1 // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
2 // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
4 using System;
6 using System.Collections.Concurrent;
7 #endif
8 using System.Collections.Generic;
9 using System.Diagnostics;
10 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
11 using System.IO;
12 using System.Globalization;
13 using System.Linq;
14 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
15 using System.Reflection;
16 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
17 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
18 using System.Text;
19 using System.Threading;
20 using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
22 namespace Microsoft.Build.Shared
23 {
24     /// <summary>
25     /// This class contains utility methods for file IO.
26     /// PERF\COVERAGE NOTE: Try to keep classes in 'shared' as granular as possible. All the methods in
27     /// each class get pulled into the resulting assembly.
28     /// </summary>
29     internal static partial class FileUtilities
30     {
31         // A list of possible test runners. If the program running has one of these substrings in the name, we assume
32         // this is a test harness.
35         // This flag, when set, indicates that we are running tests. Initially assume it's true. It also implies that
36         // the currentExecutableOverride is set to a path (that is non-null). Assume this is not initialized when we
37         // have the impossible combination of runningTests = false and currentExecutableOverride = null.
39         // This is the fake current executable we use in case we are running tests.
41         // MaxPath accounts for the null-terminating character, for example, the maximum path on the D drive is "D:\<256 chars>\0".
42         // See: ndp\clr\src\BCL\System\IO\Path.cs
43         internal const int MaxPath = 260;
45         /// <summary>
46         /// The directory where MSBuild stores cache information used during the build.
47         /// </summary>
48         internal static string cacheDirectory = null;
50         /// <summary>
51         /// FOR UNIT TESTS ONLY
52         /// Clear out the static variable used for the cache directory so that tests that
53         /// modify it can validate their modifications.
54         /// </summary>
ClearCacheDirectoryPath()55         internal static void ClearCacheDirectoryPath()
56         {
57             cacheDirectory = null;
58         }
60         // TODO: assumption on file system case sensitivity: https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/781
61         internal static readonly StringComparison PathComparison = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
63         /// <summary>
64         /// Copied from https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/056715ff70e14712419d82d51c8c50c54b9ea795/src/Common/src/System/IO/PathInternal.Windows.cs#L61
65         /// MSBuild should support the union of invalid path chars across the supported OSes, so builds can have the same behaviour crossplatform: https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/781#issuecomment-243942514
66         /// </summary>
68         internal static readonly char[] InvalidPathChars = new char[]
69         {
70             '|', '\0',
71             (char)1, (char)2, (char)3, (char)4, (char)5, (char)6, (char)7, (char)8, (char)9, (char)10,
72             (char)11, (char)12, (char)13, (char)14, (char)15, (char)16, (char)17, (char)18, (char)19, (char)20,
73             (char)21, (char)22, (char)23, (char)24, (char)25, (char)26, (char)27, (char)28, (char)29, (char)30,
74             (char)31
75         };
77         /// <summary>
78         /// Copied from https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/387cf98c410bdca8fd195b28cbe53af578698f94/src/System.Runtime.Extensions/src/System/IO/Path.Windows.cs#L18
79         /// MSBuild should support the union of invalid path chars across the supported OSes, so builds can have the same behaviour crossplatform: https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/781#issuecomment-243942514
80         /// </summary>
81         internal static readonly char[] InvalidFileNameChars = new char[]
82         {
83             '\"', '<', '>', '|', '\0',
84             (char)1, (char)2, (char)3, (char)4, (char)5, (char)6, (char)7, (char)8, (char)9, (char)10,
85             (char)11, (char)12, (char)13, (char)14, (char)15, (char)16, (char)17, (char)18, (char)19, (char)20,
86             (char)21, (char)22, (char)23, (char)24, (char)25, (char)26, (char)27, (char)28, (char)29, (char)30,
87             (char)31, ':', '*', '?', '\\', '/'
88         };
90         private static readonly char[] Slashes = { '/', '\\' };
93         private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> FileExistenceCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
94 #endif
96         /// <summary>
97         /// Retrieves the MSBuild runtime cache directory
98         /// </summary>
GetCacheDirectory()99         internal static string GetCacheDirectory()
100         {
101             if (cacheDirectory == null)
102             {
103                 cacheDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "MSBuild{0}", Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id));
104             }
106             return cacheDirectory;
107         }
109         /// <summary>
110         /// Get the hex hash string for the string
111         /// </summary>
GetHexHash(string stringToHash)112         internal static string GetHexHash(string stringToHash)
113         {
114             return stringToHash.GetHashCode().ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
115         }
117         /// <summary>
118         /// Get the hash for the assemblyPaths
119         /// </summary>
GetPathsHash(IEnumerable<string> assemblyPaths)120         internal static int GetPathsHash(IEnumerable<string> assemblyPaths)
121         {
122             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
124             foreach (string path in assemblyPaths)
125             {
126                 if (path != null)
127                 {
128                     string directoryPath = path.Trim();
129                     if (directoryPath.Length > 0)
130                     {
131                         DateTime lastModifiedTime;
132                         if (NativeMethodsShared.GetLastWriteDirectoryUtcTime(directoryPath, out lastModifiedTime))
133                         {
134                             builder.Append(lastModifiedTime.Ticks);
135                             builder.Append('|');
136                             builder.Append(directoryPath.ToUpperInvariant());
137                             builder.Append('|');
138                         }
139                     }
140                 }
141             }
143             return builder.ToString().GetHashCode();
144         }
146         /// <summary>
147         /// Clears the MSBuild runtime cache
148         /// </summary>
ClearCacheDirectory()149         internal static void ClearCacheDirectory()
150         {
151             string cacheDirectory = GetCacheDirectory();
153             if (Directory.Exists(cacheDirectory))
154             {
155                 DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(cacheDirectory, true);
156             }
157         }
159         /// <summary>
160         /// If the given path doesn't have a trailing slash then add one.
