1 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //  MODULE    : Commun
3 //  LANGAGE   : C(++)
4 //  DESCRIPTION : Header included everywhere but by Application project and PlutonCommun.h
5 //  COMMENTAIRE : Contains global declarations.
6 //  SCCSID      : @(#)common.h  1.1 11:49:57 18 Dec 1996
7 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 //  Copyright (c) 1999 Digital Imaging Group, Inc.
9 //  For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice
10 //  in Flashpix.h
11 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #ifndef Commun_h
14 #   define Commun_h
15 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 /**
18  * Under VISUALC we have single threaded static libraries, or
19  * mutli-threaded DLLs using the multithreaded runtime DLLs.
20  **/
21 #if defined(_VISUALC_)
22 #   if defined(_MT) && defined(_DLL) && !defined(_FPXDLL_) && !defined(_LIB)
23 #      define _FPXDLL_
24 #   endif
25 #   if defined(_FPXDLL_)
26 #      pragma warning( disable: 4273 )  /* Disable the stupid dll linkage warnings */
27 #      if !defined(_FPXLIB_)
28 #         define JPEGEXPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
29 #         define FPXEXPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
30 #         pragma message( "Compiling as dll import" )
31 #      else
32 #         define JPEGEXPORT extern __declspec(dllexport)
33 #         define FPXEXPORT extern __declspec(dllexport)
34 #         pragma message( "Compiling as dll export" )
35 #      endif
36 #   else
37 #      define FPXEXPORT extern
38 #      define JPEGEXPORT extern
39 #      pragma message( "Compiling as simple library" )
40 #   endif
41 #   pragma warning(disable : 4018)
42 #   pragma warning(disable : 4244)
43 #   pragma warning(disable : 4142)
44 #else
45 #   define FPXEXPORT
46 #   define JPEGEXPORT
47 #endif
49 #ifndef ApplCommun_h
50   #include  "common_a.h"
51 #endif
53 #ifndef PlutonCommun_h
54   #include  "common_b.h"
55 #endif
57 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58   #endif // Commun_h
59 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------