1 #ifndef EO_H
2 #define EO_H
4 #include <stdarg.h>
5 #include <Eina.h>
7 #ifdef EAPI
8 # undef EAPI
9 #endif
11 #define EOLIAN
13 #ifdef _WIN32
14 # ifdef EFL_BUILD
15 #  ifdef DLL_EXPORT
16 #   define EAPI __declspec(dllexport)
17 #  else
18 #   define EAPI
19 #  endif
20 # else
21 #  define EAPI __declspec(dllimport)
22 # endif
23 # define EAPI_WEAK
24 #else
25 # ifdef __GNUC__
26 #  if __GNUC__ >= 4
27 #   define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
28 #   define EAPI_WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
29 #  else
30 #   define EAPI
31 #   define EAPI_WEAK
32 #  endif
33 # else
34 #  define EAPI
35 #   define EAPI_WEAK
36 # endif
37 #endif
39 /* When used, this indicates that the function is an Eo API. */
42 #ifdef __cplusplus
43 extern "C" {
44 #endif
46 /**
47  * @page eo_main Eo
48  *
49  * @date 2012 (created)
50  *
51  * @section eo_toc Table of Contents
52  *
53  * @li @ref eo_main_intro
54  * @li @ref eo_main_compiling
55  * @li @ref eo_main_next_steps
56  * @li @ref eo_main_intro_example
57  * @li @ref eo_lifecycle_debug
58  *
59  * @section eo_main_intro Introduction
60  *
61  * The Eo generic object system. It's designed to be the base object
62  * system for the EFL.
64  * @section eo_main_compiling How to compile
65  *
66  * Eo is a library to which your application can link. The procedure for this is
67  * very simple. You simply have to compile your application with the
68  * appropriate compiler flags that the @c pkg-config script outputs. For
69  * example:
70  *
71  * Compiling C or C++ files into object files:
72  *
73  * @verbatim
74    gcc -c -o main.o main.c `pkg-config --cflags eo`
75    @endverbatim
76  *
77  * Linking object files into a binary executable:
78  *
79  * @verbatim
80    gcc -o my_application main.o `pkg-config --libs eo`
81    @endverbatim
82  *
83  * See @ref pkgconfig
84  *
85  * @section eo_main_next_steps Next Steps
86  *
87  * After you've understood and installed Eo,
88  * you can then learn more about the programming interface.
89  *
90  * Recommended reading:
91  *
92  * @li @ref Efl_Class_Base
93  * @li @ref Efl_Class
94  * @li @ref Efl_Events
95  * @li @ref Eo_Composite_Objects
96  *
97  * @section eo_lifecycle_debug Debug Object Lifecycle
98  *
99  * When dealing with objects it's important to investigate the object
100  * lifecycle: in other words when they were created and deleted. This is not
101  * that trivial since objects can have extra references added with
102  * efl_ref() as well as removed with efl_unref(), efl_parent_set() to
103  * NULL or efl_del().
104  *
105  * To aid development process as well as debug memory leaks and invalid
106  * access, you can use the eo_debug script helper to preload
107  * libeo_dbg.so, run as:
108  *
109  * @verbatim
110    export EO_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG=1
111    export EINA_LOG_LEVELS=eo_lifecycle:4
112    eo_debug my_app
113  * @endverbatim
114  *
115  * This will print out all the objects that were created and deleted,
116  * as well as keep the stack trace that originated those. If a double
117  * free or user-after-free occurs it will print out the backtrace
118  * where the object was created and where it was deleted. If only
119  * errors should be displayed decrease the log level to 2:
120  *
121  * @verbatim
122    export EO_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG=1
123    export EINA_LOG_LEVELS=eo_lifecycle:2  # just critical, error and warning
124    eo_debug my_app
125  * @endverbatim
126  *
127  * Keep in mind that the log will consume memory for all objects and
128  * that main loop primitives such as timers, jobs, promises and
129  * futures are all objects. If created in large numbers, they will
130  * consume large amounts of of memory.
131  *
132  * To address log pollution and memory consumption, you can
133  * select just a handful classes to be logged using @c
134  * EO_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG with a list of comma-separated class names. Use
135  * @c EO_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG=1 or @c EO_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG=* to log all
136  * classes, otherwise just the classes listed will be
137  * (whitelist).
138  *
139  * @verbatim
140    # Log only 2 classes: Efl_Loop and Efl_Net_Dialer_Tcp
141    export EO_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG=Efl_Loop,Efl_Net_Dialer_Tcp
142    export EINA_LOG_LEVELS=eo_lifecycle:4
143    eo_debug my_app
144  * @endverbatim
145  *
146  * Another approach is to log all but a few classes, also known as
147  * a blacklist. This is done with another environment variable @c
148  * EO_LIFECYCLE_NO_DEBUG=class1,class2.
149  *
150  * @verbatim
151    # Log all but Efl_Loop_Timer
152    export EO_LIFECYCLE_NO_DEBUG=Efl_Loop_Timer
153    export EINA_LOG_LEVELS=eo_lifecycle:4
154    eo_debug my_app
155  * @endverbatim
156  *
157  * @section eo_main_intro_example Introductory Example
158  *
159  * @ref Eo_Tutorial
161  *
162  *
163  * @addtogroup Eo
164  * @{
165  */
167 typedef struct _Eo_Object _Eo_Object;
169 /**
170  * @typedef Eo
171  * The basic Object type.
172  */
173 typedef struct _Eo_Opaque Eo;
175 /**
176  * @typedef Efl_Class
177  * The basic class type - should be removed, for compatibility reasons.
178  */
179 typedef Eo Efl_Class;
182 typedef Eo Efl_Object;
185 /**
186  * @var _efl_class_creation_lock
187  * This variable is used for locking purposes in the class_get function
188  * defined in #EFL_DEFINE_CLASS.
189  * This is just to work around the fact that you need to init locks before
190  * using them.
191  * Don't touch it if you don't know what you are doing.
192  * @internal
193  */
194 EAPI extern Eina_Lock _efl_class_creation_lock;
196 /**
197  * @var _efl_object_init_generation
198  * This variable stores the current eo init generation. In other words how many times
199  * you have completed full init/shutdown cycles. This starts at 1 and is incremeted on
200  * every call to shutdown that actually shuts down eo.
201  * @internal
202  */
203 EAPI extern unsigned int _efl_object_init_generation;
205 /**
206  * @typedef Efl_Del_Intercept
207  *
208  * A function to be called on object deletion/destruction instead of normal
209  * destruction taking place.
210  *
211  * @param obj_id The object needing to be destroyed.
212  */
213 typedef void (*Efl_Del_Intercept) (Eo *obj_id);
215 /**
216  * This is a no-operation. Its presence behind a function parameter indicates that
217  * ownership of the parameter is transferred to the callee.
218  * When present after a method, it indicates that the return value of the method is
219  * transferred to the caller.
220  * For objects, ownership transfer means that exactly one reference is transferred.
221  * If you transfer ownership without owning a reference in the first place, you will
222  * get unexpected behavior.
223  * For non-Objects, ownership transfer means that the responsibility of freeing a
224  * segment of memory is passed on.
225  */
228 #include "efl_object_override.eo.h"
229 #include "efl_object.eo.h"
231 /**
232  * @brief A parameter passed in event callbacks holding extra event parameters.
233  *
234  * This is the full event information passed to callbacks in C.
235  *
236  * @since 1.22
237  *
238  * @ingroup Efl
239  */
240 typedef struct _Efl_Event
241 {
242   Efl_Object *object; /**< The object the callback was called on.
243                        *
244                        * @since 1.22 */
245   const Efl_Event_Description *desc; /**< The event description.
246                                       *
247                                       * @since 1.22 */
248   void *info; /**< Extra event information passed by the event caller. Must be
249                * cast to the event type declared in the EO file. Keep in mind
250                * that: 1) Objects are passed as a normal Eo*. Event subscribers
251                * can call functions on these objects. 2) Structs, built-in
252                * types and containers are passed as const pointers, with one
253                * level of indirection.
254                *
255                * @since 1.22 */
256 } Efl_Event;
260 /** An event callback prototype. */
261 typedef void (*Efl_Event_Cb)(void *data, const Efl_Event *event);
263 /**
264  * @struct _Efl_Callback_Array_Item
265  * @brief An item in an array of callback desc/func.
266  *
267  * See also efl_event_callback_array_add().
268  */
269 typedef struct _Efl_Callback_Array_Item
270 {
271    const Efl_Event_Description *desc; /**< The event description. */
272    Efl_Event_Cb func; /**< The callback function. */
273 } Efl_Callback_Array_Item;
276 /**
277  * @struct _Efl_Callback_Array_Item_Full
278  * @brief An item provided by EFL_EVENT_CALLBACK_ADD/EFL_EVENT_CALLBACK_DEL.
279  *
281  */
282 typedef struct _Efl_Callback_Array_Item_Full
283 {
284    const Efl_Event_Description *desc; /**< The event description. */
285    Efl_Callback_Priority priority; /** < The priorit of the event */
286    Efl_Event_Cb func; /**< The callback function. */
287    void *user_data; /**< The user data pointer to be passed to the func */
288 } Efl_Callback_Array_Item_Full;
290 /**
291  * @brief Add a callback for an event with a specific priority.
292  *
293  * Callbacks of the same priority are called in reverse order of creation.
294  *
295  * A callback is only executed on events emitted after this call finished.
296  *
297  * @param[in] desc The description of the event to listen to
298  * @param[in] priority The priority of the callback
299  * @param[in] cb the callback to call
300  * @param[in] data additional data to pass to the callback
301  *
302  * @return Return @c true when the callback has been successfully added.
303  */
304 EOAPI Eina_Bool efl_event_callback_priority_add(Eo *obj, const Efl_Event_Description *desc, Efl_Callback_Priority priority, Efl_Event_Cb cb, const void *data);
306 /**
307  * @brief Delete a callback with a specific data associated with it for an event.
308  *
309  * The callback will never be emitted again after this call, even if a event
310  * emission is taking place.
311  *
312  * @param[in] desc The description of the event to listen to
313  * @param[in] func The callback to delete
314  * @param[in] user_data The data to compare
315  *
316  * @return Return @c true when the callback has been successfully removed.
317  */
318 EOAPI Eina_Bool efl_event_callback_del(Eo *obj, const Efl_Event_Description *desc, Efl_Event_Cb func, const void *user_data);
320 /**
321  * @brief Get the Eina_Future scheduler that trigger them on a specific set of events on an object.
322  *
323  * @param[in] obj The object that the scheduler is attached to.
324  * @param[in] array The events that when triggered on the object will trigger the Eina_Future.
325  *
326  * @return Return a scheduler that will trigger future exactly when the event are triggered.
327  *
328  * @note You must use EFL_SCHEDULER_ARRAY_DEFINE() to create the @p array.
329  */
330 EOAPI Eina_Future_Scheduler *efl_event_future_scheduler_get(const Eo *obj, Efl_Callback_Array_Item *array);
332 /**
333  * @brief Add an array of callbacks created by @ref EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE
334  * for an event with a specific priority. The array need to be sorted with @ref
335  * efl_callbacks_cmp if you are not using the @ref EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE
336  * macro.
337  *
338  * Callbacks of the same priority are called in reverse order of creation.
339  *
340  * A callback from the array is only executed on events emitted  after this
341  * call finished.
342  *
343  * @param[in] array An #Efl_Callback_Array_Item of events to listen to
344  * @param[in] priority The priority of the callback
345  * @param[in] data Additional data to pass to the callback
346  *
347  * @return Return @c true when the callback has been successfully added.
348  */
349 EOAPI Eina_Bool efl_event_callback_array_priority_add(Eo *obj, const Efl_Callback_Array_Item *array, Efl_Callback_Priority priority, const void *data);
351 /**
352  * @brief Del a callback array with a specific data associated to it for an
353  * event. The callbacks from the array will never be emitted again after this
354  * call, even if a event emission is going on.
