1 #include "dynmat.h"
2 #include "math.h"
3 #include "version.h"
4 #include "global.h"
6 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  * Class DynMat stores the Dynamic Matrix read from the binary file from
8  * fix-phonon and incorporates some operations w.r.t the DM.
9  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DynMat(int narg,char ** arg)10 DynMat::DynMat(int narg, char **arg)
11 {
12    attyp = NULL;
13    memory = NULL;
14    M_inv_sqrt = NULL;
15    interpolate = NULL;
16    DM_q = DM_all = NULL;
17    binfile = funit = dmfile = NULL;
19    attyp = NULL;
20    basis = NULL;
21    flag_reset_gamma = flag_skip = 0;
23    // analyze the command line options
24    int iarg = 1;
25    while (narg > iarg){
26       if (strcmp(arg[iarg], "-s") == 0){
27          flag_reset_gamma = flag_skip = 1;
29       } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg], "-r") == 0){
30          flag_reset_gamma = 1;
32       } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg], "-h") == 0){
33          help();
35       } else {
36          if (binfile) delete []binfile;
37          int n = strlen(arg[iarg]) + 1;
38          binfile = new char[n];
39          strcpy(binfile, arg[iarg]);
40       }
42       iarg++;
43    }
45    ShowVersion();
46    // get the binary file name from user input if not found in command line
47    char str[MAXLINE];
48    if (binfile == NULL) {
49       char *ptr = NULL;
50       printf("\n");
51       do {
52          printf("Please input the binary file name from fix_phonon: ");
53          fgets(str,MAXLINE,stdin);
54          ptr = strtok(str, " \n\t\r\f");
55       } while (ptr == NULL);
57       int n = strlen(ptr) + 1;
58       binfile = new char[n];
59       strcpy(binfile, ptr);
60    }
62    // open the binary file
63    FILE *fp = fopen(binfile, "rb");
64    if (fp == NULL) {
65       printf("\nFile %s not found! Programe terminated.\n", binfile);
66       help();
67    }
69    // read header info from the binary file
70    if (fread(&sysdim, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1){
71       printf("\nError while reading sysdim from file: %s\n", binfile);
72       fclose(fp);
73       exit(2);
74    }
75    if (fread(&nx, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1){
76       printf("\nError while reading nx from file: %s\n", binfile);
77       fclose(fp);
78       exit(2);
79    }
80    if (fread(&ny, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1){
81       printf("\nError while reading ny from file: %s\n", binfile);
82       fclose(fp);
83       exit(2);
84    }
85    if (fread(&nz, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1){
86       printf("\nError while reading nz from file: %s\n", binfile);
87       fclose(fp);
88       exit(2);
89    }
90    if (fread(&nucell, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1){
91       printf("\nError while reading nucell from file: %s\n", binfile);
92       fclose(fp);
93       exit(2);
94    }
95    if (fread(&boltz, sizeof(double), 1, fp) != 1){
96       printf("\nError while reading boltz from file: %s\n", binfile);
97       fclose(fp);
98       exit(2);
99    }
101    fftdim = sysdim * nucell;
102    fftdim2 = fftdim * fftdim;
103    npt = nx * ny * nz;
105    // display info related to the read file
106    ShowInfo();
107    if (sysdim < 1||sysdim > 3||nx < 1||ny < 1||nz < 1||nucell < 1){
108       printf("Wrong values read from header of file: %s, please check the binary file!\n", binfile);
109       fclose(fp); exit(3);
110    }
111    Define_Conversion_Factor();
113    // now to allocate memory for DM
114    memory = new Memory();
115    memory->create(DM_all, npt, fftdim2, "DynMat:DM_all");
116    memory->create(DM_q, fftdim,fftdim,"DynMat:DM_q");
118    // read all dynamical matrix info into DM_all
119    if (fread(DM_all[0], sizeof(doublecomplex), npt*fftdim2, fp) != size_t(npt*fftdim2)){
120       printf("\nError while reading the DM from file: %s\n", binfile);
121       fclose(fp);
122       exit(1);
123    }
125    // now try to read unit cell info from the binary file
126    memory->create(basis, nucell, sysdim, "DynMat:basis");
127    memory->create(attyp, nucell, "DynMat:attyp");
128    memory->create(M_inv_sqrt, nucell, "DynMat:M_inv_sqrt");
