007  * impose restrictions on the collection structure.
1008  * For example the interface can decide that it is going
1009  * to deal with the collections that do not have sub collections
1010  * and elements of the collections are always only strings.
1011  * So the interface will define a class of the collection
1012  * and create a function that would take the strings and create
1013  * such a collection. Then other functions of that interface
1014  * would check if the provided collection is of the specified class.
1015  * If not the interface would reject the collection right away.
1016  * If the collection is of the valid class the interface might
1017  * call the validation function to make sure that this is really
1018  * the case however it needs to validate it only once and lower level
1019  * functions can rely on the class value of the collection
1020  * without performing duplicate validation.
1021  *
1022  * @param[in]   ci                 Collection object.
1023  * @param[out]  cclass             Variable that will receive
1024  *                                 the value of the class.
1025  * @return 0          - Success.
1026  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
1027  *
1028  */
1029 int col_get_collection_class(struct collection_item *ci,
1030                              unsigned *cclass);
1032 /**
1033  * @brief Set collection class.
1034  *
1035  * Sometimes as a result of the collection modification
1036  * the class of the collection can change.
1037  *
1038  * @param[in]   ci                 Collection object.
1039  * @param[in]   cclass             New class value.
1040  *
1041  * @return 0          - Success.
1042  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
1043  *
1044  */
1045 int col_set_collection_class(struct collection_item *ci,
1046                              unsigned cclass);
1048 /**
1049  * @brief Get count of the elements.
1050  *
1051  * It is useful to know how many items are there in the collection.
1052  *
1053  * @param[in]   ci                 Collection object.
1054  * @param[out]  count              Variable will receive the value
1055  *                                 of the number of the items in
1056  *                                 the collection. Collection
1057  *                                 header or references to external
1058  *                                 collections are counted as well.
1059  *                                 This means that every collection
1060  *                                 has at least one item - the header.
1061  *
1062  * @return 0          - Success.
1063  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
1064  *
1065  */
1066 int col_get_collection_count(struct collection_item *ci,
1067                              unsigned *count);
1070 /**
1071  * @brief Check the class of collection.
1072  *
1073  * Convenience function to check if the collection is of the specific class.
1074  * In case of internal error assumes that collection is not of the right class.
1075  *
1076  * @param[in]   ci                 Collection object.
1077  * @param[in]   cclass             Class value to compare to to.
1078  *
1079  * @return 0          - If any internal error or classes do not match.
1080  * @return 1          - No error and classes do match.
1081  *
1082  */
1083 int col_is_of_class(struct collection_item *ci,
1084                     unsigned cclass);
1087 /**
1088  * @defgroup addproperty Add property functions
1089  *
1090  * Functions in this section add properties to a collection.
1091  *
1092  * All the functions in this section add a property of the specified
1093  * type to the collection object.
1094  * They are convenience wrappers around the col_insert_xxx_property
1095  * functions.
1096  * They always append property to the end of the collection.
1097  *
1098  * Common parameters for these functions are:
1099  *
1100  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1101  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1102  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1103  *                          is added to the root collection.
1104  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1105  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1106  *                          with codes non less than space.
1107  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1108  *                          a special character and can't be used
1109  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1110  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1111  *                          The default value is 64k.
1112  *
1113  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1114  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1115  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1116  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1117  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1118  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1119  *
1120  * @{
1121  */
1123 /**
1124  * @brief Add a string property to a collection.
1125  *
1126  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1127  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1128  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1129  *                          is added to the root collection.
1130  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1131  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1132  *                          with codes non less than space.
1133  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1134  *                          a special character and can't be used
1135  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1136  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1137  *                          The default value is 64k.
1138  * @param[in] string Null terminated string to add.
1139  * @param[in] length Length of the string. Should include the length
1140  *                   of the terminating 0.
1141  *                   If the length is shorter than the full string
1142  *                   the string will be truncated. If the length is
1143  *                   longer than the actual string there might be
1144  *                   garbage at end of the actual string.
1145  *                   Library will always properly NULL terminate
1146  *                   the string at the given position dictated
1147  *                   by length but in no way will inspect the validity
1148  *                   of the passed in data. This is left to the calling
1149  *                   application.
1150  *
1151  * @return 0 - Property was added successfully.
1152  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1153  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1154  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1155  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1156  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1157  *
1158  */
1159 int col_add_str_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1160                          const char *subcollection,
1161                          const char *property,
1162                          const char *string,
1163                          int length);
1165 /**
1166  * @brief Add a binary property to a collection.
1167  *
1168  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1169  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1170  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1171  *                          is added to the root collection.
1172  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1173  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1174  *                          with codes non less than space.
1175  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1176  *                          a special character and can't be used
1177  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1178  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1179  *                          The default value is 64k.
1180  * @param[in] binary_data   Data to add.
1181  * @param[in] length        Length of the data.
1182  *
1183  * @return 0 - Property was added successfully.
1184  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1185  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1186  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1187  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1188  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1189  *
1190  */
1191 int col_add_binary_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1192                             const char *subcollection,
1193                             const char *property,
1194                             void *binary_data,
1195                             int length);
1197 /**
1198  * @brief Add an integer property to a collection.
1199  *
1200  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1201  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1202  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1203  *                          is added to the root collection.
1204  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1205  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1206  *                          with codes non less than space.
1207  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1208  *                          a special character and can't be used
1209  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1210  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1211  *                          The default value is 64k.
1212  * @param[in] number        Integer value to add. Value is signed.
1213  *
1214  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1215  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1216  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1217  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1218  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1219  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1220  *
1221  */
1222 int col_add_int_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1223                          const char *subcollection,
1224                          const char *property,
1225                          int32_t number);
1227 /**
1228  * @brief Add an unsigned integer property to a collection.
1229  *
1230  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1231  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1232  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1233  *                          is added to the root collection.
1234  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1235  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1236  *                          with codes non less than space.
1237  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1238  *                          a special character and can't be used
1239  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1240  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1241  *                          The default value is 64k.
1242  * @param[in] number        Unsigned integer value to add.
1243  *
1244  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1245  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1246  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1247  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1248  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1249  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1250  *
1251  */
1252 int col_add_unsigned_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1253                               const char *subcollection,
1254                               const char *property,
1255                               uint32_t number);
1257 /**
1258  * @brief Add an long property to a collection.
1259  *
1260  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1261  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1262  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1263  *                          is added to the root collection.
1264  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1265  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1266  *                          with codes non less than space.
1267  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1268  *                          a special character and can't be used
1269  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1270  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1271  *                          The default value is 64k.
1272  * @param[in] number        Long integer value to add. Value is signed.
1273  *
1274  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1275  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1276  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1277  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1278  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1279  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1280  *
1281  */
1282 int col_add_long_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1283                           const char *subcollection,
1284                           const char *property,
1285                           int64_t number);
1287 /**
1288  * @brief Add an unsigned long property to a collection.
1289  *
1290  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1291  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1292  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1293  *                          is added to the root collection.
1294  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1295  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1296  *                          with codes non less than space.
1297  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1298  *                          a special character and can't be used
1299  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1300  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1301  *                          The default value is 64k.
1302  * @param[in] number        Unsigned long integer value to add.
1303  *
1304  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1305  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1306  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1307  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1308  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1309  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1310  *
1311  */
1312 int col_add_ulong_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1313                            const char *subcollection,
1314                            const char *property,
1315                            uint64_t number);
1317 /**
1318  * @brief Add a property of type double to a collection.
1319  *
1320  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1321  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1322  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1323  *                          is added to the root collection.
1324  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1325  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1326  *                          with codes non less than space.
1327  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1328  *                          a special character and can't be used
1329  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1330  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1331  *                          The default value is 64k.
1332  * @param[in] number        Floating point value.
1333  *
1334  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1335  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1336  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1337  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1338  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1339  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1340  *
1341  */
1342 int col_add_double_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1343                             const char *subcollection,
1344                             const char *property,
1345                             double number);
1346 /**
1347  * @brief Add a Boolean property to a collection.
1348  *
1349  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1350  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1351  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1352  *                          is added to the root collection.
1353  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1354  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1355  *                          with codes non less than space.
1356  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1357  *                          a special character and can't be used
1358  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1359  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1360  *                          The default value is 64k.
1361  * @param[in] logical       Boolean value. 0 - false, nonzero - true.
1362  *
1363  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1364  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1365  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1366  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1367  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1368  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1369  *
1370  */
1371 int col_add_bool_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1372                           const char *subcollection,
1373                           const char *property,
1374                           unsigned char logical);
1377 /**
1378  * @brief Add a property of a specified type to a collection.