355  *
356  * @param[in] array An #Efl_Callback_Array_Item of events to listen to
357  * @param[in] user_data The data to compare
358  *
359  * @return Return @c true when the callback has been successfully removed.
360  */
361 EOAPI Eina_Bool efl_event_callback_array_del(Eo *obj, const Efl_Callback_Array_Item *array, const void *user_data);
363 /**
364  * @brief Call the callbacks for an event of an object.
365  *
366  * @param[in] desc The description of the event to call.
367  * @param[in] event_info Extra event info to pass to the callbacks. Please provide objects of the same type as
368  *    advertised in the EO file, as this is what listeners of this event will be expecting. Keep in mind that:
369  *    1) Objects must be passed as a normal Eo*. Event subscribers can call functions on these objects.
370  *    2) Structs, built-in types and containers must be passed as const pointers, with one level of indirection.
371  *
372  * @return @c false If one of the callbacks aborted the call, @c true otherwise
373  */
374 EOAPI Eina_Bool efl_event_callback_call(Eo *obj, const Efl_Event_Description *desc, void *event_info);
376 /**
377  * @brief Call the callbacks for an event of an object.
378  *
379  * Like @ref efl_event_callback_call but also call legacy smart callbacks that
380  * have the same name of the given event.
381  *
382  * @param[in] desc The description of the event to call.
383  * @param[in] event_info Extra event info to pass to the callbacks.
384  *
385  * @return @c false If one of the callbacks aborted the call, @c true otherwise
386  *
387  * @since 1.19
388  */
389 EOAPI Eina_Bool efl_event_callback_legacy_call(Eo *obj, const Efl_Event_Description *desc, void *event_info);
392 /**
393  * @struct _Efl_Future_Cb_Desc
394  *
395  * A structure with callbacks to be used by efl_future_cb_from_desc() and efl_future_chain_array()
396  *
397  * @see efl_future_cb_from_desc()
398  * @see efl_future_chain_array()
399  */
400 typedef struct _Efl_Future_Cb_Desc {
401    /**
402     * Called on success (value.type is not @c EINA_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR).
403     *
404     * If @c success_type is not NULL, then the value is guaranteed to be of that type.
405     * If not, it will trigger @c error with @c EINVAL.
406     *
407     * After this function returns, @c free callback is called if provided.
408     *
409     * @note This function is always called from a safe context (main loop or some platform defined safe context).
410     *
411     * @param o The object used to create the link in efl_future_cb_from_desc() or efl_future_chain_array().
412     * @param value The operation result
413     * @return An Eina_Value to pass to the next Eina_Future in the chain (if any).
414     * If there is no need to convert the received value, it's @b recommended
415     * to passthrough @p value argument. If you need to convert to a different type
416     * or generate a new value, use @c eina_value_setup() on @b another Eina_Value
417     * and return it. By returning a promise Eina_Value (eina_promise_as_value()) the
418     * whole chain will wait until the promise is resolved in
419     * order to continue execution.
420     * Note that the value contents must survive this function scope.
421     * In other words, do @b not use stack allocated blobs, arrays, structures or types that
422     * keeps references to memory you assign. Values will be automatically cleaned up
423     * using @c eina_value_flush() once they are unused (no more future or futures
424     * returned a new value).
425     */
426    Eina_Value (*success)(Eo *o, void *data, const Eina_Value value);
427    /**
428     * Called on error (value.type is @c EINA_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR).
429     *
430     * This function can return another error then propagate or convert it. However it
431     * may also return a non-error, in which case the next future in the chain will receive a regular
432     * value, which may call its @c success.
433     *
434     * If this function is not provided, then it will passthrough the error to the next error handler.
435     *
436     * It may be called with @c EINVAL if @c success_type is provided and doesn't
437     * match the received type.
438     *
439     * It may be called with @c ECANCELED if future was canceled.
440     *
441     * It may be called with @c ENOMEM if memory allocation failed during callback creation.
442     *
443     * After this function returns, @c free callback is called if provided.
444     *
445     * @note On future creation errors and future cancellation this function is called
446     * from the current context with the following errors respectively: `EINVAL`, `ENOMEM` and  `ECANCELED`.
447     * Otherwise this function is called from a safe context.
448     *
449     *
450     * @param o The object used to create the link in efl_future_cb_from_desc() or efl_future_chain_array().
451     * @param error The operation error
452     * @return An Eina_Value to pass to the next Eina_Future in the chain (if any).
453     * If you need to convert to a different type or generate a new value,
454     * use @c eina_value_setup() on @b another Eina_Value
455     * and return it. By returning a promise Eina_Value (eina_promise_as_value()) the
456     * whole chain will wait until the promise is resolved in
457     * order to continue execution.
458     * Note that the value contents must survive this function scope.
459     * In other words @b not use stack allocated blobs, arrays, structures or types that
460     * keeps references to memory you give. Values will be automatically cleaned up
461     * using @c eina_value_flush() once they are unused (no more future or futures
462     * returned a new value).
463     */
464    Eina_Value (*error)(Eo *o, void *data, Eina_Error error);
465    /**
466     * Called on @b all situations to notify future destruction.
467     *
468     * This is called after @c success or @c error, as well as it's called if none of them are
469     * provided. Thus can be used as a "weak ref" mechanism.
470     *
471     * @note On future creation errors and future cancellation this function is called
472     * from the current context with the following errors respectively: `EINVAL`, `ENOMEM` and  `ECANCELED`.
473     * Otherwise this function is called from a safe context.
474     *
475     * @param o The object used to create the link in efl_future_cb_from_desc() or efl_future_chain_array().
476     * @param dead_future The future that's been freed.
477     */
478    void (*free)(Eo *o, void *data, const Eina_Future *dead_future);
479    /**
480     * If provided, then @c success will only be called if the value type matches the given pointer.
481     *
482     * If provided and no match is found, @c error will be called with @c EINVAL. If there's no @c error,
483     * then it will be propagated to the next future in the chain.
484     */
485    const Eina_Value_Type *success_type;
486    /**
487     * Context data given to every callback.
488     *
489     * This must be freed @b only by @c free callback as it's called from every case,
490     * otherwise it may lead to memory leaks.
491     */
492    const void *data;
493    /**
494     * This is used by Eo to cancel pending futures in case
495     * an Eo object is deleted. It can be @c NULL.
496     */
497    Eina_Future **storage;
498 } Efl_Future_Cb_Desc;
500 /**
501  * Creates an Eina_Future_Desc for an EO object.
502  *
503  * This function creates an Eina_Future_Desc based on an Efl_Future_Cb_Desc.
504  * The main purpose of this function is create a "link" between the future
505  * and the object. In case the object is deleted before the future is resolved/rejected,
506  * the object destructor will cancel the future.
507  *
508  * @note In case context info is required for the #Efl_Future_Desc, callbacks efl_key_data_set()
509  * can be used.
510  *
511  * The example below demonstrates a file download using an Eo object. If the download
512  * lasts more than 30 seconds the Eo object will be deleted along with the future.
513  * Usually this would be done with an eina_future_race() of the download promise and a timeout promise,
514  * however the following example is useful to illustrate efl_key_data_set() usage.
515  *
516  * @code
517  *
518  * static Eina_Bool
519  * _timeout(void *data)
520  * {
521  *    Eo *downloader = data;
522  *    //In case the download is not completed yet.
523  *    //Delete the downloader (cancels the file download and the future)
524  *    efl_key_data_set(downloader, "timer", NULL);
525  *    efl_unref(downloader);
526  *    return EINA_FALSE;
527  * }
528  *
529  * static Eina_Value
530  * _file_ok(Eo *o EINA_UNUSED, void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Eina_Value value)
531  * {
532  *    const char *data;
533  *    //There's no need to check the value type since EO infra already has done so.
534  *    eina_value_get(&value, &data);
535  *    //Deliver the data to the user
536  *    data_deliver(data);
537  *    return v;
538  * }
539  *
540  * static Eina_Value
541  * _file_err(Eo *o EINA_UNUSED, void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Error error)
542  * {
543  *    //In case the downloader is deleted before the future is resolved, the future will be canceled thus this callback will be called.
544  *    fprintf(stderr, "Could not download the file. Reason: %s\n", eina_error_msg_get(error));
545  *    return EINA_VALUE_EMPTY;
546  * }
547  *
548  * static void
549  * _downlader_free(Eo *o, void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Eina_Future *dead_future EINA_UNUSED)
550  * {
551  *    Ecore_Timer *t = efl_key_data_get(o, "timer");
552  *    //The download finished before the timer expired. Cancel it...
553  *    if (t)
554  *    {
555  *      ecore_timer_del(t);
556  *      efl_unref(o); //Delete the object
557  *    } //else - In this case the future was canceled due efl_unref() in _timeout - No need to call efl_unref()
558  * }
559  *
560  * void download_file(const char *file)
561  * {
562  *   //This could be rewritten using eina_future_race()
563  *   Eo *downloader = efl_add(MY_DOWNLOADER_CLASS, NULL);
564  *   Eina_Future *f = downloader_download_file(downloader, file);
565  *   timer = ecore_timer_add(30, _timeout, downloader);
566  *   //Usually this would be done with an eina_future_race() of the download promise and a timeout promise,
567  *   //however the following example is useful to illustrate efl_key_data_set() usage.
568  *   efl_key_data_set(downloader, "timer", timer);
569  *   efl_future_then(downloader, f, .success = _file_ok, .error = _file_err, .success_type = EINA_VALUE_TYPE_STRING, .free = downloader_free);
570  * }
571  * @endcode
572  *
573  * @param obj The object to create the link.
574  * @param desc An Efl_Future_Cb_Desc
575  * @return An Eina_Future_Desc to be used by eina_future_then(), eina_future_chain() and friends.
576  * @see efl_future_chain_array()
577  * @see efl_future_cb()
578  * @see #Efl_Future_Cb_Desc
579  * @see efl_key_data_set()
580  */
581 EOAPI Eina_Future_Desc efl_future_cb_from_desc(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Future_Cb_Desc desc) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
583 /**
584  * Syntax suger over efl_future_cb_from_desc()
585  *
586  * Usage:
587  * @code
588  * eina_future_then_from_desc(future, efl_future_cb(my_object, .succes = success, .success_type = EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT));
589  * @endcode
590  *
591  * @see efl_future_cb_from_desc()
592  * @see efl_future_then()
593  */
594 #define efl_future_cb(_eo, ...) efl_future_cb_from_desc(_eo, (Efl_Future_Cb_Desc){__VA_ARGS__})
596 /**
597  * Syntax sugar over eina_future_then_from_desc() and efl_future_cb().
598  *
599  * Usage:
600  * @code
601  * efl_future_then(o, future, .success = success, .success_type = EINA_VALUE_TYPE_INT);
602  * @endcode
603  *
604  */
605 #define efl_future_then(_eo, _future, ...) eina_future_then_from_desc(_future, efl_future_cb(_eo, ## __VA_ARGS__))
607 /**
608  * Creates a Future chain based on #Efl_Future_Cb_Desc
609  *
610  * This function is an wrapper around efl_future_cb_from_desc() and eina_future_then_from_desc()
611  *
612  * For more information about these check the documentation.
613  *
614  *
615  * @param obj An EO object to link to the future
616  * @param prev The previous future
617  * @param descs An array of Efl_Future_Cb_Desc
618  * @return An Eina_Future or @c NULL on error.
619  * @note If an error occurs the whole future chain will be CANCELED, causing
620  * desc.error to be called passing `ENOMEM` or `EINVAL` and desc.free
621  * to free the @p obj if necessary.
