1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // File: DXUT.cpp
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
5 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 #include "dxstdafx.h"
7 #define DXUT_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_X 200
8 #define DXUT_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_Y 200
9 #undef min // use __min instead inside this source file
10 #undef max // use __max instead inside this source file
12 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 // Thread safety
14 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 bool g_bThreadSafe = true;
19 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // Automatically enters & leaves the CS upon object creation/deletion
21 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 class DXUTLock
23 {
24 public:
DXUTLock()25     inline DXUTLock()  { if( g_bThreadSafe ) EnterCriticalSection( &g_cs ); }
~DXUTLock()26     inline ~DXUTLock() { if( g_bThreadSafe ) LeaveCriticalSection( &g_cs ); }
27 };
31 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 // Helper macros to build member functions that access member variables with thread safety
33 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 #define SET_ACCESSOR( x, y )       inline void Set##y( x t )  { DXUTLock l; m_state.m_##y = t; };
35 #define GET_ACCESSOR( x, y )       inline x Get##y() { DXUTLock l; return m_state.m_##y; };
36 #define GET_SET_ACCESSOR( x, y )   SET_ACCESSOR( x, y ) GET_ACCESSOR( x, y )
38 #define SETP_ACCESSOR( x, y )      inline void Set##y( x* t )  { DXUTLock l; m_state.m_##y = *t; };
39 #define GETP_ACCESSOR( x, y )      inline x* Get##y() { DXUTLock l; return &m_state.m_##y; };
40 #define GETP_SETP_ACCESSOR( x, y ) SETP_ACCESSOR( x, y ) GETP_ACCESSOR( x, y )
43 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 // Stores timer callback info
45 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 struct DXUT_TIMER
47 {
48     LPDXUTCALLBACKTIMER pCallbackTimer;
49     void* pCallbackUserContext;
50     float fTimeoutInSecs;
51     float fCountdown;
52     bool  bEnabled;
53     UINT  nID;
54 };
57 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 // Stores DXUT state and data access is done with thread safety (if g_bThreadSafe==true)
59 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 class DXUTState
61 {
62 protected:
63     struct STATE
64     {
65         IDirect3D9*          m_D3D;                     // the main D3D object
67         IDirect3DDevice9*    m_D3DDevice;               // the D3D rendering device
68         CD3DEnumeration*     m_D3DEnumeration;          // CD3DEnumeration object
70         DXUTDeviceSettings*  m_CurrentDeviceSettings;   // current device settings
71         D3DSURFACE_DESC      m_BackBufferSurfaceDesc;   // back buffer surface description
72         D3DCAPS9             m_Caps;                    // D3D caps for current device
74         HWND  m_HWNDFocus;                  // the main app focus window
75         HWND  m_HWNDDeviceFullScreen;       // the main app device window in fullscreen mode
76         HWND  m_HWNDDeviceWindowed;         // the main app device window in windowed mode
77         HMONITOR m_AdapterMonitor;          // the monitor of the adapter
78         HMENU m_Menu;                       // handle to menu
80         UINT m_FullScreenBackBufferWidthAtModeChange;  // back buffer size of fullscreen mode right before switching to windowed mode.  Used to restore to same resolution when toggling back to fullscreen
81         UINT m_FullScreenBackBufferHeightAtModeChange; // back buffer size of fullscreen mode right before switching to windowed mode.  Used to restore to same resolution when toggling back to fullscreen
82         UINT m_WindowBackBufferWidthAtModeChange;  // back buffer size of windowed mode right before switching to fullscreen mode.  Used to restore to same resolution when toggling back to windowed mode
83         UINT m_WindowBackBufferHeightAtModeChange; // back buffer size of windowed mode right before switching to fullscreen mode.  Used to restore to same resolution when toggling back to windowed mode
84         DWORD m_WindowedStyleAtModeChange;  // window style
85         WINDOWPLACEMENT m_WindowedPlacement; // record of windowed HWND position/show state/etc
86         bool  m_TopmostWhileWindowed;       // if true, the windowed HWND is topmost
87         bool  m_Minimized;                  // if true, the HWND is minimized
88         bool  m_Maximized;                  // if true, the HWND is maximized
89         bool  m_MinimizedWhileFullscreen;   // if true, the HWND is minimized due to a focus switch away when fullscreen mode
90         bool  m_IgnoreSizeChange;           // if true, DXUT won't reset the device upon HWND size change
92         double m_Time;                      // current time in seconds
93         double m_AbsoluteTime;              // absolute time in seconds
94         float m_ElapsedTime;                // time elapsed since last frame
96         HINSTANCE m_HInstance;              // handle to the app instance
97         double m_LastStatsUpdateTime;       // last time the stats were updated
98         DWORD m_LastStatsUpdateFrames;      // frames count since last time the stats were updated
99         float m_FPS;                        // frames per second
100         int   m_CurrentFrameNumber;         // the current frame number
101         HHOOK m_KeyboardHook;               // handle to keyboard hook
102         bool  m_AllowShortcutKeysWhenFullscreen; // if true, when fullscreen enable shortcut keys (Windows keys, StickyKeys shortcut, ToggleKeys shortcut, FilterKeys shortcut)
103         bool  m_AllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed;   // if true, when windowed enable shortcut keys (Windows keys, StickyKeys shortcut, ToggleKeys shortcut, FilterKeys shortcut)
104         bool  m_AllowShortcutKeys;          // if true, then shortcut keys are currently disabled (Windows key, etc)
105         bool  m_CallDefWindowProc;          // if true, DXUTStaticWndProc will call DefWindowProc for unhandled messages. Applications rendering to a dialog may need to set this to false.
106         STICKYKEYS m_StartupStickyKeys;     // StickyKey settings upon startup so they can be restored later
107         TOGGLEKEYS m_StartupToggleKeys;     // ToggleKey settings upon startup so they can be restored later
108         FILTERKEYS m_StartupFilterKeys;     // FilterKey settings upon startup so they can be restored later
110         bool  m_HandleDefaultHotkeys;       // if true, then DXUT will handle some default hotkeys
111         bool  m_HandleAltEnter;             // if true, then DXUT will handle Alt-Enter
112         bool  m_ShowMsgBoxOnError;          // if true, then msgboxes are displayed upon errors
113         bool  m_NoStats;                    // if true, then DXUTGetFrameStats() and DXUTGetDeviceStats() will return blank strings
114         bool  m_ClipCursorWhenFullScreen;   // if true, then DXUT will keep the cursor from going outside the window when full screen
115         bool  m_ShowCursorWhenFullScreen;   // if true, then DXUT will show a cursor when full screen
116         bool  m_ConstantFrameTime;          // if true, then elapsed frame time will always be 0.05f seconds which is good for debugging or automated capture
117         float m_TimePerFrame;               // the constant time per frame in seconds, only valid if m_ConstantFrameTime==true
118         bool  m_WireframeMode;              // if true, then D3DRS_FILLMODE==D3DFILL_WIREFRAME else D3DRS_FILLMODE==D3DFILL_SOLID
119         bool  m_AutoChangeAdapter;          // if true, then the adapter will automatically change if the window is different monitor
120         bool  m_WindowCreatedWithDefaultPositions; // if true, then CW_USEDEFAULT was used and the window should be moved to the right adapter
121         int   m_ExitCode;                   // the exit code to be returned to the command line
123         bool  m_DXUTInited;                 // if true, then DXUTInit() has succeeded
124         bool  m_WindowCreated;              // if true, then DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() has succeeded
125         bool  m_DeviceCreated;              // if true, then DXUTCreateDevice*() or DXUTSetDevice() has succeeded
127         bool  m_DXUTInitCalled;             // if true, then DXUTInit() was called
128         bool  m_WindowCreateCalled;         // if true, then DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() was called
129         bool  m_DeviceCreateCalled;         // if true, then DXUTCreateDevice*() or DXUTSetDevice() was called
131         bool  m_DeviceObjectsCreated;       // if true, then DeviceCreated callback has been called (if non-NULL)
132         bool  m_DeviceObjectsReset;         // if true, then DeviceReset callback has been called (if non-NULL)
133         bool  m_InsideDeviceCallback;       // if true, then the framework is inside an app device callback
134         bool  m_InsideMainloop;             // if true, then the framework is inside the main loop
135         bool  m_Active;                     // if true, then the app is the active top level window
136         bool  m_TimePaused;                 // if true, then time is paused
137         bool  m_RenderingPaused;            // if true, then rendering is paused
138         int   m_PauseRenderingCount;        // pause rendering ref count
139         int   m_PauseTimeCount;             // pause time ref count
140         bool  m_DeviceLost;                 // if true, then the device is lost and needs to be reset
141         bool  m_NotifyOnMouseMove;          // if true, include WM_MOUSEMOVE in mousecallback
142         bool  m_Automation;                 // if true, automation is enabled
143         bool  m_InSizeMove;                 // if true, app is inside a WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE
144         UINT  m_TimerLastID;               // last ID of the DXUT timer
146         int   m_OverrideAdapterOrdinal;     // if != -1, then override to use this adapter ordinal
147         bool  m_OverrideWindowed;           // if true, then force to start windowed
148         bool  m_OverrideFullScreen;         // if true, then force to start full screen
149         int   m_OverrideStartX;             // if != -1, then override to this X position of the window
150         int   m_OverrideStartY;             // if != -1, then override to this Y position of the window
151         int   m_OverrideWidth;              // if != 0, then override to this width
152         int   m_OverrideHeight;             // if != 0, then override to this height
153         bool  m_OverrideForceHAL;           // if true, then force to HAL device (failing if one doesn't exist)
154         bool  m_OverrideForceREF;           // if true, then force to REF device (failing if one doesn't exist)
155         bool  m_OverrideForcePureHWVP;      // if true, then force to use pure HWVP (failing if device doesn't support it)
156         bool  m_OverrideForceHWVP;          // if true, then force to use HWVP (failing if device doesn't support it)
157         bool  m_OverrideForceSWVP;          // if true, then force to use SWVP
158         bool  m_OverrideConstantFrameTime;  // if true, then force to constant frame time
159         float m_OverrideConstantTimePerFrame; // the constant time per frame in seconds if m_OverrideConstantFrameTime==true
160         int   m_OverrideQuitAfterFrame;     // if != 0, then it will force the app to quit after that frame
161         int   m_OverrideForceVsync;         // if == 0, then it will force the app to use D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE, if == 1 force use of D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
162         bool  m_OverrideRelaunchMCE;          // if true, then force relaunch of MCE at exit
164         LPDXUTCALLBACKISDEVICEACCEPTABLE    m_IsDeviceAcceptableFunc;   // is device acceptable callback
165         LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS  m_ModifyDeviceSettingsFunc; // modify device settings callback
166         LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICECREATED         m_DeviceCreatedFunc;        // device created callback
167         LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICERESET           m_DeviceResetFunc;          // device reset callback
168         LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICELOST            m_DeviceLostFunc;           // device lost callback
169         LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICEDESTROYED       m_DeviceDestroyedFunc;      // device destroyed callback
170         LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE             m_FrameMoveFunc;            // frame move callback
171         LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMERENDER           m_FrameRenderFunc;          // frame render callback
172         LPDXUTCALLBACKKEYBOARD              m_KeyboardFunc;             // keyboard callback
173         LPDXUTCALLBACKMOUSE                 m_MouseFunc;                // mouse callback
174         LPDXUTCALLBACKMSGPROC               m_WindowMsgFunc;            // window messages callback
176         void*                               m_IsDeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext;   // user context for is device acceptable callback
177         void*                               m_ModifyDeviceSettingsFuncUserContext; // user context for modify device settings callback
178         void*                               m_DeviceCreatedUserContext;            // user context for device created callback
179         void*                               m_DeviceCreatedFuncUserContext;        // user context for device created callback
180         void*                               m_DeviceResetFuncUserContext;          // user context for device reset callback
181         void*                               m_DeviceLostFuncUserContext;           // user context for device lost callback
182         void*                               m_DeviceDestroyedFuncUserContext;      // user context for device destroyed callback
183         void*                               m_FrameMoveFuncUserContext;            // user context for frame move callback
184         void*                               m_FrameRenderFuncUserContext;          // user context for frame render callback
185         void*                               m_KeyboardFuncUserContext;             // user context for keyboard callback
186         void*                               m_MouseFuncUserContext;                // user context for mouse callback
187         void*                               m_WindowMsgFuncUserContext;            // user context for window messages callback
189         bool                         m_Keys[256];                       // array of key state
190         bool                         m_MouseButtons[5];                 // array of mouse states
192         CGrowableArray<DXUT_TIMER>*  m_TimerList;                       // list of DXUT_TIMER structs
193         WCHAR                        m_StaticFrameStats[256];           // static part of frames stats
194         WCHAR                        m_FPSStats[64];                    // fps stats
195         WCHAR                        m_FrameStats[256];                 // frame stats (fps, width, etc)
196         WCHAR                        m_DeviceStats[256];                // device stats (description, device type, etc)
197         WCHAR                        m_WindowTitle[256];                // window title
198     };
200     STATE m_state;
202 public:
DXUTState()203     DXUTState()  { Create(); }
~DXUTState()204     ~DXUTState() { Destroy(); }
Create()206     void Create()
207     {
208         // Make sure these are created before DXUTState so they
209         // destroyed last because DXUTState cleanup needs them
210         DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache();
212         ZeroMemory( &m_state, sizeof(STATE) );
213         g_bThreadSafe = true;
214         InitializeCriticalSection( &g_cs );
215         m_state.m_OverrideStartX = -1;
216         m_state.m_OverrideStartY = -1;
217         m_state.m_OverrideAdapterOrdinal = -1;
218         m_state.m_OverrideForceVsync = -1;
219         m_state.m_AutoChangeAdapter = true;
220         m_state.m_ShowMsgBoxOnError = true;
221         m_state.m_AllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed = true;
222         m_state.m_Active = true;
223         m_state.m_CallDefWindowProc = true;
224     }
Destroy()226     void Destroy()
227     {
228         DXUTShutdown();
229         DeleteCriticalSection( &g_cs );
230     }
232     // Macros to define access functions for thread safe access into m_state
233     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( IDirect3D9*, D3D );
235     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( IDirect3DDevice9*, D3DDevice );
236     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( CD3DEnumeration*, D3DEnumeration );
237     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( DXUTDeviceSettings*, CurrentDeviceSettings );
238     GETP_SETP_ACCESSOR( D3DSURFACE_DESC, BackBufferSurfaceDesc );
242     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( HWND, HWNDDeviceFullScreen );
243     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( HWND, HWNDDeviceWindowed );
244     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( HMONITOR, AdapterMonitor );
245     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( HMENU, Menu );
247     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( UINT, FullScreenBackBufferWidthAtModeChange );
248     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( UINT, FullScreenBackBufferHeightAtModeChange );
249     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( UINT, WindowBackBufferWidthAtModeChange );
250     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( UINT, WindowBackBufferHeightAtModeChange );
252     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( DWORD, WindowedStyleAtModeChange );
253     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, TopmostWhileWindowed );
254     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, Minimized );
255     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, Maximized );
256     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, MinimizedWhileFullscreen );
257     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, IgnoreSizeChange );
259     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( double, Time );
260     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( double, AbsoluteTime );
261     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( float, ElapsedTime );
264     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( double, LastStatsUpdateTime );
265     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( DWORD, LastStatsUpdateFrames );
266     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( float, FPS );
267     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, CurrentFrameNumber );
268     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( HHOOK, KeyboardHook );
269     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, AllowShortcutKeysWhenFullscreen );
270     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, AllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed );
271     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, AllowShortcutKeys );
272     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, CallDefWindowProc );
273     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( STICKYKEYS, StartupStickyKeys );
274     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( TOGGLEKEYS, StartupToggleKeys );
275     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( FILTERKEYS, StartupFilterKeys );
277     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, HandleDefaultHotkeys );
278     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, HandleAltEnter );
279     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, ShowMsgBoxOnError );
280     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, NoStats );
281     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, ClipCursorWhenFullScreen );
282     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, ShowCursorWhenFullScreen );
283     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, ConstantFrameTime );
284     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( float, TimePerFrame );
285     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, WireframeMode );
286     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, AutoChangeAdapter );
287     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, WindowCreatedWithDefaultPositions );
288     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, ExitCode );
290     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DXUTInited );
291     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, WindowCreated );
292     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DeviceCreated );
293     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DXUTInitCalled );
294     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, WindowCreateCalled );
295     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DeviceCreateCalled );
296     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, InsideDeviceCallback );
297     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, InsideMainloop );
298     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DeviceObjectsCreated );
299     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DeviceObjectsReset );
300     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, Active );
301     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, RenderingPaused );
302     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, TimePaused );
303     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, PauseRenderingCount );
304     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, PauseTimeCount );
305     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, DeviceLost );
306     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, NotifyOnMouseMove );
307     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, Automation );
308     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, InSizeMove );
309     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( UINT, TimerLastID );
311     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideAdapterOrdinal );
312     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideWindowed );
313     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideFullScreen );
314     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideStartX );
315     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideStartY );
316     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideWidth );
317     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideHeight );
318     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideForceHAL );
319     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideForceREF );
320     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideForcePureHWVP );
321     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideForceHWVP );
322     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideForceSWVP );
323     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideConstantFrameTime );
324     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( float, OverrideConstantTimePerFrame );
325     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideQuitAfterFrame );
326     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( int, OverrideForceVsync );
327     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( bool, OverrideRelaunchMCE );
341     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, IsDeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext );
342     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, ModifyDeviceSettingsFuncUserContext );
343     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, DeviceCreatedFuncUserContext );
344     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, DeviceResetFuncUserContext );
345     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, DeviceLostFuncUserContext );
346     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, DeviceDestroyedFuncUserContext );
347     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, FrameMoveFuncUserContext );
348     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, FrameRenderFuncUserContext );
349     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, KeyboardFuncUserContext );
350     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, MouseFuncUserContext );
351     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( void*, WindowMsgFuncUserContext );
353     GET_SET_ACCESSOR( CGrowableArray<DXUT_TIMER>*, TimerList );
354     GET_ACCESSOR( bool*, Keys );
355     GET_ACCESSOR( bool*, MouseButtons );
356     GET_ACCESSOR( WCHAR*, StaticFrameStats );
357     GET_ACCESSOR( WCHAR*, FPSStats );
358     GET_ACCESSOR( WCHAR*, FrameStats );
359     GET_ACCESSOR( WCHAR*, DeviceStats );
360     GET_ACCESSOR( WCHAR*, WindowTitle );
361 };
364 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 // Global state class
366 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetDXUTState()367 DXUTState& GetDXUTState()
368 {
369     // Using an accessor function gives control of the construction order
370     static DXUTState state;
371     return state;
372 }
375 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
376 // Internal functions forward declarations
377 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 typedef IDirect3D9* (WINAPI* LPDIRECT3DCREATE9)(UINT SDKVersion);
380 int     DXUTMapButtonToArrayIndex( BYTE vButton );
381 void    DXUTSetProcessorAffinity();
382 void    DXUTParseCommandLine();
383 CD3DEnumeration* DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject( bool bEnumerate = false );
384 void    DXUTBuildOptimalDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pOptimalDeviceSettings, DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn, DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions );
385 bool    DXUTDoesDeviceComboMatchPreserveOptions( CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo, DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn, DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions );
386 float   DXUTRankDeviceCombo( CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo, DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn, D3DDISPLAYMODE* pAdapterDesktopDisplayMode );
387 void    DXUTBuildValidDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pBestDeviceSettingsCombo, DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn, DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions );
388 HRESULT DXUTFindValidResolution( CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pBestDeviceSettingsCombo, D3DDISPLAYMODE displayModeIn, D3DDISPLAYMODE* pBestDisplayMode );
389 HRESULT DXUTFindAdapterFormat( UINT AdapterOrdinal, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, BOOL Windowed, D3DFORMAT* pAdapterFormat );
390 HRESULT DXUTChangeDevice( DXUTDeviceSettings* pNewDeviceSettings, IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDeviceFromApp, bool bForceRecreate, bool bClipWindowToSingleAdapter );
391 void    DXUTUpdateDeviceSettingsWithOverrides( DXUTDeviceSettings* pNewDeviceSettings );
392 HRESULT DXUTCreate3DEnvironment( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDeviceFromApp );
393 HRESULT DXUTReset3DEnvironment();
394 void    DXUTRender3DEnvironment();
395 void    DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment( bool bReleaseSettings = true );
396 void    DXUTUpdateFrameStats();
397 void    DXUTUpdateDeviceStats( D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, DWORD BehaviorFlags, D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9* pAdapterIdentifier );
398 void    DXUTUpdateStaticFrameStats();
399 void    DXUTHandleTimers();
400 bool    DXUTIsNextArg( WCHAR*& strCmdLine, WCHAR* strArg );
401 bool    DXUTGetCmdParam( WCHAR*& strCmdLine, WCHAR* strFlag );
402 void    DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( HRESULT hr );
403 LRESULT CALLBACK DXUTStaticWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
404 void    DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange();
405 void    DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors();
406 UINT    DXUTColorChannelBits( D3DFORMAT fmt );
407 UINT    DXUTStencilBits( D3DFORMAT fmt );
408 UINT    DXUTDepthBits( D3DFORMAT fmt );
409 HRESULT DXUTGetAdapterOrdinalFromMonitor( HMONITOR hMonitor, UINT* pAdapterOrdinal );
410 void    DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( bool bAllowKeys );
411 void    DXUTUpdateBackBufferDesc();
412 void    DXUTSetupCursor();
413 HRESULT DXUTSetDeviceCursor( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, HCURSOR hCursor, bool bAddWatermark );
416 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 // External callback setup functions
418 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetCallbackDeviceCreated(LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICECREATED pCallbackDeviceCreated,void * pUserContext)419 void DXUTSetCallbackDeviceCreated( LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICECREATED pCallbackDeviceCreated, void* pUserContext ) { GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreatedFunc( pCallbackDeviceCreated ); GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreatedFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackDeviceReset(LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICERESET pCallbackDeviceReset,void * pUserContext)420 void DXUTSetCallbackDeviceReset( LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICERESET pCallbackDeviceReset, void* pUserContext )       { GetDXUTState().SetDeviceResetFunc( pCallbackDeviceReset );  GetDXUTState().SetDeviceResetFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackDeviceLost(LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICELOST pCallbackDeviceLost,void * pUserContext)421 void DXUTSetCallbackDeviceLost( LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICELOST pCallbackDeviceLost, void* pUserContext )          { GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLostFunc( pCallbackDeviceLost );  GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLostFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackDeviceDestroyed(LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICEDESTROYED pCallbackDeviceDestroyed,void * pUserContext)422 void DXUTSetCallbackDeviceDestroyed( LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICEDESTROYED pCallbackDeviceDestroyed, void* pUserContext ) { GetDXUTState().SetDeviceDestroyedFunc( pCallbackDeviceDestroyed );  GetDXUTState().SetDeviceDestroyedFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackDeviceChanging(LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings,void * pUserContext)423 void DXUTSetCallbackDeviceChanging( LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext ) { GetDXUTState().SetModifyDeviceSettingsFunc( pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings );  GetDXUTState().SetModifyDeviceSettingsFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackFrameMove(LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE pCallbackFrameMove,void * pUserContext)424 void DXUTSetCallbackFrameMove( LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE pCallbackFrameMove, void* pUserContext ) { GetDXUTState().SetFrameMoveFunc( pCallbackFrameMove );  GetDXUTState().SetFrameMoveFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackFrameRender(LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMERENDER pCallbackFrameRender,void * pUserContext)425 void DXUTSetCallbackFrameRender( LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMERENDER pCallbackFrameRender, void* pUserContext )       { GetDXUTState().SetFrameRenderFunc( pCallbackFrameRender );  GetDXUTState().SetFrameRenderFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackKeyboard(LPDXUTCALLBACKKEYBOARD pCallbackKeyboard,void * pUserContext)426 void DXUTSetCallbackKeyboard( LPDXUTCALLBACKKEYBOARD pCallbackKeyboard, void* pUserContext )                { GetDXUTState().SetKeyboardFunc( pCallbackKeyboard );  GetDXUTState().SetKeyboardFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackMouse(LPDXUTCALLBACKMOUSE pCallbackMouse,bool bIncludeMouseMove,void * pUserContext)427 void DXUTSetCallbackMouse( LPDXUTCALLBACKMOUSE pCallbackMouse, bool bIncludeMouseMove, void* pUserContext ) { GetDXUTState().SetMouseFunc( pCallbackMouse ); GetDXUTState().SetNotifyOnMouseMove( bIncludeMouseMove );  GetDXUTState().SetMouseFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
DXUTSetCallbackMsgProc(LPDXUTCALLBACKMSGPROC pCallbackMsgProc,void * pUserContext)428 void DXUTSetCallbackMsgProc( LPDXUTCALLBACKMSGPROC pCallbackMsgProc, void* pUserContext )                   { GetDXUTState().SetWindowMsgFunc( pCallbackMsgProc );  GetDXUTState().SetWindowMsgFuncUserContext( pUserContext ); }
430 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 // Optionally parses the command line and sets if default hotkeys are handled
432 //
433 //       Possible command line parameters are:
434 //          -adapter:#              forces app to use this adapter # (fails if the adapter doesn't exist)
435 //          -windowed               forces app to start windowed
436 //          -fullscreen             forces app to start full screen
437 //          -forcehal               forces app to use HAL (fails if HAL doesn't exist)
438 //          -forceref               forces app to use REF (fails if REF doesn't exist)
439 //          -forcepurehwvp          forces app to use pure HWVP (fails if device doesn't support it)
440 //          -forcehwvp              forces app to use HWVP (fails if device doesn't support it)
441 //          -forceswvp              forces app to use SWVP
442 //          -forcevsync:#           if # is 0, forces app to use D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE otherwise force use of D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
443 //          -width:#                forces app to use # for width. for full screen, it will pick the closest possible supported mode
444 //          -height:#               forces app to use # for height. for full screen, it will pick the closest possible supported mode
445 //          -startx:#               forces app to use # for the x coord of the window position for windowed mode
446 //          -starty:#               forces app to use # for the y coord of the window position for windowed mode
447 //          -constantframetime:#    forces app to use constant frame time, where # is the time/frame in seconds
448 //          -quitafterframe:x       forces app to quit after # frames
449 //          -noerrormsgboxes        prevents the display of message boxes generated by the framework so the application can be run without user interaction
450 //          -nostats                prevents the display of the stats
451 //          -relaunchmce            re-launches the MCE UI after the app exits
452 //          -automation             every CDXUTDialog created will have EnableKeyboardInput(true) called, enabling UI navigation with keyboard
453 //                                  This is useful when automating application testing.
