2--                                                                          --
3--      Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet       --
4--                     Copyright (C) 2000-2015, AdaCore                     --
5--                                                                          --
6-- This library is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
7-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
8-- Software  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your  option) any later --
9-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
10-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
11-- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                            --
12--                                                                          --
13-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
14-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
15-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
16--                                                                          --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
18-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
19-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
20-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
21--                                                                          --
24--  <description>
25--  You may wish to begin by reading the [text widget conceptual
26--  overview][TextWidget] which gives an overview of all the objects and data
27--  types related to the text widget and how they work together.
29--  </description>
30pragma Ada_2005;
32pragma Warnings (Off, "*is already use-visible*");
33with Gdk.Pixbuf;            use Gdk.Pixbuf;
34with Gdk.Types;             use Gdk.Types;
35with Glib;                  use Glib;
36with Glib.Object;           use Glib.Object;
37with Glib.Properties;       use Glib.Properties;
38with Gtk.Clipboard;         use Gtk.Clipboard;
39with Gtk.Target_List;       use Gtk.Target_List;
40with Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor; use Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor;
41with Gtk.Text_Iter;         use Gtk.Text_Iter;
42with Gtk.Text_Mark;         use Gtk.Text_Mark;
43with Gtk.Text_Tag;          use Gtk.Text_Tag;
44with Gtk.Text_Tag_Table;    use Gtk.Text_Tag_Table;
45with Gtkada.Types;          use Gtkada.Types;
47package Gtk.Text_Buffer is
49   type Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record is new GObject_Record with null record;
50   type Gtk_Text_Buffer is access all Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
52   ------------------
53   -- Constructors --
54   ------------------
56   procedure Gtk_New
57      (Buffer : out Gtk_Text_Buffer;
58       Table  : Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Gtk_Text_Tag_Table := null);
59   procedure Initialize
60      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
61       Table  : Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Gtk_Text_Tag_Table := null);
62   --  Creates a new text buffer.
63   --  "table": a tag table, or null to create a new one
65   function Gtk_Text_Buffer_New
66      (Table : Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Gtk_Text_Tag_Table := null)
67       return Gtk_Text_Buffer;
68   --  Creates a new text buffer.
69   --  "table": a tag table, or null to create a new one
71   function Get_Type return Glib.GType;
72   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_text_buffer_get_type");
74   -------------
75   -- Methods --
76   -------------
78   procedure Add_Mark
79      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
80       Mark   : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class;
81       Where  : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
82   --  Adds the mark at position Where. The mark must not be added to another
83   --  buffer, and if its name is not null then there must not be another mark
84   --  in the buffer with the same name.
85   --  Emits the Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer::mark-set signal as
86   --  notification of the mark's initial placement.
87   --  Since: gtk+ 2.12
88   --  "mark": the mark to add
89   --  "where": location to place mark
91   procedure Add_Selection_Clipboard
92      (Buffer    : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
93       Clipboard : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class);
94   --  Adds Clipboard to the list of clipboards in which the selection
95   --  contents of Buffer are available. In most cases, Clipboard will be the
96   --  Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard of type GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY for a view of
97   --  Buffer.
98   --  "clipboard": a Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard
100   procedure Apply_Tag
101      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
102       Tag     : not null access Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag_Record'Class;
103       Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
104       The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
105   --  Emits the "apply-tag" signal on Buffer. The default handler for the
106   --  signal applies Tag to the given range. Start and End do not have to be
107   --  in order.
108   --  "tag": a Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag
109   --  "start": one bound of range to be tagged
110   --  "end": other bound of range to be tagged
112   procedure Apply_Tag_By_Name
113      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
114       Name    : UTF8_String;
115       Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
116       The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
117   --  Calls Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Lookup on the buffer's tag table to get a
118   --  Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag, then calls Gtk.Text_Buffer.Apply_Tag.
119   --  "name": name of a named Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag
120   --  "start": one bound of range to be tagged
121   --  "end": other bound of range to be tagged
123   function Backspace
124      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
125       Iter             : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
126       Interactive      : Boolean;
127       Default_Editable : Boolean) return Boolean;
128   --  Performs the appropriate action as if the user hit the delete key with
129   --  the cursor at the position specified by Iter. In the normal case a
130   --  single character will be deleted, but when combining accents are
131   --  involved, more than one character can be deleted, and when precomposed
132   --  character and accent combinations are involved, less than one character
133   --  will be deleted.
134   --  Because the buffer is modified, all outstanding iterators become
135   --  invalid after calling this function; however, the Iter will be
136   --  re-initialized to point to the location where text was deleted.
137   --  Since: gtk+ 2.6
138   --  "iter": a position in Buffer
139   --  "interactive": whether the deletion is caused by user interaction
140   --  "default_editable": whether the buffer is editable by default
142   procedure Begin_User_Action
143      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record);
144   --  Called to indicate that the buffer operations between here and a call
145   --  to Gtk.Text_Buffer.End_User_Action are part of a single user-visible
146   --  operation. The operations between Gtk.Text_Buffer.Begin_User_Action and
147   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.End_User_Action can then be grouped when creating an
148   --  undo stack. Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer maintains a count of calls
149   --  to Gtk.Text_Buffer.Begin_User_Action that have not been closed with a
150   --  call to Gtk.Text_Buffer.End_User_Action, and emits the
151   --  "begin-user-action" and "end-user-action" signals only for the outermost
152   --  pair of calls. This allows you to build user actions from other user
153   --  actions.
154   --  The "interactive" buffer mutation functions, such as
155   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Interactive, automatically call begin/end user
156   --  action around the buffer operations they perform, so there's no need to
157   --  add extra calls if you user action consists solely of a single call to
158   --  one of those functions.
160   procedure Copy_Clipboard
161      (Buffer    : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
162       Clipboard : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class);
163   --  Copies the currently-selected text to a clipboard.
