1 /* SCCS-info %W% %E% */
3 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4 /*                                                                    */
5 /*              VCG : Visualization of Compiler Graphs                */
6 /*              --------------------------------------                */
7 /*                                                                    */
8 /*   file:         alloc.h                                            */
9 /*   version:      1.00.00                                            */
10 /*   creation:     14.4.1993                                          */
11 /*   author:       I. Lemke  (...-Version 0.99.99)                    */
12 /*                 G. Sander (Version 1.00.00-...)                    */
13 /*                 Universitaet des Saarlandes, 66041 Saarbruecken    */
14 /*                 ESPRIT Project #5399 Compare                       */
15 /*   description:  Memory Management                                  */
16 /*   status:       in work                                            */
17 /*                                                                    */
18 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 /* $Id: alloc.h,v 3.12 1995/02/08 11:11:14 sander Exp $ */
23 /*
24  *   Copyright (C) 1993-2005 Saarland University
25  *
26  *  This program and documentation is free software; you can redistribute
27  *  it under the terms of the  GNU General Public License as published by
28  *  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2  of the License,  or
29  *  (at your option) any later version.
30  *
31  *  This  program  is  distributed  in  the hope that it will be useful,
32  *  but  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without  even  the  implied  warranty of
34  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
35  *
36  *  You  should  have  received a copy of the GNU General Public License
37  *  along  with  this  program;  if  not,  write  to  the  Free Software
38  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
39  *
40  *  The software is available per anonymous ftp at ftp.cs.uni-sb.de.
41  *  Contact  sander@cs.uni-sb.de  for additional information.
42  */
45 /*
46  * $Log: alloc.h,v $
47  * Revision 3.12  1995/02/08  11:11:14  sander
48  * Distribution version 1.3.
49  *
50  * Revision 3.11  1994/12/23  18:12:45  sander
51  * Manhatten layout added.
52  * Option interface cleared.
53  * infobox behaviour improved.
54  * First version of fisheye (carthesian).
55  * Options Noedge and nonode.
56  * Titles in the node title box are now sorted.
57  * Timelimit functionality improved.
58  *
59  * Revision 3.10  1994/08/05  12:13:25  sander
60  * Treelayout added. Attributes "treefactor" and "spreadlevel" added.
61  * Scaling as abbreviation of "stretch/shrink" added.
62  *
63  * Revision 3.9  1994/08/03  13:58:44  sander
64  * Horizontal order mechanism changed.
65  * Attribute horizontal_order for edges added.
66  *
67  * Revision 3.8  1994/08/02  15:36:12  sander
68  * CHECKNODE option added to allow tracing of properties
69  * of one single node.
70  *
71  * Revision 3.7  1994/06/07  14:09:59  sander
72  * Splines implemented.
73  * HP-UX, Linux, AIX, Sun-Os, IRIX compatibility tested.
74  * The tool is now ready to be distributed.
75  *
76  * Revision 3.6  1994/05/16  08:56:03  sander
77  * shape attribute (boxes, rhombs, ellipses, triangles) added.
78  *
79  * Revision 3.5  1994/05/05  08:20:30  sander
80  * dllist_free_all added for the local optimization of crossings.
81  *
82  * Revision 3.4  1994/04/27  16:05:19  sander
83  * Some general changes for the PostScript driver.
84  * Horizontal order added. Bug fixes of the folding phases:
85  * Folding of nested graphs works now.
86  *
87  * Revision 3.3  1994/03/04  19:11:24  sander
88  * Specification of levels per node added.
89  * X11 geometry behaviour (option -geometry) changed such
90  * that the window is now opened automatically.
91  *
92  * Revision 3.2  1994/03/03  15:35:39  sander
93  * Edge line style `invisible' added.
94  *
95  * Revision 3.1  1994/03/01  10:59:55  sander
96  * Copyright and Gnu Licence message added.
97  * Problem with "nearedges: no" and "selfloops" solved.
98  *
99  * Revision 2.4  1994/01/21  19:33:46  sander
100  * VCG Version tested on Silicon Graphics IRIX, IBM R6000 AIX and Sun 3/60.
101  * Option handling improved. Option -grabinputfocus installed.
102  * X11 Font selection scheme implemented. The user can now select a font
103  * during installation.
104  * Sun K&R C (a nonansi compiler) tested. Some portabitility problems solved.
105  *
106  * Revision 2.3  1994/01/03  15:29:06  sander
107  * First complete X11 version.