1379  *
1380  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1381  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1382  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1383  *                          is added to the root collection.
1384  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1385  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1386  *                          with codes non less than space.
1387  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1388  *                          a special character and can't be used
1389  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1390  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1391  *                          The default value is 64k.
1392  * @param[in] type          See type definitions \ref coltypes "here".
1393  * @param[in] data          Data to add.
1394  * @param[in] length        Length of the data.
1395  *
1396  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1397  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1398  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1399  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1400  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1401  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1402  *
1403  */
1404 int col_add_any_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1405                          const char *subcollection,
1406                          const char *property,
1407                          int type,
1408                          void *data,
1409                          int length);
1411 /**
1412  * @defgroup addprop_withref Add properties with reference
1413  *
1414  * Family of functions that add properties to a collection
1415  * and return reference to an item that holds
1416  * a newly created property.
1417  *
1418  * All the functions in this section append a property of
1419  * the specified type to the collection object.
1420  *
1421  * Parameters for the functions and return values are the same
1422  * as for the \ref addproperty "col_add_xxx_property" functions.
1423  * The only difference is that these functions have one additional
1424  * argument:
1425  *
1426  * @param[out] ret_ref  Reference to the newly added item that
1427  *                      holds the property.
1428  *
1429  * @{
1430  */
1432 /**
1433  * @brief Add a string property to a collection.
1434  *
1435  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1436  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1437  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1438  *                          is added to the root collection.
1439  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1440  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1441  *                          with codes non less than space.
1442  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1443  *                          a special character and can't be used
1444  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1445  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1446  *                          The default value is 64k.
1447  * @param[in] string        Null terminated string to add.
1448  * @param[in] length        Length of the string. Should include the length
1449  *                          of the terminating 0.
1450  *                          If the length is shorter than the full string
1451  *                          the string will be truncated. If the length is
1452  *                          longer than the actual string there might be
1453  *                          garbage at end of the actual string.
1454  *                          Library will always properly NULL terminate
1455  *                          the string at the given position dictated
1456  *                          by length but in no way will inspect the validity
1457  *                          of the passed in data. This is left to the calling
1458  *                          application.
1459  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1460  *                          holds the property.
1461  *
1462  * @return 0 - Property was added successfully.
1463  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1464  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1465  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1466  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1467  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1468  *
1469  */
1470 int col_add_str_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1471                                   const char *subcollection,
1472                                   const char *property,
1473                                   char *string, int length,
1474                                   struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1476 /**
1477  * @brief Add a binary property to a collection.
1478  *
1479  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1480  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1481  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1482  *                          is added to the root collection.
1483  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1484  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1485  *                          with codes non less than space.
1486  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1487  *                          a special character and can't be used
1488  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1489  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1490  *                          The default value is 64k.
1491  * @param[in] binary_data   Data to add.
1492  * @param[in] length        Length of the data.
1493  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1494  *                          holds the property.
1495  *
1496  * @return 0 - Property was added successfully.
1497  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1498  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1499  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1500  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1501  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1502  *
1503  */
1504 int col_add_binary_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1505                                      const char *subcollection,
1506                                      const char *property,
1507                                      void *binary_data, int length,
1508                                      struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1510 /**
1511  * @brief Add an integer property to a collection.
1512  *
1513  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1514  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1515  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1516  *                          is added to the root collection.
1517  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1518  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1519  *                          with codes non less than space.
1520  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1521  *                          a special character and can't be used
1522  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1523  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1524  *                          The default value is 64k.
1525  * @param[in] number        Integer value to add. Value is signed.
1526  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1527  *                          holds the property.
1528  *
1529  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1530  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1531  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1532  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1533  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1534  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1535  *
1536  */
1537 int col_add_int_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1538                                   const char *subcollection,
1539                                   const char *property, int32_t number,
1540                                   struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1542 /**
1543  * @brief Add an unsigned integer property to a collection.
1544  *
1545  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1546  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1547  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1548  *                          is added to the root collection.
1549  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1550  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1551  *                          with codes non less than space.
1552  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1553  *                          a special character and can't be used
1554  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1555  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1556  *                          The default value is 64k.
1557  * @param[in] number        Unsigned integer value to add.
1558  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1559  *                          holds the property.
1560  *
1561  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1562  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1563  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1564  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1565  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1566  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1567  *
1568  */
1569 int col_add_unsigned_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1570                                        const char *subcollection,
1571                                        const char *property, uint32_t number,
1572                                        struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1574 /**
1575  * @brief Add an long property to a collection.
1576  *
1577  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1578  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1579  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1580  *                          is added to the root collection.
1581  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1582  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1583  *                          with codes non less than space.
1584  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1585  *                          a special character and can't be used
1586  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1587  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1588  *                          The default value is 64k.
1589  * @param[in] number        Long integer value to add. Value is signed.
1590  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1591  *                          holds the property.
1592  *
1593  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1594  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1595  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1596  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1597  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1598  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1599  *
1600  */
1601 int col_add_long_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1602                                    const char *subcollection,
1603                                    const char *property, int64_t number,
1604                                    struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1606 /**
1607  * @brief Add an unsigned long property to a collection.
1608  *
1609  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1610  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1611  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1612  *                          is added to the root collection.
1613  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1614  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1615  *                          with codes non less than space.
1616  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1617  *                          a special character and can't be used
1618  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1619  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1620  *                          The default value is 64k.
1621  * @param[in] number        Unsigned long integer value to add.
1622  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1623  *                          holds the property.
1624  *
1625  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1626  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1627  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1628  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1629  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1630  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1631  *
1632  */
1633 int col_add_ulong_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1634                                     const char *subcollection,
1635                                     const char *property, uint64_t number,
1636                                     struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1638 /**
1639  * @brief Add a property of type double to a collection.
1640  *
1641  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1642  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1643  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1644  *                          is added to the root collection.
1645  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1646  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1647  *                          with codes non less than space.
1648  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1649  *                          a special character and can't be used
1650  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1651  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1652  *                          The default value is 64k.
1653  * @param[in] number        Floating point value.
1654  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1655  *                          holds the property.
1656  *
1657  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1658  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1659  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1660  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1661  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1662  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1663  *
1664  */
1665 int col_add_double_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1666                                      const char *subcollection,
1667                                      const char *property, double number,
1668                                      struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1670 /**
1671  * @brief Add a Boolean property to a collection.
1672  *
1673  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1674  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1675  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1676  *                          is added to the root collection.
1677  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1678  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1679  *                          with codes non less than space.
1680  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1681  *                          a special character and can't be used
1682  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1683  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1684  *                          The default value is 64k.
1685  * @param[in] logical       Boolean value. 0 - false, nonzero - true.
1686  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1687  *                          holds the property.
1688  *
1689  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1690  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1691  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1692  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1693  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1694  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1695  *
1696  */
1697 int col_add_bool_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1698                                    const char *subcollection,
1699                                    const char *property, unsigned char logical,
1700                                    struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1703 /**
1704  * @brief Add a property of a specified type to a collection.
1705  *
1706  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1707  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1708  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1709  *                          is added to the root collection.
1710  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1711  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1712  *                          with codes non less than space.
1713  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1714  *                          a special character and can't be used
1715  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1716  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1717  *                          The default value is 64k.
1718  * @param[in] type          See type definitions \ref coltypes "here".
1719  * @param[in] data          Data to add.
1720  * @param[in] length        Length of the data.
1721  * @param[out] ret_ref      Reference to the newly added item that
1722  *                          holds the property.
1723  *
1724  * @return 0          - Property was added successfully.
1725  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1726  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1727  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1728  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1729  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
1730  *
1731  */
1732 int col_add_any_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1733                                   const char *subcollection,
1734                                   const char *property,
1735                                   int type, void *data, int length,
1736                                   struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1738 /**
1739  * @}
1740  */
1742 /**
1743  * @}
1744  */
1746 /**
1747  * @defgroup insertproperty Insert property functions
1748  *
1749  * Functions in this section insert properties into a collection
1750  * at a specified position.
1751  *
1752  * Common parameters for these functions are:
1753  *
1754  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
1755  * @param[in] subcollection Name of the inner collection to
1756  *                          add property to. If NULL the property
1757  *                          is added to the root collection.
1758  * @param[in] disposition   Defines relation point.
1759  *                          For more information see
1760  *                          \ref dispvalues "disposition defines".
1761  * @param[in] refprop       Property to relate to
1762  * @param[in] idx           Index (see comments below).
1763  * @param[in] flags         Flags that control naming issues.
1764  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.<br>
1765  *                          Name should consist of the ASCII characters
1766  *                          with codes non less than space.
