1 // This file is part of Golly.
2 // See docs/License.html for the copyright notice.
4 #ifndef _WXPREFS_H_
5 #define _WXPREFS_H_
7 // Routines for getting, saving and changing user preferences:
9 void GetPrefs();
10 // Read preferences from the GollyPrefs file.
12 void SavePrefs();
13 // Write preferences to the GollyPrefs file.
15 bool ChangePrefs(const wxString& page);
16 // Open a modal dialog so user can change various preferences.
17 // Returns true if the user hits OK (so client can call SavePrefs).
19 void ChooseTextEditor(wxWindow* parent, wxString& result);
20 // Let user select their preferred text editor.  The result is the
21 // path to the application or empty if the user cancels the dialog.
23 char* ReplaceDeprecatedAlgo(char* algoname);
24 // If given algo name is deprecated then return replacement name,
25 // otherwise return same name.
27 // Global preference data:
29 extern wxString gollydir;        // path of directory containing app
30 extern wxString datadir;         // path of directory for user-specific data
31 extern wxString tempdir;         // path of directory for temporary data
32 extern wxString rulesdir;        // path of directory for app's rule data
33 extern wxString userrules;       // path of directory for user's rule data
34 extern wxString downloaddir;     // path of directory for downloaded data
36 extern int debuglevel;           // for displaying debug info if > 0
38 extern int mainx;                // main window's location
39 extern int mainy;
40 extern int mainwd;               // main window's size
41 extern int mainht;
42 extern bool maximize;            // maximize main window?
44 extern int helpx;                // help window's location
45 extern int helpy;
46 extern int helpwd;               // help window's size
47 extern int helpht;
48 extern int helpfontsize;         // font size in help window
50 extern int infox;                // info window's location
51 extern int infoy;
52 extern int infowd;               // info window's size
53 extern int infoht;
55 extern int rulex;                // rule dialog's location
56 extern int ruley;
57 extern int ruleexwd;             // rule dialog's extra size
58 extern int ruleexht;
59 extern bool showalgohelp;        // show algorithm help in rule dialog?
61 extern char initrule[];          // initial rule
62 extern bool initautofit;         // initial autofit setting
63 extern bool inithyperspeed;      // initial hyperspeed setting
64 extern bool initshowhashinfo;    // initial showhashinfo setting
65 extern bool showpopulation;      // show population counts while generating?
66 extern bool savexrle;            // save RLE file using XRLE format?
67 extern bool showtips;            // show button tips?
68 extern bool showtool;            // show tool bar?
69 extern bool showlayer;           // show layer bar?
70 extern bool showedit;            // show edit bar?
71 extern bool showallstates;       // show all cell states in edit bar?
72 extern bool showstatus;          // show status bar?
73 extern bool showexact;           // show exact numbers in status bar?
74 extern bool showscrollbars;      // show scroll bars?
75 extern bool showtimeline;        // show timeline bar?
76 extern bool showgridlines;       // display grid lines?
77 extern bool showoverlay;         // display the current overlay?
78 extern bool showicons;           // display icons for cell states?
79 extern bool smartscale;          // smarter scaling when zoomed out?
80 extern bool swapcolors;          // swap colors used for cell states?
81 extern bool scrollpencil;        // scroll if pencil cursor is dragged outside view?
82 extern bool scrollcross;         // scroll if cross cursor is dragged outside view?
83 extern bool scrollhand;          // scroll if hand cursor is dragged outside view?
84 extern bool allowundo;           // allow undo/redo?
85 extern bool restoreview;         // should reset/undo restore view?
86 extern bool allowbeep;           // okay to play beep sound?
87 extern int controlspos;          // position of translucent controls
88 extern int canchangerule;        // if > 0 then paste can change rule
89 extern int randomfill;           // random fill percentage
90 extern int opacity;              // percentage opacity of live cells in overlays
91 extern int tileborder;           // width of tiled window borders
92 extern int mingridmag;           // minimum mag to draw grid lines
93 extern int boldspacing;          // spacing of bold grid lines
94 extern bool showboldlines;       // show bold grid lines?
95 extern bool mathcoords;          // show Y values increasing upwards?
96 extern bool cellborders;         // should zoomed cells have borders?
97 extern bool syncviews;           // synchronize viewports?
98 extern bool synccursors;         // synchronize cursors?
99 extern bool stacklayers;         // stack all layers?
100 extern bool tilelayers;          // tile all layers?
101 extern bool askonnew;            // ask to save changes before creating new pattern?
