1 unit BGRASVGTheme;
3 {$mode delphi}
5 interface
7 uses
8   Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
9   BGRATheme, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRASVG, BGRASVGType, XMLConf,
10   ComponentEditors, PropEdits, Menus, BGRASVGImageList, Math;
12 const
17 type
19   { TBGRASVGTheme }
21   TBGRASVGTheme = class(TBGRATheme)
22   private
23     FButtonTextSpacing: integer;
24     FCheckboxTextSpacing: integer;
25     FColorizeActiveOp: TBlendOperation;
26     FColorizeDisabledOp: TBlendOperation;
27     FColorizeHoverOp: TBlendOperation;
28     FColorizeNormalOp: TBlendOperation;
29     FGlyphTextSpacing: integer;
30     FOwner: TComponent;
31     FButtonActive: TStringList;
32     FButtonHover: TStringList;
33     FButtonNormal: TStringList;
34     FButtonSliceScalingBottom: integer;
35     FButtonSliceScalingLeft: integer;
36     FButtonSliceScalingRight: integer;
37     FButtonSliceScalingTop: integer;
38     FCheckBoxChecked: TStringList;
39     FCheckBoxUnchecked: TStringList;
40     FColorizeActive: string;
41     FColorizeDisabled: string;
42     FColorizeHover: string;
43     FColorizeNormal: string;
44     FRadioButtonChecked: TStringList;
45     FRadioButtonUnchecked: TStringList;
46     procedure SetButtonActive(AValue: TStringList);
47     procedure SetButtonHover(AValue: TStringList);
48     procedure SetButtonNormal(AValue: TStringList);
49     procedure SetButtonSliceScalingBottom(AValue: integer);
50     procedure SetButtonSliceScalingLeft(AValue: integer);
51     procedure SetButtonSliceScalingRight(AValue: integer);
52     procedure SetButtonSliceScalingTop(AValue: integer);
53     procedure SetButtonTextSpacing(AValue: integer);
54     procedure SetCheckBoxChecked(AValue: TStringList);
55     procedure SetCheckboxTextSpacing(AValue: integer);
56     procedure SetCheckBoxUnchecked(AValue: TStringList);
57     procedure SetColorizeActive(AValue: string);
58     procedure SetColorizeActiveOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
59     procedure SetColorizeDisabled(AValue: string);
60     procedure SetColorizeDisabledOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
61     procedure SetColorizeHover(AValue: string);
62     procedure SetColorizeHoverOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
63     procedure SetColorizeNormal(AValue: string);
64     procedure SetColorizeNormalOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
65     procedure SetGlyphTextSpacing(AValue: integer);
66     procedure SetRadioButtonChecked(AValue: TStringList);
67     procedure SetRadioButtonUnchecked(AValue: TStringList);
68   protected
69     procedure LoadTheme(const XMLConf: TXMLConfig);
70     procedure SaveTheme(const XMLConf: TXMLConfig);
71     procedure CheckEmptyResourceException(const aResource: string);
72     procedure SliceScalingDraw(const Source: TBGRASVG;
73       const marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom: integer;
74       const Dest: TBGRABitmap; DestDPI: integer);
75     procedure ColorizeSurface(ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface; AState: TBGRAThemeButtonState);
76   public
77     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
78     destructor Destroy; override;
79   public
80     procedure DrawButton(Caption: string; State: TBGRAThemeButtonState;
81       Focused: boolean; ARect: TRect; ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface; AImageIndex: Integer = -1; AImageList: TBGRASVGImageList = nil); override;
82     procedure DrawRadioButton(Caption: string; State: TBGRAThemeButtonState;
83     {%H-}Focused: boolean; Checked: boolean; ARect: TRect;
84       ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface); override;
85     procedure DrawCheckBox(Caption: string; State: TBGRAThemeButtonState;
86     {%H-}Focused: boolean; Checked: boolean; ARect: TRect;
87       ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface); override;
88   public
89     // XML File
90     procedure SaveToFile(AFileName: string);
91     // XML File
92     procedure LoadFromFile(AFileName: string);
93     // String Stream
94     procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
95     // String Stream
96     procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
97     // Resource
98     procedure LoadFromResource(AResource: string);
99     // Default Theme
100     procedure LoadDefaultTheme;
101   published
102     // Check box unchecked state
103     property CheckBoxUnchecked: TStringList read FCheckBoxUnchecked
104       write SetCheckBoxUnchecked;
105     // Check box checked state
106     property CheckBoxChecked: TStringList read FCheckBoxChecked write SetCheckBoxChecked;
107     // Radio button unchecked state
108     property RadioButtonUnchecked: TStringList
109       read FRadioButtonUnchecked write SetRadioButtonUnchecked;
110     // Radio button checked state
111     property RadioButtonChecked: TStringList
112       read FRadioButtonChecked write SetRadioButtonChecked;