108  */
110 #ifndef ALLOC_H
111 #define ALLOC_H
113 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
115 /* Attribute values
116  *-----------------
117  */
119 /* Color definitions
120  * - - - - - - - - -
121  */
123 /*   COFFSET is the vertical offset: we need to make the drawing area
124  *   60 bits larger than specified, because of a bug in Sunview on
125  *   color screens.
126  *   Maybe it is not needed for X11 (?)
127  */
129 #define COFFSET		60
131 /* number of colors */
133 #define	CMAPSIZE 	256
134 #define	BASECMAPSIZE 	32
136 /* color access */
138 #define	COLOR(c)	(c)
140 #define BLACK		31
141 #define BLUE		1
142 #define RED		2
143 #define GREEN		3
144 #define YELLOW		4
145 #define MAGENTA		5
146 #define CYAN		6
147 #define WHITE		0
148 #define DARKGREY	7
149 #define DARKBLUE	8
150 #define DARKRED		9
151 #define DARKGREEN	10
152 #define DARKYELLOW	11
153 #define DARKMAGENTA	12
154 #define DARKCYAN	13
155 #define GOLD		14
156 #define LIGHTGREY	15
157 #define LIGHTBLUE	16
158 #define LIGHTRED	17
159 #define LIGHTGREEN	18
160 #define LIGHTYELLOW	19
161 #define LIGHTMAGENTA	20
162 #define LIGHTCYAN	21
163 #define LILAC		22
164 #define TURQUOISE	23
165 #define AQUAMARINE	24
166 #define KHAKI		25
167 #define PURPLE		26
168 #define YELLOWGREEN	27
169 #define PINK		28
170 #define ORANGE		29
171 #define ORCHID		30
173 /* Graph orientation */
175 #define	TOP_TO_BOTTOM	0
176 #define	LEFT_TO_RIGHT	1
177 #define	RIGHT_TO_LEFT	2
178 #define	BOTTOM_TO_TOP	3
180 /* Node y-alignment */
182 #define AL_TOP    0
183 #define AL_CENTER 1
184 #define AL_BOTTOM 2
186 /* Display edge labels */
188 #define NO	0
189 #define YES	1
191 /* Textmodes */
193 #define CENTER	0
194 #define	LEFT	1
195 #define	RIGHT	2
197 /* Linestyles */
199 #define	SOLID	   0
200 #define	DOTTED	   1
201 #define	DASHED	   2
202 #define	UNVISIBLE  3
204 /* Arrowstyles */
206 #define	ASNONE 	   0
207 #define	ASSOLID	   1
208 #define	ASLINE 	   2
209 #define	ASNONESPEC 3
211 /* Arrow modi */
213 #define AMFIXED 0
214 #define AMFREE  1
216 /* Shapes */
218 #define BOX      0
219 #define RHOMB    1
220 #define ELLIPSE  2
221 #define TRIANGLE 3
223 /* Edge orientation (no orientation, north, north east, ...) */
225 #define	NO_ORI		0
226 #define	ORI_NORTH	1
227 #define	ORI_NORTHEAST	2
228 #define	ORI_NORTHWEST	3
229 #define	ORI_SOUTH	4
230 #define ORI_SOUTHEAST	5
231 #define	ORI_SOUTHWEST	6
232 #define	ORI_EAST	7
233 #define	ORI_WEST	8
235 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
237 /*  Auxiliary Structs
238  *  =================
239  */
241 /*  Connections
242  *  ------------
243  */
245 /*  Connections are necessary for the layout of directly neighboured
246  *  connected nodes at the same level. This situation may occur accidently,
247  *  but automatical occurs if there is a self loop.
248  *
249  *  On self loops:
250  *  - - - - - - -      N            A self loop of N is an edge (N,N).
251  *                    / ^           To layout this, we create a dummy node
252  *                   /   \          D and a pseudo node P. D and P are
253  *                  D-----P         always neighboured at the same level.
254  *
255  *  Only N and D is layouted. The connection of the dummy node D contains the
256  *  information needed to draw P (that is not layouted), i.e.:
257  *     CTARGET(D)  -> P
258  *     CEDGE(D)    -> edge (D,P)
259  *     CTARGET(P)  -> D
260  *     CEDGE(P)    -> edge (D,P)
261  *
262  *  On connected neigboured nodes:
263  *  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
264  *              /    |    \       or    |     \      or     /     |
265  *             A<----B---->C            B----->C           C<-----B
266  *
267  *  Only B is layouted. The connection of B contains the information
268  *  to draw A and/or C, i.e.
