1 // clang-format off
2 /* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
3    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4    https://www.lammps.org/ Sandia National Laboratories
5    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14 /*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15    Contributing authors: Christopher Barrett (MSU) barrett@me.msstate.edu
16                               Doyl Dickel (MSU) doyl@me.msstate.edu
17     ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
18 /*
19 “The research described and the resulting data presented herein, unless
20 otherwise noted, was funded under PE 0602784A, Project T53 "Military
21 Engineering Applied Research", Task 002 under Contract No. W56HZV-17-C-0095,
22 managed by the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) and
23 the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).  The work described in
24 this document was conducted at CAVS, MSU.  Permission was granted by ERDC
25 to publish this information. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or
26 recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and
27 do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Army.​”
29 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. OPSEC#4918
30  */
32 #include "pair_rann.h"
34 #include "atom.h"
35 #include "citeme.h"
36 #include "error.h"
37 #include "math_special.h"
38 #include "memory.h"
39 #include "neighbor.h"
40 #include "neigh_list.h"
41 #include "neigh_request.h"
42 #include "tokenizer.h"
43 #include "update.h"
45 #include <cmath>
46 #include <cstring>
48 #include "rann_activation_linear.h"
49 #include "rann_activation_sig_i.h"
50 #include "rann_fingerprint_bond.h"
51 #include "rann_fingerprint_bondscreened.h"
52 #include "rann_fingerprint_bondscreenedspin.h"
53 #include "rann_fingerprint_bondspin.h"
54 #include "rann_fingerprint_radial.h"
55 #include "rann_fingerprint_radialscreened.h"
56 #include "rann_fingerprint_radialscreenedspin.h"
57 #include "rann_fingerprint_radialspin.h"
59 #define MAXLINE 1024
61 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
63 static const char cite_ml_rann_package[] =
64   "ML-RANN package:\n\n"
65   "@Article{Nitol2021,\n"
66   " author = {Nitol, Mashroor S and Dickel, Doyl E and Barrett, Christopher D},\n"
67   " title = {Artificial neural network potential for pure zinc},\n"
68   " journal = {Computational Materials Science},\n"
69   " year =    2021,\n"
70   " volume =  188,\n"
71   " pages =   {110207}\n"
72   "}\n\n";
PairRANN(LAMMPS * lmp)75 PairRANN::PairRANN(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp)
76 {
77   if (lmp->citeme) lmp->citeme->add(cite_ml_rann_package);
79   //initialize ints and bools
80   single_enable = 0;
81   restartinfo = 0;
82   one_coeff = 1;
83   manybody_flag = 1;
84   allocated = 0;
85   nelements = -1;
86   nelementsp = -1;
87   comm_forward = 0;
88   comm_reverse = 0;
89   res = 10000;
90   cutmax = 0;
91   dospin = false;
92   memguess = 0;
93   nmax1 = 0;
94   nmax2 = 0;
95   fmax = 0;
96   fnmax = 0;
97   //at least one of the following two flags will change during fingerprint definition:
98   doscreen = false;
99   allscreen = true;
101   //null init for arrays with sizes not yet determined.
102   elements = nullptr;
103   mass = nullptr;
104   elementsp = nullptr;
105   map  = nullptr;
106   fingerprintcount = nullptr;
107   fingerprintlength = nullptr;
108   fingerprintperelement = nullptr;
109   screening_min = nullptr;
110   screening_max = nullptr;
111   weightdefined = nullptr;
112   biasdefined = nullptr;
113   xn = nullptr;
114   yn = nullptr;
115   zn = nullptr;
116   Sik = nullptr;
117   dSikx = nullptr;
118   dSiky = nullptr;
119   dSikz = nullptr;
120   dSijkx = nullptr;
121   dSijky = nullptr;
122   dSijkz = nullptr;
123   sx = nullptr;
124   sy = nullptr;
125   sz = nullptr;
126   dSijkxc = nullptr;
127   dSijkyc = nullptr;
128   dSijkzc = nullptr;
129   dfeaturesx = nullptr;
130   dfeaturesy = nullptr;
131   dfeaturesz = nullptr;
132   features = nullptr;
133   layer = nullptr;
134   sum = nullptr;
135   sum1 = nullptr;
136   dlayerx = nullptr;
137   dlayery = nullptr;
138   dlayerz = nullptr;
139   dlayersumx = nullptr;
140   dlayersumy = nullptr;
141   dlayersumz = nullptr;
142   dsx = nullptr;
143   dsy = nullptr;
144   dsz = nullptr;
145   dssumx = nullptr;
146   dssumy = nullptr;
147   dssumz = nullptr;
148   tn = nullptr;
149   jl = nullptr;
150   Bij = nullptr;
151   sims = nullptr;
152   net = nullptr;
153   activation = nullptr;
154   fingerprints = nullptr;
155 }
~PairRANN()157 PairRANN::~PairRANN()
158 {
159   deallocate();
160 }
deallocate()162 void PairRANN::deallocate()
163 {
164   //clear memory
165   delete[] mass;
166   for (int i=0;i<nelements;i++) {delete [] elements[i];}
167   delete[] elements;
168   for (int i=0;i<nelementsp;i++) {delete [] elementsp[i];}
169   delete[] elementsp;
170   for (int i=0;i<=nelements;i++) {
171     if (net[i].layers>0) {
172       for (int j=0;j<net[i].layers-1;j++) {
173         delete[] net[i].Weights[j];
174         delete[] net[i].Biases[j];
175         delete activation[i][j];
176       }
177       delete[] activation[i];
178       delete[] net[i].Weights;
179       delete[] net[i].Biases;
180       delete[] weightdefined[i];
181       delete[] biasdefined[i];
182     }
183     delete[] net[i].dimensions;
184   }
185   delete[] net;
186   delete[] map;
187   for (int i=0;i<nelementsp;i++) {
188     if (fingerprintlength[i]>0) {
189       for (int j=0;j<fingerprintperelement[i];j++) {
190         delete fingerprints[i][j];
191       }
192       delete[] fingerprints[i];
193     }
194   }
195   delete[] fingerprints;
196   delete[] activation;
197   delete[] weightdefined;
198   delete[] biasdefined;
199   delete[] fingerprintcount;
200   delete[] fingerprintperelement;
201   delete[] fingerprintlength;
202   delete[] screening_min;
203   delete[] screening_max;
204   memory->destroy(xn);
205   memory->destroy(yn);
206   memory->destroy(zn);
207   memory->destroy(tn);
208   memory->destroy(jl);
209   memory->destroy(features);
210   memory->destroy(dfeaturesx);
211   memory->destroy(dfeaturesy);
212   memory->destroy(dfeaturesz);
213   memory->destroy(layer);
214   memory->destroy(sum);
215   memory->destroy(sum1);
216   memory->destroy(dlayerx);
217   memory->destroy(dlayery);
218   memory->destroy(dlayerz);
219   memory->destroy(dlayersumx);
220   memory->destroy(dlayersumy);
221   memory->destroy(dlayersumz);
222   memory->destroy(Sik);
223   memory->destroy(Bij);
224   memory->destroy(dSikx);
225   memory->destroy(dSiky);
226   memory->destroy(dSikz);
227   memory->destroy(dSijkx);
228   memory->destroy(dSijky);
229   memory->destroy(dSijkz);
230   memory->destroy(dSijkxc);
231   memory->destroy(dSijkyc);
232   memory->destroy(dSijkzc);
233   memory->destroy(sx);
234   memory->destroy(sy);
235   memory->destroy(sz);
236   memory->destroy(dsx);
237   memory->destroy(dsy);
238   memory->destroy(dsz);
239   memory->destroy(dssumx);
240   memory->destroy(dssumy);
241   memory->destroy(dssumz);
242   memory->destroy(setflag);
243   memory->destroy(cutsq);
244 }
allocate(const std::vector<std::string> & elementwords)246 void PairRANN::allocate(const std::vector<std::string> &elementwords)
247 {
248   int i,n;
249   n = atom->ntypes;
250   memory->create(setflag,n+1,n+1,"pair:setflag");
251   memory->create(cutsq,n+1,n+1,"pair:cutsq");
252   cutmax = 0;
253   nmax1 = 100;
254   nmax2 = 20;
255   fmax = 0;
256   fnmax = 0;
257   nelementsp=nelements+1;
258   //initialize arrays
259   elements = new char *[nelements];
260   elementsp = new char *[nelementsp];//elements + 'all'
261   mass = new double[nelements];
262   net = new NNarchitecture[nelementsp];
263   weightdefined = new bool*[nelementsp];
264   biasdefined = new bool *[nelementsp];
265   activation = new RANN::Activation**[nelementsp];
266   fingerprints = new RANN::Fingerprint**[nelementsp];
267   fingerprintlength = new int[nelementsp];
268   fingerprintperelement = new int[nelementsp];
269   fingerprintcount = new int[nelementsp];
270   screening_min = new double[nelements*nelements*nelements];
271   screening_max = new double[nelements*nelements*nelements];
272   for (i=0;i<nelements;i++) {
273     for (int j =0;j<nelements;j++) {
274       for (int k=0;k<nelements;k++) {
275         screening_min[i*nelements*nelements+j*nelements+k] = 0.8;//default values. Custom values may be read from potential file later.