164   --  "clipboard": the Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard object to copy to
166   function Create_Child_Anchor
167      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
168       Iter   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter)
169       return Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor;
170   --  This is a convenience function which simply creates a child anchor with
171   --  Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_New and inserts it into the buffer with
172   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Child_Anchor. The new anchor is owned by the
173   --  buffer; no reference count is returned to the caller of
174   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Create_Child_Anchor.
175   --  "iter": location in the buffer
177   function Create_Mark
178      (Buffer       : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
179       Mark_Name    : UTF8_String := "";
180       Where        : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
181       Left_Gravity : Boolean := True) return Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark;
182   --  Creates a mark at position Where. If Mark_Name is null, the mark is
183   --  anonymous; otherwise, the mark can be retrieved by name using
184   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Mark. If a mark has left gravity, and text is
185   --  inserted at the mark's current location, the mark will be moved to the
186   --  left of the newly-inserted text. If the mark has right gravity
187   --  (Left_Gravity = False), the mark will end up on the right of
188   --  newly-inserted text. The standard left-to-right cursor is a mark with
189   --  right gravity (when you type, the cursor stays on the right side of the
190   --  text you're typing).
191   --  The caller of this function does not own a reference to the returned
192   --  Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark, so you can ignore the return value if you
193   --  like. Marks are owned by the buffer and go away when the buffer does.
194   --  Emits the Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer::mark-set signal as
195   --  notification of the mark's initial placement.
196   --  "mark_name": name for mark, or null
197   --  "where": location to place mark
198   --  "left_gravity": whether the mark has left gravity
200   procedure Cut_Clipboard
201      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
202       Clipboard        : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class;
203       Default_Editable : Boolean);
204   --  Copies the currently-selected text to a clipboard, then deletes said
205   --  text if it's editable.
206   --  "clipboard": the Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard object to cut to
207   --  "default_editable": default editability of the buffer
209   procedure Delete
210      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
211       Start   : in out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
212       The_End : in out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
213   --  Deletes text between Start and End. The order of Start and End is not
214   --  actually relevant; Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete will reorder them. This
215   --  function actually emits the "delete-range" signal, and the default
216   --  handler of that signal deletes the text. Because the buffer is modified,
217   --  all outstanding iterators become invalid after calling this function;
218   --  however, the Start and End will be re-initialized to point to the
219   --  location where text was deleted.
220   --  "start": a position in Buffer
221   --  "end": another position in Buffer
223   procedure Delete_Interactive
224      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
225       Start_Iter       : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
226       End_Iter         : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
227       Default_Editable : Boolean;
228       Result           : out Boolean);
229   --  Deletes all editable text in the given range. Calls
230   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete for each editable sub-range of [Start,End). Start
231   --  and End are revalidated to point to the location of the last deleted
232   --  range, or left untouched if no text was deleted.
233   --  "start_iter": start of range to delete
234   --  "end_iter": end of range
235   --  "default_editable": whether the buffer is editable by default
237   procedure Delete_Mark
238      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
239       Mark   : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class);
240   --  Deletes Mark, so that it's no longer located anywhere in the buffer.
241   --  Removes the reference the buffer holds to the mark, so if you haven't
242   --  called g_object_ref on the mark, it will be freed. Even if the mark
243   --  isn't freed, most operations on Mark become invalid, until it gets added
244   --  to a buffer again with Gtk.Text_Buffer.Add_Mark. Use
245   --  Gtk.Text_Mark.Get_Deleted to find out if a mark has been removed from
246   --  its buffer. The Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer::mark-deleted signal
247   --  will be emitted as notification after the mark is deleted.
248   --  "mark": a Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark in Buffer
250   procedure Delete_Mark_By_Name
251      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
252       Name   : UTF8_String);
253   --  Deletes the mark named Name; the mark must exist. See
254   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete_Mark for details.
255   --  "name": name of a mark in Buffer
257   function Delete_Selection
258      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
259       Interactive      : Boolean;
260       Default_Editable : Boolean) return Boolean;
261   --  Deletes the range between the "insert" and "selection_bound" marks,
262   --  that is, the currently-selected text. If Interactive is True, the
263   --  editability of the selection will be considered (users can't delete
264   --  uneditable text).
265   --  "interactive": whether the deletion is caused by user interaction
266   --  "default_editable": whether the buffer is editable by default
268   function Deserialize_Get_Can_Create_Tags
269      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
270       Format : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom) return Boolean;
271   --  This functions returns the value set with
272   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Deserialize_Set_Can_Create_Tags
273   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
274   --  "format": a Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom representing a registered rich text
275   --  format
277   procedure Deserialize_Set_Can_Create_Tags
278      (Buffer          : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
279       Format          : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
280       Can_Create_Tags : Boolean);
281   --  Use this function to allow a rich text deserialization function to
282   --  create new tags in the receiving buffer. Note that using this function
283   --  is almost always a bad idea, because the rich text functions you
284   --  register should know how to map the rich text format they handler to
285   --  your text buffers set of tags.
286   --  The ability of creating new (arbitrary!) tags in the receiving buffer
287   --  is meant for special rich text formats like the internal one that is
288   --  registered using Gtk.Text_Buffer.Register_Deserialize_Tagset, because
289   --  that format is essentially a dump of the internal structure of the
290   --  source buffer, including its tag names.
291   --  You should allow creation of tags only if you know what you are doing,
292   --  e.g. if you defined a tagset name for your application suite's text
293   --  buffers and you know that it's fine to receive new tags from these
294   --  buffers, because you know that your application can handle the newly
295   --  created tags.
296   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
297   --  "format": a Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom representing a registered rich text
298   --  format
299   --  "can_create_tags": whether deserializing this format may create tags
301   procedure End_User_Action
302      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record);
303   --  Should be paired with a call to Gtk.Text_Buffer.Begin_User_Action. See
304   --  that function for a full explanation.