130    if (fread(&Tmeasure, sizeof(double), 1, fp) != 1){
131       printf("\nError while reading temperature from file: %s\n", binfile);
132       fclose(fp);
133       exit(3);
134    }
135    if (fread(&basevec[0], sizeof(double), 9, fp) != 9){
136       printf("\nError while reading lattice info from file: %s\n", binfile);
137       fclose(fp);
138       exit(3);
139    }
140    if (fread(basis[0], sizeof(double), fftdim, fp) != fftdim){
141       printf("\nError while reading basis info from file: %s\n", binfile);
142       fclose(fp);
143       exit(3);
144    }
145    if (fread(&attyp[0], sizeof(int), nucell, fp) != nucell){
146       printf("\nError while reading atom types from file: %s\n", binfile);
147       fclose(fp);
148       exit(3);
149    }
150    if (fread(&M_inv_sqrt[0], sizeof(double), nucell, fp) != nucell){
151       printf("\nError while reading atomic masses from file: %s\n", binfile);
152       fclose(fp);
153       exit(3);
154    }
155    fclose(fp);
157    car2dir();
158    real2rec();
160    // initialize interpolation
161    interpolate = new Interpolate(nx,ny,nz,fftdim2,DM_all);
162    if (flag_reset_gamma) interpolate->reset_gamma();
164    // Enforcing Austic Sum Rule
165    EnforceASR();
167    // get the dynamical matrix from force constant matrix: D = 1/M x Phi
168    for (int idq = 0; idq < npt; ++idq){
169       int ndim =0;
170       for (int idim = 0; idim < fftdim; ++idim)
171       for (int jdim = 0; jdim < fftdim; ++jdim){
172          double inv_mass = M_inv_sqrt[idim/sysdim] * M_inv_sqrt[jdim/sysdim];
173          DM_all[idq][ndim].r *= inv_mass;
174          DM_all[idq][ndim].i *= inv_mass;
175          ndim++;
176       }
177    }
179    // ask for the interpolation method
180    interpolate->set_method();
182    return;
183 }
186 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
187  * Free the memories used.
188  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~DynMat()189 DynMat::~DynMat()
190 {
191    // destroy all memory allocated
192    if (funit) delete []funit;
193    if (dmfile) delete []dmfile;
194    if (binfile) delete []binfile;
195    if (interpolate) delete interpolate;
197    memory->destroy(DM_q);
198    memory->destroy(attyp);
199    memory->destroy(basis);
200    memory->destroy(DM_all);
201    memory->destroy(M_inv_sqrt);
202    delete memory;
204    return;
205 }
207 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
208  * method to write DM_q to file, single point
209  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
writeDMq(double * q)210 void DynMat::writeDMq(double *q)
211 {
212    FILE *fp;
213    // only ask for file name for the first time
214    // other calls will append the result to the file.
215    if (dmfile == NULL){
216       char str[MAXLINE], *ptr;
217       printf("\n");
218       while ( 1 ){
219          printf("Please input the filename to output the DM at selected q: ");
220          fgets(str,MAXLINE,stdin);
221          ptr = strtok(str, " \r\t\n\f");
222          if (ptr) break;
223       }
225       int n = strlen(ptr) + 1;
226       dmfile = new char[n];
227       strcpy(dmfile, ptr);
228       fp = fopen(dmfile,"w");
230    } else {
231       fp = fopen(dmfile,"a");
232    }
233    fprintf(fp,"# q = [%lg %lg %lg]\n", q[0], q[1], q[2]);
235    for (int i = 0; i < fftdim; ++i){
236       for (int j = 0; j < fftdim; ++j) fprintf(fp,"%lg %lg\t", DM_q[i][j].r, DM_q[i][j].i);
237       fprintf(fp,"\n");
238    }
239    fprintf(fp,"\n");
240    fclose(fp);
242    return;
243 }
245 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
246  * method to write DM_q to file, dispersion-like
247  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
writeDMq(double * q,const double qr,FILE * fp)248 void DynMat::writeDMq(double *q, const double qr, FILE *fp)
249 {
250    fprintf(fp, "%lg %lg %lg %lg ", q[0], q[1], q[2], qr);
252    for (int i = 0; i < fftdim; ++i)
253    for (int j = 0; j < fftdim; ++j) fprintf(fp,"%lg %lg\t", DM_q[i][j].r, DM_q[i][j].i);
255    fprintf(fp,"\n");
256    return;
257 }
259 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260  * method to evaluate the eigenvalues of current q-point;
261  * return the eigenvalues in egv.