276         screening_max[i*nelements*nelements+j*nelements+k] = 2.8;//default values. Custom values may be read from potential file later.
277       }
278     }
279   }
280   for (i=0;i<=nelements;i++) {
281     fingerprintlength[i]=0;
282     fingerprintperelement[i] = -1;
283     fingerprintcount[i] = 0;
284     if (i<nelements) {
285       mass[i]=-1.0;
286       elements[i]= utils::strdup(elementwords[i]);
287     }
288     elementsp[i] = utils::strdup(elementwords[i]);
289     net[i].layers = 0;
290     net[i].dimensions = new int[1];
291     net[i].dimensions[0]=0;
292   }
293 }
settings(int narg,char **)295 void PairRANN::settings(int narg, char ** /*arg*/)
296 {
297   //read pair_style command in input file
298   if (narg > 0) error->one(FLERR,"Illegal pair_style command");
299 }
coeff(int narg,char ** arg)301 void PairRANN::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
302 {
303   int i,j;
304   deallocate();//clear allocation from any previous coeff
305   map = new int[atom->ntypes+1];
306   if (narg != 3 + atom->ntypes) error->one(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
307   if (strcmp(arg[0],"*") != 0 || strcmp(arg[1],"*") != 0) error->one(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
308   nelements = -1;
309   read_file(arg[2]);
310   // read args that map atom types to elements in potential file
311   // map[i] = which element the Ith atom type is, -1 if NULL
312   for (i = 3; i < narg; i++) {
313     if (strcmp(arg[i],"NULL") == 0) {
314       map[i-2] = -1;
315       continue;
316     }
317     for (j = 0; j < nelements; j++) {
318       if (strcmp(arg[i],elements[j]) == 0) break;
319     }
320     if (j < nelements) map[i-2] = j;
321     else error->one(FLERR,"No matching element in NN potential file");
322   }
323   // clear setflag since coeff() called once with I,J = * *
324   int n = atom->ntypes;
325   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
326     for (j = i; j <= n; j++) {
327       setflag[i][j] = 0;
328     }
329   }
330   // set setflag i,j for type pairs where both are mapped to elements
331   // set mass of atom type if i = j
332   int count = 0;
333   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
334     for (j = i; j <= n; j++) {
335       if (map[i] >= 0 && map[j] >= 0) {
336         setflag[i][j] = 1;
337         if (i == j) atom->set_mass(FLERR,i,mass[map[i]]);
338         count++;
339       }
340     }
341   }
342   if (count == 0) error->one(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
343   for (i=0;i<nelementsp;i++) {
344     for (j=0;j<fingerprintperelement[i];j++) {
345       fingerprints[i][j]->allocate();
346     }
347   }
348   allocated=1;
349 }
read_file(char * filename)351 void PairRANN::read_file(char *filename)
352 {
353   FILE *fp;
354   int eof = 0;
355   std::string line,line1;
356   const int longline = 4096;
357   int linenum=0;
358   char linetemp[longline];
359   std::string strtemp;
360   char *ptr;
361   std::vector<std::string> linev,line1v;
362   fp = utils::open_potential(filename,lmp,nullptr);
363   if (fp == nullptr) {error->one(FLERR,"Cannot open RANN potential file");}
364   ptr=fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
365   linenum++;
366   strtemp=utils::trim_comment(linetemp);
367   while (strtemp.empty()) {
368           ptr=fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
369           strtemp=utils::trim_comment(linetemp);
370           linenum++;
371   }
372   line=strtemp;
373   while (eof == 0) {
374     ptr=fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
375     linenum++;
376     if (ptr == nullptr) {
377       fclose(fp);
378       if (check_potential()) {
379         error->one(FLERR,"Invalid syntax in potential file, values are inconsistent or missing");
380       }
381       else {
382         eof = 1;
383         break;
384       }
385     }
386     strtemp=utils::trim_comment(linetemp);
387     while (strtemp.empty()) {
388         ptr=fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
389         strtemp=utils::trim_comment(linetemp);
390         linenum++;
391     }
392     line1=linetemp;
393     Tokenizer values = Tokenizer(line,": ,\t_\n");
394     Tokenizer values1 = Tokenizer(line1,": ,\t_\n");
395     linev = values.as_vector();
396     line1v = values1.as_vector();
397     if (linev[0]=="atomtypes") read_atom_types(line1v,filename,linenum);
398     else if (linev[0]=="mass") read_mass(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
399     else if (linev[0]=="fingerprintsperelement") read_fpe(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
400     else if (linev[0]=="fingerprints") read_fingerprints(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
401     else if (linev[0]=="fingerprintconstants") read_fingerprint_constants(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
402     else if (linev[0]=="networklayers") read_network_layers(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
403     else if (linev[0]=="layersize") read_layer_size(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
404     else if (linev[0]=="weight") read_weight(linev,line1v,fp,filename,&linenum);
405     else if (linev[0]=="bias") read_bias(linev,line1v,fp,filename,&linenum);
406     else if (linev[0]=="activationfunctions") read_activation_functions(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
407     else if (linev[0]=="screening") read_screening(linev,line1v,filename,linenum);
408     else if (linev[0]=="calibrationparameters") continue;//information on how the network was trained
409     else error->one(FLERR,"Could not understand file syntax: unknown keyword");
410     ptr=fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
411     linenum++;
412     strtemp=utils::trim_comment(linetemp);
413     while (strtemp.empty()) {
414         ptr=fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
415         strtemp=utils::trim_comment(linetemp);
416         linenum++;
417     }
418     if (ptr == nullptr) {
419       if (check_potential()) {
420         error->one(FLERR,"Invalid syntax in potential file, values are inconsistent or missing");
421       }
422       else {
423         eof = 1;
424         break;
425       }
426     }
427     line=linetemp;
428   }
429 }
read_atom_types(std::vector<std::string> line,char * filename,int linenum)431 void PairRANN::read_atom_types(std::vector<std::string> line,char *filename,int linenum) {
432   int nwords = line.size();
433   if (nwords < 1) error->one(filename,linenum,"Incorrect syntax for atom types");
434   nelements = nwords;
435   line.push_back("all");
436   allocate(line);
437 }
read_mass(const std::vector<std::string> & line1,const std::vector<std::string> & line2,const char * filename,int linenum)439 void PairRANN::read_mass(const std::vector<std::string> &line1, const std::vector<std::string> &line2, const char *filename,int linenum) {
