1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Alessandro Tasora, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
15 #ifndef CHLOAD_H
16 #define CHLOAD_H
18 #include "chrono/physics/ChLoader.h"
19 #include "chrono/physics/ChLoaderU.h"
20 #include "chrono/physics/ChLoaderUV.h"
21 #include "chrono/physics/ChLoaderUVW.h"
22 #include "chrono/physics/ChObject.h"
23 #include "chrono/solver/ChKblockGeneric.h"
24 #include "chrono/solver/ChSystemDescriptor.h"
25 #include "chrono/timestepper/ChState.h"
27 namespace chrono {
29 /// Utility class for storing jacobian matrices.
30 /// This is automatically managed by the ChLoad, if needed
31 /// (ie. for stiff loads)
33 class ChApi ChLoadJacobians {
34   public:
35     ChKblockGeneric KRM;        ///< sum of K,R,M, with pointers to sparse variables
36     ChMatrixDynamic<double> K;  ///< dQ/dx
37     ChMatrixDynamic<double> R;  ///< dQ/dv
38     ChMatrixDynamic<double> M;  ///< dQ/da
40     /// Set references to the constrained objects, each of ChVariables type,
41     /// automatically creating/resizing K matrix if needed.
42     void SetVariables(std::vector<ChVariables*> mvariables);
43 };
45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 /// Base class for loads.
48 /// This class can be inherited to implement applied loads to bodies,
49 /// finite elements, etc.
50 /// A load is an object that might wrap one or more ChLoader objects, whose
51 /// value is dependent.
52 /// It implements functionalities to perform automatic differentiation of
53 /// the load so it optionally can compute the jacobian (the tangent stiffness
54 /// matrix of the load) that can be used in implicit integrators, statics, etc.
56 class ChApi ChLoadBase : public ChObj {
57   protected:
58     ChLoadJacobians* jacobians;
60   public:
61     ChLoadBase();
63     virtual ~ChLoadBase();
65     /// Gets the number of DOFs affected by this load (position part)
66     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_x() = 0;
68     /// Gets the number of DOFs affected by this load (speed part)
69     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_w() = 0;
71     /// Gets all the current DOFs packed in a single vector (position part)
72     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_x(ChState& mD) = 0;
74     /// Gets all the current DOFs packed in a single vector (speed part)
75     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_w(ChStateDelta& mD) = 0;
77     /// Increment a packed state (ex. as obtained by LoadGetStateBlock_x()) by a given packed state-delta.
78     /// Compute: x_new = x + dw. Ex. this is called by the BDF numerical differentiation routine that computes jacobian
79     /// in the default ComputeJacobian() fallback, if not overriding ComputeJacobian() with an analytical form.
80     virtual void LoadStateIncrement(const ChState& x, const ChStateDelta& dw, ChState& x_new) = 0;
82     /// Number of coordinates in the interpolated field, ex=3 for a
83     /// tetrahedron finite element or a cable, = 1 for a thermal problem, etc.
84     virtual int LoadGet_field_ncoords() = 0;
86     /// Compute Q, the generalized load(s).
87     /// Where Q is stored depends on children classes.
88     /// Called automatically at each Update().
89     virtual void ComputeQ(ChState* state_x,      ///< state position to evaluate Q
90                           ChStateDelta* state_w  ///< state speed to evaluate Q
91                           ) = 0;
93     /// Compute the K=-dQ/dx, R=-dQ/dv , M=-dQ/da jacobians.
94     /// Called automatically at each Update().
95     virtual void ComputeJacobian(ChState* state_x,       ///< state position to evaluate jacobians
96                                  ChStateDelta* state_w,  ///< state speed to evaluate jacobians
97                                  ChMatrixRef mK,         ///< result dQ/dx
98                                  ChMatrixRef mR,         ///< result dQ/dv
99                                  ChMatrixRef mM          ///< result dQ/da
100                                  ) = 0;
102     /// Access the jacobians (if any, i.e. if this is a stiff load)
GetJacobians()103     ChLoadJacobians* GetJacobians() { return this->jacobians; }
105     /// Create the jacobian loads if needed, and also
106     /// set the ChVariables referenced by the sparse KRM block.
107     virtual void CreateJacobianMatrices() = 0;
109     /// Update: this is called at least at each time step.
110     /// - It recomputes the generalized load Q vector(s)
111     /// - It recomputes the jacobian(s) K,R,M in case of stiff load
112     /// Q and jacobians assumed evaluated at the current state.
113     /// Jacobian structures are automatically allocated if needed.