262  * cLapack subroutine zheevd is employed.
263  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
geteigen(double * egv,int flag)264 int DynMat::geteigen(double *egv, int flag)
265 {
266    char jobz, uplo;
267    integer n, lda, lwork, lrwork, *iwork, liwork, info;
268    doublecomplex *work;
269    doublereal *w = &egv[0], *rwork;
271    n = fftdim;
272    if (flag) jobz = 'V';
273    else jobz = 'N';
275    uplo = 'U';
276    lwork = (n+2)*n;
277    lrwork = 1 + (5+n+n)*n;
278    liwork = 3 + 5*n;
279    lda = n;
281    memory->create(work,  lwork,  "geteigen:work");
282    memory->create(rwork, lrwork, "geteigen:rwork");
283    memory->create(iwork, liwork, "geteigen:iwork");
285    zheevd_(&jobz, &uplo, &n, DM_q[0], &lda, w, work, &lwork, rwork, &lrwork, iwork, &liwork, &info);
287    // to get w instead of w^2; and convert w into v (THz hopefully)
288    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
289       if (w[i]>= 0.) w[i] = sqrt(w[i]);
290       else w[i] = -sqrt(-w[i]);
292       w[i] *= eml2f;
293    }
295    memory->destroy(work);
296    memory->destroy(rwork);
297    memory->destroy(iwork);
299  return info;
300 }
302 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
303  * method to get the Dynamical Matrix at q
304  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
getDMq(double * q)305 void DynMat::getDMq(double *q)
306 {
307    interpolate->execute(q, DM_q[0]);
309    return;
310 }
312 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
313  * method to get the Dynamical Matrix at q
314  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
getDMq(double * q,double * wt)315 void DynMat::getDMq(double *q, double *wt)
316 {
317    interpolate->execute(q, DM_q[0]);
319    if (flag_skip && interpolate->UseGamma ) wt[0] = 0.;
320    return;
321 }
323 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
324  * private method to convert the cartisan coordinate of basis into fractional
325  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
car2dir()326 void DynMat::car2dir()
327 {
328    double mat[9];
329    for (int idim = 0; idim < 9; ++idim) mat[idim] = basevec[idim];
330    GaussJordan(3, mat);
332    for (int i = 0; i < nucell; ++i){
333       double x[3];
334       x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = 0.;
335       for (int idim = 0; idim < sysdim; idim++) x[idim] = basis[i][idim];
336       for (int idim = 0; idim < sysdim; idim++)
337          basis[i][idim] = x[0]*mat[idim] + x[1]*mat[3+idim] + x[2]*mat[6+idim];
338    }
340  return;
341 }
343 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344  * private method to enforce the acoustic sum rule on force constant matrix at G
345  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EnforceASR()346 void DynMat::EnforceASR()
347 {
348    char str[MAXLINE];
349    int nasr = 20;
350    if (nucell <= 1) nasr = 1;
351    printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("=");
353    // compute and display eigenvalues of Phi at gamma before ASR
354    if (nucell > 100){
355       printf("\nYour unit cell is rather large, eigenvalue evaluation takes some time...");
356       fflush(stdout);
357    }
359    double egvs[fftdim];
360    for (int i = 0; i < fftdim; ++i)
361    for (int j = 0; j < fftdim; ++j) DM_q[i][j] = DM_all[0][i*fftdim+j];
362    geteigen(egvs, 0);
363    printf("\nEigenvalues of Phi at gamma before enforcing ASR:\n");
364    for (int i = 0; i < fftdim; ++i){
365       printf("%lg ", egvs[i]);
366       if (i%10 == 9) printf("\n");
367       if (i == 99){ printf("...... (%d more skipped)\n", fftdim-100); break;}
368    }
369    printf("\n\n");
371    // ask for iterations to enforce ASR
372    printf("Please input the # of iterations to enforce ASR [%d]: ", nasr);
373    fgets(str,MAXLINE,stdin);
374    char *ptr = strtok(str," \t\n\r\f");
375    if (ptr) nasr = atoi(ptr);
376    if (nasr < 1){
377       for (int i=0; i<80; i++) printf("="); printf("\n");
378       return;
379    }
381    for (int iit = 0; iit < nasr; ++iit){
382       // simple ASR; the resultant matrix might not be symmetric
383       for (int a = 0; a < sysdim; ++a)
384       for (int b = 0; b < sysdim; ++b){