161         /// If the path is an empty string, does not modify it.
162         /// </summary>
163         /// <param name="fileSpec">The path to check.</param>
164         /// <returns>A path with a slash.</returns>
EnsureTrailingSlash(string fileSpec)165         internal static string EnsureTrailingSlash(string fileSpec)
166         {
167             fileSpec = FixFilePath(fileSpec);
168             if (fileSpec.Length > 0 && !EndsWithSlash(fileSpec))
169             {
170                 fileSpec += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
171             }
173             return fileSpec;
174         }
176         /// <summary>
177         /// Ensures the path does not have a leading slash.
178         /// </summary>
EnsureNoLeadingSlash(string path)179         internal static string EnsureNoLeadingSlash(string path)
180         {
181             path = FixFilePath(path);
182             if (path.Length > 0 && IsSlash(path[0]))
183             {
184                 path = path.Substring(1);
185             }
187             return path;
188         }
190         /// <summary>
191         /// Ensures the path does not have a trailing slash.
192         /// </summary>
EnsureNoTrailingSlash(string path)193         internal static string EnsureNoTrailingSlash(string path)
194         {
195             path = FixFilePath(path);
196             if (EndsWithSlash(path))
197             {
198                 path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1);
199             }
201             return path;
202         }
204         /// <summary>
205         /// Indicates if the given file-spec ends with a slash.
206         /// </summary>
207         /// <param name="fileSpec">The file spec.</param>
208         /// <returns>true, if file-spec has trailing slash</returns>
EndsWithSlash(string fileSpec)209         internal static bool EndsWithSlash(string fileSpec)
210         {
211             return (fileSpec.Length > 0)
212                 ? IsSlash(fileSpec[fileSpec.Length - 1])
213                 : false;
214         }
216         /// <summary>
217         /// Indicates if the given character is a slash.
218         /// </summary>
219         /// <param name="c"></param>
220         /// <returns>true, if slash</returns>
IsSlash(char c)221         internal static bool IsSlash(char c)
222         {
223             return ((c == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) || (c == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar));
224         }
226         /// <summary>
227         /// Trims the string and removes any double quotes around it.
228         /// </summary>
TrimAndStripAnyQuotes(string path)229         internal static string TrimAndStripAnyQuotes(string path)
230         {
231             // Trim returns the same string if trimming isn't needed
232             path = path.Trim();
233             path = path.Trim(new char[] { '"' });
235             return path;
236         }
238         /// <summary>
239         /// Get the directory name of a rooted full path
240         /// </summary>
241         /// <param name="fullPath"></param>
242         /// <returns></returns>
GetDirectoryNameOfFullPath(String fullPath)243         internal static String GetDirectoryNameOfFullPath(String fullPath)
244         {
245             if (fullPath != null)
246             {
247                 int i = fullPath.Length;
248                 while (i > 0 && fullPath[--i] != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar && fullPath[i] != Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) ;
249                 return FixFilePath(fullPath.Substring(0, i));
250             }
251             return null;
252         }
254         /// <summary>
255         /// Compare an unsafe char buffer with a <see cref="System.String"/> to see if their contents are identical.
256         /// </summary>
257         /// <param name="buffer">The beginning of the char buffer.</param>
258         /// <param name="len">The length of the buffer.</param>
259         /// <param name="s">The string.</param>
260         /// <returns>True only if the contents of <paramref name="s"/> and the first <paramref name="len"/> characters in <paramref name="buffer"/> are identical.</returns>
AreStringsEqual(char* buffer, int len, string s)261         private unsafe static bool AreStringsEqual(char* buffer, int len, string s)
262         {
263             if (len != s.Length)
264             {
265                 return false;
266             }
268             foreach (char ch in s)
269             {
270                 if (ch != *buffer++)
271                 {
272                     return false;
273                 }
274             }
276             return true;
277         }
279         /// <summary>
280         /// Gets the canonicalized full path of the provided path.
281         /// Path.GetFullPath The pre .Net 4.6.2 implementation of Path.GetFullPath is slow and creates strings in its work.
282         /// Therefore MSBuild has its own implementation on full framework.
283         /// Guidance for use: call this on all paths accepted through public entry
284         /// points that need normalization. After that point, only verify the path
285         /// is rooted, using ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowPathRooted.
287         /// </summary>
NormalizePath(string path)288         internal static string NormalizePath(string path)
289         {
290             ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(path, "path");
294             if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
295             {
296                 int errorCode = 0; // 0 == success in Win32
298 #if _DEBUG
299                 // Just to make sure and exercise the code that sets the correct buffer size
300                 // we'll start out with it deliberately too small
301                 int lenDir = 1;
302 #else
303                 int lenDir = MaxPath;
304 #endif
305                 unsafe
306                 {
307                     char* finalBuffer = stackalloc char[lenDir + 1]; // One extra for the null terminator
309                     int length = NativeMethodsShared.GetFullPathName(path, lenDir + 1, finalBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);
310                     errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
312                     // If the length returned from GetFullPathName is greater than the length of the buffer we've
313                     // allocated, then reallocate the buffer with the correct size, and repeat the call
314                     if (length > lenDir)
315                     {
316                         lenDir = length;
317                         char* tempBuffer = stackalloc char[lenDir];
318                         finalBuffer = tempBuffer;
319                         length = NativeMethodsShared.GetFullPathName(path, lenDir, finalBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);
320                         errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
321                         // If we find that the length returned from GetFullPathName is longer than the buffer capacity, then
322                         // something very strange is going on!
