2{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}  -- see exprToPattern
4{-| The concrete syntax is a raw representation of the program text
5    without any desugaring at all.  This is what the parser produces.
6    The idea is that if we figure out how to keep the concrete syntax
7    around, it can be printed exactly as the user wrote it.
9module Agda.Syntax.Concrete
10  ( -- * Expressions
11    Expr(..)
12  , OpApp(..), fromOrdinary
13  , OpAppArgs, OpAppArgs'
14  , module Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name
15  , AppView(..), appView, unAppView
16  , rawApp, rawAppP
17  , isSingleIdentifierP, removeParenP
18  , isPattern, isAbsurdP, isBinderP
19  , exprToPatternWithHoles
20  , returnExpr
21    -- * Bindings
22  , Binder'(..)
23  , Binder
24  , mkBinder_
25  , mkBinder
26  , LamBinding
27  , LamBinding'(..)
28  , dropTypeAndModality
29  , TypedBinding
30  , TypedBinding'(..)
31  , RecordAssignment
32  , RecordAssignments
33  , FieldAssignment, FieldAssignment'(..), nameFieldA, exprFieldA
34  , ModuleAssignment(..)
35  , BoundName(..), mkBoundName_, mkBoundName
36  , TacticAttribute
37  , Telescope, Telescope1
38  , lamBindingsToTelescope
39  , makePi
40  , mkLam, mkLet, mkTLet
41    -- * Declarations
42  , RecordDirective(..)
43  , isRecordDirective
44  , RecordDirectives
45  , Declaration(..)
46  , ModuleApplication(..)
47  , TypeSignature
48  , TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock
49  , ImportDirective, Using, ImportedName
50  , Renaming, RenamingDirective, HidingDirective
51  , AsName'(..), AsName
52  , OpenShortHand(..), RewriteEqn, WithExpr
53  , LHS(..), Pattern(..), LHSCore(..)
54  , observeHiding
55  , observeRelevance
56  , observeModifiers
57  , LamClause(..)
58  , RHS, RHS'(..), WhereClause, WhereClause'(..), ExprWhere(..)
59  , DoStmt(..)
60  , Pragma(..)
61  , Module(..)
62  , ThingWithFixity(..)
63  , HoleContent, HoleContent'(..)
64  , topLevelModuleName
65  , spanAllowedBeforeModule
66  )
67  where
69import Prelude hiding (null)
71import Control.DeepSeq
73import Data.Data        ( Data )
74import Data.Functor.Identity
75import Data.Set         ( Set  )
76import Data.Text        ( Text )
77-- import Data.Traversable ( forM )
79import GHC.Generics     ( Generic )
81import Agda.Syntax.Position
82import Agda.Syntax.Common
83import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
84import Agda.Syntax.Literal
86import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name
87import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A
89import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
91import Agda.Utils.Applicative ( forA )
92import Agda.Utils.Either      ( maybeLeft )
93import Agda.Utils.Lens
94import Agda.Utils.List1       ( List1, pattern (:|) )
95import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
96import Agda.Utils.List2       ( List2, pattern List2 )
97import Agda.Utils.Null
99import Agda.Utils.Impossible
101data OpApp e
102  = SyntaxBindingLambda Range (List1 LamBinding) e
103    -- ^ An abstraction inside a special syntax declaration
104    --   (see Issue 358 why we introduce this).
105  | Ordinary e
106  deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
108fromOrdinary :: e -> OpApp e -> e
109fromOrdinary d (Ordinary e) = e
110fromOrdinary d _            = d
112data FieldAssignment' a = FieldAssignment { _nameFieldA :: Name, _exprFieldA :: a }
113  deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show, Eq)
115type FieldAssignment = FieldAssignment' Expr
117data ModuleAssignment  = ModuleAssignment
118                           { _qnameModA     :: QName
119                           , _exprModA      :: [Expr]
120                           , _importDirModA :: ImportDirective
121                           }
122  deriving (Data, Eq)
124type RecordAssignment  = Either FieldAssignment ModuleAssignment
125type RecordAssignments = [RecordAssignment]
127nameFieldA :: Lens' Name (FieldAssignment' a)
128nameFieldA f r = f (_nameFieldA r) <&> \x -> r { _nameFieldA = x }
130exprFieldA :: Lens' a (FieldAssignment' a)
131exprFieldA f r = f (_exprFieldA r) <&> \x -> r { _exprFieldA = x }
133-- UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
134--qnameModA :: Lens' QName ModuleAssignment
135--qnameModA f r = f (_qnameModA r) <&> \x -> r { _qnameModA = x }
137--exprModA :: Lens' [Expr] ModuleAssignment
138--exprModA f r = f (_exprModA r) <&> \x -> r { _exprModA = x }
140--importDirModA :: Lens' ImportDirective ModuleAssignment
141--importDirModA f r = f (_importDirModA r) <&> \x -> r { _importDirModA = x }
143-- | Concrete expressions. Should represent exactly what the user wrote.
144data Expr
145  = Ident QName                                -- ^ ex: @x@
146  | Lit Range Literal                          -- ^ ex: @1@ or @\"foo\"@
147  | QuestionMark Range (Maybe Nat)             -- ^ ex: @?@ or @{! ... !}@
148  | Underscore Range (Maybe String)            -- ^ ex: @_@ or @_A_5@
149  | RawApp Range (List2 Expr)                  -- ^ before parsing operators
150  | App Range Expr (NamedArg Expr)             -- ^ ex: @e e@, @e {e}@, or @e {x = e}@
151  | OpApp Range QName (Set A.Name) OpAppArgs   -- ^ ex: @e + e@
152                                               -- The 'QName' is possibly ambiguous,
153                                               -- but it must correspond to one of the names in the set.
154  | WithApp Range Expr [Expr]                  -- ^ ex: @e | e1 | .. | en@
155  | HiddenArg Range (Named_ Expr)              -- ^ ex: @{e}@ or @{x=e}@
156  | InstanceArg Range (Named_ Expr)            -- ^ ex: @{{e}}@ or @{{x=e}}@
157  | Lam Range (List1 LamBinding) Expr          -- ^ ex: @\\x {y} -> e@ or @\\(x:A){y:B} -> e@
158  | AbsurdLam Range Hiding                     -- ^ ex: @\\ ()@
159  | ExtendedLam Range Erased
160      (List1 LamClause)                        -- ^ ex: @\\ { p11 .. p1a -> e1 ; .. ; pn1 .. pnz -> en }@
161  | Fun Range (Arg Expr) Expr                  -- ^ ex: @e -> e@ or @.e -> e@ (NYI: @{e} -> e@)
162  | Pi Telescope1 Expr                         -- ^ ex: @(xs:e) -> e@ or @{xs:e} -> e@
163  | Rec Range RecordAssignments                -- ^ ex: @record {x = a; y = b}@, or @record { x = a; M1; M2 }@
164  | RecUpdate Range Expr [FieldAssignment]     -- ^ ex: @record e {x = a; y = b}@
165  | Let Range (List1 Declaration) (Maybe Expr) -- ^ ex: @let Ds in e@, missing body when parsing do-notation let
166  | Paren Range Expr                           -- ^ ex: @(e)@
167  | IdiomBrackets Range [Expr]                 -- ^ ex: @(| e1 | e2 | .. | en |)@ or @(|)@
168  | DoBlock Range (List1 DoStmt)               -- ^ ex: @do x <- m1; m2@
169  | Absurd Range                               -- ^ ex: @()@ or @{}@, only in patterns
170  | As Range Name Expr                         -- ^ ex: @x\@p@, only in patterns
171  | Dot Range Expr                             -- ^ ex: @.p@, only in patterns
172  | DoubleDot Range Expr                       -- ^ ex: @..A@, used for parsing @..A -> B@
173  | ETel Telescope                             -- ^ only used for printing telescopes
174  | Quote Range                                -- ^ ex: @quote@, should be applied to a name
175  | QuoteTerm Range                            -- ^ ex: @quoteTerm@, should be applied to a term
176  | Tactic Range Expr                          -- ^ ex: @\@(tactic t)@, used to declare tactic arguments
177  | Unquote Range                              -- ^ ex: @unquote@, should be applied to a term of type @Term@
178  | DontCare Expr                              -- ^ to print irrelevant things
179  | Equal Range Expr Expr                      -- ^ ex: @a = b@, used internally in the parser
180  | Ellipsis Range                             -- ^ @...@, used internally to parse patterns.