1767  *                          Exclamation mark character is
1768  *                          a special character and can't be used
1769  *                          in name of collection or property.<br>
1770  *                          Maximum allowed length is defined at compile time.
1771  *                          The default value is 64k.
1772  *
1773  *
1774  * Other arguments are the same as the arguments for the
1775  * \ref addproperty "col_add_xxx_property" functions.
1776  *
1777  * @return 0          - Property was insterted successfully.
1778  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
1779  * @return EINVAL     - Invalid characters in the property name.
1780  *                      Value argument is invalid in some way.
1781  * @return EMSGSIZE   - Property name is too long.
1782  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection or property to relate to is not found.
1783  * @return EEXIST     - Property with given name already exists.
1784  *                      This error is returned if collection
1785  *                      should hold unique names.
1786  *                      For more information see description of the
1787  *                      "flags" argument.
1788  * @return ENOSYS     - Flag or disposition value is not implemented.
1789  * @{
1790  */
1791 /** @brief Insert a string property. */
1792 int col_insert_str_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1793                             const char *subcollection,
1794                             int disposition,
1795                             const char *refprop,
1796                             int idx,
1797                             unsigned flags,
1798                             const char *property,
1799                             const char *string,
1800                             int length);
1802 /** @brief Insert a binary property. */
1803 int col_insert_binary_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1804                                const char *subcollection,
1805                                int disposition,
1806                                const char *refprop,
1807                                int idx,
1808                                unsigned flags,
1809                                const char *property,
1810                                void *binary_data,
1811                                int length);
1813 /** @brief Insert an integer property. */
1814 int col_insert_int_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1815                             const char *subcollection,
1816                             int disposition,
1817                             const char *refprop,
1818                             int idx,
1819                             unsigned flags,
1820                             const char *property,
1821                             int32_t number);
1823 /** @brief Insert an unsigned property. */
1824 int col_insert_unsigned_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1825                                  const char *subcollection,
1826                                  int disposition,
1827                                  const char *refprop,
1828                                  int idx,
1829                                  unsigned flags,
1830                                  const char *property,
1831                                  uint32_t number);
1833 /** @brief Insert a long property. */
1834 int col_insert_long_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1835                              const char *subcollection,
1836                              int disposition,
1837                              const char *refprop,
1838                              int idx,
1839                              unsigned flags,
1840                              const char *property,
1841                              int64_t number);
1843 /** @brief Insert an unsigned long property. */
1844 int col_insert_ulong_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1845                               const char *subcollection,
1846                               int disposition,
1847                               const char *refprop,
1848                               int idx,
1849                               unsigned flags,
1850                               const char *property,
1851                               uint64_t number);
1853 /** @brief Insert a property with a floating point value. */
1854 int col_insert_double_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1855                                const char *subcollection,
1856                                int disposition,
1857                                const char *refprop,
1858                                int idx,
1859                                unsigned flags,
1860                                const char *property,
1861                                double number);
1863 /** @brief Insert a property with a Boolean value. */
1864 int col_insert_bool_property(struct collection_item *ci,
1865                              const char *subcollection,
1866                              int disposition,
1867                              const char *refprop,
1868                              int idx,
1869                              unsigned flags,
1870                              const char *property,
1871                              unsigned char logical);
1873 /** @brief Insert a string property and get back a reference. */
1874 int col_insert_str_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1875                                      const char *subcollection,
1876                                      int disposition,
1877                                      const char *refprop,
1878                                      int idx,
1879                                      unsigned flags,
1880                                      const char *property,
1881                                      const char *string,
1882                                      int length,
1883                                      struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1885 /** @brief Insert a binary property and get back a reference. */
1886 int col_insert_binary_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1887                                         const char *subcollection,
1888                                         int disposition,
1889                                         const char *refprop,
1890                                         int idx,
1891                                         unsigned flags,
1892                                         const char *property,
1893                                         void *binary_data,
1894                                         int length,
1895                                         struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1897 /** @brief Insert an integer property and get back a reference. */
1898 int col_insert_int_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1899                                      const char *subcollection,
1900                                      int disposition,
1901                                      const char *refprop,
1902                                      int idx,
1903                                      unsigned flags,
1904                                      const char *property,
1905                                      int32_t number,
1906                                      struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1908 /** @brief Insert an unsigned property and get back a reference. */
1909 int col_insert_unsigned_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1910                                           const char *subcollection,
1911                                           int disposition,
1912                                           const char *refprop,
1913                                           int idx,
1914                                           unsigned flags,
1915                                           const char *property,
1916                                           uint32_t number,
1917                                           struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1919 /** @brief Insert a long property and get back a reference. */
1920 int col_insert_long_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1921                                       const char *subcollection,
1922                                       int disposition,
1923                                       const char *refprop,
1924                                       int idx,
1925                                       unsigned flags,
1926                                       const char *property,
1927                                       int64_t number,
1928                                       struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1930 /** @brief Insert an unsigned long property and get back a reference. */
1931 int col_insert_ulong_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1932                                        const char *subcollection,
1933                                        int disposition,
1934                                        const char *refprop,
1935                                        int idx,
1936                                        unsigned flags,
1937                                        const char *property,
1938                                        uint64_t number,
1939                                        struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1941 /**
1942  * @brief Insert a property with a floating
1943  * point value and get back a reference.
1944  */
1945 int col_insert_double_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1946                                         const char *subcollection,
1947                                         int disposition,
1948                                         const char *refprop,
1949                                         int idx,
1950                                         unsigned flags,
1951                                         const char *property,
1952                                         double number,
1953                                         struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1955 /** @brief Insert a property with a Boolean value and get back a reference. */
1956 int col_insert_bool_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1957                                       const char *subcollection,
1958                                       int disposition,
1959                                       const char *refprop,
1960                                       int idx,
1961                                       unsigned flags,
1962                                       const char *property,
1963                                       unsigned char logical,
1964                                       struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1966 /** @brief Insert property of any type and get back a reference. */
1967 int col_insert_property_with_ref(struct collection_item *ci,
1968                                  const char *subcollection,
1969                                  int disposition,
1970                                  const char *refprop,
1971                                  int idx,
1972                                  unsigned flags,
1973                                  const char *property,
1974                                  int type,
1975                                  const void *data,
1976                                  int length,
1977                                  struct collection_item **ret_ref);
1980 /**
1981  * @}
1982  */
1984 /**
1985  * @defgroup updateproperty Update property functions
1986  *
1987  * Functions in this section update properties in a collection.
1988  *
1989  * All update functions search the property using the
1990  * internal traverse function.
1991  * Use same "x!y" notation to specify a property.
1992  * For more details about the search logic see
1993  * \ref col_get_item_and_do function.
1994  *
1995  * The existing value of the property is destroyed and lost.
1996  *
1997  * It is not possible to rename the property using these functions.
1998  * To do more advanced modifications see \ref col_modify_item function
1999  * and \ref modwrap "item modification wrappers" .
2000  *
2001  * Common parameters for these functions are:
2002  *
2003  * @param[in] ci            Root collection object.
2004  * @param[in] property      Name of the property.
2005  * @param[in] mode_flags    Specify how the collection
2006  *                          should to be traversed.
2007  *
2008  * The rest of the arguments specify the new values for
2009  * the property. For more details about these arguments see
2010  * the description of the \ref addproperty "col_add_xxx_property"
2011  * corresponding function.
2012  *
2013  *
2014  * @return 0          - Property was updated successfully.
2015  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
2016  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
2017  *                      The attempt to update a property which is
2018  *                      a reference to a collection or a collection
2019  *                      name.
2020  * @return ENOENT     - Property to update is not found.
2021  *
2022  * @{
2023  */
2024 /**
2025  * Update a property with a string value.
2026  * Length should include the terminating 0.
2027  */
2028 int col_update_str_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2029                             const char *property,
2030                             int mode_flags,
2031                             char *string,
2032                             int length);
2033 /**
2034  * Update a property with a binary value.
2035  */
2036 int col_update_binary_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2037                                const char *property,
2038                                int mode_flags,
2039                                void *binary_data,
2040                                int length);
2041 /**
2042  * Update a property with an integer value.
2043  */
2044 int col_update_int_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2045                             const char *property,
2046                             int mode_flags,
2047                             int32_t number);
2048 /**
2049  * Update a property with an unsigned value.
2050  */
2051 int col_update_unsigned_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2052                                  const char *property,
2053                                  int mode_flags,
2054                                  uint32_t number);
2055 /**
2056  * Update a property with a long value.
