1 /* $OpenBSD: camellia.c,v 1.14 2024/03/30 04:58:12 joshua Exp $ */
2 /* ====================================================================
3 * Copyright 2006 NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) .
5 *
6 * Intellectual Property information for Camellia:
7 * http://info.isl.ntt.co.jp/crypt/eng/info/chiteki.html
8 *
9 * News Release for Announcement of Camellia open source:
10 * http://www.ntt.co.jp/news/news06e/0604/060413a.html
11 *
12 * The Camellia Code included herein is developed by
13 * NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation), and is contributed
14 * to the OpenSSL project.
15 *
16 * The Camellia Code is licensed pursuant to the OpenSSL open source
17 * license provided below.
18 */
19 /* ====================================================================
20 * Copyright (c) 2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
21 *
22 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
23 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
24 * are met:
25 *
26 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
27 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
28 *
29 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
30 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
31 * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
32 * distribution.
33 *
34 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
35 * software must display the following acknowledgment:
36 * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
37 * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)"
38 *
39 * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
40 * endorse or promote products derived from this software without
41 * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
42 * openssl-core@openssl.org.
43 *
44 * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
45 * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
46 * permission of the OpenSSL Project.
47 *
48 * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
49 * acknowledgment:
50 * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
51 * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)"
52 *
65 * ====================================================================
66 */
68 /*
69 * Algorithm Specification
70 * http://info.isl.ntt.co.jp/crypt/eng/camellia/specifications.html
71 */
73 /*
74 * This release balances code size and performance. In particular key
75 * schedule setup is fully unrolled, because doing so *significantly*
76 * reduces amount of instructions per setup round and code increase is
77 * justifiable. In block functions on the other hand only inner loops
78 * are unrolled, as full unroll gives only nominal performance boost,
79 * while code size grows 4 or 7 times. Also, unlike previous versions
80 * this one "encourages" compiler to keep intermediate variables in
81 * registers, which should give better "all round" results, in other
82 * words reasonable performance even with not so modern compilers.
83 */
85 #include <stdlib.h>
86 #include <string.h>
88 #include <openssl/opensslconf.h>
90 #include <openssl/camellia.h>
91 #include <openssl/modes.h>
93 typedef unsigned int u32;
94 typedef unsigned char u8;
96 int Camellia_Ekeygen(int keyBitLength, const u8 *rawKey,
97 KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable);
98 void Camellia_EncryptBlock_Rounds(int grandRounds, const u8 plaintext[],
99 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 ciphertext[]);
100 void Camellia_DecryptBlock_Rounds(int grandRounds, const u8 ciphertext[],
101 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 plaintext[]);
102 void Camellia_EncryptBlock(int keyBitLength, const u8 plaintext[],
103 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 ciphertext[]);