113     // Spacing between checkbox/radiobutton and its text (in 96 DPI)
114     property CheckBoxTextSpacing: integer read FCheckboxTextSpacing write SetCheckboxTextSpacing default DEFAULT_CHECKBOX_TEXT_SPACING;
115     // Button normal state
116     property ButtonNormal: TStringList read FButtonNormal write SetButtonNormal;
117     // Button mouse over state
118     property ButtonHover: TStringList read FButtonHover write SetButtonHover;
119     // Button pressed state
120     property ButtonActive: TStringList read FButtonActive write SetButtonActive;
121     // 9-Slice-Scaling margin left
122     property ButtonSliceScalingLeft: integer
123       read FButtonSliceScalingLeft write SetButtonSliceScalingLeft;
124     // 9-Slice-Scaling margin top
125     property ButtonSliceScalingTop: integer
126       read FButtonSliceScalingTop write SetButtonSliceScalingTop;
127     // 9-Slice-Scaling margin right
128     property ButtonSliceScalingRight: integer
129       read FButtonSliceScalingRight write SetButtonSliceScalingRight;
130     // 9-Slice-Scaling margin bottom
131     property ButtonSliceScalingBottom: integer
132       read FButtonSliceScalingBottom write SetButtonSliceScalingBottom;
133     // Spacing between glyph and its text (in 96 DPI)
134     property GlyphTextSpacing: integer read FGlyphTextSpacing write SetGlyphTextSpacing default DEFAULT_GLYPH_TEXT_SPACING;
135     // Spacing between text and button border (in 96 DPI)
136     property ButtonTextSpacing: integer read FButtonTextSpacing write SetButtonTextSpacing default DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT_SPACING;
137     // CSS Color to tint the normal states, use rgba(0,0,0,0) to disable
138     property ColorizeNormal: string read FColorizeNormal write SetColorizeNormal;
139     property ColorizeNormalOp: TBlendOperation read FColorizeNormalOp write SetColorizeNormalOp default boTransparent;
140     // CSS Color to tint the hover states, use rgba(0,0,0,0) to disable
141     property ColorizeHover: string read FColorizeHover write SetColorizeHover;
142     property ColorizeHoverOp: TBlendOperation read FColorizeHoverOp write SetColorizeHoverOp default boTransparent;
143     // CSS Color to tint the active states, use rgba(0,0,0,0) to disable
144     property ColorizeActive: string read FColorizeActive write SetColorizeActive;
145     property ColorizeActiveOp: TBlendOperation read FColorizeActiveOp write SetColorizeActiveOp default boTransparent;
146     // CSS Color to tint the disabled states, use rgba(0,0,0,0) to disable
147     property ColorizeDisabled: string read FColorizeDisabled write SetColorizeDisabled;
148     property ColorizeDisabledOp: TBlendOperation read FColorizeDisabledOp write SetColorizeDisabledOp default boTransparent;
149   end;
151   { TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor }
153   TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor = class(TBaseComponentEditor)
154   private
155     FComponent: TBGRASVGTheme;
156   public
157     constructor Create({%H-}AComponent: TComponent;
158       {%H-}ADesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner); override;
159     procedure Copy; override;
160     procedure Edit; override;
161     procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override;
GetComponentnull162     function GetComponent: TComponent; override;
GetCustomHintnull163     function GetCustomHint: String; override;
GetDesignernull164     function GetDesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner; override;
GetHooknull165     function GetHook(out Hook: TPropertyEditorHook): boolean; override;
GetVerbnull166     function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; override;
GetVerbCountnull167     function GetVerbCount: Integer; override;
IsInInlinednull168     function IsInInlined: Boolean; override;
169     procedure PrepareItem({%H-}Index: Integer; const {%H-}AnItem: TMenuItem); override;
170     procedure Modified; override;
171   end;
173 procedure Register;
175 implementation
177 uses BCTypes, BCTools;
179 const
181     '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19 5v14H5V5h14m0-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z"/></svg>';
183     '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19 3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.11 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.89-2-2-2zm-9 14l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 14.17l7.59-7.59L19 8l-9 9z"/></svg>';
185     '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z"/></svg>';
187     '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M12 7c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5 5-2.24 5-5-2.24-5-5-5zm0-5C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z"/></svg>';
188   RES_BUTTON =