440   if (nelements == -1)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"atom types must be defined before mass in potential file.");
441   for (int i=0;i<nelements;i++) {
442     if (line1[1].compare(elements[i])==0) {
443       mass[i]=utils::numeric(filename,linenum,line2[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
444       return;
445     }
446   }
447   error->one(filename,linenum-1,"mass element not found in atom types.");
448 }
read_fpe(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)450 void PairRANN::read_fpe(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
451   int i;
452   if (nelements == -1)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"atom types must be defined before fingerprints per element in potential file.");
453   for (i=0;i<nelementsp;i++) {
454     if (line[1].compare(elementsp[i])==0) {
455       fingerprintperelement[i] = utils::inumeric(filename,linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
456       fingerprints[i] = new RANN::Fingerprint *[fingerprintperelement[i]];
457       for (int j=0;j<fingerprintperelement[i];j++) {
458         fingerprints[i][j]=new RANN::Fingerprint(this);
459       }
460       return;
461     }
462   }
463   error->one(filename,linenum-1,"fingerprint-per-element element not found in atom types");
464 }
read_fingerprints(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)466 void PairRANN::read_fingerprints(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
467   int nwords1,nwords,i,j,k,i1,*atomtypes;
468   bool found;
469   nwords1 = line1.size();
470   nwords = line.size();
471   if (nelements == -1)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"atom types must be defined before fingerprints in potential file.");
472   atomtypes = new int[nwords-1];
473   for (i=1;i<nwords;i++) {
474     found = false;
475     for (j=0;j<nelementsp;j++) {
476       if (line[i].compare(elementsp[j])==0) {
477         atomtypes[i-1]=j;
478         found = true;
479         break;
480       }
481     }
482     if (!found) {error->one(filename,linenum-1,"fingerprint element not found in atom types");}
483   }
484   i = atomtypes[0];
485   k = 0;
486   if (fingerprintperelement[i]==-1) {error->one(filename,linenum-1,"fingerprint per element must be defined before fingerprints");}
487   while (k<nwords1) {
488     i1 = fingerprintcount[i];
489     if (i1>=fingerprintperelement[i]) {error->one(filename,linenum,"more fingerprints defined than fingerprint per element");}
490     delete fingerprints[i][i1];
491     fingerprints[i][i1] = create_fingerprint(line1[k].c_str());
492     if (fingerprints[i][i1]->n_body_type!=nwords-1) {error->one(filename,linenum,"invalid fingerprint for element combination");}
493     k++;
494     fingerprints[i][i1]->init(atomtypes,utils::inumeric(filename,linenum,line1[k++].c_str(),1,lmp));
495     fingerprintcount[i]++;
496   }
497   delete[] atomtypes;
498 }
read_fingerprint_constants(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)500 void PairRANN::read_fingerprint_constants(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
501   int i,j,k,i1,*atomtypes;
502   bool found;
503   int nwords = line.size();
504   if (nelements == -1)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"atom types must be defined before fingerprints in potential file.");
505   int n_body_type = nwords-4;
506   atomtypes = new int[n_body_type];
507   for (i=1;i<=n_body_type;i++) {
508     found = false;
509     for (j=0;j<nelementsp;j++) {
510       if (line[i].compare(elementsp[j])==0) {
511         atomtypes[i-1]=j;
512         found = true;
513         break;
514       }
515     }
516     if (!found) {error->one(filename,linenum-1,"fingerprint element not found in atom types");}
517   }
518   i = atomtypes[0];
519   found = false;
520   for (k=0;k<fingerprintperelement[i];k++) {
521     if (fingerprints[i][k]->empty) {continue;}
522     if (n_body_type!=fingerprints[i][k]->n_body_type) {continue;}
523     for (j=0;j<n_body_type;j++) {
524       if (fingerprints[i][k]->atomtypes[j]!=atomtypes[j]) {break;}
525       if (j==n_body_type-1) {
526         if (line[nwords-3].compare(fingerprints[i][k]->style)==0 && utils::inumeric(filename,linenum,line[nwords-2].c_str(),1,lmp)==fingerprints[i][k]->id) {
527           found=true;
528           i1 = k;
529           break;
530         }
531       }
532     }
533     if (found) {break;}
534   }
535   if (!found) {error->one(filename,linenum-1,"cannot define constants for unknown fingerprint");}
536   fingerprints[i][i1]->fullydefined=fingerprints[i][i1]->parse_values(line[nwords-1],line1);
537   delete[] atomtypes;
538 }
read_network_layers(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)540 void PairRANN::read_network_layers(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
541   int i,j;
542   if (nelements == -1)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"atom types must be defined before network layers in potential file.");
543   for (i=0;i<nelements;i++) {
544     if (line[1].compare(elements[i])==0) {
545       net[i].layers = utils::inumeric(filename,linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
546       if (net[i].layers < 1)error->one(filename,linenum,"invalid number of network layers");
547       delete[] net[i].dimensions;
548       weightdefined[i] = new bool [net[i].layers];
549       biasdefined[i] = new bool [net[i].layers];
550       net[i].dimensions = new int[net[i].layers];
551       net[i].Weights = new double * [net[i].layers-1];
552       net[i].Biases = new double * [net[i].layers-1];
553       for (j=0;j<net[i].layers;j++) {
554         net[i].dimensions[j]=0;
555         weightdefined[i][j] = false;
556         biasdefined[i][j] = false;
557       }
558       activation[i]=new RANN::Activation* [net[i].layers-1];
559       for (int j=0;j<net[i].layers-1;j++) {
560         activation[i][j]= new RANN::Activation(this);
561       }
562       return;
563     }
564   }
565   error->one(filename,linenum-1,"network layers element not found in atom types");
566 }
read_layer_size(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)568 void PairRANN::read_layer_size(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
569   int i;
570   for (i=0;i<nelements;i++) {
571     if (line[1].compare(elements[i])==0) {
572       if (net[i].layers==0)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"networklayers for each atom type must be defined before the corresponding layer sizes.");
573       int j = utils::inumeric(filename,linenum,line[2].c_str(),1,lmp);
574       if (j>=net[i].layers || j<0) {error->one(filename,linenum,"invalid layer in layer size definition");};