104 void Camellia_DecryptBlock(int keyBitLength, const u8 ciphertext[],
105 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 plaintext[]);
107 /* 32-bit rotations */
108 #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_INLINE_ASM)
109 # if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>=2
110 # if defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64)
111 # define RightRotate(x,s) ({u32 ret; asm ("rorl %1,%0":"=r"(ret):"I"(s),"0"(x):"cc"); ret; })
112 # define LeftRotate(x,s) ({u32 ret; asm ("roll %1,%0":"=r"(ret):"I"(s),"0"(x):"cc"); ret; })
113 # define GETU32(p) ({u32 r=*(const u32 *)(p); asm("bswapl %0":"=r"(r):"0"(r)); r; })
114 # define PUTU32(p,v) ({u32 r=(v); asm("bswapl %0":"=r"(r):"0"(r)); *(u32 *)(p)=r; })
115 # elif defined(_ARCH_PPC) || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || \
116 defined(__powerpc) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
117 # define LeftRotate(x,s) ({u32 ret; asm ("rlwinm %0,%1,%2,0,31":"=r"(ret):"r"(x),"I"(s)); ret; })
118 # define RightRotate(x,s) LeftRotate(x,(32-s))
119 # endif
120 # endif
121 #endif
123 #if !defined(RightRotate) && !defined(LeftRotate)
124 # define RightRotate(x, s) ( ((x) >> (s)) + ((x) << (32 - s)) )
125 # define LeftRotate(x, s) ( ((x) << (s)) + ((x) >> (32 - s)) )
126 #endif
128 #if !defined(GETU32) && !defined(PUTU32)
129 # define GETU32(p) (((u32)(p)[0] << 24) ^ ((u32)(p)[1] << 16) ^ ((u32)(p)[2] << 8) ^ ((u32)(p)[3]))
130 # define PUTU32(p,v) ((p)[0] = (u8)((v) >> 24), (p)[1] = (u8)((v) >> 16), (p)[2] = (u8)((v) >> 8), (p)[3] = (u8)(v))
131 #endif
133 /* S-box data */
134 #define SBOX1_1110 Camellia_SBOX[0]
135 #define SBOX4_4404 Camellia_SBOX[1]
136 #define SBOX2_0222 Camellia_SBOX[2]
137 #define SBOX3_3033 Camellia_SBOX[3]
138 static const u32 Camellia_SBOX[][256] = {
139 { 0x70707000, 0x82828200, 0x2c2c2c00, 0xececec00, 0xb3b3b300, 0x27272700,
140 0xc0c0c000, 0xe5e5e500, 0xe4e4e400, 0x85858500, 0x57575700, 0x35353500,
141 0xeaeaea00, 0x0c0c0c00, 0xaeaeae00, 0x41414100, 0x23232300, 0xefefef00,
142 0x6b6b6b00, 0x93939300, 0x45454500, 0x19191900, 0xa5a5a500, 0x21212100,
143 0xededed00, 0x0e0e0e00, 0x4f4f4f00, 0x4e4e4e00, 0x1d1d1d00, 0x65656500,
144 0x92929200, 0xbdbdbd00, 0x86868600, 0xb8b8b800, 0xafafaf00, 0x8f8f8f00,
145 0x7c7c7c00, 0xebebeb00, 0x1f1f1f00, 0xcecece00, 0x3e3e3e00, 0x30303000,
146 0xdcdcdc00, 0x5f5f5f00, 0x5e5e5e00, 0xc5c5c500, 0x0b0b0b00, 0x1a1a1a00,
147 0xa6a6a600, 0xe1e1e100, 0x39393900, 0xcacaca00, 0xd5d5d500, 0x47474700,
148 0x5d5d5d00, 0x3d3d3d00, 0xd9d9d900, 0x01010100, 0x5a5a5a00, 0xd6d6d600,
149 0x51515100, 0x56565600, 0x6c6c6c00, 0x4d4d4d00, 0x8b8b8b00, 0x0d0d0d00,
150 0x9a9a9a00, 0x66666600, 0xfbfbfb00, 0xcccccc00, 0xb0b0b000, 0x2d2d2d00,
151 0x74747400, 0x12121200, 0x2b2b2b00, 0x20202000, 0xf0f0f000, 0xb1b1b100,
152 0x84848400, 0x99999900, 0xdfdfdf00, 0x4c4c4c00, 0xcbcbcb00, 0xc2c2c200,
153 0x34343400, 0x7e7e7e00, 0x76767600, 0x05050500, 0x6d6d6d00, 0xb7b7b700,
154 0xa9a9a900, 0x31313100, 0xd1d1d100, 0x17171700, 0x04040400, 0xd7d7d700,
155 0x14141400, 0x58585800, 0x3a3a3a00, 0x61616100, 0xdedede00, 0x1b1b1b00,
156 0x11111100, 0x1c1c1c00, 0x32323200, 0x0f0f0f00, 0x9c9c9c00, 0x16161600,
157 0x53535300, 0x18181800, 0xf2f2f200, 0x22222200, 0xfefefe00, 0x44444400,
158 0xcfcfcf00, 0xb2b2b200, 0xc3c3c300, 0xb5b5b500, 0x7a7a7a00, 0x91919100,
159 0x24242400, 0x08080800, 0xe8e8e800, 0xa8a8a800, 0x60606000, 0xfcfcfc00,
160 0x69696900, 0x50505000, 0xaaaaaa00, 0xd0d0d000, 0xa0a0a000, 0x7d7d7d00,
161 0xa1a1a100, 0x89898900, 0x62626200, 0x97979700, 0x54545400, 0x5b5b5b00,
162 0x1e1e1e00, 0x95959500, 0xe0e0e000, 0xffffff00, 0x64646400, 0xd2d2d200,
163 0x10101000, 0xc4c4c400, 0x00000000, 0x48484800, 0xa3a3a300, 0xf7f7f700,
164 0x75757500, 0xdbdbdb00, 0x8a8a8a00, 0x03030300, 0xe6e6e600, 0xdadada00,
165 0x09090900, 0x3f3f3f00, 0xdddddd00, 0x94949400, 0x87878700, 0x5c5c5c00,