269  *     CTARGET(B)  -> C
270  *     CEDGE(B)    -> edge (B,C)
271  *     CTARGET2(B) -> A           or NULL, if not necessary
272  *     CEDGE2(B)   -> edge (B,A)  or NULL, if not necessary
273  *
274  *     CTARGET(C)  -> B
275  *     CEDGE(C)    -> edge (B,C)
276  *     etc.
277  *
278  *  We call the connection field of B a `forward connection' and the
279  *  connection field of B or A a `backward connection', because its
280  *  in converse of the edge direction.
281  *  Note that A or C can also contain connections, e.g. on
282  *               |    \     \
283  *               B---->C---->D           CTARGET(B) = C, CTARGET(C) = D, ...
284  *
285  *
286  */
289 typedef struct connect {
290 	struct gnode	*target;        /* First found target         */
291 	struct gedge	*edge;          /* and its edge               */
292 	struct gnode	*target2;       /* Second found target        */
293 	struct gedge	*edge2;         /* and its edge               */
294 	struct connect	*internal_next; /* for memory allocation only */
295 } *CONNECT;
297 #define	CTARGET(x)	((x)->target)
298 #define CEDGE(x)	((x)->edge)
299 #define	CTARGET2(x)	((x)->target2)
300 #define CEDGE2(x)	((x)->edge2)
301 #define CINTERN(x)	((x)->internal_next)
305 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
307 /*  Graphs
308  *  ======
309  *  The complete data structure of a graph is an adjacency list
310  *  representation, i.e. all nodes contain adjacency lists of
311  *  incoming and outgoing edges.
312  *  Furthermore, all nodes contain in NROOT a pointer to the subgraph
313  *  summary node they belong to. NROOT of top level nodes is NULL.
314  *  Summary nodes of subgraphs contain in NSGRAPH a list of all nodes
315  *  that belong to this subgraph.
316  *  Furthermore all real nodes are in the node list, while all graph
317  *  summary nodes are in the graphlist.
318  *  E.g. the top graph contains a node A and a graph S1
319  *		which contains nodes B and C and a graph S2
320  *				which contains nodes D and E
321  *  NROOT connection:
322  *
323  *     nodelist --> A --> B ---> C --> D ---> E
324  *                  |      \    /       \    /
325  *                 NULL     \  /         \  /NROOT
326  *                           \/           \/
327  *     graphlist ----------> S1 --------> S2
328  *                            |            |
329  *                            V            V
330  *                          NULL          NULL
331  *
332  *                        ,-----------------------------,
333  *  NSGRAPH connection:   |            ,-------------,  |
334  *                        V            V             |  |
335  *                  *->*  *----->*->*  *----->*      |  |
336  *                  |  |  |      |  |  |      |      |  |
337  *                  V  |  V      V  |  V      V      |  |
338  *     nodelist --> A -+> B ---> C -+> D ---> E      |  |
339  *                     |            |                |  |
340  *                     `-----,      `-----,          |  |
341  *                           |            |   NSGRAPH|  |NSGRAPH
342  *                           V            V          |  |
343  *     graphlist ----------> S1 --------> S2         |  |
344  *                           |            |          |  |
345  *                           |            `----------'  |
346  *                           `--------------------------'
347  */
350 /*  Nodes of a graph
351  *  ----------------
352  *  Graphs are also represented as nodes, i.e. as summary node.
353  *  Graphs s are initially not in the nodelist, but in the graphlist.
354  *  In consequence, NINLIST(s) is 0 for them.
355  */
357 typedef struct gnode {
359 	/* Each node has an unique reference number.
360  	 * These are used to debug, and to have a stable layout,
361 	 * because we use the numbers as sorting criteria.