2057  */
2058 int col_update_long_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2059                              const char *property,
2060                              int mode_flags,
2061                              int64_t number);
2062 /**
2063  * Update a property with an unsigned long value.
2064  */
2065 int col_update_ulong_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2066                               const char *property,
2067                               int mode_flags,
2068                               uint64_t number);
2069 /**
2070  * Update a property with a floating point value.
2071  */
2072 int col_update_double_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2073                                const char *property,
2074                                int mode_flags,
2075                                double number);
2076 /**
2077  * Update a property with a Boolean value.
2078  */
2079 int col_update_bool_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2080                              const char *property,
2081                              int mode_flags,
2082                              unsigned char logical);
2084 /**
2085  * Update a property with a value by specifying type
2086  * and value. See definitions of the type constants
2087  * \ref coltypes "here".
2088  * All other col_update_xxx_property functions are wrappers
2089  * around this one.
2090  */
2091 int col_update_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2092                         const char *property,
2093                         int type,
2094                         void *new_data,
2095                         int length,
2096                         int mode_flags);
2099 /**
2100  * @}
2101  */
2103 /**
2104  * @defgroup getitem Item management
2105  *
2106  * Group of functions that allows retrieving individual elements
2107  * of the \ref collection_item hiding the internal implementation.
2108  *
2109  * @{
2110  */
2112 /**
2113  * @defgroup compflags Comparison flags
2114  *
2115  * This section describes the flags used in item comparison.
2116  *
2117  * Flags:
2118  * - \ref COL_CMPIN_PROP_EQU
2119  * - \ref COL_CMPIN_PROP_BEG
2120  * - \ref COL_CMPIN_PROP_MID
2121  * - \ref COL_CMPIN_PROP_END
2122  *
2123  * are mutually exclusive.
2124  *
2125  * All other flags can be provided in any combination.
2126  *
2127  * @{
2128  */
2129 /** @brief Properties should be exactly equal */
2130 #define COL_CMPIN_PROP_EQU    0x000000004
2131 /** @brief Properties should start with the same substring. */
2132 #define COL_CMPIN_PROP_BEG    0x000000005
2133 /** @brief One property should be a substring of another. */
2134 #define COL_CMPIN_PROP_MID    0x000000006
2135 /** @brief Properties should have the same substring at the end. */
2136 #define COL_CMPIN_PROP_END    0x000000007
2138 /**
2139  * @brief Make sure that there is a dot.
2140  *
2141  * Useful with _BEG, _MID and _END flags to check that the there is
2142  * a dot (if present) in the right place (before, after or both).
2143  * For example the first item is named "foo.bar" and the second
2144  * is "bar". Using _END the "bar" will be found but if _DOT flag is
2145  * used too the function will also check if there was a "." before the found
2146  * string in this case.
2147  * Ignored in case of _EQU.
2148  */
2149 #define COL_CMPIN_PROP_DOT     0x000000008
2151 /** @brief Compare property lengths. */
2152 #define COL_CMPIN_PROP_LEN     0x000000010
2154 /** @brief Compare types. */
2155 #define COL_CMPIN_TYPE         0x000000020
2157 /** @brief Compare data lengths. */
2158 #define COL_CMPIN_DATA_LEN     0x000000040
2160 /**
2161  * @brief Compare data.
2162  *
2163  * Compares data (up to the length of the second one)
2164  * if type is the same. If type is different
2165  * function will assume data is different
2166  * without performing actual comparison.
2167  */
2168 #define COL_CMPIN_DATA         0x000000080
2170 /**
2171  * @}
2172  */
2175 /**
2176  * @defgroup outflags Comparison results flags
2177  *
2178  * This section describes the flags set as a result of
2179  * a comparison operation.
2180  *
2181  * @{
2182  */
2184 /**
2185  * @brief Second item's property is greater.
2186  *
2187  * If _EQU was specified and the property of the second item
2188  * is greater the following bit will be set
2189  */
2190 #define COL_CMPOUT_PROP_STR    0x00000001
2192 /**
2193  * @brief Second item's property is longer.
2194  *
2195  * If told to compare property lengths
2196  * and the second is longer this bit will be set.
2197  */
2198 #define COL_CMPOUT_PROP_LEN    0x00000002
2199 /**
2200  * @brief Second item's data is longer.
2201  *
2202  * If told to compare data lengths
2203  * and second is longer this bit will be set
2204  */
2205 #define COL_CMPOUT_DATA_LEN    0x00000004
2206 /**
2207  * @brief Second item's data is greater.
2208  *
2209  * If told to compare data
2210  * and types are the same, then
2211  * if the second one is greater this bit will
2212  * be set. If data is binary flag is never set.
2213  */
2214 #define COL_CMPOUT_DATA    0x00000008
2216 /**
2217  * @}
2218  */
2220 /**
2221  * @defgroup dispvalues Disposition constants
2222  *
2223  * Possible dispositions for insert, extract and delete function(s).
2224  * Not all of these dispositions are implemented day one.
2225  * If disposition is not implemented the function
2226  * will return error ENOSYS.
2227  *
2228  * Other dispositions might be possible in future.
2229  *
2230  * @{
2231  */
2232 /**
2233  * @brief Relate to the end of the collection
2234  *
2235  * For "insert":
2236  * - Add property to the end of the collection.
2237  *
2238  * For "extract" or "delete":
2239  * - Extract or delete the last property in the collection.
2240  */
2241 #define COL_DSP_END             0
2242 /**
2243  * @brief Relate to the beginning of the collection
2244  *
2245  * For "insert":
2246  * - Add property to the beginning of the collection right after the header.
2247  *
2248  * For "extract" or "delete":
2249  * - Extract or delete the first property in the collection.
2250  *   This is the one right after the header.
2251  */
2252 #define COL_DSP_FRONT           1
2253 /**
2254  * @brief Before the given property
2255  *
2256  * For "insert":
2257  * - Add property before the referenced property.
2258  *
2259  * For "extract" or "delete":
2260  * - Extract or delete the property that stands
2261  *   before the referenced property in the collection.
2262  *   If given property is the first in the collection
2263  *   ENOENT is returned.
2264  */
2265 #define COL_DSP_BEFORE          2
2266 /**
2267  * @brief After the given property
2268  *
2269  * For "insert":
2270  * - Add property immediately the referenced property.
2271  *
2272  * For "extract" or "delete":
2273  * - Extract or delete the property that stands
2274  *   after the referenced property in the collection.
2275  *   If given property is the last in the collection
2276  *   ENOENT is returned.
2277  */
2278 #define COL_DSP_AFTER           3
2279 /**
2280  * @brief Use index
2281  *
2282  * For "insert":
2283  * - The COL_DSP_INDEX adds the item as N-th item after header in the list.
2284  *   Index is zero based.
2285  *   If there are less than N items in the list the item is added to the end.
2286  *   The index value of 0 means that the item will be added immediately
2287  *   after the header. Index of 1 will mean that it is added after first data
2288  *   item and so on.
2289  *
2290  * For "extract" or "delete":
2291  * - In case of extraction or deletion the N-th item of the collection
2292  *   will be extracted or deleted.
2293  *   Index is zero based.
2294  *   If there are less than N+1 items in the list the function will return ENOENT.
2295  *
2296  */
2297 #define COL_DSP_INDEX           4
2298 /**
2299  * @brief Use first among duplicates
2300  *
2301  * This mode applies only to the list of duplicate
2302  * properties that are going one after another.
2303  *
2304  * For "insert":
2305  * - Add property as a first dup of the given property.
2306  *   The property name is taken from the item
2307  *   and the value refprop is ignored.
2308  *
2309  * For "extract" or "delete":
2310  * - Delete or extract first duplicate property.
2311  *   The property name is taken from the refprop.
2312  *   The property will be extracted or deleted if found
2313  *   regardless of whether there are any duplicates or not.
2314  */
2315 #define COL_DSP_FIRSTDUP        5
2316 /**
2317  * @brief Use last among duplicates
2318  *
2319  * This mode applies only to the list of duplicate
2320  * properties that are going one after another.
2321  *
2322  * For "insert":
2323  * - Add property as the last dup of the given property.
2324  *   The property name is taken from the item
2325  *   and the value refprop is ignored.
2326  *
2327  * For "extract" or "delete":
2328  * - Delete or extract the last duplicate of the property.
2329  *   The property name is taken from the refprop.
2330  *   Extracts or deletes last duplicate property in the uninterrupted
2331  *   sequence of properties with the same name.
2332  *   The property will be extracted or deleted if found
2333  *   regardless of whether there are any duplicates or not.
2334  */
2335 #define COL_DSP_LASTDUP         6
2336 /**
2337  * @brief Use N-th among duplicates
2338  *
2339  * This mode applies only to the list of duplicate
2340  * properties that are going one after another.