454 //
455 //      Hotkeys handled by default are:
456 //          Alt-Enter           toggle between full screen & windowed (hotkey always enabled)
457 //          ESC                 exit app
458 //          F3                  toggle HAL/REF
459 //          F8                  toggle wire-frame mode
460 //          Pause               pause time
461 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTInit(bool bParseCommandLine,bool bHandleDefaultHotkeys,bool bShowMsgBoxOnError,bool bHandleAltEnter)462 HRESULT DXUTInit( bool bParseCommandLine, bool bHandleDefaultHotkeys, bool bShowMsgBoxOnError, bool bHandleAltEnter )
463 {
464     GetDXUTState().SetDXUTInitCalled( true );
466     // Not always needed, but lets the app create GDI dialogs
467     InitCommonControls();
469     // Save the current sticky/toggle/filter key settings so DXUT can restore them later
470     STICKYKEYS sk = {sizeof(STICKYKEYS), 0};
471     SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS, sizeof(STICKYKEYS), &sk, 0);
472     GetDXUTState().SetStartupStickyKeys( sk );
474     TOGGLEKEYS tk = {sizeof(TOGGLEKEYS), 0};
475     SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETTOGGLEKEYS, sizeof(TOGGLEKEYS), &tk, 0);
476     GetDXUTState().SetStartupToggleKeys( tk );
478     FILTERKEYS fk = {sizeof(FILTERKEYS), 0};
479     SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFILTERKEYS, sizeof(FILTERKEYS), &fk, 0);
480     GetDXUTState().SetStartupFilterKeys( fk );
482     // Increase the accuracy of Sleep() without needing to link to winmm.lib
483     WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH+1];
484     if( GetSystemDirectory( wszPath, MAX_PATH+1 ) )
485     {
486         StringCchCat( wszPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\winmm.dll" );
487         HINSTANCE hInstWinMM = LoadLibrary( wszPath );
488         if( hInstWinMM )
489         {
490             LPTIMEBEGINPERIOD pTimeBeginPeriod = (LPTIMEBEGINPERIOD)GetProcAddress( hInstWinMM, "timeBeginPeriod" );
491             if( NULL != pTimeBeginPeriod )
492                 pTimeBeginPeriod(1);
494             FreeLibrary(hInstWinMM);
495         }
496     }
498     GetDXUTState().SetShowMsgBoxOnError( bShowMsgBoxOnError );
499     GetDXUTState().SetHandleDefaultHotkeys( bHandleDefaultHotkeys );
500     GetDXUTState().SetHandleAltEnter( bHandleAltEnter );
502     if( bParseCommandLine )
503         DXUTParseCommandLine();
505     // Verify D3DX version
506     if( !D3DXCheckVersion( D3D_SDK_VERSION, D3DX_SDK_VERSION ) )
507     {
508         DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( DXUTERR_INCORRECTVERSION );
509         return DXUT_ERR( L"D3DXCheckVersion", DXUTERR_INCORRECTVERSION );
510     }
512     // Create a Direct3D object if one has not already been created
513     IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
514     if( pD3D == NULL )
515     {
516         // This may fail if DirectX 9 isn't installed
517         // This may fail if the DirectX headers are out of sync with the installed DirectX DLLs
518         pD3D = DXUT_Dynamic_Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );
519         GetDXUTState().SetD3D( pD3D );
520     }
522     if( pD3D == NULL )
523     {
524         // If still NULL, then something went wrong
525         DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( DXUTERR_NODIRECT3D );
526         return DXUT_ERR( L"Direct3DCreate9", DXUTERR_NODIRECT3D );
527     }
529     // Reset the timer
530     DXUTGetGlobalTimer()->Reset();
532     GetDXUTState().SetDXUTInited( true );
534     return S_OK;
535 }
538 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 // Parses the command line for parameters.  See DXUTInit() for list
540 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTParseCommandLine()541 void DXUTParseCommandLine()
542 {
543     WCHAR* strCmdLine;
544     WCHAR strFlag[MAX_PATH];
546     int nNumArgs;
547     WCHAR** pstrArgList = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLine(), &nNumArgs );
548     for( int iArg=1; iArg<nNumArgs; iArg++ )
549     {
550         strCmdLine = pstrArgList[iArg];
552         // Handle flag args
553         if( *strCmdLine == L'/' || *strCmdLine == L'-' )
554         {
555             strCmdLine++;
557             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"adapter" ) )
558             {
559                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
560                 {
561                     int nAdapter = _wtoi(strFlag);
562                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideAdapterOrdinal( nAdapter );
563                     continue;
564                 }
565             }
567             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"windowed" ) )
568             {
569                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideWindowed( true );
570                 continue;
571             }
573             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"fullscreen" ) )
574             {
575                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideFullScreen( true );
576                 continue;
577             }
579             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"forcehal" ) )
580             {
581                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideForceHAL( true );
582                 continue;
583             }
585             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"forceref" ) )
586             {
587                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideForceREF( true );
588                 continue;
589             }
591             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"forcepurehwvp" ) )
592             {
593                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideForcePureHWVP( true );
594                 continue;
595             }
597             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"forcehwvp" ) )
598             {
599                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideForceHWVP( true );
600                 continue;
601             }
603             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"forceswvp" ) )
604             {
605                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideForceSWVP( true );
606                 continue;
607             }
609             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"forcevsync" ) )
610             {
611                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
612                 {
613                     int nOn = _wtoi(strFlag);
614                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideForceVsync( nOn );
615                     continue;
616                 }
617             }
619             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"width" ) )
620             {
621                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
622                 {
623                     int nWidth = _wtoi(strFlag);
624                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideWidth( nWidth );
625                     continue;
626                 }
627             }
629             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"height" ) )
630             {
631                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
632                 {
633                     int nHeight = _wtoi(strFlag);
634                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideHeight( nHeight );
635                 continue;
636                 }
637             }
639             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"startx" ) )
640             {
641                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
642                 {
643                     int nX = _wtoi(strFlag);
644                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideStartX( nX );
645                     continue;
646                 }
647             }
649             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"starty" ) )
650             {
651                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
652                 {
653                     int nY = _wtoi(strFlag);
654                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideStartY( nY );
655                     continue;
656                 }
657             }
659             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"constantframetime" ) )
660             {
661                 float fTimePerFrame;
662                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
663                     fTimePerFrame = (float)wcstod( strFlag, NULL );
664                 else
665                     fTimePerFrame = 0.0333f;
666                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideConstantFrameTime( true );
667                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideConstantTimePerFrame( fTimePerFrame );
668                 DXUTSetConstantFrameTime( true, fTimePerFrame );
669                 continue;
670             }
672             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"quitafterframe" ) )
673             {
674                 if( DXUTGetCmdParam( strCmdLine, strFlag ) )
675                 {
676                     int nFrame = _wtoi(strFlag);
677                     GetDXUTState().SetOverrideQuitAfterFrame( nFrame );
678                     continue;
679                 }
680             }
682             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"noerrormsgboxes" ) )
683             {
684                 GetDXUTState().SetShowMsgBoxOnError( false );
685                 continue;
686             }
688             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"nostats" ) )
689             {
690                 GetDXUTState().SetNoStats( true );
691                 continue;
692             }
694             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"relaunchmce" ) )
695             {
696                 GetDXUTState().SetOverrideRelaunchMCE( true );
697                 continue;
698             }
700             if( DXUTIsNextArg( strCmdLine, L"automation" ) )
701             {
702                 GetDXUTState().SetAutomation( true );
703                 continue;
704             }
705         }
707         // Unrecognized flag
708         StringCchCopy( strFlag, 256, strCmdLine );
709         WCHAR* strSpace = strFlag;
710         while (*strSpace && (*strSpace > L' '))
711             strSpace++;
712         *strSpace = 0;
714         DXUTOutputDebugString( L"Unrecognized flag: %s", strFlag );
715         strCmdLine += wcslen(strFlag);
716     }
717 }
720 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
721 // Helper function for DXUTParseCommandLine
722 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTIsNextArg(WCHAR * & strCmdLine,WCHAR * strArg)723 bool DXUTIsNextArg( WCHAR*& strCmdLine, WCHAR* strArg )
724 {
725     int nArgLen = (int) wcslen(strArg);
726     int nCmdLen = (int) wcslen(strCmdLine);
728     if( nCmdLen >= nArgLen &&
729         _wcsnicmp( strCmdLine, strArg, nArgLen ) == 0 &&
730         (strCmdLine[nArgLen] == 0 || strCmdLine[nArgLen] == L':') )
731     {
732         strCmdLine += nArgLen;
733         return true;
734     }
736     return false;
737 }
740 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
741 // Helper function for DXUTParseCommandLine.  Updates strCmdLine and strFlag
742 //      Example: if strCmdLine=="-width:1024 -forceref"
743 // then after: strCmdLine==" -forceref" and strFlag=="1024"
744 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTGetCmdParam(WCHAR * & strCmdLine,WCHAR * strFlag)745 bool DXUTGetCmdParam( WCHAR*& strCmdLine, WCHAR* strFlag )
746 {
747     if( *strCmdLine == L':' )
748     {
749         strCmdLine++; // Skip ':'
751         // Place NULL terminator in strFlag after current token
752         StringCchCopy( strFlag, 256, strCmdLine );
753         WCHAR* strSpace = strFlag;
754         while (*strSpace && (*strSpace > L' '))
755             strSpace++;
756         *strSpace = 0;
758         // Update strCmdLine
759         strCmdLine += wcslen(strFlag);
760         return true;
761     }
762     else
763     {
764         strFlag[0] = 0;
765         return false;
766     }
767 }
770 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
771 // Creates a window with the specified window title, icon, menu, and
772 // starting position.  If DXUTInit() has not already been called, it will
773 // call it with the default parameters.  Instead of calling this, you can
774 // call DXUTSetWindow() to use an existing window.
775 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCreateWindow(const WCHAR * strWindowTitle,HINSTANCE hInstance,HICON hIcon,HMENU hMenu,int x,int y)776 HRESULT DXUTCreateWindow( const WCHAR* strWindowTitle, HINSTANCE hInstance,
777                           HICON hIcon, HMENU hMenu, int x, int y )
778 {
779     HRESULT hr;
781     // Not allowed to call this from inside the device callbacks
782     if( GetDXUTState().GetInsideDeviceCallback() )
783         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTCreateWindow", E_FAIL );
785     GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreateCalled( true );
787     if( !GetDXUTState().GetDXUTInited() )
788     {
789         // If DXUTInit() was already called and failed, then fail.
790         // DXUTInit() must first succeed for this function to succeed
791         if( GetDXUTState().GetDXUTInitCalled() )
792             return E_FAIL;
794         // If DXUTInit() hasn't been called, then automatically call it
795         // with default params
796         hr = DXUTInit();
797         if( FAILED(hr) )
798             return hr;
799     }
801     if( DXUTGetHWNDFocus() == NULL )
802     {
803         if( hInstance == NULL )
804             hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL);
805         GetDXUTState().SetHInstance( hInstance );
807         WCHAR szExePath[MAX_PATH];
808         GetModuleFileName( NULL, szExePath, MAX_PATH );
809         if( hIcon == NULL ) // If the icon is NULL, then use the first one found in the exe
810             hIcon = ExtractIcon( hInstance, szExePath, 0 );
812         // Register the windows class
813         WNDCLASS wndClass;
814         wndClass.style = CS_DBLCLKS;
815         wndClass.lpfnWndProc = DXUTStaticWndProc;
816         wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
817         wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
818         wndClass.hInstance = hInstance;
819         wndClass.hIcon = hIcon;
820         wndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
821         wndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
822         wndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
823         wndClass.lpszClassName = L"Direct3DWindowClass";
825         if( !RegisterClass( &wndClass ) )
826         {
827             DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
828             if( dwError != ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS )
829                 return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"RegisterClass", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError) );
830         }
832         RECT rc;
833         // Override the window's initial & size position if there were cmd line args
834         if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideStartX() != -1 )
835             x = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideStartX();
836         if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideStartY() != -1 )
837             y = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideStartY();
839         GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreatedWithDefaultPositions( false );
840         if( x == CW_USEDEFAULT && y == CW_USEDEFAULT )
841             GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreatedWithDefaultPositions( true );
843         // Find the window's initial size, but it might be changed later
844         int nDefaultWidth = 640;
845         int nDefaultHeight = 480;
846         if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth() != 0 )
847             nDefaultWidth = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth();
848         if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight() != 0 )
849             nDefaultHeight = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight();
850         SetRect( &rc, 0, 0, nDefaultWidth, nDefaultHeight );
851         AdjustWindowRect( &rc, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, ( hMenu != NULL ) ? true : false );
853         WCHAR* strCachedWindowTitle = GetDXUTState().GetWindowTitle();
854         StringCchCopy( strCachedWindowTitle, 256, strWindowTitle );
856         // Create the render window
857         HWND hWnd = CreateWindow( L"Direct3DWindowClass", strWindowTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
858                                x, y, (rc.right-rc.left), (rc.bottom-rc.top), 0,
859                                hMenu, hInstance, 0 );
860         if( hWnd == NULL )
861         {
862             DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
863             return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"CreateWindow", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError) );
864         }
866         GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreated( true );
867         GetDXUTState().SetHWNDFocus( hWnd );
868         GetDXUTState().SetHWNDDeviceFullScreen( hWnd );
869         GetDXUTState().SetHWNDDeviceWindowed( hWnd );
870     }
872     return S_OK;
873 }
876 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
877 // Sets a previously created window for the framework to use.  If DXUTInit()
878 // has not already been called, it will call it with the default parameters.
879 // Instead of calling this, you can call DXUTCreateWindow() to create a new window.
880 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetWindow(HWND hWndFocus,HWND hWndDeviceFullScreen,HWND hWndDeviceWindowed,bool bHandleMessages)881 HRESULT DXUTSetWindow( HWND hWndFocus, HWND hWndDeviceFullScreen, HWND hWndDeviceWindowed, bool bHandleMessages )
882 {
883     HRESULT hr;
885     // Not allowed to call this from inside the device callbacks
886     if( GetDXUTState().GetInsideDeviceCallback() )
887         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTCreateWindow", E_FAIL );
889     GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreateCalled( true );
891     // To avoid confusion, we do not allow any HWND to be NULL here.  The
892     // caller must pass in valid HWND for all three parameters.  The same
893     // HWND may be used for more than one parameter.
894     if( hWndFocus == NULL || hWndDeviceFullScreen == NULL || hWndDeviceWindowed == NULL )
895         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTSetWindow", E_INVALIDARG );
897     // If subclassing the window, set the pointer to the local window procedure
898     if( bHandleMessages )
899     {
900         // Switch window procedures
901 #ifdef _WIN64
902         LONG_PTR nResult = SetWindowLongPtr( hWndFocus, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)DXUTStaticWndProc );
903 #else
904         LONG_PTR nResult = SetWindowLongPtr( hWndFocus, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)(LONG_PTR)DXUTStaticWndProc );
905 #endif
907         DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
908         if( nResult == 0 )
909             return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"SetWindowLongPtr", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError) );
910     }
912     if( !GetDXUTState().GetDXUTInited() )
913     {
914         // If DXUTInit() was already called and failed, then fail.
915         // DXUTInit() must first succeed for this function to succeed
916         if( GetDXUTState().GetDXUTInitCalled() )
917             return E_FAIL;
919         // If DXUTInit() hasn't been called, then automatically call it
920         // with default params
921         hr = DXUTInit();
922         if( FAILED(hr) )
923             return hr;
924     }
926     WCHAR* strCachedWindowTitle = GetDXUTState().GetWindowTitle();
927     GetWindowText( hWndFocus, strCachedWindowTitle, 255 );
928     strCachedWindowTitle[255] = 0;
930     HINSTANCE hInstance = (HINSTANCE) (LONG_PTR) GetWindowLongPtr( hWndFocus, GWLP_HINSTANCE );
931     GetDXUTState().SetHInstance( hInstance );
932     GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreatedWithDefaultPositions( false );
933     GetDXUTState().SetWindowCreated( true );
934     GetDXUTState().SetHWNDFocus( hWndFocus );
935     GetDXUTState().SetHWNDDeviceFullScreen( hWndDeviceFullScreen );
936     GetDXUTState().SetHWNDDeviceWindowed( hWndDeviceWindowed );
938     return S_OK;
939 }
942 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
943 // Creates a Direct3D device. If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() has not already
944 // been called, it will call DXUTCreateWindow() with the default parameters.
945 // Instead of calling this, you can call DXUTSetDevice() or DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings()
946 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCreateDevice(UINT AdapterOrdinal,bool bWindowed,int nSuggestedWidth,int nSuggestedHeight,LPDXUTCALLBACKISDEVICEACCEPTABLE pCallbackIsDeviceAcceptable,LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings,void * pUserContext)947 HRESULT DXUTCreateDevice( UINT AdapterOrdinal, bool bWindowed,
948                           int nSuggestedWidth, int nSuggestedHeight,
949                           LPDXUTCALLBACKISDEVICEACCEPTABLE pCallbackIsDeviceAcceptable,
950                           LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings,
951                           void* pUserContext )
952 {
953     HRESULT hr;
955     // Not allowed to call this from inside the device callbacks
956     if( GetDXUTState().GetInsideDeviceCallback() )
957         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTCreateWindow", E_FAIL );
959     // Record the function arguments in the global state
960     GetDXUTState().SetIsDeviceAcceptableFunc( pCallbackIsDeviceAcceptable );
961     GetDXUTState().SetModifyDeviceSettingsFunc( pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings );
962     GetDXUTState().SetIsDeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext( pUserContext );
963     GetDXUTState().SetModifyDeviceSettingsFuncUserContext( pUserContext );
965     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreateCalled( true );
967     // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() has not already been called,
968     // then call DXUTCreateWindow() with the default parameters.
969     if( !GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreated() )
970     {
971         // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() was already called and failed, then fail.
972         // DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() must first succeed for this function to succeed
973         if( GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreateCalled() )
974             return E_FAIL;
976         // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() hasn't been called, then
977         // automatically call DXUTCreateWindow() with default params
978         hr = DXUTCreateWindow();
979         if( FAILED(hr) )
980             return hr;
981     }
983     // Force an enumeration with the new IsDeviceAcceptable callback
984     DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject( true );
986     DXUTMatchOptions matchOptions;
987     matchOptions.eAdapterOrdinal     = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
988     matchOptions.eDeviceType         = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
989     matchOptions.eWindowed           = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
990     matchOptions.eAdapterFormat      = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
991     matchOptions.eVertexProcessing   = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
992     if( bWindowed || (nSuggestedWidth != 0 && nSuggestedHeight != 0) )
993         matchOptions.eResolution     = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
994     else
995         matchOptions.eResolution     = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
996     matchOptions.eBackBufferFormat   = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
997     matchOptions.eBackBufferCount    = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
998     matchOptions.eMultiSample        = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
999     matchOptions.eSwapEffect         = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1000     matchOptions.eDepthFormat        = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1001     matchOptions.eStencilFormat      = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1002     matchOptions.ePresentFlags       = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1003     matchOptions.eRefreshRate        = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1004     matchOptions.ePresentInterval    = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1006     DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings;
1007     ZeroMemory( &deviceSettings, sizeof(DXUTDeviceSettings) );
1008     deviceSettings.AdapterOrdinal      = AdapterOrdinal;
1009     deviceSettings.pp.Windowed         = bWindowed;
1010     deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferWidth  = nSuggestedWidth;
1011     deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferHeight = nSuggestedHeight;
1013     // Override with settings from the command line
1014     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth() != 0 )
1015         deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferWidth = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth();
1016     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight() != 0 )
1017         deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferHeight = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight();
1019     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideAdapterOrdinal() != -1 )
1020         deviceSettings.AdapterOrdinal = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideAdapterOrdinal();
1022     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideFullScreen() )
1023     {
1024         deviceSettings.pp.Windowed = FALSE;
1025         if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth() == 0 && GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight() == 0 )
1026             matchOptions.eResolution = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1027     }
1028     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWindowed() )
1029         deviceSettings.pp.Windowed = TRUE;
1031     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceHAL() )
1032     {
1033         deviceSettings.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL;
1034         matchOptions.eDeviceType = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1035     }
1036     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceREF() )
1037     {
1038         deviceSettings.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
1039         matchOptions.eDeviceType = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1040     }
1042     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForcePureHWVP() )
1043     {
1045         matchOptions.eVertexProcessing = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1046     }
1047     else if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceHWVP() )
1048     {
1049         deviceSettings.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
1050         matchOptions.eVertexProcessing = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1051     }
1052     else if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceSWVP() )
1053     {
1054         deviceSettings.BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
1055         matchOptions.eVertexProcessing = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1056     }
1058     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceVsync() == 0 )
1059     {
1060         deviceSettings.pp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
1061         matchOptions.ePresentInterval = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1062     }
1063     else if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceVsync() == 1 )
1064     {
1065         deviceSettings.pp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT;
1066         matchOptions.ePresentInterval = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1067     }
1069     hr = DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
1070     if( FAILED(hr) ) // the call will fail if no valid devices were found
1071     {
1072         DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( hr );
1073         return DXUT_ERR( L"DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings", hr );
1074     }
1076     // Change to a Direct3D device created from the new device settings.
1077     // If there is an existing device, then either reset or recreated the scene
1078     hr = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, true );
1079     if( FAILED(hr) )
1080         return hr;
1082     return S_OK;
1083 }
1086 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1087 // Passes a previously created Direct3D device for use by the framework.
1088 // If DXUTCreateWindow() has not already been called, it will call it with the
1089 // default parameters.  Instead of calling this, you can call DXUTCreateDevice() or
1090 // DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings()
1091 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetDevice(IDirect3DDevice9 * pd3dDevice)1092 HRESULT DXUTSetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice )
1093 {
1094     HRESULT hr;
1096     if( pd3dDevice == NULL )
1097         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTSetDevice", E_INVALIDARG );
1099     // Not allowed to call this from inside the device callbacks
1100     if( GetDXUTState().GetInsideDeviceCallback() )
1101         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTCreateWindow", E_FAIL );
1103     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreateCalled( true );
1105     // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() has not already been called,
1106     // then call DXUTCreateWindow() with the default parameters.
1107     if( !GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreated() )
1108     {
1109         // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() was already called and failed, then fail.
1110         // DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() must first succeed for this function to succeed
1111         if( GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreateCalled() )
1112             return E_FAIL;
1114         // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() hasn't been called, then
1115         // automatically call DXUTCreateWindow() with default params
1116         hr = DXUTCreateWindow();
1117         if( FAILED(hr) )
1118             return hr;
1119     }
1121     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = new DXUTDeviceSettings;
1122     if( pDeviceSettings == NULL )
1123         return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
1124     ZeroMemory( pDeviceSettings, sizeof(DXUTDeviceSettings) );
1126     // Get the present params from the swap chain
1127     IDirect3DSurface9* pBackBuffer = NULL;
1128     hr = pd3dDevice->GetBackBuffer( 0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &pBackBuffer );
1129     if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
1130     {
1131         IDirect3DSwapChain9* pSwapChain = NULL;
1132         hr = pBackBuffer->GetContainer( IID_IDirect3DSwapChain9, (void**) &pSwapChain );
1133         if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
1134         {
1135             pSwapChain->GetPresentParameters( &pDeviceSettings->pp );
1136             SAFE_RELEASE( pSwapChain );
1137         }
1139         SAFE_RELEASE( pBackBuffer );
1140     }
1142     D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS d3dCreationParams;
1143     pd3dDevice->GetCreationParameters( &d3dCreationParams );
1145     // Fill out the rest of the device settings struct
1146     pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal = d3dCreationParams.AdapterOrdinal;
1147     pDeviceSettings->DeviceType     = d3dCreationParams.DeviceType;
1148     DXUTFindAdapterFormat( pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceSettings->DeviceType,
1149                            pDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat, pDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed,
1150                            &pDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat );
1151     pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags  = d3dCreationParams.BehaviorFlags;
1153     // Change to the Direct3D device passed in
1154     hr = DXUTChangeDevice( pDeviceSettings, pd3dDevice, false, false );
1156     delete pDeviceSettings;
1158     if( FAILED(hr) )
1159         return hr;
1161     return S_OK;
1162 }
1165 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1166 // Tells the framework to change to a device created from the passed in device settings
1167 // If DXUTCreateWindow() has not already been called, it will call it with the
1168 // default parameters.  Instead of calling this, you can call DXUTCreateDevice()
1169 // or DXUTSetDevice()
1170 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings(DXUTDeviceSettings * pDeviceSettings,bool bPreserveInput,bool bClipWindowToSingleAdapter)1171 HRESULT DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, bool bPreserveInput, bool bClipWindowToSingleAdapter )
1172 {
1173     HRESULT hr;
1175     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreateCalled( true );
1177     // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() has not already been called,
1178     // then call DXUTCreateWindow() with the default parameters.
