1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Daniel Melanz
13 // =============================================================================
14 //
15 // Base class for a MacPherson strut modeled with bodies and constraints.
16 //
17 // The suspension subsystem is modeled with respect to a right-handed frame,
18 // with X pointing towards the front, Y to the left, and Z up (ISO standard).
19 // The suspension reference frame is assumed to be always aligned with that of
20 // the vehicle.  When attached to a chassis, only an offset is provided.
21 //
22 // All point locations are assumed to be given for the left half of the
23 // suspension and will be mirrored (reflecting the y coordinates) to construct
24 // the right side.
25 //
26 // =============================================================================
28 #include "chrono/assets/ChCylinderShape.h"
29 #include "chrono/assets/ChSphereShape.h"
30 #include "chrono/assets/ChPointPointDrawing.h"
31 #include "chrono/assets/ChColorAsset.h"
33 #include "chrono_vehicle/wheeled_vehicle/suspension/ChMacPhersonStrut.h"
35 namespace chrono {
36 namespace vehicle {
38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 // Static variables
40 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 const std::string ChMacPhersonStrut::m_pointNames[] = {"SPINDLE ", "UPRIGHT ", "LCA_F   ", "LCA_B   ",
42                                                        "LCA_U   ", "LCA_CM  ", "SHOCK_C ", "SHOCK_A ",
43                                                        "SPRING_C", "SPRING_A", "TIEROD_C", "TIEROD_U"};
45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChMacPhersonStrut(const std::string & name)47 ChMacPhersonStrut::ChMacPhersonStrut(const std::string& name) : ChSuspension(name) {}
~ChMacPhersonStrut()49 ChMacPhersonStrut::~ChMacPhersonStrut() {
50     auto sys = m_upright[0]->GetSystem();
51     if (sys) {
52         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
53             sys->Remove(m_upright[i]);
54             sys->Remove(m_strut[i]);
55             sys->Remove(m_LCA[i]);
57             sys->Remove(m_cylindricalStrut[i]);
58             sys->Remove(m_universalStrut[i]);
60             ChChassis::RemoveJoint(m_revoluteLCA[i]);
61             ChChassis::RemoveJoint(m_sphericalLCA[i]);
63             if (m_tierod[i]) {
64                 sys->Remove(m_tierod[i]);
65                 ChChassis::RemoveJoint(m_sphericalTierod[i]);
66                 ChChassis::RemoveJoint(m_universalTierod[i]);
67             }
68             if (m_distTierod[i]) {
69                 sys->Remove(m_distTierod[i]);
70             }
72             sys->Remove(m_shock[i]);
73             sys->Remove(m_spring[i]);
74         }
75     }
76 }
78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChChassis> chassis,std::shared_ptr<ChSubchassis> subchassis,std::shared_ptr<ChSteering> steering,const ChVector<> & location,double left_ang_vel,double right_ang_vel)80 void ChMacPhersonStrut::Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChChassis> chassis,
81                                    std::shared_ptr<ChSubchassis> subchassis,
82                                    std::shared_ptr<ChSteering> steering,
83                                    const ChVector<>& location,
84                                    double left_ang_vel,
85                                    double right_ang_vel) {
86     m_location = location;
88     // Express the suspension reference frame in the absolute coordinate system.
89     ChFrame<> suspension_to_abs(location);
90     suspension_to_abs.ConcatenatePreTransformation(chassis->GetBody()->GetFrame_REF_to_abs());
92     // Transform all hardpoints to absolute frame.
93     m_pointsL.resize(NUM_POINTS);
94     m_pointsR.resize(NUM_POINTS);
95     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS; i++) {
96         ChVector<> rel_pos = getLocation(static_cast<PointId>(i));
97         m_pointsL[i] = suspension_to_abs.TransformLocalToParent(rel_pos);
98         rel_pos.y() = -rel_pos.y();
99         m_pointsR[i] = suspension_to_abs.TransformLocalToParent(rel_pos);
100     }
102     // Initialize left and right sides.
