1 /************************************************************
2    definitions and constants for all Swiss Ephemeris source files,
3    only required for compiling the libraries, not for the external
4    interface of the libraries.
6    The definitions are a subset of Astrodienst's ourdef.h content
7    and must be kept compatible. Everything not used in SwissEph
8    has been deleted.
10    Does auto-detection of MSDOS (TURBO_C or MS_C),  HPUNIX, Linux.
11    Must be extended for more portability; there should be a way
12    to detect byte order and file system type.
14 ************************************************************/
16 /* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2021 Astrodienst AG, Switzerland.  All rights reserved.
18   License conditions
19   ------------------
21   This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
23   Swiss Ephemeris is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.  No author
24   or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
25   or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
26   or she says so in writing.
28   Swiss Ephemeris is made available by its authors under a dual licensing
29   system. The software developer, who uses any part of Swiss Ephemeris
30   in his or her software, must choose between one of the two license models,
31   which are
32   a) GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
33   b) Swiss Ephemeris Professional License
35   The choice must be made before the software developer distributes software
36   containing parts of Swiss Ephemeris to others, and before any public
37   service using the developed software is activated.
39   If the developer choses the AGPL software license, he or she must fulfill
40   the conditions of that license, which includes the obligation to place his
41   or her whole software project under the AGPL or a compatible license.
42   See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
44   If the developer choses the Swiss Ephemeris Professional license,
45   he must follow the instructions as found in http://www.astro.com/swisseph/
46   and purchase the Swiss Ephemeris Professional Edition from Astrodienst
47   and sign the corresponding license contract.
49   The License grants you the right to use, copy, modify and redistribute
50   Swiss Ephemeris, but only under certain conditions described in the License.
51   Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notices and
52   this notice be preserved on all copies.
54   Authors of the Swiss Ephemeris: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl
56   The authors of Swiss Ephemeris have no control or influence over any of
57   the derived works, i.e. over software or services created by other
58   programmers which use Swiss Ephemeris functions.
60   The names of the authors or of the copyright holder (Astrodienst) must not
61   be used for promoting any software, product or service which uses or contains
62   the Swiss Ephemeris. This copyright notice is the ONLY place where the
63   names of the authors can legally appear, except in cases where they have
64   given special permission in writing.
66   The trademarks 'Swiss Ephemeris' and 'Swiss Ephemeris inside' may be used
67   for promoting such software, products or services.
68 */
70 #ifndef _OURDEF_INCLUDED	/* ourdef.h is a superset of sweodef.h */
71 #ifndef _SWEODEF_INCLUDED /* allow multiple #includes */
74 # define MY_TRUE 1	/* for use in other defines, before TRUE is defined */
75 # define MY_FALSE 0	/* for use in other defines, before TRUE is defined */
77 /* TLS support
78  *
79  * Sun Studio C/C++, IBM XL C/C++, GNU C and Intel C/C++ (Linux systems) -> __thread
80  * Borland, VC++ -> __declspec(thread)
81  */
82 #if !defined(TLSOFF) && !defined( __APPLE__ ) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(DOS32)
83 #if defined( __GNUC__ )
84 #define TLS     __thread
85 #else
86 #define TLS     __declspec(thread)