1179     if( !GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreated() )
1180     {
1181         // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() was already called and failed, then fail.
1182         // DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() must first succeed for this function to succeed
1183         if( GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreateCalled() )
1184             return E_FAIL;
1186         // If DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() hasn't been called, then
1187         // automatically call DXUTCreateWindow() with default params
1188         hr = DXUTCreateWindow();
1189         if( FAILED(hr) )
1190             return hr;
1191     }
1193     if( !bPreserveInput )
1194     {
1195         // If not preserving the input, then find the closest valid to it
1196         DXUTMatchOptions matchOptions;
1197         matchOptions.eAdapterOrdinal     = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1198         matchOptions.eDeviceType         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1199         matchOptions.eWindowed           = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1200         matchOptions.eAdapterFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1201         matchOptions.eVertexProcessing   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1202         matchOptions.eResolution         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1203         matchOptions.eBackBufferFormat   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1204         matchOptions.eBackBufferCount    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1205         matchOptions.eMultiSample        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1206         matchOptions.eSwapEffect         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1207         matchOptions.eDepthFormat        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1208         matchOptions.eStencilFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1209         matchOptions.ePresentFlags       = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1210         matchOptions.eRefreshRate        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1211         matchOptions.ePresentInterval    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1213         hr = DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( pDeviceSettings, pDeviceSettings, &matchOptions );
1214         if( FAILED(hr) ) // the call will fail if no valid devices were found
1215         {
1216             DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( hr );
1217             return DXUT_ERR( L"DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings", hr );
1218         }
1219     }
1221     // Change to a Direct3D device created from the new device settings.
1222     // If there is an existing device, then either reset or recreate the scene
1223     hr = DXUTChangeDevice( pDeviceSettings, NULL, false, bClipWindowToSingleAdapter );
1224     if( FAILED(hr) )
1225         return hr;
1227     return S_OK;
1228 }
1231 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1232 // Toggle between full screen and windowed
1233 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTToggleFullScreen()1234 HRESULT DXUTToggleFullScreen()
1235 {
1236     HRESULT hr;
1238     // Get the current device settings and flip the windowed state then
1239     // find the closest valid device settings with this change
1240     DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
1241     deviceSettings.pp.Windowed = !deviceSettings.pp.Windowed;
1243     DXUTMatchOptions matchOptions;
1244     matchOptions.eAdapterOrdinal     = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1245     matchOptions.eDeviceType         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1246     matchOptions.eWindowed           = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1247     matchOptions.eAdapterFormat      = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1248     matchOptions.eVertexProcessing   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1249     matchOptions.eBackBufferFormat   = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1250     matchOptions.eBackBufferCount    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1251     matchOptions.eMultiSample        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1252     matchOptions.eSwapEffect         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1253     matchOptions.eDepthFormat        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1254     matchOptions.eStencilFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1255     matchOptions.ePresentFlags       = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1256     matchOptions.eRefreshRate        = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1257     matchOptions.ePresentInterval    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1259     // Go back to previous state
1261     UINT nWidth  = ( deviceSettings.pp.Windowed ) ? GetDXUTState().GetWindowBackBufferWidthAtModeChange() : GetDXUTState().GetFullScreenBackBufferWidthAtModeChange();
1262     UINT nHeight = ( deviceSettings.pp.Windowed ) ? GetDXUTState().GetWindowBackBufferHeightAtModeChange() : GetDXUTState().GetFullScreenBackBufferHeightAtModeChange();
1263     if( nWidth > 0 && nHeight > 0 )
1264     {
1265         matchOptions.eResolution = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1266         deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferWidth = nWidth;
1267         deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferHeight = nHeight;
1268     }
1269     else
1270     {
1271         // No previous data, so just switch to defaults
1272         matchOptions.eResolution = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1273     }
1275     hr = DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
1276     if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
1277     {
1278         // Create a Direct3D device using the new device settings.
1279         // If there is an existing device, then it will either reset or recreate the scene.
1280         hr = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
1282         // If hr == E_ABORT, this means the app rejected the device settings in the ModifySettingsCallback so nothing changed
1283         if( FAILED(hr) && (hr != E_ABORT) )
1284         {
1285             // Failed creating device, try to switch back.
1286             deviceSettings.pp.Windowed = !deviceSettings.pp.Windowed;
1287             UINT nWidth  = ( deviceSettings.pp.Windowed ) ? GetDXUTState().GetWindowBackBufferWidthAtModeChange() : GetDXUTState().GetFullScreenBackBufferWidthAtModeChange();
1288             UINT nHeight = ( deviceSettings.pp.Windowed ) ? GetDXUTState().GetWindowBackBufferHeightAtModeChange() : GetDXUTState().GetFullScreenBackBufferHeightAtModeChange();
1289             if( nWidth > 0 && nHeight > 0 )
1290             {
1291                 matchOptions.eResolution = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1292                 deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferWidth = nWidth;
1293                 deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferHeight = nHeight;
1294             }
1295             else
1296             {
1297                 matchOptions.eResolution = DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT;
1298             }
1300             DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
1302             HRESULT hr2 = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
1303             if( FAILED(hr2) )
1304             {
1305                 // If this failed, then shutdown
1306                 DXUTShutdown();
1307             }
1308         }
1309     }
1311     return hr;
1312 }
1315 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1316 // Toggle between HAL and REF
1317 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1319 {
1320     HRESULT hr;
1322     DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
1323     if( deviceSettings.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
1324         deviceSettings.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
1325     else if( deviceSettings.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
1326         deviceSettings.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL;
1328     DXUTMatchOptions matchOptions;
1329     matchOptions.eAdapterOrdinal     = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1330     matchOptions.eDeviceType         = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
1331     matchOptions.eWindowed           = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1332     matchOptions.eAdapterFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1333     matchOptions.eVertexProcessing   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1334     matchOptions.eResolution         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1335     matchOptions.eBackBufferFormat   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1336     matchOptions.eBackBufferCount    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1337     matchOptions.eMultiSample        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1338     matchOptions.eSwapEffect         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1339     matchOptions.eDepthFormat        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1340     matchOptions.eStencilFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1341     matchOptions.ePresentFlags       = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1342     matchOptions.eRefreshRate        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1343     matchOptions.ePresentInterval    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
1345     hr = DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
1346     if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
1347     {
1348         // Create a Direct3D device using the new device settings.
1349         // If there is an existing device, then it will either reset or recreate the scene.
1350         hr = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
1352         // If hr == E_ABORT, this means the app rejected the device settings in the ModifySettingsCallback so nothing changed
1353         if( FAILED( hr ) && (hr != E_ABORT) )
1354         {
1355             // Failed creating device, try to switch back.
1356             if( deviceSettings.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
1357                 deviceSettings.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
1358             else if( deviceSettings.DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
1359                 deviceSettings.DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL;
1361             DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
1363             HRESULT hr2 = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
1364             if( FAILED(hr2) )
1365             {
1366                 // If this failed, then shutdown
1367                 DXUTShutdown();
1368             }
1369         }
1370     }
1372     return hr;
1373 }
1376 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1377 // Internal helper function to prepare the enumeration object by creating it if it
1378 // didn't already exist and enumerating if desired.
1379 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject(bool bEnumerate)1380 CD3DEnumeration* DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject( bool bEnumerate )
1381 {
1382     // Create a new CD3DEnumeration object and enumerate all devices unless its already been done
1383     CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = GetDXUTState().GetD3DEnumeration();
1384     if( pd3dEnum == NULL )
1385     {
1386         pd3dEnum = DXUTGetEnumeration();
1387         GetDXUTState().SetD3DEnumeration( pd3dEnum );
1389         bEnumerate = true;
1390     }
1392     if( bEnumerate )
1393     {
1394         // Enumerate for each adapter all of the supported display modes,
1395         // device types, adapter formats, back buffer formats, window/full screen support,
1396         // depth stencil formats, multisampling types/qualities, and presentations intervals.
1397         //
1398         // For each combination of device type (HAL/REF), adapter format, back buffer format, and
1399         // IsWindowed it will call the app's ConfirmDevice callback.  This allows the app
1400         // to reject or allow that combination based on its caps/etc.  It also allows the
1401         // app to change the BehaviorFlags.  The BehaviorFlags defaults non-pure HWVP
1402         // if supported otherwise it will default to SWVP, however the app can change this
1403         // through the ConfirmDevice callback.
1404         IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
1405         pd3dEnum->Enumerate( pD3D, GetDXUTState().GetIsDeviceAcceptableFunc(), GetDXUTState().GetIsDeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext() );
1406     }
1408     return pd3dEnum;
1409 }
1412 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1413 // This function tries to find valid device settings based upon the input device settings
1414 // struct and the match options.  For each device setting a match option in the
1415 // DXUTMatchOptions struct specifies how the function makes decisions.  For example, if
1416 // the caller wants a HAL device with a back buffer format of D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10 but the
1417 // HAL device on the system does not support D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10 however a REF device is
1418 // installed that does, then the function has a choice to either use REF or to change to
1419 // a back buffer format to compatible with the HAL device.  The match options lets the
1420 // caller control how these choices are made.
1421 //
1422 // Each match option must be one of the following types:
1423 //      DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT: Uses the closest valid value to a default
1424 //      DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT: Uses the input without change, but may cause no valid device to be found
1425 //      DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT: Uses the closest valid value to the input
1426 //
1427 // If pMatchOptions is NULL then, all of the match options are assumed to be DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT.
1428 // The function returns failure if no valid device settings can be found otherwise
1429 // the function returns success and the valid device settings are written to pOut.
1430 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings(DXUTDeviceSettings * pOut,DXUTDeviceSettings * pIn,DXUTMatchOptions * pMatchOptions)1431 HRESULT DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pOut, DXUTDeviceSettings* pIn,
1432                                      DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions )
1433 {
1434     if( pOut == NULL )
1435         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings", E_INVALIDARG );
1437     CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject( false );
1438     IDirect3D9*      pD3D     = DXUTGetD3DObject();
1440     // Default to DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT for everything unless pMatchOptions isn't NULL
1441     DXUTMatchOptions defaultMatchOptions;
1442     if( NULL == pMatchOptions )
1443     {
1444         ZeroMemory( &defaultMatchOptions, sizeof(DXUTMatchOptions) );
1445         pMatchOptions = &defaultMatchOptions;
1446     }
1448     // Build an optimal device settings structure based upon the match
1449     // options.  If the match option is set to ignore, then a optimal default value is used.
1450     // The default value may not exist on the system, but later this will be taken
1451     // into account.
1452     DXUTDeviceSettings optimalDeviceSettings;
1453     DXUTBuildOptimalDeviceSettings( &optimalDeviceSettings, pIn, pMatchOptions );
1455     // Find the best combination of:
1456     //      Adapter Ordinal
1457     //      Device Type
1458     //      Adapter Format
1459     //      Back Buffer Format
1460     //      Windowed
1461     // given what's available on the system and the match options combined with the device settings input.
1462     // This combination of settings is encapsulated by the CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo class.
1463     float fBestRanking = -1.0f;
1464     CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pBestDeviceSettingsCombo = NULL;
1465     D3DDISPLAYMODE adapterDesktopDisplayMode;
1467     CGrowableArray<CD3DEnumAdapterInfo*>* pAdapterList = pd3dEnum->GetAdapterInfoList();
1468     for( int iAdapter=0; iAdapter<pAdapterList->GetSize(); iAdapter++ )
1469     {
1470         CD3DEnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = pAdapterList->GetAt(iAdapter);
1472         // Get the desktop display mode of adapter
1473         pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal, &adapterDesktopDisplayMode );
1475         // Enum all the device types supported by this adapter to find the best device settings
1476         for( int iDeviceInfo=0; iDeviceInfo<pAdapterInfo->deviceInfoList.GetSize(); iDeviceInfo++ )
1477         {
1478             CD3DEnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = pAdapterInfo->deviceInfoList.GetAt(iDeviceInfo);
1480             // Enum all the device settings combinations.  A device settings combination is
1481             // a unique set of an adapter format, back buffer format, and IsWindowed.
1482             for( int iDeviceCombo=0; iDeviceCombo<pDeviceInfo->deviceSettingsComboList.GetSize(); iDeviceCombo++ )
1483             {
1484                 CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo = pDeviceInfo->deviceSettingsComboList.GetAt(iDeviceCombo);
1486                 // If windowed mode the adapter format has to be the same as the desktop
1487                 // display mode format so skip any that don't match
1488                 if (pDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed && (pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat != adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Format))
1489                     continue;
1491                 // Skip any combo that doesn't meet the preserve match options
1492                 if( false == DXUTDoesDeviceComboMatchPreserveOptions( pDeviceSettingsCombo, pIn, pMatchOptions ) )
1493                     continue;
1495                 // Get a ranking number that describes how closely this device combo matches the optimal combo
1496                 float fCurRanking = DXUTRankDeviceCombo( pDeviceSettingsCombo, &optimalDeviceSettings, &adapterDesktopDisplayMode );
1498                 // If this combo better matches the input device settings then save it
1499                 if( fCurRanking > fBestRanking )
1500                 {
1501                     pBestDeviceSettingsCombo = pDeviceSettingsCombo;
1502                     fBestRanking = fCurRanking;
1503                 }
1504             }
1505         }
1506     }
1508     // If no best device combination was found then fail
1509     if( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo == NULL )
1512     // Using the best device settings combo found, build valid device settings taking heed of
1513     // the match options and the input device settings
1514     DXUTDeviceSettings validDeviceSettings;
1515     DXUTBuildValidDeviceSettings( &validDeviceSettings, pBestDeviceSettingsCombo, pIn, pMatchOptions );
1516     *pOut = validDeviceSettings;
1518     return S_OK;
1519 }
1522 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1523 // Internal helper function to build a device settings structure based upon the match
1524 // options.  If the match option is set to ignore, then a optimal default value is used.
1525 // The default value may not exist on the system, but later this will be taken
1526 // into account.
1527 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTBuildOptimalDeviceSettings(DXUTDeviceSettings * pOptimalDeviceSettings,DXUTDeviceSettings * pDeviceSettingsIn,DXUTMatchOptions * pMatchOptions)1528 void DXUTBuildOptimalDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pOptimalDeviceSettings,
1529                                      DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn,
1530                                      DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions )
1531 {
1532     IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
1533     D3DDISPLAYMODE adapterDesktopDisplayMode;
1535     ZeroMemory( pOptimalDeviceSettings, sizeof(DXUTDeviceSettings) );
1537     //---------------------
1538     // Adapter ordinal
1539     //---------------------
1540     if( pMatchOptions->eAdapterOrdinal == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1541         pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal = D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT;
1542     else
1543         pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal = pDeviceSettingsIn->AdapterOrdinal;
1545     //---------------------
1546     // Device type
1547     //---------------------
1548     if( pMatchOptions->eDeviceType == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1549         pOptimalDeviceSettings->DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL;
1550     else
1551         pOptimalDeviceSettings->DeviceType = pDeviceSettingsIn->DeviceType;
1553     //---------------------
1554     // Windowed
1555     //---------------------
1556     if( pMatchOptions->eWindowed == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1557         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed = TRUE;
1558     else
1559         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.Windowed;
1561     //---------------------
1562     // Adapter format
1563     //---------------------
1564     if( pMatchOptions->eAdapterFormat == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1565     {
1566         // If windowed, default to the desktop display mode
1567         // If fullscreen, default to the desktop display mode for quick mode change or
1568         // default to D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 if the desktop display mode is < 32bit
1569         pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, &adapterDesktopDisplayMode );
1570         if( pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed || DXUTColorChannelBits(adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Format) >= 8 )
1571             pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Format;
1572         else
1573             pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8;
1574     }
1575     else
1576     {
1577         pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat = pDeviceSettingsIn->AdapterFormat;
1578     }
1580     //---------------------
1581     // Vertex processing
1582     //---------------------
1583     if( pMatchOptions->eVertexProcessing == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1584         pOptimalDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
1585     else
1586         pOptimalDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags = pDeviceSettingsIn->BehaviorFlags;
1588     //---------------------
1589     // Resolution
1590     //---------------------
1591     if( pMatchOptions->eResolution == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1592     {
1593         // If windowed, default to 640x480
1594         // If fullscreen, default to the desktop res for quick mode change
1595         if( pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed )
1596         {
1597             pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth = 640;
1598             pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight = 480;
1599         }
1600         else
1601         {
1602             pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, &adapterDesktopDisplayMode );
1603             pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Width;
1604             pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Height;
1605         }
1606     }
1607     else
1608     {
1609         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferWidth;
1610         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferHeight;
1611     }
1613     //---------------------
1614     // Back buffer format
1615     //---------------------
1616     if( pMatchOptions->eBackBufferFormat == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1617         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat = pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat; // Default to match the adapter format
1618     else
1619         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferFormat;
1621     //---------------------
1622     // Back buffer count
1623     //---------------------
1624     if( pMatchOptions->eBackBufferCount == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1625         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferCount = 2; // Default to triple buffering for perf gain
1626     else
1627         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferCount = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferCount;
1629     //---------------------
1630     // Multisample
1631     //---------------------
1632     if( pMatchOptions->eMultiSample == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1633     {
1634         // Default to no multisampling
1635         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
1636         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleQuality = 0;
1637     }
1638     else
1639     {
1640         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleType = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleType;
1641         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleQuality = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleQuality;
1642     }
1644     //---------------------
1645     // Swap effect
1646     //---------------------
1647     if( pMatchOptions->eSwapEffect == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1648         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
1649     else
1650         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.SwapEffect = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.SwapEffect;
1652     //---------------------
1653     // Depth stencil
1654     //---------------------
1655     if( pMatchOptions->eDepthFormat == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT &&
1656         pMatchOptions->eStencilFormat == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1657     {
1658         UINT nBackBufferBits = DXUTColorChannelBits( pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat );
1659         if( nBackBufferBits >= 8 )
1660             pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D32;
1661         else
1662             pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;
1663     }
1664     else
1665     {
1666         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat;
1667     }
1669     //---------------------
1670     // Present flags
1671     //---------------------
1672     if( pMatchOptions->ePresentFlags == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1673         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Flags = D3DPRESENTFLAG_DISCARD_DEPTHSTENCIL;
1674     else
1675         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Flags = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.Flags;
1677     //---------------------
1678     // Refresh rate
1679     //---------------------
1680     if( pMatchOptions->eRefreshRate == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1681         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = 0;
1682     else
1683         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz;
1685     //---------------------
1686     // Present interval
1687     //---------------------
1688     if( pMatchOptions->ePresentInterval == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
1689     {
1690         // For windowed and fullscreen, default to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
1691         // which will wait for the vertical retrace period to prevent tearing.
1692         // For benchmarking, use D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT  which will
1693         // will wait not for the vertical retrace period but may introduce tearing.
1694         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT;
1695     }
1696     else
1697     {
1698         pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.PresentationInterval = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.PresentationInterval;
1699     }
1700 }
1703 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1704 // Returns false for any CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo that doesn't meet the preserve
1705 // match options against the input pDeviceSettingsIn.
1706 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTDoesDeviceComboMatchPreserveOptions(CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo * pDeviceSettingsCombo,DXUTDeviceSettings * pDeviceSettingsIn,DXUTMatchOptions * pMatchOptions)1707 bool DXUTDoesDeviceComboMatchPreserveOptions( CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo,
1708                                                  DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn,
1709                                                  DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions )
1710 {
1711     //---------------------
1712     // Adapter ordinal
1713     //---------------------
1714     if( pMatchOptions->eAdapterOrdinal == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1715         (pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterOrdinal != pDeviceSettingsIn->AdapterOrdinal) )
1716         return false;
1718     //---------------------
1719     // Device type
1720     //---------------------
1721     if( pMatchOptions->eDeviceType == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1722         (pDeviceSettingsCombo->DeviceType != pDeviceSettingsIn->DeviceType) )
1723         return false;
1725     //---------------------
1726     // Windowed
1727     //---------------------
1728     if( pMatchOptions->eWindowed == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1729         (pDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed != pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.Windowed) )
1730         return false;
1732     //---------------------
1733     // Adapter format
1734     //---------------------
1735     if( pMatchOptions->eAdapterFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1736         (pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat != pDeviceSettingsIn->AdapterFormat) )
1737         return false;
1739     //---------------------
1740     // Vertex processing
1741     //---------------------
1742     // If keep VP and input has HWVP, then skip if this combo doesn't have HWTL
1743     if( pMatchOptions->eVertexProcessing == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1744         ((pDeviceSettingsIn->BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0) &&
1745         ((pDeviceSettingsCombo->pDeviceInfo->Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) == 0) )
1746         return false;
1748     //---------------------
1749     // Resolution
1750     //---------------------
1751     // If keep resolution then check that width and height supported by this combo
1752     if( pMatchOptions->eResolution == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
1753     {
1754         bool bFound = false;
1755         for( int i=0; i< pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetSize(); i++ )
1756         {
1757             D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetAt( i );
1758             if( displayMode.Format != pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat )
1759                 continue; // Skip this display mode if it doesn't match the combo's adapter format
1761             if( displayMode.Width == pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferWidth &&
1762                 displayMode.Height == pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferHeight )
1763             {
1764                 bFound = true;
1765                 break;
1766             }
1767         }
1769         // If the width and height are not supported by this combo, return false
1770         if( !bFound )
1771             return false;
1772     }
1774     //---------------------
1775     // Back buffer format
1776     //---------------------
1777     if( pMatchOptions->eBackBufferFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1778         pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat != pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferFormat )
1779         return false;
1781     //---------------------
1782     // Back buffer count
1783     //---------------------
1784     // No caps for the back buffer count
1786     //---------------------
1787     // Multisample
1788     //---------------------
1789     if( pMatchOptions->eMultiSample == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
1790     {
1791         bool bFound = false;
1792         for( int i=0; i<pDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleTypeList.GetSize(); i++ )
1793         {
1794             D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE msType = pDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleTypeList.GetAt(i);
1795             DWORD msQuality  = pDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleQualityList.GetAt(i);
1797             if( msType == pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleType &&
1798                 msQuality >= pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleQuality )
1799             {
1800                 bFound = true;
1801                 break;
1802             }
1803         }
1805         // If multisample type/quality not supported by this combo, then return false
1806         if( !bFound )
1807             return false;
1808     }
1810     //---------------------
1811     // Swap effect
1812     //---------------------
1813     // No caps for swap effects
1815     //---------------------
1816     // Depth stencil
1817     //---------------------
1818     // If keep depth stencil format then check that the depth stencil format is supported by this combo
1819     if( pMatchOptions->eDepthFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1820         pMatchOptions->eStencilFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
1821     {
1822         if( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat != D3DFMT_UNKNOWN &&
1823             !pDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.Contains( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat ) )
1824             return false;
1825     }
1827     // If keep depth format then check that the depth format is supported by this combo
1828     if( pMatchOptions->eDepthFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1829         pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat != D3DFMT_UNKNOWN )
1830     {
1831         bool bFound = false;
1832         UINT dwDepthBits = DXUTDepthBits( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat );
1833         for( int i=0; i<pDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetSize(); i++ )
1834         {
1835             D3DFORMAT depthStencilFmt = pDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetAt(i);
1836             UINT dwCurDepthBits = DXUTDepthBits( depthStencilFmt );
1837             if( dwCurDepthBits - dwDepthBits == 0)
1838                 bFound = true;
1839         }
1841         if( !bFound )
1842             return false;
1843     }
1845     // If keep depth format then check that the depth format is supported by this combo
1846     if( pMatchOptions->eStencilFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1847         pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat != D3DFMT_UNKNOWN )
1848     {
1849         bool bFound = false;
1850         UINT dwStencilBits = DXUTStencilBits( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat );
1851         for( int i=0; i<pDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetSize(); i++ )
1852         {
1853             D3DFORMAT depthStencilFmt = pDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetAt(i);
1854             UINT dwCurStencilBits = DXUTStencilBits( depthStencilFmt );
1855             if( dwCurStencilBits - dwStencilBits == 0)
1856                 bFound = true;
1857         }
1859         if( !bFound )
1860             return false;
1861     }
1863     //---------------------
1864     // Present flags
1865     //---------------------
1866     // No caps for the present flags
1868     //---------------------
1869     // Refresh rate
1870     //---------------------
1871     // If keep refresh rate then check that the resolution is supported by this combo
1872     if( pMatchOptions->eRefreshRate == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
1873     {
1874         bool bFound = false;
1875         for( int i=0; i<pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetSize(); i++ )
1876         {
1877             D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetAt( i );
1878             if( displayMode.Format != pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat )
1879                 continue;
1880             if( displayMode.RefreshRate == pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz )
1881             {
1882                 bFound = true;
1883                 break;
1884             }
1885         }
1887         // If refresh rate not supported by this combo, then return false
1888         if( !bFound )
1889             return false;
1890     }
1892     //---------------------
1893     // Present interval
1894     //---------------------
1895     // If keep present interval then check that the present interval is supported by this combo
1896     if( pMatchOptions->ePresentInterval == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT &&
1897         !pDeviceSettingsCombo->presentIntervalList.Contains( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.PresentationInterval ) )
1898         return false;
1900     return true;
1901 }
1904 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1905 // Returns a ranking number that describes how closely this device
1906 // combo matches the optimal combo based on the match options and the optimal device settings
1907 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTRankDeviceCombo(CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo * pDeviceSettingsCombo,DXUTDeviceSettings * pOptimalDeviceSettings,D3DDISPLAYMODE * pAdapterDesktopDisplayMode)1908 float DXUTRankDeviceCombo( CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo,
1909                            DXUTDeviceSettings* pOptimalDeviceSettings,
1910                            D3DDISPLAYMODE* pAdapterDesktopDisplayMode )
1911 {
1912     float fCurRanking = 0.0f;
1914     // Arbitrary weights.  Gives preference to the ordinal, device type, and windowed
1915     const float fAdapterOrdinalWeight   = 1000.0f;
1916     const float fDeviceTypeWeight       = 100.0f;
1917     const float fWindowWeight           = 10.0f;
1918     const float fAdapterFormatWeight    = 1.0f;
1919     const float fVertexProcessingWeight = 1.0f;
1920     const float fResolutionWeight       = 1.0f;
1921     const float fBackBufferFormatWeight = 1.0f;
1922     const float fMultiSampleWeight      = 1.0f;
1923     const float fDepthStencilWeight     = 1.0f;
1924     const float fRefreshRateWeight      = 1.0f;
1925     const float fPresentIntervalWeight  = 1.0f;
1927     //---------------------
1928     // Adapter ordinal
1929     //---------------------
1930     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterOrdinal == pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal )
1931         fCurRanking += fAdapterOrdinalWeight;
1933     //---------------------
1934     // Device type
1935     //---------------------
1936     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->DeviceType == pOptimalDeviceSettings->DeviceType )
1937         fCurRanking += fDeviceTypeWeight;
1938     // Slightly prefer HAL
1939     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
1940         fCurRanking += 0.1f;
1942     //---------------------
1943     // Windowed
1944     //---------------------
1945     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed == pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed )
1946         fCurRanking += fWindowWeight;
1948     //---------------------
1949     // Adapter format
1950     //---------------------
1951     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat == pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat )
1952     {
1953         fCurRanking += fAdapterFormatWeight;
1954     }
1955     else
1956     {
1957         int nBitDepthDelta = abs( (long) DXUTColorChannelBits(pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat) -
1958                                   (long) DXUTColorChannelBits(pOptimalDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat) );
1959         float fScale = __max(0.9f - (float)nBitDepthDelta*0.2f, 0.0f);
1960         fCurRanking += fScale * fAdapterFormatWeight;
1961     }
1963     if( !pDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed )
1964     {
1965         // Slightly prefer when it matches the desktop format or is D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
1966         bool bAdapterOptimalMatch;
1967         if( DXUTColorChannelBits(pAdapterDesktopDisplayMode->Format) >= 8 )
1968             bAdapterOptimalMatch = (pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat == pAdapterDesktopDisplayMode->Format);
1969         else
1970             bAdapterOptimalMatch = (pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat == D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8);
1972         if( bAdapterOptimalMatch )
1973             fCurRanking += 0.1f;
1974     }
1976     //---------------------
1977     // Vertex processing
1978     //---------------------
1979     if( (pOptimalDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0 ||
1980         (pOptimalDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0 )
1981     {
1982         if( (pDeviceSettingsCombo->pDeviceInfo->Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) != 0 )
1983             fCurRanking += fVertexProcessingWeight;
1984     }
1985     // Slightly prefer HW T&L
1986     if( (pDeviceSettingsCombo->pDeviceInfo->Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) != 0 )
1987         fCurRanking += 0.1f;
1989     //---------------------
1990     // Resolution
1991     //---------------------
1992     bool bResolutionFound = false;
1993     for( int idm = 0; idm < pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetSize(); idm++ )
1994     {
1995         D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetAt( idm );
1996         if( displayMode.Format != pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat )
1997             continue;
1998         if( displayMode.Width == pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth &&
1999             displayMode.Height == pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight )
2000             bResolutionFound = true;
2001     }
2002     if( bResolutionFound )
2003         fCurRanking += fResolutionWeight;
2005     //---------------------
2006     // Back buffer format
2007     //---------------------
2008     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat == pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat )
2009     {
2010         fCurRanking += fBackBufferFormatWeight;
2011     }
2012     else
2013     {
2014         int nBitDepthDelta = abs( (long) DXUTColorChannelBits(pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat) -
2015                                   (long) DXUTColorChannelBits(pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat) );
2016         float fScale = __max(0.9f - (float)nBitDepthDelta*0.2f, 0.0f);
2017         fCurRanking += fScale * fBackBufferFormatWeight;
2018     }
2020     // Check if this back buffer format is the same as
2021     // the adapter format since this is preferred.