622  *
623  * @see efl_future_chain()
624  * @see efl_future_cb()
625  * @see eina_future_then_from_desc()
626  * @see #Efl_Future_Cb_Desc
627  */
628 EOAPI Eina_Future *efl_future_chain_array(Eo *obj, Eina_Future *prev, const Efl_Future_Cb_Desc descs[]) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
630 /**
631  * Syntax suger over efl_future_chain_array()
632  *
633  * Usage:
634  * @code
635  * Eina_Future *f = efl_future_chain(my_object, prev_future, {}, {});
636  * @endcode
637  *
638  * @see efl_future_chain_array()
639  */
640 #define efl_future_chain(_eo, _prev, ...) efl_future_chain_array(_eo, _prev, (Efl_Future_Cb_Desc []){__VA_ARGS__, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}})
642 /**
643  * @addtogroup Eo_Debug_Information Eo's Debug information helper.
644  * @{
645  */
647 /**
648  * @struct _Efl_Dbg_Info
649  * The structure for the debug info used by Eo.
650  */
651 typedef struct _Efl_Dbg_Info
652 {
653   Eina_Stringshare *name; /**< The name of the part (stringshare). */
654   Eina_Value value; /**< The value. */
655 } Efl_Dbg_Info;
657 /**
658  * @brief Get debug information from an object.
659  *
660  * @param[in] root_node the tree Node
661  */
662 EOAPI void efl_dbg_info_get(Eo *obj, Efl_Dbg_Info *root_node);
664 /**
665  * @var EFL_DBG_INFO_TYPE
666  * The Eina_Value_Type for the debug info.
667  */
668 EAPI extern const Eina_Value_Type *EFL_DBG_INFO_TYPE;
670 /**
671  * Creates a list inside debug info list.
672  * @param[in] list list where to append
673  * @param[in] name name of the list
674  * @return the new list
675  */
676 static inline Efl_Dbg_Info *
EFL_DBG_INFO_LIST_APPEND(Efl_Dbg_Info * list,const char * name)677 EFL_DBG_INFO_LIST_APPEND(Efl_Dbg_Info *list, const char *name)
678 {
679    Efl_Dbg_Info *tmp = (Efl_Dbg_Info *)calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp));
681    if (!tmp) return NULL;
682    tmp->name = eina_stringshare_add(name);
683    eina_value_list_setup(&(tmp->value), EFL_DBG_INFO_TYPE);
684    if (list)
685      {
686         eina_value_list_pappend(&(list->value), tmp);
687      }
688    return tmp;
689 }
691 /**
693  * Creates a new debug info into a list
694  * @param[in] LIST list where to append (Efl_Dbg_Info *)
695  * @param[in] NAME name of the parameter (const char *)
696  * @param[in] TYPE type of the parameter (Eina_Value_Type *)
697  * @param[in] VALUE value of the parameter
698  */
700 do { \
701    Efl_Dbg_Info *List = LIST; \
702    if (List) \
703      { \
704         Efl_Dbg_Info *Tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(*Tmp)); \
705                                                     \
706         if (!Tmp) break; \
707         Tmp->name = eina_stringshare_add(NAME); \
708         eina_value_setup(&(Tmp->value), TYPE); \
709         eina_value_set(&(Tmp->value), VALUE); \
710         eina_value_list_pappend(&(List->value), Tmp); \
711      } \
712 } while (0)
714 /**
715  * Frees the Efl_Dbg_Info tree. (The whole tree recursively).
716  * @param[in] info The tree to delete.
717  */
718 EAPI void efl_dbg_info_free(Efl_Dbg_Info *info);
720 /**
721  * @}
722  */
724 /**
725  * @typedef Efl_Object_Op
726  * The Eo operation type id.
727  */
728 typedef unsigned int Efl_Object_Op;
730 /**
731  * @def EFL_NOOP
732  * A special #Efl_Object_Op meaning "No operation".
733  */
734 #define EFL_NOOP ((Efl_Object_Op) 0)
736 /**
737  * @addtogroup Efl_Events Eo's Event Handling
738  * @{
739  */
741 /**
742  * @def EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION(name)
743  * A helper macro to help populate #Efl_Event_Description
744  * @param name The name of the event.
745  * @see Efl_Event_Description
746  */
749 /**
751  * A helper macro to help populate #Efl_Event_Description and make
752  * the event impossible to freeze.
753  * @param name The name of the event.
754  * @see Efl_Event_Description
756  */
759 /**
760  * @def EFL_EVENT_DESCRIPTION(name)
761  * A helper macro to help populating #Efl_Event_Description
762  * @param name The name of the event.
763  * @see Efl_Event_Description
764  */
767 /**
769  * A helper macro to help populating #Efl_Event_Description and make
770  * the event impossible to freeze.
771  * @param name The name of the event.
772  * @see Efl_Event_Description
774  */
779 /**
780  * @}
781  */
783 /**
784  * @addtogroup Efl_Class Efl Class
785  * @{
786  */
788 /**
789  * @def EFL_DEFINE_CLASS(class_get_func_name, class_desc, parent_class, ...)
790  * A convenient macro to be used for creating the class_get function. This
791  * macro is fairly simple and makes for better code.
792  * @param class_get_func_name the name of the wanted class_get function name.
793  * @param class_desc the class description.
794  * @param parent_class The parent class for the function. See efl_class_new() for more information.
795  * @param ... List of extensions. See efl_class_new() for more information.
796  *
797  * You must use this macro if you want thread safety in class creation.
798  */
799 #define EFL_DEFINE_CLASS(class_get_func_name, class_desc, parent_class, ...) \
800 const Efl_Class * \
801 class_get_func_name(void) \
802 { \
803    const Efl_Class *_tmp_parent_class; \
804    static const Efl_Class * volatile _my_class = NULL; \
805    static unsigned int _my_init_generation = 1; \
806    if (EINA_UNLIKELY(_efl_object_init_generation != _my_init_generation)) \
807      { \
808         _my_class = NULL; /* It's freed in efl_object_shutdown(). */ \
809      } \
810    if (EINA_LIKELY(!!_my_class)) return _my_class; \
811    \
812    eina_lock_take(&_efl_class_creation_lock); \
813    if (!!_my_class) \
814      { \
815         eina_lock_release(&_efl_class_creation_lock); \
816         return _my_class; \
817      } \
818    _tmp_parent_class = parent_class; \
819    _my_class = efl_class_new(class_desc, _tmp_parent_class, __VA_ARGS__); \
820    _my_init_generation = _efl_object_init_generation; \
821    eina_lock_release(&_efl_class_creation_lock); \
822    \
823    return _my_class; \
824 }
827 /**
828  * An enum representing the possible types of an Eo class.
829  */
830 enum _Efl_Class_Type
831 {
832    EFL_CLASS_TYPE_REGULAR = 0, /**< Regular class. */
833    EFL_CLASS_TYPE_REGULAR_NO_INSTANT, /**< Regular non instant-able class. */
834    EFL_CLASS_TYPE_INTERFACE, /**< Interface */
835    EFL_CLASS_TYPE_MIXIN, /**< Mixin */
837 };
839 /**
840  * @typedef Efl_Class_Type
841  * A convenience typedef for #_Efl_Class_Type.
842  */
843 typedef enum _Efl_Class_Type Efl_Class_Type;
845 /**
846  * @def EO_VERSION
847  * The current version of EO.
848  */
849 #define EO_VERSION 2
851 typedef struct _Efl_Op_Description
852 {
853    void *api_func;         /**< The EAPI function offering this op. (The name of the func on windows) */
854    void *func;             /**< The static function to call for the op. */
855 } Efl_Op_Description;
857 /**
858  * @struct _Efl_Object_Ops
859  *
860  * This structure holds the ops and the size of the ops.
861  */
862 typedef struct _Efl_Object_Ops
863 {
864    const Efl_Op_Description *descs; /**< The op descriptions array of size count. */
865    size_t count; /**< Number of op descriptions. */
866 } Efl_Object_Ops;
868 /**
869  * @struct _Efl_Class_Description
870  * This structure holds the class description.
871  * This description should be passed to efl_class_new.
872  */
873 struct _Efl_Class_Description
874 {
875    unsigned int version; /**< The current version of eo, use #EO_VERSION */
876    const char *name; /**< The name of the class. */
877    Efl_Class_Type type; /**< The type of the class. */
878    size_t data_size; /**< The size of data (private + protected + public) this class needs per object. */
879    Eina_Bool (*class_initializer)(Efl_Class *klass); /**< The initializer for the class */
880    void (*class_constructor)(Efl_Class *klass); /**< The constructor of the class. */
881    void (*class_destructor)(Efl_Class *klass); /**< The destructor of the class. */
882 };
883 /**
884  * Setter type which is used to set an #Eina_Value, this function should access one particular property field
885  */
886 typedef Eina_Error (*Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Setter)(Eo *obj, Eina_Value value);
888 /**
889  * Getter type which is used to get an #Eina_Value, this function should access one particular property field
890  */
891 typedef Eina_Value (*Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Getter)(const Eo *obj);
893 /**
894  * @struct _Efl_Object_Property_Reflection
895  *
896  * This structure holds one line of the reflection table.
897  * The two fields get and set might be NULL,
898  * the property_name is a normal c string containing the name of the property
899  * that the get and set function changes.
900  */
901 typedef struct _Efl_Object_Property_Reflection{
902    const char *property_name; /**< The name of the property */
903    Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Setter set; /**< The function used to set a generic #Eina_Value on this property of the object. */
904    Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Getter get; /**< The function used to retrieve a generic #Eina_Value from this property of the object. */
905 } Efl_Object_Property_Reflection;
907 /**
908  * @struct _Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops
909  *
910  * This structure holds the reflection table and the size of this table.
911  */
912 typedef struct _Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops
913 {
914    const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection *table; /**< The reflection table. */
915    size_t count; /**< Number of table lines descriptions. */
916 } Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops;
918 /**
919  * @typedef Efl_Class_Description
920  * A convenience typedef for #_Efl_Class_Description
921  */
922 typedef struct _Efl_Class_Description Efl_Class_Description;
924 /**
925  * @brief Create a new class.
926  * @param desc the class description to create the class with.
927  * @param parent the class to inherit from.
928  * @param ... A NULL terminated list of extensions (interfaces, mixins and the classes of any composite objects).
929  * @return The new class' handle on success or NULL otherwise.
930  *
931  * @note There are two types of extensions, mixins and none-mixins.
932  *       Mixins are inheriting both the API AND the implementation.
933  *       Non-mixins only inherit the API, so a class which inherits a non-mixin as an extension must implement the api.
934  *
935  * Use #EFL_DEFINE_CLASS. This will provide thread safety and other
936  * features easily.
937  *
938  * @see #EFL_DEFINE_CLASS
939  */
940 EAPI const Efl_Class *efl_class_new(const Efl_Class_Description *desc, const Efl_Class *parent, ...);
942 /**
943  * @brief Set the functions of a class
944  * @param klass_id the class whose functions we are setting.
945  * @param object_ops The function structure we are setting for object functions
946  * @param class_ops The function structure we are setting for class functions
947  * @param reflection_table The reflection table to use within eo
948  * @return True on success, False otherwise.
949  *
950  * This should only be called from within the initializer function.
951  * The reflection_table contains a getter and setter per property name. Which are called when either
952  * efl_property_reflection_set() or efl_property_reflection_get() is called.
953  * @see #EFL_DEFINE_CLASS
954  */
955 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_class_functions_set(const Efl_Class *klass_id, const Efl_Object_Ops *object_ops, const Efl_Object_Property_Reflection_Ops *reflection_table);
957 /**
958  * @brief Override Eo functions of this object.
959  * @param ops The op description to override with.
960  * @return true on success, false otherwise.
961  *
962  * This lets you override all of the Eo functions of this object (this
963  * one included) and replace them with ad-hoc implementation.
964  * The contents of the array are copied so they can reside
965  * on the stack for instance.