306   procedure Get_Bounds
307      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
308       Start   : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
309       The_End : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
310   --  Retrieves the first and last iterators in the buffer, i.e. the entire
311   --  buffer lies within the range [Start,End).
312   --  "start": iterator to initialize with first position in the buffer
313   --  "end": iterator to initialize with the end iterator
315   function Get_Char_Count
316      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record) return Gint;
317   --  Gets the number of characters in the buffer; note that characters and
318   --  bytes are not the same, you can't e.g. expect the contents of the buffer
319   --  in string form to be this many bytes long. The character count is
320   --  cached, so this function is very fast.
322   function Get_Copy_Target_List
323      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record)
324       return Gtk.Target_List.Gtk_Target_List;
325   --  This function returns the list of targets this text buffer can provide
326   --  for copying and as DND source. The targets in the list are added with
327   --  Info values from the Gtk_Text_Buffer_Target_Info enum, using
328   --  gtk_target_list_add_rich_text_targets and
329   --  Gtk.Target_List.Add_Text_Targets.
330   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
332   procedure Get_End_Iter
333      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
334       Iter   : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
335   --  Initializes Iter with the "end iterator," one past the last valid
336   --  character in the text buffer. If dereferenced with
337   --  Gtk.Text_Iter.Get_Char, the end iterator has a character value of 0. The
338   --  entire buffer lies in the range from the first position in the buffer
339   --  (call Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Start_Iter to get character position 0) to the
340   --  end iterator.
341   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
343   function Get_Has_Selection
344      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record) return Boolean;
345   --  Indicates whether the buffer has some text currently selected.
346   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
348   function Get_Insert
349      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record)
350       return Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark;
351   --  Returns the mark that represents the cursor (insertion point).
352   --  Equivalent to calling Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Mark to get the mark named
353   --  "insert", but very slightly more efficient, and involves less typing.
355   procedure Insert
356      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
357       Iter   : in out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
358       Text   : UTF8_String);
359   --  Inserts Len bytes of Text at position Iter. If Len is -1, Text must be
360   --  nul-terminated and will be inserted in its entirety. Emits the
361   --  "insert-text" signal; insertion actually occurs in the default handler
362   --  for the signal. Iter is invalidated when insertion occurs (because the
363   --  buffer contents change), but the default signal handler revalidates it
364   --  to point to the end of the inserted text.
365   --  "iter": a position in the buffer
366   --  "text": text in UTF-8 format
368   procedure Get_Iter_At_Child_Anchor
369      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
370       Iter   : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
371       Anchor : not null access Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Record'Class);
372   --  Obtains the location of Anchor within Buffer.
373   --  "iter": an iterator to be initialized
374   --  "anchor": a child anchor that appears in Buffer
376   procedure Get_Iter_At_Line
377      (Buffer      : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
378       Iter        : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
379       Line_Number : Gint);
380   --  Initializes Iter to the start of the given line. If Line_Number is
381   --  greater than the number of lines in the Buffer, the end iterator is
382   --  returned.
383   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
384   --  "line_number": line number counting from 0
386   procedure Get_Iter_At_Line_Index
387      (Buffer      : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
388       Iter        : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
389       Line_Number : Gint;
390       Byte_Index  : Gint);
391   --  Obtains an iterator pointing to Byte_Index within the given line.
392   --  Byte_Index must be the start of a UTF-8 character, and must not be
393   --  beyond the end of the line. Note bytes, not characters; UTF-8 may encode
394   --  one character as multiple bytes.
395   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
396   --  "line_number": line number counting from 0
397   --  "byte_index": byte index from start of line
399   procedure Get_Iter_At_Line_Offset
400      (Buffer      : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
401       Iter        : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
402       Line_Number : Gint;
403       Char_Offset : Gint);
404   --  Obtains an iterator pointing to Char_Offset within the given line. The
405   --  Char_Offset must exist, offsets off the end of the line are not allowed.
406   --  Note characters, not bytes; UTF-8 may encode one character as multiple
407   --  bytes.
408   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
409   --  "line_number": line number counting from 0
410   --  "char_offset": char offset from start of line
412   procedure Get_Iter_At_Mark
413      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
414       Iter   : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
415       Mark   : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class);
416   --  Initializes Iter with the current position of Mark.
417   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
418   --  "mark": a Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark in Buffer
420   procedure Get_Iter_At_Offset
421      (Buffer      : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
422       Iter        : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
423       Char_Offset : Gint);
424   --  Initializes Iter to a position Char_Offset chars from the start of the
425   --  entire buffer. If Char_Offset is -1 or greater than the number of
426   --  characters in the buffer, Iter is initialized to the end iterator, the
427   --  iterator one past the last valid character in the buffer.
428   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
429   --  "char_offset": char offset from start of buffer, counting from 0, or -1
431   function Get_Line_Count
432      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record) return Gint;
433   --  Obtains the number of lines in the buffer. This value is cached, so the
434   --  function is very fast.
436   function Get_Mark
437      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
438       Name   : UTF8_String) return Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark;
439   --  Returns the mark named Name in buffer Buffer, or null if no such mark
440   --  exists in the buffer.
441   --  "name": a mark name
443   function Get_Modified
444      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record) return Boolean;
445   --  Indicates whether the buffer has been modified since the last call to
446   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Set_Modified set the modification flag to False. Used
447   --  for example to enable a "save" function in a text editor.
449   procedure Set_Modified
450      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
451       Setting : Boolean);
452   --  Used to keep track of whether the buffer has been modified since the
453   --  last time it was saved. Whenever the buffer is saved to disk, call
454   --  gtk_text_buffer_set_modified (Buffer, FALSE). When the buffer is
455   --  modified, it will automatically toggled on the modified bit again. When
456   --  the modified bit flips, the buffer emits the
457   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer::modified-changed signal.