323                         ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(
324                             length <= lenDir,
325                             "Final buffer capacity should be sufficient for full path name and null terminator.");
326                     }
328                     if (length > 0)
329                     {
330                         // In order to prevent people from taking advantage of our ability to extend beyond MaxPath
331                         // since it is unlikely that the CLR fix will be a complete removal of maxpath madness
332                         // we reluctantly have to restrict things here.
333                         if (length >= MaxPath)
334                         {
335                             throw new PathTooLongException();
336                         }
338                         // Avoid creating new strings unnecessarily
339                         string finalFullPath = AreStringsEqual(finalBuffer, length, path)
340                             ? path
341                             : new string(
342                                 finalBuffer,
343                                 startIndex: 0,
344                                 length: length);
346                         // We really don't care about extensions here, but Path.HasExtension provides a great way to
347                         // invoke the CLR's invalid path checks (these are independent of path length)
348                         Path.HasExtension(finalFullPath);
350                         if (finalFullPath.StartsWith(@"\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
351                         {
352                             // If we detect we are a UNC path then we need to use the regular get full path in order to do the correct checks for UNC formatting
353                             // and security checks for strings like \\?\GlobalRoot
354                             int startIndex = 2;
355                             while (startIndex < finalFullPath.Length)
356                             {
357                                 if (finalFullPath[startIndex] == '\\')
358                                 {
359                                     startIndex++;
360                                     break;
361                                 }
362                                 else
363                                 {
364                                     startIndex++;
365                                 }
366                             }
368                             /*
369                               From Path.cs in the CLR
371                               Throw an ArgumentException for paths like \\, \\server, \\server\
372                               This check can only be properly done after normalizing, so
373                               \\foo\.. will be properly rejected.  Also, reject \\?\GLOBALROOT\
374                               (an internal kernel path) because it provides aliases for drives.
376                               throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_PathIllegalUNC"));
378                                // Check for \\?\Globalroot, an internal mechanism to the kernel
379                                // that provides aliases for drives and other undocumented stuff.
380                                // The kernel team won't even describe the full set of what
381                                // is available here - we don't want managed apps mucking
382                                // with this for security reasons.
383                             */
384                     if (startIndex == finalFullPath.Length || finalFullPath.IndexOf(@"\\?\globalroot", PathComparison) != -1)
385                     {
386                         finalFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(finalFullPath);
387                     }
388                 }
390                         return finalFullPath;
391                     }
392                 }
394                 NativeMethodsShared.ThrowExceptionForErrorCode(errorCode);
395                 return null;
396             }
397 #endif
398             return FixFilePath(Path.GetFullPath(path));
400         }
NormalizePath(string directory, string file)402         internal static string NormalizePath(string directory, string file)
403         {
404             return NormalizePath(Path.Combine(directory, file));
405         }
NormalizePath(params string[] paths)408         internal static string NormalizePath(params string[] paths)
409         {
410             return NormalizePath(Path.Combine(paths));
411         }
412 #endif
FixFilePath(string path)414         internal static string FixFilePath(string path)
415         {
416             return string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\' ? path : path.Replace('\\', '/');//.Replace("//", "/");
417         }
419         /// <summary>
420         /// If on Unix, convert backslashes to slashes for strings that resemble paths.
421         /// The heuristic is if something resembles paths (contains slashes) check if the
422         /// first segment exists and is a directory.
423         /// Use a native shared method to massage file path. If the file is adjusted,
424         /// that qualifies is as a path.
425         ///
426         /// @baseDirectory is just passed to LooksLikeUnixFilePath, to help with the check
427         /// </summary>
MaybeAdjustFilePath(string value, string baseDirectory=R)428         internal static string MaybeAdjustFilePath(string value, string baseDirectory="")
429         {
430             // Don't bother with arrays or properties or network paths, or those that
431             // have no slashes.
432             if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ||
433                 value.StartsWith("$(") || value.StartsWith("@(") || value.StartsWith("\\\\") ||
434                 value.IndexOfAny(Slashes) == -1)
435             {
436                 return value;
437             }
439             // For Unix-like systems, we may want to convert backslashes to slashes
440             string newValue = Regex.Replace(value, @"[\\/]+", "/");
442             string quote = string.Empty;
443             // Find the part of the name we want to check, that is remove quotes, if present
444             string checkValue = newValue;
445             if (newValue.Length > 2)
446             {
447                 if (newValue.StartsWith("'"))
448                 {
449                     if (newValue.EndsWith("'"))
450                     {
451                         checkValue = newValue.Substring(1, newValue.Length - 2);
452                         quote = "'";
453                     }
454                 }
455                 else if (newValue.StartsWith("\"") && newValue.EndsWith("\""))
456                 {
457                     checkValue = newValue.Substring(1, newValue.Length - 2);
458                     quote = "\"";
459                 }
460             }
462             return LooksLikeUnixFilePath(checkValue, baseDirectory) ? newValue : value;
463         }
465         /// <summary>
466         /// If on Unix, check if the string looks like a file path.
467         /// The heuristic is if something resembles paths (contains slashes) check if the
468         /// first segment exists and is a directory.