102 extern bool askonload;           // ask to save changes before loading pattern file?
103 extern bool askondelete;         // ask to save changes before deleting layer?
104 extern bool askonquit;           // ask to save changes before quitting app?
105 extern bool warn_on_save;        // warn if saving non-starting generation?
106 extern int newmag;               // mag setting for new pattern
107 extern bool newremovesel;        // new pattern removes selection?
108 extern bool openremovesel;       // opening pattern removes selection?
109 extern wxCursor* newcurs;        // cursor after creating new pattern
110 extern wxCursor* opencurs;       // cursor after opening pattern
111 extern int mousewheelmode;       // 0:Ignore, 1:forward=ZoomOut, 2:forward=ZoomIn
112 extern int thumbrange;           // thumb box scrolling range in terms of view wd/ht
113 extern int wheelsens;            // mouse wheel sensitivity
114 extern int mindelay;             // minimum millisec delay
115 extern int maxdelay;             // maximum millisec delay
116 extern wxString opensavedir;     // directory for Open/Save Pattern dialogs
117 extern wxString overlaydir;      // directory for Save Overlay dialog
118 extern wxString rundir;          // directory for Run Script dialog
119 extern wxString choosedir;       // directory used by Choose File button
120 extern wxString filedir;         // directory used by Show Files
121 extern wxString texteditor;      // path of user's preferred text editor
122 extern wxString perllib;         // name of Perl library (loaded at runtime)
123 extern wxString pythonlib;       // name of Python library (loaded at runtime)
124 extern int dirwinwd;             // width of file directory window
125 extern bool showfiles;           // show file directory?
126 extern wxMenu* patternSubMenu;   // submenu of recent pattern files
127 extern wxMenu* scriptSubMenu;    // submenu of recent script files
128 extern int numpatterns;          // current number of recent pattern files
129 extern int numscripts;           // current number of recent script files
130 extern int maxpatterns;          // maximum number of recent pattern files
131 extern int maxscripts;           // maximum number of recent script files
133 extern wxArrayString namedrules;
134 // We maintain an array of named rules, where each string is of the form
135 // "name of rule|B.../S...".  The first string is always "Life|B3/S23".
137 // Keyboard shortcuts:
139 // define the actions that can be invoked by various key combinations
140 typedef enum {
141     DO_NOTHING = 0,               // null action must be zero
142     DO_OPENFILE,                  // open a chosen pattern/script/rule/html file
143     // rest are in alphabetical order (well, almost)