458   --  "setting": modification flag setting
460   function Get_Paste_Target_List
461      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record)
462       return Gtk.Target_List.Gtk_Target_List;
463   --  This function returns the list of targets this text buffer supports for
464   --  pasting and as DND destination. The targets in the list are added with
465   --  Info values from the Gtk_Text_Buffer_Target_Info enum, using
466   --  gtk_target_list_add_rich_text_targets and
467   --  Gtk.Target_List.Add_Text_Targets.
468   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
470   function Get_Selection_Bound
471      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record)
472       return Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark;
473   --  Returns the mark that represents the selection bound. Equivalent to
474   --  calling Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Mark to get the mark named
475   --  "selection_bound", but very slightly more efficient, and involves less
476   --  typing.
477   --  The currently-selected text in Buffer is the region between the
478   --  "selection_bound" and "insert" marks. If "selection_bound" and "insert"
479   --  are in the same place, then there is no current selection.
480   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Selection_Bounds is another convenient function for
481   --  handling the selection, if you just want to know whether there's a
482   --  selection and what its bounds are.
484   procedure Get_Selection_Bounds
485      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
486       Start   : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
487       The_End : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
488       Result  : out Boolean);
489   --  Returns True if some text is selected; places the bounds of the
490   --  selection in Start and End (if the selection has length 0, then Start
491   --  and End are filled in with the same value). Start and End will be in
492   --  ascending order. If Start and End are NULL, then they are not filled in,
493   --  but the return value still indicates whether text is selected.
494   --  "start": iterator to initialize with selection start
495   --  "end": iterator to initialize with selection end
497   function Get_Slice
498      (Buffer               : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
499       Start                : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
500       The_End              : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
501       Include_Hidden_Chars : Boolean := False) return UTF8_String;
502   --  Returns the text in the range [Start,End). Excludes undisplayed text
503   --  (text marked with tags that set the invisibility attribute) if
504   --  Include_Hidden_Chars is False. The returned string includes a 0xFFFC
505   --  character whenever the buffer contains embedded images, so byte and
506   --  character indexes into the returned string do correspond to byte and
507   --  character indexes into the buffer. Contrast with
508   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Text. Note that 0xFFFC can occur in normal text as
509   --  well, so it is not a reliable indicator that a pixbuf or widget is in
510   --  the buffer.
511   --  "start": start of a range
512   --  "end": end of a range
513   --  "include_hidden_chars": whether to include invisible text
515   procedure Get_Start_Iter
516      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
517       Iter   : out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
518   --  Initialized Iter with the first position in the text buffer. This is
519   --  the same as using Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Iter_At_Offset to get the iter at
520   --  character offset 0.
521   --  "iter": iterator to initialize
523   function Get_Tag_Table
524      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record)
525       return Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Gtk_Text_Tag_Table;
526   --  Get the Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Gtk_Text_Tag_Table associated with this
527   --  buffer.
529   function Get_Text
530      (Buffer               : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
531       Start                : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
532       The_End              : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
533       Include_Hidden_Chars : Boolean := False) return UTF8_String;
534   --  Returns the text in the range [Start,End). Excludes undisplayed text
535   --  (text marked with tags that set the invisibility attribute) if
536   --  Include_Hidden_Chars is False. Does not include characters representing
537   --  embedded images, so byte and character indexes into the returned string
538   --  do not correspond to byte and character indexes into the buffer.
539   --  Contrast with Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Slice.
540   --  "start": start of a range
541   --  "end": end of a range
542   --  "include_hidden_chars": whether to include invisible text
544   procedure Set_Text
545      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
546       Text   : UTF8_String);
547   --  Deletes current contents of Buffer, and inserts Text instead. If Len is
548   --  -1, Text must be nul-terminated. Text must be valid UTF-8.
549   --  "text": UTF-8 text to insert
551   procedure Insert_At_Cursor
552      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
553       Text   : UTF8_String);
554   --  Simply calls Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert, using the current cursor position
555   --  as the insertion point.
556   --  "text": text in UTF-8 format
558   procedure Insert_Child_Anchor
559      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
560       Iter   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
561       Anchor : not null access Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Record'Class);
562   --  Inserts a child widget anchor into the text buffer at Iter. The anchor
563   --  will be counted as one character in character counts, and when obtaining
564   --  the buffer contents as a string, will be represented by the Unicode
565   --  "object replacement character" 0xFFFC. Note that the "slice" variants
566   --  for obtaining portions of the buffer as a string include this character
567   --  for child anchors, but the "text" variants do not. E.g. see
568   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Slice and Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Text. Consider
569   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Create_Child_Anchor as a more convenient alternative to
570   --  this function. The buffer will add a reference to the anchor, so you can
571   --  unref it after insertion.
572   --  "iter": location to insert the anchor
573   --  "anchor": a Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor
575   function Insert_Interactive
576      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
577       Iter             : access Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
578       Text             : UTF8_String;
579       Default_Editable : Boolean) return Boolean;
580   --  Like Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert, but the insertion will not occur if Iter
581   --  is at a non-editable location in the buffer. Usually you want to prevent
582   --  insertions at ineditable locations if the insertion results from a user
583   --  action (is interactive).
584   --  Default_Editable indicates the editability of text that doesn't have a
585   --  tag affecting editability applied to it. Typically the result of
586   --  Gtk.Text_View.Get_Editable is appropriate here.
587   --  "iter": a position in Buffer
588   --  "text": some UTF-8 text
589   --  "default_editable": default editability of buffer
591   function Insert_Interactive_At_Cursor
592      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
593       Text             : UTF8_String;
594       Default_Editable : Boolean) return Boolean;
595   --  Calls Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Interactive at the cursor position.