362 	 */
364 	long 	refnum;
366 	/* These attributes come directly from the specification */
368 	char 	*title;
369 	char	*label;
370 	char	*info1;
371 	char	*info2;
372 	char	*info3;
373 	int	width;
374 	int	height;
375 	long	sxloc;
376 	long 	syloc;
377 	char	textmode;
378 	char	borderwidth;
379 	char	folding;
380 	char	color;
381 	char	textcolor;
382 	char	bordercolor;
383 	char	status;
384 	char 	shape;
385 	int	shrink;
386 	int	stretch;
387 	int	level;
388 	int	nhorder;
390 	/* These attributes are on summary nodes (graphs,regions) */
392 	struct	gnlist	*subgraph;   /* List of subgraphs       */
393 	struct	gnode	*root;       /* Root of graph           */
394 	struct	gnode	*regionrepl; /* Replacement node for    */
395 				     /* roots of regions        */
396 	struct	gnlist	*region;     /* List of nodes in region */
397 	struct 	gnode  	*regroot;    /* Root of region          */
399 	/* These are the locations used for the layout */
401 	long	xloc;
402 	long 	yloc;
404 	/* nodelist, graphlist links: these are double linked lists */
406 	struct 	gnode 	*next;	    /* successor in the node/graphlist   */
407 	struct 	gnode	*before;    /* predecessor in the node/graphlist */
409 	char	in_nodelist;	    /* flag, 1 if node is in nodelist */
410 	char	invisible;          /* flag, 1 if node is invisible   */
412 	/* layout attributes: nodes are distributed into layers according
413          * to their deeths relatively to the root of the graph, and have
414          * positions in these layers.
415          */
417 	char	markiert;           /* marker for depth first search    */
418 	char	revert;             /* marker for reverted drawing      */
419 	char    anchordummy;	    /* marker for anchor dummy nodes    */
420 	int	tiefe;		    /* the number (deepth) of the layer */
421 	int	position;           /* the position in the layer        */
422 	float	bary;               /* the weight of the bary centering */
424 	/* The following two fields have sev. purposes: they are the layout
425          * weights nws and nwp of the layout algorithm, and on drawing
426          * they are used as number of anchor points.
427 	 * The field weights is also used during the partitioning of
428 	 * edges as LOWPT of the strongly connected component.
429 	 * The field weightp is aslo used during the partitioning of
430 	 * edges as OPENSCC flag of the strongly connected component.
431          */
433 	long	weights;		/* node weight succ. (nws)   */
434 	long	weightp;		/* node weight pred. (nwp)   */
436 	/* For partitioning the edges, we need to know cross edges, tree
437          * edges, forward edges and backward edges. Thus, we calculate a
438          * depth first search (dfs) and protocol by numbers when we entry
439          * the dfs for a node and when we leave the dfs of this node.
440          */
442 	long	dfsnum;			/* the dfs entry number      */
444 	int	indegree;		/* number of incoming edges  */
445 	int	outdegree;		/* number of outgoing edges  */
447 	/* To calculate crossings, we need a pointer to the last instance
448          * of the upper or lower completion lists. See step2.c
449          */
451 	struct 	dllist	*Vpointer; 	/* this crossing pointer        */
453 	/* The graph is represented with adjacency lists. We have some
454          * fast accesses to the leftest or rightedst prede/successor.
455 	 * Further, at connections we temporary change the adjacency
456 	 * lists. Thus we store the original list in save fields.
457 	 * For crossing calculation, we need to reorder the adjacency
458 	 * lists. Thus we use a pointer tmpadj to the actual position
459 	 * in the adjacency list.
460          */
462 	struct	adjedge	*tmpadj;      	/* temporary adjacency list     */
463 	struct	adjedge	*pred;	       	/* adjacency list: predecessors */
464 	struct	adjedge	*succ;	       	/* adjacency list: successors   */
465 	struct	adjedge	*savepred;     	/* adjacency list: predecessors */
466 	struct	adjedge	*savesucc;     	/* adjacency list: successors   */
467 	struct	gedge	*predleft;     	/* leftest predecessor          */
468 	struct	gedge	*predright;    	/* rightest predecessor         */
469 	struct	gedge	*succleft;	/* leftest successor		*/
470 	struct	gedge	*succright;	/* rightest successor           */
472 	struct	connect	*connection;	/* horizontal connection to a   */
473 					/* neighboured node, see above  */
475 	/* The next field has two purposes: During parsing, we use it to
476          * create a hash table of all nontemporary node, to have fast
477 	 * access to the title.
478 	 * Otherwise, it is used for the memory management of temporary
479 	 * nodes.