103     std::shared_ptr<ChBody> tierod_body = (steering == nullptr) ? chassis->GetBody() : steering->GetSteeringLink();
104     InitializeSide(LEFT, chassis, tierod_body, m_pointsL, left_ang_vel);
105     InitializeSide(RIGHT, chassis, tierod_body, m_pointsR, right_ang_vel);
106 }
InitializeSide(VehicleSide side,std::shared_ptr<ChChassis> chassis,std::shared_ptr<ChBody> tierod_body,const std::vector<ChVector<>> & points,double ang_vel)108 void ChMacPhersonStrut::InitializeSide(VehicleSide side,
109                                        std::shared_ptr<ChChassis> chassis,
110                                        std::shared_ptr<ChBody> tierod_body,
111                                        const std::vector<ChVector<>>& points,
112                                        double ang_vel) {
113     std::string suffix = (side == LEFT) ? "_L" : "_R";
115     // Chassis orientation (expressed in absolute frame)
116     // Recall that the suspension reference frame is aligned with the chassis.
117     ChQuaternion<> chassisRot = chassis->GetBody()->GetFrame_REF_to_abs().GetRot();
119     // Unit vectors for orientation matrices.
120     ChVector<> u;
121     ChVector<> v;
122     ChVector<> w;
123     ChMatrix33<> rot;
125     // Create and initialize spindle body (same orientation as the chassis)
126     m_spindle[side] = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
127     m_spindle[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_spindle" + suffix);
128     m_spindle[side]->SetPos(points[SPINDLE]);
129     m_spindle[side]->SetRot(chassisRot);
130     m_spindle[side]->SetWvel_loc(ChVector<>(0, ang_vel, 0));
131     m_spindle[side]->SetMass(getSpindleMass());
132     m_spindle[side]->SetInertiaXX(getSpindleInertia());
133     chassis->GetSystem()->AddBody(m_spindle[side]);
135     // Create and initialize upright body (same orientation as the chassis)
136     m_upright[side] = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
137     m_upright[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_upright" + suffix);
138     m_upright[side]->SetPos(points[UPRIGHT]);
139     m_upright[side]->SetRot(chassisRot);
140     m_upright[side]->SetMass(getUprightMass());
141     m_upright[side]->SetInertiaXX(getUprightInertia());
142     chassis->GetSystem()->AddBody(m_upright[side]);
144     // Create and initialize Strut body.
145     m_strut[side] = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
146     m_strut[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_Strut" + suffix);
147     m_strut[side]->SetPos((points[SPRING_C] + points[SPRING_U]) / 2);
148     m_strut[side]->SetRot(chassisRot);
149     m_strut[side]->SetMass(getStrutMass());
150     m_strut[side]->SetInertiaXX(getStrutInertia());
151     chassis->GetSystem()->AddBody(m_strut[side]);
153     // Create and initialize Lower Control Arm body.
154     // Determine the rotation matrix of the LCA, based on the plane of the hard points
155     // (z axis normal to the plane of the LCA)
156     w = Vcross(points[LCA_B] - points[LCA_U], points[LCA_F] - points[LCA_U]);
157     w.Normalize();
158     u = points[LCA_F] - points[LCA_B];
159     u.Normalize();
160     v = Vcross(w, u);
161     rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);
163     m_LCA[side] = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
164     m_LCA[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_LCA" + suffix);
165     m_LCA[side]->SetPos(points[LCA_CM]);
166     m_LCA[side]->SetRot(rot);
167     m_LCA[side]->SetMass(getLCAMass());
168     m_LCA[side]->SetInertiaXX(getLCAInertia());
169     chassis->GetSystem()->AddBody(m_LCA[side]);
171     // Create and initialize the revolute joint between upright and spindle.
172     ChCoordsys<> rev_csys(points[SPINDLE], chassisRot * Q_from_AngAxis(-CH_C_PI / 2.0, VECT_X));
173     m_revolute[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkLockRevolute>();
174     m_revolute[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_revolute" + suffix);
175     m_revolute[side]->Initialize(m_spindle[side], m_upright[side], rev_csys);
176     chassis->GetSystem()->AddLink(m_revolute[side]);
178     // Create and initialize the cylindrical joint between upright and strut.
179     // Determine the joint orientation matrix from the hardpoint locations by
180     // constructing a rotation matrix with the z axis along the joint direction
181     // and the y axis normal to the plane of the UCA.