469         ///
470         /// If @baseDirectory is not null, then look for the first segment exists under
471         /// that
472         /// </summary>
LooksLikeUnixFilePath(string value, string baseDirectory=R)473         internal static bool LooksLikeUnixFilePath(string value, string baseDirectory="")
474         {
475             if (!NativeMethodsShared.IsUnixLike)
476             {
477                 return false;
478             }
480             var firstSlash = value.IndexOf('/');
482             // The first slash will either be at the beginning of the string or after the first directory name
483             if (firstSlash == 0)
484             {
485                 firstSlash = value.Substring(1).IndexOf('/') + 1;
486             }
488             if (firstSlash > 0 && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(baseDirectory, value.Substring(0, firstSlash))))
489             {
490                 return true;
491             }
493             // Check for actual files or directories under / that get missed by the above logic
494             if (firstSlash == 0 && value[0] == '/' && (Directory.Exists(value) || File.Exists(value)))
495             {
496                 return true;
497             }
499             return false;
500         }
502         /// <summary>
503         /// Extracts the directory from the given file-spec.
504         /// </summary>
505         /// <param name="fileSpec">The filespec.</param>
506         /// <returns>directory path</returns>
GetDirectory(string fileSpec)507         internal static string GetDirectory(string fileSpec)
508         {
509             string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FixFilePath(fileSpec));
511             // if file-spec is a root directory e.g. c:, c:\, \, \\server\share
512             // NOTE: Path.GetDirectoryName also treats invalid UNC file-specs as root directories e.g. \\, \\server
513             if (directory == null)
514             {
515                 // just use the file-spec as-is
516                 directory = fileSpec;
517             }
518             else if ((directory.Length > 0) && !EndsWithSlash(directory))
519             {
520                 // restore trailing slash if Path.GetDirectoryName has removed it (this happens with non-root directories)
521                 directory += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
522             }
524             return directory;
525         }
527         /// <summary>
528         /// Determines whether the given assembly file name has one of the listed extensions.
529         /// </summary>
530         /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file</param>
531         /// <param name="allowedExtensions">Array of extensions to consider.</param>
532         /// <returns></returns>
HasExtension(string fileName, string[] allowedExtensions)533         internal static bool HasExtension(string fileName, string[] allowedExtensions)
534         {
535             Debug.Assert(allowedExtensions != null && allowedExtensions.Length > 0);
537             // Easiest way to invoke invalid path chars
538             // check, which callers are relying on.
539             if (Path.HasExtension(fileName))
540             {
541                 foreach (string extension in allowedExtensions)
542                 {
543                     Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) && extension[0] == '.');
545                     if (fileName.EndsWith(extension, PathComparison))
546                     {
547                         return true;
548                     }
549                 }
550             }
552             return false;
553         }
555         // ISO 8601 Universal time with sortable format
556         internal const string FileTimeFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffff";
558         /// <summary>
559         /// Get the currently executing assembly path
560         /// </summary>
561         internal static string ExecutingAssemblyPath => Path.GetFullPath(AssemblyUtilities.GetAssemblyLocation(typeof(FileUtilities).GetTypeInfo().Assembly));
564         /// <summary>
565         /// Determines the full path for the given file-spec.
567         /// </summary>
568         /// <param name="fileSpec">The file spec to get the full path of.</param>
569         /// <param name="currentDirectory"></param>
570         /// <returns>full path</returns>
GetFullPath(string fileSpec, string currentDirectory)571         internal static string GetFullPath(string fileSpec, string currentDirectory)
572         {
573             // Sending data out of the engine into the filesystem, so time to unescape.
574             fileSpec = FixFilePath(EscapingUtilities.UnescapeAll(fileSpec));
576             // Data coming back from the filesystem into the engine, so time to escape it back.
577             string fullPath = EscapingUtilities.Escape(NormalizePath(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, fileSpec)));
579             if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows && !EndsWithSlash(fullPath))
580             {
581                 Match drive = FileUtilitiesRegex.DrivePattern.Match(fileSpec);
582                 Match UNCShare = FileUtilitiesRegex.UNCPattern.Match(fullPath);
584                 if ((drive.Success && (drive.Length == fileSpec.Length)) ||
585                     (UNCShare.Success && (UNCShare.Length == fullPath.Length)))
586                 {
587                     // append trailing slash if Path.GetFullPath failed to (this happens with drive-specs and UNC shares)
588                     fullPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
589                 }
590             }
592             return fullPath;
593         }
595         /// <summary>
596         /// A variation of Path.GetFullPath that will return the input value
597         /// instead of throwing any IO exception.
598         /// Useful to get a better path for an error message, without the risk of throwing
599         /// if the error message was itself caused by the path being invalid!
600         /// </summary>
GetFullPathNoThrow(string path)601         internal static string GetFullPathNoThrow(string path)
602         {
603             try
604             {
605                 path = NormalizePath(path);
606             }
607             catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
608             {
609             }
611             return path;
612         }
614         /// <summary>
615         /// Compare if two paths, relative to the given currentDirectory are equal.
616         /// Does not throw IO exceptions. See <see cref="GetFullPathNoThrow(string)"/>
617         /// </summary>
618         /// <param name="first"></param>
619         /// <param name="second"></param>
620         /// <param name="currentDirectory"></param>
621         /// <returns></returns>
ComparePathsNoThrow(string first, string second, string currentDirectory)622         internal static bool ComparePathsNoThrow(string first, string second, string currentDirectory)
623         {
624             // perf: try comparing the bare strings first
625             if (string.Equals(first, second, PathComparison))
626             {
627                 return true;
628             }
630             var firstFullPath = NormalizePathForComparisonNoThrow(first, currentDirectory);
631             var secondFullPath = NormalizePathForComparisonNoThrow(second, currentDirectory);
633             return string.Equals(firstFullPath, secondFullPath, PathComparison);
634         }
636         /// <summary>
637         /// Normalizes a path for path comparison
638         /// Does not throw IO exceptions. See <see cref="GetFullPathNoThrow(string)"/>
639         ///
640         /// </summary>
NormalizePathForComparisonNoThrow(string path, string currentDirectory)641         internal static string NormalizePathForComparisonNoThrow(string path, string currentDirectory)
642         {
643             // file is invalid, return early to avoid triggering an exception
644             if (PathIsInvalid(path))
645             {
646                 return path;
647             }
649             var normalizedPath = path.NormalizeForPathComparison();
650             var fullPath = GetFullPathNoThrow(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, normalizedPath));
652             return fullPath;
653         }
PathIsInvalid(string path)655         internal static bool PathIsInvalid(string path)
656         {
657             if (path.IndexOfAny(InvalidPathChars) >= 0)
658             {
659                 return true;
660             }
662             // Path.GetFileName does not react well to malformed filenames.