480 	 */
482 	struct 	gnode 	*internal_next;
483 } *GNODE;
485 #define	NREFNUM(x)	((x)->refnum)
486 #define	NTITLE(x)	((x)->title)
487 #define	NLABEL(x)	((x)->label)
488 #define	NINFO1(x)	((x)->info1)
489 #define	NINFO2(x)	((x)->info2)
490 #define	NINFO3(x)	((x)->info3)
491 #define NTEXTMODE(x)	((x)->textmode)
492 #define NWIDTH(x)	((x)->width)
493 #define	NHEIGHT(x)	((x)->height)
494 #define	NSTATE(x)	((x)->status)
495 #define	NSHAPE(x)	((x)->shape)
496 #define NBORDERW(x)	((x)->borderwidth)
497 #define	NSX(x)		((x)->sxloc)
498 #define NSY(x)		((x)->syloc)
499 #define	NX(x)		((x)->xloc)
500 #define NY(x)		((x)->yloc)
501 #define	NFOLDING(x)	((x)->folding)
502 #define NCOLOR(x)	((x)->color)
503 #define	NTCOLOR(x)	((x)->textcolor)
504 #define	NBCOLOR(x)	((x)->bordercolor)
505 #define	NSHRINK(x)	((x)->shrink)
506 #define	NSTRETCH(x)	((x)->stretch)
507 #define	NLEVEL(x)	((x)->level)
508 #define	NHORDER(x)	((x)->nhorder)
509 #define	NSGRAPH(x)	((x)->subgraph)
510 #define	NROOT(x)	((x)->root)
511 #define NREGREPL(x)	((x)->regionrepl)
512 #define NREGION(x)	((x)->region)
513 #define	NREGROOT(x)	((x)->regroot)
514 #define	NNEXT(x)	((x)->next)
515 #define NBEFORE(x)	((x)->before)
516 #define NINLIST(x)	((x)->in_nodelist)
517 #define	NINVISIBLE(x)	((x)->invisible)
518 #define	NTIEFE(x)	((x)->tiefe)
519 #define	NPOS(x)		((x)->position)
520 #define	NMARK(x)	((x)->markiert)
521 #define	NREVERT(x)	((x)->revert)
522 #define	NANCHORNODE(x)	((x)->anchordummy)
523 #define	NBARY(x)	((x)->bary)
524 #define	NLOWPT(x)	((x)->weights)
525 #define	NOPENSCC(x)	((x)->weightp)
526 #define	NWEIGHTS(x)	((x)->weights)
527 #define	NWEIGHTP(x)	((x)->weightp)
528 #define	NDFS(x)		((x)->dfsnum)
529 #define	NHIGHPRIO(x)	((x)->dfsnum)
530 #define	NINDEG(x)	((x)->indegree)
531 #define	NOUTDEG(x)	((x)->outdegree)
532 #define	NVPTR(x)	((x)->Vpointer)
533 #define	NTMPADJ(x)	((x)->tmpadj)
534 #define	NPRED(x)	((x)->pred)
535 #define NSUCC(x)	((x)->succ)
536 #define	NSVPRED(x)	((x)->savepred)
537 #define NSVSUCC(x)	((x)->savesucc)
538 #define	NPREDL(x)	((x)->predleft)
539 #define	NPREDR(x)	((x)->predright)
540 #define	NSUCCL(x)	((x)->succleft)
541 #define	NSUCCR(x)	((x)->succright)
542 #define NCONNECT(x)	((x)->connection)
543 #define NINTERN(x)	((x)->internal_next)
545 #define	NCONTAR(x)	(CTARGET(NCONNECT(x)))
546 #define NCONEDG(x)	(CEDGE(NCONNECT(x)))
547 #define	NCONTAR2(x)	(CTARGET2(NCONNECT(x)))
548 #define NCONEDG2(x)	(CEDGE2(NCONNECT(x)))
550 /* For NREVERT, we allow the values:
551  * ---------------------------------
552  */
554 #define NOREVERT  0
555 #define AREVERT   1
556 #define BREVERT   2
559 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
561 /*  List of GNODE-objects
562  *  ---------------------
563  *  These are used for various reasons: as list of nodes of a (sub)graph,
564  *  as lists of nodes of a region, etc.
565  */
567 typedef struct gnlist {
568 	struct gnode 	*node;           /* The node              */
569 	struct gnlist 	*next;           /* The remaining list    */
570 	struct gnlist	*internal_next;  /* For memory management */
571 } *GNLIST;
573 #define	GNNODE(x)	((x)->node)
574 #define	GNNEXT(x)	((x)->next)
575 #define	GNINTERN(x)	((x)->internal_next)
577 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
580 /*  Edges of a graph
581  *  ----------------
582  *  During the layout, edges are partitioned into reverted edges,
583  *  etc. Thus, we have for `kantenart', or EART, or EKIND, respectively,
584  *  the following possibilities:
585  *	'U' -> the kind of this edge is undefined, (it is a normal edge)
586  *	'S' -> this is a self loop
587  *	'D' -> this is a biconnection, i.e. arrows at both sides
588  *	'R' -> this is a reverted edge.