189     '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><svg   xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"   xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#"   xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"   xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"   xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"   xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"   xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd"   xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape"   width="32"   height="32"   viewBox="0 0 32 32"   version="1.1"   id="svg8"   inkscape:version="1.0.1 (3bc2e813f5, 2020-09-07)"   sodipodi:docname="lime.svg">  <style     id="style833"></style>  <defs     id="defs2">    <linearGradient       inkscape:collect="always"       id="linearGradient858">      <stop         style="stop-color:#87cdde;stop-opacity:1"         offset="0"         id="stop854" />      <stop         style="stop-color:#ffffff;stop-opacity:1"         offset="1"         id="stop856" />    </linearGradient>    <linearGradient       inkscape:collect="always"       xlink:href="#linearGradient858"       id="linearGradient1415"       x1="3.9924731"       y1="5.9193549"       x2="3.9924731"       y2="2.788172"       gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"       gradientTransform="matrix(4.1517857,0,0,4.1517856,-1.5758928,-1.5758928)" />  </defs>  <sodipodi:namedview     id="base"     pagecolor="#ffffff"     bordercolor="#666666"     borderopacity="1.0"     inkscape:pageopacity="0.0"     inkscape:pageshadow="2"     inkscape:zoom="11.313708"     inkscape:cx="4.3902273"     inkscape:cy="23.941929"     inkscape:document-units="px"     inkscape:current-layer="layer1"     inkscape:document-rotation="0"     showgrid="true"     units="px"     inkscape:window-width="1920"     inkscape:window-height="1017"     inkscape:window-x="-8"     inkscape:window-y="-8"     inkscape:window-maximized="1">    <inkscape:grid       type="xygrid"       id="grid837" />  </sodipodi:namedview>  <metadata     id="metadata5">    <rdf:RDF>      <cc:Work         rdf:about="">        <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>        <dc:type           rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage" />        <dc:title></dc:title>      </cc:Work>    </rdf:RDF>  </metadata>  <g     inkscape:label="Capa 1"     inkscape:groupmode="layer"     id="layer1">    <path       vectorEffect="non-scaling-stroke"       id="rect835"       style="fill:url(#linearGradient1415);fill-opacity:1;stroke:#002255;stroke-width:1;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"       d="M 9.8000004,0.50000004 H 22.2 c 5.1522,0 9.3,4.14779986 9.3,9.30000016 V 22.2 c 0,5.152199 -4.1478,9.3 -9.3,9.3 H 9.8000004 C 4.6478005,31.5 0.50000005,27.352199 0.50000005,22.2 V 9.8000002 c 0,-5.1522003 4.14780045,-9.30000016 9.30000035,-9.30000016 z" />  </g></svg>';
190   RES_COLORIZENORMAL = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
191   RES_COLORIZEHOVER = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
192   RES_COLORIZEACTIVE = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
193   RES_COLORIZEDISABLED = 'rgba(127,127,127,0.7)';
195 procedure Register;
196 begin
197   RegisterComponents('BGRA Themes', [TBGRASVGTheme]);
198   RegisterComponentEditor(TBGRASVGTheme, TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor);
199 end;
201 { TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor }
203 constructor TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.Create(AComponent: TComponent;
204   ADesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner);
205 begin
206   FComponent := TBGRASVGTheme(AComponent);
207 end;
209 procedure TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.Copy;
210 begin
212 end;
214 procedure TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.Edit;
215 begin
217 end;
219 procedure TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer);
220 var
221   openDlg: TOpenDialog;
222   saveDlg: TSaveDialog;
223 begin
224   case Index of
225     // Load from file
226     0: begin
227       openDlg := TOpenDialog.Create(nil);
228       openDlg.Filter := 'XML|*.xml';
229       try
230         if openDlg.Execute then
231         begin
232           TBGRASVGTheme(GetComponent).LoadFromFile(openDlg.FileName);
233         end;
234       finally
235         openDlg.Free;
236       end;
237     end;
238     // Save to file
239     1: begin
240       saveDlg := TSaveDialog.Create(nil);
241       saveDlg.Filter := 'XML|*.xml';
242       try
243         if saveDlg.Execute then
244         begin
245           TBGRASVGTheme(GetComponent).SaveToFile(saveDlg.FileName);
246         end;
247       finally
248         saveDlg.Free;
249       end;
250     end;
251   end;
252 end;
GetVerbnull254 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): string;
255 begin
256   case Index of
257     0: Result := 'Load From File...';
258     1: Result := 'Save To File...';
259   else
260     result := '';
261   end;
262 end;
GetVerbCountnull264 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer;
265 begin
266   Result := 2;