166 0x83838300, 0x02020200, 0xcdcdcd00, 0x4a4a4a00, 0x90909000, 0x33333300,
167 0x73737300, 0x67676700, 0xf6f6f600, 0xf3f3f300, 0x9d9d9d00, 0x7f7f7f00,
168 0xbfbfbf00, 0xe2e2e200, 0x52525200, 0x9b9b9b00, 0xd8d8d800, 0x26262600,
169 0xc8c8c800, 0x37373700, 0xc6c6c600, 0x3b3b3b00, 0x81818100, 0x96969600,
170 0x6f6f6f00, 0x4b4b4b00, 0x13131300, 0xbebebe00, 0x63636300, 0x2e2e2e00,
171 0xe9e9e900, 0x79797900, 0xa7a7a700, 0x8c8c8c00, 0x9f9f9f00, 0x6e6e6e00,
172 0xbcbcbc00, 0x8e8e8e00, 0x29292900, 0xf5f5f500, 0xf9f9f900, 0xb6b6b600,
173 0x2f2f2f00, 0xfdfdfd00, 0xb4b4b400, 0x59595900, 0x78787800, 0x98989800,
174 0x06060600, 0x6a6a6a00, 0xe7e7e700, 0x46464600, 0x71717100, 0xbababa00,
175 0xd4d4d400, 0x25252500, 0xababab00, 0x42424200, 0x88888800, 0xa2a2a200,
176 0x8d8d8d00, 0xfafafa00, 0x72727200, 0x07070700, 0xb9b9b900, 0x55555500,
177 0xf8f8f800, 0xeeeeee00, 0xacacac00, 0x0a0a0a00, 0x36363600, 0x49494900,
178 0x2a2a2a00, 0x68686800, 0x3c3c3c00, 0x38383800, 0xf1f1f100, 0xa4a4a400,
179 0x40404000, 0x28282800, 0xd3d3d300, 0x7b7b7b00, 0xbbbbbb00, 0xc9c9c900,
180 0x43434300, 0xc1c1c100, 0x15151500, 0xe3e3e300, 0xadadad00, 0xf4f4f400,
181 0x77777700, 0xc7c7c700, 0x80808000, 0x9e9e9e00 },
182 { 0x70700070, 0x2c2c002c, 0xb3b300b3, 0xc0c000c0, 0xe4e400e4, 0x57570057,
183 0xeaea00ea, 0xaeae00ae, 0x23230023, 0x6b6b006b, 0x45450045, 0xa5a500a5,
184 0xeded00ed, 0x4f4f004f, 0x1d1d001d, 0x92920092, 0x86860086, 0xafaf00af,
185 0x7c7c007c, 0x1f1f001f, 0x3e3e003e, 0xdcdc00dc, 0x5e5e005e, 0x0b0b000b,
186 0xa6a600a6, 0x39390039, 0xd5d500d5, 0x5d5d005d, 0xd9d900d9, 0x5a5a005a,
187 0x51510051, 0x6c6c006c, 0x8b8b008b, 0x9a9a009a, 0xfbfb00fb, 0xb0b000b0,
188 0x74740074, 0x2b2b002b, 0xf0f000f0, 0x84840084, 0xdfdf00df, 0xcbcb00cb,
189 0x34340034, 0x76760076, 0x6d6d006d, 0xa9a900a9, 0xd1d100d1, 0x04040004,
190 0x14140014, 0x3a3a003a, 0xdede00de, 0x11110011, 0x32320032, 0x9c9c009c,
191 0x53530053, 0xf2f200f2, 0xfefe00fe, 0xcfcf00cf, 0xc3c300c3, 0x7a7a007a,
192 0x24240024, 0xe8e800e8, 0x60600060, 0x69690069, 0xaaaa00aa, 0xa0a000a0,
193 0xa1a100a1, 0x62620062, 0x54540054, 0x1e1e001e, 0xe0e000e0, 0x64640064,
194 0x10100010, 0x00000000, 0xa3a300a3, 0x75750075, 0x8a8a008a, 0xe6e600e6,
195 0x09090009, 0xdddd00dd, 0x87870087, 0x83830083, 0xcdcd00cd, 0x90900090,
196 0x73730073, 0xf6f600f6, 0x9d9d009d, 0xbfbf00bf, 0x52520052, 0xd8d800d8,
197 0xc8c800c8, 0xc6c600c6, 0x81810081, 0x6f6f006f, 0x13130013, 0x63630063,
198 0xe9e900e9, 0xa7a700a7, 0x9f9f009f, 0xbcbc00bc, 0x29290029, 0xf9f900f9,
199 0x2f2f002f, 0xb4b400b4, 0x78780078, 0x06060006, 0xe7e700e7, 0x71710071,
200 0xd4d400d4, 0xabab00ab, 0x88880088, 0x8d8d008d, 0x72720072, 0xb9b900b9,
201 0xf8f800f8, 0xacac00ac, 0x36360036, 0x2a2a002a, 0x3c3c003c, 0xf1f100f1,
202 0x40400040, 0xd3d300d3, 0xbbbb00bb, 0x43430043, 0x15150015, 0xadad00ad,
203 0x77770077, 0x80800080, 0x82820082, 0xecec00ec, 0x27270027, 0xe5e500e5,
204 0x85850085, 0x35350035, 0x0c0c000c, 0x41410041, 0xefef00ef, 0x93930093,
205 0x19190019, 0x21210021, 0x0e0e000e, 0x4e4e004e, 0x65650065, 0xbdbd00bd,
206 0xb8b800b8, 0x8f8f008f, 0xebeb00eb, 0xcece00ce, 0x30300030, 0x5f5f005f,
207 0xc5c500c5, 0x1a1a001a, 0xe1e100e1, 0xcaca00ca, 0x47470047, 0x3d3d003d,
208 0x01010001, 0xd6d600d6, 0x56560056, 0x4d4d004d, 0x0d0d000d, 0x66660066,
209 0xcccc00cc, 0x2d2d002d, 0x12120012, 0x20200020, 0xb1b100b1, 0x99990099,
210 0x4c4c004c, 0xc2c200c2, 0x7e7e007e, 0x05050005, 0xb7b700b7, 0x31310031,
211 0x17170017, 0xd7d700d7, 0x58580058, 0x61610061, 0x1b1b001b, 0x1c1c001c,
212 0x0f0f000f, 0x16160016, 0x18180018, 0x22220022, 0x44440044, 0xb2b200b2,
213 0xb5b500b5, 0x91910091, 0x08080008, 0xa8a800a8, 0xfcfc00fc, 0x50500050,
214 0xd0d000d0, 0x7d7d007d, 0x89890089, 0x97970097, 0x5b5b005b, 0x95950095,
215 0xffff00ff, 0xd2d200d2, 0xc4c400c4, 0x48480048, 0xf7f700f7, 0xdbdb00db,