966  *
967  * You are only allowed to override functions that are defined in the
968  * class or any of its interfaces (that is, efl_isa returning true).
969  *
970  * If @p ops is #NULL, this will revert the @p obj to its original class
971  * without any function overrides.
972  *
973  * It is not possible to override a function table of an object when it's
974  * already been overridden. Call efl_object_override(obj, NULL) first if you really
975  * need to do that.
976  *
977  * @see EFL_OPS_DEFINE
978  */
979 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_object_override(Eo *obj, const Efl_Object_Ops *ops);
981 /**
982  * @brief Define an array of override functions for @ref efl_object_override
983  * @param ops A name for the Efl_Object_Ops local variable to define
984  * @param ... A comma separated list of Efl_Object_Op overrides, using
986  *
987  * This can be used as follows:
988  * @code
989  * EFL_OPS_DEFINE(ops, EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(public_func, _my_func));
990  * efl_object_override(obj, &ops);
991  * @endcode
992  *
993  * @see efl_object_override
994  */
995 #define EFL_OPS_DEFINE(ops, ...) \
996    const Efl_Op_Description _##ops##_descs[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
997    const Efl_Object_Ops ops = { _##ops##_descs, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(_##ops##_descs) }
999 /**
1000  * @brief Check if an object "is a" klass.
1001  * @param obj The object to check
1002  * @param klass The klass to check against.
1003  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if obj implements klass or is an Efl_Class which inherits
1004  * from/implements klass, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise.
1005  *
1006  * Notice: This function does not support composite objects.
1007  * Note: that an Efl_Class is also an Efl_Object, so if you pass an Efl_Class
1008  * as obj, it will check if that class contain klass.
1009  */
1010 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_isa(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Class *klass);
1012 /**
1013  * @brief Gets the name of the passed class.
1014  * @param[in] klass The class (or object) to work on.
1015  * @return The class' name.
1016  *
1017  * @see efl_class_get()
1018  */
1019 EAPI const char *efl_class_name_get(const Efl_Class *klass);
1021 /**
1022  * @brief Gets the amount of memory this class object would use.
1023  * @param[in] klass The class (or object) to work on.
1024  * @return The amount of memory in Bytes.
1025  *
1026  * @see efl_class_get()
1027  */
1028 EAPI size_t efl_class_memory_size_get(const Efl_Class *klass);
1030 /**
1031  * @brief Gets a debug name for this object
1032  * @param obj_id The object (or class)
1033  * @return A name to use in logs and for other debugging purposes
1034  *
1035  * Note that subclasses can override Efl.Object "debug_name_override" to
1036  * provide more meaningful debug strings. The standard format includes the
1037  * class name, the object ID (this @p obj_id), the reference count and
1038  * optionally the object name (as defined by Efl.Object.name).
1039  *
1040  * This might return a temporary string, as created by eina_slstr, which means
1041  * that a main loop should probably be running.
1042  *
1043  * @since 1.21
1044  */
1045 EAPI const char *efl_debug_name_get(const Eo *obj_id);
1047 /**
1048  * @}
1049  */
1051 /**
1052  * @brief Init the eo subsystem
1053  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if eo is init, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise.
1054  *
1055  * @see eo_shutdown()
1056  */
1057 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_object_init(void);
1059 /**
1060  * @brief Shutdown the eo subsystem
1061  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if eo is init, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise.
1062  *
1063  * @see efl_object_init()
1064  */
1065 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_object_shutdown(void);
1069 /**
1070  * The virtual allocation domain where an object lives
1071  *
1072  * You cannot mix objects between domains in the object tree or as direct
1073  * or indirect references unless you explicitly handle it and ensure the
1074  * other domain is adopted into your local thread space.
1075  */
1076 typedef enum
1077 {
1078    EFL_ID_DOMAIN_INVALID = -1, /**< Invalid */
1079    EFL_ID_DOMAIN_MAIN    =  0, /**< The main loop domain where eo_init() is called */
1080    EFL_ID_DOMAIN_SHARED  =  1, /**< A special shared domain visible to all threads but with extra locking and unlocking costs to access */
1081    EFL_ID_DOMAIN_THREAD /**< The normal domain for threads so they can adopt the main loop domain at times */
1082    /* One more slot for future expansion here - maybe fine-grain locked objs */
1083 } Efl_Id_Domain;
1085 /**
1086  * @typedef Efl_Domain_Data
1087  * An opaque handle for private domain data
1088  */
1089 typedef struct _Efl_Domain_Data Efl_Domain_Data;
1091 /**
1092  * @brief Get the native domain for the current thread
1093  *
1094  * @return The native domain
1095  *
1096  * This will return the native eo object allocation domain for the current
1097  * thread. This can only be changed with efl_domain_switch() and can
1098  * only be called before any objects are created/allocated on the thread
1099  * where it's called. Calling it after this point will result in
1100  * undefined behavior, so be sure to call this immediaetly after a thread
1101  * begins to execute. You must not change the domain of the main thread.
1102  *
1103  * @see efl_domain_switch()
1104  * @see efl_domain_current_get()
1105  * @see efl_domain_current_set()
1106  * @see efl_domain_current_push()
1107  * @see efl_domain_current_pop()
1108  * @see efl_domain_data_get()
1109  * @see efl_domain_data_adopt()
1110  * @see efl_domain_data_return()
1111  * @see efl_compatible()
1112  */
1113 EAPI Efl_Id_Domain    efl_domain_get(void);
1115 /**
1116  * @brief Switch the native domain for the current thread.
1117  * @param domain The domain to switch to
1118  * @return EINA_TRUE if the switch succeeds and EINA_FALSE if it fails.
1119  *
1120  * Permanently switch the native domain for new objects for the calling
1121  * thread. All objects created on this thread UNLESS it has switched to a
1122  * new domain temporarily with efl_domain_current_set(),
1123  * efl_domain_current_push() or efl_domain_current_pop(),
1124  * efl_domain_data_adopt() and efl_domain_data_return().
1125  *
1126  * @see efl_domain_get()
1127  */
1128 EAPI Eina_Bool        efl_domain_switch(Efl_Id_Domain domain);
1130 /**
1131  * @brief Get the current domain used for allocating new objects
1132  * @return The current domain
1133  *
1134  * Get the currently used domain that is at the top of the domain stack.
1135  * There is actually a stack of domans to use. You can alter this via
1136  * efl_domain_current_push() and efl_domain_current_pop(). This only gets
1137  * the domain for the current thread.
1138  *
1139  * @see efl_domain_get()
1140  */
1141 EAPI Efl_Id_Domain    efl_domain_current_get(void);
1143 /**
1144  * @brief Set the current domain used for allocating new objects.
1145  * @return EINA_TRUE if it succeeds and EINA_FALSE on failure.
1146  *
1147  * Temporarily switch the current domain being used for allocation. There
1148  * is actually a stack of domans to use. You can alter this via
1149  * efl_domain_current_push() and efl_domain_current_pop(). The current
1150  * domain is the one on the top of the stack, so this entry is altered
1151  * without pushing or popping. This only applies to the calling thread.
1152  *
1153  * @see efl_domain_get()
1154  */
1155 EAPI Eina_Bool        efl_domain_current_set(Efl_Id_Domain domain);
1157 /**
1158  * @brief Push a new domain onto the domain stack.
1159  * @param domain The domain to push.
1160  * @return EINA_TRUE if it succeeds and EINA_FALSE on failure.
1161  *
1162  * This pushes a domain on the domain stack that can be popped later with
1163  * efl_domain_current_pop(). If the stack is full this may fail and return
1164  * EINA_FALSE. This applies only to the calling thread.
1165  *
1166  * @see efl_domain_get()
1167  */
1168 EAPI Eina_Bool        efl_domain_current_push(Efl_Id_Domain domain);
1170 /**
1171  * @brief Pop a previously pushed domain from the domain stack
1172  *
1173  * This pops the top domain off the domain stack for the calling thread
1174  * that was pushed with efl_domain_current_push().
1175  *
1176  * @see efl_domain_get()
1177  */
1178 EAPI void             efl_domain_current_pop(void);
1180 /**
1181  * @brief Get an opaque handle to the local native domain eoid data
1182  * @return A handle to the local native domain data or NULl on failure
1183  *
1184  * This gets a handle to the domain data for the current thread, intended
1185  * to be used by another thread to adopt with efl_domain_data_adopt().
1186  * Once you use efl_domain_data_adopt(), the thread which called
1187  * efl_domain_data_get() should suspend and not execute anything
1188  * related to eo or efl objects until the thread that adopted the data
1189  * calls efl_domain_data_return() to return the data to its owner and
1190  * stop making it available to that thread.
1191  *
1192  * @see efl_domain_get()
1193  */
1194 EAPI Efl_Domain_Data *efl_domain_data_get(void);
1196 /**
1197  * @brief Adopt a single extra domain to be the current domain
1198  * @param datas_in The domain data to adopt
1199  * @return The domain that was adopted or EFL_ID_DOMAIN_INVALID on failure
1200  *
1201  * This will adopt the given domain data pointed to by @p data_in
1202  * as an extra domain locally. The adopted domain must have a domain ID
1203  * that is not the same as the current thread domain or local domain. You
1204  * may not adopt a domain that clashes with the current domain. If you
1205  * set, push or pop domains in such a way that these are the same then
1206  * undefined behaviour will occur.
1207  *
1208  * This will also push the adopted domain as the current domain so that
1209  * all newly created objects (unless their parent is of a differing domain)
1210  * will be part of this adopted domain. You can still access objects from
1211  * your local domain as well, but be aware that creation will require
1212  * some switch of domain by push, pop or set. Return the domain with
1213  * efl_domain_data_return() when done.
1214  *
1215  * @see efl_domain_get()
1216  */
1217 EAPI Efl_Id_Domain    efl_domain_data_adopt(Efl_Domain_Data *data_in);
1219 /**
1220  * @brief Return a domain to its original owning thread
1221  * @param domain The domain to return
1222  * @return EINA_TRUE on success EINA_FALSE on failure
1223  *
1224  * This returns the domain specified by @p domain to the thread it came
1225  * from, allowing said thread to continue execution afterwards. This
1226  * will implicitly pop the current domain from the stack, assuming that
1227  * the current domain is the same one pushed implicitly by
1228  * efl_domain_data_adopt(). You cannot return your own native local
1229  * domain, only the one that was adopted by efl_domain_data_adopt().
1230  *
1231  * @see efl_domain_get()
1232  */
1233 EAPI Eina_Bool        efl_domain_data_return(Efl_Id_Domain domain);
1235 /**
1236  * @brief Check if 2 objects are compatible
1237  * @param obj The basic object
1238  * @param obj_target The alternate object that may be referenced by @p obj
1239  * @return EINA_TRUE if compatible, EINA_FALSE if not
1240  *
1241  * This checks to see if 2 objects are compatible : whether they are parent or
1242  * children of each other, could reference each other etc. You only
1243  * need to call this if you have objects from multiple domains (an
1244  * adopted domain with efl_domain_data_adopt() or the shared domain
1245  * EFL_ID_DOMAIN_SHARED where objects may be accessed by any thread).