144     DO_ABOUT,                     // about Golly
145     DO_ADD,                       // add layer
146     DO_ADVANCEOUT,                // advance outside
147     DO_ADVANCE,                   // advance selection
148     DO_AUTOFIT,                   // auto fit
149     DO_CHANGE00,                  // change origin
150     DO_CLEAROUT,                  // clear outside
151     DO_CLEAR,                     // clear selection
152     DO_CLONE,                     // clone layer
153     DO_COPY,                      // copy selection
154     DO_CURSDRAW,                  // cursor mode: draw
155     DO_CURSMOVE,                  // cursor mode: move
156     DO_CURSPICK,                  // cursor mode: pick
157     DO_CURSSEL,                   // cursor mode: select
158     DO_CURSIN,                    // cursor mode: zoom in
159     DO_CURSOUT,                   // cursor mode: zoom out
160     DO_CUT,                       // cut selection
161     DO_CURSCYCLE,                 // cycle cursor mode
162     DO_PASTELOC,                  // cycle paste location
163     DO_PASTEMODE,                 // cycle paste mode
164     DO_DELETE,                    // delete layer
165     DO_DELOTHERS,                 // delete other layers
166     DO_DELOVERLAY,                // delete overlay
167     DO_DELTIME,                   // delete timeline
168     DO_DISABLE,                   // disable undo/redo
169     DO_DUPLICATE,                 // duplicate layer
170     DO_FASTER,                    // faster
171     DO_FIT,                       // fit pattern
172     DO_FITSEL,                    // fit selection
173     DO_FLIPLR,                    // flip left-right
174     DO_FLIPTB,                    // flip top-bottom
175     DO_FULLSCREEN,                // full screen
176     DO_HYPER,                     // hyperspeed
177     DO_INVERT,                    // invert colors
178     DO_MIDDLE,                    // middle
179     DO_MOVELAYER,                 // move layer...
180     DO_NAMELAYER,                 // name layer...
181     DO_NEWPATT,                   // new pattern
182     DO_NEXTGEN,                   // next generation
183     DO_NEXTSTEP,                  // next step
184     DO_NEXTHIGHER,                // next higher state
185     DO_NEXTLOWER,                 // next lower state
186     DO_OPENCLIP,                  // open clipboard
187     DO_OPENPATT,                  // open pattern...
188     DO_PASTE,                     // paste
189     DO_PASTESEL,                  // paste to selection
190     DO_INFO,                      // pattern info
191     DO_PLAYBACK,                  // play timeline backwards
192     DO_PREFS,                     // preferences...
193     DO_QUIT,                      // quit Golly
194     DO_RANDFILL,                  // random fill
195     DO_REDO,                      // redo
196     DO_REMOVESEL,                 // remove selection
197     DO_RESET,                     // reset
198     DO_RESTORE00,                 // restore origin
199     DO_ROTATEACW,                 // rotate anticlockwise
200     DO_ROTATECW,                  // rotate clockwise
201     DO_RUNCLIP,                   // run clipboard
202     DO_RUNSCRIPT,                 // run script...
203     DO_SAVEXRLE,                  // save extended rle
204     DO_SAVEOVERLAY,               // save overlay...
205     DO_SAVE,                      // save pattern...
206     DO_DOWN,                      // scroll down
207     DO_LEFT,                      // scroll left
208     DO_RIGHT,                     // scroll right
209     DO_UP,                        // scroll up
210     DO_NE,                        // scroll NE
211     DO_NW,                        // scroll NW
212     DO_SE,                        // scroll SE
213     DO_SW,                        // scroll SW
214     DO_SELALL,                    // select all
215     DO_SETBASE,                   // set base step...
216     DO_FILEDIR,                   // set file folder...
217     DO_SETGEN,                    // set generation...
218     DO_SETCOLORS,                 // set layer colors...
219     DO_SETRULE,                   // set rule...
220     DO_SCALE1,                    // set scale 1:1
221     DO_SCALE2,                    // set scale 1:2
222     DO_SCALE4,                    // set scale 1:4
223     DO_SCALE8,                    // set scale 1:8
224     DO_SCALE16,                   // set scale 1:16
225     DO_SCALE32,                   // set scale 1:32
226     DO_SHOWSTATES,                // show all states
227     DO_SHOWICONS,                 // show cell icons
228     DO_SHOWEDIT,                  // show edit bar
229     DO_SHOWEXACT,                 // show exact numbers
230     DO_SHOWFILES,                 // show files
231     DO_SHOWGRID,                  // show grid lines
232     DO_HASHINFO,                  // show hash info
233     DO_HELP,                      // show help
234     DO_SHOWLAYER,                 // show layer bar
235     DO_SHOWOVERLAY,               // show overlay
236     DO_SHOWPOP,                   // show population
237     DO_SHOWSCROLL,                // show scroll bars
238     DO_SHOWSTATUS,                // show status bar
239     DO_SHOWTIME,                  // show timeline
240     DO_TIMING,                    // show timing
241     DO_SHOWTOOL,                  // show tool bar
242     DO_SHRINKFIT,                 // shrink and fit
243     DO_SHRINK,                    // shrink selection
244     DO_SLOWER,                    // slower
245     DO_SMARTSCALE,                // smarter scaling
246     DO_STACK,                     // stack layers