182     w = points[SPRING_C] - points[SPRING_U];
183     w.Normalize();
184     v = Vcross(points[SPRING_U] - points[LCA_B], points[SPRING_C] - points[LCA_B]);
185     v.Normalize();
186     u = Vcross(v, w);
187     u.Normalize();
188     rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);
190     m_cylindricalStrut[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkLockCylindrical>();
191     m_cylindricalStrut[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_cylindricalStrut" + suffix);
192     m_cylindricalStrut[side]->Initialize(m_strut[side], m_upright[side],
193                                          ChCoordsys<>(points[SPRING_U], rot.Get_A_quaternion()));
194     chassis->GetSystem()->AddLink(m_cylindricalStrut[side]);
196     // Create and initialize the universal joint between chassis and UCA.
197     //// Determine the joint orientation matrix from the hardpoint locations by
198     //// constructing a rotation matrix with the z axis along the joint direction
199     //// and the y axis normal to the plane of the UCA.
200     // v = Vcross(points[UCA_B] - points[UCA_U], points[UCA_F] - points[UCA_U]);
201     // v.Normalize();
202     // w = points[UCA_F] - points[UCA_B];
203     // w.Normalize();
204     // u = Vcross(v, w);
205     // rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);
206     // TODO: Is this the correct rotation matrix?
207     m_universalStrut[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkUniversal>();
208     m_universalStrut[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_universalStrut" + suffix);
209     m_universalStrut[side]->Initialize(chassis->GetBody(), m_strut[side],
210                                        ChFrame<>(points[SPRING_C], rot.Get_A_quaternion()));
211     chassis->GetSystem()->AddLink(m_universalStrut[side]);
213     // Create and initialize the revolute joint between chassis and LCA.
214     // Determine the joint orientation matrix from the hardpoint locations by
215     // constructing a rotation matrix with the z axis along the joint direction
216     // and the y axis normal to the plane of the LCA.
217     v = Vcross(points[LCA_B] - points[LCA_U], points[LCA_F] - points[LCA_U]);
218     v.Normalize();
219     w = points[LCA_F] - points[LCA_B];
220     w.Normalize();
221     u = Vcross(v, w);
222     rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);
224     m_revoluteLCA[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChVehicleJoint>(
225         ChVehicleJoint::Type::REVOLUTE, m_name + "_revoluteLCA" + suffix, chassis->GetBody(), m_LCA[side],
226         ChCoordsys<>((points[LCA_F] + points[LCA_B]) / 2, rot.Get_A_quaternion()), getLCABushingData());
227     chassis->AddJoint(m_revoluteLCA[side]);
229     // Create and initialize the spherical joint between upright and LCA.
230     m_sphericalLCA[side] =
231         chrono_types::make_shared<ChVehicleJoint>(ChVehicleJoint::Type::SPHERICAL, m_name + "_sphericalLCA" + suffix,
232                                                   m_LCA[side], m_upright[side], ChCoordsys<>(points[LCA_U], QUNIT));
233     chassis->AddJoint(m_sphericalLCA[side]);
235     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
236         // Orientation of tierod body
237         w = (points[TIEROD_U] - points[TIEROD_C]).GetNormalized();
238         u = chassisRot.GetXaxis();
239         v = Vcross(w, u).GetNormalized();
240         u = Vcross(v, w);
241         rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);
243         // Create the tierod body
244         m_tierod[side] = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetBody()->GetSystem()->NewBody());
245         m_tierod[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_tierodBody" + suffix);
246         m_tierod[side]->SetPos((points[TIEROD_U] + points[TIEROD_C]) / 2);
247         m_tierod[side]->SetRot(rot.Get_A_quaternion());
248         m_tierod[side]->SetMass(getTierodMass());
249         m_tierod[side]->SetInertiaXX(getTierodInertia());
250         chassis->GetBody()->GetSystem()->AddBody(m_tierod[side]);
252         // Connect tierod body to upright (spherical) and chassis (universal)
253         m_sphericalTierod[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChVehicleJoint>(
254             ChVehicleJoint::Type::SPHERICAL, m_name + "_sphericalTierod" + suffix, m_upright[side], m_tierod[side],
255             ChCoordsys<>(points[TIEROD_U], QUNIT), getTierodBushingData());
256         chassis->AddJoint(m_sphericalTierod[side]);
257         m_universalTierod[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChVehicleJoint>(
258             ChVehicleJoint::Type::UNIVERSAL, m_name + "_universalTierod" + suffix, tierod_body, m_tierod[side],
259             ChCoordsys<>(points[TIEROD_C], rot.Get_A_quaternion()), getTierodBushingData());
260         chassis->AddJoint(m_universalTierod[side]);
261     } else {
262         // Create and initialize the tierod distance constraint between chassis and upright.