663             // For example, Path.GetFileName("a/b/foo:bar") returns bar instead of foo:bar
664             // It also throws exceptions on illegal path characters
665             var lastDirectorySeparator = path.LastIndexOfAny(Slashes);
667             return path.IndexOfAny(InvalidFileNameChars, lastDirectorySeparator >= 0 ? lastDirectorySeparator + 1 : 0) >= 0;
668         }
671         /// <summary>
672         /// A variation on File.Delete that will throw ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException exceptions
673         /// </summary>
DeleteNoThrow(string path)674         internal static void DeleteNoThrow(string path)
675         {
676             try
677             {
678                 File.Delete(FixFilePath(path));
679             }
680             catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
681             {
682             }
683         }
685         /// <summary>
686         /// A variation on Directory.Delete that will throw ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException exceptions
687         /// </summary>
688         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults", MessageId = "System.Int32.TryParse(System.String,System.Int32@)", Justification = "We expect the out value to be 0 if the parse fails and compensate accordingly")]
DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(string path, bool recursive, int retryCount = 0, int retryTimeOut = 0)689         internal static void DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(string path, bool recursive, int retryCount = 0, int retryTimeOut = 0)
690         {
691             // Try parse will set the out parameter to 0 if the string passed in is null, or is outside the range of an int.
692             if (!int.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDIRECTORYDELETERETRYCOUNT"), out retryCount))
693             {
694                 retryCount = 0;
695             }
697             if (!int.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDIRECTORYDELETRETRYTIMEOUT"), out retryTimeOut))
698             {
699                 retryTimeOut = 0;
700             }
702             retryCount = retryCount < 1 ? 2 : retryCount;
703             retryTimeOut = retryTimeOut < 1 ? 500 : retryTimeOut;
705             path = FixFilePath(path);
707             for (int i = 0; i < retryCount; i++)
708             {
709                 try
710                 {
711                     if (Directory.Exists(path))
712                     {
713                         Directory.Delete(path, recursive);
714                         break;
715                     }
716                 }
717                 catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
718                 {
719                 }
721                 if (i + 1 < retryCount) // should not wait for the final iteration since we not gonna check anyway
722                 {
723                     Thread.Sleep(retryTimeOut);
724                 }
725             }
726         }
728         /// <summary>
729         /// Deletes a directory, ensuring that Directory.Delete does not get a path ending in a slash.
730         /// </summary>
731         /// <remarks>
732         /// This is a workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/3780, which clashed with a common
733         /// pattern in our tests.
734         /// </remarks>
DeleteWithoutTrailingBackslash(string path, bool recursive = false)735         internal static void DeleteWithoutTrailingBackslash(string path, bool recursive = false)
736         {
737             //  Some tests (such as FileMatcher and Evaluation tests) were failing with an UnauthorizedAccessException or directory not empty.
738             //  This retry logic works around that issue.
739             const int NUM_TRIES = 3;
740             for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++)
741             {
742                 try
743                 {
744                     Directory.Delete(EnsureNoTrailingSlash(path), recursive);
746                     //  If we got here, the directory was successfully deleted
747                     return;
748                 }
749                 catch (Exception ex) when (ex is IOException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException)
750                 {
751                     if (i == NUM_TRIES - 1)
752                     {
753                         //var files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
754                         //string fileString = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, files);
755                         //string message = $"Unable to delete directory '{path}'.  Contents:" + Environment.NewLine + fileString;
756                         //throw new IOException(message, ex);
757                         throw;
758                     }
759                 }
761                 Thread.Sleep(10);
762             }
763         }
765         /// <summary>
766         /// A variation of Path.IsRooted that not throw any IO exception.
767         /// </summary>
IsRootedNoThrow(string path)768         internal static bool IsRootedNoThrow(string path)
769         {
770             bool result;
772             try
773             {
774                 result = Path.IsPathRooted(FixFilePath(path));
775             }
776             catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
777             {
778                 result = false;
779             }
781             return result;
782         }
784         /// <summary>
785         /// Gets a file info object for the specified file path. If the file path
786         /// is invalid, or is a directory, or cannot be accessed, or does not exist,
787         /// it returns null rather than throwing or returning a FileInfo around a non-existent file.
788         /// This allows it to be called where File.Exists() (which never throws, and returns false
789         /// for directories) was called - but with the advantage that a FileInfo object is returned
790         /// that can be queried (e.g., for LastWriteTime) without hitting the disk again.