2341  *
2342  * For "insert":
2343  * - Add property as a N-th dup of the given property.
2344  *   The property name is taken from the item
2345  *   and the value refprop is ignored.
2346  *   Index is zero based.
2347  *   The COL_DSP_NDUP is used in case of the multi value property
2348  *   to add a new property with the same name into specific place
2349  *   in the list of properties with the same name.
2350  *   The index of 0 will mean to add the property before the first
2351  *   instance of the property with the same name.
2352  *   If the property does not exist ENOENT will be returned.
2353  *   If the index is greater than the last property with the same
2354  *   name the item will be added immediately after last
2355  *   property with the same name.
2356  *
2357  * For "extract" or "delete":
2358  * - Delete or extract N-th duplicate property.
2359  *   Index is zero based.
2360  *   The property name is taken from the refprop.
2361  *   If index is greater than number of duplicate
2362  *   properties in the sequence ENOENT is returned.
2363  *
2364  */
2365 #define COL_DSP_NDUP            7
2366 /**
2367  * @brief Use last among nonsequential duplicates
2368  *
2369  * This mode applies to the list of duplicates that might be scattered
2370  * across the collection
2371  *
2372  * For "insert":
2373  * - Add property as the last dup of the given property.
2374  *   The property name is taken from the item
2375  *   and the value refprop is ignored.
2376  *
2377  * For "extract" or "delete":
2378  * - Delete or extract the last duplicate of the property.
2379  *   The property name is taken from the refprop.
2380  *   Extracts or deletes last duplicate property in the uninterrupted
2381  *   sequence of properties with the same name.
2382  *   The property will be extracted or deleted if found
2383  *   regardless of whether there are any duplicates or not.
2384  */
2385 #define COL_DSP_LASTDUPNS        8
2386 /**
2387  * @brief Use N-th among nonsequential duplicates
2388  *
2389  * This mode applies only to the list of duplicate
2390  * properties that are going one after another.
2391  *
2392  * For "insert":
2393  * - Add property as a N-th dup of the given property.
2394  *   The property name is taken from the item
2395  *   and the value refprop is ignored.
2396  *   Index is zero based.
2397  *   The COL_DSP_NDUPNS is used in case of the multi value property
2398  *   to add a new property with the same name into specific place
2399  *   in the list of properties with the same name.
2400  *   The index of 0 will mean to add the property before the first
2401  *   instance of the property with the same name.
2402  *   If the property does not exist ENOENT will be returned.
2403  *   If the index is greater than the last property with the same
2404  *   name the item will be added immediately after last
2405  *   property with the same name.
2406  *
2407  * For "extract" or "delete":
2408  * - Delete or extract N-th duplicate property.
2409  *   Index is zero based.
2410  *   The property name is taken from the refprop.
2411  *   If index is greater than number of duplicate
2412  *   properties in the sequence ENOENT is returned.
2413  *
2414  */
2415 #define COL_DSP_NDUPNS           9
2416 /**
2417  * @}
2418  */
2420 /**
2421  * @defgroup insflags Flags used in insert item functions
2422  *
2423  * Flags that can be used with insert functions.
2424  *
2425  * In future can more flags might be added.
2426  *
2427  * <b>NOTE:</b> Use of the duplicate checking flags is costly
2428  * since it requires a forward look up of the whole
2429  * collection before the item is inserted.
2430  * Do not use it until it is absolutely necessary.
2431  *
2432  * @{
2433  */
2434 /** @brief This is the default mode - no dup checks on insert */
2435 #define COL_INSERT_NOCHECK      0
2436 /**
2437  * @brief Check for duplicate name and overwrite.
2438  * Position arguments are ignored.
2439  */
2440 #define COL_INSERT_DUPOVER      1
2441 /**
2442  * @brief Check for duplicate name and type and overwrite.
2443  * Position arguments are ignored.
2444  */
2445 #define COL_INSERT_DUPOVERT     2
2446 /** @brief Return error EEXIST if the entry with the same name exists. */
2447 #define COL_INSERT_DUPERROR     3
2448 /**
2449  * @brief Return error EEXIST if the entry
2450  * with the same name and type exists.
2451  */
2452 #define COL_INSERT_DUPERRORT    4
2453 /** @brief Check for duplicates, overwrite,
2454  * extract and then move to the position requested.
2455  */
2456 #define COL_INSERT_DUPMOVE      5
2457 /** @brief Check for duplicate name and type, overwrite,
2458  * extract and then move to the position requested.
2459  */
2460 #define COL_INSERT_DUPMOVET     6
2462 /**
2463  * @}
2464  */
2468 /**
2469  * @brief Get item property.
2470  *
2471  * Get name of the property from the item. If the item is a header
2472  * the name of the property is the name of the collection.
2473  * The element that denotes the collection header has
2474  * type \ref COL_TYPE_COLLECTION.
2475  * Optionally the property length can be retrieved too.
2476  *
2477  * @param[in]  ci               Item to get property from.
2478  *                              If item is invalid the function
2479  *                              will cause a segment violation.
2480  * @param[out] property_len     If not NULL the variable
2481  *                              will receive the length
2482  *                              of the property not counting
2483  *                              terminating 0.
2484  *
2485  * @return Property name.
2486  *
2487  */
2488 const char *col_get_item_property(struct collection_item *ci,
2489                                   int *property_len);
2491 /**
2492  * @brief Get item type.
2493  *
2494  * Get type from the item.
2495  *
2496  * @param[in]  ci               Item to get type from.
2497  *                              If item is invalid the function
2498  *                              will cause a segment violation.
2499  *
2500  * @return Item type.
2501  *
2502  */
2503 int col_get_item_type(struct collection_item *ci);
2505 /**
2506  * @brief Get value length from the item.
2507  *
2508  * Get value length from the item. For strings this includes
2509  * NULL terminating zero.
2510  *
2511  * @param[in]  ci               Item to get value length from.
2512  *                              If item is invalid the function
2513  *                              will cause a segment violation.
2514  *
2515  * @return Value length.
2516  *
2517  */
2518 int col_get_item_length(struct collection_item *ci);
2520 /**
2521  * @brief Get value from the item.
2522  *
2523  * Get value from the item.
2524  *
2525  * @param[in]  ci               Item to get value from.
2526  *                              If item is invalid the function
2527  *                              will cause a segment violation.
2528  *
2529  * @return Property value.
2530  *
2531  */
2532 void *col_get_item_data(struct collection_item *ci);
2534 /**
2535  * @brief Get hash value from the item.
2536  *
2537  * Get hash value from the item. The hash value is
2538  * 64-bit hash created from the property name.
2539  * It is done to optimize the searches.
2540  *
2541  * This function is exposed for some corner cases
2542  * that require low level operations, for example
2543  * for custom search callbacks to take advantage
2544  * of the internal hashes.
2545  *
2546  * @param[in]  ci               Item to get hash from.
2547  *                              If item is invalid the function
2548  *                              will cause a segment violation.
2549  *
2550  * @return Hash value.
2551  *
2552  */
2553 uint64_t col_get_item_hash(struct collection_item *ci);
2555 /**
2556  * @brief Calculate hash value for a string.
2557  *
2558  * Calculates hash value of the string using internal hashing
2559  * algorithm. Populates "length" with length
2560  * of the string not counting 0.
2561  *
2562  * This function is useful if you want to build a custom
2563  * search or collection sorting function.
2564  *
2565  * @param[in]  string   String to hash. If NULL hash is 0.
2566  * @param[in]  sub_len  If it is greater than zero
2567  *                      it is used to count how many
2568  *                      characters from string should
2569  *                      be included into hash calculation.
2570  *                      If 0 the actual length of the string
2571  *                      is determined and used.
2572  * @param[out]  length  Will receive the calculated length
2573  *                      of the provided string.
2574  *                      Length argument can be NULL.
2575  *
2576  * @return Hash value.
2577  */
2578 uint64_t col_make_hash(const char *string, int sub_len, int *length);
2581 /**
2582  * @brief Compare two items.
2583  *
2584  * The second item is evaluated against the first.
2585  * Function returns 0 if two items are the same
2586  * and non-zero otherwise.
2587  * The \ref compflags "in_flags" is a bit mask that
2588  * defines how the items should be compared.
2589  *
2590  * If items are different they might be sorted following
2591  * some order. For example one can order items by name
2592  * but not by type.
2593  * If the result of the function is non-zero
2594  * the \ref outflags "out_flags" (if provided) will be
2595  * set to indicate if the second item is greater
2596  * then the first.