596   --  Default_Editable indicates the editability of text that doesn't have a
597   --  tag affecting editability applied to it. Typically the result of
598   --  Gtk.Text_View.Get_Editable is appropriate here.
599   --  "text": text in UTF-8 format
600   --  "default_editable": default editability of buffer
602   procedure Insert_Pixbuf
603      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
604       Iter   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
605       Pixbuf : not null access Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf_Record'Class);
606   --  Inserts an image into the text buffer at Iter. The image will be
607   --  counted as one character in character counts, and when obtaining the
608   --  buffer contents as a string, will be represented by the Unicode "object
609   --  replacement character" 0xFFFC. Note that the "slice" variants for
610   --  obtaining portions of the buffer as a string include this character for
611   --  pixbufs, but the "text" variants do not. e.g. see
612   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Slice and Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Text.
613   --  "iter": location to insert the pixbuf
614   --  "pixbuf": a Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf
616   procedure Insert_Range
617      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
618       Iter    : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
619       Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
620       The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
621   --  Copies text, tags, and pixbufs between Start and End (the order of
622   --  Start and End doesn't matter) and inserts the copy at Iter. Used instead
623   --  of simply getting/inserting text because it preserves images and tags.
624   --  If Start and End are in a different buffer from Buffer, the two buffers
625   --  must share the same tag table.
626   --  Implemented via emissions of the insert_text and apply_tag signals, so
627   --  expect those.
628   --  "iter": a position in Buffer
629   --  "start": a position in a Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer
630   --  "end": another position in the same buffer as Start
632   function Insert_Range_Interactive
633      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
634       Iter             : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
635       Start            : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
636       The_End          : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
637       Default_Editable : Boolean) return Boolean;
638   --  Same as Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Range, but does nothing if the insertion
639   --  point isn't editable. The Default_Editable parameter indicates whether
640   --  the text is editable at Iter if no tags enclosing Iter affect
641   --  editability. Typically the result of Gtk.Text_View.Get_Editable is
642   --  appropriate here.
643   --  "iter": a position in Buffer
644   --  "start": a position in a Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer
645   --  "end": another position in the same buffer as Start
646   --  "default_editable": default editability of the buffer
648   procedure Move_Mark
649      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
650       Mark   : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class;
651       Where  : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
652   --  Moves Mark to the new location Where. Emits the
653   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer::mark-set signal as notification of the
654   --  move.
655   --  "mark": a Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark
656   --  "where": new location for Mark in Buffer
658   procedure Move_Mark_By_Name
659      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
660       Name   : UTF8_String;
661       Where  : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
662   --  Moves the mark named Name (which must exist) to location Where. See
663   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Move_Mark for details.
664   --  "name": name of a mark
665   --  "where": new location for mark
667   procedure Paste_Clipboard
668      (Buffer           : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
669       Clipboard        : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class;
670       Default_Editable : Boolean := True);
671   --  Pastes the contents of a clipboard. If Override_Location is null, the
672   --  pasted text will be inserted at the cursor position, or the buffer
673   --  selection will be replaced if the selection is non-empty.
674   --  Note: pasting is asynchronous, that is, we'll ask for the paste data
675   --  and return, and at some point later after the main loop runs, the paste
676   --  data will be inserted.
677   --  "clipboard": the Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard to paste from
678   --  "default_editable": whether the buffer is editable by default
680   procedure Place_Cursor
681      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
682       Where  : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
683   --  This function moves the "insert" and "selection_bound" marks
684   --  simultaneously. If you move them to the same place in two steps with
685   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Move_Mark, you will temporarily select a region in
686   --  between their old and new locations, which can be pretty inefficient
687   --  since the temporarily-selected region will force stuff to be
688   --  recalculated. This function moves them as a unit, which can be
689   --  optimized.
690   --  "where": where to put the cursor
692   function Register_Deserialize_Tagset
693      (Buffer      : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
694       Tagset_Name : UTF8_String := "") return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
695   --  This function registers GTK+'s internal rich text serialization format
696   --  with the passed Buffer. See Gtk.Text_Buffer.Register_Serialize_Tagset
697   --  for details.
698   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
699   --  "tagset_name": an optional tagset name, on null
701   function Register_Serialize_Tagset
702      (Buffer      : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
703       Tagset_Name : UTF8_String := "") return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom;
704   --  This function registers GTK+'s internal rich text serialization format
705   --  with the passed Buffer. The internal format does not comply to any
706   --  standard rich text format and only works between
707   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer instances. It is capable of serializing
708   --  all of a text buffer's tags and embedded pixbufs.
709   --  This function is just a wrapper around
710   --  gtk_text_buffer_register_serialize_format. The mime type used for
711   --  registering is "application/x-gtk-text-buffer-rich-text", or
712   --  "application/x-gtk-text-buffer-rich-text;format=Tagset_Name" if a
713   --  Tagset_Name was passed.
714   --  The Tagset_Name can be used to restrict the transfer of rich text to
715   --  buffers with compatible sets of tags, in order to avoid unknown tags
716   --  from being pasted. It is probably the common case to pass an identifier
717   --  != null here, since the null tagset requires the receiving buffer to
718   --  deal with with pasting of arbitrary tags.
719   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
720   --  "tagset_name": an optional tagset name, on null
722   procedure Remove_All_Tags
723      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
724       Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
725       The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
726   --  Removes all tags in the range between Start and End. Be careful with
727   --  this function; it could remove tags added in code unrelated to the code
728   --  you're currently writing. That is, using this function is probably a bad
729   --  idea if you have two or more unrelated code sections that add tags.
730   --  "start": one bound of range to be untagged
731   --  "end": other bound of range to be untagged
733   procedure Remove_Selection_Clipboard
734      (Buffer    : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
735       Clipboard : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class);
736   --  Removes a Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard added with
737   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Add_Selection_Clipboard.