263         m_distTierod[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkDistance>();
264         m_distTierod[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_distTierod" + suffix);
265         m_distTierod[side]->Initialize(tierod_body, m_upright[side], false, points[TIEROD_C], points[TIEROD_U]);
266         chassis->GetSystem()->AddLink(m_distTierod[side]);
267     }
269     // Create and initialize the spring/damper
270     m_shock[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkTSDA>();
271     m_shock[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_shock" + suffix);
272     m_shock[side]->Initialize(chassis->GetBody(), m_upright[side], false, points[SHOCK_C], points[SHOCK_U]);
273     m_shock[side]->RegisterForceFunctor(getShockForceFunctor());
274     chassis->GetSystem()->AddLink(m_shock[side]);
276     m_spring[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkTSDA>();
277     m_spring[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_spring" + suffix);
278     m_spring[side]->Initialize(chassis->GetBody(), m_upright[side], false, points[SPRING_C], points[SPRING_U], false,
279                                getSpringRestLength());
280     m_spring[side]->RegisterForceFunctor(getSpringForceFunctor());
281     chassis->GetSystem()->AddLink(m_spring[side]);
283     // Create and initialize the axle shaft and its connection to the spindle. Note that the
284     // spindle rotates about the Y axis.
285     m_axle[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChShaft>();
286     m_axle[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_axle" + suffix);
287     m_axle[side]->SetInertia(getAxleInertia());
288     m_axle[side]->SetPos_dt(-ang_vel);
289     chassis->GetSystem()->Add(m_axle[side]);
291     m_axle_to_spindle[side] = chrono_types::make_shared<ChShaftsBody>();
292     m_axle_to_spindle[side]->SetNameString(m_name + "_axle_to_spindle" + suffix);
293     m_axle_to_spindle[side]->Initialize(m_axle[side], m_spindle[side], ChVector<>(0, -1, 0));
294     chassis->GetSystem()->Add(m_axle_to_spindle[side]);
295 }
297 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 // Get the total mass of the suspension subsystem.
299 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetMass() const300 double ChMacPhersonStrut::GetMass() const {
301     return 2 * (getSpindleMass() + getStrutMass() + getLCAMass() + getUprightMass());
302 }
304 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
305 // Get the current COM location of the suspension subsystem.
306 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCOMPos() const307 ChVector<> ChMacPhersonStrut::GetCOMPos() const {
308     ChVector<> com(0, 0, 0);
310     com += getSpindleMass() * m_spindle[LEFT]->GetPos();
311     com += getSpindleMass() * m_spindle[RIGHT]->GetPos();
313     com += getStrutMass() * m_strut[LEFT]->GetPos();
314     com += getStrutMass() * m_strut[RIGHT]->GetPos();
316     com += getLCAMass() * m_LCA[LEFT]->GetPos();
317     com += getLCAMass() * m_LCA[RIGHT]->GetPos();
319     com += getUprightMass() * m_upright[LEFT]->GetPos();
320     com += getUprightMass() * m_upright[RIGHT]->GetPos();
322     return com / GetMass();
323 }
325 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
326 // Get the wheel track using the spindle local position.