575       net[i].dimensions[j]= utils::inumeric(filename,linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
576       return;
577     }
578   }
579   error->one(filename,linenum-1,"layer size element not found in atom types");
580 }
read_weight(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,FILE * fp,char * filename,int * linenum)582 void PairRANN::read_weight(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,FILE* fp,char *filename,int *linenum) {
583   int i,j,k,l,nwords;
584   char *ptr;
585   const int longline = 4096;
586   char linetemp [longline];
587   for (l=0;l<nelements;l++) {
588     if (line[1].compare(elements[l])==0) {
589       if (net[l].layers==0)error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"networklayers must be defined before weights.");
590       i=utils::inumeric(filename,*linenum,line[2].c_str(),1,lmp);
591       if (i>=net[l].layers || i<0)error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"invalid weight layer");
592       if (net[l].dimensions[i]==0 || net[l].dimensions[i+1]==0) error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"network layer sizes must be defined before corresponding weight");
593       net[l].Weights[i] = new double[net[l].dimensions[i]*net[l].dimensions[i+1]];
594       weightdefined[l][i] = true;
595       nwords = line1.size();
596       if (nwords != net[l].dimensions[i])error->one(filename,*linenum,"invalid weights per line");
597       for (k=0;k<net[l].dimensions[i];k++) {
598         net[l].Weights[i][k] = utils::numeric(filename,*linenum,line1[k].c_str(),1,lmp);
599       }
600       for (j=1;j<net[l].dimensions[i+1];j++) {
601         ptr = fgets(linetemp,longline,fp);
602         (*linenum)++;
603         Tokenizer values1 = Tokenizer(linetemp,": ,\t_\n");
604         line1 = values1.as_vector();
605         if (ptr==nullptr)error->one(filename,*linenum,"unexpected end of potential file!");
606         nwords = line1.size();
607         if (nwords != net[l].dimensions[i])error->one(filename,*linenum,"invalid weights per line");
608         for (k=0;k<net[l].dimensions[i];k++) {
609           net[l].Weights[i][j*net[l].dimensions[i]+k] = utils::numeric(filename,*linenum,line1[k].c_str(),1,lmp);
610         }
611       }
612       return;
613     }
614   }
615   error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"weight element not found in atom types");
616 }
read_bias(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,FILE * fp,char * filename,int * linenum)618 void PairRANN::read_bias(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,FILE* fp,char *filename,int *linenum) {
619   int i,j,l;
620   char linetemp[MAXLINE],*ptr;
621   for (l=0;l<nelements;l++) {
622     if (line[1].compare(elements[l])==0) {
623       if (net[l].layers==0)error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"networklayers must be defined before biases.");
624       i=utils::inumeric(filename,*linenum,line[2].c_str(),1,lmp);
625       if (i>=net[l].layers || i<0)error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"invalid bias layer");
626       if (net[l].dimensions[i]==0) error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"network layer sizes must be defined before corresponding bias");
627       biasdefined[l][i] = true;
628       net[l].Biases[i] = new double[net[l].dimensions[i+1]];
629       net[l].Biases[i][0] = utils::numeric(filename,*linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
630       for (j=1;j<net[l].dimensions[i+1];j++) {
631         ptr=fgets(linetemp,MAXLINE,fp);
632         if (ptr==nullptr)error->one(filename,*linenum,"unexpected end of potential file!");
633         (*linenum)++;
634         Tokenizer values1 = Tokenizer(linetemp,": ,\t_\n");
635         line1 = values1.as_vector();
636         net[l].Biases[i][j] = utils::numeric(filename,*linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
637       }
638       return;
639     }
640   }
641   error->one(filename,*linenum-1,"bias element not found in atom types");
642 }
read_activation_functions(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)644 void PairRANN::read_activation_functions(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
645   int i,l;
646   for (l=0;l<nelements;l++) {
647     if (line[1].compare(elements[l])==0) {
648       if (net[l].layers==0)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"networklayers must be defined before activation functions.");
649       i = strtol(line[2].c_str(),nullptr,10);
650       if (i>=net[l].layers || i<0)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"invalid activation layer");
651       delete activation[l][i];
652       activation[l][i]=create_activation(line1[0].c_str());
653       return;
654     }
655   }
656   error->one(filename,linenum-1,"activation function element not found in atom types");
657 }
read_screening(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char * filename,int linenum)659 void PairRANN::read_screening(std::vector<std::string> line,std::vector<std::string> line1,char *filename,int linenum) {
660   int i,j,k,*atomtypes;
661   bool found;
662   int nwords = line.size();
663   if (nelements == -1)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"atom types must be defined before fingerprints in potential file.");
664   if (nwords!=5)error->one(filename,linenum-1,"invalid screening command");
665   int n_body_type = 3;
666   atomtypes = new int[n_body_type];
667   for (i=1;i<=n_body_type;i++) {
668     found = false;
669     for (j=0;j<nelementsp;j++) {
670       if (line[i].compare(elementsp[j])==0) {
671         atomtypes[i-1]=j;
672         found = true;
673         break;
674       }
675     }
676     if (!found) {error->one(filename,linenum-1,"fingerprint element not found in atom types");}
677   }
678   i = atomtypes[0];
679   j = atomtypes[1];
680   k = atomtypes[2];
681   int index = i*nelements*nelements+j*nelements+k;
682   if (line[4].compare("Cmin")==0)  {
683     screening_min[index] = utils::numeric(filename,linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
684   }
685   else if (line[4].compare("Cmax")==0) {
686     screening_max[index] = utils::numeric(filename,linenum,line1[0].c_str(),1,lmp);
687   }
688   else error->one(filename,linenum-1,"unrecognized screening keyword");
689   delete[] atomtypes;
690 }
692 //Called after finishing reading the potential file to make sure it is complete. True is bad.
693 //also does the rest of the memory allocation.
check_potential()694 bool PairRANN::check_potential() {
695   int i,j,k,l;
696   if (nelements==-1) {return true;}
697   for (i=0;i<=nelements;i++) {
698     if (i<nelements) {
699       if (mass[i]<0)return true;//uninitialized mass
700     }
701     if (net[i].layers==0)break;//no definitions for this starting element, not considered an error.