738   --  "clipboard": a Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard added to Buffer by
739   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Add_Selection_Clipboard
741   procedure Remove_Tag
742      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
743       Tag     : not null access Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag_Record'Class;
744       Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
745       The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
746   --  Emits the "remove-tag" signal. The default handler for the signal
747   --  removes all occurrences of Tag from the given range. Start and End don't
748   --  have to be in order.
749   --  "tag": a Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag
750   --  "start": one bound of range to be untagged
751   --  "end": other bound of range to be untagged
753   procedure Remove_Tag_By_Name
754      (Buffer  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
755       Name    : UTF8_String;
756       Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
757       The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
758   --  Calls Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Lookup on the buffer's tag table to get a
759   --  Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag, then calls Gtk.Text_Buffer.Remove_Tag.
760   --  "name": name of a Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag
761   --  "start": one bound of range to be untagged
762   --  "end": other bound of range to be untagged
764   procedure Select_Range
765      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
766       Ins    : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
767       Bound  : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
768   --  This function moves the "insert" and "selection_bound" marks
769   --  simultaneously. If you move them in two steps with
770   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Move_Mark, you will temporarily select a region in
771   --  between their old and new locations, which can be pretty inefficient
772   --  since the temporarily-selected region will force stuff to be
773   --  recalculated. This function moves them as a unit, which can be
774   --  optimized.
775   --  Since: gtk+ 2.4
776   --  "ins": where to put the "insert" mark
777   --  "bound": where to put the "selection_bound" mark
779   procedure Unregister_Deserialize_Format
780      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
781       Format : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
782   --  This function unregisters a rich text format that was previously
783   --  registered using gtk_text_buffer_register_deserialize_format or
784   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Register_Deserialize_Tagset.
785   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
786   --  "format": a Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom representing a registered rich text
787   --  format.
789   procedure Unregister_Serialize_Format
790      (Buffer : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
791       Format : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom);
792   --  This function unregisters a rich text format that was previously
793   --  registered using gtk_text_buffer_register_serialize_format or
794   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Register_Serialize_Tagset
795   --  Since: gtk+ 2.10
796   --  "format": a Gdk.Types.Gdk_Atom representing a registered rich text
797   --  format.
799   ----------------------
800   -- GtkAda additions --
801   ----------------------
803   procedure Insert
804     (Buffer : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
805      Iter   : in out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
806      Text   : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr);
807   --  More efficient version of Insert, which doesn't require a string copy.
809   procedure Insert_At_Cursor
810     (Buffer : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
811      Text   : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr;
812      Len    : Gint := -1);
813   --  Call Buffer_Insert, using the current cursor position
814   --  as the insertion point.
815   --  Text: UTF-8 format C string to insert.
817   function Get_Text
818     (Buffer               : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
819      Start                : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
820      The_End              : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
821      Include_Hidden_Chars : Boolean := False) return Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr;
822   --  Same as Get_Text above, but return a pointer to a C string, for
823   --  efficiency.
824   --  The caller is responsible for freeing (using Gtkada.Types.g_free) the
825   --  returned pointer.
827   function Selection_Exists
828     (Buffer : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record) return Boolean;
829   --  Return True if some text in the buffer is currently selected.
831   procedure Insert_With_Tags
832     (Buffer : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
833      Iter   : in out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
834      Text   : UTF8_String;
835      Tag    : Gtk_Text_Tag);
836   procedure Insert_With_Tags
837     (Buffer : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
838      Iter   : in out Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
839      Text   : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr;
840      Tag    : Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag);
841   --  Same as Insert, but specifies the tag to apply to the range.
843   function Get_Buffer
844     (Iter : Gtk_Text_Iter) return Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer;
845   --  Returns the Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer this iterator is associated
846   --  with.
848   function Get_Buffer
849     (Mark : Gtk_Text_Mark)
850   return Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer;
851   --  Gets the buffer this mark is located inside, or null if the mark is
852   --  deleted.
854   function Create_Tag
855     (Buffer              : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
856      Tag_Name            : String := "")
857   return Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag;
858   --  Creates a tag and adds it to the tag table for Buffer. Equivalent to
859   --  calling gtk.text_tag.gtk_new and then adding the tag to the buffer's tag
860   --  table. The returned tag is owned by the buffer's tag table, so the ref
861   --  count will be equal to one.
862   --
863   --  If Tag_Name is NULL, the tag is anonymous, otherwise a tag called
864   --  Tag_Name must not already exist in the tag table for this buffer.
866   ----------------
867   -- Properties --
868   ----------------
869   --  The following properties are defined for this widget. See
870   --  Glib.Properties for more information on properties)
872   Copy_Target_List_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
873   --  Type: Gtk.Target_List.Gtk_Target_List
874   --  The list of targets this buffer supports for clipboard copying and as
875   --  DND source.
877   Cursor_Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
878   --  The position of the insert mark (as offset from the beginning of the
879   --  buffer). It is useful for getting notified when the cursor moves.
881   Has_Selection_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
882   --  Whether the buffer has some text currently selected.
884   Paste_Target_List_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
885   --  Type: Gtk.Target_List.Gtk_Target_List
886   --  The list of targets this buffer supports for clipboard pasting and as
887   --  DND destination.
889   Tag_Table_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
890   --  Type: Gtk.Text_Tag_Table.Gtk_Text_Tag_Table
892   Text_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
893   --  The text content of the buffer. Without child widgets and images, see
894   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Text for more information.
896   -------------
897   -- Signals --
898   -------------
900   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Tag_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void is not null access procedure
901     (Self    : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
902      Tag     : not null access Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag_Record'Class;
903      Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
904      The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
906   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Tag_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void is not null access procedure
907     (Self    : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
908      Tag     : not null access Gtk.Text_Tag.Gtk_Text_Tag_Record'Class;
909      Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
910      The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
912   Signal_Apply_Tag : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "apply-tag";
913   procedure On_Apply_Tag
914      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
915       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Tag_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void;
916       After : Boolean := False);
917   procedure On_Apply_Tag
918      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
919       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Tag_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void;
920       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
921       After : Boolean := False);
922   --  The ::apply-tag signal is emitted to apply a tag to a range of text in
923   --  a Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer. Applying actually occurs in the
924   --  default handler.