791         /// </summary>
792         /// <param name="filePath"></param>
793         /// <returns>FileInfo around path if it is an existing /file/, else null</returns>
GetFileInfoNoThrow(string filePath)794         internal static FileInfo GetFileInfoNoThrow(string filePath)
795         {
796             filePath = AttemptToShortenPath(filePath);
798             FileInfo fileInfo;
800             try
801             {
802                 fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
803             }
804             catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
805             {
806                 // Invalid or inaccessible path: treat as if nonexistent file, just as File.Exists does
807                 return null;
808             }
810             if (fileInfo.Exists)
811             {
812                 // It's an existing file
813                 return fileInfo;
814             }
815             else
816             {
817                 // Nonexistent, or existing but a directory, just as File.Exists behaves
818                 return null;
819             }
820         }
822         /// <summary>
823         /// Returns if the directory exists
824         /// </summary>
825         /// <param name="fullPath">Full path to the directory in the filesystem</param>
826         /// <returns></returns>
DirectoryExistsNoThrow(string fullPath)827         internal static bool DirectoryExistsNoThrow(string fullPath)
828         {
829             fullPath = AttemptToShortenPath(fullPath);
830             if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
831             {
832                 NativeMethodsShared.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data = new NativeMethodsShared.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();
833                 bool success = false;
835                 success = NativeMethodsShared.GetFileAttributesEx(fullPath, 0, ref data);
836                 if (success)
837                 {
838                     return ((data.fileAttributes & NativeMethodsShared.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0);
839                 }
841                 return false;
842             }
843             else
844             {
845                 try
846                 {
847                     return Directory.Exists(fullPath);
848                 }
849                 catch
850                 {
851                     return false;
852                 }
853             }
854         }
856         /// <summary>
857         /// Returns if the directory exists
858         /// </summary>
859         /// <param name="fullPath">Full path to the file in the filesystem</param>
860         /// <returns></returns>
FileExistsNoThrow(string fullPath)861         internal static bool FileExistsNoThrow(string fullPath)
862         {
863             fullPath = AttemptToShortenPath(fullPath);
864             if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
865             {
866                 NativeMethodsShared.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data = new NativeMethodsShared.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();
867                 bool success = false;
869                 success = NativeMethodsShared.GetFileAttributesEx(fullPath, 0, ref data);
870                 if (success)
871                 {
872                     return ((data.fileAttributes & NativeMethodsShared.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0);
873                 }
875                 return false;
876             }
878             try
879             {
880                 return File.Exists(fullPath);
881             }
882             catch
883             {
884                 return false;
885             }
886         }
888         /// <summary>
889         /// If there is a directory or file at the specified path, returns true.
890         /// Otherwise, returns false.
891         /// Does not throw IO exceptions, to match Directory.Exists and File.Exists.
892         /// Unlike calling each of those in turn it only accesses the disk once, which is faster.
893         /// </summary>
FileOrDirectoryExistsNoThrow(string fullPath)894         internal static bool FileOrDirectoryExistsNoThrow(string fullPath)
895         {
896             fullPath = AttemptToShortenPath(fullPath);
897             if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
898             {
900                 if (Traits.Instance.CacheFileExistence)
901                 {
902                     // Possible future improvement: make sure file existence caching happens only at evaluation time, and maybe only within a build session. https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/2306
903                     return FileExistenceCache.GetOrAdd(fullPath, NativeMethodsShared.FileExists);
904                 }
905                 else
906                 {
907 #endif
908                     return NativeMethodsShared.FileExists(fullPath);
910                 }
911 #endif
912             }
913             else
914             {
915                 try
916                 {
917                     return File.Exists(fullPath) || Directory.Exists(fullPath);
918                 }
919                 catch
920                 {
921                     return false;
922                 }
923             }
924         }
926         /// <summary>
927         /// This method returns true if the specified filename is a solution file (.sln), otherwise
928         /// it returns false.
929         /// </summary>
IsSolutionFilename(string filename)930         internal static bool IsSolutionFilename(string filename)
931         {
932             return HasExtension(filename, ".sln");
933         }
935         /// <summary>
936         /// Returns true if the specified filename is a VC++ project file, otherwise returns false
937         /// </summary>
IsVCProjFilename(string filename)938         internal static bool IsVCProjFilename(string filename)
939         {
940             return HasExtension(filename, ".vcproj");
941         }
943         /// <summary>
944         /// Returns true if the specified filename is a metaproject file (.metaproj), otherwise false.
945         /// </summary>
IsMetaprojectFilename(string filename)946         internal static bool IsMetaprojectFilename(string filename)
947         {
948             return HasExtension(filename, ".metaproj");
949         }
IsBinaryLogFilename(string filename)951         internal static bool IsBinaryLogFilename(string filename)
952         {
953             return HasExtension(filename, ".binlog");
954         }
HasExtension(string filename, string extension)956         private static bool HasExtension(string filename, string extension)
957         {
958             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
959                 return false;
961             return filename.EndsWith(extension, PathComparison);
962         }
964         /// <summary>
965         /// Given the absolute location of a file, and a disc location, returns relative file path to that disk location.
966         /// Throws UriFormatException.
967         /// </summary>
968         /// <param name="basePath">
969         /// The base path we want to be relative to. Must be absolute.
970         /// Should <i>not</i> include a filename as the last segment will be interpreted as a directory.
971         /// </param>
972         /// <param name="path">
973         /// The path we need to make relative to basePath.  The path can be either absolute path or a relative path in which case it is relative to the base path.
974         /// If the path cannot be made relative to the base path (for example, it is on another drive), it is returned verbatim.
975         /// If the basePath is an empty string, returns the path.
976         /// </param>
977         /// <returns>relative path (can be the full path)</returns>
MakeRelative(string basePath, string path)978         internal static string MakeRelative(string basePath, string path)
979         {
980             ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(basePath, "basePath");
981             ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(path, "path");
983             if (basePath.Length == 0)
984             {
985                 return path;
986             }
988             Uri baseUri = new Uri(EnsureTrailingSlash(basePath), UriKind.Absolute); // May throw UriFormatException
990             Uri pathUri = CreateUriFromPath(path);
992             if (!pathUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
993             {
994                 // the path is already a relative url, we will just normalize it...