181  | Generalized Expr
182  deriving (Data, Eq)
184type OpAppArgs = OpAppArgs' Expr
185type OpAppArgs' e = [NamedArg (MaybePlaceholder (OpApp e))]
187-- | Concrete patterns. No literals in patterns at the moment.
188data Pattern
189  = IdentP QName                           -- ^ @c@ or @x@
190  | QuoteP Range                           -- ^ @quote@
191  | AppP Pattern (NamedArg Pattern)        -- ^ @p p'@ or @p {x = p'}@
192  | RawAppP Range (List2 Pattern)          -- ^ @p1..pn@ before parsing operators
193  | OpAppP Range QName (Set A.Name)
194           [NamedArg Pattern]              -- ^ eg: @p => p'@ for operator @_=>_@
195                                           -- The 'QName' is possibly
196                                           -- ambiguous, but it must
197                                           -- correspond to one of
198                                           -- the names in the set.
199  | HiddenP Range (Named_ Pattern)         -- ^ @{p}@ or @{x = p}@
200  | InstanceP Range (Named_ Pattern)       -- ^ @{{p}}@ or @{{x = p}}@
201  | ParenP Range Pattern                   -- ^ @(p)@
202  | WildP Range                            -- ^ @_@
203  | AbsurdP Range                          -- ^ @()@
204  | AsP Range Name Pattern                 -- ^ @x\@p@ unused
205  | DotP Range Expr                        -- ^ @.e@
206  | LitP Range Literal                     -- ^ @0@, @1@, etc.
207  | RecP Range [FieldAssignment' Pattern]  -- ^ @record {x = p; y = q}@
208  | EqualP Range [(Expr,Expr)]             -- ^ @i = i1@ i.e. cubical face lattice generator
209  | EllipsisP Range (Maybe Pattern)        -- ^ @...@, only as left-most pattern.
210                                           --   Second arg is @Nothing@ before expansion, and
211                                           --   @Just p@ after expanding ellipsis to @p@.
212  | WithP Range Pattern                    -- ^ @| p@, for with-patterns.
213  deriving (Data, Eq)
215data DoStmt
216  = DoBind Range Pattern Expr [LamClause]   -- ^ @p ← e where cs@
217  | DoThen Expr
218  | DoLet Range (List1 Declaration)
219  deriving (Data, Eq)
221-- | A Binder @x\@p@, the pattern is optional
222data Binder' a = Binder
223  { binderPattern :: Maybe Pattern
224  , binderName    :: a
225  } deriving (Data, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
227type Binder = Binder' BoundName
229mkBinder_ :: Name -> Binder
230mkBinder_ = mkBinder . mkBoundName_
232mkBinder :: a -> Binder' a
233mkBinder = Binder Nothing
235-- | A lambda binding is either domain free or typed.
237type LamBinding = LamBinding' TypedBinding
238data LamBinding' a
239  = DomainFree (NamedArg Binder)
240    -- ^ . @x@ or @{x}@ or @.x@ or @.{x}@ or @{.x}@ or @x\@p@ or @(p)@
241  | DomainFull a
242    -- ^ . @(xs : e)@ or @{xs : e}@
243  deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
245-- | Drop type annotations and lets from bindings.
246dropTypeAndModality :: LamBinding -> [LamBinding]
247dropTypeAndModality (DomainFull (TBind _ xs _)) =
248  map (DomainFree . setModality defaultModality) $ List1.toList xs
249dropTypeAndModality (DomainFull TLet{}) = []
250dropTypeAndModality (DomainFree x) = [DomainFree $ setModality defaultModality x]
252data BoundName = BName
253  { boundName   :: Name
254  , bnameFixity :: Fixity'
255  , bnameTactic :: TacticAttribute -- From @tactic attribute
256  }
257  deriving (Data, Eq)
259type TacticAttribute = Maybe Expr
261mkBoundName_ :: Name -> BoundName
262mkBoundName_ x = mkBoundName x noFixity'
264mkBoundName :: Name -> Fixity' -> BoundName
265mkBoundName x f = BName x f Nothing
267-- | A typed binding.
269type TypedBinding = TypedBinding' Expr
271data TypedBinding' e
272  = TBind Range (List1 (NamedArg Binder)) e
273    -- ^ Binding @(x1\@p1 ... xn\@pn : A)@.
274  | TLet  Range (List1 Declaration)
275    -- ^ Let binding @(let Ds)@ or @(open M args)@.
276  deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
278-- | A telescope is a sequence of typed bindings. Bound variables are in scope
279--   in later types.
280type Telescope1 = List1 TypedBinding
281type Telescope  = [TypedBinding]
283-- | We can try to get a @Telescope@ from a @[LamBinding]@.
284--   If we have a type annotation already, we're happy.
285--   Otherwise we manufacture a binder with an underscore for the type.
286lamBindingsToTelescope :: Range -> [LamBinding] -> Telescope
287lamBindingsToTelescope r = fmap $ \case
288  DomainFull ty -> ty
289  DomainFree nm -> TBind r (List1.singleton nm) $ Underscore r Nothing
291-- | Smart constructor for @Pi@: check whether the @Telescope@ is empty
293makePi :: Telescope -> Expr -> Expr
294makePi []     = id
295makePi (b:bs) = Pi (b :| bs)
297-- | Smart constructor for @Lam@: check for non-zero bindings.
299mkLam :: Range -> [LamBinding] -> Expr -> Expr
300mkLam r []     e = e
301mkLam r (x:xs) e = Lam r (x :| xs) e
303-- | Smart constructor for @Let@: check for non-zero let bindings.
305mkLet :: Range -> [Declaration] -> Expr -> Expr
306mkLet r []     e = e
307mkLet r (d:ds) e = Let r (d :| ds) (Just e)
309-- | Smart constructor for @TLet@: check for non-zero let bindings.
311mkTLet :: Range -> [Declaration] -> Maybe (TypedBinding' e)
312mkTLet r []     = Nothing
313mkTLet r (d:ds) = Just $ TLet r (d :| ds)
315{-| Left hand sides can be written in infix style. For example:
317    > n + suc m = suc (n + m)
318    > (f ∘ g) x = f (g x)
320   We use fixity information to see which name is actually defined.
322data LHS = LHS  -- ^ Original pattern (including with-patterns), rewrite equations and with-expressions.
323  { lhsOriginalPattern :: Pattern
324    -- ^ e.g. @f ps | wps@
325  , lhsRewriteEqn      :: [RewriteEqn]
326    -- ^ @(rewrite e | with p <- e in eq)@ (many)
327  , lhsWithExpr        :: [WithExpr]
328    -- ^ @with e1 in eq | {e2} | ...@ (many)
329  }
330  deriving (Data, Eq)
332type RewriteEqn = RewriteEqn' () Name Pattern Expr
333type WithExpr   = Named Name (Arg Expr)
335-- | Processed (operator-parsed) intermediate form of the core @f ps@ of 'LHS'.
336--   Corresponds to 'lhsOriginalPattern'.
337data LHSCore
338  = LHSHead  { lhsDefName      :: QName               -- ^ @f@
339             , lhsPats         :: [NamedArg Pattern]  -- ^ @ps@
340             }
341  | LHSProj  { lhsDestructor   :: QName               -- ^ Record projection.
342             , lhsPatsLeft     :: [NamedArg Pattern]  -- ^ Patterns for record indices (currently none).