87 #endif
88 #else
89 #define TLS
90 #endif
92 #ifdef _WIN32		/* Microsoft VC 5.0 does not define MSDOS anymore */
93 # undef MSDOS
94 # define MSDOS MY_TRUE
95 #include <wtypes.h>
96 #include <objbase.h>
97 #include <wincon.h>
98 #include <winbase.h>
99 #include <io.h>
100 #include <windows.h>
101 # define sleep(x)	Sleep((x) * 1000)
102 #endif
104 #ifdef _MSC_VER
105 # define MS_VC
106 #endif
108 #ifdef WIN32		/* Microsoft VC 5.0 does not define MSDOS anymore */
109 # define MSDOS MY_TRUE
110 #endif
112 #ifdef MSDOS	/* already defined by some DOS compilers */
113 # undef MSDOS
114 # define MSDOS MY_TRUE
115 #endif
117 #ifdef __TURBOC__	/* defined by  turboc */
118 # ifndef MSDOS
119 #   define MSDOS MY_TRUE
120 # endif
121 # define TURBO_C
122 #endif
124 #ifdef __SC__	/* defined by  Symantec C */
125 # ifndef MSDOS
126 #   define MSDOS MY_TRUE
127 # endif
128 # define SYMANTEC_C
129 #endif
131 #ifdef __WATCOMC__	/* defined by  WatcomC */
132 # ifndef MSDOS
133 #   define MSDOS MY_TRUE
134 # endif
135 # define WATCOMC
136 #endif
138 #ifdef __MWERKS__	/* defined on Macintosh CodeWarrior */
139 # if macintosh && powerc
140 #  define MACOS MY_TRUE		/* let it undefined otherwise */
141 #  define MSDOS MY_FALSE	/* in case one above fired falsely */
142 # endif
143 #endif
145 #ifdef MSDOS
146 #  define HPUNIX MY_FALSE
147 #  define INTEL_BYTE_ORDER 1
148 #  ifndef TURBO_C
149 #    define MS_C	/* assume Microsoft C compiler */
150 #  endif
151 # define UNIX_FS MY_FALSE
152 #else
153 # ifdef MACOS
154 #  define HPUNIX MY_FALSE
155 #  define UNIX_FS MY_FALSE
156 # else
157 #  define MSDOS MY_FALSE
158 #  define HPUNIX MY_TRUE
159 #  ifndef _HPUX_SOURCE
160 #    define _HPUX_SOURCE
161 #  endif
162 #  define UNIX_FS MY_TRUE
163 # endif
164 #endif
166 #include <math.h>
167 #include <stdlib.h>
168 #ifndef FILE
169 # include <stdio.h>
170 #endif
172 #if HPUNIX
173 #  include <unistd.h>
174 #endif
176 /*
177  * if we have 16-bit ints, we define INT_16; we will need %ld to printf an int32
178  * if we have 64-bit long, we define LONG_64
179  * If none is defined, we have int = long = 32 bit, and use %d to printf an int32
180  */
181 #include <limits.h>
182 #if INT_MAX < 40000
183 # define INT_16
184 #else
185 # if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX
186 #   define LONG_64
187 # endif
188 #endif
190 #ifdef BYTE_ORDER
191 #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN
193 #  define INTEL_BYTE_ORDER
194 # endif
195 #endif
196 #endif
198 #ifdef INT_16
199   typedef long	int32;
200   typedef unsigned long	uint32;
201   typedef int	int16;
202   typedef double  REAL8;  /* real with at least 64 bit precision */
203   typedef long    INT4;   /* signed integer with at least 32 bit precision */
204   typedef unsigned long UINT4;
205                           /* unsigned integer with at least 32 bit precision */
206   typedef int     AS_BOOL;
207   typedef unsigned int UINT2;	/* unsigned 16 bits */
208 # define ABS4	labs		/* abs function for long */
209 #else
210   typedef int	int32;
211   typedef long long	int64;
212   typedef unsigned int	uint32;
213   typedef short	int16;
214   typedef double  REAL8;  /* real with at least 64 bit precision */
215   typedef int     INT4;   /* signed integer with at least 32 bit precision */
216   typedef unsigned int UINT4;
217 			/* unsigned integer with at least 32 bit precision */
218   typedef int     AS_BOOL;
219   typedef unsigned short UINT2;	/* unsigned 16 bits */
220   # define ABS4	abs		/* abs function for long */
221 #endif
223 #if MSDOS
224 # ifdef TURBO_C
225 #   include <alloc.h>		/* MSC needs malloc ! */
226 # else
227 #   include <malloc.h>
228 # endif
229 # define SIGALRM SIGINT
230 #endif
232 #ifndef TRUE
233 #  define TRUE 1
234 #  define FALSE 0
235 #endif
237 #ifndef OK
238 #  define OK (0)
239 #  define ERR (-1)
240 #endif
242 /* hack because UCHAR is already used by mingw gcc */
243 #ifdef __GNUC__
244 #ifdef _WIN32