702     net[i].maxlayer=0;
703     for (j=0;j<net[i].layers;j++) {
704       if (net[i].dimensions[j]==0)return true;//incomplete network definition
705       if (net[i].dimensions[j]>net[i].maxlayer)net[i].maxlayer = net[i].dimensions[j];
706     }
707     if (net[i].maxlayer>fnmax) {fnmax = net[i].maxlayer;}
708     if (net[i].dimensions[net[i].layers-1]!=1)return true;//output layer must have single neuron (the energy)
709     if (net[i].dimensions[0]>fmax)fmax=net[i].dimensions[0];
710     for (j=0;j<net[i].layers-1;j++) {
711       if (!weightdefined[i][j])return true;//undefined weights
712       if (!biasdefined[i][j])return true;//undefined biases
713       if (activation[i][j]->empty)return true;//undefined activations
714       for (k=0;k<net[i].dimensions[j+1];k++) {
715         for (l=0;l<net[i].dimensions[j];l++) {
716           if (net[i].Weights[j][k*net[i].dimensions[j]+l]==0)return true;//undefined weights
717         }
718         if (net[i].Biases[j][k]==0)return true;//undefined biases
719       }
720     }
721     for (j=0;j<fingerprintperelement[i];j++) {
722       if (fingerprints[i][j]->fullydefined==false)return true;
723       fingerprints[i][j]->startingneuron = fingerprintlength[i];
724       fingerprintlength[i] +=fingerprints[i][j]->get_length();
725       if (fingerprints[i][j]->rc>cutmax) {cutmax = fingerprints[i][j]->rc;}
726     }
727     if (net[i].dimensions[0]!=fingerprintlength[i])return true;
728   }
729   memory->create(xn,nmax1,"pair:xn");
730   memory->create(yn,nmax1,"pair:yn");
731   memory->create(zn,nmax1,"pair:zn");
732   memory->create(tn,nmax1,"pair:tn");
733   memory->create(jl,nmax1,"pair:jl");
734   memory->create(features,fmax,"pair:features");
735   memory->create(dfeaturesx,fmax*nmax2,"pair:dfeaturesx");
736   memory->create(dfeaturesy,fmax*nmax2,"pair:dfeaturesy");
737   memory->create(dfeaturesz,fmax*nmax2,"pair:dfeaturesz");
738   memory->create(layer,fnmax,"pair:layer");
739   memory->create(sum,fnmax,"pair:sum");
740   memory->create(sum1,fnmax,"pair:sum1");
741   memory->create(dlayerx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayerx");
742   memory->create(dlayery,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayery");
743   memory->create(dlayerz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayerz");
744   memory->create(dlayersumx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayersumx");
745   memory->create(dlayersumy,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayersumy");
746   memory->create(dlayersumz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayersumz");
747   if (doscreen) {
748     memory->create(Sik,nmax2,"pair:Sik");
749     memory->create(Bij,nmax2,"pair:Bij");
750     memory->create(dSikx,nmax2,"pair:dSikx");
751     memory->create(dSiky,nmax2,"pair:dSiky");
752     memory->create(dSikz,nmax2,"pair:dSikz");
753     memory->create(dSijkx,nmax2*nmax2,"pair:dSijkx");
754     memory->create(dSijky,nmax2*nmax2,"pair:dSijky");
755     memory->create(dSijkz,nmax2*nmax2,"pair:dSijkz");
756     memory->create(dSijkxc,nmax2,nmax2,"pair:dSijkxc");
757     memory->create(dSijkyc,nmax2,nmax2,"pair:dSijkyc");
758     memory->create(dSijkzc,nmax2,nmax2,"pair:dSijkzc");
759   }
760   if (dospin) {
761     memory->create(sx,fmax*nmax2,"pair:sx");
762     memory->create(sy,fmax*nmax2,"pair:sy");
763     memory->create(sz,fmax*nmax2,"pair:sz");
764     memory->create(dsx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dsx");
765     memory->create(dsy,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dsy");
766     memory->create(dsz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dsz");
767     memory->create(dssumx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dssumx");
768     memory->create(dssumy,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dssumy");
769     memory->create(dssumz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dssumz");
770   }
771   return false;//everything looks good
772 }
compute(int eflag,int vflag)774 void PairRANN::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
775 {
776   //perform force/energy computation_
777   if (dospin) {
778     if (strcmp(update->unit_style,"metal") != 0)
779       error->one(FLERR,"Spin pair styles require metal units");
780     if (!atom->sp_flag)
781         error->one(FLERR,"Spin pair styles requires atom/spin style");
782   }
783   ev_init(eflag,vflag);
785   // only global virial via fdotr is supported by this pair style
787   if (vflag_atom)
788     error->all(FLERR,"Pair style rann does not support computing per-atom stress");
789   if (vflag && !vflag_fdotr)
790     error->all(FLERR,"Pair style rann does not support 'pair_modify nofdotr'");
792   int ii,i,j;
793   int nn = 0;
794   sims = new Simulation[1];
795   sims->inum = listfull->inum;
796   sims->ilist=listfull->ilist;
797   sims->id = listfull->ilist;
798   sims->type = atom->type;
799   sims->x = atom->x;
800   sims->numneigh = listfull->numneigh;
801   sims->firstneigh = listfull->firstneigh;
802   if (dospin) {
803     sims->s = atom->sp;
804   }
805   int itype,f,jnum,len;
806   if (eflag_global) {eng_vdwl=0;eng_coul=0;}
807   double energy=0;
808   double **force = atom->f;
809   double **fm = atom->fm;
811   //loop over atoms
812   for (ii=0;ii<sims->inum;ii++) {
813       i = sims->ilist[ii];
814       itype = map[sims->type[i]];
815       f = net[itype].dimensions[0];
816       jnum = sims->numneigh[i];
817       if (jnum>nmax1) {
818         nmax1 = jnum;
819         memory->grow(xn,nmax1,"pair:xn");
820         memory->grow(yn,nmax1,"pair:yn");
821         memory->grow(zn,nmax1,"pair:zn");
822         memory->grow(tn,nmax1,"pair:tn");
823         memory->grow(jl,nmax1,"pair:jl");
824       }
825       cull_neighbor_list(&jnum,i,0);
826       if (jnum>nmax2) {
827         nmax2=jnum;
828         memory->grow(dfeaturesx,fmax*nmax2,"pair:dfeaturesx");
829         memory->grow(dfeaturesy,fmax*nmax2,"pair:dfeaturesy");
830         memory->grow(dfeaturesz,fmax*nmax2,"pair:dfeaturesz");
831         memory->grow(layer,fnmax,"pair:layer");
832         memory->grow(sum,fnmax,"pair:sum");
833         memory->grow(sum1,fnmax,"pair:sum1");
834         memory->grow(dlayerx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayerx");
835         memory->grow(dlayery,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayery");
836         memory->grow(dlayerz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayerz");
837         memory->grow(dlayersumx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayersumx");
838         memory->grow(dlayersumy,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayersumy");
839         memory->grow(dlayersumz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dlayersumz");
840         if (doscreen) {
841           memory->grow(Sik,nmax2,"pair:Sik");
842           memory->grow(Bij,nmax2,"pair:Bij");
843           memory->grow(dSikx,nmax2,"pair:dSikx");
844           memory->grow(dSiky,nmax2,"pair:dSiky");
845           memory->grow(dSikz,nmax2,"pair:dSikz");
846           memory->grow(dSijkx,nmax2*nmax2,"pair:dSijkx");
847           memory->grow(dSijky,nmax2*nmax2,"pair:dSijky");
848           memory->grow(dSijkz,nmax2*nmax2,"pair:dSijkz");
849           memory->destroy(dSijkxc);
850           memory->destroy(dSijkyc);
851           memory->destroy(dSijkzc);
852           memory->create(dSijkxc,nmax2,nmax2,"pair:dSijkxc");
853           memory->create(dSijkyc,nmax2,nmax2,"pair:dSijkyc");
854           memory->create(dSijkzc,nmax2,nmax2,"pair:dSijkzc");
855         }
856         if (dospin) {
857           memory->grow(sx,fmax*nmax2,"pair:sx");
858           memory->grow(sy,fmax*nmax2,"pair:sy");
859           memory->grow(sz,fmax*nmax2,"pair:sz");
860           memory->grow(dsx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dsx");
861           memory->grow(dsy,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dsy");
862           memory->grow(dsz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dsz");
863           memory->grow(dssumx,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dssumx");
864           memory->grow(dssumy,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dssumy");
865           memory->grow(dssumz,nmax2,fnmax,"pair:dssumz");
866         }
867       }
868       for (j=0;j<f;j++) {
869         features[j]=0;
870       }
871       for (j=0;j<f*jnum;j++) {
872         dfeaturesx[j]=dfeaturesy[j]=dfeaturesz[j]=0;
873       }
874       //screening is calculated once for all atoms if any fingerprint uses it.