1246  *
1247  * @see efl_domain_get()
1248  */
1249 EAPI Eina_Bool        efl_compatible(const Eo *obj, const Eo *obj_target);
1251 #endif
1253 // to fetch internal function and object data at once
1254 typedef struct _Efl_Object_Op_Call_Data
1255 {
1256    Eo           *eo_id;
1257    _Eo_Object   *obj;
1258    void         *func;
1259    void         *data;
1260    void         *extn1; // for future use to avoid ABI issues
1261    void         *extn2; // for future use to avoid ABI issues
1262    void         *extn3; // for future use to avoid ABI issues
1263    void         *extn4; // for future use to avoid ABI issues
1264 } Efl_Object_Op_Call_Data;
1266 // to pass the internal function call to EFL_FUNC_BODY (as Func parameter)
1267 #define EFL_FUNC_CALL(...) __VA_ARGS__
1269 #ifndef _WIN32
1270 # define EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_FUNC(Name) ((const void *) Name)
1271 #else
1272 # define EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_FUNC(Name) ((const void *) #Name)
1273 #endif
1275 #ifdef _MSC_VER
1276 # define EFL_FUNC_TLS __declspec(thread)
1277 #else
1278 # define EFL_FUNC_TLS __thread
1279 #endif
1282 // cache OP id, get real fct and object data then do the call
1283 #define EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP(Obj, Name, DefRet) \
1284    static Efl_Object_Op ___op = 0; \
1285    static unsigned int ___generation = 0; \
1286    Efl_Object_Op_Call_Data ___call; \
1287    _Eo_##Name##_func _func_;                                            \
1288    if (EINA_UNLIKELY((___op == EFL_NOOP) ||                       \
1289                      (___generation != _efl_object_init_generation))) \
1290      goto __##Name##_op_create; /* yes a goto - see below */ \
1291    __##Name##_op_create_done: EINA_HOT; \
1292    if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!_efl_object_call_resolve( \
1293       (Eo *) Obj, #Name, &___call, ___op, __FILE__, __LINE__))) \
1294       goto __##Name##_failed; \
1295    _func_ = (_Eo_##Name##_func) ___call.func;
1297 // This looks ugly with gotos BUT it moves rare "init" handling code
1298 // out of the hot path and thus l1 instruction cach prefetch etc. so it
1299 // should provide a micro-speedup. This has been shown to have
1300 // a measurable effect on very hot code paths as l1 instgruction cache
1301 // does matter. Fetching a cacheline of code may also fetch a lot of rarely
1302 // used instructions that are skipped. If this happens, moving those away out
1303 // of the cacheline that was already fetched should yield better cache
1304 // hits.
1305 #define EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_END(Obj, Name, DefRet, ErrorCase) \
1306 __##Name##_op_create: EINA_COLD; \
1307    ___op = _efl_object_op_api_id_get(EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_FUNC(Name), Obj, #Name, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
1308    ___generation = _efl_object_init_generation; \
1309    if (EINA_UNLIKELY(___op == EFL_NOOP)) goto __##Name##_failed; \
1310    goto __##Name##_op_create_done; \
1311 __##Name##_failed: EINA_COLD; \
1312    ErrorCase \
1313    return DefRet;
1316 #define _EFL_OBJECT_API_CALL_HOOK(x) x
1318 // to define an EAPI function
1319 #define _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODY(Name, ObjType, Ret, DefRet, ErrorCase) \
1320   Ret \
1321   Name(ObjType obj) \
1322   { \
1323      typedef Ret (*_Eo_##Name##_func)(Eo *, void *obj_data); \
1324      Ret _r; \
1325      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP(obj, Name, DefRet); \
1327      _r = _EFL_OBJECT_API_CALL_HOOK(_func_(___call.eo_id, ___call.data)); \
1328      _efl_object_call_end(&___call); \
1330      return _r; \
1331      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_END(obj, Name, DefRet, ErrorCase); \
1332   }
1334 #define _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODY(Name, ObjType, ErrorCase) \
1335   void \
1336   Name(ObjType obj) \
1337   { \
1338      typedef void (*_Eo_##Name##_func)(Eo *, void *obj_data); \
1339      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP(obj, Name, ); \
1341      _EFL_OBJECT_API_CALL_HOOK(_func_(___call.eo_id, ___call.data)); \
1342      _efl_object_call_end(&___call); \
1344      return; \
1345      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_END(obj, Name, , ErrorCase); \
1346   }
1348 #define _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODYV(Name, ObjType, Ret, DefRet, ErrorCase, Arguments, ...) \
1349   Ret \
1350   Name(ObjType obj, __VA_ARGS__) \
1351   { \
1352      typedef Ret (*_Eo_##Name##_func)(Eo *, void *obj_data, __VA_ARGS__); \
1353      Ret _r; \
1354      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP(obj, Name, DefRet); \
1356      _r = _EFL_OBJECT_API_CALL_HOOK(_func_(___call.eo_id, ___call.data, Arguments)); \
1357      _efl_object_call_end(&___call); \
1359      return _r; \
1360      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_END(obj, Name, DefRet, ErrorCase); \
1361   }
1363 #define _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(Name, ObjType, ErrorCase, Arguments, ...) \
1364   void \
1365   Name(ObjType obj, __VA_ARGS__) \
1366   { \
1367      typedef void (*_Eo_##Name##_func)(Eo *, void *obj_data, __VA_ARGS__); \
1368      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP(obj, Name, ); \
1370      _EFL_OBJECT_API_CALL_HOOK(_func_(___call.eo_id, ___call.data, Arguments)); \
1371      _efl_object_call_end(&___call); \
1373      return; \
1374      EFL_FUNC_COMMON_OP_END(obj, Name, , ErrorCase); \
1375   }
1377 #define EFL_FUNC_BODY(Name, Ret, DefRet) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODY(Name, Eo *, Ret, DefRet, )
1378 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY(Name) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODY(Name, Eo *, )
1379 #define EFL_FUNC_BODYV(Name, Ret, DefRet, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODYV(Name, Eo *, Ret, DefRet, , EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1380 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(Name, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(Name, Eo *, , EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1382 #define EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST(Name, Ret, DefRet) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODY(Name, const Eo *, Ret, DefRet, )
1383 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY_CONST(Name) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODY(Name, const Eo *, )
1384 #define EFL_FUNC_BODYV_CONST(Name, Ret, DefRet, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODYV(Name, const Eo *, Ret, DefRet, , EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1385 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV_CONST(Name, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(Name, const Eo *, , EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1387 // The following macros are also taking a FallbackCall the call you specify there will be called once the call cannot be redirected to a object,
1388 // which means eo will be the deepest scope this call will ever get.
1390 #define EFL_FUNC_BODY_FALLBACK(Name, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODY(Name, Eo *, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall)
1391 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY_FALLBACK(Name, FallbackCall) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODY(Name, Eo *, FallbackCall)
1392 #define EFL_FUNC_BODYV_FALLBACK(Name, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODYV(Name, Eo *, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall, EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1393 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV_FALLBACK(Name, FallbackCall, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(Name, Eo *, FallbackCall, EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1395 #define EFL_FUNC_BODY_CONST_FALLBACK(Name, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODY(Name, const Eo *, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall)
1396 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODY_CONST_FALLBACK(Name, FallbackCall) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODY(Name, const Eo *, FallbackCall)
1397 #define EFL_FUNC_BODYV_CONST_FALLBACK(Name, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_FUNC_BODYV(Name, const Eo *, Ret, DefRet, FallbackCall, EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1398 #define EFL_VOID_FUNC_BODYV_CONST_FALLBACK(Name, FallbackCall, Arguments, ...) _EFL_OBJECT_VOID_FUNC_BODYV(Name, const Eo *, FallbackCall, EFL_FUNC_CALL(Arguments), __VA_ARGS__)
1400 #ifndef _WIN32
1401 # define _EFL_OBJECT_OP_API_ENTRY(a) (void*)a
1402 #else
1403 # define _EFL_OBJECT_OP_API_ENTRY(a) #a
1404 #endif
1406 #define EFL_OBJECT_OP_FUNC(_api, _private) { _EFL_OBJECT_OP_API_ENTRY(_api), (void*)_private }
1408 // returns the OP id corresponding to the given api_func
1409 EAPI Efl_Object_Op _efl_object_api_op_id_get(const void *api_func) EINA_DEPRECATED;
1410 EAPI Efl_Object_Op _efl_object_op_api_id_get(const void *api_func, const Eo *obj, const char *api_func_name, const char *file, int line) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2, 3, 4) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1412 // gets the real function pointer and the object data
1413 EAPI Eina_Bool _efl_object_call_resolve(Eo *obj, const char *func_name, Efl_Object_Op_Call_Data *call, Efl_Object_Op op, const char *file, int line);
1415 // end of the eo call barrier, unref the obj
1416 EAPI void _efl_object_call_end(Efl_Object_Op_Call_Data *call);
1418 // end of the efl_add. Calls finalize among others
1419 EAPI Eo * _efl_add_end(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool is_ref, Eina_Bool is_fallback);
1421 /*****************************************************************************/
1423 /**
1424  * @brief Prepare a call to the parent class implementation of a function.
1425  *
1426  * @param obj        The object to call (can be a class).
1427  * @param cur_klass  The current class.
1428  * @return An EO handle which must be used as part of an EO function call.
1429  *
1430  * @warning The returned value must always be used as the first argument (the
1431  * object) of a method or property function call, and should never be handled
1432  * in any other way. Do not call any function from this file on the returned
1433  * value (eg. efl_ref, etc...).
1434  *
1435  * Usage:
1436  * @code
1437  * // Inside the implementation code for MY_CLASS
1438  * my_property_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), value);
1439  * @endcode
1440  *
1441  * A common usage pattern is to forward function calls to the parent function:
1442  * @code
1443  * EOLIAN static void
1444  * _my_class_my_property_set(Eo *obj, My_Class_Data *pd, int value)
1445  * {
1446  *   // Do some processing on this class data, or on the value
1447  *   if (value < 0) value = 0;
1448  *   pd->last_value = value;
1449  *   // Pass the call to the parent class
1450  *   my_property_set(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), value);
1451  *   // Do some more processing
1452  * }
1453  * @endcode
1454  *
1455  * @p cur_klass must be a valid class in the inheritance hierarchy of @p obj's
1456  * class. Invalid values will lead to undefined behaviour.
1457  *
1458  * @see efl_cast
1459  */
1460 EAPI Eo *efl_super(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Class *cur_klass);
1462 /**
1463  * @brief Prepare a call to cast to a parent class implementation of a function.
1464  *
1465  * @param obj        The object to call (can be a class).
1466  * @param cur_klass  The class to cast into.
1467  * @return An EO handle that must be used as part of an EO function call.
1468  *
1469  * @warning The returned value must always be used as the first argument (the
1470  * object) of a method or property function call and should never be handled
1471  * in any other way. Do not call any function from this file on the returned
1472  * value (eg. efl_ref, etc...).
1473  *
1474  * Usage:
1475  * @code
1476  * // Inside the implementation code for MY_CLASS
1477  * my_property_set(efl_cast(obj, SOME_OTHER_CLASS), value);
1478  * @endcode
1479  *
1480  * In the above example, @p obj is assumed to inherit from @c SOME_OTHER_CLASS
1481  * as either a mixin or direct class inheritance. If @c SOME_OTHER_CLASS
1482  * implements @c my_property.set then that implementation shall be called,
1483  * otherwise the call will be propagated to the parent implementation (if any).
1484  *
1485  * @p cur_klass must be a valid class in the inheritance hierarchy of @p obj's
1486  * class. Invalid values will lead to undefined behaviour.
1487  *
1488  * @see efl_cast
1489  *
1490  * @since 1.20
1491  */
1492 EAPI Eo *efl_cast(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Class *cur_klass);
1494 /*****************************************************************************/
1496 /**
1497  * @brief Gets the class of the object.
1498  * @param obj The object to work on
1499  * @return The object's class.
