1 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
3 using System.Collections.Concurrent;
4 using System.Collections.Generic;
5 using System.Diagnostics;
6 using System.Threading;
7 using System.Web.Hosting;
9 namespace System.Web.WebPages
10 {
11     /// <summary>
12     /// This class caches the result of VirtualPathProvider.FileExists for a short
13     /// period of time, and recomputes it if necessary.
14     ///
15     /// The default VPP MapPathBasedVirtualPathProvider caches the result of
16     /// the FileExists call with the appropriate dependencies, so it is less
17     /// expensive on subsequent calls, but it still needs to do MapPath which can
18     /// take quite some time.
19     /// </summary>
20     internal class FileExistenceCache
21     {
22         private const int TickPerMiliseconds = 10000;
23         private readonly VirtualPathProvider _virtualPathProvider;
24         private ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> _cache;
25         private long _creationTick;
26         private int _ticksBeforeReset;
FileExistenceCache(VirtualPathProvider virtualPathProvider, int milliSecondsBeforeReset = 1000)28         public FileExistenceCache(VirtualPathProvider virtualPathProvider, int milliSecondsBeforeReset = 1000)
29         {
30             _virtualPathProvider = virtualPathProvider;
31             _ticksBeforeReset = milliSecondsBeforeReset * TickPerMiliseconds;
32             Reset();
33         }
35         // Use the VPP returned by the HostingEnvironment unless a custom vpp is passed in (mainly for testing purposes)
36         public VirtualPathProvider VirtualPathProvider
37         {
38             get { return _virtualPathProvider; }
39         }
41         public int MilliSecondsBeforeReset
42         {
43             get { return _ticksBeforeReset / TickPerMiliseconds; }
44             internal set { _ticksBeforeReset = value * TickPerMiliseconds; }
45         }
47         internal IDictionary<string, bool> CacheInternal
48         {
49             get { return _cache; }
50         }
52         public bool TimeExceeded
53         {
54             get { return (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - Interlocked.Read(ref _creationTick)) > _ticksBeforeReset; }
55         }
Reset()57         public void Reset()
58         {
59             _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
61             DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
62             long tick = now.Ticks;
64             Interlocked.Exchange(ref _creationTick, tick);
65         }
FileExists(string virtualPath)67         public bool FileExists(string virtualPath)
68         {
69             if (TimeExceeded)
70             {
71                 Reset();
72             }
73             // The right way to do this is to verify in the constructor that the VirtualPathProvider argument is not null.
74             // However when unit testing this, we often new up instances when not running under Asp.Net when HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider is null.
75             Debug.Assert(_virtualPathProvider != null);
76             return _cache.GetOrAdd(virtualPath, _virtualPathProvider.FileExists);
77         }
78     }
79 }