1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright file="CoordinatorScratchpad.cs" company="Microsoft">
3 //     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4 // </copyright>
5 // <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
6 // <owner current="true" primary="false">Microsoft</owner>
7 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 using System.Collections.Generic;
10 using System.Data.Objects.ELinq;
11 using System.Data.Query.InternalTrees;
12 using System.Diagnostics;
13 using System.Linq;
14 using System.Linq.Expressions;
15 using System.Reflection;
16 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
17 using System.Security;
18 using System.Security.Permissions;
20 namespace System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization
21 {
22     /// <summary>
23     /// Used in the Translator to aggregate information about a (nested) reader
24     /// coordinator. After the translator visits the columnMaps, it will compile
25     /// the coordinator(s) which produces an immutable CoordinatorFactory that
26     /// can be shared amongst many query instances.
27     /// </summary>
28     internal class CoordinatorScratchpad
29     {
30         #region private state
32         private readonly Type _elementType;
33         private CoordinatorScratchpad _parent;
34         private readonly List<CoordinatorScratchpad> _nestedCoordinatorScratchpads;
35         /// <summary>
36         /// Map from original expressions to expressions with detailed error handling.
37         /// </summary>
38         private readonly Dictionary<Expression, Expression> _expressionWithErrorHandlingMap;
39         /// <summary>
40         /// Expressions that should be precompiled (i.e. reduced to constants in
41         /// compiled delegates.
42         /// </summary>
43         private readonly HashSet<LambdaExpression> _inlineDelegates;
45         #endregion
47         #region constructor
CoordinatorScratchpad(Type elementType)49         internal CoordinatorScratchpad(Type elementType)
50         {
51             _elementType = elementType;
52             _nestedCoordinatorScratchpads = new List<CoordinatorScratchpad>();
53             _expressionWithErrorHandlingMap = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression>();
54             _inlineDelegates = new HashSet<LambdaExpression>();
55         }
57         #endregion
59         #region "public" surface area
61         /// <summary>
62         /// For nested collections, returns the parent coordinator.
63         /// </summary>
64         internal CoordinatorScratchpad Parent
65         {
66             get { return _parent; }
67         }
69         /// <summary>
70         /// Gets or sets an Expression setting key values (these keys are used
71         /// to determine when a collection has entered a new chapter) from the
72         /// underlying store data reader.
73         /// </summary>
74         internal Expression SetKeys { get; set; }
76         /// <summary>
77         /// Gets or sets an Expression returning 'true' when the key values for
78         /// the current nested result (see SetKeys) are equal to the current key
79         /// values on the underlying data reader.
80         /// </summary>
81         internal Expression CheckKeys { get; set; }
83         /// <summary>
84         /// Gets or sets an expression returning 'true' if the current row in
85         /// the underlying data reader contains an element of the collection.
86         /// </summary>
87         internal Expression HasData { get; set; }
89         /// <summary>
90         /// Gets or sets an Expression yielding an element of the current collection
91         /// given values in the underlying data reader.
92         /// </summary>
93         internal Expression Element { get; set; }
95         /// <summary>
96         /// Gets or sets an Expression initializing the collection storing results from this coordinator.
97         /// </summary>
98         internal Expression InitializeCollection { get; set; }
100         /// <summary>
101         /// Indicates which Shaper.State slot is home for this collection's coordinator.
102         /// Used by Parent to pull out nested collection aggregators/streamers.
103         /// </summary>
104         internal int StateSlotNumber { get; set; }
106         /// <summary>
107         /// Gets or sets the depth of the current coordinator. A root collection has depth 0.
108         /// </summary>
109         internal int Depth { get; set; }
111         /// <summary>
112         /// List of all record types that we can return at this level in the query.