1500  *
1501  * @see efl_class_name_get()
1502  */
1503 EAPI const Efl_Class *efl_class_get(const Eo *obj);
1505 EAPI Eo *_efl_added_get(void);
1507 /* Check if GCC compatible (both GCC and clang define this) */
1508 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_EO_ADD_FALLBACK_FORCE)
1510 # define efl_added __efl_added
1512 # define _efl_add_common(klass, parent, is_ref, ...) \
1513    ({ \
1514      Eo * const __efl_added = _efl_add_internal_start(__FILE__, __LINE__, klass, parent, is_ref, EINA_FALSE); \
1515      (void) ((void)0, ##__VA_ARGS__);                                   \
1516      (Eo *) _efl_add_end(efl_added, is_ref, EINA_FALSE); \
1517     })
1519 #else
1521 # define efl_added _efl_added_get()
1523 # define _efl_add_common(klass, parent, is_ref, ...) \
1524    ( \
1525      _efl_add_internal_start(__FILE__, __LINE__, klass, parent, is_ref, EINA_TRUE), \
1526      ##__VA_ARGS__, \
1527      (Eo *) _efl_add_end(efl_added, is_ref, EINA_TRUE) \
1528    )
1530 #endif
1532 /**
1533  * @def efl_add
1534  * @brief Create a new object and add it to an existing parent object.
1535  *
1536  * The object returned by this function will always have 1 ref
1537  * (reference count) which belongs to its parent. Therefore, it is not safe
1538  * to use the returned object outside the constructor methods passed as
1539  * parameters. If you need to further manipulate the object, use #efl_add_ref
1540  * and remember to #efl_unref the object when done.
1541  *
1542  * If the object is created using this function, then it will
1543  * automatically be deleted when the parent object is.
1544  * There is no need to call efl_unref on the child. This is convenient
1545  * in C.
1546  *
1547  * If the object's class has a constructor, it is called.
1548  *
1549  * @param klass The class of the object to create.
1550  * @param parent The parent to set to the object (MUST not be @c NULL)
1551  * @param ... The ops to run.
1552  * @return An handle to the new object on success, NULL otherwise.
1553  */
1554 #define efl_add(klass, parent, ...) _efl_add_common(klass, parent, EINA_FALSE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
1556 /**
1557  * @def efl_add_ref
1558  * @brief Create a new object, add it to an existing parent object and return
1559  *        an extra reference for further manipulation.
1560  *
1561  * The object returned by this function has 1 ref which belongs to the caller.
1562  * If a parent object is provided (@c parent is not @c NULL) then the object
1563  * has an additional reference for the parent. Note that if a child object is
1564  * created in this way then it won't get automatically deleted with the parent.
1565  * You need to manually remove the extra ref by calling #efl_unref.
1566  *
1567  * If the object's class has a constructor, it is called.
1568  *
1569  * @param klass The class of the object to create.
1570  * @param parent The parent to set to the object (can be @c NULL).
1571  * @param ... The ops to run.
1572  * @return An handle to the new object on success, NULL otherwise.
1573  */
1574 #define efl_add_ref(klass, parent, ...) _efl_add_common(klass, parent, EINA_TRUE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
1576 /**
1577  * @def efl_new
1578  * @brief Create a new object
1579  *
1580  * The object returned by this function has 1 ref which belongs to the caller.
1581  * You need to manually remove the ref by calling #efl_unref when you are done
1582  * working with the object. The object will be destroyed when all other refs
1583  * obtained with #efl_ref have been returned with #efl_unref.
1584  *
1585  * If the object's class has a constructor, it is called.
1586  *
1587  * @param klass The class of the object to create.
1588  * @param ... The ops to run.
1589  * @return An handle to the new object on success, NULL otherwise.
1590  */
1591 #define efl_new(klass, ...) efl_add_ref(klass, NULL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
1593 EAPI Eo * _efl_add_internal_start(const char *file, int line, const Efl_Class *klass_id, Eo *parent, Eina_Bool ref, Eina_Bool is_fallback);
1595 /**
1596  * @typedef Efl_Substitute_Ctor_Cb
1597  * Callback to be called instead of the object constructor.
1598  *
1599  * Only intended for binding creators.
1600  *
1601  * @param data Additional data previously supplied by the user
1602  * @param obj_id The object being constructed.
1603  * @return The constructed object in case of success, NULL otherwise.
1604  */
1605 typedef Eo *(*Efl_Substitute_Ctor_Cb)(void *data, Eo *obj_id);
1607 /**
1608  * @brief Just like _efl_add_internal_start() but with additional options
1609  *
1610  * Only intended for binding creators.
1611  *
1612  * @param file File name of the call site, used for debug logs.
1613  * @param line Line number of the call site,  used for debug logs.
1614  * @param klass_id Pointer for the class being instantiated.
1615  * @param ref Whether or not the object will have an additional reference if it has a parent.
1616  * @param parent Object parent, can be NULL.
1617  * @param is_fallback Whether or not the fallback @c efl_added behaviour is to be used.
1618  * @param substitute_ctor Optional callback to replace the call for efl_constructor(), if NULL efl_constructor() will be called normally.
1619  * @param sub_ctor_data Additional data to be passed to the @p substitute_ctor callback.
1620  * @return An handle to the new object on success, NULL otherwise.
1621  */
1622 EAPI Eo * _efl_add_internal_start_bindings(const char *file, int line, const Efl_Class *klass_id, Eo *parent, Eina_Bool ref, Eina_Bool is_fallback, Efl_Substitute_Ctor_Cb substitute_ctor, void *sub_ctor_data);
1624 /**
1625  * @brief Unrefs the object and reparents it to NULL.
1626  *
1627  * Because efl_del() unrefs and reparents to NULL, it doesn't really delete the
1628  * object.
1629  *
1630  * This method accepts a const object for convenience, so all objects can be
1631  * passed to it easily.
1632  * @param[in] obj The object.
1633  *
1634  * @ingroup Efl_Object
1635  */
1636 EAPI void efl_del(const Eo *obj);
1638 /**
1639  * @brief Set an override for a class
1640  *
1641  * This can be used to override a class with another class such that when @p klass is added
1642  * with efl_add(), an object of type @p override is returned.
1643  *
1644  * @param[in] klass The class to be overridden
1645  * @param[in] override The class to override with; must inherit from or implement @p klass
1646  * @return Return @c true if the override was successfully set
1647  *
1648  * @ingroup Efl_Object
1649  */
1650 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_class_override_register(const Efl_Class *klass, const Efl_Class *override);
1652 /**
1653  * @brief Unset an override for a class
1654  *
1655  * This is used to unset a previously-set override on a given class. It will only succeed if
1656  * @p override is the currently-set override for @p klass.
1657  *
1658  * @param[in] klass The class to unset the override from
1659  * @param[in] override The class override to be removed
1660  * @return Return @c true if the override was successfully unset
1661  *
1662  * @ingroup Efl_Object
1663  */
1664 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_class_override_unregister(const Efl_Class *klass, const Efl_Class *override);
1665 /**
1666  * @brief Get a pointer to the data of an object for a specific class.
1667  *
1668  * The data reference count is not incremented. The pointer must be used only
1669  * in the scope of the function and its callees.
1670  *
1671  * @param obj the object to work on.
1672  * @param klass the klass associated with the data.
1673  * @return a pointer to the data.
1674  *
1675  * @see efl_data_ref()
1676  * @see efl_data_unref()
1677  * @see efl_data_scope_safe_get()
1678  */
1679 EAPI void *efl_data_scope_get(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Class *klass);
1681 /**
1682  * @brief Safely get a pointer to the data of an object for a specific class.
1683  *
1684  * This call runs a dynamic check and returns NULL if there is no valid data
1685  * to return.
1686  *
1687  * The data reference count is not incremented. The pointer must be used only
1688  * in the scope of the function and its callees. This function will return NULL
1689  * if there is no data for this class, or if this object is not an instance of
1690  * the given class. The function will return NULL if the data size is 0.
1691  * Note that objects of class A inheriting from another class C as an
1692  * interface (like: class A(B, C) {} ) will have no data for class C. This
1693  * means that efl_isa(a, C) will return true but there is no data for C. This
1694  * function's behaviour is similar to efl_data_scope_get() when running in
1695  * debug mode (but this prints less error logs).
1696  *
1697  * @param obj the object to work on.
1698  * @param klass the klass associated with the data.
1699  * @return a pointer to the data or NULL in case of error or $obj was NULL.
1700  *
1701  * @see efl_data_scope_get()
1702  *
1703  * @since 1.20
1704  */
1705 EAPI void *efl_data_scope_safe_get(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Class *klass);
1707 /**
1708  * @def efl_data_xref(obj, klass, ref_obj)
1709  * Use this macro if you want to associate a referencer object.
1710  * Convenience macro around efl_data_xref_internal()
1711  */
1712 #define efl_data_xref(obj, klass, ref_obj) efl_data_xref_internal(__FILE__, __LINE__, obj, klass, ref_obj)
1714 /**
1715  * @def efl_data_ref(obj, klass)
1716  * Use this macro if you don't want to associate a referencer object.
1717  * Convenience macro around efl_data_xref_internal()
1718  */
1719 #define efl_data_ref(obj, klass) efl_data_xref_internal(__FILE__, __LINE__, obj, klass, (const Eo *)obj)
1721 /**
1722  * @brief Get a pointer to the data of an object for a specific class and
1723  * increment the data reference count.
1724  * @param obj the object to work on.
1725  * @param klass the klass associated with the data.
1726  * @param ref_obj the object that references the data.
1727  * @param file the call's filename.
1728  * @param line the call's line number.
1729  * @return a pointer to the data.
1730  *
1731  * @see efl_data_xunref_internal()
1732  */
1733 EAPI void *efl_data_xref_internal(const char *file, int line, const Eo *obj, const Efl_Class *klass, const Eo *ref_obj);
1735 /**
1736  * @def efl_data_xunref(obj, data, ref_obj)
1737  * Use this function if you used efl_data_xref to reference the data.
1738  * Convenience macro around efl_data_xunref_internal().
1739  * @see efl_data_xref()
1740  */
1741 #define efl_data_xunref(obj, data, ref_obj) efl_data_xunref_internal(obj, data, ref_obj)
1743 /**
1744  * @def efl_data_unref(obj, data)
1745  * Use this function if you used efl_data_ref to reference the data.
1746  * Convenience macro around efl_data_unref_internal().
1747  * @see efl_data_ref()
1748  */
1749 #define efl_data_unref(obj, data) efl_data_xunref_internal(obj, data, obj)
1751 /**
1752  * @brief Decrement the object data reference count by 1.
1753  * @param obj the object to work on.
1754  * @param data a pointer to the data to unreference.
1755  * @param file the call's filename.
1756  * @param line the call's line number.
1757  *
1758  * @see efl_data_xref_internal()
1759  */
1760 EAPI void efl_data_xunref_internal(const Eo *obj, void *data, const Eo *ref_obj);
1762 /**
1763  * @brief Increment the object's reference count by 1.
1764  * @param obj the object to work on.
1765  * @return The object passed.
1766  *
1767  * It's very easy to get a refcount leak and start leaking memory because
1768  * of a forgotten unref or an extra ref. Both efl_xref
1769  * and efl_xunref that make debugging easier in these situations.
1770  * These functions should only be used on a small scale i.e at the
1771  * start of some section in which an object may be freed unless you really
1772  * know what you are doing.
1773  *
1774  * @see efl_unref()
1775  * @see efl_ref_count()
1776  */
1777 EAPI Eo *efl_ref(const Eo *obj);
1779 /**
1780  * @brief Decrement the object's reference count by 1 and free it if needed.
1781  * @param obj the object to work on.
1782  *
1783  * @see efl_ref()
1784  * @see efl_ref_count()
1785  */
1786 EAPI void efl_unref(const Eo *obj);
1788 /**
1789  * @brief Return the ref count of the object passed.
1790  * @param obj the object to work on.
1791  * @return the ref count of the object.
1792  *
1793  * @see efl_ref()
1794  * @see efl_unref()
1795  */
1796 EAPI int efl_ref_count(const Eo *obj);
1798 /**
1799  * @brief Set a deletion interceptor function.
1800  * @param obj The object to set the interceptor on.
1801  * @param del_intercept_func The interceptor function to call.
