1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6  */
8 /** @file ground_vehicle.hpp Base class and functions for all vehicles that move through ground. */
13 #include "vehicle_base.h"
14 #include "vehicle_gui.h"
15 #include "landscape.h"
16 #include "window_func.h"
17 #include "widgets/vehicle_widget.h"
19 /** What is the status of our acceleration? */
20 enum AccelStatus {
21 	AS_ACCEL, ///< We want to go faster, if possible of course.
22 	AS_BRAKE, ///< We want to stop.
23 };
25 /**
26  * Cached, frequently calculated values.
27  * All of these values except cached_slope_resistance are set only for the first part of a vehicle.
28  */
29 struct GroundVehicleCache {
30 	/* Cached acceleration values, recalculated when the cargo on a vehicle changes (in addition to the conditions below) */
31 	uint32 cached_weight;           ///< Total weight of the consist (valid only for the first engine).
32 	uint32 cached_slope_resistance; ///< Resistance caused by weight when this vehicle part is at a slope.
33 	uint32 cached_max_te;           ///< Maximum tractive effort of consist (valid only for the first engine).
34 	uint16 cached_axle_resistance;  ///< Resistance caused by the axles of the vehicle (valid only for the first engine).
36 	/* Cached acceleration values, recalculated on load and each time a vehicle is added to/removed from the consist. */
37 	uint16 cached_max_track_speed;  ///< Maximum consist speed (in internal units) limited by track type (valid only for the first engine).
38 	uint32 cached_power;            ///< Total power of the consist (valid only for the first engine).
39 	uint32 cached_air_drag;         ///< Air drag coefficient of the vehicle (valid only for the first engine).
41 	/* Cached NewGRF values, recalculated on load and each time a vehicle is added to/removed from the consist. */
42 	uint16 cached_total_length;     ///< Length of the whole vehicle (valid only for the first engine).
43 	EngineID first_engine;          ///< Cached EngineID of the front vehicle. INVALID_ENGINE for the front vehicle itself.
44 	uint8 cached_veh_length;        ///< Length of this vehicle in units of 1/VEHICLE_LENGTH of normal length. It is cached because this can be set by a callback.
46 	/* Cached UI information. */
47 	uint16 last_speed;              ///< The last speed we did display, so we only have to redraw when this changes.
48 };
50 /** Ground vehicle flags. */
51 enum GroundVehicleFlags {
52 	GVF_GOINGUP_BIT              = 0,  ///< Vehicle is currently going uphill. (Cached track information for acceleration)
53 	GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT            = 1,  ///< Vehicle is currently going downhill. (Cached track information for acceleration)
54 	GVF_SUPPRESS_IMPLICIT_ORDERS = 2,  ///< Disable insertion and removal of automatic orders until the vehicle completes the real order.
55 };
57 /**
58  * Base class for all vehicles that move through ground.
59  *
60  * Child classes must define all of the following functions.
61  * These functions are not defined as pure virtual functions at this class to improve performance.
62  *
63  * virtual uint16      GetPower() const = 0;
64  * virtual uint16      GetPoweredPartPower(const T *head) const = 0;
65  * virtual uint16      GetWeight() const = 0;
66  * virtual byte        GetTractiveEffort() const = 0;
67  * virtual byte        GetAirDrag() const = 0;
68  * virtual byte        GetAirDragArea() const = 0;
69  * virtual AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const = 0;
70  * virtual uint16      GetCurrentSpeed() const = 0;
71  * virtual uint32      GetRollingFriction() const = 0;
72  * virtual int         GetAccelerationType() const = 0;
73  * virtual int32       GetSlopeSteepness() const = 0;
74  * virtual int         GetDisplayMaxSpeed() const = 0;
75  * virtual uint16      GetMaxTrackSpeed() const = 0;
76  * virtual bool        TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const = 0;
77  */
78 template <class T, VehicleType Type>
79 struct GroundVehicle : public SpecializedVehicle<T, Type> {
80 	GroundVehicleCache gcache; ///< Cache of often calculated values.
81 	uint16 gv_flags;           ///< @see GroundVehicleFlags.