267 end;
TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.IsInInlinednull269 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.IsInInlined: Boolean;
270 begin
271   result := False;
272 end;
274 procedure TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.PrepareItem(Index: Integer;
275   const AnItem: TMenuItem);
276 begin
278 end;
280 procedure TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.Modified;
281 begin
283 end;
GetComponentnull285 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetComponent: TComponent;
286 begin
287   Result := FComponent;
288 end;
TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetCustomHintnull290 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetCustomHint: String;
291 begin
292   result := 'SVG Theme';
293 end;
GetDesignernull295 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetDesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner;
296 begin
297   result := nil;
298 end;
GetHooknull300 function TBGRASVGThemeComponentEditor.GetHook(out Hook: TPropertyEditorHook
301   ): boolean;
302 begin
303   Hook := nil;
304   result := false;
305 end;
307 { TBGRASVGTheme }
309 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetCheckBoxUnchecked(AValue: TStringList);
310 begin
311   CheckEmptyResourceException(AValue.Text);
312   if (AValue <> FCheckBoxUnchecked) then
313   begin
314     FCheckBoxUnchecked.Assign(AValue);
315     InvalidateThemedControls;
316   end;
317 end;
319 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeActive(AValue: string);
320 begin
321   if FColorizeActive = AValue then
322     Exit;
323   FColorizeActive := AValue;
324   InvalidateThemedControls;
325 end;
327 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeActiveOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
328 begin
329   if FColorizeActiveOp=AValue then Exit;
330   FColorizeActiveOp:=AValue;
331   InvalidateThemedControls;
332 end;
334 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeDisabled(AValue: string);
335 begin
336   if FColorizeDisabled = AValue then
337     Exit;
338   FColorizeDisabled := AValue;
339   InvalidateThemedControls;
340 end;
342 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeDisabledOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
343 begin
344   if FColorizeDisabledOp=AValue then Exit;
345   FColorizeDisabledOp:=AValue;
346   InvalidateThemedControls;
347 end;
349 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeHover(AValue: string);
350 begin
351   if FColorizeHover = AValue then
352     Exit;
353   FColorizeHover := AValue;
354   InvalidateThemedControls;
355 end;
357 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeHoverOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
358 begin
359   if FColorizeHoverOp=AValue then Exit;
360   FColorizeHoverOp:=AValue;
361   InvalidateThemedControls;
362 end;
364 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeNormal(AValue: string);
365 begin
366   if FColorizeNormal = AValue then
367     Exit;
368   FColorizeNormal := AValue;
369   InvalidateThemedControls;
370 end;
372 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetColorizeNormalOp(AValue: TBlendOperation);
373 begin
374   if FColorizeNormalOp=AValue then Exit;
375   FColorizeNormalOp:=AValue;
376   InvalidateThemedControls;
377 end;
379 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetGlyphTextSpacing(AValue: integer);
380 begin
381   if FGlyphTextSpacing=AValue then Exit;
382   FGlyphTextSpacing:=AValue;
383   InvalidateThemedControls;
384 end;
386 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetRadioButtonChecked(AValue: TStringList);
387 begin
388   CheckEmptyResourceException(AValue.Text);
389   if (AValue <> FRadioButtonChecked) then
390   begin
391     FRadioButtonChecked.Assign(AValue);
392     InvalidateThemedControls;
393   end;
394 end;
396 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetRadioButtonUnchecked(AValue: TStringList);
397 begin
398   CheckEmptyResourceException(AValue.Text);
399   if (AValue <> FRadioButtonUnchecked) then
400   begin
401     FRadioButtonUnchecked.Assign(AValue);
402     InvalidateThemedControls;
403   end;
404 end;
406 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.LoadDefaultTheme;
407 begin
408   FCheckBoxUnchecked.Text := RES_CHECKBOXUNCHECKED;
409   FCheckBoxChecked.Text := RES_CHECKBOXCHECKED;
411   FRadioButtonUnchecked.Text := RES_RADIOBUTTONUNCHECKED;
412   FRadioButtonChecked.Text := RES_RADIOBUTTONCHECKED;
413   FButtonNormal.Text := RES_BUTTON;
414   FButtonHover.Text := '';
415   FButtonActive.Text := '';
416   FButtonSliceScalingLeft := 10;
417   FButtonSliceScalingTop := 10;
418   FButtonSliceScalingRight := 10;
419   FButtonSliceScalingBottom := 10;
420   FGlyphTextSpacing := DEFAULT_GLYPH_TEXT_SPACING;
421   FButtonTextSpacing := DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT_SPACING;
422   FColorizeNormal := RES_COLORIZENORMAL;
423   FColorizeHover := RES_COLORIZEHOVER;