343             , lhsFocus        :: NamedArg LHSCore    -- ^ Main argument.
344             , lhsPats         :: [NamedArg Pattern]  -- ^ More application patterns.
345             }
346  | LHSWith  { lhsHead         :: LHSCore
347             , lhsWithPatterns :: [Pattern]          -- ^ Non-empty; at least one @(| p)@.
348             , lhsPats         :: [NamedArg Pattern] -- ^ More application patterns.
349             }
350  | LHSEllipsis
351             { lhsEllipsisRange :: Range
352             , lhsEllipsisPat   :: LHSCore           -- ^ Pattern that was expanded from an ellipsis @...@.
353             }
354  deriving (Data, Eq)
356type RHS = RHS' Expr
357data RHS' e
358  = AbsurdRHS -- ^ No right hand side because of absurd match.
359  | RHS e
360  deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
362-- | @where@ block following a clause.
363type WhereClause = WhereClause' [Declaration]
365-- The generalization @WhereClause'@ is for the sake of Concrete.Generic.
366data WhereClause' decls
367  = NoWhere
368      -- ^ No @where@ clauses.
369  | AnyWhere Range decls
370      -- ^ Ordinary @where@.  'Range' of the @where@ keyword.
371      --   List of declarations can be empty.
372  | SomeWhere Range Name Access decls
373      -- ^ Named where: @module M where ds@.
374      --   'Range' of the keywords @module@ and @where@.
375      --   The 'Access' flag applies to the 'Name' (not the module contents!)
376      --   and is propagated from the parent function.
377      --   List of declarations can be empty.
378  deriving (Data, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
380data LamClause = LamClause
381  { lamLHS      :: [Pattern]   -- ^ Possibly empty sequence.
382  , lamRHS      :: RHS
383  , lamCatchAll :: Bool
384  }
385  deriving (Data, Eq)
387-- | An expression followed by a where clause.
388--   Currently only used to give better a better error message in interaction.
389data ExprWhere = ExprWhere Expr WhereClause
391-- | The things you are allowed to say when you shuffle names between name
392--   spaces (i.e. in @import@, @namespace@, or @open@ declarations).
393type ImportDirective = ImportDirective' Name Name
394type Using           = Using'           Name Name
395type Renaming        = Renaming'        Name Name
396type RenamingDirective = RenamingDirective' Name Name
397type HidingDirective   = HidingDirective'   Name Name  -- 'Hiding' is already taken
399-- | An imported name can be a module or a defined name.
400type ImportedName = ImportedName' Name Name
402-- | The content of the @as@-clause of the import statement.
403data AsName' a = AsName
404  { asName  :: a
405    -- ^ The \"as\" name.
406  , asRange :: Range
407    -- ^ The range of the \"as\" keyword.  Retained for highlighting purposes.
408  }
409  deriving (Data, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
411-- | From the parser, we get an expression for the @as@-'Name', which
412--   we have to parse into a 'Name'.
413type AsName = AsName' (Either Expr Name)
416    Declarations
417 --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
419-- | Just type signatures.
420type TypeSignature = Declaration
422-- | Just field signatures
423type FieldSignature = Declaration
425-- | Just type signatures or instance blocks.
426type TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock = Declaration
428-- | Isolated record directives parsed as Declarations
429data RecordDirective
430   = Induction (Ranged Induction)
431       -- ^ Range of keyword @[co]inductive@.
432   | Constructor Name IsInstance
433   | Eta         (Ranged HasEta0)
434       -- ^ Range of @[no-]eta-equality@ keyword.
435   | PatternOrCopattern Range
436       -- ^ If declaration @pattern@ is present, give its range.
437   deriving (Data,Eq,Show)
439type RecordDirectives = RecordDirectives' (Name, IsInstance)
441{-| The representation type of a declaration. The comments indicate
442    which type in the intended family the constructor targets.
445data Declaration
446  = TypeSig ArgInfo TacticAttribute Name Expr
447  | FieldSig IsInstance TacticAttribute Name (Arg Expr)
448  -- ^ Axioms and functions can be irrelevant. (Hiding should be NotHidden)
449  | Generalize Range [TypeSignature] -- ^ Variables to be generalized, can be hidden and/or irrelevant.
450  | Field Range [FieldSignature]
451  | FunClause LHS RHS WhereClause Bool
452  | DataSig     Range Name [LamBinding] Expr -- ^ lone data signature in mutual block
453  | Data        Range Name [LamBinding] Expr [TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock]
454  | DataDef     Range Name [LamBinding] [TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock]
455  | RecordSig   Range Name [LamBinding] Expr -- ^ lone record signature in mutual block
456  | RecordDef   Range Name RecordDirectives [LamBinding] [Declaration]
457  | Record      Range Name RecordDirectives [LamBinding] Expr [Declaration]
458  | RecordDirective RecordDirective -- ^ Should not survive beyond the parser
459  | Infix Fixity (List1 Name)
460  | Syntax      Name Notation -- ^ notation declaration for a name
461  | PatternSyn  Range Name [Arg Name] Pattern
462  | Mutual      Range [Declaration]  -- @Range@ of the whole @mutual@ block.
463  | InterleavedMutual Range [Declaration]
464  | Abstract    Range [Declaration]
465  | Private     Range Origin [Declaration]
466    -- ^ In "Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Definitions" we generate private blocks
467    --   temporarily, which should be treated different that user-declared
468    --   private blocks.  Thus the 'Origin'.
469  | InstanceB   Range [Declaration]
470    -- ^ The 'Range' here (exceptionally) only refers to the range of the
471    --   @instance@ keyword.  The range of the whole block @InstanceB r ds@
472    --   is @fuseRange r ds@.
473  | LoneConstructor Range [Declaration]
474  | Macro       Range [Declaration]
475  | Postulate   Range [TypeSignatureOrInstanceBlock]
476  | Primitive   Range [TypeSignature]
477  | Open        Range QName ImportDirective
478  | Import      Range QName (Maybe AsName) !OpenShortHand ImportDirective
479  | ModuleMacro Range  Name ModuleApplication !OpenShortHand ImportDirective
480  | Module      Range QName Telescope [Declaration]
481  | UnquoteDecl Range [Name] Expr
482  | UnquoteDef  Range [Name] Expr
483  | Pragma      Pragma
484  deriving (Data, Eq)
486-- | Extract a record directive
487isRecordDirective :: Declaration -> Maybe RecordDirective
488isRecordDirective (RecordDirective r) = Just r
489isRecordDirective (InstanceB r [RecordDirective (Constructor n p)]) = Just (Constructor n (InstanceDef r))
490isRecordDirective _ = Nothing
492data ModuleApplication
493  = SectionApp Range Telescope Expr
494    -- ^ @tel. M args@
495  | RecordModuleInstance Range QName
496    -- ^ @M {{...}}@
497  deriving (Data, Eq)
499data OpenShortHand = DoOpen | DontOpen
500  deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Generic)
502-- Pragmas ----------------------------------------------------------------
504data Pragma
505  = OptionsPragma             Range [String]
506  | BuiltinPragma             Range RString QName
507  | RewritePragma             Range Range [QName]        -- ^ Second Range is for REWRITE keyword.
508  | ForeignPragma             Range RString String       -- ^ first string is backend name
509  | CompilePragma             Range RString QName String -- ^ first string is backend name
510  | StaticPragma              Range QName
511  | InlinePragma              Range Bool QName  -- ^ INLINE or NOINLINE
513  | ImpossiblePragma          Range [String]
514    -- ^ Throws an internal error in the scope checker.
515    --   The 'String's are words to be displayed with the error.
516  | EtaPragma                 Range QName
517    -- ^ For coinductive records, use pragma instead of regular
518    --   @eta-equality@ definition (as it is might make Agda loop).
519  | WarningOnUsage            Range QName Text
520    -- ^ Applies to the named function
521  | WarningOnImport           Range Text
522    -- ^ Applies to the current module
523  | InjectivePragma           Range QName
524    -- ^ Mark a definition as injective for the pattern matching unifier.