83 	typedef GroundVehicle<T, Type> GroundVehicleBase; ///< Our type
85 	/**
86 	 * The constructor at SpecializedVehicle must be called.
87 	 */
GroundVehicleGroundVehicle88 	GroundVehicle() : SpecializedVehicle<T, Type>() {}
90 	void PowerChanged();
91 	void CargoChanged();
92 	int GetAcceleration() const;
93 	bool IsChainInDepot() const override;
95 	/**
96 	 * Common code executed for crashed ground vehicles
97 	 * @param flooded was this vehicle flooded?
98 	 * @return number of victims
99 	 */
CrashGroundVehicle100 	uint Crash(bool flooded) override
101 	{
102 		/* Crashed vehicles aren't going up or down */
103 		for (T *v = T::From(this); v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) {
104 			ClrBit(v->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
105 			ClrBit(v->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
106 		}
107 		return this->Vehicle::Crash(flooded);
108 	}
110 	/**
111 	 * Calculates the total slope resistance for this vehicle.
112 	 * @return Slope resistance.
113 	 */
GetSlopeResistanceGroundVehicle114 	inline int64 GetSlopeResistance() const
115 	{
116 		int64 incl = 0;
118 		for (const T *u = T::From(this); u != nullptr; u = u->Next()) {
119 			if (HasBit(u->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT)) {
120 				incl += u->gcache.cached_slope_resistance;
121 			} else if (HasBit(u->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT)) {
122 				incl -= u->gcache.cached_slope_resistance;
123 			}
124 		}
126 		return incl;
127 	}
129 	/**
130 	 * Updates vehicle's Z position and inclination.
131 	 * Used when the vehicle entered given tile.
132 	 * @pre The vehicle has to be at (or near to) a border of the tile,
133 	 *      directed towards tile centre
134 	 */
UpdateZPositionAndInclinationGroundVehicle135 	inline void UpdateZPositionAndInclination()
136 	{
137 		this->z_pos = GetSlopePixelZ(this->x_pos, this->y_pos);
138 		ClrBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
139 		ClrBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
141 		if (T::From(this)->TileMayHaveSlopedTrack()) {
142 			/* To check whether the current tile is sloped, and in which
143 			 * direction it is sloped, we get the 'z' at the center of
144 			 * the tile (middle_z) and the edge of the tile (old_z),
145 			 * which we then can compare. */
146 			int middle_z = GetSlopePixelZ((this->x_pos & ~TILE_UNIT_MASK) | (TILE_SIZE / 2), (this->y_pos & ~TILE_UNIT_MASK) | (TILE_SIZE / 2));
148 			if (middle_z != this->z_pos) {
149 				SetBit(this->gv_flags, (middle_z > this->z_pos) ? GVF_GOINGUP_BIT : GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);
150 			}
151 		}
152 	}
154 	/**
155 	 * Updates vehicle's Z position.
156 	 * Inclination can't change in the middle of a tile.
157 	 * The faster code is used for trains and road vehicles unless they are
158 	 * reversing on a sloped tile.
159 	 */
UpdateZPositionGroundVehicle160 	inline void UpdateZPosition()
161 	{
162 #if 0
163 		/* The following code does this: */
165 		if (HasBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT)) {
166 			switch (this->direction) {
167 				case DIR_NE:
168 					this->z_pos += (this->x_pos & 1); break;
169 				case DIR_SW:
170 					this->z_pos += (this->x_pos & 1) ^ 1; break;
171 				case DIR_NW:
172 					this->z_pos += (this->y_pos & 1); break;
173 				case DIR_SE:
174 					this->z_pos += (this->y_pos & 1) ^ 1; break;
175 				default: break;
176 			}
177 		} else if (HasBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT)) {
178 			switch (this->direction) {
179 				case DIR_NE:
180 					this->z_pos -= (this->x_pos & 1); break;
181 				case DIR_SW:
182 					this->z_pos -= (this->x_pos & 1) ^ 1; break;
183 				case DIR_NW:
184 					this->z_pos -= (this->y_pos & 1); break;
185 				case DIR_SE:
186 					this->z_pos -= (this->y_pos & 1) ^ 1; break;
187 				default: break;
188 			}
189 		}
191 		/* But gcc 4.4.5 isn't able to nicely optimise it, and the resulting
192 		 * code is full of conditional jumps. */
193 #endif
195 		/* Vehicle's Z position can change only if it has GVF_GOINGUP_BIT or GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT set.