327 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetTrack()328 double ChMacPhersonStrut::GetTrack() {
329     return 2 * getLocation(SPINDLE).y();
330 }
332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 // Return current suspension forces
334 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReportSuspensionForce(VehicleSide side) const335 ChSuspension::Force ChMacPhersonStrut::ReportSuspensionForce(VehicleSide side) const {
336     ChSuspension::Force force;
338     force.spring_force = m_spring[side]->GetForce();
339     force.spring_length = m_spring[side]->GetLength();
340     force.spring_velocity = m_spring[side]->GetVelocity();
342     force.shock_force = m_shock[side]->GetForce();
343     force.shock_length = m_shock[side]->GetLength();
344     force.shock_velocity = m_shock[side]->GetVelocity();
346     return force;
347 }
349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
350 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LogHardpointLocations(const ChVector<> & ref,bool inches)351 void ChMacPhersonStrut::LogHardpointLocations(const ChVector<>& ref, bool inches) {
352     double unit = inches ? 1 / 0.0254 : 1.0;
354     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS; i++) {
355         ChVector<> pos = ref + unit * getLocation(static_cast<PointId>(i));
357         GetLog() << "   " << m_pointNames[i].c_str() << "  " << pos.x() << "  " << pos.y() << "  " << pos.z() << "\n";
358     }
359 }
361 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
362 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LogConstraintViolations(VehicleSide side)363 void ChMacPhersonStrut::LogConstraintViolations(VehicleSide side) {
364     // Revolute joints
365     {
366         ChVectorDynamic<> C = m_revoluteLCA[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
367         GetLog() << "LCA revolute          ";
368         GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
369         GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
370         GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "  ";
371         GetLog() << "  " << C(3) << "  ";
372         GetLog() << "  " << C(4) << "\n";
373     }
374     {
375         ChVectorDynamic<> C = m_revolute[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
376         GetLog() << "Spindle revolute      ";
377         GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
378         GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
379         GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "  ";
380         GetLog() << "  " << C(3) << "  ";
381         GetLog() << "  " << C(4) << "\n";
382     }
384     // Spherical joints
385     {
386         ChVectorDynamic<> C = m_sphericalLCA[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
387         GetLog() << "LCA spherical         ";
388         GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
389         GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
390         GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "\n";
391     }
393     // Universal joints
394     {
395         ChVectorDynamic<> C = m_universalStrut[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
396         GetLog() << "Strut universal       ";
397         GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
398         GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
399         GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "\n";
400         GetLog() << "  " << C(3) << "\n";
401     }
403     // Cylindrical joints
404     {
405         ChVectorDynamic<> C = m_cylindricalStrut[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
406         GetLog() << "Strut cylindrical     ";
407         GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
408         GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
409         GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "\n";
410         GetLog() << "  " << C(3) << "\n";
411     }
413     // Tierod constraint
414     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
415         {
416             const auto& C = m_sphericalTierod[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
417             GetLog() << "Tierod spherical      ";
418             GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
419             GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
420             GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "\n";
421         }
422         {
423             const auto& C = m_universalTierod[side]->GetConstraintViolation();
424             GetLog() << "Tierod universal      ";
425             GetLog() << "  " << C(0) << "  ";
426             GetLog() << "  " << C(1) << "  ";
427             GetLog() << "  " << C(2) << "\n";
428             GetLog() << "  " << C(3) << "\n";
429         }
430     } else {
431         GetLog() << "Tierod distance       ";
432         GetLog() << "  " << m_distTierod[side]->GetCurrentDistance() - m_distTierod[side]->GetImposedDistance() << "\n";
433     }
434 }
436 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
437 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AddVisualizationAssets(VisualizationType vis)438 void ChMacPhersonStrut::AddVisualizationAssets(VisualizationType vis) {
439     ChSuspension::AddVisualizationAssets(vis);
441     if (vis == VisualizationType::NONE)
442         return;
444     AddVisualizationUpright(m_upright[LEFT], 0.5 * (m_pointsL[SPINDLE] + m_pointsL[UPRIGHT]), m_pointsL[SPRING_U],
445                             m_pointsL[LCA_U], m_pointsL[TIEROD_U], getUprightRadius());
446     AddVisualizationUpright(m_upright[RIGHT], 0.5 * (m_pointsR[SPINDLE] + m_pointsR[UPRIGHT]), m_pointsR[SPRING_U],
447                             m_pointsR[LCA_U], m_pointsR[TIEROD_U], getUprightRadius());
449     AddVisualizationStrut(m_strut[LEFT], m_pointsL[SPRING_C], m_pointsL[SPRING_U], getStrutRadius());
450     AddVisualizationStrut(m_strut[RIGHT], m_pointsR[SPRING_C], m_pointsR[SPRING_U], getStrutRadius());
452     AddVisualizationControlArm(m_LCA[LEFT], m_pointsL[LCA_F], m_pointsL[LCA_B], m_pointsL[LCA_U], getLCARadius());
453     AddVisualizationControlArm(m_LCA[RIGHT], m_pointsR[LCA_F], m_pointsR[LCA_B], m_pointsR[LCA_U], getLCARadius());