875       if (dospin) {
876         for (j=0;j<f*jnum;j++) {
877           sx[j]=sy[j]=sz[j]=0;
878         }
879       }
880       if (doscreen) screening(ii,0,jnum-1);
881       if (allscreen) screen_neighbor_list(&jnum);
882       //do fingerprints for atom type
883       len = fingerprintperelement[itype];
884       for (j=0;j<len;j++) {
885         if      (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==false && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==false)fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
886         else if (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==false && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==true) fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,Sik,dSikx,dSiky,dSikz,dSijkx,dSijky,dSijkz,Bij,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
887         else if (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==true  && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==false)fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,sx,sy,sz,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
888         else if (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==true  && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==true) fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,sx,sy,sz,Sik,dSikx,dSiky,dSikz,dSijkx,dSijky,dSijkz,Bij,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
889       }
890       itype = nelements;
891       //do fingerprints for type "all"
892       len = fingerprintperelement[itype];
893       for (j=0;j<len;j++) {
894         if      (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==false && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==false)fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
895         else if (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==false && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==true) fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,Sik,dSikx,dSiky,dSikz,dSijkx,dSijky,dSijkz,Bij,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
896         else if (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==true  && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==false)fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,sx,sy,sz,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
897         else if (fingerprints[itype][j]->spin==true  && fingerprints[itype][j]->screen==true) fingerprints[itype][j]->compute_fingerprint(features,dfeaturesx,dfeaturesy,dfeaturesz,sx,sy,sz,Sik,dSikx,dSiky,dSikz,dSijkx,dSijky,dSijkz,Bij,ii,nn,xn,yn,zn,tn,jnum-1,jl);
898       }
899       //run fingerprints through network
900       if (dospin) {
901         propagateforwardspin(&energy,force,fm,ii,jnum);
902       } else {
903         propagateforward(&energy,force,ii,jnum);
904       }
905   }
906   if (vflag_fdotr) virial_fdotr_compute();
907   delete[] sims;
908 }
cull_neighbor_list(int * jnum,int i,int sn)910 void PairRANN::cull_neighbor_list(int* jnum,int i,int sn) {
911   int *jlist,j,count,jj,*type,jtype;
912   double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq;
913   double **x = sims[sn].x;
914   xtmp = x[i][0];
915   ytmp = x[i][1];
916   ztmp = x[i][2];
917   type = sims[sn].type;
918   jlist = sims[sn].firstneigh[i];
919   count = 0;
920   for (jj=0;jj<jnum[0];jj++) {
921     j = jlist[jj];
922     j &= NEIGHMASK;
923     jtype = map[type[j]];
924     delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
925     dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
926     delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
927     rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
928     if (rsq>cutmax*cutmax) {
929       continue;
930     }
931     xn[count]=delx;
932     yn[count]=dely;
933     zn[count]=delz;
934     tn[count]=jtype;
935     jl[count]=j;
936     count++;
937   }
938   jnum[0]=count+1;
939 }
screen_neighbor_list(int * jnum)941 void PairRANN::screen_neighbor_list(int *jnum) {
942   int jj,kk,count,count1;
943   count = 0;
944   for (jj=0;jj<jnum[0]-1;jj++) {
945     if (Bij[jj]) {
946       count1 = 0;
947       if (jj!=count) {
948       xn[count]=xn[jj];
949       yn[count]=yn[jj];
950       zn[count]=zn[jj];
951       tn[count]=tn[jj];
952       jl[count]=jl[jj];
953       Sik[count]=Sik[jj];
954       dSikx[count]=dSikx[jj];
955       dSiky[count]=dSiky[jj];
956       dSikz[count]=dSikz[jj];
957       }
958       for (kk=0;kk<jnum[0]-1;kk++) {
959         if (Bij[kk]) {
960           dSijkxc[count][count1] = dSijkx[jj*(jnum[0]-1)+kk];
961           dSijkyc[count][count1] = dSijky[jj*(jnum[0]-1)+kk];
962           dSijkzc[count][count1] = dSijkz[jj*(jnum[0]-1)+kk];
963           count1++;
964         }
965       }
966       count++;
967     }
968   }
969   jnum[0]=count+1;
970   for (jj=0;jj<count;jj++) {
971     Bij[jj]=true;
972     for (kk=0;kk<count;kk++) {
973       dSijkx[jj*count+kk] = dSijkxc[jj][kk];
974       dSijky[jj*count+kk] = dSijkyc[jj][kk];
975       dSijkz[jj*count+kk] = dSijkzc[jj][kk];
976     }
977   }
978 }
screening(int ii,int sid,int jnum)981 void PairRANN::screening(int ii,int sid,int jnum)
982 {
983   //see Baskes, Materials Chemistry and Physics 50 (1997) 152-1.58
984   int i,jj,kk,itype,jtype,ktype;
985   double Sijk,Cijk,Cn,Cd,Dij,Dik,Djk,C,dfc,dC;
986   PairRANN::Simulation *sim = &sims[sid];
987   double delx,dely,delz,rij,delx2,dely2,delz2,rik,delx3,dely3,delz3,rjk;
988   i = sim->ilist[ii];
989   itype = map[sim->type[i]];
990   for (int jj=0;jj<jnum;jj++) {
991     Sik[jj]=1;
992     Bij[jj]=true;
993     dSikx[jj]=0;
994     dSiky[jj]=0;
995     dSikz[jj]=0;
996     for (kk=0;kk<jnum;kk++) {
997       dSijkx[jj*jnum+kk]=0;
998       dSijky[jj*jnum+kk]=0;
999       dSijkz[jj*jnum+kk]=0;
1000     }
1001   }
1002   for (kk=0;kk<jnum;kk++) {//outer sum over k in accordance with source, some others reorder to outer sum over jj
1003     if (Bij[kk]==false) {continue;}
1004     ktype = tn[kk];
1005     delx2 = xn[kk];