196 		 * Furthermore, if this function is called once every time the vehicle's position changes,
197 		 * we know the Z position changes by +/-1 at certain moments - when x_pos, y_pos is odd/even,
198 		 * depending on orientation of the slope and vehicle's direction */
200 		if (HasBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT) || HasBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT)) {
201 			if (T::From(this)->HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()) {
202 				/* In some cases, we have to use GetSlopePixelZ() */
203 				this->z_pos = GetSlopePixelZ(this->x_pos, this->y_pos);
204 				return;
205 			}
206 			/* DirToDiagDir() is a simple right shift */
207 			DiagDirection dir = DirToDiagDir(this->direction);
208 			/* Read variables, so the compiler knows the access doesn't trap */
209 			int8 x_pos = this->x_pos;
210 			int8 y_pos = this->y_pos;
211 			/* DiagDirToAxis() is a simple mask */
212 			int8 d = DiagDirToAxis(dir) == AXIS_X ? x_pos : y_pos;
213 			/* We need only the least significant bit */
214 			d &= 1;
215 			/* Conditional "^ 1". Optimised to "(dir - 1) <= 1". */
216 			d ^= (int8)(dir == DIAGDIR_SW || dir == DIAGDIR_SE);
217 			/* Subtraction instead of addition because we are testing for GVF_GOINGUP_BIT.
218 			 * GVF_GOINGUP_BIT is used because it's bit 0, so simple AND can be used,
219 			 * without any shift */
220 			this->z_pos += HasBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT) ? d : -d;
221 		}
223 		assert(this->z_pos == GetSlopePixelZ(this->x_pos, this->y_pos));
224 	}
226 	/**
227 	 * Checks if the vehicle is in a slope and sets the required flags in that case.
228 	 * @param new_tile True if the vehicle reached a new tile.
229 	 * @param update_delta Indicates to also update the delta.
230 	 * @return Old height of the vehicle.
231 	 */
UpdateInclinationGroundVehicle232 	inline int UpdateInclination(bool new_tile, bool update_delta)
233 	{
234 		int old_z = this->z_pos;
236 		if (new_tile) {
237 			this->UpdateZPositionAndInclination();
238 		} else {
239 			this->UpdateZPosition();
240 		}
242 		this->UpdateViewport(true, update_delta);
243 		return old_z;
244 	}
246 	/**
247 	 * Set front engine state.
248 	 */
SetFrontEngineGroundVehicle249 	inline void SetFrontEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }
251 	/**
252 	 * Remove the front engine state.
253 	 */
ClearFrontEngineGroundVehicle254 	inline void ClearFrontEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }
256 	/**
257 	 * Set a vehicle to be an articulated part.
258 	 */
SetArticulatedPartGroundVehicle259 	inline void SetArticulatedPart() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }
261 	/**
262 	 * Clear a vehicle from being an articulated part.
263 	 */
ClearArticulatedPartGroundVehicle264 	inline void ClearArticulatedPart() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }
266 	/**
267 	 * Set a vehicle to be a wagon.
268 	 */
SetWagonGroundVehicle269 	inline void SetWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
271 	/**
272 	 * Clear wagon property.
273 	 */
ClearWagonGroundVehicle274 	inline void ClearWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
276 	/**
277 	 * Set engine status.
278 	 */
SetEngineGroundVehicle279 	inline void SetEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
281 	/**
282 	 * Clear engine status.
283 	 */
ClearEngineGroundVehicle284 	inline void ClearEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
286 	/**
287 	 * Set a vehicle as a free wagon.
288 	 */
SetFreeWagonGroundVehicle289 	inline void SetFreeWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
291 	/**
292 	 * Clear a vehicle from being a free wagon.