424   FColorizeActive := RES_COLORIZEACTIVE;
425   FColorizeDisabled := RES_COLORIZEDISABLED;
426   FColorizeNormalOp := boTransparent;
427   FColorizeHoverOp := boTransparent;
428   FColorizeActiveOp := boTransparent;
429   FColorizeDisabledOp := boTransparent;
430 end;
432 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.LoadTheme(const XMLConf: TXMLConfig);
433 begin
434   try
435     XMLConf.RootName := 'BGRASVGTheme';
436     // Button
437     FButtonActive.Text := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/Active/SVG', RES_BUTTON){%H-};
438     FButtonHover.Text := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/Hover/SVG', ''){%H-};
439     FButtonNormal.Text := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/Normal/SVG', ''){%H-};
440     FButtonSliceScalingBottom := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Bottom', 10);
441     FButtonSliceScalingLeft := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Left', 10);
442     FButtonSliceScalingRight := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Right', 10);
443     FButtonSliceScalingTop := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Top', 10);
444     FGlyphTextSpacing := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/GlyphSpacing', DEFAULT_GLYPH_TEXT_SPACING);
445     FButtonTextSpacing := XMLConf.GetValue('Button/TextSpacing', DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT_SPACING);
446     // CheckBox
447     FCheckBoxChecked.Text := XMLConf.GetValue('CheckBox/Checked/SVG',
449     FCheckBoxUnchecked.Text := XMLConf.GetValue('CheckBox/Unchecked/SVG',
451     FCheckBoxTextSpacing := XMLConf.GetValue('CheckBox/TextSpacing', DEFAULT_CHECKBOX_TEXT_SPACING);
452     // Colorize
453     FColorizeActive := XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/Active', RES_COLORIZEACTIVE);
454     FColorizeDisabled := XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/Disabled', RES_COLORIZEDISABLED);
455     FColorizeHover := XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/Hover', RES_COLORIZEHOVER);
456     FColorizeNormal := XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/Normal', RES_COLORIZENORMAL);
457     FColorizeActiveOp := StrToBlendOperation(XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/ActiveOp', BlendOperationStr[boTransparent]));
458     FColorizeDisabledOp := StrToBlendOperation(XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/DisabledOp', BlendOperationStr[boTransparent]));
459     FColorizeHoverOp := StrToBlendOperation(XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/HoverOp', BlendOperationStr[boTransparent]));
460     FColorizeNormalOp := StrToBlendOperation(XMLConf{%H-}.GetValue('Colorize/NormalOp', BlendOperationStr[boTransparent]));
461     // RadioButton
462     FRadioButtonChecked.Text :=
463       XMLConf.GetValue('RadioButton/Checked/SVG', RES_RADIOBUTTONCHECKED{%H-}){%H-};
464     FRadioButtonUnchecked.Text :=
465       XMLConf.GetValue('RadioButton/Unchecked/SVG', RES_RADIOBUTTONUNCHECKED{%H-}){%H-};
466   finally
467     InvalidateThemedControls;
468   end;
469 end;
471 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SaveTheme(const XMLConf: TXMLConfig);
472 begin
473   XMLConf.RootName := 'BGRASVGTheme';
474   // Button
475   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/Active/SVG', FButtonActive.Text{%H-});
476   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/Hover/SVG', FButtonHover.Text{%H-});
477   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/Normal/SVG', FButtonNormal.Text{%H-});
478   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Bottom', FButtonSliceScalingBottom);
479   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Left', FButtonSliceScalingLeft);
480   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Right', FButtonSliceScalingRight);
481   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/SliceScaling/Top', FButtonSliceScalingTop);
482   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/GlyphSpacing', FGlyphTextSpacing);
483   XMLConf.SetValue('Button/TextSpacing', FButtonTextSpacing);
484   // CheckBox
485   XMLConf.SetValue('CheckBox/Checked/SVG', FCheckBoxChecked.Text{%H-});
486   XMLConf.SetValue('CheckBox/Unchecked/SVG', FCheckBoxUnchecked.Text{%H-});
487   XMLConf.SetValue('CheckBox/TextSpacing', FCheckboxTextSpacing);
488   // Colorize
489   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/Active', FColorizeActive{%H-});
490   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/Disabled', FColorizeDisabled{%H-});
491   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/Hover', FColorizeHover{%H-});
492   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/Normal', FColorizeNormal{%H-});
493   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/ActiveOp', BlendOperationStr[FColorizeActiveOp{%H-}]);
494   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/DisabledOp', BlendOperationStr[FColorizeDisabledOp{%H-}]);