113         /// </summary>
114         private List<RecordStateScratchpad> _recordStateScratchpads;
116         /// <summary>
117         /// Allows sub-expressions to register an 'interest' in exceptions thrown when reading elements
118         /// for this coordinator. When an exception is thrown, we rerun the delegate using the slower
119         /// but more error-friendly versions of expressions (e.g. reader.GetValue + type check instead
120         /// of reader.GetInt32())
121         /// </summary>
122         /// <param name="expression">The lean and mean raw version of the expression</param>
123         /// <param name="expressionWithErrorHandling">The slower version of the same expression with better
124         /// error handling</param>
AddExpressionWithErrorHandling(Expression expression, Expression expressionWithErrorHandling)125         internal void AddExpressionWithErrorHandling(Expression expression, Expression expressionWithErrorHandling)
126         {
127             _expressionWithErrorHandlingMap[expression] = expressionWithErrorHandling;
128         }
130         /// <summary>
131         /// Registers a lambda expression for pre-compilation (i.e. reduction to a constant expression)
132         /// within materialization expression. Otherwise, the expression will be compiled every time
133         /// the enclosing delegate is invoked.
134         /// </summary>
135         /// <param name="expression">Lambda expression to register.</param>
AddInlineDelegate(LambdaExpression expression)136         internal void AddInlineDelegate(LambdaExpression expression)
137         {
138             _inlineDelegates.Add(expression);
139         }
141         /// <summary>
142         /// Registers a coordinator for a nested collection contained in elements of this collection.
143         /// </summary>
AddNestedCoordinator(CoordinatorScratchpad nested)144         internal void AddNestedCoordinator(CoordinatorScratchpad nested)
145         {
146             Debug.Assert(nested.Depth == this.Depth + 1, "can only nest depth + 1");
147             nested._parent = this;
148             _nestedCoordinatorScratchpads.Add(nested);
149         }
151         /// <summary>
152         /// Use the information stored on the scratchpad to compile an immutable factory used
153         /// to construct the coordinators used at runtime when materializing results.
154         /// </summary>
155         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
Compile()156         internal CoordinatorFactory Compile()
157         {
158             RecordStateFactory[] recordStateFactories;
159             if (null != _recordStateScratchpads)
160             {
161                 recordStateFactories = new RecordStateFactory[_recordStateScratchpads.Count];
162                 for (int i = 0; i < recordStateFactories.Length; i++)
163                 {
164                     recordStateFactories[i] = _recordStateScratchpads[i].Compile();
165                 }
166             }
167             else
168             {
169                 recordStateFactories = new RecordStateFactory[0];
170             }
172             CoordinatorFactory[] nestedCoordinators = new CoordinatorFactory[_nestedCoordinatorScratchpads.Count];
173             for (int i = 0; i < nestedCoordinators.Length; i++)
174             {
175                 nestedCoordinators[i] = _nestedCoordinatorScratchpads[i].Compile();
176             }
178             // compile inline delegates
179             ReplacementExpressionVisitor replacementVisitor = new ReplacementExpressionVisitor(null, this._inlineDelegates);
180             Expression element = new SecurityBoundaryExpressionVisitor().Visit(replacementVisitor.Visit(this.Element));
182             // substitute expressions that have error handlers into a new expression (used
183             // when a more detailed exception message is needed)
184             replacementVisitor = new ReplacementExpressionVisitor(this._expressionWithErrorHandlingMap, this._inlineDelegates);
185             Expression elementWithErrorHandling = new SecurityBoundaryExpressionVisitor().Visit(replacementVisitor.Visit(this.Element));
187             CoordinatorFactory result = (CoordinatorFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(CoordinatorFactory<>).MakeGenericType(_elementType), new object[] {
188                                                             this.Depth,
189                                                             this.StateSlotNumber,
190                                                             this.HasData,
191                                                             this.SetKeys,
192                                                             this.CheckKeys,
193                                                             nestedCoordinators,
194                                                             element,
195                                                             elementWithErrorHandling,
196                                                             this.InitializeCollection,
197                                                             recordStateFactories
198                                                             });
199             return result;
200         }
202         /// <summary>
203         /// Allocates a new RecordStateScratchpad and adds it to the list of the ones we're
204         /// responsible for; will create the list if it hasn't alread been created.