525  | DisplayPragma             Range Pattern Expr
526    -- ^ Display lhs as rhs (modifies the printer).
528  -- Attached (more or less) pragmas handled in the nicifier (Concrete.Definitions):
529  | CatchallPragma            Range
530    -- ^ Applies to the following function clause.
531  | TerminationCheckPragma    Range (TerminationCheck Name)
532    -- ^ Applies to the following function (and all that are mutually recursive with it)
533    --   or to the functions in the following mutual block.
534  | NoCoverageCheckPragma     Range
535    -- ^ Applies to the following function (and all that are mutually recursive with it)
536    --   or to the functions in the following mutual block.
537  | NoPositivityCheckPragma   Range
538    -- ^ Applies to the following data/record type or mutual block.
539  | PolarityPragma            Range Name [Occurrence]
540  | NoUniverseCheckPragma     Range
541    -- ^ Applies to the following data/record type.
542  deriving (Data, Eq)
546-- | Modules: Top-level pragmas plus other top-level declarations.
548data Module = Mod
549  { modPragmas :: [Pragma]
550  , modDecls   :: [Declaration]
551  }
553-- | Computes the top-level module name.
555-- Precondition: The 'Module' has to be well-formed.
556-- This means that there are only allowed declarations before the
557-- first module declaration, typically import declarations.
558-- See 'spanAllowedBeforeModule'.
560topLevelModuleName :: Module -> TopLevelModuleName
561topLevelModuleName (Mod _ []) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
562topLevelModuleName (Mod _ ds) = case spanAllowedBeforeModule ds of
563  (_, Module _ n _ _ : _) -> toTopLevelModuleName n
564  _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
566-- | Splits off allowed (= import) declarations before the first
567--   non-allowed declaration.
568--   After successful parsing, the first non-allowed declaration
569--   should be a module declaration.
570spanAllowedBeforeModule :: [Declaration] -> ([Declaration], [Declaration])
571spanAllowedBeforeModule = span isAllowedBeforeModule
572  where
573    isAllowedBeforeModule (Pragma OptionsPragma{}) = True
574    isAllowedBeforeModule (Pragma BuiltinPragma{}) = True
575    isAllowedBeforeModule (Private _ _ ds) = all isAllowedBeforeModule ds
576    isAllowedBeforeModule Import{}       = True
577    isAllowedBeforeModule ModuleMacro{}  = True
578    isAllowedBeforeModule Open{}         = True
579    isAllowedBeforeModule _              = False
582    Things we parse but are not part of the Agda file syntax
583 --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
585-- | Extended content of an interaction hole.
586data HoleContent' qn nm p e
587  = HoleContentExpr    e                       -- ^ @e@
588  | HoleContentRewrite [RewriteEqn' qn nm p e] -- ^ @(rewrite | invert) e0 | ... | en@
589  deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
591type HoleContent = HoleContent' () Name Pattern Expr
594-- * Smart constructors
597rawApp :: List1 Expr -> Expr
598rawApp es@(e1 :| e2 : rest) = RawApp (getRange es) $ List2 e1 e2 rest
599rawApp (e :| []) = e
601rawAppP :: List1 Pattern -> Pattern
602rawAppP ps@(p1 :| p2 : rest) = RawAppP (getRange ps) $ List2 p1 p2 rest
603rawAppP (p :| []) = p
607 --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
609-- | The 'Expr' is not an application.
610data AppView = AppView Expr [NamedArg Expr]
612appView :: Expr -> AppView
613appView = \case
614    App r e1 e2      -> vApp (appView e1) e2
615    RawApp _ (List2 e1 e2 es)
616                     -> AppView e1 $ map arg (e2:es)
617    e                -> AppView e []
618  where
619    vApp (AppView e es) arg = AppView e (es ++ [arg])
621    arg (HiddenArg   _ e) = hide         $ defaultArg e
622    arg (InstanceArg _ e) = makeInstance $ defaultArg e
623    arg e                 = defaultArg (unnamed e)
625unAppView :: AppView -> Expr
626unAppView (AppView e nargs) = rawApp (e :| map unNamedArg nargs)
628  where
629    unNamedArg narg = ($ unArg narg) $ case getHiding narg of
630      Hidden     -> HiddenArg (getRange narg)
631      NotHidden  -> namedThing
632      Instance{} -> InstanceArg (getRange narg)
634isSingleIdentifierP :: Pattern -> Maybe Name
635isSingleIdentifierP = \case
636  IdentP (QName x) -> Just x
637  WildP r          -> Just $ noName r
638  ParenP _ p       -> isSingleIdentifierP p
639  _                -> Nothing
641removeParenP :: Pattern -> Pattern
642removeParenP = \case
643    ParenP _ p -> removeParenP p
644    p -> p
646-- | Observe the hiding status of an expression
647observeHiding :: Expr -> WithHiding Expr
648observeHiding = \case
649  HiddenArg _   (Named Nothing e) -> WithHiding Hidden e
650  InstanceArg _ (Named Nothing e) -> WithHiding (Instance NoOverlap) e
651  e                               -> WithHiding NotHidden e
653-- | Observe the relevance status of an expression
654observeRelevance :: Expr -> (Relevance, Expr)
655observeRelevance = \case
656  Dot _ e       -> (Irrelevant, e)
657  DoubleDot _ e -> (NonStrict, e)
658  e             -> (Relevant, e)
660-- | Observe various modifiers applied to an expression
661observeModifiers :: Expr -> Arg Expr
662observeModifiers e =
663  let (rel, WithHiding hid e') = fmap observeHiding (observeRelevance e) in
664  setRelevance rel $ setHiding hid $ defaultArg e'
666returnExpr :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
667returnExpr (Pi _ e)        = returnExpr e
668returnExpr (Fun _ _  e)    = returnExpr e
669returnExpr (Let _ _ e)     = returnExpr =<< e
670returnExpr (Paren _ e)     = returnExpr e
671returnExpr (Generalized e) = returnExpr e
672returnExpr e               = pure e
674-- | Turn an expression into a pattern. Fails if the expression is not a
675--   valid pattern.
677isPattern :: Expr -> Maybe Pattern
678isPattern = exprToPattern (const Nothing)
680-- | Turn an expression into a pattern, turning non-pattern subexpressions into 'WildP'.
682exprToPatternWithHoles :: Expr -> Pattern
683exprToPatternWithHoles = runIdentity . exprToPattern (Identity . WildP . getRange)
685-- | Generic expression to pattern conversion.
687exprToPattern :: Applicative m
688  => (Expr -> m Pattern)  -- ^ Default result for non-pattern things.
689  -> Expr                 -- ^ The expression to translate.
690  -> m Pattern            -- ^ The translated pattern (maybe).
691exprToPattern fallback = loop
692  where
693  loop = \case
694    Ident       x        -> pure $ IdentP x
695    App         _ e1 e2  -> AppP <$> loop e1 <*> traverse (traverse loop) e2
696    Paren       r e      -> ParenP r <$> loop e
697    Underscore  r _      -> pure $ WildP r
698    Absurd      r        -> pure $ AbsurdP r
699    As          r x e    -> pushUnderBracesP r (AsP r x) <$> loop e
700    Dot         r e      -> pure $ pushUnderBracesE r (DotP r) e
701    -- Wen, 2020-08-27: We disallow Float patterns, since equality for floating
702    -- point numbers is not stable across architectures and with different
703    -- compiler flags.
704    e@(Lit _ LitFloat{}) -> fallback e
705    Lit         r l      -> pure $ LitP r l
706    HiddenArg   r e      -> HiddenP   r <$> traverse loop e
707    InstanceArg r e      -> InstanceP r <$> traverse loop e
708    RawApp      r es     -> RawAppP   r <$> traverse loop es
709    Quote       r        -> pure $ QuoteP r
710    Equal       r e1 e2  -> pure $ EqualP r [(e1, e2)]
711    Ellipsis    r        -> pure $ EllipsisP r Nothing
712    e@(Rec r es)
713        -- We cannot translate record expressions with module parts.