385          for (int k = 0; k < nucell; ++k){
386             double sum = 0.;
387             for (int kp = 0; kp < nucell; ++kp){
388                int idx = (k*sysdim+a)*fftdim+kp*sysdim+b;
389                sum += DM_all[0][idx].r;
390             }
391             sum /= double(nucell);
392             for (int kp = 0; kp < nucell; ++kp){
393                int idx = (k*sysdim+a)*fftdim+kp*sysdim+b;
394                DM_all[0][idx].r -= sum;
395             }
396          }
397       }
399       // symmetrize
400       for (int k  = 0; k  < nucell; ++k)
401       for (int kp = k; kp < nucell; ++kp){
402          double csum = 0.;
403          for (int a = 0; a < sysdim; ++a)
404          for (int b = 0; b < sysdim; ++b){
405             int idx = (k*sysdim+a)*fftdim+kp*sysdim+b;
406             int jdx = (kp*sysdim+b)*fftdim+k*sysdim+a;
407             csum = (DM_all[0][idx].r + DM_all[0][jdx].r )*0.5;
408             DM_all[0][idx].r = DM_all[0][jdx].r = csum;
409          }
410       }
411    }
413    // symmetric ASR
414    for (int a = 0; a < sysdim; ++a)
415    for (int b = 0; b < sysdim; ++b){
416       for (int k = 0; k < nucell; ++k){
417          double sum = 0.;
418          for (int kp = 0; kp < nucell; ++kp){
419             int idx = (k*sysdim+a)*fftdim+kp*sysdim+b;
420             sum += DM_all[0][idx].r;
421          }
422          sum /= double(nucell-k);
423          for (int kp = k; kp < nucell; ++kp){
424             int idx = (k*sysdim+a)*fftdim+kp*sysdim+b;
425             int jdx = (kp*sysdim+b)*fftdim+k*sysdim+a;
426             DM_all[0][idx].r -= sum;
427             DM_all[0][jdx].r  = DM_all[0][idx].r;
428          }
429       }
430    }
432    // compute and display eigenvalues of Phi at gamma after ASR
433    for (int i = 0; i < fftdim; ++i)
434    for (int j = 0; j < fftdim; ++j) DM_q[i][j] = DM_all[0][i*fftdim+j];
435    geteigen(egvs, 0);
436    printf("Eigenvalues of Phi at gamma after enforcing ASR:\n");
437    for (int i = 0; i < fftdim; ++i){
438       printf("%lg ", egvs[i]);
439       if (i%10 == 9) printf("\n");
440       if (i == 99){ printf("...... (%d more skiped)", fftdim-100); break;}
441    }
442    printf("\n");
443    for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("="); printf("\n\n");
445    return;
446 }
448 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
449  * private method to get the reciprocal lattice vectors from the real space ones
450  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
real2rec()451 void DynMat::real2rec()
452 {
453    ibasevec[0] = basevec[4]*basevec[8] - basevec[5]*basevec[7];
454    ibasevec[1] = basevec[5]*basevec[6] - basevec[3]*basevec[8];
455    ibasevec[2] = basevec[3]*basevec[7] - basevec[4]*basevec[6];
457    ibasevec[3] = basevec[7]*basevec[2] - basevec[8]*basevec[1];
458    ibasevec[4] = basevec[8]*basevec[0] - basevec[6]*basevec[2];
459    ibasevec[5] = basevec[6]*basevec[1] - basevec[7]*basevec[0];
461    ibasevec[6] = basevec[1]*basevec[5] - basevec[2]*basevec[4];
462    ibasevec[7] = basevec[2]*basevec[3] - basevec[0]*basevec[5];
463    ibasevec[8] = basevec[0]*basevec[4] - basevec[1]*basevec[3];
465    double vol = 0.;
466    for (int i = 0; i < sysdim; ++i) vol += ibasevec[i] * basevec[i];
467    vol = 8.*atan(1.)/vol;
469    for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) ibasevec[i] *= vol;
471    printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("=");
472    printf("\nBasis vectors of the unit cell in real space:");
473    for (int i = 0; i < sysdim; ++i){
474       printf("\n     A%d: ", i+1);
475       for (int j = 0; j < sysdim; ++j) printf("%8.4f ", basevec[i*3+j]);
476    }
477    printf("\nBasis vectors of the corresponding reciprocal cell:");
478    for (int i = 0; i < sysdim; ++i){
479       printf("\n     B%d: ", i+1);
480       for (int j = 0; j < sysdim; ++j) printf("%8.4f ", ibasevec[i*3+j]);
481    }
482    printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("="); printf("\n");
484    return;
485 }
487 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
488  * private method, to get the inverse of a double matrix by means of
489  * Gaussian-Jordan Elimination with full pivoting; square matrix required.