455     // Add visualization for the springs and shocks
456     m_spring[LEFT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChPointPointSpring>(0.06, 150, 15));
457     m_spring[RIGHT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChPointPointSpring>(0.06, 150, 15));
459     m_shock[LEFT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChPointPointSegment>());
460     m_shock[RIGHT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChPointPointSegment>());
462     // Add visualization for the tie-rods
463     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
464         AddVisualizationTierod(m_tierod[LEFT], m_pointsL[TIEROD_C], m_pointsL[TIEROD_U], getTierodRadius());
465         AddVisualizationTierod(m_tierod[RIGHT], m_pointsR[TIEROD_C], m_pointsR[TIEROD_U], getTierodRadius());
466     } else {
467         m_distTierod[LEFT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChPointPointSegment>());
468         m_distTierod[RIGHT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChPointPointSegment>());
469         m_distTierod[LEFT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChColorAsset>(0.8f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
470         m_distTierod[RIGHT]->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChColorAsset>(0.8f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
471     }
472 }
RemoveVisualizationAssets()474 void ChMacPhersonStrut::RemoveVisualizationAssets() {
475     ChSuspension::RemoveVisualizationAssets();
477     m_upright[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
478     m_upright[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
480     m_strut[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
481     m_strut[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
483     m_LCA[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
484     m_LCA[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
486     m_spring[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
487     m_spring[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
489     m_shock[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
490     m_shock[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
492     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
493         m_tierod[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
494         m_tierod[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
495     } else {
496         m_distTierod[LEFT]->GetAssets().clear();
497         m_distTierod[RIGHT]->GetAssets().clear();
498     }
499 }
501 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AddVisualizationStrut(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> strut,const ChVector<> pt_c,const ChVector<> pt_u,double radius)503 void ChMacPhersonStrut::AddVisualizationStrut(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> strut,
504                                               const ChVector<> pt_c,
505                                               const ChVector<> pt_u,
506                                               double radius) {
507     // Express hardpoint locations in body frame.
508     ChVector<> p_c = strut->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_c);
509     ChVector<> p_u = strut->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_u);
511     auto cyl = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
512     cyl->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_c;
513     cyl->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_u;
514     cyl->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
515     strut->AddAsset(cyl);
517     auto col = chrono_types::make_shared<ChColorAsset>();
518     col->SetColor(ChColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f));
519     strut->AddAsset(col);
520 }
AddVisualizationControlArm(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> arm,const ChVector<> pt_F,const ChVector<> pt_B,const ChVector<> pt_U,double radius)522 void ChMacPhersonStrut::AddVisualizationControlArm(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> arm,
523                                                    const ChVector<> pt_F,
524                                                    const ChVector<> pt_B,
525                                                    const ChVector<> pt_U,
526                                                    double radius) {
527     // Express hardpoint locations in body frame.
528     ChVector<> p_F = arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_F);
529     ChVector<> p_B = arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_B);
530     ChVector<> p_U = arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_U);
532     auto cyl_F = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
533     cyl_F->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_F;
534     cyl_F->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_U;
535     cyl_F->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
536     arm->AddAsset(cyl_F);
538     auto cyl_B = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
539     cyl_B->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_B;
540     cyl_B->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_U;
541     cyl_B->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
542     arm->AddAsset(cyl_B);
544     auto col = chrono_types::make_shared<ChColorAsset>();
545     col->SetColor(ChColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f));
546     arm->AddAsset(col);
547 }
AddVisualizationUpright(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> upright,const ChVector<> pt_C,const ChVector<> pt_U,const ChVector<> pt_L,const ChVector<> pt_T,double radius)549 void ChMacPhersonStrut::AddVisualizationUpright(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> upright,
550                                                 const ChVector<> pt_C,
551                                                 const ChVector<> pt_U,
552                                                 const ChVector<> pt_L,
553                                                 const ChVector<> pt_T,
554                                                 double radius) {
555     static const double threshold2 = 1e-6;
557     // Express hardpoint locations in body frame.