1006     dely2 = yn[kk];
1007     delz2 = zn[kk];
1008     rik = delx2*delx2+dely2*dely2+delz2*delz2;
1009     if (rik>cutmax*cutmax) {
1010       Bij[kk]= false;
1011       continue;
1012     }
1013     for (jj=0;jj<jnum;jj++) {
1014       if (jj==kk) {continue;}
1015       if (Bij[jj]==false) {continue;}
1016       jtype = tn[jj];
1017       delx = xn[jj];
1018       dely = yn[jj];
1019       delz = zn[jj];
1020       rij = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
1021       if (rij>cutmax*cutmax) {
1022         Bij[jj] = false;
1023         continue;
1024       }
1025       delx3 = delx2-delx;
1026       dely3 = dely2-dely;
1027       delz3 = delz2-delz;
1028       rjk = delx3*delx3+dely3*dely3+delz3*delz3;
1029       if (rik+rjk<=rij) {continue;}//bond angle > 90 degrees
1030       if (rik+rij<=rjk) {continue;}//bond angle > 90 degrees
1031       double Cmax = screening_max[itype*nelements*nelements+jtype*nelements+ktype];
1032       double Cmin = screening_min[itype*nelements*nelements+jtype*nelements+ktype];
1033       double temp1 = rij-rik+rjk;
1034       Cn = temp1*temp1-4*rij*rjk;
1035       //a few expanded computations provided for clarity:
1036       //Cn = (rij-rik+rjk)*(rij-rik+rjk)-4*rij*rjk;
1037       //Cd = (rij-rjk)*(rij-rjk)-rik*rik;
1038       //Cijk = 1+2*(rik*rij+rik*rjk-rik*rik)/(rik*rik-(rij-rjk)*(rij-rjk));
1039       temp1 = rij-rjk;
1040       Cd = temp1*temp1-rik*rik;
1041       Cijk = Cn/Cd;
1042       C = (Cijk-Cmin)/(Cmax-Cmin);
1043       if (C>=1) {continue;}
1044       else if (C<=0) {
1045         Bij[kk]=false;
1046         break;
1047       }
1048       dC = Cmax-Cmin;
1049       dC *= dC;
1050       dC *= dC;
1051       temp1 = 1-C;
1052       temp1 *= temp1;
1053       temp1 *= temp1;
1054       Sijk = 1-temp1;
1055       Sijk *= Sijk;
1056       Dij = 4*rik*(Cn+4*rjk*(rij+rik-rjk))/Cd/Cd;
1057       Dik = -4*(rij*Cn+rjk*Cn+8*rij*rik*rjk)/Cd/Cd;
1058       Djk = 4*rik*(Cn+4*rij*(rik-rij+rjk))/Cd/Cd;
1059       temp1 = Cijk-Cmax;
1060       double temp2 = temp1*temp1;
1061       dfc = 8*temp1*temp2/(temp2*temp2-dC);
1062       Sik[kk] *= Sijk;
1063       dSijkx[kk*jnum+jj] = dfc*(delx*Dij-delx3*Djk);
1064       dSikx[kk] += dfc*(delx2*Dik+delx3*Djk);
1065       dSijky[kk*jnum+jj] = dfc*(dely*Dij-dely3*Djk);
1066       dSiky[kk] += dfc*(dely2*Dik+dely3*Djk);
1067       dSijkz[kk*jnum+jj] = dfc*(delz*Dij-delz3*Djk);
1068       dSikz[kk] += dfc*(delz2*Dik+delz3*Djk);
1069     }
1070   }
1071 }
1074 //Called by getproperties. Propagate features and dfeatures through network. Updates force and energy
propagateforward(double * energy,double ** force,int ii,int jnum)1075 void PairRANN::propagateforward(double *energy,double **force,int ii,int jnum) {
1076   int i,j,k,jj,j1,itype,i1;
1077   int *ilist;
1078   ilist = listfull->ilist;
1079   int *type = atom->type;
1080   i1=ilist[ii];
1081   itype = map[type[i1]];
1082   NNarchitecture net1 = net[itype];
1083   int L = net1.layers-1;
1084   //energy output with forces from analytical derivatives
1085   double dsum1;
1086   int f = net1.dimensions[0];
1087   for (i=0;i<net1.layers-1;i++) {
1088     for (j=0;j<net1.dimensions[i+1];j++) {
1089       //energy forward propagation
1090       sum[j]=0;
1091       for (k=0;k<net1.dimensions[i];k++) {
1092         if (i==0&&j==0) {
1093           layer[k]=features[k];
1094         }
1095         sum[j] += net1.Weights[i][j*net1.dimensions[i]+k]*layer[k];
1096       }
1097       sum[j] += net1.Biases[i][j];
1098       dsum1 = activation[itype][i]->dactivation_function(sum[j]);
1099       sum[j] = activation[itype][i]->activation_function(sum[j]);
1100       if (i==L-1) {
1101         energy[j] = sum[j];
1102         if (eflag_atom) eatom[i1]=sum[j];
1103         if (eflag_global) eng_vdwl +=sum[j];
1104       }
1105       //force propagation
1106       for (jj=0;jj<jnum;jj++) {
1107         dlayersumx[jj][j]=0;
1108         dlayersumy[jj][j]=0;
1109         dlayersumz[jj][j]=0;
1110         for (k=0;k<net1.dimensions[i];k++) {
1111           if (i==0&&j==0) {
1112             dlayerx[jj][k]=dfeaturesx[jj*f+k];
1113             dlayery[jj][k]=dfeaturesy[jj*f+k];
1114             dlayerz[jj][k]=dfeaturesz[jj*f+k];
1115           }
1116           double w1 = net1.Weights[i][j*net1.dimensions[i]+k];
1117           dlayersumx[jj][j] += w1*dlayerx[jj][k];
1118           dlayersumy[jj][j] += w1*dlayery[jj][k];
1119           dlayersumz[jj][j] += w1*dlayerz[jj][k];
1120         }
1121         dlayersumx[jj][j] = dsum1*dlayersumx[jj][j];
1122         dlayersumy[jj][j] = dsum1*dlayersumy[jj][j];
1123         dlayersumz[jj][j] = dsum1*dlayersumz[jj][j];
1124         if (i==L-1 && jj < (jnum-1)) {
1125           j1 = jl[jj];
1126           force[j1][0]+=dlayersumx[jj][j];
1127           force[j1][1]+=dlayersumy[jj][j];
1128           force[j1][2]+=dlayersumz[jj][j];
1129         }
1130       }
1131       if (i==L-1) {
1132         j1 = ilist[ii];
1133         jj = jnum-1;
1134         force[j1][0]+=dlayersumx[jj][j];
1135         force[j1][1]+=dlayersumy[jj][j];
1136         force[j1][2]+=dlayersumz[jj][j];
1137       }
1138     }
1139     //update values for next iteration
1140     for (j=0;j<net1.dimensions[i+1];j++) {
1141       layer[j]=sum[j];
1142       for (jj=0;jj<jnum;jj++) {
1143         dlayerx[jj][j] = dlayersumx[jj][j];
1144         dlayery[jj][j] = dlayersumy[jj][j];
1145         dlayerz[jj][j] = dlayersumz[jj][j];
1146       }
1147     }
1148   }
1149 }
1151 //Called by getproperties. Propagate features and dfeatures through network. Updates force and energy
propagateforwardspin(double * energy,double ** force,double ** fm,int ii,int jnum)1152 void PairRANN::propagateforwardspin(double * energy,double **force,double **fm,int ii,int jnum) {
1153   int i,j,k,jj,j1,itype,i1;
1154   int *ilist;
1155   ilist = listfull->ilist;
1156   int *type = atom->type;
1157   i1=ilist[ii];
1158   itype = map[type[i1]];
1159   NNarchitecture net1 = net[itype];
