1 /****************************************************************************
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 #include <QFlags>
30 namespace Utils {
32 enum class Language : unsigned char { None, C, Cxx };
34 enum class LanguageVersion : unsigned char {
35     None,
36     C89,
37     C99,
38     C11,
39     C18,
40     LatestC = C18,
41     CXX98 = 32,
42     CXX03,
43     CXX11,
44     CXX14,
45     CXX17,
46     CXX20,
47     CXX2b,
48     LatestCxx = CXX2b,
49 };
51 enum class LanguageExtension : unsigned char {
52     None = 0,
54     Gnu = 1 << 0,
55     Microsoft = 1 << 1,
56     Borland = 1 << 2,
57     OpenMP = 1 << 3,
58     ObjectiveC = 1 << 4,
60     All = Gnu | Microsoft | Borland | OpenMP | ObjectiveC
61 };
63 enum class WarningFlags {
64     // General settings
65     NoWarnings = 0,
66     AsErrors = 1 << 0,
67     Default = 1 << 1,
68     All = 1 << 2,
69     Extra = 1 << 3,
70     Pedantic = 1 << 4,
72     // Any language
73     UnusedLocals = 1 << 7,
74     UnusedParams = 1 << 8,
75     UnusedFunctions = 1 << 9,
76     UnusedResult = 1 << 10,
77     UnusedValue = 1 << 11,
78     Documentation = 1 << 12,
79     UninitializedVars = 1 << 13,
80     HiddenLocals = 1 << 14,
81     UnknownPragma = 1 << 15,
82     Deprecated = 1 << 16,
83     SignedComparison = 1 << 17,
84     IgnoredQualifiers = 1 << 18,
86     // C++
87     OverloadedVirtual = 1 << 24,
88     EffectiveCxx = 1 << 25,
89     NonVirtualDestructor = 1 << 26
90 };
92 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LanguageExtensions, LanguageExtension)
94 enum class QtVersion { Unknown = -1, None, Qt4, Qt5, Qt6 };
96 } // namespace Utils
98 constexpr Utils::LanguageExtension operator|(Utils::LanguageExtension first,
99                                              Utils::LanguageExtension second)
100 {
101     return Utils::LanguageExtension(static_cast<unsigned char>(first)
102                                     | static_cast<unsigned char>(second));
103 }
105 constexpr bool operator&&(Utils::LanguageExtension first, Utils::LanguageExtension second)
106 {
107     return static_cast<unsigned char>(first) & static_cast<unsigned char>(second);
108 }
110 inline Utils::WarningFlags operator|(Utils::WarningFlags first, Utils::WarningFlags second)
111 {
112     return Utils::WarningFlags(int(first) | int(second));
113 }
115 inline Utils::WarningFlags operator&(Utils::WarningFlags first, Utils::WarningFlags second)
116 {
117     return Utils::WarningFlags(int(first) & int(second));
118 }
120 inline void operator|=(Utils::WarningFlags &first, Utils::WarningFlags second)
121 {
122     first = first | second;
123 }
125 inline void operator&=(Utils::WarningFlags &first, Utils::WarningFlags second)
126 {
127     first = first & second;
128 }
130 inline Utils::WarningFlags operator~(Utils::WarningFlags flags)
131 {
132     return Utils::WarningFlags(~int(flags));
133 }