205         /// </summary>
CreateRecordStateScratchpad()206         internal RecordStateScratchpad CreateRecordStateScratchpad()
207         {
208             RecordStateScratchpad recordStateScratchpad = new RecordStateScratchpad();
210             if (null == _recordStateScratchpads)
211             {
212                 _recordStateScratchpads = new List<RecordStateScratchpad>();
213             }
214             _recordStateScratchpads.Add(recordStateScratchpad);
215             return recordStateScratchpad;
216         }
217         #endregion
219         #region Nested types
221         /// <summary>
222         /// Visitor supporting (non-recursive) replacement of LINQ sub-expressions and
223         /// compilation of inline delegates.
224         /// </summary>
225         private class ReplacementExpressionVisitor : EntityExpressionVisitor
226         {
227             // Map from original expressions to replacement expressions.
228             private readonly Dictionary<Expression, Expression> _replacementDictionary;
229             private readonly HashSet<LambdaExpression> _inlineDelegates;
ReplacementExpressionVisitor(Dictionary<Expression, Expression> replacementDictionary, HashSet<LambdaExpression> inlineDelegates)231             internal ReplacementExpressionVisitor(Dictionary<Expression, Expression> replacementDictionary,
232                 HashSet<LambdaExpression> inlineDelegates)
233             {
234                 this._replacementDictionary = replacementDictionary;
235                 this._inlineDelegates = inlineDelegates;
236             }
Visit(Expression expression)238             internal override Expression Visit(Expression expression)
239             {
240                 if (null == expression)
241                 {
242                     return expression;
243                 }
245                 Expression result;
247                 // check to see if a substitution has been provided for this expression
248                 Expression replacement;
249                 if (null != this._replacementDictionary && this._replacementDictionary.TryGetValue(expression, out replacement))
250                 {
251                     // once a substitution is found, we stop walking the sub-expression and
252                     // return immediately (since recursive replacement is not needed or wanted)
253                     result = replacement;
254                 }
255                 else
256                 {
257                     // check if we need to precompile an inline delegate
258                     bool preCompile = false;
259                     LambdaExpression lambda = null;
261                     if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Lambda &&
262                         null != _inlineDelegates)
263                     {
264                         lambda = (LambdaExpression)expression;
265                         preCompile = _inlineDelegates.Contains(lambda);
266                     }
268                     if (preCompile)
269                     {
270                         // do replacement in the body of the lambda expression
271                         Expression body = Visit(lambda.Body);
273                         // compile to a delegate
274                         result = Expression.Constant(Translator.Compile(body.Type, body));
275                     }
276                     else
277                     {
278                         result = base.Visit(expression);
279                     }
280                 }
282                 return result;
283             }
284         }
286         /// <summary>
287         /// Used to replace references to user expressions with compiled delegates
288         /// which represent those expressions.
289         /// </summary>
290         /// <remarks>
291         /// The materialization delegate used to be one big function, which included
292         /// user-provided expressions in various places in the tree. Due to security reasons
293         /// (Dev11 311339), we need to separate this delegate into two pieces: trusted code,
294         /// run under a security assert, and untrusted code, run under the current AppDomain's
295         /// permission set.
296         ///
297         /// This visitor does that separation by compiling the untrusted code into delegates
298         /// and re-inserting them back into the expression tree. When the untrusted code is
299         /// run, it will run in another stack frame that does not have a security assert
300         /// associated with it; therefore, any attempt to take advantage of MemberAccess
301         /// reflection permissions will be blocked by the CLR.
302         ///
303         /// The compiled user delegates accept two parameters, one of type DbDataReader
304         /// to speed up access to the current reader, and the other of type object[],
305         /// which contains all other values that they might require to correctly materialize an object. Most of these
306         /// objects require the <see cref="Shaper"/>, so they must be run inside of trusted code.
307         /// </remarks>
308         private sealed class SecurityBoundaryExpressionVisitor : EntityExpressionVisitor
309         {
310             private static readonly MethodInfo s_userMaterializationFuncInvokeMethod = typeof(Func<DbDataReader, object[], object>).GetMethod("Invoke");
311             private ParameterExpression _values = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "values");
312             private ParameterExpression _reader = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DbDataReader), "reader");
313             private List<Expression> _initializationArguments = new List<Expression>();
314             private int _userExpressionDepth;
316             /// <summary>
317             /// Used to track the type of a constructor argument or member assignment
318             /// when it could be a special type we create (e.g., CompensatingCollection{T}
319             /// for collections and Grouping{K,V} for groups).