995                 pathUri = new Uri(baseUri, pathUri);
996             }
998             Uri relativeUri = baseUri.MakeRelativeUri(pathUri);
999             string relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(relativeUri.IsAbsoluteUri ? relativeUri.LocalPath : relativeUri.ToString());
1001             string result = relativePath.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
1003             return result;
1004         }
1006         /// <summary>
1007         /// Helper function to create an Uri object from path.
1008         /// </summary>
1009         /// <param name="path">path string</param>
1010         /// <returns>uri object</returns>
CreateUriFromPath(string path)1011         private static Uri CreateUriFromPath(string path)
1012         {
1013             ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(path, "path");
1015             Uri pathUri = null;
1017             // Try absolute first, then fall back on relative, otherwise it
1018             // makes some absolute UNC paths like (\\foo\bar) relative ...
1019             if (!Uri.TryCreate(path, UriKind.Absolute, out pathUri))
1020             {
1021                 pathUri = new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative);
1022             }
1024             return pathUri;
1025         }
1027         /// <summary>
1028         /// Normalizes the path if and only if it is longer than max path,
1029         /// or would be if rooted by the current directory.
1030         /// This may make it shorter by removing ".."'s.
1031         /// </summary>
AttemptToShortenPath(string path)1032         internal static string AttemptToShortenPath(string path)
1033         {
1034             // >= not > because MAX_PATH assumes a trailing null
1035             if (path.Length >= NativeMethodsShared.MAX_PATH ||
1036                (!IsRootedNoThrow(path) && ((Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Length + path.Length + 1 /* slash */) >= NativeMethodsShared.MAX_PATH)))
1037             {
1038                 // Attempt to make it shorter -- perhaps there are some \..\ elements
1039                 path = GetFullPathNoThrow(path);
1040             }
1042             return FixFilePath(path);
1043         }
1045         /// <summary>
1046         /// Get the folder N levels above the given. Will stop and return current path when rooted.
1047         /// </summary>
1048         /// <param name="path">Path to get the folder above.</param>
1049         /// <param name="count">Number of levels up to walk.</param>
1050         /// <returns>Full path to the folder N levels above the path.</returns>
GetFolderAbove(string path, int count = 1)1051         internal static string GetFolderAbove(string path, int count = 1)
1052         {
1053             if (count < 1)
1054                 return path;
1056             var parent = Directory.GetParent(path);
1058             while (count > 1 && parent?.Parent != null)
1059             {
1060                 parent = parent.Parent;
1061                 count--;
1062             }
1064             return parent?.FullName ?? path;
1065         }
1067         /// <summary>
1068         /// Combine multiple paths. Should only be used when compiling against .NET 2.0.
1069         /// <remarks>
1070         /// Only use in .NET 2.0. Otherwise, use System.IO.Path.Combine(...)
1071         /// </remarks>
1072         /// </summary>
1073         /// <param name="root">Root path.</param>
1074         /// <param name="paths">Paths to concatenate.</param>
1075         /// <returns>Combined path.</returns>
CombinePaths(string root, params string[] paths)1076         internal static string CombinePaths(string root, params string[] paths)
1077         {
1078             ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(root, nameof(root));
1079             ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(paths, nameof(paths));
1081             return paths.Aggregate(root, Path.Combine);
1082         }
TrimTrailingSlashes(this string s)1084         internal static string TrimTrailingSlashes(this string s)
1085         {
1086             return s.TrimEnd(Slashes);
1087         }
1089         /// <summary>
1090         /// Replace all backward slashes to forward slashes
1091         /// </summary>
ToSlash(this string s)1092         internal static string ToSlash(this string s)
1093         {
1094             return s.Replace('\\', '/');
1095         }
1097         /// <summary>
1098         /// Ensure all slashes are the current platform's slash
1099         /// </summary>
1100         /// <param name="s"></param>
1101         /// <returns></returns>
ToPlatformSlash(this string s)1102         internal static string ToPlatformSlash(this string s)
1103         {
1104             var separator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
1106             return s.Replace(separator == '/' ? '\\' : '/', separator);
1107         }
WithTrailingSlash(this string s)1109         internal static string WithTrailingSlash(this string s)
1110         {
1111             return EnsureTrailingSlash(s);
1112         }
NormalizeForPathComparison(this string s)1114         internal static string NormalizeForPathComparison(this string s) => s.ToPlatformSlash().TrimTrailingSlashes();
1116         // TODO: assumption on file system case sensitivity: https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/781
PathsEqual(string path1, string path2)1117         internal static bool PathsEqual(string path1, string path2)
1118         {
1119             if (path1 == null && path2 == null)
1120             {
1121                 return true;
1122             }
1123             if (path1 == null || path2 == null)
1124             {
1125                 return false;
1126             }
1128             var endA = path1.Length - 1;
1129             var endB = path2.Length - 1;
1131             // Trim trailing slashes
1132             for (var i = endA; i >= 0; i--)
1133             {
1134                 var c = path1[i];
1135                 if (c == '/' || c == '\\')
1136                 {
1137                     endA--;
1138                 }
1139                 else
1140                 {
1141                     break;
1142                 }
1143             }
1145             for (var i = endB; i >= 0; i--)
1146             {
1147                 var c = path2[i];
1148                 if (c == '/' || c == '\\')
1149                 {
1150                     endB--;
1151                 }
1152                 else
1153                 {
1154                     break;
1155                 }
1156             }
1158             if (endA != endB)
1159             {
1160                 // Lengths not the same
1161                 return false;
1162             }
1164             for (var i = 0; i <= endA; i++)
1165             {
1166                 var charA = (uint)path1[i];
1167                 var charB = (uint)path2[i];
1169                 if ((charA | charB) > 0x7F)
1170                 {
1171                     // Non-ascii chars move to non fast path
1172                     return PathsEqualNonAscii(path1, path2, i, endA - i + 1);