714      | Just fs <- mapM maybeLeft es -> RecP r <$> traverse (traverse loop) fs
715      | otherwise -> fallback e
716    -- WithApp has already lost the range information of the bars '|'
717    WithApp     r e es   -> do -- ApplicativeDo
718      p  <- loop e
719      ps <- forA es $ \ e -> do -- ApplicativeDo
720        p <- loop e
721        pure $ defaultNamedArg $ WithP (getRange e) p   -- TODO #2822: Range!
722      pure $ foldl AppP p ps
723    e -> fallback e
725  pushUnderBracesP :: Range -> (Pattern -> Pattern) -> (Pattern -> Pattern)
726  pushUnderBracesP r f = \case
727    HiddenP   _ p   -> HiddenP   r $ fmap f p
728    InstanceP _ p   -> InstanceP r $ fmap f p
729    p               -> f p
731  pushUnderBracesE :: Range -> (Expr -> Pattern) -> (Expr -> Pattern)
732  pushUnderBracesE r f = \case
733    HiddenArg   _ p -> HiddenP   r $ fmap f p
734    InstanceArg _ p -> InstanceP r $ fmap f p
735    p               -> f p
737isAbsurdP :: Pattern -> Maybe (Range, Hiding)
738isAbsurdP = \case
739  AbsurdP r      -> pure (r, NotHidden)
740  AsP _ _      p -> isAbsurdP p
741  ParenP _     p -> isAbsurdP p
742  HiddenP   _ np -> (Hidden <$)              <$> isAbsurdP (namedThing np)
743  InstanceP _ np -> (Instance YesOverlap <$) <$> isAbsurdP (namedThing np)
744  _ -> Nothing
746isBinderP :: Pattern -> Maybe Binder
747isBinderP = \case
748  IdentP qn  -> mkBinder_ <$> isUnqualified qn
749  WildP r    -> pure $ mkBinder_ $ setRange r simpleHole
750  AsP r n p  -> pure $ Binder (Just p) $ mkBoundName_ n
751  ParenP r p -> pure $ Binder (Just p) $ mkBoundName_ $ setRange r simpleHole
752  _ -> Nothing
755    Instances
756 --------------------------------------------------------------------------}
758-- Null
761-- | A 'WhereClause' is 'null' when the @where@ keyword is absent.
762--   An empty list of declarations does not count as 'null' here.
764instance Null (WhereClause' a) where
765  empty = NoWhere
766  null NoWhere = True
767  null AnyWhere{} = False
768  null SomeWhere{} = False
770-- Lenses
773instance LensHiding LamBinding where
774  getHiding   (DomainFree x) = getHiding x
775  getHiding   (DomainFull a) = getHiding a
776  mapHiding f (DomainFree x) = DomainFree $ mapHiding f x
777  mapHiding f (DomainFull a) = DomainFull $ mapHiding f a
779instance LensHiding TypedBinding where
780  getHiding (TBind _ (x :| _) _) = getHiding x   -- Slightly dubious
781  getHiding TLet{}              = mempty
782  mapHiding f (TBind r xs e) = TBind r (fmap (mapHiding f) xs) e
783  mapHiding f b@TLet{}       = b
785instance LensRelevance TypedBinding where
786  getRelevance (TBind _ (x :|_) _) = getRelevance x   -- Slightly dubious
787  getRelevance TLet{}              = unitRelevance
788  mapRelevance f (TBind r xs e) = TBind r (fmap (mapRelevance f) xs) e
789  mapRelevance f b@TLet{}       = b
791-- HasRange instances
794instance HasRange e => HasRange (OpApp e) where
795  getRange = \case
796    Ordinary e -> getRange e
797    SyntaxBindingLambda r _ _ -> r
799instance HasRange Expr where
800  getRange = \case
801      Ident x            -> getRange x
802      Lit r _            -> r
803      QuestionMark r _   -> r
804      Underscore r _     -> r
805      App r _ _          -> r
806      RawApp r _         -> r
807      OpApp r _ _ _      -> r
808      WithApp r _ _      -> r
809      Lam r _ _          -> r
810      AbsurdLam r _      -> r
811      ExtendedLam r _ _  -> r
812      Fun r _ _          -> r
813      Pi b e             -> fuseRange b e
814      Let r _ _          -> r
815      Paren r _          -> r
816      IdiomBrackets r _  -> r
817      DoBlock r _        -> r
818      As r _ _           -> r
819      Dot r _            -> r
820      DoubleDot r _      -> r
821      Absurd r           -> r
822      HiddenArg r _      -> r
823      InstanceArg r _    -> r
824      Rec r _            -> r
825      RecUpdate r _ _    -> r
826      ETel tel           -> getRange tel
827      Quote r            -> r
828      QuoteTerm r        -> r
829      Unquote r          -> r
830      Tactic r _         -> r
831      DontCare{}         -> noRange
832      Equal r _ _        -> r
833      Ellipsis r         -> r
834      Generalized e      -> getRange e
836-- instance HasRange Telescope where
837--     getRange (TeleBind bs) = getRange bs
838--     getRange (TeleFun x y) = fuseRange x y
840instance HasRange Binder where
841  getRange (Binder a b) = fuseRange a b
843instance HasRange TypedBinding where
844  getRange (TBind r _ _) = r
845  getRange (TLet r _)    = r
847instance HasRange LamBinding where
848  getRange (DomainFree x) = getRange x
849  getRange (DomainFull b) = getRange b
851instance HasRange BoundName where
852  getRange = getRange . boundName
854instance HasRange WhereClause where
855  getRange  NoWhere             = noRange
856  getRange (AnyWhere r ds)      = getRange (r, ds)
857  getRange (SomeWhere r x _ ds) = getRange (r, x, ds)
859instance HasRange ModuleApplication where
860  getRange (SectionApp r _ _) = r
861  getRange (RecordModuleInstance r _) = r
863instance HasRange a => HasRange (FieldAssignment' a) where
864  getRange (FieldAssignment a b) = fuseRange a b
866instance HasRange ModuleAssignment where
867  getRange (ModuleAssignment a b c) = fuseRange a b `fuseRange` c
869instance HasRange RecordDirective where
870  getRange (Induction a)          = getRange a
871  getRange (Eta a    )            = getRange a
872  getRange (Constructor a b)      = getRange (a, b)
873  getRange (PatternOrCopattern r) = r
875instance HasRange Declaration where
876  getRange (TypeSig _ _ x t)       = fuseRange x t
877  getRange (FieldSig _ _ x t)      = fuseRange x t
878  getRange (Field r _)             = r
879  getRange (FunClause lhs rhs wh _) = fuseRange lhs rhs `fuseRange` wh
880  getRange (DataSig r _ _ _)       = r
881  getRange (Data r _ _ _ _)        = r
882  getRange (DataDef r _ _ _)       = r
883  getRange (RecordSig r _ _ _)     = r
884  getRange (RecordDef r _ _ _ _)   = r
885  getRange (Record r _ _ _ _ _)    = r
886  getRange (RecordDirective r)     = getRange r
887  getRange (Mutual r _)            = r
888  getRange (InterleavedMutual r _) = r
889  getRange (LoneConstructor r _)   = r
890  getRange (Abstract r _)          = r
891  getRange (Generalize r _)        = r
892  getRange (Open r _ _)            = r
893  getRange (ModuleMacro r _ _ _ _) = r
894  getRange (Import r _ _ _ _)      = r
895  getRange (InstanceB r _)         = r
896  getRange (Macro r _)             = r
897  getRange (Private r _ _)         = r
898  getRange (Postulate r _)         = r
899  getRange (Primitive r _)         = r
900  getRange (Module r _ _ _)        = r
901  getRange (Infix f _)             = getRange f
902  getRange (Syntax n _)            = getRange n
903  getRange (PatternSyn r _ _ _)    = r