558     ChVector<> p_C = upright->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_C);
559     ChVector<> p_U = upright->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_U);
560     ChVector<> p_L = upright->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_L);
561     ChVector<> p_T = upright->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_T);
563     if ((p_L - p_C).Length2() > threshold2) {
564         auto cyl_L = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
565         cyl_L->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_L;
566         cyl_L->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_C;
567         cyl_L->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
568         upright->AddAsset(cyl_L);
569     }
571     if ((p_U - p_C).Length2() > threshold2) {
572         auto cyl_U = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
573         cyl_U->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_U;
574         cyl_U->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_C;
575         cyl_U->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
576         upright->AddAsset(cyl_U);
577     }
579     if ((p_T - p_C).Length2() > threshold2) {
580         auto cyl_T = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
581         cyl_T->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_T;
582         cyl_T->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_C;
583         cyl_T->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
584         upright->AddAsset(cyl_T);
585     }
587     auto col = chrono_types::make_shared<ChColorAsset>();
588     col->SetColor(ChColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.6f));
589     upright->AddAsset(col);
590 }
AddVisualizationTierod(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> tierod,const ChVector<> pt_C,const ChVector<> pt_U,double radius)592 void ChMacPhersonStrut::AddVisualizationTierod(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> tierod,
593                                                const ChVector<> pt_C,
594                                                const ChVector<> pt_U,
595                                                double radius) {
596     // Express hardpoint locations in body frame.
597     ChVector<> p_C = tierod->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_C);
598     ChVector<> p_U = tierod->TransformPointParentToLocal(pt_U);
600     auto cyl = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
601     cyl->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = p_C;
602     cyl->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = p_U;
603     cyl->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = radius;
604     tierod->AddAsset(cyl);
606     tierod->AddAsset(chrono_types::make_shared<ChColorAsset>(0.8f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
607 }
609 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
610 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExportComponentList(rapidjson::Document & jsonDocument) const611 void ChMacPhersonStrut::ExportComponentList(rapidjson::Document& jsonDocument) const {
612     ChPart::ExportComponentList(jsonDocument);
614     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChBody>> bodies;
615     bodies.push_back(m_spindle[0]);
616     bodies.push_back(m_spindle[1]);
617     bodies.push_back(m_upright[0]);
618     bodies.push_back(m_upright[1]);
619     bodies.push_back(m_strut[0]);
620     bodies.push_back(m_strut[1]);
621     bodies.push_back(m_LCA[0]);
622     bodies.push_back(m_LCA[1]);
623     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
624         bodies.push_back(m_tierod[0]);
625         bodies.push_back(m_tierod[1]);
626     }
627     ChPart::ExportBodyList(jsonDocument, bodies);
629     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChShaft>> shafts;
630     shafts.push_back(m_axle[0]);
631     shafts.push_back(m_axle[1]);
632     ChPart::ExportShaftList(jsonDocument, shafts);
634     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLink>> joints;
635     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLoadBodyBody>> bushings;
636     joints.push_back(m_revolute[0]);
637     joints.push_back(m_revolute[1]);
638     joints.push_back(m_cylindricalStrut[0]);
639     joints.push_back(m_cylindricalStrut[1]);
640     joints.push_back(m_universalStrut[0]);
641     joints.push_back(m_universalStrut[1]);
642     m_revoluteLCA[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[0]->GetAsLink())
643                                     : bushings.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[0]->GetAsBushing());
644     m_revoluteLCA[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[1]->GetAsLink())
645                                     : bushings.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[1]->GetAsBushing());
646     m_sphericalLCA[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[0]->GetAsLink())
647                                      : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[0]->GetAsBushing());
648     m_sphericalLCA[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[1]->GetAsLink())