216 0x03030003, 0xdada00da, 0x3f3f003f, 0x94940094, 0x5c5c005c, 0x02020002,
217 0x4a4a004a, 0x33330033, 0x67670067, 0xf3f300f3, 0x7f7f007f, 0xe2e200e2,
218 0x9b9b009b, 0x26260026, 0x37370037, 0x3b3b003b, 0x96960096, 0x4b4b004b,
219 0xbebe00be, 0x2e2e002e, 0x79790079, 0x8c8c008c, 0x6e6e006e, 0x8e8e008e,
220 0xf5f500f5, 0xb6b600b6, 0xfdfd00fd, 0x59590059, 0x98980098, 0x6a6a006a,
221 0x46460046, 0xbaba00ba, 0x25250025, 0x42420042, 0xa2a200a2, 0xfafa00fa,
222 0x07070007, 0x55550055, 0xeeee00ee, 0x0a0a000a, 0x49490049, 0x68680068,
223 0x38380038, 0xa4a400a4, 0x28280028, 0x7b7b007b, 0xc9c900c9, 0xc1c100c1,
224 0xe3e300e3, 0xf4f400f4, 0xc7c700c7, 0x9e9e009e },
225 { 0x00e0e0e0, 0x00050505, 0x00585858, 0x00d9d9d9, 0x00676767, 0x004e4e4e,
226 0x00818181, 0x00cbcbcb, 0x00c9c9c9, 0x000b0b0b, 0x00aeaeae, 0x006a6a6a,
227 0x00d5d5d5, 0x00181818, 0x005d5d5d, 0x00828282, 0x00464646, 0x00dfdfdf,
228 0x00d6d6d6, 0x00272727, 0x008a8a8a, 0x00323232, 0x004b4b4b, 0x00424242,
229 0x00dbdbdb, 0x001c1c1c, 0x009e9e9e, 0x009c9c9c, 0x003a3a3a, 0x00cacaca,
230 0x00252525, 0x007b7b7b, 0x000d0d0d, 0x00717171, 0x005f5f5f, 0x001f1f1f,
231 0x00f8f8f8, 0x00d7d7d7, 0x003e3e3e, 0x009d9d9d, 0x007c7c7c, 0x00606060,
232 0x00b9b9b9, 0x00bebebe, 0x00bcbcbc, 0x008b8b8b, 0x00161616, 0x00343434,
233 0x004d4d4d, 0x00c3c3c3, 0x00727272, 0x00959595, 0x00ababab, 0x008e8e8e,
234 0x00bababa, 0x007a7a7a, 0x00b3b3b3, 0x00020202, 0x00b4b4b4, 0x00adadad,
235 0x00a2a2a2, 0x00acacac, 0x00d8d8d8, 0x009a9a9a, 0x00171717, 0x001a1a1a,
236 0x00353535, 0x00cccccc, 0x00f7f7f7, 0x00999999, 0x00616161, 0x005a5a5a,
237 0x00e8e8e8, 0x00242424, 0x00565656, 0x00404040, 0x00e1e1e1, 0x00636363,
238 0x00090909, 0x00333333, 0x00bfbfbf, 0x00989898, 0x00979797, 0x00858585,
239 0x00686868, 0x00fcfcfc, 0x00ececec, 0x000a0a0a, 0x00dadada, 0x006f6f6f,
240 0x00535353, 0x00626262, 0x00a3a3a3, 0x002e2e2e, 0x00080808, 0x00afafaf,
241 0x00282828, 0x00b0b0b0, 0x00747474, 0x00c2c2c2, 0x00bdbdbd, 0x00363636,
242 0x00222222, 0x00383838, 0x00646464, 0x001e1e1e, 0x00393939, 0x002c2c2c,
243 0x00a6a6a6, 0x00303030, 0x00e5e5e5, 0x00444444, 0x00fdfdfd, 0x00888888,
244 0x009f9f9f, 0x00656565, 0x00878787, 0x006b6b6b, 0x00f4f4f4, 0x00232323,
245 0x00484848, 0x00101010, 0x00d1d1d1, 0x00515151, 0x00c0c0c0, 0x00f9f9f9,
246 0x00d2d2d2, 0x00a0a0a0, 0x00555555, 0x00a1a1a1, 0x00414141, 0x00fafafa,
247 0x00434343, 0x00131313, 0x00c4c4c4, 0x002f2f2f, 0x00a8a8a8, 0x00b6b6b6,
248 0x003c3c3c, 0x002b2b2b, 0x00c1c1c1, 0x00ffffff, 0x00c8c8c8, 0x00a5a5a5,
249 0x00202020, 0x00898989, 0x00000000, 0x00909090, 0x00474747, 0x00efefef,
250 0x00eaeaea, 0x00b7b7b7, 0x00151515, 0x00060606, 0x00cdcdcd, 0x00b5b5b5,
251 0x00121212, 0x007e7e7e, 0x00bbbbbb, 0x00292929, 0x000f0f0f, 0x00b8b8b8,
252 0x00070707, 0x00040404, 0x009b9b9b, 0x00949494, 0x00212121, 0x00666666,
253 0x00e6e6e6, 0x00cecece, 0x00ededed, 0x00e7e7e7, 0x003b3b3b, 0x00fefefe,
254 0x007f7f7f, 0x00c5c5c5, 0x00a4a4a4, 0x00373737, 0x00b1b1b1, 0x004c4c4c,
255 0x00919191, 0x006e6e6e, 0x008d8d8d, 0x00767676, 0x00030303, 0x002d2d2d,
256 0x00dedede, 0x00969696, 0x00262626, 0x007d7d7d, 0x00c6c6c6, 0x005c5c5c,
257 0x00d3d3d3, 0x00f2f2f2, 0x004f4f4f, 0x00191919, 0x003f3f3f, 0x00dcdcdc,
258 0x00797979, 0x001d1d1d, 0x00525252, 0x00ebebeb, 0x00f3f3f3, 0x006d6d6d,
259 0x005e5e5e, 0x00fbfbfb, 0x00696969, 0x00b2b2b2, 0x00f0f0f0, 0x00313131,
260 0x000c0c0c, 0x00d4d4d4, 0x00cfcfcf, 0x008c8c8c, 0x00e2e2e2, 0x00757575,
261 0x00a9a9a9, 0x004a4a4a, 0x00575757, 0x00848484, 0x00111111, 0x00454545,
262 0x001b1b1b, 0x00f5f5f5, 0x00e4e4e4, 0x000e0e0e, 0x00737373, 0x00aaaaaa,
263 0x00f1f1f1, 0x00dddddd, 0x00595959, 0x00141414, 0x006c6c6c, 0x00929292,
264 0x00545454, 0x00d0d0d0, 0x00787878, 0x00707070, 0x00e3e3e3, 0x00494949,
265 0x00808080, 0x00505050, 0x00a7a7a7, 0x00f6f6f6, 0x00777777, 0x00939393,