925   --
926   --  Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not
927   --  invalidate the Start and End iters (or has to revalidate them).
928   --
929   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Apply_Tag, gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags,
930   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Range.
931   --
932   --  Callback parameters:
933   --    --  "tag": the applied tag
934   --    --  "start": the start of the range the tag is applied to
935   --    --  "end": the end of the range the tag is applied to
937   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Void is not null access procedure
938     (Self : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class);
940   type Cb_GObject_Void is not null access procedure
941     (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class);
943   Signal_Begin_User_Action : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "begin-user-action";
944   procedure On_Begin_User_Action
945      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
946       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Void;
947       After : Boolean := False);
948   procedure On_Begin_User_Action
949      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
950       Call  : Cb_GObject_Void;
951       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
952       After : Boolean := False);
953   --  The ::begin-user-action signal is emitted at the beginning of a single
954   --  user-visible operation on a Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer.
955   --
956   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Begin_User_Action,
957   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Interactive,
958   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Range_Interactive,
959   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete_Interactive, Gtk.Text_Buffer.Backspace,
960   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete_Selection.
962   Signal_Changed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "changed";
963   procedure On_Changed
964      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
965       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Void;
966       After : Boolean := False);
967   procedure On_Changed
968      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
969       Call  : Cb_GObject_Void;
970       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
971       After : Boolean := False);
972   --  The ::changed signal is emitted when the content of a
973   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer has changed.
975   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void is not null access procedure
976     (Self    : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
977      Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
978      The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
980   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void is not null access procedure
981     (Self    : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
982      Start   : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
983      The_End : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter);
985   Signal_Delete_Range : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "delete-range";
986   procedure On_Delete_Range
987      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
988       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void;
989       After : Boolean := False);
990   procedure On_Delete_Range
991      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
992       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void;
993       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
994       After : Boolean := False);
995   --  The ::delete-range signal is emitted to delete a range from a
996   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer.
997   --
998   --  Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not
999   --  invalidate the Start and End iters (or has to revalidate them). The
1000   --  default signal handler revalidates the Start and End iters to both point
1001   --  to the location where text was deleted. Handlers which run after the
1002   --  default handler (see g_signal_connect_after) do not have access to the
1003   --  deleted text.
1004   --
1005   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete.
1006   --
1007   --  Callback parameters:
1008   --    --  "start": the start of the range to be deleted
1009   --    --  "end": the end of the range to be deleted
1011   Signal_End_User_Action : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "end-user-action";
1012   procedure On_End_User_Action
1013      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1014       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Void;
1015       After : Boolean := False);
1016   procedure On_End_User_Action
1017      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1018       Call  : Cb_GObject_Void;
1019       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1020       After : Boolean := False);
1021   --  The ::end-user-action signal is emitted at the end of a single
1022   --  user-visible operation on the Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer.
1023   --
1024   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.End_User_Action,
1025   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Interactive,
1026   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Range_Interactive,
1027   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete_Interactive, Gtk.Text_Buffer.Backspace,
1028   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete_Selection, Gtk.Text_Buffer.Backspace.
1030   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Void is not null access procedure
1031     (Self     : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
1032      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1033      Anchor   : not null access Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Record'Class);
1035   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Void is not null access procedure
1036     (Self     : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1037      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1038      Anchor   : not null access Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Record'Class);
1040   Signal_Insert_Child_Anchor : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "insert-child-anchor";
1041   procedure On_Insert_Child_Anchor
1042      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1043       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Void;
1044       After : Boolean := False);
1045   procedure On_Insert_Child_Anchor
1046      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1047       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor_Void;
1048       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1049       After : Boolean := False);
1050   --  The ::insert-child-anchor signal is emitted to insert a
1051   --  Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor in a
1052   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer. Insertion actually occurs in the
1053   --  default handler.
1054   --
1055   --  Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not
1056   --  invalidate the Location iter (or has to revalidate it). The default
1057   --  signal handler revalidates it to be placed after the inserted Anchor.
1058   --
1059   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Child_Anchor.
1060   --
1061   --  Callback parameters:
1062   --    --  "location": position to insert Anchor in Textbuffer
1063   --    --  "anchor": the Gtk.Text_Child_Anchor.Gtk_Text_Child_Anchor to be
1064   --    --  inserted
1066   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gdk_Pixbuf_Void is not null access procedure
1067     (Self     : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
1068      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1069      Pixbuf   : not null access Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf_Record'Class);
1071   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gdk_Pixbuf_Void is not null access procedure
1072     (Self     : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1073      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1074      Pixbuf   : not null access Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf_Record'Class);
1076   Signal_Insert_Pixbuf : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "insert-pixbuf";
1077   procedure On_Insert_Pixbuf
1078      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1079       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gdk_Pixbuf_Void;
1080       After : Boolean := False);
1081   procedure On_Insert_Pixbuf
1082      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1083       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gdk_Pixbuf_Void;
1084       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1085       After : Boolean := False);
1086   --  The ::insert-pixbuf signal is emitted to insert a Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf
1087   --  in a Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer. Insertion actually occurs in the
1088   --  default handler.
1089   --
1090   --  Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not
1091   --  invalidate the Location iter (or has to revalidate it). The default
1092   --  signal handler revalidates it to be placed after the inserted Pixbuf.
1093   --
1094   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Pixbuf.
