2--                                                                          --
3--                 ASIS-for-GNAT IMPLEMENTATION COMPONENTS                  --
4--                                                                          --
5--                         A 4 G . U N I T _ R E C                          --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 S p e c                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--            Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc.       --
10--                                                                          --
11-- ASIS-for-GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
12-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
13-- Software Foundation;  either version 2,  or  (at your option)  any later --
14-- version. ASIS-for-GNAT is distributed  in the hope  that it will be use- --
15-- ful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER- --
17-- Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the --
18-- GNU  General  Public  License  distributed with ASIS-for-GNAT;  see file --
19-- COPYING.  If not,  write  to the  Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin --
20-- Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.                         --
21--                                                                          --
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28--                                                                          --
29-- ASIS-for-GNAT was originally developed  by the ASIS-for-GNAT team at the --
30-- Software  Engineering  Laboratory  of  the Swiss  Federal  Institute  of --
31-- Technology (LGL-EPFL) in Lausanne,  Switzerland, in cooperation with the --
32-- Scientific  Research  Computer  Center of  Moscow State University (SRCC --
33-- MSU), Russia,  with funding partially provided  by grants from the Swiss --
34-- National  Science  Foundation  and  the  Swiss  Academy  of  Engineering --
35-- Sciences. ASIS-for-GNAT is now maintained by AdaCore                     --
36-- (http://www.adacore.com).                                                --
37--                                                                          --
40--  This package defines the type Unit_Record used for storing the
41--  information about ASIS Compilation Units. This type is used as an actual
42--  parameter for instantiating the GNAT Table package and obtaining the type
43--  for defining the individual Unit Table for each ASIS Context.
45with Asis;
47with Asis.Extensions; use Asis.Extensions;
49with A4G.A_Types;     use A4G.A_Types;
51with Types;           use Types;
53package  A4G.Unit_Rec is
55   --  See A4G.Contt (spec) and A4G.Contt.UT for the complete documentation of
56   --  the Compilation Units processing in ASIS.
58   --  !!! Documentation should be put in order later!!!
60   ---------------------------------
61   -- Unit_Record type definition --
62   ---------------------------------
64   type Unit_Record is record -- the field should be commented also here!!!
66      --------------------------------
67      -- Fields for Unit Name Table --
68      --------------------------------
70      Ada_Name_Chars_Index      : Int;
71      Norm_Ada_Name_Chars_Index : Int;
72      File_Name_Chars_Index     : Int;
73      Ref_Name_Chars_Index      : Int;
74      --  Starting locations of characters in the Name_Chars table minus
75      --  one (i.e. pointer to character just before first character). The
76      --  reason for the bias of one is that indexes in Name_Buffer are
77      --  one's origin, so this avoids unnecessary adds and subtracts of 1.
79      Ada_Name_Len      : Short;
80      Norm_Ada_Name_Len : Short;
81      File_Name_Len     : Short;
82      Ref_Name_Len      : Short;
83      --  Lengths of the names in characters
85      --  We keep separate starting locations and separate lengths
86      --  for each "column" of Unit Name Table, but all the actual
87      --  strings are stored in the same Name_Chars table
89      Hash_Link : Unit_Id;
90      --  Link to next entry in names table for same hash code
92      -----------------------------------------------
93      -- Fields for Black-Box Unit Name Attributes --
94      -----------------------------------------------
96      Top               : Node_Id;
97      --  ??? Do we really need it?
98      --  This field is used only during the tree investigation,
99      --  and it is used only for the Units contained in this tree,
100      --  which have been known to ASIS before (the aim is to optimize
101      --  the tree investigation by eliminating the need to compute
102      --  the top node for the these Units). Tree swapping makes
103      --  the values of these fields obsolete, and we do not want
104      --  to keep them valid after investigating the tree. Instead,
105      --  if we need the top node corresponding to some Unit during
106      --  processing of some ASIS query, we compute it, and this
107      --  computation includes, if the Unit may be processed on the
108      --  base of the currently accessed tree, resetting this
109      --  tree, if necessary, and finding out the corresponding
110      --  N_Compuilation_Unit node in this tree.
112      Kind              : Asis.Unit_Kinds;
113      Class             : Asis.Unit_Classes;
114      Origin            : Asis.Unit_Origins;
115      Main_Unit         : Boolean;
116      Is_Body_Required  : Boolean;
117      Time_Stamp        : Time_Stamp_Type;
119      Is_Consistent     : Boolean;
121      Source_File_Status : Source_File_Statuses;
123      Full_View_Trees    : Elist_Id;
124      Limited_View_Trees : Elist_Id;
125      --  The lists of the trees in which the subtree for a given Unit is
126      --  contained, all these trees are consistent in the sense, that all of
127      --  them correspond to the same, latest version of unit's source. The
128      --  first list contains trees that contain full view of the unit, the
129      --  second contains trees that contain only limited views of the unit.