293 	 */
ClearFreeWagonGroundVehicle294 	inline void ClearFreeWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
296 	/**
297 	 * Set a vehicle as a multiheaded engine.
298 	 */
SetMultiheadedGroundVehicle299 	inline void SetMultiheaded() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
301 	/**
302 	 * Clear multiheaded engine property.
303 	 */
ClearMultiheadedGroundVehicle304 	inline void ClearMultiheaded() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
306 	/**
307 	 * Check if the vehicle is a free wagon (got no engine in front of it).
308 	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is a free wagon.
309 	 */
IsFreeWagonGroundVehicle310 	inline bool IsFreeWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
312 	/**
313 	 * Check if a vehicle is an engine (can be first in a consist).
314 	 * @return Returns true if vehicle is an engine.
315 	 */
IsEngineGroundVehicle316 	inline bool IsEngine() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
318 	/**
319 	 * Check if a vehicle is a wagon.
320 	 * @return Returns true if vehicle is a wagon.
321 	 */
IsWagonGroundVehicle322 	inline bool IsWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
324 	/**
325 	 * Check if the vehicle is a multiheaded engine.
326 	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is a multiheaded engine.
327 	 */
IsMultiheadedGroundVehicle328 	inline bool IsMultiheaded() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
330 	/**
331 	 * Tell if we are dealing with the rear end of a multiheaded engine.
332 	 * @return True if the engine is the rear part of a dualheaded engine.
333 	 */
IsRearDualheadedGroundVehicle334 	inline bool IsRearDualheaded() const { return this->IsMultiheaded() && !this->IsEngine(); }
336 	/**
337 	 * Update the GUI variant of the current speed of the vehicle.
338 	 * Also mark the widget dirty when that is needed, i.e. when
339 	 * the speed of this vehicle has changed.
340 	 */
SetLastSpeedGroundVehicle341 	inline void SetLastSpeed()
342 	{
343 		if (this->cur_speed != this->gcache.last_speed) {
344 			SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, this->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
345 			this->gcache.last_speed = this->cur_speed;
346 		}
347 	}
349 protected:
350 	/**
351 	 * Update the speed of the vehicle.
352 	 *
353 	 * It updates the cur_speed and subspeed variables depending on the state
354 	 * of the vehicle; in this case the current acceleration, minimum and
355 	 * maximum speeds of the vehicle. It returns the distance that that the
356 	 * vehicle can drive this tick. #Vehicle::GetAdvanceDistance() determines
357 	 * the distance to drive before moving a step on the map.
358 	 * @param accel     The acceleration we would like to give this vehicle.
359 	 * @param min_speed The minimum speed here, in vehicle specific units.
360 	 * @param max_speed The maximum speed here, in vehicle specific units.
361 	 * @return Distance to drive.
362 	 */
DoUpdateSpeedGroundVehicle363 	inline uint DoUpdateSpeed(uint accel, int min_speed, int max_speed)
364 	{
365 		uint spd = this->subspeed + accel;
366 		this->subspeed = (byte)spd;
368 		/* When we are going faster than the maximum speed, reduce the speed
369 		 * somewhat gradually. But never lower than the maximum speed. */
370 		int tempmax = max_speed;
371 		if (this->cur_speed > max_speed) {
372 			tempmax = std::max(this->cur_speed - (this->cur_speed / 10) - 1, max_speed);
373 		}
375 		/* Enforce a maximum and minimum speed. Normally we would use something like
376 		 * Clamp for this, but in this case min_speed might be below the maximum speed
377 		 * threshold for some reason. That makes acceleration fail and assertions
378 		 * happen in Clamp. So make it explicit that min_speed overrules the maximum
379 		 * speed by explicit ordering of min and max. */
380 		this->cur_speed = spd = std::max(std::min(this->cur_speed + ((int)spd >> 8), tempmax), min_speed);
382 		int scaled_spd = this->GetAdvanceSpeed(spd);
384 		scaled_spd += this->progress;
385 		this->progress = 0; // set later in *Handler or *Controller
386 		return scaled_spd;
387 	}
388 };
390 #endif /* GROUND_VEHICLE_HPP */