904  getRange (UnquoteDecl r _ _)     = r
905  getRange (UnquoteDef r _ _)      = r
906  getRange (Pragma p)              = getRange p
908instance HasRange LHS where
909  getRange (LHS p eqns ws) = p `fuseRange` eqns `fuseRange` ws
911instance HasRange LHSCore where
912  getRange (LHSHead f ps)              = fuseRange f ps
913  getRange (LHSProj d ps1 lhscore ps2) = d `fuseRange` ps1 `fuseRange` lhscore `fuseRange` ps2
914  getRange (LHSWith f wps ps)          = f `fuseRange` wps `fuseRange` ps
915  getRange (LHSEllipsis r p)           = r
917instance HasRange RHS where
918  getRange AbsurdRHS = noRange
919  getRange (RHS e)   = getRange e
921instance HasRange LamClause where
922  getRange (LamClause lhs rhs _) = getRange (lhs, rhs)
924instance HasRange DoStmt where
925  getRange (DoBind r _ _ _) = r
926  getRange (DoThen e)       = getRange e
927  getRange (DoLet r _)      = r
929instance HasRange Pragma where
930  getRange (OptionsPragma r _)               = r
931  getRange (BuiltinPragma r _ _)             = r
932  getRange (RewritePragma r _ _)             = r
933  getRange (CompilePragma r _ _ _)           = r
934  getRange (ForeignPragma r _ _)             = r
935  getRange (StaticPragma r _)                = r
936  getRange (InjectivePragma r _)             = r
937  getRange (InlinePragma r _ _)              = r
938  getRange (ImpossiblePragma r _)            = r
939  getRange (EtaPragma r _)                   = r
940  getRange (TerminationCheckPragma r _)      = r
941  getRange (NoCoverageCheckPragma r)         = r
942  getRange (WarningOnUsage r _ _)            = r
943  getRange (WarningOnImport r _)             = r
944  getRange (CatchallPragma r)                = r
945  getRange (DisplayPragma r _ _)             = r
946  getRange (NoPositivityCheckPragma r)       = r
947  getRange (PolarityPragma r _ _)            = r
948  getRange (NoUniverseCheckPragma r)         = r
950instance HasRange AsName where
951  getRange a = getRange (asRange a, asName a)
953instance HasRange Pattern where
954  getRange (IdentP x)         = getRange x
955  getRange (AppP p q)         = fuseRange p q
956  getRange (OpAppP r _ _ _)   = r
957  getRange (RawAppP r _)      = r
958  getRange (ParenP r _)       = r
959  getRange (WildP r)          = r
960  getRange (AsP r _ _)        = r
961  getRange (AbsurdP r)        = r
962  getRange (LitP r _)         = r
963  getRange (QuoteP r)         = r
964  getRange (HiddenP r _)      = r
965  getRange (InstanceP r _)    = r
966  getRange (DotP r _)         = r
967  getRange (RecP r _)         = r
968  getRange (EqualP r _)       = r
969  getRange (EllipsisP r _)    = r
970  getRange (WithP r _)        = r
972-- SetRange instances
975instance SetRange Pattern where
976  setRange r (IdentP x)         = IdentP (setRange r x)
977  setRange r (AppP p q)         = AppP (setRange r p) (setRange r q)
978  setRange r (OpAppP _ x ns ps) = OpAppP r x ns ps
979  setRange r (RawAppP _ ps)     = RawAppP r ps
980  setRange r (ParenP _ p)       = ParenP r p
981  setRange r (WildP _)          = WildP r
982  setRange r (AsP _ x p)        = AsP r (setRange r x) p
983  setRange r (AbsurdP _)        = AbsurdP r
984  setRange r (LitP _ l)         = LitP r l
985  setRange r (QuoteP _)         = QuoteP r
986  setRange r (HiddenP _ p)      = HiddenP r p
987  setRange r (InstanceP _ p)    = InstanceP r p
988  setRange r (DotP _ e)         = DotP r e
989  setRange r (RecP _ fs)        = RecP r fs
990  setRange r (EqualP _ es)      = EqualP r es
991  setRange r (EllipsisP _ mp)   = EllipsisP r mp
992  setRange r (WithP _ p)        = WithP r p
994instance SetRange TypedBinding where
995  setRange r (TBind _ xs e) = TBind r xs e
996  setRange r (TLet _ ds)    = TLet r ds
998-- KillRange instances
1001instance KillRange a => KillRange (FieldAssignment' a) where
1002  killRange (FieldAssignment a b) = killRange2 FieldAssignment a b
1004instance KillRange ModuleAssignment where
1005  killRange (ModuleAssignment a b c) = killRange3 ModuleAssignment a b c
1007instance KillRange AsName where
1008  killRange (AsName n _) = killRange1 (flip AsName noRange) n
1010instance KillRange Binder where
1011  killRange (Binder a b) = killRange2 Binder a b
1013instance KillRange BoundName where
1014  killRange (BName n f t) = killRange3 BName n f t
1016instance KillRange RecordDirective where
1017  killRange (Induction a)          = killRange1 Induction a
1018  killRange (Eta a    )            = killRange1 Eta a
1019  killRange (Constructor a b)      = killRange2 Constructor a b
1020  killRange (PatternOrCopattern _) = PatternOrCopattern noRange
1022instance KillRange Declaration where
1023  killRange (TypeSig i t n e)       = killRange3 (TypeSig i) t n e
1024  killRange (FieldSig i t n e)      = killRange4 FieldSig i t n e
1025  killRange (Generalize r ds )      = killRange1 (Generalize noRange) ds
1026  killRange (Field r fs)            = killRange1 (Field noRange) fs
1027  killRange (FunClause l r w ca)    = killRange4 FunClause l r w ca
1028  killRange (DataSig _ n l e)       = killRange3 (DataSig noRange) n l e
1029  killRange (Data _ n l e c)        = killRange4 (Data noRange) n l e c
1030  killRange (DataDef _ n l c)       = killRange3 (DataDef noRange) n l c
1031  killRange (RecordSig _ n l e)     = killRange3 (RecordSig noRange) n l e
1032  killRange (RecordDef _ n dir k d) = killRange4 (RecordDef noRange) n dir k d
1033  killRange (RecordDirective a)     = killRange1 RecordDirective a
1034  killRange (Record _ n dir k e d)  = killRange5 (Record noRange) n dir k e d
1035  killRange (Infix f n)             = killRange2 Infix f n
1036  killRange (Syntax n no)           = killRange1 (\n -> Syntax n no) n
1037  killRange (PatternSyn _ n ns p)   = killRange3 (PatternSyn noRange) n ns p
1038  killRange (Mutual _ d)            = killRange1 (Mutual noRange) d
1039  killRange (InterleavedMutual _ d) = killRange1 (InterleavedMutual noRange) d
1040  killRange (LoneConstructor _ d)   = killRange1 (LoneConstructor noRange) d
1041  killRange (Abstract _ d)          = killRange1 (Abstract noRange) d
1042  killRange (Private _ o d)         = killRange2 (Private noRange) o d
1043  killRange (InstanceB _ d)         = killRange1 (InstanceB noRange) d
1044  killRange (Macro _ d)             = killRange1 (Macro noRange) d
1045  killRange (Postulate _ t)         = killRange1 (Postulate noRange) t
1046  killRange (Primitive _ t)         = killRange1 (Primitive noRange) t
1047  killRange (Open _ q i)            = killRange2 (Open noRange) q i
1048  killRange (Import _ q a o i)      = killRange3 (\q a -> Import noRange q a o) q a i
1049  killRange (ModuleMacro _ n m o i) = killRange3 (\n m -> ModuleMacro noRange n m o) n m i
1050  killRange (Module _ q t d)        = killRange3 (Module noRange) q t d