1095   --
1096   --  Callback parameters:
1097   --    --  "location": position to insert Pixbuf in Textbuffer
1098   --    --  "pixbuf": the Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf to be inserted
1100   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_UTF8_String_Gint_Void is not null access procedure
1101     (Self     : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
1102      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1103      Text     : UTF8_String;
1104      Len      : Gint);
1106   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_UTF8_String_Gint_Void is not null access procedure
1107     (Self     : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1108      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1109      Text     : UTF8_String;
1110      Len      : Gint);
1112   Signal_Insert_Text : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "insert-text";
1113   procedure On_Insert_Text
1114      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1115       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_UTF8_String_Gint_Void;
1116       After : Boolean := False);
1117   procedure On_Insert_Text
1118      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1119       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_UTF8_String_Gint_Void;
1120       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1121       After : Boolean := False);
1122   --  The ::insert-text signal is emitted to insert text in a
1123   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer. Insertion actually occurs in the
1124   --  default handler.
1125   --
1126   --  Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not
1127   --  invalidate the Location iter (or has to revalidate it). The default
1128   --  signal handler revalidates it to point to the end of the inserted text.
1129   --
1130   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert, Gtk.Text_Buffer.Insert_Range.
1131   --
1132   --  Callback parameters:
1133   --    --  "location": position to insert Text in Textbuffer
1134   --    --  "text": the UTF-8 text to be inserted
1135   --    --  "len": length of the inserted text in bytes
1137   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void is not null access procedure
1138     (Self : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
1139      Mark : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class);
1141   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void is not null access procedure
1142     (Self : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1143      Mark : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class);
1145   Signal_Mark_Deleted : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "mark-deleted";
1146   procedure On_Mark_Deleted
1147      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1148       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void;
1149       After : Boolean := False);
1150   procedure On_Mark_Deleted
1151      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1152       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void;
1153       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1154       After : Boolean := False);
1155   --  The ::mark-deleted signal is emitted as notification after a
1156   --  Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark is deleted.
1157   --
1158   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Delete_Mark.
1160   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void is not null access procedure
1161     (Self     : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
1162      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1163      Mark     : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class);
1165   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void is not null access procedure
1166     (Self     : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1167      Location : Gtk.Text_Iter.Gtk_Text_Iter;
1168      Mark     : not null access Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark_Record'Class);
1170   Signal_Mark_Set : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "mark-set";
1171   procedure On_Mark_Set
1172      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1173       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void;
1174       After : Boolean := False);
1175   procedure On_Mark_Set
1176      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1177       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Mark_Void;
1178       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1179       After : Boolean := False);
1180   --  The ::mark-set signal is emitted as notification after a
1181   --  Gtk.Text_Mark.Gtk_Text_Mark is set.
1182   --
1183   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Create_Mark, Gtk.Text_Buffer.Move_Mark.
1184   --
1185   --  Callback parameters:
1186   --    --  "location": The location of Mark in Textbuffer
1187   --    --  "mark": The mark that is set
1189   Signal_Modified_Changed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "modified-changed";
1190   procedure On_Modified_Changed
1191      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1192       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Void;
1193       After : Boolean := False);
1194   procedure On_Modified_Changed
1195      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1196       Call  : Cb_GObject_Void;
1197       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1198       After : Boolean := False);
1199   --  The ::modified-changed signal is emitted when the modified bit of a
1200   --  Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer flips.
1201   --
1202   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Set_Modified.
1204   type Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Clipboard_Void is not null access procedure
1205     (Self      : access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record'Class;
1206      Clipboard : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class);
1208   type Cb_GObject_Gtk_Clipboard_Void is not null access procedure
1209     (Self      : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1210      Clipboard : not null access Gtk.Clipboard.Gtk_Clipboard_Record'Class);
1212   Signal_Paste_Done : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "paste-done";
1213   procedure On_Paste_Done
1214      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1215       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Clipboard_Void;
1216       After : Boolean := False);
1217   procedure On_Paste_Done
1218      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1219       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Clipboard_Void;
1220       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1221       After : Boolean := False);
1222   --  The paste-done signal is emitted after paste operation has been
1223   --  completed. This is useful to properly scroll the view to the end of the
1224   --  pasted text. See Gtk.Text_Buffer.Paste_Clipboard for more details.
1226   Signal_Remove_Tag : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "remove-tag";
1227   procedure On_Remove_Tag
1228      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1229       Call  : Cb_Gtk_Text_Buffer_Gtk_Text_Tag_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void;
1230       After : Boolean := False);
1231   procedure On_Remove_Tag
1232      (Self  : not null access Gtk_Text_Buffer_Record;
1233       Call  : Cb_GObject_Gtk_Text_Tag_Gtk_Text_Iter_Gtk_Text_Iter_Void;
1234       Slot  : not null access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class;
1235       After : Boolean := False);
1236   --  The ::remove-tag signal is emitted to remove all occurrences of Tag
1237   --  from a range of text in a Gtk.Text_Buffer.Gtk_Text_Buffer. Removal
1238   --  actually occurs in the default handler.
1239   --
1240   --  Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not
1241   --  invalidate the Start and End iters (or has to revalidate them).
1242   --
1243   --  See also: Gtk.Text_Buffer.Remove_Tag.
1244   --
1245   --  Callback parameters:
1246   --    --  "tag": the tag to be removed
1247   --    --  "start": the start of the range the tag is removed from
1248   --    --  "end": the end of the range the tag is removed from
1251   Text_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
1252     Glib.Properties.Build ("text");
1253   Tag_Table_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
1254     Glib.Properties.Build ("tag-table");
1255   Paste_Target_List_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
1256     Glib.Properties.Build ("paste-target-list");
1257   Has_Selection_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1258     Glib.Properties.Build ("has-selection");
1259   Cursor_Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
1260     Glib.Properties.Build ("cursor-position");
1261   Copy_Target_List_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
1262     Glib.Properties.Build ("copy-target-list");
1263end Gtk.Text_Buffer;