1802  *
1803  * This sets the function @p del_intercept_func to be called when an object
1804  * is about to go from a reference count of 1 to 0, thus triggering actual
1805  * destruction of the object. Instead of going to a reference count of 0 and
1806  * being destroyed, the object will stay alive with a reference count of 1
1807  * and this intercept function will be called instead.
1808  * The interceptor function handles any further deletion of of the object
1809  * from here.
1810  *
1811  * Note that by default objects have no interceptor function set and thus
1812  * will be destroyed as normal. To return an object to this state, simply
1813  * set the @p del_intercept_func to NULL which is the default.
1814  *
1815  * A good use for this feature is to ensure an object is destroyed by its
1816  * owning main loop and not in a foreign loop. This makes it possible to
1817  * safely unrefor delete objects from any loop as an interceptor can be set
1818  * on an object that will abort destruction and instead queue the object
1819  * on its owning loop to be destroyed at some time in the future and now
1820  * set the intercept function to NULL so it is not called again on the next
1821  * "real deletion".
1822  *
1823  * @see efl_del_intercept_get()
1824  * @see efl_unref()
1825  * @see efl_del()
1826  */
1827 EAPI void efl_del_intercept_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Del_Intercept del_intercept_func);
1829 /**
1830  * @brief Get the deletion interceptor function
1831  * @param obj The object to get the interceptor of
1832  * @return The intercept function or NULL if none is set.
1833  *
1834  * This returns the interceptor function set by efl_del_intercept_set(). Note
1835  * that objects by default have no interceptor (NULL) set but certain
1836  * classes may set one up in a constructor. Make sure that
1837  * the interceptor function knows if this has happened.
1838  * If you want to override the interceptor be sure to call it after your
1839  * own interceptor function has finished. It's generally be a bad idea
1840  * to override these functions however.
1841  *
1842  * @see efl_del_intercept_set()
1843  */
1844 EAPI Efl_Del_Intercept efl_del_intercept_get(const Eo *obj);
1846 /**
1847  * @brief Clears the object so it can be reused (for example in a cache).
1848  * @param obj The object to mark for reusal.
1849  *
1850  * This assumes the destructor has been called on the object so it
1851  * should probably only be used from the del intercept.
1852  *
1853  * @see efl_del_intercept_set()
1854  */
1855 EAPI void efl_reuse(const Eo *obj);
1857 /**
1858  * @def efl_xref(obj, ref_obj)
1859  * Convenience macro around efl_xref_internal()
1860  * @see efl_xref()
1861  */
1862 #define efl_xref(obj, ref_obj) efl_xref_internal(__FILE__, __LINE__, obj, ref_obj)
1864 /**
1865  * @brief Increment the object's reference count by 1 (and associate the ref with ref_obj).
1866  * @param obj the object to work on.
1867  * @param ref_obj the object that references obj.
1868  * @param file the call's filename.
1869  * @param line the call's line number.
1870  * @return The object passed (obj)
1871  *
1872  * Do not use this function, use #efl_xref instead.
1873  * A compile flag may make it and eobj_xunref() behave the same as eobj_ref()
1874  * and eobj_unref() respectively. This should be used wherever possible.
1875  *
1876  * @see efl_xunref()
1877  */
1878 EAPI Eo *efl_xref_internal(const char *file, int line, Eo *obj, const Eo *ref_obj);
1880 /**
1881  * @brief Decrement the object's reference count by 1 and free it if needed. Will free the ref associated with ref_obj).
1882  * @param obj the object to work on.
1883  * @param ref_obj the object that references obj.
1884  *
1885  * This function only enforces the checks for object association. Don't rely
1886  * on it. If such enforces are compiled out this function behaves the same as
1887  * efl_unref().
1888  *
1889  * @see efl_xref_internal()
1890  */
1891 EAPI void efl_xunref(Eo *obj, const Eo *ref_obj);
1893 /**
1894  * @brief Add a new weak reference to obj.
1895  *
1896  * This function registers the object handle pointed by wref to obj so when obj
1897  * is deleted, it'll be updated to NULL. The function should be used when you
1898  * want to keep track of an object in a safe way but you don't want to prevent
1899  * it from being freed.
1900  *
1901  * @param[in] wref The weak ref
1902  */
1903 EOAPI void efl_wref_add(Eo *obj, Efl_Object **wref);
1905 /**
1906  * @brief Delete the weak reference passed.
1907  *
1908  * This function will set *wref to NULL after its execution.
1909  *
1910  * @param[in] wref The weak ref
1911  */
1912 EOAPI void efl_wref_del(Eo *obj, Efl_Object **wref);
1914 /**
1915  * @brief Generic data with string key on an object.
1916  *
1917  * The user is in charge of freeing the data.
1918  *
1919  * @param[in] key The key associated with the data
1920  * @param[in] data The data to set
1921  */
1922 EOAPI void efl_key_data_set(Eo *obj, const char * key, const void *data);
1924 /**
1925  * @brief Generic data with string key on an object.
1926  *
1927  * The user is in charge of freeing the data.
1928  *
1929  * @param[in] key The key associated with the data
1930  *
1931  * @return The data to set
1932  */
1933 EOAPI void *efl_key_data_get(const Eo *obj, const char * key);
1935 /**
1936  * @brief Generic object reference with string key to object.
1937  *
1938  * The object will be automatically ref'd when set and unref'd when replaced or
1939  * deleted or when the referring object is deleted. If the referenced object
1940  * is deleted, then the key is deleted automatically.
1941  *
1942  * This is the same key store used by key_data and key_value. Keys are shared
1943  * and can store only one thing.
1944  *
1945  * @param[in] key The key associated with the object ref
1946  * @param[in] objdata The object to set
1947  */
1948 EOAPI void efl_key_ref_set(Eo *obj, const char * key, const Efl_Object *objdata);
1950 /**
1951  * @brief Generic object reference with string key to object.
1952  *
1953  * The object will be automatically ref'd when set and unref'd when replaced or
1954  * deleted or when the referring object is deleted. If the referenced object is
1955  * deleted then the key is deleted automatically.
1956  *
1957  * This is the same key store used by key_data and key_value. Keys are shared
1958  * and can store only one thing.
1959  *
1960  * @param[in] key The key associated with the object ref
1961  *
1962  * @return The object to set
1963  */
1964 EOAPI Efl_Object *efl_key_ref_get(const Eo *obj, const char * key);
1966 /**
1967  * @brief Generic weak object reference with string key to object.
1968  *
1969  * The object key will be removed if the object is removed, but will not take
1970  * or removed references like key_obj.
1971  *
1972  * This is the same key store used by key_data and key_value. Keys are shared
1973  * and can store only one thing.
1974  *
1975  * @param[in] key The key associated with the object ref
1976  * @param[in] objdata The object to set
1977  */
1978 EOAPI void efl_key_wref_set(Eo *obj, const char * key, const Efl_Object *objdata);
1980 /**
1981  * @brief Generic weak object reference with string key to object.
1982  *
1983  * The object key will be removed if the object is removed, but will not take
1984  * or removed references like key_obj.
1985  *
1986  * This is the same key store used by key_data and key_value. Keys are shared
1987  * and can store only one thing
1988  *
1989  * @param[in] key The key associated with the object ref
1990  *
1991  * @return The object to set
1992  */
1993 EOAPI Efl_Object *efl_key_wref_get(const Eo *obj, const char * key);
1995 /**
1996  * @brief Value on with string key on the object.
1997  *
1998  * This stores the value with the given string key on the object and it will be
1999  * freed when replaced or deleted, or when the referring object is deleted.
2000  *
2001  * This is the same key store used by key_data and key_obj. Keys are shared
2002  * and can store only one thing.
2003  *
2004  * @param[in] key The key associated with the value
2005  * @param[in] value The value to set
2006  */
2007 EOAPI void efl_key_value_set(Eo *obj, const char * key, Eina_Value *value);
2009 /**
2010  * @brief Value on with string key on the object.
2011  *
2012  * This stores the value with the given string key on the object and it will be
2013  * freed when replaced or deleted, or when the referring object is deleted.
2014  *
2015  * This is the same key store used by key_data and key_obj. Keys are shared
2016  * and can store only one thing.
2017  *
2018  * @param[in] key The key associated with the value
2019  *
2020  * @return The value to set
2021  */
2022 EOAPI Eina_Value *efl_key_value_get(const Eo *obj, const char * key);
2024 /**
2025  * @brief Enable or disable the manual free feature.
2026  * @param obj the object to work on.
2027  * @param manual_free indicates if the free is manual (EINA_TRUE) or automatic (EINA_FALSE).
2028  *
2029  * The developer is in charge of calling the function efl_manual_free to free the memory
2030  * allocated for this object.
2031  *
2032  * Do not use this unless you really know what you are doing. It's used by Evas
2033  * because evas wants to keep its private data available even after the object
2034  * is deleted. Setting this to true makes Eo destroy the object but doesn't free
2035  * the private data nor the object itself.
2036  *
2037  * @see efl_manual_free()
2038  */
2039 EAPI void efl_manual_free_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool manual_free);
2041 /**
2042  * @brief Frees the object.
2043  * @param obj the object to work on.
2044  * This function must be called by the developer if the function
2045  * efl_manual_free_set has been called beforehand with the parameter EINA_TRUE.
2046  * An error will display if this function is called when the manual
2047  * free option is not set to EINA_TRUE or the number of refs is not 0.
2048  * @return EINA_TRUE if successfully freed. EINA_FALSE otherwise.
2049  *
2050  * @see efl_manual_free_set()
2051  */
2052 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_manual_free(Eo *obj);
2054 /**
2055  * @brief Checks if the object was already descructed (only relevant for manual_free objects).
2056  * @param obj the object to check.
2057  * This function checks if the object was already destructed (but not alraedy
2058  * freed). It should only be used with objects that are supposed to be manually
2059  * freed but are not yet free such as those which have been destroyed.
2060  *
2061  * @see efl_manual_free_set()
2062  */
2063 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_destructed_is(const Eo *obj);
2065 /**
2066  * @brief Set the given #Eina_Value to the property with the specified \c property_name.
2067  * @param obj The object to set the property on
2068  * @param property_name The name of the property to modify.
2069  * @param value The value to set, the value passed here will be flushed by the function
2070  *
2071  * @see efl_property_reflection_get() and efl_property_reflection_exist()
2072  */
2073 EAPI Eina_Error efl_property_reflection_set(Eo *obj, const char *property_name, Eina_Value value);
2075 /**
2076  * @brief Retrieve an #Eina_Value containing the current value of the property specified with \c property_name.
2077  * @param obj The object to set the property on
2078  * @param property_name The name of the property to get.
2079  *
2080  * @return The value that got returned by the actual property in form of a generic Eina_Value. The user of this API is owning the returned Value.
2081  *
2082  * @see efl_property_reflection_set() and efl_property_reflection_exist()
2083  */
2084 EAPI Eina_Value efl_property_reflection_get(const Eo *obj, const char *property_name);
2086 /**
2087  * @brief Check if a property exist for reflection.
2088  * @param obj The object to inspect.
2089  * @param property_name The name of the property to check if it exist.
2090  *
2091  * @return EINA_TRUE if the property exist, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
2092  *
2093  * @see efl_property_reflection_set() and efl_property_reflection_get()
2094  */
2095 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_property_reflection_exist(Eo *obj, const char *property_name);
2097 /**
2098  * @addtogroup Efl_Class_Class Eo's Class class.
2099  * @{
2100  */
2102 #include "efl_class.eo.h"
2104 /**
2105  * @brief Get the type of this class.
2106  * @param klass The Efl_Class to get the type from.
2107  *
2108  * @return The type of this class or INVALID if the klass parameter was invalid.
2109  */
2110 EAPI Efl_Class_Type efl_class_type_get(const Efl_Class *klass);
2112 /**
2113  * @}
2114  */
2116 /**
2117  * @addtogroup Efl_Class_Base Eo's Base class.