1051  killRange (UnquoteDecl _ x t)     = killRange2 (UnquoteDecl noRange) x t
1052  killRange (UnquoteDef _ x t)      = killRange2 (UnquoteDef noRange) x t
1053  killRange (Pragma p)              = killRange1 Pragma p
1055instance KillRange Expr where
1056  killRange (Ident q)             = killRange1 Ident q
1057  killRange (Lit _ l)             = killRange1 (Lit noRange) l
1058  killRange (QuestionMark _ n)    = QuestionMark noRange n
1059  killRange (Underscore _ n)      = Underscore noRange n
1060  killRange (RawApp _ e)          = killRange1 (RawApp noRange) e
1061  killRange (App _ e a)           = killRange2 (App noRange) e a
1062  killRange (OpApp _ n ns o)      = killRange3 (OpApp noRange) n ns o
1063  killRange (WithApp _ e es)      = killRange2 (WithApp noRange) e es
1064  killRange (HiddenArg _ n)       = killRange1 (HiddenArg noRange) n
1065  killRange (InstanceArg _ n)     = killRange1 (InstanceArg noRange) n
1066  killRange (Lam _ l e)           = killRange2 (Lam noRange) l e
1067  killRange (AbsurdLam _ h)       = killRange1 (AbsurdLam noRange) h
1068  killRange (ExtendedLam _ e lrw) = killRange2 (ExtendedLam noRange) e lrw
1069  killRange (Fun _ e1 e2)         = killRange2 (Fun noRange) e1 e2
1070  killRange (Pi t e)              = killRange2 Pi t e
1071  killRange (Rec _ ne)            = killRange1 (Rec noRange) ne
1072  killRange (RecUpdate _ e ne)    = killRange2 (RecUpdate noRange) e ne
1073  killRange (Let _ d e)           = killRange2 (Let noRange) d e
1074  killRange (Paren _ e)           = killRange1 (Paren noRange) e
1075  killRange (IdiomBrackets _ es)  = killRange1 (IdiomBrackets noRange) es
1076  killRange (DoBlock _ ss)        = killRange1 (DoBlock noRange) ss
1077  killRange (Absurd _)            = Absurd noRange
1078  killRange (As _ n e)            = killRange2 (As noRange) n e
1079  killRange (Dot _ e)             = killRange1 (Dot noRange) e
1080  killRange (DoubleDot _ e)       = killRange1 (DoubleDot noRange) e
1081  killRange (ETel t)              = killRange1 ETel t
1082  killRange (Quote _)             = Quote noRange
1083  killRange (QuoteTerm _)         = QuoteTerm noRange
1084  killRange (Unquote _)           = Unquote noRange
1085  killRange (Tactic _ t)          = killRange1 (Tactic noRange) t
1086  killRange (DontCare e)          = killRange1 DontCare e
1087  killRange (Equal _ x y)         = Equal noRange x y
1088  killRange (Ellipsis _)          = Ellipsis noRange
1089  killRange (Generalized e)       = killRange1 Generalized e
1091instance KillRange LamBinding where
1092  killRange (DomainFree b) = killRange1 DomainFree b
1093  killRange (DomainFull t) = killRange1 DomainFull t
1095instance KillRange LHS where
1096  killRange (LHS p r w)  = killRange3 LHS p r w
1098instance KillRange LamClause where
1099  killRange (LamClause a b c) = killRange3 LamClause a b c
1101instance KillRange DoStmt where
1102  killRange (DoBind r p e w) = killRange4 DoBind r p e w
1103  killRange (DoThen e)       = killRange1 DoThen e
1104  killRange (DoLet r ds)     = killRange2 DoLet r ds
1106instance KillRange ModuleApplication where
1107  killRange (SectionApp _ t e)    = killRange2 (SectionApp noRange) t e
1108  killRange (RecordModuleInstance _ q) = killRange1 (RecordModuleInstance noRange) q
1110instance KillRange e => KillRange (OpApp e) where
1111  killRange (SyntaxBindingLambda _ l e) = killRange2 (SyntaxBindingLambda noRange) l e
1112  killRange (Ordinary e)                = killRange1 Ordinary e
1114instance KillRange Pattern where
1115  killRange (IdentP q)        = killRange1 IdentP q
1116  killRange (AppP p ps)       = killRange2 AppP p ps
1117  killRange (RawAppP _ p)     = killRange1 (RawAppP noRange) p
1118  killRange (OpAppP _ n ns p) = killRange3 (OpAppP noRange) n ns p
1119  killRange (HiddenP _ n)     = killRange1 (HiddenP noRange) n
1120  killRange (InstanceP _ n)   = killRange1 (InstanceP noRange) n
1121  killRange (ParenP _ p)      = killRange1 (ParenP noRange) p
1122  killRange (WildP _)         = WildP noRange
1123  killRange (AbsurdP _)       = AbsurdP noRange
1124  killRange (AsP _ n p)       = killRange2 (AsP noRange) n p
1125  killRange (DotP _ e)        = killRange1 (DotP noRange) e
1126  killRange (LitP _ l)        = killRange1 (LitP noRange) l
1127  killRange (QuoteP _)        = QuoteP noRange
1128  killRange (RecP _ fs)       = killRange1 (RecP noRange) fs
1129  killRange (EqualP _ es)     = killRange1 (EqualP noRange) es
1130  killRange (EllipsisP _ mp)  = killRange1 (EllipsisP noRange) mp
1131  killRange (WithP _ p)       = killRange1 (WithP noRange) p
1133instance KillRange Pragma where
1134  killRange (OptionsPragma _ s)               = OptionsPragma noRange s
1135  killRange (BuiltinPragma _ s e)             = killRange1 (BuiltinPragma noRange s) e
1136  killRange (RewritePragma _ _ qs)            = killRange1 (RewritePragma noRange noRange) qs
1137  killRange (StaticPragma _ q)                = killRange1 (StaticPragma noRange) q
1138  killRange (InjectivePragma _ q)             = killRange1 (InjectivePragma noRange) q
1139  killRange (InlinePragma _ b q)              = killRange1 (InlinePragma noRange b) q
1140  killRange (CompilePragma _ b q s)           = killRange1 (\ q -> CompilePragma noRange b q s) q
1141  killRange (ForeignPragma _ b s)             = ForeignPragma noRange b s
1142  killRange (ImpossiblePragma _ strs)         = ImpossiblePragma noRange strs
1143  killRange (TerminationCheckPragma _ t)      = TerminationCheckPragma noRange (killRange t)
1144  killRange (NoCoverageCheckPragma _)         = NoCoverageCheckPragma noRange
1145  killRange (WarningOnUsage _ nm str)         = WarningOnUsage noRange (killRange nm) str
1146  killRange (WarningOnImport _ str)           = WarningOnImport noRange str
1147  killRange (CatchallPragma _)                = CatchallPragma noRange
1148  killRange (DisplayPragma _ lhs rhs)         = killRange2 (DisplayPragma noRange) lhs rhs
1149  killRange (EtaPragma _ q)                   = killRange1 (EtaPragma noRange) q
1150  killRange (NoPositivityCheckPragma _)       = NoPositivityCheckPragma noRange
1151  killRange (PolarityPragma _ q occs)         = killRange1 (\q -> PolarityPragma noRange q occs) q
1152  killRange (NoUniverseCheckPragma _)         = NoUniverseCheckPragma noRange
1154instance KillRange RHS where
1155  killRange AbsurdRHS = AbsurdRHS
1156  killRange (RHS e)   = killRange1 RHS e
1158instance KillRange TypedBinding where
1159  killRange (TBind _ b e) = killRange2 (TBind noRange) b e
1160  killRange (TLet r ds)   = killRange2 TLet r ds
1162instance KillRange WhereClause where
1163  killRange NoWhere             = NoWhere
1164  killRange (AnyWhere r d)      = killRange1 (AnyWhere noRange) d
1165  killRange (SomeWhere r n a d) = killRange3 (SomeWhere noRange) n a d
1168-- NFData instances
1170-- | Ranges are not forced.