131      Main_Tree : Tree_Id;
132      --  The tree for which the given unit is a main unit. If there is no
133      --  tree for which the unit is the main unit, this field set to
134      --  Nil_Tree_Id
136      --------------------------------------
137      -- Fields for Semantic Dependencies --
138      --------------------------------------
140      Ancestors           : Elist_Id;
141      Descendants         : Elist_Id;
142      Direct_Supporters   : Elist_Id;
143      Supporters          : Elist_Id;
144      Implicit_Supporters : Elist_Id;
145      Direct_Dependents   : Elist_Id;
146      Dependents          : Elist_Id;
147      Subunits_Or_Childs  : Elist_Id;
149      Compilation_Dependencies : Elist_Id;
151      Subunits_Computed   : Boolean;
153      --  The meaning of these lists completely corresponds to the values
154      --  of the Asis.Unit_Kinds.Relation_Kinds type, represented by its
155      --  literals with the same names.
156      --  SHOULD BE REVISED! For example, for subunits it may make sense
157      --  to use Ancestors for parent bodies, and it would make sense
158      --  for bodies to use Descendants for subunits.
159      --
160      --  All these fields are either non-empty unit lists, or equal to
161      --  No_List, the latter case correspond to the situation, when
162      --  the corresponding dependency list is empty (???).
164      --  it would be nice to get rid of Direct_Supporters and of
165      --  Direct_Dependants as of ill-defined notions (they are not
166      --  defined in RM95, opposite to Supporters and Dependents
168      --  We may need Implicit_Supporters for
169      --  Asis.Compilation_Units.Elaboration_Order query
171      --  Subunits_Computed indicates if for a given parent body all its
172      --  subunits have already been computed (as a result of a Compilation
173      --  Unit semantic query). Computing subunits include allocating
174      --  nonexistent units for missed subunits.
176      --  Do we really need the list for Ancestors? We can easy compute
177      --  ancestors by stripping out selectors in normalized unit names.
179      --  OPEN PROBLEMS with ASIS 95 definition
180      --  =====================================
182      --  1. RM95 says 10.1.1(9):
183      --       A library unit is a program unit that is declared by a
184      --       library_item. When a program unit is a library unit, the
185      --       prefix "library" is used to refer to it (or "generic
186      --       library" if generic), as well as to its declaration and
187      --       body, as in "library procedure", "library package_body",
188      --       or "generic library package". The term compilation unit
189      --       is used to refer to a compilation_unit.  When the meaning
190      --       is clear from context, the term is also used to refer to
191      --       the library_item of a compilation_unit or to the proper_body
192      --       of a subunit (that is, the compilation_unit without the
193      --       context_clause and the separate (parent_unit_name)).
194      --
195      --     And AARM adds in 10.1.1(9.d):
196      --       We like to use the word "unit" for declaration-plus-body
197      --       things, and "item" for declaration or body separately
198      --       (as in declarative_item). The terms "compilation_unit",
199      --       "compilation unit" and "subunit" are exceptions to this rule.
200      --
201      --     RM95 says 10.1.1(10):
202      --       The parent declaration of a library_item (and of the library
203      --       unit) is the declaration denoted by the parent_unit_name, if
204      --       any, of the defining_program_unit_name of the library_item.
205      --       If there is no parent_unit_name, the parent declaration is
206      --       the declaration of Standard, the library_item is a root
207      --       library_item, and the library unit (renaming) is a root
208      --       library unit (renaming).  The declaration and body of
209      --       Standard itself have no parent declaration.  The parent unit
210      --       of a library_item or library unit is the library unit
211      --       declared by its parent declaration.
212      --
213      --     And AARM adds in 10.1.1(10.d):
214      --       Library units ... have "parent declarations" [which are
215      --       *compilation* units] and "parent units" [spec + body].
216      --       We didn't bother to define the other possibilities: parent
217      --       body of a library unit, parent declaration of a subunit,
218      --       parent unit of a subunit. These are not needed...
219      --
220      --     RM95 says 10.1.1(11):
221      --       The children of a library unit occur immediately within the
222      --       declarative region of the declaration of the library unit.
223      --       The ancestors of a library unit are itself, its parent, its
224      --       parent's parent, and so on.  (Standard is an ancestor of
225      --       every library unit.)  The descendant relation is the inverse
226      --       of the ancestor relation.
227      --
228      --     AARM adds (10.1.1(11.b):
229      --       We use the unadorned term "ancestors" here to concisely
230      --       define both "ancestor unit" and "ancestor declaration"
231      --
232      --     THE QUESTION IS: what do the *ASIS* notions of ancestors
233      --       and descendants mean - do they mean "ancestor (descendant)
234      --       unit" or "ancestor (descendant) declaration"?
235      --
236      --     THE "WORKING" SOLUTION: now *in ASIS* "ancestor" means
237      --       "ancestor declaration", and "descendant" means "descendant
238      --       unit". (Is it really a good decision, if the Descendants
239      --       relation is defined by ASIS as the inverse of the ancestor
240      --       relation? From the other side, this looks quite natural from
241      --       the application viewpoint: if we are asking about ancestors,
242      --       we are very likely interested in declarations, but not
243      --       bodies,, and when we are asking about descendants, we are
244      --       very likely interested in *all* (compilation units which are)
245      --       the descendants.
246      --
247      --       (Moreover, the query
248      --       Asis.Compilation_Units.Corresponding_Children has only
249      --       *declarations* as appropriate argument unit kinds, and it
250      --       returns declarations *and bodies (if any)*
252   end record;
254end A4G.Unit_Rec;