589  *  If we do not self-layout, we have further:
590  *	'l' -> this edge goes to the left
591  *	'r' -> this edge goes to the right
592  *
593  *  The following tags indicate the initial partitionig, but they are not
594  *  anymore used.
595  *	'T' -> this is a tree edge
596  *	'F' -> this is a forward edge
597  *	'B' -> this is a backward edge (not yet reverted)
598  *	'C' -> this is a cross edge
599  *
600  *  For the x,y co-ordinates, there is a problem if neighoured nodes
601  *  are to large. To avoid (1), we allow that edges are bend, see (2)
602  *
603  *             -   --------                 -   --------
604  *            |A| |        |               |A| |        |
605  *             -  |        |                -  |        |
606  *              \ |   M    |                |  |   M    |
607  *   (1)         \|        |          (2)   |  |        |
608  *                \        |                |  |        |
609  *                |\       |                |  |        |
610  *                 -\------                  \  --------
611  *                   \                        \
612  *
613  *      i.e. each edge have start point and end point, and further a
614  *      bend point that has the same x-co-ordinate as the start point
615  *      (hold for top_down_layout).
616  */
618 typedef struct gedge {
619 	struct	gnode	*start;    /* Source node             */
620 	long	sxloc;             /* and its co-ordinates    */
621 	long	syloc;
622 	long	btxloc;		   /* Bend location on top of */
623 	long	btyloc;		   /* a node                  */
624 	long	bbxloc;		   /* Bend location on bottom */
625 	long	bbyloc;
626 	struct	gnode	*end;      /* Target node             */
627 	long	exloc;             /* and its co-ordinates    */
628 	long	eyloc;
629 	char	orientation; 	   /* updown, northwest, etc. */
630 	char	orientation2; 	   /* dito, for double edges  */
632 	/* These attributes come directly from the specification */
634 	char	linestyle;
635 	char	thickness;
636 	char	*label;
637 	int	priority;
638 	int	horder;
639 	char	eclass;
640 	char	color;
641 	char 	arrowstyle1;
642 	char 	arrowstyle2;
643 	char	arrowsize1;
644 	char	arrowcolor1;
645 	char	arrowsize2;
646 	char	arrowcolor2;
647 	char	labelcolor;
649 #ifdef ANSI_C
650 #ifdef VMS
651 	int     anchor;
652 #else
653 	signed char    anchor;
654 #endif
655 #else
656 	int     anchor;
657 #endif
659 	/* The layout decides wether an edge is visible or reverted, etc. */
661 	char	kantenart;	    /* flag 'U', 'S' etc. see above  */
662 	char	invisible;	    /* 1, if the edge is not visible */
664 	/* The following two fields are the layout weights ews and ewp of
665 	 * the layout algorithm. See the documentation of the layout alg.
666          * On drawing, they are further used as number of anchor point.