266 0x00868686, 0x00838383, 0x002a2a2a, 0x00c7c7c7, 0x005b5b5b, 0x00e9e9e9,
267 0x00eeeeee, 0x008f8f8f, 0x00010101, 0x003d3d3d },
268 { 0x38003838, 0x41004141, 0x16001616, 0x76007676, 0xd900d9d9, 0x93009393,
269 0x60006060, 0xf200f2f2, 0x72007272, 0xc200c2c2, 0xab00abab, 0x9a009a9a,
270 0x75007575, 0x06000606, 0x57005757, 0xa000a0a0, 0x91009191, 0xf700f7f7,
271 0xb500b5b5, 0xc900c9c9, 0xa200a2a2, 0x8c008c8c, 0xd200d2d2, 0x90009090,
272 0xf600f6f6, 0x07000707, 0xa700a7a7, 0x27002727, 0x8e008e8e, 0xb200b2b2,
273 0x49004949, 0xde00dede, 0x43004343, 0x5c005c5c, 0xd700d7d7, 0xc700c7c7,
274 0x3e003e3e, 0xf500f5f5, 0x8f008f8f, 0x67006767, 0x1f001f1f, 0x18001818,
275 0x6e006e6e, 0xaf00afaf, 0x2f002f2f, 0xe200e2e2, 0x85008585, 0x0d000d0d,
276 0x53005353, 0xf000f0f0, 0x9c009c9c, 0x65006565, 0xea00eaea, 0xa300a3a3,
277 0xae00aeae, 0x9e009e9e, 0xec00ecec, 0x80008080, 0x2d002d2d, 0x6b006b6b,
278 0xa800a8a8, 0x2b002b2b, 0x36003636, 0xa600a6a6, 0xc500c5c5, 0x86008686,
279 0x4d004d4d, 0x33003333, 0xfd00fdfd, 0x66006666, 0x58005858, 0x96009696,
280 0x3a003a3a, 0x09000909, 0x95009595, 0x10001010, 0x78007878, 0xd800d8d8,
281 0x42004242, 0xcc00cccc, 0xef00efef, 0x26002626, 0xe500e5e5, 0x61006161,
282 0x1a001a1a, 0x3f003f3f, 0x3b003b3b, 0x82008282, 0xb600b6b6, 0xdb00dbdb,
283 0xd400d4d4, 0x98009898, 0xe800e8e8, 0x8b008b8b, 0x02000202, 0xeb00ebeb,
284 0x0a000a0a, 0x2c002c2c, 0x1d001d1d, 0xb000b0b0, 0x6f006f6f, 0x8d008d8d,
285 0x88008888, 0x0e000e0e, 0x19001919, 0x87008787, 0x4e004e4e, 0x0b000b0b,
286 0xa900a9a9, 0x0c000c0c, 0x79007979, 0x11001111, 0x7f007f7f, 0x22002222,
287 0xe700e7e7, 0x59005959, 0xe100e1e1, 0xda00dada, 0x3d003d3d, 0xc800c8c8,
288 0x12001212, 0x04000404, 0x74007474, 0x54005454, 0x30003030, 0x7e007e7e,
289 0xb400b4b4, 0x28002828, 0x55005555, 0x68006868, 0x50005050, 0xbe00bebe,
290 0xd000d0d0, 0xc400c4c4, 0x31003131, 0xcb00cbcb, 0x2a002a2a, 0xad00adad,
291 0x0f000f0f, 0xca00caca, 0x70007070, 0xff00ffff, 0x32003232, 0x69006969,
292 0x08000808, 0x62006262, 0x00000000, 0x24002424, 0xd100d1d1, 0xfb00fbfb,
293 0xba00baba, 0xed00eded, 0x45004545, 0x81008181, 0x73007373, 0x6d006d6d,
294 0x84008484, 0x9f009f9f, 0xee00eeee, 0x4a004a4a, 0xc300c3c3, 0x2e002e2e,
295 0xc100c1c1, 0x01000101, 0xe600e6e6, 0x25002525, 0x48004848, 0x99009999,
296 0xb900b9b9, 0xb300b3b3, 0x7b007b7b, 0xf900f9f9, 0xce00cece, 0xbf00bfbf,
297 0xdf00dfdf, 0x71007171, 0x29002929, 0xcd00cdcd, 0x6c006c6c, 0x13001313,
298 0x64006464, 0x9b009b9b, 0x63006363, 0x9d009d9d, 0xc000c0c0, 0x4b004b4b,
299 0xb700b7b7, 0xa500a5a5, 0x89008989, 0x5f005f5f, 0xb100b1b1, 0x17001717,
300 0xf400f4f4, 0xbc00bcbc, 0xd300d3d3, 0x46004646, 0xcf00cfcf, 0x37003737,
301 0x5e005e5e, 0x47004747, 0x94009494, 0xfa00fafa, 0xfc00fcfc, 0x5b005b5b,
302 0x97009797, 0xfe00fefe, 0x5a005a5a, 0xac00acac, 0x3c003c3c, 0x4c004c4c,
303 0x03000303, 0x35003535, 0xf300f3f3, 0x23002323, 0xb800b8b8, 0x5d005d5d,
304 0x6a006a6a, 0x92009292, 0xd500d5d5, 0x21002121, 0x44004444, 0x51005151,
305 0xc600c6c6, 0x7d007d7d, 0x39003939, 0x83008383, 0xdc00dcdc, 0xaa00aaaa,
306 0x7c007c7c, 0x77007777, 0x56005656, 0x05000505, 0x1b001b1b, 0xa400a4a4,
307 0x15001515, 0x34003434, 0x1e001e1e, 0x1c001c1c, 0xf800f8f8, 0x52005252,
308 0x20002020, 0x14001414, 0xe900e9e9, 0xbd00bdbd, 0xdd00dddd, 0xe400e4e4,
309 0xa100a1a1, 0xe000e0e0, 0x8a008a8a, 0xf100f1f1, 0xd600d6d6, 0x7a007a7a,
310 0xbb00bbbb, 0xe300e3e3, 0x40004040, 0x4f004f4f }
311 };
313 /* Key generation constants */
314 static const u32 SIGMA[] = {
315 0xa09e667f, 0x3bcc908b, 0xb67ae858, 0x4caa73b2, 0xc6ef372f, 0xe94f82be,
316 0x54ff53a5, 0xf1d36f1c, 0x10e527fa, 0xde682d1d, 0xb05688c2, 0xb3e6c1fd
317 };
319 /* The phi algorithm given in C.2.7 of the Camellia spec document. */
320 /*
321 * This version does not attempt to minimize amount of temporary
322 * variables, but instead explicitly exposes algorithm's parallelism.