2118  * @{
2119  */
2121 /**
2122  * @typedef efl_key_data_free_func
2123  * Data free func prototype.
2124  * XXX: DO NOT USE, only here for legacy.
2125  */
2126 typedef void (*efl_key_data_free_func)(void *);
2128 /**
2129  * @def efl_weak_ref
2130  * @brief Reference a pointer to an Eo object
2131  * @param wref the pointer to use for the weak ref
2132  *
2133  * @see efl_weak_unref
2134  * @see efl_wref_add
2135  */
2136 #define efl_weak_ref(wref)			   \
2137   do {						   \
2138     if (*wref) efl_wref_add(*wref, wref);  \
2139   } while (0)
2141 /**
2142  * @def efl_weak_unref
2143  * @brief Unreference a pointer to an Eo object
2144  * @param wref the pointer to use for the weak unref
2145  *
2146  * @see efl_weak_ref
2147  * @see efl_wref_del
2148  * @see efl_wref_del_safe
2149  */
2150 #define efl_weak_unref(wref)			   \
2151   do {						   \
2152     if (*wref) efl_wref_del(*wref, wref);  \
2153   } while (0)
2155 /**
2156  * @def efl_wref_del_safe
2157  * @brief Delete the weak reference passed.
2158  * @param wref the weak reference to free.
2159  *
2160  * @see #efl_wref_del
2161  */
2162 #define efl_wref_del_safe(wref) efl_weak_unref(wref)
2164 /**
2165  * @}
2166  */
2168 /**
2169  * @addtogroup Efl_Events Eo's Event Handling
2170  * @{
2171  */
2173 /**
2174  * Helper for sorting callbacks array. Automatically used by
2176  */
2177 EAPI int efl_callbacks_cmp(const Efl_Callback_Array_Item *a, const Efl_Callback_Array_Item *b);
2179 /**
2180  * Helper for creating global callback arrays.
2181  * Problems occur here in windows where you can't declare a static array with
2182  * external symbols in them. These addresses are only known at runtime.
2183  * This also allows for automatic sorting for better performance.
2184  */
2185 #define EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE(Name, ...)                           \
2186   static Efl_Callback_Array_Item *                                      \
2187   Name(void)                                                            \
2188   {                                                                     \
2189      Efl_Callback_Array_Item tmp[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
2190      static Efl_Callback_Array_Item internal[EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(tmp) + 1] = \
2191        { { 0, 0 } };         \
2192      if (internal[0].desc == NULL)                                      \
2193        {                                                                \
2194           memcpy(internal, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); \
2195           qsort(internal, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(internal) - 1, sizeof (internal[0]), \
2196                 (int(*)(const void*,const void*)) efl_callbacks_cmp);   \
2197        }                                                                \
2198      return internal;                                                   \
2199   }
2201 /**
2202  * Helper for creating global scheduler arrays. The callback will be set by scheduler get.
2203  * Problems occur here in windows where you can't declare a static array with
2204  * external symbols in them. These addresses are only known at runtime.
2205  * This also allows for automatic sorting for better performance.
2206  */
2207 #define EFL_SCHEDULER_ARRAY_DEFINE(Name, ...)                           \
2208   static Efl_Callback_Array_Item *                                      \
2209   Name(void)                                                            \
2210   {                                                                     \
2211      const Efl_Event_Description *tmp[] = { __VA_ARGS__ };              \
2212      static Efl_Callback_Array_Item internal[EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(tmp) + 1] = { { 0, 0 } }; \
2213                                                                         \
2214      if (internal[0].desc == NULL)                                      \
2215        {                                                                \
2216           unsigned int i;                                               \
2217                                                                         \
2218           for (i = 0; i < EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(tmp); i++)                \
2219             internal[i].desc = tmp[i];                                  \
2220                                                                         \
2221           qsort(internal, EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(internal) - 1, sizeof (internal[0]), \
2222                 (int(*)(const void*,const void*)) efl_callbacks_cmp);   \
2223        }                                                                \
2224      return internal;                                                   \
2225   }
2227 /**
2228  * @def efl_event_callback_add(obj, desc, cb, data)
2229  * Add a callback for an event.
2230  * @param[in] desc An #Efl_Event_Description of the event to listen to.
2231  * @param[in] cb the callback to call.
2232  * @param[in] data additional data to pass to the callback.
2233  *
2234  * Callbacks of the same priority are called in reverse order of creation.
2235  *
2236  * @see efl_event_callback_priority_add()
2237  */
2238 #define efl_event_callback_add(obj, desc, cb, data) \
2239    efl_event_callback_priority_add(obj, desc, \
2240          EFL_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cb, data)
2242 /**
2243  * @def efl_event_callback_array_add(obj, desc, cb, data)
2244  * Add an array of callbacks for an event.
2245  *
2246  * @param[in] obj The object.
2247  * @param[in] array an #Efl_Callback_Array_Item of events to listen to.
2248  * @param[in] data additional data to pass to the callback.
2249  *
2250  * Callbacks of the same priority are called in reverse order of creation.
2251  * The array should have been created by @ref EFL_CALLBACKS_ARRAY_DEFINE. If
2252  * this isn't the case, be careful of portability issues and make sure that
2253  * it is properly sorted with @ref efl_callbacks_cmp.
2254  *
2255  * @see efl_event_callback_array_priority_add()
2256  */
2257 #define efl_event_callback_array_add(obj, array, data) \
2258    efl_event_callback_array_priority_add(obj, array, \
2262 /**
2263  * @def efl_event_callback_forwarder_add(obj, desc, new_obj)
2264  * @brief Add an event callback forwarder for an event and an object.
2265  *
2266  * @param[in] obj The object.
2267  * @param[in] desc An #Efl_Event_Description of the event to forward to.
2268  * @param[in] new_obj The object to emit events from
2269  *
2270  * @ingroup Efl_Object
2271  */
2272 #define efl_event_callback_forwarder_add(obj, desc, new_obj) efl_event_callback_forwarder_priority_add(obj, desc, EFL_CALLBACK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, new_obj)
2274 /**
2275  * @brief Count the number of event handler registered for a specific event.
2276  *
2277  * @param[in] obj The object.
2278  * @param[in] desc The specific event.
2279  * @return The number of handler registered for this specific events.
2280  *
2281  * @ingroup Efl_Object
2282  */
2283 EOAPI unsigned int efl_event_callback_count(const Eo *obj, const Efl_Event_Description *desc);
2285 /**
2286  * @brief Replace the previous Eo pointer with new content.
2287  *
2288  * @param storage Pointer to the space holding the object to be replaced.
2289  * It can not be @c NULL.
2290  * @param new_obj The new object. It may be @c NULL.
2291  * @return @c true if objects were different and thus replaced, @c false
2292  * if nothing happened, i.e. either the objects were the same or a @c NULL
2293  * pointer was wrongly given as @a storage.
2294  *
2295  * The object pointed by @c *storage must be previously an Eo or
2296  * @c NULL; if it is an Eo then it will be efl_unref(). The @a new_obj
2297  * will be passed to efl_ref() if not @c NULL, and then assigned to @c *storage.
2298  *
2299  * @note The return is NOT a success/error flag, it just signalizes if
2300  * the value has changed.
2301  * @see efl_ref()
2302  * @see efl_unref()
2303  */
2304 static inline Eina_Bool
efl_replace(Eo ** storage,const Eo * new_obj)2305 efl_replace(Eo **storage, const Eo *new_obj)
2306 {
2307    Eo *tmp = NULL;
2310    if (*storage == new_obj) return EINA_FALSE;
2311    if (new_obj) tmp = efl_ref(new_obj);
2312    if (*storage) efl_unref(*storage);
2313    *storage = tmp;
2314    return EINA_TRUE;
2315 }
2317 EOAPI extern const Eina_Value_Type *EINA_VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT;
2319 /**
2320  * @brief Create a new #Eina_Value containing the passed parameter.
2321  * @param obj The object to use
2322  * @return The #Eina_Value
2323  * @see eina_value_object_get(), eina_value_object_init()
2324  * @since 1.21
2325  */
2326 static inline Eina_Value *
eina_value_object_new(Eo * obj)2327 eina_value_object_new(Eo *obj)
2328 {
2329    Eina_Value *v;
2331    v = eina_value_new(EINA_VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT);
2332    if (v) eina_value_set(v, obj);
2333    return v;
2334 }
2336 /**
2337  * @brief Create a new #Eina_Value initialized with the passed parameter
2338  * @param obj The object to use
2339  * @return The #Eina_Value
2340  * @see eina_value_object_new(), eina_value_object_get()
2341  * @since 1.21
2342  */
2343 static inline Eina_Value
eina_value_object_init(Eo * obj)2344 eina_value_object_init(Eo *obj)
2345 {
2346    Eina_Value v = EINA_VALUE_EMPTY;
2348    if (eina_value_setup(&v, EINA_VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT))
2349      eina_value_set(&v, obj);
2350    return v;
2351 }
2353 /**
2354  * @brief Get the object contained in an #Eina_Value
2355  * @param v The #Eina_Value to extract the object from
2356  * @return The object.
2357  * @see eina_value_object_new(), eina_value_object_init()
2358  * @since 1.21
2359  */
2360 static inline Eo *
eina_value_object_get(const Eina_Value * v)2361 eina_value_object_get(const Eina_Value *v)
2362 {
2363    Eo *r = NULL;
2365    if (!v) return NULL;
2366    if (eina_value_type_get(v) != EINA_VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT)
2367      return NULL;
2369    if (!eina_value_pget(v, &r)) return NULL;
2370    return r;
2371 }
2374 /**
2375  * @brief Get if the object is in its main lifetime.
2376  * @param obj the object to check
2377  * @return true if the object is finalized, but not invalidating nor invalidated.
2378  * @since 1.22
2379  */
2381 static inline Eina_Bool
efl_alive_get(const Eo * obj)2382 efl_alive_get(const Eo *obj)
2383 {
2384   return efl_finalized_get(obj) && !efl_invalidating_get(obj) && !efl_invalidated_get(obj);
2385 }
2387 #endif /* EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT */
2389 /**
2390  * @brief Event triggered when a callback was added to the object
2391  */
2393 EAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _EFL_EVENT_CALLBACK_ADD;
2395 /**
2396  * @brief Event triggered when a callback was removed from the object
2397  */
2399 EAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _EFL_EVENT_CALLBACK_DEL;
2401 /**
2402  * @}
2403  */
2405 /**
2406  * @addtogroup Eo_Iterators Eo iterators
2407  * @{
2408  */
2410 /**
2411  * @brief Get an iterator on the Eo classes.
2412  *
2413  * You can use this function to go over the Eo classes.
2414  *
2415  * @return an iterator on success, NULL otherwise
2416  */
2417 EAPI Eina_Iterator *eo_classes_iterator_new(void);
2419 /**
2420  * @brief Get an iterator on the Eo objects
2421  *
2422  * You can use this function to go over the Eo objects.
2423  *
2424  * @return an iterator on success, NULL otherwise
2425  */
2426 EAPI Eina_Iterator *eo_objects_iterator_new(void);
2428 /**
2429  * @brief Check if a object can be owned
2430  *
2431  * This API checks if the passed object has at least one free reference that is not taken by the parent relation.
2432  * If this is not the case, a ERR will be printed.
2433  *
2434  * @return EINA_TRUE if the object is ownable. EINA_FALSE if not.
2435  */
2436 EAPI Eina_Bool efl_ownable_get(const Eo *obj);
2438 /**
2439  * @}
2440  */
2442 /**
2443  * @}
2444  */
2447 #ifdef __cplusplus
2448 }
2449 #endif
2451 #undef EAPI
2452 #define EAPI
2454 #undef EOAPI
2455 #define EOAPI
2457 #endif