2022     bool bAdapterMatchesBB = (pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat == pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat);
2023     if( bAdapterMatchesBB )
2024         fCurRanking += 0.1f;
2026     //---------------------
2027     // Back buffer count
2028     //---------------------
2029     // No caps for the back buffer count
2031     //---------------------
2032     // Multisample
2033     //---------------------
2034     bool bMultiSampleFound = false;
2035     for( int i=0; i<pDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleTypeList.GetSize(); i++ )
2036     {
2037         D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE msType = pDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleTypeList.GetAt(i);
2038         DWORD msQuality  = pDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleQualityList.GetAt(i);
2040         if( msType == pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleType &&
2041             msQuality >= pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleQuality )
2042         {
2043             bMultiSampleFound = true;
2044             break;
2045         }
2046     }
2047     if( bMultiSampleFound )
2048         fCurRanking += fMultiSampleWeight;
2050     //---------------------
2051     // Swap effect
2052     //---------------------
2053     // No caps for swap effects
2055     //---------------------
2056     // Depth stencil
2057     //---------------------
2058     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.Contains( pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat ) )
2059         fCurRanking += fDepthStencilWeight;
2061     //---------------------
2062     // Present flags
2063     //---------------------
2064     // No caps for the present flags
2066     //---------------------
2067     // Refresh rate
2068     //---------------------
2069     bool bRefreshFound = false;
2070     for( int idm = 0; idm < pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetSize(); idm++ )
2071     {
2072         D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList.GetAt( idm );
2073         if( displayMode.Format != pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat )
2074             continue;
2075         if( displayMode.RefreshRate == pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz )
2076             bRefreshFound = true;
2077     }
2078     if( bRefreshFound )
2079         fCurRanking += fRefreshRateWeight;
2081     //---------------------
2082     // Present interval
2083     //---------------------
2084     // If keep present interval then check that the present interval is supported by this combo
2085     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->presentIntervalList.Contains( pOptimalDeviceSettings->pp.PresentationInterval ) )
2086         fCurRanking += fPresentIntervalWeight;
2088     return fCurRanking;
2089 }
2092 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2093 // Builds valid device settings using the match options, the input device settings, and the
2094 // best device settings combo found.
2095 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTBuildValidDeviceSettings(DXUTDeviceSettings * pValidDeviceSettings,CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo * pBestDeviceSettingsCombo,DXUTDeviceSettings * pDeviceSettingsIn,DXUTMatchOptions * pMatchOptions)2096 void DXUTBuildValidDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pValidDeviceSettings,
2097                                    CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pBestDeviceSettingsCombo,
2098                                    DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettingsIn,
2099                                    DXUTMatchOptions* pMatchOptions )
2100 {
2101     IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
2102     D3DDISPLAYMODE adapterDesktopDisplayMode;
2103     pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterOrdinal, &adapterDesktopDisplayMode );
2105     // For each setting pick the best, taking into account the match options and
2106     // what's supported by the device
2108     //---------------------
2109     // Adapter Ordinal
2110     //---------------------
2111     // Just using pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterOrdinal
2113     //---------------------
2114     // Device Type
2115     //---------------------
2116     // Just using pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->DeviceType
2118     //---------------------
2119     // Windowed
2120     //---------------------
2121     // Just using pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed
2123     //---------------------
2124     // Adapter Format
2125     //---------------------
2126     // Just using pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat
2128     //---------------------
2129     // Vertex processing
2130     //---------------------
2131     DWORD dwBestBehaviorFlags = 0;
2132     if( pMatchOptions->eVertexProcessing == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2133     {
2134         dwBestBehaviorFlags = pDeviceSettingsIn->BehaviorFlags;
2135     }
2136     else if( pMatchOptions->eVertexProcessing == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2137     {
2138         // The framework defaults to HWVP if available otherwise use SWVP
2139         if ((pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->pDeviceInfo->Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) != 0)
2140             dwBestBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2141         else
2142             dwBestBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2143     }
2144     else // if( pMatchOptions->eVertexProcessing == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2145     {
2146         // Default to input, and fallback to SWVP if HWVP not available
2147         dwBestBehaviorFlags = pDeviceSettingsIn->BehaviorFlags;
2148         if ((pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->pDeviceInfo->Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) == 0 &&
2149             ( (dwBestBehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0 ||
2150               (dwBestBehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0) )
2151         {
2152             dwBestBehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2153             dwBestBehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2154             dwBestBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2155         }
2157         // One of these must be selected
2158         if( (dwBestBehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) == 0 &&
2159             (dwBestBehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING) == 0 &&
2160             (dwBestBehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) == 0 )
2161         {
2162             if ((pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->pDeviceInfo->Caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) != 0)
2163                 dwBestBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2164             else
2165                 dwBestBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
2166         }
2167     }
2169     //---------------------
2170     // Resolution
2171     //---------------------
2172     D3DDISPLAYMODE bestDisplayMode;
2173     if( pMatchOptions->eResolution == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2174     {
2175         bestDisplayMode.Width = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferWidth;
2176         bestDisplayMode.Height = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferHeight;
2177     }
2178     else
2179     {
2180         D3DDISPLAYMODE displayModeIn;
2181         if( pMatchOptions->eResolution == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT &&
2182             pDeviceSettingsIn )
2183         {
2184             displayModeIn.Width = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferWidth;
2185             displayModeIn.Height = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferHeight;
2186         }
2187         else // if( pMatchOptions->eResolution == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2188         {
2189             if( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed )
2190             {
2191                 // The framework defaults to 640x480 for windowed
2192                 displayModeIn.Width = 640;
2193                 displayModeIn.Height = 480;
2194             }
2195             else
2196             {
2197                 // The framework defaults to desktop resolution for fullscreen to try to avoid slow mode change
2198                 displayModeIn.Width = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Width;
2199                 displayModeIn.Height = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Height;
2200             }
2201         }
2203         // Call a helper function to find the closest valid display mode to the optimal
2204         DXUTFindValidResolution( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo, displayModeIn, &bestDisplayMode );
2205     }
2207     //---------------------
2208     // Back Buffer Format
2209     //---------------------
2210     // Just using pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat
2212     //---------------------
2213     // Back buffer count
2214     //---------------------
2215     UINT bestBackBufferCount;
2216     if( pMatchOptions->eBackBufferCount == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2217     {
2218         bestBackBufferCount = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferCount;
2219     }
2220     else if( pMatchOptions->eBackBufferCount == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2221     {
2222         // The framework defaults to triple buffering
2223         bestBackBufferCount = 2;
2224     }
2225     else // if( pMatchOptions->eBackBufferCount == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2226     {
2227         bestBackBufferCount = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.BackBufferCount;
2228         if( bestBackBufferCount > 3 )
2229             bestBackBufferCount = 3;
2230         if( bestBackBufferCount < 1 )
2231             bestBackBufferCount = 1;
2232     }
2234     //---------------------
2235     // Multisample
2236     //---------------------
2237     D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE bestMultiSampleType;
2238     DWORD bestMultiSampleQuality;
2239     if( pDeviceSettingsIn && pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.SwapEffect != D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD )
2240     {
2241         // Swap effect is not set to discard so multisampling has to off
2242         bestMultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
2243         bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;
2244     }
2245     else
2246     {
2247         if( pMatchOptions->eMultiSample == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2248         {
2249             bestMultiSampleType    = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleType;
2250             bestMultiSampleQuality = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleQuality;
2251         }
2252         else if( pMatchOptions->eMultiSample == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2253         {
2254             // Default to no multisampling (always supported)
2255             bestMultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
2256             bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;
2257         }
2258         else if( pMatchOptions->eMultiSample == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2259         {
2260             // Default to no multisampling (always supported)
2261             bestMultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
2262             bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;
2264             for( int i=0; i < pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleTypeList.GetSize(); i++ )
2265             {
2266                 D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE type = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleTypeList.GetAt(i);
2267                 DWORD qualityLevels = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->multiSampleQualityList.GetAt(i);
2269                 // Check whether supported type is closer to the input than our current best
2270                 if( abs(type - pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleType) < abs(bestMultiSampleType - pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleType) )
2271                 {
2272                     bestMultiSampleType = type;
2273                     bestMultiSampleQuality = __min( qualityLevels-1, pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.MultiSampleQuality );
2274                 }
2275             }
2276         }
2277         else
2278         {
2279             // Error case
2280             bestMultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
2281             bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;
2282         }
2283     }
2285     //---------------------
2286     // Swap effect
2287     //---------------------
2288     D3DSWAPEFFECT bestSwapEffect;
2289     if( pMatchOptions->eSwapEffect == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2290     {
2291         bestSwapEffect = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.SwapEffect;
2292     }
2293     else if( pMatchOptions->eSwapEffect == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2294     {
2295         bestSwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
2296     }
2297     else // if( pMatchOptions->eSwapEffect == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2298     {
2299         bestSwapEffect = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.SwapEffect;
2301         // Swap effect has to be one of these 3
2302         if( bestSwapEffect != D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD &&
2303             bestSwapEffect != D3DSWAPEFFECT_FLIP &&
2304             bestSwapEffect != D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY )
2305         {
2306             bestSwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
2307         }
2308     }
2310     //---------------------
2311     // Depth stencil
2312     //---------------------
2313     D3DFORMAT bestDepthStencilFormat;
2314     BOOL bestEnableAutoDepthStencil;
2316     CGrowableArray< int > depthStencilRanking;
2317     depthStencilRanking.SetSize( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetSize() );
2319     UINT dwBackBufferBitDepth = DXUTColorChannelBits( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat );
2320     UINT dwInputDepthBitDepth = 0;
2321     if( pDeviceSettingsIn )
2322         dwInputDepthBitDepth = DXUTDepthBits( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat );
2324     for( int i=0; i<pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetSize(); i++ )
2325     {
2326         D3DFORMAT curDepthStencilFmt = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetAt(i);
2327         DWORD dwCurDepthBitDepth = DXUTDepthBits( curDepthStencilFmt );
2328         int nRanking;
2330         if( pMatchOptions->eDepthFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2331         {
2332             // Need to match bit depth of input
2333             if(dwCurDepthBitDepth == dwInputDepthBitDepth)
2334                 nRanking = 0;
2335             else
2336                 nRanking = 10000;
2337         }
2338         else if( pMatchOptions->eDepthFormat == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2339         {
2340             // Prefer match of backbuffer bit depth
2341             nRanking = abs((int)dwCurDepthBitDepth - (int)dwBackBufferBitDepth*4);
2342         }
2343         else // if( pMatchOptions->eDepthFormat == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2344         {
2345             // Prefer match of input depth format bit depth
2346             nRanking = abs((int)dwCurDepthBitDepth - (int)dwInputDepthBitDepth);
2347         }
2349         depthStencilRanking.Add( nRanking );
2350     }
2352     UINT dwInputStencilBitDepth = 0;
2353     if( pDeviceSettingsIn )
2354         dwInputStencilBitDepth = DXUTStencilBits( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat );
2356     for( int i=0; i<pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetSize(); i++ )
2357     {
2358         D3DFORMAT curDepthStencilFmt = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetAt(i);
2359         int nRanking = depthStencilRanking.GetAt(i);
2360         DWORD dwCurStencilBitDepth = DXUTStencilBits( curDepthStencilFmt );
2362         if( pMatchOptions->eStencilFormat == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2363         {
2364             // Need to match bit depth of input
2365             if(dwCurStencilBitDepth == dwInputStencilBitDepth)
2366                 nRanking += 0;
2367             else
2368                 nRanking += 10000;
2369         }
2370         else if( pMatchOptions->eStencilFormat == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2371         {
2372             // Prefer 0 stencil bit depth
2373             nRanking += dwCurStencilBitDepth;
2374         }
2375         else // if( pMatchOptions->eStencilFormat == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2376         {
2377             // Prefer match of input stencil format bit depth
2378             nRanking += abs((int)dwCurStencilBitDepth - (int)dwInputStencilBitDepth);
2379         }
2381         depthStencilRanking.SetAt( i, nRanking );
2382     }
2384     int nBestRanking = 100000;
2385     int nBestIndex = -1;
2386     for( int i=0; i<pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetSize(); i++ )
2387     {
2388         int nRanking = depthStencilRanking.GetAt(i);
2389         if( nRanking < nBestRanking )
2390         {
2391             nBestRanking = nRanking;
2392             nBestIndex = i;
2393         }
2394     }
2396     if( nBestIndex >= 0 )
2397     {
2398         bestDepthStencilFormat = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->depthStencilFormatList.GetAt(nBestIndex);
2399         bestEnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
2400     }
2401     else
2402     {
2403         bestDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;
2404         bestEnableAutoDepthStencil = false;
2405     }
2408     //---------------------
2409     // Present flags
2410     //---------------------
2411     DWORD dwBestFlags;
2412     if( pMatchOptions->ePresentFlags == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2413     {
2414         dwBestFlags = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.Flags;
2415     }
2416     else if( pMatchOptions->ePresentFlags == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2417     {
2418         dwBestFlags = 0;
2419         if( bestEnableAutoDepthStencil )
2421     }
2422     else // if( pMatchOptions->ePresentFlags == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2423     {
2424         dwBestFlags = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.Flags;
2425         if( bestEnableAutoDepthStencil )
2426             dwBestFlags |= D3DPRESENTFLAG_DISCARD_DEPTHSTENCIL;
2427     }
2429     //---------------------
2430     // Refresh rate
2431     //---------------------
2432     if( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed )
2433     {
2434         // Must be 0 for windowed
2435         bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = 0;
2436     }
2437     else
2438     {
2439         if( pMatchOptions->eRefreshRate == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2440         {
2441             bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz;
2442         }
2443         else
2444         {
2445             UINT refreshRateMatch;
2446             if( pMatchOptions->eRefreshRate == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2447             {
2448                 refreshRateMatch = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz;
2449             }
2450             else // if( pMatchOptions->eRefreshRate == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2451             {
2452                 refreshRateMatch = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.RefreshRate;
2453             }
2455             bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = 0;
2457             if( refreshRateMatch != 0 )
2458             {
2459                 int nBestRefreshRanking = 100000;
2460                 CGrowableArray<D3DDISPLAYMODE>* pDisplayModeList = &pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList;
2461                 for( int iDisplayMode=0; iDisplayMode<pDisplayModeList->GetSize(); iDisplayMode++ )
2462                 {
2463                     D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = pDisplayModeList->GetAt(iDisplayMode);
2464                     if( displayMode.Format != pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat ||
2465                         displayMode.Height != bestDisplayMode.Height ||
2466                         displayMode.Width != bestDisplayMode.Width )
2467                         continue; // Skip display modes that don't match
2469                     // Find the delta between the current refresh rate and the optimal refresh rate
2470                     int nCurRanking = abs((int)displayMode.RefreshRate - (int)refreshRateMatch);
2472                     if( nCurRanking < nBestRefreshRanking )
2473                     {
2474                         bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = displayMode.RefreshRate;
2475                         nBestRefreshRanking = nCurRanking;
2477                         // Stop if perfect match found
2478                         if( nBestRefreshRanking == 0 )
2479                             break;
2480                     }
2481                 }
2482             }
2483         }
2484     }
2486     //---------------------
2487     // Present interval
2488     //---------------------
2489     UINT bestPresentInterval;
2490     if( pMatchOptions->ePresentInterval == DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT )
2491     {
2492         bestPresentInterval = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.PresentationInterval;
2493     }
2494     else if( pMatchOptions->ePresentInterval == DXUTMT_IGNORE_INPUT )
2495     {
2496         // For windowed and fullscreen, default to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
2497         // which will wait for the vertical retrace period to prevent tearing.
2498         // For benchmarking, use D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT  which will
2499         // will wait not for the vertical retrace period but may introduce tearing.
2500         bestPresentInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT;
2501     }
2502     else // if( pMatchOptions->ePresentInterval == DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT )
2503     {
2504         if( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->presentIntervalList.Contains( pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.PresentationInterval ) )
2505         {
2506             bestPresentInterval = pDeviceSettingsIn->pp.PresentationInterval;
2507         }
2508         else
2509         {
2510             bestPresentInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT;
2511         }
2512     }
2514     // Fill the device settings struct
2515     ZeroMemory( pValidDeviceSettings, sizeof(DXUTDeviceSettings) );
2516     pValidDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal                 = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterOrdinal;
2517     pValidDeviceSettings->DeviceType                     = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->DeviceType;
2518     pValidDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat                  = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat;
2519     pValidDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags                  = dwBestBehaviorFlags;
2520     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth             = bestDisplayMode.Width;
2521     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight            = bestDisplayMode.Height;
2522     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat            = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat;
2523     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferCount             = bestBackBufferCount;
2524     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleType             = bestMultiSampleType;
2525     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.MultiSampleQuality          = bestMultiSampleQuality;
2526     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.SwapEffect                  = bestSwapEffect;
2527     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.hDeviceWindow               = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed ? DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed() : DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen();
2528     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed                    = pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed;
2529     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.EnableAutoDepthStencil      = bestEnableAutoDepthStencil;
2530     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat      = bestDepthStencilFormat;
2531     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.Flags                       = dwBestFlags;
2532     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz  = bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate;
2533     pValidDeviceSettings->pp.PresentationInterval        = bestPresentInterval;
2534 }
2537 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2538 // Internal helper function to find the closest allowed display mode to the optimal
2539 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTFindValidResolution(CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo * pBestDeviceSettingsCombo,D3DDISPLAYMODE displayModeIn,D3DDISPLAYMODE * pBestDisplayMode)2540 HRESULT DXUTFindValidResolution( CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pBestDeviceSettingsCombo,
2541                                 D3DDISPLAYMODE displayModeIn, D3DDISPLAYMODE* pBestDisplayMode )
2542 {
2543     D3DDISPLAYMODE bestDisplayMode;
2544     ZeroMemory( &bestDisplayMode, sizeof(D3DDISPLAYMODE) );
2546     if( pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed )
2547     {
2548         // In windowed mode, all resolutions are valid but restritions still apply
2549         // on the size of the window.  See DXUTChangeDevice() for details
2550         *pBestDisplayMode = displayModeIn;
2551     }
2552     else
2553     {
2554         int nBestRanking = 100000;
2555         int nCurRanking;
2556         CGrowableArray<D3DDISPLAYMODE>* pDisplayModeList = &pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->displayModeList;
2557         for( int iDisplayMode=0; iDisplayMode<pDisplayModeList->GetSize(); iDisplayMode++ )
2558         {
2559             D3DDISPLAYMODE displayMode = pDisplayModeList->GetAt(iDisplayMode);
2561             // Skip display modes that don't match the combo's adapter format
2562             if( displayMode.Format != pBestDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat )
2563                 continue;
2565             // Find the delta between the current width/height and the optimal width/height
2566             nCurRanking = abs((int)displayMode.Width - (int)displayModeIn.Width) +
2567                           abs((int)displayMode.Height- (int)displayModeIn.Height);
2569             if( nCurRanking < nBestRanking )
2570             {
2571                 bestDisplayMode = displayMode;
2572                 nBestRanking = nCurRanking;
2574                 // Stop if perfect match found
2575                 if( nBestRanking == 0 )
2576                     break;
2577             }
2578         }
2580         if( bestDisplayMode.Width == 0 )
2581         {
2582             *pBestDisplayMode = displayModeIn;
2583             return E_FAIL; // No valid display modes found
2584         }
2586         *pBestDisplayMode = bestDisplayMode;
2587     }
2589     return S_OK;
2590 }
2593 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2594 // Internal helper function to return the adapter format from the first device settings
2595 // combo that matches the passed adapter ordinal, device type, backbuffer format, and windowed.
2596 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTFindAdapterFormat(UINT AdapterOrdinal,D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType,D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat,BOOL Windowed,D3DFORMAT * pAdapterFormat)2597 HRESULT DXUTFindAdapterFormat( UINT AdapterOrdinal, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat,
2598                                BOOL Windowed, D3DFORMAT* pAdapterFormat )
2599 {
2600     CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject();
2601     CD3DEnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = pd3dEnum->GetDeviceInfo( AdapterOrdinal, DeviceType );
2602     if( pDeviceInfo )
2603     {
2604         for( int iDeviceCombo=0; iDeviceCombo<pDeviceInfo->deviceSettingsComboList.GetSize(); iDeviceCombo++ )
2605         {
2606             CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo = pDeviceInfo->deviceSettingsComboList.GetAt(iDeviceCombo);
2607             if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat == BackBufferFormat &&
2608                 pDeviceSettingsCombo->Windowed == Windowed )
2609             {
2610                 // Return the adapter format from the first match
2611                 *pAdapterFormat = pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat;
2612                 return S_OK;
2613             }
2614         }
2615     }
2617     *pAdapterFormat = BackBufferFormat;
2618     return E_FAIL;
2619 }
2622 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2623 // Change to a Direct3D device created from the device settings or passed in.
2624 // The framework will only reset if the device is similar to the previous device
2625 // otherwise it will cleanup the previous device (if there is one) and recreate the
2626 // scene using the app's device callbacks.