323 * It is therefore most appropriate for platforms with not less than
324 * ~16 registers. For platforms with fewer registers [well, x86 to be
325 * specific] assembler version should be/is provided anyway...
326 */
327 #define Camellia_Feistel(_s0,_s1,_s2,_s3,_key) \
328 do { \
329 u32 _t0, _t1, _t2, _t3; \
330 _t0 = _s0 ^ (_key)[0]; \
331 _t3 = SBOX4_4404[_t0 & 0xff]; \
332 _t1 = _s1 ^ (_key)[1]; \
333 _t3 ^= SBOX3_3033[(_t0 >> 8) & 0xff]; \
334 _t2 = SBOX1_1110[_t1 & 0xff]; \
335 _t3 ^= SBOX2_0222[(_t0 >> 16) & 0xff]; \
336 _t2 ^= SBOX4_4404[(_t1 >> 8) & 0xff]; \
337 _t3 ^= SBOX1_1110[(_t0 >> 24)]; \
338 _t2 ^= _t3; \
339 _t3 = RightRotate(_t3, 8); \
340 _t2 ^= SBOX3_3033[(_t1 >> 16) & 0xff]; \
341 _s3 ^= _t3; \
342 _t2 ^= SBOX2_0222[(_t1 >> 24)]; \
343 _s2 ^= _t2; \
344 _s3 ^= _t2; \
345 } while(0)
347 /*
348 * Note that n has to be less than 32. Rotations for larger amount
349 * of bits are achieved by "rotating" order of s-elements and
350 * adjusting n accordingly, e.g. RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, n - 32).
351 */
352 #define RotLeft128(_s0, _s1, _s2, _s3, _n) \
353 do { \
354 u32 _t0 = _s0 >> (32 - _n); \
355 _s0 = (_s0 << _n) | (_s1 >> (32 - _n)); \
356 _s1 = (_s1 << _n) | (_s2 >> (32 - _n)); \
357 _s2 = (_s2 << _n) | (_s3 >> (32 - _n)); \
358 _s3 = (_s3 << _n) | _t0; \
359 } while (0)
361 int
Camellia_Ekeygen(int keyBitLength,const u8 * rawKey,KEY_TABLE_TYPE k)362 Camellia_Ekeygen(int keyBitLength, const u8 *rawKey, KEY_TABLE_TYPE k)
363 {
364 u32 s0, s1, s2, s3;
366 k[0] = s0 = GETU32(rawKey);
367 k[1] = s1 = GETU32(rawKey + 4);
368 k[2] = s2 = GETU32(rawKey + 8);
369 k[3] = s3 = GETU32(rawKey + 12);
371 if (keyBitLength != 128) {
372 k[8] = s0 = GETU32(rawKey + 16);
373 k[9] = s1 = GETU32(rawKey + 20);
374 if (keyBitLength == 192) {
375 k[10] = s2 = ~s0;
376 k[11] = s3 = ~s1;
377 } else {
378 k[10] = s2 = GETU32(rawKey + 24);
379 k[11] = s3 = GETU32(rawKey + 28);
380 }
381 s0 ^= k[0], s1 ^= k[1], s2 ^= k[2], s3 ^= k[3];
382 }
384 /* Use the Feistel routine to scramble the key material */
385 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, SIGMA + 0);
386 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, SIGMA + 2);
388 s0 ^= k[0], s1 ^= k[1], s2 ^= k[2], s3 ^= k[3];
389 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, SIGMA + 4);
390 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, SIGMA + 6);
392 /* Fill the keyTable. Requires many block rotations. */
393 if (keyBitLength == 128) {
394 k[ 4] = s0, k[ 5] = s1, k[ 6] = s2, k[ 7] = s3;
395 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KA <<< 15 */
396 k[12] = s0, k[13] = s1, k[14] = s2, k[15] = s3;
397 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KA <<< 30 */
398 k[16] = s0, k[17] = s1, k[18] = s2, k[19] = s3;
399 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KA <<< 45 */
400 k[24] = s0, k[25] = s1;
401 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KA <<< 60 */
402 k[28] = s0, k[29] = s1, k[30] = s2, k[31] = s3;
403 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 2); /* KA <<< 94 */
404 k[40] = s1, k[41] = s2, k[42] = s3, k[43] = s0;
405 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 17); /* KA <<<111 */
406 k[48] = s1, k[49] = s2, k[50] = s3, k[51] = s0;
408 s0 = k[ 0], s1 = k[ 1], s2 = k[ 2], s3 = k[ 3];
409 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KL <<< 15 */
410 k[ 8] = s0, k[ 9] = s1, k[10] = s2, k[11] = s3;
411 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 30); /* KL <<< 45 */
412 k[20] = s0, k[21] = s1, k[22] = s2, k[23] = s3;
413 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KL <<< 60 */
414 k[26] = s2, k[27] = s3;
415 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 17); /* KL <<< 77 */
416 k[32] = s0, k[33] = s1, k[34] = s2, k[35] = s3;
417 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 17); /* KL <<< 94 */
418 k[36] = s0, k[37] = s1, k[38] = s2, k[39] = s3;
419 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 17); /* KL <<<111 */
420 k[44] = s0, k[45] = s1, k[46] = s2, k[47] = s3;
422 return 3; /* grand rounds */
423 } else {
424 k[12] = s0, k[13] = s1, k[14] = s2, k[15] = s3;
425 s0 ^= k[8], s1 ^= k[9], s2 ^=k[10], s3 ^=k[11];
426 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, (SIGMA + 8));
427 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, (SIGMA + 10));
429 k[ 4] = s0, k[ 5] = s1, k[ 6] = s2, k[ 7] = s3;
430 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 30); /* KB <<< 30 */
431 k[20] = s0, k[21] = s1, k[22] = s2, k[23] = s3;
432 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 30); /* KB <<< 60 */
433 k[40] = s0, k[41] = s1, k[42] = s2, k[43] = s3;
434 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 19); /* KB <<<111 */
435 k[64] = s1, k[65] = s2, k[66] = s3, k[67] = s0;
437 s0 = k[ 8], s1 = k[ 9], s2 = k[10], s3 = k[11];
438 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KR <<< 15 */
439 k[ 8] = s0, k[ 9] = s1, k[10] = s2, k[11] = s3;
440 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KR <<< 30 */
441 k[16] = s0, k[17] = s1, k[18] = s2, k[19] = s3;
442 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 30); /* KR <<< 60 */
443 k[36] = s0, k[37] = s1, k[38] = s2, k[39] = s3;
444 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 2); /* KR <<< 94 */
445 k[52] = s1, k[53] = s2, k[54] = s3, k[55] = s0;