114     virtual void Update(double time);
116     /// Report if this is load is stiff. If so, InjectKRMmatrices will provide
117     /// the jacobians of the load.
118     virtual bool IsStiff() = 0;
120     //
121     // Functions for interfacing to the state bookkeeping and solver
122     //
124     /// Adds the internal loads Q (pasted at global nodes offsets) into
125     /// a global vector R, multiplied by a scaling factor c, as
126     ///   R += forces * c
127     virtual void LoadIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) = 0;
129     /// Tell to a system descriptor that there are item(s) of type
130     /// ChKblock in this object (for further passing it to a solver)
131     /// Basically does nothing, but inherited classes must specialize this.
132     virtual void InjectKRMmatrices(ChSystemDescriptor& mdescriptor);
134     /// Adds the current stiffness K and damping R and mass M matrices in encapsulated
135     /// ChKblock item(s), if any. The K, R, M matrices are added with scaling
136     /// values Kfactor, Rfactor, Mfactor.
137     virtual void KRMmatricesLoad(double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor);
138 };
140 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 /// Class for a load acting on a single ChLoadable item, via ChLoader objects.
143 /// There are various ChLoader interfaces ready to use, that can be used
144 /// as 'building blocks'. These are especially important for creating loads
145 /// that are distributed on surfaces, lines, volumes, since some ChLoaders implement quadrature.
146 /// Create them as ChLoad< ChLoaderPressure > my_load(...); for example.
148 template <class Tloader>
149 class ChLoad : public ChLoadBase {
150   public:
151     Tloader loader;
ChLoad(std::shared_ptr<typename Tloader::type_loadable> mloadable)153     ChLoad(std::shared_ptr<typename Tloader::type_loadable> mloadable) : loader(mloadable) {}
~ChLoad()155     virtual ~ChLoad() {}
157     /// "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
Clone()158     virtual ChLoad* Clone() const override { return new ChLoad(*this); }
160     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_x() override;
161     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_w() override;
162     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_x(ChState& mD) override;
163     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_w(ChStateDelta& mD) override;
164     virtual void LoadStateIncrement(const ChState& x, const ChStateDelta& dw, ChState& x_new) override;
165     virtual int LoadGet_field_ncoords() override;
167     /// Compute Q, the generalized load.
168     /// Q is stored in the wrapped ChLoader.
169     /// Called automatically at each Update().
170     virtual void ComputeQ(ChState* state_x,      ///< state position to evaluate Q
171                           ChStateDelta* state_w  ///< state speed to evaluate Q
172                           ) override;
174     /// Compute jacobians (default fallback).
175     /// Uses a numerical differentiation for computing K, R, M jacobians, if stiff load.
176     /// If possible, override this with an analytical jacobian.
177     /// Compute the K=-dQ/dx, R=-dQ/dv , M=-dQ/da jacobians.
178     /// Called automatically at each Update().
179     virtual void ComputeJacobian(ChState* state_x,       ///< state position to evaluate jacobians
180                                  ChStateDelta* state_w,  ///< state speed to evaluate jacobians
181                                  ChMatrixRef mK,         ///< result dQ/dx
182                                  ChMatrixRef mR,         ///< result dQ/dv
183                                  ChMatrixRef mM          ///< result dQ/da
184                                  ) override;
186     virtual void LoadIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) override;
188     /// Default: load is stiff if the loader is stiff. Override if needed.
IsStiff()189     virtual bool IsStiff() override { return loader.IsStiff(); }
191     /// Create the jacobian loads if needed, and also
192     /// set the ChVariables referenced by the sparse KRM block.
193     virtual void CreateJacobianMatrices() override;
194 };
196 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 /// Loads acting on a single ChLoadable item.
199 /// Differently form ChLoad, this does not use the ChLoader interface,
200 /// so one must inherit from this and implement ComputeQ() directly.
201 /// The ComputeQ() must write the generalized forces Q into the "load_Q" vector of this object.
203 class ChApi ChLoadCustom : public ChLoadBase {
204   public:
205     std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> loadable;
206     ChVectorDynamic<> load_Q;
208     ChLoadCustom(std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> mloadable);
~ChLoadCustom()210     virtual ~ChLoadCustom() {}
212     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_x() override;
213     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_w() override;
214     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_x(ChState& mD) override;
215     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_w(ChStateDelta& mD) override;
216     virtual void LoadStateIncrement(const ChState& x, const ChStateDelta& dw, ChState& x_new) override;
217     virtual int LoadGet_field_ncoords() override;
219     /// Compute jacobians (default fallback).
220     /// Uses a numerical differentiation for computing K, R, M jacobians, if stiff load.