1172instance NFData Expr where
1173  rnf (Ident a)           = rnf a
1174  rnf (Lit _ a)           = rnf a
1175  rnf (QuestionMark _ a)  = rnf a
1176  rnf (Underscore _ a)    = rnf a
1177  rnf (RawApp _ a)        = rnf a
1178  rnf (App _ a b)         = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1179  rnf (OpApp _ a b c)     = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1180  rnf (WithApp _ a b)     = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1181  rnf (HiddenArg _ a)     = rnf a
1182  rnf (InstanceArg _ a)   = rnf a
1183  rnf (Lam _ a b)         = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1184  rnf (AbsurdLam _ a)     = rnf a
1185  rnf (ExtendedLam _ a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1186  rnf (Fun _ a b)         = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1187  rnf (Pi a b)            = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1188  rnf (Rec _ a)           = rnf a
1189  rnf (RecUpdate _ a b)   = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1190  rnf (Let _ a b)         = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1191  rnf (Paren _ a)         = rnf a
1192  rnf (IdiomBrackets _ a) = rnf a
1193  rnf (DoBlock _ a)       = rnf a
1194  rnf (Absurd _)          = ()
1195  rnf (As _ a b)          = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1196  rnf (Dot _ a)           = rnf a
1197  rnf (DoubleDot _ a)     = rnf a
1198  rnf (ETel a)            = rnf a
1199  rnf (Quote _)           = ()
1200  rnf (QuoteTerm _)       = ()
1201  rnf (Tactic _ a)        = rnf a
1202  rnf (Unquote _)         = ()
1203  rnf (DontCare a)        = rnf a
1204  rnf (Equal _ a b)       = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1205  rnf (Ellipsis _)        = ()
1206  rnf (Generalized e)     = rnf e
1208-- | Ranges are not forced.
1210instance NFData Pattern where
1211  rnf (IdentP a)       = rnf a
1212  rnf (QuoteP _)       = ()
1213  rnf (AppP a b)       = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1214  rnf (RawAppP _ a)    = rnf a
1215  rnf (OpAppP _ a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1216  rnf (HiddenP _ a)    = rnf a
1217  rnf (InstanceP _ a)  = rnf a
1218  rnf (ParenP _ a)     = rnf a
1219  rnf (WildP _)        = ()
1220  rnf (AbsurdP _)      = ()
1221  rnf (AsP _ a b)      = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1222  rnf (DotP _ a)       = rnf a
1223  rnf (LitP _ a)       = rnf a
1224  rnf (RecP _ a)       = rnf a
1225  rnf (EqualP _ es)    = rnf es
1226  rnf (EllipsisP _ mp) = rnf mp
1227  rnf (WithP _ a)      = rnf a
1229-- | Ranges are not forced.
1231instance NFData RecordDirective where
1232  rnf (Induction a)          = rnf a
1233  rnf (Eta a    )            = rnf a
1234  rnf (Constructor a b)      = rnf (a, b)
1235  rnf (PatternOrCopattern _) = ()
1237instance NFData Declaration where
1238  rnf (TypeSig a b c d)       = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d
1239  rnf (FieldSig a b c d)      = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d
1240  rnf (Generalize _ a)        = rnf a
1241  rnf (Field _ fs)            = rnf fs
1242  rnf (FunClause a b c d)     = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d
1243  rnf (DataSig _ a b c)       = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1244  rnf (Data _ a b c d)        = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d
1245  rnf (DataDef _ a b c)       = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1246  rnf (RecordSig _ a b c)     = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1247  rnf (RecordDef _ a b c d)   = rnf (a, b, c, d)
1248  rnf (Record _ a b c d e)    = rnf (a, b, c, d, e)
1249  rnf (RecordDirective a)     = rnf a
1250  rnf (Infix a b)             = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1251  rnf (Syntax a b)            = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1252  rnf (PatternSyn _ a b c)    = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1253  rnf (Mutual _ a)            = rnf a
1254  rnf (InterleavedMutual _ a) = rnf a
1255  rnf (LoneConstructor _ a)   = rnf a
1256  rnf (Abstract _ a)          = rnf a
1257  rnf (Private _ _ a)         = rnf a
1258  rnf (InstanceB _ a)         = rnf a
1259  rnf (Macro _ a)             = rnf a
1260  rnf (Postulate _ a)         = rnf a
1261  rnf (Primitive _ a)         = rnf a
1262  rnf (Open _ a b)            = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1263  rnf (Import _ a b _ c)      = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1264  rnf (ModuleMacro _ a b _ c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1265  rnf (Module _ a b c)        = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1266  rnf (UnquoteDecl _ a b)     = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1267  rnf (UnquoteDef _ a b)      = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1268  rnf (Pragma a)              = rnf a
1270instance NFData OpenShortHand
1272-- | Ranges are not forced.
1274instance NFData Pragma where
1275  rnf (OptionsPragma _ a)               = rnf a
1276  rnf (BuiltinPragma _ a b)             = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1277  rnf (RewritePragma _ _ a)             = rnf a
1278  rnf (CompilePragma _ a b c)           = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1279  rnf (ForeignPragma _ b s)             = rnf b `seq` rnf s
1280  rnf (StaticPragma _ a)                = rnf a
1281  rnf (InjectivePragma _ a)             = rnf a
1282  rnf (InlinePragma _ _ a)              = rnf a
1283  rnf (ImpossiblePragma _ a)            = rnf a
1284  rnf (EtaPragma _ a)                   = rnf a
1285  rnf (TerminationCheckPragma _ a)      = rnf a
1286  rnf (NoCoverageCheckPragma _)         = ()
1287  rnf (WarningOnUsage _ a b)            = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1288  rnf (WarningOnImport _ a)             = rnf a
1289  rnf (CatchallPragma _)                = ()
1290  rnf (DisplayPragma _ a b)             = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1291  rnf (NoPositivityCheckPragma _)       = ()
1292  rnf (PolarityPragma _ a b)            = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1293  rnf (NoUniverseCheckPragma _)         = ()
1295-- | Ranges are not forced.
1297instance NFData AsName where
1298  rnf (AsName a _) = rnf a
1300-- | Ranges are not forced.
1302instance NFData a => NFData (TypedBinding' a) where
1303  rnf (TBind _ a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1304  rnf (TLet _ a)    = rnf a
1306-- | Ranges are not forced.
1308instance NFData ModuleApplication where
1309  rnf (SectionApp _ a b)    = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1310  rnf (RecordModuleInstance _ a) = rnf a
1312-- | Ranges are not forced.
1314instance NFData a => NFData (OpApp a) where
1315  rnf (SyntaxBindingLambda _ a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1316  rnf (Ordinary a)                = rnf a
1318-- | Ranges are not forced.
1320instance NFData LHS where
1321  rnf (LHS a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1323instance NFData a => NFData (FieldAssignment' a) where
1324  rnf (FieldAssignment a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1326instance NFData ModuleAssignment where
1327  rnf (ModuleAssignment a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1329instance NFData a => NFData (WhereClause' a) where
1330  rnf NoWhere             = ()
1331  rnf (AnyWhere _ a)      = rnf a
1332  rnf (SomeWhere _ a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1334instance NFData LamClause where
1335  rnf (LamClause a b c) = rnf (a, b, c)
1337instance NFData a => NFData (LamBinding' a) where
1338  rnf (DomainFree a) = rnf a
1339  rnf (DomainFull a) = rnf a
1341instance NFData Binder where
1342  rnf (Binder a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
1344instance NFData BoundName where
1345  rnf (BName a b c) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c
1347instance NFData a => NFData (RHS' a) where
1348  rnf AbsurdRHS = ()
1349  rnf (RHS a)   = rnf a
1351instance NFData DoStmt where
1352  rnf (DoBind _ p e w) = rnf (p, e, w)
1353  rnf (DoThen e)       = rnf e
1354  rnf (DoLet _ ds)     = rnf ds