447 s0 = k[12], s1 = k[13], s2 = k[14], s3 = k[15];
448 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 15); /* KA <<< 15 */
449 k[12] = s0, k[13] = s1, k[14] = s2, k[15] = s3;
450 RotLeft128(s0, s1, s2, s3, 30); /* KA <<< 45 */
451 k[28] = s0, k[29] = s1, k[30] = s2, k[31] = s3;
452 /* KA <<< 77 */
453 k[48] = s1, k[49] = s2, k[50] = s3, k[51] = s0;
454 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 17); /* KA <<< 94 */
455 k[56] = s1, k[57] = s2, k[58] = s3, k[59] = s0;
457 s0 = k[ 0], s1 = k[ 1], s2 = k[ 2], s3 = k[ 3];
458 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 13); /* KL <<< 45 */
459 k[24] = s1, k[25] = s2, k[26] = s3, k[27] = s0;
460 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 15); /* KL <<< 60 */
461 k[32] = s1, k[33] = s2, k[34] = s3, k[35] = s0;
462 RotLeft128(s1, s2, s3, s0, 17); /* KL <<< 77 */
463 k[44] = s1, k[45] = s2, k[46] = s3, k[47] = s0;
464 RotLeft128(s2, s3, s0, s1, 2); /* KL <<<111 */
465 k[60] = s2, k[61] = s3, k[62] = s0, k[63] = s1;
467 return 4; /* grand rounds */
468 }
469 /*
470 * It is possible to perform certain precalculations, which
471 * would spare few cycles in block procedure. It's not done,
472 * because it upsets the performance balance between key
473 * setup and block procedures, negatively affecting overall
474 * throughput in applications operating on short messages
475 * and volatile keys.
476 */
477 }
479 void
Camellia_EncryptBlock_Rounds(int grandRounds,const u8 plaintext[],const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable,u8 ciphertext[])480 Camellia_EncryptBlock_Rounds(int grandRounds, const u8 plaintext[],
481 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 ciphertext[])
482 {
483 u32 s0, s1, s2, s3;
484 const u32 *k = keyTable, *kend = keyTable + grandRounds * 16;
486 s0 = GETU32(plaintext) ^ k[0];
487 s1 = GETU32(plaintext + 4) ^ k[1];
488 s2 = GETU32(plaintext + 8) ^ k[2];
489 s3 = GETU32(plaintext + 12) ^ k[3];
490 k += 4;
492 while (1) {
493 /* Camellia makes 6 Feistel rounds */
494 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, k + 0);
495 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, k + 2);
496 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, k + 4);
497 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, k + 6);
498 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, k + 8);
499 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, k + 10);
500 k += 12;
502 if (k == kend)
503 break;
505 /* This is the same function as the diffusion function D
506 * of the accompanying documentation. See section 3.2
507 * for properties of the FLlayer function. */
508 s1 ^= LeftRotate(s0 & k[0], 1);
509 s2 ^= s3 | k[3];
510 s0 ^= s1 | k[1];
511 s3 ^= LeftRotate(s2 & k[2], 1);
512 k += 4;
513 }
515 s2 ^= k[0], s3 ^= k[1], s0 ^= k[2], s1 ^= k[3];
517 PUTU32(ciphertext, s2);
518 PUTU32(ciphertext + 4, s3);
519 PUTU32(ciphertext + 8, s0);
520 PUTU32(ciphertext + 12, s1);
521 }
523 void
Camellia_EncryptBlock(int keyBitLength,const u8 plaintext[],const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable,u8 ciphertext[])524 Camellia_EncryptBlock(int keyBitLength, const u8 plaintext[],
525 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 ciphertext[])
526 {
527 Camellia_EncryptBlock_Rounds(keyBitLength == 128 ? 3 : 4,
528 plaintext, keyTable, ciphertext);
529 }
531 void
Camellia_DecryptBlock_Rounds(int grandRounds,const u8 ciphertext[],const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable,u8 plaintext[])532 Camellia_DecryptBlock_Rounds(int grandRounds, const u8 ciphertext[],
533 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 plaintext[])
534 {
535 u32 s0, s1, s2, s3;
536 const u32 *k = keyTable+grandRounds * 16, *kend = keyTable+4;
538 s0 = GETU32(ciphertext) ^ k[0];
539 s1 = GETU32(ciphertext+4) ^ k[1];
540 s2 = GETU32(ciphertext+8) ^ k[2];
541 s3 = GETU32(ciphertext+12) ^ k[3];
543 while (1) {
544 /* Camellia makes 6 Feistel rounds */
545 k -= 12;
546 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, k+10);
547 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, k+8);
548 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, k+6);
549 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, k+4);
550 Camellia_Feistel(s0, s1, s2, s3, k+2);
551 Camellia_Feistel(s2, s3, s0, s1, k+0);
553 if (k == kend)
554 break;
556 /* This is the same function as the diffusion function D
557 * of the accompanying documentation. See section 3.2
558 * for properties of the FLlayer function. */
559 k -= 4;
560 s1 ^= LeftRotate(s0 & k[2], 1);
561 s2 ^= s3 | k[1];
562 s0 ^= s1 | k[3];
563 s3 ^= LeftRotate(s2 & k[0], 1);
564 }
566 k -= 4;
567 s2 ^= k[0], s3 ^= k[1], s0 ^= k[2], s1 ^= k[3];
569 PUTU32(plaintext, s2);
570 PUTU32(plaintext+4, s3);
571 PUTU32(plaintext+8, s0);
572 PUTU32(plaintext+12, s1);
573 }
575 void
Camellia_DecryptBlock(int keyBitLength,const u8 plaintext[],const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable,u8 ciphertext[])576 Camellia_DecryptBlock(int keyBitLength, const u8 plaintext[],
577 const KEY_TABLE_TYPE keyTable, u8 ciphertext[])
578 {
579 Camellia_DecryptBlock_Rounds(keyBitLength == 128 ? 3 : 4,
580 plaintext, keyTable, ciphertext);
581 }
583 int
Camellia_set_key(const unsigned char * userKey,const int bits,CAMELLIA_KEY * key)584 Camellia_set_key(const unsigned char *userKey, const int bits,