221     /// If possible, override this with an analytical jacobian.
222     /// Compute the K=-dQ/dx, R=-dQ/dv , M=-dQ/da jacobians.
223     /// Called automatically at each Update().
224     virtual void ComputeJacobian(ChState* state_x,       ///< state position to evaluate jacobians
225                                  ChStateDelta* state_w,  ///< state speed to evaluate jacobians
226                                  ChMatrixRef mK,         ///< result dQ/dx
227                                  ChMatrixRef mR,         ///< result dQ/dv
228                                  ChMatrixRef mM          ///< result dQ/da
229                                  ) override;
231     virtual void LoadIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) override;
233     /// Create the jacobian loads if needed, and also
234     /// set the ChVariables referenced by the sparse KRM block.
235     virtual void CreateJacobianMatrices() override;
237     /// Access the generalized load vector Q.
GetQ()238     virtual ChVectorDynamic<>& GetQ() { return load_Q; }
239 };
241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 /// Loads acting on multiple ChLoadable items.
244 /// One must inherit from this and implement ComputeQ() directly. The ComputeQ() must
245 /// write the generalized forces Q into the "load_Q" vector of this object.
246 /// Given that multiple ChLoadable objects are referenced here, their sub-forces Q are
247 /// assumed appended in sequence in the "load_Q" vector, in the same order that has been
248 /// used in the std::vector "mloadables" for ChLoadCustomMultiple creation.
249 /// The same applies for the order of the sub-matrices of jacobians K,R etc.
251 class ChApi ChLoadCustomMultiple : public ChLoadBase {
252   public:
253     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable>> loadables;
254     ChVectorDynamic<> load_Q;
256     ChLoadCustomMultiple(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable>>& mloadables);
257     ChLoadCustomMultiple(std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> mloadableA, std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> mloadableB);
258     ChLoadCustomMultiple(std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> mloadableA,
259                          std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> mloadableB,
260                          std::shared_ptr<ChLoadable> mloadableC);
~ChLoadCustomMultiple()262     virtual ~ChLoadCustomMultiple() {}
264     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_x() override;
265     virtual int LoadGet_ndof_w() override;
266     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_x(ChState& mD) override;
267     virtual void LoadGetStateBlock_w(ChStateDelta& mD) override;
268     virtual void LoadStateIncrement(const ChState& x, const ChStateDelta& dw, ChState& x_new) override;
269     virtual int LoadGet_field_ncoords() override;
271     /// Compute jacobians (default fallback).
272     /// Compute the K=-dQ/dx, R=-dQ/dv , M=-dQ/da jacobians.
273     /// Uses a numerical differentiation for computing K, R, M jacobians, if stiff load.
274     /// If possible, override this with an analytical jacobian.
275     /// NOTE: Given that multiple ChLoadable objects are referenced here, sub-matrices of mK,mR are
276     /// assumed pasted in i,j block-positions where i,j reflect the same order that has been
277     /// used in the std::vector "mloadables" at ChLoadCustomMultiple creation.
278     /// Called automatically at each Update().
279     virtual void ComputeJacobian(ChState* state_x,       ///< state position to evaluate jacobians
280                                  ChStateDelta* state_w,  ///< state speed to evaluate jacobians
281                                  ChMatrixRef mK,         ///< result dQ/dx
282                                  ChMatrixRef mR,         ///< result dQ/dv
283                                  ChMatrixRef mM          ///< result dQ/da
284                                  ) override;
286     virtual void LoadIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) override;
288     /// Create the jacobian loads if needed, and also
289     /// set the ChVariables referenced by the sparse KRM block.
290     virtual void CreateJacobianMatrices() override;
292     /// Access the generalized load vector Q.