495   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/HoverOp', BlendOperationStr[FColorizeHoverOp{%H-}]);
496   XMLConf.SetValue('Colorize/NormalOp', BlendOperationStr[FColorizeNormalOp{%H-}]);   // RadioButton
497   XMLConf.SetValue('RadioButton/Checked/SVG', FRadioButtonChecked.Text{%H-});
498   XMLConf.SetValue('RadioButton/Unchecked/SVG', FRadioButtonUnchecked.Text{%H-});
499 end;
501 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.CheckEmptyResourceException(const aResource: string);
502 begin
503   if Trim(aResource).IsEmpty then
504     raise Exception.Create('Resource must not be empty.');
505 end;
507 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SliceScalingDraw(const Source: TBGRASVG;
508   const marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom: integer;
509   const Dest: TBGRABitmap; DestDPI: integer);
510 var
511   svgBox: TSVGViewBox;
512   svgTopLeft, svgBottomRight: TPointF;
513   sourcePosX, sourcePosY: array[1..4] of single;
514   destPosX, destPosY: array[1..4] of integer;
515   y, x: integer;
517   procedure DrawPart(sourceRect: TRectF; destRect: TRect);
518   var
519     zoom: TPointF;
520   begin
521     if sourceRect.IsEmpty or destRect.IsEmpty then
522       exit;
523     dest.ClipRect := destRect;
524     zoom := PointF(destRect.Width / sourceRect.Width, destRect.Height /
525       sourceRect.Height);
526     Source.Draw(dest.Canvas2D, -sourceRect.Left * zoom.x + destRect.Left,
527       -sourceRect.Top * zoom.y + destRect.Top, Source.DefaultDpi * zoom);
528   end;
530 begin
531   svgBox := Source.ViewBoxInUnit[cuPixel];
532   svgTopLeft := svgBox.min;
533   svgBottomRight := svgBox.min + svgBox.size;
535   sourcePosX[1] := svgTopLeft.x;
536   sourcePosX[2] := svgTopLeft.x + marginLeft;
537   sourcePosX[3] := svgBottomRight.x - marginRight;
538   sourcePosX[4] := svgBottomRight.x;
539   sourcePosY[1] := svgTopLeft.y;
540   sourcePosY[2] := svgTopLeft.y + marginTop;
541   sourcePosY[3] := svgBottomRight.y - marginBottom;
542   sourcePosY[4] := svgBottomRight.y;
543   if sourcePosX[2] > sourcePosX[3] then
544   begin
545     sourcePosX[2] := (sourcePosX[1] + sourcePosX[4]) / 2;
546     sourcePosX[3] := sourcePosX[2];
547   end;
548   if sourcePosY[2] > sourcePosY[3] then
549   begin
550     sourcePosY[2] := (sourcePosY[1] + sourcePosY[4]) / 2;
551     sourcePosY[3] := sourcePosY[2];
552   end;
554   destPosX[1] := 0;
555   destPosX[2] := round(marginLeft * DestDPI / 96);
556   destPosX[3] := dest.Width - round(marginRight * DestDPI / 96);
557   destPosX[4] := dest.Width;
558   destPosY[1] := 0;
559   destPosY[2] := round(marginTop * DestDPI / 96);
560   destPosY[3] := dest.Height - round(marginBottom * DestDPI / 96);
561   destPosY[4] := dest.Height;
562   if destPosX[2] > destPosX[3] then
563   begin
564     destPosX[2] := round((destPosX[1] + destPosX[4]) / 2);
565     destPosX[3] := destPosX[2];
566   end;
567   if destPosY[2] > destPosY[3] then
568   begin
569     destPosY[2] := round((destPosY[1] + destPosY[4]) / 2);
570     destPosY[3] := destPosY[2];
571   end;
573   for y := 1 to 3 do
574     for x := 1 to 3 do
575       DrawPart(RectF(sourcePosX[x], sourcePosY[y], sourcePosX[x + 1], sourcePosY[y + 1]),
576         Rect(destPosX[x], destPosY[y], destPosX[x + 1], destPosY[y + 1]));
577   Dest.NoClip;
578 end;
580 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.ColorizeSurface(ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface;
581   AState: TBGRAThemeButtonState);
582 var
583   color: String;
584   op: TBlendOperation;
585 begin
586   case AState of
587     btbsNormal: begin color := FColorizeNormal; op := FColorizeNormalOp; end;
588     btbsHover: begin color := FColorizeHover; op := FColorizeHoverOp; end;
589     btbsActive: begin color := FColorizeActive; op := FColorizeActiveOp; end;
590     else {btbsDisabled} begin color := FColorizeDisabled; op := FColorizeDisabledOp; end;
591   end;
592   ASurface.BitmapColorOverlay(StrToBGRA(color), op);
593 end;
595 constructor TBGRASVGTheme.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
596 begin
597   inherited Create(AOwner);
598   FOwner := AOwner;
599   FCheckBoxUnchecked := TStringList.Create;
600   FCheckBoxChecked := TStringList.Create;
601   FRadioButtonUnchecked := TStringList.Create;
602   FRadioButtonChecked := TStringList.Create;
603   FButtonNormal := TStringList.Create;
604   FButtonHover := TStringList.Create;
605   FButtonActive := TStringList.Create;
606   LoadDefaultTheme;
607 end;
609 destructor TBGRASVGTheme.Destroy;
610 begin
611   FCheckBoxUnchecked.Free;
612   FCheckBoxChecked.Free;
613   FRadioButtonUnchecked.Free;
614   FRadioButtonChecked.Free;
615   FButtonNormal.Free;
616   FButtonHover.Free;
617   FButtonActive.Free;
618   inherited Destroy;
619 end;
621 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.DrawButton(Caption: string;
622   State: TBGRAThemeButtonState; Focused: boolean; ARect: TRect;
623   ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface; AImageIndex: Integer;