320             /// </summary>
321             private Type _userArgumentType;
Visit(Expression exp)323             internal override Expression Visit(Expression exp)
324             {
325                 if (exp == null)
326                 {
327                     return exp;
328                 }
330                 var nex = exp as NewExpression;
331                 if (nex != null && _userExpressionDepth >= 1)
332                 {
333                     // We are creating an internal type like CompensatingCollection<T> or Grouping<K, V>
334                     // and at this particular point we are sure that the user isn't creating these
335                     // since this.userArgumentType is not null.
336                     if (_userArgumentType != null && !nex.Type.IsPublic && nex.Type.Assembly == typeof(SecurityBoundaryExpressionVisitor).Assembly)
337                     {
338                         return this.CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(nex, _userArgumentType);
339                     }
341                     var constructorParameters = nex.Constructor.GetParameters();
342                     var arguments = nex.Arguments;
343                     var newArguments = new List<Expression>();
344                     for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Count; ++i)
345                     {
346                         var argument = arguments[i];
348                         // Visit this argument because it itself could be a user expression e.g.
349                         // new { Argument = new SecureString { m_length = 32 } }
350                         _userArgumentType = constructorParameters[i].ParameterType;
351                         var visitedArgument = this.Visit(argument);
353                         // If it hasn't changed, it's trusted code. (Untrusted code would have its
354                         // Convert and MarkAsUserExpression expressions removed.)
355                         if (visitedArgument == argument)
356                         {
357                             var convert = this.CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(argument);
359                             // Change the argument to access the values array.
360                             newArguments.Add(convert);
361                         }
362                         else
363                         {
364                             newArguments.Add(visitedArgument);
365                         }
366                     }
368                     nex = Expression.New(nex.Constructor, newArguments);
370                     if (_userExpressionDepth == 1)
371                     {
372                         var userMaterializationFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<DbDataReader, object[], object>>(nex, _reader, _values).Compile();
374                         // Convert the constructor invocation into a func that runs without elevated permissions.
375                         return Expression.Convert(
376                             Expression.Call(
377                                 Expression.Constant(userMaterializationFunc),
378                                 s_userMaterializationFuncInvokeMethod,
379                                 Translator.Shaper_Reader,
380                                 Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), _initializationArguments)),
381                             nex.Type);
382                     }
384                     return nex;
385                 }
387                 return base.Visit(exp);
388             }
VisitConditional(ConditionalExpression c)390             internal override Expression VisitConditional(ConditionalExpression c)
391             {
392                 if (_userExpressionDepth >= 1 && _userArgumentType != null)
393                 {
394                     var test = c.Test as MethodCallExpression;
395                     var ifFalse = c.IfFalse as MethodCallExpression;
397                     // We can optimize the path that checks for DbNull and then
398                     // reads a value directly off the reader or invokes another user expression.
399                     if (test != null && test.Object != null
400                         && typeof(DbDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(test.Object.Type)
401                         && test.Method.Name == "IsDBNull")
402                     {
403                         if (ifFalse != null && (ifFalse.Object != null && typeof(DbDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(ifFalse.Object.Type) || IsUserExpressionMethod(ifFalse.Method)))
404                         {
405                             return base.VisitConditional(c);
406                         }
407                     }
409                     // If there's something more complicated then we have to replace it all.
410                     // We can't just replace the false expression because it may not be evaluated
411                     // if the test returns true.
412                     return this.CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(c);
413                 }
415                 return base.VisitConditional(c);
416             }
VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression m)418             internal override Expression VisitMemberAccess(MemberExpression m)
419             {
420                 if (_userExpressionDepth >= 1)
421                 {
422                     // Sometimes we will add expressions inside of a user expression that is actually
423                     // our code, but we need to rewrite it since it accesses the shaper's reader to check if a column is null.