1160   int L = net1.layers-1;
1161   //energy output with forces from analytical derivatives
1162   double dsum1;
1163   int f = net1.dimensions[0];
1164   for (i=0;i<net1.layers-1;i++) {
1165     for (j=0;j<net1.dimensions[i+1];j++) {
1166       //energy forward propagation
1167       sum[j]=0;
1168       for (k=0;k<net1.dimensions[i];k++) {
1169         if (i==0&&j==0) {
1170           layer[k]=features[k];
1171         }
1172         sum[j] += net1.Weights[i][j*net1.dimensions[i]+k]*layer[k];
1173       }
1174       sum[j] += net1.Biases[i][j];
1175       dsum1 = activation[itype][i]->dactivation_function(sum[j]);
1176       sum[j] = activation[itype][i]->activation_function(sum[j]);
1177       if (i==L-1) {
1178         energy[j] = sum[j];
1179         if (eflag_atom) eatom[i1]=sum[j];
1180         if (eflag_global) eng_vdwl +=sum[j];
1181       }
1182       //force propagation
1183       for (jj=0;jj<jnum;jj++) {
1184         dlayersumx[jj][j]=0;
1185         dlayersumy[jj][j]=0;
1186         dlayersumz[jj][j]=0;
1187         dssumx[jj][j]=0;
1188         dssumy[jj][j]=0;
1189         dssumz[jj][j]=0;
1190         for (k=0;k<net1.dimensions[i];k++) {
1191           if (i==0&&j==0) {
1192             dlayerx[jj][k]=dfeaturesx[jj*f+k];
1193             dlayery[jj][k]=dfeaturesy[jj*f+k];
1194             dlayerz[jj][k]=dfeaturesz[jj*f+k];
1195             dsx[jj][k]=-sx[jj*f+k];
1196             dsy[jj][k]=-sy[jj*f+k];
1197             dsz[jj][k]=-sz[jj*f+k];
1198           }
1199           double w1 = net1.Weights[i][j*net1.dimensions[i]+k];
1200           dlayersumx[jj][j] += w1*dlayerx[jj][k];
1201           dlayersumy[jj][j] += w1*dlayery[jj][k];
1202           dlayersumz[jj][j] += w1*dlayerz[jj][k];
1203           dssumx[jj][j] += w1*dsx[jj][k];
1204           dssumy[jj][j] += w1*dsy[jj][k];
1205           dssumz[jj][j] += w1*dsz[jj][k];
1206         }
1207         dlayersumx[jj][j] = dsum1*dlayersumx[jj][j];
1208         dlayersumy[jj][j] = dsum1*dlayersumy[jj][j];
1209         dlayersumz[jj][j] = dsum1*dlayersumz[jj][j];
1210         dssumx[jj][j] *= dsum1;
1211         dssumy[jj][j] *= dsum1;
1212         dssumz[jj][j] *= dsum1;
1213         if (i==L-1 && jj < (jnum-1)) {
1214           j1 = jl[jj];
1215           force[j1][0]+=dlayersumx[jj][j];
1216           force[j1][1]+=dlayersumy[jj][j];
1217           force[j1][2]+=dlayersumz[jj][j];
1218           fm[j1][0]+=dssumx[jj][j];
1219           fm[j1][1]+=dssumy[jj][j];
1220           fm[j1][2]+=dssumz[jj][j];
1221         }
1222       }
1223       if (i==L-1) {
1224         j1 = ilist[ii];
1225         jj = jnum-1;
1226         force[j1][0]+=dlayersumx[jj][j];
1227         force[j1][1]+=dlayersumy[jj][j];
1228         force[j1][2]+=dlayersumz[jj][j];
1229         fm[j1][0]+=dssumx[jj][j];
1230         fm[j1][1]+=dssumy[jj][j];
1231         fm[j1][2]+=dssumz[jj][j];
1232       }
1233     }
1234     //update values for next iteration
1235     for (j=0;j<net1.dimensions[i+1];j++) {
1236       layer[j]=sum[j];
1237       for (jj=0;jj<jnum;jj++) {
1238         dlayerx[jj][j] = dlayersumx[jj][j];
1239         dlayery[jj][j] = dlayersumy[jj][j];
1240         dlayerz[jj][j] = dlayersumz[jj][j];
1241         dsx[jj][j] = dssumx[jj][j];
1242         dsy[jj][j] = dssumy[jj][j];
1243         dsz[jj][j] = dssumz[jj][j];
1244       }
1245     }
1246   }
1247 }
init_list(int,NeighList * ptr)1249 void PairRANN::init_list(int /*which*/, NeighList *ptr)
1250 {
1251   listfull = ptr;
1252 }
init_style()1254 void PairRANN::init_style()
1255 {
1256     int irequest_full = neighbor->request(this,instance_me);
1257     neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->id = 1;
1258     neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->half = 0;
1259     neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->full = 1;
1260 }
1263 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1264    init for one type pair i,j and corresponding j,i
1265 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init_one(int,int)1267 double PairRANN::init_one(int /*i*/, int /*j*/)
1268 {
1269   return cutmax;
1270 }
errorf(const char * file,int line,const char * message)1272 void PairRANN::errorf(const char *file, int line, const char * message) {
1273   error->one(file,line,message);
1274 }
factorial(int n)1276 int PairRANN::factorial(int n) {
1277         return round(MathSpecial::factorial(n));
1278 }
create_fingerprint(const char * style)1280 RANN::Fingerprint *PairRANN::create_fingerprint(const char *style)
1281 {
1282   if (strcmp(style,"radial")==0) {
1283           return new RANN::Fingerprint_radial(this);
1284   }
1285   else if (strcmp(style,"radialscreened")==0) {
1286           return new RANN::Fingerprint_radialscreened(this);
1287   }
1288   else if (strcmp(style,"radialscreenedspin")==0) {
1289           return new RANN::Fingerprint_radialscreenedspin(this);
1290   }
1291   else if (strcmp(style,"radialspin")==0) {
1292           return new RANN::Fingerprint_radialspin(this);
1293   }
1294   else if (strcmp(style,"bond")==0) {
1295           return new RANN::Fingerprint_bond(this);
1296   }
1297   else if (strcmp(style,"bondscreened")==0) {
1298           return new RANN::Fingerprint_bondscreened(this);
1299   }
1300   else if (strcmp(style,"bondscreenedspin")==0) {
1301           return new RANN::Fingerprint_bondscreenedspin(this);
1302   }
1303   else if (strcmp(style,"bondspin")==0) {
1304           return new RANN::Fingerprint_bondspin(this);
1305   }
1306   error->one(FLERR,"Unknown fingerprint style {}",style);
1307   return nullptr;
1308 }
create_activation(const char * style)1311 RANN::Activation *PairRANN::create_activation(const char *style)
1312 {
1313   if (strcmp(style,"linear")==0) {
1314           return new RANN::Activation_linear(this);
1315   }
1316   else if (strcmp(style,"sigI")==0) {
1317           return new RANN::Activation_sigI(this);
1318   }
1319   error->one(FLERR,"Unknown activation style {}",style);
1320   return nullptr;
1321 }