649                                      : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[1]->GetAsBushing());
650     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
651         m_sphericalTierod[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[0]->GetAsLink())
652                                             : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[0]->GetAsBushing());
653         m_sphericalTierod[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[1]->GetAsLink())
654                                             : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[1]->GetAsBushing());
655         m_universalTierod[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_universalTierod[0]->GetAsLink())
656                                             : bushings.push_back(m_universalTierod[0]->GetAsBushing());
657         m_universalTierod[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_universalTierod[1]->GetAsLink())
658                                             : bushings.push_back(m_universalTierod[1]->GetAsBushing());
659     } else {
660         joints.push_back(m_distTierod[0]);
661         joints.push_back(m_distTierod[1]);
662     }
663     ChPart::ExportJointList(jsonDocument, joints);
664     ChPart::ExportBodyLoadList(jsonDocument, bushings);
666     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLinkTSDA>> springs;
667     springs.push_back(m_spring[0]);
668     springs.push_back(m_spring[1]);
669     springs.push_back(m_shock[0]);
670     springs.push_back(m_shock[1]);
671     ChPart::ExportLinSpringList(jsonDocument, springs);
672 }
Output(ChVehicleOutput & database) const674 void ChMacPhersonStrut::Output(ChVehicleOutput& database) const {
675     if (!m_output)
676         return;
678     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChBody>> bodies;
679     bodies.push_back(m_spindle[0]);
680     bodies.push_back(m_spindle[1]);
681     bodies.push_back(m_upright[0]);
682     bodies.push_back(m_upright[1]);
683     bodies.push_back(m_strut[0]);
684     bodies.push_back(m_strut[1]);
685     bodies.push_back(m_LCA[0]);
686     bodies.push_back(m_LCA[1]);
687     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
688         bodies.push_back(m_tierod[0]);
689         bodies.push_back(m_tierod[1]);
690     }
691     database.WriteBodies(bodies);
693     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChShaft>> shafts;
694     shafts.push_back(m_axle[0]);
695     shafts.push_back(m_axle[1]);
696     database.WriteShafts(shafts);
698     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLink>> joints;
699     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLoadBodyBody>> bushings;
700     joints.push_back(m_revolute[0]);
701     joints.push_back(m_revolute[1]);
702     joints.push_back(m_cylindricalStrut[0]);
703     joints.push_back(m_cylindricalStrut[1]);
704     joints.push_back(m_universalStrut[0]);
705     joints.push_back(m_universalStrut[1]);
706     m_revoluteLCA[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[0]->GetAsLink())
707                                     : bushings.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[0]->GetAsBushing());
708     m_revoluteLCA[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[1]->GetAsLink())
709                                     : bushings.push_back(m_revoluteLCA[1]->GetAsBushing());
710     m_sphericalLCA[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[0]->GetAsLink())
711                                      : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[0]->GetAsBushing());
712     m_sphericalLCA[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[1]->GetAsLink())
713                                      : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalLCA[1]->GetAsBushing());
714     if (UseTierodBodies()) {
715         m_sphericalTierod[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[0]->GetAsLink())
716                                             : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[0]->GetAsBushing());
717         m_sphericalTierod[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[1]->GetAsLink())
718                                             : bushings.push_back(m_sphericalTierod[1]->GetAsBushing());
719         m_universalTierod[0]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_universalTierod[0]->GetAsLink())
720                                             : bushings.push_back(m_universalTierod[0]->GetAsBushing());
721         m_universalTierod[1]->IsKinematic() ? joints.push_back(m_universalTierod[1]->GetAsLink())
722                                             : bushings.push_back(m_universalTierod[1]->GetAsBushing());
723     } else {
724         joints.push_back(m_distTierod[0]);
725         joints.push_back(m_distTierod[1]);
726     }
727     database.WriteJoints(joints);
728     database.WriteBodyLoads(bushings);
730     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChLinkTSDA>> springs;
731     springs.push_back(m_spring[0]);
732     springs.push_back(m_spring[1]);
733     springs.push_back(m_shock[0]);
734     springs.push_back(m_shock[1]);
735     database.WriteLinSprings(springs);
736 }
738 }  // end namespace vehicle
739 }  // end namespace chrono