2627 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTChangeDevice(DXUTDeviceSettings * pNewDeviceSettings,IDirect3DDevice9 * pd3dDeviceFromApp,bool bForceRecreate,bool bClipWindowToSingleAdapter)2628 HRESULT DXUTChangeDevice( DXUTDeviceSettings* pNewDeviceSettings, IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDeviceFromApp, bool bForceRecreate, bool bClipWindowToSingleAdapter )
2629 {
2630     HRESULT hr;
2631     DXUTDeviceSettings* pOldDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
2633     if( DXUTGetD3DObject() == NULL )
2634         return S_FALSE;
2636     // Make a copy of the pNewDeviceSettings on the heap
2637     DXUTDeviceSettings* pNewDeviceSettingsOnHeap = new DXUTDeviceSettings;
2638     if( pNewDeviceSettingsOnHeap == NULL )
2639         return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
2640     memcpy( pNewDeviceSettingsOnHeap, pNewDeviceSettings, sizeof(DXUTDeviceSettings) );
2641     pNewDeviceSettings = pNewDeviceSettingsOnHeap;
2643     // If the ModifyDeviceSettings callback is non-NULL, then call it to let the app
2644     // change the settings or reject the device change by returning false.
2645     LPDXUTCALLBACKMODIFYDEVICESETTINGS pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetModifyDeviceSettingsFunc();
2646     if( pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings )
2647     {
2648         D3DCAPS9 caps;
2649         IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
2650         pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pNewDeviceSettings->DeviceType, &caps );
2652         bool bContinue = pCallbackModifyDeviceSettings( pNewDeviceSettings, &caps, GetDXUTState().GetModifyDeviceSettingsFuncUserContext() );
2653         if( !bContinue )
2654         {
2655             // The app rejected the device change by returning false, so just use the current device if there is one.
2656             if( pOldDeviceSettings == NULL )
2657                 DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( DXUTERR_NOCOMPATIBLEDEVICES );
2658             SAFE_DELETE( pNewDeviceSettings );
2659             return E_ABORT;
2660         }
2661         if( GetDXUTState().GetD3D() == NULL )
2662         {
2663             SAFE_DELETE( pNewDeviceSettings );
2664             return S_FALSE;
2665         }
2666     }
2668     GetDXUTState().SetCurrentDeviceSettings( pNewDeviceSettings );
2670     DXUTPause( true, true );
2672     // When a WM_SIZE message is received, it calls DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange().
2673     // A WM_SIZE message might be sent when adjusting the window, so tell
2674     // DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange() to ignore size changes temporarily
2675     GetDXUTState().SetIgnoreSizeChange( true );
2677     // Update thread safety on/off depending on Direct3D device's thread safety
2678     g_bThreadSafe = ((pNewDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED) != 0 );
2680     // Only apply the cmd line overrides if this is the first device created
2681     // and DXUTSetDevice() isn't used
2682     if( NULL == pd3dDeviceFromApp && NULL == pOldDeviceSettings )
2683     {
2684         // Updates the device settings struct based on the cmd line args.
2685         // Warning: if the device doesn't support these new settings then CreateDevice() will fail.
2686         DXUTUpdateDeviceSettingsWithOverrides( pNewDeviceSettings );
2687     }
2689     // Take note if the backbuffer width & height are 0 now as they will change after pd3dDevice->Reset()
2690     bool bKeepCurrentWindowSize = false;
2691     if( pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth == 0 && pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight == 0 )
2692         bKeepCurrentWindowSize = true;
2694     //////////////////////////
2695     // Before reset
2696     /////////////////////////
2697     if( pNewDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed )
2698     {
2699         // Going to windowed mode
2701         if( pOldDeviceSettings && !pOldDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed )
2702         {
2703             // Going from fullscreen -> windowed
2704             GetDXUTState().SetFullScreenBackBufferWidthAtModeChange( pOldDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth );
2705             GetDXUTState().SetFullScreenBackBufferHeightAtModeChange( pOldDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight );
2707             // Restore windowed mode style
2708             SetWindowLong( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), GWL_STYLE, GetDXUTState().GetWindowedStyleAtModeChange() );
2709         }
2711         // If different device windows are used for windowed mode and fullscreen mode,
2712         // hide the fullscreen window so that it doesn't obscure the screen.
2713         if( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen() != DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed() )
2714             ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), SW_HIDE );
2716         // If using the same window for windowed and fullscreen mode, reattach menu if one exists
2717         if( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen() == DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed() )
2718         {
2719             if( GetDXUTState().GetMenu() != NULL )
2720                 SetMenu( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), GetDXUTState().GetMenu() );
2721         }
2722     }
2723     else
2724     {
2725         // Going to fullscreen mode
2727         if( pOldDeviceSettings == NULL || (pOldDeviceSettings && pOldDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed) )
2728         {
2729             // Transistioning to full screen mode from a standard window so
2730             // save current window position/size/style now in case the user toggles to windowed mode later
2731             WINDOWPLACEMENT* pwp = GetDXUTState().GetWindowedPlacement();
2732             ZeroMemory( pwp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) );
2733             pwp->length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
2734             GetWindowPlacement( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), pwp );
2735             bool bIsTopmost = ( (GetWindowLong(DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(),GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST) != 0);
2736             GetDXUTState().SetTopmostWhileWindowed( bIsTopmost );
2737             DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), GWL_STYLE );
2738             dwStyle &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE & ~WS_MINIMIZE; // remove minimize/maximize style
2739             GetDXUTState().SetWindowedStyleAtModeChange( dwStyle );
2740             if( pOldDeviceSettings )
2741             {
2742                 GetDXUTState().SetWindowBackBufferWidthAtModeChange( pOldDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth );
2743                 GetDXUTState().SetWindowBackBufferHeightAtModeChange( pOldDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight );
2744             }
2745         }
2747         // Hide the window to avoid animation of blank windows
2748         ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), SW_HIDE );
2750         // Set FS window style
2751         SetWindowLong( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP|WS_SYSMENU );
2753         // If using the same window for windowed and fullscreen mode, save and remove menu
2754         if( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen() == DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed() )
2755         {
2756             HMENU hMenu = GetMenu( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen() );
2757             GetDXUTState().SetMenu( hMenu );
2758             SetMenu( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), NULL );
2759         }
2761         WINDOWPLACEMENT wpFullscreen;
2762         ZeroMemory( &wpFullscreen, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) );
2763         wpFullscreen.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
2764         GetWindowPlacement( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), &wpFullscreen );
2765         if( (wpFullscreen.flags & WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED) != 0 )
2766         {
2767             // Restore the window to normal if the window was maximized then minimized.  This causes the
2768             // WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED flag to be set which will cause SW_RESTORE to restore the
2769             // window from minimized to maxmized which isn't what we want
2770             wpFullscreen.flags &= ~WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED;
2771             wpFullscreen.showCmd = SW_RESTORE;
2772             SetWindowPlacement( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), &wpFullscreen );
2773         }
2774     }
2776     // If AdapterOrdinal and DeviceType are the same, we can just do a Reset().
2777     // If they've changed, we need to do a complete device tear down/rebuild.
2778     // Also only allow a reset if pd3dDevice is the same as the current device
2779     if( !bForceRecreate &&
2780         (pd3dDeviceFromApp == NULL || pd3dDeviceFromApp == DXUTGetD3DDevice()) &&
2781         DXUTGetD3DDevice() &&
2782         pOldDeviceSettings &&
2783         pOldDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal == pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal &&
2784         pOldDeviceSettings->DeviceType == pNewDeviceSettings->DeviceType &&
2785         pOldDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags == pNewDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags )
2786     {
2787         // Reset the Direct3D device and call the app's device callbacks
2788         hr = DXUTReset3DEnvironment();
2789         if( FAILED(hr) )
2790         {
2791             if( D3DERR_DEVICELOST == hr )
2792             {
2793                 // The device is lost, just mark it as so and continue on with
2794                 // capturing the state and resizing the window/etc.
2795                 GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( true );
2796             }
2797             else if( DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICEOBJECTS == hr ||
2798                      DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND == hr )
2799             {
2800                 // Something bad happened in the app callbacks
2801                 SAFE_DELETE( pOldDeviceSettings );
2802                 DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( hr );
2803                 DXUTShutdown();
2804                 return hr;
2805             }
2806             else // DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICE
2807             {
2808                 // Reset failed and the device wasn't lost and it wasn't the apps fault,
2809                 // so recreate the device to try to recover
2810                 GetDXUTState().SetCurrentDeviceSettings( pOldDeviceSettings );
2811                 if( FAILED( DXUTChangeDevice( pNewDeviceSettings, pd3dDeviceFromApp, true, bClipWindowToSingleAdapter ) ) )
2812                 {
2813                     // If that fails, then shutdown
2814                     SAFE_DELETE( pOldDeviceSettings );
2815                     DXUTShutdown();
2816                     return DXUTERR_CREATINGDEVICE;
2817                 }
2818                 else
2819                 {
2820                     SAFE_DELETE( pOldDeviceSettings );
2821                     return S_OK;
2822                 }
2823             }
2824         }
2825     }
2826     else
2827     {
2828         // Cleanup if not first device created
2829         if( pOldDeviceSettings )
2830             DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment( false );
2832         // Create the D3D device and call the app's device callbacks
2833         hr = DXUTCreate3DEnvironment( pd3dDeviceFromApp );
2834         if( FAILED(hr) )
2835         {
2836             SAFE_DELETE( pOldDeviceSettings );
2837             DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment();
2838             DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( hr );
2839             DXUTPause( false, false );
2840             GetDXUTState().SetIgnoreSizeChange( false );
2841             return hr;
2842         }
2843     }
2845     // Enable/disable StickKeys shortcut, ToggleKeys shortcut, FilterKeys shortcut, and Windows key
2846     // to prevent accidental task switching
2847     DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( ( pNewDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed  ) ? GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed() : GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeysWhenFullscreen() );
2849     IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
2850     HMONITOR hAdapterMonitor = pD3D->GetAdapterMonitor( pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal );
2851     GetDXUTState().SetAdapterMonitor( hAdapterMonitor );
2853     // Update the device stats text
2854     DXUTUpdateStaticFrameStats();
2856     if( pOldDeviceSettings && !pOldDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed && pNewDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed )
2857     {
2858         // Going from fullscreen -> windowed
2860         // Restore the show state, and positions/size of the window to what it was
2861         // It is important to adjust the window size
2862         // after resetting the device rather than beforehand to ensure
2863         // that the monitor resolution is correct and does not limit the size of the new window.
2864         WINDOWPLACEMENT* pwp = GetDXUTState().GetWindowedPlacement();
2865         SetWindowPlacement( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), pwp );
2867         // Also restore the z-order of window to previous state
2868         HWND hWndInsertAfter = GetDXUTState().GetTopmostWhileWindowed() ? HWND_TOPMOST : HWND_NOTOPMOST;
2869         SetWindowPos( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), hWndInsertAfter, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOREDRAW|SWP_NOSIZE );
2870     }
2872     // Check to see if the window needs to be resized.
2873     // Handle cases where the window is minimized and maxmimized as well.
2874     bool bNeedToResize = false;
2875     if( pNewDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed && // only resize if in windowed mode
2876         !bKeepCurrentWindowSize )          // only resize if pp.BackbufferWidth/Height were not 0
2877     {
2878         UINT nClientWidth;
2879         UINT nClientHeight;
2880         if( IsIconic(DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()) )
2881         {
2882             // Window is currently minimized. To tell if it needs to resize,
2883             // get the client rect of window when its restored the
2884             // hard way using GetWindowPlacement()
2885             WINDOWPLACEMENT wp;
2886             ZeroMemory( &wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) );
2887             wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
2888             GetWindowPlacement( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), &wp );
2890             if( (wp.flags & WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED) != 0 && wp.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED )
2891             {
2892                 // WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED means that when the window is restored it will
2893                 // be maximized.  So maximize the window temporarily to get the client rect
2894                 // when the window is maximized.  GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMAXIMIZED ) will give this
2895                 // information if the window is on the primary but this will work on multimon.
2896                 ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), SW_RESTORE );
2897                 RECT rcClient;
2898                 GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), &rcClient );
2899                 nClientWidth  = (UINT)(rcClient.right - rcClient.left);
2900                 nClientHeight = (UINT)(rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
2901                 ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), SW_MINIMIZE );
2902             }
2903             else
2904             {
2905                 // Use wp.rcNormalPosition to get the client rect, but wp.rcNormalPosition
2906                 // includes the window frame so subtract it
2907                 RECT rcFrame = {0};
2908                 AdjustWindowRect( &rcFrame, GetDXUTState().GetWindowedStyleAtModeChange(), GetDXUTState().GetMenu() != NULL );
2909                 LONG nFrameWidth = rcFrame.right - rcFrame.left;
2910                 LONG nFrameHeight = rcFrame.bottom - rcFrame.top;
2911                 nClientWidth  = (UINT)(wp.rcNormalPosition.right - wp.rcNormalPosition.left - nFrameWidth);
2912                 nClientHeight = (UINT)(wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom - wp.rcNormalPosition.top - nFrameHeight);
2913             }
2914         }
2915         else
2916         {
2917             // Window is restored or maximized so just get its client rect
2918             RECT rcClient;
2919             GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), &rcClient );
2920             nClientWidth  = (UINT)(rcClient.right - rcClient.left);
2921             nClientHeight = (UINT)(rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
2922         }
2924         // Now that we know the client rect, compare it against the back buffer size
2925         // to see if the client rect is already the right size
2926         if( nClientWidth  != pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth ||
2927             nClientHeight != pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight )
2928         {
2929             bNeedToResize = true;
2930         }
2932         if( bClipWindowToSingleAdapter && !IsIconic(DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()) )
2933         {
2934             // Get the rect of the monitor attached to the adapter
2935             MONITORINFO miAdapter;
2936             miAdapter.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
2937             HMONITOR hAdapterMonitor = DXUTGetD3DObject()->GetAdapterMonitor( pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal );
2938             DXUTGetMonitorInfo( hAdapterMonitor, &miAdapter );
2939             HMONITOR hWindowMonitor = DXUTMonitorFromWindow( DXUTGetHWND(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
2941             // Get the rect of the window
2942             RECT rcWindow;
2943             GetWindowRect( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), &rcWindow );
2945             // Check if the window rect is fully inside the adapter's vitural screen rect
2946             if( (rcWindow.left   < miAdapter.rcWork.left  ||
2947                  rcWindow.right  > miAdapter.rcWork.right ||
2948                  rcWindow.top    < miAdapter.rcWork.top   ||
2949                  rcWindow.bottom > miAdapter.rcWork.bottom) )
2950             {
2951                 if( hWindowMonitor == hAdapterMonitor && IsZoomed(DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()) )
2952                 {
2953                     // If the window is maximized and on the same monitor as the adapter, then
2954                     // no need to clip to single adapter as the window is already clipped
2955                     // even though the rcWindow rect is outside of the miAdapter.rcWork
2956                 }
2957                 else
2958                 {
2959                     bNeedToResize = true;
2960                 }
2961             }
2962         }
2963     }
2965     // Only resize window if needed
2966     if( bNeedToResize )
2967     {
2968         // Need to resize, so if window is maximized or minimized then restore the window
2969         if( IsIconic(DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()) )
2970             ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), SW_RESTORE );
2971         if( IsZoomed(DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()) ) // doing the IsIconic() check first also handles the WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED case
2972             ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), SW_RESTORE );
2974         if( bClipWindowToSingleAdapter )
2975         {
2976             // Get the rect of the monitor attached to the adapter
2977             MONITORINFO miAdapter;
2978             miAdapter.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
2979             DXUTGetMonitorInfo( DXUTGetD3DObject()->GetAdapterMonitor( pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal ), &miAdapter );
2981             // Get the rect of the monitor attached to the window
2982             MONITORINFO miWindow;
2983             miWindow.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
2984             DXUTGetMonitorInfo( DXUTMonitorFromWindow( DXUTGetHWND(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY ), &miWindow );
2986             // Do something reasonable if the BackBuffer size is greater than the monitor size
2987             int nAdapterMonitorWidth = miAdapter.rcWork.right - miAdapter.rcWork.left;
2988             int nAdapterMonitorHeight = miAdapter.rcWork.bottom - miAdapter.rcWork.top;
2990             int nClientWidth = pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth;
2991             int nClientHeight = pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight;
2993             // Get the rect of the window
2994             RECT rcWindow;
2995             GetWindowRect( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), &rcWindow );
2997             // Make a window rect with a client rect that is the same size as the backbuffer
2998             RECT rcResizedWindow;
2999             rcResizedWindow.left = 0;
3000             rcResizedWindow.right = nClientWidth;
3001             rcResizedWindow.top = 0;
3002             rcResizedWindow.bottom = nClientHeight;
3003             AdjustWindowRect( &rcResizedWindow, GetWindowLong( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), GWL_STYLE ), GetDXUTState().GetMenu() != NULL );
3005             int nWindowWidth = rcResizedWindow.right - rcResizedWindow.left;
3006             int nWindowHeight = rcResizedWindow.bottom - rcResizedWindow.top;
3008             if( nWindowWidth > nAdapterMonitorWidth )
3009                 nWindowWidth = (nAdapterMonitorWidth - 0);
3010             if( nWindowHeight > nAdapterMonitorHeight )
3011                 nWindowHeight = (nAdapterMonitorHeight - 0);
3013             if( rcResizedWindow.left < miAdapter.rcWork.left ||
3014                 rcResizedWindow.top < miAdapter.rcWork.top ||
3015                 rcResizedWindow.right > miAdapter.rcWork.right ||
3016                 rcResizedWindow.bottom > miAdapter.rcWork.bottom )
3017             {
3018                 int nWindowOffsetX = (nAdapterMonitorWidth - nWindowWidth) / 2;
3019                 int nWindowOffsetY = (nAdapterMonitorHeight - nWindowHeight) / 2;
3021                 rcResizedWindow.left = miAdapter.rcWork.left + nWindowOffsetX;
3022                 rcResizedWindow.top = miAdapter.rcWork.top + nWindowOffsetY;
3023                 rcResizedWindow.right = miAdapter.rcWork.left + nWindowOffsetX + nWindowWidth;
3024                 rcResizedWindow.bottom = miAdapter.rcWork.top + nWindowOffsetY + nWindowHeight;
3025             }
3027             // Resize the window.  It is important to adjust the window size
3028             // after resetting the device rather than beforehand to ensure
3029             // that the monitor resolution is correct and does not limit the size of the new window.
3030             SetWindowPos( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), 0, rcResizedWindow.left, rcResizedWindow.top, nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight, SWP_NOZORDER );
3031         }
3032         else
3033         {
3034             // Make a window rect with a client rect that is the same size as the backbuffer
3035             RECT rcWindow = {0};
3036             rcWindow.right = (long)(pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth);
3037             rcWindow.bottom = (long)(pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight);
3038             AdjustWindowRect( &rcWindow, GetWindowLong( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), GWL_STYLE ), GetDXUTState().GetMenu() != NULL );
3040             // Resize the window.  It is important to adjust the window size
3041             // after resetting the device rather than beforehand to ensure
3042             // that the monitor resolution is correct and does not limit the size of the new window.
3043             int cx = (int)(rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left);
3044             int cy = (int)(rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top);
3045             SetWindowPos( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), 0, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE );
3046         }
3048         // Its possible that the new window size is not what we asked for.
3049         // No window can be sized larger than the desktop, so see see if the Windows OS resized the
3050         // window to something smaller to fit on the desktop.  Also if WM_GETMINMAXINFO
3051         // will put a limit on the smallest/largest window size.
3052         RECT rcClient;
3053         GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed(), &rcClient );
3054         UINT nClientWidth  = (UINT)(rcClient.right - rcClient.left);
3055         UINT nClientHeight = (UINT)(rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
3056         if( nClientWidth  != pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth ||
3057             nClientHeight != pNewDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight )
3058         {
3059             // If its different, then resize the backbuffer again.  This time create a backbuffer that matches the
3060             // client rect of the current window w/o resizing the window.
3061             DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
3062             deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferWidth  = 0;
3063             deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferHeight = 0;
3064             hr = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, bClipWindowToSingleAdapter );
3065             if( FAILED( hr ) )
3066             {
3067                 SAFE_DELETE( pOldDeviceSettings );
3068                 DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment();
3069                 DXUTPause( false, false );
3070                 GetDXUTState().SetIgnoreSizeChange( false );
3071                 return hr;
3072             }
3073         }
3074     }
3076     // Make the window visible
3077     if( !IsWindowVisible( DXUTGetHWND() ) )
3078         ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWND(), SW_SHOW );
3080     // Make the window visible
3081     if( !IsWindowVisible( DXUTGetHWND() ) )
3082         ShowWindow( DXUTGetHWND(), SW_SHOW );
3084     // Ensure that the display doesn't power down when fullscreen but does when windowed
3085     if( !DXUTIsWindowed() )
3086         SetThreadExecutionState( ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED | ES_CONTINUOUS );
3087     else
3088         SetThreadExecutionState( ES_CONTINUOUS );
3090     SAFE_DELETE( pOldDeviceSettings );
3091     GetDXUTState().SetIgnoreSizeChange( false );
3092     DXUTPause( false, false );
3093     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreated( true );
3095     return S_OK;
3096 }
3099 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3100 // Low level keyboard hook to disable Windows key to prevent accidental task switching.
3101 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)3102 LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
3103 {
3104     if (nCode < 0 || nCode != HC_ACTION)  // do not process message
3105         return CallNextHookEx( GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardHook(), nCode, wParam, lParam);
3107     bool bEatKeystroke = false;
3109     switch (wParam)
3110     {
3111         case WM_KEYDOWN:
3112         case WM_KEYUP:
3113         {
3114             bEatKeystroke = ( !GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeys() &&
3115                             (p->vkCode == VK_LWIN || p->vkCode == VK_RWIN) );
3116             break;
3117         }
3118     }
3120     if( bEatKeystroke )
3121         return 1;
3122     else
3123         return CallNextHookEx( GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardHook(), nCode, wParam, lParam );
3124 }
3128 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3129 // Controls how DXUT behaves when fullscreen and windowed mode with regard to
3130 // shortcut keys (Windows keys, StickyKeys shortcut, ToggleKeys shortcut, FilterKeys shortcut)
3131 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetShortcutKeySettings(bool bAllowWhenFullscreen,bool bAllowWhenWindowed)3132 void DXUTSetShortcutKeySettings( bool bAllowWhenFullscreen, bool bAllowWhenWindowed )
3133 {
3134     GetDXUTState().SetAllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed( bAllowWhenWindowed );
3135     GetDXUTState().SetAllowShortcutKeysWhenFullscreen( bAllowWhenFullscreen );
3137     // DXUTInit() records initial accessibility states so don't change them until then
3138     if( GetDXUTState().GetDXUTInited() )
3139     {
3140         if( DXUTIsWindowed() )
3141             DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed() );
3142         else
3143             DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeysWhenFullscreen() );
3144     }
3145 }
3148 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3149 // Enables/disables Windows keys, and disables or restores the StickyKeys/ToggleKeys/FilterKeys
3150 // shortcut to help prevent accidental task switching
3151 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTAllowShortcutKeys(bool bAllowKeys)3152 void DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( bool bAllowKeys )
3153 {
3154     GetDXUTState().SetAllowShortcutKeys( bAllowKeys );
3156     if( bAllowKeys )
3157     {
3158         // Restore StickyKeys/etc to original state and enable Windows key
3159         STICKYKEYS sk = GetDXUTState().GetStartupStickyKeys();
3160         TOGGLEKEYS tk = GetDXUTState().GetStartupToggleKeys();
3161         FILTERKEYS fk = GetDXUTState().GetStartupFilterKeys();
3163         SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS, sizeof(STICKYKEYS), &sk, 0);
3164         SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS, sizeof(TOGGLEKEYS), &tk, 0);
3165         SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFILTERKEYS, sizeof(FILTERKEYS), &fk, 0);
3167         // Remove the keyboard hoook when it isn't needed to prevent any slow down of other apps
3168         if( GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardHook() )
3169         {
3170             UnhookWindowsHookEx( GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardHook() );
3171             GetDXUTState().SetKeyboardHook( NULL );
3172         }
3173     }
3174     else
3175     {
3176         // Set low level keyboard hook if haven't already
3177         if( GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardHook() == NULL )
3178         {
3179             // Set the low-level hook procedure.  Only works on Windows 2000 and above
3180             OSVERSIONINFO OSVersionInfo;
3181             OSVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVersionInfo);
3182             GetVersionEx(&OSVersionInfo);
3183             if( OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion > 4 )
3184             {
3185                 HHOOK hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0 );
3186                 GetDXUTState().SetKeyboardHook( hKeyboardHook );
3187             }
3188         }
3190         // Disable StickyKeys/etc shortcuts but if the accessibility feature is on,
3191         // then leave the settings alone as its probably being usefully used
3193         STICKYKEYS skOff = GetDXUTState().GetStartupStickyKeys();
3194         if( (skOff.dwFlags & SKF_STICKYKEYSON) == 0 )
3195         {
3196             // Disable the hotkey and the confirmation
3197             skOff.dwFlags &= ~SKF_HOTKEYACTIVE;
3198             skOff.dwFlags &= ~SKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY;
3200             SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS, sizeof(STICKYKEYS), &skOff, 0);
3201         }
3203         TOGGLEKEYS tkOff = GetDXUTState().GetStartupToggleKeys();
3204         if( (tkOff.dwFlags & TKF_TOGGLEKEYSON) == 0 )
3205         {
3206             // Disable the hotkey and the confirmation
3207             tkOff.dwFlags &= ~TKF_HOTKEYACTIVE;
3208             tkOff.dwFlags &= ~TKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY;
3210             SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS, sizeof(TOGGLEKEYS), &tkOff, 0);
3211         }
3213         FILTERKEYS fkOff = GetDXUTState().GetStartupFilterKeys();
3214         if( (fkOff.dwFlags & FKF_FILTERKEYSON) == 0 )
3215         {
3216             // Disable the hotkey and the confirmation
3217             fkOff.dwFlags &= ~FKF_HOTKEYACTIVE;
3218             fkOff.dwFlags &= ~FKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY;
3220             SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFILTERKEYS, sizeof(FILTERKEYS), &fkOff, 0);
3221         }
3222     }
3223 }
3226 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3227 // Updates the device settings struct based on the cmd line args.