2597  *
2598  * @param[in]  first      First item to compare.
2599  * @param[in]  second     Second item to compare.
2600  * @param[in]  in_flags   See \ref compflags "comparison flags".
2601  * @param[out] out_flags  See \ref outflags "output flags".
2602  *
2603  *
2604  * @return 0 if items are the same and nonzero otherwise.
2606  */
2607 int col_compare_items(struct collection_item *first,
2608                       struct collection_item *second,
2609                       unsigned in_flags,
2610                       unsigned *out_flags);
2614 /**
2615  * @brief Modify any item element.
2616  *
2617  * This function is useful if you want to modify the item that
2618  * you got as a result of \ref iterfunc "iterating" through
2619  * collection or by calling \ref col_get_item.
2620  * Previous type and data of the item is destroyed.
2621  *
2622  * If you want to rename an item provide a new name in the property
2623  * argument otherwise keep it NULL.
2624  *
2625  * If you want the data to remain unchanged use 0 as a length parameter.
2626  *
2627  * If the item is a reference or a collection and you attempt to change
2628  * the data, i.e. length is not 0, the call will return an error EINVAL.
2629  * If the item is a reference or a collection it can only be renamed.
2630  *
2631  * The are several convenience function that are wrappers
2632  * around this function. For more information
2633  * see \ref modwrap "item modification wrappers".
2634  *
2635  * @param[in] item       Item to modify.
2636  * @param[in] property   Property name. Use NULL to leave the property
2637  *                       unchanged.
2638  * @param[in] type       See \ref coltypes "types" for more information.
2639  * @param[in] data       New value.
2640  * @param[in] length     New value. Use 0 to leave the value and its type
2641  *                       unchanged.
2642  *
2643  * @return 0          - Item was successfully modified.
2644  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
2645  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
2646  *                      The attempt to modify an item which is
2647  *                      a reference to a collection or a collection
2648  *                      name.
2649  */
2650 int col_modify_item(struct collection_item *item,
2651                     const char *property,
2652                     int type,
2653                     const void *data,
2654                     int length);
2656 /**
2657  * @defgroup modwrap Item modification wrappers
2658  *
2659  * The functions in this section are convenience wrappers
2660  * around \ref col_modify_item.
2661  * They return same error codes.
2662  *
2663  * @{
2664  */
2666 /**
2667  * @brief Modify item property.
2668  *
2669  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2670  * It is equivalent to: col_modify_item(item, property, 0, NULL, 0);
2671  *
2672  */
2673 int col_modify_item_property(struct collection_item *item,
2674                              const char *property);
2676 /**
2677  * @brief Modify item value to be a string.
2678  *
2679  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2680  * It sets a value of the item to a provided string.
2681  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2682  * If the length argument is not zero the string will be truncated to
2683  * this length. If the length is 0 the length will be calculated based
2684  * on the length of the actual string.
2685  * Original value is always destroyed.
2686  *
2687  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2688  */
2689 int col_modify_str_item(struct collection_item *item,
2690                         const char *property,
2691                         const char *string,
2692                         int length);
2693 /**
2694  * @brief Modify item value to be a binary blob.
2695  *
2696  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2697  * It sets a value of the item to a provided binary buffer.
2698  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2699  * Original value is always destroyed.
2700  *
2701  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2702  */
2703 int col_modify_binary_item(struct collection_item *item,
2704                            const char *property,
2705                            void *binary_data,
2706                            int length);
2707 /**
2708  * @brief Modify item value to be a Boolean.
2709  *
2710  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2711  * It sets a value of the item to a provided logical value.
2712  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2713  * Original value is always destroyed.
2714  *
2715  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2716  */
2717 int col_modify_bool_item(struct collection_item *item,
2718                          const char *property,
2719                          unsigned char logical);
2720 /**
2721  * @brief Modify item value to be an integer.
2722  *
2723  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2724  * It sets a value of the item to a provided integer value.
2725  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2726  * Original value is always destroyed.
2727  *
2728  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2729  */
2730 int col_modify_int_item(struct collection_item *item,
2731                         const char *property,
2732                         int32_t number);
2733 /**
2734  * @brief Modify item value to be a long integer.
2735  *
2736  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2737  * It sets a value of the item to a provided long integer value.
2738  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2739  * Original value is always destroyed.
2740  *
2741  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2742  */
2743 int col_modify_long_item(struct collection_item *item,
2744                          const char *property,
2745                          int64_t number);
2746 /**
2747  * @brief Modify item value to be an unsigned long.
2748  *
2749  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2750  * It sets a value of the item to a provided unsigned long value.
2751  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2752  * Original value is always destroyed.
2753  *
2754  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2755  */
2756 int col_modify_ulong_item(struct collection_item *item,
2757                           const char *property,
2758                           uint64_t number);
2759 /**
2760  * @brief Modify item value to be an unsigned integer.
2761  *
2762  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2763  * It sets a value of the item to a provided unsigned integer value.
2764  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2765  * Original value is always destroyed.
2766  *
2767  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2768  */
2769 int col_modify_unsigned_item(struct collection_item *item,
2770                              const char *property,
2771                              uint32_t number);
2772 /**
2773  * @brief Modify item value to be a floating point.
2774  *
2775  * This function is a convenience wrapper around \ref col_modify_item.
2776  * It sets a value of the item to a provided floating point value.
2777  * If property is not NULL it also renames the property.
2778  * Original value is always destroyed.
2779  *
2780  * @return - same error values as \ref col_modify_item.
2781  */
2782 int col_modify_double_item(struct collection_item *item,
2783                            const char *property,
2784                            double number);
2786 /**
2787  * @}
2788  */
2790 /**
2791  * @brief Extract item from the collection.
2792  *
2793  * Function to find and remove an item from the collection.
2794  * Function does not destroy the item instead it returns a reference
2795  * to the item so it can be used later and inserted back into this or
2796  * other collection.
2797  * The function assumes that the caller knows the collection
2798  * the property is stored in.
2799  * The header of the collection can't be extracted with this function
2800  * but the reference to the collection can.
2801  *
2802  * Function allows specifying relative position of the item in the
2803  * collection. One can specify that he wants to extract an item
2804  * that is first in the collection or last, or after other item
2805  * in the collection. For more details see parameter definitions.
2806  *
2807  * After extracting the item from the collection the caller has to
2808  * either insert it back into some collection using \ref col_insert_item
2809  * or delete it using \ref col_delete_item.
2810  *
2811  *
2812  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
2813  * @param[in]  subcollection   Name of the sub collection to extract
2814  *                             item from. If NULL, the top level collection
2815  *                             is used. One can use "foo!bar!baz"
2816  *                             notation to identify the sub collection.
2817  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls how the relative
2818  *                             position of the item to extract is determined.
2819  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
2820  *                             "disposition constants".
2821  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
2822  *                             This can be used to specify that function
2823  *                             should extract next item after the item
2824  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
2825  *                             disposition you are using does not
2826  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
2827  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to extract.
2828  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
2829  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
2830  * @param[in]  type            Type filter. Only the item of the matching
2831  *                             type will be used. It can be a bit mask of
2832  *                             more than one type. Use 0 if you do not
2833  *                             need to filter by type.
2834  * @param[out] ret_ref         Variable will receive the value of the
2835  *                             pointer to the extracted item.
2836  *
2837  * @return 0          - Item was successfully extracted.
2838  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
2839  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
2840  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
2841  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
2842  *                      extracting next item after item with name "foo"
2843  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
2844  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
2845  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
2846  *                      theme is that something was not found.
2847  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
2848  */
2849 int col_extract_item(struct collection_item *ci,
2850                      const char *subcollection,
2851                      int disposition,
2852                      const char *refprop,
2853                      int idx,
2854                      int type,
2855                      struct collection_item **ret_ref);
2857 /**
2858  * @brief Extract item from the current collection.
2859  *
2860  * Function is similar to the \ref col_extract_item.
2861  * It acts exactly the same as \ref col_extract_item when the
2862  * subcollection parameter of the \ref col_extract_item is set to NULL.
2863  *
2864  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
2865  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls how the relative
2866  *                             position of the item to extract is determined.
2867  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
2868  *                             "disposition constants".
2869  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
2870  *                             This can be used to specify that function
2871  *                             should extract next item after the item
2872  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
2873  *                             disposition you are using does not
2874  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
2875  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to extract.
2876  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
2877  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
2878  * @param[in]  type            Type filter. Only the item of the matching
2879  *                             type will be used. It can be a bit mask of
2880  *                             more than one type. Use 0 if you do not
2881  *                             need to filter by type.