667          */
669 	long	weights;          /* edge weight succ. (ews)   */
670 	long	weightp;	  /* edge weight pred. (ewp)   */
672 	struct	gnode	*labelnode; /* Label node if the edge is replaced */
674 	/* edgelist links: these are double linked lists */
676 	struct	gedge	*next;		 /* successor in the edgelist   */
677 	struct 	gedge	*before; 	 /* predecessor in the edgelist */
678 	struct	gedge	*internal_next;  /* for memory allocation       */
679 } *GEDGE;
681 #define	ESTART(x)	((x)->start)
682 #define	EEND(x)		((x)->end)
683 #define	ESTARTX(x)	((x)->sxloc)
684 #define ESTARTY(x)	((x)->syloc)
685 #define	ETBENDX(x)	((x)->btxloc)
686 #define ETBENDY(x)	((x)->btyloc)
687 #define	EBBENDX(x)	((x)->bbxloc)
688 #define EBBENDY(x)	((x)->bbyloc)
689 #define	EENDX(x)	((x)->exloc)
690 #define	EENDY(x)	((x)->eyloc)
691 #define EORI(x)		((x)->orientation)
692 #define EORI2(x)	((x)->orientation2)
693 #define	ELABEL(x)	((x)->label)
694 #define	ELABELCOL(x)	((x)->labelcolor)
695 #define	ELSTYLE(x)	((x)->linestyle)
696 #define	ETHICKNESS(x)	((x)->thickness)
697 #define	ECLASS(x)	((x)->eclass)
698 #define	EPRIO(x)	((x)->priority)
699 #define	EHORDER(x)	((x)->horder)
700 #define ECOLOR(x)	((x)->color)
701 #define	EARROWSTYLE(x)	((x)->arrowstyle1)
702 #define	EARROWBSTYLE(x)	((x)->arrowstyle2)
703 #define	EARROWSIZE(x)	((x)->arrowsize1)
704 #define	EARROWBSIZE(x)	((x)->arrowsize2)
705 #define	EARROWCOL(x)	((x)->arrowcolor1)
706 #define	EARROWBCOL(x)	((x)->arrowcolor2)
707 #define	EANCHOR(x)	((x)->anchor)
708 #define	ELNODE(x)	((x)->labelnode)
709 #define	ENEXT(x)	((x)->next)
710 #define	EBEFORE(x)	((x)->before)
711 #define EART(x)		((x)->kantenart)
712 #define	EINVISIBLE(x)	((x)->invisible)
713 #define	EWEIGHTS(x)	((x)->weights)
714 #define	EWEIGHTP(x)	((x)->weightp)
715 #define EINTERN(x)	((x)->internal_next)
719 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
721 /*  Adjacency lists
722  *  ---------------
723  *  Graphs are represented as adjacency list, see above.
724  *  The cons cell of the list of edges used in adjacency list
725  *  is the struct adjedge.
726  */
728 typedef struct adjedge {
729 	struct gedge 	*kante;           /* Edge */
730 	struct adjedge	*next;
731 	struct adjedge	*internal_next;
732 } *ADJEDGE;
734 /* direct accesses */
736 #define AKANTE(x)	((x)->kante)
737 #define	ANEXT(x)	((x)->next)
738 #define	AINTERN(x)	((x)->internal_next)
740 /* accesses to attributes of source and target of an edge */
742 #define	SOURCE(x)	(ESTART(AKANTE(x)))
743 #define	TARGET(x)	(EEND(AKANTE(x)))
744 #define	ESOURCEX(x)	(ESTARTX(AKANTE(x)))
745 #define	ESOURCEY(x)	(ESTARTY(AKANTE(x)))
746 #define ETARGETX(x)	(EENDX(AKANTE(x)))
747 #define	ETARGETY(x)	(EENDY(AKANTE(x)))
748 #define	EKIND(x)	(EART(AKANTE(x)))
750 #define	NTARTIEFE(x)	(NTIEFE(EEND(AKANTE(x))))
752 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
754 /*  Layout structs
755  *  ==============
756  *  To calculate the layout, the nodes are scheduled into layers.
757  *  All nodes of one layer have the same vertical position, i.e.
758  *  have the same deepth (level number) in the spanning tree of the graph.
759  *  Inside the layers, the nodes are scheduled to minimize the crossings
760  *  of the edges.
761  */
764 /*  Depth entries
765  *  -------------
766  *  This is an entry in the table of existing layers. Each layer
767  *  node contains the list of nodes of this layer, and the layout
768  *  values. For the list of nodes, we use two lists to traverse
769  *  the nodes forward and backward (similar to a double linked list).
770  */
772 typedef struct depth_entry {
773 	int	anz;		     /* Number of nodes of this layer */
774 	int	actx;		     /* actual  x coord.in this layer */
775 	int 	cross;		     /* number of crossings of layer  */
776 	GNODE   refnode;	     /* Reference node for part 3     */
777 	struct	gnlist	*predlist;   /* nodes of this layer (forward) */
778 	struct	gnlist	*succlist;   /* nodes of this layer (backward)*/
779 	char	resort_necessary;    /* indicates if resorting by     */
780 				     /* barycentering etc. is needed  */
781 } DEPTH;
783 #define	TANZ(x)		((x).anz)
784 #define	TPRED(x)	((x).predlist)
785 #define	TSUCC(x)	((x).succlist)
786 #define	TCROSS(x)	((x).cross)
787 #define	TACTX(x)	((x).actx)
788 #define	TREFN(x)	((x).refnode)
789 #define	TRESNEEDED(x)	((x).resort_necessary)
792 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
794 /*  Dllists
795  *  -------
796  *  To calculate the number of crossings, we use a plain sweep algorithm
797  *  that uses two lists. These sets are implemented as double
798  *  linked lists containing nodes.