3228 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTUpdateDeviceSettingsWithOverrides(DXUTDeviceSettings * pDeviceSettings)3229 void DXUTUpdateDeviceSettingsWithOverrides( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings )
3230 {
3231     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideAdapterOrdinal() != -1 )
3232         pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideAdapterOrdinal();
3234     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideFullScreen() )
3235         pDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed = false;
3236     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWindowed() )
3237         pDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed = true;
3239     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceREF() )
3240         pDeviceSettings->DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
3241     else if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceHAL() )
3242         pDeviceSettings->DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL;
3244     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth() != 0 )
3245         pDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferWidth = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideWidth();
3246     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight() != 0 )
3247         pDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferHeight = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideHeight();
3249     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForcePureHWVP() )
3250     {
3251         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
3252         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
3253         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
3254     }
3255     else if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceHWVP() )
3256     {
3257         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
3258         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
3259         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
3260     }
3261     else if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideForceSWVP() )
3262     {
3263         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
3264         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
3265         pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
3266     }
3267 }
3270 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3271 // Creates the 3D environment
3272 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCreate3DEnvironment(IDirect3DDevice9 * pd3dDeviceFromApp)3273 HRESULT DXUTCreate3DEnvironment( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDeviceFromApp )
3274 {
3275     HRESULT hr = S_OK;
3277     IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = NULL;
3278     DXUTDeviceSettings* pNewDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
3280     // Only create a Direct3D device if one hasn't been supplied by the app
3281     if( pd3dDeviceFromApp == NULL )
3282     {
3283         // Try to create the device with the chosen settings
3284         IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
3285         hr = pD3D->CreateDevice( pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pNewDeviceSettings->DeviceType,
3286                                  DXUTGetHWNDFocus(), pNewDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags,
3287                                  &pNewDeviceSettings->pp, &pd3dDevice );
3288         if( hr == D3DERR_DEVICELOST )
3289         {
3290             GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( true );
3291             return S_OK;
3292         }
3293         else if( FAILED(hr) )
3294         {
3295             DXUT_ERR( L"CreateDevice", hr );
3296             return DXUTERR_CREATINGDEVICE;
3297         }
3298     }
3299     else
3300     {
3301         pd3dDeviceFromApp->AddRef();
3302         pd3dDevice = pd3dDeviceFromApp;
3303     }
3305     GetDXUTState().SetD3DDevice( pd3dDevice );
3307     // If switching to REF, set the exit code to 11.  If switching to HAL and exit code was 11, then set it back to 0.
3308     if( pNewDeviceSettings->DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF && GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 0 )
3309         GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(11);
3310     else if( pNewDeviceSettings->DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL && GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 11 )
3311         GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(0);
3313     // Update back buffer desc before calling app's device callbacks
3314     DXUTUpdateBackBufferDesc();
3316     // Setup cursor based on current settings (window/fullscreen mode, show cursor state, clip cursor state)
3317     DXUTSetupCursor();
3319     // Update GetDXUTState()'s copy of D3D caps
3320     D3DCAPS9* pd3dCaps = GetDXUTState().GetCaps();
3321     DXUTGetD3DDevice()->GetDeviceCaps( pd3dCaps );
3323     // Update the device stats text
3324     CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject();
3325     CD3DEnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = pd3dEnum->GetAdapterInfo( pNewDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal );
3326     DXUTUpdateDeviceStats( pNewDeviceSettings->DeviceType,
3327                         pNewDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags,
3328                         &pAdapterInfo->AdapterIdentifier );
3330     // Call the resource cache created function
3331     hr = DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnCreateDevice( pd3dDevice );
3332     if( FAILED(hr) )
3335     // Call the app's device created callback if non-NULL
3336     const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pbackBufferSurfaceDesc = DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
3337     GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( true );
3338     LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICECREATED pCallbackDeviceCreated = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreatedFunc();
3339     hr = S_OK;
3340     if( pCallbackDeviceCreated != NULL )
3341         hr = pCallbackDeviceCreated( DXUTGetD3DDevice(), pbackBufferSurfaceDesc, GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreatedFuncUserContext() );
3342     GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( false );
3343     if( DXUTGetD3DDevice() == NULL ) // Handle DXUTShutdown from inside callback
3344         return E_FAIL;
3345     if( FAILED(hr) )
3346     {
3347         DXUT_ERR( L"DeviceCreated callback", hr );
3349     }
3350     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceObjectsCreated( true );
3352     // Call the resource cache device reset function
3353     hr = DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnResetDevice( pd3dDevice );
3354     if( FAILED(hr) )
3355         return DXUT_ERR( L"OnResetDevice", DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICEOBJECTS );
3357     // Call the app's device reset callback if non-NULL
3358     GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( true );
3359     LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICERESET pCallbackDeviceReset = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceResetFunc();
3360     hr = S_OK;
3361     if( pCallbackDeviceReset != NULL )
3362         hr = pCallbackDeviceReset( DXUTGetD3DDevice(), pbackBufferSurfaceDesc, GetDXUTState().GetDeviceResetFuncUserContext() );
3363     GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( false );
3364     if( DXUTGetD3DDevice() == NULL ) // Handle DXUTShutdown from inside callback
3365         return E_FAIL;
3366     if( FAILED(hr) )
3367     {
3368         DXUT_ERR( L"DeviceReset callback", hr );
3370     }
3371     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceObjectsReset( true );
3373     return S_OK;
3374 }
3377 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3378 // Resets the 3D environment by:
3379 //      - Calls the device lost callback
3380 //      - Resets the device
3381 //      - Stores the back buffer description
3382 //      - Sets up the full screen Direct3D cursor if requested
3383 //      - Calls the device reset callback
3384 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTReset3DEnvironment()3385 HRESULT DXUTReset3DEnvironment()
3386 {
3387     HRESULT hr;
3389     IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
3390     assert( pd3dDevice != NULL );
3392     // Call the app's device lost callback
3393     if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceObjectsReset() == true )
3394     {
3395         GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( true );
3396         LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICELOST pCallbackDeviceLost = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLostFunc();
3397         if( pCallbackDeviceLost != NULL )
3398             pCallbackDeviceLost( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLostFuncUserContext() );
3399         GetDXUTState().SetDeviceObjectsReset( false );
3400         GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( false );
3402         // Call the resource cache device lost function
3403         DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnLostDevice();
3404     }
3406     // Reset the device
3407     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
3408     hr = pd3dDevice->Reset( &pDeviceSettings->pp );
3409     if( FAILED(hr) )
3410     {
3411         if( hr == D3DERR_DEVICELOST )
3412             return D3DERR_DEVICELOST; // Reset could legitimately fail if the device is lost
3413         else
3414             return DXUT_ERR( L"Reset", DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICE );
3415     }
3417     // Update back buffer desc before calling app's device callbacks
3418     DXUTUpdateBackBufferDesc();
3420     // Setup cursor based on current settings (window/fullscreen mode, show cursor state, clip cursor state)
3421     DXUTSetupCursor();
3423     hr = DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnResetDevice( pd3dDevice );
3424     if( FAILED(hr) )
3425         return DXUT_ERR( L"OnResetDevice", DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICEOBJECTS );
3427     // Call the app's OnDeviceReset callback
3428     GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( true );
3429     const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pbackBufferSurfaceDesc = DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
3430     LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICERESET pCallbackDeviceReset = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceResetFunc();
3431     hr = S_OK;
3432     if( pCallbackDeviceReset != NULL )
3433         hr = pCallbackDeviceReset( pd3dDevice, pbackBufferSurfaceDesc, GetDXUTState().GetDeviceResetFuncUserContext() );
3434     GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( false );
3435     if( FAILED(hr) )
3436     {
3437         // If callback failed, cleanup
3438         DXUT_ERR( L"DeviceResetCallback", hr );
3439         if( hr != DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND )
3442         GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( true );
3443         LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICELOST pCallbackDeviceLost = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLostFunc();
3444         if( pCallbackDeviceLost != NULL )
3445             pCallbackDeviceLost( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLostFuncUserContext() );
3446         GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( false );
3448         DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnLostDevice();
3449         return hr;
3450     }
3452     // Success
3453     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceObjectsReset( true );
3455     return S_OK;
3456 }
3459 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3460 // Pauses time or rendering.  Keeps a ref count so pausing can be layered
3461 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTPause(bool bPauseTime,bool bPauseRendering)3462 void DXUTPause( bool bPauseTime, bool bPauseRendering )
3463 {
3464     int nPauseTimeCount = GetDXUTState().GetPauseTimeCount();
3465     nPauseTimeCount += ( bPauseTime ? +1 : -1 );
3466     if( nPauseTimeCount < 0 )
3467         nPauseTimeCount = 0;
3468     GetDXUTState().SetPauseTimeCount( nPauseTimeCount );
3470     int nPauseRenderingCount = GetDXUTState().GetPauseRenderingCount();
3471     nPauseRenderingCount += ( bPauseRendering ? +1 : -1 );
3472     if( nPauseRenderingCount < 0 )
3473         nPauseRenderingCount = 0;
3474     GetDXUTState().SetPauseRenderingCount( nPauseRenderingCount );
3476     if( nPauseTimeCount > 0 )
3477     {
3478         // Stop the scene from animating
3479         DXUTGetGlobalTimer()->Stop();
3480     }
3481     else
3482     {
3483         // Restart the timer
3484         DXUTGetGlobalTimer()->Start();
3485     }
3487     GetDXUTState().SetRenderingPaused( nPauseRenderingCount > 0 );
3488     GetDXUTState().SetTimePaused( nPauseTimeCount > 0 );
3489 }
3492 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3493 // Checks if the window client rect has changed and if it has, then reset the device
3494 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange()3495 void DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange()
3496 {
3497     // Skip the check for various reasons
3498     if( GetDXUTState().GetIgnoreSizeChange() ||
3499         !GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreated() ||
3500         !GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings()->pp.Windowed )
3501         return;
3503     RECT rcCurrentClient;
3504     GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWND(), &rcCurrentClient );
3506     if( (UINT)rcCurrentClient.right != GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings()->pp.BackBufferWidth ||
3507         (UINT)rcCurrentClient.bottom != GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings()->pp.BackBufferHeight )
3508     {
3509         // A new window size will require a new backbuffer size
3510         // size, so the device must be reset and the D3D structures updated accordingly.
3512         // Tell DXUTChangeDevice and D3D to size according to the HWND's client rect
3513         DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
3514         deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferWidth  = 0;
3515         deviceSettings.pp.BackBufferHeight = 0;
3516         DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
3517     }
3518 }
3521 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3522 // Handles app's message loop and rendering when idle.  If DXUTCreateDevice*() or DXUTSetDevice()
3523 // has not already been called, it will call DXUTCreateWindow() with the default parameters.
3524 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTMainLoop(HACCEL hAccel)3525 HRESULT DXUTMainLoop( HACCEL hAccel )
3526 {
3527     HRESULT hr;
3529     // Not allowed to call this from inside the device callbacks or reenter
3530     if( GetDXUTState().GetInsideDeviceCallback() || GetDXUTState().GetInsideMainloop() )
3531     {
3532         if( (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 0) || (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 11) )
3533             GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(1);
3534         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTMainLoop", E_FAIL );
3535     }
3537     GetDXUTState().SetInsideMainloop( true );
3539     // If DXUTCreateDevice*() or DXUTSetDevice() has not already been called,
3540     // then call DXUTCreateDevice() with the default parameters.
3541     if( !GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreated() )
3542     {
3543         if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreateCalled() )
3544         {
3545             if( (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 0) || (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 11) )
3546                 GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(1);
3547             return E_FAIL; // DXUTCreateDevice() must first succeed for this function to succeed
3548         }
3550         hr = DXUTCreateDevice();
3551         if( FAILED(hr) )
3552         {
3553             if( (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 0) || (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 11) )
3554                 GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(1);
3555             return hr;
3556         }
3557     }
3559     HWND hWnd = DXUTGetHWND();
3561     // DXUTInit() must have been called and succeeded for this function to proceed
3562     // DXUTCreateWindow() or DXUTSetWindow() must have been called and succeeded for this function to proceed
3563     // DXUTCreateDevice() or DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings() or DXUTSetDevice() must have been called and succeeded for this function to proceed
3564     if( !GetDXUTState().GetDXUTInited() || !GetDXUTState().GetWindowCreated() || !GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreated() )
3565     {
3566         if( (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 0) || (GetDXUTState().GetExitCode() == 11) )
3567             GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(1);
3568         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTMainLoop", E_FAIL );
3569     }
3571     // Now we're ready to receive and process Windows messages.
3572     bool bGotMsg;
3573     MSG  msg;
3574     msg.message = WM_NULL;
3575     PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_NOREMOVE );
3577     while( WM_QUIT != msg.message  )
3578     {
3579         // Use PeekMessage() so we can use idle time to render the scene.
3580         bGotMsg = ( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE ) != 0 );
3582         if( bGotMsg )
3583         {
3584             // Translate and dispatch the message
3585             if( hAccel == NULL || hWnd == NULL ||
3586                 0 == TranslateAccelerator( hWnd, hAccel, &msg ) )
3587             {
3588                 TranslateMessage( &msg );
3589                 DispatchMessage( &msg );
3590             }
3591         }
3592         else
3593         {
3594             // Render a frame during idle time (no messages are waiting)
3595             DXUTRender3DEnvironment();
3596         }
3597     }
3599     // Cleanup the accelerator table
3600     if( hAccel != NULL )
3601         DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel );
3603     GetDXUTState().SetInsideMainloop( false );
3605     return S_OK;
3606 }
3609 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3610 // Render the 3D environment by:
3611 //      - Checking if the device is lost and trying to reset it if it is
3612 //      - Get the elapsed time since the last frame
3613 //      - Calling the app's framemove and render callback
3614 //      - Calling Present()
3615 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTRender3DEnvironment()3616 void DXUTRender3DEnvironment()
3617 {
3618     HRESULT hr;
3620     if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLost() || DXUTIsRenderingPaused() || !DXUTIsActive() )
3621     {
3622         // Window is minimized or paused so yield CPU time to other processes
3623         Sleep( 50 );
3624     }
3626     IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
3627     if( NULL == pd3dDevice )
3628     {
3629         if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLost() )
3630         {
3631             DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
3632             DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, true );
3633         }
3635         return;
3636     }
3638     if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLost() && !GetDXUTState().GetRenderingPaused() )
3639     {
3640         // Test the cooperative level to see if it's okay to render
3641         if( FAILED( hr = pd3dDevice->TestCooperativeLevel() ) )
3642         {
3643             if( D3DERR_DEVICELOST == hr )
3644             {
3645                 // The device has been lost but cannot be reset at this time.
3646                 // So wait until it can be reset.
3647                 return;
3648             }
3650             // If we are windowed, read the desktop format and
3651             // ensure that the Direct3D device is using the same format
3652             // since the user could have changed the desktop bitdepth
3653             if( DXUTIsWindowed() )
3654             {
3655                 D3DDISPLAYMODE adapterDesktopDisplayMode;
3656                 IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
3657                 DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
3658                 pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, &adapterDesktopDisplayMode );
3659                 if( pDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat != adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Format )
3660                 {
3661                     DXUTMatchOptions matchOptions;
3662                     matchOptions.eAdapterOrdinal     = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
3663                     matchOptions.eDeviceType         = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
3664                     matchOptions.eWindowed           = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
3665                     matchOptions.eAdapterFormat      = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
3666                     matchOptions.eVertexProcessing   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3667                     matchOptions.eResolution         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3668                     matchOptions.eBackBufferFormat   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3669                     matchOptions.eBackBufferCount    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3670                     matchOptions.eMultiSample        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3671                     matchOptions.eSwapEffect         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3672                     matchOptions.eDepthFormat        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3673                     matchOptions.eStencilFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3674                     matchOptions.ePresentFlags       = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3675                     matchOptions.eRefreshRate        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3676                     matchOptions.ePresentInterval    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
3678                     DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
3679                     deviceSettings.AdapterFormat = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Format;
3681                     hr = DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
3682                     if( FAILED(hr) ) // the call will fail if no valid devices were found
3683                     {
3684                         DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( DXUTERR_NOCOMPATIBLEDEVICES );
3685                         DXUTShutdown();
3686                     }
3688                     // Change to a Direct3D device created from the new device settings.
3689                     // If there is an existing device, then either reset or recreate the scene
3690                     hr = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
3691                     if( FAILED(hr) )
3692                     {
3693                         // If this fails, try to go fullscreen and if this fails also shutdown.
3694                         if( FAILED(DXUTToggleFullScreen()) )
3695                             DXUTShutdown();
3696                     }
3698                     return;
3699                 }
3700             }
3702             // Try to reset the device
3703             if( FAILED( hr = DXUTReset3DEnvironment() ) )
3704             {
3705                 if( D3DERR_DEVICELOST == hr )
3706                 {
3707                     // The device was lost again, so continue waiting until it can be reset.
3708                     return;
3709                 }
3710                 else if( DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICEOBJECTS == hr ||
3711                          DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND == hr )
3712                 {
3713                     DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( hr );
3714                     DXUTShutdown();
3715                     return;
3716                 }
3717                 else
3718                 {
3719                     // Reset failed, but the device wasn't lost so something bad happened,
3720                     // so recreate the device to try to recover
3721                     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
3722                     if( FAILED( DXUTChangeDevice( pDeviceSettings, NULL, true, false ) ) )
3723                     {
3724                         DXUTShutdown();
3725                         return;
3726                     }
3727                 }
3728             }
3729         }
3731         GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( false );
3732     }
3734     // Get the app's time, in seconds. Skip rendering if no time elapsed
3735     double fTime, fAbsTime; float fElapsedTime;
3736     DXUTGetGlobalTimer()->GetTimeValues( &fTime, &fAbsTime, &fElapsedTime );
3738     // Store the time for the app
3739     if( GetDXUTState().GetConstantFrameTime() )
3740     {
3741         fElapsedTime = GetDXUTState().GetTimePerFrame();
3742         fTime     = DXUTGetTime() + fElapsedTime;
3743     }
3745     GetDXUTState().SetTime( fTime );
3746     GetDXUTState().SetAbsoluteTime( fAbsTime );
3747     GetDXUTState().SetElapsedTime( fElapsedTime );
3749     // Update the FPS stats
3750     DXUTUpdateFrameStats();
3752     DXUTHandleTimers();
3754     // Animate the scene by calling the app's frame move callback
3755     LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMEMOVE pCallbackFrameMove = GetDXUTState().GetFrameMoveFunc();
3756     if( pCallbackFrameMove != NULL )
3757     {
3758         pCallbackFrameMove( pd3dDevice, fTime, fElapsedTime, GetDXUTState().GetFrameMoveFuncUserContext() );
3759         pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
3760         if( NULL == pd3dDevice ) // Handle DXUTShutdown from inside callback
3761             return;
3762     }
3764     if( !GetDXUTState().GetRenderingPaused() )
3765     {
3766         // Render the scene by calling the app's render callback
3767         LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMERENDER pCallbackFrameRender = GetDXUTState().GetFrameRenderFunc();
3768         if( pCallbackFrameRender != NULL )
3769         {
3770             pCallbackFrameRender( pd3dDevice, fTime, fElapsedTime, GetDXUTState().GetFrameRenderFuncUserContext() );
3771             pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
3772             if( NULL == pd3dDevice ) // Handle DXUTShutdown from inside callback
3773                 return;
3774         }
3776 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
3777         // The back buffer should always match the client rect
3778         // if the Direct3D backbuffer covers the entire window
3779         RECT rcClient;
3780         GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWND(), &rcClient );
3781         if( !IsIconic( DXUTGetHWND() ) )
3782         {
3783             GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWND(), &rcClient );
3784             assert( DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc()->Width == (UINT)rcClient.right );
3785             assert( DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc()->Height == (UINT)rcClient.bottom );
3786         }
3787 #endif
3789         // Show the frame on the primary surface.
3790         hr = pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
3791         if( FAILED(hr) )
3792         {
3793             if( D3DERR_DEVICELOST == hr )
3794             {
3795                 GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( true );
3796             }
3797             else if( D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR == hr )
3798             {
3799                 // When D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR is returned from Present(),
3800                 // the application can do one of the following:
3801                 //
3802                 // - End, with the pop-up window saying that the application cannot continue
3803                 //   because of problems in the display adapter and that the user should
3804                 //   contact the adapter manufacturer.
3805                 //
3806                 // - Attempt to restart by calling IDirect3DDevice9::Reset, which is essentially the same
3807                 //   path as recovering from a lost device. If IDirect3DDevice9::Reset fails with
3808                 //   D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR, the application should end immediately with the message
3809                 //   that the user should contact the adapter manufacturer.
3810                 //
3811                 // The framework attempts the path of resetting the device
3812                 //
3813                 GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( true );
3814             }
3815         }
3816     }
3818     // Update current frame #
3819     int nFrame = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentFrameNumber();
3820     nFrame++;
3821     GetDXUTState().SetCurrentFrameNumber( nFrame );
3823     // Check to see if the app should shutdown due to cmdline
3824     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideQuitAfterFrame() != 0 )
3825     {
3826         if( nFrame > GetDXUTState().GetOverrideQuitAfterFrame() )
3827             DXUTShutdown();
3828     }
3830     return;
3831 }
3834 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3835 // Updates the string which describes the device
3836 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTUpdateDeviceStats(D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType,DWORD BehaviorFlags,D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 * pAdapterIdentifier)3837 void DXUTUpdateDeviceStats( D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, DWORD BehaviorFlags, D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9* pAdapterIdentifier )
3838 {
3839     if( GetDXUTState().GetNoStats() )
3840         return;
3842     // Store device description
3843     WCHAR* pstrDeviceStats = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceStats();
3844     if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
3845         StringCchCopy( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L"REF" );
3846     else if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
3847         StringCchCopy( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L"HAL" );
3848     else if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_SW )
3849         StringCchCopy( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L"SW" );
3852         BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE )
3853     {
3854         if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
3855             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (pure hw vp)" );
3856         else
3857             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (simulated pure hw vp)" );
3858     }
3859     else if( BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING )
3860     {
3861         if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
3862             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (hw vp)" );
3863         else
3864             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (simulated hw vp)" );
3865     }
3866     else if( BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING )
3867     {
3868         if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
3869             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (mixed vp)" );
3870         else
3871             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (simulated mixed vp)" );
3872     }
3873     else if( BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING )
3874     {
3875         StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L" (sw vp)" );
3876     }
3878     if( DeviceType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
3879     {
3880         // Be sure not to overflow m_strDeviceStats when appending the adapter
3881         // description, since it can be long.