247     DO_STARTSTOP,                 // start/stop generating
248     DO_RECORD,                    // start/stop recording
249     DO_SYNCCURS,                  // synchronize cursors
250     DO_SYNCVIEWS,                 // synchronize views
251     DO_TILE,                      // tile layers
252     DO_UNDO,                      // undo
253     DO_HASHING,                   // use hashing
254     DO_ZOOMIN,                    // zoom in
255     DO_ZOOMOUT,                   // zoom out
257 } action_id;
259 typedef struct {
260     action_id id;                 // one of the above
261     wxString file;                // non-empty if id is DO_OPENFILE
262 } action_info;
264 action_info FindAction(int key, int modifiers);
265 // return the action info for the given key and modifier set
267 wxString GetAccelerator(action_id action);
268 // return a string, possibly empty, containing the menu item
269 // accelerator(s) for the given action
271 void RemoveAccelerator(wxMenuBar* mbar, int item, action_id action);
272 // remove any accelerator from given menu item
274 void SetAccelerator(wxMenuBar* mbar, int item, action_id action);
275 // update accelerator for given menu item using given action
277 wxString GetShortcutTable();
278 // return HTML data to display current keyboard shortcuts
280 // Colors:
282 extern wxColor* borderrgb;       // color for border around bounded grid
283 extern wxColor* selectrgb;       // color for selected cells
284 extern wxColor* pastergb;        // color for pasted pattern
286 void UpdateStatusBrushes();      // update colors in status brushes
287 void FreeDefaultColors();        // deallocate memory allocated by CreateDefaultColors()
289 // Various constants:
291 const int minmainwd = 200;       // main window's minimum width
292 const int minmainht = 100;       // main window's minimum height
294 const int minhelpwd = 400;       // help window's minimum width
295 const int minhelpht = 100;       // help window's minimum height
297 const int minfontsize = 6;       // minimum value of helpfontsize
298 const int maxfontsize = 30;      // maximum value of helpfontsize
300 const int mininfowd = 400;       // info window's minimum width
301 const int mininfoht = 100;       // info window's minimum height
303 const int MAX_RECENT = 100;      // maximum value of maxpatterns and maxscripts
304 const int MAX_SPACING = 1000;    // maximum value of boldspacing
305 const int MIN_MEM_MB = 0;        // minimum value of maximum memory
306 const int MAX_MEM_MB =           // maximum value of maximum memory
307           sizeof(char*) <= 4 ? 4000 : 100000000;
308 const int MAX_BASESTEP = 2000000000;    // maximum base step
309 const int MAX_DELAY = 5000;      // maximum mindelay or maxdelay
310 const int MAX_THUMBRANGE = 500;  // maximum thumbrange
311 const int MAX_SENSITIVITY = 10;  // maximum wheelsens
312 const int MIN_DIRWD = 10;        // minimum dirwinwd
314 // Golly uses wxTimers to control the speed of generating patterns, drawing cells,
315 // playing timelines, etc.  The value defined below will cause the timers to fire
316 // at approximately 60 times per sec (to match the refresh rate of most screens).
317 #ifdef __WXMSW__
318     // It seems that wxTimers on Windows only have a resolution of about 15.6ms
319     // so we need to set SIXTY_HERTZ to a value below 16, based on Tim Hutton's
320     // test results (using a 64-bit build of Golly on Windows 10):
321     // interval=5  : 63.9gps = 15.6ms actual interval
322     // interval=10 : 63.9gps = 15.6ms actual interval
323     // interval=15 : 63.9gps = 15.6ms actual interval
324     // interval=16 : 40.0gps = 25.0ms actual interval
325     // interval=17 : 31.9gps = 31.3ms actual interval (= 2 times 15.6ms)
326     // interval=20 : 31.9gps = 31.3ms actual interval
327     // interval=25 : 31.9gps = 31.3ms actual interval
328     const int SIXTY_HERTZ = 15;
329 #else
330     // Mac and Linux
331     const int SIXTY_HERTZ = 16;     // 1000/60
332 #endif
334 // Following are used by GetPrefs() before the view window is created:
336 typedef enum {
337     TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft, Middle
338 } paste_location;
340 typedef enum {
341     And, Copy, Or, Xor
342 } paste_mode;
344 extern paste_location plocation;    // location of cursor in paste rectangle
345 extern paste_mode pmode;            // logical paste mode
347 // get/set plocation
348 const char* GetPasteLocation();
349 void SetPasteLocation(const char* s);
351 // get/set pmode
352 const char* GetPasteMode();
353 void SetPasteMode(const char* s);
355 // Cursor modes:
357 extern wxCursor* curs_pencil;       // for drawing cells
358 extern wxCursor* curs_pick;         // for picking cell states
359 extern wxCursor* curs_cross;        // for selecting cells
360 extern wxCursor* curs_hand;         // for moving view by dragging
361 extern wxCursor* curs_zoomin;       // for zooming in to a clicked cell
362 extern wxCursor* curs_zoomout;      // for zooming out from a clicked cell
363 extern wxCursor* curs_wait;         // for indicating a lengthy task is in progress
364 extern wxCursor* curs_hidden;       // for hiding cursor when mouse is in overlay
366 void FreeCursors();
367 // deallocate memory allocated by CreateCursors()
369 const char* CursorToString(wxCursor* curs);
370 // convert given cursor to corresponding string in Cursor Mode submenu
372 wxCursor* StringToCursor(const char* s);
373 // convert given string to a cursor (NULL if s is not valid)
375 int CursorToIndex(wxCursor* curs);
376 // convert given cursor to an index: 0 for curs_pencil, etc
378 wxCursor* IndexToCursor(int i);
379 // convert given index to a cursor (NULL if i is not in valid range)
381 #endif