424                     // e.g. Select(x => new { Y = new Entity { Name = x.Name } })
425                     // -> new f<>__AnonymousType`1(IIF($shaper.Reader.IsDbNull(0), null, new Entity { Name = $shaper.Reader.GetString(0) }))
426                     if (typeof(DbDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(m.Type))
427                     {
428                         var shaper = m.Expression as ParameterExpression;
429                         if (shaper != null && shaper == Translator.Shaper_Parameter)
430                         {
431                             return _reader;
432                         }
433                     }
434                 }
436                 return base.VisitMemberAccess(m);
437             }
VisitMemberInit(MemberInitExpression init)439             internal override Expression VisitMemberInit(MemberInitExpression init)
440             {
441                 if (_userExpressionDepth >= 1)
442                 {
443                     var newMemberInit = base.VisitMemberInit(init);
445                     // Only compile into a delegate if this is the top-level user expression.
446                     if (newMemberInit != init && _userExpressionDepth == 1)
447                     {
448                         var userMaterializationFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<DbDataReader, object[], object>>(newMemberInit, _reader, _values).Compile();
450                         // Convert the object initializer into a func that runs without elevated permissions.
451                         return Expression.Convert(
452                             Expression.Call(
453                                 Expression.Constant(userMaterializationFunc),
454                                 s_userMaterializationFuncInvokeMethod,
455                                 Translator.Shaper_Reader,
456                                 Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), _initializationArguments)),
457                             init.Type);
458                     }
459                     else
460                     {
461                         return newMemberInit;
462                     }
463                 }
465                 return base.VisitMemberInit(init);
466             }
VisitMemberAssignment(MemberAssignment assignment)468             internal override MemberAssignment VisitMemberAssignment(MemberAssignment assignment)
469             {
470                 if (_userExpressionDepth >= 1)
471                 {
472                     var fieldInfo = assignment.Member as FieldInfo;
473                     var propertyInfo = assignment.Member as PropertyInfo;
474                     if (fieldInfo != null)
475                     {
476                         _userArgumentType = fieldInfo.FieldType;
477                     }
478                     else if (propertyInfo != null)
479                     {
480                         _userArgumentType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
481                     }
482                 }
484                 return base.VisitMemberAssignment(assignment);
485             }
VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m)487             internal override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m)
488             {
489                 var method = m.Method;
490                 if (IsUserExpressionMethod(method))
491                 {
492                     Debug.Assert(
493                         m.Arguments.Count == 1,
494                         "m.Arguments.Count == 1",
495                         "There should be one expression argument provided to the user expression marker.");
497                     try
498                     {
499                         // Clear this type because we are about to process a user expression
500                         _userArgumentType = null;
502                         _userExpressionDepth++;
503                         return this.Visit(m.Arguments[0]);
504                     }
505                     finally
506                     {
507                         _userExpressionDepth--;
508                     }
509                 }
510                 else if (_userExpressionDepth >= 1)
511                 {
512                     // If this method call is on a DbDataReader then we can replace it; otherwise,
513                     // assume it's something on the shaper and extract the value into the values array.
514                     if (m.Object != null && typeof(DbDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(m.Object.Type))
515                     {
516                         return base.VisitMethodCall(m);
517                     }
519                     return this.CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(m);
520                 }
522                 return base.VisitMethodCall(m);
523             }
CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(Expression original)525             private Expression CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(Expression original)
526             {
527                 return this.CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(original, original.Type);
528             }
CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(Expression original, Type expressionType)530             private Expression CreateInitializationArgumentReplacement(Expression original, Type expressionType)
531             {
532                 _initializationArguments.Add(Expression.Convert(original, typeof(object)));
534                 return Expression.Convert(
535                     Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.ArrayIndex, _values, Expression.Constant(_initializationArguments.Count - 1)),
536                     expressionType);
537             }
IsUserExpressionMethod(MethodInfo method)539             private static bool IsUserExpressionMethod(MethodInfo method)
540             {
541                 return method.IsGenericMethod && method.GetGenericMethodDefinition() == InitializerMetadata.UserExpressionMarker;
542             }
543         }
544         #endregion
545     }
546 }