490  *
491  * Adapted from the Numerical Recipes in Fortran.
492  * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GaussJordan(int n,double * Mat)493 void DynMat::GaussJordan(int n, double *Mat)
494 {
495    int i,icol,irow,j,k,l,ll,idr,idc;
496    int *indxc,*indxr,*ipiv;
497    double big, nmjk;
498    double dum, pivinv;
500    indxc = new int[n];
501    indxr = new int[n];
502    ipiv  = new int[n];
504    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) ipiv[i] = 0;
505    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i){
506       big = 0.;
507       for (j = 0; j < n; ++j){
508          if (ipiv[j] != 1){
509             for (k = 0; k < n; ++k){
510                if (ipiv[k] == 0){
511                   idr = j * n + k;
512                   nmjk = abs(Mat[idr]);
513                   if (nmjk >= big){
514                      big  = nmjk;
515                      irow = j;
516                      icol = k;
517                   }
518                } else if (ipiv[k] > 1){
519                   printf("DynMat: Singular matrix in double GaussJordan!\n"); exit(1);
520                }
521             }
522          }
523       }
524       ipiv[icol] += 1;
525       if (irow != icol){
526          for (l = 0; l < n; ++l){
527             idr  = irow*n+l;
528             idc  = icol*n+l;
529             dum  = Mat[idr];
530             Mat[idr] = Mat[idc];
531             Mat[idc] = dum;
532          }
533       }
534       indxr[i] = irow;
535       indxc[i] = icol;
536       idr = icol * n + icol;
537       if (Mat[idr] == 0.){
538          printf("DynMat: Singular matrix in double GaussJordan!");
539          exit(1);
540       }
542       pivinv = 1./ Mat[idr];
543       Mat[idr] = 1.;
544       idr = icol*n;
545       for (l = 0; l < n; ++l) Mat[idr+l] *= pivinv;
546       for (ll = 0; ll < n; ++ll){
547          if (ll != icol){
548             idc = ll * n + icol;
549             dum = Mat[idc];
550             Mat[idc] = 0.;
551             idc -= icol;
552             for (l = 0; l < n; ++l) Mat[idc+l] -= Mat[idr+l]*dum;
553          }
554       }
555    }
556    for (l = n-1; l >= 0; --l){
557       int rl = indxr[l];
558       int cl = indxc[l];
559       if (rl != cl){
560          for (k = 0; k < n; ++k){
561             idr = k * n + rl;
562             idc = k * n + cl;
563             dum = Mat[idr];
564             Mat[idr] = Mat[idc];
565             Mat[idc] = dum;
566          }
567       }
568    }
569    delete []indxr;
570    delete []indxc;
571    delete []ipiv;
573    return;
574 }
576 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
577  * Public method to reset the interpolation method
578  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
reset_interp_method()579 void DynMat::reset_interp_method()
580 {
581    interpolate->set_method();
583    return;
584 }
586 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
587  * Private method to display help info
588  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
help()589 void DynMat::help()
590 {
591    ShowVersion();
592    printf("\nUsage:\n  phana [options] [file]\n\n");
593    printf("Available options:\n");
594    printf("  -r          To reset the dynamical matrix at the gamma point by a 4th order\n");
595    printf("              polynomial interpolation along the [100] direction; this might be\n");
596    printf("              useful for systems with charges. As for charged system, the dynamical\n");
597    printf("              matrix at Gamma is far from accurate because of the long range nature\n");
598    printf("              of Coulombic interaction. By reset it by interpolation, will partially\n");
599    printf("              elliminate the unwanted behavior, but the result is still inaccurate.\n");
600    printf("              By default, this is not set; and not expected for uncharged systems.\n\n");
601    printf("  -s          This will reset the dynamical matrix at the gamma point, too, but it\n");