585 CAMELLIA_KEY *key)
586 {
587 if (userKey == NULL || key == NULL)
588 return -1;
589 if (bits != 128 && bits != 192 && bits != 256)
590 return -2;
591 key->grand_rounds = Camellia_Ekeygen(bits, userKey, key->u.rd_key);
592 return 0;
593 }
594 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_set_key);
596 void
Camellia_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key)597 Camellia_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
598 const CAMELLIA_KEY *key)
599 {
600 Camellia_EncryptBlock_Rounds(key->grand_rounds, in, key->u.rd_key, out);
601 }
602 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_encrypt);
604 void
Camellia_decrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key)605 Camellia_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
606 const CAMELLIA_KEY *key)
607 {
608 Camellia_DecryptBlock_Rounds(key->grand_rounds, in, key->u.rd_key, out);
609 }
610 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_decrypt);
612 void
Camellia_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,size_t len,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,unsigned char * ivec,const int enc)613 Camellia_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, size_t len,
614 const CAMELLIA_KEY *key, unsigned char *ivec, const int enc)
615 {
616 if (enc)
617 CRYPTO_cbc128_encrypt(in, out, len, key, ivec,
618 (block128_f)Camellia_encrypt);
619 else
620 CRYPTO_cbc128_decrypt(in, out, len, key, ivec,
621 (block128_f)Camellia_decrypt);
622 }
623 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_cbc_encrypt);
625 /*
626 * The input and output encrypted as though 128bit cfb mode is being
627 * used. The extra state information to record how much of the
628 * 128bit block we have used is contained in *num;
629 */
631 void
Camellia_cfb128_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,size_t length,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,unsigned char * ivec,int * num,const int enc)632 Camellia_cfb128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
633 size_t length, const CAMELLIA_KEY *key, unsigned char *ivec, int *num,
634 const int enc)
635 {
636 CRYPTO_cfb128_encrypt(in, out, length, key, ivec, num, enc,
637 (block128_f)Camellia_encrypt);
638 }
639 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_cfb128_encrypt);
641 /* N.B. This expects the input to be packed, MS bit first */
642 void
Camellia_cfb1_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,size_t length,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,unsigned char * ivec,int * num,const int enc)643 Camellia_cfb1_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
644 size_t length, const CAMELLIA_KEY *key, unsigned char *ivec, int *num,
645 const int enc)
646 {
647 CRYPTO_cfb128_1_encrypt(in, out, length, key, ivec, num, enc,
648 (block128_f)Camellia_encrypt);
649 }
650 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_cfb1_encrypt);
652 void
Camellia_cfb8_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,size_t length,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,unsigned char * ivec,int * num,const int enc)653 Camellia_cfb8_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
654 size_t length, const CAMELLIA_KEY *key, unsigned char *ivec, int *num,
655 const int enc)
656 {
657 CRYPTO_cfb128_8_encrypt(in, out, length, key, ivec, num, enc,
658 (block128_f)Camellia_encrypt);
659 }
660 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_cfb8_encrypt);
662 void
Camellia_ctr128_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,size_t length,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,unsigned char ivec[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE],unsigned char ecount_buf[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE],unsigned int * num)663 Camellia_ctr128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
664 size_t length, const CAMELLIA_KEY *key,
665 unsigned char ivec[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE],
666 unsigned char ecount_buf[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE], unsigned int *num)
667 {
668 CRYPTO_ctr128_encrypt(in, out, length, key, ivec, ecount_buf, num,
669 (block128_f)Camellia_encrypt);
670 }
671 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_ctr128_encrypt);
673 void
Camellia_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,const int enc)674 Camellia_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
675 const CAMELLIA_KEY *key, const int enc)
676 {
677 if (CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT == enc)
678 Camellia_encrypt(in, out, key);
679 else
680 Camellia_decrypt(in, out, key);
681 }
682 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_ecb_encrypt);
684 /*
685 * The input and output encrypted as though 128bit ofb mode is being
686 * used. The extra state information to record how much of the
687 * 128bit block we have used is contained in *num;
688 */
689 void
Camellia_ofb128_encrypt(const unsigned char * in,unsigned char * out,size_t length,const CAMELLIA_KEY * key,unsigned char * ivec,int * num)690 Camellia_ofb128_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
691 size_t length, const CAMELLIA_KEY *key, unsigned char *ivec, int *num)
692 {
693 CRYPTO_ofb128_encrypt(in, out, length, key, ivec, num,
694 (block128_f)Camellia_encrypt);
695 }
696 LCRYPTO_ALIAS(Camellia_ofb128_encrypt);