3882         StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, L": " );
3884         // Try to get a unique description from the CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo
3885         DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
3886         CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject();
3887         CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo = pd3dEnum->GetDeviceSettingsCombo( pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceSettings->DeviceType, pDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat, pDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat, pDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed );
3888         if( pDeviceSettingsCombo )
3889         {
3890             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, pDeviceSettingsCombo->pAdapterInfo->szUniqueDescription );
3891         }
3892         else
3893         {
3894             const int cchDesc = sizeof(pAdapterIdentifier->Description);
3895             WCHAR szDescription[cchDesc];
3896             MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pAdapterIdentifier->Description, -1, szDescription, cchDesc );
3897             szDescription[cchDesc-1] = 0;
3898             StringCchCat( pstrDeviceStats, 256, szDescription );
3899         }
3900     }
3901 }
3904 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3905 // Updates the frames/sec stat once per second
3906 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTUpdateFrameStats()3907 void DXUTUpdateFrameStats()
3908 {
3909     if( GetDXUTState().GetNoStats() )
3910         return;
3912     // Keep track of the frame count
3913     double fLastTime = GetDXUTState().GetLastStatsUpdateTime();
3914     DWORD dwFrames  = GetDXUTState().GetLastStatsUpdateFrames();
3915     double fAbsTime = GetDXUTState().GetAbsoluteTime();
3916     dwFrames++;
3917     GetDXUTState().SetLastStatsUpdateFrames( dwFrames );
3919     // Update the scene stats once per second
3920     if( fAbsTime - fLastTime > 1.0f )
3921     {
3922         float fFPS = (float) (dwFrames / (fAbsTime - fLastTime));
3923         GetDXUTState().SetFPS( fFPS );
3924         GetDXUTState().SetLastStatsUpdateTime( fAbsTime );
3925         GetDXUTState().SetLastStatsUpdateFrames( 0 );
3927         WCHAR* pstrFPS = GetDXUTState().GetFPSStats();
3928         StringCchPrintf( pstrFPS, 64, L"%0.2f fps ", fFPS );
3929     }
3930 }
3933 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3934 // Updates the static part of the frame stats so it doesn't have be generated every frame
3935 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTUpdateStaticFrameStats()3936 void DXUTUpdateStaticFrameStats()
3937 {
3938     if( GetDXUTState().GetNoStats() )
3939         return;
3941     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
3942     if( NULL == pDeviceSettings )
3943         return;
3944     CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject();
3945     if( NULL == pd3dEnum )
3946         return;
3948     CD3DEnumDeviceSettingsCombo* pDeviceSettingsCombo = pd3dEnum->GetDeviceSettingsCombo( pDeviceSettings->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceSettings->DeviceType, pDeviceSettings->AdapterFormat, pDeviceSettings->pp.BackBufferFormat, pDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed );
3949     if( NULL == pDeviceSettingsCombo )
3950         return;
3952     WCHAR strFmt[100];
3953     D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPP = &pDeviceSettings->pp;
3955     if( pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat == pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat )
3956     {
3957         StringCchCopy( strFmt, 100, DXUTD3DFormatToString( pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat, false ) );
3958     }
3959     else
3960     {
3961         StringCchPrintf( strFmt, 100, L"backbuf %s, adapter %s",
3962             DXUTD3DFormatToString( pDeviceSettingsCombo->BackBufferFormat, false ),
3963             DXUTD3DFormatToString( pDeviceSettingsCombo->AdapterFormat, false ) );
3964     }
3966     WCHAR strDepthFmt[100];
3967     if( pPP->EnableAutoDepthStencil )
3968     {
3969         StringCchPrintf( strDepthFmt, 100, L" (%s)", DXUTD3DFormatToString( pPP->AutoDepthStencilFormat, false ) );
3970     }
3971     else
3972     {
3973         // No depth buffer
3974         strDepthFmt[0] = 0;
3975     }
3977     WCHAR strMultiSample[100];
3978     switch( pPP->MultiSampleType )
3979     {
3980         case D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLE: StringCchCopy( strMultiSample, 100, L" (Nonmaskable Multisample)" ); break;
3981         case D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE:        StringCchCopy( strMultiSample, 100, L"" ); break;
3982         default:                         StringCchPrintf( strMultiSample, 100, L" (%dx Multisample)", pPP->MultiSampleType ); break;
3983     }
3985     WCHAR* pstrStaticFrameStats = GetDXUTState().GetStaticFrameStats();
3986     StringCchPrintf( pstrStaticFrameStats, 256, L"%%sVsync %s (%dx%d), %s%s%s",
3987                 ( pPP->PresentationInterval == D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE ) ? L"off" : L"on",
3988                 pPP->BackBufferWidth, pPP->BackBufferHeight,
3989                 strFmt, strDepthFmt, strMultiSample );
3990 }
3993 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTGetFrameStats(bool bShowFPS)3994 LPCWSTR DXUTGetFrameStats( bool bShowFPS )
3995 {
3996     WCHAR* pstrFrameStats = GetDXUTState().GetFrameStats();
3997     WCHAR* pstrFPS = ( bShowFPS ) ? GetDXUTState().GetFPSStats() : L"";
3998     StringCchPrintf( pstrFrameStats, 256, GetDXUTState().GetStaticFrameStats(), pstrFPS );
3999     return pstrFrameStats;
4000 }
4003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4004 // Handles window messages
4005 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTStaticWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)4006 LRESULT CALLBACK DXUTStaticWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
4007 {
4008     // Consolidate the keyboard messages and pass them to the app's keyboard callback
4009     if( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN ||
4010         uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
4011         uMsg == WM_KEYUP ||
4012         uMsg == WM_SYSKEYUP )
4013     {
4014         bool bKeyDown = (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN);
4015         DWORD dwMask = (1 << 29);
4016         bool bAltDown = ( (lParam & dwMask) != 0 );
4018         bool* bKeys = GetDXUTState().GetKeys();
4019         bKeys[ (BYTE) (wParam & 0xFF) ] = bKeyDown;
4021         LPDXUTCALLBACKKEYBOARD pCallbackKeyboard = GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardFunc();
4022         if( pCallbackKeyboard )
4023             pCallbackKeyboard( (UINT)wParam, bKeyDown, bAltDown, GetDXUTState().GetKeyboardFuncUserContext() );
4024     }
4026     // Consolidate the mouse button messages and pass them to the app's mouse callback
4027     if( uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN ||
4028         uMsg == WM_LBUTTONUP ||
4029         uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK ||
4030         uMsg == WM_MBUTTONDOWN ||
4031         uMsg == WM_MBUTTONUP ||
4032         uMsg == WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK ||
4033         uMsg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN ||
4034         uMsg == WM_RBUTTONUP ||
4035         uMsg == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK ||
4036         uMsg == WM_XBUTTONDOWN ||
4037         uMsg == WM_XBUTTONUP ||
4038         uMsg == WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK ||
4039         uMsg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL ||
4040         (GetDXUTState().GetNotifyOnMouseMove() && uMsg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) )
4041     {
4042         int xPos = (short)LOWORD(lParam);
4043         int yPos = (short)HIWORD(lParam);
4045         if( uMsg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL )
4046         {
4047             // WM_MOUSEWHEEL passes screen mouse coords
4048             // so convert them to client coords
4049             POINT pt;
4050             pt.x = xPos; pt.y = yPos;
4051             ScreenToClient( hWnd, &pt );
4052             xPos = pt.x; yPos = pt.y;
4053         }
4055         int nMouseWheelDelta = 0;
4056         if( uMsg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL )
4057             nMouseWheelDelta = (short) HIWORD(wParam);
4059         int nMouseButtonState = LOWORD(wParam);
4060         bool bLeftButton  = ((nMouseButtonState & MK_LBUTTON) != 0);
4061         bool bRightButton = ((nMouseButtonState & MK_RBUTTON) != 0);
4062         bool bMiddleButton = ((nMouseButtonState & MK_MBUTTON) != 0);
4063         bool bSideButton1 = ((nMouseButtonState & MK_XBUTTON1) != 0);
4064         bool bSideButton2 = ((nMouseButtonState & MK_XBUTTON2) != 0);
4066         bool* bMouseButtons = GetDXUTState().GetMouseButtons();
4067         bMouseButtons[0] = bLeftButton;
4068         bMouseButtons[1] = bMiddleButton;
4069         bMouseButtons[2] = bRightButton;
4070         bMouseButtons[3] = bSideButton1;
4071         bMouseButtons[4] = bSideButton2;
4073         LPDXUTCALLBACKMOUSE pCallbackMouse = GetDXUTState().GetMouseFunc();
4074         if( pCallbackMouse )
4075             pCallbackMouse( bLeftButton, bRightButton, bMiddleButton, bSideButton1, bSideButton2, nMouseWheelDelta, xPos, yPos, GetDXUTState().GetMouseFuncUserContext() );
4076     }
4078     // Pass all messages to the app's MsgProc callback, and don't
4079     // process further messages if the apps says not to.
4080     LPDXUTCALLBACKMSGPROC pCallbackMsgProc = GetDXUTState().GetWindowMsgFunc();
4081     if( pCallbackMsgProc )
4082     {
4083         bool bNoFurtherProcessing = false;
4084         LRESULT nResult = pCallbackMsgProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, &bNoFurtherProcessing, GetDXUTState().GetWindowMsgFuncUserContext() );
4085         if( bNoFurtherProcessing )
4086             return nResult;
4087     }
4089     switch( uMsg )
4090     {
4091         case WM_PAINT:
4092         {
4093             IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
4095             // Handle paint messages when the app is paused
4096             if( pd3dDevice && DXUTIsRenderingPaused() &&
4097                 GetDXUTState().GetDeviceObjectsCreated() && GetDXUTState().GetDeviceObjectsReset() )
4098             {
4099                 HRESULT hr;
4100                 double fTime = DXUTGetTime();
4101                 float fElapsedTime = DXUTGetElapsedTime();
4103                 LPDXUTCALLBACKFRAMERENDER pCallbackFrameRender = GetDXUTState().GetFrameRenderFunc();
4104                 if( pCallbackFrameRender != NULL )
4105                     pCallbackFrameRender( pd3dDevice, fTime, fElapsedTime, GetDXUTState().GetFrameRenderFuncUserContext() );
4107                 hr = pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
4108                 if( D3DERR_DEVICELOST == hr )
4109                 {
4110                     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( true );
4111                 }
4112                 else if( D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR == hr )
4113                 {
4114                     // When D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR is returned from Present(),
4115                     // the application can do one of the following:
4116                     //
4117                     // - End, with the pop-up window saying that the application cannot continue
4118                     //   because of problems in the display adapter and that the user should
4119                     //   contact the adapter manufacturer.
4120                     //
4121                     // - Attempt to restart by calling IDirect3DDevice9::Reset, which is essentially the same
4122                     //   path as recovering from a lost device. If IDirect3DDevice9::Reset fails with
4123                     //   D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR, the application should end immediately with the message
4124                     //   that the user should contact the adapter manufacturer.
4125                     //
4126                     // The framework attempts the path of resetting the device
4127                     //
4128                     GetDXUTState().SetDeviceLost( true );
4129                 }
4130             }
4131             break;
4132         }
4134         case WM_SIZE:
4135             if( SIZE_MINIMIZED == wParam )
4136             {
4137                 DXUTPause( true, true ); // Pause while we're minimized
4139                 GetDXUTState().SetMinimized( true );
4140                 GetDXUTState().SetMaximized( false );
4141             }
4142             else
4143             {
4144                 RECT rcCurrentClient;
4145                 GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWND(), &rcCurrentClient );
4146                 if( rcCurrentClient.top == 0 && rcCurrentClient.bottom == 0 )
4147                 {
4148                     // Rapidly clicking the task bar to minimize and restore a window
4149                     // can cause a WM_SIZE message with SIZE_RESTORED when
4150                     // the window has actually become minimized due to rapid change
4151                     // so just ignore this message
4152                 }
4153                 else if( SIZE_MAXIMIZED == wParam )
4154                 {
4155                     if( GetDXUTState().GetMinimized() )
4156                         DXUTPause( false, false ); // Unpause since we're no longer minimized
4157                     GetDXUTState().SetMinimized( false );
4158                     GetDXUTState().SetMaximized( true );
4159                     DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange();
4160                     DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors();
4161                 }
4162                 else if( SIZE_RESTORED == wParam )
4163                 {
4164                     if( GetDXUTState().GetMaximized() )
4165                     {
4166                         GetDXUTState().SetMaximized( false );
4167                         DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange();
4168                         DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors();
4169                     }
4170                     else if( GetDXUTState().GetMinimized() )
4171                     {
4172                         DXUTPause( false, false ); // Unpause since we're no longer minimized
4173                         GetDXUTState().SetMinimized( false );
4174                         DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange();
4175                         DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors();
4176                     }
4177                     else if( GetDXUTState().GetInSizeMove() )
4178                     {
4179                         // If we're neither maximized nor minimized, the window size
4180                         // is changing by the user dragging the window edges.  In this
4181                         // case, we don't reset the device yet -- we wait until the
4182                         // user stops dragging, and a WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message comes.
4183                     }
4184                     else
4185                     {
4186                         // This WM_SIZE come from resizing the window via an API like SetWindowPos() so
4187                         // resize and reset the device now.
4188                         DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange();
4189                         DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors();
4190                     }
4191                 }
4192             }
4193             break;
4195         case WM_GETMINMAXINFO:
4196             ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.x = DXUT_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_X;
4197             ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y = DXUT_MIN_WINDOW_SIZE_Y;
4198             break;
4200         case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE:
4201             // Halt frame movement while the app is sizing or moving
4202             DXUTPause( true, true );
4203             GetDXUTState().SetInSizeMove( true );
4204             break;
4206         case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE:
4207             DXUTPause( false, false );
4208             DXUTCheckForWindowSizeChange();
4209             DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors();
4210             GetDXUTState().SetInSizeMove( false );
4211             break;
4213          case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
4214             if( DXUTIsActive() && !DXUTIsWindowed() )
4215             {
4216                 IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
4217                 if( pd3dDevice )
4218                 {
4219                     POINT ptCursor;
4220                     GetCursorPos( &ptCursor );
4221                     pd3dDevice->SetCursorPosition( ptCursor.x, ptCursor.y, 0 );
4222                 }
4223             }
4224             break;
4226         case WM_SETCURSOR:
4227             if( DXUTIsActive() && !DXUTIsWindowed() )
4228             {
4229                 IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
4230                 if( pd3dDevice && GetDXUTState().GetShowCursorWhenFullScreen() )
4231                     pd3dDevice->ShowCursor( true );
4232                 return true; // prevent Windows from setting cursor to window class cursor
4233             }
4234             break;
4236        case WM_ACTIVATEAPP:
4237             if( wParam == TRUE && !DXUTIsActive() ) // Handle only if previously not active
4238             {
4239                 GetDXUTState().SetActive( true );
4241                 // Disable any controller rumble & input when de-activating app
4242                 DXUTEnableXInput( true );
4244                 // The GetMinimizedWhileFullscreen() varible is used instead of !DXUTIsWindowed()
4245                 // to handle the rare case toggling to windowed mode while the fullscreen application
4246                 // is minimized and thus making the pause count wrong
4247                 if( GetDXUTState().GetMinimizedWhileFullscreen() )
4248                 {
4249                     DXUTPause( false, false ); // Unpause since we're no longer minimized
4250                     GetDXUTState().SetMinimizedWhileFullscreen( false );
4251                 }
4253                 // Upon returning to this app, potentially disable shortcut keys
4254                 // (Windows key, accessibility shortcuts)
4255                 DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( ( DXUTIsWindowed() ) ? GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeysWhenWindowed() :
4256                                                               GetDXUTState().GetAllowShortcutKeysWhenFullscreen() );
4258             }
4259             else if( wParam == FALSE && DXUTIsActive() ) // Handle only if previously active
4260             {
4261                 GetDXUTState().SetActive( false );
4263                 // Disable any controller rumble & input when de-activating app
4264                 DXUTEnableXInput( false );
4266                 if( !DXUTIsWindowed() )
4267                 {
4268                     // Going from full screen to a minimized state
4269                     ClipCursor( NULL );      // don't limit the cursor anymore
4270                     DXUTPause( true, true ); // Pause while we're minimized (take care not to pause twice by handling this message twice)
4271                     GetDXUTState().SetMinimizedWhileFullscreen( true );
4272                 }
4274                 // Restore shortcut keys (Windows key, accessibility shortcuts) to original state
4275                 //
4276                 // This is important to call here if the shortcuts are disabled,
4277                 // because if this is not done then the Windows key will continue to
4278                 // be disabled while this app is running which is very bad.
4279                 // If the app crashes, the Windows key will return to normal.
4280                 DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( true );
4281             }
4282             break;
4284        case WM_ENTERMENULOOP:
4285             // Pause the app when menus are displayed
4286             DXUTPause( true, true );
4287             break;
4289         case WM_EXITMENULOOP:
4290             DXUTPause( false, false );
4291             break;
4293         case WM_MENUCHAR:
4294             // A menu is active and the user presses a key that does not correspond to any mnemonic or accelerator key
4295             // So just ignore and don't beep
4296             return MAKELRESULT(0,MNC_CLOSE);
4297             break;
4299         case WM_NCHITTEST:
4300             // Prevent the user from selecting the menu in full screen mode
4301             if( !DXUTIsWindowed() )
4302                 return HTCLIENT;
4303             break;
4305         case WM_POWERBROADCAST:
4306             switch( wParam )
4307             {
4308                 #ifndef PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND
4309                     #define PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND 0x0000
4310                 #endif
4311                 case PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND:
4312                     // At this point, the app should save any data for open
4313                     // network connections, files, etc., and prepare to go into
4314                     // a suspended mode.  The app can use the MsgProc callback
4315                     // to handle this if desired.
4316                     return true;
4318                 #ifndef PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND
4319                     #define PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND 0x0007
4320                 #endif
4321                 case PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND:
4322                     // At this point, the app should recover any data, network
4323                     // connections, files, etc., and resume running from when
4324                     // the app was suspended. The app can use the MsgProc callback
4325                     // to handle this if desired.
4327                    // QPC may lose consistency when suspending, so reset the timer
4328                    // upon resume.
4329                    DXUTGetGlobalTimer()->Reset();
4330                    GetDXUTState().SetLastStatsUpdateTime( 0 );
4331                    return true;
4332             }
4333             break;
4335         case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
4336             // Prevent moving/sizing in full screen mode
4337             switch( wParam )
4338             {
4339                 case SC_MOVE:
4340                 case SC_SIZE:
4341                 case SC_MAXIMIZE:
4342                 case SC_KEYMENU:
4343                     if( !DXUTIsWindowed() )
4344                         return 0;
4345                     break;
4346             }
4347             break;
4349         case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
4350         {
4351             switch( wParam )
4352             {
4353                 case VK_RETURN:
4354                 {
4355                     if( GetDXUTState().GetHandleAltEnter() )
4356                     {
4357                         // Toggle full screen upon alt-enter
4358                         DWORD dwMask = (1 << 29);
4359                         if( (lParam & dwMask) != 0 ) // Alt is down also
4360                         {
4361                             // Toggle the full screen/window mode
4362                             DXUTPause( true, true );
4363                             DXUTToggleFullScreen();
4364                             DXUTPause( false, false );
4365                             return 0;
4366                         }
4367                     }
4368                 }
4369             }
4370             break;
4371         }
4373         case WM_KEYDOWN:
4374         {
4375             if( GetDXUTState().GetHandleDefaultHotkeys() )
4376             {
4377                 switch( wParam )
4378                 {
4379                     case VK_F3:
4380                     {
4381                         DXUTPause( true, true );
4382                         DXUTToggleREF();
4383                         DXUTPause( false, false );
4384                         break;
4385                     }
4387                     case VK_F8:
4388                     {
4389                         bool bWireFrame = GetDXUTState().GetWireframeMode();
4390                         bWireFrame = !bWireFrame;
4391                         GetDXUTState().SetWireframeMode( bWireFrame );
4393                         IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
4394                         if( pd3dDevice )
4395                             pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, (bWireFrame) ? D3DFILL_WIREFRAME : D3DFILL_SOLID );
4396                         break;
4397                     }
4399                     case VK_ESCAPE:
4400                     {
4401                         // Received key to exit app
4402                         SendMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
4403                     }
4405                     case VK_PAUSE:
4406                     {
4407                         bool bTimePaused = DXUTIsTimePaused();
4408                         bTimePaused = !bTimePaused;
4409                         if( bTimePaused )
4410                             DXUTPause( true, false );
4411                         else
4412                             DXUTPause( false, false );
4413                         break;
4414                     }
4415                 }
4416             }
4417             break;
4418         }
4420         case WM_CLOSE:
4421         {
4422             HMENU hMenu;
4423             hMenu = GetMenu(hWnd);
4424             if( hMenu != NULL )
4425                 DestroyMenu( hMenu );
4426             DestroyWindow( hWnd );
4427             UnregisterClass( L"Direct3DWindowClass", NULL );
4428             GetDXUTState().SetHWNDFocus( NULL );
4429             GetDXUTState().SetHWNDDeviceFullScreen( NULL );
4430             GetDXUTState().SetHWNDDeviceWindowed( NULL );
4431             return 0;
4432         }
4434         case WM_DESTROY:
4435             PostQuitMessage(0);
4436             break;
4437     }
4439     // Don't allow the F10 key to act as a shortcut to the menu bar
4440     // by not passing these messages to the DefWindowProc only when
4441     // there's no menu present
4442     if( !GetDXUTState().GetCallDefWindowProc() || GetDXUTState().GetMenu() == NULL && (uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYUP) && wParam == VK_F10 )
4443         return 0;
4444     else
4445         return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
4446 }
4449 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4450 // Resets the state associated with DXUT
4451 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTResetFrameworkState()4452 void DXUTResetFrameworkState()
4453 {
4454     GetDXUTState().Destroy();
4455     GetDXUTState().Create();
4456 }
4459 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4460 // Closes down the window.  When the window closes, it will cleanup everything
4461 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTShutdown(int nExitCode)4462 void DXUTShutdown( int nExitCode )
4463 {
4464     HWND hWnd = DXUTGetHWND();
4465     if( hWnd != NULL )
4466         SendMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
4468     GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(nExitCode);
4470     DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment( true );
4472     // Restore shortcut keys (Windows key, accessibility shortcuts) to original state
4473     // This is important to call here if the shortcuts are disabled,
4474     // because accessibility setting changes are permanent.
4475     // This means that if this is not done then the accessibility settings
4476     // might not be the same as when the app was started.
4477     // If the app crashes without restoring the settings, this is also true so it
4478     // would be wise to backup/restore the settings from a file so they can be
4479     // restored when the crashed app is run again.
4480     DXUTAllowShortcutKeys( true );
4482     GetDXUTState().SetD3DEnumeration( NULL );
4484     IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
4485     SAFE_RELEASE( pD3D );
4486     GetDXUTState().SetD3D( NULL );
4488     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideRelaunchMCE() )
4489         DXUTReLaunchMediaCenter();
4490 }
4493 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4494 // Cleans up the 3D environment by:
4495 //      - Calls the device lost callback
4496 //      - Calls the device destroyed callback
4497 //      - Releases the D3D device
4498 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment(bool bReleaseSettings)4499 void DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment( bool bReleaseSettings )
4500 {
4501     IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
4502     if( pd3dDevice != NULL )
4503     {
4504         GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( true );
4506         // Call the app's device lost callback
4507         if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceObjectsReset() == true )
4508         {
4509             LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICELOST pCallbackDeviceLost = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLostFunc();
4510             if( pCallbackDeviceLost != NULL )
4511                 pCallbackDeviceLost( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceLostFuncUserContext() );
4512             GetDXUTState().SetDeviceObjectsReset( false );
4514             // Call the resource cache device lost function
4515             DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnLostDevice();
4516         }
4518         // Call the app's device destroyed callback
4519         if( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceObjectsCreated() == true )
4520         {
4521             LPDXUTCALLBACKDEVICEDESTROYED pCallbackDeviceDestroyed = GetDXUTState().GetDeviceDestroyedFunc();
4522             if( pCallbackDeviceDestroyed != NULL )
4523                 pCallbackDeviceDestroyed( GetDXUTState().GetDeviceDestroyedFuncUserContext() );
4524             GetDXUTState().SetDeviceObjectsCreated( false );
4526             // Call the resource cache device destory function
4527             DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().OnDestroyDevice();
4528         }
4530         GetDXUTState().SetInsideDeviceCallback( false );
4532         // Release the D3D device and in debug configs, displays a message box if there
4533         // are unrelease objects.