245 #define UCHAR SWE_UCHAR
246 #endif
247 #endif
249 typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
250 #define UCP	(UCHAR*)
251 #define SCP	(char*)
253 # define ODEGREE_STRING "°"	/* degree as string, utf8 encoding */
257 #ifndef HUGE
258 #  define HUGE 1.7E+308     /* biggest value for REAL8 */
259 #endif
260 #ifndef M_PI
261 #  define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
262 #endif
264 /* #define forward static  obsolete */
266 #define AS_MAXCH 256    /* used for string declarations, allowing 255 char+\0 */
268 /*
269 #define DEGTORAD 0.0174532925199433
270 #define RADTODEG 57.2957795130823
271 */
272 #define RADTODEG (180.0 / M_PI)
273 #define DEGTORAD (M_PI / 180.0)
275 typedef int32    centisec;       /* centiseconds used for angles and times */
276 #define CS	(centisec)	/* use for casting */
277 #define CSEC	centisec	/* use for typing */
279 #define DEG     360000  /* degree expressed in centiseconds */
280 #define DEG7_30 (2700000)	/* 7.5 degrees */
281 #define DEG15   (15 * DEG)
282 #define DEG24   (24 * DEG)
283 #define DEG30   (30 * DEG)
284 #define DEG60   (60 * DEG)
285 #define DEG90   (90 * DEG)
286 #define DEG120  (120 * DEG)
287 #define DEG150  (150 * DEG)
288 #define DEG180  (180 * DEG)
289 #define DEG270  (270 * DEG)
290 #define DEG360  (360 * DEG)
292 /* #define CSTORAD  4.84813681109536E-08  centisec to rad: pi / 180 /3600/100 */
293 /* #define RADTOCS  2.06264806247096E+07  rad to centisec 180*3600*100/pi */
294 #define CSTORAD	(DEGTORAD / 360000.0)
295 #define RADTOCS (RADTODEG * 360000.0)
297 #define CS2DEG	(1.0/360000.0)	/* centisec to degree */
299 /* control strings for fopen()	*/
300 #if UNIX_FS
301 #  define BFILE_R_ACCESS "r"	/* open binary file for reading */
302 #  define BFILE_RW_ACCESS "r+"	/* open binary file for writing and reading */
303 #  define BFILE_W_CREATE "w"	/* create/open binary file for write*/
304 #  define BFILE_A_ACCESS "a+"	/* create/open binary file for append*/
305 #  define FILE_R_ACCESS "r"	/* open text file for reading */
306 #  define FILE_RW_ACCESS "r+"	/* open text file for writing and reading */
307 #  define FILE_W_CREATE "w"	/* create/open text file for write*/
308 #  define FILE_A_ACCESS "a+"	/* create/open text file for append*/
309 #  define O_BINARY 0		/* for open(), not defined in Unix */
310 #  define OPEN_MODE 0666	/* default file creation mode */
311 #  define DIR_GLUE "/"		/* glue string for directory/file */
312 #  define PATH_SEPARATOR ";:"	/* semicolon or colon may be used */
313 #else
314 #  define BFILE_R_ACCESS "rb"	/* open binary file for reading */
315 #  define BFILE_RW_ACCESS "r+b"	/* open binary file for writing and reading */
316 #  define BFILE_W_CREATE "wb"	/* create/open binary file for write*/
317 #  define BFILE_A_ACCESS "a+b"	/* create/open binary file for append*/
318 #  define PATH_SEPARATOR ";"	/* semicolon as PATH separator */
319 #  define OPEN_MODE 0666	/* default file creation mode */
320 # ifdef MACOS
321 #  define FILE_R_ACCESS "r"	/* open text file for reading */
322 #  define FILE_RW_ACCESS "r+"	/* open text file for writing and reading */
323 #  define FILE_W_CREATE "w"	/* create/open text file for write*/
324 #  define FILE_A_ACCESS "a+"	/* create/open text file for append*/
325 #  define DIR_GLUE ":"		/* glue string for directory/file */
326 # else
327 #  define FILE_R_ACCESS "rt"	/* open text file for reading */
328 #  define FILE_RW_ACCESS "r+t"	/* open text file for writing and reading */
329 #  define FILE_W_CREATE "wt"	/* create/open text file for write*/
330 #  define FILE_A_ACCESS "a+t"	/* create/open text file for append*/
331 /* attention, all backslashes for msdos directry names must be written as \\,
332    because it is the C escape character */
333 #  define DIR_GLUE "\\"		/* glue string for directory/file */
334 # endif
335 #endif
337 #include <string.h>
338 #include <ctype.h>
340 #endif /* _SWEODEF_INCLUDED */
341 #endif /* _OURDEF_INCLUDED */