2882  * @param[out] ret_ref         Variable will receive the value of the
2883  *                             pointer to the extracted item.
2884  *
2885  * @return 0          - Item was successfully extracted.
2886  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
2887  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
2888  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
2889  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
2890  *                      extracting next item after item with name "foo"
2891  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
2892  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
2893  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
2894  *                      theme is that something was not found.
2895  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
2896  */
2897 int col_extract_item_from_current(struct collection_item *ci,
2898                                   int disposition,
2899                                   const char *refprop,
2900                                   int idx,
2901                                   int type,
2902                                   struct collection_item **ret_ref);
2904 /**
2905  * @brief Remove item from the collection.
2906  *
2907  * Function internally calls \ref col_extract_item and then
2908  * \ref col_delete_item for the extracted item.
2909  *
2910  * Function is similar to \ref col_delete_property function
2911  * but allows more specific information about what item (property)
2912  * to remove.
2913  *
2914  * The header will not be considered for deletion.
2915  *
2916  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
2917  * @param[in]  subcollection   Name of the sub collection to remove
2918  *                             item from. If NULL, the top level collection
2919  *                             is used. One can use "foo!bar!baz"
2920  *                             notation to identify the sub collection.
2921  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls how the relative
2922  *                             position of the item to remove is determined.
2923  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
2924  *                             "disposition constants".
2925  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
2926  *                             This can be used to specify that function
2927  *                             should remove next item after the item
2928  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
2929  *                             disposition you are using does not
2930  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
2931  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to remove.
2932  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
2933  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
2934  * @param[in]  type            Type filter. Only the item of the matching
2935  *                             type will be used. It can be a bit mask of
2936  *                             more than one type. Use 0 if you do not
2937  *                             need to filter by type.
2938  *
2939  * @return 0          - Item was successfully removed.
2940  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
2941  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
2942  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
2943  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
2944  *                      deleting next item after item with name "foo"
2945  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
2946  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
2947  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
2948  *                      theme is that something was not found.
2949  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
2950  */
2951 int col_remove_item(struct collection_item *ci,
2952                     const char *subcollection,
2953                     int disposition,
2954                     const char *refprop,
2955                     int idx,
2956                     int type);
2958 /**
2959  * @brief Remove item from the collection.
2960  *
2961  * Function internally calls \ref col_extract_item and then
2962  * \ref col_delete_item for the extracted item.
2963  *
2964  * Function is similar to \ref col_delete_property function
2965  * but allows more specific information about what item (property)
2966  * to remove.
2967  *
2968  * The header will not be considered for deletion.
2969  *
2970  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
2971  * @param[in]  subcollection   Name of the sub collection to remove
2972  *                             item from. If NULL, the top level collection
2973  *                             is used. One can use "foo!bar!baz"
2974  *                             notation to identify the sub collection.
2975  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls how the relative
2976  *                             position of the item to remove is determined.
2977  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
2978  *                             "disposition constants".
2979  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
2980  *                             This can be used to specify that function
2981  *                             should remove next item after the item
2982  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
2983  *                             disposition you are using does not
2984  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
2985  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to remove.
2986  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
2987  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
2988  * @param[in]  type            Type filter. Only the item of the matching
2989  *                             type will be used. It can be a bit mask of
2990  *                             more than one type. Use 0 if you do not
2991  *                             need to filter by type.
2992  * @param[in]  cb              Callback to use.
2993  * @param[in]  custom_data     Caller defined data that can be passed
2994  *                             to the callback.
2995  *
2996  * @return 0          - Item was successfully removed.
2997  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
2998  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
2999  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
3000  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
3001  *                      deleting next item after item with name "foo"
3002  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
3003  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
3004  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
3005  *                      theme is that something was not found.
3006  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
3007  */
3008 int col_remove_item_with_cb(struct collection_item *ci,
3009                             const char *subcollection,
3010                             int disposition,
3011                             const char *refprop,
3012                             int idx,
3013                             int type,
3014                             col_item_cleanup_fn cb,
3015                             void *custom_data);
3017 /**
3018  * @brief Remove item from the current collection.
3019  *
3020  * Function is similar to the \ref col_remove_item.
3021  * It acts exactly the same as \ref col_remove_item when the
3022  * subcollection parameter of the \ref col_remove_item is set to NULL.
3023  *
3024  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
3025  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls how the relative
3026  *                             position of the item to remove is determined.
3027  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
3028  *                             "disposition constants".
3029  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
3030  *                             This can be used to specify that function
3031  *                             should remove next item after the item
3032  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
3033  *                             disposition you are using does not
3034  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
3035  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to remove.
3036  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
3037  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
3038  * @param[in]  type            Type filter. Only the item of the matching
3039  *                             type will be used. It can be a bit mask of
3040  *                             more than one type. Use 0 if you do not
3041  *                             need to filter by type.
3042  *
3043  * @return 0          - Item was successfully removed.
3044  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
3045  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3046  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
3047  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
3048  *                      deleting next item after item with name "foo"
3049  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
3050  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
3051  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
3052  *                      theme is that something was not found.
3053  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
3054  */
3055 int col_remove_item_from_current(struct collection_item *ci,
3056                                  int disposition,
3057                                  const char *refprop,
3058                                  int idx,
3059                                  int type);
3061 /**
3062  * @brief Insert item to the collection.
3063  *
3064  * <b>WARNING:</b> Only use this function to insert items
3065  * that were extracted using \ref col_extract_item or
3066  * \ref col_extract_item_from_current.
3067  * <b>NEVER</b> use it with items that were returned by:
3068  *  - \ref col_get_item
3069  *  - \ref addproperty "add property" functions
3070  *  - \ref addprop_withref "add property with reference" functions
3071  *  - \ref insertproperty "instert property" functions.
3072  *
3073  * The fundamental difference is that when you extracted item
3074  * using col_extract_item() it stops to be managed by a collection.
3075  * With such item you can:
3076  *  - a) Insert this item into another (or same) collection
3077  *  - b) Get item information using corresponding item management functions.
3078  *  - c) Destroy item using col_delete_item().
3079  *
3080  * You are required to do either a) or c) with such item.
3081  *
3082  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
3083  * @param[in]  subcollection   Name of the sub collection to insert
3084  *                             item into. If NULL, the top level collection
3085  *                             is used. One can use "foo!bar!baz"
3086  *                             notation to identify the sub collection.
3087  * @param[in]  item            Item to insert.
3088  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls where to insert
3089  *                             the item.
3090  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
3091  *                             "disposition constants".
3092  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
3093  *                             This can be used to specify that function
3094  *                             should insert the item after the item
3095  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
3096  *                             disposition you are using does not
3097  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
3098  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to insert.
3099  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
3100  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
3101  * @param[in]  flags           Flags that control naming issues.
3102  *                             See \ref insflags "insert flags"
3103  *                             for more details.
3104  *
3105  * @return 0          - Item was successfully extracted.
3106  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
3107  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3108  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
3109  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
3110  *                      extracting next item after item with name "foo"
3111  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
3112  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
3113  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
3114  *                      theme is that something was not found.
3115  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
3116  * @return EEXIST       If duplicate name/type checking is turned on
3117  *                      and duplicate name/type is detected.
3118  *
3119  */
3120 int col_insert_item(struct collection_item *ci,
3121                     const char *subcollection,
3122                     struct collection_item *item,
3123                     int disposition,
3124                     const char *refprop,
3125                     int idx,
3126                     unsigned flags);
3128 /**
3129  * @brief Insert item to the current collection.
3130  *
3131  * Function is equivalent to \ref col_insert_item with
3132  * subcollection parameter equal NULL.
3133  *
3134  * @param[in]  ci              Collection object.
3135  * @param[in]  item            Item to insert.
3136  * @param[in]  disposition     Constant that controls where to insert
3137  *                             the item.
3138  *                             For more information see \ref dispvalues
3139  *                             "disposition constants".
3140  * @param[in]  refprop         Name of the property to relate to.
3141  *                             This can be used to specify that function
3142  *                             should insert the item after the item
3143  *                             with this name. Leave NULL if the
3144  *                             disposition you are using does not
3145  *                             relate to an item in the collection.
3146  * @param[in]  idx             Index of the property to insert.
3147  *                             Useful for multi-value properties where
3148  *                             several properties have same name in a row.
3149  * @param[in]  flags           Flags that control naming issues.
3150  *                             See \ref insflags "insert flags"
3151  *                             for more details.
3152  *
3153  * @return 0          - Item was successfully extracted.
3154  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
3155  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3156  * @return ENOENT     - Sub collection is not found.