1173                 }
1175                 // uppercase both chars - notice that we need just one compare per char
1176                 if ((uint)(charA - 'a') <= (uint)('z' - 'a')) charA -= 0x20;
1177                 if ((uint)(charB - 'a') <= (uint)('z' - 'a')) charB -= 0x20;
1179                 // Set path delimiters the same
1180                 if (charA == '\\')
1181                 {
1182                     charA = '/';
1183                 }
1184                 if (charB == '\\')
1185                 {
1186                     charB = '/';
1187                 }
1189                 if (charA != charB)
1190                 {
1191                     return false;
1192                 }
1193             }
1195             return true;
1196         }
OpenWrite(string path, bool append, Encoding encoding = null)1198         internal static StreamWriter OpenWrite(string path, bool append, Encoding encoding = null)
1199         {
1200             const int DefaultFileStreamBufferSize = 4096;
1201             FileMode mode = append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create;
1202             Stream fileStream = new FileStream(path, mode, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, DefaultFileStreamBufferSize, FileOptions.SequentialScan);
1203             if (encoding == null)
1204             {
1205                 return new StreamWriter(fileStream);
1206             }
1207             else
1208             {
1209                 return new StreamWriter(fileStream, encoding);
1210             }
1211         }
OpenRead(string path, Encoding encoding = null, bool detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks = true)1213         internal static StreamReader OpenRead(string path, Encoding encoding = null, bool detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks = true)
1214         {
1215             const int DefaultFileStreamBufferSize = 4096;
1216             Stream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, DefaultFileStreamBufferSize, FileOptions.SequentialScan);
1217             if (encoding == null)
1218             {
1219                 return new StreamReader(fileStream);
1220             }
1221             else
1222             {
1223                 return new StreamReader(fileStream, encoding, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks);
1224             }
1225         }
1227         /// <summary>
1228         /// Locate a file in either the directory specified or a location in the
1229         /// directory structure above that directory.
1230         /// </summary>
GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove(string startingDirectory, string fileName)1231         internal static string GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove(string startingDirectory, string fileName)
1232         {
1233             // Canonicalize our starting location
1234             string lookInDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(startingDirectory);
1236             do
1237             {
1238                 // Construct the path that we will use to test against
1239                 string possibleFileDirectory = Path.Combine(lookInDirectory, fileName);
1241                 // If we successfully locate the file in the directory that we're
1242                 // looking in, simply return that location. Otherwise we'll
1243                 // keep moving up the tree.
1244                 if (File.Exists(possibleFileDirectory))
1245                 {
1246                     // We've found the file, return the directory we found it in
1247                     return lookInDirectory;
1248                 }
1249                 else
1250                 {
1251                     // GetDirectoryName will return null when we reach the root
1252                     // terminating our search
1253                     lookInDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(lookInDirectory);
1254                 }
1255             }
1256             while (lookInDirectory != null);
1258             // When we didn't find the location, then return an empty string
1259             return String.Empty;
1260         }
1262         /// <summary>
1263         /// Searches for a file based on the specified starting directory.
1264         /// </summary>
1265         /// <param name="file">The file to search for.</param>
1266         /// <param name="startingDirectory">An optional directory to start the search in.  The default location is the directory
1267         /// of the file containing the property function.</param>
1268         /// <returns>The full path of the file if it is found, otherwise an empty string.</returns>
GetPathOfFileAbove(string file, string startingDirectory)1269         internal static string GetPathOfFileAbove(string file, string startingDirectory)
1270         {
1271             // This method does not accept a path, only a file name
1272             if (file.Any(i => i.Equals(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) || i.Equals(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar)))
1273             {
1274                 ErrorUtilities.ThrowArgument("InvalidGetPathOfFileAboveParameter", file);
1275             }
1277             // Search for a directory that contains that file
1278             string directoryName = GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove(startingDirectory, file);
1280             return String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) ? String.Empty : NormalizePath(directoryName, file);
1281         }
TryGetPathOfFileAbove(string file, string startingDirectory, out string fullPath)1283         internal static bool TryGetPathOfFileAbove(string file, string startingDirectory, out string fullPath)
1284         {
1285             fullPath = GetPathOfFileAbove(file, startingDirectory);
1287             return fullPath != String.Empty;
1288         }
1290         // Method is simple set of function calls and may inline;
1291         // we don't want it inlining into the tight loop that calls it as an exit case,
1292         // so mark as non-inlining
1293         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]
PathsEqualNonAscii(string strA, string strB, int i, int length)1294         private static bool PathsEqualNonAscii(string strA, string strB, int i, int length)
1295         {
1296             if (string.Compare(strA, i, strB, i, length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
1297             {
1298                 return true;
1299             }
1301             var slash1 = strA.ToSlash();
1302             var slash2 = strB.ToSlash();
1304             if (string.Compare(slash1, i, slash2, i, length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
1305             {
1306                 return true;
1307             }
1309             return false;
1310         }
1313         /// <summary>
1314         /// Clears the file existence cache.
1315         /// </summary>
ClearFileExistenceCache()1316         internal static void ClearFileExistenceCache()
1317         {
1318             FileExistenceCache.Clear();
1319         }
1320 #endif
1321     }
1322 }