602    printf("              will also inform the code to skip all q-points that is in the vicinity\n");
603    printf("              of the gamma point when evaluating phonon DOS and/or phonon dispersion.\n\n");
604    printf("              By default, this is not set; and not expected for uncharged systems.\n\n");
605    printf("  -h          To print out this help info.\n\n");
606    printf("  file        To define the filename that carries the binary dynamical matrice generated\n");
607    printf("              by fix-phonon. If not provided, the code will ask for it.\n");
608    printf("\n\n");
609    exit(0);
610 }
612 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
613  * Private method to display the version info
614  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ShowVersion()615 void DynMat::ShowVersion()
616 {
617    printf("                ____  _   _    __    _  _    __   \n");
618    printf("               (  _ \\( )_( )  /__\\  ( \\( )  /__\\  \n");
619    printf("                )___/ ) _ (  /(__)\\  )  (  /(__)\\ \n");
620    printf("               (__)  (_) (_)(__)(__)(_)\\_)(__)(__)\n");
621    printf("\nPHonon ANAlyzer for Fix-Phonon, version 2.%02d, compiled on %s.\n", VERSION, __DATE__);
622    printf("Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2011.04.019\n");
624    return;
625 }
627 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
628  * Private method to define the conversion factor from the DM measured to THZ
629  * for the phonon frequency and force constants.
630  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Define_Conversion_Factor()631 void DynMat::Define_Conversion_Factor()
632 {
633    funit = new char[4];
634    strcpy(funit, "THz");
636    if (fabs(boltz - 1.) <= ZERO){        // LJ Unit
637       eml2f = eml2fc = 1.;
638       delete funit;
639       funit = new char[27];
640       strcpy(funit,"sqrt(epsilon/(m.sigma^2))");
642    } else if (fabs(boltz - 0.0019872067) <= ZERO){ // real
643       eml2f = 3.255487031;
644       eml2fc = 0.0433641042418;
646    } else if (fabs(boltz*1.e3 - 8.617343e-2) <= ZERO){ // metal
647       eml2f = 15.633304237154924;
648       eml2fc = 1.;
650    } else if (fabs(boltz*1.e20 - 1.3806504e-3) <= ZERO){ // si
651       eml2f = 1.591549431e-13;
652       eml2fc = 0.06241509074460763;
654    } else if (fabs(boltz*1.e13 - 1.3806504e-3) <= ZERO){ // cgs
655       eml2f = 1.591549431e-13;
656       eml2fc = 6.241509074460763e-05;
658    } else if (fabs(boltz*1.e3 - 3.16681534e-3) <= ZERO){ // electron
659       eml2f  = 154.10792761319672;
660       eml2fc = 97.1736242922823;
662    } else if (fabs(boltz*1.e5 - 1.3806504e-3) <= ZERO){ // micro
663       eml2f  = 1.5915494309189532e-07;
664       eml2fc = 6.241509074460763e-05;
666    } else if (fabs(boltz - 0.013806504) <= ZERO){ // nano
667       eml2f  = 0.0001591549431;
668       eml2fc = 6.241509074460763e-05;
670    }  else {
671      printf("WARNING: Perhaps because of float precision, I cannot get the factor to convert\n");
672      printf("sqrt(E/ML^2)/(2*pi) into THz, instead, I set it to 1; you should check the unit\nused by LAMMPS.\n");
673      eml2f = eml2fc = 1.;
674    }
675    return;
676 }
678 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
679  * Private method to output the information read
680  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ShowInfo()681 void DynMat::ShowInfo()
682 {
683    printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("="); printf("\n");
684    printf("Dynamical matrix is read from file: %s\n", binfile);
685    printf("The system size in three dimension: %d x %d x %d\n", nx, ny, nz);
686    printf("Number of atoms per unit cell     : %d\n", nucell);
687    printf("System dimension                  : %d\n", sysdim);
688    printf("Boltzmann constant in used units  : %g\n", boltz);
689    for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("="); printf("\n");
690    return;
691 }
692 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/