799  */
801 typedef	struct dllist {
802 	struct	gnode	*node;		/* the node              */
803 	int		dlinfo;		/* the node info	 */
804 	int		dlx;		/* the info coordinate   */
805 	struct	dllist	*pred;          /* predecessor cons cell */
806 	struct	dllist	*succ;          /* successor   cons cell */
807 } *DLLIST;
809 #define	DPRED(x)	((x)->pred)
810 #define	DSUCC(x)	((x)->succ)
811 #define	DNODE(x)	((x)->node)
812 #define	DNX(x)		((x)->dlx)
813 #define	DINFO(x)	((x)->dlinfo)
815 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
818 /* see alloc.c for more information */
820 /* Global Variables
821  * ----------------
822  */
824 extern int nodeanz;
825 extern int dummyanz;
826 extern GNODE nodelist;
827 extern GNODE nodelistend;
828 extern GNODE tmpnodelist;
829 extern GNODE graphlist;
830 extern GNODE graphlistend;
831 extern GNODE invis_nodes;
832 extern GNODE labellist;
833 extern GNODE labellistend;
834 extern GNODE dummylist;
835 extern int edgeanz;
836 extern GEDGE edgelist;
837 extern GEDGE edgelistend;
838 extern GEDGE tmpedgelist;
839 extern GEDGE hedgelist;
840 extern GEDGE hedgelistend;
841 extern GEDGE invis_edges;
842 extern ADJEDGE near_edge_list;
843 extern ADJEDGE bent_near_edge_list;
844 extern ADJEDGE back_edge_list;
846 #ifdef CHECKNODE
847 extern GNODE debug_checknode;
848 #endif
851 /* Prototypes
852  * ----------
853  * See alloc.c for more information.
854  */
856 char *myalloc 		_PP((int x));
857 void free_memory 	_PP((void));
859 GNODE nodealloc		_PP((GNODE refnode));
860 GNODE graphalloc	_PP((GNODE refnode));
861 void  nodedefaults	_PP((GNODE node));
862 void  foldnodedefaults	_PP((GNODE node));
863 void  inherit_foldnode_attributes	_PP((GNODE fn, GNODE y));
864 void  copy_nodeattributes		_PP((GNODE fn, GNODE y));
866 GNODE tmpnodealloc	_PP((int textm,int width,int height,int borderw,int fold,int color,int textc,int borderc, int shrink,int stretch,int horder));
867 void 	free_node	_PP((GNODE v));
868 void 	free_tmpnodes   _PP((void));
869 GNODE   search_xy_node	_PP((long x,long y));
870 void check_graph_consistency _PP((void));
873 GNLIST  nodelist_alloc		_PP((GNODE v));
874 GNLIST  tmpnodelist_alloc 	_PP((void));
875 GNLIST  foldnodelist_alloc 	_PP((void));
876 void free_regionnodelist	_PP(( GNLIST r));
877 void free_foldnodelists		_PP((void));
879 GEDGE edgealloc 	_PP((GEDGE refedge));
880 void  edgedefaults	_PP((GEDGE edge));
881 void  foldedgedefaults	_PP((GEDGE edge));
882 void  inherit_foldedge_attributes	_PP((GEDGE fn, GEDGE y));
883 void  copy_edgeattributes		_PP((GEDGE fn, GEDGE y));
885 GEDGE tmpedgealloc _PP((int lstyle,int thick,int xclass,int prio,int ecolor,int elcol,int arrows,int barrows,int arrowsty,int barrowsty,int arrowc,int barrowc,int horder));
886 void near_edge_insert       _PP((GEDGE e));
887 void bentnear_edge_insert   _PP((GEDGE e));
888 void back_edge_insert       _PP((GEDGE e));
889 ADJEDGE prededgealloc 	    _PP((GNODE node,GEDGE edge));
890 ADJEDGE succedgealloc 	    _PP((GNODE node,GEDGE edge));
892 CONNECT	connectalloc	_PP((GNODE node));
894 DLLIST 	dllist_alloc	_PP((GNODE  node, DLLIST pred));
895 void    dllist_free	_PP((DLLIST x));
896 void    dllist_free_all	_PP((DLLIST x));
898 void	free_all_lists 	 _PP((void));
899 void    reinit_all_lists _PP((void));
901 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
903 #endif /* ALLOC_H  */