GetQ()293     virtual ChVectorDynamic<>& GetQ() { return load_Q; }
294 };
296 // =============================================================================
297 // IMPLEMENTATION OF ChLoad<Tloader> methods
298 // =============================================================================
300 template <class Tloader>
LoadGet_ndof_x()301 inline int ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadGet_ndof_x() {
302     return this->loader.GetLoadable()->LoadableGet_ndof_x();
303 }
305 template <class Tloader>
LoadGet_ndof_w()306 inline int ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadGet_ndof_w() {
307     return this->loader.GetLoadable()->LoadableGet_ndof_w();
308 }
310 template <class Tloader>
LoadGetStateBlock_x(ChState & mD)311 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadGetStateBlock_x(ChState& mD) {
312     this->loader.GetLoadable()->LoadableGetStateBlock_x(0, mD);
313 }
315 template <class Tloader>
LoadGetStateBlock_w(ChStateDelta & mD)316 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadGetStateBlock_w(ChStateDelta& mD) {
317     this->loader.GetLoadable()->LoadableGetStateBlock_w(0, mD);
318 }
320 template <class Tloader>
LoadStateIncrement(const ChState & x,const ChStateDelta & dw,ChState & x_new)321 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadStateIncrement(const ChState& x, const ChStateDelta& dw, ChState& x_new) {
322     this->loader.GetLoadable()->LoadableStateIncrement(0, x_new, x, 0, dw);
323 }
325 template <class Tloader>
LoadGet_field_ncoords()326 inline int ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadGet_field_ncoords() {
327     return this->loader.GetLoadable()->Get_field_ncoords();
328 }
330 template <class Tloader>
ComputeQ(ChState * state_x,ChStateDelta * state_w)331 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::ComputeQ(ChState* state_x, ChStateDelta* state_w) {
332     this->loader.ComputeQ(state_x, state_w);
333 }
335 template <class Tloader>
ComputeJacobian(ChState * state_x,ChStateDelta * state_w,ChMatrixRef mK,ChMatrixRef mR,ChMatrixRef mM)336 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::ComputeJacobian(ChState* state_x,
337                                              ChStateDelta* state_w,
338                                              ChMatrixRef mK,
339                                              ChMatrixRef mR,
340                                              ChMatrixRef mM) {
341     double Delta = 1e-8;
343     int mrows_w = this->LoadGet_ndof_w();
344     int mrows_x = this->LoadGet_ndof_x();
346     // compute Q at current speed & position, x_0, v_0
347     ChVectorDynamic<> Q0(mrows_w);
348     this->loader.ComputeQ(state_x, state_w);  // Q0 = Q(x, v)
349     Q0 = this->loader.Q;
351     ChVectorDynamic<> Q1(mrows_w);
352     ChVectorDynamic<> Jcolumn(mrows_w);
353     ChState state_x_inc(mrows_x, nullptr);
354     ChStateDelta state_delta(mrows_w, nullptr);
356     // Compute K=-dQ(x,v)/dx by backward differentiation
357     state_delta.setZero(mrows_w, nullptr);
359     for (int i = 0; i < mrows_w; ++i) {
360         state_delta(i) += Delta;
361         this->LoadStateIncrement(*state_x, state_delta,
362                                  state_x_inc);         // exponential, usually state_x_inc(i) = state_x(i) + Delta;
363         this->loader.ComputeQ(&state_x_inc, state_w);  // Q1 = Q(x+Dx, v)
364         Q1 = this->loader.Q;
365         state_delta(i) -= Delta;
367         Jcolumn = (Q1 - Q0) * (-1.0 / Delta);  // - sign because K=-dQ/dx
368         this->jacobians->K.block(0, i, mrows_w, 1) = Jcolumn;
369     }
370     // Compute R=-dQ(x,v)/dv by backward differentiation
371     for (int i = 0; i < mrows_w; ++i) {
372         (*state_w)(i) += Delta;
373         this->loader.ComputeQ(state_x, state_w);  // Q1 = Q(x, v+Dv)
374         Q1 = this->loader.Q;
375         (*state_w)(i) -= Delta;
377         Jcolumn = (Q1 - Q0) * (-1.0 / Delta);  // - sign because R=-dQ/dv
378         this->jacobians->R.block(0, i, mrows_w, 1) = Jcolumn;
379     }
380 }
382 template <class Tloader>
LoadIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<> & R,const double c)383 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::LoadIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) {
384     unsigned int rowQ = 0;
385     for (int i = 0; i < this->loader.GetLoadable()->GetSubBlocks(); ++i) {
386         if (this->loader.GetLoadable()->IsSubBlockActive(i)) {
387             unsigned int moffset = this->loader.GetLoadable()->GetSubBlockOffset(i);
388             for (unsigned int row = 0; row < this->loader.GetLoadable()->GetSubBlockSize(i); ++row) {
389                 R(row + moffset) += this->loader.Q(rowQ) * c;
390                 ++rowQ;
391             }
392         }
393     }
394 }
396 template <class Tloader>
CreateJacobianMatrices()397 inline void ChLoad<Tloader>::CreateJacobianMatrices() {
398     if (!this->jacobians) {
399         // create jacobian structure
400         this->jacobians = new ChLoadJacobians;
401         // set variables forsparse KRM block
402         std::vector<ChVariables*> mvars;
403         loader.GetLoadable()->LoadableGetVariables(mvars);
404         this->jacobians->SetVariables(mvars);
405     }
406 }
408 }  // end namespace chrono
410 #endif