4534         if( pd3dDevice )
4535         {
4536             if( pd3dDevice->Release() > 0 )
4537             {
4538                 DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( DXUTERR_NONZEROREFCOUNT );
4539                 DXUT_ERR( L"DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment", DXUTERR_NONZEROREFCOUNT );
4540             }
4541         }
4542         GetDXUTState().SetD3DDevice( NULL );
4544         if( bReleaseSettings )
4545         {
4546             DXUTDeviceSettings* pOldDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
4547             SAFE_DELETE(pOldDeviceSettings);
4548             GetDXUTState().SetCurrentDeviceSettings( NULL );
4549         }
4551         D3DSURFACE_DESC* pbackBufferSurfaceDesc = GetDXUTState().GetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
4552         ZeroMemory( pbackBufferSurfaceDesc, sizeof(D3DSURFACE_DESC) );
4554         D3DCAPS9* pd3dCaps = GetDXUTState().GetCaps();
4555         ZeroMemory( pd3dCaps, sizeof(D3DCAPS9) );
4557         GetDXUTState().SetDeviceCreated( false );
4558     }
4559 }
4562 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4563 // Stores back buffer surface desc in GetDXUTState().GetBackBufferSurfaceDesc()
4564 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTUpdateBackBufferDesc()4565 void DXUTUpdateBackBufferDesc()
4566 {
4567     HRESULT hr;
4568     IDirect3DSurface9* pBackBuffer;
4569     hr = GetDXUTState().GetD3DDevice()->GetBackBuffer( 0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &pBackBuffer );
4570     D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBBufferSurfaceDesc = GetDXUTState().GetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
4571     ZeroMemory( pBBufferSurfaceDesc, sizeof(D3DSURFACE_DESC) );
4572     if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
4573     {
4574         pBackBuffer->GetDesc( pBBufferSurfaceDesc );
4575         SAFE_RELEASE( pBackBuffer );
4576     }
4577 }
4580 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4581 // Starts a user defined timer callback
4582 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetTimer(LPDXUTCALLBACKTIMER pCallbackTimer,float fTimeoutInSecs,UINT * pnIDEvent,void * pCallbackUserContext)4583 HRESULT DXUTSetTimer( LPDXUTCALLBACKTIMER pCallbackTimer, float fTimeoutInSecs, UINT* pnIDEvent, void* pCallbackUserContext )
4584 {
4585     if( pCallbackTimer == NULL )
4586         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTSetTimer", E_INVALIDARG );
4588     HRESULT hr;
4589     DXUT_TIMER DXUTTimer;
4590     DXUTTimer.pCallbackTimer = pCallbackTimer;
4591     DXUTTimer.pCallbackUserContext = pCallbackUserContext;
4592     DXUTTimer.fTimeoutInSecs = fTimeoutInSecs;
4593     DXUTTimer.fCountdown = fTimeoutInSecs;
4594     DXUTTimer.bEnabled = true;
4595     DXUTTimer.nID = GetDXUTState().GetTimerLastID() + 1;
4596     GetDXUTState().SetTimerLastID( DXUTTimer.nID );
4598     CGrowableArray<DXUT_TIMER>* pTimerList = GetDXUTState().GetTimerList();
4599     if( pTimerList == NULL )
4600     {
4601         pTimerList = new CGrowableArray<DXUT_TIMER>;
4602         if( pTimerList == NULL )
4603             return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
4604         GetDXUTState().SetTimerList( pTimerList );
4605     }
4607     if( FAILED( hr = pTimerList->Add( DXUTTimer ) ) )
4608         return hr;
4610     if( pnIDEvent )
4611         *pnIDEvent = DXUTTimer.nID;
4613     return S_OK;
4614 }
4617 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4618 // Stops a user defined timer callback
4619 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTKillTimer(UINT nIDEvent)4620 HRESULT DXUTKillTimer( UINT nIDEvent )
4621 {
4622     CGrowableArray<DXUT_TIMER>* pTimerList = GetDXUTState().GetTimerList();
4623     if( pTimerList == NULL )
4624         return S_FALSE;
4626     bool bFound = false;
4628     for( int i=0; i<pTimerList->GetSize(); i++ )
4629     {
4630         DXUT_TIMER DXUTTimer = pTimerList->GetAt(i);
4631         if( DXUTTimer.nID == nIDEvent )
4632         {
4633             DXUTTimer.bEnabled = false;
4634             pTimerList->SetAt(i, DXUTTimer);
4635             bFound = true;
4636             break;
4637         }
4638     }
4640     if( !bFound )
4641         return DXUT_ERR_MSGBOX( L"DXUTKillTimer", E_INVALIDARG );
4643     return S_OK;
4644 }
4647 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4648 // Internal helper function to handle calling the user defined timer callbacks
4649 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTHandleTimers()4650 void DXUTHandleTimers()
4651 {
4652     float fElapsedTime = DXUTGetElapsedTime();
4654     CGrowableArray<DXUT_TIMER>* pTimerList = GetDXUTState().GetTimerList();
4655     if( pTimerList == NULL )
4656         return;
4658     // Walk through the list of timer callbacks
4659     for( int i=0; i<pTimerList->GetSize(); i++ )
4660     {
4661         DXUT_TIMER DXUTTimer = pTimerList->GetAt(i);
4662         if( DXUTTimer.bEnabled )
4663         {
4664             DXUTTimer.fCountdown -= fElapsedTime;
4666             // Call the callback if count down expired
4667             if( DXUTTimer.fCountdown < 0 )
4668             {
4669                 DXUTTimer.pCallbackTimer( i, DXUTTimer.pCallbackUserContext );
4670                 DXUTTimer.fCountdown = DXUTTimer.fTimeoutInSecs;
4671             }
4672             pTimerList->SetAt(i, DXUTTimer);
4673         }
4674     }
4675 }
4678 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4679 // External state access functions
4680 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTGetD3DObject()4681 IDirect3D9* DXUTGetD3DObject()                      { return GetDXUTState().GetD3D(); }
DXUTGetD3DDevice()4682 IDirect3DDevice9* DXUTGetD3DDevice()                { return GetDXUTState().GetD3DDevice(); }
DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc()4683 const D3DSURFACE_DESC* DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc() { return GetDXUTState().GetBackBufferSurfaceDesc(); }
DXUTGetDeviceCaps()4684 const D3DCAPS9* DXUTGetDeviceCaps()                 { return GetDXUTState().GetCaps(); }
DXUTGetHINSTANCE()4685 HINSTANCE DXUTGetHINSTANCE()                        { return GetDXUTState().GetHInstance(); }
DXUTGetHWND()4686 HWND DXUTGetHWND()                                  { return DXUTIsWindowed() ? GetDXUTState().GetHWNDDeviceWindowed() : GetDXUTState().GetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(); }
DXUTGetHWNDFocus()4687 HWND DXUTGetHWNDFocus()                             { return GetDXUTState().GetHWNDFocus(); }
DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen()4688 HWND DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen()                  { return GetDXUTState().GetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(); }
DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()4689 HWND DXUTGetHWNDDeviceWindowed()                    { return GetDXUTState().GetHWNDDeviceWindowed(); }
DXUTGetWindowClientRect()4690 RECT DXUTGetWindowClientRect()                      { RECT rc; GetClientRect( DXUTGetHWND(), &rc ); return rc; }
DXUTGetWindowClientRectAtModeChange()4691 RECT DXUTGetWindowClientRectAtModeChange()          { RECT rc = { 0, 0, GetDXUTState().GetWindowBackBufferWidthAtModeChange(), GetDXUTState().GetWindowBackBufferHeightAtModeChange() }; return rc; }
DXUTGetFullsceenClientRectAtModeChange()4692 RECT DXUTGetFullsceenClientRectAtModeChange()       { RECT rc = { 0, 0, GetDXUTState().GetFullScreenBackBufferWidthAtModeChange(), GetDXUTState().GetFullScreenBackBufferHeightAtModeChange() }; return rc; }
DXUTGetTime()4693 double DXUTGetTime()                                { return GetDXUTState().GetTime(); }
DXUTGetElapsedTime()4694 float DXUTGetElapsedTime()                          { return GetDXUTState().GetElapsedTime(); }
DXUTGetFPS()4695 float DXUTGetFPS()                                  { return GetDXUTState().GetFPS(); }
DXUTGetWindowTitle()4696 LPCWSTR DXUTGetWindowTitle()                        { return GetDXUTState().GetWindowTitle(); }
DXUTGetDeviceStats()4697 LPCWSTR DXUTGetDeviceStats()                        { return GetDXUTState().GetDeviceStats(); }
DXUTIsRenderingPaused()4698 bool DXUTIsRenderingPaused()                        { return GetDXUTState().GetPauseRenderingCount() > 0; }
DXUTIsTimePaused()4699 bool DXUTIsTimePaused()                             { return GetDXUTState().GetPauseTimeCount() > 0; }
DXUTIsActive()4700 bool DXUTIsActive()                                 { return GetDXUTState().GetActive(); }
DXUTGetExitCode()4701 int DXUTGetExitCode()                               { return GetDXUTState().GetExitCode(); }
DXUTGetShowMsgBoxOnError()4702 bool DXUTGetShowMsgBoxOnError()                     { return GetDXUTState().GetShowMsgBoxOnError(); }
DXUTGetAutomation()4703 bool DXUTGetAutomation()                            { return GetDXUTState().GetAutomation(); }
DXUTGetHandleDefaultHotkeys()4704 bool DXUTGetHandleDefaultHotkeys()                  { return GetDXUTState().GetHandleDefaultHotkeys(); }
DXUTIsKeyDown(BYTE vKey)4705 bool DXUTIsKeyDown( BYTE vKey )
4706 {
4707     bool* bKeys = GetDXUTState().GetKeys();
4708     if( vKey >= 0xA0 && vKey <= 0xA5 )  // VK_LSHIFT, VK_RSHIFT, VK_LCONTROL, VK_RCONTROL, VK_LMENU, VK_RMENU
4709         return GetAsyncKeyState( vKey ) != 0; // these keys only are tracked via GetAsyncKeyState()
4710     else if( vKey >= 0x01 && vKey <= 0x06 && vKey != 0x03 ) // mouse buttons (VK_*BUTTON)
4711         return DXUTIsMouseButtonDown(vKey);
4712     else
4713         return bKeys[vKey];
4714 }
DXUTIsMouseButtonDown(BYTE vButton)4715 bool DXUTIsMouseButtonDown( BYTE vButton )
4716 {
4717     bool* bMouseButtons = GetDXUTState().GetMouseButtons();
4718     int nIndex = DXUTMapButtonToArrayIndex(vButton);
4719     return bMouseButtons[nIndex];
4720 }
DXUTSetMultimonSettings(bool bAutoChangeAdapter)4721 void DXUTSetMultimonSettings( bool bAutoChangeAdapter )
4722 {
4723     GetDXUTState().SetAutoChangeAdapter( bAutoChangeAdapter );
4724 }
DXUTSetCursorSettings(bool bShowCursorWhenFullScreen,bool bClipCursorWhenFullScreen)4725 void DXUTSetCursorSettings( bool bShowCursorWhenFullScreen, bool bClipCursorWhenFullScreen )
4726 {
4727     GetDXUTState().SetClipCursorWhenFullScreen(bClipCursorWhenFullScreen);
4728     GetDXUTState().SetShowCursorWhenFullScreen(bShowCursorWhenFullScreen);
4729     DXUTSetupCursor();
4730 }
DXUTSetWindowSettings(bool bCallDefWindowProc)4731 void DXUTSetWindowSettings( bool bCallDefWindowProc )
4732 {
4733     GetDXUTState().SetCallDefWindowProc( bCallDefWindowProc );
4734 }
DXUTSetConstantFrameTime(bool bEnabled,float fTimePerFrame)4735 void DXUTSetConstantFrameTime( bool bEnabled, float fTimePerFrame )
4736 {
4737     if( GetDXUTState().GetOverrideConstantFrameTime() )
4738     {
4739         bEnabled = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideConstantFrameTime();
4740         fTimePerFrame = GetDXUTState().GetOverrideConstantTimePerFrame();
4741     }
4742     GetDXUTState().SetConstantFrameTime(bEnabled);
4743     GetDXUTState().SetTimePerFrame(fTimePerFrame);
4744 }
4747 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4748 // Return if windowed in the current device.  If no device exists yet, then returns false
4749 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTIsWindowed()4750 bool DXUTIsWindowed()
4751 {
4752     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
4753     if(pDeviceSettings)
4754         return (pDeviceSettings->pp.Windowed != 0);
4755     else
4756         return false;
4757 }
4760 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4761 // Return the present params of the current device.  If no device exists yet, then
4762 // return blank present params
4763 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTGetPresentParameters()4764 D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS DXUTGetPresentParameters()
4765 {
4766     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDS = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
4767     if( pDS )
4768     {
4769         return pDS->pp;
4770     }
4771     else
4772     {
4773         D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS pp;
4774         ZeroMemory( &pp, sizeof(D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS) );
4775         return pp;
4776     }
4777 }
4780 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4781 // Return the device settings of the current device.  If no device exists yet, then
4782 // return blank device settings
4783 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTGetDeviceSettings()4784 DXUTDeviceSettings DXUTGetDeviceSettings()
4785 {
4786     DXUTDeviceSettings* pDS = GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings();
4787     if( pDS )
4788     {
4789         return *pDS;
4790     }
4791     else
4792     {
4793         DXUTDeviceSettings ds;
4794         ZeroMemory( &ds, sizeof(DXUTDeviceSettings) );
4795         return ds;
4796     }
4797 }
4799 #ifndef SM_REMOTESESSION  // needs WINVER >= 0x0500
4800 #define SM_REMOTESESSION  0x1000
4801 #endif
4804 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4805 // Display an custom error msg box
4806 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTDisplayErrorMessage(HRESULT hr)4807 void DXUTDisplayErrorMessage( HRESULT hr )
4808 {
4809     WCHAR strBuffer[512];
4811     int nExitCode;
4812     bool bFound = true;
4813     switch( hr )
4814     {
4815         case DXUTERR_NODIRECT3D:             nExitCode = 2; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Could not initialize Direct3D. You may want to check that the latest version of DirectX is correctly installed on your system.  Also make sure that this program was compiled with header files that match the installed DirectX DLLs." ); break;
4816         case DXUTERR_INCORRECTVERSION:       nExitCode = 10; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Incorrect version of Direct3D and/or D3DX." ); break;
4817         case DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND:          nExitCode = 4; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Could not find required media. Ensure that the DirectX SDK is correctly installed." ); break;
4818         case DXUTERR_NONZEROREFCOUNT:        nExitCode = 5; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"The D3D device has a non-zero reference count, meaning some objects were not released." ); break;
4819         case DXUTERR_CREATINGDEVICE:         nExitCode = 6; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Failed creating the Direct3D device." ); break;
4820         case DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICE:        nExitCode = 7; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Failed resetting the Direct3D device." ); break;
4821         case DXUTERR_CREATINGDEVICEOBJECTS:  nExitCode = 8; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Failed creating Direct3D device objects." ); break;
4822         case DXUTERR_RESETTINGDEVICEOBJECTS: nExitCode = 9; StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Failed resetting Direct3D device objects." ); break;
4824             nExitCode = 3;
4825             if( GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION) != 0 )
4826                 StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Direct3D does not work over a remote session." );
4827             else
4828                 StringCchCopy( strBuffer, 512, L"Could not find any compatible Direct3D devices." );
4829             break;
4830         default: bFound = false; nExitCode = 1;break;
4831     }
4833     GetDXUTState().SetExitCode(nExitCode);
4835     bool bShowMsgBoxOnError = GetDXUTState().GetShowMsgBoxOnError();
4836     if( bFound && bShowMsgBoxOnError )
4837     {
4838         if( DXUTGetWindowTitle()[0] == 0 )
4839             MessageBox( DXUTGetHWND(), strBuffer, L"DirectX Application", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK );
4840         else
4841             MessageBox( DXUTGetHWND(), strBuffer, DXUTGetWindowTitle(), MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK );
4842     }
4843 }
4846 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4847 // Display error msg box to help debug
4848 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTTrace(const CHAR * strFile,DWORD dwLine,HRESULT hr,const WCHAR * strMsg,bool bPopMsgBox)4849 HRESULT WINAPI DXUTTrace( const CHAR* strFile, DWORD dwLine, HRESULT hr,
4850                           const WCHAR* strMsg, bool bPopMsgBox )
4851 {
4852     bool bShowMsgBoxOnError = GetDXUTState().GetShowMsgBoxOnError();
4853     if( bPopMsgBox && bShowMsgBoxOnError == false )
4854         bPopMsgBox = false;
4856     return DXTrace( strFile, dwLine, hr, strMsg, bPopMsgBox );
4857 }
4860 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4861 // Checks to see if the HWND changed monitors, and if it did it creates a device
4862 // from the monitor's adapter and recreates the scene.
4863 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors()4864 void DXUTCheckForWindowChangingMonitors()
4865 {
4866     // Skip this check for various reasons
4867     if( !GetDXUTState().GetAutoChangeAdapter() ||
4868          GetDXUTState().GetIgnoreSizeChange() ||
4869         !GetDXUTState().GetDeviceCreated() ||
4870         !GetDXUTState().GetCurrentDeviceSettings()->pp.Windowed )
4871     {
4872         return;
4873     }
4875     HRESULT hr;
4876     HMONITOR hWindowMonitor = DXUTMonitorFromWindow( DXUTGetHWND(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
4877     HMONITOR hAdapterMonitor = GetDXUTState().GetAdapterMonitor();
4878     if( hWindowMonitor != hAdapterMonitor )
4879     {
4880         UINT newOrdinal;
4881         if( SUCCEEDED( DXUTGetAdapterOrdinalFromMonitor( hWindowMonitor, &newOrdinal ) ) )
4882         {
4883             // Find the closest valid device settings with the new ordinal
4884             DXUTDeviceSettings deviceSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
4885             deviceSettings.AdapterOrdinal = newOrdinal;
4887             DXUTMatchOptions matchOptions;
4888             matchOptions.eAdapterOrdinal     = DXUTMT_PRESERVE_INPUT;
4889             matchOptions.eDeviceType         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4890             matchOptions.eWindowed           = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4891             matchOptions.eAdapterFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4892             matchOptions.eVertexProcessing   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4893             matchOptions.eResolution         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4894             matchOptions.eBackBufferFormat   = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4895             matchOptions.eBackBufferCount    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4896             matchOptions.eMultiSample        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4897             matchOptions.eSwapEffect         = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4898             matchOptions.eDepthFormat        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4899             matchOptions.eStencilFormat      = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4900             matchOptions.ePresentFlags       = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4901             matchOptions.eRefreshRate        = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4902             matchOptions.ePresentInterval    = DXUTMT_CLOSEST_TO_INPUT;
4904             hr = DXUTFindValidDeviceSettings( &deviceSettings, &deviceSettings, &matchOptions );
4905             if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
4906             {
4907                 // Create a Direct3D device using the new device settings.
4908                 // If there is an existing device, then it will either reset or recreate the scene.
4909                 hr = DXUTChangeDevice( &deviceSettings, NULL, false, false );
4911                 // If hr == E_ABORT, this means the app rejected the device settings in the ModifySettingsCallback
4912                 if( hr == E_ABORT )
4913                 {
4914                     // so nothing changed and keep from attempting to switch adapters next time
4915                     GetDXUTState().SetAutoChangeAdapter( false );
4916                 }
4917                 else if( FAILED(hr) )
4918                 {
4919                     DXUTShutdown();
4920                     DXUTPause( false, false );
4921                     return;
4922                 }
4923             }
4924         }
4925     }
4926 }
4929 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4930 // Look for an adapter ordinal that is tied to a HMONITOR
4931 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTGetAdapterOrdinalFromMonitor(HMONITOR hMonitor,UINT * pAdapterOrdinal)4932 HRESULT DXUTGetAdapterOrdinalFromMonitor( HMONITOR hMonitor, UINT* pAdapterOrdinal )
4933 {
4934     *pAdapterOrdinal = 0;
4936     CD3DEnumeration* pd3dEnum = DXUTPrepareEnumerationObject();
4937     IDirect3D9*      pD3D     = DXUTGetD3DObject();
4939     CGrowableArray<CD3DEnumAdapterInfo*>* pAdapterList = pd3dEnum->GetAdapterInfoList();
4940     for( int iAdapter=0; iAdapter<pAdapterList->GetSize(); iAdapter++ )
4941     {
4942         CD3DEnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = pAdapterList->GetAt(iAdapter);
4943         HMONITOR hAdapterMonitor = pD3D->GetAdapterMonitor( pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal );
4944         if( hAdapterMonitor == hMonitor )
4945         {
4946             *pAdapterOrdinal = pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal;
4947             return S_OK;
4948         }
4949     }
4951     return E_FAIL;
4952 }
4955 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4956 // Internal function to map MK_* to an array index
4957 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTMapButtonToArrayIndex(BYTE vButton)4958 int DXUTMapButtonToArrayIndex( BYTE vButton )
4959 {
4960     switch( vButton )
4961     {
4962         case MK_LBUTTON: return 0;
4963         case VK_MBUTTON:
4964         case MK_MBUTTON: return 1;
4965         case MK_RBUTTON: return 2;
4966         case VK_XBUTTON1:
4967         case MK_XBUTTON1: return 3;
4968         case VK_XBUTTON2:
4969         case MK_XBUTTON2: return 4;
4970     }
4972     return 0;
4973 }
4976 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4977 // Setup cursor based on current settings (window/fullscreen mode, show cursor state, clip cursor state)
4978 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetupCursor()4979 void DXUTSetupCursor()
4980 {
4981     // Show the cursor again if returning to fullscreen
4982     IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = DXUTGetD3DDevice();
4983     if( !DXUTIsWindowed() && pd3dDevice )
4984     {
4985         if( GetDXUTState().GetShowCursorWhenFullScreen() )
4986         {
4987             SetCursor( NULL ); // Turn off Windows cursor in full screen mode
4988             HCURSOR hCursor = (HCURSOR)(ULONG_PTR)GetClassLongPtr( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), GCLP_HCURSOR );
4989             DXUTSetDeviceCursor( pd3dDevice, hCursor, false );
4990             DXUTGetD3DDevice()->ShowCursor( true );
4991         }
4992         else
4993         {
4994             SetCursor( NULL ); // Turn off Windows cursor in full screen mode
4995             DXUTGetD3DDevice()->ShowCursor( false );
4996         }
4997     }
4999     // Clip cursor if requested
5000     if( !DXUTIsWindowed() && GetDXUTState().GetClipCursorWhenFullScreen() )
5001     {
5002         // Confine cursor to full screen window
5003         RECT rcWindow;
5004         GetWindowRect( DXUTGetHWNDDeviceFullScreen(), &rcWindow );
5005         ClipCursor( &rcWindow );
5006     }
5007     else
5008     {
5009         ClipCursor( NULL );
5010     }
5011 }
5013 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5014 // Gives the D3D device a cursor with image and hotspot from hCursor.
5015 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DXUTSetDeviceCursor(IDirect3DDevice9 * pd3dDevice,HCURSOR hCursor,bool bAddWatermark)5016 HRESULT DXUTSetDeviceCursor( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, HCURSOR hCursor, bool bAddWatermark )
5017 {
5018     HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
5019     ICONINFO iconinfo;
5020     bool bBWCursor;
5021     LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pCursorSurface = NULL;
5022     HDC hdcColor = NULL;
5023     HDC hdcMask = NULL;
5024     HDC hdcScreen = NULL;
5025     BITMAP bm;
5026     DWORD dwWidth;
5027     DWORD dwHeightSrc;
5028     DWORD dwHeightDest;
5029     COLORREF crColor;
5030     COLORREF crMask;
5031     UINT x;
5032     UINT y;
5033     BITMAPINFO bmi;
5034     COLORREF* pcrArrayColor = NULL;
5035     COLORREF* pcrArrayMask = NULL;
5036     DWORD* pBitmap;
5037     HGDIOBJ hgdiobjOld;
5039     ZeroMemory( &iconinfo, sizeof(iconinfo) );
5040     if( !GetIconInfo( hCursor, &iconinfo ) )
5041         goto End;
5043     if (0 == GetObject((HGDIOBJ)iconinfo.hbmMask, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&bm))
5044         goto End;
5045     dwWidth = bm.bmWidth;
5046     dwHeightSrc = bm.bmHeight;
5048     if( iconinfo.hbmColor == NULL )
5049     {
5050         bBWCursor = TRUE;
5051         dwHeightDest = dwHeightSrc / 2;
5052     }
5053     else
5054     {
5055         bBWCursor = FALSE;
5056         dwHeightDest = dwHeightSrc;
5057     }
5059     // Create a surface for the fullscreen cursor
5060     if( FAILED( hr = pd3dDevice->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface( dwWidth, dwHeightDest,
5061         D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SCRATCH, &pCursorSurface, NULL ) ) )
5062     {
5063         goto End;
5064     }
5066     pcrArrayMask = new DWORD[dwWidth * dwHeightSrc];
5068     ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(bmi));
5069     bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader);
5070     bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = dwWidth;
5071     bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = dwHeightSrc;
5072     bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
5073     bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
5074     bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
5076     hdcScreen = GetDC( NULL );
5077     hdcMask = CreateCompatibleDC( hdcScreen );
5078     if( hdcMask == NULL )
5079     {
5080         hr = E_FAIL;
5081         goto End;
5082     }
5083     hgdiobjOld = SelectObject(hdcMask, iconinfo.hbmMask);
5084     GetDIBits(hdcMask, iconinfo.hbmMask, 0, dwHeightSrc,
5085         pcrArrayMask, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
5086     SelectObject(hdcMask, hgdiobjOld);
5088     if (!bBWCursor)
5089     {
5090         pcrArrayColor = new DWORD[dwWidth * dwHeightDest];
5091         hdcColor = CreateCompatibleDC( hdcScreen );
5092         if( hdcColor == NULL )
5093         {
5094             hr = E_FAIL;
5095             goto End;
5096         }
5097         SelectObject(hdcColor, iconinfo.hbmColor);
5098         GetDIBits(hdcColor, iconinfo.hbmColor, 0, dwHeightDest,
5099             pcrArrayColor, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
5100     }
5102     // Transfer cursor image into the surface
5103     D3DLOCKED_RECT lr;
5104     pCursorSurface->LockRect( &lr, NULL, 0 );
5105     pBitmap = (DWORD*)lr.pBits;
5106     for( y = 0; y < dwHeightDest; y++ )
5107     {
5108         for( x = 0; x < dwWidth; x++ )
5109         {
5110             if (bBWCursor)
5111             {
5112                 crColor = pcrArrayMask[dwWidth*(dwHeightDest-1-y) + x];
5113                 crMask = pcrArrayMask[dwWidth*(dwHeightSrc-1-y) + x];
5114             }
5115             else
5116             {
5117                 crColor = pcrArrayColor[dwWidth*(dwHeightDest-1-y) + x];
5118                 crMask = pcrArrayMask[dwWidth*(dwHeightDest-1-y) + x];
5119             }
5120             if (crMask == 0)
5121                 pBitmap[dwWidth*y + x] = 0xff000000 | crColor;
5122             else
5123                 pBitmap[dwWidth*y + x] = 0x00000000;
5125             // It may be helpful to make the D3D cursor look slightly
5126             // different from the Windows cursor so you can distinguish
5127             // between the two when developing/testing code.  When
5128             // bAddWatermark is TRUE, the following code adds some
5129             // small grey "D3D" characters to the upper-left corner of
5130             // the D3D cursor image.
5131             if( bAddWatermark && x < 12 && y < 5 )
5132             {
5133                 // 11.. 11.. 11.. .... CCC0
5134                 // 1.1. ..1. 1.1. .... A2A0
5135                 // 1.1. .1.. 1.1. .... A4A0
5136                 // 1.1. ..1. 1.1. .... A2A0
5137                 // 11.. 11.. 11.. .... CCC0
5139                 const WORD wMask[5] = { 0xccc0, 0xa2a0, 0xa4a0, 0xa2a0, 0xccc0 };
5140                 if( wMask[y] & (1 << (15 - x)) )
5141                 {
5142                     pBitmap[dwWidth*y + x] |= 0xff808080;
5143                 }
5144             }
5145         }
5146     }
5147     pCursorSurface->UnlockRect();
5149     // Set the device cursor
5150     if( FAILED( hr = pd3dDevice->SetCursorProperties( iconinfo.xHotspot,
5151         iconinfo.yHotspot, pCursorSurface ) ) )
5152     {
5153         goto End;
5154     }
5156     hr = S_OK;
5158 End:
5159     if( iconinfo.hbmMask != NULL )
5160         DeleteObject( iconinfo.hbmMask );
5161     if( iconinfo.hbmColor != NULL )
5162         DeleteObject( iconinfo.hbmColor );
5163     if( hdcScreen != NULL )
5164         ReleaseDC( NULL, hdcScreen );
5165     if( hdcColor != NULL )
5166         DeleteDC( hdcColor );
5167     if( hdcMask != NULL )
5168         DeleteDC( hdcMask );
5169     SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pcrArrayColor );
5170     SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pcrArrayMask );
5171     SAFE_RELEASE( pCursorSurface );
5172     return hr;
5173 }