624   AImageList: TBGRASVGImageList);
625 var
626   svg: TBGRASVG;
627   svgCode: String;
628   gs: TSize;
629   bcFont: TBCFont;
630   actualCaption: string;
631   r, rGlyph: TRect;
632   drawText: boolean = True;
634 begin
635   with ASurface do
636   begin
637     case State of
638       btbsNormal: svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(FButtonNormal.Text);
639       btbsHover:
640         begin
641           svgCode := FButtonHover.Text;
642           if trim(svgCode) = '' then svgCode := FButtonNormal.Text;
643           svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(svgCode);
644         end;
645       btbsActive:
646         begin
647           svgCode := FButtonActive.Text;
648           if trim(svgCode) = '' then svgCode := FButtonHover.Text;
649           if trim(svgCode) = '' then svgCode := FButtonNormal.Text;
650           svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(svgCode);
651         end;
652       else {btbsDisabled}
653           svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(FButtonNormal.Text);
654     end;
655     SliceScalingDraw(svg, FButtonSliceScalingLeft, FButtonSliceScalingTop,
656       FButtonSliceScalingRight, FButtonSliceScalingBottom, Bitmap,
657       BitmapDPI);
658     svg.Free;
660     if Assigned(AImageList) and (AImageIndex > -1) and (AImageIndex < AImageList.Count) then
661     begin
662       gs := AImageList.GetScaledSize(BitmapDPI);
663       if ARect.Width - gs.cx < ScaleForBitmap(GlyphTextSpacing + 2*ButtonTextSpacing) then
664         drawText := false;
665     end
666       else gs := TSize.Create(0, 0);
668     bcFont := TBCFont.Create(nil);
669     bcFont.Assign(DestCanvas.Font);
670     bcFont.Scale(BitmapDPI / DestCanvasDPI, false);
671     bcFont.WordBreak := true;
672     bcFont.PaddingBottom:= ScaleForBitmap(ButtonTextSpacing);
673     bcFont.PaddingTop:= ScaleForBitmap(ButtonTextSpacing);
674     bcFont.PaddingRight:= ScaleForBitmap(ButtonTextSpacing);
675     bcFont.PaddingLeft:= ScaleForBitmap(ButtonTextSpacing);
676     bcFont.TextAlignment:= bcaCenter;
678     if drawText then
679       actualCaption := Caption
680       else actualCaption:= '';
682     r := ScaleForBitmap(ARect, DestCanvasDPI);
683     rGlyph := ComputeGlyphPosition(r, gs.cx, gs.cy, bcaCenter,
684       ScaleForBitmap(GlyphTextSpacing), actualCaption, bcFont);
685     if not rGlyph.IsEmpty then
686       AImageList.Draw(AImageIndex, Bitmap, RectF(rGlyph));
687     RenderText(r, bcFont, actualCaption, Bitmap);
689     ColorizeSurface(ASurface, State);
690     DrawBitmap;
692     if Focused then
693     begin
694       DestCanvas.Pen.Color := DestCanvas.Font.Color;
695       DestCanvas.Pen.Style := psDash;
696       DestCanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
697       r := ARect;
698       r.Inflate(-ScaleForCanvas(FButtonSliceScalingLeft),
699         -ScaleForCanvas(FButtonSliceScalingTop),
700         -ScaleForCanvas(FButtonSliceScalingRight),
701         -ScaleForCanvas(FButtonSliceScalingBottom));
702       DestCanvas.Rectangle(r);
703       DestCanvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
704     end;
705   end;
706 end;
708 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.DrawRadioButton(Caption: string;
709   State: TBGRAThemeButtonState; Focused: boolean; Checked: boolean;
710   ARect: TRect; ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface);
711 var
712   Style: TTextStyle;
713   svg: TBGRASVG;
714 begin
715   with ASurface do
716   begin
717     BitmapRect := RectWithSize(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Height, ARect.Height);
718     if Checked then
719       svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(FRadioButtonChecked.Text)
720     else
721       svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(FRadioButtonUnchecked.Text);
722     svg.StretchDraw(Bitmap.Canvas2D, 0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height);
723     svg.Free;
724     ColorizeSurface(ASurface, State);
725     DrawBitmap;
727     if Caption <> '' then
728     begin
729       fillchar(Style, sizeof(Style), 0);
730       Style.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
731       Style.Layout := tlCenter;
732       Style.Wordbreak := True;
733       DestCanvas.TextRect(
734         Rect(Arect.Height + ScaleForCanvas(CheckBoxTextSpacing), 0,
735         ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom),
736         ARect.Height + ScaleForCanvas(CheckBoxTextSpacing), 0, Caption, Style);
737     end;
738   end;
739 end;
741 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetCheckBoxChecked(AValue: TStringList);
742 begin
743   CheckEmptyResourceException(AValue.Text);
744   if (AValue <> FCheckBoxChecked) then
745   begin
746     FCheckBoxChecked.Assign(AValue);
747     InvalidateThemedControls;
748   end;
749 end;
751 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetCheckboxTextSpacing(AValue: integer);