3157  *                      The position can't be determined. For example
3158  *                      extracting next item after item with name "foo"
3159  *                      will cause this error if item "foo" is the last
3160  *                      item in the collection. There are other cases
3161  *                      when this error can be returned but the common
3162  *                      theme is that something was not found.
3163  * @return ENOSYS       Unknown disposition value.
3164  * @return EEXIST       If duplicate name/type checking is turned on
3165  *                      and duplicate name/type is detected.
3166  *
3167  */
3168 int col_insert_item_into_current(struct collection_item *ci,
3169                                  struct collection_item *item,
3170                                  int disposition,
3171                                  const char *refprop,
3172                                  int idx,
3173                                  unsigned flags);
3177 /**
3178  * @brief Delete extracted item.
3179  *
3180  * <b>NEVER</b> use this function to delete an item
3181  * that was not previously extracted from the collection.
3182  *
3183  * There is currently no function to create an item aside and
3184  * then insert it into the collection so the col_delete_item
3185  * has only one use. In future this may change.
3186  *
3187  * @param[in]  item            Item to delete.
3188  *
3189  */
3190 void col_delete_item(struct collection_item *item);
3192 /**
3193  * @brief Delete extracted item with callback.
3194  *
3195  * This function is similar to \ref col_delete_item but allows
3196  * passing a callback function so that value stored in the collection can
3197  * be properly distroyed.
3198  *
3199  * @param[in]  item            Item to delete.
3200  * @param[in]  cb              Callback to use.
3201  * @param[in]  custom_data     Caller defined data that can be passed
3202                                to the callback.
3203  *
3204  */
3205 void col_delete_item_with_cb(struct collection_item *item,
3206                              col_item_cleanup_fn cb,
3207                              void *custom_data);
3210 /**
3211  * @}
3212  */
3215 /**
3216  * @defgroup iterfunc Iterator interface
3217  *
3218  * The functions in this section allow iterating
3219  * through a collection in a loop where the caller
3220  * implements the loop. It is different from the search and
3221  * traverse functions described in other sections because those
3222  * functions implement the loop themselves and call provided
3223  * callback in a specific situation.
3224  *
3225  * @{
3226  */
3228 /**
3229  * @brief Bind iterator to a collection.
3230  *
3231  * This function creates an iterator object and binds it to the collection.
3232  *
3233  * @param[out] iterator   Newly created iterator object.
3234  * @param[in]  ci         Collection to iterate.
3235  * @param[in]  mode_flags Flags define how to traverse the collection.
3236  *                        For more information see \ref traverseconst
3237  *                        "constants defining traverse modes".
3238  *
3239  * @return 0          - Iterator was created successfully.
3240  * @return ENOMEM     - No memory.
3241  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3242  *
3243  */
3244 int col_bind_iterator(struct collection_iterator **iterator,
3245                       struct collection_item *ci,
3246                       int mode_flags);
3248 /**
3249  * @brief Unbind the iterator from the collection.
3250  *
3251  * @param[in] iterator   Iterator object to free.
3252  */
3253 void col_unbind_iterator(struct collection_iterator *iterator);
3255 /**
3256  * @brief Iterate collection.
3257  *
3258  * Advance to next item in the collection. After the iterator is
3259  * bound it does not point to any item in the collection.
3260  * Use this function in the loop to step through all items
3261  * in the collection. See unit test for code examples.
3262  *
3263  * @param[in]  iterator   Iterator object to use.
3264  * @param[out] item       Pointer to the collection item.
3265  *                        Do not destroy or alter this pointer
3266  *                        in any ways. To access the internals
3267  *                        of the item use \ref getitem "item management"
3268  *                        functions.
3269  *                        The value of the item will be set to NULL if
3270  *                        the end of the collection is reached.
3271  *
3272  * @return 0          - Item was successfully retrieved.
3273  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3274  */
3275 int col_iterate_collection(struct collection_iterator *iterator,
3276                            struct collection_item **item);
3278 /**
3279  * @brief Move up
3280  *
3281  * Stop processing this sub collection and move to the next item in the
3282  * collection some levels up.
3283  *
3284  * @param[in]  iterator   Iterator object to use.
3285  * @param[in]  level      Indicates how many levels up you want to jump.
3286  *                        If 0 - call is a no op.
3287  *                        If the depth is less then requested level
3288  *                        the iterator will get to the 0 level and
3289  *                        next call to \ref col_iterate_collection
3290  *                        will return NULL item.
3291  *
3292  * @return 0          - Iterator was successfully repositioned.
3293  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3294  */
3295 int col_iterate_up(struct collection_iterator *iterator, unsigned level);
3297 /**
3298  * @brief Get current depth
3299  *
3300  * How deep are we relative to the top level?
3301  * This function will report depth that in some cases might look
3302  * misleading. The reason is that traverse flags affect the internal
3303  * level we are on at each moment.
3304  * For example the default traverse behavior is to show
3305  * references to the sub collections.
3306  * So when the item reference is returned the
3307  * depth automatically adjusted to level inside the sub collection.
3308  * So if function is called in this situation the level returned will
3309  * denote the level inside collection.
3310  * Now imagine that this collection is empty so the attempt to read
3311  * element will push you automatically one level up (in absence of the
3312  * \ref COL_TRAVERSE_END flag). If in this situation you encounter another
3313  * collection the reference will be returned and level automatically
3314  * adjusted to level inside the collection.
3315  * The point is that the level is reliable only after
3316  * a data item was returned.
3317  * To avoid this ambiguity another function \ref col_get_item_depth
3318  * was introduced.
3319  *
3320  * @param[in]  iterator   Iterator object to use.
3321  * @param[in]  depth      The variable will receive the depth
3322  *                        the iterator is on. The value is 0
3323  *                        if the iterator is on the top level.
3324  *
3325  * @return 0          - Success.
3326  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3327  */
3328 int col_get_iterator_depth(struct collection_iterator *iterator, int *depth);
3330 /**
3331  * @brief Get depth of the last returned item.
3332  *
3333  * @param[in]  iterator   Iterator object to use.
3334  * @param[in]  depth      The variable will receive the depth
3335  *                        the iterator is on.
3336  *                        Item from the top level will have
3337  *                        depth equal to 0. The value of 0
3338  *                        will also be returned if no item
3339  *                        was read so far.
3340  *
3341  * @return 0          - Success.
3342  * @return EINVAL     - The value of some of the arguments is invalid.
3343  */
3344 int col_get_item_depth(struct collection_iterator *iterator, int *depth);
3346 /**
3347  * @brief Pin iterator
3348  *
3349  * Pins down the iterator to loop around current point.
3350  *
3351  * This feature allows some search optimization.
3352  * The idea is to be able to put a 'pin'
3353  * into a specific place while iterating
3354  * the collection and make this place a new
3355  * "wrap around" place for the collection.
3356  * This means that next time you
3357  * iterate this collection you will start
3358  * iterating from the next item and
3359  * the item you got before setting pin will be
3360  * the last in your iteration cycle.
3361  *
3362  * Here is the example:
3363  *
3364  * Assume you have two collections that you need
3365  * to compare and perform some action on collection
3366  * 1 based on the presence of the item in collection 2.
3367  *  - Collection1 = A, B, C, D, E, F
3368  *  - Collection2 = A, C, F
3369  *
3370  * The usual approach is to try A from collection 1
3371  * against A, B, C from collection 2. "A" will be found
3372  *  right away. But to find "F" it has to be compared
3373  * to "A" and "C" first. The fact that the collections
3374  * are to some extent ordered can in some cases
3375  * help to reduce the number of comparisons.
3376  * If we found "C" in the list we can put a "pin"
3377  * into the collection there causing the iterator
3378  * to warp at this "pin" point. Since "D" and "E"
3379  * are not in the second collection we will have
3380  * to make same amount of comparisons in traditional
3381  * or "pinned" case to not find them.
3382  * To find "F" in pinned case there will be just one
3383  * comparison.
3384  *  - Traditional case = 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15
3385  *  - Pinned case = 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 12
3386  *
3387  * It is a 20% comparison reduction.
3388  *
3389  * @param[in]  iterator   Iterator object to use.
3390  */
3391 void col_pin_iterator(struct collection_iterator *iterator);
3393 /**
3394  * @brief Rewind iterator
3395  *
3396  * Rewinds iterator to the current pin point which is by
3397  * default the beginning of the collection until changed by
3398  * \ref col_pin_iterator function.
3399  *
3400  * @param[in]  iterator   Iterator object to use.
3401  */
3402 void col_rewind_iterator(struct collection_iterator *iterator);
3405 /**
3406  * @}
3407  */
3409 /**
3410  * @}
3411  */
3413 #endif