752 begin
753   if FCheckboxTextSpacing=AValue then Exit;
754   FCheckboxTextSpacing:=AValue;
755   InvalidateThemedControls;
756 end;
758 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonActive(AValue: TStringList);
759 begin
760   if (AValue <> FButtonActive) then
761   begin
762     FButtonActive.Assign(AValue);
763     InvalidateThemedControls;
764   end;
765 end;
767 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonHover(AValue: TStringList);
768 begin
769   if (AValue <> FButtonHover) then
770   begin
771     FButtonHover.Assign(AValue);
772     InvalidateThemedControls;
773   end;
774 end;
776 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonNormal(AValue: TStringList);
777 begin
778   CheckEmptyResourceException(AValue.Text);
779   if (AValue <> FButtonNormal) then
780   begin
781     FButtonNormal.Assign(AValue);
782     InvalidateThemedControls;
783   end;
784 end;
786 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonSliceScalingBottom(AValue: integer);
787 begin
788   if FButtonSliceScalingBottom = AValue then
789     Exit;
790   FButtonSliceScalingBottom := AValue;
791   InvalidateThemedControls;
792 end;
794 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonSliceScalingLeft(AValue: integer);
795 begin
796   if FButtonSliceScalingLeft = AValue then
797     Exit;
798   FButtonSliceScalingLeft := AValue;
799   InvalidateThemedControls;
800 end;
802 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonSliceScalingRight(AValue: integer);
803 begin
804   if FButtonSliceScalingRight = AValue then
805     Exit;
806   FButtonSliceScalingRight := AValue;
807   InvalidateThemedControls;
808 end;
810 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonSliceScalingTop(AValue: integer);
811 begin
812   if FButtonSliceScalingTop = AValue then
813     Exit;
814   FButtonSliceScalingTop := AValue;
815   InvalidateThemedControls;
816 end;
818 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SetButtonTextSpacing(AValue: integer);
819 begin
820   if FButtonTextSpacing=AValue then Exit;
821   FButtonTextSpacing:=AValue;
822   InvalidateThemedControls;
823 end;
825 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.DrawCheckBox(Caption: string; State: TBGRAThemeButtonState;
826   Focused: boolean; Checked: boolean; ARect: TRect; ASurface: TBGRAThemeSurface);
827 var
828   Style: TTextStyle;
829   svg: TBGRASVG;
830 begin
831   with ASurface do
832   begin
833     BitmapRect := RectWithSize(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Height, ARect.Height);
834     if Checked then
835       svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(FCheckBoxChecked.Text)
836     else
837       svg := TBGRASVG.CreateFromString(FCheckBoxUnchecked.Text);
838     svg.StretchDraw(Bitmap.Canvas2D, 0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height);
839     svg.Free;
840     ColorizeSurface(ASurface, State);
841     DrawBitmap;
843     if Caption <> '' then
844     begin
845       fillchar(Style, sizeof(Style), 0);
846       Style.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
847       Style.Layout := tlCenter;
848       Style.Wordbreak := True;
849       DestCanvas.TextRect(
850         Rect(Arect.Height + ScaleForCanvas(CheckBoxTextSpacing), 0,
851         ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom),
852         ARect.Height +  ScaleForCanvas(CheckBoxTextSpacing), 0, Caption, Style);
853     end;
854   end;
855 end;
857 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SaveToFile(AFileName: string);
858 var
859   FXMLConf: TXMLConfig;
860 begin
861   FXMLConf := TXMLConfig.Create(Self);
862   try
863     FXMLConf.Filename := AFileName;
864     SaveTheme(FXMLConf);
865     FXMLConf.Flush;
866   finally
867     FXMLConf.Free;
868   end;
869 end;
871 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.LoadFromFile(AFileName: string);
872 var
873   FXMLConf: TXMLConfig;
874 begin
875   FXMLConf := TXMLConfig.Create(Self);
876   try
877     FXMLConf.Filename := AFileName;
878     LoadTheme(FXMLConf);
879   finally
880     FXMLConf.Free;
881   end;
882 end;
884 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
885 var
886   FXMLConf: TXMLConfig;
887 begin
888   FXMLConf := TXMLConfig.Create(Self);
889   try
890     SaveTheme(FXMLConf);
891     FXMLConf.SaveToStream(AStream);
892     FXMLConf.Flush;
893   finally
894     FXMLConf.Free;
895   end;
896 end;
898 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
899 var
900   FXMLConf: TXMLConfig;
901 begin
902   FXMLConf := TXMLConfig.Create(Self);
903   try
904     FXMLConf.RootName := 'BGRASVGTheme';
905     AStream.Position := 0;
906     FXMLConf.LoadFromStream(AStream);
907     LoadTheme(FXMLConf);
908   finally
909     FXMLConf.Free;
910   end;
911 end;
913 procedure TBGRASVGTheme.LoadFromResource(AResource: string);
914 var
915   AStream: TStream;
916 begin
917   AStream := BGRAResource.GetResourceStream(AResource);
918   LoadFromStream(AStream);
919   AStream.Free;
920 end;
922 end.